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93.39% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3829: MY NIECE COMES TO STAY


t broke my heart when my brother Angus and his wife Carol died in that car crash. I was at home when I got the phone call, my elderly mother sobbing on the other end of the line, almost incomprehensible with grief. I went numb. They were gone.

I felt so terrible. He was my older brother by five years and I had always looked up to him. We were not in contact much these past years, him staying in our home town out west and myself and my wife having moved to a big city in the East.

Still, we would talk on the phone every few months and every couple of years one of us would make the trek across the country for a visit. In fact he was due to bring his wife and 18 year old daughter, Miley, to stay at my place in a few months. With the Pandemic, it had been three years since I had seen them in person.

It had been sudden. The two of them were traveling down one of the narrow two lane highways around our home town and, coming around the bend, had hit a semi truck head on. The driver of the truck had dozed off and let his rig wander over the line.

I spent the next few days preparing, as best I could over the phone, arrangements for the funeral. My father had died years ago and my mother lived in a long term care facility. She was in ok shape but setting this all up was beyond her at this time.

With his wife passed on I was executor of his will, but I knew Angus and knew that he would have had everything arranged. The major issue was his daughter.

Miley was 18 years old, and had recently graduated from high school. She was primed to go to a university out west, but obviously things were complicated now.

"Wait," my wife, Allie, said one evening after I had hung up the phone after talking to a funeral home. "Who is Miley's godparents? Is it us?"

I thought for a moment.

"Yeah," I said. "I think we are. I haven't thought about that in a long time."

"Do you know what that means?" Allie asked me.

"I think we were supposed to guide her in her way to god or something? I guess we never did much of that."

"Well yeah," she said. "But it also means that if something happened to the both of them, we are responsible for her. Like we are supposed to take care of her."

"Really?" I asked. "I was like, 25 when she was born. We had just gotten married. You were, what? 23? What were they doing leaving us responsible?"

"I don't know," Allie said and looked down at her hands where she had them clasped on the table in front of her. "I think...maybe we should ask her if she wants to come stay with us. If she wants. For the time being."

"Really?" I asked. It had not occurred to me. I knew that Miley was staying with family friends at the moment, and school and housing would be paid for by a trust her father had set up. It was early July and she had just graduated.

I looked at Allie. We had never had children of our own. When she was a teen she had gotten in a bad accident that almost killed her. She obviously survived but her reproductive system had been destroyed. We knew that going into our relationship and had decided that if we wanted kids we would adopt.

The time had never seemed right. We were both successful in our careers and enjoyed our lives. Now that I was 43 and she was 41 we knew that we were not going to anything about that.

"Would you want that? I don't know if she would want to move here, but even if she did, would you want that?" I asked.

Allie looked around the room. We had a nice house in a neighborhood just off of downtown. She was a lawyer and I did management consulting for a big firm. We had plenty of money and had paid over a million dollars for the house. It's all relative, of course. In my home town a house like this might cost you 100,000. Here you paid for living in the big city.

"This place has always been too big for the two of us. Four bedrooms. What do we need that for? It might be nice to have someone else around. And I feel so bad for her. She has gone through so much loss. I want to help her out."

I could not argue. I nodded.

"I'll talk to her," I said. "I'll see what she wants to do with her life. She's an adult now."

"Ok. Try to convince her. For the summer at least. I think its for the best."

The next day I gave Miley a call.

"Hey, Uncle Eric," she said when she answered.

"Hey, Miley," I said, a bit unsure how to speak to a young woman who was going through what she was. "How are you holding up?"

"Oh," she said, her voice quiet, "you know. I'm getting through. The Smiths are being very kind. I'm looking forward to see you and Auntie Allie."

"We are both looking forward to seeing you too," I promised. "We will be there tomorrow. Look, we have been talking and we were wondering, and no pressure if this doesn't sound good to you, but...how would you like to come back to the city here with us? To stay for a while?"

There was silence on the phone for a few moments. I realized that I could hear her quietly weeping on the other end of the line.

"Oh, shit," I said, starting to panic. "Don't cry! I'm sorry! You don't have to at all! I'm sorry I mentioned it."

"It's not that," she said, through her tears. "It's, I mean, yes. I'd love that. I was hoping you would say that but I was afraid to ask!"

"Oh, Miley, sweetheart," I said. "You don't need to be afraid to ask me anything! I promise that me and my aunt will be there for anything you need or want! We can figure anything out. School, whatever. But we have the space and a room for you here. For as long as you would like."

"I can't wait to see you in person and thank you!" She said. I was smiling. It looked like it was all going to work out.

Allie was delighted with the news. She gave me a big hug and a kiss.

"This will be great," she promised. "It'll be a bit like we have our own daughter!"

"Be careful," I warned her. "She just lost her parents. We don't want to seem like we are trying to replace them."

"Of course!" Allie exclaimed. "Let's finish getting ready."


We left very early and arrived late in the afternoon. I had rented a car and we drove out to the small town I was born and raised in.

It was always strange, returning to my home town. It was a pretty little village, surrounded by forests and farmlands. I could pick out farm fields that we passed that I had worked on as a young man, before leaving to go to school.

I had hated it there. I was always bored and did not really fit in. I read books, loved movies and the theatre and made art. The other people around me either regarded me as some kind of weird joke or tried to bully me.

Angus protected me from the worst. He always looked out for me. He would fight anyone who tried to harm me, and his size and popularity set him apart and above most others in town.

Angus never left. He got a college degree and went to work for one of the grain elevators, buying and selling grain. He made a nice life for himself, but not one I could have ever done myself.

Finally we arrived at the home he had built for his family. It was large, much larger than my own, and I remembered several happy Christmases that we had all spent there, Allie and I having traveled to join his family.

The long looped driveway was full of cars. I knew that Angus had been popular around town so the house was flooded with cousins and friends.

I parked and made my way into the crowds in Angus' house. I nodded to the few people I recognized but was searching the room for Miley. I couldn't seem to spot her.

Allie saw her first and left my side and crossed towards her. My niece was standing by a wall, a cup of coffee in her hand, talking to some old woman. Allie interrupted them and caught her up in a hug.

It was no surprise that I had not recognized my niece. The last time I had seen her she was 15. She had been rail thin, with wire framed glasses and braces. She had been vivacious and talked a lot. She had, it seemed, grown up into a woman in the three short years that had passed.

I could not help but compare my wife and her when they stood side by side. Allie had always been a beautiful woman. She was tall and thin. She had been on the swim team in high school and still swam laps every morning at the local pool before work. She was wearing a simple black dress. It was shapeless, but fell perfectly around her on the way that only an expensive designer dress can. I knew, from long experience, that under that dress she had an athletic body with small, b-cup breasts.

Allie never wore much makeup, having a naturally pretty face, so she looked, as always very fresh and natural. Her hair was black, with a few streaks of silver that she refused to dye away. It was straight and thick and fell past her shoulders when she did not have it done up in a bun like she did today.

While she was 41, she looked ten years younger than that. She looked like the cool, urban, professional lady she was.

Miley, on the other hand, made me stop and stare for a moment. She had always been a cute kid, but somehow she had blossomed into a beautiful young woman.

She was wearing a black dress that came down to her knees. It was very respectful, almost drab, but it could do nothing to hide how she had grown up. Her waist was small, but her hips were wide, and the skirt did not obscure the roundness of her ass. Above the trim waist was a set of tits that must have been stupendous. Even in that dress they were clearly very large. Her face was no longer that of a child. Her braces were gone, and her wire framed glasses had been replaced with stylish ones with thick black rims. Her face was oval, with slightly plump cheeks. She was wearing minimal makeup, but her lips were still plump. Her nose was small and slightly turned up. Her eyes were blue like mine and her father's and her hair was a honey blond that fell to her shoulders in waves.

I felt guilty eyeing her up. Even if she had not had this tragedy happen to her, she was my niece! But nothing could stop me from noticing how sexy she had become. I shook my head, clearing it, and she made eye contact with me.

She smiled and crossed the room towards me. My wife followed, but I only had eyes for Miley. She opened her arms and I brought her in for a hug. She seemed to melt into me, pressing herself hard against me. I was a monster, I felt, but I could not help but enjoy the feeling of her large breasts pressed against my chest.

