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78.8% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3231: RAISE ME UP

Chapitre 3231: RAISE ME UP

My mother was a massive slut. I still don't know who my father is as, well, as I said, she was a massive slut and, from what I learned, fucked anywhere up to a dozen guys in the time I was more than likely conceived. I still have visions of her going on one of those American talk shows in an effort to find my father. What made it even worse is that she didn't even know the name of half of them. I heard stories that she would sometimes sleep with two or three different men a night...

Don't get me wrong, although I call her a slut, it was her life, and she was free to do what she wanted. But even though I called her 'Mum', she was a horrible mother, and I wouldn't have wished her on my worst enemy. Within a year of me being born, I was being dumped on my grandparents more often than not so she could head out to drink, dance, get high, and fuck anything with a heartbeat and a hard cock.

The apartment we lived in was a pigsty most of the time. Somehow, she did manage to keep a job. No idea how she did, nor what she did, considering she spent half her time hungover or recovering from whatever drugs she was taking. More than once a week, I went to bed hungry as there wasn't enough food in the house. My grandparents were a godsend, doing what they could to help me when Mum would disappear for a day or two. By the time I was a teenager, she could and usually would disappear for a week or more.

More than one man would become a temporary resident of our apartment. Mum had no plans on making any of them any sort of father figure. They were simply flavour of the month before they were shown the door, or they tired of her shit and left her. Thankfully, most of them ignored me. One or two proved to be rather kind, and I was sadder to see them go than still have my mother in my life.

Life wasn't great. School was a means of escape. My grandparents funded after school activities, so I had a reason not to go home. On a weekend, I'd spend time with friends, or head to my grandparents on a Friday night and not return home until Sunday night. Most of the time, my mother didn't even notice I was gone. I walked into the apartment more than once on a Sunday to find her completely fucked up out of her mind, yet somehow, she'd manage to get up for work on a Monday morning.

Then she made the situation even worse when I was sixteen by getting pregnant again. When she told me, I honestly thought she was going to have an abortion. She'd barely raised me. The idea of another unfortunate child ending up in our situation? I already felt sorry for my future brother or sister.

"Who's the father?" I wondered. All she did was smirk and shrug. "So another innocent child is going to be given the treatment I was." I clapped sarcastically. "Ever heard of birth control? Or how about just shutting your fucking legs for a change?"

She stood up and tried to intimidate me. "I'm your mother. I will not be spoken to that way."

I stood up and towered over her before looking around. "Mother? I fail to see one here. All I see is... you. Honestly, why didn't you just dump me with my grandparents and allow me to stay there instead of having me endure all your bullshit?"

"You're my son. And you're mine."

"I'm not a possession or a toy. And while I might be considered your son in the eyes of the law, you're hardly what I'd call a fit mother. Fuck, I would have been better off being an abortion than having to endure this shit for the past sixteen years."

She'd actually been pregnant longer than she realised, so by the time she gave birth to my sister, I was still sixteen. When she brought my little sister home for the first time, I felt that overwhelming desire to protect her, most importantly from the mother we now shared. As soon as she was a couple of months old, Mum was back to her old habits, and I was left looking after my sister. My grandparents were aware and did what they could to assist.

I asked them about calling child services or something. They both admitted to thinking about it more than once, but worried they wouldn't get custody of me, and then custody of my sister, believing we would end up going through the system. I could understand their worry about losing contact with us, so I simply resolved myself to make the best of the situation. It wasn't easy, considering I was both going to school and working...

Two months after I turned seventeen, I arrived home from school and immediately I felt something wasn't right. Firstly, my little sister was crying her eyes out in her crib. I could smell her soiled nappy as soon as I entered the bedroom, so made sure I washed and then changed her. Once she was settled down after enjoying a bottle, I wandered around the house, and nothing looked untoward until I entered our mother's bedroom.

All her clothes and possessions were gone.

"Oh shit!" I stated, phone immediately in my hand as I called my grandparents. They arrived quickly to find me looking after my little sister. Taking a look around the apartment themselves, they were not particularly surprised to find our mother had just packed up and practically fled from her responsibilities. There was no message left on any of our phones, no note explaining where she'd gone, nor why she'd chosen to abandon us.

Sitting down for dinner with them, it was a case of deciding what to do. The immediate offer was for both of us to move in with our grandparents, but part of me didn't want to be a burden on them. They'd already raised children of their own. Realising I didn't want to move out and noticing that I was already doting on my little sister, I didn't miss the glance and smile they shared.

"How about this, Mark?" my grandfather offered, "You stay here, stay in school until you graduate, keep doing your part-time work, and then you can decide if you want to keep studying or go out to work. While you're doing that, we will support you financially, while your grandmother will help babysit while you're at school and work."

"This place could do with a clean from top to bottom," my grandmother added, "We'll do that this weekend, Mark. The entire place. We'll look into replacing a few things too."

"I'll contact the landlord about changing the locks," I suggested, "I've dealt with him more than once as Mum was practically incapable of doing anything."

"Can't even call her," my grandfather muttered, shaking his head in disgust. She'd left behind her phone and any other means of being able to contact her. We had no idea if she'd left alone or with someone else, "How does that sound, Mark?"

"You're a responsible young man, Mark," my grandmother said with a smile, "But are you sure you want to raise your sister alone?"

I looked at her and felt the smile form but also my eyes get wet. "She's all I have, except for you two," I whispered, "The day Mum brought her home, I felt this surge of love that I know I'll probably never experience again until I have children of my own."

She was only six months old at the time, but I already felt more like her father than her brother, particularly compared to her mother, who had done practically nothing in regard to raising her once she'd brought her home. My grandparents stayed for dinner, and after I'd put my sister down for the night, we put our heads together and put together a few plans.

I knew I wasn't going to continue my studies once I finished high school. My grandparents were supportive, aware I wanted to go out and start making a wage. Thankfully, my grandfather had many friends around the city, getting me a great gig at a mechanic's workshop nearby. Though I would start as an apprentice, he made sure I had plenty of secondary work that would be cash in hand to supplement my meagre wage at first.

The small apartment I called home was freshened up within the first fortnight after my mother's departure, my grandparents spending a bit of money to make everything nicer. And I made sure I was present for all my little sister's big moments. I saw her take her first step. I was present for her first word. I loved making her laugh and giggle once those noises started.

Trying not to rely on my grandparents too much, once I was working, I managed to settle into a routine. I didn't want my grandmother to look after her every day, so we organised a babysitter to help out. We couldn't afford a nanny, even when pooling resources, but managed to find someone willing to keep my little sister occupied.

Until she started going to school, I would watch her grow up slowly with each passing month. She was a precocious little thing by the time she was three and four. Blonde hair up in pigtails more often than not. Big and expressive blue eyes. She was very inquisitive, always asking questions, and there was no doubt I was her hero.

The awkward point was not long after she started primary school and she asked about her mother. Then she asked about her father. I'd been her father figure nearly her entire life, but she'd never called me by anything but my name. I hadn't explained the situation to her because I simply thought she was too young to understand.

"Are you my daddy, Mark?" she asked in that cute little voice of hers.

I knew if I said no, I'd break her little heart. Picking her up, I sat her on my lap and asked, "Would you like me to be your daddy?"

"You've always been my daddy." I had to look away and blink away tears that started to form as she did her best to wrap her little arms around me. "I love you, Daddy," she said softly.

That did me in. I cried quietly as I hugged her back, remaining silent for a couple of minutes. "I love you too, sweetheart," I finally whispered.

"What about mummy?"

"I'm not sure you're old enough to understand, but I'll try. Mum... She left, sweetheart. She wasn't well, and she thought it best if I raised you instead."

