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86.51% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3547: SEDUCING MOM

Chapitre 3547: SEDUCING MOM

Danny was sitting at his computer desk watching 'John Carter.' Lynn Collins, who played Dejah Thoris, was the spitting image of his mother in her younger years. His mother, Connie, was still hot, even at forty-six. He had fantasized about his mom since he accidentally saw her giving her date a blowjob. She was on her back being mouth fucked by him and when he came, she seemed to love eating the cum. He wanted his cock to be the one in her mouth and having her swallow his load. It was a rare day that he hadn't jacked off fantasizing about that.

"Got a minute?" his sister, Janet, asked from the doorway.

He paused the movie and turned to her. "Sure, what's up?"

"Tonight's the night."

"You're so full of shit," he replied.

She tossed him a notebook and sat on the side of the bed near him. "Look at this."

Danny opened the notebook and looked through it. "You've been keeping records?"

"For three months. There's a pattern."

"What pattern?"

"Every four days, like clockwork. If she misses the fourth day, she's a basket case."

He looked further into her notes. "Okay, I see it. Today is day four. So what? She'll go out for two hours, suck a cock, if that's what she's really doing, and come home."

"Tonight, when she sucks cock, it'll have to be yours."


"Look out the window, Danny."

He walked to the window and pulled back the curtain. Snow was falling in huge flakes and at least six inches had already accumulated. "How long is it supposed to keep snowing."

"Until morning. They expect another six to eight inches. Mom called about ten minutes ago from work. She's on her way home now. Everything is already closed through tomorrow. She'll be stuck here, and the only cock around will be yours."

"Janet, what makes you think she sucks cock every four days?"

"Aunt Jean told me. She and mom are both cum addicts."

"I suspect cum addiction is nothing more than that fantasy bullshit on places like Literotica," he chuckled.

"It's real. I googled it."

"Fine, so how do we get my cock in mom's mouth?"

"By eight, she'll be craving. By ten, she'll be a basket case. About ten you put on just gym shorts and start doing stretches. After a few minutes limp into her bedroom with pain in your groin. She'll have you lay on her bed to look at it. While she's looking, you get hard. She'll take it from there."

"There's a flaw in your plan. I'll already be hard."

"Even better. Just be sure to wear shorts that your dick will pop out of."

"Do you really think it's going to be that simple?"

"I'll stake my mouth on it. If she doesn't suck you, I will," his sister replied. Danny's brow raised. "I will. Really."

"You've never given a blowjob."

"No, but I've seen videos. It doesn't matter anyway. Mom's going to be the one doing the sucking tonight. Just so you know, you're gonna owe me."

"What am I going to owe you?"

"After mom sucks you, you're going to owe me a pussy licking."

"If mom sucks me tonight, I'll lick your pussy better than it's ever been licked."

"It's never been licked. My boyfriend thinks the idea is gross."

"You need a different boyfriend. He's a dumbass."

"A dumbass that won't be getting a blowjob. At least he won't be getting one from me," she said smiling.

"I'd eat your pussy, bet or no bet."

"Would you really? I'm your sister."

"You're also about the hottest girl I've ever seen. Hell yeah! I'd eat you. Just say when."


"Mom will be home tomorrow."

"The next day then."

"Deal," Danny replied.

Janet left the room with a big smile on her face. She was Danny's other fantasy woman. They were close and talked about everything but had never crossed any lines sexually with each other. She had just turned eighteen and Danny was turning nineteen the following week.

Danny put on his coat, grabbed the snow shovel in the garage and began clearing enough of the driveway for his mom to get into the garage. By the time he had cleared a path it had already collected another half inch of snow. His mother's white Chrysler Pacifica pulled up just as he finished. Danny stepped aside so she could pass then followed her into the garage. He propped the snow shovel against the wall and opened her car door.

Connie was a real estate agent and always dressed for success. As she turned to get out of the car, he saw just enough leg to cause his cock to stir. Danny loved her long legs. He offered his hand and helped her stand. She smiled at him.

"Welcome to the Hilton, madam. May I get your bag?" he asked.

"Several of them, sir. I picked up a few things on the way home," she replied.

She didn't appear to be in her best mood as she pushed the button on her key fob and opened the lift gate.

"Rough drive?"