"It's so good to see you, Uncle Eric!" she said, not breaking the hug, but looking up at me. Her eyes were the colour of the sky on a hot summer day. I could imagine many men would get lost in them.

"You too, Miley. I'm so sorry for everything," I said, finally breaking the hug. "This... this sucks."

"I know," she said, "but it is better that you are here. Auntie Allie too. She stepped away from me and looked me up and down. "You look good in a suit, at least."

I chuckled. Despite being 43, I had kept myself in pretty good shape. I ran most days, and went to the gym two or three times a week. At 5'10 I was three inches or so taller than Miley in heels, putting her at something like 5'5 or '56. My blond hair was a bit thinner than it had been in my youth but I was far from bald, and I kept it trim, visiting my barber twice a month. I had a full beard that had developed a streak of grey in it. My eyes were the same blue as Miley's, with some faint crows feet etching the skin around them. I knew that I looked pretty good, especially for my age. I was wearing one of the suits I wore when I had to meet my clients.

"Thanks," I said. "But any guy looks good in a suit. That's what they are designed to do."

I left Miley with Allie and began to work the room, saying hi to family and acquaintances from the past. My mother was there as well, in a wheelchair and her caretaker beside her. It was a long, exhausting day, and I knew the funeral the next day was going to be worse.

That night we were laying in the guest bedroom of my brother's house, Allie cuddled up to me. Her head was on my chest, her body pressed against mine.

She was wearing a large tee shirt and I was shirtless, with only pajama pants on.

"Tough day?" she asked me, running her fingers over my chest.

"Yeah," I said. "One of the worst, actually."

She was quiet for a while.

"So," she said, finally, "Miley. She's... grown up, hasn't she?"

I nodded.

"Nothing like the kid we saw last time. Must be tough for her, going through this at her age."

"Yeah," she said. "True. But I meant...physically. She has really grown."

I frowned. Did Allie see me looking at my niece? Was I in some kind of trouble? I was not in the mood for that.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She's not a kid anymore. I mean, did you not see..." she reached up and held one of her own breasts in her hand. "These? I mean, wow."

"She's my niece," I reminded my wife, unsure what was happening.

"I know that," Allie said. "But how could you not notice? A blind monk on the moon would be able to see that she has a great rack. She needs some better clothes, but wow."

I finally could not help but chuckle.

"Ok," I admitted. "Yeah. She has grown up. It happens. Not really appropriate for us to be talking about it though."

My wife rolled her eyes.

"Whatever," she said. "We are only talking. Noticing."

She looked up at me.

"I know it's been a tough day, but..." she bit her lip. "Do you want me to try and make it better?"

Allie and I had always had a good sex life, though time and familiarity had taken its toll. We had been wild in the early years, fucking at least once a day, unable to keep our hands off of one another, even in public. These days we made love once a week at best. It was never bad, but it had become slightly predictable.

My sex drive, however had never faltered and I found myself jerking off at least once a day.

Her offering here, now, was a bit of a surprise, but one that I welcomed. It might be the weekend of my brother's funeral, but my cock either did not know that, or it did not care.

Allie began kissing my chest, working her way down my stomach and laid light kisses along the bones of my pelvis. She hooked her fingers into the elastic waistband of my pajama pants. I lifted my ass and she pulled them down to my thighs.

My cock was already half hard, and as it came into view she licked the length of it, completing the job. It lay against my belly, 7.5 inches, and thick. I was uncut, and thick veins ran along the top of the shaft. My pubes were trimmed, and the swollen purple head was half unsheathed from the foreskin.

Allie grasped my now fully hard cock in her fist and pumped it a few times, tongue licking the head before opening her mouth and sucking me into her.

Allie was an expert cock sucker, something that had added much pleasure to my life over the years. She took me deep, and sucked hard as her tongue massaged the underside of my cock.

I slid my hand down her side, reaching for her sex.

"No," she said, taking me out of her mouth for a moment, "this one is all about you."

She began sucking again and I rocked my head back and closed my eyes, enjoying the wet heat of her mouth around my manhood.

She knew me well, and had me close to my climax within minutes, sucking, licking, fondling my balls. My hips were rising in time to her down bobs, fucking her face.

As I approached my climax I was surprised to find that an image of Miley came to mind. I was seeing her, not as the young woman in her mourning dress, but naked, laying legs spread on a bed.

In my mind's eye she was holding one of her tits in one hand, tugging at her own nipple, the other hand between her legs, spreading her pussy open.

"Fuck me, Uncle Eric," she moaned in my mind and I felt a shiver go through me as I was pushed over the edge, cock swelling as I burst, cumming into my wife's sucking mouth.

She kept me in there, swallowing as I came, taking my EI tire load. I was grunting and finally gasping for breath. Miley faded from my imagination and my eyes flew open guiltily.

I looked down at my wife and she was looking at mesmirking a bit as she scooped up a dribble of cum from the corner of her lips and pushing it into her mouth.

"Feel better," she asked me, standing to go rinse her mouth out.

"Yeah," I said, huskily. "Thanks, babe."

While I waited for her to return I cursed myself for letting my kind go there. This was my niece and she needed me. To protect her, not to letch over her.

It was partly Allie's fault! If she hadn't brought up Miley's tits right before sucking me off, I wouldn't not have had that day dream.

I resolved to be a better uncle and, after Allie returned, I went to sleep.


It was three days before we headed home. We had the funeral, and I spent some time with my mother. She was very distraught, but by the time I left she seemed settled in her sadness.

I got all the paperwork done, and quickly distributed my brother's estate. There was a trust fund for Miley, which took up the bulk of the estate. The rest was quickly distributed between family members. I even had to cut a cheque for myself for a few thousand dollars. That was a strange feeling.

Angus had been very thorough, however, and things went smoothly. I spoke with a realtor and had them put the house up for sale. The proceeds would pay off the mortgage and any extra would be added to Miley's trust.

Throughout it all Miley impressed me with her resilience. She was clearly very sad, but she never broke down. She was helpful to me and was very sweet to my mother, her grandmother. She seemed excited to come back to the city with Allie and I.

I happily bought an extra plane ticket for Miley and when it showed up in my phone I reflected sadly that it was one way. This was not the life that Miley had planned. No one had planned this and it was just so cruel.

I took a shaky breath and finished packing.

It was finally the day for heading back home and I was loading bags into the car. My wife and I had only brought one bag each for the trip but I expected Miley to have quite a few, since she was moving into our house.

I was surprised when walked out of the house and she only had one regular sized suitcase. I could not help but look her over. Her hair was tied back in a pony tail, and she wasn't wearing makeup but she looked lovely. Her dark framed glasses really did suit her face. She had on comfortable sweatpants that hugged her ass nicely, and a loose hoodie that was zipped up most of the way. Despite that, there was a small peek of cleavage. As she walked down the steps her breasts swayed nicely, making me wonder if she was wearing a bra. I shook my head to clear it.

"Are you sure this is everything," I asked. "You can bring whatever you want."

"It's fine," Miley said. "This is everything important. Auntie Allie and I went through my stuff last night and she helped me pick what to bring. She said she would take me shopping for some new stuff in the city. I hope that's ok?"

Allie came out of the house then, designer bag over her arm.

"Of course it is," she declared. "You are going to look like you grew up in the city when I'm done. Eric will just have to grit his teeth when he sees the credit card bills this month."

"Yeah," I said raising my eyebrows at my wife. "You think so?"

"I know so," she grinned at me.

"Oh," Miley said, looking stricken. "No! That's...I don't need..."

"It's fine," I interrupted her. "I mean it. We are happy to help you out. You were too far away to properly spoil growing up so here is our chance."

We made our way to the airport and boarded the plane. We gave Miley the window seat, I sat in the middle and Allie, as she liked to do, sat in the aisle.

had a book to read and Allie had her laptop to catch up on some work. Miley was on her phone. The flight was only a few hours, so I knew we would be home soon enough.

After about an hour I felt Miley's head come to rest lightly on my shoulder. I glanced over at her and smiled slightly. She had removed her glasses and had nodded off. I was glad that she was getting some sleep. It had been, I knew, very trying the past week or so and she looked like she was not getting enough rest. I moved slightly so that she would be more comfortable and she settled closer, falling deeper asleep.