I had no photos of our mother in the house. As far as I was concerned, she no longer existed. We'd heard nothing from her since the day she'd walked out. The only way I checked to see if she was still alive was by checking the obituaries in the newspaper and keeping an eye on the news. I had no idea if she was still a drunk and more than likely dabbling in drugs.

"So is it just you and me, Daddy?"

"You and me against the world, sweetie. But grandma and grandpop will be here to help us too."

Unfortunately, they both passed away by the time my little sister was ten, and that left me and my sister very much alone in the world. Having no idea who our fathers were, we couldn't rely on any sort of paternal relationship with grandparents from that side, and our mother had been an only child. The only godsend was the fact I still had some close friends who I relied on more for the mental rather than physical support.

Our grandparents left their home to the two of us, so it allowed us to move out of the apartment and into a home we could call our own. They also left us a fund with enough money that we'd be comfortable though not enough that I could ever really stop working, and I made sure most of the money was left to the side for my little sister.

"Have you ever heard from our mother?" she asked one evening over dinner just after she'd entered her teenage years.

"Not a word, sweetheart. Why do you ask?"

"I can't help thinking about her, that's all. All my friends have mothers and fathers. I've put enough together over the years to know things were not great..."

"I'm still not sure you're ready for the whole truth, sweetheart."

"You'll tell me one day, won't you, Daddy?"

She knew by now I wasn't her father. Technically, I was old enough to be her father, but I'd shown her the birth certificate, listing our mother with no name for the father. That didn't stop her calling me 'Daddy' though. She did amuse me from time to time, asking why I didn't date all that much. I did occasionally date before she was ten and we lost our grandparents, but ever since then, I simply didn't have the time to worry about that.

Though I did my best to raise and protect her, and she was always respectful to me, I also knew she was a young woman coming into her own by the time she entered her teenage years. I gave her advice when it was needed, but I remembered my time as a teenager. I made plenty of faux pas, always learned from them, and my grandparents had always been full of advice.

One of the surprising joys about my little sister growing up was teaching her to drive. The day after she turned sixteen, I took her to the nearest state government offices so she could complete the test before she was handed her learners permit, logbook and the plates she'd have to put on my car. For the next year, at least three times a week, we'd go out together so she could get her hours up. Only in the last couple of months did I organise her to spend time with an official instructor.

She passed first time the day after her seventeenth birthday. She was so excited exiting the office, she jumped and wrapped her limbs around me, laughing and crying at the same time as I returned a gentle squeeze. "I'm proud of you, sweetheart."

I bought her a used car so she could have independence, but despite working part-time to make her own money, my little sister was content to spend much of her time with me during the week and weekends. I had no doubt our lives had forced us closer together. Our bond felt almost unbreakable. The love we shared was incredibly deep as we both knew we only had each other. I dreaded the very idea she wouldn't be in my life constantly, though I knew she would one day meet a man and start a family of her own.


Looking up from my plate to my sister smiling, I asked, "Yeah, Steph?"

Not sure I've mentioned her name yet. She'd been christened Stephanie, but I'd called her Steph from a young age. Well, to be honest, she'd always been a version of sweetheart or sweetie. "I've been thinking and... I'd like to go to university."

I was surprised she was so nervous mentioning it. I knew how smart my sister was. Far smarter than me, for starters. Her grades were fantastic, and her exam results put her as the cream of the crop. Laying down my knife and fork, I couldn't help smiling, and when her face lit up, she knew I had good news. "First of all, you should know that you go to university without paying until afterwards, but that being the case, our grandparents ensured we would both be okay financially. I've made sure enough money has been saved so you won't have to pay back money for years."


"There's also money for you to start you own life eventually. Not enough for a down payment on a house or anything, but enough for you to perhaps enjoy yourself."

"What about you, Daddy? You've put your life on hold for me for nearly eighteen years."

Smiling, I reached over to take one of her soft hands in mine. Her blonde hair now hung down past her shoulders, though she usually wore it in a ponytail. Her blue eyes were now covered by thin framed glasses as we'd learned early on that she did have vision problems. Her slightly paler skin was otherwise flawless as I knew she had a long and involve skincare routine. She'd worried about pimples and such during her earlier teenage years.

"I'd do it all again in a heartbeat, sweetie. You're the most important person in my life."

Her lower lip started to tremble and her barely five-two body ended up cuddling me as she sat astride my lap. "But you could have had children of your own? I know I call you 'daddy', but you could have had your own family..."

"As I said, sweetie, you were the most important part of my life and will continue to be so until you find a man or a woman of your own." She gave me a look about the woman part, which made me laugh. "Hey, it's the modern world. I don't ask too many questions about your private life."

"I would ask about yours..."

"I have dated a bit more in the past couple of years, but I don't like bringing strange women back here. I know you're not looking for a mother, but some women would perhaps have the idea that I'm expecting them to be some sort of mother figure."

"Well, I'll be eighteen soon and you won't have to worry about it anymore."

"You're not thinking of moving out, are you?"

She cuddled me tighter. "Think you're getting rid of me that easily, Daddy?"

"I hope not. I'd be left feeling rather lonely in this house if you were to go."

She leaned back for a moment before kissing my stubbled cheek. "I'm both your little sister and your daughter..." She stopped and I heard the choked sob. I guess she was feeling a little emotional. "I love you so much, Mark. So, so much. Thank you for everything."

She rarely called me by my name, only when she was proving a point or showing how serious she was. I didn't mind what she called me, within reason.

One thing I wasn't sure about was what to do for her eighteenth birthday. I knew enough about making sure it was a special day, but when it came to presents, she never asked me for much as she made her own money, and I'd told her from the moment she received her first paycheque that any money she earned working part-time was hers alone.

In the end, it was a night out with her brother and her closest friends. I knew most of her friends rather well, as I'd allowed her to have sleepovers during a weekend the older that she got, and the only thing our house did lack was an outside pool. Thankfully, my sister and all her friends were well behaved as she enjoyed her first night legally drinking alcohol. Whether she'd actually tried it before, I didn't ask and she didn't tell, but I couldn't ever remember her arriving home drunk.

It was her night out to celebrate so I stuck to soft drink or water. My sister loved music as much as anyone, and also liked a dance, so when she asked if she and her friends could go to a club, I said that was fine, but I was going to go home. That wasn't a good idea as I quickly had ten very attractive young women, all the age of eighteen, almost pleading with me not to go home, my sister front and

centre and the most vocal.

"You sure you want me hanging around? I mean, I am old enough to..."

Stephanie put a finger to my lips. "You're my father and brother all wrapped into one!" she exclaimed before hugging me tightly, and I soon had another couple of young women hugging me, "Please don't go home, Mark. Maybe you'd like to dance with me and my friends?"

If you remember how old I was when my little sister was born, I was a man in his thirties surrounded by eighteen-year-olds. I'm sure many would make their judgement, but in the end, I did what made my sister happy. Heading into the club, I noticed one or two looks as I made my way to the bar as the girls all wanted to a shot before hitting the dance floor.

They all wanted to dance with me, but it's fair to say that my sister tried her best to monopolise most of my time. When a slower song came on, she practically wrapped her body around mine, resting her head against my chest. I noticed the looks of her friends, all of them smiling, aware of our situation and how close we were. They knew of the sacrifices I'd made for my little sister.

I danced with all of the girls by the time they were ready to call it quits for the night. All of us lived in the suburbs, so I made sure they were all in taxis first before I hailed one down to take my sister and myself home. She was asleep by the time we arrived home, paying the driver before carrying her inside and to her bedroom. Taking off her dress and shoes, I couldn't help glancing at the rather sexy lingerie she was wearing, left wondering when she'd bought it. Just another reminder that my little sister was now a woman.After a quick shower, I wandered to my bedroom and was getting ready for bed, one last check that Stephanie was okay. She hadn't drunk too much, but it was her first night drinking alcohol. She'd already turned onto her side, cuddling the teddy bear that she'd had since she was around ten years old. She looked far too adorable. In moments like that, she was still that precocious little girl I remembered fondly.

