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93.82% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3847: SHIPWRECKED WITH MOM AND ESTHER


Ben hadn't really wanted to go on the stupid cruise with his family in the first place. Maybe it's because he'd seen Titanic one too many times, but he didn't feel comfortable getting on a big ship and cruising around the ocean miles away from anything. He certainly wasn't excited to have a big chunk of his summer gone; away from his friends, his video games and that cute girl down the street that he was dying to ask out. This cruise was just bad timing! He was hoping that this would be the summer that he finally lost his virginity.

Ben's dad owned a string of car dealerships and had made millions. The family had never wanted for anything. His mother even had a personal assistant, or maid, as Ben liked to think of her. She mostly ran errands and helped his mother with paperwork, but she did some cleaning and cooking as well. She was nice enough and worked really hard, but she wasn't one of the sexy French maids, or statuesque personal assistants that you sometimes saw on the Playboy channel or in the movies.

Esther was her name, and she was a very dark skinned, short, plump older woman. She had full lips and a thick head of frizzy hair. Esther was also the proud owner of a pair of massive boobs that always seemed to be on the verge of bursting out of her blouses, bouncing around wildly as she hurried here and there. He had liked her even more recently, when she confided in him that she hated boats too.

Ben's mom was the opposite of Esther. She was a tall trophy wife and kept her toned body bronzed by tanning beds. She had long, blond hair and massive breast implants that made her boobs jut out from her chest like a couple of zeppelins, ready for take off. She was a little too top heavy, in Ben's opinion, always looking like she was going to topple over.

Ben had just turned eighteen; a few months after graduating high school. He would be off to a prestigious private college next year and was very excited to get out and see the world, and of course, all the college babes. All he had to do was survive this last family outing with his parents. Making this cruise worthwhile, was the thought that maybe just maybe, he could hook up with a girl and finally lose his virginity.

The first day of the cruise was uneventful. Ben managed to stay clear of his family mostly, and he only saw Esther once. She ran into him coming out of the gym, giving him a warm smile as he passed, promising to buy him a drink later as a graduation present. She was really the only member of his household that he was going to miss, in the fall. He really did like her.

As the day progressed, Ben even managed to meet a couple of girls that were actually going to the same college as he was, next year. Maybe this cruise wouldn't be so bad. Esther had indeed brought him that drink she promised him later that night and Ben fell asleep a little earlier than usual.

"Ben, open the door now!"

Ben sat up on his bed, groggy and confused. Was that someone at his door?

There was heavy knocking on his door. "Ben hurry! The ship is sinking!"

Ben heard THAT loud and clear. He sprang to his feet; images of the last minutes of the Titanic filling his mind! He raced around the cabin like a mad man, throwing on his shorts and tennis shoes, and then pulling open the door.

Outside his door in the crowded hallway, his father, mother, and a very shaken Esther, were huddled against the wall. Esther was crying, and his mother was trying to comfort her. Panicked passengers were hustling up and down the hallway.

"Ben, I want you to take your mother and Esther up to the deck and make sure that if worse comes to worse you, get them on a life boat," his father said, sternly. "It probably won't come to that. I'm going to go up to the bridge and see if I can be of some use up there and find out what's really happening." He squeezed his wife's shoulder in a gesture of reassurance, also giving Ben that manly nod that said we'll take care of the ladies no matter what.

Ben's father had been a captain in the coast guard and knew the captain of this cruise ship personally. He stormed off down the hall to make things right.

Ben led his mother and Esther through the crowded hall and to the upper decks. Once out in the open the grim situation came into view. The ship was listing to the port side. The ship was taking on water somehow and there was a massive storm approaching. Even in the darkness of night, Ben could see an even darker mass of clouds approaching fast.

There was an announcement on the intercom system: "Please return to your cabins...All passengers...please returns to your cabins until further notice..." The announcement repeated endlessly.

"Yeah, right," Ben muttered.

Ben was pretty sure that the same announcement had been made on the Titanic! He was out of his mind with fear but dared not show it in front of his mother and Esther. He had to be the strong one since his father wasn't with them. He took his family responsibility very seriously. He wanted to be just like his dad, when it came to handling situations.

