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79.53% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3261: REAPING WHAT YOU SOW


It was 4 months after my mother and I had buried my father and at 25 years old I felt it was so unfair to be burying him. I loved my dad, and we always got on well with each other. We were as much friends as we were father and son. I'll miss him but I can't say that for the only remaining member of my family, which is my mother.

The funeral was a little traumatic with my mother and I having a row and her saying that she didn't want to see me again. What made it worse was that I was happy with that outcome, but with me the only other member of our family it meant that Mum had sentenced herself to isolation. She only had a couple of real friends and even I never understood why they put up with her. She was opinionated and wouldn't accept any challenge to her point of view. If anyone dared challenge her she would cut them down with a glare or a word. Where most of us would laugh off a comment that may have been a little ill-chosen, my mother would consider it reason to hold the culprit responsible for the rest of their lives, with no possibility of any apology ever being accepted, and my mother never considering that anything would ever be enough to resolve the issue. The biggest problem with this was she was the most likely to make such a comment and then demand that those around her accept it. Even worse, if they didn't she would take offence at their lack of understanding and actually hold them responsible.

The other thing with Mum was that even at 47 years old she was extremely attractive and you were drawn in to her by her beauty before you ever got to experience the personality, which is where it often fell apart for those around her.


It was a spring evening and I was sitting in the lounge watching a film with a drink. There was a knock on the door. I was surprised and checking the clock as I got up, it was only 7:20pm and I wondered who it was. I opened the door and was somewhat shocked to see my mother standing there. I just stood and was so taken aback that I wasn't able to speak. Mum suddenly said, "Well don't just stand there, can I come in? I want to speak to you."

I came back to the real world and held the door open for her to enter. I followed her into the lounge wondering what she was doing here after what she said at Dad's funeral. She sat down and waited looking at me. I sat and decided I would wait to hear what she had to say before I spoke. With that decision made I just looked at her and waited for her to say what she came here to say.

She began, "James, I know you probably regret what happened at your father's funeral but I suppose I didn't consider the impact of his loss on you. I decided I would let what you said go."

I was beginning to get slightly annoyed but decided that I would not react for now and wait to find out the real reason for her change of heart, because this kind of acceptance was completely out of character for her. So I simply responded, "What caused you to reach that conclusion?"

Staying very matter of fact, she answered, "I thought that as you and I were the last members of the family you might feel a little isolated."

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

For the first time my mother's gaze dropped momentarily and there was a sign of uncertainty before she gathered herself and replied, "I just thought that despite our little disagreement we're all we have."

I was now very curious. This was not one little bit like my mother. When she 'excommunicates' you there is no coming back from that. I had an idea and wondered whether she was still in touch with Janine and Angela, the only long-term friends she has.

So I asked, "How are Janine and Angela. They keeping well?

Mum's eyes dropped and she suddenly looked very unsure of herself. She replied quietly, "They're fine, I guess."

'I guess?' I repeated to myself in my head, wondering what that meant. So I decided to press a little with another question. "When was the last time you saw them both?"

She got her 'attitude' back and said, "I haven't spoken to either of them since the day after the funeral."

"How come?" I continued to question.

"They both thought that you were right when we had our disagreement at the funeral."

Then realization hit me. "You told them where to go, didn't you?"

"I don't expect my closest friends to not support me. So I told them that if they felt I wasn't justified in what I said they could leave and not to bother coming back."

I took a deep breath as the truth of the situation began to emerge fully. I pressed ahead in the knowledge that things could go pear-shaped at any moment. But what did I care, it would be no different to her not having turned up at my door. So I asked, "Have you seen anyone socially since then?"

Again, that hint of a lack of confidence from her again, "I've been out and spoken to lots of people, had drinks with them and enjoyed myself."

Pressing again, trying to get to the heart of what has brought her here, "But nobody has visited you and you haven't visited anyone since seeing Janine and Angela after Dad's funeral then?"

Mum's head dropped and it took considerable effort to eventually admit to me, "No."

It suddenly became very apparent that for the first time in her life she had nobody to bully, argue with, or condescend. She was alone and the ultimate irony for her was that having lived a life saying she didn't need anyone else, she had managed to manoeuvre herself into exactly the situation she had bragged that she would be happy with.

My mother's name is Paula; she is curvy with wavy blonde hair. She stands five feet five inches tall and keeps herself in shape. Despite her venomous nature she is an attractive woman. She was dressed in a skirt, that came to just above her knees. Sitting there opposite me the hem had ridden up a little showing her lower thigh. Her blouse showed off her camisole top and with the top 3 buttons undone a little cleavage was on show. She had make-up on and as I had always thought throughout my late teenage years and early twenties she was a desirable woman. Sadly, she was one of those women that every man wishes he had, but who would destroy him if he tried to possess her.

From the time I became sexually active, at 18, and experienced what sex was like, I began to fantasize about having sex with Mum, but I knew it would never be anything other than a fantasy. But suddenly I could see an opportunity to do something that I never would, or if I did I would pay for it for the rest of my life.

I took a deep breath and asked, "So you've been completely on your own for the last four months?"

"Yes." she replied keeping her head lowered.

I laughed, making sure she knew I was laughing at her and said, "Well this is a turn up for the books. All of your life you've prided yourself on your strength and independence and here you are alone, no friends and only me left. Why shouldn't I just kick you out of here and tell you that you're just reaping what you've sown?"

Looking up at me seeming scolded by my laugh she answered, "Because I'm all you've got left."

"I can assure you, you're not all I have left. I've spent the last ten years making a life for myself away from you. Why do you think it is you sitting in my lounge rather than me sitting in yours today looking like it was the end of the world?"

A little more retaliatory she spat, "So you're going to throw your own mother out then."

I looked at her, showing my own annoyance and spat back, "No I'm going to think about how much crap I'm prepared to put up with from you and whether it's worth the grief."

Mum went to speak and I held up my hand to stop her and said, "I think you should go now. I'll consider what you've said and I'll call you in a few days' time."

After a moment of uncertainty, she got up and followed me out to the front door. As she passed me I called to her, "Mum."

She stopped and looked back.

I continued, "Look, today has been a bit of a surprise and perhaps I'm not ready to make things up at the drop of a hat. Give me a few days and I'll give you a call."

She looked at me, almost staring into my mind through my eyes and then seemed to make a decision. She seemed to relax and simply said, "Alright James, I'll wait for your call." With that she turned, straightened herself and strode out to her car and drove off.

I went back into the house, mulling over what had just happened. I pondered and planned for several hours before deciding to go to sleep, exhausted mentally. I had formulated a plan and decided that if there was ever an opportunity to do something that very few people ever have the guts to consider, let alone try and even more rarely achieve, it was now. What made it more appealing was that if it didn't come off the worst thing that could happen is that I never saw my mother again.


I had considered the detail of what I wanted to do over the course of the next few days and had convinced myself I would get what I wanted or I wouldn't have to deal with my mother ever again. For me there was an equal attraction to both outcomes. So, on the Sunday afternoon I braced myself and picked up the phone and dialled my mother's number.

The ring tone suddenly stopped and my mother's voice spoke, "Hello."

"It's me, James." I said announcing myself.

There was a pause and neither of us spoke for almost half a minute. Mum's voice came over the handset, "Have you decided what you want to do?"

"Yes." I replied and after a short pause I added, "But it may not be what you think."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, let me put it this way. If you really are desperate to maintain contact with me, it will be on my terms."

There was another pause that lasted nearly a minute this time. At one point I thought that she may have put the phone down. Eventually she asked, "And what terms are those?"

It was my turn to pause, momentarily unsure of my next move. I regained my confidence and said, "If you want me to stay in touch with me you will have to do anything I say."

"Alright, what do you want me to do?"

