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95.29% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3907: SIBLING INNOCENCE


Janis was trying to concentrate on what the teacher was saying, but her mind was racing way too fast for her to even hear the lesson. Her own thoughts and the feeling she had in her belly frightened her. She tried to copy the notes the teacher had put on the blackboard, but her head was spinning out of control. "What's wrong with me? This can't be affecting me this much!"

Janis had never in her life been this scared of anything, but yesterday something weird happened that frightened her.


Janis had just turned twenty and had been attending college for a few years. She still lived with her parents because it was close to her school. Being jobless made it impossible to live on her own. Her brother, Joseph, also lived there. He was two years younger and was now a senior in High School.

The two siblings always had a very good relationship with each other. Neither had ever dated very much and they usually spent most of their free time together. They loved to do things with each other; if one wanted to see a movie or go to a concert, the other would always go with.

Janis and Joseph had always loved each other very much. It sometimes made people uncomfortable to see them always hugging and innocently kissing. They even sometimes held hands while walking together. Neither of them thought much about it. It always seemed natural for a brother and sister who loved each other to be so affectionate. That is not to say, however, that their affections may have gone a little too far sometimes. Maybe a simple hug might have lasted a little too long… or maybe an innocent kiss might have been a little more passionate than either had intended. They didn't think much of it, though. Both knew that at times they may have overstepped some boundaries, but what harm could it be if they both enjoyed it?

This question was answered yesterday, however, when their true love finally became apparent to them.


Joseph had just taken a part-time job at a local restaurant. It was a Sunday so he didn't have anything else to do besides work that evening. He had stayed up really late the night before watching old movies. When he finally rolled out of bed at four thirty that afternoon he realized that he was probably going to be late for work if he didn't get ready to go soon. Exiting his room he was surprised to learn that he was the only one in the house. Both his parents and his sister, Janis, were gone. So he grabbed his towel and went to take a shower.

A few minutes later Janis came home from a long bike ride. She felt sweaty and her main thought when entering the house was how badly she wanted to shower.

When she walked into her home she looked around and called out, "Hello?" There was no answer so she assumed she was the only one home. She went into her room and began taking off her clothes leaving only her panties on.

Joseph had finished his shower and spent the last few minutes toweling off and then brushing his teeth. He was unaware that his sister had come home while he was in the bathroom. The clock in the bathroom read four forty-five. He only had fifteen minutes to get dressed and go to work. He was going to be in a lot of trouble when he showed up. Thinking he was still alone in the house, Joseph hung his towel on the rack and walked out of the bathroom totally nude. Also, thinking she was alone in the house, Janis walked out of her room still wearing nothing but her panties and headed for the bathroom.

The two stopped instantly when they saw each other. They were facing each other, Joseph was totally naked and Janis had nothing on but her panties. Both were too embarrassed to speak. They just stood there staring at each other. Janis, not because she wanted to but simply by some instinct, let her eyes gaze down to Joseph's cock that was quickly growing because Joseph was staring right at Janis's breasts. He noticed that her nipples were suddenly becoming erect. Janis couldn't help but be a little intrigued by the sight of her brother's penis that had amazingly become completely hard in a matter of seconds; she had always wondered what it was like. Both looked up and gazed into each other's eyes. They didn't really know what to think at that moment; all they knew was that seeing each other naked made them start to feel as though their love for each other was too strong to contain. Joseph didn't know why, but he wanted to grab her and hold her tight against his body. Likewise, Janis was feeling very weird; she felt as though she needed to touch him.

Not knowing why, she took a half step toward her little brother. Joseph immediately met her movement, and stepped toward her. Neither had spoken one word to each other yet. Both, at the same time, stepped toward each other again until they were inches apart. They looked into each other's eyes in a daze, not really realizing what was happening.

"Hi Janis." Joseph mumbled.

"Hi Joseph… you're naked." She talked quietly.

"You too."

Janis looked down again to look at his cock. She saw it fully erect and almost touching her belly. She felt dizzy when she saw it. "Joseph…" she looked into his eyes again, "are you turned on by me?"

He didn't answer, he just looked at her, confused and lost. She looked at his penis again and, without thinking, reached out her hand to touch it. His cock twitched slightly when she grabbed it and a little droplet of pre-cum trickled out of its head. Janis was still a virgin and had never before seen a real penis. With her thumb she smeared his pre-cum around the head making it shine.

Joseph was in ecstasy as he felt his sister's hand on his cock. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her in closer. He was also still a virgin and didn't know what to do. He leaned forward and kissed her, not knowing why. She didn't fight it and kissed him back very passionately.

He let his fingers slide over her breasts. Her nipples felt hard and Janis moaned in his mouth when he touched them. She began to gently stroke his penis while their mouths opened to find each other's tongue. They licked each other's lips until their tongues met. Their kissing became harder and neither of them felt that any of this was wrong, until…


Suddenly they heard the front door open, they both realized at the same time that their parents have come home. The front door slammed.

"Hey kids… anyone home?"

The voice belonged to their dad. Joseph was still into Janis's eyes and could suddenly see the fear in them. She was suddenly out of her trance and very aware of what was happening and how naked she was. She looked down at herself and saw her topless chest and her very erect nipples. She began to feel very ashamed and felt the tears well up in her eyes.

She threw her hands over her breasts to hide them; they felt very warm for some reason. She then ran back into her room. "I'm sorry," she cried and then slammed the door. Joseph slowly backed into the bathroom, covered himself with the towel, and walked into his room quietly shutting his door.