"That's nice," Allie whispered in my ear, having noticed


"Yeah. I'm glad she's resting," I said.

Allie looked over at the girl.

"Did you notice?" She asked me.

"What," I replied, not knowing what she was talking about.

"I don't think she's wearing a bra," Allie said.

"What?" I asked, glancing at my wife's face, unsure where this conversation was going.

"You didn't notice," she whispered. "I find that hard to believe. Those huge tits were bouncing away under that hoodie. It was quite the sight."

"I don't really notice that on my niece," I said, a bit grumpily, feeling guilty remembering my imagination the other night.

"Again, that's hard to believe," she whispered. "Look." I did not look over at Miley. "Look now," my wife demanded.

I turned and looked. My niece's breasts were not on display but the hoodie fell very nicely around them, making clear their large shape. There were also the faintest small peaks raised where her nipples lifted the fabric. The zipper was done most of the way up, but the way the undone part fell open gave me a partial view of the sloped inner side of her left breast. The skin looked creamy and soft.

"Fine," I whispered to my wife. "I looked."

Allie grinned mischievously and glanced around, dropping her hand into my lap, on top of my cock. She gave me a squeeze and I could not help myself. I started to get hard.

She kept her hand there, wrapped around my cock on the outside of my jeans, and began to move her hand. Stroking me slightly.

"Look again," she whispered.

Slowly I turned my head back towards Miley. Her sleeping face looked so innocent that I hated myself for doing this, looking her over while my wife gripped my manhood.

The plane hit a bit of a bump in the air, and everyone gasped as it felt like we dropped several feet. Allie squeezed my cock harder and I had a great view of Miley's tits bounce under her hoodie.

Miley did not wake but she shifted, wrapping her arm around mine and snuggling against it, pushing her soft breast into my bicep.

The plane seemed to settle and continued on smoothly.

"What the fuck are you doing," I whispered to my wife.

"I don't know what you are talking about," she whispered back but stroked me a bit faster. "Just be quiet and enjoy."

I'm not sure how long that went on for. At one point the flight attendant came by with drinks and Allie broke contact with my cock while she got a coffee, but her hand snaked back to my lap as soon as they were gone.

She kept one hand on her laptop, eyes on the screen, reading, while her right hand was in my lap teasing me. It was nowhere near enough to make me cum but it kept me hard and horny.

Miley stayed snuggled to me and I was painfully aware of her tits pressed into me. It was a kind of pleasurable torture.

Finally the announcement came over the speakers that we were soon to arrive and we should get ready. This seemed to wake Miley and she opened her eyes, blinking.

The way she had been laying her face was towards my crotch and as her eyes opened I shoved Allie's hand and she quickly pulled it away. I was left there with a large lump in my jeans, clearly aroused. I quickly dropped my book in my lap, covering it.

Miley blinked again, and it seemed like she probably did not see anything untoward. She noticed that she had been laying against me, arms wrapped around my own and leaned back.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I guess I feel asleep. I wasn't hurting you, was I?"

"No," I reassured her. "You were fine."

"Good," she said and smiled a bright smile at me. "Almost home?"

"Yeah," I said, smiling back, happy that she was already thinking of my house as her home. "Almost there."


My erection never really subsided on the trip home, but I was able to manicure it, pinning the head of my cock in the waistband of my jeans, dropping the front of my red check flannel over it to hide it.

We manoeuvred through the airport, baggage pickup and a taxi home, arriving in the early evening. Every time I was able to push the thoughts of Miley and what Allie out of my mind, I glanced over at the young woman and her obvious sexiness reminded me. Or I would look at Allie and she would smirk.

When we got to the house I took Miley downstairs to her room. We had made sure to make one of our guest rooms nice enough for someone to permanently move into it.

"Here it is," I said. "There is a small bathroom with a shower down that hall. If you want to take a bath you can use the one upstairs, or the really big nice one in the en-suite off of our bedroom. I'm sorry, but my office is set up kind of right outside and I work there most days but I promise to leave you alone."

"I love it," my niece said and spun and gave me a big hug, wrapping her arms around me. It would have been a nice hug, but with my heightened state, her breasts pressed to my chest was too much and I broke it off prematurely, stepping away from her.

"I'm glad. We are going to order pizza for supper. Get yourself settled. I just need to talk to Allie about something."

I spun and hurried up the stairs. I could hear Allie on the third floor in our bedroom and headed up there.

We had, 7 years prior, done some renovations to the house and had converted the attic space into a large, one room suite. The ceilings were slanted with the roof, and low on the walls, but we had installed skylights so it was a nice bright space. We had also built a balcony off of it, on the roof of the lower floor, giving us some outdoor space off of the room.

My wife was going through our bags, throwing dirty clothing into a pile to wash later. I stepped into the room and crossed my arms.

"What the fuck," I asked not that we were alone. "What were you thinking?"

She looked at me and grinned.

"Not sure what you are talking about," she said. "But if I did, I would wonder why you were so upset. You seemed to enjoy your flight."

"That was wrong," I said, pissed off. "And you fucking know it. She's just a kid, and my niece to boot! You can't fuck around like that."

Allie turned away from me and went back to work, ignoring me. She knew me well, and one thing that pissed me off was being ignored or dismissed.

I crossed the room and gripped her arm, spinning her to look at me.

"Don't turn your back on me," I snarled. We were standing very close to one another. I was breathing heavily and now saw that she was as well.

"What are you going to do about it," she said defiantly.

I was about to say something but instead I kissed my wife hard, my mouth mashing against hers, tongue in her mouth. She responded in kind and we stood there entwined for some moments.

My cock had never fully deflated and it was back in full force. I grabbed the bottom of her shirt and yanked it up, tossing it to the side. She was not wearing a bra. She rarely did when she was not at work, having small breasts.

Her hands were at my belt and was soon shoving my jeans down to the floor. I spun her to face away from me and shoved her towards the vanity. She put her hands on the top of it and I shoved her leggings down, she had on a thong and I pushed it to the side, fingers between her legs. She was very wet.

I grabbed my cock and suddenly shoved myself into her, the head of my cock easily pushing between her lips, sinking into her wet sex. There was little resistance to my harsh thrust and her hips banged into the vanity. She groaned as I entered her and pushed back against me.

I gripped her hips and began to slam myself into her, grunting with each thrust. She cried out each time my hips hit her ass, arching her back as I fucked her. I reached around and pressed my fingers against her clit, circling it, making her moan.

"Was this what you wanted," I snarled into her ear. "Were you so desperate to get a fuck?"

"Yes," she groaned. "Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me!"

We were wild that day, fucking fast and hard. Allie was not always this vocal, but that day she could not, or would not hold back her cries, and her begging me to fuck her. She came early on, her legs shaking, her hips quivering as I fucked her. I did not slow my thrusts, though the feeling of her cunt spasming around my cock brought me closer to my own climax.

I reached around and grabbed her breast in one hand, squeezing the small orb, pulling at her nipple.

"Imagine," she said, gasping. "Imagine my tits were as big as Miley's!"

I could not help but do so, seeing my niece's large breasts in my mind's eye. I thrust hard into my wife, all my muscles tight as steel cables as the idea pushed me over the edge, my balls tightening, then exploding into my wife. I shouted out as I came.

"Take it, slut! Take my cum!" I shocked myself. In all the years I had fucked my wife, I do not think I had called her slut. She did not seem to mind.

She let out a high pitched squeak as she came again, feeling my hot seed spray into her.

"Yes!" she shouted. "Yes! I'm your slut!"

We sagged then, her against the vanity, me against her. My cock pulsed, releasing a few more spurts as I stayed inside her, both of us gasping for breath. Finally she moved out from under me.

"What was that," I asked, bewildered.

"Hot," she said and smiled at me."That's what that was."

"But..." I said, needing to understand what had come over my wife. "We..."

"We can talk about it later," she interrupted me. "You should order pizza. Go ask Miley what kind she likes."

When she mentioned my niece, I looked at the doorway that led to the stairs down to the main level. We had never built in a door. It had always only been us, so there had seemed no point.

"Shit," I said. "We weren't quiet. She probably heard everything."

"That's fine," Allie said with a sly smile. "She should know that a couple has a healthy sex life. We are just being good role models for her."