As the minutes turned into hours, the ship started to lean even further to the port side. Now the rain had started and the ocean was getting choppy. Ben's father found them on the deck and beckoned them to follow him. When he had them alone near a row of life boats, he pulled out a key. "Listen, I'm going to put you down in one of the life boats. These things will float even upside down and full of water. There's something going on down in the engine room and...well, I'm worried. I want you off the boat. I don't give a fuck what anyone else says...something's seriously wrong and you'll all be safer in the water, right now."

"Dad?" Ben started, but his father cut him off.

"I'll be okay," is all he said.

Ben and his mother both knew better than to argue with him, and they climbed in the boat with Esther, pulling on their life preservers. The boat started to lower into the water. As the lifeboat slowly lowered down to the roiling sea below, there was a tremendous explosion, and the little life boat fell the remaining twenty feet into the water, nearly knocking all three of them into the ocean.

As soon as the boat hit the water, they realized the full extent of the storm as hell was unleashed upon them. Waves were washing over the side of the boat as it was tossed about violently. There was no time to think of anything except survival.

Ben had no idea how long they were tossed about in the storm. It felt like days. All he knew was that he had awakened on the boat with the sun shining down upon him. He was alive! He looked about in a panic for a moment until he saw that Esther was asleep next to his mother on the bottom of the boat. The three of them had made it. He realized that they weren't moving. They were too still.

Ben sat up and looked over the side of the boat. It had been washed ashore on a sandy white beach. The beach went on for a few hundred yards in each direction and was encased by dense jungle. There was nothing else; no other people, no wreckage.

Ben looked down at the two women he was shipwrecked with. They were both sprawled out on the bottom of the life boat, side by side. His mother seemed fine and was breathing steadily. He stared a second too long at her massive, heaving chest. She would be fine. She was a tough woman. He looked over at Esther, who seemed to have survived in one peace as well. Somehow, in the violent storm, her top had torn, revealing one of her massive boobs. She apparently hadn't had time to put on a bra last night. Despite the desperate situation he was in, he couldn't tear his gaze away from the maid. He had never seen a nipple so thick and dark, and long in his life. His cock twitched and he forced himself to look away.

"Ok... enough of that, you pervert," he said to himself. "I've got to look around for any other survivors."

Ben hopped out of the boat, leaving the two women to sleep some more, and walked the length of the beach, looking hard out to the ocean, and gathering up any driftwood he could find. He found a couple of newer pieces of wood that could have been from the ocean liner, but he couldn't be sure. There was really nothing else of any value or use.

After he gathered up the wood, bringing it up toward the tree line, he went through his own pockets, taking inventory. He had his pocket knife, a book of matches that were fairly dry, a pen, some useless scraps of paper and a couple of condoms. He had brought them along, hoping to get lucky on the cruise. "A lot of good these will do me here," he thought to himself. He took another look at the book of matches. It was from the bar that Esther had bought him the drink in, and it had the name and number of a cute coed he had met there. Esther had joked that the girl looked a lot like his mother. Ben shook his head and put his stuff back in his pockets. He wondered if she had made it.

He then went about gathering some large palm leaves for shelter or to sleep on. He wasn't exactly sure what he was going to do with them, but they always did that in the movies. He also found a few coconuts. That was good luck, he thought. Then he went back to the boat to wake the ladies up. He started with Esther first.

"Esther," he said gently, trying not to look at her exposed tit and failing. "Esther, wake up. It's all over. We're okay."

Esther slowly opened her eyes, looking up at Ben. She sat up gingerly and got to her feet, suddenly pulling her shirt across her chest as she caught Ben glancing down. Ben helped her out of the boat. "Sorry," Ben said, turning red.

"It's okay," Esther said with a half smile.

"Let's see if Mom's okay,"

Esther looked over the side of the boat as Ben climbed back in and went over to his mother, shaking her gently. "Mom," he said softly.

"What? Where?" she asked foggily, squinting up at him.

"Mom, it's okay. You, me and Esther...we're okay...we made it through the storm and washed up on this beach."

"Did anyone else make it?" she asked him, trying to sit up. She groaned at the effort.

"It doesn't look like it. There maybe other survivors somewhere else on this island, but I haven't seen or heard any signs yet."

"What about your father?" she asked him.

