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73.26% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 3004: BIRTHDAY GIFT FOR MO


Can you please tell me what you want??" I quizzed my mom, for the third time in under five minutes.

"It's nothing, Karthik. How many times will you ask me the same question... I really don't want anything." she replied.

"I know there is something that you wish you had. I heard you talking to Dad." I stressed, trying to make her tell me what she had asked him for.

My mom, Kavita, had just turned 38, and I was sure she wanted something very special on her birthday. She would have never pleaded with my dad, otherwise.

"Haha!! It was nothing, Karthik... We were just talking about life in general." my mom tried to stop the conversation, heading to the kitchen, as she finished the sentence.

I followed her, and she knew I wasn't going to stop, until she told me the truth.

Without waiting for me to repeat the question, my mom looked straight into my eyes, and with a shy smile, dropped a bomb!!

"I want a baby!!" my mom said, startling me.

"What?!" I was stunned, but I certainly sounded more horrified than I actually was.

"Listen, Karthik... I know you are 19, and I am 38, and your Dad is 42. It would be odd... But, I really want a baby." my mom explained, trying to make sure she helped me relax.

I was happy she cared to do that, and I had already calmed down. But, she was very serious about this. She really wanted a second child.

"Errr.. That would be great, Mom." I said, trying to act normal. But, my facial expressions clearly suggested I was very much unsure about it.

Kavita : Hhmmm...

Karthik : No, Mom... I mean it...

Kavita : Hhmm... Okay...

Karthik : Yeah... So, what is Dad saying??

Kavita : You know that already... You can guess... He is not keen. He is not at all interested. But, I really want to be pregnant. I am old enough to decide things!!

Karthik : I understand, Mom... What are you going to do??

Kavita : I don't know... I was thinking of trying Artificial Insemination, or something.

Karthik : But, isn't that risky, Mom?? I mean, at this age... And, also when you can still carry normally.

Kavita: I know, Karthik... But, what else can I do?? I cannot spread my legs for some random stranger, and beg him to cum inside me!!

I was shocked to hear what my mom just said. This was the first time we were talking about anything so personal & sensitive. And, it was also the first time ever that my mother said something so inappropriate to me. I couldn't believe she used those words.

My mom realized it, too, and she immediately apologized. She knew she had over reacted.

"I am so so sorry, Karthik. It just came out of my mouth. Please forgive me for being so cranky, today." my mom was almost crying as she completed the sentence.

She came close to me, and placed her right hand on my shoulder. She was in pain. It was obvious.

"I feel so sad, Karthik... I really want a baby... I am so angry at your Dad. I have been asking him for so long, now... I think I am losing it." she had tears rolling down her eyes.

"Mom... Please!! It's okay, Mom... I get it. I completely understand you." I tried consoling her, as her body crashed onto mine, and she hugged me tightly, starting to cry.

It had been a couple of hours since my mom had woken up, but she was still in the t-shirt & pajama pants, she wore last night.

She had been requesting & arguing with her husband, over having a second child, as she cooked breakfast for him.

And even though dad had left for work, earlier than usual, sometime ago, my mom had not bothered to change to her regular cotton kurti & pants.

She was not wearing a bra, under her top, and her soft boobs crushed against my chest, when she hugged me. It was a detail that would have not bothered me on another occasion, but I felt it deserved to be acknowledged, considering the situation.

Though we were both dressed, I could clearly feel her hard erect nipples poking on my body.

I never really checked her out, but always sensed that my mom had a nice petite pair of tits. It felt great pressed on me, and I found myself hugging her back automatically.

It was turning me on, and I could feel my cock harden. My mother, too, would have definitely felt my prick pushed onto her. But, neither of us said a word, and we just continued to embrace each other.

"Let me serve you breakfast..." my mom said, finally breaking the hug.

She sat next to me, looking at me eat, but did not say a word. She was not happy, and it was visible.

As soon as I finished my meal, I wished her a very happy birthday, and kissed on her cheeks. She very casually thanked me, but was definitely still disappointed.

I thought I will sing her the birthday song, and cheer her up. However, I felt it was better if I act accordingly. But, I couldn't just leave her heartbroken either.

It was important I talk to her, and make sure she is okay, but also stay realistic. I did not want to give her high hopes, and cause her more hurt.

Karthik : Okay, Mom... We have not had such conversations before... And, we already know it won't be easy... But... Let's talk about reproduction. Maybe we will find a way.