Joseph, still in a daze, dressed quickly. His bedroom is right next to Janis's room and he thought he could hear her weeping. He was worried about what had just happened and how it had affected his sister. He looked down at himself and saw through his pants that he was still fully hard. The image of his sister standing there looking at him, with what he thought was lust in her eyes, is an image he would never get out of his head. He put his ear up to the wall and could definitely hear his big sister crying. He felt like he wanted to run to her. He wanted to put his arms around her and tell her it's all right. Mostly he wanted to hold her; he wanted to hold her so very tight against his body and stroke her lovely hair, but his feelings confused him. "This isn't right," he said to himself.

Joseph pressed his ear to the wall again to make sure his sister was still in her bedroom. He heard the sounds of soft sobbing and quickly left his room. He said a quick goodbye to his dad and left for work. He was really late now and he was upset to have heard Janis crying. Secretly, however, he wished badly that the moment they had spent with each other had lasted forever.

Janis had completely soaked her pillow with her tears. She didn't know why she was crying so much. Seeing her brother naked and watching him get so turned on by seeing her body really frightened her. She was really scared by what she felt when she touched him. "This is wrong," she cried, "this is absolutely wrong!" Her mind was filled with the image of his naked body, and the more she thought of it, the more scared and yet turned on she got. At twenty she had definitely been on many dates with guys, and they almost always tried to get into her pants. She never let them; she never felt that special need from any guy she has ever seen… until now. She is a virgin and had remained a virgin because she never wanted to have sex with anybody. She never had that need, but seeing her little brother a few minutes ago had brought out strange feelings in her. She needed him, for some reason. She saw him differently now and knew that she wanted him.

That is why she was so scared. That is why she sat in her classroom completely unable to concentrate on anything but the thought of Joseph.


When class was finally over Janis quickly grabbed her things and walked as fast as she could out of the school and to her car. She got in and looked at herself in the rearview mirror. She saw that her cheeks were red. Her fear was showing in her face. How was she supposed to go home and face her little brother? She had not seen him since the incident. She had gotten the impression that he was avoiding her, which was fine. She didn't know if she was ready to face him either. She knew, however, that he would be home when she got there. She could see in her own face how upset and terrified that she was. Certainly her little brother would be able to see it too, and he would know what is wrong.

A little while later Janis was pulling her car into the driveway. She turned off the ignition and just sat there for a moment. She reached for the door handle and somehow found the strength to open the door and get out. Slowly she walked to the front door and very quietly opened it. Her attempts to be unnoticed had failed, however, because Joseph greeted her at the door.

"Dad was called away on business today, he won't be back for a few days."

Janis looked at him, startled, "Okay," she mumbled.

"And mom wants you to call her at work as soon as you get the chance. I have to work tonight too, so I'll see you later."

With that said Joseph opened the front door and left. Janis stood there somewhat confused. It was as though nothing was wrong, like nothing happened. "Maybe it was just me," she thought, "maybe he didn't have those weird feelings like I did. Oh god, what is wrong with me? What must he think of his older sister standing there naked and touching his penis? He must think I am mentally screwed up or something!"

She felt the tears coming again but quickly held them back.

"Well if he didn't care, than neither do I!"

She angrily threw her bags on the floor and walked into the kitchen. Janis grabbed the phone and began to dial her mom's work number. It seemed to ring a long time while she went over what had just happened in her head again and again. Finally her mom answered.

"Hi mom, it's me," Janis said.

"Hey Jan," her mom always called her Jan. "I just wanted to tell you that your father was called away to New York for a few days."

"I know, Joseph already told me."

"Okay, well I have to work late tonight. Can you fix dinner for you and your brother tonight?"

"No problem," Janis wanted to find some excuse to say no, but couldn't think of anything at the moment.

"There are some leftovers in the fridge," her mom continued, "don't stay up too late, it's a school night."

"What time will you be home?"

"Very late, probably after midnight. I'll see you two tomorrow."

"Okay mom, love you."

"Love you too, be good. Bye."

"Bye," Janis hung up the phone and sat at the kitchen table. She folder her arms and laid her head in them. All her thoughts eating away at her brain. Her mother just asked her to fix dinner for her little brother; her mom wants her to take care of her little brother and make sure he gets something to eat and doesn't stay up late. The same little brother whom at this time yesterday Janis was lusting after so much.

"Lusting?" She spoke the word out loud because it was the first time she was able to put words to whatever she had felt while looking at his body, but still "lusting" didn't seem like the right word. "Loved" seemed more like what she wanted to say. She always knew she loved Joseph, but it was obviously normal to love ones brother.

This love didn't feel normal, however. She loved her parents and her friends, but never in a way that made her feel like she needed to be physically closer to them like she did Joseph. Maybe this had been going on for a while.

Janis remembered a night a few months ago when she was falling asleep and heard soft groans from Joseph's room. She knew what he was doing because she saw him sneak in that porn magazine that day. That night she listened to her brother pleasing himself in the next room. She remembered how it turned her on listening to him and imagining what he looked like stroking himself silently on his bed. She had wished she could see him doing it. No, she wished she could do it for him. This thought had sent her over the edge and she had begun to pleasure herself while listening to him. How could she have forgotten that she had fingered herself thinking about him? A few minutes into it her moans matched his and she could almost make herself believe that it was he penetrating her and not her fingers.

