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75.19% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3083: PLEASE SEND NUDES

Chapitre 3083: PLEASE SEND NUDES


Brenda felt ridiculous. She didn't know why she let her friends talk her into trying something like this. She knows that younger women than her do this quite often for their men, but she was in her early 40's now and felt it was unbecoming of her. But she was dating a younger man now, and her friends convinced her that she needed to do things like this to make sure he forgets that she's older than him and that she still likes to have fun. So, she decided to do this one thing and text him sexy pictures of herself.

She had no problem being sexy for him. Even at 44, she knows how to keep a 33-year-old man satisfied in bed. She basically lets him do whatever he wants in bed with her, including things she would never do with her ex-husband or any other lover she's ever had. But she was concerned about the idea of sharing those kinds of pictures with Mike.

At first, her friends tried to convince her to send Mike nude pics of herself, but she was completely against that idea. She had heard too many stories of how that could go wrong. Sometimes it's the boyfriend who posts them online without the girlfriend's consent, other times it's because the phone gets hacked and then those photos are leaked online. She even heard very upsetting stories of how people would use those pics to blackmail the woman. She didn't think Mike was the type to misuse her pictures, but she was still concerned that it would get out there somehow.

So, her friends convinced her to do the next best thing and just send him underwear shots of herself. She still had concerns about that kind of thing getting out there, but she felt it was safer than nudity. She didn't think someone would try to blackmail her with bra pics when in the past she had posted pics of herself online in a bikini.

Mike was away on a business trip for a couple of weeks, so she thought it was a perfect time to try it out. When he's back in town, he could see her in her underwear as much as he wanted, but being away, he won't be able to see her like that as much. She also thought it was a good way to get him excited about seeing her again when he returned to town.

So, there she was, late at night in her bedroom, dressed only in her underwear, trying her best to take some sexy selfies of herself. She got a little excited about the idea of it at first, but after so many pictures, she was beginning to feel ridiculous about it. After what felt like a hundred shots, she felt she was going too far with this and didn't think she needed to resort to this kind of thing for a man.

She was about to put away her phone and put an end to this nonsense when she got an Instagram notification. She saw that Mike had posted something and was excited to see what it was. He would sometimes post something about himself and what he was doing, but most of the time he posted some of the funniest memes of everyone she knew on social media. This time it was just a regular picture of himself with a group of his coworkers out for dinner, with the caption mentioning how they were out having fun after a hard day at work. Brenda liked the picture and made a simple comment on it.

She was about to put away her phone when she got a better look at the picture. He was at a round dinner table with his coworkers, about ten of them, all dressed casually. But right next to Mike were two women sitting next to him. They were both pretty, very young, and showing way too much cleavage for a dinner party.

Brenda could see it was just a casual dinner with his coworkers and there was nothing to be concerned about. But she couldn't help looking at those bitches, as she referred to them in her head, sitting next to her man dressed like that. She didn't think he was the type that would cheat on her, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't be looking at their tits when he got the chance. She couldn't blame him; he was a man, after all, and men liked to look at tits. But she suddenly got jealous of those two unnamed women and wanted Mike's focus to be on her. Brenda knew she had nice tits herself and decided to send him a reminder of that.

Brenda was a beautiful woman. She was about 5'5" with long, wavy black hair, and always kept herself in good shape. She had good D-cup breasts that were still holding up pretty well for a woman her age. She had to accept that her ass had grown slightly bigger over the years, but not significantly.

She resumed taking more pics of herself and didn't stop until she was satisfied that she had gotten plenty of good ones to send to Mike. She deleted some of the pics that got blurry and cropped a few of her favorite ones. When she felt she was ready to send them, she opened up her messenger app, searched for Mike's name in the recent conversations list, attached the pics to the text, and hit send. She followed the pics with a simple text saying how she was thinking of him.

She then relaxed, put on her pajamas, and watched some TV as she awaited Mike's response. She hoped he would send her some pics of himself with a sexy message. She was feeling really good about herself and was even considering sending nude pics next time.

Some time had passed and there was still no response. She wondered what was taking him so long; seeing something like this should make any man quickly respond. She considered that he might still be out to dinner with his coworkers and was just waiting for some privacy before he could respond to her. She was considering a number of possibilities for why he wasn't answering, and the more she thought about it, the more worried she got. Soon, she was thinking about how much of a very bad idea it was to send him those pictures.

She didn't want to be that kind of girlfriend who gets upset when her boyfriend doesn't respond to her texts too soon, but she was finding herself becoming one of them. She finally decided to send him a message to see what he was doing that was keeping him from responding to her pics. She knew it would make her look bad, but she felt she had the right to know why.

When she opened up the text chain for Mike, she noticed something very odd. The pictures she sent him were not there. She was sure she sent him the pics; if they failed to be delivered, she would've gotten an error message about it.

Suddenly, she had a disturbing thought. She went back to her recent conversations list and opened up another text chain that was at the top of that list, and was horrified by what she saw.

"Oh... My... God," was all she could say.

She forgot that there was another way for personal photos to be mishandled. In some instances, the person sending the pics would accidentally send them to the wrong person. When Brenda was searching for Mike's text chain, she was in such a rush to send him those pics that she accidentally picked a text of a person with the first two letters of his name, and that's all that she saw; she didn't even bother to look at the last names. So, instead of sending it to the name Mike, she sent it to the name Mitch, who happens to be her son.

She was freaking out about it all. She did her best to calm down and think about what she had to do next. She realized she needed to go to her son's room before he had the chance to see those pictures and delete them. There was no way for her to get to his phone without him knowing, so she considered the idea of coming clean about what she had accidentally done. She hoped he wouldn't judge her by this; she actually hoped he would think it was a funny story. Either way, she needed to come clean so she could delete those pics before he saw them himself.

