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86.09% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3530: SECRETS AND SOLACE


Brendan pulled loose his tie and collar. Shannon cleared her throat as he turned away from their mom's grave site. But he couldn't deal with the fake people swarming her. Father Molina fell in step beside him.

"The uniform looks good on you," the old priest said.

"Good thing," Brendan said. "It's the only one the Air Force gave me."

He stopped at this mother's car. He would've killed for a smoke but it was nearly a week since he quit and it was too cold to enjoy it, anyway.

"Shannon doesn't seem happy. But if it wasn't for her friends, no one else would be here for your mom's funeral."

"They're not her friends," Brendan replied, checking on Shannon's progress. The sharp, cold wind buffeted her honey-brown hair. Otherwise she greeted the girls with complete composure. "They've hated her since middle school."

"Makes sense," Father Rodriguez snorted. "Puberty gave them acne, braces, and awkward growth spurts but it gave her that body."

Brendan's stare killed the old priest's laughter and he stammered. "You know what I mean."

Brendan nodded. "They only showed up to see if she gained weight at college."

"I can never remember which one of you is the oldest."

"Shay, by ten months."

"You should come with me to the VFW hall. You two won't have to pay for your drinks."

"I'm nineteen," Brendan said. "They won't let me drink at all."

"Well, they won't make me pay for my—"

"We're not going to a bar," Shannon said, keys in hand. "We've been working for three days to close up Mom's house and we're both beat. Bren, let's go."

Hotel valets ran crazy around a backup of vehicles as Shannon turned into the parking lot. Finally, a van pulled out and she was able to park the car. Brendan unloaded her bags from the trunk as Shannon traded her keys for a ticket.

She took Brendan's hand. Her face reflected the relief he felt. Finally free of their mother's sour shadow. Still there was a massive void of emotion neither could name.

Dozens of kids with scattered parents and coaches clogged the hotel lobby.

"A cheer competition," Shannon said. "God, I don't miss that."

"Come on upstairs," Brendan said, taking hold of her largest suitcase. "We'll call down for a room."

Forty-five minutes later, Shannon exited the bathroom, towel-drying her hair. "How did you get a suite?"

"Benefits of the uniform," Brendan replied.

"Thanks for the shirt and shorts, by the way. I can't believe the washing machine was out at Mom's house."

"You mean the circus tent?" Brendan teased. His Air Force T-shirt and fleece running shorts swallowed his sister like clown clothes. "I ordered a couple of burgers from room service. The front desk said they'd call if they can find a room for you."

Shannon moved to the desk/table/bar setup. "Oh, good, you got ice and drinks. How did you get booze?"

"Courtesy of my tech sergeant," Brendan replied. "She knows I can't buy it."

Shannon joined Brendan on the short couch with two plastic cups.

He took a sip and the Jameson Whiskey eased over him. "That's good. Maybe it'll help me sleep,"

"You can't either?"

"As much as we worked to close up the house, we should both be ready to drop into a coma," he said, taking another pull off of the cup.

"I got Mom's sleeping pills," Shannon said. "We'll both sleep good, tonight."

They watched TV with the weight of things unsaid hovering over them until the food arrived. Then they picked at the burgers without enthusiasm.

The room phone rang and Shannon answered it. After a short exchange she cradled the receiver to her chest. "The only room is on the other side of the hotel. Can I just stay here, tonight?"

"Please," Brendan said before he could modulate the emotion in his voice.

Well into the second whiskey, he addressed the elephant in the room. "Something has been hanging on you like an anchor for the last day and a half. What's up?"

Shannon said nothing at first, nibbling at the fries and ignoring the burger. "When I was getting the jewelry and papers together I found Mom's diaries."

"Oh, good," Brendan said. "She kept a written record of how disappointing we were. Don't read that crap, it's not good for—"

"I think Mom was sleeping with Uncle Mike."

The words slammed into Brendan hard as a fist. "What did you say?"

"You heard me. She refers to taking trips every summer when we were at camp."

Brendan argued. "Trips aren't sleeping together."

"She wrote about them having sex. She called him a horny billy goat, in her diary."

"Did she call Uncle Mike by name?" Brendan asked.

"Not by name."

Brendan continued. "Okay, so, she had a boyfriend."

"A boyfriend? Nobody liked her but Uncle Mike. She's buried next to him, not Dad."

"Shay, Dad died in a training accident and is buried in the national cemetery."

"She called him Finnias. Saint Phineas was Uncle Mike's patron saint on his confirmation certificate."

Vertigo seized Brendan and he held his hands up.

"You don't believe me?"

Brendan looked in her eyes but had to look away. "I forgot my batting helmet once. When I went back home to get it, I heard Mom laughing from the kitchen. She was on one side of the bar and Uncle Mike was on the other. They both looked nervous as hell."

"What the fuck?"

Brendan continued. "I heard her say Finnias when I walked in the house. Days later I asked her about it. She slapped the shit out of me and told me to mind my own business."

Shannon stood and stretched her toned body. Brendan looked away before she caught his stare. She took his cup and made fresh drinks for them both.

He shook his head. "I never thought about why she would do that. Just assumed it was just more of her hateful shit."

Shannon slumped down on the couch beside him. "I saw signs, too. We were both just trying to survive her mood swings."

"I know it was no easier being her favorite," Brendan said, taking the offered cup.

"Yeah, favorite." Shannon nodded, her face bitter.

"Now you can go to veterinarian school," Brendan said. "You're free of her."

"Nope." Shannon rose from the couch, steadying herself with a hand on Brendan's shoulder.

"Why? You're just in your sophomore year. It's all prerequisite classes anyway."

"I have a scholarship for the engineering plan she bullied me into." Shannon paced the room. "If I got into an undergraduate program, I won't get a scholarship. She's still screwing with my life."

"The money from the house will pay your way through."

"Maybe enough for one or two years. I don't even know where I'm going to live between semesters and probate will take—"

"I'll set up an allotment," Brendan said. "Get an apartment and move out of the dorms."

"Why—?" She shook her head.

"Why not?" Brendan retorted.

"I thought...I thought this would be it and then we'd be like those siblings who move to different parts of the country and die without ever seeing each other again."

"That won't be us. I won't leave you like that, not again," Brendan said.

"What do you mean, not again. You didn't leave me."

"After Mike died you ran interference for me. And I abandoned you. I ran to the Air Force at the first—"

"You think I wouldn't have done the same thing if I had the guts to stand up to her?" Shannon said. "You don't have to give me money out of guilt."

"It's not guilt. I'm not a kid anymore and I'm not abandoning you again. The AF gives me grown-up responsibilities and grown-up pay. This is what I can do for you."

Shannon took a deep breath and exhaled. She dug a pill bottle out of her purse and counted out two tablets. "Take this. We'll talk more in the morning. Get off the couch."

"No," Brendan said, knocking back his pill with the dregs of his cup as Shannon did the same. "I'm on the couch. The bed is yours."

He started awake. TV light illuminated the room and silhouetted Shannon. "I'm scared."

"What's wrong? Is it the pills? Do you need to go to the ER?" Brendan asked with no idea how he would get her there as drunk-high as he felt.

"I feel like I'm going to float away," Shannon said, breathing through her mouth. "Please hold my hand."

Sitting up on the vinyl couch, he took her hand. "Come on, I'll put you back in bed."

"I can't," Shannon said. "I'm going to fall."

"I got you." Brendan steered her back to the bedroom, guiding her through dips and drifts as best he could with his own chemically impared balance. They both tripped on her discarded shoes. Shannon landed on the bed. He caught the edge of a bedside table.

"No, stay with me," she said.

Brendan sat on the side of the bed and took his sister's hand.

"Lay down with me so I don't float away."

He stretched out on the bed, still holding her hand. Shannon turned to face him and her breasts landed on his arm and pressed against his ribcage. An electric thrill ran down his body and his penis all but leapt. He turned on his side, extricating himself from her breasts, his face to hers. "What did you say?"

"I said, sorry for beating you up with my boobs."

He started to say "there are worse things in life," but it didn't seem so funny.

"Did you mean it when you said you will help me?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Do you think what Mom and Uncle Mike did can be passed on, like bad genes?"

"No and neither do you." Brendan shook his head and his nose bumped Shannon's.

Shannon giggled for the nose bump. "But when we were—"

"Experimentation, that's all it was. We never did anything like that again."

"So, you never thought about it?" Skepticism bobbed on her swaying voice.

"Like when you wore the lavender bikini from the previous year—that was too small the previous year—to Si Meyer's pool party?" Brendan's head swam and he lost all control of his mouth. "Or how those pink, spandex pants looked like they were painted to the curve of your ass? No, not me. I never gave you a second thought. I jerked off to Uncle Mike's 50-year-old-girlie magazines where they showed one nipple."

Shannon's body shook with laughter.

"What about you?" He prompted as his penis began to swell.