It was obvious that my mother thought I was going to give her a single instruction, so qualifying my previous statement I said, "I don't mean now I mean all the time. Any time I tell you to do something you have to do it or it will probably be the last time you see me."

There was a gasp from her before she asked, "You're not serious?"

"Yes I am." I shot back immediately.

"Well if you think you can control me you're very much mistaken." she came back with and then the line went dead as she hung up.

It seemed that it was going to be a life without the hassle of my mother, so I replaced my phone and went back to my life.


It was exactly a week later that my phone rang and answering it I was greeted with my mother's voice, although somewhat subdued. She said, "Hello James, it's me."

I recognized her voice but decided to make her work a little and replied, "Sorry who?

"It's me." she repeated.

Feeling a little devilish I repeated, "Who?"

She sighed and repeated, "It's me; your mother."

"Oh. Hello."

I then waited for her to say what she wanted to say. It took her a few moments to force her words out.

"James, I've decided I'll do what you want. I'll do anything you want me to do, but please don't make me live alone."

"Are you really sure about that?"

Sounding like she was on the verge of crying, she replied, "I haven't spoken to anyone outside of work since I spoke to you a week ago. I just need some company."

I decided to test her. "Do you have a mobile phone?"


"What's the number?" I asked.

She gave me the number.

I grabbed my mobile and sent her a text message.

Back on the phone, "I've just sent you a text message. Just do what I've asked."

I heard her mobile chime over the phone and after a short pause there was a gasp. This was followed by Mum saying, "He's got to be fucking kidding." not intending for me to hear.

She came back to the phone and asked, "James, why do you want me to send you a picture of my bare breasts?"

"I just want to make sure that you understand the terms of us staying in touch."

"But isn't that a bit perverse? After all you've just asked your mother to show you her breasts."

Smiling to myself I replied, "I have, haven't I. You don't have to do it you know, but if you don't you may as well hang up now."

After a few moments I heard a sigh followed by Mum saying, "Give me a minute."

I knew my mother wasn't a prude and wasn't embarrassed about nudity, so it wasn't particularly surprising to feel my phone ping and vibrate to find a new picture message.

Mum's voice came across the phone again, "You should have a picture now James. I hope you enjoy it."

I opened the message on my mobile and whistled, intentionally loud enough for her to hear.

Speaking down the phone again, "Nice tits."

There was no response.

Wanting to shock her a little, I followed up with, "I might print this off, take it to bed with me tonight and knock one out." I then waited for a reaction.

After only a few seconds Mum said, "Oh my God. That's disgusting James. Have some respect; I'm your mother."

"I guess it probably is to some, but if you want to avoid me closing the door on you for good you're going to have to put up with it."

I decided to try something a little more outrageous. It was obvious to me that Mum was now prepared to do whatever it took to avoid being alone. I grabbed my mobile phone, undid my jeans and freed my now erect cock, I took a picture and then sent to Mum's mobile with the comment, 'This is what your tits did to me.'

Down the phone I announced, "I've sent you a picture back."

Mum came back with, "Let me check."

After about thirty seconds there was an "Oh my God!" exclamation from her away from the phone. A few moments later she said, "That's not you."

I laughed and said, "I can send you another showing my face if you like."

"No it's alright, I believe you. What I can't believe though is that you sent a picture of your erect penis to me. Do you think I'm that desperate?"

"Considering what I've asked you to do and the fact that you haven't slammed the phone down on me, I guess you must be."

There was a pause and then her voice sounded down, and somewhat dejected, "Please don't humiliate me like this James. I just don't want to be alone and you're the only family that I have left."

Still wanting to press my advantage I replied, "I don't want to be alone either, but the difference is I have friends that want to spend time with me, whereas all your friends have deserted you because you treat people so poorly. I've decided to take what I want from you if you choose to allow me, by staying in touch. You always have the choice to walk away, and to be honest I don't care whether you do. So Mum, get used to it. By the way, I need to go now. I may speak to you tomorrow, but for the time being I want you to consider that at some point it is likely that you and I will commit incest together. Later on, today I want you to send me a picture of your pussy shaved, and your face must be in the picture."

There was a gasp before she shouted, "JAMES! How can you want to have sex with me?"

"Because I'm in the position of being able to fulfil one of my fantasies, and I know you haven't had sex for ages and I also know that you find it difficult to live without it."

"I can live without sex." She spat back at me.

Smiling to myself I replied, "Fine hang up, don't send me the picture and don't call me again."

I paused to let her absorb my comment, but before she could respond I said, "Goodbye." and put the phone down.


Later that evening a picture message came in from my mother's mobile. I opened it to see my mother sat on a chair naked, with her legs spread wide and zooming in on her pussy it was clear that she was completely hairless. I laughed to myself now knowing that I had her completely. My mother would do anything I told her to do to avoid being on her own. With that knowledge I sat and considered many things I could do to her, as well as just fuck her.

I had a few little fetishes that I might be able experience with her, and her being a willing participant, regardless of whether she complains or not.

I also decided to press my advantage and sent her an email:


Come over to my house on Wednesday evening. Shave your pussy again before coming over and wear a short dress, no longer than mid-thigh, heels, you can put a coat on if you wish, but nothing else.

If you decide to come over I could fuck you, or just feel you up. You are likely to spend most of the evening naked, parading yourself to me.

With this knowledge if you arrive, expect this to happen. If you decide that you're not prepared to comply, have a lonely life.


I requested a read receipt on the email and sent it. About 15 minutes later, the read receipt arrived telling me that Mum had read my email.


I had worked from home on Wednesday and had just finished off some work and decided to call it a day. It was still only 4:30pm but I decided to have something to eat. I had eaten and cleared up by 5:15 and decided to shower and change into fresh clothes.

I was sat watching television with a glass of wine when the doorbell went. I got up, took a deep breath, headed to the door and opened it. My mother stood there in a mac, buttoned and belted. She had heels on and her head was lowered avoiding eye contact.

"Hello James." she said.

"Hello Mother. Come in." I replied.

Stepping in through the doorway and closing the door behind her we stood facing each other in the hallway.

"Let me take your coat." I offered.

She seemed to shudder and replied, "I'm okay to keep it on thanks."

I stood and glared at her, waiting for her to look at me doing so. After a few moments with me not moving she glanced up and realized my offer was closer to an instruction.

Her shoulders appeared to slump a little and she undid her belt and buttons and removed her coat and gave it to me. I looked her up and down and enjoyed the fact that she had picked a plain cream summer dress. It came down to mid-thigh and would have displayed any underwear worn. It was clear that she wasn't wearing any. What was also interesting was that although there was a slight sag to her breasts her nipples were pushing hard against the material of her dress.

I hung her coat up and led the way into the lounge.

"Would you like a drink?" I asked.

"Yes please."

"White wine okay?"

"Yes thank you James."

I said, "Take a seat." as I headed into the kitchen.

I'd picked up my glass and refilled that along with a glass for Mum before heading back into the lounge.

"Here you are." I said offering her the glass.

"Thank you." she said taking it from me.

I sat opposite her and made it obvious that I was looking at her legs and body. She moved around a little in the chair looking a little uncomfortable.

"I like your choice of dress. It shows off your body and makes it clear that you're not wearing anything underneath." I said in a matter-of-fact way, not trying to make any special point.

"Thank you, I think." she replied a little unsure if there was a motive behind my comment.

"Take it as a compliment. You are a physically desirable woman, and seeing you in that dress is arousing. Especially as I know you have no panties on."Mum blushed and said, "My God, James. This is so wrong, you talking to me like this."

"Does it arouse you?"

She paused and blushed again. Before she could speak I jumped in and answered my question for her. "It does, doesn't it?"

"A little." she said keeping her eyes lowered.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"I guess you can do whatever you want." she replied.