Waking up the next morning, I felt the presence of a warm body next to me, glancing to see Stephanie curled up next to me. It was the first time that had happened in a while. When she was younger, the occasional nightmare had her knocking on my door, holding her first teddy bear, almost crying that she was scared. I'd get up, scoop her up in my arms, and she'd snuggle against me, feeling safe and sound as I told her that I'd protect her.

Rolling onto my side, I watched her sleep until her eyes slowly opened. The first thing she did was blush. "This hasn't happened in a while..."

"I didn't mean to fall asleep," she whispered.

"You had a good night out with your friends. And carrying you around was easy."

"What did you think?"

"About what?"

"My lingerie."

"Reminded me you're no longer a little girl."

"But did you like it?"

"You're a beautiful young woman, Steph. Wearing something like that simply accentuates your beauty."

She snuggled closer to me as I turned onto my side to give her a hug. Given I was only in boxer briefs, and she was in lingerie, adding the fact it was the morning, I had to keep my lower body away from her considering I was nursing the usual morning wood. I eventually got up, and after the usual morning routine, offered to make her breakfast. I made close enough to a full English for us, sitting down at the table, my sister wrapping a robe around her body.

Her birthday had fallen only a couple of months before her final exams. She'd then have Christmas off, the new year, then summer holidays before she would start her first semester at university in late February. She already worked a part-time job at a nearby supermarket a couple of days a week. She didn't have to work, but she sat me down and said work experience would good look on her CV.

Life continued as normal for us both though I didn't miss one thing, the growing affection from my little sister towards me. Don't get me wrong, we'd always been close, and we'd never been shy in showing affection. Endless hugs and my sister would always kiss my cheek as much I'd kiss her on the cheek, particularly when arriving home from work, and she'd always get a goodnight kiss from her older brother.

There was no missing a couple of things that were different. My sister was spending far more time at home and would now cuddle up against me all the time. Her clothing changed as she had no problem showing off far more skin. And she seemed to know what I liked, as she was always showing off her long legs, and no matter what sort of top she was wearing, she ensured cleavage was on display. More than once, I was ready to ask what would be considered weird or uncomfortable questions, but I also didn't want to embarrass her.

But it was the fact I woke up more often than not to find her snuggling against me in bed that suggested her feelings for me were now changing from that of her older brother and father figure into something else entirely. The concern was she was an eighteen-year-old woman with some maturing to do. I was thirty-four and was the responsible one. I had been responsible for her nearly my entire life. I'd raised her from a tiny baby to the woman she was now.

She passed her exams with flying colours and obtained entrance to the university she wanted, meaning she could remain living at home. During the summer holidays, she picked up more hours at her job, but was still home every day that I would walk through the front door. She'd always greet me with a kiss on the cheek and a cuddle, insisting I sit down as she was preparing dinner for us.

"You know what we've never discussed, Steph," I stated once we'd sat down for dinner, "Your personal life."

I almost chuckled at the blush that immediately appeared. "Nothing much to discuss, Mark."

I had taken note that, since turning eighteen, she'd stopped calling me 'Daddy'. I didn't mind, but it was another sign she was no longer a child, and though I was content with the job I'd done raising her, part of me did miss being called that as a sign of how close we were. "Why not, Steph? You're a beautiful young woman but I don't remember you ever mentioning any boys."

"Well, there is one guy I like. I like him a lot."

"Know him from school or your work?"

"I've known him for years." She chewed on a piece of toast before continuing. "He's a wonderful man. More than anything, I want him as my first."

"You're a virgin?" She gave me a look, immediately starting to apologise, though it just made her giggle. "I didn't mean it how it sounded. I just meant that, well, you're a beautiful young woman, Steph..."

"I was tempted to fool around with a couple of friends. I mean girlfriends. It's easier for girls to experiment. No-one cares."

"But you haven't?"

"No." She paused before asking softly, "You're aware I've bought, um... You know... Toys..."

"I'm aware, Steph. It wasn't my place to say anything. Add to that, you are my sister. What you do in privacy is, well, your concern."

"What about you, Mark? I haven't seen you bring a girl home in years."

"On the few dates I have that do end in sex, we either go to a hotel or I'll go to their place. But given that I've never been particularly interested in meaningless sex..."

"You want to fall in love?"

"I've only ever fallen in love once, Steph."

"Who with?"

"You, Steph. The day our mother brought you home, I fell in love with you. I made it my aim from that day to love you, nurture you, protect you, and do everything in my power to ensure you turned into the intelligent, beautiful young woman I see in front of me today."

She burst into tears and was quickly sitting on my lap. Dinner was abandoned as I lifted her up and carried her to the living room, ensuring she was still on my lap as I held her tight in my arms. "I love you too, Mark," she sobbed.

"My entire life for the past eighteen plus years has been simply about you, Steph. I didn't abandon any plans nor sacrifice anything. I chose to take on the responsibility of raising you as my own because that's how much I loved you. The only good thing our mother ever did was give birth to you. The best thing she ever was leave so I could raise you right."

Turning to straddle my lap, she continued to cry quietly as I caressed her back. It didn't take long for her to calm down, but when I took a moment to think about it, it was the first time I'd been completely honest about what I'd done for her. I'd never wanted her to feel guilty about what I'd had to do. I'd done it willingly, and if I had to make the choice again, I'd choose my little sister each and every time, without hesitation.

I woke in the middle of the next morning to find my sister snuggled against me again. It was the first time since her birthday, but after the confession of the previous evening, I wasn't surprised. Wrapping an arm around her, she woke up enough to cuddle as close as possible. "I love you so much," she murmured. Kissing her forehead, she sighed and was asleep again immediately.

For the next few weeks, until she started again at university, I would wake up more mornings than not to find Stephanie in bed with me. And as it was summer and rather warm, she'd usually be wearing little more than bra and panties. Occasionally, I would have rolled over and, still asleep, take her in my arms, so when I woke up in the morning, she was spooned against me. Always felt a little weird, considering I woke up with an erection, and she either didn't notice or care.

The one thing that changed most of all is that Stephanie became more, for want of a better word, sexual. And I realised things were changing the day I arrived home from work to find dinner bubbling away on the stove but no sign of my sister. Walking to my bedroom to get changed, I had to pass by her room, and it was as I got closer that I heard sounds I did recognise.

"Yes," she moaned softly, "Oh fuck, that's good..."

I stopped before her doorway as I was sure she hadn't heard me come in. I had a good idea of what she was doing. To do it with the door open, and knowing what time I usually arrived home from work, dd have me wondering...

"Oh god!" she cried out, "Oh Mark... That's it, pleasure your little sister... I love you..."

I felt my cheeks grow warm as what she just cried out confirmed long held suspicions that the man she was in love with was her older brother. Taking a deep breath, I moved to stand in the doorway, noticing my sister's nubile naked form on the bed. I thought she would have been using one of her toys, but she had two fingers buried in her pussy, her other hand fondling her clit.

She opened her eyes and knew I was there, glancing my way and whimpering. "Daddy," she moaned softly. Okay, I won't lie. Instant boner. Walking towards the bed, she didn't relent on masturbating though her eyes never left mine as I sat on the edge of the bed. "I love my big brother so much," she moaned, her entire body shuddering, "Does he like what I'm doing?"