"Mostly I think about how we used to sneak into each other's room after one of Mom's fits. I think about your arms around me. Or your hands holding me, like when Uncle Mike died," Shannon said. "Now, I see you in the grey sweatpants..."

Her thigh brushed his swollen cock. "Ew, is that a boner?"

"Shut up," Brendan laughed with her, shifting his hips to hide his erection.

Shannon continued, her voice lilting. "I used to imagine we would run away, too. Just us. We would play and have fun together like we always did. You were my only friend."

"And you are mine," Brendan said.

"We could see the world, laugh at your brother-boner, no more fits or fights."

"Now we can," Brendan said, his voice hoarse. "You can beat me up with sister titties."

She giggled again. "You promise?"

"Yes," he replied, sleep creeping over him.

"Pretend kiss," Shannon said as soft lips brushed his, shocking him awake.

"Pretend kiss," Brendan said, in their old game, brushing his lips over her full mouth.

"Pretend kiss," Shannon said, pressing her mouth to his, darting her tongue past his lips. He tasted the bright-sweet whiskey and best of all, the unique taste of her mouth.

Brendan sucked her tongue as his hands found her body. A shudder ran through his chest and then through her. Her tight belly quivered at his touch. Shannon pushed him back, kicking off the covers to straddle his hips. She sought his tongue and sucked it as he had sucked hers.

Her fingers were in his hair, she ground her pelvis against his. Brendan's cock felt ready to burst into flames. His hands shook as he first caressed and then groped Shannon's heavenly tits.

Pulling her bottom lip free from his sucking embrace, she thrust her breasts to his face. Brendan lipped and nibbled at her nipples and squeezed her tits through the T-shirt. Shannon pulled the shirt over her head and in the same motion she grabbed his wrists, forcing him back onto the bed.

Brendan licked and teased as her moon-lit tits swayed over his face. His cock pressed against his sister's pussy and she half-laughed-half-goaned. Shannon collapsed on his chest, her mouth on his mouth.

As their kisses descended to tonguing and panting, Brendan grabbed her ass. Shannon yelped in laughter. She continued to giggle while grinding his lap. And then his hands were in her shorts. A long, low "oh," escaped her lips as he groped her ass. When he shifted his right hand to her pelvis and plunged into her panties, Shannon whimpered.

But when Brendan's fingers parted her pubic hair and brushed over the lips of her pussy, Shannon recoiled. "Stop, stop, stop. We can't..."

Already lurching away, Brendan fell out of bed, landing flat-backed on the floor.

They traded "sorries," and "fucks" as he retreated to the bathroom.

Jesus Christ, Brendan thought as he closed the double doors behind him. What the hell was I doing?

But his throbbing cock, still standing at attention, answered the question.

Cold shower, that's what they say, he thought, tossing his T-shirt and shucking out of his sweatpants. He cranked the shower all the way to hot. Then, as he stepped in, cranked the faucet all the way to cold. The shock of freezing-cold water barely made a dent in the booze-and-pill haze and did nothing for his painfully swollen cock.

The doors parted and Shannon stole into the bathroom. She turned off the main lights and flipped on the nightlights, bathing the bathroom in low golden light, no brighter than a candle. Then she kicked out of the shorts as she pulled the shower door open.

"Shay, don't."

"Shut—shit! That's cold!" She cranked the faucet midway and stepped right into Brendan's body. "I just freaked out for a minute but I'm better, now."

"No, you're right. We can't do this."

She placed a wavering finger over his lips. "As long as you don't penetrate me, it isn't intercourse and it isn't incest. Agreed?"

"I don't know, Shay..."

Shannon stood on her toes to plant her plump lips on his mouth. His entire world existed on her whiskey tongue. He leaned to return her kiss. She took his hands and guided them to her chest. "Don't you want to feel these big titties, again?"

He answered by lowering his kisses to her sharp-pointed nipples, licking and biting.

"Then keep your dick and your fingers out of me," she said, passing him the soap.

Brendan sought out her mouth with his tongue as he soaped her beautiful tits. Shannon returned his kisses and stroked his aching cock.

"Let me at the water," she said, forcing him to shift to the side.

Shannon stood under the shower but reached back for his hands. Brendan kissed and nibbled at her neck while cupping her tits. His cock nestled perfectly into the crack of her ass.

She took his right hand and guided it down. "You can pet the kitty, you just can't put your fingers in."

Looking over her shoulder, even in the sparse light he could see their hazy reflection in the mirror opposite of the shower. At Shannon's honey-brown curls, Brendan spread his hand over her glorious pubic mound before gently caressing her engorged clitoris.

"Oh, my God," Shannon sighed.

Brendan began to lightly circle his middle finger over her clit. Moving his tongue to her ear, he flicked and sucked her earlobe while he pinched and pulled at the nipple in his left hand. "Do you have any idea how I would kiss that little pussy flower?"

"Nasty-mouth fucker," Shannon whispered. "Play with that wet pussy."

She undulated her luscious ass back and forth across his cock. Then she arched her back and his cock stuck right between her asshole and pussy. "Whoa, no, no, no."

Wobbling, Shannon leaned back, shoulders against Brendan's chest and spread her legs but she shifted her hips away, thrusting her pelvis out.

"You sexy bitch," Brendan hissed as he strummed her clit with the lightest touch.

"Goddamn..." Shannon husked. "Right there, right there, right there, right there—oh!"

Her knees buckled and Brendan stooped to catch her, easing down with her as tremors racked her body. Still trembling, she turned, sobbing into his chest.

"My god, you're beautiful," Brendan whispered as he rocked her. He held Shannon there for several minutes until she smiled up at him, all trace of crying gone.

"Jesus," she said, reaching for the grab bar. "That was... No, wait, don't go."

"I'm going to get a towel for you," Brendan replied.

"We're not done."

"Shay, I'm so high, I can barely stand up."

"This big boy is standing up just fine," she said, taking hold of his raging erection. "Adjust the shower head so I don't drown."

Brendan shifted the shower so the water hit her back and not her head. Shannon squatted, taking his erection in one hand and his balls the other. She held his cock close to her face. "You just don't know how much I'd like to suck this cock."

Shannon pulled the tip across her face, caressing her cheek and grazing her nose. The same electric thrill shot through Brendan's gut, bending his knees and back. She pulled his cock back across her face, just barely brushing across her precious lips.


"You can't stay like this," Shannon said, soaping up her hand, the cock tip on her chin. "If that cock stays like this I'll have to suck it to death."

"Shay..." Brendan murmured as she tugged on his cock with a silken hand.

"Can you even imagine? Me, sucking my brother's swollen cock? Shameful." She began to crank her wrist, wrenching at his throbbing cock as she pulled on one of her nipples with her free hand. "God, if I fucked you...we would screw our way to hell."

Shannon leaned back. And a jet of the shower rinsed the soap off the tip.

"Don't," Brendan said, unsure of what he didn't want her to do.

"But I'm not fucking you. So, it would be okay if I just..." She flicked the tip of his cock with her tongue. "It's like a kiss. Nothing wrong with a kiss." She kissed the head of his cock. "You're not penetrating me. Not like you're fucking my mouth."


"I mean if you fucked my mouth, you might as well fuck my pussy. Eww, sister pussy. Can you even imagine?" She pumped harder on his cock, not even an inch from her face. Her voice lifted in excitement. "You probably can. You probably stroked off thinking of this sister pussy. You'd screw us all the way to hell."


"And what if you got me pregnant?" Shannon continued. "What if you fucked an incest baby into me? Would you still want to screw me with this brother dick, then? Fat and pregnant with your incest baby, you dirty-cock bastard?"

Shannon looked him right in the eye and Brendan lost his mind. Thrusting his hips, he fucked her soapy fist as she dropped her free hand to rub her pussy.

"Give it to me, you dirty cock bastard. Give me that brother nut." The tip jabbed at her lips as she spoke. "Give me that incest cum. I'll rub it into my pussy. We'll cum together."

Brendan's cock shot forward, almost independent of his hips. Off balance he caught himself as the orgasm tore through him. "I'm gonna cum."

"Do it. Give it to—" The first white spray hit Shannon's neck. Then rope after rope of thick cum splashed her tits. She groaned low, nearly a growl, as she frantically rubbed her pussy and then her body convulsed again.

Morning light burned through Brendan's eyelids. He could smell the floral shampoo that Shannon used and he could feel her head on his chest, her warm, naked body pressed next to his. They woke up with smiles. Then she went to the bathroom and closed the door.

Shannon emerged wrapped in a bathrobe without comment. She went to the TV in the suite giving him free-reign of the bathroom. Dressed and groomed for the day, they made awkward conversation as they packed.

After breakfast they dropped the car with Mrs. Celestine and she gave Shannon half the money they agreed on. Mrs. Celestine's son drove them to the airport.

They cleared security and fumbled for something to say before parting for separate terminals, bound for opposite coasts. "Shay, I feel..."

