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94.6% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3879: SHOWER LUST

Chapitre 3879: SHOWER LUST

Alan needed to run. It was the only way he could relax. He had a job interview in a few hours, his first big one since graduating from college. He was hoping the internship he was at would lead him to a full-time position with a decent salary, but they had shown that they weren't serious about adding him to their payroll as a real employee. He was sure he would get this job; he had the qualifications, the references, and the ambition.

He spent the last few days getting himself ready. He studied the company he was interviewing for, how his qualifications worked for them, and he practiced the answers to the questions they were most likely going to ask him.

As ready as he was, he was still getting a lot of anxiety as the time got closer. When he feels this way, he finds that going for a run helps him relax. His mind becomes clearer, he feels less stressed, and his mood changes. After timing it out, he thought he had time for a good run, come home for a shower, get himself ready for the interview, and still be on time for it.

He put on a short-sleeved performance shirt, gym shorts, and his usual running shoes. He put his phone on the arm band to connect it to his earbuds so he could listen to some music as he ran.

As soon as he left his bedroom, he ran into his mother, Janice, in the hallway, who apparently had the same idea herself. She had her blonde hair tied back in a ponytail and was wearing a dark-colored sports bra with matching lightweight leggings and white running shoes. She also had her phone on an armband and earbuds to listen to music.

"Aren't you going to be late for your interview?" Janice.

"I looked into it. I have enough time to do this," Alan assured her. "How about you? Aren't you going to be late for work? I remember you said you had an important meeting today."

"I'll be fine," she replied. "You want to run together?"

"No. If you don't mind, I think I'd relax more if I ran on my own."

"Suit yourself."

They did some stretches before they left their condominium building, then ran off in opposite directions. Sometimes Alan doesn't mind running with his mother; it can sometimes be fun. But he soon learned there were some drawbacks to running with her. First, he had people assume that they were a couple. He couldn't blame them, because usually when you see a man and a woman running together, they are more than likely a couple. But still, he would rather people not think he and his mother were a couple. This would also hinder his efforts to meet women when he's out running and meeting other women doing the same thing, which sometimes worked out for him.

The second reason he doesn't like running with his mother is that he doesn't like seeing other men checking her out in front of him. In a way, he can't blame those men for looking at her that way; she was a very attractive woman, and with the running clothes she wears, it's hard not to look. In cooler weather, when she has to cover up more for her runs, it's not so bad. But in warmer weather, when her running clothes become more revealing, that's when men really start looking at her in that way. Alan also looks at the female runners who are dressed like her in that same way, so he understands. But that doesn't mean he likes seeing men checking out his mother in front of him like that.

Alan did his usual three-mile run that went along a route that he developed for himself that took him all the way back home. He would stop about every mile to take a break, do more stretches, and do a small set of pushups. His route also took him to a few public water fountains where he would take a quick drink before he kept going.

By the time he got back to his building, the anxiety had faded away, but he was dripping in sweat. He also smelled pretty bad, so he needed to take a shower fast. His mother arrived at the same time he did, also covered in sweat and with an odor that neither one of them could avoid noticing. They slowly made their way back up to their condo while having some small talk. They didn't realize until they got to the bathroom doorway that they both wanted to take a shower at the same time.

"You should go first," said Alan. He felt that he should be respectful and let his mother use the shower before him.

"No, no, you have that interview. You go first," she replied.

"Didn't you say you had an important office meeting today? Isn't it important?"

"But I'll take too long in the shower, you know I will. You should take it first."

This argument went back and forth like this for a few minutes, with each one of them being courteous to the other about their situation. The problem was, their condo had only one shower to use. They occasionally had issues like this before, but never when they were both in such a time crunch.

"Ok, I think I got it," said Janice. "You're not going to like the idea, but I think we should shower together."

"What?" Alan asked with a cringed face.

"It could work. It's a dual shower, it's made for two people to shower together."

Janice was talking about how the previous owners of the condominium were a married couple who redesigned their bathroom for both of their needs. The bathroom had a large double sink counter top with a large mirror in the center, and a medicine cabinet and drawers on each side of the sinks. The shower was a foot wider and a foot longer than a standard size, and was redesigned as a dual shower where each side had its own shower head.