I did not know about that. I pulled my jeans back on and composed myself before heading down the stairs.

Miley was in her room, unpacking. I noticed that the door had not been closed, so the likelihood she heard everything was high. She looked at me when I knocked on the doorframe. Were her cheeks flushed with embarrassment? Maybe a little bit, but it was hard to tell.

"What kind of pizza do you like," I asked.

"Oh, I'm up for anything," she said.

I ordered a couple large pizzas and went upstairs.


We had a quiet evening in that night. We ate pizza, and watched a movie on one of the streaming services. At 10, Allie went up to bed. She was always up early to go for a swim and went straight to her office from there. Usually I stayed up later. I worked from home most days, so my commute was only as long as it took me to walk down the stairs into my basement.

That night, however, I went up with Allie. I wanted to talk about what she had been doing all day.

We went through the usual routine of getting ready for bed before I broached the subject. Allie was about to cover her eyes with her sleep mask. If I was in bed I usually read for a while before falling asleep and she used the mask to block out my reading light.

"So," I said. "Are we going to talk about it?"

Allie sighed, pushing the mask up onto her forehead.

"Fine. Let's talk about it. You can start."

"Ok," I said. "I will. I want to know what you are doing. I'm not going to lie, I think you have been pretty inappropriate."

She shook her head.

"I don't think you were complaining earlier."

"I think I was, actually," I said. "I think I said it a bunch of times."

"Was that before or after you had your cock in my hand. Or pussy?" she demanded. "I admit I might have been, as you say, inappropriate, but let's face it. You aren't a saint either."

"I got carried away, sure," I admitted. "But it started with you. What is going on?"

She rolled onto her back and looked up at the ceiling.

"I don't know, OK?" she said. "Look. I know that our sex life has... gotten a bit quiet. I don't like it any more than you do. It's been difficult for me, though. I just don't seem to need or want it as much as you. I feel bad about that. You haven't been pushy or demanding either. You have been a gentleman.

"And... I know what kind of porn you like."

I scowled, suddenly feeling defensive. How did she know that, I thought. How did she find out?

"Don't," she said, sensing me tense up. "Don't feel bad. I wasn't snooping. I found it on your computer one day when I was looking for something else. I don't care. You can do what you want. One thing I did notice, was that the girls you tended to watch... they did not look like me."

"That's because," I interjected, "I already have you. When I look at porn... I'm looking for something different."

She nodded.

"That makes sense," she said. "And, again, I don't care. But when I saw all those videos of young woman, and especially that they almost always had big tits... I guess I could see something you liked that I didn't have. I started imagining you with someone like that.

"And, It's very strange, but the thought of you with someone like that turned me on a lot. Like a lot. I have no idea why. It made me really want to fuck for the first time in a long time. I was going to talk to you about it but then Angus... You know.

"And then when I saw Miley... well, she kind of looked like, if she were dressed differently, she could be one of the girls in the videos you watch. And that was kind of hot for me. So I played around."

"I don't want to fuck my niece, Allie," I said. I really felt like this was true, despite thinking about her in inappropriate ways the past few days.

"I don't want you to either," Allie said. "I just... I guess the idea is kind of hot to me. Just the idea. We are just talking. Just playing around. It's harmless. I swear."

I sighed.

"Look," I said, "it's not that this hasn't been fun, and I love that you are feeling more frisky, I'm just not sure I'm comfortable."

"Let's just see how it goes. Maybe it's a quick passing phase for me and I'll get bored with it. It really seems to get you going, don't deny that. So please, let's just play around a bit. We will be discreet, keep it secret. Please?"

I was quiet for a minute, thinking it over. It was, all said, harmless. And if it had Allie more interested in sex with me, that was a very good thing. I nodded.

"Ok," I said. "I'm game. As long as we don't stray over any lines."

I relaxed and Allie was soon sleeping beside me. I relaxed but right before I fell asleep it occurred to me. We had not said what the lines were. I resolved to talk to Allie about that the next day.


The morning after Miley's arrival I was in the kitchen, making coffee and reading the news on my phone, when our new lodger came up the stairs. I never felt like sitting down first thing in the day, and was leaning with my back against the counter, cup in one hand, phone in the other.

"Good morning, Uncle, Eric," she said, smiling at me as she walked in. She crossed to the kitchen island and leaned against it.

"Morning, Miley," I said. "How did you sleep?"

I had to be very careful where I looked, I realized. After the conversation with Allie the night before, I was painfully aware of Miley's body.

It was not like she was flaunting herself or anything. Nothing, however, could obscure the fact that she was incredibly pretty and had an hourglass figure.

She had put on her glasses but other than that She was wearing what I assumed was her sleep attire. An oversized tee shirt that hung loose on her and came down to her upper thighs and, I saw when she opened the fridge, leaning in to grab a bottle of orange juice, relatively modest panties.

The shirt was loose, but it did nothing to hide her large breasts which swayed enticingly under it, free from a bra. Her nipples made light tents in the thin fabric. Her ass was heart shaped and with her thin waist it was hard not to notice.

I shook my head and forced my eyes to stop looking her over.

"I slept ok," she said. "Probably the best sleep I've had in a while. Where are the glasses?" She held up the bottle of juice.

"Over here," I gestured to the cupboard behind me. "I'll get you one."

"No," she said. "You have your hands full. I'll grab it."

She walked around the island and opened the cupboard behind my head before I had a chance to step away. She had to go up on her tiptoes to reach the glasses and her body pressed against mine for a brief moment, her soft breasts against my arm before she grabbed the glass and poured herself a drink.

I had to take a deep breath to calm myself. It was nothing. It was harmless. There was absolutely no need for me to start getting hard. If she was going to live here I had to get myself under control.

"What's your plans for the day," I asked.

"I'm not sure," she said. "Don't worry, I won't just lay around your house all summer! I'll make sure to do stuff and maybe get a job."

"Oh," I said. "Don't worry about that. If you want a job go for it but you don't need to. I just don't want you to be too bored. It's pretty quiet right around here but three blocks south is one of the coolest streets in the city. Lots of shops, bookstores, bars, coffee places."

"Cool," she said. "I might go down there. Try it out. Thanks."

I glanced at my watch and decided to head down to my office and get to work. I had noticed several email notifications and figured I had better deal with those.

The real secret of my job was that it was incredibly easy. I was a management consultant, working for a firm, and was well compensated for my work. I used to go into the office each day, but since the pandemic I had worked from home. It was made pretty clear, pretty quick, that being there in person was completely not necessary.

I went into the office once a month for our big team meeting, and once or twice a week I visited the offices of some company who had hired us to help them improve their structure. Like I said, the work was easy. I had learned long ago that most businesses had similar problems and that made diagnosing them easy. Then I offered the usual fixes and moved on. My satisfaction rate with our clients was very high, so I was usually left to my own devices.

When everything shut down for the pandemic I had, like most of the world, set up a home office, taking over the mostly unused 'family room' in our basement. I had a large desk, an expensive, comfortable chair, two monitors and, usually, a cup of coffee beside me. When I had set up my space I did not know that a young woman was going to move into the spare bedroom just off of the family room.

I barely noticed Miley return to her room some time later, being on a video call with some clients. My desk was orientated so the wall was behind me and she did not appear on camera.

Twenty minutes later I could not help but notice her. In order for her to get to the bathroom in the basement from her bedroom she had to cross the family, walking past my desk. I watched her go by, carrying her towel in her hand, stil wearing her sleep clothing.

I heard the shower turn on and had to pause what I was doing as I began to imagine her in there. Naked, the hot water coursing over her body, soaping her large breasts. Maybe she was feeling horny and her hands slipped between her legs and...I shook my head.What was I doing sitting there at my desk with an erection, thinking about my niece! It was ridiculous. I turned my attention back to work and my cock started to subside.

It did not, however, last long. After about twenty minutes the shower stopped and soon after Miley crossed the room once more, this time wrapped in her towel carrying her clothes, with her hair bound up in a second towel.

I swallowed and could not help but watch her walk past. The wrap covered her ass but her legs were on full display, smooth and pale. Her breasts were contained but I could see the upper slopes of them leading up to her collarbone. She did not seem to register me sitting there, mouth open and moments later the door to her room closed. That brief glimpse of her was enough to get me hard once more.