"I'm just masturbating and fantasising, big brother," she moaned, "Fantasising about him taking me to his bedroom, stripping naked himself, and joining me." She whimpered, shuddered, and I knew she was close. "Oh my god, the idea of my big brother using his mouth on me, making me cum... Then sliding his big cock inside me for the first time..."

Her orgasm was a thing of beauty, though once it passed, she needed a little cry. I lifted her up, not caring she was naked, and held her against my chest. "It's a confusing time, Steph," I whispered into her ear, "Even at eighteen, hormones are going crazy." Sighing, I knew what I said next would hurt. "But you're also my little sister. I love you more than anything. I'd lay my life down for you. But it's because you're my little sister... I'm sixteen years older than you, Steph..."

Before I could move, she lifted her head to kiss me, and being the occasionally weak man that I am, I kissed her back for a few seconds before I finally pulled back. "Please," she whimpered, "Please love me."

The heartbreak in her tone nearly broke me, needing to blink a few times to control my own emotions. "I do love you, Steph. There is no-one else on this planet I could possibly love more. It's okay for you to fantasise, but fantasy can't be reality. If we're caught..."

I gently picked her up and laid her down, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. "You're absolutely gorgeous, Stephanie. You're going to make one lucky man incredibly happy in the future. But it can't be me. It just can't."

Of course, that same night, I woke up to find my little sister naked in bed with me. Sighing to myself, I was far too tired to take her back to her bedroom. "Please let me stay," she whispered, so I could only assume I woke up when she slid into bed with me.


"Just sleeping. That's okay."

"You're going to try and wear me down, aren't you?"

"You love me too much, Mark." Wrapping an arm around her, her hand ended up on my chest and I felt her warm pussy against my thigh. Running her fingers through my faint chest hair, she nuzzled into me, brushing her lips against my cheek. "Did you like my sweet little pussy, Mark? I keep a little strip of hair above just so you know where to aim your big cock."

I couldn't help laughing for a few seconds. "Behave, Steph," I warned.

"I've practiced giving blowjobs with one of my dildos. When did you last get a blowjob?"

Sighing, I finally replied, "It's been a while."

"And when did you last get laid?"

"Getting laid wasn't too long ago, but she didn't suck cock. Wanted me to go down on her though."

"Selfish bitch. I'd suck your cock every day, Mark." Snuggling into me even tighter, her hot breath on my neck, I felt her almost rubbing herself against me. "If I was your girlfriend, would you go down on me all the time?"

I should have shut the conversation down, but I was tired and also horny. I hadn't been laid in a couple of months. And I had a naked woman in my bed. Yes, she was my sister, but I thought talking was one thing, doing anything physical was another. She'd been tempting me for months by now. I'd been thinking about it in bed for at least a couple of hours before I finally drifted off.

"I love eating pussy, Steph," I finally admitted.

"Ever made love to a virgin?" she whispered into my ear.

"Twice, actually. Both times while I was still at school."

"So you could have a third one if you wanted."

"Behave, Steph." Hearing her giggle always made me smile. "I do understand how you feel, Steph. I truly do."

"You still love me?"

"I'll never stop, Steph."

"I love you."

"I know. I love you. Now go to sleep as I have work in the morning."

Things changed rather quickly in our household. My sister started to wear ever more revealing clothing around the house. Sometimes, she would wear nothing more than a bra and panties while sitting on the couch, ensuring she was sitting rather provocatively so I'd get an eyeful of what she had to offer. She would slip into my bed most nights, sometimes without waking me, other times I'd wake up and just sigh before I'd cuddle her.

And the masturbating went to new lengths. It wasn't just in her bedroom. I'd walk into the living room, kitchen, bathroom, backyard, laundry room to find her fingers buried in her pussy or she'd just be rubbing her clit to get herself off. The one place I never found her was my bedroom. I think she understood that would be a step too far.

After a few months of this, I'd given into temptation, at least partially, in that I'd just sit and watch her whenever she was masturbating. She loved putting on a show for me, and my resistance was slowly but surely waning. Unless she chose to move out, I knew the continued closeness would eventually lead to me giving in to my own thoughts and feelings, doing my best to keep everything buried. To be honest, watching my little sister bring herself to orgasm over and over again was the most beautiful thing in the world.

She would tease me when joining me in bed, generally ending up spooning back against me, rubbing her bare arse against my cock. She would grab my hand and ensure I was holding one of her breasts while I was asleep, and more than once, she would freely masturbate while she was lying against me.

The one thing she never did was touch me in return, referring only my cock. She seemed to realise there was a limit to everything she could do with me, and I always made sure I was at least wearing underwear, particularly when I was in bed, and I knew she'd end up sleeping with me. It reached a point where I just told her I was going to bed and she'd just follow me, cuddling up to me before I turned off the light.

"I love cuddling with my big brother," she'd whisper.

"I love cuddling my little sister," I'd whisper back, because I was honest with her. I did enjoy her presence with me. I'd rarely had someone in bed with me, and having her warm body against me, feeling her love radiating outwards for me.

I knew the situation couldn't continue forever. Stephanie had already told me how she felt and wasn't shy in proving how much she loved me. It was a case of if or when I'd break and give into temptation. The main problem I faced is that I had no-one to talk to. Who could I possible talk to about something like this? Even if our grandparents were alive, I wouldn't have been able to talk to them about it.

The first crack was after a particularly bad day at work. I'd arrived home in a bad mood, and although I never took it out on my little sister, she'd give me space as I needed time to just unwind and relax. We ate dinner and it was unusually quiet as I was still pissed about nearly everything that happened during the day.

Sitting in the living room a little later, I was absent-mindedly watching television when she strolled in without a stitch of clothing covering her body. Before I could actually comprehend what she was doing, I had my naked, eighteen-year-old sister straddling my lap and I couldn't control the erection that immediately formed. She felt it and pushed down before leaning forward to kiss me. I couldn't help myself as I kissed her back, and as my tongue slid into her mouth, her arms wrapped around me as I pulled her tight to my body.

I have no idea how long we kissed, but by the time we pulled apart, her entire face was flushed, and I could feel a dampness on my crotch, but I don't think anything could have wiped the smile from, her face. "Feel better now that your gorgeous, naked sister is on your lap?"

"It's been a shit day," I muttered.

Lifting my chin with her hand, she leaned forward to leave a soft kiss on my lips. "But surely you're very cute and naked little sister will help you feel better, Mark?"

Running my hands up and down her back to her arse, she chuckled when I gave each of her firm little cheeks a squeeze. Moving my hands back up, I rounded them towards her breasts, ever so slightly running my thumbs over her nipples, which were already hard and needed attention, Stephanie biting her bottom lip as she pressed down on my cock again.

"You're not going to give up, are you?"

"I'm in love with you, Mark. You're the only man I want."

Hugging her to my body, she sighed happily as I gently stroked her back. We stayed like that for what felt like half the night before I told her I needed to shower and go to bed. Standing up, she offered her hand and led me towards the bathroom. Closing the door, she helped undress me until I was down to my underwear.

"I've never seen your cock, Mark..."

"I should stop you right here, Steph, but I would like your company in the shower. Then you're going to come to bed with me."

Lowering my boxer briefs, her eyes lit up as I wasn't completely hard, but it wouldn't take much to get me rock hard again. Stepping into the shower once the water was warm, she followed me and pressed her body against mine, smiling up at me as my cock instantly hardened and pressed against her.

"I think my little sister is a little dirty," I whispered.

"Very dirty," she whispered back, "So many naughty thoughts about her big brother. Then the fact she masturbates constantly, her only thought about her brother and wanting nothing more than to feel his big cock sliding inside her, leaving his cum inside her and making babies."