Kavita : What use is it, Karthik?? Why do you want to waste time talking about this?!

Karthik : What else do you want me to do, Mom??

Kavita : Nothing. I don't want you to do anything. I am fine...

Karthik : You are not fine!!

Kavita : I am... You don't have to worry about me... But...

Karthik : But, what??

Kavita : If you feel there is a practical solution, please tell me.

Karthik : What exactly do you mean by 'practical', Mom??

Kavita : Do you know anyone we can trust??

Karthik : What?! Mom!!

Kavita : I mean... Do you know somebody who would be interested in doing it with me??

Karthik : Oh my... Mom... How could you even... Mom?! What is this??

Kavita : Shitt... I am so sorry, Karthik... Ohh... Shitt... I don't know... I don't know what to do. I am sorry for giving you so much trouble. I am just not able to process my thoughts properly.

Karthik : I don't know anyone, Mom... And I cannot ask anybody. It would be wrong. I mean... You do know how it would finally turn out to be... Everybody will take it in a very bad way.

Kavita : I know, Karthik... Please forgive me... I am sorry I even tried suggesting that... I am sorry I asked if your friends, or someone you know, think about me like that... I am sorry... It would be shameful... Very shameful. They would only think you are pimping your own mother, and she is a woman with no morals.

Karthik : I am sorry, Mom... But, that is how it would be.

My mom was upset, and so was I. It was a disturbing few minutes. I never thought we would ever exchange thoughts so regrettable.

However, what I also knew was that I had never seen my mom so unhappy. She clearly felt dejected, and also disgusted for what she tried asking her son to do.

But, surprisingly, I saw her gloomy face suddenly brighten up.

"What about Kushal?! He is such a sweet boy... He will understand when we tell him. And, we can keep it within the family, too." my disoriented mother said, with a rejuvenated sense of happiness.

Kushal was my elder cousin brother, and my mom was suggesting that we seek his co-operation to get the 'job' done.

"Why don't you try talking to him, Karthik?? You are close with him." she further added.

My mom was just not going to forget her want easily. She needed it so badly, she was not at all concerned about the possible consequences her actions could have.

Exactly like my mom felt, and said, I was indeed very close to Kushal. And, that was the very reason why I was never going to ask him for this unusual help.

Because, for him, this was going to be an opportunity... A chance to bed my mom... A priced moment he had always been craving for.

I knew that he lusted for my mother. I had myself seen him ogle at her neatly covered assets, so many times. I knew he was humbling my loving mother, in his mind, but there was nothing I could do about it.

I did feel I had to question him, and stop him, but he had a very intimidating vibe surrounding him. I was worried if my intervention will trigger him to hurt my mom, and thereby satisfy his carnal desires.

"No, Mom... Not Kushal." I said, straightaway.

"But, why?! I think he is safe... And... If you don't ask him, then I will." my mom said, leaving me in a tricky situation.

Asking him for this favor, was as good as appealing to him, to fulfill his big dream of getting laid with my maturing mom.

"Mom... No... Don't... It's that... He is not the right guy for this. He is.. Kushal is gay!!" There was no way I could let their union happen, and I had to lie to my mom, about my cousin brother's sexual orientation.

"Ohh..." my mom just shook her head. She had a slightly dazed face hearing about Kushal's preference, but quickly started staring right at me.

"What about you, Karthik?!" my mom asked, very calmly.

"Come-on, Mom... How does that matter?? And, this is no time to discuss that, anyway... But, I am definitely not gay!!" I quickly replied, unimpressed.

"No... No... That is not what I meant..." my mom started to clarify.

"What I tried asking was whether you can do it!! I know this is not the most appropriate thing to tell you. But... I feel you will be the perfect choice. You can close your eyes, when you do it, Karthik... I can, also, wear the mask I used for the Halloween Party, last year... Or, maybe, fully wrap my face with one of my shawls... You can just imagine you are fucking someone else." my mom said, in a very easy tone, leaving me speechless.

She had totally lost it. No sane woman would dare to say something so outrageous. And, definitely not to her own son.

I was completely shaken by the time my mom finished telling me her idea. I was, in-fact, still only coming to terms with the fact that she had used the word 'fucking'.

The proposal she put forward was unacceptable for me, and I rejected it, right away.

"No way, Mom!! I think we should sit with Dad, and talk about this. I can convince him... I assure you that... Please don't talk to me like this, again, my dear Mom... You know how something like that will affect our relationship... Nothing will be the same." I tried to make her realize the impact her plan could have on all of us.