She was about to head out to his bedroom when she suddenly got a text from Mitch.

The text read "Can we talk about this?"


Mitchel, or Mitch as he liked to be called, was in his room working on a series of job applications he found online. He had graduated from college six months ago and had a good internship afterwards, but when it seemed like they weren't going to keep him after the internship was over, he decided to start looking around for other work. He was fortunate that he at least found a paid internship; those are very rare. It didn't pay well, but it kept him from going broke from working for them for free.

He went through several applications very easily. Others demanded more information, which was very time-consuming. But the hardest part was tailoring the resumes and cover letters to the jobs he was applying to.

He had to stop briefly when he got some text messages from his mother. He thought it was odd, because he knew she was in her bedroom at the moment. She wouldn't text him if they were in the same house; she would either call out his name or come to his bedroom.

He didn't answer her right away; he needed to finish up a complicated job application that, for some reason, needed to ask him a series of questions. Of course, they were written in a very complicated way that could have multiple answers. He had done enough of these questionnaires to put down what he felt was the right answer, but it was still an annoyance to have to go through them.

When he was done, he decided to finally check his texts. He didn't answer his mother's right away because he saw one from an ex-girlfriend and was hoping for a booty call. Turns out, she just wanted to know if he had any extra weed on him. He let her know he was all out, which sucked, not just because he didn't have any weed for himself, but he hoped to turn that into a potential booty call.

He then answered a few other texts he missed from his friends for some simple bullshitting that guys do with each other. Finally, he had to answer a message from his current supervisor asking if he wanted to come in early tomorrow morning for extra hours. He could've been able to do it, but made an excuse about why he wasn't able to. He felt that if he was going to be let go soon, he shouldn't have to put in that kind of extra work. He would still do his job well, but that's about it.

Finally, he decided to answer his mother's texts. He felt bad for putting it off until last, but he thought if it was that important, then she would just come to his bedroom or yelled for him from the other side of the house, since they were in the same house. He figured she must be sending him some memes that her boyfriend Mike likes to share. He already follows Mike on social media, so he would already see whatever he posted. He just saw one about a dinner party he was at with his coworkers.

Mitch liked Mike; he was the best of all of his mother's previous boyfriends. Ever since she got divorced ten years ago, she has dated some real losers. Some were just straight-up assholes, and he didn't like the way they treated his mother. Others were just boring and dull, but at least they weren't assholes. She had a few good ones in between, but there never seemed to be that many or last that long.

Then she dated Mike, who was a very cool guy. Mitch was originally concerned about his mother dating a much younger man, who was literally halfway between his and his mothers. Mitch was 22 himself, with Mike being 33 and his mother at 44. All three of them joked about that weird number alignment. But Mike always treated his mother well and she liked him a lot; to Mitch, that's all that mattered.

He opened up the text and was instantly shocked by what he had just seen. His mother just sent him several photos of herself in a variety of positions, dressed only in her underwear. Living alone with her for most of his life, he had seen his mother in her underwear on multiple occasions, but never for too long, and never like this. At the bottom of the text was a message saying how she was thinking about him.

He took a long moment to think about what had just happened. He was, of course, a little freaked out about this. But when his mind began to settle down, he started thinking about it more clearly. The only explanation is that she must've tried to send the pics to Mike, not him. He could only surmise that she got the names mixed up, most likely because of the first two letters of their names.

He decided they should talk about this because eventually she was going to see the mistake she had made and have a freakout of her own. He sent her a message asking her if they could talk about this and awaited her response.


Brenda texted him back right away, and they both agreed to meet in the kitchen to talk about what had just happened. Mitch arrived first, but it was several minutes before Brenda showed up. She was very nervous about having this kind of talk with her son. She was sure that at his age, he had one or two previous girlfriends who did the same thing for him, so he might understand. But that doesn't mean she was looking forward to having this discussion about how his own mother tried to do this for somebody. But she also recognized her son as an adult now, and she was certain that they could handle this like adults.

She slowly walked into the kitchen and found Mitch sitting at the table with a couple of beers ready for them. She sat across from him, took the beer that he handed to her, and took one long drink from it.

"So, about those pictures," she began to say. "There's an explanation for them."

"My guess is that you sent them to me by accident. I'm assuming they were for Mike."

Brenda breathed a sigh of relief. By understanding the situation right away, it made her feel more relaxed that she didn't have to explain this to her son.

"Yes, exactly," she replied. "I'm so sorry for this. I kind of rushed it and accidentally opened your texts instead of Mike's. I'm so sorry about this."

"It's alright, I thought it was kind of funny," Mitch said with a chuckle.

"That's good to hear--" she began to say before she suddenly realized what her son just said to her. "Wait, what do you mean it was funny?"

"I mean..." Mitch didn't know how to respond and it took a while to think of what he meant by that.

"Did you not think they looked good?" she asked. "I know those were pictures of me, but I thought I looked sexy in them."

He really didn't know how to respond because she seemed offended and he was afraid he might make it worse.

"Don't get me wrong, you're a very beautiful woman," he replied. "But those pictures... they were..."

"They weren't sexy?" she asked again.

"I would have to say... no," he finally answered.

Brenda felt disappointed. She was already embarrassed that she accidentally sent those pics to her own son, but now she finds out they didn't look good at all. She would understand if Mitch wouldn't be turned on by them; they were pics of his mother, after all. But she hoped those pics would at least have looked good.

"What was wrong with them?" she asked.

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

"The subject has been brought up; we might as well talk about it."

"I don't think this is something you should talk to me about. Maybe you should talk to your friends about this."

"It was their idea," she revealed. "And they gave me a hundred different pieces of advice on how to do this. I'm not going to get a direct answer from them."