Ben shook his head. "I don't know. I really don't know. I think it's just the three of us for right now. I don't know where we are, but I've found us some wood and we have some matches and some coconuts for us to eat. We're going to be okay. Oh, and these...he said showing her some bottles of water that he had found on the life boat."

The three of them, gathered their meager supplies, found a nice spot, about fifty yards from the ocean, and sat down to ponder their fate. There had been a few items on the lifeboat that they were able to salvage besides the water like some extra life vests that they could use to sit on or as pillows and some blankets. There was a medical kit and some food, mostly protein bars. Ben's mom sat alone quietly looking out into the ocean as Ben organized the supplies. Esther didn't seem to be in any better shape...she hadn't moved or said a word since plopping down in the sand.

Later that evening, Ben somehow managed to light a small fire, and chop open a few of the coconuts with a rock. He spread out some palm leaves on the sand for them and the all fell asleep huddled together.

During the night Ben awoke from an amazing dream that turned into a real sensation on his groin. He had somehow snuggled up behind Esther in the night, and had his hand around her, resting on one of her massive boobs! One of Esther's hands was behind her touching his crotch. She seemed to be sound asleep, but her hand was massaging his growing bulge. It was too much for him to take. He had been extremely horny on the cruise. It had been building up before the cruise. All he had been able to think about was girls.

Ben got up listening to his mom and Esther's breathing, and walked into the woods a little bit yanking down his shorts when he thought he was far enough away. He pulled out his erect, throbbing cock and started to stroke it. He had to get some relief. He couldn't remember the last time he had been this horny. He couldn't believe that Esther had gotten him so worked up. He had to admit that seeing her nipple today had really gotten to him and feeling her huge boob in his hand moments earlier was amazing. He had never thought of Esther in a sexual way before today and now he couldn't get her out of his mind. It was her, he thought of has he pumped his hand up and down his shaft.

"Oh yeah... that's right Esther suck my cock," he said has he masturbated. He really was imagining Esther's thick lips wrapped around his cock. "Oh...yeah... That's it!" He groaned has he pumped a colossal load of sperm out of his cock and onto the jungle floor. He kept stroking his cock until his balls were empty.

He suddenly had the feeling that he was not alone. He looked around quickly, and then, crouching around the trees, not ten feet away, he saw Esther staring at his cock. Was that a smile on her lips? They locked eyes for a second. "I'm sorry," He said softly, devastatingly embarrassed.

Esther shook her head and replied. "It's ok." Then she left him alone with his deflated cock in his hand.

Ben's mind was swirling. Esther had just caught him masturbating and seemed to enjoy it. Did that mean that she really wasn't asleep when she was massaging his crotch? He was pretty sure she wouldn't tell his mother, but he was still worried about it. He needed to be the leader here. Their survival depended on him, and he was nothing but a pervert.

Ben decided that he had too many more important things to worry about besides Esther, and went back to their little camp, sleeping well apart from the two women for the rest of the night.

The next morning, the sun shone brightly and the birds were singing. Ben sat up, enjoying easy morning sun. He stood up to see his mother and Esther standing by the ocean. They both seemed to be in better spirits and had fashioned their clothes to better suit the new climate.

Ben's mother had torn her sleeves off and had ripped apart the top, front of her blouse so that it wasn't so hot and her skin could breathe. She had discarded her bra and her nipples were clearly visible under the fabric. She had also used Ben's pocketknife to cut her dress pants into shorts! She was the perfect figure of a supermodel stranded on a beach, except with much, much larger breasts and fuller lips. Ben figured he could handle his mom like this for the next couple of days, but probably not too much longer than that! "Fucking pervert," Ben muttered to himself.

The ladies had configured Esther's torn shirt into a sort of halter top. It did the job of covering up her breasts, but it hugged them tightly, and they jiggled and bounced obscenely every time she moved. She was still wearing the medium length skirt that she had thrown on last night. It was thin fabric and barely covered up her full, round ass.

Ben contemplated his situation for a second as the two ladies walked back towards him. He was shipwrecked on a desert island with two women. One was tall and model like, with huge fake boobs and the other was plump and naturally curvy with the two biggest boobs he had ever seen. It was too bad that one was his mother and the other his housekeeper or he might have enjoyed his predicament a little bit.