I sighed. This was going to take some getting used to.

The rest of the day was uneventful. I worked and early in the afternoon Miley left her room, dressed in a simple tee shirt and blue jeans. She looked good, but like a normal girl, nothing to get me excited. She let me know she was going to go out exploring and would be back later. I finished out my day and then prepared a simple salad for supper.

Allie worked late most days. Being a lawyer paid well but it required heavy commitment, so it was no surprise when she walked in the door at 8:30. Miley and I had already eaten and I warmed up some food for my wife.

Miley was in the living room, off of the kitchen watching something on the TV. My niece had changed into short athletic shorts and a camisole. I could see thin bra straps running over her shoulders beside the straps of the camisole. Allie and I chatted about our day and I poured us both glasses of wine to drink while she ate.

After the meal Allie went up to our room to change into sweatpants and a tanktop. As she walked down the stairs I could clearly see that she had discarded her bra, her pert b cup breasts free under her top.

Finally she went into the living room to join Miley and they chatted a bit while I cleaned up. This, along with the laundry, was work I usually took care of. I had no problem taking care of the cooking and clean up chores. Allie worked hard and I was here so it made more sense. We had a cleaner come in twice a week so I did not have to worry about that.

I went up to my bedroom and changed out of my jeans, into some loose shorts and a tee shirt, wanting to be more comfortable for the evening.

"Come join us, Eric," Allie called out from the living room. "We are going to watch TV. Bring the wine bottle and a glass for Miley!"

I shrugged and grabbed the bottle and a third glass.

Both my wife and niece were sitting on the couch, with a small space between them. Allie patted the cushion beside her. I knew I would fit but it would mean being very close to both women.

I dropped down, and was touching both of them, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip. I offered the glass to Miley.

"Did you want a glass?" I asked.

"If you don't mind. I'm not much of a drinker but mom and dad..." she paused, the memory painful, "would let me have some wine sometimes."

"Sure," I said, pouring the glass and handing it to her. "What are we watching?"

"Sword of Dragons," Allie said, referring to a very popular fantasy series. I raised my eyebrows at my wife. It was a great show, full of action and fantasy adventure, but it also seemed sometimes like it was written by 14 year old boys based on how much graphic sex it portrayed. "Miley said that she hasn't seen it so I said we could start over from the beginning."

"If that's ok with you, Uncle Eric," Miley said.

"I'm fine with it, I guess," I said.

"It's chilly in here," Allie announced and grabbed the blanket that was folded over the arm of the couch, tossing it over all three of our laps. I gave her another look, but settled down to watch the show.

Allie and I had already watched the first few seasons of Sword of Dragons, but it had been a while, and the quality was very good, so I was quickly immersed in the story. One thing this program did not hold back on was the violence. Within minutes, heads were being chopped off of bodies, and blood was soaking everyone and everything.

Miley was rapt, eyes wide being the black frames of her glasses, glued to the wide screen. She was directly beside me, and I could feel her thigh pressed against my own, on one side, Allie's thigh pressed against the other. I could not help but steal glances at her. The neckline of the camisole was low enough that I could see the dark channel of her cleavage, and I have to admit my eyes lingered there. I was careful not to let her catch me looking of course.

I'm not sure when Allie's hand disappeared under the blanket, but after half an hour or so I could feel her smooth palm on my thigh, just below the leg of my shorts. I almost jumped at the sudden contact, but managed to remain still. I looked over at her but she seemed intent on the show.

On the other side, Miley seemed to want to get more comfortable. She snuggled in against me closer, turning slightly, while still looking at the TV.

"You don't mind, do you, Uncle Eric?" she asked me.

"Of course not, sweetie," Allie answered for me. "Snuggle up. Eric is very good to snuggle against!"

I gave Allie a look, but moved my arm so it lay across the back of the couch to give her an easier way to lie partly against me.

"Thanks," my niece said.

True to the show's regular form, the violence was quickly replaced with one of the seemingly endless sex scenes. One of the characters was visiting another at a brothel. The background was suddenly filled with beautiful, buxom women in varying states of undress. I swallowed. With Miley pressed against me, Allie's hand on my thigh, and the women on the screen, I was very quickly getting hard.

The main character of the show took one of the women to a room and a very steamy scene started. Between him kissing her, and undressing her, he was asking some plot related questions but I was having trouble following.

My leg twitched as Allie's hand began to slide upwards, moving inside the loose leg of my shorts, and quickly gripping my hard cock. I shot her an annoyed look. This was not the time or place, and I was not looking for a repeat of the last time my wife played with me in the presence of my niece.

At least that time Miley had been asleep. This time the girl was actually pressed against me, eyes open, mere inches away from the cock my wife was gripping.

Paying attention to the show wasn't helping. It was not porn but it skirted the edge as the two characters were now fully naked and he was moved behind her. His cock, of course was hidden but the actress's tits were on display swinging below her as they acted out doggy style.

Allie shifted how she was seated, bringing up her knees, lifting the blanket so that the movements of her hand were hidden. She began to slowly stroke my cock, the foreskin sliding back and forth over the head.

I glanced at Miley beside me and she did not seem to notice. She might have been pressed against me but Allie's movements were light enough not to cause myself or the couch to move. Miley's eyes were focused on the screen anyways. She was biting her plump lower lip. I could not help but to allow my eyes to drop to her chest.

I knew that her nipples had not been hard before because I had been shamefully gazing at her tits since I sat down, but they definitely were now. I could see them standing out against the fabric of her top, small tents that I yearned to reach out and play with.

Jesus, I thought, she was getting turned on by the show. There was no way that she knew what my wife was doing, so here she was, my arm around her shoulder, and she was reacting to the sex scene.

I looked at Allie and realised that she was looking as well. We made eye contact and she grinned, squeezing my shaft, and licking her lips. Her movements were slow, sensual and I was forced to breath slowly, to keep from groaning.

The sex scene finally ended, but my wife did not release me. She slowed her strokes, but did not let up, keeping me hard. On the other side of me, further glances told me that Miley's nipples remained hard.

The show continued on for another twenty minutes or so before another sex scene. This one between characters that were supposed to be father and daughter. Once again the actors were naked, and simulating sex. It was incredibly hot.

Allie's hand began stroking me faster under the blanket and I had to close my eyes and breathe deeply to keep myself under control. I had absolutely no wish to cum in my shorts beside my niece.

Slight movement from Miley made me glance over. She was again focused on the show and I saw her lick her lip. She shifted slightly and I froze, but it seemed that she was getting more comfortable. One of her ample breasts, however, pressed against my bicep and I could feel the hard nub of her nipple against my skin.

She also seemed to be wiggling in place, and I realised that she was rubbing her thighs together, presumably unconsciously. It was unbelievable! My hot niece seemed to be trying to get herself off beside me on the couch!

Allie did not let up her stroking and I have to admit I was on the edge of losing control, spraying my load into my shorts. I was not even paying attention to the show, for fear that the imagery there might push me over the edge.

Finally the scene broke and I heard the distinctive outro music. I needed to get off of that couch before I embarrassed myself.

"Well," I announced. "That was good, but I have to get to bed!" I felt my wife's hand release my cock and slip out of my shorts.

"Me too," Allie said and then tossed the blanket aside, causing it to fall to the floor and reveal all three of us.

My eyes went wide, and I looked down into my lap where, sure enough, my shorts were raised up in a tent. I looked at my niece who was still against me, and saw that she was looking down as well. Jesus Christ!

I quickly stood up, moving away from my niece. There was very little I could do to hide my arousal, so I opted for speed. She looked up at me, not saying anything, eyes a bit wide.

"Good night," I said and spun around, aiming my hard cock away from her and went straight for the stairs. I could hear Allie behind me, following.

"Good night," Miley called out to our retreating backs as we left her there on the couch.

When we got to the bedroom I spun on Allie and grabbed her shoulders.

"What the fuck," I started to say.

"Stop. Don't," she interrupted. "Fuck me." She was already shoving my shorts down my legs.

I hauled her against me and kissed her, shoving my tongue into her mouth. I was so horny at that point I had no real wish to discuss anything. My wife had my cock in her hand once again but she was not slowly, gently tugging like she had been, under the blanket. Her hand was stroking my full length. She used her other hand to shove her own bottoms down and step out of them.