"And I would be better to advise you on this?"

"You already know about this, so we might as well talk about it," she answered. "Also, I'm sure you've had one or two girlfriends who sent you pictures like those. They probably sent you nude pictures, too."

Mitch just nodded to show she was right. He decided not to mention that it was more than one or two previous girlfriends who sent him nude pics. He even had a few women who he was just hooking up with on the side do this for him.

He thought about saying no, but felt he may be better at giving her advice on this because of his own experience. He also liked that Mike was the first boyfriend of hers since her divorce that he actually liked, so, if she was going to do this, she might as well get it right.

"Ok, I'll give you some pointers on this," said Mich. "But you do realize how weird it is that you're asking for advice from your son about how to do something sexy for your boyfriend?"

"Yes, I realize that," said Brenda.

"Ok, let's begin."

Mitch already had his phone with him when he came into the kitchen. He opened up the text chain to go through the pics she accidentally sent him so he could get an idea of what advice he should give her. Since he had already seen those pictures, he didn't think she would mind if he looked through them again.

"Ok, let's begin with your choice of underwear," said Mitch. He decided to get to the most awkward part of this whole conversation right away."

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"Nothing, if you're a grandmother," he said sarcastically.

He could see that comment made her feel bad, but he had to give her the harsh truth so she would learn.

Mitch continued. "I've seen you in your underwear a number of times over the years. They were brief moments, but I did notice, of course. And I have never seen you wear something like this. I have to ask, what were you thinking when you chose this underwear?"

Brenda's face flushed from embarrassment. Her embarrassment tonight just kept getting worse by the moment, but she felt she needed to hear this if she was going to get better at doing this kind of thing.

"To be honest, all of my good underwear is in the washing machine and I haven't dried them yet. So, I picked anything I had because I thought it didn't matter what I wore; men just liked seeing women in their underwear."

"True, but there's a limit," he replied. "Don't you have any lingerie you could've used?"

"I do, but I wasn't ready to go that far in my first time doing this," she replied. "I thought I'd try with casual underwear first."

"Casual underwear can be good, but they still have to look good. The ones you used for this picture covered up too much. You should use something that shows a little extra skin, something for the guy to look at. Even if a guy has already seen you naked, it's still good to tease him a little when you are dressed up in some way."

"Kind of like how I would wear a dress that would be a little tight or a little revealing. Or when I wear a bikini on the beach."

"Exactly," said Mitch. "Next time, show a little cleavage and maybe a little ass too."

Brenda felt very embarrassed after realizing her mistakes. "I can't believe I didn't realize this before; this should've been so obvious to me."

"Don't beat yourself up over that; this is a new experience for you. Your generation never did something like this when you were younger."

"I knew some who did it with regular digital cameras and sent the pics through email. But even then, that wasn't perfect."

"Now let's talk about your poses," said Mitch.

He went through the photos he had and pointed out all of her mistakes. A few looked like she was trying too hard to be sexy, and a few others had such outlandish poses that he couldn't understand why she thought it was a good idea in the first place. Besides that, her facial expressions were ridiculous, and the lighting in her bedroom didn't do her any favors either.

"It felt right at the time I did them," said Brenda.

"Just because it felt right doesn't mean they were right."

He began telling her his suggestions of what she could do to improve her sexy selfie pictures in the future. He told her about how to improve her lighting and how to make sure the background looked decent. He gave her some advice on what kinds of poses she should try and how to use her long hair in them, because that can sometimes help. He also told her how to better show her cleavage in them and to avoid crotch shots because they're overly done. The past part felt a little uncomfortable for him to talk about with her, but he felt that he had already gone this far in their conversation, so he might as well continue.For her facial expressions, he gave her some suggestions on how to do a sexy smile and give the camera an alluring look with her eyes. Brenda understood and demonstrated some sexy poses; Mitch approved and was glad she was catching on quickly.

The one thing he needed to make sure of was that she never did duck-face again. A few of those photos had her doing it, and it only made them look worse.

"I thought duck face was what all the girls were doing," said Brenda. "I really enjoyed doing it."

"Mom, duck face was a thing years ago when it first came out. Now, it's considered ridiculous and people think women look like airheads when they do it."

Brenda felt very disappointed by hearing that stuff about duck face because she thought she looked cute doing that. But she was accepting all of her son's advice so far, so she was willing to listen to that as well.

"Is there anything else you can give me?" she asked.

"No, I think that's it. Hopefully, your next private self-photoshoot will turn out better."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad I accidentally sent those photos to you," said Brenda. "They would not have gone well with Mike."

"I'm glad to help," said Mitch, still feeling awkward about the whole situation of teaching his mother how to be sexier for her boyfriend.


Brenda took Mitch's suggestions to heart. She has now gotten a better idea of what she should've done from the beginning. She planned to take another round of sexy photos of herself, some of which she could be proud of sending to Mike.

One problem she realized from the night before was that she rushed those photos too much. She got jealous of some unknown woman who was sitting next to Mike at a dinner table. She realized she had no reason to be jealous; for all she knew, those women had boyfriends themselves, so she had nothing to worry about.

She took some time to plan out what she wanted to do; the right kind of underwear, lighting, background, and poses. She really wanted to do duck face, but she decided to listen to her son about that since he seemed more of an expert about this. She laughed at the idea of how many girls must've sent him sexy photos but was also proud of him for having an active love life.

By the time she was done, she felt she had gotten it right this time. She thought about sending them right away to Mike, but decided she needed a second opinion on them before she sent them out. She knew her son was in the living room watching something on Netflix, so she got dressed in a t-shirt and jeans and went to see him.

Mitch was in the middle of watching a comedy on Netflix when his mother sat down next to him, took the remote away from him, and paused the movie despite his protest.