"Very. The snow wasn't that bad but the idiots driving five miles an hour were."

"First snow of the winter. They always forget how to drive in it. I'll get the stuff."

She nodded and went inside. Danny grabbed the three bags, closed the lift gate, and carried them to the kitchen.

"Christ, Danny! Your boots are leaving a trail of water through the kitchen," she barked.

"Sorry, mom. I'll clean it up."

"Yes, you will."

"Lighten up, mom. I said I'd take care of it."

Danny removed his boots and set them in the garage then grabbed a mop in the utility room to clean up the water. She gruffly grabbed the mop out of his hand and began mopping up the small amount he had tracked in. Danny turned and walked to his room, closing the door hard. He hung up his coat, then flopped down on his bed.

Connie put away the things she had picked up at the store then went to her room and changed into a sweat suit. Walking back toward the kitchen she yelled for Danny and Janet to join her. They came in and she gestured toward the table. All three sat.

"I don't ask much of you. It's just the three of us here. If we work together, keeping the house neat is fairly simple. There's a stack of papers here on the table. There are dirty dishes in the sink. The dishwasher is almost full and needs to be run. Magazines on the couch. Danny tracked water through the kitchen. I work hard all day. I need a little help around here," their mother complained.

"Mom, you grabbed the mop out of my hand," Danny replied.

"You should have taken your boots off before you came in," she snapped.

Janet and Danny both stood. Janet went into the kitchen and put the single glass and spoon that were in the sink in the dishwasher. Danny picked up the three magazines laying on the couch then took them to his mother.

"Real Estate magazines, where would you like me to put them?" he asked. Danny slid the stack of papers to her. "More real estate stuff."

His mother blushed, realizing that she had been the one who left them there.

"There's room for dinner dishes in the washer. We can run that after dinner," Janet said.

"Sorry about tracking the water in. It won't happen again," Danny said, as he left the room.

Janet sat back at the table. "Anything else, mom?"

"What crawled up your brother's ass?"

"Danny worked from four this morning until about two. He shoveled the driveway so you could get in the garage then got his butt chewed over a little water on the floor. I suspect he's tired and frustrated."

"I'm not having a very good day today."

"Neither is he now."

"What do you want to do for dinner?" mom asked.

"I made lasagna today. That's where the dishes in the dishwasher came from. It's in the fridge and ready to go in the oven. Let me know when and I'll put it in. After dinner I'll run the dishwasher."

Janet stood and left the room. Connie remained at the table, now realizing that each of her complaints were unwarranted. She knew the source of her frustration and also knew she wouldn't be able to resolve it for a couple of days.

Janet had gone to her brother's room. "Everything is going according to plan," she said.

"When did getting our heads bitten off become part of the plan?"

"Just part of her frustration. After she has a drink and some dinner, she'll want to apologize to each of us. She always comes to our rooms and sits on the bed to do that. Be patient. Oh yeah, rub your sore back occasionally."

"My back isn't sore," he replied.

"All that shoveling? If you had a sore back and a groin pull, I'd wager mom would recommend a soak in a hot bath then give you a massage. Horny woman giving a hot guy a massage? That sounds like a prelude to sex to me."

Danny smiled. "When did you get so devious?"

"It's a woman thing. You wouldn't understand," she replied seriously. "You need to get out of those clothes and into a muscle shirt and gym shorts. No underwear either."

"Think so?"

"I know so. She needs a man. You're a hot one. Market yourself. Play up the sore back a little. Trust me."

Danny chuckled then sat up slowly. He moaned softly as he did.

"Perfect. Don't overdo it. Mild soreness is good. Back injury isn't."

"Got it."

Janet left his room. Danny undressed then put on a pair of gym shorts and a tight-fitting sleeveless tee. He looked in the mirror and smiled. His semi made just the right bulge. He walked to the kitchen to get something to drink. His mother was sitting at the table as he entered. He knew she was watching him but didn't acknowledge her. As he leaned over to grab a soda from the fridge, he let out a soft moan and put his hand on his low back.

"What's the matter with your back?" she asked

"It's fine," he replied, then left the room.

It was about a half hour later that the aroma of the lasagna filled the house. A short time after that his mother called them to dinner. Danny didn't moan or gesture but did sit in his chair stiffly.