I picked her up under her armpits and tossed her onto the bed. She bounced on the mattress and spread her legs wide, showing me her bald pussy, clearly glistening with moisture. I got on the bed, and picked her ass up, while she guided the head of my cock to her opening. I pushed forward and sank into her while she groaned beneath me.

"Oh fuck," she moaned. "Did you see how she was turned on by that show?"

I began to thrust, long slow thrusts, shoving as deep into my wife as I could get, drawing my cock back, savouring every moment of sliding within her.

"I did," I admitted. "We shouldn't have been looking, but yes."

"Did you see, oh god," She stopped talking to gasp as I bottomed out and then thrust harder, twisting my hips as I plunged deep as I could go. "Her nipples? How hard they were."

I was speeding up my thrusts, losing myself to the feeling of being inside my wife, the thoughts her words were bringing up in my mind.

"Yes," I grunted. "I saw. Did you see her rub her thighs together?"

"Yes!" my wife cried out, both in answer to my question and to egg me on. "Yes!"

Our bodies were slapping together now, our words mixing with the general sex noises that we made when we fucked. I pulled Allie's top up and bent, still inside her, to take her nipple in my mouth.

"Fuck," Allie groaned. "Imagine this was her tit. Think how big and soft it would be."

I flicked the nipple with my tongue, tugging it with my teeth before letting it fall out of my mouth and renew my thrusts.

"Do you think she was thinking about you fucking her, Eric?" my wife asked. "Do you think she was thinking about being a slut for your big cock?"

"Would you like that?" I said, through gritted teeth. "Would you like to see her young cunt wrapped around my cock?"

Allie and I almost never talked dirty quite this way, so I surprised myself with this. Had I not been lost in the moment, I would also have been terrified that she would have been angry at such a statement.

"Yes!" my wife cried out, however, seemingly not upset by the idea. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Stretch her out! Fuck her hard!"

My balls were slapping against her ass as I fucked her, our bodies slick with sweat. I kissed my wife again and came, erupting inside her. I felt my wife's body tense as I came, the feeling pushing her to her own climax. Her legs wrapped around my ass and she humped against me through her orgasm.

We collapsed together, kissing, before finally breaking apart.

I stared at the ceiling, letting this most recent session sink in.

"I don't really," Allie finally said. "Want you to fuck your niece."

"That's good," I answered. "I don't want to fuck her."

"It's hot to fantasise about, though, right?" Allie said, looking at me. "You don't hate me for bringing it up? I'm not a crazy person?"

"It is... weird," I said. "I'm not going to lie. But... Yeah it's very hot. And harmless, really. People can fantasise without it being wrong, right?"

"Right," she said, nodding.

We kissed again, and then let ourselves drift into sleep.


The next day Allie was actually able to leave work at a reasonable time and was home while I was cooking supper. I was busy in the kitchen, roasting some squash, preparing chicken for the meal, when she came home, kissed me hello, and then went into the living room to talk to Miley.

I could hear their conversation, but was mostly tuning them out, when something caught my ear.

"...we have always been very sexual," I heard Allie say. My eyes narrowed. What was she telling the girl?

"Oh, that's good," Miley replied. "I'm glad you guys can be like that after so long. Honestly, I don't know if my dad and mom ever had sex. They didn't really want to talk about it with me at all. You should have heard my version of 'the talk'. It was basically... DON'T!"

The two of them laughed at that.

"Well," my wife said. "That's not for me to judge, but I think they probably should have done a better job. I know I'm not your mom, but you can talk to me about anything. I'll answer any questions you have, ok?'

"Thanks, Allie," Miley said. "I appreciate that. I guess I figured it out on my own."

"Oh really," Allie said. "Did you have a boyfriend? Have you had sex yet?"

Allie was never shy and never a prude. It did not surprise me that she was openly talking about this, but, after the night before, I was a bit uncomfortable with her having this conversation with my niece.

Still. I was now leaning on the counter, listening in, chicken forgotten.

"Yeah," Miley said. "I had one and we did it a few times. It was... I guess I don't get the big deal. It was fun and exciting but... it felt like a bit of a let down."

"Don't feel bad about that," Allie reassured her. "First times... they usually suck. Especially if it's with some young boy. They get a lot better when they become men."

"I guess I'll just have to wait for that," Miley joked.

"Sure," Allie said. "If you want. Look, I'm going to tell you something that many people won't tell you. You should find an older guy. Don't fall in love with them, or even date them, if you don't want, but you should let at least one fuck you while you are still young and figuring stuff out."

"Auntie Allie," Miley exclaimed, part jokingly but partly actually scandalised. "That's... I can't believe you told me that! I can never imagine my mom saying anything like that."

"I guess not," Allie said. "But it's true. An older guy will really show you how good things can be! Take your uncle. Well, not actually him, but as an example. He was actually pretty good when we met, but over the years, he has come into his own. He really knows what he is doing. I cum every time we have sex, at least once. He has learnt over time how to really please a woman. So, even if it wasn't me, he would give whoever he had sex with an amazing time! You should find someone just like him."

"Wow," Miley said, eyes wide. "I guess that's an idea." She paused for a moment. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Allie replied. "You can ask me anything."

"Last night..." Miley paused and my heart starting beating hard. Were we caught? "Did you... were you and Uncle Eric..." she trailed off.

"Were we what," Allie asked, all innocence.

"I thought I saw..." Miley was struggling to ask her question. "I thought I saw that he was... hard? And I wondered if... were you playing with him? Beside me?"

I closed my eyes. We were caught. I knew we would be. Allie had been reckless, and I had as well. Damn it!

"Yes," Allie said, simply, with no embarrassment or guilt. "I was holding his cock. I told you we were very sexual. Is that a problem for you?"

"Oh," Miley said. "I see."

She was quiet for several moments.

"I guess..." she said, finally, "I guess that's ok. I mean it's good that you guys are still into one another."

"And that I was touching him beside you? Are you ok with that too?" Allie asked.

I held my breath, needing to know the answer to this.

"Um..." Miley was taking her time forming her thought. "I guess... I guess it's fine. I wasn't expecting... but yeah. I guess it makes sense. It's your house."

I let out my breath. At least the girl wasn't going to freak out.

"How did it make you feel, Miley," Allie asked, voice intense. "How did you feel knowing that your uncle was hard beside you while I touched him?"

"I didn't... I mean I didn't know. Not until you took the blanket off."

"You knew after. You know now," Allie said. "How did you feel? How do you feel. Be honest with me."

"I guess..." Miley was clearly awkward speaking about this but Allie pushed her on. "I guess, I felt fine. It was... shocking a bit. At first. But it made me... I don't know."

"Did you feel aroused?" Allie asked. "It's fine if you did. There are no judgements in this house. I just want us to be open and honest about everything."

"Oh," Miley said and she glanced into the kitchen. I caught it in time to look like I was busy preparing food, not listening into their conversation. She looked back at my wife. "I guess so? I mean, I felt... warm... The show, though, was pretty sexy so maybe it was that?"

"Oh, I doubt it was the show," Allie said. "So you were aroused. That's fine. That's good. Nothing to be ashamed about. It's perfectly natural. So did you touch yourself after we left? Did you make yourself cum?"

I was shaking my head, amazed that my wife was saying these things to my niece. It was so wrong. But I had a hard cock and was invested in the answer so I continued to listen in.

"Oh!" Miley said quickly. "No! I didn't! I don't really... I mean sometimes... but not yesterday."

"That's a shame, Miley," Allie said. "There's nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. In fact it's a very good thing. You should learn everything about your body, Miley. You should explore, and never let a good feeling go to waste! Don't deprive yourself!""Um... ok," Miley said. "I guess."

"No guesses," my wife said. "Trust me. I know what I'm talking about. Anyway, I'm glad we cleared that up. Now your uncle and I don't have to be circumspect around you with our play, and you can react to it however you like!"

"Is that what we said," Miley asked meekly.

"It is," Allie said. "But enough about that. I want you to look through those fashion magazines I gave you. I'm taking you shopping on Saturday. We are going to burn a hole through my credit card!"