"After we spoke on the phone on Sunday and I spoke about us having sex, did you get aroused by that and did you masturbate to the thought of having my hard cock in your pussy?"

She went bright red. It was obvious that she had. After an attempt to compose herself she said quietly, "Yes."

"Is that 'yes' to being aroused or masturbating?" I enquired further.

Again, very shyly and a little embarrassed she said, "Both."

I was getting an erection and I wanted to let my mother know, so I got up and walked over to her and stood in front of her with my crotch level with her face. I asked, "What do you see?"

Looking up she looked at my crotch and then glancing up at me she said, "You have an erection."

"Would you like to touch it?"

Mum sighed and said, "I'd like to touch it but you're my son and I shouldn't."

"If incest was normal, would you touch it?"

With a rather demure smile she said, "Yes".

"For the purposes of our visits together, incest is not only legal, it's encouraged."

"Ha ha." Mum laughed, "Well, isn't that lucky." she said with a hint of sarcasm.

She stopped and looked down at my crotch again and the obvious bulge. After a moment she slowly reached up and ran her hand across the bulge. Her touch was light, but excited me. My cock swelled and stiffened at her touch. Her expression was one of wonder as she felt me thicken and stiffen.

As she was rubbing me I noticed her nipples stiffen. It seemed to me that Mum was excited at touching my hard cock.

I reached down and ran my hands over breasts. As I did she gasped and looked down at what my hand was doing.

She looked up at me and asked, "James why are you doing this to me?"

With that, I stood back up, moved back out of her reach and sat back down. I looked at her and considered her question.

"Well, there is a simple answer, and that is because you are allowing me to do it."

"I'm not." she jumped in.

"Yes you are, because I'm not making you come here, or take the photos. You are so desperate to keep in contact that you have implicitly given me your full permission to do whatever I wish. If you weren't happy with that you could simply walk away."

"But you aren't giving me any choice."

I smiled as Mum realized that she was the victim of the sorts of things she had done to others in the past and said, "All my life I have seen you impose your will on others. Giving them little or no choice in the way they were able to deal with you. You have also mercilessly taken your revenge on anyone that did something that offended you or even as little as disagreed with you.

"You have bullied people, even humiliated them because they had the nerve to take a stance different to yours. Perhaps the situation here is a matter of Karma. You don't want to be alone so you have to do what I say."

Mum's head dropped a little and then she asked, "But why do you want to have sex with me. I'm your mother."

I decided that there was no reason to lie. I had my mother in a position where she had only one choice to make, so I responded, "Well, since I was 18 I've always wondered what it was like to have sex, and then seeing you occasionally naked it changed to wanting to have sex with you. I spent many nights in bed masturbating imagining that I was pumping my cock in and out of your pussy. I would orgasm with the image of my cock buried deep inside you and shooting my cum into you in my head. Now you are giving me the opportunity to do it for real."

"It's so wrong James." she responded.

"I guess it is." I said and then paused before asking, "Before last weekend had you ever fantasized about having sex with me?"

Mum blushed.

I added, "You might as well be honest because it will make no difference to what might happen later."

Glancing up at me for a second and then looking back down at the floor, she replied, "A few times."

"Did you masturbate thinking about me fucking you?"

Blushing again she said, "Yes."

"Is there something about the situation you're in that excites you?"

"Sort of. But it's also a chance to get close to you. You are my son after all, and even if I have to commit incest with you I don't want to lose you for good."

"Thank you for at least being honest."

I picked up my glass and drank some wine, Mum did the same.

We sat in silence for a few minutes. Part of me wanted to really make my mother suffer, but that was the part of me most like her, and I didn't want to be like her. I still found her attractive and although the idea of having sex with her was so attractive I was now struggling to justify it in moral terms to myself.

"Mum?" I asked to gain her attention.

"Yes." she replied and looked at me.

"This is ridiculous. It's not right that I do what I wanted to do to you."

"What do you mean?" she asked rhetorically and then continuing, "Aren't you going to fuck me, like you've fantasised?"

"No. It's wrong. It's incest and I shouldn't force you to do that."


"Yes." I responded.

"Let me tell you something." And then she paused briefly. "I haven't had sex in nearly two years. Your dad and I hadn't had sex in nearly 5 years. With his work and the 'right moment' never seeming to arrive we just found that the opportunity never presented itself. As a result, I had a one-night stand with an ex-colleague when we were both drunk and that's the only sex I've had in that 5 years and that was a couple of years ago. No-one will go near me at work and, to be honest, I don't want to go down the route of having an intimate relationship with someone at work. So, your very clever plan to humiliate me is the closest I've come to sex in years."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I answered, now feeling a little sorry for her.

All of a sudden I found myself wondering what I was doing, or trying to do. I now had doubts about whether I was as vindictive as my mother has been throughout her life to be able to force her to commit incest. As much as the fantasy has been a constant attraction in my life since I first started thinking about sex, I was now having to confront the reality of that fantasy and I suddenly found myself struggling to rationalize it. I made the decision quickly to end this ridiculous situation. I couldn't go through with it.

"Mum. Go home. I don't want this. It's silly. We shouldn't be doing this and I'm wrong to force you into it. When I've got my head around all of this I'll call you."

There was a sad look on her face and not one of relief as I'd anticipated. I was confused and wanted this to stop as quickly as possible. I got up and went to her.

"Sorry Mum, you need to go."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." I replied and headed towards the hallway.

Mum followed a few seconds later. I had her coat and gave it to her. I opened the front door as she put it on.

She went through the door and looked back at me. "I don't want to be alone James."

"I know." I replied. "I'll give you a call."

Turning, she headed out and disappeared from sight. I closed the door and went back into the lounge, I got a bottle of vodka and a bottle of coke from the drinks cabinet and proceeded to get very drunk.


I phoned work, calling in sick the following morning and stayed in bed until early afternoon. I had one hell of a hangover and began to mull over what I thought I was doing over the last week or so. I didn't really like my mother, so why was I trying to cause myself to spend time with her. As much as she has been awful to people, including me, all through her life, I couldn't bring myself to be the one to punish her for what she has done.

After managing to eat something late in the afternoon I got my laptop and checked my email. To my surprise there was an email from my mother. I opened it and read:


I was really surprised how yesterday ended. I was a little surprised that you got me to do what you did but I was relieved when you put an end to what you had started. By sending me home I sat down and considered what you had done, how you stopped and why you may have stopped. This is something that I guess isn't what I would have done. I would have gone through with it. That caused me to think about the difference between you and me.

It's clear that you have some sympathy for others and I find myself now pondering that perhaps I don't. I clearly have some thinking to do and I wanted to let you know that you have given me plenty to think about.

I hope you can get over what has happened because you are my son and the only person I have left. I don't want us to lose touch because you are too embarrassed to face me again. If you feel that way, I hope you understand that when we next meet you can consider that you have my gratitude for being the person you are and that as much as what started out to be a lesson you wanted to teach me, perhaps your failing resolve has actually been the catalyst to make me think hard about how I've acted throughout my life.

I don't know if I will be able to change overnight, but I know I can't go on like I have. Thank you for demonstrating how to treat people and I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me for my past and to give me a call in a few days.


I sat and read the email numerous times, partly to make sure I wasn't imagining what I was seeing and also to absorb the words she had written. This was completely out of character. I considered replying but I had no idea what to say. I still felt a little hungover having eaten and drunk very little all day.

I made myself a meal and sat and ate, with a large glass of water. After that I sat and looked at the television. I can't really say I watched it, the television was on and I was sat and dozed until about 9pm, when I went to bed. The next day I phoned in saying I was still not very well and the day went something similar to Thursday.

The weekend came and went and I went back to work the following week. I didn't do anything socially, simply going back home each evening. I was really struggling with what I nearly did and how close I came to becoming like the person I despised most throughout my adult life.