"How's your back?" his sister asked

"Better," he replied.

"I thought you said it was fine. What did you do to it?" his mother asked.

"He pulled it shoveling the driveway. I gave him some Tylenol about an hour ago," Janet said.

"I wish you had said something," mom said.

"You've got enough to do. I'm fine."

"Where does it hurt?" she asked.

"It's just mild soreness in the low back. It's fine, mom."

"Does the pain go down your leg?"

"No. It isn't pain. It's just a little soreness. The Tylenol helped. It's fine."

"I'm going to look at it after dinner."

"Not necessary, it's fine."

"I'm still looking at it," she replied.


After dinner everyone began clearing the table.

"You go lay down. Mom and I can get the kitchen," his sister advised.

"You sure?"

"We're sure, go," his mother insisted.

Danny moved slowly as he left the kitchen. During dinner, his mother had been quiet, and he thought he had seen a minor jitter in her hands. Nothing obvious but he could sense her uneasiness. When he got to his room, he positioned his pillows to sit back on the bed and got comfortable. The anticipation of his mom giving him a massage caused his cock to stiffen. He positioned it in his shorts where it was visible, but not obvious, as he lay there. There was a knock on the door.

"It's open. Come in."

His mother stepped in, walked to him, and sat on the bed near his legs. "Tell me about your back."

"It's just a little sore, mom. Nothing to be concerned about."

"I'm your mother. It's my job to be concerned. Roll over so I can look at it."

Danny sat up and pulled the pillow from behind him. As he slowly laid back onto the bed his bulging erection came into his mother's view through his shorts. She froze momentarily and stared.

"Put your hand on my hip and help me turn away from you," he told her.

She hesitated. To put her hand on his hip her fingers would be no more than an inch from the tip of her son's hard cock. She stared at it as she sat with her mouth agape for a few seconds before helping him turn.

"This area," he told her, moving his hand over the left lower back and buttock.

She slid her hand over the low back. "I don't feel any spasm."

"I didn't either. The left cheek is sore too," he said, with a subtle smile on his face where she couldn't see it." He reached behind him and pulled the waist band down exposing part of his left cheek. Her hand slid over it. Danny could feel a slight tremor in her hand. Without warning her he rolled onto his back, pinning her hand under him. His hard cock, still covered by his shorts, was obvious again. As she stared, she made no movement to pull her hand away. "Push me a little so you can get your hand free."

She put her hand on his bare hip and pushed. The tip of her finger brushed against the head of his cock. He heard her gasp. Danny was glad she was looking at his bulge rather than his face. He felt his pre-cum leak on the tip of her finger. She quickly pulled her hand from beneath him and let go of his hip. She saw the wetness on the tip of her finger and stared at it but forced herself to not bring it to her mouth.

"What's your opinion, Doctor Mom?"

"Uh, uh, I'm going to run you a bath. Soaking in the warm water will probably make it feel better."

"Maybe just a warm pack. Getting out of the tub might be tricky," he suggested.

"Nonsense. I can help you get out."

She stood quickly and left the room. With her first step she felt the wetness in her pussy. She really needed her every four-day fix. When she stepped into the bathroom and closed the door, she looked at her still moist fingertip. Slowly, as if her finger were in control, it moved toward her mouth. She stepped to the sink and quickly washed her hands. With one hand resting on either side of the sink she leaned forward and looked in the mirror. "You can't do this," she told herself softly. Her hands were trembling. Connie stood there for a moment then began running the water in the tub.

She used the time, as the water rose, to compose herself. She was so wet between her legs she looked to make sure it wasn't visible. When the water level reached where she wanted, she stood and got a large bath towel and placed it on the sink. Connie looked in the mirror, took a deep breath, and returned to her son's room. Danny could see how flushed she was. He hadn't bothered to straighten his shorts. She offered her trembling hand to help him stand, then putting her arm around him, assisted him toward the bathroom. The bulge in his shorts was now more like a tent. His covered cock was obvious. Rather than paying attention to their movement, her stare was locked on it. As they entered the bathroom her shoulder hit the door jam.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah. I'm, I'm good."

Once in front of the tub she faced him. Taking the bottom of his shirt, she pulled it off over his head. His tented shorts poked her in the lower abdomen. Connie gasped and stepped back. She looked down and stared. After a moment she knelt in front of him and put her hands on the waistband of his shorts.