"I made some new pictures and I want your opinion of them," said Brenda.

"What, are you serious?" he asked. "I told you everything you needed to know."

"That doesn't mean I don't need a second opinion. Please, I don't want to screw this up."

Mitch shook his head in astonishment. He couldn't believe what he had gotten himself into.

"I might as well, I'm already in too deep," he said.

Brenda began to show him all the pictures she had taken. He was impressed with how much they had improved from last night. He had to admit to himself that, despite the fact that these were pictures of his own mother, they were quite sexy and he enjoyed looking at them.

As she was swiping through her photos, Mitch couldn't help looking over at his mother, sitting next to him very closely. He found himself looking down at her t-shirt, which was tight around her breasts and showed a small amount of cleavage. It was nothing he hadn't seen her wearing plenty of times before, but now he found himself looking at her tits more intently than ever before. He felt his dick moving around in his pants, getting ready to go to full salute. He had to look away from his mother's tits and focus on something else to keep his erection from being noticed. She was still showing him her pictures, which didn't help, so he thought of pretty much anything he could think of to resolve this situation.

"So, what do you think?" she asked, very happily.

"They all look wonderful; I have taught you well. Mike would love every one of them."

"Should I send them all to him?"

"No, that would be way too much. You need to keep it simple. Send maybe three or four of them for now, and if he really likes them, wait a day or two to send him a few more."

"Which ones do you like the most?"

"Do you really want your son to tell you which one of your underwear photos he finds most sexy?"

"Yes, I do. You're the expert here, and it's fun to see you blush like that."

Mitch had a good chuckle from that and then pointed out the few he liked the most. He especially liked the ones where it looked like she had her phone camera set up for a good shot of her upper body. She was wearing a black bra that showed a good amount of cleavage, and she had one hand on her hip and the other holding up her hair, all the while giving the camera a very alluring look. He said she looked like a professional model in that photo and she smiled, feeling very happy that he said that.

Brenda opened up her messenger app and attached those exact photos that Mitch suggested she use to send them out.

"You're sending them to Mike right now?"

"Not exactly," said Brenda, as she gave him a wicked smile.

Mitch's phone, which was sitting on the coffee table, suddenly vibrated several times. He laughed, knowing full well what had just happened. He opened up his texts to see that his mother had sent him those photos that he said he liked, especially the one where he said she looked like a model.

"Why did you send these to me?"

"I'm just having a little fun with you," said Brenda. "Plus, I thought you might enjoy them too."

Brenda gave her son a wink and a smile before she abruptly got off the couch and walked away. Mitch was left pondering what she meant by that. He wondered if she noticed he was getting slightly aroused from when she was showing him her pictures or if she was just joking with him.

He decided not to think about it too much and went back to watching his movie. Despite how funny the movie was, he still found himself thinking about what his mother said to him and the pictures she showed him. He even found himself looking on his phone and checking out those photos that were still in the text chain. He considered the idea of downloading them off the text chain but decided he didn't want to get caught having those kinds of photos saved on his phone.

Later that evening, Brend went out with her friends for a girl's night out. This left Mitch time to go to his room to look at some pornography on his computer. With the day he had and the thoughts running through his mind, he thought he needed to jerk off to videos of beautiful women being fucked.

He found some good videos that he had downloaded a while ago and started watching them as he jerked off. He was having a good time until the images of his mother started seeping in. He tried to focus on the women in the videos, but it was getting harder and harder to do that. It didn't help when one scene suddenly had a milf pornstar who looked very much like his mother, but with bigger tits, showed up in a scene where she was dominated by two men.

Mitch finally gave up. He downloaded the pictures his mother sent him and sent them to his computer, where he picked his favorite one and put it up on his screen so he could see it at a much larger size.

"Sorry mom, but I need to do this," he told the picture on the screen.

He began jerking off while looking at that picture. He had never felt his erection get so intense like this before. He suddenly found himself imagining his mother naked and dancing erotically for him before she got down on her knees and started sucking him off. Then he started to imagine himself fucking her in every position he could think of.

After a good long jerk, he grabbed some tissues he had ready on his desk and shot his load into them. He then sat back in his chair and relaxed. He felt guilty but, at the same time, satisfied.


Mitch obviously noticed how well those pictures must've worked out because ever since Mike came back from his work trip, he spent nearly every night sleeping over in his mother's bedroom. He got used to it over the last year of seeing Mike in the mornings after he spent the night. In the past, whenever Brenda had a boyfriend she began sleeping with, she would never bring him home because of her son. She would stay over at their place and Mitch kind of just knew what was happening when she came home the next day.

But she got so comfortable with Mike that he became the first boyfriend she let stay over at her place. Before she did that, she had an uncomfortable, yet adult, conversation with her son about having Mike stay overnight with her. Mitch let her know that he was just fine with it; they were all adults and they could be very mature about these kinds of things now.

Brenda was happy about that and let him know that he could have girlfriends stay over with him if he wanted too. The opportunity never came up as he was always staying over at their places, but he liked that option if it ever happened.

He would see Mike stay over sporadically over the last year, and when they saw each other in the mornings, they would be very cordial with each other. It was uncomfortable for the both of them at first, but they got used to it. Mitch eventually liked having Mike around because there was another guy he could talk to.

This time, Mike has been staying over every single night, and Mitch couldn't help thinking it was because of the photos he helped his mother with. He also noticed how happy his mother was during this time, and he was happy that she was happy, which was all that mattered.