Friday night came and I was sat at home and my home phone rang. I didn't have the number in my phone, but it was a local number so I answered.


From the other end of the line I heard, "Hello. Is that James, James Parry?"

"Yes, speaking."

"Hello James, I don't know if you remember me, but I'm Angela Thomas, an old friend of your Mum's.

"Hi Angela. Yes, I remember you. What can I do for you?

"Perhaps answer a couple of questions about your Mum."

"I'm not sure there's much I can help with, I've only seen her a couple of times since Dad's funeral and that didn't go too well, I guess."

"Oh. By the way, I never got chance to speak to you. Please accept my condolences."

"Thank you." I replied, still wondering why Angela had called.



"Is your mother alright?"

"What do you mean?"

Angela paused, "Um, I'm not sure really. I got this strange call from her and she actually apologized for some things that had happened in the past and seemed to be really upset at the way we fell out after the funeral. I wondered if there was anything seriously wrong with her."

"I don't believe there's anything wrong, but I know she's really concerned at how lonely she is."

"Oh." Angela said and paused. "She did say she had spoken with you and something had happened that made her sit down and seriously consider what she'd done in her life and how she had treated people, particularly the two real friends she had."

I jumped in and asked, "Janine and you?"

"Yes. It's almost like she's had an epiphany or something she's completely changed."

"We did have a few words last week." hoping that Mum hasn't given any details to Angela. I continued, "I guess I told her a few home truths. Perhaps one or two may have struck home. I haven't spoken to her since, so I don't know what she's been up to over the last week or so."

Again there was a pause before Angel asked, "You don't think she's playing games with me do you?"

I thought about what Angela had said and to the email I received from Mum. The chances of being played were not insignificant but I think on balance Mum feared loneliness more than anything. So, I responded, "I guess there is a very small chance Angela, but my feeling is that she is being genuine, based on some communication I've received. If you still want her as a friend, I would say give her a chance. I think that's what I'll be doing."

"I know she really means well but she can be absolutely infuriating at times and I had got to a point after our row after the funeral where I didn't need the grief she dished out and I was happy to walk away completely."

I laughed and said, "I know exactly where you're coming from. I guess not only did I feel that way, and have done so since the funeral, but I actually told her so, face to face. I think she was shocked that I didn't care if I never saw her again."

"James, I didn't realise you could be so hard."

"Well, I guess I've learnt from a master." and laughed.

Angela laughed as well.

We spent another 5 minutes or so reacquainting ourselves as it had been about 12 years since we last spoke. Angela was now on her own, so I could understand why she was a little suspicious of Mum's motives. I asked about Janine and Angela told me how she had also fallen out with Mum at the funeral and that my asking about her had reminded her to check with Janine to see if she had heard from Mum. We eventually said our goodbyes and the call ended.


Saturday morning, I got up feeling refreshed. I tidied the house and sorted out the washing and then headed out to do some shopping. After getting home and putting the shopping away I decided to check my emails.

There was an email from Mum:


I hope you're not still embarrassed about what happened the other night. I wish you would call me.

I've thought about some of the things you've said and I've managed to sort things out with Angela and Janine. Hopefully we will get together next week for a coffee and then we'll take it from there.

I've also thought about some of the other aspects of the other night and to be honest I'm actually still interested in pursuing that, as I was that night. If you want to have another go, I'd be happy to try with you. I have found thinking about what you proposed quite intriguing and to some extent arousing. I know it's not the sort of thing we should do, but to be honest with no man in my life, I miss the intimacy and it might give us a chance to get closer.

If you're free tonight, I'd love to come over and perhaps we could try a few things out.

Please don't leave it too long to get in touch.


I sat and thought about the idea of perhaps becoming physically intimate with my mother and the fantasy was having a bigger influence on me than the potential

hassle I might get just being around my mother.

I made my decision and replied to her email:


I have things to do earlier in the evening but I will be back by 9pm, you can come over after that, if you like.


I gave myself plenty of time to finish the rest of the housework and have a meal before having to confront my mother. So, I set about that to give myself plenty of time to prepare for her visit.


At a few minutes after 9pm the doorbell rang. I got up and opened it to see my mother standing there. She smiled and said, "Hello James." rather brightly.

"Hi." I replied and added, "Come in." as I stood aside to let her enter.

She stopped in the hallway and took off her coat and hung it on the coat hooks. She was wearing a fitted skirt, coming down to just above the knees, with a blouse that showed off what appeared to be a white bra beneath it, all bottomed off with three-inch heeled strappy shoes.

I followed her into the lounge and as she sat on the sofa I asked, "Would you like a drink?"

"If you have any more of the wine I had last time, that would be nice please."

I grabbed two glasses and poured some wine from a new box I'd opened earlier that day. While in the kitchen I was struck by how up-beat Mum was. Gone was the desperation of the last couple of times. Had she changed in such a short space of time? Or, as Angela feared a little, was she setting me up for something really bad. With my question unanswered I headed back into the lounge.

I handed Mum the glass and noticed that her skirt had ridden up revealing at least half of the length of her thighs. It was also fairly tight and it looked like the clasps of her suspenders were noticeable on top of her thighs. Her make-up and hair were done well giving her a rather sophisticated look and as she reached up to take the wine, she smiled warmly and said, "Thank you."

I sat down alongside her, as she had chosen to sit on the sofa. We were both half turned to each other.

"How have you been since the last time I was here?" she asked opening up the conversation.

"To be honest, I felt like shit for a few days." I decided that being polite wouldn't cost me anything, so went on to ask, "How have you been?"

"I've made some big decisions and I guess I may get it wrong occasionally but I'm going to try to be more considerate."

"That sounds good."

We both took a sip of our drinks and sat quietly for a few moments.

"James." she said getting my attention.


"You know how you thought you wanted to teach me a lesson by trying to humiliate me sexually?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry."

Mum held her hand up to stop me.

"You don't have to apologise. I'm not upset about it. Actually in the position of not having a man in my life and if you agree to what I propose, I probably won't go seeking one, I was intrigued to find out if you would seriously consider helping me relieve some of the sexual tension I'm suffering from."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Would you consider having sex with me from time to time? Just to stop me getting too horny."

"Are you serious?" I asked a little surprised.

"From what I felt last time I was here you appear to be well endowed. Regardless whether you were justified in doing what you did or whether you took it too far, I don't really care, but what you did was show me just how destructive I can be and it made me think very hard when I left about the people in my life and I cried when I found I had alienated everyone and with you, my only family wanting to rape me or send me away for good I was shocked at what I'd done.

"In many ways James, I have you to thank for making me confront what I'd become and giving me what seems to be a last chance to do something about it and not suffer the fear of loneliness that I have."

"Did I really do that?" I asked somewhat taken aback with her admission.

"Yes, you did."

Feeling a little stupid about trying to fuck my own mother, I asked, "Do you think I really wanted to make you have sex with me?"

Smiling, she paused for a moment and then answered, "I think you did the other evening, out of anger, but in the cold light of day I don't think you're that kind of person."

"I guess I should apologise for being a complete idiot."

A broad warm smile spread across Mum's face and she said, "My dear James, what I put you through over many years probably justifies some form of revenge. The nature of that revenge doesn't bother me, but what it did was make me consider how I might satisfy myself without having to go out to bars and clubs trying to pick up a one-night stand. If you really want to live out your fantasy, I don't mind. In fact, I would quite like to let you. Besides I might get to fulfil one or two of my own."

I sat and looked at her. She was an attractive woman and she was looking good, regardless of her age. She showed a little self-consciousness as I watched her sip her wine. There was an unexpected softness about her expression and she appeared more relaxed than I remember. I couldn't understand how an incident a week and a half ago could have such a profound effect on anyone, let alone someone as hard and stubborn as I know she could be.