Usually Ben was attracted to, and dated petite, slim, athletic girls. He was having a hard time understanding why his cock was responding to his new companions, especially Esther. But every time her boobs bounced and jiggled his cock started to stiffen. He was really glad that his cargo shorts were fairly loose fitting and that they would be rescued soon. He couldn't take much more of this.

"Good morning, baby," Ben's mother said, giving him tight hug, mashing her giant boobs against him. "I'm so glad you're here to protect us and I'm so thankful that we're okay. I'm sure your father's okay and I'm sure we'll be rescued soon. Thank you again, baby." She went about getting them a power bar and bottle of water for their breakfast.

Esther walked past Ben, giving him a coy smile. "Good morning," she said.

"Good morning...um...look about..."

"Don't worry. Come on, let's help your mom,"

Halfway through the first full day on the island, Ben's mother had discovered a fresh water stream only about 200 feet into the jungle. Ben had discovered a clearing up a small hill as well, that afforded them a little bit more safety and shelter. They moved camp up there. Ben was able to contain himself and Esther never said another word about what she had witnessed their first night.

By the third day, the three of them were actually starting to get a little bit comfortable and into a daily routine. They had taken apart some of the boat to help with their new shelter. Ben had fashioned a spear and caught several fish for them that evening. It was quite a feast compared to the usual fare of coconuts. Esther had cleaned and cooked them.

On the fourth night on the island, Ben's mother was tired and went to sleep early. As she lay there softly snoring, Ben and Esther walked out to the beach together and stood by the ocean. "Ben? Can I ask you something personal?"

"Sure." Ben answered a little hesitantly. He was afraid she was going to ask him about his masturbation scene. He was right.

"Remember our first night here? When I saw you in the clearing?" she asked him.

"Yes. It was...I just...it was the stress. I'm really sorry. It won't happen again. I promise," he blubbered.

"Don't be embarrassed, Ben. I told you I understood. I just need you to answer me very honestly here. I heard you saying my name while you masturbated. Were you really thinking about me? I mean did I turn you on that much?"

"Uh...Yes," Ben stuttered, answering her honestly for some reason. He had really meant to lie.

Esther smiled over at him, reaching over for his hand. "You just made an old lady feel really good. You know that?"

Ben shook his head. He didn't really know that. "Really?"

"Yes," She told him, leaning her head up and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Do these turn you on, Ben?" She said, sliding her top off of her shoulders and letting the full majesty of her heavy, breasts fall into his view.


Esther's thick, brown Nipples pointed at him, invitingly.

"Wow," he said again, staring at them.

Esther grasped both of his hands and placed them on her boobs. He kneaded her massive breasts roughly. She let out a moan of pleasure. Ben lowered his head and sucked a thick nipple into his mouth, sucking on it hard. "Oh fuck!" Esther yelled.

Ben was all over her breasts now, devouring them and biting her long rubbery nipples like a man possessed. He hefted her breasts in his hands, loving the weight of them. They were massive, and so full and heavy. Esther was dripping wet by the time Ben pulled away from her.

Esther dropped to her knees and pulled down Ben's zipper, and unsnapped the button. She yanked his shorts all the way down his legs, and his cock sprang into view. He hadn't had time to put any underwear on, in the rush to exit the ship.

Esther slowly stroked his cock with her hands as she looked up into Ben's eyes. "You have such a big, wonderful cock," She told him. She leaned forward and it disappeared between her thick lips. Ben almost lost his balance and would have fallen back if not for Esther's strong hands on his ass. Esther was forcing more of his cock meat into her mouth and down her throat, moaning and drooling around his shaft as she sucked him deeper.

Ben couldn't believe how good this felt! He'd only had one other blowjob in his life and it was nothing like this. He groaned in pleasure as his cock head slid into her throat.

Ben was loosing his mind. This older woman knew what she was doing and seemed to be enjoying this almost as much as he was! Ben bucked his hips into her mouth and Esther kept pace with him. He wasn't going to last much longer and told her so. She pulled her lips off of his cock just long enough to tell him to cum in her mouth. Within seconds he was erupting in her mouth and she was swallowing all of it. Not one drop escaped her talented mouth.

After Ben had cum, Esther gave him one last powerful suck and then pushed him back onto the sand.


Esther locked eyes with him. "Delicious, baby....but I'm not done...You ain't done yet..." She leaned forward, clamping her mouth onto his semi hard cock again. She bobbed her head up and down, sucking him like a vacuum; hoping to get him hard enough again. She needed a good hard fuck tonight and she was going to get it.