"It's okay, honey. You can't take a bath with your clothes on."

As she pulled them down the waistband caught on the head of his cock. She froze. Danny took his hand and freed it. His cock was now an inch in front of his mother's face. She stared again, wanting to take him into her hungry mouth. She licked her lips looking at the moisture on the tip. Then quickly pulled his shorts off, stood and helped him step into, then sit in the tub. She sighed.

"I'll be outside. Call me when you're ready to get out," she said hesitantly.

"It's okay if you stay. I'm kinda over the embarrassment now."

"I'm not. I'll be outside. Don't try to get up by yourself."

"Okay. Thanks Mom."

"You're welcome," his mother replied as she hurried out of the room.

Connie went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of brandy. She poured two fingers into a glass and drank it down. Connie chased it with some water then stood staring out the window at the snowfall. Drinking on her needy nights was frustrating. It made her need worse, but it did seem to help with the jitters. She felt better in just a few minutes and stood outside the bathroom to wait. In a few minutes Danny called.

When she entered the room, he was sitting on the side of the tub with both feet in the water.

"I did something stupid. I may have pulled a groin muscle when I tried to get up."

"Honey, you should have waited on me."

"I'm trying to not be a burden. Sorry."

"Let's get you out of the tub. How can I help?"

"Help me get my right leg out then I should be able to stand," he replied.

"Let's drain the water and dry you first. You'll be slippery if you're wet."

His mother opened the drain to let the water out then began drying him. As she reached over him to dry his legs and feet, his cock was in her face again. She felt herself flushing but finished drying his legs and feet.

"I'll dry the rest after we get you out of the tub."


As she began lifting his right leg, he moaned. She put his leg back down. "Janet, I need your help in the bathroom," she called out.

"Mom, I'm naked."

Connie grabbed a washcloth and handed it to him. "Cover up with this."

He looked at it then draped it over his cock as Janet came in.

"This is interesting," she said, grinning.

"Help me stand him up and get him back to his room."

"Back getting bad?"

"He pulled a groin muscle getting up. You take his left side and I'll take the right. Let's do it slowly. Say when Danny."

They each took an arm and easily got him standing. When he turned his sister saw the washcloth covering the end of his cock and started laughing. "I think you need a bigger washcloth," she giggled.

He stepped out of the tub onto the bathroom floor and the washcloth fell. His mother grabbed the towel and rather than cover him, she finished drying him. Danny looked at his sister. She grinned and winked at him. After drying him thoroughly they walked him to his room and helped him sit on the side of the bed.

"I pulled a groin muscle in gymnastics. The trainer massaged it out," his sister said. "Lay back. Let's see if it's where I did it."

They positioned him back on the pillows. As Janet moved between his legs to look, his mother was again mesmerized by his hard cock.

"Mom, take your hand and move this out of the way," she said gesturing to his cock and balls. With one hand she encircled his cock and held it. With the other, she cupped his balls. "It hurts here, doesn't it?" Janet asked, sliding her finger beside his scrotum and across the crease where the thigh and leg meet.

"Yeah, but a little on both sides."

"You have to massage both sides anyway."

Janet noticed that her mother's left hand, which was holding his cock, was ever so slightly stroking him. She looked at her brother and smiled. He grinned at her. Connie was in her own world. She stopped suddenly when she realized what she was doing. Janet got up.

"Mom, kneel between his legs. I'll show you what to do." Almost as if she were hypnotized, she did as instructed. "Put your thumbs just under his sack then slide them gently up along the sides of it, then across the crease of his groin. Good. Now slide back down the crease to the scrotum again. Yes, just like that. Now keep doing it," her daughter instructed.

Connie was entranced. Her thumbs continued their work and each time they passed the base of his cock it bobbed. Pre-cum was leaking steadily. She stared at her son's throbbing cock with her mouth open.

"Mom, Aunt Jean told me about your problem. Take it. Danny wants to help you," her daughter told her.

She continued staring and stroking him but otherwise she didn't move. Danny put his hands on the sides of her head and moved her forward. As she neared his cock her mouth opened wider and took him in. Her eyes closed and she moaned as she swirled her tongue over the tip collecting the pre-cum. She stopped and looked up at him.