They had climaxed together that night and the next morning Janis had forgotten about it… until now.

"I do really love him," she said to herself. The words made her tingle and she knew this love was different than what she thought it was.

"But there is nothing I can do about it." She began to cry again when she spoke that last sentence. She sat at the table and sobbed for a few minutes before regaining herself. She wiped her face on her sleeve and stood up. She was feeling dizzy again; maybe she needed to eat something. She went to the fridge and pulled out whatever leftovers she could find and started to fix dinner for Joseph and her.

An hour had passed and Janis wasn't able to eat much of the dinner she prepared. She was feeling pretty exhausted and almost fell onto the couch in the living room. She grabbed the remote and began to scan through the channels unable to find anything good and felt her eyes get really heavy. Before she knew it she was sound asleep.


She awoke some time later and was startled to see Joseph sitting on the couch with her. Janis was spread out on the couch and Joseph barely had enough room to sit. He had the remote and was clicking through the channels.

"What time is it?" Janis sat up and put her feet on the floor.

"Almost ten thirty."

She sat there for a moment, staring at the TV. Her sleepiness was starting to leave and she began to feel awkward. She wanted to know what he was feeling. Has he been thinking about her? Does he think she is weird or confused? She continued to just sit there fixed on the TV for a few minutes. Joseph wasn't saying anything or even acting as though something was wrong. This made Janis mad and she decided to just ask him.

"What happened yesterday?" Her heart started to pound very hard. She had no idea what he was going to say, but Joseph played it cool.

"What are you talking about?"

"Yesterday afternoon…. in front of the bathroom?" Janis was getting madder.

Joseph sank into the couch farther. He was quiet for a while then finally spoke.

"I'm sorry if I startled you, I thought I was alone in the house."

"Is that it?" Janis was not about to let this go as long as they are finally talking about it. "Why did you touch me?"

He turned to look at her. "Why did you touch me?"

She was unprepared for that answer and didn't speak right away. She looked Joseph in the eyes and saw that he was looking her in the eyes too. She somehow had all of his attention, but was unable to find any words. Joseph suddenly spoke.

"You startled me too, not because I thought I was alone, but because… well, I have never seen you naked before."


"So… maybe I don't get the chance to be with a real live woman naked much. I guess I was curious to see how you looked… and felt."

"Well if that's all it was, then why have you been avoiding me? I mean, why haven't you said anything to me about it?"

Joseph seemed to be feeling braver. "I guess I was scared at my own reaction… I know you saw that I was turned on and I know you would think that is disgusting."

"I loved it," Janis quickly put her hands to her mouth but it was not fast enough to stop the words from coming out. Joseph slid a little away from her on the couch and seemed to be gathering his thoughts.

Janis crossed her legs onto the couch and slowly dropped her hands to her lap. She stared at Joseph who sat very still. She thought that he looked upset. What in the world must he be thinking? She just told him that she loved it that she turned him on. If there was a move to be made, then she just accidentally made it. Now it was up to Joseph's response to see where this goes.

He slid closer to her again, which made Janis tingle. Her skin felt very warm and she began to shake. Finally Joseph spoke.

"What did you love, did you want me to be turned on?"

"I guess I did."

He looked into her eyes and saw that she was being honest. "Do you love me?"

"I do love you, Joseph, I love you very much!"

"As your brother?"

"Yes… and more," she was so nervous that she felt she was going to pass out. "Maybe… a lot more."

Joseph looked away and quickly jumped off the couch. He looked like he was going to walk away but suddenly turned to face her again. He started to speak to her very softly, almost in a whisper.

"Everything that you have told me is wrong… very wrong. Do you know that?"

"Yes, I do." Here come the tears again. "Joseph, it is okay for you to hate me. I just wanted you to know, for some reason, what I feel for you. But you are right, it is wrong, and I know that too." She buried her face in her hands and felt the wetness around her puffy eyes. Joseph saw the fear in her, and yet saw how brave she was being. He took in her bravery and felt a lot stronger himself. He felt that maybe he could tell her what he felt and she just might be okay with it.

"Janis," he spoke very softly. She looked up at him with those tearful eyes. "Wrong or not…I… I love you too."

"I know," she lowered her head again," but only as your sister."

"No… a lot more than that."

She looked up again, "Really?"

He moved to her and knelt down in front of where she sat. They were eye to eye and he placed his hands on hers. "I'm not as brave as you, I think that is why I wanted to run away and avoid this. But I'm glad we are finally talking about it. "

"Me too, Joseph." Janis felt on top of the world suddenly. A huge weight lifted from her heart. She felt so good that she grabbed her brother and pulled him close. She hugged him tight. Joseph placed a hand on her back and held the back of her head with the other.

"I was afraid of loving you too much," Joseph whispered in her ear. "I was afraid about how unnatural these feelings are." He let go of her and pushed her away so that they were eye to eye again." Mostly I was scared of how you would think of me… being in love with my older sister."

"That's exactly how I feel!" Janis felt so happy, yet she wondered what would happen now that they both had expressed their feelings. She decided to test him and pulled him closer so that their lips were just inches from each other's. He didn't fight it.

"Janis," he breathed, "kiss me."

That was all she needed to hear. She put her hands on the back of his head and placed her lips on his. She quivered as she felt his hot mouth start to open and his tongue gently licked her lips. Janis pulled him in harder as her tongue slid across his lips and finally met his tongue. He tasted good and she felt the excitement stir between her legs.