"I don't care, Karthik. I simply don't care. I want a baby. That is all I know. I want to give birth again... It is a woman's right!! I am not going to beg your Dad for a child." my mom said, in a blunt tone, breaking down.

"This is the only gift I ever want... And, you will never understand... Because, you are a boy!! But, just think about it... Don't you think I deserve at-least that?? After doing everything for you and your Dad, my entire life!!" my mom was sobbing, vehemently.

"You will all regret this... You will regret treating me so badly..." my mom said, sharply.

"Fine!! I will do it, Mom!! I will do it for you!! Just stop crying!!" I do not know what got into me, but I really felt I did not have a lot of options. I felt compelled.

"But, nobody will ever know!! Not even Dad. You have to convince him it is his child." I said, agreeing to my mom's very indecent, sinful & forbidden demand.

To be very honest, my mom made me feel I did not have another way out. And, she very easily managed to convince that this was the least I could do for her, as a son.

I don't know if it was a trap, and whether my mother was certain she could manipulate me. But, I fell for it.

"Yeah?! You will?? Really?! Oh, Karthik... My dear son... Thank you so much... I love you!!" she laughed in ecstacy, wiping her tears, least worried about the after-effects.

And, she looked down at my crotch, beaming, leaving me flustered. This was the first time I ever saw my mom examine my manhood.

I was not fully erect, but it did not matter. Because, my mom sure had a very pleased expression on her face.

As far as she was concerned, she only wanted a tool, temporarily, that could fill her womb with semen, and she had got one.

"It will be over very soon, Karthik. Just a few seconds is all I am asking for." my mom caressed my hair, as she smiled passionately.

However, what my mother did not know was that I had masturbated, and successfully climaxed, only twice in my whole life.

I had problems reaching an orgasm. The first time I came, was after stroking my cock for 40 minutes, and the second time was only after an hour.

I did have sex once, but I did not ejaculate.

My mom did ask if I should just touch myself, reach the pinnacle, and only then enter her vagina. But, she immediately corrected herself by saying there is a chance that healthy sperms might be lost, in the process, and I should just put my penis inside her hole, normally.

The decision was taken, and there was no turning back now.

My mother wanted a baby at any cost, and I had promised her I would gift her one.

Her 38th birthday was going to witness her own son present his mother the most special offering.

I looked at my mom's tight tiny ass sway, as she walked in front of me, grabbing my hand, and pulling me inside her bedroom.

I was going to impregnate my own mom!!"Are you a virgin?!" my mom, Kavita, asked me, in a quick and almost disinterested tone.

It was still early in the morning, and the curtains inside her bedroom were all closed.

But she double-checked the same, to make sure nobody could see through the gaps, and also the windows were not open, as she continued talking to me.

"Are you a virgin, Karthik??" she repeated her question, on not getting an answer from me.

I was definitely shocked at the developments, but what startled me more was the fact that my mom was showing no hesitation in getting ready for the act.

"Ohh... Damn!! The keys to this cupboard are in your Dad's office bag... Kaushik is such a pain." my mom said, shaking her head, as she unsuccessfully searched for her shawls.

"I am pretty sure the Halloween Mask is also in there... We might have to think of something else, now... Just cannot afford to waste time..." my mom was talking to herself, and the frankness in her voice greatly disturbed me.

I was human enough to understand her feelings. Her wish to have another child was very much justified.

But, she was very insensitive towards the hard truth that it was her very own son she was using to accomplish her twisted mission.

It greatly hurt me that my mother was not ready to acknowledge the mental agony I was going through.

I was sure I did not want to do this.

I was sure I was forced into this.

Though not threatened or manipulated, I was emotionally blackmailed into impregnating my mother!!

"I really cannot look at you when we do it, Mom!!" I finally said, sensing things were turning worse.

"Just keep your eyes closed if it is so difficult for you..." my mom replied in the most unconcerned way possible. There was a certain amount of hostility in the way she spoke, and I was not liking it.

I was angry, and felt losing control over myself, and was lost in thoughts when my mother demanded my attention with her next question.

"How about you fuck me from the back, Karthik?!" she asked, looking very delighted, shaking me with her choice of words.

She was fully clothed. But, she was already on the bed, as she spoke to me. And, she was on all fours!!

She had her butt pushed out, slightly, and she was ready!!

