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85.95% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3524: SECRET CLASS

Chapitre 3524: SECRET CLASS

A loud and angry buzzing stirred me from my peaceful slumbers. It was the kind that sears your soul, the one that if you happen to hear a sound similar in public a panic descends over you, your heart races and you think, "just a minute more!" I reached over and tapped it lightly, silencing it. The room descended into a blissful tranquility once more. Fuck alarm clocks.

I stretched my muscles and relieved them of their sleep-induced fatigue. Covers tumbled off me as I kicked my legs out.

I had had that one dream, the one that had been haunting me for the last few months. Aunt Kendra pulled my pants down, putting her mouth on my cock but no matter how hard she sucked I would never feel anything. Those sapphire blue eyes of hers looking up at me expectantly as if she were waiting for me to regain feeling in my dick. But it was just a dream and a terribly inappropriate one at that. I shook my head, clearing my mind of thoughts that were best left *unthought*.

"Kam! Come on down, honey!" Her delicate voice carried through the air, a siren's song for my still horny brain. It didn't help that I was still 'up'. In fact, it was practically throbbing my a mix of my dream and her voice. I tried to ignore it and climbed out of bed. I didn't even bother to find a matching outfit, grabbing the first shirt I saw in my closet and a pair of shorts. Functionality over style was my prerogative but even then they did nothing to hide the party raging on underneath.

I walked to my door and opened it. An empty hallway greeted me. Amy and Val's doors were still tightly shut. I vaguely remembered awaking when they had drunkenly come home last night. Amy wasn't really one to drink or at least in the time that I've known her she hasn't ever so I also remember thinking it was strange. She was one to keep to herself, hiding in her bedroom and only coming out when necessary. I wondered what caused last night's drinking binge. It was doubtful she would tell me ever so I continued to the stairs and then down them.

Before I had even made it to the bottommost step, I was tackled by what was essentially a speeding bullet that could also squeal.

Meg's arms wrapped around me with that usual fierceness of hers as I stumbled back. Her high-pitched squeal probably permanently damaged one of my ear drums. I froze, as I always did with her, or any girl for that matter, but especially with her. She was only a year older than me but she made sure to let me know it.

"Kammy," she cried, face snuggling into my chest. It honestly would have been a pleasant thing were it not for two problems: I was still rock hard and her big breasts were pushing up against me. She was wearing a rather low cut blue summer dress and even through that, I could still feel them *and* I could also feel the fact that she was braless, hard nipples poking me.

I blushed furiously.

"I missed you so much!" She held me even tighter and rubbed her boobs against me more.

"Oh Megan, just leave the poor boy alone. He just woke up." Aunt Kendra said from the stove, back turned as she worked on the eggs that were sizzling in a pan in front of her.

"But I haven't seen him in two whole weeks!" She whined, removing her head from my chest to speak but she didn't let me go.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to terrorize him all you want later on. Right now he needs to eat and get to school." She still hadn't turned around to speak, focused on the food in front of her.

Meg looked me in the eyes as she spoke, a devilish grin developing. "I can tell *you're* excited to see me." There was that ever present equally flirtatious and equally teasing twinkle in her eye which only caused me to blush even more. Then, with that devilish hand of hers, she patted me right on my dick. It was a small one, like a boyfriend patting his girl's ass but that only made it worse. I made a little noise of surprise and quickly went to cover my private area.

She usually did stuff like this but it still always caught me off guard. Maybe that's why she continued to do so.

Before I could say anything in response, Aunt Kendra spoke up. "Now, Megan. That is not acceptable behavior for someone who clearly is uncomfortable. You know that." Her hands were on her hips, finally facing us, her expression a scowl. She was wearing a tight white shirt, one that outlined her substantial chest. And by substantial, I mean *substantial*. Hell, it looked like it was close to ripping. It outlined some of her belly, which was not pronounced at all but instead gave her a very thick appearance. A MILF's tummy. Tight jeans completed the look, covering her equally large ass.

Meg bounced off the last step and lightly skipped up to her mother, looking awfully 'repentant' in that faux sort of way she always did, large doe eyes, hands clasped in front of her (which inadvertently made her big tits look even bigger). She pranced right up to her mother, who stood still, brow furrowing at her daughter's nonchalant antics.

"It's ok, Aunt Kendra," I said awkwardly, trying to brush it off and walk as nonchalantly as Meg down the rest of the stairs and into the kitchen. It probably looked as bad as it felt, which meant I was fooling no one.

Meg suddenly wrapped her arms around her mother, just like she had with me, snaking them through her mom's which were locked to her hips and then squeezed tight. If I had thought the pat was a surprising turn on, seeing their breasts mash together in a medley of barely contained titflesh was a sight to behold. Aunt Kendra was only an inch or two taller but it was enough that she had to look down just a touch to continue to scowl at Meg's provocative behavior.

"He said it's ok, Mom. Don't be such a party pooper." Her voice had drawn from her doe eyes, sounding a little wistful and vaguely childish, like she was teasing the both of us (which she most definitely was).

Her mother showed no reaction at taunt. "He's a boy in a house full of girls and he's still adjusting. You of all people, Megan, should know how hard transitions are. You need to respect his boundaries." I was a little embarrassed by what was going on as I seated myself at the table, that I was suddenly the center of attention yet also not included in the conversation (which was definitely less anxiety producing still) but my attention was focused elsewhere, namely on their tits.

