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80.07% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3283: REINCARNATION IS REAL


There is no way I could convince anyone that this is a true story, so let's just call it a fantasy. Before I get into the story, let me give you some background on my previous life. I grew up in Southwest Texas in the 50's. I guess I would describe my life as lower middle class. We weren't poor, but we sure as hell weren't rich. My parents both worked so we always had food on the table, but there was never any extra money to waste on non-essentials. For instance, I had crooked teeth, but we couldn't afford to go to a dentist. I remember a lot of kids in school had braces, but I just had to live with crooked teeth. Every school year the teacher would have everyone stand up and tell the class about their summer vacation. My family could never afford a vacation so I would make up something.

I would probably be best described as average. I was of average height and weight and I had an average face. I don't remember much about my childhood, but I do remember when I started High School. This was in the 60's, and most of the kids wore the same style of clothes; khaki slacks, button down shirts, and penny loafers. We couldn't afford the stylish clothes that everyone else wore. My mom bought my clothes at Sears. I wasn't what you would call really smart, but I wasn't really dumb either. Once again, I was just average. I wanted to play sports, but my grades weren't good enough. I barely made grades good enough to graduate. As you can imagine, a kid with an average face, average build, crooked teeth, non-athlete, and who couldn't afford cool clothes, didn't stand a chance with the girls, so I never had a girlfriend. I couldn't get into college, and even if I did, my parents couldn't afford it. I also didn't have much of a chance of getting a decent job, so I decided to join the Army right after high school.

After completing Basic Training and Advanced Training at Fort Benning, Georgia, I was shipped to Vietnam as an Infantryman. I actually enjoyed the Army and my time in Vietnam. I didn't stand out because we all wore the same uniform and had the same job. After I had been in-country for about eight months, my unit was attacked by a large group of Viet Cong, and I received a wound to my head. I never lost consciousness, so I remember being treated by a medic and then taken to a field hospital by helicopter. The doctor performed surgery and removed a large chunk of shrapnel from my head. I remember having an oxygen mask on my face and an IV in my arm plus a heart monitor and a blood pressure cuff. I was eventually put on a plane and taken to Walter Reed Army Hospital in Washington, DC.

One day I heard several doctors talking and I heard them say I had lost brain function and I would have to be taken off life support. I don't know how that could be possible because I could hear them, and I understood what they were saying.

Anyway, the next thing I know, I went into a deep sleep. The next thing I remember is hovering above a freshly dug grave, and I could see my Mom and Dad and a couple of my friends standing there. Not a big turnout as far as funerals go, but I wouldn't expect one. I tried to talk to them and thank them for coming, but they couldn't hear me.

Then I saw this bright light and I was being drawn toward it. I entered a room where I saw my grandparents and a few other deceased relatives. A nice old man explained that I had died, and I had a choice. I could either remain where I was for eternity, or I could choose to return to earth in a different form. After asking a lot of questions, I chose to return to earth. The difference was, I explained that I no longer wanted to be an average kid with a family that couldn't afford some of the finer things in life. The old man said that because I had not had a very enjoyable childhood, and because I had died serving my country, he was going to do something special for me. While I wasn't given the option of who I was going to be, where I was going to live, who my new family would be, or even what century I would return to, I was given the option of body style and facial type that I had always wished I had, but nothing more. He explained that most people who were reincarnated normally started over from birth. I was told that since I was almost 19 when I died, they had decided that I would start my life over as an 19-year old. I don't know who "They" were, but I thanked the old man who told me that. The old man smiled, winked, and said I would probably like my new life.

Present Day

The next thing I remember was waking up in a house that I didn't recognize, but I noticed I was in a nice bedroom with nice furnishings. When I went to the attached bathroom, I looked in the mirror, and I couldn't believe what I saw. I was eighteen years old, 6'2", 245 pounds, and I had the body of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and a face similar to Alex O'Loughlin, the guy who played Steve McGarrett on the TV show Hawaii Five-O. Of course, he was in his 30's, but I looked like an 19-year old version of him. I would call my face ruggedly handsome, but definitely no longer average. When I smiled, I noticed that I not only didn't have crooked teeth, but they were straight and sparkling white.

I brushed my teeth, shaved, and took a shower. While I was in the shower, I became aware of my morning wood. I was pleasantly surprised to see that I had a fat eight-inch cock. When I went back to my bedroom, I opened the closet and found some really nice clothes. I put on a pair of slacks and a button-down shirt and walked out to a hallway. I could smell bacon and eggs and fresh coffee. When I found the kitchen, a woman turned around and said, "There you are, sleepyhead. I thought I was going to have to come drag you out of the bed. Breakfast is ready. Dad had to go to work early, so he's already gone." She then placed a plate of bacon and eggs on the table along with a cup of steaming hot black coffee. When she sat the cup down, I noticed she had her fingernails painted a bright red. She also had her toes painted the same color and her lips were coated with a matching red lipstick. Although I couldn't remember seeing her before, she did look familiar. I knew instinctively that she was my mother. Mother or not, my first thought was, "Wow! She is hot!"

I had a sudden memory flash of my former mom, and this woman was nothing like her. She was 38 years old but looked more like twenty-five. She stood 5'6" and weighed about 125. She had long blond hair, blue eyes, and an absolutely perfect body. She was wearing shorts and a T-shirt, and I could see a pair of luscious 36 C breasts straining the front of her shirt. She had long legs and a really nice ass. I knew I shouldn't be looking at my mom like that, but I couldn't help it. When I finished my coffee, I sat my cup on the table. She turned around and gave me a dazzling smile.

About that time, an almost carbon copy of my mom walked into the kitchen. She said, "Good morning" and both my mom and me said good morning back to her. She was about the same height and weight with the same blond hair and blue eyes, but she appeared to be my age. She sat at the table and mom placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her, but instead of coffee, she gave her a bottle of water. I guess she didn't drink coffee. Mom said, "Eat your breakfast, Becky. You're going to be late for school."

The girl, who I just learned was named Becky, turned to me and said, "Randy, can you give me a ride to school? My car has a flat tire. Dad said he would call the dealer and they would come fix it later."

I answered, "Sure, Becky. No problem."

"Thanks, big brother. You're the best." She just confirmed what I assumed. She was my sister. She had called me Randy, and at that moment, I remembered my name was Randy Martin and I was a senior at Central High School.

Now, I have no way to explain this, but apparently I had grown up with this family in this house, but I had very little recollection of it. Apparently, my spirit, or soul, or whatever it was called, managed to possess the body of Randy Martin. I assumed that memories would come to me as needed. I'm still not sure how this reincarnation stuff worked, but just because I couldn't explain it didn't mean it wasn't real. I knew I was able to live in someone's body, but it was obvious he wasn't dead. Where did his spirit go? Were we both sharing the same body at the same time? I didn't have a clue, but something told me not to worry about it, but to just accept it.

We finished breakfast, took our dishes to the sink, and started to head outside when my new mom said, "Aren't you forgetting something?" I was clueless, but Becky said, "Sorry mom" then walked over and kissed her on the cheek before walking out the door. I followed her example, but when I started to kiss her cheek, she grabbed my head, pressed her lips to mine, and thrust her tongue in my mouth to give me a very un-mom like kiss. She said, "Have a good day at school, Randy."

Well, I wasn't expecting that. Apparently, that was normal for us. I wondered if we did that in front of my Dad. I walked outside and saw Becky sitting in the passenger seat of a blue BMW. I assumed that was my car, so I opened the driver side door and got in. I started the car and looked at the house I had just left. It was a large mini-mansion with a four car garage and a sprawling lawn. I thought to myself, this family is certainly better off than my old one was. Mom was not dressed for work, so I assumed she didn't work. I was wondering what type of job my dad had, but I was sure I would find out soon.

I'm not sure how I knew how to get there, but I drove us to school like I had been doing it for years. While we were driving to school, Becky had her skirt pulled up to about mid-thigh. I noticed she had nice tanned legs. At one point I looked up and noticed she was looking at me with a smile on her face. She had caught me staring at her legs and she didn't seem to mind. When we pulled into the parking lot, she leaned over and gave me a deep kiss on the mouth before saying, "Thanks Randy. I'll meet you here after school."