"I called Angela and Janine last week." she said bringing me out of my reflection.

"Yes?" I responded not wanting to let her know of my conversation with Angela. "How did that go?"

"Well I hope I've managed to undo some of the damage I'd done. I'm meeting them both next week and hopefully I can apologise for my bitchiness not only at your dad's funeral but for the many years before. I think they really want to put it behind us all, but I suspect they are concerned that I might not be sincere or I have some kind of ulterior motive."

"What will you try to say to convince them?"

"Ha! she laughed, "How do you convince someone after 20 years of being a bitch that overnight you've turned over a new leaf?"

"I can see how that might be a little tricky." I said with a smile.

"Anyway, all I can do is apologise, try to explain and then leave it in their hands whether they want to stay in touch."

"Do you want to stay in touch with them?"

"Goodness, James! If they reject me you will be the only person in the world that knows me that hasn't, for now at least, thrown me out. I don't really want to contemplate that, but if it happens I only have myself to blame."

"Well, if they really are your friends they will come around eventually. It may take a little while to regain their confidence and trust, but I'm sure if you're

sincere it will happen."

"I hope so." She said dropping her head.

Again we paused and drank some more wine. I finished mine off and got up.

"Would you like a top up?"

"Mmm!" she said finishing her mouthful. "Yes please." she added and then emptied the last of her wine.

She handed me the glass and got up as well. She asked, "Can I use your loo?"

"Sure." I replied, "It's the last door on the right by the front door,"

With that we both left the lounge.

When I returned to the lounge I waited wondering what was taking her so long. It wasn't long before the toilet flushed and after another minute I heard the cloakroom door open and my mother's footsteps approached. She came back in and sat down next to me.

She picked up the fresh glass of wine, took a sip and said, "Thank you."

I acknowledged her thanks and then asked, "Why did you want to come over tonight?"

Mum's eyes dropped and after a moment's thought she said, "I was hoping I could persuade you to have sex with me."

A little surprised I pressed a little more, "Why do you think I would do that?"

"I was planning to try to seduce you and show you what you could have."

"But I told you that I wasn't going to force you to do that."

"I know that James." she said, "It's what I want."

Sitting to my right she crossed her right leg over her left. The split in her skirt was perfectly placed to reveal the largest expanse of leg possible. To the extent that the top of her stocking was clearly visible and even a small amount of bare flesh.

I looked at her leg and enjoyed the view. The contrast between her black stockings and her creamy bare thigh was stark. I glanced up at her face to see a very satisfied smile present.

"Do you like my legs?" she asked.

"They're very nice." I replied.

Suddenly I felt Mum's hand on my thigh. It started mid-thigh of my right leg and she quickly moved it up and rubbed my semi-erect cock in my trousers. I took a breath as her fingers sought out my cock, rubbing and squeezing it.

"Would you like to touch me?" she asked uncrossing her legs and then spreading her knees as much as her skirt would allow.

I reached over and initially placing my hand on her left knee I ran it up the inside of her thigh. I reached her stocking top and continued onto her bare thigh. My fingers immediately slid on what could only be her vaginal excretions. Sliding easily up to her crotch which was not only sopping wet, but void of any panties.

I brought my hand up to my nose and sniffed at the liquid clinging to my fingers. It was sweet and a little intoxicating. My mother smelled good.

"Do you like the way I smell?" she asked grinning broadly.

Smiling back at her I replied, "Very sweet."

Catching me by surprise a little, Mum leaned towards me and kissed me on the lips. After the initial contact I relaxed and allowed her to kiss me. Her lips opened and her tongue snaked out into my mouth searching out my own tongue. I used my tongue to duel with hers for a few moments while we experienced the kiss of lovers for the first time. As we parted I watched her tongue run across her lips and she gave a small groan as she savoured the taste of my saliva on her lips.

My conscience was troubling me again. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"James." she said acquiring my full attention, "I came over here tonight to have sex with you. I want to feel your hard cock sliding in and out of my pussy.

"I know I've been a bitch for all of your life and this is one way that I can give you something that few mothers would ever consider giving their sons. I want you to have the opportunity to have sex with me. I want you to fulfil a fantasy of yours, and I'm happy for you to use my body as you choose to achieve that."

"I don't get it." and paused before asking, "Why are you doing this?"

"Well James, for two reasons. The first is that you've persuaded me that the way I have treated people in the past; you in particular, is wrong and I need to atone for that. The second is that by offering you my body to do that, I admit I get something out of it because I love sex and, as you will hopefully find out, I am a dirty bitch willing to do plenty of pervy things if you're interested in doing something a little less conventional."

"How unconventional?" I asked with my interest now piqued.

"You can ask anything. If it disgusts me I won't do it, but I have tried quite a lot of things and will happily indulge your wishes, whatever they may be."

I was thinking that I was rock hard and decided to test the waters, as they say.


"Yes Dear."

"Do you like oral sex?"

"I love oral sex, whether it's giving or receiving."

"Do you swallow?" I asked a little eagerly.

Smiling at me she realised what prompted my question. She replied, "Yes James. I love the taste and texture of cum and enjoy swallowing a load."

I hesitated and wanted to ask her for a blow job but found I couldn't actually get the request to come out of my mouth. Mum must have realised my hesitation and with a smirk on her face she asked, "Would you like me to give you a blow job?"

I nodded in the affirmative, not really believing what was about to happen.

Getting up she took my hand and pulled me up to stand in front of her. Once I was standing she knelt in front of me and set about undoing my trousers, pulling them off, and then saying, "Now let's see this cock first hand." she pulled my heavily tented boxers down releasing my cock, which was standing straight and tall in anticipation of a blow job from my very own mother.

"Mmmmm!" she moaned as she saw the length and girth of my cock. My eight inches and considerable girth had produced significant orgasms from many lady friends over the years.

Her fingers tried to wrap themselves around my cock but her middle finger and thumb just failed to connect suggesting around about four inches.

She pumped me a couple of times and then looking up at me she said, "James. Just let it cum. I expect you'll cum quickly. Let me suck that fuck juice from your cock." With that her warm mouth engulfed my cock causing me to gasp as her tongue, lips and cheeks combined to produce a very stimulating sensation on the head of my cock.

I couldn't believe the view I had of my own mother's head bobbing up and down on my cock and the tune she was playing on my fuck flute.

As she had suspected I quickly felt that familiar pressure and began to gasp and pant as she coaxed my juices from me. Within another minute I shouted, "FUCK! CUMMINGGGGGGGGG!" and pumped a good six ropes of semen into her mouth. I was amazed that she swallowed with gusto as the symphony she was playing reached a crescendo.

She gave out little moans and groans as she swallowed my emission and at one point she seemed to tremble giving a slightly extended groan.

My cock settled down and after a few minutes of gentle sucking and, to some extent, cleaning she smacked her lips as she released it from her mouth. She looked up at me with a demure expression and then wiped a non-existent drop of cum from the corner of her mouth and made a performance of sucking the fake drop of cum into her mouth.

"My goodness James you taste fantastic." she said broadening her grin.

"Did you cum as well, when I came?" I asked.

"Yes I did. It has been so long since I had a mouthful of cum like that. I knew I was going to lose it when you came. I was so excited I nearly peed myself as well."

"Really!" I exclaimed showing my eagerness to see something a little less conventional.

Mum stood up and kissed me. I was surprised that I never got any hint of the taste of my own liquid, and simply enjoyed the kiss of a wanton woman.

Pulling away with an eyebrow raised she asked, "Do we have a bit of a pee thing going on here?"

I blushed and a little embarrassed I reply, "Possibly."

"Oh goody." she said. "I love pee play. Golden showers, I've even been known to drink pee at times as well."