It looked like their nipples were rubbing against each other, neither having chosen to wear a bra, and Aunt Kendra's surprisingly still-firm boobs held up against her daughter's. It was clear that her mother had the bigger boobs which meant that they were above a 36D. The only reason I knew that was because Meg was very... vocal about it, randomly slipping it into conversations that were completely unrelated. As a result, they were being pushed a far bit more than Aunt Kendra's. Hell, Meg's breasts were looking like they would spill out of her top at any moment. I also didn't fail to notice how close their faces were, looking like they could kiss at any moment.

"He's fine. He's gonna need to get used to it anyway. This house *exudes* libido." Meg responded.

Aunt Kendra shook her head. "Us women may be sexually libertine in this household but that doesn't mean *everyone* is and you, young lady, need to respect that."

And if that wasn't the truth, I didn't know what was.

My parents had been killed when I was nine. It was abrupt. One day things were 'normal' and the next everything was different, chaotic and they were never the same again.

I don't really know all the details about what caused them to get killed. I do know that it had been a drunk driver but nothing else than that. No one had ever double checked with me, no one really sat me down and explained it. It was just something that had happened and I was expected to move on.

Custody was given to my uncle. For ten years I lived under his roof and for ten years I dreamed of leaving. It's hard to exactly capture what had happened, the depth of it but I can say this. My parents' accident had caused his mental health to spiral and soon his choice of coping strategy became a bottle of whiskey. I won't dwell on it here but the situation at home devolved as quickly as he had and it wasn't very long until I was missing a lot of school because having to walk past him to get to the door was too volatile an affair for me.

I knew I had become socially stunted after that. I hadn't hung out with friends in years, I didn't know how to talk to women, and I struggled with normal people. To save myself, I moved out when I was nineteen and for the last month I had been staying with my aunt, who was more than glad to take me in, especially upon hearing the condition her brother was in.

Aunt Kendra, Meg, and Valery had all received me quite warmly, Meg and Aunt Kendra in particular. Aunt Kendra had seemingly made it her mission to help me resocialize and become comfortable in the real world. She enrolled me in classes at my local community college, would come talk to me every night, and would ask Megan or Valery to take me on trips with them to get me out of the house.

Meg spent the most time with me, beside Aunt Kendra. She was a flirt to the highest degree and, as she had said, *exuded* libido but she was fun to be with. It also helped that she was ridiculously pretty but all of them were. Meg had these really cute freckles on her face that helped her to play the 'innocent' role when someone called her out on being too flirty. Long wavy brown hair complimented her petite yet incredibly busty frame. She wasn't an exception though. Everyone in the house had also inherited their mother's large breasts.

Valery was the athlete of the house and singularly determined to achieve her goals. She wanted to be the best and she wasn't going to let anyone stop her. That said, she could also party pretty hard with her team and she was arguably the most social out of all of us. Meg had a closer circle of friends whereas Val knew essentially everyone in the entire tristate area. She also had a really toned body that she wasn't afraid to show off and pretty much always kept her blonde hair in a cute ponytail.

Amy was the least enthused to meet me and seemingly did her best to avoid doing so. We didn't talk that much but that was fine by me because I absolutely did not have the social skills to engage with someone like that. Short black hair accentuated her nice face and she probably had the biggest bust sans her mother.

As for outside the house, well there wasn't really anyone except Jason. He was a total nerd but that made it easier to talk to him because he wasn't weirded out by my awkwardness. He also was a bit of a pervert but if he was willing to overlook my lack of social skills, I would be willing to overlook that for the sake of our developing friendship.

Oh wait, how could I forget the sexually libertine part?

My personal theory is that Aunt Kendra never really outgrew her hippie phase and she had raised her kids to see sex and sexuality as something as normal as breakfast with the family. As a result, Val and Meg were exceptionally, and I mean *exceptionally*, open about their sexual experiences and feelings. If we were all watching a movie downstairs, they would comment on how much they wanted to fuck this or that actor, how much they wanted to feel his tongue on their private areas.

If they were talking about a guy they recently hooked up with, Aunt Kendra would offer explicit advice. "Guys like it when you stroke his dick *as* you suck," she would say.

But the biggest thing that cemented their libidinous personalities in my head was just the amount of masturbating I would see. Usually it was Meg in the bathroom because she was terrible at remembering to lock the door. I would open the door and see her spread out in the tub, hammering a dildo into herself, breasts jiggling with the force of each pump. She would always laugh and say "oops". After slamming the door shut, I could always hear her resume her activities.

Val was a little more discrete in that department but she was *not* discrete in how much she complained that she would rather have a dick inside her than her toys. Apparently a boyfriend would take too much time away from her volleyball stuff so she would engage in the occasional hookup but didn't seem satisfied with that.

Aunt Kendra would only masturbate at night and since my room was closest to hers, I would fall asleep with her in my dreams. She was kind enough to tell the girls to leave my room alone because I wasn't as liberal as them and needed some "time to myself" as she would say. I appreciated that. I couldn't masturbate as freely as they did, not really caring who saw nor could I talk about it in the same way. Aunt Kendra had checked in twice to make sure that I was okay 'down there' and that I was giving it enough 'stimulation'. I don't really know why she was that concerned about it but she was. In fact, one time after a particularly tough day, Aunt Kendra brought up a box of Kleenex and made all the girls vacate the house. It was extremely weird knowing that everyone else knew I was masturbating but the gesture itself was considerate.