The rest of the week passed without anything very interesting happening. I spent my days working, having to site visit a client on the thursday. Allie worked her long hours each day, feeling exhausted and worn out when she got home, but often having to spend another hour or two on cases, her timer beside her, tracking her time to bill clients.

Allie did not have the energy or desire, it seemed to continue with the games she had been playing. I was mostly relieved. The mindset she was putting me in with them was confusing and filled me with a fair amount of guilt.

On the other hand, the thoughts placed in my mind by my wife were difficult to get out of there. I often found my eyes drifting to her, running over her body, revealing in every show of flesh if her shirt was a bit low cut, admiring her ass.

I tried to stop myself, or at least not get caught, but there were times, I suspected that my niece caught me. She never said anything or changed her behavior, but there was the occasional knowing look.

For her part, Miley was settling in, it seemed. She went out each day, and wandered the neighborhood, finding coffee shops or places to browse for books. She protested but I insisted on providing her with a wad of cash. I wanted her to enjoy herself.

Saturday rolled around and my wife and niece left in the early afternoon for the promised shopping trip and I was left to a rare afternoon entirely to myself.

I grabbed a book that I had been neglecting and ran myself a bath. I opened a cold beer and sank into the warm water, sighing as I did so. I relaxed there for a couple of hours, adding hot water periodically. Eventually I had to get out, toes pruned and content.

I dressed in sweatpants and a white tee shirt and finished the afternoon sipping beer and watching TV. We had already decided that we would order in Thai food that evening so I was relieved of my cooking duties.

It was shortly after six when my wife and niece returned. I could see many bags under their arms. Allie was wearing a black blouse and a skirt. Miley was in jeans and a tee shirt.

"Looks like you guys had fun!" I said as they entered. "Did you spend our retirement fund?!"

I was just teasing. My wife and I did very well for ourselves and a small shopping spree did not really bother me. In fact, she made more money than me so it was really her money that was being spent.

"Just yours, darling," my wife teased back. "Ok, Miley! Time for a fashion show! Show your uncle what we got for you today!"

Miley blushed slightly.

"Oh, I don't know..." she said.

"No choice," Allie said, speaking over her. "He should get to see how great you look in all of it! Show him that we spent our money wisely today. You can change in the bathroom here, and give us a bit of a parade."

Miley shrugged and went into the main floor bathroom.

Allie dropped down on the couch beside me, giving me a brief hug and a kiss on my cheek.

"You are going to like this," she promised me. I raised my eyebrows at her but had to turn my head when my niece walked into the room. Allie placed her hand on my thigh, giving my leg a squeeze.

Miley had her blond hair pulled up in a ponytail high on the back of her head. With her black framed glasses se looked very sophisticated. The clothing she was wearing looked very high quality. Somehow, you can always tell if someone is wearing something designer. It always just looks a bit better. It fits properly, and the materials are clearly better quality.

Her top was a red and black striped sweater. The alternating colors crossed her at a diagonal. The neckline plunged, showing a decent amount of cleavage, the pale inner curves of her breasts there for me to ogle. I could see the white edges of the bra she was wearing.

Her skirt was made of pleated leather, quite short, stopping high up on her thighs. I could see the smooth skin there, and couldn't help but wonder what I would see if it were to go higher.

"Come closer," my wife said. "Let us get a closer look."

Miley crossed the room towards us, and I marveled at her young beauty. She was smiling, obviously pleased with how she looked.

"I think this top would look better without a bra," Allie said, when Miley was in front of us.

"Oh," Miley said, her face getting a bit red. "I almost never don't wear one. My breasts..." she glanced at me embarrassed. "They are a bit too big for going without."

"Nonsense," Allie declared. "Some clothing just hangs better without one. Here, let me show you."

Quick as a flash Allie moved behind Miley and pushed her hands up the back of the sweater, causing the front to rise up, displaying a band of smooth stomach above the skirt. She unsnapped Miley's bra and helped her remove it under the top, an operation that required arms being drawn into the sweater and then back. With her breasts free from the undergarment they swung as she moved. I was mesmerized.

Allie had the bra in her hand and she tossed it in an arc over my head so it fell behind the couch, out of east reach.

"Wait," Miley said, slightly panicked.

"Don't worry," my wife said. "I think everything we bought will look better without it. At least try them out when you are safe at home with just family around."

With the bra gone, the sweater fell so it more closely hugged her breasts. I could clearly see the natural slope of them. They were clearly firm with youth and already I could see the way the sweater tented around her nipples.

"Oh," Allie said, placing her hand on Miley's upper back. "There's a thread here, let me check. Bend forward."

Miley yelped a bit when Allie pushed on her upper back and pulled on her hip, making her bed forward at the waist.

The loose neckline fell open when she bent over and I was greeted with a view right down into her top. Her breasts swung there, and I could finally see her nipples. They were a pale pink, and clearly hard. Allie made a show of tugging at a thread, but all she was doing was making those perfect breasts sway as Miley bent forward.

I was sitting there, mouth open, eyes wide. My cock was already getting hard, and I had to shift to try and hide the evidence in my sweatpants.

Allie finally hauled Miley upright and pressed against her back and reached around.

"Let me just straighten this," Allie said, tugging at the sweater, exposing plenty of soft flesh, almost pulling it so far to the side that I could see the nipple again before letting it settle. Over my niece's shoulder she was grinning like the cat who caught the canary.

"There we go," Allie said. "What do you think, Eric? Is this outfit a keeper, or what?"

I swallowed and nodded my head.

"It's very nice," I managed to say.

"Nice," my wife challenged. "Not sexy?"

"I guess it's pretty sexy too," I admitted.

Miley smiled shyly when she heard that. Her blush had not faded. In fact it seemed worse at the moment.

"Ok," Allie said. "Next one! Let's try the white blouse and the leggings. Remember to wear the thong I bought you with the leggings. Otherwise you will get pantie lines and we don't want that."

Miley nodded meekly and went into the bathroom once more.

Allie came and sat beside me again.

"What are we doing," I asked her in a whisper.

"Fashion show. I thought that was clear," my wife said grinning evilly. She leaned over and kissed me, tongue in my mouth. Her hand gripped my hard cock, on the outside of my sweatpants, stroking me through the fabric.

I heard Miley enter the living room and broke my kiss with Allie. My wife also looked over at my niece but she didn't stop gripping my hard cock, but at least she stopped stroking me. The outline of my shaft was very clear in her hand. I tried to love her hand away, but she gripped tighter. I noticed Miley glance into my lap but she averted her eyes immediately.

My eyes widened when I saw my niece. She entered the room, face still flushed. The blouse was of some kind of slinky material, that shimmered slightly in the light of the room. It was also partially sheer. Her unclad breasts swayed beautifully under the blouse, and though her nipples weren't dark they showed through the fabric, the outlines of them clear.

My cock throbbed and Allie began to lightly stroke it, not bothering to hide her actions. I could not believe she was doing this in the open like this. Miley clearly looked down at my lap, and could not help but see my wife working my cock, hand on the outside of the sweats. My niece, however, chose not to mention it.

"Auntie, Allie?" She said instead. "I think this top might be a bit too sheer to wear without a bra."

"Come closer and let me check," Allie said, hand slowly stroking me.

Miley did as she was told and approached so that she was standing directly in front of us. I looked up at her standing over me, and licked my lips. Allie kept one hand on my cock, working the shaft, reaching up with the other.

She tugged on the blouse, pulling it tight against the girl. Her nipples were even more pronounced, tenting out the silky fabric, more visible now.

"You might be right," Allie said. "What do you think, Eric? Is it too sheer?"

"It may be," I said quietly, eyes locked on my niece's body.

"I think so. If you go out in this, make sure to wear a bra, Miley," Allie said. "But around the house, you can wear it like this. It feels good to go without a bra, doesn't it?" Allie was jerking me off more vigorously now, each down stroke pulling my sweatpants, almost popping me out of them.

"I guess it does," Miley admitted in a quiet voice. Her eyes were on my lap, blatantly watching my wife jerk me off. "The fabric feels... very nice."

"It should," Allie exclaimed, running her hand over Miley's stomach. "This is very good fabric! Here, Eric, feel."

