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80.17% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3287: REMEMBER ME RIVER

Chapitre 3287: REMEMBER ME RIVER

Her hair was perfect, as it lay on the white satin pillow, and he smiled at the attention to detail that had obviously been paid to get it that way. Her face, pale, but peaceful in repose, now, made him struggle to choke down the memory of her suffering and pain only a few days earlier. She was gone, and he wasn't yet sure how to feel about it. He was forty five years old now,had two kids in high school, and had spent the last two years watching her melt away in front of him. Those two years had been the worst of his life. He stood beside the open casket at the front of the room, staring at her face. She was gracefully posed, as if on display for the crowd that now filled the large funeral home. Murmuring voices were all around him, but he wasn't party to any of the numerous conversations. He didn't know many of these people, some were relatives he had not seen in years, others friends of his mother's he had never known at all. He looked up for a moment to see his wife across the room, handkerchief in hand, talking to his mother's sister, his Aunt Sherry, and he nodded when she caught his gaze. She smiled back, and quickly returned to her conversation.

"River?" the voice was deep and masculine. He turned around to see a tall white haired gentleman and his short silver haired wife, hands extended as if waiting for his to shake.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, son."

"Thank you." he said courteously taking the man's hand.

"I'm Bob Hopkins, and this is my wife Ellie." he said, "We knew your mom and dad, back when they first started in Real Estate, and let me tell you, your mom was...blah blah blah."

He was surprised at how quickly he had lost complete focus on the sweet senior couple in front of him, but he had heard this similar story all morning, repeated by countless Bob and Ellie's. He strained to remain in place long enough to find a point where he could excuse himself without being too rude.

"River. Come here for minute baby." his wife had seen the strain and had come to the rescue.

"Can y'all excuse us for a moment?" she smiled graciously, and wrapped an arm around her husband to lead him away.

"Oh, of course dear." said Ellie nudging her husband in the direction of the casket. "Just look Bob, she looks so peaceful." their voices trailed off.

"Thank you." he said kissing her cheek, when they found a quiet corner.

"You ok?" she asked looking up into his face.

"I think so, but I could use a drink." he smiled.

"We can go get one after this. Ok?" she touched his cheek lovingly.

"I'm thinking more than one." he grabbed her fingers and kissed her palm.

"Ok, more than one." she said before returning to the viewing crowd.

He watched her go and marveled how beautifully she filled out the curves in the black mourning dress she had on. He loved how she had her long blonde hair pulled up into a conservative looking bun in the back. Twenty years of marriage, and two kids, hadn't tampered with her figure at all. He was proud of her, and she spent a lot of his money in maintaining herself so he would always be. She faded into the crowd and he thought now would be a good time to get some air.

Stepping out into the bright mid-Summer sunlight, he took a deep breath. The air was moist compared to the cold air conditioning inside.

He stood next to the main entrance and watched as several cars turned into the funeral home parking lot. One in particular caught his attention, a dark blue, Mercedes, and he watched it as it made its way around to the back part of the funeral home parking lot, and an empty spot. He heard the engine shut off, and a sudden wave of anxiety rolled up over him, as he realized that he recognized the car.

He saw the hat first, large, floppy brimmed, and white. A delicate hand reached up to hold it in place as she opened the passenger side door.

"Aww shit." he muttered under his breath.

He knew it was her even before he could see all of her clearly.

"Aww shit, shit, shit." he repeated over and over, as the familiar quickening took his pulse, and the butterflies set in.

She turned around and opened the rear door, allowing a pudgy, apple faced, little boy to exit. Her sunglasses were large and dark, and he couldn't tell if she had seen him by the look on her face. Her dress was black, her jacket white and cropped, her long legs were dark with stockings, and ended with white pump heels. A small strand of pearls graced her long neck, and he bit his lip remembering a night he had left his mark on that neck so long ago.

"Goddamn it." he spat quietly. He felt dizzy. She had always made him feel dizzy. He felt his chest tighten and he tried to calm his breathing, as she lead the little fat boy by the hand in his direction. Soon, the driver's door opened and a huge blob of a man stepped out, pulling his dark suit pants up around his extensive belly. He coughed loudly, and farted, chuckling at her reaction.