For as much as Amy avoided me, I still knew about her sexual activity. She hadn't brought any boys over and preferred to stay in her room alone or go out with Val but she didn't really hook up with guys when she went out. Instead she used a plethora of toys throughout the day if she didn't have work. That said, work did keep her pretty occupied.

"Hey man, grab a seat!" Jason called. He was sitting on a bench outside of building D, which was the writing building. Class didn't start for another forty minutes but Meg had to get to her own classes at her university, which was only a short hop, skip, and jump away from my community college.

"Hey," I said, dropping onto the stone bench. "How's it going?" I shrugged my backpack off and let it fall to the ground.

"It's goin', man. It's goin'," he responded, looking out into the parking lot. "So I'm guessing your cousin didn't drop you off today..."

I shook my head. "No, she did. She just had to get to her own class."

"Bro?! What the hell, man! You said you'd let me say hi." He punched me on the shoulder lightly and then adjusted his glasses. A scrawny kid, pretty much the same build as me but for some reason he looked so much more like skin and bones. Maybe it was the fact his clothes were super baggy, polos that didn't fit and jeans that looked like they belonged in the 2000s.

"Um, it was kinda weird to ask so I didn't push it." I leaned back a little, hands placed behind me.

"That's so unfair, man." He crossed his arms, scowling. "You promised. Shit man, I shoulda made you pinky promise. That this is sacred."

"Yea, yea, you'll get to say hi sometime, don't worry."

He sighed. "She's just so cute. I cannot fathom how you survive in a house with such gorgeous women. I mean, I could die a happy man if I saw Megan's tits. Unreal how big they are." He sighed again and leaned back like I was.

"Well, if you come over sometime, you might be able to catch a glimpse. Meg doesn't really like wearing towels."

"Oh fuck." He paused and then shook his head. "Oh fuck man. Why did you have to tell me that? Why did you have to tell me that right before class? Now I'm gonna be stuck thinking about it. Shit man, I just don't understand how you survive."

I shrugged my shoulders at him. "I don't know. It's taken some getting used to but I just keep to myself. I'm not really good around women anyway."

"Ok, level with me, man. Have you ever considered trying to get with one of them? Like I mean, you have a real shot with Megan. I've seen the way she flirts with you, man. She'd be down as hell."

"No." I frowned at that. "No, she doesn't want to. That's just her nature. She's a tease. She even does it to Aunt Kendra, like randomly flashing her and stuff. But no, she doesn't want me." I leaned forward and picked a pebble off the ground to fiddle with. I liked to be able to play around with stuff.

"Nah, you don't even know. She touches your dick more than my ex did and gives you more kisses than my mom does. Like, if she doesn't want you, then I don't know who does." He clapped me on the back, accenting his thoughts.

"Yea, maybe, maybe... At the very least, she set me up with one of her friends."

Jason's eyes went wide like saucers. "She's hooking you up, man? Holy hell... is the girl hot? Has she got anything on Megan?"

"Uh, yea she's pretty cute."

"Damn. That's super sick. So it's like a date date?"

"I think so? I don't know, it's pretty scary but Meg and Aunt Kendra both thought it would be good for me to try meeting a girl because it's been a month that I've been at their house. I wasn't really comfortable going out so Meg agreed to do a movie at our house. Less anxiety that way."

"You're too anxious to go to Starbucks with a girl?" He had this bewildered expression on his face, like he couldn't understand.

"I honestly don't even want to go on this date but everyone seems to think it will be helpful for me so what can I say? I'm just so awkward that I know I'm only gonna embarrass myself."

"Naw, you're good, man. Just pretend she's me and you'll be fine."

I gave him a chuckle. survived class and proceeded to wander around campus until Meg picked me up. She informed me that the date would be tonight which only racketed up my anxiety and Meg had to spend a good portion of the trip home talking me down from the ledge. She assured me that Kristy was well aware of my unique situation and understood this to be a sort of 'therapeutic training'. I wasn't sure if I was okay with someone outside of the family knowing *anything* about my past but I couldn't take back what she said so I kept my mouth shut.

When we had arrived at home, Aunt Kendra and Meg immediately set to work on me, making me change into more presentable clothes. It turned into a fashion show where they would lay out new outfits, have me take them to my room to try them on and then showcase them.

As Val was exiting her room to go to the gym, she saw the commotion and stopped to aid Aunt Kendra and Meg in determining the proper attire for the night.

"I liked the black jeans and navy blue blazer the most," she said, standing in the hallway with arms folded across her sports bra.

"Yea, I think that one looks the most comfortable while also being stylish," Meg commented. She stood close by her mother, looking at me with a careful eye, weighing the different outfits in her mind. I was fidgeting over by the door wearing a very tight green turtleneck and feeling very stiff.

Aunt Kendra moved over toward me and started to smooth my over to the side of my hair. "Well, then it seems like it's a settled matter." Her large breasts bounced with a healthy enthusiasm as she continued to play with my hair. It was quite the sight and I did my best to avoid looking.