One morning, Brenda came down to the kitchen to see Mike and Mitch having coffee for breakfast and talking about what they might expect from the new football season. Brenda was wearing a robe with her pajamas underneath, while Mike was already dressed because he was about to head out to work soon and Mitch was also still in his pajamas. They had a cup of coffee ready for Brenda, and she sat down with them, feigning interest in their conversation. She didn't know a thing about football, but she was around men long enough to get used to it when those conversations came up. She was just glad to see that her son and her boyfriend were getting along.

When Mike finished his cereal, he gave Brenda a big kiss goodbye and fist-bumped Mitch on his way out of the kitchen. A moment later, they heard the front door close, and it was just Brenda and Mitch alone in the kitchen together.

"Things seem to be going very well," said Mitch. "I have to ask, is it because of the photos you've been sending him?"

"It's always been going well between us," Brenda replied. "But yes, the pictures have spiced things up between us. He has also been randomly sending me sexy pics of himself. Do you want to see them? "

"Oh, please don't!" Mitch said, scared that she was serious. "Knowing you, you might just do it to have some fun with me, so please don't do it."

Brenda laughed and drank her coffee.

"I was kidding," she assured him. "Plus, I would never share those pictures with him just like I hope he never shares those pictures of me with other people. That's a trust we need to have with each other."

"Trust is always important."

"Since we're on the subject, can I ask your advice on something? It's about those pictures."

"I've already gone this far, so why not?"

"I've been thinking of sending him lingerie shots of me," she said. "I mean, he's already seen me in lingerie, but I thought about just sending him pics of me wearing it for him to have."

"Just do the same thing you've done with those pics of your casual underwear. All I could say is that you should just act a little sexier in them, but don't go overboard with it or else it looks like you're trying too hard."

"Thank you, Mitch."

A couple of days later, while Brenda was at work, Mitch was on playing his friends in an online multi-player game. They were all in their own homes with headsets, coordinating their attacks against a rival tribe of medieval sorcerers.

Mitch got a series of texts from his mother. There was a dull point in the game where he wasn't doing much, so he thought he'd answer it very quickly. He was stunned to see that his mother had sent him five pictures of herself in some very sexy lingerie. He was so shocked that he dropped his controller just when the rival team swarmed them. Because of this distraction, he didn't participate in their defensive attacks and their team was killed instantly.

He apologized to his teammates, who were cursing him out on their headsets. He made up an excuse about his controller not working, and they all ended the game. He looked at the pictures again, excited to see them.

"What do you think of these?" his mother texted, followed by a winky face emoji and a laughing emoji.

"You're having a lot of fun with this, aren't you? Mitch replied with a sideways laughing emoji.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." she texted with a crazy eye/tongue out laughing emoji.

"I'm not complaining" He texted back with a winky eye emoji.

Brenda sent three laughing emojis and in the next line texted "I'm sure you're not perv, lol"

Mitch also sent a few laughing emojis.

"How does Mike like these pics?

"Let me put it this way. Do me a favor and please don't be home tonight, or at least come back very late"

She followed that up with a few a big teeth smile emojis.

"No problem" Mitch texted.

He followed up with three thumbs-up emojis and three winky faces.

When they were done texting, Mitch sent the pictures his mother had just sent him to his computer so he could view them on a bigger screen. He then began jerking off to them, completely disregarding how wrong this was. He jerked off twice before he put the pictures away.

He left the house before his mother got home. He convinced his friends to go out with him tonight for a guy's night out. He texted his mother that they were going to a fast-food place for dinner, and then they were going to a sports bar to watch a game. In reality, after the fast-food place, they were going to a strip club.

Despite how much Mitch has been enjoying jerking off to his mother's pictures, he realized he hadn't been with a woman that wasn't his mother in quite some time. So, he decided to go to a strip club, see some naked women, and get some good lap dances from them. He was having a lot of fun that night; even after his friends left, he stayed behind to get more lap dances.

He didn't get home until just before 2am. By then, he was more than sure he had given his mother plenty of alone time with Mike as she requested, and they were probably asleep. He was mostly correct when, as soon as he got to the second floor, he heard his mother moaning down the hallway. He tiptoed closer to her closed bedroom door and heard the sex noises they were making in her bedroom. After a few minutes of listening, his mother screamed from the orgasm she was experiencing.

Mitch enjoyed listening to this and tip-toed away from her door and into his room. His dick was hard again, and despite how many naked women he had seen tonight, and how many strippers he felt up from the lap dances, he was getting aroused by his mother again and needed to do something about it. He pulled up one of his mother's lingerie pics on his computer and jerked off again.


A couple of weeks later, Mike had to go out on another business trip. Not having anything to do, Brenda was in her bed with her laptop doing some late-night work that she wanted to get out of the way to make things easier for her when she got back to work in the morning. She got a text notification and saw that it was from Mike. He had just sent her a few nude photos of himself with a text about how he was thinking of her.

She thanked him and said how much she loved seeing those pics. She then followed it with three sweat drop emojis, which despite what they're originally for, she knows that women use them to say that their pussies are wet.

She then sent him a few bra pics she had put aside to send him for the right occasion, followed by sexy note for him. Then Mike sent her a text that took her completely by surprise.

Please send nudes

Brenda didn't know what to do. As much as she had learned to enjoy sending sexy photos of herself to her boyfriend, she had never done it nude before. She sent him a message saying she was busy at the moment, but she'd get to that request soon. She instantly regretted it because now it was a promise that she would definitely be sending him nude pics of her.

Sometime later, she heard Mitch's car pull into the driveway. He was out with his friends again tonight; he told her earlier that he was going to be watching a game at one of their houses, but she strongly suspected that he was going to a strip club. She didn't care if he did go to those places; she just hoped he didn't waste too much money.

She ran downstairs and caught Mitch as soon as he walked through the front door.

"Hey mom," said Mitch.

"Hey honey. Mike wants me to send him nudes and I need your help."

Mitch was stunned, as he was not expecting this.