"What?" he smiled at her, his beefy face red and sweaty already.

"My God." she snarled.

"That was funny daddy." the boy laughed.

"Your mom just don't get it, does she." he slammed the car door, and laughed again.

Hearing her voice sent a shiver up his spine. How long had it been? He couldn't recall. He steeled himself as she walked several steps in front of the blob towards the door. Her fragrance enveloped him, "cherry blossom", he remembered the name of it even now, as she stopped in front of him. He felt drunk.

"Hello River." she smiled, "Remember me? How have you been?"

"Bethany." he said hoping he didn't sound as nervous as he felt.

"I'm so sorry about Aunt Patty. I've been crying for days since I heard."

"So have I." he said. Her voice seemed to dance in his ears, sweet and soft, and almost smoky in quality.

"Who's this?" the blob asked stepping into River's personal space on his way in the door.

"This is my cousin, River Woods. You remember me telling you about him." she said, her dark sunglasses never leaving his face. "Here, take little Randy in, I want to talk to River a moment, ok dear?"

"Whatever." the blob and boy disappeared inside.

"Hello, cousin." she smiled sweetly.

Removing her oversize sunglasses, her eyes flashed a blue he had not seen in years. Her dark bangs contrasted the creamy skin of her face, and red lips.

'Damn it.' he thought to himself. 'She's fucking gorgeous. She hasn't aged at all.'

"What's it been, ten years?" she hugged him tightly holding on longer and tighter than just a hello. He felt her gracious breasts press into his chest as she pressed the length of her body to his.

"At least ten." he said, feeling a primal stirring in his cock. He held her long enough to know she felt his hardness growing.

As she loosened her arms around his neck, she kissed him on the lips, quickly brushing the tip of her tongue across his bottom one.

"I've missed you." she groaned. "So very much."

"I've missed you too." he said holding her.

"Can we get together after this, for old time's sake." she said taking his hand in hers.

"Of course, there is a reception in the memory hall afterwards, we can talk then." he let her go, and lead her by the hand into the building. He was shaking inside himself.

'This was a dream.' he thought. 'She did not just kiss me like that.'

He was sure though, that she had felt him grind on her a little bit, and she didn't seem to care.

His mother's funeral service was quick and somber, full of anecdotes, and scriptures, and bittersweet memory. He had sat in the front row, next to his wife, who held his hand, and gave it little squeezes at all the right moments. He choked down his tears more than once, even as others around him let them flow. He knew exactly where Bethany and her family had taken their seats, directly behind him, her fragrance whirled around him, light, and sweet, and also full of memories of its own. He found himself lost in thoughts of a night twenty years before. He was home on leave from the Army, visiting family here in Indiana. His Aunt Sherry and Uncle Mike had given him a couch to sleep on one night. Bethany had come home for the weekend from college. The memory of her then nineteen year old body suddenly flooded his thoughts with images of her flawless skin, and her legs opened in front of him. Her breasts were bountiful in the mouth even then with perfect pinkish nipples. He reflexively squirmed a little in the pew, wondering if his thoughts would betray him to his wife. He glanced at his wife, dabbing at her eyes with her handkerchief. She looked back at him with a puzzled look, and squeezed his hand.

"You Ok?" she whispered.

"Yeah. I think so." he said.

He looked over his shoulder, he knew Bethany was there, sitting close by. He glanced at her, and she too had her handkerchief in hand. She dabbed small tears at the corner of her eyes, but she smiled when she saw him looking at her. Then, ever so subtle, she pursed her lips, and blew him a kiss. He felt it. Like a hammer to the head, he felt it, and he knew they were going to have a lot to talk about.