She slid out of her seat and walked toward the red brick school building. I was thinking, "Apparently all the women in my family kissed on the lips."

I got out, locked the car, and headed to school. Again, I somehow knew exactly where I was going. I went to my classroom, sat at my desk, and looked around. I noticed everyone seemed to be engrossed in a small metallic box which they were busily moving their thumbs over. When the teacher, who I somehow knew was Mrs. Jenkins, came in the room, they hurriedly placed the devices in their pockets or backpacks. When the class started, Mrs. Jenkins walked through the room passing out papers. When she got to my desk, she smiled, handed me the paper, and said, "Congratulations, Randy. Once again, you got the highest grade in the class on the exam." I guess I no longer struggled with my grades.

School went fairly quickly. At lunch, I passed a large calendar taped to a wall with the school baseball schedule. I was shocked when I looked at it and noticed the date was June 10th, 2018. I had died in 1968! Obviously, I had a lot to catch up on. After school, I walked to my car and in a few minutes, Becky walked up to me. She had a big smile on her face when she asked, "Ready to go home?"

I just nodded, got in the car and started it up. Before pulling out of the parking lot, I looked at Becky, noticing once again that her dress was pulled up to mid-thigh, and asked, "How was your day?"

She again gave me a beautiful smile and answered, "Pretty good. How about you?"

I told her my day went alright, too, and then drove home. As I pulled into the driveway, Becky said, "I'm so excited about next week."

I was confused, so I asked, "What's next week?"

She laughed and punched me in the arm before saying, "Very funny, big bro! You know perfectly well what next week is. It's the day I finally become a woman. I can't wait to turn 18."

Okay. So now I knew her birthday was next week, and she was turning 18. But then she confused me again when she asked shyly, "You haven't forgotten your promise, have you?"

"Uhm, maybe. Why don't you remind me again."

She looked at me like I had killed her puppy. She had a pout on her delicious looking lips as she replied, "Don't joke about this, Randy. You know how nervous I am, but this is really important to me. You promised to make me a woman on my birthday. I agreed to wait until I was 18, but I can't wait one day longer. I want you to fuck me and teach me everything I need to know to please a man. I've always wanted you to be my first."

Well, this was certainly a day of surprises. Thinking quickly, I got a sly grin on my face and said, "I'm just messing with you, Becky. You know I wouldn't forget about something like that. I'm looking forward to it. How could I not? You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, and you're going to allow me to make love to you? I think it will be more like you're going to give me a present rather than me giving you a present."

She had a tear trickling down her face as she replied in a husky voice, "Do you mean that? Do you really think I'm beautiful?"

"Of course, I do! Not only beautiful, but sexy too. If it was up to me, I would take you to bed as soon as we get inside, but I know you want to wait until you are officially 18. Now, come on. Let's see what mom is up to."

When we got inside, mom was at the stove making something that smelled delicious and familiar, but I couldn't place what it was. Becky walked over and kissed her on the cheek, so I walked over to give her a kiss, and once again, she put her tongue in my mouth to give me a deep, passionate kiss. Before I could say anything, she said, "You had a letter come today. I put it on your bed."

I said, "Thanks mom" and I went to my room. The letter was from Texas A&M University and it said that I had been accepted into their Pre-Med program with a full academic scholarship. There was also a summary of why I was accepted and had a series of scores. I noticed my SAT score was 1460, not perfect but within the 90th percentile, and my IQ score was 138, which means I wasn't a genius, but I fell into what they called the gifted area. I looked at my dresser and noticed a wallet and one of those devices everyone was playing with in school this morning. I knew I should have had my wallet with me today, but I had apparently forgotten to put it in my pocket. That means I was driving without a license today. I opened it and looked at my license. It had my name and date of birth which indicated I was born on November 15th. That means I was just a little more than 17 months older than my sister.

I picked up the device and noticed a button on the side. When I pushed it, the screen lit up. I started playing with it and instinctively knew that it was a phone. I somehow knew how it worked and I soon had a list of contacts up. I scrolled through the list and as I saw the names, I could picture how each of them looked. I then found a list of messages. As I read them, I discovered that I was supposed to go to a party on Friday night. One of the messages was from someone named Lisa. I immediately recognized the name, I could picture her in my mind, and I knew she was my girlfriend. The message said, "Hi lover. I can't wait to see you tomorrow. I really miss your big cock. My pussy is so wet right now just thinking about it. See you tomorrow stud. Love you."

Wow! I never heard any girl talk like that in my former life. Tomorrow should be interesting. I put the phone down and noticed another device on my desk. It was a laptop, and again, as I opened it, I was surprised to see that I knew how to operate it. As I scrolled through the files, I saw one that said, "Mom Teaches Son." I was wondering what a mom might be teaching her son, so I opened it. A video started playing showing a beautiful naked woman, that I knew was called a MILF, teaching her son how to eat her pussy. It was familiar, so I knew I had watched it before. Again, instinctively, I closed the laptop, got undressed, and put on a pair of gym shorts and a T-shirt that had the sleeves cut off. I went to the garage and found a fully equipped gym. I did over 100 pushups and sit ups, and then started a weight-lifting routine. After an hour, I was covered in sweat, so I went back to my bathroom, took a shower, and then put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt.

I sat down on my bed and looked at the letter from Texas A&M again. When I read that I had been accepted into the Pre-Med program, I somehow knew that I didn't want to become a doctor. I looked around my room and found three Psychology books, and I realized my goal was to become a Psychologist. Little things about my life were coming back to me. At the same time, my old life was fading away to a distant memory.

I heard the front door open and close and I realized my dad had just gotten home. I walked to the kitchen and when I saw my dad, I immediately recognized him and, although he was wearing a coat and tie and not scrubs, I knew he was a heart surgeon. I greeted him, went to the refrigerator to grab a bottle of water, and sat down at the kitchen table to watch mom put the finishing touches on dinner.

As I sat there, I was admiring her long legs and that perfect ass. A thought came into my head that told me my dad was named Ben and my mom was named Amanda, although everyone called her Mandy. I knew that mom had met my dad at the hospital when he was finishing his residency. They married, she got pregnant with me, and after I was born, she decided to be a stay-at-home mom. Dad had quickly advanced in his career and was now the head of the Cardiology Department at our local hospital. Mom turned around, saw me sitting at the table, and said, "Dinner won't be ready for another fifteen minutes. I'll call you when it's ready."

"That's okay, mom. I'm not waiting on dinner. I just like watching you."

She flashed me another one of her brilliant smiles, and I noticed her cheeks were flushed. She responded with, "You still like looking at this old lady after all these years?"

"I don't know why you say old lady because you look like a 25-year-old to me. And yes, I do still enjoy looking at you. Who wouldn't? You're gorgeous."

She blushed again before answering, "Thank you, baby. That's sweet. And I think you know, I like it when you look."

She continued working, and I noticed she bent over several times, causing her shorts to stretch tight over her ass. I got the feeling she stayed bent over longer than she had to, just for my benefit. After about five minutes, Becky came in and started setting the table with plates and silver wear. I noticed she was dressed similarly to mom with shorts and a T-shirt. Shortly after she had sat down, dad walked in with a glass of gin and tonic. He had changed into khaki slacks and a polo shirt. Becky asked, "How was your day, dad?"

"Not too bad. I had an early morning surgery but after that it was just the usual catheters and stents and following up on my patients. Nothing too stressful. I noticed your tire was repaired. I called the dealer right after I got out of surgery."

"Thanks, dad. I appreciate it. I don't want to be too much of a burden on my big brother."

I chuckled before saying, "No problem, sis. You know you can always count on me."

While we were eating dinner, mom seemed to remember my letter. She asked, "What was the letter from A&M about?"

"Nothing much. They just told me I was accepted, and they were offering me a full academic scholarship." I answered nonchalantly, like it was no big deal.Mom squealed and I received hearty congratulations from everyone. After dinner we watched some TV in the living room. Dad was in his recliner and I was in the middle of the sofa with mom on my right and Becky on my left. They were both cuddled up to me and I realized this was our normal after dinner ritual. Just before 10:00, Becky stood up, stretched, and said, "I'm going to bed. Good night." And then she was out the door and headed upstairs. Then dad stood up and said, "Me too. I'm beat."