"You're sure?" she asked.

"I'm sure, mom," he replied.

She turned and looked at her daughter. "You two set me up, didn't you?"

"Well...you might say that," Janet replied.

She turned back to her son. "Are the back and groin injuries real?"

He grinned. "Nope."

"What has your Aunt told you?"

"You need cum every four days."

"It's genetic we think. My mother and her sisters had it too. It's not every four days though. By the fourth day we begin withdrawal. It has to be oral. The more often the better. I enjoy all kinds of sex but the cum swallowing is what my need really is. Janet, have you tasted cum?"


"If it's genetic, it starts right after your first taste. My need is what drove your father away. I wore him out."

"Mom, you can have my cum anytime you want it," her son told her.

"You may regret that offer, but for now I'm going to take you up on it."

"Just oral?"

"I'll give you any part of me you want, but I'd prefer you finish in my mouth. Have you two been doing things?"

"No, but I promised to eat her tomorrow."

"You like eating pussy?" his mother asked.

"I really do," he replied.

"Me too. How about you Janet?"

"No idea. I've never given or received," her daughter replied.

"Let me finish my snack and I'll eat you," her mother offered.

"Deal. You don't mind if I watch do you? I want to see how to give a blowjob."

"Not at all. We need to keep this between the four of us."

"Four?" Danny asked.

"Aunt Jean's gonna want in on this too. We share pretty much everything. If that's acceptable to you two, of course."

"I'm going to have three women to service?"

"Don't think you can handle it?" his mother asked.

"I'll give it my best shot."

"How often do you jerk off?"

"Three, sometimes four times a day."

"Good, but from here on out if you jack off it goes into one of our mouths."

"I'm gonna have a rough life," he said, grinning.

"It could be. If you need a day off, you need to say so."

"Somehow, I can't imagine that."

"Well, let's look at it. I'll be wanting to suck you at least three times a day. Janet, if she's got the gene will be at least daily, for now. Aunt Jean will want two loads about every three days. That falls just short of six loads a day, or forty times a week. That's a tall order even for a nineteen-year-old."

"Mom, do your worst. If I need a day off, I'll let you know."

"Enough talk. I want my cum."

She took him into her mouth as she fondled his balls. As she went fully down on him, he could feel her tongue teasing his sack. Just using her mouth, she had him close very quickly, but edged him several times. When he came, she opened her mouth, resting his cock on her tongue, and using her hand pumped his entire load into her mouth. She closed her eyes and sighed as she swallowed.

"Delicious. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She had continued stroking with her hand. There was another drop of cum on the tip. "Taste?" she asked her daughter. Janet leaned forward and licked the cum from the tip of his cock. She savored it for a moment before swallowing.

"Very salty, but I really like it. When will I know if I've got the craving?"

"Probably within the hour. You'll be wanting more. Now take off those pants and both of you come to my bed. There's more room for a threesome."

All three went to their mother's room. Danny climbed on the bed as he watched his mother and sister undress each other. He had seen both in various states of undress but never fully nude. Their bodies were gorgeous. His mom was heavier, but still as hot as anyone he had ever seen. Janet seemed a bit nervous as she climbed in the bed.

"Danny, you take the top. I'll get her bottom half going," their mother said, smiling.

When Danny's tongue stroked his sister's nipple she sighed. "Oh God, I never imagined this."

Just then her mother drew her tongue the length of her daughter's pussy. Janet gasped and pushed her brother's head out of the way so she could see. Her knees seemed to reflexively draw up and part. Danny turned his head to watch. The moment he saw his mother licking his sister's bald pussy he was rock hard. She looked up and smiled at her children.

"Do you like it?" she asked her daughter.

"It's amazing, mom."

"Can I put fingers in?"

Janet grinned. "You have full access."

When her mother's fingers slid inside her pussy Janet gasped again. With the tongue and lips working on the outside and two fingers expertly exploring inside, Janet was in heaven. She felt another finger teasing her asshole and then slip just inside the puckered hole. She froze.

"Careful Mom, that's virgin territory."

The finger in her ass began moving in and out slowly and a little further each time. Her mother's tongue seemed to be everywhere except her clit. Janet's hips moved trying to connect her mother's tongue to her swollen clit. Her mother expertly continued to tease everywhere else. When she felt her clit being sucked into her mother's mouth, and attacked by the warm wet tongue, she arched and exploded.