Ben's cock came back to life, and after another minute of her oral expertise, he was hard enough to ride. Esther hiked up her skirt, crawled up his body and straddled Ben. She reached back, grabbing his cock, aiming it at her entrance, and lowered herself onto him slowly until he was all the way inside her pussy. Then she started to fuck him like she meant it. Ben was a virgin no longer.

Esther was bucking wildly on his cock. They way she rolled her hips and grinded onto him was getting Ben to the boiling point again. He grabbed Esther's shoulders and pulled her closer. Her heavy breasts hanging against his face, he took one of her nipples into his mouth again. This put Esther over the edge and she muffled a screamed as her body shook in a powerful orgasm. Ben pumped his second load of semen of the night into Esther; this time deep within her pussy. She collapsed on top of him.

They lay together in the moonlit beach for some time, listening to the waves lap at the beach. "Ben you're an amazing lover. Promise me I'll have you again before we're rescued?"

"You bet!" Ben responded enthusiastically.

"Have you ever been with a black girl?"

"No...you're...I mean...I've never been with any girl,"

"Oh shit!" she said lifting up her head. "I took your virginity!"

"Yeah, I guess you did,"

"I'm sorry...I know you didn't want a washed up old..."

"Shhh," Ben said, pulling her down and kissing Esther on those full, soft, amazing lips. She kissed him back hard, moaning against him. "I'm glad I lost it to you."

"I wish I would have known you liked big black girls sooner," she giggled.

As they got dressed and shared another passionate kiss under the moon, neither of them saw Ben's mother crouching there, watching them. She quietly crept back to camp and pretended to be asleep before they arrived.

Ben's parents had been married for twenty-five years. Their marriage was far from perfect and they hadn't been intimate in years. This cruise was supposed to be a last effort to put a spark back in the marriage. His mother's boob job was all for him. She supposed that none of that mattered anymore as she lay there quietly crying, trying to get the thought of her son and her maid rutting like wild animals on the beach. That was supposed to be her fate this trip, with her husband.

Becky, Ben's mom, had been a very sexual woman until recently. Ten years ago she had some medical problems that made it impossible for her to have vaginal sex. With the help of her husband she had learned to love and enjoy anal sex more than she had ever enjoyed "normal" sex. She was a rare woman who was able to orgasm from anal sex. With her husband gone, perhaps forever, she was afraid that she would never be able to have that again. Didn't most men think that was dirty?

Even worse, she had just witnessed her son having sex with Esther, their maid! The whole world was crazy. On top of that they hadn't been rescued yet. How long would they be trapped on this island together? Forever?

Ben and Esther snuck back to camp moments later. Becky could hear them getting settled. She listened to them and finally fell asleep again.

Becky was awakened in the middle of the night by a noise. It sounded like a shriek. She rolled over not seeing the other two castaways anywhere. Were they okay? They couldn't be at it again? She had to put a stop to this. Esther was more than twice her son's age. It just wasn't right. She jumped up and made her way into the jungle.

She could still hear, what sounded like, muffled screams, as she made her way through the jungle. There was no mistaking it now, as she got closer. She could hear grunting. It was the sound of two adults fucking. Becky was furious! She didn't know if she was angrier because it wasn't her, or because it was Esther and her son? The sounds were getting louder and louder as Becky approached a clearing. She could hear the wet, sloppy sounds of sex and grunting. She couldn't take it anymore.

She came to a clearing in the jungle that she had never been to before. There, out in the open under the bright full moon, was her naked son fucking Esther. She was on her hands and knees and he was fucking her furiously from behind. They were both grunting as he slammed into her wide ass from behind. Esther's massive tits were swinging wildly underneath her and she was bucking her thick hips back to meet Ben's thrusts. Ben had hold of her fat hips as he fucked her hard from behind.

"I love it, Ben!" she called out to him. "Fuck! God that feels good...Ung!"

Ben reached around, grabbing onto one giant boob in each hand as he continued to fuck Esther hard. Becky could hear his cock thrusting in and out of her with wet slapping sounds. Esther froze for a second and started to shake as she screamed out in orgasm. Ben continued to pound into her for a few minutes afterward.