When they had both left, mom leaned over and gave me another deep, passionate kiss before saying, "Well, I guess that just leaves us." Then she reached down, pulled my zipper down, and fished my cock out of my shorts. Without any preamble, she kneeled down in front of me and took my now hard cock in her mouth. She definitely knew what she was doing, and I knew she had done this before. She licked around the head and up and down the shaft before taking it all in her mouth and began to slowly bob her head up and down. She said, "God I love this cock. I wish you could fuck me, but I'm not sure how frisky your dad might get tonight. I don't want him to stick his dick in a pussy full of his son's cum." Then she resumed sucking me until I blew a huge load in her mouth. I noticed she swallowed all of it. While I was sitting there trying to resume normal breathing, she stood up, leaned over to give me a kiss, and said, "Thanks for that. I'll see you in the morning. Good night baby."

Fuck! I should have been shocked, but somewhere in my subconscious, I knew this was not unusual for us. I got up and went to bed where I soon drifted off to a peaceful sleep. While I was sleeping, it was like I was watching a slide show in my dreams. More and more of my life came into focus. I remembered conversations I had had in the past, especially with my sister. I learned that she had a boyfriend named Jake, but they had recently broken up, apparently because she refused to let him fuck her. I remembered conversations I had had with my girlfriend, Lisa, and I knew she had no problem with letting me fuck her.

The next morning, Friday, I woke up, took a shower, got dressed and went down to breakfast with mom and Becky. After breakfast, I asked Becky, "Do you have any plans for after school?"

When she said she didn't, I suggested she ride with me again today and leave her car at home. She thought that was a great idea, so we kissed mom goodbye and went to school. I was a little more outgoing than I was the day before because I recognized everyone and knew their names. Several people asked me if I was going to the party, and I said I was. I was a little confused at first because I didn't see my girlfriend Lisa. Then it came to me that she went to a Catholic school, and I also remembered that the party was at her house. Her parents were going out of town for a long weekend, and she had the house to herself.

While we were driving home after school, I asked Becky if she was going to the party. She said she hadn't been invited. I told her she could go with me and she declined. She said since she had broken up with her boyfriend, she was afraid there would be some guys pressuring her to have sex. I tried to convince her that I wouldn't let that happen, but I couldn't get her to change her mind.

When we got home, I changed and went to our gym to work out, then I took a shower, got dressed, and went to the kitchen to have dinner with my family. After dinner, I left to go to the party.

When I arrived at Lisa's house, I rang the doorbell, and a couple of seconds later, Lisa answered the door. She was an absolute knockout! She was about 5'4, 115 pounds, auburn hair that came to her shoulders, and hazel eyes. She threw her arms around my neck and gave me a deep, tongue dueling kiss. When we finally broke away, she took my hand and led me inside. Several of my friends were there and several of her girlfriends from the Catholic school were there as well. As I looked around the room, I saw a punch bowl with a bottle of rum sitting next to it, so I assumed it was spiked. I also saw several people drinking beer or mixed drinks. Lisa went to the refrigerator and handed me a bottle of water. I suddenly realized I didn't drink alcohol.

The party was nice. I enjoyed talking with my friends and the music was nice. Everyone was dancing and having a nice time. As it started getting late, people started leaving, two or three at a time. When everyone had left, Lisa gave me another deep kiss, then she led me back to her bedroom. When she lifted her dress over her head, I was pleasantly surprised to see she wasn't wearing anything underneath it. I kissed her, and she immediately stuck her tongue in my mouth where I quickly accepted it.

I placed my hand on her right breast. When I found her nipple, I started squeezing while rubbing my thumb over her now hard nub. She was holding the back of my head as I moved over to her left breast and started sucking and licking on her other nipple. I gently pushed her backwards until her legs hit the edge of the bed and I then assisted her with lying back on the bed. She pulled me to her to give me another deep kiss. It was hard to pull my mouth away from her hungry lips, but I wanted to concentrate on her now hard nipples. I dipped my head down and sucked on her right breast and then started licking my tongue around the nipple. She was moaning and begging me to fuck her, but that was going to have to wait. I got on my knees between her legs, pushing her thighs apart.

I used my thumbs to spread her pussy lips apart and then started licking up and down, slowly seeking out her clit. When I found it, I gently licked it and then put it between my teeth and pulled on it. I felt her shudder and could feel her wetness on my tongue and lips as she climaxed. She was lifting her ass off the bed and pushing her pussy in my face while moaning loudly. After several minutes she said, "Please, no more. You're going to make me pass out if you keep that up. I need you to fuck me." I moved up until we were face to face. I gave her a deep kiss, and I knew she could taste herself on my lips. I reached down to grab my dick and rubbed it up and down her pussy lips before putting the head in. She was moving her head around left and right on her pillow and was lifting her ass trying to get me deeper. She was breathing heavily as she said, "Damn it, Randy! No more teasing. I want you to fuck me." I could feel her juices on my cock so I thrust it in as far as I could and then pulled back again. I moved in and out and wiggled side to side for a while before she was begging me to fuck her harder and faster. I felt her cum several times before I felt my own release coming. I told her I was going to cum and she screamed, "Yes! Cum in my pussy! Give it to me!"

I shot load after load into her now gushing pussy, and I continued to pump in and out of her for several more seconds. When we were both out of breath, I rolled off her and laid back on the bed. After several minutes, she said, "Fuck! I have never cum that much in my life. Don't make me wait a week for your cock ever again."

When we had returned to normal breathing, she put her hand on my cock and gave it a squeeze and stroked it a couple of times before moving down the bed and placing her face over my cock. She licked the tip and then slowly licked around the head a couple of times before taking it in her mouth. She moved her head up and down a few times until I was fully hard again. She popped it out of her mouth and looked up at me with her beautiful hazel eyes. She said, "I love to suck your cock. Would you like to cum in my mouth?" Before I could answer, she put it back in her mouth and started bobbing her head up and down. I finally managed to gasp, "I would love to cum in your mouth, but don't swallow. I don't want you to get pregnant!"

She spit my dick out and slapped me on my thigh. She was laughing and choking, and when she caught her breath again, she said, "Asshole! Don't do that to me. I'm trying to concentrate. Don't make me laugh!"

She resumed sucking my cock while softly fondling my balls. I placed my hand on her head and started pumping back and forth. She was really slurping on my dick and I felt my climax building. I told her I was going to cum, and without slowing down, she just mumbled, "Um hum." I couldn't hold back anymore. I filled her mouth with cum, and she sucked and licked until she had swallowed every drop.

We laid next to each other for a while, kissing and playing with each other. She said, "Graduation is next week. Have you made a decision about college yet?"

"Oh, yeah. I forgot to tell you. I got a full scholarship to A&M. How about you?"

"That's great, Randy! I'm so proud of you. I got a partial scholarship to Notre Dame that pays for the academics and books, but not housing or food. Mom and dad are paying for the rest of it."

"Oh, wow Lisa. I mean, I'm really happy for you, but that's so far away. A&M is just an hour away. I was hoping to spend some time with you on the weekends."

She sighed, took my hands in hers, and said, "I know. It really sucks. Hopefully we can get together on our breaks, though."

I think we both realized that our relationship probably wouldn't last through another year. She would probably meet someone and so would I. It was getting late, so I told her I had to go. She told me I could stay, but I told her I had to get up early to take care of some things around the house. She gave me a deep kiss and said, "Call me, lover."

Becky's birthday was on Monday, so when we got home from school, mom told us to change into nice clothes because dad was taking us out for dinner. I got undressed, put on my gym shorts and went to the gym. I had a good workout, showered, and changed into a pair of black slacks and a light blue Polo shirt.

When dad got home, he was already wearing a coat and tie and he said he had taken a shower at the hospital, so we were both ready to go. Of course, we had to wait on the ladies to get ready. Let me tell you, it was well worth the wait.