"Oh, oh, oh, ohhhhhh!" she cried, as she shuddered with the orgasm.

In a moment Janet collapsed on the bed. The fingers were all still moving slowly, as were the lips and tongue, but her sensitive clit had been abandoned. Slowly her mother raised off the bed and kissed her on the lips. Connie turned and gave her son an open mouth kiss so he could taste his sister's pussy, then lay down between them. Both turned toward her and held her.

Janet and Danny laughed when their fingers met reaching for their mother's pussy. "Let's eat her together," Danny suggested.

They kissed and explored their mother's exquisite body, spending a long time on her breasts before moving lower. She pulled her legs up and out to allow room for both between them. Janet watched her brother licking and teasing their mother's pussy before joining him. Each put a finger inside her at the same time. Janet began rubbing her mother's g-spot with two fingers as Danny moved his finger deep into his mother's ass. Their tongues worked together to touch her everywhere and repeatedly licked both sides of her clit at the same time. Her pelvis moved with them as she watched her son and daughter pleasure her.

It didn't take long for her to cum. Her arms flew out and grasped the sheets and her legs trembled. "Ahhhhhh, oh, oh, ahhhhhhh," she moaned loudly. In a moment she pushed their heads away. "It's too sensitive. Let me rest a minute."

Danny and his sister shared a pussy covered, open mouth kiss before crawling back up beside her.

"Janet, how about I teach you to do a world class blowjob?" her mother asked.

"I'd like that," she replied.

"Let's take a short break and grab something to drink first. It helps when you're well hydrated."

Everyone went to the kitchen and had a snack and some liquids. While sitting at the table, Connie began with the basics.

"There are some basic rules that I try to follow with any lovemaking, regardless of gender. One, take your time. Two, make your partner feel like they're being worshipped. You want them to feel like their cock, or pussy, if it's a woman, is the center of your universe. Three, make eye contact. Four, don't sit on your hands. If you aren't using then on the cock, or pussy, explore with them. Have you watched porn blowjobs?" she asked her daughter.

"Yeah, several."

"Have you seen the ones where it sounds like a plunger in the toilet?"

"Yeah, that made me laugh."

"It may be popular in porn, but your partner won't likely think so. Most of them would much rather hear how wonderful you think their cock is. People are into lots of different things. I suspect I've tried most of it."

"Are there things you specifically don't like?" her son asked.

"I'm not a fan of S&M. If it causes pain or leaves marks, leave me out of it. Bondage can be fun, but I need to really trust someone before I'll do that. Domination is the same way."

"Mom, where have you been getting your cum?" Janet asked.

"We're getting a bit away from our original topic now, aren't we? From your father until he left. I've dated some, but I really have no desire for a long-term relationship. I have a couple of friends I visit sometimes but I usually get my cum second hand from Aunt Jean."

"Where does she get it?" Danny asked.

"That isn't for me to say. You'll have to talk to her." Connie looked at her son. "Ready for that blowjob now?"

Danny stood showing them his hard cock. "Where to?"

"How about the couch?" his mother replied.

Danny walked to the couch and picked a spot in the middle. He sat with his butt right on the edge, his knees apart, and his cock pointing skyward. His mother knelt between his legs with his sister kneeling off to the side, where she could see everything.

"I like to start with my hand. It gives me a chance to look things over before I actually commit. If they smell like they haven't showered in a month, they probably haven't. There's a big difference between a simple sweaty odor and a dirty crotch. I don't suck dirty dicks. Look at the pre-cum. It should be clear. If it's milky or colored, they've probably got an STD. Look for sores or scarring from previous sores. Never, put a cock with open sores in your mouth. If there are scars, don't be afraid to ask about herpes. Put a rubber on it if you decide to go for it."

"I thought it could only be spread if there were sores," her daughter said.

"Nope, there can be viral shedding even without sores. Protect yourself. Unprotected sex with anyone is risky. It's your responsibility to protect yourself from both pregnancy and disease."

"One of the guys I used to hang with was notorious for telling girls he was sterile. He's got two baby mamas now," Danny added.