I did happen to catch Meg smirking but I ignored it.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Meg was the first to react

"It's Kristy! I'll get it!" She raced down the stairs, heavy footfalls sounding through the house.

Panic settled over me like a tidal wave. Could I really go on a date with a girl? I hadn't ever even gone on a single one before. How was I supposed to do this?

Apparently I didn't have much to worry about. Aunt Kendra made me go finish changing and then brought me downstairs to introduce me. Kristy honestly looked quite a bit like Bella Poarch (I was quickly becoming acclimated to the outside social media world thanks to Meg and Val). She was wearing a gray low cut sweatery top and great sweatpants that looked more presentable than normal sweatpants. Of course, she wasn't as stacked as anyone else in the house but she sure was damn cute.

Everyone essentially dispersed after that. Val snuck away to the gym after introducing herself, Meg went out with friends, Aunt Kendra stayed in the kitchen making us snacks, and I wasn't even sure Amy was home.

Kristy turned out to be really nice, doing most of the heavy lifting in the conversation. It was a relief since I didn't really have to offer anything interesting on my own, just ask questions. We settled on the couch and just talked. She told me about her classes at Meg's university, told me about some of the clubs she was involved in, and even told me about her social media presence, which was apparently something she was attempting to grow.

She had asked me a few questions but I think my short answers indicated that I wasn't really ready to talk about myself and she took it in stride. At some point, Aunt Kendra had delivered us some cheese and crackers, which we both helped ourselves to. After a while, our conversation slowly died down and I flipped on the TV. It took us a minute to decide on a movie but eventually a romcom was selected. It had Andy Samberg and J.K. Simmons in it and apparently Kristy also liked those actors.

We were probably halfway into the movie when Kristy snuggled into me. I had been sitting stock still, straight as an arrow for pretty much the entirety of the date so far. She scooted over and leaned her head on my chest, one hand slipping around my lower waist.

My mouth became dry as a desert and my chest started thump rapidly at her being so close. She must have heard it because then she asked, "You don't mind if I stay here like this, do you?"

"Oh, uh, n-no, it's fine." My stutter had returned, something that came about sporadically and in the worst possible times, like right now. She seemed to take my okay at face value and turned back to watch the movie. I wasn't able to do the same. Instead, everything about her caught my attention and ratcheted up my anxiety another notch. That lavender-scented perfume of hers, the way her hair fell onto my chest, the rising and falling of her own, the slight movements she would make as she watched.

Hell, I couldn't even keep track of the TV. I was doing everything I could to not start hyperventilating. I had never been in a situation like this before and my mind kept flashing back to memories of my uncle's house, dark memories, things he had said to me in the dead of night from his chair in the living room, things that floated behind me like neon signs. I couldn't do this. I had to tell her to get off me.

Just before I could, Aunt Kendra called my name. "Kam, honey, can you help me with something quickly?" Her voice came from the laundry room on the first floor. Immediately, Kristy moved off me.

"Want me to pause the movie?"

"N-no," I said as I rose to my feet. "You can keep w-watching. I'll catch up." And then, like a boy who was about to be scolded by his mother in front of a very cute girl, I trudged over to her.

I saw Aunt Kendra folding some clothes and as soon as she saw me, she walked over to the door and closed it behind me.

"How are you doing, Kam? You seem stressed." She grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes, searching for an answer. I turned away from her gaze.

I wrung my hands rather intensely. "I don't know. I'm pretty scared."

"Do you want to continue? Do you feel like you want her to leave?" Her tone was so gentle, so caring that it actually served to soften some of the more debilitating spikes of anxiety although it absolutely did not remove it.

"I-I don't know. I don't know what to do. It's going too fast."

"Ok, don't worry, sweetie. Don't worry." She pulled me into a hug and I couldn't help but notice the way her fleshy breasts felt against my chest. She rubbed the back of my head in a way that actually felt really nice. "Don't worry, don't worry," she whispered into my ear.

She held me like that for a minute and I was filled with the scents of roses and daisies.

She then let me go but placed her hands back on my shoulders and kept me in place. "Now, what does 'too fast' mean?"

I chewed on my lip for a bit before responding. "I don't know. I guess it just means that I don't know what to do or how to interact."

"Ok, got it. Would me telling you what to do help you?"

I hesitated. It kinda felt weird to have her assisting me like this. After all, I was old enough that I should be able to handle situations like these and, yet, here I was.

"That would be nice," I responded quietly after I had finished discerning what to do.

She nodded her head. "Then I should also tell you that Kristy was okay with you kissing her."

"Wait what?" My heart had been pounding before but now it was frozen.

"We had all talked before and Kristy-"

I interrupted her before she could speak. "You mean this is really a training date." I don't think I was offended but it made everything feel even more weird, like Kristy was just doing me a favor. I guess they probably did explain this to me at one point, now that I thought about it. It's just hard to focus on anything they are saying because of their.... assets.

"Well, that *was* the plan," she responded. "Is that still okay with you?"

And then the panic returned.