The memory hall was a large room adjacent to the main funeral parlor. It was packed with friends and family all gathered around a set of buffet tables. The food and drinks had been organized by a local eatery his mother had frequented, and was pretty good he thought. He sat with his wife at a small table near the restrooms. He looked over at Bethany seated across the room with her family. Her disgust at the pile of plates lined up in front of her husband was very evident on her face. She wiped the boy's face and hands more than once with a napkin, in fruitless attempts at keeping Bar-b-que sauce off of his white shirt. Occasionally, she would glance over at River, and her eyes would catch his. He felt the electricity every time they did. She had taken off the big hat, and he could now see her dark hair had been trimmed into a cute pixie cut. She had always reminded him of a fairy, with her energy and light heart, and her, long, thin, but fit body. He could see that she had kept the body, but not the light heart. He felt a pang of pity for her, but only for a moment. He remembered one other thing from that night so long ago, and he let the pity pass.

"Honey, I'm going to ride with your Aunt Sherry out to her house, Ok?" his wife said drawing him back to the moment. "She says there are boxes and boxes of pictures, your mom left out there."

"Yeah sure, baby." he nodded

"You gonna be ok without me here for a bit?"

"Yes, I'm sure I'll be alright."

"Ok, you just seem distracted today is all." she said.

"I'm fine, you run with Aunt Sherry. I'll wait here."

He hugged his Aunt and his wife as they prepared to go. Bethany soon appeared beside them.

"Leaving Mom?" she asked.

"Yes honey, if you want we can take the kids with us out to the house and they can swim in the pool. You can meet us out there later." Sherry said.

"Sounds good." Bethany said cheerfully.

"Yeah sounds good." River said kissing his wife's cheek. "I'll meet you out there in a couple hours."

They stood next to each other and waved as they watched the others corral the children together and leave.

"We need to talk." Bethany said looking into his eyes.

"Yeah we do. Where?"

She grasped his hand and quickly led him to the women's restroom door, then quickly surveying the thinning crowd, pushed him through in front of her. Inside she found the interior lock and turned it. Then leaning against the door, she let her emotions flood up over her. Tears formed at the corners of her eyes and began falling as she threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shirt and tie. She sobbed heavily a moment, and he slowly wrapped his arms around her feeling her surrender more and more as he tightened his hold. He let her cry, saying nothing; just holding her for the moment.

"River, I'm so fucking sorry. I can't believe this." she sniffled and looked up into his face. Her mascara had run slightly, but it didn't detract from the beauty he saw in those sky blue eyes.

"I'm ok Bethany." he said trying to be comforting.

"But I'm not." she said. "I'm fucking miserable. That fat fucking bastard makes me sick."

"I told you ten years ago to think twice on that one. You jumped anyway." he said accusingly.

"It was the money. I know it was now. I lied to myself that I loved him. I lied to myself I wanted his baby. I'm thirty nine this year, I don't want to start over, but I hate him so bad." she grabbed his jacket sleeves, he wasn't sure in anger or to keep herself standing. "Besides, you were already married by then."

"I have always loved you Bethany." he said grabbing her chin and looking her directly in the face. "All I've ever wanted was for you to be happy, even if it was with someone else."

She kissed him, fully, open mouthed, and passionately. Letting go of the entire pretense he kissed back. Pushing her against the wall he attacked her mouth with his tongue, as he pinned her arms over her head. Her moans rising up in her throat gave him assurance that she wanted to be there, with him, and he was done playing silly games. He grabbed her wrists with one hand and held them up, and against the brick wall, giving his free hand the opportunity to roam over the mounds of her breasts hidden under the thin veil of her dress. Her body felt hot to him, and her breath was coming in gasps between kisses. He moved to the side of her neck and traced his tongue along the curve of her shoulder. Her voice was a whimper.

"Oh God." she whined.

"Is this what you missed." he growled, once again attacking her lips with his.

She swallowed hard, as he began pulling on her breasts, massaging them ever so gently.

"Please, God Please." she moaned into his lips.

He let her wrists go, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and he now had both hands to work the flesh of her curves. He touched her everywhere, going back and forth over her breasts and stomach, feeling the silky material warm against her skin. He squeezed her thin waist and let his hands trace the roundness of her buttocks, before drawing them up her back and pulling her into him for another breathtaking kiss.