"So, if you're satisfied with your screening you can move on. Stroking gets them hard pretty quickly." As she described something she also demonstrated. "If I need spit, I do it in my hand. I like to use their pre-cum if I can. The head is by far the most sensitive area with the corona and frenulum being the hotspots. I'll demonstrate how I approach them as we go along. I also like playing with balls. Sucking on balls doesn't do a thing for me but some guys like it. Try it and see how they respond. Watch them as you play. See what their responses are. My first touch of the tongue is often a lick from the base to the tip then a swirl or three around the head. Vary things. Spice it up. Don't be predictable. That goes for both of you. Even great sex, if it's done the same way every time, gets boring. Enough sermonizing. I can't talk with a cock in my mouth. Watch what I do. Feel free to join in or take over. When he cums we'll share it."

Connie let go of her son's cock with her hands and used only her mouth and tongue. She teased the head and frenulum repeatedly. At times she used long licks along the shaft and at other times short ones. She used her lips at times to nibble and occasionally her teeth. She never took her eyes off her son's face. She was reading his reactions to what she was doing.

Janet watched everything and soon her hand was caressing the inside of her brother's upper thigh. She could tell he was enjoying it by his reactions. Her hand gradually went to massaging his balls. So far, her mother had only taken his head into her mouth. His mother began a slow bobbing motion and gradually took him most of the way in. Connie could tell her son was getting close and backed off to let him calm.

Janet tapped her mother to let her know she wanted to try. Connie pulled off and Janet leaned in taking his head into her mouth. This was the first time a cock had ever been there. She liked the sensation and soon began the bob as her mother had done. Her brother got close again and she eased off. Mother and daughter shared teasing the shaft with their mouths for a few minutes.

"Watch," her mother told her.

Connie took the head in her mouth then used her lips to pull herself farther down the shaft. When almost at the base, she pulled off. Janet tried it and after some trial and error managed to do the same thing. Danny was very close now.

"Finish now or keep going?" Connie asked her son.

He exploded in his sister's mouth before he had a chance to reply. Janet was surprised when he came. She had been concentrating on what she was doing and had overlooked the signs. She managed to keep most of it in her mouth but swallowed reflexively and much went down her throat. When she pulled off, she turned to her mother to speak. Connie licked the cum from her daughter's lips, then used her tongue to gather what was still in her daughter's mouth. Both used their tongues to clean off what remained on his cock.

"That seemed like more than a teaspoonful," Janet said.

"It often seems that way. Measure it sometime," her mother replied. "How did you like giving your first blowjob?"

"I liked it. I like the cum too, but I wasn't craving it."

"Hopefully, you won't. It can be problematic at times."

"Critique time, Danny," his sister said.

"I haven't had enough BJs to consider myself a connoisseur, but it was wonderful. Yours too, mom."

"Thanks," his mother replied, smiling.

"So, you won't mind if I practice on you? I want to get as good as mom."

"Give me thirty minutes to recover then knock yourself out."

"I was thinking more like tomorrow. I could use some sleep," Janet replied.

"I suspect we all could use a shower and a good night sleep," their mother suggested.

They all showered, then after goodnight kisses went to their rooms. Connie called her sister on the phone.

"How are you doing?" Jean asked.

"I'm good. Why did you tell Danny and Janet about our situation?"

"I told Janet. If Danny knows she must have told him."

"They seduced me tonight."

"Connie, I know you. That wouldn't have taken much."

"It didn't," she laughed.

"What's his cock like?" Jean asked.

"Very nice. About six and a half or seven with a good girth."

"Are you going to share with your favorite sister?"

"You're my only sister," Connie replied.

"I know. Are you going to share?"

"You know I will."

"So, what have you done so far?"

"Everyone's eaten everyone, just oral so far."

"Were Danny and Janet doing each other already?"

"No, but it was just a matter of time."

"Does Janet have the gene?"

"Too early to tell, I guess. She's fine so far."

"When can I come over?"

"There's a blizzard outside."

"And I drive a four-wheel drive Jeep. I don't care."

Connie laughed. "Horny bitch."


"Whenever you want, I suppose."

"Lunchtime tomorrow then?" her sister asked.

"Just use your head with the storm. Don't kill yourself."

"I'll see you tomorrow," Jean replied, ending the call.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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