That made me blink at her in silence for a few seconds. "You want children with me?" Nodding eagerly, I couldn't stop the smile that formed. "I know you're serious, Steph, but that's a big deal considering who we are to each other."

"You raised me alone in a house of love, Mark, but you were alone doing it for so long." She took one of my hands, holding it to her chest between her breasts. "When we have children, they will have a mother and a father who will love them, raise them right, and never abandon them."

I washed her up and down more than once, not avoiding her breasts though I did avoid her pussy. She moaned with disappointment more than once as I knowingly teased her. When she returned the favour, she gazed into my eyes as she didn't hesitate in taking my cock in her hand for the first time. "Holy shit, you're thick," she murmured.

"Thanks," I managed to reply, "You're meant to be cleaning me, not jerking me off, sweetie."

"I am cleaning you," she retorted, "Just incredibly thoroughly."

She finally moved her hand away but there was no doubt that she was distracted by my erection. Taking the shower head, I washed her down before she returned the favour. Attaching it back in place, I pulled her tight to my body and cuddled her again. "You're my little sister," I stated softly."I know, Mark. But I'm head over heels in love with you."

"More than aware of that, sweetie."

"How do you feel about me?"

"I'm doing my best to be the responsible one here, Steph. You realise I'm much older than you. Even if you weren't my sister, if we were to date, the amount of judgement would make the relationship almost impossible."

"I don't care what people think, Mark. I only care what you think."

With a sigh, I switched off the water and stepped out, handing her a towel before grabbing mine, ensuring we were both dry, hanging up our towels before I walked her as naked as I was towards my bedroom, as I figured she wasn't even going to bother going to her own room. For the first time I could remember, I didn't put on any underwear, sliding into bed as she joined me.

Lying on our sides, she shuffled as close as possible, her gorgeous eyes gazing into mine, full of all her love for me. "I can wait for you, Mark," she whispered, "As long as you need. I'm confident that you love me so much that you will eventually realise we'd be doing nothing wrong, we'd be simply showing our love for each other by being intimate."

"You know it's incest, right?"

"Just makes it better, Mark. You're my brother, but in many ways, you're also my daddy. The man who raised me."

"You know no-one can ever know?"

"What family do we have left, Mark? The only people we would need to keep a secret from would be our friends. Being honest, I'd rather leave with you and live openly as a couple than stay here and have to hide the fact we're in love."

"You mean that, don't you?"

"I love my friends, Mark. I'm in love with you. I'm head over heels, stupidly crazy, can't function without you in my life, want to be with you forever, that sort of in love with you."

Pulling her close, I sensed her smile as she felt my cock gently poke her. "Everything in my brain is telling me not to do this, Steph," I whispered.

"I know, Mark. You're the mature one. Responsible. Father and brother all in one. I'm your little sister but also your little girl in many ways. But I'm eighteen and have been for months. I'm a sexual being. I masturbate like crazy. I watch porn so I could learn how to suck your cock and know what it'll be like when we make love. Most importantly, I know what I want and that is you, Mark."

"You own my heart already, Stephanie. You know that, right?" Those words made her cry, burying her head into my chest as I pulled her even tighter. "I could never be with anyone else because of my love for you. And I don't mean intimately. As long as you were happy, as long as I raised you correctly, I could be content with my life. And I always thought that one day, when you did spread your wings and fly, I'd just get on with my life."

"Now you know I'm not going anywhere without you, Mark."

Waking up the next morning, my erection was pressing against her as she woke up at almost the same time. Rubbing herself against my erection, she lifted her leg to rest it over me, reaching down to take my cock and I felt it rest against her warm pussy. I should have stopped her there but was wondered what she was going to do. When she started to just gently rub herself against it, well, it just felt far too good to stop. At the same time, I knew she was playing with herself. Pulling her closer, she turned her head so I could leave a soft kiss on my lips, otherwise remaining silent except for the light moans that escaped her.

"Mark," she finally whimpered.

I couldn't bring myself to touch her intimately, but I could still show her all the love I had for her. Wrapping one arm around her, my other hand ran up and down her body, feeling goosebumps form as she was incredibly turned on. She rubbed against my cock faster and faster, worried if she moved the wrong way, or the right way in her mind, my cock would slide inside her.

"Oh god," she cried out... Then I felt her shudder and I knew my little sister was enjoying one hell of an orgasm. I pulled her tighter to my body as she rubbed herself even harder against my cock. "Oh god yes," she whimpered, "Oh fuck, it feels so good..."

"You're so beautiful," I whispered into her ear, "And I love how hot and wet your little pussy is."

That made her turn her head to kiss me. "Will you touch my pussy, Mark?" she asked softly, before another moan escaped her.

"Not right now. What you're doing with my cock has well and truly crossed a line already."

"It feels really good against my pussy."

Leaning even closer, I whispered, "And your pussy feels wonderful, sweetie."

That set off another orgasm, and that was enough for her, immediately turning around to cuddle into me, her body occasionally shuddering as she came down from the high. When her fingers wrapped around my cock, she lifted her head to meet my eyes, smiling broadly. "I think my big brother needs to cum now," she stated, "The only question is does he let me do it for him, or will he do it himself?"

"What would you prefer?"

"I want to lie back naked and watch my big brother stroke himself off, so he finishes all over me."

"You sure?" I had to ask.

"God yes, Mark."

Considering my cock was already coated in her juices, and I wouldn't last long, my sister happily rolled over onto her back, spreading her legs and I got a real good look at her body, and I couldn't help looking at her pussy. It was a thing of beauty, and I made her laugh when I licked my lips. Her scent was already driving me wild. It was something I had noticed before but had chosen to just ignore it.

"Stroke that big cock for me, brother," she murmured, "Cover me in all your cum. One day, you'll cum inside me and then, in the future, I'll carry our babies."

I lasted two minutes before I had one of the best orgasms of my life. My sister laughed away as spurt after spurt of cum landed on her, a couple as far as her chin, a couple over her tits, and the rest on her abdomen. She immediately used a finger to scoop some up to taste it, making a surprising approving noise. "Next time, I'll just suck your cock and get it straight into my mouth," she stated.

"Stephanie..." I warned.

"Mark, it's going to happen. I want it to happen. I know, in your heart, you want it to happen. But I'm prepared to wait for you. I love you so much, I'll wait as long as you need. But the day you do finally slide your cock inside me, you'll know it would be the right and only decision."

"When did you become so resolute and determined?"

She sat up on her knees, leaning up to leave a soft kiss on my lips. "I know what I want," she replied softly, "But I also know what you want. I've been in love with you forever, Mark. You're the only man I've ever loved, and the only man I will ever love."

I needed to shower, eat breakfast and get ready for work. My sister knew enough to let me just get on with my usual morning routine though I did walk into the kitchen to find her preparing breakfast, wearing nothing but an apron, her firm little butt on display. When I was getting to leave, she was still naked, seeing me off at the door with one hell of a kiss, pressing her naked body against me.

"You should call in sick so we can just stay in bed so you can fuck me," she stated. A look must have passed through my eyes as she actually shuddered. "You thought about it, didn't you? For just a few seconds, you imagined doing just that, didn't you?"

I kissed her hard, putting all the love and passion I had into it, feeling her arms wrap around me as I pulled her tight to my body. I have no idea how long we kissed, but by the time we broke apart, we were both breathing deeply, and she looked ready to do many other things with me.

"I'll... um... I'll..."

"I love you, Steph."

That calmed her down and she smiled. "I love you too, Mark. I'll see you tonight."

"I'll take us out for dinner. Wear something sexy." I turned to walk out the door before I glanced back. "No panties. But I want to see at least thigh-highs on your legs."