Janice and Alan enjoyed this perk when they moved into the place many years ago. They each had their own side of the sink for their own personal use, so none of their belongings got mixed up with the others. This worked out better for Janice, who had a lot of beauty and hygiene products she needed to keep separate from Alan's bathroom items.

They did the same thing with the shower, where they each claimed their own side. They had their own shower caddies on each side for their own products, and even their own soap dish for their own favorite soap. This worked out better for Alan because before they moved here, they lived in a place with a standard shower setting and his mother's shower products always came first.

Now, they were in a situation where they were both in desperate need of a shower to be on time for their own personal reasons. And the only solution his mother could come up with was that they take a shower together, using the opposite sides of the dual shower.

"We'll have our own personal sides, like we normally do if we were on our own. Only this time, we keep our backs turned to one another."

"But we'll still be naked together," said Alan.

"But we'll have our backs turned to one another the whole time. We won't see anything."

"Yes, but..." Alan had trouble expressing his disapproval of this idea.

"I know this is not the best idea, but we're both pressed for time here. You cannot afford to be late for your interview, and I can't afford to be late for my meeting."

She walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her without locking it so Alan can enter when he's ready.

"I'll go into the shower first," she said from behind the door. "When you're ready, just come in with your head turned away and I'll turn away from you too."

Alan just stood there for a minute, trying to realize what was happening. He never thought he would ever be in this kind of situation. While he was thinking about what to do, he suddenly got a whiff of his own body again. Even if he did find a way to make himself look presentable for the interview, he wasn't sure how he could cover up the body odor he created from his run.

He heard the shower turn on and assumed his mother was already inside. He decided he had no choice in the matter; he would just have to be extra careful with her being there. He walked inside the bathroom and began taking off his running clothes.

"Ok, I'm going to come in the shower with you now," Alan warned her.

"That's great, sweetie. And don't worry, we'll be adults about this whole situation."

He turned his head away as he opened the curtain just enough to step into the shower. The whole situation was incredibly awkward for him because he knew his naked mother was just standing a couple of feet away from him. But they had their backs turned away from each other, so as far as he knew, they had their privacy. He turned on his side of the shower and began cleaning his body.

"See, this isn't so bad," said Janice. "I mean, it's not ideal, but it's not so bad."

"I agree," he told her.

"And as a bonus, you can brag to your friends about how you took a shower with a sexy blonde."

Alan laughed at that joke.

"I could, but with a bit of editing to that story."

This time, it was Janice who laughed.

Alan managed to perform his usual shower routine without a problem. The only thing he found he couldn't do was turn around, like one would occasionally need to in a shower to clean their bodies. But he had to find other ways around that, just like he was sure his mother was doing the same thing on her side of the shower.

"Sweetie, I have a crazy idea, if you don't mind me bringing it up," said Janice.

"What is it, mom?"

"You know how it's difficult to wash certain hard-to-reach areas of your back?"

"Yes, I do. And even if you could somehow reach those spots, you can't scrub that area that well."

"I was thinking, what if we scrubbed each other's backs?" she suggested. "This is a rare opportunity to get that done correctly for once."

Alan was surprised by that suggestion. He agreed that it was a good idea; he always wanted a good back scrub. But it would be better if he had any woman other than his mother doing this for him.

"It's not a bad idea, mom. But I don't think we can do this without seeing each other's backsides."

"I thought about that already," she replied. "And I think it's OK, just this once. It's only our backsides we'll be seeing. It's our front sides that we mostly need to keep private."

He supposed his mother was right. Seeing a person's backside is not as much of a problem as seeing their front side. He had seen his mother in bikinis plenty of times; he always felt it was less awkward to see her from behind than to see her from the front, where she liked to show off plenty of her breasts.

"So, what do you say? Should we scrub each other's backs?"

"Why not? We're already here, and it's just a one-time thing anyway."

"Exactly. Now be ready; I'm going to turn around and do your back first."

"Ok, but please use my soap. Yours smells too much like strawberries."

Alan handed her the soap he wanted her to use over his shoulder and she took it. He was still a little uncomfortable with his mother seeing his naked ass, but he was willing to let it go at the moment.