Mom was wearing a red form fitting dress that accentuated her fine ass and tits, and a pair of red patent leather heels. Her look was somewhere between a top model and a porn star. All I know is, she would have every man who crossed her path tonight drooling. A few seconds later, Becky came into the living room wearing a yellow sun dress that stopped about three inches above her knees, and the spaghetti straps were having a hard time holding her breasts in. I wasn't sure, but I don't think she was wearing a bra. I said, "Damn, dad. We must be the two luckiest guys on the planet."

I couldn't believe he could be so clueless when he asked, "Why's that, son?"

"Open your eyes dad! We have the pleasure of dining with the two most beautiful women in this city. Hell, probably in the state of Texas!"

Before he could say anything, Becky and mom both said, "Awww...that's so sweet."

Mom gave me one of her toe curling kisses, and said, "That was so nice of you to say. Thank you honey."

Becky then came over to me and gave me an equally passionate kiss, and said, "Thank you, bro. You look pretty hot yourself."

I looked at dad, and he was patting his pockets to make sure he had his wallet, phone, and keys. He didn't pay any attention to the rest of us. I had wondered before if mom would give me a French kiss in front of dad, but not only did she, Becky did, too, and dad seemed oblivious. I was trying to pull up a past memory of mom and me, but it wouldn't appear. I was trying to remember if I had ever fucked her. She had hinted that we had when she gave me a blowjob a few nights ago. Even if I hadn't in the past, I was determined that I would sometime soon.

We went outside and got into dad's dark green Mercedes 600S sedan and drove to the best restaurant in town.

The service was excellent as was the food. It was funny watching the waiter trying to keep from looking at my mom's and my sister's ample cleavage. No problem, as long as he just looked. The upside was that dad ordered wine for all four of us and the waiter didn't even hesitate to bring four glasses without thinking to check our ID's. Even though I knew I didn't usually drink alcohol, apparently I was used to occasionally drinking wine.

After dinner, we headed back home. Dad said he had to get up early, so he went to bed. I asked Becky if she was ready for her present, and I noticed her eyes were glazed over but she had a big grin on her face. She just nodded her head, then headed to her room. Mom walked over to me, gave me a kiss, and whispered in my ear, "It's so nice of you to do this for Becky. If you need any help, you know where to find me."

"Thanks mom, but I think we will be okay."

I walked down the hall to Becky's room and opened the door. She was lying on her bed, completely nude. The sight of her absolutely perfect teenage body almost took my breath away. I took my shirt off and dropped it on the floor. I then moved to sit on the side of her bed where I removed my shoes, socks, and pants. I reached over to rub my hand up and down her thigh as I said, "My god, Becky. You are so beautiful."

I noticed goose bumps appear on her skin and her nipples hardened. I moved my head down to suck on her nipple while my hand kept moving up her thigh. I asked, "Are you ready for this?"

She let out a little moan, then gasped, "Yes, Randy. Please make me a woman. I have wanted this for so long."

"Okay, Becky. Just so you know, I will be as gentle as I can with you, but the first time I enter you, I will have to break your hymen. It will probably hurt at first, but from what I've been told, the pain will soon turn to pleasure."

I sucked on her other nipple for a minute before giving her a kiss, and then placing my knees on the bed between her legs. I took my cock in my hand and rubbed it up and down her wet pussy lips. When she started to moan, I pushed in about halfway, pulled back, and then plunged in as deep as I could go. I heard her gasp and when I looked at her face, a tear was running down her cheek. I said, "I'm sorry, baby. The last thing I wanted to do was to hurt you. I'm going to hold still for a few seconds so you can get used to the girth stretching your tight little pussy. When I start fucking you again, it should feel better, okay?"

She smiled and nodded. After a couple of seconds, I slowly pulled my dick almost all the way out, and then all the way back in. I kept up that slow pace for a few more seconds, but I was having a problem maintaining my control. Her pussy was so tight, it was all I could do to not pop a nut right there and then. She seemed to be enjoying herself, but I asked anyway, "Are you okay sis?"

She smiled and nodded her head again, and then said, "It only hurt for a couple of seconds. It feels really good now. Thank you for doing this Randy. I love you."

"I love you, too, sis, and believe me, it was my pleasure."

Since she seemed to be okay, I continued fucking her with long, slow strokes. I reached down and started rubbing her clit, and I felt her body jump. I kept rubbing it and heard her breathing get faster, until she let out a long moan and started shaking. I was pretty sure she had just experienced her first orgasm, at least the first one caused by a man. When I was sure she was okay with what I was doing, I started pumping a little faster so that I could cum. Then a thought hit me that made me stop moving.

"Shit, sis! I just thought of something. I forgot to bring a condom!"

She chuckled and said, "Don't worry about it, dummy. Mom put me on the pill a month ago. You're good to go."

"So, it's okay for me to cum in you?"

"You better! I've been waiting a long time for this. Cum in me. Let me feel it."

Well, that's all I needed to know. I started pumping deep and fast, and in a few minutes, I felt my balls churning. I said, "I'm cumming, sis." And then I filled her up with my hot semen.

We laid there for a minute, catching our breath, before I asked, "Are you okay, sis?"

She had a big smile on her face when she answered, "More than okay. I feel great! I'm now officially a woman. A well-fucked woman. I can't believe how awesome that was. Except for the part where you hurt me, you asshole!"

"Oh god, Becky, I'm so sorry. I really didn't want to hurt you."

Then I noticed she was laughing. She said, "I'm just messing with you. I knew enough about the first time that I was expecting it, and it wasn't that bad." Then she kissed me again. I rolled off her and started to get dressed. Before I left, I said, "Thank you for trusting me enough to do this. You are officially the hottest woman I know, and I hope you will let me make love to you again sometime." Then I kissed her and went back to my room where I fell into a deep sleep, and again, my dreams were a series of past memories of my current life.

Sometime during the night, my dreams were interrupted when I heard my sister whispering in my ear. "Randy... Randy... Wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes and asked with a raspy voice, "What Becky? What's wrong? What are you doing here? What time is it?"

She answered, "It's 2:00. I hate to wake you, but I need your help."

"What could you possibly need help with at two in the morning?" I groaned.

"It's about what we did last night," she whispered.

It took me a couple of seconds to clear my brain enough to know what she was talking about. When I realized she was talking about me taking her virginity, I asked, "Didn't you like your birthday present? Do you regret what we did?"

"No way! I've been thinking about it all night. I couldn't sleep. I don't regret anything. I am so happy that you did that for me. I loved it. I'm a little sore, but I was wondering if we could do it again?"

"Now?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, if it's not too much trouble, but I was also wondering if you could show me a couple of things before that."

I yawned, and then asked, "Like what?"

She sat down next to me with her legs crossed, Indian style. She was wearing a T-Shirt and white panties. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bra because her nipples were poking through the front of her shirt. She said, "All of my girlfriends think I'm stupid because I wouldn't let anyone fuck me. I'm probably the only virgin in my class. Well, up until last night. Some have even called me a prude. But it's more than that. When they talk about this guy or that guy and things they have done, they will laugh and I will laugh right along with them, but sometimes I don't even know what they're talking about. Could you help me?"

"Help you with what? What exactly do you need?"

"Can you show me what it means when they talk about some guy eating them? What exactly are they talking about?"

Okay. Now I was awake. Now she had my attention. I asked, "Jeez, Becky. Don't you ever watch porn?"

She answered, "No. I've never been interested in that. I promised mom that I would wait until I was 18 before I had sex, so I didn't want to watch porn because it might make me want to do it sooner."

I explained, "Becky, what they mean is the guy is eating their pussy. Not actually eating it but licking it. I don't know of any woman who doesn't love having a guy do that for them. It is also known as going down on them. Would you like me to show you what that's like?"

"Would you really do that for me?"

Would I? You're damn right I would. That's what I was thinking, but what I said was, "Of course I would, Becky. You know I love you and would do anything for you. Now, I need you to take your panties off and lay back for me."