"Yes, Daddy," she breathed. My cock, already at semi, stiffened immediately at the tone and the fact she called me that name again. I had a feeling she was going to use it in a bedroom setting once I did give into temptation.

Notice how I said 'once', not 'if'. I knew I'd give in eventually. She was already wearing me down. I knew I was in love with her as much as she was with me.

Work was actually a godsend in a way, allowing me to concentrate and not think about her. That was until my phone beeped, opening it up to see a selfie of my sister. It was rather tame, just a photo of her head and breasts, blowing me a kiss. The rest of the photos that followed were not as tame. The last one she sent me. I nearly burst out of my office to drive home as quickly as I could.

Arriving home, my sister was in the bathroom getting ready. She was wearing a gorgeous little black dress. Standing behind her, I ran my hands up her thighs to her arse, lifting the hem over those two perfect cheeks until they were bare. She moaned as I pressed into her, leaning down to her ear. "Teasing your brother is not a good idea," I growled.

"Are you going to spank me, Daddy?"

I managed to hold back the chuckle as her eyes met mine in the mirror. "Would you like that, Stephanie? For me to spank you for being so naughty?"

"Only when your cock is buried inside me as you fuck me from behind." Turning her around, I lifted her up on the basin, glancing down to see her pussy was now bare. "I shaved it completely for you, Daddy," she whispered, "I... I need you to go down on me. I need you to make me cum tonight. Please, Daddy..."

"You stopped using that name for me."

She smiled before replying. "I'm going to use it when we're intimate. My brother outside the bedroom, Daddy inside the bedroom."

"You've got quite the wild side, Stephanie."

"Only for you..." Resting her hands on my chest, she wrapped her legs around me as I lowed myself to kiss her. Easily picking her up, I carried her to the bedroom and laid her down as our mouths remained locked together as my work clothes slowly disappeared from my body until I was down to my underwear. Her hand immediately slid inside to grab my cock. "Oh Daddy, you're so hard for your little girl already," she stated with a smirk.


"Too much, Mark?" she asked softly, raising my eyes to meet hers. I saw the concern, worried if she was pushing me too fast.

"Not too much. I'm just doing all I can to hold myself back."

"Should we finish getting ready?"

"I'm taking my gorgeous sister out on a date!"

She got up from underneath me, smoothed down her dress, only turning back at the doorway to blow me a kiss. I waited until she was finished before I popped into the bathroom for a quick shower and shave, then picked out a nice pair of trousers and shirt, finishing off with a pair of polished shoes. My sister looked resplendent as I joined her in the living room, kissing her cheek and inhaling the mixture of deodorant and perfume.

I took her out to one of the best restaurants close to our home. Thankfully, she stuck to non-alcoholic beverages as we feasted on three courses before I treated her to an evening at a nearby bar that I knew would play the sort of music we could dance to intimately.

It was the sort of music I could hold her close and ignore the rest of the world for an evening. Her hands were on my back, her head resting against my chest, except for when she leaned back and would gaze into my eyes in silence. No-one knew us there so I had no problem kissing her. What had her smiling most of the time was the obvious erection I was sporting.

Returning to our table, I did buy us a drink, my sister wanting wine, while I sipped at a bourbon mixer. She moved her chair closer, ensuring my hand was on her thigh and I quickly had it underneath her dress, my sister widening her legs just enough so I could almost touch her pussy.

"I love it already how you tease me," she whispered.

I leaned in closer to her ear. "Are you sure about this, Steph? Last chance because I'm struggling here."

"I'm sure, Mark. I've never been sure of anything else in my life as much."

We danced again, enjoyed another drink, before we departed just before midnight. Holding hands as we walked the short distance home, as soon as we were inside and I'd checked the house was locked up, I returned to my bedroom to find Stephanie sitting on the edge of the bed. Gone was the confident young woman. Instead, there was a nervous girl looking up at me.

Sitting next to her, I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her close. "We're not having sex tonight, Stephanie. Far too quick for that happening."

That didn't stop us from making out and slowly undressing each other. To my amusement, I ended up naked first as my little sister ran her hands all over my body. I was no gym junkie or anything, but work kept me busy and the one thing I'd always ensured was that Stephanie and I ate as healthy as possible though still enjoying the occasional treat.

Helping off her dress, she smiled as she was left wearing only her black thigh-highs as she kicked off her heels. She scooted backwards as I crawled towards her, Stephanie opening her legs to give me a good look at her smooth pussy, glistening with her excitement. Stopping with my head between her legs, she bit her bottom lip but her eyes were pleading with me.

Any remaining willpower to hold back snapped at the look in her eyes. Completely and utter love and devotion, but near desperation for her brother to finally give in and pleasure her.

Lowering my head, I ran my tongue slowly up her slit to taste my little sister for the first time. I think she choked back a sob but whimpered. "Finally!"

Slowly tasting her, I let her adapt to the new sensations of my tongue touching her everywhere, wrapping my left hand around her right thigh as I knew I'd be using my right hand to do something else later. I absolutely adored the sounds that were escaping my sister after a couple of minutes. I loved her taste, her scent, how smooth her body was, gazing up to see her looking back at me, her eyes burning with lust and desire.

"Daddy," she whispered, and I'll admit, it was a turn on.

"My little girl loving what I'm doing?"

"Finally, Daddy!"

Chuckling, I resumed eating her out, but when her orgasm hit when I felt like I'd done nothing, I gave myself an imaginary fist bump before I slid a couple of fingers inside her, and found her special spot. That set her off even more, and I still hadn't even touched her clit. Her second orgasm was even better than her first, feeling her pussy squeezing my fingers tightly as I finally touched her clit.

She nearly vaulted off the bed before she sat up and I knew she needed to kiss me, feeling her tongue lick across my chin. "I taste good," she stated, "Are you going to stop?"

"God no, Steph."

She laid back with a smile as I got my little sister off again and again until she simply had to ask me to stop. Kissing up her body, I did give her nipples a bit of lick, earning a soft moan each time, before I moved up to kiss her on the lips. Reaching down to grab my cock, she placed it at her pussy, but I pulled back. "Not now, sweetie," I whispered.

"But Daddy... I need you in my pussy!"

Rolling onto my side, she rolled to spoon back against me, and I couldn't help chuckling as she practically passed out against me. I took a little longer to fall asleep as my mind was in turmoil. I knew there was turning back now. I couldn't go down on my little sister then stop anything else. Add to that, my mind was now at ease about continuing. I loved her so much that I just couldn't bring myself to make what would be the sensible decision, the one made with my brain.

I was going to let my heart decide.

Waking in the morning, Stephanie had rolled over to face me, her face lighting up in a smile as soon as I opened my eyes. After kissing me, her hand immediately moved down to take my cock in her hand, gently squeezing and stroking me. "Want a blowjob?" she asked, kissing me again, "Want me on my knees for you, Daddy?" When I growled, it earned a sweet giggle. "I want to do it for you, Daddy. Make my big brother as happy as he made me yesterday."

I hadn't cum the night before, having gone to sleep as horny as I could remember. Sliding off the bed, my sister was quickly on her knees, hand back around my cock quickly, not hesitating for a moment as her tongue ran up and down my shaft. "Fuck," I grunted as her lips wrapped around my cock, "Steph..."

"Going to blow you until you cum and I'm going to swallow all your cum, Daddy," she stated.

I was left thinking that my sister had been practicing on one of her dildos for quite a while as, frankly, she gave me one of the best jobs I could remember. Her eyes contact was exemplary. She used her mouth, tongue and hand in conjunction with real expertise. And she seemed to take real enjoyment out of giving me pleasure without receiving much in return.

As horny as I was, as turned on as I was watching my little sister stuck my cock, I must have been warning her within five minutes that I was going to cum. She moaned around my cock, and I knew she wasn't going to pull away, her free hand moving to my arse to hold me in place.