She put her fingers over his mouth. "This is what we're going to do. We're going to go back to our lives. We're going to find other people and fuck them and we're going to move past this. But don't you forget your promise. Don't you leave me."

"I will never leave you," Brendan said.

Shannon rose up on her toes and kissed him deep in the mouth.

Brendan stamped his feet and shook the last of the snow off of his coat. A couple shifted by him in the quadplex entry as he tucked away his flight cap. With nothing else to do, he climbed the stairs to his sister's apartment with equal parts excitement and trepidation. They had only seen each other twice in the ten months since the funeral.

The first time was just to complete paperwork to allow either of them to handle their mother's estate. The second was to help move Shannon to a new school. While they had talked and joked like old times, the flight from Lindbergh Field to Dane County included long stretches of silence and furtive glances.

He knocked on the apartment door and immediately heard Shannon's voice. Then the door wrenched open and she flung herself into him, pushing her way into his overcoat. "I didn't think you would ever get here!"

Luxuriating in the press of her soft, full breasts, delicious hips, and tight embrace, he returned her hug and started to steal a kiss until he caught movement behind her.

"Bren, this is Chase," Shannon said, as she disengaged from the hug, tucking honey-brown hair behind her ears. "Chase, this is my brother, Brendan."

Maybe an inch taller, Chase looked maybe ten-or-fifteen-pounds lighter. He dressed like the assholes in old movies. Otherwise it was like looking in a mirror.

"Come in, come in," Shannon said as her flushed face returned to normal color. "Where's your bag?"

"At the hotel," Brendan said.

"Why? You can stay here."

"I moved you in here. I remembered how small this place is," Brendan replied.

Chase said something in agreement with Brendan and Shannon fired back. Glad to have the focus off of himself, Brendan hung his coat and took a seat at the kitchen bar.

"No, we're not going into that now, with my brother here," Shannon said to stop their playful bickering. "Chase was just telling me he had a surprise for us."

She beamed and Brendan grinned back, despite himself. Happiness made her even more beautiful.

"My dad said we could use the ski lodge in White Fish for a week," Chase said, excitement bubbling through his voice.

"Really?" Shannon said. "I've never been skiing."

Unable to trust his tone, Brendan smiled to keep his mouth shut. Then Shannon kissed Chase and his heart dropped into his belly.

"So, check out of that hotel and grab your bag, buddy," Chase said. "We fly out tonight."

Shannon hung on his every word, literally hanging on him, fingers laced, on his shoulder.

Time to be the bad guy, Brendan thought. "Chase, that's great but I'm going to pass."

"No-the-hell you're not," Shannon said. "I haven't seen you in months."

"And I'll be here when you get back," Brendan said. "I have a two-week pass. You two go ski and have fun and when you get back we'll hang out somewhere indoors."

"Brendan, dude, you don't want to miss this," Chase argued.

Dude? Brendan thought. I'm a staff sergeant you twat. He said, "It's not my thing, dude. I joined the Air Force because of the lack of out-door stuff. Besides, I'm exhausted from work and school."

"You don't have to ski," Chase continued. "We'll get you a girlfriend, hook you up with a little ski bunny, and get you la—"

Shannon elbowed Chase in the ribs, more forceful than playful.

"Ow!" Chase rubbed his side and tried to read her face.

Brendan ran interference. "Oh, I have a girlfriend. She just couldn't get leave to come with me."

"Oh, I didn't know," Chase said.

"Neither did I," Shannon said, staring right through Brendan. "But you're coming with us."

He drew his arms in close to guard his own sides.

"Bossy," Chase said. "She must be the oldest."

Brendan shrugged.

"Like I said, he's coming with us."

"Great," Chase said. "That settles it."

After an awkward lunch Chase went to his apartment to get his luggage together. Brendan sat on the couch while Shannon jetted through the apartment in full panic-packing. "We settled this. You said you were coming with us."

"No, you said I was coming with you," Brendan said. "I told you it's not my thing."

"It'll be fun," Shannon said. "But only if you come with us."

Yeah, Brendan thought. Fun. "Shay, I want to sleep in a bed that I don't have to make, eat food that wasn't prepackaged, and see things that are not Air Force blue or institutional grey."

"You can do all of that with us," Shannon said.

"I'd rather do all of that without watching you two fall in love." Brendan blurted out, wincing immediately.

"That's not fair." Shannon collapsed into a chair beside the couch. "We said that we have to do this."

Brendan nodded in hot-faced embarrassment. "I know."

"What we did...it's not right."

He nodded in agreement.

"You said it, yourself."

"I know and I was wrong for what I just said. I'm being childish," Brendan said. "We're going to do this. We're going to do other people and we're going to be normal siblings."

Shannon wiped her eyes in frustration. "Tell me about this girlfriend."

"I've been seeing her for a few weeks," Brendan said. "But she's really not—"

"Do you have a photo of her?" Shannon demanded.

Brendan found his phone and pulled up a photo of him and Keisha at a Gary Clark Jr. concert, on a rare night away from Lackland.

"Well, the boob gods were good to her, weren't they?" Shannon said, acid dripping from her comment.

Of course, Brendan thought. Different ethnicity, different interests, same basic body-type. "I guess that makes me shallow, huh?"

"Is that what drew you to her?"

"No, she games, reads comics, and listens to..." Brendan lost his train of thought while looking in his sister's green eyes and then at her full, delicious mouth.

Shannon leaned in to him. "Do you ever think of—?"

His ringing phone cut her off. Brendan looked at the screen. "It's Mrs. Huang."

Six minute later he hung up. "See? It's all for the best. You and Chase will go skiing and I'll go close the sale on Mom's house. We'll meet back here in a week and hang out."

"I don't like it," Shannon said, stepping into him at the door. "I would rather—"

"Me, too." Brendan kissed her, light, on the lips. "But we're going to do this."

Shannon threw her arms around his neck. "I don't want to do this."

"Yes, you do," Brendan said. "You want to have a normal relationship and do normal things. Me, too."

"I want to do you," Shannon retorted.

Brendan felt his heart hammer his sternum and his penis all but leapt.

"I didn't say that," she said. "Go. Just go."

He turned to leave but Shannon rose up on her toes to kiss him on the lips.

Three nights later, Brendan lay in the hotel bed, body aching. Even with two guys he hired from North Central College, clearing the boxes and furniture from his mom's house wore him out. But it was done. The check made it all worth it. He couldn't wait to tell Shay about the accounts that the probate court found—

Pounding on his hotel door shocked him fully awake.

Brendan struggled to wrap the bathrobe around his sore body, as he limped to the door. "Who is it?"

"Open the fucking door, Bren."

Shannon pushed past him, stomping into the room. She dropped her suitcase and went straight to the desk/table. "Where's the booze? I know you always have a bottle when you travel."

He was shocked to see her face bare of cosmetics, faint freckles visible in the stark light. Her honey-brown hair was pulled back into a severe ponytail. Her eyes were red and raw. If possibly she was even more beautiful than ever.

"Brendan! Booze!"

"Yeah, sure," he said, going to his own bag. He fished out a bottle of Jameson. "I'll go get ice."

"And Coke," she said, dropping her jacket where it landed before rummaging through Brendan's bag. "I'm taking your shorts and T-shirt."

Half-way back to the room, he realized that he was wearing nothing but his robe. Thankful that he encountered no one in the hall, Brendan picked up his pace. The sound of Shannon running greeted him at the door. When he heard the water draining, he made them each a drink.

Shannon emerged from the bathroom hair wrapped in a towel.

Brendan asked, "What happened?"

"Chase was jerking me around the entire time," Shannon said, flopping down on the couch beside him and taking the offered cup.

"Jerking you around about what?"

"He overheard my friend Marcia talking about me. She said dead mother, and inheritance and he saw dollar signs."

"How did you find out?"

"Chase sent me a text intended for his brother about some investment plan that he hadn't said anything to me about. He's a bragger so why wouldn't he tell me about it?" Shannon said between deep swallows off the cup. "I mean he tells me about his fucking golf clubs."

"That doesn't mean—"

She continued. "He got mad as hell when I told him where you went. Said that I should've told him and he could help because he's a pre-law major or some shit. He was a total dick all the way to Montana"

"But the text?"

"Every time I asked him about it he dodged the question or played it off as no big deal. The rest of the time he was on the phone. We never saw the slopes." Shannon drained the cup. "So, last night he passed out drunk and I went through his phone. It was all there."

"What was all there?" Brendan asked.

"Chase found mom's obit, and the listing for the house. He had plans to invest our money in his plan. His brother was coaching him on what to do if we split the money before he could get to you."

Brendan shook his head and then Shannon drew her legs up on the couch and the baggy shorts rode up on her toned, creamy thigh. She punched him in the shoulder. "Get me another drink, you freak."

Cup in hand, he rose to mix a second drink.

"So, you read the texts," Brendan prompted, while cutting back on the whiskey.