Janice soaped up the loofah and began scrubbing her son's back. He was a little taller than her, not too muscular, but he had good body tone for a 22-year-old. Seeing her son like this, she couldn't help thinking that he looked a little like his father who died when Alan was very young.

"Cute butt, by the way," she told him.

Alan gave a small laugh. "I knew you were going to say something like that."

"I'm not joking; it's true. I'm surprised you're not doing better with women after seeing this. It kind of makes me want to see what you've got going on in the front."

"Come on, mom," he cried out. "Going overboard now. What happened to being adults about this?"

Janice laughed.

"I'm sorry. No more comments, I promise."

She finished scrubbing his and handed him his loofah back.

"How does that feel?" she asked.

"That felt wonderful. Thank you."

"Great. Now it's your turn, stud."

She gave Alan a good smack on the ass and then turned her back on him.

"Hey, you said you were going to stop that."

"No, I said no more comments," she replied. "I didn't say I wouldn't do anything else."

Alan took a moment to get ready to see what he was about to see. He turned around and saw the naked backside of his own mother. It was only her backside, but in that moment, he couldn't help thinking that she had a great body on her. She was in her early 40's, with long blonde hair that he had pulled to the side so Alan could better scrub her back. She always kept herself in good shape by running and going to the gym regularly. Her ass was a little big, but had a good shape to it.

He remembered how she looked in bikinis and sports bras, so he knew she had a good size D-cups. In this position, he could see the side of her breasts. Even from the sides, he never saw that much skin before and kind of wondered how they looked if he got a full view of them.

Alan suddenly felt a twinge in his dick and saw that it was starting to grow. He needed to keep his mind on the task at hand and not think of his mother in a sexual way, despite what he had to do next.

He asked for her soap and she passed it to him the soap over her shoulder. After soaping the loofah enough, he began scrubbing her back in the same way she did for him.

"That feels so good," she told him. "If you ever get a girlfriend, you need to remember to do this for her. She would love it."

"You shouldn't be talking about my dating life. I don't remember the last time I saw a man coming around here."

"Hey, I have no trouble getting a man if I want to," she bragged to him.

"With that ass, I'm sure you don't."

Janice laughed. She knew he was joking around with her because she had been joking with him before. But at the same time, she couldn't help feeling flattered about her ass.

"Thank you," she said. She didn't want to show that she would be embarrassed by that comment like her son was when she said the same thing to him.

"I'm serious. It kind of makes me want to see what's going on in the front."

"Why don't you check it out for yourself?" she said, daring him.

"Ok, if you insist."

Alan grabbed her by the shoulders and gently tried to turn her. He wasn't really going to make her turn around, he just wanted to call her bluff and mess with her like she did with him. As soon as he did that, Janice screamed like most women do when they are in that situation.

"Ok, you called my bluff," she said. "I'm sorry I started this joke."

"I'm just messing with you like you messed with me. I wasn't really going to try to turn you around," he assured her. "Although I'm sure I'd be pleased by what I might see."

Janice laughed. She was having a lot of fun being teased like this by her son.

"Ok, we've had our fun but that's enough joking now," she said.

Alan finished up scrubbing her back and passed her loofah back to her.

"All done," he said. "I'm going to turn back around now."

He gave his mother a good smack on her ass before turning back around.

"Now we're going too far," she said, laughing. "It was fun, but it has to stop now."

"Sorry, I couldn't resist. No more messing around, I promise."

Alan finished up his shower routine and let his mother know he was stepping out of the shower. This was a relief to her because she really needed to turn around to do other things in the shower.

Alan dried himself off, put the towel around his waist, and left the bathroom. He still had time to get ready for his interview, so he took his time getting dressed and fixing his hair for the interview. When he was about to leave, he saw that his mother was already out of the shower and in her bedroom getting ready herself.

"Mom, I'm leaving now," he called out to her.

"Ok sweetie, I'm getting ready to leave myself. Good luck with your interview," she called back to him. "Text me about how it went."

"I will," he assured her.