"We don't have to see each-other then!! Are you happy, now?!" she continued, and looked at me reassuringly, hoping to have gained my confidence.

I just could not accept the magnitude of ignorance in the events happening.

It was as if the mood of the situation had completely changed.

It was as if this was a plot in an erotic story, which the author had been writing during the little breaks he took from his other pending works, and he had just lost grip over the proceedings.

Just how the writer would have not bothered to read the earlier part of his story, before starting to write the current episode, my mom too seemed disinterested in recollecting the lovely moments in our life, so far.

It was as if the bond we shared did not matter to her anymore.

Because that is how disturbing my mom's transformation from a submissive broken woman, pleading for an improper favor, to a dominant figure, giving blunt orders, was. It left me highly unimpressed.

"Why do you look so bemused?? Haven't you ever seen a woman before?! Stop acting so weird, Karthik. This is no big deal!!" my mom stressed, seeing me look perplexed.

I just stood by the side of her bed, speechless. I felt like I could not move.

Kavita : So... You never had sex before?? Not even after a full year in college?? Karthik!! Hello?! Are you listening??

Karthik : Err... Yes... I mean, No... Mom...

Kavita : You can tell me the truth...

Karthik : Mom!!

Kavita : Tell me the truth, Karthik!!

Karthik : I did have sex, Mom... Just once...

Kavita : Ohh... Great. This is going to be easy then...

Karthik : Mom...

Kavita : Who was it?? Who did you have your first time with??

Karthik : Mom... Please!! Don't ask me that.

Kavita : Fine. But, tell me... Is there anybody you wish to have sex with??

Karthik : What?!

Kavita : Anyone from college?? Or, wait!! I never asked you this... Do you have a girlfriend?? You would definitely want to be on the bed with her.

Karthik : Do we really need to talk about this, Mom?? Please!!

Kavita : Fine... It's okay, then. I was only trying to say you can imagine me to be her... I mean you can just think you are penetrating somebody you always wanted... I thought that would help you.

Karthik : Mom?!

Kavita : It's okay... You can imagine you are having sex with the same person you had your first time with.

Karthik : That is not okay... I mean... I don't think that is necessary, Mom.

Kavita : Why?! That could actually help us here, Karthik. You do realize that you need to be sexually stimulated to be able to do this, don't you?? It is important that you are fully erect before you enter me. So, just think I am the same lass you lost your virginity to, and get yourself in the right frame of mind.

Karthik : Mom!! Please... Noo!! Just stop saying that.

Kavita : Why?! What is wrong?? Why are you overreacting, Karthik?!

Karthik : Because my first time was with a hooker!! I paid for sex!! There is no way I can imagine you as a prostitute. I cannot do this thinking you are one of them, Mom!!

Kavita : Oh my... Stop. Don't bother explaining!!

Karthik : I am sorry, Mom. It just happened. I regret it now. It was that all my friends were having sex with their girlfriends, and even I really wanted to get laid. I wasn't dating anybody back then, and I was the only virgin in the gang.

Kavita : You don't have to... You can stop...

Karthik : No, I want to tell you... And, when I got a chance with this elderly woman, I couldn't resist. I did not realize she was a sex worker, initially, but I did know she was with me for money, before I started doing it with her. I could have avoided it. But, I did not. I am really sorry, Mom. Please don't be angry at me.

Kavita : No... No, Karthik... I am not angry.

Karthik : I am sorry!!

Kavita : I am not angry, Karthik.

Karthik : Yeah??

Kavita : Yes. You are 19. This is normal.

Karthilk : You sure??

Kavita : Yes, Karthik.

Karthik : Ohh... I thought you were upset, and that is why you told me not to bother explaining. You really don't feel disgusted hearing this??

Kavita : No!! Well... What I meant by don't bother, was to stop thinking about things that will disturb you. I mean.. It's nothing. Just leave it... You don't worry about it. Okay, Karthik?? Just be in the present. Do not give yourself unwanted pressure. It is fine. Just imagine you are fucking me. Just imagine you are fucking your mother!!

"What the hell?!" I could not believe she dared to say that.

I was shocked to see her behave in a way so candid. It was actually frightening me.

What my mom just stated was not at all what I wanted to hear. It was definitely not the kind of motivation I was looking for. I was not ready for this.

However, I would, of-course, be lying if I insisted none of this had an affect on me.

I was stiff, all this while, but after I heard what my mom just said, I was having a raging hard-on.