"I can't kiss a girl!" I whispered so Kristy couldn't hear. "I've never done anything like that before. Her just laying on me was too much for me. I don't even know what to do with that, much less how to actually kiss someone. I mean, I can't even-"

Now it was her turn to interrupt me. "Shh, shh," she hushed and then, with a delicate precision, placed a single finger on my lips. Just the feel of her dainty finger pressing onto my lips, so close that I could stick my tongue out and taste it, was enough to immediately silence me. "It's okay, sweetie. Remember this is *training*. It's just practice. But, listen, I said I would practice with you so come stand by me."

I instantly did as told, the feeling of her finger still against my lips. I went shoulder to shoulder with her and stared at the door in front of us, unsure of what exactly all this was going to entail but not worried enough to ask because of the fact that she actually had touched me.

She continued to look at me. "Pretend I'm Kristy. What I want you to do is wrap an arm around me, casually."

I could only stare back.

"It's a roleplay. Just try it," she gently prodded.

I slowly, awkwardly, obeyed, stretching out my hand behind her back and then hovering it above her shoulder. It just felt suddenly intense to place it on her shoulder like I was hitting on her. Aunt Kendra, of course, was having none of that. She grabbed my hand and placed it on her shoulder herself.

"Good," she said, praising me. "Now, you're going to want to sit like this for a little bit and let her get comfortable with what's coming next. It's good to give the girls time to reflect on that and anticipate it. We're going to skip all that." She leaned into me slightly as she spoke, getting close enough that my entire mind and body were focused on her. I did my best not to look at the way her breasts fell with each breath or how certain movements made them jiggle more than others. I tried not to smell too much of her perfume nor notice the way her head was resting on my shoulder. It was far too dangerous to let any of those things take my focus and run away with it. My pants would not be able to hide a boner.

"With your other hand, I want you to lightly grab my chin with your thumb and pointer finger, almost like you're holding a card. Remember to be tender. Tenderness is key."

I had trouble processing the fact that she wanted me to actually take hold of her like that but that didn't seem to phase her. She waited patiently for me to do so and eventually I became more embarrassed by her just staring at me, waiting, than I did by touching her face. I did as told, taking her chin oh so gently in between my fingers.

"Now pull it close to your face," she instructed, not even registering the insanity of all this. I honestly didn't know what else to do except listen.

I could feel her hot breath on my lips, see into her emerald green eyes, and practically hear her heart pumping blood. She was looking into my own eyes. I would normally turn away from a woman this close to me, unable to meet her gaze but this time I didn't. Maybe it was the fact that she was so calm, maybe it was the fact that I was so terribly turned on. Maybe it was that I was also terribly curious where she wanted to go with this. But what she said and did next surprised me beyond anything I could imagine.

"Lean in and kiss me."

For probably the third time of this very, *very* short night, I froze and it was probably written all over my face.

"Don't make a big deal out of it, sweetie. It's just practice."

I tried to focus on the words she was saying but watching her plump lips move with each word was too mesmerizing. They had this deep pinky tenderness to them without even requiring makeup and looked as soft as pillows.

I think she realized I was frozen again because she placed her hand against the back of my head and pushed me in. Before I knew it, my mind was exploding in a display of dazzling fireworks.

She sucked on my bottom lip, her own wrapped around it like two silky pillows. My mouth was just barely parted but it was enough for her. The scent and taste of apricot now filled me up, simultaneously sweet and tart. She smacked her lips before returning to suck on mine again and her hand ran just a little through the back of my hair.

Aunt Kendra pulled on my bottom lip just a little before releasing her hold. She didn't dive back in. Instead, with her lips a hair's breadth away, gave me more directions. "Try sucking on my bottom lip. That's all kissing really is, at least at its base."

I, of course, couldn't move a muscle if I tried so she once again moved me in and our lips met. The fireworks set off once again and this time it flipped onto the reptilian part of my brain, the one in charge of sexual decision-making, and I was able to gently suck on her bottom lip. She purred in praise of that and started to make out a little more intensely with me.

I couldn't believe it. I was actually making out with Aunt Kendra. I had always thought my only recourse to such experiences would be my dreams but here I was, standing beside her, lips locked. It was so wild to think that such a hot MILF was actually going this far with me, someone who was essentially filling the mother role in my life.

Her hand continued to caress my head as the other one ran down my chest. It stimulated me beyond belief and I was sporting a serious boner in no time.

Then I felt her tongue poking at my lips. It slipped in silently, bringing with it her warm saliva. I practically almost jumped back from the intrusion but the hand on my head reassured me that it was okay. It danced in my mouth, playfully slapping against my own tongue.

Her lips and tongue melted into mine, a steaming pile of MILF deliciousness. I could feel the anxiety floating away as she continued to search the insides of my mouth. Slight, wet smacking sounds emanated from us as she would pull her tongue out only to get a slightly better angle to stick it in deeper.

Her free hand drifted towards my own after tracing a path down my chest and it grabbed my wrist. With no deliberation nor hesitation, it was pulled onto her chest. My open hand sank into her soft titflesh. Even through the shirt, I could feel just how soft and heavy it was.

My fingers reflexively dig deeper into it as she continued to probe my oral cavity with her tongue. All the while, her hand hadn't left my wrist but instead made me move in circles.

I wanted to feel more, to taste more, but she broke away from me and my hand fell away from her breast.

"See? You're a natural!"

She didn't acknowledge my raging hardon, not because it was too awkward to do so but because she probably didn't care or think it was an inappropriate reaction. "It's just biology," she would often tell the girls.