Groaning as I came, my sister squealed when the first spurt of cum blasted into her mouth, though she gazed up again and I knew she was gulping down everything I could give her. Even after I had clearly stopped climaxing, she continued to suck my cock until she used her tongue to clean me up. Sitting back on her knees, she smiled up at me.

Easily picking her up, making her squeal again, I returned the favour, my little sister learning that I hadn't lied about the fact I loved going down on a woman. When we finally walked out to start breakfast later that morning, she could barely walk as her legs had been left like jelly, but I loved the look in her eyes.

"What next?" she asked a little later as she curled up next to me on the lounge, "I mean, I know we're going to make love, but I mean for us, Mark?"

"Going to get deep and meaningful on me, sweetie."

"You said it's just you and me, Mark. Are we going to stay here?"

"I don't want to move. You're still at university and I love where I work. And though I don't see them much, I still have good friends, and you've got fantastic friends. But you're also the only family I have left, as much as I am for you." Pulling her closer so she was on my lap. "As for us, sweetie, we'll just live together, love each other, and leave the big decision for after you've graduated."

We spent the day relaxing around the apartment, cooked dinner together later that evening, and when it was time for bed, all we did was snuggle. We'd crossed a line the night before, left thinking we were both taking our time to comprehend the decision taken before we took our relationship further.

Things didn't actually progress for a few weeks, both of us feeling tentative to make that final leap. Stephanie did move into my bedroom, at least in the sense that her bed was left unused from that night we'd been intimate onwards. She returned to her education with her first year at university. That was actually a good thing, meaning she could focus on her studies and our relationship wouldn't be the only thing constantly on her mind.

Our relationship escalated on what started as a simple Friday night, arriving home before my sister as she planned to go out for dinner with a couple of friends. Being winter, I was happy to head home, order in a pizza and watch the footy. My sister would happily sit and watch with me most evenings, but I was happy she wasn't sacrificing her friendships by spending every single minute with me.

She walked in the door just as the game finished. No sign that she was drunk or even tipsy. What I did recognise was that she was unbelievably horny. Between closing the door and leaping onto my lap, her dress and heels disappeared, leaving her dressed in some very lacey lingerie and thigh-highs."Yes, I'm horny," she stated to my unasked question, "There were four of us, and the other three spent most of the night talking about the sex they have with their boyfriends. Two of them are miserable, my other friend has a good relationship, and all I could do was smile and suggested I had a man who would happily eat my pussy every night."

"What did they say to that?"

"They want to meet him! Anyway, they asked if we'd had sex, and I had to be honest and say no. They spent the next hour telling me how wonderful sex would be as long as you were the sort of man who'd give a shit about me while we made love." She leaned forward to kiss me, her tongue carefully sliding into my mouth, before she leaned back. "I'm ready, Mark. Are you?"

She wrapped her limbs around me as I stood up, kissing her as I carried her towards our bedroom. She always loved taking off my shirts, running her hands all over my body, before we moved to my pants and underwear. Lying back on her bed, I gave her entire body attention as always, removing her bra first before her panties followed next, spreading her leg so I could give her pussy some attention with my mouth first.

"They were so jealous," she moaned, "Telling them my lover licked my little pussy every day without fail, and he always made me cum."

And I helped my sister to more than one orgasm that night before I kissed back up her body and met her eyes. She glanced down and noticed my erection, where it was pointing. Kissing her again, I gently prodded her more than once, and I enjoyed the fact she smiled each time, before I broke the kiss and met her eyes again.

"I'm ready, Mark," she whispered, relieved she called me by my name.

Pressing forward, she gasped as my cock ever so slowly slid inside her. I groaned as my cock was soon enveloped by her incredibly tight and very wet pussy. I only slid in a couple of inches before I stopped and allowed her time to adjust. Her hands were resting on my shoulder, biting her bottom lip, her eyes gazing into mine, a mixture of love but I also sensed her fear and nerves.

"Keep going?"

"Please don't stop," she whispered, "I need you, Mark."

I took my time burying my entire length. I groaned a couple of times as I knew, this first time, I wasn't going to last long at all. By the time I buried my cock entirely inside her, my sister was whimpering, not through any sort of pain, but she was far too excited. We glanced down together before our eyes met again, exchanging smiles before I kissed her again.

Making love to my little sister sealed how much I loved her, while she whispered that she was now mine forever in return. I kissed her again as I felt her legs move, bent knee to rest against my torso, keeping her voice quiet as she asked me to thrust a little faster, aware I didn't want to hurt her, being her first time and all.

After only a few minutes, I chuckled and warned her I was close, but this was only the start of our sexual relationship. There would be many opportunities over the coming days, weeks, months and years for us to make love to our hearts content. All my sister did was kiss me, dig her fingers into my back, and almost beg for me to finally cum inside her for the first time.

Thrusting a little faster did the trick, burying my cock and I grunted as I finally came inside her. As I pumped my cock with every spurt, she whimpered again, and I didn't miss the tears that flowed down her cheeks. I kissed each one away as I whispered how much I loved her. She replied with the same words back to me.

I was given fifteen minute to relax and recover before she wanted to make love again. My sister had admitted to watching porn and wanted to try riding me. She'd straddled my lap often enough so sliding down my cock, while still surprising for her, earned me quite a loud moan as she quickly had my cock buried inside her once again.

"Oh my god!" she cried out, resting her hands on my chest, "Totally doing this again!"

With my hands on her hips, she had a lot of fun figuring out what felt really good, whether it was really bouncing up and down on my cock or grinding and gyrating away. Whatever she did eventually worked as she enjoyed one hell of an orgasm and it proved rather emotional, needing to lie down on my chest so I could cuddle her. "I just came on my brother's cock," she whispered.

"And it was absolutely beautiful to watch, sweetie," I whispered back.

She recovered and kept on riding me, enjoying another couple of orgasms before she found herself on her back again, this time spreading her legs wide. I didn't fuck her too hard, far too early for something like that, but her hands ended up down my back, begging me to go a little harder and faster until I filled her once again.

After a shower together, we were snuggling together in bed, my sister spooned back against me, holding her tight to my chest as always. "That's it, Mark," she finally said, "I'm yours now. That was everything I dreamed. Making love with my big brother."

She turned around and kissed me. Caressing her cheek earned me one of those sweet smiles. "We can't turn back now, Steph, because I can't lose you too," I said softly.

"You won't lose me, Mark. We're in this together forever."

Waking the next morning, I had worried that I'd wake up feeling regretful or that horrible feeling that I'd taken advantage of my little sister. But as she still slept, her body hugging me, I felt nothing but love for her, and her love for me. I laid back and smiled, knowing we'd both made the right decision. I was glad we had waited to make that final step in our relationship, but now that we had, I knew our relationship was now settled.

She woke up a little later and her first move was to kiss my cheek while her hand moved down my body and grasped my cock. "Someone's horny already," I murmured.

"I can't get enough of my handsome older brother. I hope you're ready to handle a constantly horny eighteen-year-old woman," she stated.

"I can think of worse things in the world." Meeting her eyes, I had to ask, "How are you feeling?"

"I now know how much my big brother loves me."

"I thought you knew how much before the sex," I half-joked.

"Mark, that look in your eye while we made love last night..."

"I was making love with the only woman I've only genuinely loved, Steph. It meant the world to me too."

She hugged me tighter. "You really mean that?"

"Of course. You're my girl, Steph. Always have been, always will be."