His cock was pushing hard against the material of his tailored pants. He was fully engorged. He felt the sensitivity increasing in the fat mushroom of his cock head, and it was getting uncomfortable. He grabbed her by her slender neck and pushed her to her knees in front of him. She practically melted in submission. She knew what he wanted, and she wanted to please him by giving it to him. Grabbing his belt and working the front of his pants open she gasped at the size of his erection as she pulled his underwear down over it.

"My God, what have you been doing? I don't remember it so big." she giggled.

"You like?" he asked.

"Mmmm.Yes. Yes I do." she purred.

"Good, now shut up and put it in your mouth like a good girl."

She looked up into his face, wanting to see his reaction as she slowly drew his fat cock into her lips, and let her warm mouth engulf him. She moved him in and out slowly at first, then with more speed all the while using the flat of her tongue on the bottom side. Shock wave after shock wave traveled up his spine.

"Ohhh God." he moaned never taking his eyes from hers. He felt her moan in her throat, and the vibration felt ecstatic. Instinctively his hips began to thrust in time with her movement. He was no longer thinking of anything but the feeling of her mouths wetness and warmth moving over and around the tip of his manhood.

"Fuck." he groaned. "That's it baby. Suck my cock."

Her hands were on his ass cheeks pushing him further and further into her throat with each thrust. She was moaning, but the sound was muffled by her mouth being so full. He could feel the electric buzz at the base of his spine starting to build in intensity and spread to encompass his balls. He felt the pressure building as the pleasure she was providing his cock with her wanton mouth became too much. He threw his head back, and gasped for air. Soon he could not bear anymore, and rocket after rocket of semen launched up through his fat cock and into her waiting mouth. She didn't move away, instead she swallowed hard taking in his essence as he quivered in front of her. His spasms subsided quickly, but she continued licking him as she released him from her lips. He gripped her chin and pulled her up to her feet. He was still gasping a little, when he kissed her. She giggled.

"I owed you that one baby." she said as he kissed her forehead.

"Yes you did." he chuckled. "Whew, Beth, you are good."

"I hope it was worth waiting twenty years for." she said.

"It will be." he said. "I'm far from done with you."

He spun her around and pushed her over the wall mounted sink. Pulling her dress skirt up to her waist, he examined the beautiful roundness of her heart shaped ass. Her stockings were black and held up by a black garter belt. Her panties were black and lacy, and he slipped a finger under the edge of one leg running it deep into the crack of her ass. She moaned her approval. He could feel the heat and moisture there. Her scent was driving him now. He could smell her crotch, and when it mixed with her perfume he could not control himself. He grabbed her wrists again holding them behind her. Then again using a free hand he snatched her panties down, and began to stroke her moistness touching every fold. He let his fingers play, rubbing, poking, feeling the slipperiness between her legs increasing. She wiggled and danced in her approval, her moans becoming louder and louder as he lingered over her stiffening clit. Her breathing was becoming harder, and she moaned very loudly as he pushed two fingers into her and pumped them in and out swiftly, touching her front wall with increasing pressure each time.

"Oh god, oh god, oh my fucking god." she was almost screaming.

"Shh, baby." he whispered in her ear.

"Oh, oh, River, please don't stop." she bucked against his working hand.

He held her wrists tighter, trying to control her movement, but soon her legs could no longer hold her quivering body up underneath her. His thumb found the tiny knot of her anus and he shoved the tip of it against the opening. She exploded in a massive squirting orgasm. Her body opened like a fire hose time and time again, hot pussy fluid flowed over his hand, and ran down his arm over his shirt sleeve. She began crying as she begged him to not stop.

"I'm cumming, oh River, I'm cumming." she whispered hoarsely between gasps for breath.

He felt the burning in his wrist begin to build but he still tried to keep the rhythm he had been using. He wanted her satisfied. Her body shook again and again, and then went limp over the edge of the sink. He looked into the reflection of her face in the large vanity mirror, and knew she had her fill of ecstasy for the moment. He kissed the back of her neck gently, and sniffed the scent of her hair. The familiar spicy cherry fragrance filled him and he became lost again in time and memory. Her breathing slowed and she attempted to stand up. He held her close to him, turning her to face him. Her face was beautiful to him, despite the smeared lipstick, and runny mascara. Her eyes looked deep into his, and he knew they had crossed a line they had only played near up till then.