"Does that mean if I asked to give you a golden shower, you wouldn't mind?" I asked.

"No, I wouldn't mind at all. But the thing I really like is holding my pee in until I wet myself, preferably wearing jeans."

"Wow!" was all I could say in reply.

She stepped back from me and her hands went behind her back. Suddenly the waistband of her skirt loosened and she pulled it down where it pooled at her feet.

"What do you say we lose our incest virginity James. Do you want me to fuck you?"

"That would be nice."

"Are you nice and hard again?" she asked.

"Not completely, but I'm getting there."

She undid her blouse and removed it and then followed it with her bra. She kept her shoes, stockings and suspender belt on and then indicated that I should get naked as well. A couple of minutes later my mother was standing in front of her naked, erect son wearing only stockings, suspenders and heels looking a little like the cat that had got the cream.

"Sit down James let me fuck you." she said.

I sat down on the edge of the sofa and leaned back leaving my cock standing straight and proud. She climbed onto the sofa with her knees either side of my thighs and looking me straight in the eye, grabbing my cock and positioning it at the entrance to her velvet channel and after a brief pause making sure we had eye contact she sat down forcing my cock into her with little resistance. We both gasped and I sat up allowing Mum to wrap her arms around me. I could feel her trembling.

"Are you cumming?" I asked.

Groaning and through a deep sob she said, "Yesssssss!" almost hissing at the end.

She seemed to relax and then began to raise and lower her hips up and down forcing my cock up and down her very wet channel.

As she bounced on my cock I cupped and kneaded her breasts. I also took her nipples between thumb and finger and tweaked, pulled and rolled them.

Mum kept bouncing and I just assisted by pushing my pelvis up to meet her descent. I could also feel her vagina rippling around my cock and watched as she sank down and stayed squirming, trembling and groaning through another orgasm.

I was expecting to be able to last a good half hour or so after having such a recent orgasm, but the sexual excitement of fucking my own mother had me tingling and rapidly approaching a second release.

"Oh fuck." I gasped, "I'm gonna cum soon."

"Cum inside me James. Fill me up."

We were both panting and gasping as we approach our climax. It hit Mum first and she just squirmed on my cock as she shook through her orgasm. Her vaginal muscles clamped and rippled around my cock increasing the stimulation and with the knowledge that she was coming I began to shoot deep inside her. My mother seemed to slump forward into me and just shook and sobbed as a more intense wave of pleasure seemed to hit her triggered by my orgasm.

We held each other for a few minutes as the intensity of the moment slowly drained away.

It was a good two or three minutes before she let go of me and sat back a little. She was flushed in the aftermath of her climax, looking a little wiped out.

"That was incredible." I said breathlessly. Are you ok?"

"Fuck me! Okay? I'm more than fucking okay James. I don't think I've ever cum that hard in my life. It must be something to do with not having had sex for so long, fucking you or a combination of both."

"I know what you mean, I've never cum so quick on my second orgasm as I did tonight."

"Well James we've crossed the taboo line. You are a motherfucker now."

I laughed and added, "And you are my M.I.L.F!"

We laughed together. That was the first time I can remember laughing with my mother since I was a young kid. For a moment I thought about the fun I had with her as a child and then I thought how that changed as I became a teenager. Oh well, we're here, it's now and my cock was shrinking and I could feel our combined juices running down over my balls.

"Mum, I think we're leaking."

"Oh, do you have any tissues?" she asked.

I didn't but looking around us I saw my shirt. I grabbed it and handed it to her saying, "Use this, it can be washed."

She took it and pushed it between her legs catching the combined excretions of our incestuous union before they ran down her leg. Before I could move further she engulfed my cock in her mouth and sucked and licked it clean.

It was late and I needed to work the next day. Mum had a quick shower in the main bathroom while I had one in my bathroom.

She came back into the lounge now dressed although her hair was a little wet.

"I guess I'd better go. I have work tomorrow."

"Me too." I responded.

"Can we get together soon." she asked.

"I don't see why not." I replied. "What do you want to do if we do?"

"I'm happy to do whatever you want to do." she said. "If all you want to do is have sex, I'm ok with that. If you want to do something else, that's ok too. To be honest James I don't mind what we do as long as you're happy to spend some time with me."

"Ok. I'll think about what I want to do. I've got nothing planned for Saturday, perhaps we could do something then. But I'll call and confirm on Friday evening." I said smiling.

With that we walked to the door. Mum opened it and turned back to me. She kissed me on the cheek; a very motherly peck and then whispered. "You know James, you're a fantastic fuck."

She had a broad grin on her face as she turned and headed out to her car. The slightly thrilling thing for me was knowing that she wasn't wearing any panties as she disappeared from sight.


On Friday evening, I had got home and eaten and was sat pondering what Mum and I could do the following day. I was undecided about what to do and to some extent wasn't sure just how perverse she was. As a result, I called her with nothing particular in mind.

"Hello." came her voice from the other end of the line.

"Hi. It's me James." I said.

"Hi James. How was the back end of your week?" she asked, perhaps trying to keep the conversation light.

"Fairly ordinary I guess. I went out with some of the guys from work last night and the rest was just work."

"That's good."

"What about you? I asked.

"Work seems to be easier. I seem to be getting help from my colleagues and they seem to be more inclined to chat with me. Plus, I had a drink with Angela and Janine last night and things seem a lot less tense between us. Very much more relaxed."

There seemed to be a much more relaxed tone to Mum's voice and you could sense the smile that was on her face as she spoke.

"You seem much happier than you have been." I said trying to emphasise that her actions and attitudes are softening the attitudes of those around her.

"Yes." and then there was a pause. Then her voice rang out again, "I guess I have you to thank for that, because the better I have treated people it seems they treat me better as a result."

Without being too self-righteous I said, "You are reaping what you sow."

With a much warmer tone to her voice she said, "I know, and you have been so right. I'm not sure I know how to thank you enough James."

I was a little touched by her sincerity but decided to lighten up the conversation and be a little cheeky.

"Well one thing you can do is come over tomorrow and be a dirty girl for me."

Mum laughed and then asked, "Yeah, I bet you'd like that. But exactly how dirty would you like me to be?"

"I'm not sure, because I don't know how dirty you're prepared to be."

Again laughing, "My naughty boy. You have no idea."

We laughed together and then Mum stopped. There was silence on the phone for a few moments before her voice travelled along the phone line to my ear. "How would you like to do some watersports?" she asked.

"Ok. I'm interested. I've never had the opportunity but I'm really curious about it." I replied.

"Ok James. I'll come over first thing in the morning, about 9 o'clock. When you get up, don't go to the toilet. What about making our first shower of the day a golden one?"

"That sounds good to me. I'd also be interested in watching you pee yourself. You know a bit of desperation."

"Mmmmm. That sounds really dirty. I'll bring some clothes over for that."

"That's not too dirty for you is it?" I asked concerned that I was being a bit too much of a pervert.

"No Darling, it's not. I have actually drunk pee in the past so you might not want to do that yourself, but I don't mind drinking yours if that turns you on as well."

I was certainly not keen on doing it myself but the thought of peeing into Mum's mouth was intriguing. So I said, "Ok. I'll think about that and decide tomorrow. So you'll be over at 9 o'clock then?"


"Ok." I confirmed.

"Oh, by the way James, don't go wanking tonight it's just a waste of cum that would be better in or on my body rather than in a tissue."

"Sure." I laughed and we said our goodbyes for now and we hung up.


It was 8:15 Saturday morning and I needed a pee. I was wearing underpants, thick cotton jogging bottoms and a thick sweatshirt. I'd picked clothes that would absorb a lot of liquid. I knew I could hold out until Mum arrived but I expected to be bursting if she was at all late. I was in the kitchen trying to decide whether to have a coffee or not. In the end I settled for not putting any additional pressure on my bladder and started pacing around the kitchen and even around the rest of the house, looking for things to do to take my mind off of the pressure that was beginning to increase.