"Hey, I see you," Shannon said. "Don't skimp."

Brendan dropped another splash of booze in the cup before handing it to her. "Then what?"

"I waited for him to wake up. Made sure he was lucid," Shannon said, knocking back half the drink. "He tried to play it off as no big deal. Then, he was 'just looking out for us.' Then he tried to turn it back on me. Even the I'll fuck-her-but-not-wife her, part."


"I punched the crap out of him," she said. "Still can't believe I slept with—oh, god."

She sprinted from the couch to the bathroom and Brendan heard her vomit. He followed her and soaked a face towel under the cold tap. When she exited the toilet he handed her the cool towel.

"Is that just from shotgunning the whiskey or—?"

"Fuck you, we used condoms every time," Shannon barked, wiping her eyes and then the rest of her face before reaching for her toothbrush. "They didn't card me on the plane so I've been drinking all afternoon on an empty stomach."

"I'll order some food," Brendan said as she brushed her teeth.

After room service delivered the food, Shannon joined him on the couch in the suite. They talked and ate and drank more. At one point she stopped talking and then Brendan realized her head was on his shoulder and she was deep in sleep. He turned down the TV and closed his own eyes.

He woke up with a crick in his neck. Shannon's hand was on his chest, inside of his robe. When he looked at her face, her eyes met his. Brendan leaned in and she met his lips. The taste of her mouth flooded his senses and he sucked her tongue for every speck of her, mixed with whiskey.

Pulling away from his kiss, she bit his lip and pulled his hair. "You shouldn't have left."

"Shay, I had to go close on the house."

"I mean when you moved me to Madison," she husked between angry kisses.

"I had to go back to base or end up in the stockade."

"You still had time left. You could've stayed the weekend. I wouldn't have been so stupid for dick if you had just stayed."

"If I'd stayed the weekend, we would've ended up having sex."

"So? Screwing you isn't getting screwed by him."

Brendan pulled away and as gently as he could, wiped tears from her eyes. "We agreed that we needed to see other people. To have healthy relationships."

"Does this seem healthy?" Shannon countered. "Played like a dumb slut?"

"That was one time. Now you know that you can't talk to anyone about your business."

Shannon's mouth on his, smothered everything else he would've said. She reached into his robe and took hold of his rock-hard cock, caressing it. Unable to restrain himself, Brendan groped her tits through the T-shirt and kissed his way down.

She climbed into his lap and he pulled the tent-like shirt off of her body. The TV backlit her but there was enough exterior light through the windows to illuminate her perfect breasts. With one in each hand he pressed them together, licking and teasing her nipples.

"Mm," Shannon groaned, fidgeting in his lap. "You like those big titties, don't you?"

Brendan nipped and bit at one nipple while strumming the other with his thumb.

"Oh, yes," she husked out, grinding her pelvis into his.

Then his cock went in the hiked up leg of her shorts and Shannon shut down. "Wait."

She all but leapt off of his lap.

Brendan stopped instantly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm not," Shannon stopped, voice trembling. With her legs tucked under her, she looked even more vulnerable than she sounded. "I'm not ready for penetration. Not, yet. I know that's a shitty thing to say right now."

"Stop, stop, stop," Brendan interrupted Shannon, turning to face her. "We don't have to do that. We don't have to do anything. We can just go lay in bed and cuddle. Or you can be alone."

"No," Shannon protested. "I want to play. I'm just scared."

"I don't want you to ever be scared of me," Brendan said. "Before all of this you are my sister and after all of this you will be my sister. My first and best friend. I will love you no matter what and I will not do anything you're even remotely uncomfortable with."

Tension fled Shannon's face as she eased. Her 1000-watt smile lit Brendan's world.

"Come on, let's go to bed," he said.

"Just a kiss first," she said, taking his face in her hands pecking him on the lips. Then a second time and then a third. The third devolved into her tongue displacing his own. Shannon took his hands and guided them back to her bare breasts. Brendan's cock sprang back to life at the first touch of her silky-soft flesh.

Again, he kissed his way down. Again, he ministered to her stiff nipples, licking, sucking, and biting. "I'm just going to give you a little kiss down there. We can stop any—"

"You want to kiss my pussy?"

Brendan nodded. "Is that okay?"

"You seriously want to kiss my pussy?"

He kissed her taut belly.

"You are going to kiss my pussy."

He tongued and her perfect belly button.

Shannon's squeal of laughter rewarded him. "Say it. Say that you want to kiss your sister's pussy."

"I want to kiss my sister's honey pussy," Brendan said, pulling shorts and panties off of her ass in one motion. Her sweet musk guided him and he dove nose-first into her mound of curls.

"Oh, Jesus..." Shannon said through gritted teeth. "You're kissing your sister's pussy."

Brendan gave the bud of her clitoris a light peck before moving further south. He licked at her labia and then sucked the delicate petals of her dewy rose. Then back to her clit, kissing, licking, and finally sucking.

"I want to put my tongue in my sister's pussy," Brendan said. "Is that okay?"

"Yes," Shannon hissed.

Brendan sucked and kissed and licked past her labia and stuck his tongue as deep into her honey pot as it would go.

"Holy mother of god," Shannon said, driving her fingers into his hair. "You're eating your sister's pussy. Aren't you?"

"I'm eating my sister's pussy," Brendan mumbled, lips slick from Shannon's wet slit.

"You're eating...oh," Shannon whispered, pulling on his hair.

Working her beautiful tits with his hands, he alternated between thumbing and pulling on her rich brown nipples. Undeterred, his mouth moved from wet pussy to swollen clit and back.

"You're eating your sister's pussy," Shannon whimpered.

"I'm eating all of this sister-pussy."

"Oh, god, you're eating all of your sister's pussy," Shannon said, rocking her pelvis and gripping his scalp tight. "Wait, wait, wait, I'm not ready to cum, yet."

Brendan came up for air, transfixed by her cream thighs and overwhelmed by her sweet musk.

"Lay back," Shannon said.

"Not yet."

"Lay back, now."

Brendan eased back on the couch as Shannon stood on shaky legs. "Let's just get something straight."


"Shut up," Shannon turned away and then straddled him, her ass and sweet slit inches from his face. "I don't want you to fuck that big-titty bitch you're dating."

She leaned toward his cock and her tits landed on his belly. Brendan shook his head, tongue all over Shannon's clit. "I won't."

"Say it."

"I won't fuck that big-titty bitch that I'm dating," Brendan said around her wet pussy.

"I want you to fuck this big-titty bitch," Shannon said twirling her tongue around the head of his cock and then she took the length of his shaft down her throat.

"Holy shit!" Brendan said before diving back to her sweet slit, nose practically up her ass.

Her mouth bobbed while Brendan tongued and sucked at her clit. Her pelvis rocked as Shannon rode his mouth, grinding her pussy into his face. They both quivered on the edge of oblivion.

"You want to fuck that cunt?" She husked, "That's how you get to fuck that cunt. First you eat that cunt."

Putting years of abdominal workouts to the test, Brendan sat up. He caught Shannon at the knees and her pelvis landed on his chest.

Shannon pulled her mouth off of his cock. "What are you—?"

Brendan darted at her ass with his tongue.


He ran his tongue from clit to ass. Shannon lurched forward but he caught a handful of her hair, jerking her head back.

"OH MY—!"

Then he settled into a slow, soft tonguing of her pungent asshole.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

"This is my pussy," Brendan slurred over her anus. He released her hair to kneaded one of her fat tits with one hand. "And this is my little button. Your whore button."

"Wow, oh, oh," Shannon all but shrieked, death-grip on his cock. "It's not a whore button, it's a dirty button."

"What does it do when I eat your ass?" Brendan darted his tongue into her asshole, lightly tapping her clit with the fingers of his free hand.

"It makes me a dirty whore," Shannon said, with a groaning laugh. "Oh, eat my ass and I'll be your dirty whore."

"You want me to eat my sister's ass?" He tapped her clit a bit harder, then landed on her clit with his middle finger, rubbing in short, fast strokes.

"Yes, please eat your sister's ass. Please eat my—" Tremors rocked Shannon's body and she wailed. "OH, OH, OH! I'm going to—OH!"

Shannon's entire body quaked with her orgasm. Brendan's saliva, mingled with her ass and pussy, dripped off of his chin and ran down her thighs, already glistening with sweat. The melange of scents were nearly too much for him as his sister continued to shake and convulse.

"I can't make it stop," she whimpered.

"Good, don't try."

"But..." Shannon tried to adjust only to fall back on top of him.

"Just feel it," Brendan said, arms around her.

"Oh, god," she moaned, tremors erupted in her chest and through her back into his chest. Even her ass shook against his belly. "It just keeps happening. I keep cumming."

Brendan spread his hand over her curly mound. His fingers rested over her clit and at the opening of her pulsating pussy. Shannon slapped her hands over his as her body continued to quake. She also clamped her thighs shut around his cock.