"Ok," he told her. "I was hoping to go to the bathroom first when I walked through that door, so do you mind if I do that first?"

"Yeah, sorry, I realize I sprung this on you very fast," she said. "When you're finished, I'll meet you in the kitchen."

Mitch went to the bathroom to have a much-needed piss. He held off leaving the bathroom to think about what his mother was requesting of him. As much as he had learned to enjoy those photos of his mother, he wasn't sure if he should be giving her advice on sending nude pictures of herself to her boyfriend. Then again, he realized that if he played his cards right, she may have sent him a few of them. After seeing how much fun she has been having sending him those other pictures, she may actually do it again with nude photos. There was a good chance she wouldn't go that far, but it was worth a try.

He washed his hands and left the bathroom to meet his mother in the kitchen. She had two beers ready for them, and he took one as he sat across from her at the table.

"So, he's requesting nudes from you now?" He asked.

"Yes. He sent me some of his own nudes, so I think it's only fair I do the same for him."

"Do you want to?"

"Sure, it sounds fun. It just sounds bigger than what we have been doing before. Also, I'm worried about what would happen if other people got a hold of them."

"Do you think Mike would leak those pics online?"

"No, he's definitely not the type," she assured him. "In fact, that happened to his sister once, and he beat up the guy who did that to her. I'm just worried about him losing his phone or someone getting access to his phone."

He drank his beer and thought about it for a moment.

"How about semi-nudes?" he suggested.

"Semi-nudes?" she asked with a quizzical look.

"They're nudes, but you cover yourself up in some way, so you won't show everything."

He mentioned examples of how some women use their hands to cover their nipples, to show they're nude without going all the way. Some use both hands to cover each breast, or use both arms to cover themselves up by giving themselves a hug. There's also a method that Mitch calls the armbar method, where the woman can put one arm across both breasts to cover both nipples at once like that.

He also talked about taking pictures from the sides to show nudity without showing too much of her front. Also, how she could cross her legs in a way to cover her vagina but still show she wasn't wearing panties.

"I think I get the idea, but I wish I knew of some examples," said Brenda.

Mitch thought about it for a moment and decided to show her some examples. He took out his phone and opened up a file he had on his phone.

"Ok, I'm going to show you something, but you have to promise not to tell anybody about it," he told her. "As you know, I've had previous girlfriends who sent me nude pics of themselves, so I'm going to show you some examples of semi-nudes you could do."

"Are you sure that's OK?"

"Well, not entirely. But I figure I'm showing this to a woman, not to my horny guy friends. Also, I'm only showing you a few examples of them, so it shouldn't be too bad. But this is still kind of a violation of their trust, so this must stay between us.

"I promise, I'll keep my mouth shut about it."

He showed his mother some of the examples of what he was talking about. Brenda had to giggle as she recognized a few of those ex-girlfriends of his. She was surprised that he had so many pics of them on his phone, but impressed by them at the same time.

"Do you have a good sense of what I'm talking about now?"

"Definitely, thank you for giving me this advice," she said. "I know this is more awkward than the previous stuff I've been asking for your help with, so I really appreciate it."

"I'm just glad you're having fun," he said. "When you're ready to do full nudity, I'll give you some advice on what to do."

"I think I learned enough by now to know what to do when it comes down to that," she replied. "Besides, I don't think I have to do anything special for that. Mike will just be glad to see me naked."

They both had a good laugh at that. They both finished their beers and went their separate ways.

A week had gone by and Mitch hadn't heard anything from his mother about the results of his advice. He wasn't even sure if she had even gone through with doing those semi-nudes that he suggested. He had secretly hoped that she would send him something like she had done before, but he was slowly giving up on that wishful thinking.

Then, one day, when he was home alone watching another movie on Netflix, he got a text from his mother, and when he opened it, he got very excited. His mother sent him a group of those semi-nude photos that he was hoping for. All of them had her pose in ways that he had suggested; a few of them he was sure she learned from the pics he showed her.

"Thanks for your help, they worked out very well if you know what I mean she texted with three winky face emojis.

"I'm glad to help" he texted back.

"I'll be staying over at Mike's tonight. You could use these in case you miss me" followed by a sideways laughing emojis.

"Lol, don't tempt me." followed by three laughing emojies.

Brenda just texted three smiling devil faces at him, and that was the end of the conversation.

Mitch still wasn't sure if his mother was just joking or if she suspected that he had been using the pics she sent him to jerk off to. Either way, he went straight to his room to use those pictures to jerk off to. He was starting to get a good collection on his computer of his mother's pictures to use on occasion.

Afterwards, he decided that he hadn't had sex with a girl in such a long time and he was focusing his fantasies on his mother too much lately. He had heard on Facebook that an ex-girlfriend of his, Amber, had just broken up with her current boyfriend. They used to have a good booty-call thing going after they broke up, but they hadn't done it in a while when she got involved with someone. He took the chance of texting Amber to see if she was interested, and he was excited to see that she very much was.

She came over to his house, and they had a few beers and a snack while they caught up on each other's lives. Then they went to his bedroom and fooled around a few times before they fell asleep.

In the morning, they fucked one more time before they took a shower together and went to the kitchen for some coffee. Soon after, his mother came home from her own night of fun with Mike. There was an awkward moment between everyone, but she joined the three of them for coffee, and they all had a good time.


It had been a few weeks since Mitch had last heard anything from his mother about Mike. He was around for a while, and suddenly he disappeared. One day, he asked his mother where he'd been, and she just gave him a vague answer.

During that time, he continued to see Amber on a friends-with-benefits basis. He never told his mother that it was their relationship, he just kept it vague and said they were just seeing each other. Amber had stayed over a few times and in the mornings joined his mother for coffee, where they spent some time gabbing away like schoolgirls. Mitch was sometimes caught in the middle of it and now knew how his mother felt when he saw him and Mike having their guy talks and she was left out.