When she was on her back, I ran my hands up the outside of her thighs and then back again. Then I leaned forward and started kissing up the inside of her thighs until I could start kissing her pussy lips. She gasped but didn't do anything to stop me. I told her to relax and then I continued. I licked up both sides of her lips and I could smell her arousal. I then pulled her lips apart and licked up both sides of her inner lips. I could feel her trembling as I plastered my mouth to her pussy and began licking like I was eating an ice cream cone. I had never tasted a sweeter pussy than hers. By the time I had licked her a few times, her juices were flowing, and I happily licked it up. I stuck my tongue inside and started fucking her with my tongue. She was moaning and bucking her hips up when I put two fingers in so I could finger fuck her. That elicited more moans, so I started licking her clit. That drove her over the edge, and she had a very loud, wet orgasm. She said, "Oh, shit! That feels so good. I love having your tongue in my pussy. I never knew how good that could feel."I positioned my knees between her legs and then leaned down to kiss her. She opened her mouth so our tongues could duel with each other. I broke the kiss and moved my head down further so I could kiss her nipples, first one and then the other. I loved her tits. As I began sucking on her now hard nipples, she began to moan and move her butt back and forth under me. I asked her, "Did you like having your pussy eaten?"

"Oh, fuck yes. It felt so good."

"Well, just so you know, I will be happy to do that for you anytime you want me to. Now, is there anything else I can do for you?"

"Well, now that you asked, can you show me how to give a blow job?"

Man was I glad I was able to possess this body and become a part of this family. I had a feeling I was going to be very happy living with a horny mom and sister, and I had a beautiful, sexy, horny girlfriend, too!

I told Becky to trade places with me. I was now sitting on the bed with my head against the headboard. Becky moved down so she was kneeling between my legs. I instructed her to take my cock in her hand and give it a few strokes. I then told her to put it in her mouth. Becky turned out to be a natural. She licked up and down, sucked on the head, and ran her tongue around it a couple of times before taking the whole thing in her mouth. She proceeded to give me a great blowjob with very little instruction from me.

Becky started bobbing her head up and down and sucking my cock with gusto. I finally felt my balls tighten and I let her know I was about to cum. She didn't slow down, she just mumbled "Mm Hum." It only took a few more strokes before I unloaded in her mouth. She promptly swallowed every drop and continued sucking until she had swallowed it all. She slowly let my dick out, licked her lips, and said, "Damn! That was good! I don't know why I haven't done that before. Thanks. Oh, and I will tell you the same thing you told me. Anytime you want me to do that again, just ask."

"I'm going to hold you to that. I can't believe that was your first time. That was one of the best blowjobs I have ever had. Now, since tonight has turned into a sex clinic, let me make you aware of one more little tidbit. A man is not a machine. As much as I would like to fuck you all night, all men, including me, need a little time to recover. Of course, you can help with that."

"Okay. What do you want me to do?" she happily asked.

"Come here and let me hold you."

I pulled her to me and put my arm around her. She laid her head on my shoulder, and I reached over with my free hand and started rubbing her nipple. She started purring like a cat.

"Now, reach down and gently rub my cock."

She was gently rubbing my cock, and I almost drifted off to sleep, but before I could, I felt myself getting hard again. I said, "That's good Becky. Now move down and take my cock in your mouth, but don't give me another one of your awesome blowjobs. Just put the tip in your mouth and start licking around the head. Keep stroking it gently while you lick it."

"Randy, this is the first cock I have ever touched. Are they all this big?"

I suddenly had an image in my head of being in the shower at school. I didn't want to brag, but I knew I was bigger than most of the other guys. I answered, "I think the average size is about six inches. Mine is eight inches and bigger around than most."

"I'm so glad you were my first. I love your cock. And now I know that I can probably handle anything a future boyfriend may have. I just hope you haven't spoiled me. I might not be satisfied with anything smaller."

I was now as hard as I could possibly get, so I asked, "Are you ready to get fucked again, little sister?"

"Fuck yes! I haven't stopped thinking about it since you popped my cherry earlier. And even though I was a little sore, I feel better now that you licked me. I know you were gentle with me before, but, if you want to, I think you could fuck me a little harder this time."

"Okay, but if you are feeling uncomfortable, or if I'm hurting you, just let me know. I want you to enjoy having sex, and I want to enjoy giving you pleasure as much as you will let me. I hope that twenty years from now when we are both married with kids, we can still get together to fuck now and then."

"Sounds good to me, big brother. Now, come fuck me."

I slipped my dick into her warm, wet pussy, and started stroking in and out at a fairly slow pace. When she started panting and pulling on my shoulders, I started to thrust deeper and faster. She was moaning as she wrapped her ankles around my ass. She was breathing harder and moaning louder when I felt her pussy squeezing my dick. Damn she was tight. After just a few more deep strokes, she exploded with a massive orgasm. I could feel my cock, balls, and even my thighs soaked with her juices. I gave her a few more thrusts and then blasted another load of semen in her. I stayed there for a minute before pulling out. She was gasping, trying to catch her breath when she giggled and said, "Fuck! Why did I wait so long to do this? That is the most amazing thing I have ever experienced. Thank you, Randy."

Thank you? She was thanking me? I should be thanking her! I really did hope we could continue to fuck each other until we were both old and gray. She was amazing.

We were both wiped out, and it was a couple more hours before the sun came up, so she went back to her room and I finally drifted off to sleep, knowing that I had three beautiful women who were willing to give me blowjobs, and at least two of them were willing to fuck my brains out. I still wasn't sure about my mom, but as it turned out, when I fell asleep, I had a very vivid dream that answered my question.

I remembered my mom coming to my bedroom when I turned 18. She told me that she wanted to teach me everything I needed to know about pleasing women. She taught me how to get a woman aroused by kissing, nibbling down their neck, feeling their breasts and then nibbling and sucking on their nipples. We were both nude and she was letting me practice everything she was talking about on her, so by the time she had demonstrated how to finger her pussy, I was hard as a rock. Mom took my cock in her hand and slowly stroked it. She said, "Oooh, mommy has a big boy! The girls are going to love this dick!"

She taught me how to eat her pussy and then she taught me how to properly fuck her. When we had rested, she demonstrated what it was like to get a blowjob. Over the following several days, she taught me how to sixty-nine, she rode me in cowboy and reverse cowboy positions, and then she showed me how to fuck her doggy style. It was about a month later that she taught me how to fuck her in the ass. She explained that she had been wearing various sized butt plugs to get ready to receive my big dick. After I lubed her ass and my cock, I slowly entered her ass. After several slow strokes, she was screaming for me to pound her in the ass with my big cock. She seemed to really enjoy it. While I enjoyed giving her pleasure, to tell you the truth, I could take it or leave it. I enjoyed her pussy much more.

During my dream, I could picture myself fucking another woman, but I couldn't remember who it was. When I woke up, I was soaked in sweat and had a raging hard-on. I got up, walked down to Becky's room, and opened the door. She was still sleeping, she was still nude, and her sheets were hanging off the end of her bed. I sat down on the edge of the bed, leaned over, and started sucking her nipple. In a few seconds she started moaning. When she finally opened her eyes, she smiled at me and said, "Good morning. That feels nice."

"I'm horny as hell. Would you like to share a shower with me?"

She smiled, stretched, and replied, "Ummmhh. That sounds nice. I've never done that before." We entered her bathroom, stepped into the roomy shower, and turned on the water to a nice, warm temperature. I took the soap and lathered her upper body, paying special attention to her breasts. She was purring like a cat. When I had completed her upper body, she took the soap and started rubbing my chest and arms. She reached down and soaped my dick while rubbing her hands back and forth, giving me a lovely hand job. I returned the favor by fingering her until she climaxed. She noticed that I hadn't cum yet, so she had me sit down on the corner bench while she kneeled and gave me a blowjob until I blasted a load of cum in her mouth. We dried off, and then went to our own bedrooms to get dressed.

When we got to the kitchen, I remembered dad said he had to be in early this morning, so mom was alone in the kitchen. She made scrambled eggs and sat them in front of us. She was looking back and forth at us, and finally asked Becky, "Well, how was it?"

I had learned that my little sister had a sharp wit and was a bit of a smart ass, so she asked, "How was what?"

Mom looked at her in disbelief for just a few seconds before she realized Becky was messing with her. "You know damn well what I'm talking about. How does it feel to be a woman?"

"Oh, that. How do you know Randy actually went through with it? Maybe he chickened out, and I'm still a virgin."