Joseph released after a few minutes and started kissing her gently on her cheek. He moved up and tickled her ear with his tongue. Janis was getting too excited and started to let herself go. She moved her hands down and began squeezing his ass. By instinct Joseph got off his knees and started to climb onto the couch with her. Janis knew what he wanted and spread out on the couch. Still holding on to his backside, she forced him to lie directly on top of her.

She felt his weight rest on her and thought how wonderful it was to have him like this. He continued to kiss down her face and down to her neck. She felt something hard resting on her thigh, she knew what it was and the thought of him being so hard because of her just turned her on more. Both of them had become so filled with passion that they almost completely lost control. Their hips had begun to press hard into each other. She was pressing her thighs up and into his crotch. His cock was throbbing so hard that he had to hold it down against her leg. His lips had left her neck and they were kissing each other so hard Janis thought he might bruise her lips.

She reached down his back and pulled up his shirt. He picked himself off of her just enough to allow her to pull it completely off him. Janis touched his chest and felt how hot his body had become. Before he fell back on top of her, he took a moment to start to unbutton her shirt. He watched in fevered anticipation as he released her beautiful breasts one button at a time. The shirt parted and finally fell to her sides. He was disappointed to see them still covered by her silky violet bra.

"Hold on, " she panted, and arched her back so that she could reach the clip on the back of her bra. Joseph saw the bra relax as Janis pulled her hands from behind her back. She lifted her hands above her head as Joseph pulled her bra and shirt completely off her body. Finally they were both exposed from the waist up. He stared at her breasts. Her nipples were hard and they pointed to him as if they were choosing him to touch them. He placed his hand on one of them and slowly stroked her hard nipple. Janis groaned under his touch and he began to stroke harder and stopped to pinch it. She was moaning constantly now and he lowered himself down and put his mouth on her nipple. She grabbed the back of his head and pressed him into her as he began to lick and suck on her. He glanced up at his sister's face and saw that she was looking right at him and was smiling and biting her lip at the same time. He continued to suck on her tits moving from one to the other, the whole time glancing up from time to time to meet her eyes that stared at him.

She was so into him and yet still worried how this was going to affect them later. She certainly wanted to be with the man she loved in every way she could, but since it was her own brother she wondered how they would deal with the inevitable consequences that would probably follow. As his kisses moved from her breasts down her belly and right above her waist she lost all care about what would happen later. She became totally into the moment, and reached down to unbutton his pants.

He lifted himself up and helped her take his jeans off exposing his white cotton boxers. Janis thought she could see the head of his cock looking through the opening in the front. Once his pants had been thrown to the side she began to undo her own. Joseph helped his sister slide off her pants. He watched as they slid down, exposing her legs an inch at a time. While he followed them down he stopped and looked at his own underwear, which had a wet spot high on the front. He looked at her panties and saw wetness on them too. He became very nervous then.

"Janis, " he spoke. She tossed her pants to the side and looked into his eyes with such love and lust that it made him sigh. "I don't know what is going on… this should be wrong but I have never felt this high before."

"I know, Joseph." She said. "I feel as though what I have been fighting for so long has suddenly become so very right. It may be wrong to everybody else, but between us it seems right." She smiled a sexy grin at him that he had never seen before. His crotch pulsed and ached when he saw that. How much more beautiful and wonderful could his sister get?

Joseph fell down on top of her again and pushed his arms under her back and held her tight. He moved his lips up to her ear and whispered to her. "Janis, this is the most wonderful thing I have ever been through. You are the most sexy and beautiful woman I have ever seen, and… and I love the fact that I am sharing this moment with you, but I want you to know something." he was noticeably nervous and Janis let him go to look at his face.

"What is it?"

"I… I have … never… been with a woman." He felt embarrassed to tell her this. "I mean I don't know how far this is going to go right now. I want to be with you in every way, but I don't know how."

"Joseph," she seemed amused. "I have never had sex either. In fact we have already gone farther than I ever have before with anyone."

"Really?" He was surprised. He was sure that she had to have been with someone. "We are both virgins," he tried to hold back a smile. For some reason he thought it was funny.

Janis was more serious; she always wondered whom she would loose her virginity to. She hopes that it will be Joseph, they are so close right now. Are they going to stop for now or try to go all the way? Janis felt nervous. She wanted to so badly but didn't know what he wanted.

"What do you want?" she asked.

Joseph smiled and kissed her gently. "I think," he paused, "I know that I want to."

She closed her eyes and ran her fingers through his hair. She moved her other hand down his back and slid it under his boxers. She pulled his waist down and ground her hips up into him. She could feel how hard he was and she couldn't wait for what was going to happen.

She whispered to him, "I need you, Joseph. But not here… let's go to my room."

He climbed off and they gathered their clothes and straightened up the couch. They didn't want any evidence left of what they were doing left behind. Once they were both ready, Janis took his hand and led him to her room. They dropped the clothes and Janis slid on to her bed and looked at him. Neither of them bothered to turn on the light and Janis could barely see his face. He moved closer to the bed and she reached up to him. He climbed onto the bed and was on top of her again. He started to suck on her neck. She sighed and wrapped her legs around him pulling his crotch into her wet panties. Between their underwear she could still feel the head of his penis on her cunt. This excited her more and she was forcing herself harder up to his cock as he moved down to stroke and bite gently on her breasts.

"I want this moment to last forever," she moaned. "But I need you now, Joseph."