"Do you feel ready to go back downstairs?" she asked with genuine concern.

I don't know why I nodded but I did. I sure as hell didn't feel ready, although now it was for entirely different reasons than before. My head was spinning, my private area was throbbing, and I couldn't shake the feeling of my fingers actually touching her breast. It was barely less than thirty seconds and through clothes but... I still felt it.

"Ok, hurry back over to her then. She's been waiting for a while." She lightly pushed me out of the room and I essentially stumbled back to the living room. Kristy looked up from the couch and smiled at me. Thankfully, my boner had receded enough that it wasn't terribly noticeable and I settled down beside her, feeling like a whirlwind of emotions.

"You okay," Kristy asked after a minute.

I nodded again, still rather dumbly, before I could gather my words. "Yea, I'm fine."

But I couldn't focus for the rest of the night. I never did make a move on her. Instead, we ended up quietly finishing the movie and she left shortly after.

Chapter 3

After it all ended, I retreated back to my room without saying a word to anyone and promptly closed the door. Of course, I could hear some hushed talking outside once Val returned but I only caught snippets. I was most concerned about Aunt Kendra telling Val what we had done together, that we had actually... kissed but the only mention of that moment was when Aunt Kendra said that she had pulled me aside to 'practice'.

There was only two options here; Either Aunt Kendra was attempting to hide what she had done by only referring to it as 'practice' or it truly didn't register that anything *wrong* had happened. Something told me it would be right to assume the latter.

I also knew that Val and Aunt Kendra were worried it had gone too fast for me, that having Kristy go on a fake date with me was bringing up traumatic memories or making me too anxious. They weren't wrong. The idea of kissing her, of me making a move on her, was still too anxiety-provoking but the real reason was the fact I couldn't get Aunt Kendra's lips or breasts out of my mind.

I opted to stay locked up for the rest of night, just listening to music as I tried to distract myself from my raging thoughts but it was totally useless. At one point, I heard Amy leave her room and briefly talk with her mom before leaving the house. It also sounded like Val was in the basement because I could hear repetitive bangs against the wall as she did some cooldown exercises.

Honestly, I didn't plan on coming down for the rest of the day so it was Aunt Kendra who finally made the first move.

A light rapping at the door stirred me from my thoughts.

"Uh, yes?"

"It's me. Mind if I come in, sweetie?" Aunt Kendra asked. It sounded just like she always did but my brain couldn't help itself and took it sexually.

"Sure," I responded after a moment's hesitation.

She entered the room, still wearing that tight white and exceedingly thin t-shirt that looked like it was hanging on for dear life and those jeans that gripped her ass so tightly that no detail was left to the imagination.

Her expression was clearly one of concern as she sat on the bed next to me. I moved into a sitting position.

"I just wanted to check up on you and make sure everything was okay." Her hand descended onto my knee and rubbed it affectionately.

Having her here suddenly left me unsure of what to say. I couldn't just tell her to her face what the issue was, especially because I had actually liked it so much.

"Y-yea, I'm fine."

She cocked her head slightly, concerned expression growing. "Are you sure? Kristy left really soon." She looked out the window and then back at me. "I didn't mean for you to feel uncomfortable with her nor did I want you to feel things you weren't ready to handle with her. I just figured that being able to go on a safe date with a girl would be best for a guy of your age. You would be able to try out different things without any fear of rejection."

I nodded, probably looking quite sullen. This confirmed that she didn't understand what the issue was and I certainly was not gonna bring it up now.

"That said, I don't want this to be a failure. Instead, we should see this as a learning experience."

I was doing my damndest to focus on her words but I just couldn't get the sight of the light glinting off the nape of her neck out of my head or the way that a few strands of her hazel hair had fallen out of her messy bun or even that her hand was still rubbing my knee.

"I think what we should do is help you prepare even more. I don't know what it is that you're struggling with but if you tell me, we can practice. Is it that you have trouble with small talk?" she asked.

I fought to find my words, feeling suddenly speechless. "Small talk is a l-little tough," I mumbled.Okay, good. What about when things get heated? You did well when we practiced." Her voice was so gentle that I practically missed the fact that she was talking about how she stuffed her tongue down my throat not less than three hours ago. And maybe it was the way that she was so casual about it all that made me tell the truth. Maybe it was the fact that I really was scared.

"I don't know what to do in those moments," I mumbled even quieter than before.

She must have interpreted it as me being embarrassed about revealing that because she immediately hugged me tightly and stroked the back of my head. Her breasts were once more pressing against my chest and I could think of little else. "Don't worry Kam, it's okay. It's okay," she reassured me as she continued to stroke my head. "There's nothing to be self-conscious about."

After a little bit of holding that position, she released me but her hands moved to my biceps where she rubbed them affectionately.

"Now, let's practice. Where do you want to start?"

At this point, I had entirely lost my ability to speak coherent words at all, so I could only stare at her dumbly, mouth working like a fish's on dry land. She, of course, interpreted that much differently than how it should have been interpreted.

"Okay, don't worry, sweetie. We can start from the top." She scooched closer to me, until our shoulders were practically touching. "Same thing as last time. Take my chin and pull it close." Her deep green eyes fluttered and I could feel my stomach churning in both anxiety and excitement at the thought of what was to come. Even then, I didn't want to do this because I knew it was wrong but Aunt Kendra didn't really give me time to make a decision because she grabbed my hand and placed it on her chin herself.