"It's okay," Brendan whispered in her ear. "Let it go. Let it all go. We can stay like this forever."

She turned her face but was unable to make the embrace. He kissed her jaw, her ear, and her neck, licking and sucking at her salty-wet skin. Slowly her tremors subsided.Still hard, his rigid cock pulsed between her slick thighs. He lightly pumped his pelvis, pushing his cock between her quivering legs.

"Oh, I still have to take care of that bad boy," Shannon said.

"No you don't," Brendan said, right over her ear. "You don't have to do anything. I'll fuck your thighs."

"Uh, no," Shannon said, rolling off of him and the couch, landing on the floor with a thud. "That pretty prick is going back in my mouth."

"It's soaked from your pussy," Brendan said. "I can just stroke off."

"I don't care. Stand up," Shannon said, moving as he moved, from the couch to the floor. On her knees, licking and then kissing and then sucking his cock back into her mouth. She pumped her head two or three dozen times before coming up for air. "I want to cum again. I'm going to fuck my face with this cock until I flood this room."

Shannon gripped his ass and impaled her mouth on his cock. Without thinking about it, Brendan took hold of her hair, first aiding her efforts, and then taking over. He fucked her face pumping her mouth with his cock as she snorted and spit flew.

In the reflection of the window, he watched her tug at a nipple with one hand while she stroked pussy with the other.

Gagging gave way to a choking fit and Shannon pulled free. "Sorry, vomiting isn't my kink."

"Mine either," Brendan said, caressing her face.

"Is that my pussy I smell on your fingers?"

Lust overwhelmed Brendan, "It is your cunt juices, all over my fingers, all over my face and all over your face."

"Watch me jerk you off while I play with my pussy," Shannon said, trading hands on her wet slit. She took his shaft, slick from her mouth in hand and began to stroke. "Feel how wet my hand is? That's from my cunt."


"Almost like you're fucking your sister's wet pussy, huh?" She cranked her wrist. "I'm rubbing my hot cunt with my other hand, slick with your sweat and spit."

"Oh, my god, Shay!"

"That's it, pump those hips," Shannon hissed. "Shoot that hot cum all over your sister's fat titties. I'm going to feed our incest baby with these titties."

Shannon looked up at him, her divine tongue between her succulent lips.

The orgasm shot through him and burned out of him. Brendan's knees gave and his pelvis convulsed. Torrents of white-hot cum splashed over Shannon's tits, her chin, and forehead.

Shannon fell back on her butt. Legs spread wide, she rubbed her pussy and then she fell over squealing, back bucking.

Brendan sank to the floor and laid beside her. She took his hand in hers and smiled weakly.

"That was fucking depraved."

"And beautiful," he replied, pecking her on the lips.

"I have never cum like that with anyone before," she said. "Have you?"

"Hell, no. I've never done anything like this before," Brendan said. "You're the only one I trust enough."

Shannon kissed him back and sucked on his tongue and then his lips.

After a while, they managed to stand up on shaky legs. They showered together, washing away sweat, cum, and dirt from the floor. Brendan worshiped her body. First toweling her dry, he then rubbed her down with lotion from ear-lobes to ankles with deep kisses in between.

Shannon reciprocated with the lotion. She kissed every inch of his pacified penis and balls. They sipped at fresh drinks, laying in bed.

"I still have two weeks before the spring semester starts," Shannon said.

"How about Florida? It's warm and won't be crowded so soon after the holidays."

Moonlight through the window glinted off of her perfectly straight teeth. "Disney World."

"And Universal Studios," Brendan said, sitting their cups on the bedside table.

She nestled in close. "And hotel sex."

Brendan wrapped his arms around her. "And just us."

Shannon unzipped her jacket. "This is the weather the day after Thanksgiving?"

"Yeah, Texas weather," Brandon replied. Hemmed in by hundreds of people, it had taken nearly 15 minutes to traverse three blocks from the Alamo and they still had at least two more to go before they reached the River Walk. Nightfall had brought a cool breeze but he would've been more comfortable in shorts and a T-shirt.

"It's a shame your girlfriend couldn't make it," Shannon teased.

"Keisha's not my girlfriend," Brendan replied. "But this is the first holiday leave either of us have gotten. She wanted to see her family in Nashville."

The crush of people repeatedly jostled Shannon against Brendan. Her sumptuous body pressed next to his, stoking his hunger for her. They had not been together since Florida, eleven months ago. They shared a hotel bed there. Still, catholic guilt made them awkward in the mere hours since he met her at the airport.

"You want a beer?" Brendan asked, motioning for a cart where an old man sold sodas, beer, and bottles of water.

"You think we can?"

"No one is carding here. Hell, I'm not sure that the cart is even legal."

Legal or not, the old man worked with practiced speed. Eight people traded cash for bottles and cans in less than 90 seconds. When Brendan got to the old man, he held up two fingers. "Beers."


"Good" Brendan traded a $10 bill for two green bottles of beer. "Keep the change."

He handed her a bottle, guiding her back to the crowd. They shuffled with the immense throng, inching toward the River Walk. Shannon's ass swayed back and forth across his crotch, both hypnotic and maddening at the same time.

She sipped the beer. "They do this every year?"

"Yep. Families come from all over the state and even from Mexico for the lighting of the River Walk."

"Christ, is that the line for Wendy's?"

Brendan followed her gaze to a line snaking out of a storefront and down the block. He caught sight of a slight woman with a bobbed hairdo but couldn't be sure if it was his lieutenant. "Yep, but we'll get something at the place I told you about."

Half a block from the steps down to the River Walk, they passed a patio bar where a band of white dudes sang a Justin Bieber song in a reggae arrangement.

"Seriously?" Shannon laughed.

"Apparently," Brendan replied. The band transitioned to a ballad by Selena and the mostly Latino crowd cheered and then began to sing along.

"Hey," Shannon said, stepping out of the shuffling crush. "I think I know this song."

"Yeah, it came out before we were born but it's crazy popular here."

The crowd singing the ballad, coupled with the atmosphere of goodwill and joy touched Brendan. He smiled at Shannon, glad to share this moment with his sister. She smiled back and rose up on her toes to kiss him. But a group of women just behind her cheered, drawing his attention to a couple already kissing and then he saw ash-blonde hair.

"Wait," Brendan said, shifting slightly from his sister.

The couple parted and he saw Senior Airman Keisha Robertson kissing Lieutenant Rachel Nguyen. Then they parted and the shock he felt flashed across Keisha's face and then across Lieutenant Nguyen's.

"Shit," Brendan said, voice low.

"What? What's wrong?" Shannon asked.

"Just chill," Brendan said, under his breath. Shannon tugged on the sleeve of his jacket and realized she hadn't heard him. "I'll explain in a minute."

The song ended and the crowd began to move again. Keisha looked ready to flee but Lieutenant Nguyen took her by the hand and led her to Brendan. "Sergeant McMannis. How are you?"

Brendan went to attention and began raising his hand.

"Don't you dare," Lieutenant Nguyen said, no trace of humor in her normally laughing voice.

Nodding, Brendan relaxed. "Understood. How are you LT?"

"I'm good but we're off duty so call me Rachel. Is this your girlfriend?"

A glance at Shannon's blazing face mirrored his embarrassment. "My sister, L—Rachel. Shannon, this is Keisha and Rachel. Ladies, my sister, Shay."

Tucking her ash-blonde hair behind her ear, Keisha blurted, "Brandon, I didn't mean to—"

She and Shannon were both jostled by the crowd. Shannon said. "Let's step over here where you two can talk without getting walked all over."

They stepped off the sidewalk and into an entryway for a closed storefront. "Now, do you need a minute?"

"No, hell no," Brendan said to his sister then he turned his attention to the airman with the hurt-little-girl face. "Keisha, you don't owe me any explanation. We've been friends since S.S.O. school."

"I wanted to tell you so many times," Keisha said, hazel eyes flashing. "It's just still so..."

"You're my friend, I'm happy that you're happy," Brendan said, speaking with candor born of relief that the focus was off of him and Shannon. Still, the night was working out much differently than he had planned.

"It's more than unit hostility," Rachel said, raking fingers through her thick bob. "If we're caught dating, we both stand to be demoted and reassigned."

"I won't let that happen, LT—" he held up his hands in apology and Rachel dismissed it with a smile. "You've been good to me since Tech Sergeant Cullen retired."

Keisha asked "You're really not mad?"

"About what? That you didn't tell me your deepest secret?" Brendan countered. "What do you know about me? Hell, what do we know about anyone? I thought T.S. Burt was a good guy. Then he got hands-y with Martinez."

"Our Sergeant McMannis regulated that shit." Rachel said, with an exaggerated wink to Shannon before looping her an arm around hers. "Come walk with us."

Shannon grinned at Brendan and nodded. He smiled despite himself. "We don't want to step all over your evening."

"Nonsense," Rachel said and for the first time Brendan could tell she was tipsy, on the edge of being drunk. "We just established that we're friends."