Mom smiled and said, "Well, I know because I could hear you moaning. It sounded like he was really pounding you good. Your dad was already asleep, but I got so wet, I was thinking about sneaking down to Randy's room later, so he could take care of me, too."

"Well, it's a good thing you didn't because I loved getting fucked so much, I snuck down to his room later myself and had him do it again."

Mom looked at her, then at me, and then back at Becky. She had a big smile on her face, and said, "Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Becky took a few bites of her eggs before continuing, "Well, then, you should be happy to know that not only did he teach me how to fuck, he also showed me how to give a blow job and he showed me what it was like to have my pussy eaten, which, by the way, I really liked."

Mom looked very pleased with her two children. She said, "You will be going to college next year, and I'm sure you will probably join a sorority. Unless things have changed a lot since I was in college, you will probably be introduced to girl on girl pussy eating. One night this week, if you will let me, I will be glad to demonstrate how to give and receive oral sex with a female."

Becky seemed to be thinking about that, but she finally answered, "Sounds good, mom."

We finished breakfast, kissed mom goodbye, and then drove to school. Becky chose to ride with me again. I really enjoyed the fact that we seemed to be growing closer. She came to my room every night that week where we either fucked, or she just wanted to give me a blowjob or have me eat her.

Graduation was on Friday night. Afterward, we went to dinner at the same restaurant we had gone to for Becky's birthday. After another wonderful dinner, we went home, changed into comfortable clothes, and retired to the living room to watch TV. Just before 10:00, dad got a call saying he was needed for an emergency surgery at the hospital. He apologized and told mom he would probably be late. He then rushed out the door. Mom said she was going to have another glass of wine and asked if we wanted one. I said no, but Becky got up and went in the kitchen with mom. While I was watching TV, I heard them whispering in the kitchen. A short while later, Becky came out, gave me a kiss, and said she was going to bed. Mom sat down next to me and drank her wine, and then said she was going to bed and gave me a kiss. I watched about ten more minutes of TV, then I got up and went to bed.

I was lying in bed nude, because I thought Becky would probably come visit me during the night, so why bother with clothes. I was just about to drift off to sleep when I heard a soft knock on the door and saw Becky come over to my bed. Or at least I thought it was Becky. When she sat down on the edge of the bed, I saw that is was my mom. She whispered, "Are you still awake?" When I told her I was, she asked if I minded if she joined me in my bed. I got a big grin on my face and answered, "Not at all."

She said, "Becky was kind enough to let me spend a little time with you. You don't mind fucking your old mommy, do you?"

"So that's what you two were whispering about in the kitchen earlier."

Mom giggled and answered, "I know she has been in your bed every night since you took her virginity. I think she's going to be just like me. She's already hooked on sex and she's going to want to get as much as she can. I hope you have enough left for me."

I didn't bother to answer. Instead, I leaned down to give her a tongue dueling kiss, and she held the back of my head as she returned it. I moved down to her left breast and started sucking and licking on her nipple. I switched to her right breast and started licking my tongue around the nipple. She laid her head back on my pillow and started moaning. After I thought I spent a sufficient amount of time on her breasts, I moved my head down, spread her knees, and put my face between her legs. I used my thumbs to spread her pussy lips apart and then started licking up and down, slowly seeking out her clit. When I found it, I gently licked it and then put it between my teeth and pulled on it. I felt her shudder and could feel her wetness on my tongue and lips.

She said in a hoarse whisper, "That's it, baby. Just like mommy taught you." She lifted her ass off the bed and pushed her pussy in my face while moaning loudly. After several minutes she said, "Oh yes, baby! That's so good. You are really good at eating mommy's pussy." After a minute of licking her cunt, she had another climax, and then said, "I need you to fuck me now. Fuck your mommy, baby. Show me what you can do."

I moved up until we were face to face, and I gave her a deep kiss. I knew she could taste herself on my lips. I reached down to grab my dick and rubbed it up and down her pussy lips before putting the head in. She was lifting her ass, trying to get me deeper. She was breathing heavily as she said, "That's it, baby. Fuck me." I could feel her juices on my cock so I thrust it in as far as I could and then pulled back again. I could feel her fingernails scratching my back, but I didn't mind. It was just her way of showing me I was making her feel good. I moved in and out and wiggled side to side for a while before she was begging me to fuck her harder and faster. I felt her cum several times before I felt my own release coming. I said, "Mom, I'm gonna cum." She practically screamed "Yes! Cum in me! Cum in my pussy!"

I shot load after load into her now gushing pussy, and I continued to pump in and out of her several more times. When we were both out of breath, I rolled off of her and laid back on the bed. After several minutes, she said, "Shit! I needed that. We need to do that more often."

"Anytime you want, mom. Anytime."

I woke up Saturday morning and stumbled down the stairs feeling like I had a hangover. I didn't of course. I was just worn out. When I got to the kitchen, mom sat a cup of hot coffee on the table for me and asked, "Cereal okay this morning?"

"Yeah, mom, that's fine."

She made me a bowl of cereal, and I had only eaten a couple of spoons full when Becky came in and sat down. She greeted mom and me, and mom said, "We're just having cereal this morning. That okay with you?"

Becky answered, "Of course mom."

Mom then said, "Try not to disturb your dad. He didn't get in until after 4:00 a.m. He needs his sleep."

I asked Becky what she had planned for today. She said she thought she would lay by the pool and work on her tan. I asked if I could join her, and she said, "Of course." Then she asked mom, "You want to join us?"

She said she needed to do a load of laundry and straighten the house but would probably join us in a while. Becky and I went out to the pool where she took off her top and asked me if I could put some suntan lotion on her. She seemed much more confident in her sexuality than she had been before she turned 18. I did some pushups and sit ups before diving in the pool. After a couple of laps, I laid down next to Becky to let the sun dry me off.

In about an hour, mom came outside wearing a very skimpy white Bikini. She saw Becky and said, "Oh, are we going topless now?" Without waiting on an answer, she took off her top and threw it next to Becky's. She sat down in a lounge chair next to us and asked, "Would you be a dear and put some suntan lotion on my back?"

After I had rubbed some suntan lotion on her back and shoulders, I rubbed some on her tits. I was very thorough, telling her, "We don't want these puppies to burn, now do we?" As I was rubbing her nipples, she moaned and said, "You are making me so fucking horny."

Before either of us could say anything else, her cell phone rang. She talked for a few minutes before I heard her say, "I don't think Ben could get the time off but let me talk to the kids. I'll call you back in a few minutes."

She looked at us and said, "That was your Aunt Marcie. She and your cousin Mindy are planning a vacation to Cabo San Lucas next month. She wants to know if we are interested in joining them. I know your dad can't go, but I don't see why we can't go have fun. What do you say?"

I looked at Becky and she just shrugged, so I told mom, "Yeah, sounds like fun. But I'll only go if Becky does."

Before Mom could ask her directly, Becky said, "Yeah, I'm in. I haven't seen Mindy in ages. It will be good to catch up."

Mom smiled and said, "I agree. It sounds like fun. Marcie said to let her know and she would make the reservations. Would it be okay with you if we shared a room?"

Becky asked, "Won't they think that will be a little strange?"

"No, I don't think so. I know my sister well enough that she won't ask any questions. And Mindy is only two weeks younger than you, so Marcie has probably taken it on herself to teach her all about sex. So, if we are in agreement, I will call her back."

Mom called her sister back and told her to book two rooms with two Queen beds. She said she would sleep on one of the beds and Becky and I would share the other one. When she hung up, she said Marcie didn't ask any questions or make any comments. Then she looked at me and asked, "How about it stud? Do you think you can handle four hot women for a week?"

I told her I thought I could but I asked her, only partially joking, "Do you think you could convince dad to get me some Viagra?"

She laughed and said she would see what she could do. It sounds like a great way to spend a week before starting college. My mom's sister, my Aunt Marcie, had invited us to join her and her 18-year-old daughter, my cousin Mindy, for a week long vacation at a resort in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. When the big day arrived, my mom, my sister Becky, and I took an Uber to the Houston Airport where we were to take a direct flight to Mexico.