He then pulled his impressive cock out of Esther and sat back onto the ground. "That was great," He told her. "But I think you're too wet to make me cum."

"I think I have a solution," she said.

Esther turned around to face Ben, and crawled over to him. Plunging her head into his lap, she wrapped her full lips around his cock again, sucking him deep into her mouth. She worked her lips all the way down to the base of his cock and then all the way back up to the tip, licking the underside of his shaft as she did. Ben pulled back from her until his cock slipped out of Esther's wet mouth. He shot his load all over her face. Rope after rope, of semen, splattered across her dark face, until it was coated with it. It was dripping down her cheeks and onto the jungle floor.

Becky cleared her throat and stepped into the clearing. "I saw the whole thing!" She yelled. "I saw your little display down on the beach too! Esther, how could you? He's my son!...and Ben? What the fuck is wrong with you two!?"

Nobody moved after the accusation. They, all three, stared at each other. Ben tried to conceal his cock but his hands were too small. Esther had the same problem with her boobs. She could have used six pairs of hands! But there was really no hiding what they had been doing and it was way too late to hide anything now. She started to wipe the cum off of her face with the back of her hand.

"Are we going to be trapped here forever?" Becky asked out loud. "Have we been reduced to animals? Is this what happens to people like us? Is everything lost?" Becky broke down and started to sob.

Esther and Ben, both got up and walked over to her, both taking an arm and all three of them walked back to their campsite. No one said a word and they all slept on different sides of the camp that night. Ben had never felt so ashamed in his life.

The next day they went about their business without a word to each other. Not even Ben or Esther talked to each other. Ben went about catching more fish, his mother went about getting more water and finding more coconuts and nuts and Esther worked on their shelter.

As the days passed, the silence lifted, and they started to talk to each other again. Nobody bought up the sexual transgressions and Ben and Esther kept their distance from each other. Ben had found some secluded places deep into the jungle where he could masturbate two or three times a day in privacy. He was able to control himself. He felt good about the situation again.

The island life was good for Ben's body. He had lost all of his extra fat and was starting to become muscular from all the protein and hard work. Both his mother and Esther were taking notice. The attention was not lost on Ben either. The bad thing was that the island life was taking a toll on what little clothes they had. Ben was wearing holes in his shorts and t-shirt. He went around a lot with out his t-shirt on. Esther's skirt was holding up well but her top was not. She had used the fabric from Becky's sleeves to hold it together but on more than one occasion her breasts had broken free, much to Ben's delight! She was the sole object of his masturbation fantasies now. It seemed that with each day Ben's mother's shirt was becoming more transparent and smaller as well.

It was now going on three weeks since Ben's mother had caught them fucking and Ben was starting to have a hard time with their situation again. He had to go masturbate more and more each day and found himself getting hard at inappropriate times. His mother knew what her son was up to, when he went out into the jungle, but didn't know how to help him. She thought about giving her blessing for him and Esther rut again, as long as it was out of her view and hearing range. She was going to have a talk with him the next day. After all what if they never got rescued?

Ben was having more serious issues now, though. One day by the stream, out side of the camp, he had seen his mother washing her clothes. She was completely naked. It was the first time he had seen her completely naked. Her fake boobs were gigantic! He had only seen tits like that on porn films. His mother actually resembled one as she washed her shirt and pants in the little stream.

Ben was shocked as his mother went down on her hands and knees beside the stream and reached around and inserted a finger in her asshole! His mother then inserted a second and a third finger and started moaning as she finger fucked her anus. Within minutes, she threw her head back as she grunted and moaned in orgasm with her fingers still deep in her rectum. Ben retreated back into the jungle. He wondered if Esther ever masturbated. Now, he was sure that she must.

Since that day his masturbation sessions had been more intense. His mother was the star of many of his sexual dreams and thoughts. Not only did his mother masturbate but also she liked anal sex? Esther still had a place in his wet dreams too, though. The way her giant mounds strained against her top was starting to drive him nuts again. They hadn't been together since the night his mother caught them. He wondered if Esther was as horny as he was. Masturbation wasn't enough any more. He needed to have sex.