She wanted to prove she felt the same way as she climbed up onto my lap, slid down my cock, and we made love until mid-morning, when our stomachs finally grumbled, leaving us both laughing as we agreed to get up, have some breakfast, before returning to bed. I did take her out for dinner that night, dressing up again, and I loved having my beautiful little sister on my arm as we visited another restaurant before we headed to a club as she wanted to dance.

Returning home later that night, we needed a shower after lighting up the dance floor, and despite feeling a little weary, we weren't going to just go to bed. My sister wanted to make love and I wasn't one to deny my sister. She knew what I wanted first, spreading her legs as I lowered my head to taste her, but after only a couple of orgasms, she wanted to feel her brother inside her.

"That's it," she moaned as I gently thrust away, "That's your little sister's pussy your big cock is currently inside. And it's only your pussy, Mark."

"Was it always my pussy?" She blushed but nodded eagerly. "Had a crush for a long time?"

"As much as you loved me, I've always been in love with you. I knew enough to know what you've done for me." She moaned and smiled as it was obvious that she already loved to make love. "I can't believe how good you feel inside me..."

"It will only get better as we learn about each other in an intimate way."

"And we have to do everything, Mark. We're going to have a lot of fun."

Cuddling into me after we'd had enough, she snoozed as I lay back and considered our future. We had no family to speak of, so at least we wouldn't have to worry about them finding out about our relationship. And as for our friends, we could keep it secret, or we could bite the bullet, tell everyone we were together, and deal with the consequences afterwards.

Whatever the case, we'd finally admitted our feelings and given into temptation regarding our physical relationship. I didn't regret a thing. Stephanie had never been happier in her life. I'd done the right thing in the past to raise her myself. Now it was our time to be together as equals, for us to love and cherish each other, like a husband and wife, just without the ceremony and certificate.

"I love you," my sister murmured, seeming to realise I was lying awake with my thoughts.

Turning onto my side, she snuggled into me, her head resting lightly against my chest as I cuddled her tightly. Returning those words, I close my eyes and allowed sleep to claim me in return.



Sitting next to my brother as he lay back on the hospital bed, I couldn't stop the tears that fell down my cheeks. We'd spent forty wonderful years together, but the last six months had been tough for us all. The diagnosis had been terminal, with absolutely no hope of surviving, it was merely about prolonging until the inevitable. I had watched my husband, still strong as an ox, broad as a barn, slowly but surely diminish in front of my eyes as the disease killed him from the inside.

Around us were our children and grandchildren. I'd finished university but we were both desperate to start our family. In the first six years after our sexual relationship began, I gave birth to four children, three daughters and a son. Over the years, we'd since been blessed with the arrival of ten grandchildren. My brother and I made sure we were the best parents possible, my brother ensuring he was nothing like our own mother.

Speaking of our mother, she showed up on our doorstep when I was twenty years old. The shock was how good she looked. I knew nothing about her, but when my brother arrived at the doorway, I could feel the hate and anger flowing off him. It was all in his body language, and despite not seeing her for twenty years, he recognised her immediately.

There was no apology from her. Absolutely no contrition. No regret. Not a single comment about the fact she'd abandoned both her children. She only turned up to 'get what she was owed from her parents'. He laughed in her face and told her to fuck off. "You want something, take us to court, bitch," he stated.

"How dare you!" she exclaimed.

For the first time ever, I saw my brother's hands turn to fists as he stepped forward, and she stepped back. "You abandoned me nearly every weekend while I was growing up. And then you flat out walked out on my little sister, and you have the fucking gall to return now and demand what you're owed?"

"They were my parents too!"

"You haven't seen them in over two decades and more. They were more our parents than yours." He took a deep breath. "You really are a horrible person. You don't deserve the title 'mother'. You simply pushed us out your cunt and did the bare minimum afterwards. What you deserve is a few home truths, but quite frankly, I'm not going to waste my breath except to say you're owed nothing, and you'd better get off our property."

"This house should be mine!"

"I'd suggest you get a lawyer then. They left you nothing for what you did to us and to them. And you deserve nothing. I have no idea what you've been doing since you abandoned us and I don't care. As for Stephanie, she doesn't even know who you are. But I do. I remember you very well. The worst human being I've had the displeasure of knowing. One thing I do know is that you're not my mother. You're just a woman who happened to be around for a few years."

"You haven't even mentioned you're sorry for leaving," my sister added, "I know the story as my brother and our grandparents told me. You simply walked and left me alone for an entire day." I took my brother's hand. "He raised me, nurtured me, showed me right from wrong, showed me all the love in the world. Fact is, we never needed you. We don't need you now and we certainly don't want you in our lives. Why show up now?"

"Thing is, mother," he said, and I heard the sarcasm, "I no longer hate you. Hate would mean I care. And I did hate you for a long time. Now? Now I just look at you and almost pity you. You had two children and neither of them care about you. You're just another human being in this world I have no feelings for, and I don't even give a single thought to. The only thing that bemuses me is what your thought process was about turning up today. Did you really think it would be a case of forgive and forget?"

"Did you even know your parents had passed away?" I had to ask.

"I'll fight this if I have to," our mother stated rather indignantly, "This house belongs to me."

My brother remained silent before he simply started to laugh. His grip on my hand tightened as he stepped back past the threshold and just closed the door in her face. I turned towards him as I was surprised by the smile. "Well, I didn't expect that today!"

I placed both hands over my stomach and asked, "Do you think she noticed?"

Leaning down to kiss me, he replied softly, "Well, if she did, I wonder what she would have said if we told her that the baby was ours together..."

We never heard from our mother again. From what we learned, she had cleaned herself up and now lived in another area of the city with her husband. But there was no relationship to salvage. My thought was that I simply didn't have a mother, while my brother simply couldn't forget nor forgive what he'd had to endure.

Our home had been one of love as we raised our children. They had all the support possible from both parents. Yes, there were difficult times. My brother and I would occasionally clash over certain things. Our life was not perfect, but we were happy together, and the one thing we made sure of is that our children knew how much we loved them.

When each of them turned eighteen, we sat them down and told them the truth, the whole story of who we were to each other and how we came together. Our three daughters dealt with it best, thinking it was actually a beautiful love story and it brought us closer together. Our son was a little weirded out for a couple of days before Mark took his son out for a few beers, had a heart to heart, and our relationship was even better afterwards.

The children eventually moved out, started relationships and families of their own, leaving Mark and I to get on with our lives. We retired early, did some travelling, eventually sold the house and moved out of the city to enjoy a quieter life. Even as we aged, our physical relationship continued. It slowed down, but we still couldn't get enough of each other. Even after his diagnosis, it was only when his body started to fail him that sex tapered off.

Wiping my cheeks, I gazed into his eyes, relieved there was still life behind them. "You're thinking," he whispered.

"Just thinking about our life together," I replied.

"Any regrets?"

I almost sobbed as the only regret would be losing him and the idea that I'd live for many years afterwards frightened me. "None whatsoever," I replied, "I've loved you every day of my life up to this point, and I'll love you ever day of my life going forward."

He squeezed my hand and I smiled at the strength that was still there. He wasn't going to leave me just yet. But I knew the time was approaching where I would need to stay goodbye. Over the next month, I was with him constantly, our children and grandchildren visiting when they could, but he was weakening with each passing day until, one day, he closed his eyes, and I was told the end was near.

For two more days, he held on, and for one brief moment, his blue eyes appeared and I didn't see the pain of the disease. I saw nothing but his love for me, the unconditional love and devotion he'd shown me my entire life. He weakly squeezed my hand as he removed the breathing apparatus.

"I love you, sweetie," he managed to whisper.

Leaning over, I kissed his lips and whispered, "I love you too."

I remained by his side, holding his hand, giving him all the love I could, until the very end. He'd given his entire life for me. I would love him with all my heart to the end of my life in return.

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