He stopped licking her tits and rested on one arm at her side. He took his free hand and slid it under her sex soaked panties and started to slide them off her. She didn't resist and allowed him to pull them off her. She watched him toss them aside and felt the air on her wetness making her shiver.

"I'm cold," she said and started to pull on the bed sheets to get under them.

"Just one second," Joseph moved his way down and spread her legs a little. He wanted to get a good look at her. She had her panties on when they saw each other in front of the bathroom, so her tight little cunt is something he had never seen before. The moonlight shone through her bedroom window and onto her. In this light he could clearly see her slit. The hair was short; it looked like she kept it trimmed down. He suddenly got an idea.

He ran his fingers down her tummy, almost tickling her. He then moved his hand further down until it rested on her pussy. She raised her head to look at him wondering what he was up to. He matched her gaze and flashed her a smile. She smiled back and lowered her head and closed her eyes. Joseph then lowered his head and kissed her cunt. Janis let out a soft moan when she felt his lips on her private area. She was already very wet when Joseph stuck out his tongue and began to gently lick her cunt. She tasted so sweet and he wanted more. He kissed and sucked on the lips while moving his tongue into her. Janis's hips began to squirm as he began to make love to her with his mouth. He moved his tongue into her and stretched it as far as he could get it inside her. She groaned and put her hands on his head. He continued to lick her and she felt her excitement build. She then guided him with her hands and forced his head a little farther up her slit. Joseph didn't understand why she did this but continued to suck and lick her harder now. He then felt something with his tongue. A little nub of flesh just above where he was licking. He took it into his mouth and sucked on it. Janis shrieked when he did this and he stopped and looked at her.

"Are you okay?"

Janis was so excited by then. She felt a little wicked and grabbed his hair forcing him back to that same spot. "Get your tongue back down there, little brother!"

Joseph was stunned by his sister's forcefulness, but also really liked her controlling him like this. He went back and started to lick and suck on that nub again going faster than he had before. Janis was writhing in ecstasy and Joseph had a hard time sucking on her because her movements were so erratic. He did the best he could. Hearing his sister moan so loudly and feeling her become so wet was making his erection hurt. Two or three minutes later she brought her legs up and squeezed his head between her knees. Joseph wasn't going anywhere now. He sucked and licked and softly bit on her as fast as he could until Janis sat up and pushed his head into her, almost smothering him.

"Oh!" She was yelling as she watched him taste her as fast as he could.

"Oh my… Joseph… this is it! It feels too good… I'm… going… to…!"

She didn't even finish her sentence as Joseph felt her groin twitch and convulse. She let out a long yell as she fell onto her back again. She pushed him into her harder for a few seconds then slowly let go. He was still licking her, trying to capture all her wetness, when she grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up onto her. She saw his face was totally wet and it shined in the moonlight. She moved her head up and kissed him a very long powerful kiss. She tasted herself in his mouth and loved it. Any thoughts of backing out now were pointless. Her little brother just made her cum like she never had before. She knew what she wanted to do now.

"My turn," she said as she forced him to roll onto his back. She tried to roll on top of him but it took a few tries before she did. Her legs were weak from holding his head so tight. When she finally laid on top of him Joseph could see her face. It looked flush like she was still glowing from what he had done to her. He was happy he was able to please her so much. Janis lowered to kiss him again. She continued to kiss him while moving down, kissing his neck, his chest and stomach. She stopped as she reached his boxers that were pulled tight from the force of his rock hard cock straining to be released.

Janis had never done this before, she was a little scared that she might hurt him or that maybe he wouldn't like it. She was too excited not to try, however, and she knew that he was too.

She straddled over him with her pussy lips just inches over his groin. She allowed herself to push down and sit on his penis. She could feel him throb against her through his underwear and that sent tingles up her spine. "Not yet," she thought and lifted back up to reach down and tug the boxers off his body. She was totally overwhelmed by the sight of his cock. She had seen it before but was too confused to really see it. She stared at it noticing the long shaft and plump head at the end. All she could think of was how beautiful it must be to feel such a thing inside her. She had to wait… for now.

She slid back to where she was facing his cock. It was so hard and his pre-cum coated the head. Janis closed her eyes and softly licked the head. She was unsure of how it would taste. Joseph gasped when he felt his sisters tongue on him. Janis decided the taste wasn't bad at all and hearing her brother made her more brave. She opened her mouth and tried to take as much of his cock into her that she could. She got to where she felt she could take no more, but Joseph instinctively pushed himself further into her. She gagged when she felt him entering her throat. He pulled back and stared at her. Janis looked up at him and flashed him a sweet smile before going back down. Joseph laid back and tried to control himself and let her do the work.

Janis was slowly moving her mouth up and down half the length of his penis while Joseph groaned from the hot feeling her mouth had. She was biting the insides of her lips trying to be careful not to let her teeth scrap his shaft. Joseph felt unable to control himself anymore and was pushing up to meet the strokes of her lips. Janis learned that by opening her throat a little, as though she was about to swallow, she could take more of him inside her. She was getting so turned on by the felling of his pulsing shaft hitting her throat that she began to move faster and deeper with every stroke. Joseph had spread his legs out as far as he could and Janis grabbed the base of his cock. She began to suck on the tip and quickly started to rub his shaft up and down. He began to force himself into her harder and faster so she let go and slid her hands under his ass and squeezed his cheeks hard. Joseph didn't have a monstrous cock, but Janis could feel the strain on her throat as he entered her farther.