Before he left, he noticed that the bedroom door was slightly ajar. He couldn't help thinking how far along she was in getting ready for her job. Mostly, he wondered if she was still naked. He considered quietly walking towards the door and trying to take a peek at her. Even if he saw her in her underwear, it would be something he would like to see. After seeing her in the shower like that, he couldn't help thinking how sexy she was and that he wouldn't mind seeing more.

He shook his head, forcing himself to realize what he was thinking about doing was a bad idea. He realized he was only having these thoughts because of how he saw her in the shower earlier. He left the condo and drove off to his interview. He did his best to push the thoughts about his mother out of his mind so he could concentrate on the interview.

Alan felt that he nailed the interview, which was confirmed three days later when they called to offer him the job. He put in his two weeks' notice right away and also took that time to prepare himself for his new job.

On the morning of his first day, he got up a little earlier than usual to take a quick jog on a shorter route than he usually takes. He got back at the condo just in time to see his mother leaving for a run herself. The weather was warmer than usual, so she wore a thin-strapped sports bra that showed plenty of cleavage and running shorts instead of her usual leggings.

"Will you be on time for your first day?" she asked.

"Don't worry, I have plenty of time," he assured her.

They said their goodbyes and she ran off. Ever since that day they showered together, they've been making jokes about that with each other.

In the shower, Alan took his time cleaning himself up. Along the way, he began thinking about that day when he showered with his mother. Mostly, he couldn't help thinking what a great ass she had. He was more of a breast guy, but he could appreciate a good ass when he saw one. He also couldn't help thinking about how she dressed when he saw her leave for her run a few minutes ago. The sports bra she wore gave him plenty to look at.

He was thinking about his mother's body so much that he didn't realize that his dick had gotten fully erect by then. He felt a lot of shame for thinking about his mother in that way and being aroused by it, but at the same time, it felt so good to think about her as a sexual object.

He knew it was a bad idea, but he decided to start jerking off right there with the thoughts about his mother. He imagined her running with her tits bouncing around in her sports bra, the stretches she had to do along the way, and finally the shower she had to take afterwards. His dick was never as hard in his hand as it was right now.

He imagined her playing with herself in the shower, getting herself off very quickly. He then imagined himself joining her in the shower and started kissing her as she jerked him off. Soon, his thoughts turned to him fucking her hard in the shower.

It wasn't long before he shot his load in the shower and he watched his cum swirl down the drain. He felt guilty about it all, but he loved it nonetheless.

When he was done with the shower and dried off, he went to his bedroom to get ready. He saw the time and realized that he had spent too much time jerking off in the shower and was now on the verge of being late. He quickly got himself ready, ran out of the house, and drove off. He got to work at the exact minute he was supposed to be there.

Over the next few weeks, Alan found himself fantasizing about his mother many times when jerking off. He thought about other women, of course, but she had become his new go-to fantasy when he really wanted to get himself going.

He did try to stop, thinking it wasn't healthy to focus on her so much. But then his mother would do something randomly innocuous and he would be back at it. She once just bent over to pick something up, and he got a good look down her shirt, and that was enough for him to go to his room and jerk off. The guilt he first had when he did this slowly faded away. Eventually, he thought there was nothing wrong with it since it was all just a fantasy.

Things changed one Saturday afternoon when Alan was in the kitchen eating a sandwich for lunch. He was tapping away on his phone, playing a game with his friends and texting people at the same time, when his mother walked in.

"Hello, sweetie," she said as she went to the refrigerator.

She was wearing a pink, flower-patterned sports bra and matching leggings. He was disappointed to see that this sports bras only showed a modest amount of cleavage, but he did like how her ass looked in her leggings.

"Hey, mom. Going for another run?"

"No, it's raining outside, so this time I'm going to spend some time doing yoga. I haven't done that in a while."

She got some orange juice from the fridge and poured herself a cup before putting it back.

"Do you want to join me?"

"No thanks. I'm not a yoga type of guy."

Alan had no problem with yoga. He had tried it before and did enjoy it a little, but it wasn't for him.

"Suit yourself. I'll be in the living room if you want to join me."

She drank up her orange juice and left the kitchen.

When Alan finished his lunch, he put his dish away in the sink. He was about to go to his room when he decided to take a peek at his mother in the living room. He did his best to be quiet about it so she wouldn't notice him, and he was coming up with excuses in his head if he got caught looking at her.