The rainy season was starting and the nights were getting colder. Ben figured it was the rainy season, because, well it rained almost every night. Luckily they had build up a pretty good shelter under some of the bigger trees and stayed mostly dry. The three castaways started to huddle up at night again, to keep warm. Ben would sleep with his crotch away from the ladies, placing a couple of life vests between them, and that was working out pretty well for him.

The next day was by far the worst storm they had endured. The rain and wind were intense and would not let up. They were stuck in the camp all day. When night came the ground was still damp and the temperature had really dipped. The three castaways slept together in a tight bundle. There was no other way to keep warm. The matches had long since been used up and they had no way to make fire.

Ben had many amazing dreams that night. He dreamed that his mother had offered her ass to him and he couldn't refuse her. He dreamed that he was sliding his cock up and down the crack of her ass. He dreamed that Esther had covered his dick with her saliva so that he would have some lubricant for his mother. He dreamed that Esther grabbed his cock and...

Ben woke up with a start! He had been sleeping right next to his mother who had her back to him and in turn Esther had her back to Becky. Ben's cock had escaped his tattered shorts, and was pressed tight against his mother ass, resting right in her anal crevice. Ben's right hand was squeezing one of his mother's huge fake boobs. He had never touched them before, or any fake boob for that matter.

The feeling was incredible. It was still fairly soft and pliable, but much firmer than Esther's large heavy breasts. He was enthralled now more than ever with her giant boobs. His pent up sexual frustration from the day was more than he could take. He was over the edge. He knew what he was about to do was wrong but he was a grown man on a desert island with two women and no rescue in sight. He was crazy with lust, god help him.

He was going to have is mother's ass tonight right here and right now and nothing was going to stop him. He quietly pulled off his shorts. The cool night air didn't bother him now at all. His mother's shorts had ripped earlier today and her attempt at fixing them had failed miserably. She had made a skirt out of her sweater and that was what she was sleeping in tonight and why his cock had made contact with her ass.

He checked his mother's breathing. She was still asleep and breathing steadily. Ben spit into his hand. He slid closer to his mother and carefully started to circle his index finger around her anus. He didn't want to wake her just yet.

He slowly pushed it into her, up to the second knuckle. She moaned in her sleep and pushed her ass back towards him. He let his finger settle there for a moment, and then he pushed his finger in all the way. She wasn't as tight as he had expected. Maybe she had anal sex a lot more than he thought? Her breath quickened a little but she didn't wake up. She was pushing her ass back harder now.

Next Ben pulled that finger almost all the way out, spitting into his hand again and inserted a second finger slowly like the first one, working them gently until he had both of them all the way in. Ben was rock hard, this was hot as fuck! He had two fingers in his mother's ass. Again her breath quickened and he thought he heard a moan but she didn't awaken. She was bucking her hips back towards him rhythmically.

Ben was now ready to go for broke. He spit into his hand once more and made sure his cock was covered with saliva. It was dripping off his cock and onto the blanket. He slowly pulled his fingers out, and he pushed his cock head at the opening of her rectum. He started to push in just a little. The head of his cock broke the ring of her anus and entered, half an inch. He paused there to see her reaction. Her breathing quickened but she was still asleep!

Becky was having the most wonderful dream. Her husband was finally interested in her again. He was playing with her wonderful, new breasts. He was squeezing them and couldn't take his hands off of her. Then he told her to bend over. He was going to fuck her in the ass just the way she liked it; hard and fast! She moaned as he started to play with her ass with his fingers. She loved that. Then he had two fingers inside her ass. She dreamed that her husband had started to slide his cock into her asshole!

Ben started to push more of his cock into his mother's anus. He had half of his cock in her. He pulled out just a little bit and then started to slide it in more. He continued these slow deliberate movements until he had his entire cock deep in his mother's ass.

Becky woke up to the sensation of a cock sliding into her ass! "Oh fuck I need that! Get it all the way in...fuck!" she yelled. She turned a little, so that she was more on her knees and her ass was raised in the air.

Ben, not being one to disobey his mother, obliged and pushed his cock all the way into her ass. He mother grunted in approval and Ben started to fuck her.

"Wait..." Becky, croaked breathlessly as she got fully onto her hands and knees giving her lover better access to her ass. "Oh! Fuck me! Uh...Fuck me!" she screamed as Ben drove into her again and again.

Esther woke up and rolled out of the way. She stood up for a better view. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Ben was fucking Becky, his own mother, in the ass right in front of her!