"Oh sis…you're going to make me cum!" Joseph was twitching under her and she moved her mouth up and down him as fast as she could. She was able to take his full length now and buried her face into his pubic hair while her tongue licked ferociously along his shaft. Janis was loosing control and she needed him to cum right away. She didn't have to wait long and Joseph gave one last hard thrust into her mouth and held himself there. He let out a few loud groans as she felt her mouth began to fill with his hot liquid. His cock pulsed violently in her mouth as she felt his cum overflow out of her. She didn't know what to do, so she instinctively started to swallow as much as she could. Just when she thought it might be over Joseph released another shot into her and she swallowed more. Finally after three large spurts Joseph relaxed and she let him slip out of her lips. She continued to lick the sides of his shaft and decided that she loved his taste. Once she cleaned his cock she moved to his balls and licked them clean too. Janis couldn't get enough of it. She kept thinking how much she loved this and how she couldn't wait to suck on him again, but Joseph was spent and she saw him relax in a deep peacefulness on her bed.

Janis licked her lips and wiped the rest of his cum off her mouth and chin with her bed sheet. Joseph reached up to her and she fell into his arms. Her head rested on his shoulder and she faced him.

"Oh Janis," he said, "I now know why I've waited."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean why I have had so many dates with women that I thought I was really interested in, but I never wanted to be this close with any of them. It's not like I never had the opportunity; some of my girlfriends seemed very willing to be with me like this. I have always had this burning need to be with someone, but with them…"

Janis knew what he was trying to say and finished his sentence," But with them, Joseph, it always seemed wrong. You knew, maybe not consciously, but you knew that there was someone else."

"Janis?!" Joseph almost yelled. He pulled himself on top of her. "Janis, that is exactly how I felt! I knew there was someone for me… but I think I was too afraid to admit to myself that it is you!"

Janis grabbed his hands and held them. She looked up at him while he was resting on her. "I have felt that for a long time now. There wasn't a man that I dated that didn't want me this way. But I never let them touch me, I felt it was dirty and I felt I needed to save myself. It was only recently that I discovered who I was saving myself for. Like you I didn't want to believe it."

"You're my sister…" Joseph seemed shocked as he spoke. "You're my sister and you're the one that I need to be with. Why is that, Janis? This can't be good!"

"I don't know… I am so confused by all of this. I look at you and see the little brother that I grew up with, and yet… yet, Joseph, you're the one I've always wanted." She believed it, but had a hard time telling him. "I knew it, deep inside… but… but I didn't want to know."

"Janis, people are always going to look down on us for loving each other this way. It should bother me, but I don't want to be without you. You have been what I've always wanted even though I had a hard time realizing that."

Janis smiled hard knowing that he was feeling it too. She was so worried about her feelings toward him and thought she would never be happy without him, but he just told her that he didn't want to be without her. Knowing how he felt about her made Janis feel as though she had finally found that special someone. He was there for her all along and she hated herself for never knowing it.

She moved her hands over his chest and felt his smooth skin. Joseph rested his hands on her flat stomach and fingered her belly button. Janis, feeling somewhat playful, reached her hands under his arms and tickled him slightly. Joseph laughed and scratched his nails down her sides as she screamed and giggled. It became a competition as they tickled each other harder. They both laughed as they tickled and rolled around on her bed in their excitement.

Janis ended up on top of Joseph after a while. Janis was still tickling and laughing but Joseph was suddenly more serious, he could feel the wetness of her cunt resting on his penis. He stopped his playing and closed his eyes. The warmth made his cock stir and come to life once more. She wondered why he stopped his tickling until she felt movement under her. She realized that she was resting her moist pussy on his cock and knew that he was starting to become aroused again. Janis thought that their loving might be over for the night, but was realizing that maybe they aren't done yet.

She ground her hips slowly across the length of his shaft. Joseph open his eyes and looked to see what she was doing. Janis fell onto him and rested her head on his shoulder with her hands holding the back of his head.

"Joseph," she moaned, "I think I'm ready."

He felt her pressing down on his cock and knew what she was talking about. "Do you want to?"

"I think so… but I neither of us have done it before. Do you want to?"

Joseph ran his fingers through her hair. "I thought that's what this was leading up to. I think I'm ready too."

Janis had a worried look on her face. "Do you think we'll wake up tomorrow and wonder why we did this? I mean, what if we regret it? Brothers and sisters shouldn't be doing this kind of thing."

Joseph remained calm, "What do you want… really?"

"I want us to never regret this. I want us to never care what this world or anybody thinks about it. I want to be with you forever, never anybody else, just you and me together forever."Joseph was surprised, but not in a bad way. He knew he wanted it too. "Then that's the way it will be."

Janis looked him in the eyes and saw that he meant his words. It was what she needed to hear. She lowered down and kissed him softly. She licked his lips and his tongue reached out to find hers. Their kissing became more passionate as they held each other tighter.

Janis rolled off Joseph and onto her back. He climbed on top of her and started to suck gently on her neck. She loved the feeling and felt a tingle in her cunt that started to itch a little. Joseph moved down and kissed one of her nipples while rubbing and pinching the other. He moved his other hand down to her crotch and felt the warm wetness between her legs. Janis squirmed under his touch. She could feel his hardness resting on her belly and ached for it.

"Joseph," she whispered, "go ahead."