"See?" She said, smiling genuinely. "It's not that hard. Don't try to make it a big deal or overthink it too much. Just let your body take you where it wants to go."

Then she leaned in again and suddenly our lips were interlocked. It was like another explosion was sounding off in my head, those sexy full lips of hers mashing against mine. Wet smacking sounds filled the room as I listened to her, letting my body take control. Her tongue once again darted into my mouth, warm and carrying her saliva.

My mind was reeling. She was really doing it again but this time she was making out with me on my bed. And her lips felt so soft, like an angel's breath upon my own.

"Good," she said, breaking away for a second. "Now you want to grab my breast." Then, without a moment to process the command, she resumed making out with me.

And I obeyed.

My hand gently, tenderly sought her tit and I palmed it through her shirt. My fingers sunk into its fleshiness once more and I simultaneously felt my Aunt's hands now caressing the back of my head and my chest. I tweaked on her nipple through the shirt before palming it again, relishing in the fact that there was no way I could ever get all of her breast to fit into my hand.

In between a kiss, she spoke once more. "Really play with it. You have to get the lady turned on. Be a little rough," she ordered.

I gripped it more fiercely then, my mind ordering me to stop this madness but my body now refusing to listen to anything except my Aunt's words. I knew it was fucked up. Actually, beyond fucked up. I shouldn't be grabbing her tit like it was a toy to play with. I shouldn't be making out with her like she was my girlfriend but I couldn't stop.

My other hand found her tit and I massaged both, squeezing them, squishing them together, pulling on them, massaging them in circles. Her tongue, wet in my mouth, continued its dance and my own fell into lockstep with hers.

She broke away once more, showing absolutely no sign of the intense moment affecting her, whereas I was probably looking more and more disheveled by the minute, cheeks burning red, eyes wild, hair a mess.

"At this point, you've likely warmed the young lady up enough that you can pull off her shirt. That also means you might encounter a bra which can be hard for some men to take off. Clearly, I'm not wearing one." She pointed to my hands which had not left her breasts. "So I can go put one on for you to try taking off."

My reptilian brain responded for me, drowning out the part of me that would have told her to stop. "I-it's ok," I said weakly.

She smiled warmly again. "Then pull it off."

I let go of her beautiful boobs and reached down, grabbing the bottom of the shirt and carefully pulling it up and over her head.

"You have two options here," she said once I had tossed her shirt aside. "You can either resume making out with the girl and fondling her or you can suck on her breasts."

Ok, that was something not even my reptilian brain could process.

"Wait what?" I asked but it came out so weakly that she must not have heard me that well.

"Here, let's go with the second so you can understand how to do it correctly."

She pushed my head into her massive cleavage and my soul damn near left my body at the feeling of those tits rubbing against my face. I was deep in the valley, so much so that they blocked out all the light.

"Essentially, what you're gonna do is lick and kiss the young lady's breasts. You want to move over to her nipples and start sucking on them. That usually feels quite pleasurable." Her fingers ruffled my hair as she spoke.

I was hesitant at first, my tongue only just peeking out, my kisses barely more than a press of the lips against her flesh but she wouldn't have any of it.

"A young lady will need more than just that, sweetie," she said softly before wedging my face in deeper. If this was paradise, I could certainly die happy.

I listened to her advice. My kisses soon became stronger and longer. More of my Aunt's pillowy titflesh filled my mouth as I continued to suckle, moving over to her nipple inch by inch. Her skin tasted faintly like peaches and the scent of her intoxicated me.

"That's right, sweetie. Just like that," she praised me.

I reached her fat, pink nipple and engulfed it in my mouth. My other hand went to massage her other breast as I worked on this one, circling it with my tongue before sucking on it like a baby at a teat.

"Oh," she said. "Oh. That does feel quite nice. Excellent technique. Yes, just like that, Kam."

I looked up from my suckles to see her head turned upward, neck bared entirely.

"Don't stop," Aunt Kendra ordered softly. "It's important that you keep the excitement going."

I let go of her right nipple with a satisfying pop and moved over to her left one. I swirled my tongue around the fat nub, enjoying its rubbery texture and the way it rose and became engorged the more attention I provided.

Right here, this was my dream, to be shoved into her breasts, to be able to worship these gravity-defying globes. It was so naughty but it just felt so right. There was no question at this point. I was absolutely a boobs man.

Aunt Kendra's hands had been caressing my head and chest but both suddenly moved downward and started to rub my extraordinarily stiff erection.

"After a certain point, someone has to break the ice and begin moving this forward. I would let you choose want you wanted to practice, either receiving or giving in this situation but playing with a woman's pussy and clit can be tough so I think it's better to start off more slowly." As she was talking, she popped my dick out from my jeans.

I gasped as I felt my Aunt grasp it in her hands. Her fingers wrapped around my shaft and started to stroke me. I couldn't help but widen my eyes as pleasure shot through my dick from her pumping up and down. It ached and throbbed under her touch.

"Aunt Kendra," I sputtered, my chest suddenly feeling tight. "W-we can't do this." The words themselves were weak.