"Wow." he grunted

"Wow." she giggled.

A knock on the door startled them. They both began scrambling to put their clothing in place again. He stepped in to the stall nearest the door, as she toyed with her makeup in the mirror.

The knock came again louder.

"Just a moment please." she announced.

"Ok, but please hurry dear." the voice of an older woman on the other side was desperate sounding.

She took a look at herself in the mirror and adjusted her dress then unlocked the door just as she realized the size of the puddle she had created with her orgasm. Her stocking were drenched as well as her shoes. She smiled, and felt a twinge of embarrassment. The door pushed open and a silver haired Ellie Hopkins rushed in to the small restroom. She saw the puddle immediately.

"Oh, my. Are you ok dear? Don't worry happens to me all the time too. Do you need a pad?" she asked.

"No, I'm ok." Bethany chuckled as she went out the door.

"Ok then." Ellie said.

"Oops can you imagine my surprise, wrong room." said River opening the stall door and straightening his tie. "Sorry bout that."

He brushed past Ellie, right behind Bethany on the way out.

"Why does everyone want to fuck in the rest room these days?" Ellie said after the door closed behind them.The night was alive with the sounds of summer in the country. He could hear the occasional bull frog from beside the creek some one hundred yards away, interrupting the steady chorus of crickets that sang in the darkness, as the fireworks of hundreds of fireflies flashed across the half acre of backyard. He loved it here, always had.

Here,happened to be the backyard patio, behind his Aunt Sherry and Uncle Mike's house. A brick and tile sanctuary he had known most of his life. River Woods sat at the small patio table near the dated looking, but, large in-ground pool. The big sun umbrella sticking up in the center of the metal table was still extended open despite it being well after dark. A large moth danced in the light that rose from just under the surface of the water, casting everything around in a greenish blue tinge. He could smell the chlorine in the water and the corn in the nearby fields and he relaxed, feeling more at home than he had in ages.

He had been sitting here in the backyard since sundown, nursing a highball glass, full of cheap bourbon from his Uncle's poolside bar. A single ice-cube the only accessory added to the 90 proof, whiskey. He had changed out of his formal black suit and tie, into a pair of swim trunks and a sleeveless nylon workout shirt. His tanned skin and obvious athletic build, allowed him to pull off such youthful attire despite his fast approaching middle age. He was pretty fit for a forty five year old man, and he worked at it to stay that way. Weight lifting, running and swimming made up most of his exercise routine, and he had in fact spent the afternoon since returning from his mother's funeral service, in the pool he was sitting by.

He ran a hand through his dark hair and took another sip of bourbon, as the images of the afternoon encounter with Bethany bubbled up into his thoughts. It had happened so fast. He hadn't really been prepared to have her like that again and he felt irritated. Her cock-sucking

had been superb, she had swallowed his load gratefully, and he knew he had pleasured her, as evidenced by the puddle of pussy juice she left on the floor, but now sitting at her parent's home, his favorite Aunt and Uncle's home, he wasn't satisfied. He wanted more.

The idea he had cheated on his wife panged him a little bit, but he managed to push the guilt away. He didn't try to rationalize it, or make an excuse for what had happened, he simply didn't think about it for very long when his conscience rose up. The whiskey had dulled the part of his brain that wanted to dwell there anyway.

The afternoon had been a whirlwind that swept him up before he could even begin to process what he and his cousin had done together. Bethany had disappeared without saying goodbye not long after they had emerged from the tiny women's room at the funeral home. He had stayed for a little while after the crowds had gone, to help clean up things. He remembered feeling light and happy, and a bit overwhelmed. He had assumed she and the "Blob" had left to pick up their son at her mother's house, and had been totally surprised when he arrived later to see the boy still there, playing a video game with his own son in the family room.

His daughter and wife were playing in the pool as his Aunt, lounged on a float sunbathing. He changed quickly and cannon balled his way into the deep end of the pool. His Uncle Mike had started the large outdoor kitchen grill and the smell of hotdogs and hamburgers cooking over open flames added to the celebration. He found himself flirting with and fondling his wife in stolen moments the rest of the afternoon, but he kept one eye on the door waiting for Bethany to arrive. She never did.