But eventually, Amber went back to her ex-boyfriend. It was disappointing, but he was OK with it. There were times when she kept talking about that ex-boyfriend, so he knew she still had feelings for him, so it was all for the best.

One Friday night, Mitch came home to find his mother watching a movie on Netflix and decided to join her. He had already seen the movie, so there were no spoilers for him.

"No Amber, tonight?" she asked.

"No, we broke it off," he replied.

"Sorry to hear that. Do you have someone else to use for booty calls?"

That took Mitch by surprise.

"You knew that's what it was?"

"She eventually told me. Too bad, I liked her and was hoping it would lead to something more between you two."

They continued to watch the movie and had a few good laughs at some funny parts.

"This is a funny movie," said Mitch. "You should ask Mike to come over and watch it with you. I haven't seen him around in a while."

Brenda picked up the remote and paused the movie.

"I should tell you now, Mike and I also broke up," she finally revealed.

"What? Are you serious?!"

Mitch was in shock. He thought everything between Mike and his mother was going great. He even once heard them talking about moving in together. And he really liked Mike too; he was the best of his mother's boyfriends that he had gotten along with.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you this sooner, but I just needed time to deal with this breakup on my own."

"What happened?" he asked.

"Long story short, he was cheating on me," Brenda revealed.

"What the hell? I thought everything was going great between you two."

"So did I, until I found out about it. And then there was how I found out also."

"How did you find out?"

"It all had to do with those pictures we've been having fun sending to each other."

Brenda explained how she was texting with Mike one day while he was away for the weekend on another business trip. He had sent her some more nude pics of himself in his hotel room, and he was asking her to send some fully nude ones of herself. She had already gotten some ready for him; she was just waiting for the right time. When he asked again, she was about to send him those pics until she noticed something about them. In the background, there was a mirror that had a vague reflection of a woman in it. When she zoomed in closer to the image, she saw that it was indeed a reflection of a naked woman in his hotel room.

She went back to some of the other photos he had sent her over the last couple of months. It took some time, but she found signs of another woman in a few of them. She called him up directly and started yelling at him about what she saw. He tried to deny it at first, but eventually confessed everything. It turned out that he had indeed been cheating on her with a coworker of his. Whenever they went out on a business trip, they would hook up with each other. She told him she never wanted to see or hear from him again and that was the end of it.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that," said Mitch. "How are you dealing with all of this?"

"I'm dealing with it just fine; you don't have to worry about me."

She didn't want to tell him that for the first few days she had been secretly crying in her room when nobody was around. She also didn't tell him that when she was ready to leave the house, her friends took her out drinking and took her to a male strip club to help her get over her break up.

"I'm sorry to bring this up, but he has a lot of sexy pics of you now. Do you trust him to keep them?" he asked.

"Don't worry about it. I did speak to him once about it since we broke up. He assured me that he deleted all those pictures. I'm not sure if I believe him, but I have pictures of him also, so if I see my pics being misused, then I'll do the same to him."

"Mutually assured destruction."

"Exactly. And besides, despite everything, I still don't think he's that type of person who would do anything with them. Remember what I told you about what happened to his sister? He may be a cheater, but he's not a total bastard."

"Let's hope so."

"But it's too bad. I have all these fully nude pics I had ready to share with him, but now they're going to waste."

"You could always send them to me," said Mitch, taking a big risk.

Brenda laughed.

"Yeah, I'm sure you'd like them, perv," she joked.

"If I became a pervert, you were the one who encouraged it. But I'm serious. Let me see them."

"You're serious about this, aren't you?" she asked. "You really want to see me naked?"

"Yes, I do," he replied. "Over the last couple of months, seeing all of those pics of you, it got me very curious."

Brenda shook her head in astonishment. She was just having fun with her son the last couple of months, but she should've known it was going to have this kind of effect on him.

"No, I can't do that," she told him.

"You already sent me the semi-nudes. That's just one step up."

"I had qualms about sending those to you; it felt like going too far, but I couldn't resist having fun with you. This is going a step too far."

Mitch pleaded with her some more, trying to reason with her to show him her nude pics. Brenda was considering it, but she just felt it was not an appropriate thing to do. Then he had an idea, something that might not work, but he wanted to take that chance. He took out his phone and sent her one text.

Please send nudes

Upon seeing that text, Brenda burst out laughing even more. She thought it was a ridiculous and funny thing, but apparently it worked.

"Ok, fine, you win, you pervert."

She grabbed her phone and moved in closer to her son until her head was resting on his shoulders. She didn't send him the pics directly, instead she just opened up the file on her phone where she kept them. Mitch's eyes widened in excitement as she showed him her pictures; each one, more erotic than the next. Brenda looked up at him as she showed him those pictures and was amused by the look on his face. She didn't think she would have so much fun showing her son naked pictures of herself.

"You're really enjoying them, aren't you?" she asked.

"Yes, I am."

As she continued showing him the pictures, Mitch looked down at the shirt his mother was wearing. The shirt was tight around her tits, showed a little cleavage, and from the way her nipples protruded through her shirt, he was sure she wasn't wearing a bra.

Brenda noticed that Mitch's eyes were now focused on her actual tits instead of the ones she was showing him in the pictures.

"You really want to see me naked in person, don't you?" she asked.

"Yes, I do."

Before she could say anything else, Mitch made his move and kissed her hard on the mouth. This momentarily took her by surprise, but she found herself kissing him back. Soon, they were holding each other in a passionate embrace, kissing each other like they'd never done with anybody else before them.