The doorbell rang and looking at the clock it was still only 8:35. I hoped this was Mum and not anyone else. I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold out.

I was met with the sight of my mother with a very concerned look on her face when I opened the door.

"Morning James. I'm desperate for a shower and a pee. Any chance you could help me out?" she said as she walked in past me.

"Hi Mum." I responded, "I'm glad you're early, because I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out."

I watched her as she headed past me into the kitchen. She was dressed smartly in a jacket, skirt, blouse and tights or stockings. She had 3 inch heels and she was swaying her rear for my enjoyment.In the kitchen, she put her handbag on the table and another larger bag down on the floor. She looked at me and said, "Right. Let's not waste any time, I'm dying for a piss but I can hold out for a little while still. How are you doing?"

Replying and with my expression conveying the urgency of my plight I said, "I'm not going to hold it for more than a few more minutes."

"Ok. Lead me to the shower." she said as she removed her jacket and left it on the dining table.

With that I led her upstairs and into the main bathroom. It had a toilet, large wash basin, bath and a fairly large walk-in shower.

"Nice shower." she said removing her shoes and walking in between the 2 overlapping glass panels. "How long do you think you can hold out?"

"I think if you start peeing on me I'll probably pee myself."

"Ok. I'd better have my shower first." and with that she knelt down in the shower and beckoned me in.

"What do I do?" I asked.

Smiling, she replied, "Get your cock out and pee all over me."

"Do you want me to avoid your face or anything?"

"No James, just give me a shower. Over my body my head, my face and into my mouth as well, if you like."

I walked in and pushed my joggers down and freed my semi-erect cock from my underpants and with relief relaxed and allowed a strong stream of pee to shoot out. I aimed the stream at Mum's tits and then soaked her skirt. Lifting my cock, I sprayed pee onto her head and face. Through squinted eyes she opened her mouth and positioned her mouth into the stream and took a mouthful and looked me directly in the eye and swallowed it, and then said, "Mmmm! You taste fantastic."

She was completely soaked and my stream weakened and slowed to a small dribble after which she knelt up, took my cock into her mouth and sucked the last drops from me, leaving me clean.

Standing up she reached to the side of her skirt, undid the zip and dropped it, revealing her panties and hold up stockings. She smiled at me and asked, "Did you enjoy that?"

"Yeah. It was pretty perverse but I've always wondered what it would be like to pee on someone."

She laughed and said, Well, now you know."

I laughed with her and then she said, "Your turn."

"This is going to be interesting." I said.

"Is there anything you would prefer I don't do?"

I considered the question and wasn't sure about getting my face peed on so replied, "Would you stay away from my face for now."

"Of course." and she pulled her panties down and stood in front of me with her feet either side of me and her pussy at the height of my chest. She pulled her labia apart and in no time at all a strong stream of pee shot from her and onto my chest. She began to tilt her hips and aimed her pee down onto my lap and she kept moving around covering my torso and legs with her golden liquid. There was a very faint odour, but nothing unpleasant. By the time she had finished soaking me I was completely erect and wanted to fuck.

Her pee stopped and I reached up and rubbed a few remaining drips from her lips and said, "I'm really horny now."

"Me too." she replied. "Do you want to fuck?" she then asked.

"Mmmm. That would be nice." I replied.

"Would you like to rinse off or do it all dirty?

I stripped, ending up standing naked with a very stiff cock, next to Mum. She removed her blouse, bra and stockings and stood waiting for me to decide.

"Let's do it dirty, shall we?"

She smiled and with a twinkle in her eye, she turned away from me, leaning forward against the back wall of the shower and with her legs spread she said, "I love dirty."

I reached forward to stimulate her, making sure she was truly aroused and lubricated. To which she looked back and said, "James. I'm creaming myself already, just shove your cock in and fuck me nice and hard. I just need to get off."

"Whatever you say Mum." I replied and shoved my cock into her pussy. To my amazement I slid strait in without any resistance. She was ready and she gasped as I entered her and began to fuck her.

"Just fuck me hard James. Pound that lovely cock in and out of me until you cum."

Not wishing to disappoint her I grabbed her hips and just pounded into her hard and fast. Very quickly I could feel her trembling and she kept gasping and moaning as I ploughed my cock in and out of her pussy.

Her cries were increasing and I knew it wouldn't be long before I shot my load.

I kept pounding her and feeling the onward rush of my own orgasm it was obvious she could also feel me swelling a little more and stiffening as my balls sent the first shot of cum into her. At this point she cried out and shook and I felt her legs shake and go weak and I held her in place as her vaginal muscles gripped and rippled along my cock as I held it pushed as far into her as I could, shooting stream after stream of cum deep insider her. I thought about my cum coating her cervix and this seemed to extend my orgasm a little.

Mum had a final shudder and simultaneously we both exclaimed, "Oh fuck!" causing us to laugh as we eventually disengaged.

I turned the shower on and we embraced each other and kissed under the warm shower spray. We didn't say much to each other as we washed each other. I had some shower gel for women and soaped Mum from head to toe. I shampooed her hair and then she returned the favour.

Once clean we dried each other and then checking with her about her clothes I rinsed them through in the shower and then grabbed a basket and took the clothes to the utility room and put them all in the washing machine. When I came back into the kitchen Mum was stood there in just her heels, but otherwise completely naked. I didn't have anything on at all.

"Nice!" I said enjoying the view.

"You're not so bad yourself." she said smiling back at me. She asked, "Would you like to stay like this? I'm happy for you to be eyeing me up all morning and seeing that cock is a sight I will never tire of." and then she laughed.

I looked down and saw my cock with a swell that belied the fact that I had orgasmed only a few minutes ago.

I replied, "I'm happy to look at your pussy any time it's on show."

I made breakfast and we ate and drank tea, coffee and fruit juice with our food. For the rest of the morning Mum made sure we were both drinking plenty of liquid. She obviously had something in mind, but she wasn't going to tell me for now. We relaxed in the lounge chatting and watching television and all the time we were both taking every opportunity to put our genitals on display to each other and for Mum to show how wet she was and me with an almost constant erection and precum oozing from my cock. It actually got so bad that I ended up getting towels for us both to sit on to avoid staining the sofa or chairs. The morning progressed with us both trying to keep our hands off of each other and keeping the conversation light and a bit flirty.


We had a sandwich for lunch and coffee and by the time we'd cleared things away I was beginning to get a little uncomfortable. Mum seemed less than comfortable as well.

"I need to pee." I told her.

"Me too." she said, then added, "Let's get dressed. I'm going to put some jeans on."

"Ok. I'll do the same."

With that Mum grabbed her big bag and followed me to my bedroom.

I got some jeans and a t-shirt on with underwear and socks. Mum put on a see-through top, panties and jeans. She remained bare-footed. Looking over at her, even at her age she had the legs, rear and overall figure for jeans. I looked at her face and she had a stressed look on her face.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"I'm bursting for a pee. I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to last." she replied.

I was feeling fairly desperate as well. I asked, "I'd like to watch this time, if that's okay?"

"Of course, it is James. Let's pop into the shower and get soaked." She said turning towards the door.

She was walking with her knees clamped together, looking a little strange in the way she walked. I followed, also feeling the discomfort of a very full bladder.

In the bathroom she headed straight for the shower. She started hopping from one foot to the other in a kind of weird dance. She looked back at me almost as if in agony and before she was able to say anything her face relaxed and she opened her legs a little and looking at her crotch the wet patched appeared. It spread from between her legs. The strength of her stream forced its way through the denim and ran down the outside of her jeans. I was mesmerised watching the dark patch get bigger and bigger. Her pee ran off the bottom of her jeans and pooled around her feet before heading to the drain.