I looked down at my member, and the swelling was obvious, even over my comfort wear.

I could argue about it, but it was impossible to not feel aroused.

"Come closer..."

"Don't be shy, Karthik."

"You are with your mother..."

"Just relax, My Son."

"Why do you have your head down?!"

"Look at me!!"

I could hear my mom talk, but I was just not there.

I was in a world of my own. I was inside a dark hazy fantasy.

Until, I was brought back to my senses by the sound of her phone ringing.

"Listen, Karthik... I think I can manage to hold myself like this on the bed.." my mom said, confidently.

She had been on all fours, throughout this conversation, and the only time she changed positions was to check her phone, when it rang persistently.

"Birthday wishes can wait!!" was what she had said, as she declined the calls.

"It won't take much time anyway. Let us just do this the doggy style!!" my mother continued, very clearly indicating that she had decided how we would be getting this done.

"On the bed, Karthik!! And, bring yourself to my back. Now!!" she was dictating terms.

My mom was quick to inform that she would keep her pink colored t-shirt on, and asked me to help her remove her blue floral pajama pants.

"There you go... I have loosened the string, and also got the process started. I don't think I can do anything more from this position. So, why don't you just..." she left the sentence incomplete.

I already had my hands on her bottom, thanks to my reflexes, and my mom knew I would do the needful.

"Ohh.. Fuck!!" I gasped, seeing the gorgeous view of her undisclosed yet perfectly shaped ass, and the back of her lusty thighs, as I slided her pants further down.

I always knew my mother was not very fair, and she had a medium colored skin.

But, it looked so smooth & silky, her toned legs were shining, greatly adding to her hotness.

Maybe, it was because I had never imagined her in any sleazy scenarios that I did not realize how enticing my mom really was.

In-fact, I felt I already had an orgasm by the time she asked me to completely take the pants off her legs.

The only piece of fabric that now prevented my mother from exposing her most private parts to her very own son, was her low rise bikini panty.

The dark pink colored glossy texture of the thin satin pair, made my mom's booty look super delicious, but what blew me away were the words printed on it.

"RIP OPEN MY CLOTHES!! YOU WON'T REGRET MY SLUTTY HOLES!!" was what was written in Black.

I was surprised to find out that my mom walked around wearing her semi-modern yet decent outfits over such provocative undies.

If it was not my own mother that I had in front of me, I would have pierced her in the most animalistic way possible.

And then, get her dressed up, only to tear apart her clothes, and fill her holes, again, just like she begged for.

If this was a situation that involved a more eager, and less bothered, version of myself, I would have definitely shredded her taunting panties into a million tiny bits!!

I would have gleefully forgotten she was my mother!! That is how horny I felt!!

I already knew she wore no bra, and her selection of panties made me wonder if there was more to her skipping her bra, than just a late night routine.

I even wondered if my mother had a hidden side I knew nothing about... A secret part of her personality that encouraged her to be a sexy tease...

It was a very dirty thought. But one that had all the right to pop up in my mind, especially when she was right in front of me with her barely covered rear.

"What are you waiting for, Karthik?? Take it off!! Pull my panties down." my mom gladly shouted, reminding me of my current objective.

"Or... Will it be easier if you keep it on my body?? You can push it to the side if that will make you feel better. You don't have to worry much about your mother's modesty then. Haha!!" she laughed.

It was a cruel, shameless, joke. But, she was right!!

I was indeed worried about her virtue. But, now, it was also because I feared if I had started to want this forbidden encounter with her.

I very carefully got hold of the edge of the shiny material, and guided it aside, to be immediately greeted by the sight of my mother's beautiful clean shaven pussy.

"Damn!! Fuck!!" I could not help but acknowledge the fact that my mom had an irresistible treasure hidden underneath her clothes. Her pussy lips were perfectly enticing.

Very soon, my mother asked me to start undressing.

I was wearing a white colored tank top, and a pair of grey sweat shorts, and she wanted nothing on me.

"Get rid of your top, as well!! It is way too long, and will definitely come in the way. We really don't want anything that would disturb our focus." my mom said, upon realizing I had only dumped my shorts on the floor.

I did exactly what she asked me to, leaving myself completely naked, just a couple of inches away from her.

How ever strange it was, and despite the conflicting emotions, I could not stop myself from picturing the scene in the room.

But, fortunately, I was still keen on focusing on the consequences, than in the carnal aspects.