As their tongues danced in each other's mouths, their hands roamed each other's bodies. Mitch didn't waste too much time getting his hand under his mother's shirt. He was right before; she wasn't wearing a bra, which made it easier for him to get a good feel of her breasts. Despite how many tits he had felt before, he had never gotten so excited about feeling this one. Brenda was also getting excited by how her son was feeling her up like this. She had never been so turned on as much as this before.

Mitch tried to take her shirt off, wanting to go a lot further with her. But she stopped him and pulled away from their embrace.

"Let's take this to my room," she said.

They ran upstairs, and they were so excited that they began removing their clothes in the hallway as they made their way to her bedroom. By the time they got there, they were both completely naked.

Mitch took a good look at her naked body; it was a lot better in person. He thought she looked like a work of art. Brenda couldn't believe how sexy her son looked naked; she was excited about seeing his erection get wet at the prospect of it being rammed inside of her.

She pushed him up against the wall and pressed her naked tits against his bare chest.

"Tell me something, and I want the truth," she said.

"Of course, what is it?"

"How often do you use my pictures to jerk off?"

Mitch smiled.

"Every chance I got."

"That's what I thought."

She kissed him hard on the mouth and then got down on her knees. She stroked his dick a little before opening her mouth wide and taking it into her mouth. Her lips were perfectly sealed around the shaft as she began bobbing her head on his member, letting her tongue massage the shaft every time it entered her mouth. She had one hand between her legs, fingering her pussy as she was blowing him. He looked down at her as he watched her sucking him off; he was getting the best blowjob of his life and couldn't believe it was coming from his own mother.

When Brenda was done blowing her son, she got off her knees and they finally got onto her bed. They held each other as they kissed and fondled each other's bodies. At one point, Mitch sucked on his mother's tits like they were candy. She loved the way he sucked on her nipples. She felt like she was going to cum from this alone.

Finally, Mitch got Brenda on her back, positioned himself on top of her, and without hesitation, he rammed his dick into her wet pussy. He held it there for a moment, enjoying the feel of his mother's pussy around his dick; Brenda, in turn, enjoyed the feel of her son's dick finally being inside of her like this. He then began to fuck, going slowly at first so they could just enjoy themselves, then soon picking up the pace and just fucking her like a jackhammer.

"Oh, God, Yes!" she screamed out, as an orgasm shot through her body.

"You like that? You like your son making you cum like this?"

"Yes, please make me cum some more," she replied. "Make your whore mommy cum."

He worked hard, using different methods he learned over the years and fucking her as hard as he could. Soon, he gave her what she wanted as her back arched, pushing her body up against Mitch, as another orgasm filled her body. Her scream was so intense, it hurt Mitch's eardrum, which caused him to momentarily stop fucking her. His ear quickly recovered and he continued his work.

When Mitch began to slow down, Brenda made him turn over onto his back, and she positioned herself on top of him. She began riding him like a cowgirl on a wild horse. Her tits were bouncing around, and her hair was strewn about. He was enjoying himself as he watched his mother having her fun on top of him like this.

Brenda kept going and going, not stopping for a moment. She never thought she would be enjoying something like this with her own son, but she was loving every moment of it.

Soon, he felt like he couldn't hold back any longer. He got that intense feeling in his dick that all men get to let them know what was going to happen next.

"Mom!" he called out to her. "I'm going to cum."

"Cum for me, baby," she replied as she continued to ride him. "Cum for mommy. Cum inside of her soaking wet pussy."

He wasn't sure it was a good idea to cum into his mother. He wished he had thought about discussing birth control with her beforehand, but they were so excited to be with each other that they didn't think much of anything else besides that. He couldn't resist any longer and just shot his load into her pussy.

Brenda felt the cum gushing inside of her, and as much as she wanted to keep going, she knew that it was going to end very soon. She continued fucking her son until she could feel his dick getting soft inside of her and then slowed down enough to come to a complete stop. She got off of her son and fell down beside him.

"That was fucking amazing," said Mitch.

"Dam right it was," Brenda replied.

"Sorry I came inside of you."

"It's OK baby, I can't have any more children."

"Too bad. I always wanted a little brother or sister."

Brenda began to laugh.

"I'm sure you would impregnate me if you could, you perv."

"You made me this way," he replied.

They held each other as they began kissing again. Brenda could feel his erection forming again between her inner thighs, knowing he'd be wanting to fuck her again very soon. She stopped kissing him and pushed herself back so she could talk to her son.

"You do know this can't be a real thing between us, right?" she asked.

"I kind of figured that. But I was hoping to have that conversation later."

"It needs to be discussed now. I would like to continue having this kind of fun with you, just like what you were doing with Amber, but it can't be more than that."

"I understand."

"You need to meet girls your age to be with, someone you may end up falling in love with and starting a family with. And I still plan to meet a man who I can marry one day."

"But until then, we can still have our fun together, right?"

"Of course we will, honey. I'm not giving this up so quickly," she said, and gave him a little kiss. "Now fuck me again."

They had sex one more time that night before going to sleep in each other's arms. The next morning, they had again before they had breakfast, and then again after breakfast. They pretty much made it a weekend of fucking each other.

They continued this relationship for many years. Whenever one of them found someone they liked, they stopped having sex so they could focus on having a serious relationship with that person. But whenever they found themselves single again, they were all over each other.

Several years later, Brenda eventually found someone to fall in love with again, someone her own age, and got remarried, which put an end to her sexual relationship with her son. A few years later, Mitch himself got married to a wonderful woman and had a few kids of his own.

Brenda and Mitch never slept with each other again after that. But from time to time, Mitch would open up a secret file on his computer that his wife doesn't know about, where he would keep the pictures his mother used to send him. He would look at them for as long as he could and remember the fun times they had together.

The End.

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