Suddenly Mum sighed loudly and said, "Oh shit, I nearly didn't make it."

"I've never seen anything like that before."

"Would you do me a favour please James?" she quickly asked.

"I guess so." I replied.

"Would you put your cock in my pocket and pee. Feeling the warmth of my pee is wonderful, but it ends so quickly."

I walked up to her and said, "Okay." As I reached her I undid my own jeans and got my cock out. I pushed it into her pocket.

She was looking at me in anticipation of what I was about to do.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes James. Do it please." she quickly replied almost pleading for me to pee on her.

My bladder was straining to eject the volume of liquid it held and I tried to relax. It took a few moments before I felt that familiar sensation of my pee being expelled from my body.

Mum gasped and brought her hand to her crotch. She groaned and sighed as she rubbed herself through her jeans and the liquid flowing over body. My flow subsided and once it had stopped I pulled back removing my cock from her pocket.

Mum was in a little world of her own. Looking a little strained as she continued to masturbate herself through her pee-soaked jeans. I stood quietly and watched as she brought herself off, which she completed with a shudder and a deep sigh. She immediately looked at me and blushed quite deeply as she came back to the real world and realised that her little private pleasure was witnessed by someone else; her son.

"Okay?" I asked after seeing her smile a little sheepishly.

"Yes. I zoned out there for a moment. That caught me a little by surprise." she replied recovering her composure.

We both giggled a little before Mum said, "James, you didn't get to pee yourself."

"Never mind, there's always another time."

Mum sat for a moment or two and then said, I have another pair of trousers and a skirt with a couple of extra tops, so if you want to have another little accident," and she winked, "I'm sure we can make sure you get to have a bit of fun."

I smiled and said, "That would be nice."

Mum got cleaned up, but I only really needed to change my socks, which I did, and we went back downstairs and topped up with more liquid. We spent an hour or so just chatting and watching a little more television. The one thing that struck me was that she was prepared to listen to me and although there were a couple of occasions when she didn't agree with my point of view, she discussed the issue briefly allowing it to drop without trying to persuade me otherwise. This was so not like my mother, but it was another very pleasant surprise of how much and how quickly she had changed.

She was now dressed in a little camisole top, with a pair of tailored trousers and she had heels on. She looked very attractive and sexy as a very desirable mature woman does.

Eventually, I became a little uncomfortable again and decided it was time. I said, "Mum, are you ready to pee?"

Smiling very naughtily she replied, "Would you like to pee your pants and Mummy to sit on your lap and pee herself as well?"

With a little blush I smiled and nodded. We got up and headed upstairs. Rather than going into the bathroom, I went into my spare bedroom and got some beach towels out of a drawer. I put them on the floor and got a chair and put it on the towels. Standing on the towels next to the chair I looked at her and she was looking back with anticipation.

"Come on Baby, why don't you pee for me. Let me see that piss soak into your jeans and run down your legs." she said smiling wickedly at me.

"Why don't you kneel down in front of me so you can get a good look?" I asked.

She smiled and did what I asked.

After a few moments I relaxed and a wet patch appeared at the head of my semi-erect cock.

Mum sighed and said, "Mmmm! Is that nice Baby?"

"Fuck Mum, that's so good."

We both giggled as I emptied my bladder. When done, I moved and sat on the chair.

"Why don't you come and sit on my lap Mum?"

"I thought you'd never ask." she said with a laugh.

She turned and stuck her rear towards me and I put my hands out and said, "No. Facing me. I want you to get yourself tight into me."

"Oh. Okay." With that she turned around and lifted her leg over my lap and sat down, facing me.

I put my hands around her waist and rested them on her rear, pulling her tight into me.

"Ready?" she asked.

"Whenever you are." I hesitated and then asked, "Do you mind if I rub your pussy while you pee?"

"Well, I'm not going to be able to close my legs to stop you am I. The one thing I will say is if you do rub my pussy I'm going pee on your hand."

I looked up at her to see her burst into laughter. I just shoved my hand down between us and started rubbing her crotch. She gasped and said, "You little bastard. You're not supposed to do that to your mother." She then grinned like a Cheshire Cat and the warmth hit my hand and then it continued into my lap and around my cock and further down around my thighs and rear. It was sort of weird that something that should be disgusting felt so exciting and pleasurable. Mum started squirming around on my lap as the expression on her face became a little more serious.

"Rub harder." she demanded and I rubbed harder and faster.

She started shaking and trembling and then threw her head back and shouted, "FUCK!"

She grabbed my hand and stopped me and sat gasping and slowly gyrating her pelvis as her trembling lessened. I was aware that she must have climaxed and waited patiently for her to recover. She suddenly leaned forward into me and then grasped my face in her hands. Lifting it to look at her she pressed her lips to mine. It was an unexpectedly tender kiss which I returned. Her tongue ran across my lips and she suddenly gave a little sob and breaking the kiss she whispered in my ear. "James can I stay with you tonight. I want you to make love to me. I love you and I'm so sorry about the past and thankful to you for showing me how wrong I was and allowing me the time to change." Her head went down onto my shoulder and she seemed to be crying.

"Hey? What's the matter?" I asked, really surprised at her crying.

"I don't know. I just need to be loved. I feel so alone and just want to sleep with you and want you to hold me and make me feel safe."

"Of course, you can stay. Look, let's clean ourselves up and we can get a take-away and watch a film or something."

"Thank you Darling." She said with a little sob.

We showered and ordered in a Chinese and after eating we sat and watched some television. Mum was cuddled into me just sat wanting the physical connection with me. We didn't talk much before we went to bed.

My mother became my lover that night. It wasn't just about the sex, it was also about the emotional connection between us. Even though this type of connection would rarely be between immediate family members, for her it seemed that connection had been made with her son. I made love to her and she seemed to just want to hold on to me. She was continually kissing and holding me as we made love. It couldn't be considered as fucking as Mum was completely passive. I was doing this to her, rather than us doing it together. After we both climaxed she just kept kissing me and holding me. She seemed completely vulnerable and I just held her until she fell asleep.


That was the start of a ten-year physical relationship with my mother. Something that I couldn't have imagined when we fell out at my dad's funeral. After that Mum met Charlie who she started dating. She did talk with me about it and asked me if I minded. I told her that she needed a life partner and it shouldn't be me. She eventually married Charlie and settled down with him. He was fairly wealthy and provided Mum with a life full of travel, entertainment and most of all friends that she enjoyed, but also they enjoyed her company. From time to time we would talk about perhaps getting together for a bit of watersports, but I always posed the question about how she would feel if it was Charlie with his daughter doing this. She understood and then stopped asking me. I also married and had a couple of kids with my wife Tracey. The kids always enjoyed their visits to their grandparents.

The only other outcome from Mum's change was something that happened only once. I got a visit from Angela completely out of the blue and we ended up fucking each other. It was one night of sex that was never repeated. Angela was always appreciative of that night but decided that despite how good it was, it wasn't appropriate for her to have a significant relationship with someone young enough to be her son. We kept it quiet from Mum, so we thought, but one or both of us must have said something that brought Mum to the conclusion that we had slept together. I expected Mum to go ballistic but she talked to me about it and said that we shouldn't let Angela know that she knows and that she had no right to be jealous because what we were doing was illegal. She also said that she hoped Angela enjoyed it and she didn't mind if Angela and I did it again.

For me, I was forever grateful that the woman who left, who should have been ever present in my life, had the strength to understand and accept that she was the one at fault and do something about it. With her return it resulted in us enjoying a truly close relationship with the one remaining family member we both had, giving me the chance to love a woman I truly thought I had lost, even though in a very unconventional way for a while, at least.


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