If somebody had walked in on us, that very second, they were going to be greeted by the sight of a fully undressed son, and a half naked mother, just about to engage in the wildest of sins possible.

Even though I continued to be unsure about the whole idea, I also found myself correctly positioning my body behind hers.

My mother's rump appeared to be pushed out a lot more, and her ass-cheeks automatically spread wide.

She sure was thicker than I thought she was!!

"Okay..." she said, taking a deep breath.

"Ready??" she asked me.

"Now!!" she commanded, the moment she heard me say yes.

I swiftly moved forward, directing my manhood to find it's way inside my own mother.

"Hhmmm..." my mom sighed, as the head of my penis touched her pussy lips.

"Aahhhh..." my mom moaned, as my cock slowly reached the opening of her vagina.

"Ooohhhhhh..." my mom groaned, as the entire length of my dick easily slid inside her moist cunt.I was completely inside my mom, in a single thrust...

19 years later, I was back inside my mom!!

The process was so smooth, she had accomodated me so comfortably, I did not even realise that I had found myself a place in The Mother Fuckers Club.

A lot of it had to do with the fact that I was only as big as my dad, and also that he had been giving it to my mom on a regular basis - I assumed, and believed.

But, still, she was super wet... My mother was already dripping, and there was no way she could have ever denied it.

Because, that is how easily I entered her.

Because, that is how effortlessly I penetrated her.

To be honest, the lack of struggle actually bothered me.

"Was my mom horny for me?!" I asked myself, repeatedly.

It was her own son who was infiltrating her, but it was very much possible that she might have imagined, wished, or even considered, that her new partner was not her blood, but another man - Especially, a young lad who could do an older woman like her a lot of good.

After all, she was also a human being, and there were all the chances that she could have felt being turned on by her adult son's presence!!

I was taking her from the back, and as long as she never told me what exactly she was feeling, there was no way I could make out from her facial expressions, I did not have the view of.

"Did I really make my mother crave for sex?!" I wondered, one more time.

3 minutes went by, very slowly, and I had not even completed 10 full thrusts yet. I was shivering, and was taking it very slow, even as my mother continued to encourage me.

5 minutes into doing my mom, I was a lot more relaxed, and I knew I had found my groove. I was no expert, but I was certain I was doing it right.

My movements were a lot more stable now, and further confirming this was the fact that my mom had started letting out soft rhythmic moans.

It shook me, but a part of me always knew this was a very probable situation. It was a very organic & natural after-effect.

"Shoot it!! Shoot it, Karthik!! Shoot it inside me!! Fast!! Let's get over with this..." my mom said, trying to sound as composed as she could.

I was always convinced that I could never own a woman with just the size of my cock. I was only 7 inches long, and had nothing extra ordinary hidden underneath my trousers. Hence, I was certain I was only causing moderate stimulation.

I was happy to think that I was never going to dominate my mom, and she was sober enough to not stray, despite the taboo-filled act.

In-fact, I felt this great need to make myself understand that my mom still had the sense to push me into crossing the line as quickly as possible, and everything was only going according to plan.

Also, the urgency in her voice clearly outdid the scandalous questions her whimpers generated. There was nothing I had to worry about.

But, she managed to leave me baffled, with the immediate set of groans that followed.

"Ohhh... Yeahhh... Yess Babyyy... Yea... Yeahh... Yeahhhh... Babbyy... Ahhh... That is just how you do it..." my mom murmered, in an extremely vulnerable fashion.

At around 8 minutes of action, I had still not cum, but my mom appeared to have been doing all the work now.

She was moving her hips on her own, grinding my cock...

Well, hips surely don't lie, but I really hoped this was not a preview of far more sinister things to come.

"Yess... Yesss... Mmmmm... Baby... Fuckk!!" my mom squealed, exactly a minute later.

"Was this also normal?!" I had to admit I was having second thoughts about the whole arrangement, now.

By the time 10 minutes passed, after my first stab, my mom herself was slamming her ass against my body, as I drilled deeper into her pussy.

I had to do absolutely nothing to keep the session running, but I was also nowhere close to reaching an orgasm.

"Karthikkk!! Don't stand still. Do it harder!! Do it!!" my mom whined, suggesting to me that she had started to greatly enjoy it. She was so thrilled, it was impossible to not confirm the obvious detail.

Her enthusiasm even made me overlook the fact that her light brownish pussy was a little too pricky. It clearly indicated that she had shaved her pubes recently, and rubbed against my crotch, non-stop, tickling me, in the most carnal way possible.