As the sun began setting he was sitting at the table across from his Aunt taking shots of bourbon, as the others had long since gone inside.

"You know Bethany has had some pretty rough times lately," she had told him.

"Really," he asked, surprised.

"Yes. It seems Randy has been sleeping with his assistant at the dealership. He doesn't know Bethany knows. He's been stealing money from the business too. She found out about it. He doesn't know that either. She came home for a few days last month, but I was so busy with your mother, I wasn't much help for her," his Aunt slammed a shot of bourbon then set the glass down.

"What does she want to do?" he leaned forward in his chair.

"Who knows, honey? Bethany has a hard time with decisions sometimes. Randy is loaded, and so is his family. They would use their money to make her life hell. She knows that," his Aunt slipped back into the small chair and lit a cigarette. She inhaled deep, and then exhaled the smoke up and over her shoulder. It was a very movie-star expression and he chuckled at it.

"I know you two have some history. I know you have been kissing cousins for some-time. I don't want details. I do hope that stuff is in the past, because she needs to focus right now. She's my daughter and I love her, and I will kill the son-of-a bitch if he hurts her, but it's up to her what she wants to do now. I told her she can come home anytime she wants, but she seems afraid. Anyway..." her voice trailed off as the big sliding glass door slid open and a troop of grand-kids poured out of the house and into the pool. Randy Jr. was in the rear as the group jumped into the water. The kid looked like his father and River thought how unfortunate for him.

Now as he sat here in the dark, he could see his wife and kids through the large glass door, lounging on the couches in the huge den. The glow of the television screen was the only light in the room. He had seen his Aunt and Uncles' bedroom light go off, a short time before. He looked at his watch, and was surprised to see that it was one o'clock in the morning.

The flicker of headlights over the privacy fence was accompanied by the sound of a car coming down the long gravel driveway. He waited where he was, even after hearing the car door open and close. He sipped his bourbon as the gate rattled and a small silhouette approached him from the edge of the darkness.

"I thought I might find you here," it was Bethany's voice.

"Yep. Where you been?" he asked.

"Had to go home to clean up a little," she giggled.

He could see she had changed clothes; she now wore a pair of dark, tight, yoga pants and a white tank top that he could see her bra-less nipples through. Her pedicured toes stuck out of cute sandals, and he smiled at her approvingly.

"Nice," he said.

"You like," she winked coyly.

She sat down across from him at the table, and helped herself to his drink. She coughed a little after swallowing the booze.

"Damn," she said.

"You alone?" he asked.

"Very much so," she said taking another sip. "Are you?"

"For the moment," he glanced over her shoulder at his sleeping family in the house.

She leaned across the table until her face was inches from his. He could smell her, freshly showered skin, and the mouthwash mixed with bourbon on her breath.

"It's been a long strange day, River," she whispered.

"Where'd you go, you disappeared on me earlier," he said.

"Let's go down to the creek and fuck," she said avoiding his question.

She stood up taking his hand. He smiled up at her, and reflexively stood. She kissed him there, deep and passionate and full of yearning tongue; soon he let her lead him away from the house out into the darkness of the big backyard.

When they came to a quiet spot just inside the tree line next to the large creek she stopped and pulled the tube top up over head, exposing her beautiful, pouty tits, in the dim moonlight.

He smiled and felt his stomach fill with butterflies again. He looked nervously towards the house so far away now, he knew they were alone there, but a bit of paranoia still clawed at him.

"Relax baby," she said stripping the yoga pants down and then stepping out of her sandals, so that she could get them fully off.

"God, you are so fucking beautiful," he said as she stood completely naked before him. Her dark hair, and sky blue eyes and creamy skin were overwhelming to his defensive nervousness. He grabbed her and pulled her to him, kissing her neck. He felt her surrender and soften in his arms, as his cock began to swell in anticipation inside the swim trunks he wore.

"Get naked baby. Feel the night air with me," she said, as he ran his hands up and down her back, squeezing her heart shaped ass tightly as he continued kissing her neck. She moaned.