After we checked our bags, we went to the First-Class lounge where we found a selection of drinks and snacks. After about thirty minutes, we went to the gate to board our flight. We were told the flight would take about two and a half hours.

Mom and Becky sat together on the left side and I sat alone across the aisle on the right side. Thank God, the First-Class seats were roomy and comfortable. As I got settled and buckled in, a very attractive flight attendant stopped next to me, leaned down and asked if she could bring me a drink. She didn't seem concerned whether I was old enough to drink. She was wearing a very nice fragrance that was intoxicating. I smiled back and said, "No thank you. I don't drink."

She then asked if I would like a soda or water. I asked for a water. She smiled and said, "I'll get that right away, sir." Sir? I had just turned 20 and she was probably in her mid-thirties. As she walked away, I took notice of her long legs and her swaying ass. When she brought me my water, she again leaned down and said, "The First-Class restroom is to the front on the left. You should wait until the Captain has turned off the seat belt sign before getting up."

I haven't flown all that much, but I found that statement to be a little odd. As she placed my water bottle and a glass on my tray table, she handed me a note that said, "Meet me in restroom after take-off. Julie." She then smiled and started serving drinks to the rest of the First-Class cabin. I looked over at mom and Becky, and they were chatting away. Apparently, they weren't aware of my interaction with Julie.

After the Captain had announced that we had reached our cruising altitude and turned off the seat belt sign, I got up and walked the short distance to the restroom. I had used the restroom just prior to boarding, so I didn't really need to use it again. However, I was interested in what Julie had in mind.

As soon as I entered, Julie quickly slid through the door behind me and closed it, locking it behind her. She put her arms around my neck, and whispered, "My name is Julie. As soon as I saw you board, I knew I wanted you to fuck me. I was hoping you weren't gay. My divorce was final last month, and I haven't been with a man in a long time. We don't have much time, but I would really like for you to fuck me."

She placed a towel on the counter then lifted her skirt above her waist revealing she wasn't wearing any panties. She then asked me to lift her onto the towel. When she spread her legs, I dropped my pants and placed my hard cock against her pussy. I could smell her arousal, and it smelled good. She looked down at my cock and moaned, "Holy shit! That's the biggest cock I've ever seen. Come pound my pussy for me."

I pushed my dick about halfway in and she moaned a little too loud. I put my hand over her mouth and told her, "Sshhh!" I then whispered to her, "I hate to hurry, but I know we don't have much time. I would much rather lick your sweet pussy for thirty minutes before putting my cock in you and slowly fucking you for another hour. I'm going to fuck you fast, but if I hurt you, just tell me to slow down and I will."

She pulled my head to her and gave me a kiss before saying, "Wow! A stud and a gentleman." Then she started moaning again as I pounded her pussy hard, deep, and, unfortunately, fast." She had at least two orgasms before I warned her, "I'm going to cum!"


I blasted a big load of semen deep in her clenching pussy. She reached up and pulled several paper towels out of the holder and wiped the cum from her snatch. I got the feeling she had done this before. She then looked at her watch and said, "Fuck it! We've got time."

She hopped off the counter, put the folded towel on the floor, dropped onto her knees, and took my cock in her mouth. She began sucking me harder than anyone ever had. She definitely knew how to give a blowjob. My dick had never gone soft between the time I fucked her and the time she put it into her mouth. In just a short time, she had me cumming again, this time in her talented mouth. She swallowed my load, then smiled and said, "Thanks. I needed that. That is one fine cock. I wish I had more time. I would like to have you fuck me all night. Oh, by the way, welcome to the Mile High Club!" She then slipped out of the room and closed the door. I pulled my pants back up, waited a few seconds, and then returned to my seat.

When I sat down and buckled my seat belt, Becky leaned over and asked, "Problem?"

I assumed she had noticed I was in the restroom for longer than normal. I just smiled and answered, "Must have been something I ate."

About thirty minutes before we landed, Julie stopped by my seat and asked if I needed a drink before we landed. I thanked her and told her no, so she asked, "You boarded in Houston. Do you live there?"

When I told her I did, she handed me a card and said, "Just in case you're interested in a longer session sometime." She had given me a business card with her home and cell phone numbers. I noticed they were Houston area codes, so I assumed she lived there as well. I was thinking I might just give her a call sometime.

We landed, cleared customs, and collected our bags. I heard mom scream, "Oh my God! Look at you!"

When I turned around, her sister Marcie was hugging her, and my cousin Mindy was standing behind her with a big smile on her face, waiting on a chance to hug mom. Becky saw Mindy and ran to her to embrace her. I drug our luggage over, and Aunt Marcie said, "Who in the hell is this stud you brought with you?"

Mom laughed and said, "Just some college boy I found at the airport. He said he was willing to protect me and Becky from all the lecherous men down here."

Marcie asked, "Why in the hell would you want to do that? They're the only reason I came down here!" They both laughed out loud and started walking off, leaving me with the luggage. I looked at Mindy and she smiled and gave me a little wave. When Becky saw her, she turned around and noticed I was trying to drag three bags plus my carry on. Thankfully, she grabbed hers, leaving me with just mom's and my bags. Luckily, they had rollers!

We walked outside to a Toyota van which was parked illegally right in front of the door. Mom got in the back seat while Mindy and Becky got in the third row seat. I was putting the luggage in the back when Aunt Marcie put her hand on my bicep and said, "Damn Randy, you sure have grown into quite a man." As I was pulling the hatch down, she leaned over and gave me a kiss, much like mom's sensual kisses. Then she remarked, "I think we're going to have fun this week!

* * * * *

Marcie joined mom in the back seat while I joined the girls in the back. The uniformed driver drove a short distance to a beautiful resort hotel located right on the beach. He pulled up in front and got out. As a bell boy was gathering our luggage, I saw Marcie put a wad of money in the driver's hand. She said, "Thanks."

We went to the front desk to check in and asked for three key cards, then we followed the bell boy to the elevator where we went to the top floor. Marcie and Mindy had already checked in. They had a suite right next to ours. The room was great. It had a balcony that looked out over the ocean and the white sand beach. Mom tipped the bell boy and he left. Marcie told Mindy to spend some time with Becky and me, and she went to her room with mom in tow.

Becky and Mindy sat out on the balcony to catch up since they hadn't seen each other in a couple of years. I told them I would see them later and I went in the bathroom to take a shower. When I came out, I had a towel wrapped around my waist, and I noticed Becky and Mindy weren't in the room. Instead, mom and her sister were sitting on the bed, talking. When they saw me, they stopped talking, and I heard Aunt Marcie say, "Oh, fuck! Mandy, that is the hottest boy I have ever seen. You weren't kidding." Then she licked her lips like she was looking at a freshly grilled T-Bone steak.

Mom said, "The girls went out to explore the beach. Why don't you come over here and sit next to me. We want to talk to you." When I sat down, mom said, "Honey, I hope you don't mind, but I told Marcie everything about you, me, and Becky."

I looked at her with a shocked expression and asked, "Everything?"

"Yes, everything, and she wants to ask you for a favor."

I looked at Marcie, and she was licking her lips again. I asked, "What can I do for you Aunt Marcie?"

"Well, first, you can stop calling me Aunt Marcie. Marcie will do just fine. Your mom said you might be willing to do a favor for me. Maybe a couple of favors. She told me that you sometimes help her out ... sexually. And she said you taught your sister about sex when she turned eighteen. Well, showed her, actually. I hope you don't think I'm a horrible old woman for asking this, but would you be able to help Mindy out like you did with Becky? She's really shy, and she has confided in me that she has never had sex. She turned eighteen two weeks ago, so she's legal, just in case you were wondering. I taught her as much as I could about sex without actually having sex. I'm sure she would be willing to let you take her virginity. What do you say, Randy? Would you be willing to help me out?"

"You know, Aun...uh, I mean Marcie, I was honored when Becky asked me to be her first, and to teach her about sex. I'm honored that you would trust me to do the same with your daughter. I would want to talk to her first, just to be sure she's okay with this. It would probably be a good idea for Becky to talk to her, too. She could probably reassure her. I know she was nervous at first, but she seemed happy about it later."