He slid up and kissed her lips again as she reached down to grab his penis. Janis opened her legs more and Joseph fell between them. She pointed the head of his cock to her opening and rubbed it along her slit. With a deep breath she pulled the tip into her and let go. She put her hands on his shoulders and closed her eyes. She had never felt anything down there this big before and knew that she was going to have a hard time getting used to it.

"Please be careful… okay?"

Joseph slid himself in very slowly and Janis parted her legs more trying to open herself as much as she could for him.

"Janis," he whispered.

She opened her eyes and saw him looking at her.

"I want you to know that I'm so happy that my first time is going to be with you."

"Me too, Joseph… me too."

He pushed himself in her a little more and she closed her eyes again. She was squirming under him, trying to adjust to the feeling of his cock in her. Suddenly Joseph felt some resistance.

"What's wrong?" Janis looked at him again.

"I can't go in anymore." Joseph looked puzzled.

"Yes you can," Janis moaned. She moved her hands behind him and grabbed his ass. "I know you should be able to come in farther than that."

Joseph pushed a little more, but it was still too gentle. He decided to pull out a little bit. He then, harder than before, pushed back into her and felt himself push through what was blocking him.

"Joseph!" Janis screamed as she felt an intense pain inside her. Joseph was almost all the way into her now, but he stayed still for a moment.

"What? Are you okay?"

Tears welled in her eyes. "That hurt," she cried, "just don't move for a minute." Tears were falling down the sides of her face. She tried to relax her body and get used to his cock in her. She laid there for a moment sobbing until the pain started to calm down. "I think I'm okay."

"Do you want to stop?"

"No… not yet."

Joseph pulled out a little and pushed his way back into her. There was no resistance this time and Janis felt relieved it didn't hurt as bad this time, but still she cried.

"Are you okay?" Joseph asked again.

"Make love to me, brother," she sobbed, "but please go slow for now."

He lowered down and kissed her tears while he gently pumped his cock in and out of her. Very slowly he moved, but the need to move faster and deeper was beginning to affect him.

Janis was still felling a little pain, but the more Joseph stroked himself inside her the more she started to like the pain. She had her hands on his ass and started to pull him into her farther and harder. She was crying harder now but not from the pain. Her tears had started to feel happy as he started going faster. She loved it. She lifted her hips a little causing Joseph to grind against her clit when he was all the way into her. Each time his body brushed her clit it sent shivers through her and caused her pussy to itch more for his cock. She pumped up a little harder to meet his thrusts that were becoming faster. She squeezed his butt cheeks and pulled him inside farther and farther until he could go no more.

Joseph had beads of sweat on his forehead. He watched tear after tear fall from her eyes as he made love to her. He thought that he was still hurting her until she smiled and he felt her hands on his backside pushing him into her. He tried to be gentle like she asked but somehow lost control, his cock throbbed inside her. She felt so warm and he could almost feel her cunt pulling on him, trying to keep him in. She still smiled and bit her lip as her crying continued. She was almost painfully grabbing his ass and pushing her cunt up in rhythm to his own pumps. Her nipples stood erect and he was sure there was a puddle forming beneath their lovemaking.

She acted wildly, rubbing her hands all over his body. He couldn't believe how excited she was; seeing her in such passion excited him even more, if possible, and he began to understand her tears. Her love for him and the passion she felt was overwhelming her.

He felt as though he was going to orgasm any second, but he didn't want to yet. He loved this so much he wished it would go on forever.

She moved her hands to his back and pulled him down onto her so they were face to face. She felt his hot sweat on her breasts and wrapped her legs around his waist. She couldn't get enough of his cock; it just felt too good. Janis felt the pleasure build in her. It kept rising and rising and she felt completely out of control now. Her hips bucked wildly up as she felt the need to explode. She didn't have to wait long as her climax shocked through her body. She pulled Joseph's head onto her shoulder and screamed into his ear. A lightning of ecstasy shot through her cunt and up through her body. It kept going, as Joseph's lovemaking became intense as he was almost slamming himself into her.

He lifted his head up, his face wet from her tears. He looked at her and saw the power of her orgasm almost make her pass out. The look on her face was sending him over the edge very quickly; but he stopped. He became motionless as he watched his sister come down from what was probably the most powerful climax she has ever had. He felt so happy to have given her such a gift. Her cunt squeezed on his cock as she finally relaxed.

"Oh Joseph. Please don't stop." Janis was numb from her orgasm and the beauty of it. She was still crying and couldn't stop herself. The crying started from her pain, but the joy and pleasure from being with her brother had made her lose control over it.

Joseph rolled on his side and pulled her on top of him never letting himself slip out of her. Janis felt his cock move father into her as she rested her weight on him. She liked the feeling of being on top and ground her hips down.

Joseph was pushing into her again. His cock felt like it was boiling. She was so wet now; he slid into her farther than he had before until his balls tightened. He felt the explosion about to build as he reached his arms around her back and held her tight. He pushed up harder and faster as Janis kissed and bit hard on his neck. Finally, Joseph pulled her head up until he could see her face. She was flush and her face moist with sweat. They looked into each other's eyes and Joseph felt his cock start to twitch. His orgasm started to take control of his body, making him shake.

"Janis," he moaned. "You're… you're so beautiful."