Allie kept her hand on my cock, but lifted mine with her free one. I was flabbergasted by what was happening and did not even think to resist her. My wife placed my hand on my niece's side. I could feel how warm her skin was, through the fabric. Allie's hand stayed on top of my own.

"Feel how soft it is," Allie said, her voice almost a whisper. Miley jumped slightly when my hand made contact, but she did nothing to stop my wife and I, staying put, not moving away.

"It... it's soft," I said, quietly not wanting to break this moment that was happening, my hand on my young niece, my wife stroking me. Her hand was pumping quickly now, and finally each down stroke, the purple head of my cock peeked over the waistband of my sweats. Miley looked down at the display, biting her lip.

"It is," Allie said. "So soft. You can feel the quality." She pushed my hand higher, until I was cupping the underside of Miley's breast. My niece gasped but did not pull away. I could not believe that my hand was now on the breasts I could not help but admire for days now. My fingers were mere inches away from her very hard nipples.

Allie let go of my hand but I let my own linger for just a moment, taking the risk to give Miley's breast a small squeeze. Finally, regretfully, I released her breast and let my hand fall away.

"Turn around," Allie told my niece. "Lets see these leggings."

Miley turned around slowly, and stopped facing away from us. Allie finally pushed her hand under the waistband of my sweats, grasping my bare cock and began to pump. My foreskin slid back and forth over the swollen head, lubricated by the precum that had leaked out.

I was face level with Miley's wonderful heart shaped ass. The leggings were designed to hug her curves, molding themselves to the cheeks of her ass.

"Oh!" Allie exclaimed. "Those fit perfectly! Don't they, Eric?"

"Yes," I said, eyes locked on my niece's ass. "Perfect." It was all I could do not to cum in my sweats as my wife worked my cock.

"No panty lines!" Allie said. "You must be wearing the thing we bought you."

"I am," Miley said. "I hope that's ok. It means we can't return them."

"That's ok. But we better check how they fit," Allie said and my cock twitched in her hand.

"Really? They feel ok," Miley said.

"Better to be sure," my wife said and reached her free hand forward and suddenly yanked Miley's leggings halfway down her thighs.

Miley jumped but stood there, ass in display. I could see the thin strap of the underwear cutting over her soft hips, disappearing between the gloves of her ass.

"Bend forward again," Allie commanded. "I want to make sure they cover you properly."

Without a word of dissent, Allie bent at her waist, pushing her ass towards us. I could see the mound of her pussy, covered by the grey fabric of the thong. There was clearly a wet spot over her pussy. She was wet from the display Allie was making her wait.

"Pull your cheeks apart, Miley. I'm not sure you are covered properly," Allie said.

My niece obediently reached behind and grasped one of her perfect cheeks in each hand and pulled them apart. I was in heaven, ogling the girl while my wife jerked me off.

"Let me just do this," Allie said, reaching forward and hooking her finger in the fabric of the thong and pulling it away from Miley's pussy, tugging it to the side, revealing the pink lips.

Her pussy, I saw, was waxed smooth, the outer lips plump, the inner lips bright pink and glistening with moisture. I couldn't help it. I groaned and Allie squeezed my cock.

My wife let the fabric snap back in place and lightly tapped Miley on the ass.

"Ok," she said. "I think that fits fine. Miley, do you mind giving your uncle and I the living room? There is something I want to talk to him about."

Miley turned towards us again, cheeks bright red. With embarrassment? Arousal? She looked down and saw the rise and fall of my sweats as Allie stroked.

"Sure," she said. "I'll just go to my room." The girl began to walk out of the room.

"Miley," Allie called after her. "Don't you want to thank your uncle for buying you such nice clothes?"

"Oh," Miley said. "Of course! Thank you, Uncle Eric!"

"I think he deserves a hug, don't you?" Allie challenged the girl.

Miley swallowed, glanced at the movement in my sweats and crossed towards us. She stopped in front of me. I looked up at her, the sheer top showing her off. She leaned forward and opened her arms. I stole another look down her blouse, licking my lips as I saw her tits once more.

I leaned forward, and Allie moved with me, keeping her hand in my sweats. I wrapped my arms around my niece, feeling her breasts press against me, almost cumming in my wife's hand.

"Thank you, Uncle Eric," she whispered in my ear before letting me go and straightening up.

"You are welcome," I managed to say.

She turned to walk away and Allie did not wait any longer. She yanked my sweats and I raised my ass so they slid down my thighs. My hard cock bounced against my stomach, free finally. Allie gripped my shaft and swung her leg over mine, reaching between her legs to push her panties to the side.

I glanced at the stairs that led down to the basement and Miley's room. I saw my niece paused at the top of the stairs, watching us as my cock slid into my wife. We made eye contact as my wife groaned. She was dripping wet and I met little resistance as I entered her.

"Miley," my wife called out, not turning around to look and see if she was still there. "Remember what we talked about? About what to do if you are feeling a kind of way? Why don't you go do that?"

"I will, Auntie," Miley said and spun and hurried down the stairs.

"Jesus, Allie," I said finally as I flexed my ass, getting deeper into her.

"I know," Allie said, starting to bounce on my cock. "Did you see...ugh... how wet she was?"

"I did," I said, twisting up into her. I knew I wasn't going to last long after that show and that teasing.

"She's down there... fuck...yes...fuuuuck...playing with herself right now!!"

"Fuck," I grunted. "I'm going to cum!"

"Do it!" Allie cried out. "Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Cum in me!"

Her cries echoed in the house, both of us knowing that there was no way Miley couldn't hear.

"I'm cumming," I shouted as I thrust, holding the moment as long as I could.

"Do it!" Allie cried. "Cum in me! Cum in her!"

When she said that I cried out and thrust upwards, lifting my ass of the couch as my body seized up, spraying cum into my wife. I felt her legs quiver as she came herself.

I continued to thrust, milking myself in her cunt, riding out her climax before rolling my head back and closing my eyes.

"You are crazy," I said, panting.

"I know," Allie said. "I know."

She rolled off of me and lay back against the couch beside me. Reaching over and giving my wet cock a few strokes.

"So," she said. "You had better order that Thai food. I'm starving."


We ate that night in silence. Even Allie was subdued, having come down from whatever that had been earlier.

Miley excused herself and told us she would be watching tv in her room on her laptop. Allie said she wanted to take a long bath and disappeared into our ensuite.

I cleaned up supper and then wondered what I was supposed to do. Allie had taken things too far and I had let her. We were both to blame and I felt terrible. We were taking advantage of a young woman, using her for our own pleasure. It wasn't fair to her. I resolved to end things.

I considered going down and talking to Miley, apologizing for our behavior. It did not, however, seem to be the right time. The incident had just happened. Better to let it slide until tomorrow.

As I put the last dish in the dishwasher my phone buzzed with a notification. I glanced at it and saw it was from work. I considered ignoring it, but knew that if they were messaging in the evening it was probably of some importance.

I read the message and cursed. The team was scrambling to save a contract, and were missing a key document. I knew exactly where that document was. On my hard drive in the basement.

I sighed and headed down to my desk and spent twenty minutes finding it, sending it and calming the team down. I was just finishing up when the door to Miley's room opened.

The only light came from my monitor. Miley looked startled when she saw me at my desk in the dim room. She was wearing her usual sleep attire, the long tee shirt and, presumably, panties. I had no way of knowing, of course, The hem of the sort was on her upper thighs. Her brakes breasts moved hypnotically when she walked.

"Oh," she said. "Uncle Eric! Sorry! I'm just going to the bathroom."

"Don't be sorry," I said. "I'm just doing a bit of work. I'm done now. I'm going to head upstairs."

I stood up and began heading towards the stairs. Miley hurried across the room and stood between me and them.

"Uh," she said. "I just wanted to...I mean about earlier..."

I sighed. Here it was. I was fucked. She was going to tell me how terrible my wife and I were and she was right.

"Yeah," I said. "I was going to talk to you about that. I'm really sorr..."

"I just wanted to thank you again," she interrupted me.

"You wanted to thank...thank me?" I was confused.

She took another step towards me. She felt very close at that moment.

"Yeah," she said and reached out, placing her hand l. My chest. "You guys have been so nice. And you bought me all that stuff. And...took me in. I just wanted to thank you."

"It's...it's fine," I said. "I'm...we're happy to help. Really."

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