The multitude thinned a bit as they descended the steps to the River Walk. Some boarded tour boats. Others turned south. Rachel looked at Keisha, her eyes flashing. "You want to take a boat ride?"

"No, I think I'd puke," the younger woman said. "But which way do we go? I'm turned around."

Shannon elbowed Brendan and said, "Invite them so they make it home safe."

"Why don't you come with us? We're just making the north round and then getting dinner."

"Sounds fun," Rachel said.

He led them north, still hemmed in with people but not on each-other's feet. Holiday lights strung over the River Walk cast the dimly-lit stones and storefronts in a festive glow. Clots of people clogged entryways to restaurants and bars. After nearly three hundred yards, they came to a line for a bathroom and another cart selling drinks.

Brendan waited for his sister and squadron-mates. After twenty minutes they returned with beer. Shannon handed him a fresh bottle of Dos Equis. "Keisha told me that you put a stop to multiple harassment situations."

Brendan shot a mock-stare at Keisha. "Talking out of class?"

"Keisha's not the first," Rachel said. "Every man in our squadron hates your guts."

Brendan said nothing to the truth.

"If you didn't want to be talked about, you shouldn't be so mysterious," Keisha said. "Shay said you told her we do flight routes."

Brendan rolled his eyes at Shannon. "The good LT, here, did the real house cleaning. Me and my tech sergeant just did some light dusting.

"I had been trying to change the culture in our little corner of Lackland Air Force Base for a year but I needed you and T.S. Cullen to get it done," Rachel said before turning her pirate smile on Shannon. "So, what's your story, Wonder Woman? Why are you here with him?"

Keisha laughed. "Did Brendan regulate your boyfriend?"

Brendan snorted, spraying beer.

"I changed majors, actually changed schools, in the middle of my sophomore year," Shannon replied. "I've been taking 15 and 18 hours every semester to catch up. Most of the guys are looking to party or for a girl who's down to fuck. I don't have time for that shit. My little brother gave me a shot at my dream and I need to make the most of it."

Keisha nodded with a look of admiration. "My brothers just ask me for money."

"Actually, you're two of a kind," Rachel said. "Between work and community college how much sleep do you average, Brendan?"

"About five hours a day," he replied.

Shannon shot him her withering glare.

"Hey, you're not the only one with goals. I'll sleep after I achieve mine."

They came to a mariachi band with a big-voiced woman singing lead. In the low lit alcove, Shannon snaked her arm around his waist and smiled at him. He grumbled and rolled his eyes in frustration. But when Rachel and Keisha kissed, he felt Shannon press against him. Her full breasts pushed agonizingly against his chest. She ground her pelvis against his thigh.

He palmed her ass and she jutted her butt into his hand. Just as quickly, Rachel and Keisha parted and they walked on together. Brendan gave money to a kid collecting tips for the band.

As they crossed under a bridge, wings flapped and a woman screamed, "Bats!"

Several people stumbled while attempting to drunk-run. Brendan pushed Rachel and Keisha to the support column with one arm while holding onto Shannon with the other. "It's not bats, it's pigeons."

"How do you know?" Rachel asked.

"We do flight plans, remember?" Brendan joked. "The bats nest around here during the summer. They're long gone by this time of year."

People laughed in relief or at other people trying to climb back to their feet.

"We'll give them a minute," Brendan said but Rachel and Keisha were lip-locked, again.

Shannon ran her hand to his crotch and gave his swollen penis a squeeze in the shadows. He leaned over to her ear. "Stop it."

"Oh, come on," she whispered around a vulgar grin. "A girl can't hold onto her brother for support?"

"We're going to get caught," he said, still leaning against her. Unable to restrain himself, Brendan licked her earlobe.

Shannon giggled on the verge of a squeal and pushed him away. "Fucker."

Keisha and Rachel parted at the same time, both lusty eyed.

"We're moving again," Brendan said.

Two-hours later they exited a cab at a 24-hour Mexican restaurant. Even with six-or-seven dozen people in line, they were seated within an hour. The food sobered Rachel up some. Shannon talked easily with both women and made jokes at Brendan's expense. But occasionally she reached under the table to squeeze his thigh and he was content to eat and mostly stay out of the conversation.

After dinner, they caught another cab. Brendan sat in the front seat next to the jovial driver who said she was a teacher but looked like a barfly. Kiesha sat between Rachel and Shannon as they continued to roast Brendan for his dour, over-professional disposition. At their hotel, Shannon gave both women a peck on the lips and Brendan's heart skipped a beat. He covered his arousal by jumping out to get the car door.

Brendan bowed at the waist as each woman hugged him to be sure neither felt his swollen member. They waved before turning for the hotel lobby. Brendan jumped in the backseat with his sister. "We're at the Hotel Contessa."

Nodding, the woman put the car in gear and pulled out.

As soon as the cab was out of the glare of fluorescent lights Shannon jumped in his lap. She shucked on his bottom lip so hard Brendan thought it would split. Hands in his hair, she licked at his left ear and bit his neck.

"Take it easy," Brendan whispered. "We're almost there."

"I'm ready now," she whispered in reply.

Unable to restrain himself, Brendan returned her kiss, sucking her tongue and groping her heavenly tits. Shannon ground on his lap and the heat from denim on denim could've started a fire. She broke their embrace and he went for her neck.

Shannon's laughter thrilled him to the core. His growing erection strained against his jeans and he ached to unbuckle.

Then the cab lurched to a halt. "This looks like as far as I can go, kids."

Through the windshield Brendan could see dozens of cars backed up as well as police and fire trucks ahead. He pulled a loose bill from his pocket. "Thanks, anyway. Be safe."

The driver took the money as they exited the cab. Shannon took his arm and they stepped off the curb. Brendan led them around the worst of the traffic and police activity. At one point, two blocks from the auto accident, they walked up on a group of people dancing in the street and around a tricked out sedan with a massive speaker stack in the trunk.

As the music intensified the dancing became more lurid. Ass-shaking became pelvis grinding. People on the sidewalk shifted from bouncing and bobbing to bumping and grinding as well.

Shannon pushed her ass against Brendan and his hands drifted around her slender waist. She began to sway to the music. He swayed with her as his hands explored her curves in the dark.

She looked back over her shoulder. "I have a surprise for you if you're brave enough to pet the kitty."

With electricity shooting through his nerves, he dipped his fingers into the waistband of her jeans.

Looking back over her shoulder, Shannon shot him a vulgar grin that drove Brendan wild. Emboldened, he pushed his hand into her excruciatingly tight pants and then into her damp panties. Instead of her full bush of curls, his fingertips landed on a neat, trimmed strip of pubic hair.

Shannon pulled on his shirt and he leaned in. "I'm so fucking wet right now, you could bend me over and screw me against the wall."

Brendan's fingers reached her sweet box and true to her word, Shannon was wet and juicy. Hand under her hockey Jersey, he squeezed her sweaty tits as he parted her pussy lips with his other hand. He managed a finger tip into her slit. "We got to go or we're fucking in the street."

"Fine by me, either way," Shannon said, electricity in her voice.

With the same urgency, Brendan found them a path, through the people and cars, back to the hotel. Twice he stopped, groping on Shannon and sucking on her tongue and lips. Still, they managed to behave themselves under streetlights and in the hotel lobby, anywhere they might be seen or recognized.

As the elevator door closed, Brendan pounced, pushing Shannon against the wall and kissing her deeply. "I'm going to eat that little shaved pussy of yours."

"I didn't shave it completely. I wanted to be sure you could find your way," she laughed, squeezing his hard cock through the denim of his jeans. "Are you going to eat my ass, too?"

"Oh, yes," Brendan replied, releasing her breasts from the bra. "I'm going to eat and tongue-fuck your ass."

Shannon half-laughed, half-growled through her vulgar grin. "Come on then, little brother. Come eat your sister's ass."

They managed to hold it together for the long walk from the elevator to the room but just barely. Through the door, Brendan attacked Shannon, pulled off her jacket and then her jersey. She laughed at his shaking hands and wide eyes. "You really haven't been fucking anyone else, have you?"

"You heard what they said, I just do work and school. Besides, who else compares to you?" Brendan said.

"That big-titty mixed bitch with the little-girl face?"

"We're just friends and she's not into dudes."

"I saw how she looked at you," Shannon said. "I bet she's willing to learn."

Brendan scoffed, taking hold of the waistband of her jeans.

"Wait, wait, you freak," Shannon said, kissing him repeatedly on the lips and then his neck. "I'm funky and I need a bath."

"I'll eat your ass right now," Brendan said.

"No you won't, you thick-dick bastard," Shannon said. "You'll take a shower, while I take a bath. You'll mix us a drink. And then you'll eat my ass."

"Fine, I have a surprise for you, too."

After getting ice and canned drinks, Brendan stripped and scrubbed his body, scalp to soles. He wrapped himself in a robe and took a towel from the bathroom and retrieved the tub from travel bag.