"Shh," she hushed me. "It's practice. Are you gonna panic when some young lady touches your penis? That doesn't seem like it'd be a fun experience. Just sit back and watch carefully so you know what to expect." Her hand worked carefully around my dick, massaging the crown as it reached the peak of each pump before sliding back down.

She leaned her head down and let some saliva drip onto my cock. "Some girls might be rough in their handjob skills so, if they are, you need to speak up for yourself and ask for some lube. Saliva works in a pinch but usually store-bought lube is the best." Her hand now made more lewd sounds due to the saliva, squelching loudly.

"Aunt Kendra," I said, trying again. "Please, we can't-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence. My face was rather roughly shoved onto one of her nipples. My mouth was immediately filled with her supple titflesh and her hand kept my head in place, not allowing me off it.

"I'm not up for debating on this, young man. You're going to learn how to treat women right and I'm going to make sure of it."

I was surprised by the change in her tone. Before she had been so worried about me feeling comfortable and now she was scolding me. Did she really see this as ethically important, the same way a religious mother sees protecting their daughter's purity as an important moral issue?

Her stroking became harder, faster, and I could feel my balls swelling. My face was flushed with heat and I whispered through her tit. My toes curled as she continued her long strokes.

"You have two options at this point," Aunt Kendra said, probably noticing that I was quickly nearing the edge. "You can cum over their tits or their face but it's important you tell them what you want to do so they can figure out if they are comfortable with it. Since you're being uncooperative, I'm going to decide for you."

She released me from her breasts, spat on my dick once more, and rubbed faster, breasts jiggling with each stroke. The ache in my balls grew. I couldn't have held it off if I wanted to. I threw back my head and erupted right over her tits.

I moaned as spurt after spurt of cum painted her tits. Aunt Kendra didn't stop pumping as I bucked, squeezing more and more out. Pleasure slammed through me and I vaguely felt guilty about it but the incestuous bliss won out and my mind became singularly focused on the feeling of her delicate hands still stroking me.

"That's it," she purred. She wrung the last few drops out of my dick. I looked down to see that my pearly white cum had coated her breasts, gleaming in the light of the room.

Her hand didn't leave my dick until it had fully deflated.

"That's something else we need to work on. You lasted maybe a minute. Sexual stamina is usually a sore spot for men but I'm sure we can build it up. Anyway, I gotta go clean up!" The cheeriness returned to her voice and before I knew it, I was watching those amazing painted globes leaving the room.

I collapsed on the bed.

What the hell just happened?

Aunt Kendra had come in to tell me 'good job' before she headed back to her room and that was pretty much the only contact and mention of what had transpired for the rest of the night. I mostly stayed in my room after that until hunger drew me out of my little cave. It had to have been nearing 1AM by the time I walked down the stairs and, to my surprise, Amy was there, making herself a sandwich.

"Oh, hi," I said awkwardly.

She sighed at seeing me, annoyed, and just continued making her sandwich. Even in the lowlight of the kitchen, I could see just how gorgeous she was. Her shirt black hair grazed her shoulders, loose shorts showed off her thick hips and butt, and a tank top brought a generous amount of attention to her breasts, ones that were probably the largest out of her siblings.

I stepped off the stairs and moved silently into the kitchen, keeping my head down. I tried to make my food quickly so that I could get out of her hair sooner. I opened the fridge and pulled out two slices of bread, some butter and some ham. It wasn't ideal but I knew it was something I could make fast.

I worked on the island while she worked on the counter. A tense silenced descended over us, or at least it was tense for me. I was practically sweating thirty second into making my sandwich. Focus on the sandwich. Focus on the sandwich, I repeated to myself.

"Stop hogging all the butter," I suddenly heard from behind me. I turned around to see Amy looking directly at me, scowling, hands on her hips.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I squeaked. I scrambled to grab it and give it to her. She swiped it out of my hands and returned to making her own sandwich. I didn't fail to notice the way her tits jiggled as she did so, making it clear that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath. I did my best to quell my rising shaft.

That, coupled with the anxiety of being next to her, caused me to accidentally drop my sandwich butter side down on the floor. It made quite a splat and my head snapped to look at Amy's reaction, fear now churning in my gut.

She groaned in a frustrated way. "God," she muttered beneath her breath as she stalked past me to the supply closet. I stood frozen in place, just staring at her as she dug out a washcloth and some Clorox wipes. She returned only to slap me on the head.

"You gonna help or just stand there, twerp?"

We both knelt down onto the ground and started to clean. She tossed me the washcloth and I picked up the bread, tossing it into the trash while I wiped at the mess. She waited until I was done to wipe up the rest with the Clorox wipes.

She was on her hands and knees, cleaning, back slightly arched and butt sticking out just a little. I couldn't help but notice the way her hair fell across her face nor the way in which she would tuck the runaway strands behind her ear. And from my position, I could see the gentle curving slopes of her breasts underneath her tank top.

I blushed furiously at the sight.

"What are you looking at, perv?" she asked, voice heated already.

"U-uh," I stuttered. "N-nothing."

She sighed in annoyance again. "Don't be such a creep."

She stood up, tossed the wipes into the trash, grabbed her food and left me all alone on the floor.

I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

Dammit, was I in love with her?

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Stone -- Power stone

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