How ever explicit the scenario was, there still was a degree of righteousness associated with the whole deed, I strongly wished to believe.

But, 15 minutes into the act, I ripped my mother's pink satin bikini type panties apart, in the most gruesome manner!!

I myself could not accept that I had dared to do that, but there was no denying I had formally fully uncovered my mom's lower body.

This was totally against the sequence of play, but paved the way for the inevitable, yet sudden, turn of events.

My mom forcefully turned her face, towards me, and had her mouth wide open - Looking more pleased than stunned.

That very moment, I also realised I could not trust that I had taken so long to unleash the man in me, further stressing how significantly I was being excited, during the sexual intercourse.

I was completely lost in the exploit, and I knew I was starting to have fun taking part in my mother's sinful defiling.

The new view of her firm ass seamlessly made me forget the whole virtuous intention of this still immoral setup.

With her butt pushed out, considerably, my mom's ass cheeks appeared to be spread wide, and I was blessed with the sight of her very tight ass-hole.

For a second, I seriously wished I was penterating her exposed back-door now.

I placed my hand on her rear, and even tried to part her cheeks further, reavealing a lot more of her teasing very clean anal cavity.

I felt so intoxicated, I almost slapped her shining bums.

I was so in love with her solid booty, I had not realised how badly we were sweating, until my mom indicated that she would like to remove her top.

"What?!!" I blurted, still nowhere close to being brought to my senses.

"Help me take my t-shirt off, Karthik!!" my mom said, hastily, eager to get back into feeling raunchy, without any delay.

I did just as she instructed me, but also found myself grabbing her boobs, as I continued fucking her from behind.

In-fact, I was mauling her melons, as I screwed her with greater force, much to

my own mother's surprise and delight.

I even grabbed her loose hair for a few seconds, and almost proceeded to pull her, before quickly retracting from it - There still was some civility left in me.

"Yasssss... Fucking Yessss!!" my mom moaned loudly, awakening me to an extent, bringing me closer to reality.

With her top now gone, and her bra already absent, my mom had nothing left on her tanned body.

I was blessed with the sight of her gorgeous bare back, and I had to admit that she had the hottest curves any woman would ever have.

"Shit!!" I gasped, as it registered in my mind that my mom was completely naked in front of me - For me!!

I wanted to, and would have any second, turned her around, but fortunately for me, my mom herself did the necessary, changing our stance.

While one could argue that this was because I was very keen to feed on my mother's body from a different angle, the hard truth also involved the need to resist the want to drill my mom's butt-hole.

I was relieved I did not force myself into trying my luck sodomising her, and I gladly let myself be distracted looking at my mom lay on the bed, perfectly uncovered.

I did have to pull my meat out for a good long minute, before I entered her from the front, but it was well worth.

This was the first time I was seeing my mom in her full glory, and she looked ravishing in the nude.

Her nipples were hard, and her extremely moist cunt gleefully exhibited the remains of the multiple orgasms she already had.

Though I was no sex addict, I always admired the beauty of a bare woman. I have spent so many nights savoring the view of naked ladies, online & in my mind, and from my experience in understanding the dimension's of a female body, I could say my mom was precisely of the size 33-26-33.

She had a slim figure, and had almost zero fat in her teasing well shaped hips, and flat belly. Her petite tits were only B-Cups, but still a very alluring pair.

Most importantly, she was very pretty, and very very charming. It was just that I needed my mother to be fully undressed to realise how amazing she really was.

I had not imagined in my dirtiest sexually charged fantasies that my mom was so irresistible, and I would ever have the oppurtunity to feast on her luscious body.

Her dusky melons, brown areola and contrasting pink nipples begged for my attention, even as I continued to screw her.

My mom had her pelvis slightly raised to help me have uninterrupted access inside her, and I acknowledged her kindness by increasing the speed of my thrusts.

As soon as we reached the 25th minute of our venereal activity, she asked me to bend, and bring myself closer to her body.

And before I knew it, I was shagging her in the proper missionary position, as she licked her lips with her wet tongue.

"I so wish... Fuckk... I so wish... I could tell you anything and everything!!" my mom whispered in my ears.

"You have no idea what I saw in my sleep, last night!! You won't believe it!!" she desperately moaned, not worried about the words coming out of her mouth.

"I should tell you this... I need to... I woke up today morning, dreaming about you fucking me... I was so low when you started the conversation, in the living room, but also immediately found myself being aroused..." she was not going to stop talking.