Janice had soft music playing from her phone. She sometimes takes yoga classes, but she knows enough to do it on her own by now. When Alan looked into the living room, he saw her in a position called the downward-facing-dog where her body was on all fours with her head pushed down and her ass stretched up as high as it could go, which Alan liked to see.

After a couple of minutes, she slowly moved downward on her yoga mat for her next position, called the upward-facing-dog, where she pushed her pelvis down as her upper body stretched upwards. Her breasts were pushed out as far as they could go in that position, getting Alan more excited as she did this.

She then moved to the camel-pose position, where she was on her knees but she stretched back as far as she could to grab her ankles. Her breasts were pointing straight up to the ceiling and her body was stretching back so much, it looked like they were going to burst out of that sports bra.

Seeing her in that position was what finally did it for Alan. He needed to jerk off immediately. He went to his bedroom but was afraid if his mother stopped her yoga and came by for some reason, then she might hear what he was doing. Instead, he decided a shower was needed for this situation.

He grabbed a towel and made his way to the bathroom. He decided to let her know he was using the shower in case she turned on the water for some reason.

"Mom, I'm taking a shower. Please don't use the water," he called out to her.

"No problem, sweetie," she called back to him.

In the shower, he went straight to business. He didn't really need to take a shower as he had already taken one that morning, so he didn't have to do anything he normally does to clean up. He just needed some privacy to jerk off.

He was thinking about the poses he had seen his mother doing, how her breasts looked like they were going to pop out of her top. He then started thinking about her doing those positions naked. He created a fantasy where she caught him looking at her doing her yoga naked and invited him to join her. He gets naked himself and does some yoga exercises with her, which leads them to fucking each other.

He was enjoying a good jerk when he was startled by the sound of the shower curtain opening.

"Watch out, I'm coming in," said a voice from behind him.

"Mom?!" he cried out. "How did you get in here?"

"You left the door unlocked."

Alan cursed himself in his head for being so stupid about that.

"But why are you coming in the shower with me?"

"Sorry, sweetie, but I decided I really needed a shower as well," said Janice. "I figured you wouldn't mind since we did this before."

"That was a different situation," he told her.

"It won't be a problem. Just like before, we'll stay on own sides of the dual shower facing away from each other the whole time."

She turned on her side of the dual shower, and he could feel the warm water from that end splashing a little behind him.

"I, um..." he was at a loss for words. He had no idea how to get himself out of this situation.

"Just do what you were doing before I came in. Pretend I'm not even here."

Alan's dick was still fully erect. He thought the embarrassing situation of himself almost being caught jerking off would be enough to make the erection go away, but this time it wouldn't. Knowing that his naked mother was a few feet behind him made him very aroused. The first time they were in this position, he felt a little aroused, but he was able to control himself. But now, after weeks of fantasizing about her, he was not able to make this go away so easily.

He decided that he wasn't going to finish jerking off. He just didn't feel right, and he was afraid of getting caught. Instead, he went about his usual shower routine, hoping the erection would go away.

"As long as I'm here, you want to scrub each other's backs again?" Janice asked.

"Not sure that's a good idea."

"Why not? You said you enjoyed it last time, and so did I. And I could really use your big strong hands on me right now."

That conversation was only making things worse for him.

"Mom, I don't think that's a good idea right now," he said, nervously.

"Nonsense, it's a perfect time for this. I'll go first and get my hands on that strong back of yours."

"Mom, listen--"

"Or, should I use my hands on your front?" she said as she got closer to Alan, using a sultry voice.

"Wait, what?" he said, suddenly suspicious of how she said that.

His body tightened up as he could feel her pushing her body up against his back.

"I'm saying, let me help you jerk off that monster you have in your hands right now."

She reached around him and grabbed his dick. This startled him for a moment, and he turned around to face her. They were now face to-face and he could see her in her naked glory. She was smiling at him as the water from the shower splashed against her body and poured down her tits, which was as beautiful as he imagined them to be.

"How did you know what I was doing?" he asked.

"For starters, you already had a shower this morning and now you're taking another one in the middle of the afternoon."