In a military town, full of tourists, Brendan struck out at getting a suite based on wearing his uniform but the room he scored was spacious, with a king-sized bed and a couch. He dropped the towel and tub on the couch before turning to drinks.

Minutes later, Shannon walked out of the bathroom in a purple negligee. She took the cup he offered and sipped at the whiskey and cola. "That was interesting. Listening to them talk about my little brother like he's an actual grownup, adult-like individual."

"You're only ten-months older than me," Brendan said, draining his cup before taking hers for a fresh set up.

"Keisha and Rachel are both so nice," Shannon continued. "They really like you."

"They really liked you, too." Brendan handed the fresh drink to his sister and sat on the couch. "You were a trooper with all that walking."

"Yeah, my feet don't think so," Shannon said, turning to put her feet in his lap.

Brendan wiped her feet with a towel and then dipped his hands in the tub before warming the coconut oil with his hands.

"Oh, that smells nice," Shannon said. "Is that the surprise?"

Brendan nodded as he took up her first foot. "This way I can rub you down and still kiss your skin."

Brendan kissed her toes one by one as he worked the oil into her supple skin. Kissing his way back, he ran his tongue between her big toe and middle toe and then sucked each toe in turn. Shannon's squeal of laughter rewarded him. "Well, oil or not, just don't think you're going to put that thick dick up my ass."

"Never without your consent," Brendan said. He took up her other foot and began to minister to it. "Never anything without your consent."

"And if I never give my consent?" Shannon snaked her free foot into his robe and rubbed his stiffening cock.

Brendan extended his oiled hands up her calf. "Then I go no further."

"What if it's terrible? The sex, I mean."

"It won't be," he replied.

"But what if it is?"

"It's not the end of the world. All I've ever had before you was terrible sex."

Laughing, Shannon jabbed his stomach with her foot. "I'm serious! There's no going back if we do it."

"No going back to what?" Brendan countered. "I told you in Naperville, you'll always be my sister. I've loved you since the first day I opened my eyes and I'll love you, sex or no sex, until the day I close my eyes."

Shannon flashed a 1000-watt smile and leaned in for a sweet-whiskey kiss. "What if you want to get married?"

"I will never be married."

"What if you decide you want children?"

Brendan sighed. "Do you want children?"

"No," Shannon scoffed. "Hell, no."


"Look at who raised us," Shannon said. "Look at who our parenting example was. Besides, I want all of your attention."

Face red, she dropped her gaze.

"That's exactly how I feel," Brendan said. "No kids, no marriage."

"So, will you wear a condom?"

"I'll wear a hazmat suit if it gets me inside that sweet pussy."

Cackling with laughter, she shot a fist into his chest. "Nasty bastard!"

"Only for you, you street slut," Brendan said. His cock throbbing with each stroke of her feet.

"Will you not wear a condom if I tell you?"

"I thought you just said—?"

"I like talking about it!" Shannon snapped before draining her cup. "I get off on the idea of you screwing your dirty seed into my womb. I've set my pussy on fire, rubbing off to the idea of your incest baby in my belly while you feed me your sperm."

"Jesus Christ..."

"So will you do what I tell you to do?"

Brendan drained his own cup. "I always do, since childhood."

"That's right, you do," Shannon said, handing him her empty cup. "And now you're my cock slave."

Brendan took her cup and untangled himself from her oiled legs and feet.

"Say it," Shannon whispered when he tried for a kiss.

I'm your brother-cock slave," Brendan said before his instant reward of a kiss.

Again, that vulgar grin. "Get my drink, cock slave."

He mixed them both a fresh drink and returned to the couch to see Shannon already on her feet. She took the drink, handed him the tub of coconut oil, and led him to the bed. She spread across the comforter.

Brendan took a handful of oil and heated it between his hands before rubbing it into her shoulders and back. He worked the oil into her arms, as he kissed her neck and ears. Shannon giggled briefly but mostly, she cooed and purred. As he moved around her, his cock, grew and throbbed and brushed her arms, her side and even her face.

Shannon kissed, licked, and stroked his cock as Brendan worked the oil into her round ass. When he worked on the backs of her thighs, she resumed stroking his cock with her feet. He stopped, holding her feet together as he fucked her arches and soles.

"Goddamn that cock is so fucking hard and you are so damned nasty," she said.

Brendan had to get control of himself, halting to arrest his building orgasm.

Then she turned over on her back and he damn-near lost his mind.

Drawing her feet up as she parted her legs, Shannon said, "Come kiss your sister's pussy."

"Not yet," Brendan said, working more coconut oil into her shins and knees, thighs and hips. Then he reached her amazing breasts.

"This was the whole point, wasn't it? You just wanted coconut titties and I fell for it," Shannon said. "Back to my feet, cock slave."

Kneeling at her feet, Brendan pecked a kiss on each toe before moving to her ankles. He resumed his affections at her knees, licking and caressing her skin with his lips, as she laughed and giggled, at his progress.

Then he reached her pubic mound. In wild abandon, he kissed her cunt with his entire mouth and Shannon squealed.

Brendan forced himself to composure and licked/kissed his way up one side of her treasure trail and back down the other. He took hold of her oily-slick titties and worked on her nipples with his hands as he dove, mouth first back to her pussy.

"Oh, my god," Shannon said in a hoarse whisper. "You're eating your sister's pussy again. Why do you keep eating your sister's pussy, you nasty bastard?"

Brendan, spoke over his sloppy wet mumble. "Because that sister pussy is so goddamn pretty."

"But you're eating your sister's pussy," Shannon said, as she gyrated her hips. "That is so wrong. You're my brother. You're not supposed to eat my pussy. What if that big-tittie bitch found out?"

"You're the only big-titty bitch I care about," Brendan said, sucking on her labia and tonguing her honey pot.

"But what if she found out that you eat your sister's pussy and tongue your sister's asshole?"

"She would be jealous that she couldn't eat my sister's pussy and tongue my sister's asshole."

Shannon giggled, sinking her fingers in his hair. "Oo, do you think she would eat my pussy? I might not even need you."

Moving lower, Brendan darted his tongue at Shannon's anus only for her to laugh and pull away.

"Not yet, that sends me over the edge and I'm not ready yet," she said. "Lay down."

He stretched out on the bed and Shannon straddled his head, lowering her sweet pussy to his lips. "Tongue kiss that cunt again."

As he stuck his tongue as deep in his sister's cunt as it would go, her thighs began to quiver and then shake.

Looking down at him between her thighs, eyes glazed like a junky, she rocked her pelvis, painting his face with her sloppy-wet pussy. "Kiss that cunt. Eat it all and I'll let you fuck me like I'm your sister-whore."

"You are my sister whore," Brendan said, as her labia and clit flew over his face.

Bucking, her legs began to give and he supported her, both hands on the perfect curve of her ass. "You nasty mouthed mother fucker. You eat that pussy so good!"

Shannon lurched away and then sat up on his chest. "You're going to lick my clit while I suck your nasty-hard cock.

Brendan bit at her creamy-slick thighs as she turned and Shannon slapped him. Even more aroused, he snatched her by her hips and pulled her weeping pussy to his face. In the same moment, he felt first her tongue and then her entire mouth, hot and wet on the head of his cock. Then she bobbed.

He licked and teased at her flower bud and it swole even more. He sucked at her clit as his hands drifted to her tits. When Brendan could no longer stand her tight suction on his cock, he sat up, driving her into the mattress, face first.

"Oh, my god, yes," Shannon hissed. "Eat my ass."

First teasing her asshole with his tongue as he spread her cheeks with his slick fingers, Brendan dove in. He filled her anus with his tongue, kissing her so deep she shook, body racked with shuttering convulsions.

Reaching back, Shannon took hold of his raging hard-on and stroked his cock with her silky hand. "Yes, that's it. Push my whore button. Turn me into your sister whore."

He released his hold on one cheek and went to work on her slick titties, squeezing nipples until they slipped between his oily fingers. Brendan released her other cheek and began to lightly thumb her clit. Then he fingered her cunt as he deepened his anal embrace.

"Whoa! I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!"

Brendan caught Shannon before she pushed herself off the bed. He held her as she fidgeted. And, like breaking the surface, she took a deep, gasping breath and fell back on him.

"I'm still so horny," she said.

"Me, too."

"You shouldn't tongue your sister's asshole," Shannon said, as her laughter subsided. "You know that turns your sister into a whore. Look at you, laying there with a fat cock and you know I'm going to fuck it to death. What kind of brother are you?"

"The nasty kind," Brendan replied.

"Nasty fucking brother," Shannon said, grabbing hold of his hair. "You shouldn't tongue your sister's pussy."

She slapped his face with her free hand. "You shouldn't tongue your sister's ass, either."

Shannon slapped him again. "You should not pack your fat cock into your sister's pussy."