She smiled as she watched his face. He kept his eyes focused on hers while she felt him throbbing inside her. He moaned at her and he pushed up hard lifting his back off the bed. Janis felt the hot liquid fill her and continued to watch Joseph's eyes as he gazed at her. He had his hands on her hips forcing her down on him as he pushed up. She felt his orgasm pulse in her cunt as his juices started to leak out of her. She was alive at the sight of him in so much pleasure. Her tears had calmed down but she felt them coming back. The sight of her little brother in ecstasy filled her heart with such joy. She really felt complete with him.

Joseph released his hands from her waist and wrapped his arms around Janis. They both relaxed and Janis rested her head on his chest. They were both worn out.

"Joseph," Janis mumbled, "that was wonderful."

"Your amazing, Janis." He felt weak.

Janis was still lying on top of him. She was sad that it was over but doubted that she had the energy for it again. She was lying with her face on his chest; his cock still hard inside her. She wondered how long it will stay hard and thought maybe she should take it out, but she didn't want to.

Janis was starting to feel tired, but she didn't want to sleep yet. She didn't know what time it was and knew their mother would be home soon. Joseph's breathing became harder and she knew that he had fallen asleep. She held him tighter and decided to lie there for just one more minute.


Joseph awoke and was feeling too warm. He was surprised to see his sister laying on him, but his memory regained a split second later. His heart skipped a beat as he recalled the evening's events. "Did we really do this," he thought, "Oh wow, I can't believe it." He heard the soft snores as Janis slept on him. Her hair was tickling his neck. He picked his head up slightly and saw her naked ass. She looked so sexy on him; he studied the image so he would never forget it.

He suddenly heard a noise; someone was in the kitchen. He put his hands on Janis's shoulders and shook her gently.

"Janis… wake up." He whispered, trying to be quiet. She stirred on top of him and picked her head up to look at him. He thought he could see a confused look on her face for a moment. He wondered if she was startled to wake up like this like he had been.

Janis smiled when she realized what was going on. "Hey… what time is it?"

"I don't know; I think mom is home."

"What?" She looked worried. "Joseph you have to get out of here." She rolled off of him and also off the bed. She started to look for his clothes. Joseph got off the bed and she handed him his pants and underwear. He didn't bother with the underwear and quickly put his pants on. She gave him his shirt and went to her closet and threw on a robe.

She whispered, "Have everything?"

"I think so." He walked to the door of her bedroom. And reached for the knob.

"Joseph, be quiet."

He slowly turned the knob and it didn't make a sound. He opened the door slightly and poked his head out. He could see a light on down the hall. Janis pulled him back in and kissed him softly. "I love you, Joseph."

"I love you too… goodnight." He walked out into the hallway and quickly opened the door to his room and ran in. He closed his door and dropped the clothes he was carrying. He stood there for a moment and listened for Janis though the walls. He couldn't hear her, so he climbed on his bed to try and sleep.

Janis was back on her bed staring at the ceiling. With Joseph gone she couldn't sleep anymore. She listened to the sounds of her mother in the kitchen. What would she think if she knew what her kids were up to? Janis giggled a little at this thought. It's going to be hard to hide this from their parents.

Finally Janis heard her mom walk through the hallway outside her door and into the master bedroom at the end of the hallway. The door shut and Janis knew her mom would be asleep soon. She hated being alone with her love in the next room. She wanted to sleep but knew she wouldn't be able to without him.


Thirty minutes had passed since her mom went to bed and Janis was still lying on her bed looking at the ceiling. Suddenly she thought she heard a door open and shut. A second later her own door slowly started to open and she sat up. Joseph's head was poking around the door. Her heart jumped as she saw him. It was too dark for him to see her, though.

"Joseph," she said quietly.

He walked in and shut the door behind him. "I can't sleep."

"I can't either. Come here." She reached out to him and he crawled on the bed with her. They kissed hard and fell on their sides, facing each other. "Mom would freak out if she caught us in here together, Joseph."

"Why? We're not doing anything now. She's asleep anyway, I could hear her snoring when I was coming in here."

"What are we going to do about mom and dad?"

"I don't know, Janis, I guess we just have to hide this."

"I guess, but it's going to be hard."

"I think it'll be fun to have our secret and to try and be together behind everyone's backs. The only hard part is the fact that there will be times that we cannot be together no matter what we do."

"That's going to drive me crazy, Joseph. I don't want to feel that I can't be with you." She reached her arm around and started to stroke his back.

"It'll be okay, it'll be easier as we get older."

Janis smiled. "I hope we're together forever."

"We will be, Janis, I'm sure of it."

"Are you going to stay in here tonight?"

"Sure, we'll both be up long before mom is, so I don't think she'll catch us."

Janis rolled over and grabbed the little clock off the table next to her bed. She set the alarm and placed it back where it was. She rolled back to face Joseph and they wrapped their arms around each other. Joseph closed his eyes and looked as though he was getting tired again.

Janis kissed him and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too, Janis."

Janis closed her eyes and felt his body heat making her warm. Her mind was racing again; she wondered how the rest of her life was going to be. She wondered what people will say if they knew. Mostly she thought about Joseph. The thought of him made her feel weak with love. Did he really know how much she loved him? She hoped so.

She felt the sleep start to come and her mind relaxed on one thought. She knew that things would be difficult at times and people will always look down at them, but her thought was knowing that, no matter what, she will always have Joseph. He is all she needed to make her happy and nothing else will ever matter.

Janis took one last deep breath and drifted off with Joseph in her mind. Their lives are going to be so different from now on. Good or bad, at least they finally have what they never realized they needed.

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