"Oh," was all he could say about that.

"Also, I've known for some time now what you've been doing," said Janice. "You're not as discreet as you thought you were being.

"Oh," he said again. He was in such a shock right now that he found his vocabulary to be very limited.

"It wasn't my intention to get you interested in me like that when we had that shower. And I admit, I was a little disturbed by what you were doing when I figured it all out. But over time, I came to really enjoy the idea of being desired like this, even by my own son."

"Is that why you were doing yoga today?" Alan asked. "To get me aroused by you?"

"No, I really wanted to do yoga today," she said. "But I knew what was happening when I sensed you were looking at me in the living room and you suddenly wanted to take another shower. So, I thought it was the right time to finally join you."

She grabbed his dick and started stroking it.

"You're not the only one fantasizing about this, after all."

Alan didn't say anything. He just stood there and let his mother give him a hand job, smiling at him the whole time. He brought up his hands and grabbed her tits, relieved that she didn't push his hands away. He kneaded those beautiful mounds of flesh as she continued stroking him.

Janice herself was enjoying herself. She liked the way her son was feeling her up and how his dick felt in her hands. She never thought she would ever enjoy getting her son off like this, and she was enjoying every moment of it.

Alan took Janice by surprise when he lowered his head and kissed her hard on the mouth. She let go of his dick as they wrapped their arms around each other, kissing each other as if they were long-time lovers.

Janice pulled away from the embrace and got down on her knees. Her head was face-to-face with Alan's dick. She stroked it a little as she flicked the tip with her tongue while looking up at him. Alan was getting more excited by the second, and he was worried about blowing his load all over her face.

Janice opened her mouth wide and took her son's dick into her mouth. Her lips were sealed firmly around the shaft as her head bobbed back and forth. As she did this, she had one hand between her legs, fingering her pussy. Alan was looking down at this beautiful woman who was sucking him off. He never thought he would see his mother do something like this, especially for him. He felt like he was dreaming, but even in his own fantasies, it never felt this good. He was getting the best blowjob of his life, and it was coming from his mother, of all people.

She kept going and going, refusing to stop, even for a moment. She deep-throated him a few times, gagging on the dick. Not only did she know Alan would enjoy that, but she enjoyed doing this as well. The more she went down on him, the more she fingered herself. She gave herself a mild orgasm, which reverberated through her body and Alan could sense through the blowjob.

Eventually, it went on for so long that he was on the verge of exploding into her mouth.

"Mom, I'm going to cum," he warned her.

She heard him but was having too much fun of her own to stop. She figured she had enough time to go a little longer before he actually needed to finish. Usually, she just let a guy cum on face or tits her after a blowjob; she rarely swallowed. She figured she had time to stop and let him ejaculate in the shower, which would be a perfect place for it to happen since it would wash away very easily.

Alan gave her another warning, which she again ignored. He tried to hold back as best he could, but eventually he gave in and shot his load into her mouth. Janice stopped the blowjob as soon as she felt that warm ooze hit her tongue. She let him shoot every drop of cum into her mouth; she even helped by squeezing out whatever remained. The cum was tastier than she thought it might be, so instead of spitting it out into the drain, she swallowed it all. Alan stood there, amazed that his mother swallowed his cum so easily. He never had a woman do this for him before; they usually let him cum on their tits or they spit it out.

Janice stood up and they put their arms around each other.

"That was the best blowjob ever, mom," he told her.

"I'm glad you approved."

They kissed a little more before they decided to end the shower. The turned off both sides of the shower and left the tub at the same time, then dried themselves up with a couple of towels.

"What do we do now?" Alan asked.

"I guess we could get dressed and talk about what just happened," she replied. "Or we could just go to one of our bedrooms and continue what just happened."

"How about we continue it here?" said Alan.

He pointed out to the fact that he was getting another erection. Janice was impressed with how fast he was erect again. It had been a long time since she was with a man his age, she forgot how often they can keep going.

Janice made Alan sit on the toilet, which had the covers down. She then got on his lap facing him and lowered her pussy on to his dick, letting it slowly enter her body as she let out a loud moan of pleasure.

"That feels so good," said Alan, enjoying that first feeling of his dick being enveloped by his mother's pussy.