"Goddamn, you're beautiful," he whispered in her ear.

He let her go, and pulled his shirt up over his head. She frantically pulled at the waist of his shorts, trying to slide them down his legs. She was giggling. He was laughing. Finally he stepped out of his flip flops and shorts and stood in front of her, his cock straining and throbbing with longing for her. He was harder than he had known his cock could ever be. It even impressed him with how full it appeared.

"Oh my God! I want it now," she said dropping to her knees in front of him and taking his cock in her hands. She teased him, looking up into his eyes as she began brushing it against her bright red lips. He felt her warm, steamy, breath on the bulging, fat, mushroom of his cock's head and he groaned.

"Ohhh, Bethany," he said, tenderly touching her face. She smiled and opened her mouth wide trying to take the full length of him into her throat. Her wet warm mouth became his whole world in that moment. He felt her tongue begin to pulse against the underside of him as the suction from her lips grew in intensity. He was thrusting into her throat now almost out of control.

"Ahhh..."he was groaning. Her mouth moved up and down milking him, pulling him closer and closer to the edge of ecstasy. His hands were clasped around handfuls of her hair as he kept pushing her head into his groin with every thrust. He felt her hands begin massaging his ball sack, and he threw his head back and groaned loudly as the pleasure filled him. Then she stopped. She stood up and kissed him hard.

"Not to be mean, but let's not waste this opportunity," she giggled.

"My turn anyway," he said picking her up in his arms. He carried her a short way to a spot where he knew the grass was soft and put her down there. She lay on her back feeling the cool ground below her, as he knelt between her legs, and without announcement grabbed her thighs and pulled them wide apart. His mouth was on her before she could take another breath and she pushed her pussy against his lips eagerly, as she pulled her long legs open even wider in joyous abandon. Her mind went blank, and her moans filled the night air around them. He licked her slowly at first then more aggressively, as he explored her open body. He teased her anus then once again found her clit and sucked into his mouth, his tongue never stopping in its flicking attention to her responses.

"Oh baby. My baby. God River, please never stop. You feel so good," she groaned, as she felt her pleasure growing to a level she had not known in a long time. She began thrusting her hips to meet his tongue as it worked in and out of her slick opening. He began to speed up his movement, and she felt the warm blossom of her own orgasm sprouting in her belly. His fingers were on her now. Pulling her pussy lips open and slipping in and out of her. She was a teapot about to boil over. Waves crashed into waves of pleasure, and she felt herself losing control of her body. Her breath was racing, her heart a flutter. Her pussy felt like a river full of good feelings about to overflow its banks.

"Ohhhh. Ohhhh, "she moaned loudly as he shoved three of his fingers into her, timing their thrusting with his tongue flicking on her clit. Within seconds, she exploded. Her mind became a short circuit and her body became a quivering mass of nerve endings as she felt her pussy finally flood over into his face. She felt the waves all collapse on themselves, and grabbed onto him to keep from floating away. Joy filled her body from her toes up, and she fell back in the grass, trying to catch her fleeting breath. He kissed her thighs and raised himself up over her. He found her mouth and kissed her, her juices were still on his lips.

"Damn baby," he said his hands on her face. "You are fucking amazing."

He raised himself over her, pushing his cockhead into the groove of her pussy, and teased her with it. She lay there panting, whimpering in her desire. She lifted her hips to meet him with every fleeting stroke. Her wanting had become her life. He chuckled at the wantonness of her, knowing it was his cock, his manhood that made her act this way. Finally he plunged into her deep, pushing in slowly to the hilt, his balls becoming wet with the juices flowing out of her. She gasped loudly when he hit bottom, and wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him to her as if to save her very life. She was tight, and he felt her pussy resist him a moment before it hungrily opened under him. He groaned; his cock felt as if it had been engulfed by a, hot, silky, exotic oil. He started slowly pushing in and then backing out, savoring the experience of being inside of her again. Her moans were his key to his timing, but he soon began speeding up his thrusting as his own desire started to flow over him.