Brendan rose up, shoving her on her back. Giddy and laughing, Shannon drew her knees up and parted her thighs. "Do it. Stick your filthy dick in your sister."

Drunk with lust, Brendan rubbed the throbbing tip of his cock over the thin line of honey-brown hair and then nestled the head into the folds of her labia.

"Do it, screw it into me," Shannon said, exhilaration flashing in her wide eyes. "Screw that big cock into your sister's aching tight pussy. Come on!"

Brendan pushed the head of his cock into the notch of her tight, fire-hot cunt, and felt as if he pushed into heaven and hell.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, you did it, you did, you, you..." Shannon's eyes rolled back in her head. "Oh."

Tentative, Brendan pushed deeper.

"Wait, wait, wait," Shannon said. "Go slow, slow, slow...oh..."

Staring into her eyes, he could do nothing but comply with everything she said. He pushed in and then pulled back. Pushed, again, and pulled. Never more than a half-inch each time.

"You are in your sister's pussy," Shannon said, then she laughed. "You are fucking your sister. You filthy, filthy bastard. Okay, okay, okay, just a little deeper."

Brendan pushed in a littler further, the excitement in her eyes matching the hammering in his heart. He made it half-way.

"Right there, right there. Oh, shit, I've never had a cock hit my spot like this." Shannon laughed. "If I knew it was like this I never would've gone to college or graduated high school. I would just be taking this fire-hot cock morning, noon, and night. We'd have a brood of incest babies."

Brendan, in mid-pull back, shot his cock back into her. The exquisite pain blazed through them both. And he shuddered, nearly collapsing into her bosom. "That's it, baby. Kiss these sister titties and just go slow. We have forever together."

He returned to his half-inch push/pull as he licked her coconut-flavored nipples. Slowly, her pussy eased and he pushed deeper.

"Oh, yes, oh, yes, oh, yes," Shannon said, hands on his neck and chest. "Fuck me, like that, you mean-cock bastard. Go deeper, now."

Brendan pushed deeper and pulled back. He lost count of his strokes as he squeezed her tits and licked at her vulgar mouth. Their eyes delighted and challenged each other.

Shannon began to match his strokes, pelvis meeting his thrust and his cock was all the way in. "Oh, my god! You dirty, dirty bastard. You're fucking your sister's pussy with that nasty cock."

"Yes, yes, yes," Brendan hissed. "I'm fucking sister pussy with my nasty cock."

He gyrated his hips adding a wrenching motion to his thrust. Greasy sweat flew between them.

"Oh, goddamn!" Shannon snapped, throwing her left leg over his shoulder. "Fuck it deep. Screw it all the way into me."

"I'm going to screw my dirty seed all the way into you," Brendan said, trembling with sin and depravity.

"Say it," Shannon slurred. "Say it, say it, say it!"

"I'm going to screw an incest baby all the way into your womb." Brendan pounded into her as if fighting for his life. "I'm going to fuck an incest baby into your belly and then I'm going to fuck your mouth every day to feed you sperm."

Shannon's leg began to spasm. She pulled him to her and she clamped down on his lip. "Fill me up!"

Shocked Brendan stammered as his strokes became frantic and feral. "Are you—?"

"Fill me up, cum in me and fill me up!" Shannon locked both legs around him as the orgasm bolted through him like lightning.

"Oh, god, oh, god," Shannon whimpered. "You're filling me up with your incest cum."

He collapsed on her as wave after wave poured out of him and into her.

When his vision returned, Brendan realized he was on his side. Shannon stared into his eyes with aroused adoration. "That was amazing. I have never had a cock feel so good in my pussy."

Brendan tried to speak but his voice cracked and he settled for smiling.

"You okay?" she asked.

"You've broken me," Brendan croaked out.

"Really?" Shannon said, laughter in her voice. "What does that even mean?"

"I've been with, maybe, five women. The sex was good once. Once it was horrible. The other times were okay." Brendan took a deep breath. "But nothing and no one will ever satisfy me like you do."

Shannon kissed him hard and deep. "Let's take a shower."

His first attempt to get out of bed ended with them both falling to the floor, laughing. Shannon complained of cramping legs. Brendan just felt hulled out.

She started the shower to warm up.

A glance in the mirror revealed a deep purple welp running the length of his lip.

"Jesus, did I do that?"

"It's okay," Brendan said as his sister caressed his face.

"I went a little crazy."

"So did I." He joined her in the shower.

Shannon stopped him from soaping her up. Instead, she soaped him from throat to crotch, from knees to feet. Then she turned the shower head on him, rinsing the soap from his body. At the same time she kissed his neck and chest, lowering herself to his swelling cock.

"Shay, you're going to kill me."

"Okay," she said with a grin before circling the tip of his cock with her tongue. She sucked his swelling cock deep into her mouth.

"Jesus," Brendan hissed.

Grabbing the cheeks of his ass, Shannon gagged on him. Her tits slapped and bounced against his thighs. Just as he approached a second orgasm, she pulled his cock out of her mouth. "Turn around."


"Do what I said, now."

Brendan turned. "What are you—? Holy, mother of god..."

Shannon ran her tongue up the back of his cock, over his twitching balls, and between the cheeks of his ass.

Brendan's world exploited as her tongue snaked over his asshole. Shannon tugged at his cock as she rimmed his anus. Bowed, Brendan steadied himself with both hands on the shower wall. "I'm going to..."

Already the wave broke over him but just as fast, Shannon had her lips wrapped around the head of his cock, taking his fresh load while staring right into his eyes. Brendan dropped to a squat and drew her to him.

Shannon swallowed and then kissed him, wrapping her arms and legs around him. Once he caught his breath, Brendan stood with her still wrapped around him. He turned off the water and walked out of the shower.

Grabbing two fresh towels, he unwrapped her from his body and lowered her to the bed. Brendan dried her off. With her cooing in contentment, he wrapped the towel around her hair. After he toweled himself off, he made two drinks and fell into bed beside her.

"When do you get out?" Shannon asked.

"My detachment is in June," Brendan replied before downing half the cup of ice and whiskey.

"What is your plan?"

"University but I haven't even thought of where," Brendan said. "I did well on the SAT but I haven't applied to any school yet."

"Come with me."

"I just did.."

Laughing, Shannon punched at him but missed. "Come with me to California, fuck boy."

"Not Madison?"

"No," Shannon said. "I have a reputation there and I'm sick of that shit. I've been accepted to U.C. Davis."

"Back to California." Brendan said with a smile. "I don't hate the idea. Illinois gave us enough snow for a lifetime."

"Nice weather, nice people," Shannon said. "We can live together."

"What if you change your mind? What if you decide to marry and have kids, decide to have a normal family?"

Shannon sighed. "Then I'll leave you. But you will never leave me."

Brendan could see it. Her, married to someone, having someone else' children, and him living nearby, like his Uncle Mike. He could also see them together. Them in bed together, every night. Waking up together every day. Against all reason and physiology, his dick began to stiffen, again. "I'll never leave you."

"You could screw your sister whenever you wanted," Shannon said. "We could...again? Already?"

"Chill," Brendan said. "I'm too damn tired to do anything about it."

"Oh, no. I'm gonna tame that pretty pony." Shannon moved to his swelling cock and sucked it into her mouth. Brendan could feel his cock reach full erection between his sister's lips as he watched her rub her pussy with her free hand. "Ooo, goddamn."

Shannon straddled his cock and lowered herself down. She wiped his cock across her slit twice before stabbing her cunt with his rigid cock. They yelped in unison.

"Goddamn, that's raw," Brendan said.

Shannon leaned over and kissed him. "Look what you made your sister do with her sore pussy, you perverted cock bastard."

Pushing herself up, she sat back on his hard cock and began to rock. "I'm going to ride this cock until you give me an incest baby. I'm going to suck every ounce of cum out of you."

"Do it, bitch. Ride me to death."

Shannon's pace quickened. "Oh, that hurts so fucking good. You raw-dicked bastard. You're gonna fuck me bloody."

"Ride it you nasty cunt," Brendan said, seizing and squeezing her fat tits. "I want to see you fat and pregnant with an incest baby so I can screw you raw, then, too."

Shannon rocked her pelvis. "You're gonna fuck me pregnant?"

"Fat and pregnant."

"You're gonna fuck your sister with an incest baby?"

"And then I'm gonna feed you my incest cum."

Screwing right out of rhythm, Shannon's back arched and she bucked her hips as fell over. With nothing left to shoot, Brendan trembled with an orgasm that burned him balls to bone.

After several minutes to regain his breath, he turned to Shannon, still on her side. "Start looking for places in Davis. I'll start my application as soon as my leave is over."

"And we'll be together," Shannon said.

"Forever," Brendan completed.

"Pretend kiss," Shannon said, brushing his lips with her own, in their childhood game.

"Pretend kiss, Brendan said, lighting his sore lips on her full mouth.

"Pretend kiss," Shannon said, pulling him fully into her embrace.

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