Esther had been having almost as hard a time as Ben as of late. She had actually been planning on seducing her young, white lover again the next day if she got a chance. She was so fucking horny. She had a finger in her pussy as she watched the scene in front of her.

"Fuck, mom!" Ben cried out. The pleasure was too intense. Her ass was so tight around his cock.

Becky was still foggy from her sleep and only when she heard Ben's voice yell how good it felt, did she realize that he was the one fucking her. He was the only one that could be fucking her.

It was too late to stop it though. She was so close to cumming. She didn't care. This was the best ass fuck she had ever had, and she wasn't going to let him stop. "Keep fucking me harder baby. I needed you so bad ever since I saw you and Esther going at it on the beach. Fuck me hard Ben, and make me cum!" She yelled.

Ben was thrusting his cock to the hilt in his mom's ass. His cock would almost pop out of her anus, before he would drive deep inside her again. Becky grunted Ben's name loudly every time he rammed his cock back inside her. She was bucking her hips back to meet every thrust of his cock. "Keep fucking me baby! Make me cum!" She squealed.

Ben was driving into her like a jackhammer, fast and hard. His mother screamed as she came! "Oh God!" Her whole body quivered and she collapsed forward onto her enormous boobs. Her arms were spread out on her sides, and her cheek was against the ground. "Oh god, I can't move. Fuck!" She just lay, sprawled there, whimpering in ecstasy.

Ben still hadn't cum and his cock was throbbing.

Becky rolled over onto her back at last, leaving two craters in the sand where her massive tits had been.

Ben's cock pulsed menacingly and he looked about crazily. Fucking his mother in the ass had been amazing but he needed to cum! His erection was painful. "I need to cum," he croaked, nearly blind with lust.

"Ben. Over here!" Esther lay back on the ground and motioned him over. She was offering to have him fuck her, but her position on the ground was all wrong and Ben stumbled over to her facing the wrong way. He collapsed in the sand at her head, straddling her face, with his cock pointing down at her giant boobs.

Esther immediately sucked one of his full balls into her mouth, as she wrapped her big, floppy tits around his cock, stroking it with them. She sucked first one ball and then the other into her mouth as she moved her tits up and down his cock. Ben was way over the edge and came within a few seconds of this. "Uhhhnnn...."

Esther could feel his balls pulsate against her lips as he shot his load between her boobs. Cum pooled in the valley between her tits and onto her soft plump belly. Ben rolled off of her, finally spent and looked back at Esther.

She was scooping his cum off her stomach with her fingers and sucking it into her mouth. She kept working on it until she had eaten all of his sperm. "Can't waste the protein," she said laughing.

Ben looked over at his mother and she was lying there smiling at him. "Baby... that was so hot. I'm sorry I reacted that way to you and Esther when we first got here. I forgot that you are a man now, with needs. We all have needs. We need to do what ever it takes to survive, even if that means doing each other."

The next day, Esther and Becky took turns taking care of Ben. Esther gave him a good morning blow job, his mother gave him her ass at noon and Esther fucked him in the ocean after dinner. They slept together, with Ben in the middle. Neither lady got jealous of each other. They both knew that Ben loved them equally and had more than enough cock to satisfy them both. The weeks turned into months, and Esther woke them early one morning. "We need to talk."

Ben and his mother sat up.

"What is it," Ben said. Esther had been distant the past few days and hadn't been her usual lusty self.

"I've been keeping something from you both. I wanted to be sure, before I shared it with you."

"Are you sick," Becky asked, alarmed.

"Yeah, I was this morning," she replied.

"Maybe we shouldn't have eaten that eel?" Ben replied.

"It wasn't THAT eel and I've been sick every morning,"

"Oh my God!" Ben's mother gasped.

Ben still didn't get it.

"I'm pregnant," she said softly, looking over at Ben. "I guess you can still get pregnant at forty two."

"We'll take care of you," Becky said, meaning it.

"I'll take care of you," Ben corrected. "I'll marry you."

Before Esther could respond, there was a loud flapping noise that drowned out their conversation. It was a helicopter.

Becky and Esther grabbed blankets, wrapping themselves in them. Ben still had his shorts on. He jumped up, waving at it. It circled back towards them, having seen them. They were rescued.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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