Her face had become a mask of pure pleasure and he loved how she didn't try to hide her lust when he looked into her eyes. Their bodies slapped together now as he pounded into her, his body crashing into hers, mercilessly pushing her towards another orgasm. She was panting, and every thrust drew another whimper of ecstasy out of her. She was his, and only his for this moment and he knew it. He felt his own orgasm building in the base of his balls, a steady increasing pleasure.

"Oh fuck, fuck baby," he said softly into her ear.

"Cum for me baby, its okay, I already came again," she whispered.

He groaned, and then felt the world collapse and then explode.

"Oh God Bethany! I'm gonna cum in you baby," he moaned.

She felt his cock twitch inside of her as his strokes became shorter and shallow, and she knew he was cumming. She grabbed him tighter, as he pumped load after load of his frothy semen into her quivering pussy. She held him until she felt him relax and melt against her, then he laughed a little, and rolled off of her into the soft grass.

"Oh wow," he chuckled.

"Mmmm, very nice baby," she said staring up into the night sky. She could feel his cum dripping out of her, and she dipped a finger into it just to taste him again. A salty sweet taste she found only with him. He was lying on his back next to her breathing heavy.

The sounds of the night and the creek rushing by came back to them, and they stayed there together quietly for some time. Finally she rolled over and looked at him.

"I love you River," she said. "I always have loved you."

"I know," he said.

"You know I never wanted to hurt you. But I was a confused little girl back then. You know?"

"I know, Bethany. I often wondered how we could tell anybody about us, without people judging as a bunch of hillbillies. You know?" he chuckled.

"Exactly," she snuggled against his shoulder.

"Love is love where ever you find it," he said sitting up to kiss her forehead.

"Well I have never loved anyone like I have you my dear cousin," she said.

He smiled at her and kissed her forehead in the dim moonlight. They heard the faint sound of the large sliding glass door open, and saw the dim glow from the back porch light come on.

"Oh shit," River said, jumping up and grabbing at his scattered clothing in the grass.

"Is someone coming?" Bethany whispered hoarsely. She too began dressing as quickly as possible.

"River," he heard his wife's voice calling.

"Damn it, come on, we gotta go," he whispered to Bethany as she pulled her top back on over her head.

"River! You still out her?" his wife sounded irritated.

"Ok, I'm good," said Bethany as they kissed one more time, before walking back towards the house hand in hand.

"There you are, where'd you go," his wife asked as they came into the glow of the porch lighting.

"Hey baby," he said. He noticed she was wearing his bathrobe.

"We just went for a walk down by the creek. Why are you awake?"

"Hey Bethany. I saw your car was here," she said. "Oh baby. I had a bad dream."

"Hey Linda," said Bethany taking a seat at the small patio table again.

"Randy Jr. is sleeping in the living room if you are gonna get him," Linda said.

"Think I'll let him sleep," said Bethany. "It's late anyway."

"Yeah, it is," said Linda her tone becoming suspicious. "Where you been?"

"Ummm..."Bethany hesitated.

"So what was this bad dream?" River interrupted her. He put his arm around his wife and kissed her cheek.

"It was weird. I was dreaming about this giant black bear that was attacking you. I tried to help you, but the bear just pulled you apart," she said leaning into his embrace.

"That's freaky," said Bethany.

"It was a dream," said River.

Bethany looked down and saw that in her haste she had pulled her yoga pants on inside out. She giggled to herself.

"I'm going back to bed. You coming in?" Linda asked.

"Yeah, I'll be in in a minute." River said.

"Hurry up. I hate sleeping alone you know that." she said.

He watched her as she closed the big glass door, before he turned to his cousin.

"Well, that was different," he said.

"She's gonna have a lot more questions for you in the morning. You know that don't you?" said Bethany.

"Probably," he said sitting down across from her.

"Well, I know I would," she said smiling coyly.

"So, what now?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" she said.

"What about us? Where do we go from here?" he said.

"I don't know River. There is so much to think about. So many people who can get hurt from this. I don't know what to think." she said.

"Are you happy?" he asked taking her hand.

"No. No I'm not," she said tearing up.

"How can I help make you happy baby

doll?" he kissed her hand.

"Do you still own a gun?" she said leaning towards him.

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État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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