She started moving her pelvis around on his dick, and they both enjoyed the motions of their bodies interconnected in this way. Alan had his hands firmly placed on her ass cheeks, getting a good feel of them as she gyrated her pelvis around his dick. Her tits were right in his face; her erect nipples were begging him to suck on them. He couldn't resist the temptation as he grabbed her tits and started kissing them all over. Janice held his head to her breast as he sucked on one of her nipples, all while still gyrating on him.

She began to go faster, wanting to fuck her son harder. She was going so fast, Alan had to hold on to her tightly because he was afraid she was going to fall right off of him. She only froze for a moment, when she brought herself to orgasm and screamed so loudly that they were both afraid a neighbor might hear what they were doing.

When her orgasm subsided, Alan stood up while at the same time picking his mother up by her ass and his dick still inside of her. She held on to his shoulders and had her legs wrapped around him, not wanting to let go of their sexual embrace. He brought her to the double sink and got her to sit on the edge of the counter top. He started fucking her hard there, his dick pounding her pussy like a jackhammer on concrete.

"Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" She cried out.

"You want me to fuck you like the slut you are?" he shot back at her.

"Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me like the slutty whore mother that I am!" She replied.

Alan never heard such language from his mother. Then again, he never thought he'd be in this position with her.

Alan pulled out of her and made her turn around. He got her to bend forward on the sink, but not by much because of the mirror. He then made her spread her legs open, grabbed her by the hips and started fucking her from behind. He could see from his mother's face in the mirror how she was enjoying being taken from this position.

He went faster and harder on her pussy, giving her all of his best. He started spanking her ass a few times. She loved and begged for more, which he did at regular intervals.

"Pull my hair!" she cried out.


"I said pull your slut mommy's hair! I like that!"

He did as she asked. He grabbed a chunk of her still damp hair and pulled it back. She gave out a loud moan, and her smile got much bigger as he did this. He continued holding on to her hair as he fucked her hard and kept inadvertently yanking on her hair, giving her moments of pain. He didn't want to hurt his mother, but he saw how much she liked having her hair pulled in this position, so he kept going.

Soon, Janice screamed and her body spasmed as another orgasm surged through her body. Alan slowed down a little until he was sure it was all over, then continued to fuck her as hard as he did before.

He was on the verge of cumming again. He pulled out his dick and began jerking off, getting ready to cum on her back. Instead, Janice turned around to face him again and made him put his dick back into her.

"It's OK, sweetie. You can cum inside Mommy's pussy, I'm safe," she assured him. "I want to feel your cum flowing in me."

He started fucking her again, trying to hold back so he could get a few more minutes of pleasure with her. They looked into each other's eyes as Alan shot his load into her.

"That feels so good," she said softly.

He pulled out of her and sat on the countertop's edge next to his mother.

"Now what do we do?" she asked.

"We could take this to the bedroom now," Alan suggested.

Janice chuckled.

"I'm sure you can go again very soon, but I need a break."

They got dressed and left the bathroom together. They went to the kitchen, where Janice made them both coffee.

"But seriously, where do we go from here?" Alan asked.

"I think we have plenty of time to think about that," she said. "This has been wonderful, so let's just enjoy it for now and think about the future another day."

Alan agreed, and they continued to drink their coffee. When they were done, Janice stood up to take away their coffee cup. But before she knew what was happening, Alan stood up, grabbed her, and made her get on the edge of the table. He kissed her hard, and she could feel the bulge in his pants pressing up against her.

"Again?" she asked.

"Yes, again," he answered.

"Will we ever get to do this in the bedroom?" she said with a little laugh.

"We'll work our way up to that?"

It took them a week of wonderful sex with each other before they actually took it to the bedroom. The relationship went on and on for years. Even after they Alan moved away and they both got married to other people, they continued their secret affair. They both felt guilty about keeping that secret from their spouses, but they figured they were only cheating on them with each other and that would be their limit.

It wasn't until Alan began having children of his own that they decided to stop their affair. Janice thought it was best that Alan focused on his family then having his fun on the side with her; and she focused more on her marriage as well. But still, to this day, neither one of them could take a shower without thinking about each other.

The End.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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