Marcie snorted, "Happy about it! According to Mandy, she has asked you to do it every night since!"

"Shit mom! You really did tell her everything, didn't you?"

Mom didn't say anything. She just sat there with a shit eating grin on her face.

Marcie answered for her when she explained, "Your mom and I have been sharing our secrets since we were teenagers. I think we know everything about each other's sex lives."

I was thinking about what they were asking me to do. I hadn't seen my cousin Mindy in over two years. We lived in Houston and they lived right outside of Dallas, so we just never saw them much, but I know mom was very close with her sister, and they spent a lot of time on the phone with each other. I have to admit, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw Mindy at the airport. She had grown into a beautiful young woman. She was about 5'6", 110 pounds, with a plump ass and plump, round, breasts that I would guess were either 34 or 36C cups. She had short brown hair that framed a beautiful face. Her best quality, though, was her bright white smile. If she were truly willing, I wouldn't hesitate to take her virginity.

About that time, a thought struck me, and I asked, "Marcie, you said you wanted a couple of favors. What else can I do for you?"

"God, I thought you would never ask! I want you to fuck me every chance we get. You rocked my boat the first time we had sex, but you were 18 back then. You have grown into a real man now, and I know you will be able to keep me happy this week. What do you say?"

Remember when I said I had a dream where I was fucking a woman, but I couldn't remember who it was? I suddenly remembered it was Marcie. Mom had asked me to go over to her house to help her pack some boxes after her asshole husband had left her. We packed the boxes, taped them up, and I would carry them out to the garage and stack them in the corner. At one point, Marcie tripped, and I caught her before she could fall. While I was holding her, she looked up at me and kissed me. Then she asked in a sultry voice, "Would you like to fuck your old Auntie, Randy?"

I wasn't sure what brought that on, but as a horny 18-year-old boy, I wasn't about to say no. After she fucked me silly for about forty minutes, she said, "Thanks, Randy. You don't know how much I needed that."

While I wasn't very experienced with sex, I was happy to know I made her climax three times before I blew a load in her. Nothing else was said. We finished packing the boxes and I drove back home.

If I remembered right, Marcie was a little over a year younger than my mom. Aside from a few subtle differences, they could be twins. In other words, they were both beautiful, sexy women. I wouldn't hesitate to fuck her again.

"Marcie, have you ever had a threesome with your sister?" I asked.

She got a big smile on her face when she answered, "As a matter of fact, I have, but I'm not gonna tell you who the third person was. I'll leave that up to your mom whether or not she wants to tell you. So, are you suggesting you want to do it now?"

I answered, "I'm ready when you are. Why don't we go to your room."

We went into Marcie's room where she shed her shorts and T-shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra, so she was standing next to the bed wearing only a tiny black thong. I lifted my T-shirt over my head and kicked my dockers off. Marcie looked at my mom and asked, "What the hell you waitin on? Get those clothes off!"

Mom looked at her and asked, "Oh, you want me to be a part of this?"

Marcie looked incredulous as she answered, "Why the hell do you think he asked if we ever had a threesome? Of course you're going to be a part of this." She then glanced at me and said, "And, why the hell are you still wearing shorts? Let me see that dick!"

Mom knew better than to argue with her sister, so she quickly shed her clothes while I dropped my shorts to the floor. We all met in the middle of Marcie's bed. Marcie had removed her tiny thong and was lying on her back with her legs spread while mom was crawling up to lay next to her. I had my knees on the end of the bed and was trying to crawl up to mount my beautiful sexy aunt. Before I could get there, Marcie started rubbing her pussy lips as she said, "Randy, baby, before we get too carried away, do you think you could eat my pussy for me? No one has eaten me for such a long time."

"No problem Marcie. I never have a problem with eating pussy." With that, I slid my hands under her thighs to lift them up while I planted my face between her legs, plunging my tongue between her wet pussy lips. She started moaning, "Ohh, fuck yess! That's what I needed!" I licked and sucked her lips, lapping up her sweet juices, causing her to moan louder.

I found her fat clit and started sucking on it. "Oh shit!" she gasped, "I'm gonna cum!" She had an earth-shaking climax, coating my mouth and face with her girl cum. I licked my lips before she sighed, "Damn, Randy. That's exactly what I needed. Thank you, baby."

"Thank you?" I retorted. "You can thank me later if you want to, but we're not through yet. I plan on fucking you so hard you're gonna have trouble walking."

Marcie laughed out loud and answered, "Ha! In case you weren't aware, I don't know anyone who likes to fuck more than me. That's big talk for such a young man. I hope you can live up to that claim."

My mom was lying next to Marcie. She said, "Hey! Hellooo! Did you two forget I'm right here? If my son is going to fuck anyone hard, it's going to be me!"

I laughed and said, "Don't worry mom. I've got enough to keep both of you happy. Now, who wants a hard cock first?"

Both of them shouted at the same time, "MEE!"

I moved between mom's legs as I said, "Sorry, Marcie. I made you cum first. I think it's only fair that I take care of my mom."

I placed the head of my cock at the entrance to my mom's already wet pussy. I moved it up and down her slit a couple of times before pushing it in about halfway.

She gasped and said, "Yesss! That's it, baby. That feels sooo good. Come fuck mommy."

As I started stroking in and out, I leaned over and started sucking her breasts. Her nipples were rock hard and sensitive. It only took about ten deep strokes before she had a massive orgasm. I could feel her tight pussy squeezing my cock. Damn, I loved my mom's pussy. I just hoped I could hold out long enough to make her cum again before I emptied my balls in her. As it turned out, I made her cum twice before I finally unloaded a massive load of cum in her. When I rolled off her, Marcie said, "My turn!"

It took me a few more hard breaths before I could finally answer her. "Shit, Marcie. Give me a chance to catch my breath."

She answered, "Just what I thought. All talk."

I couldn't let her get away with that, so I said, "I'll show you all talk! Why don't you suck my dick and get me hard again."

I was expecting a smart-assed answer, but instead, she moved down between my legs and took my limp dick in her mouth. I must admit, she was an excellent cocksucker. It didn't take her long at all to have me hard again. I pushed her back on the bed, crawled between her legs, and plunged my dick in as far as it would go. I fucked her the way I knew she liked it; hard and fast. She had at least three hard orgasms before I dumped a massive amount of cum in her.

* * * * *

After resting for a while, I went back to my room where I found Becky and Mindy sitting on one of the beds. They both looked up and smiled when I walked in. I asked, "What are you two up to? You look like you are conspiring to do something evil."

Becky answered, "We just got back from exploring this place. It's amazing! We saw, like, five pools, and there's a bar like every 100 yards. And the beach is beautiful. You need to go with us later." Then she added, "I was just telling Mindy how amazing it was when you popped my cherry. Aunt Marcie said you might be willing to do that for her, too. She seemed a little nervous, but I assured her, there was nothing to be nervous about. I told her how gentle and caring you were that first time, and how I can't get enough of your big cock now."

I looked at Mindy and noticed she was blushing with a crooked grin on her face while staring at my crotch. I sat down on the bed with them and put my arms around Mindy, pulling her to me. I said, "Mindy, I wanted to talk to you about that. First, are you sure you want me to do this? Don't get me wrong, I would be honored to make love to you, but I don't want you to feel pressured. If you are too nervous, just let me know. I will understand."

Becky said, "See, I told you he was sweet."

Mindy stuttered a little before finally being able to form a coherent sentence. She looked up at me with the most beautiful eyes, and smiled before saying, "Mom explained that there was a tradition in our family that the girls would wait until they were 18 until they had sex. That wasn't really a big problem for me because I didn't date much. I mean, I have kissed a couple of boys, and one guy started feeling my tits before I stopped him. But now that I'm 18, I don't want to wait anymore. Mom said she trusted you and she thought you would treat me right. And then Becky told me how gentle and caring you were with her. I know we are not close because we almost never see each other, but I really want you to do this for me, Randy."

"Okay, Mindy, as long as you're sure. I tell you what, I'll have Becky and my mom sleep in your room tonight, and you and I can sleep in here. Is that okay with you?"

"Uhm, okay, but would it be alright with you if Becky stayed here with us?"

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