"If I already knew how this was going to end, I would have neatly stripped down for you right there!!" she confessed.

"Mom?!" I treasured each and every word she said, but still almost screamed in reflex.

"You are so big, Karthik... Ahhh... Your Dad... Mmmmm... Kaushik... hardly even gets an erection, these days... He has just not been able to do me any good..." she continued.

"I have been using too many of those big plastic dildos on my... Fuckk!! This is so good..." my mom added, just before I got myself ready to ask her how her pussy was still so loose, and thereby clearing my doubts.

Kavita : And... He hates it... Oohhh... I should have never told him about my collection... Yesss... That is why he keeps the cupboards locked. All my toys are in there!! Fuckkk!!

Karthik : Ohh...

Kavita : So... Mmmm... I will be calling you in, more often...

Karthik : What?!

Kavita : Err... Nothing... Just don't stop!!

I did not know if it was the position, or the realisation that my dad had not been giving my mom as much as she desired, and I was actually the stud providing her gratification, but, it was right then that I discovered I was equally enjoying this pursuit.

Well, I had been relishing for some time now, but it was that second my mind & body unanimuously agreed.

I looked straight into her eyes for the first time since the erotic task began, and she reflected all the fulfillment I had helped her achieve.

I was fully aware of how rough & intense I was turning... I definitely knew I was ramming my pole inside my mom's dripping twat.

I was fucking my own mother - I finally conceded!!

There was still disbelief, reluctance and even an ounce of anger, but I had crossed all stages of sanity, and I just had to think that I was giving a woman the time of her life, and I had equal right to savour on the pleasure.

30 minutes since commencement, we changed poses, again. I was now screwing my mom in the face-off position, and she was sitting on my lap, riding me, with a lot of intensity.

She had her hands on the back of my head, and forced my face onto her lower neck, and the enticing flesh on her shoulders.

As we neared 35 minutes of the persistent attempt at reproduction, my mom pushed me back, onto the bed, and began grinding her wanting pussy walls, against my hard dick.

And just seconds later, she was riding my tool, even harder, jumping on me, in the cow-girl position.

"I am cumming!!" my mom screamed, for the fifth time, in only as many minutes. She looked as if she was turning into a sex crazed slut.

As time went by, she compelled my hands on to her perky breasts, and pressed my hands, with her palm, making me grope her jugs.

She had squirted thrice, and also grabbed my balls, bouncing on me, vigorously, biting her lips in ecstacy.

My mom had moaned & groaned, and screamed & shouted, but I was still very much in control, and going strong.

She even kissed me on my lips, twice, smooching me for a whole minute, on both ocassions.

While the initial bid was to keep her mouth shut, and hide her extremely vulgar cries, the second was definitely an oral display of affection.

But even after a whole hour of hardcore unalduterated sex, I was still inside my mom, touching the interiors of her ripe hole, as my stick insisted to hold erect, and yet not discharge.

We kept shuffling between positions, even discovering new postures, throughout the session, but to no avail.

"Karthik... Babbyy... Fuckk!! Your friends call you cutter, right?! I think I now know why... Cut right through your slutty mummy's whorry pussy!! Please!!" my mom grunted, in the most blunt & insensitive tone.

This was clearly the most controversial sentence ever said by a mother to a son - A line so filthy, even a sleazy production house would have avoided it in their adult video.

However, it seemed to have done the trick. My mom's shameless blurting had pulled the trigger.

I could feel the rush, and I was nearing an orgasm!!

80 minutes after my mother delightedly submitted herself to her own son, I had finally been made to unload my young fresh juices into the very space I came out from, almost two decades ago.

"Aaahhhhh... Fuckkk... Yessss..." my mom sighed, softly, as she felt my hot cum shot deep inside her womb, at-last.

There was a wide smile on my mom's face, and she even giggled like a young girl, who just had her first orgasm.

She was very happy she got what she wished for. But, she also very evidently looked like she had been sexually satisfied, in great proportions.

I had filled her in the edge-of-the-bed position, with her legs in the air, and I had also lowered myself as I climaxed.

I was literally still on top of her, tired after all the exertion, and equally content about ejaculating.

I had, in-fact, not even bothered to pull my penis out of her vagina. But, it also had a lot to do with my mom wrapping her legs around my hips, as soon as I started to jizz inside her love-hole.

"Okay, Mom... I think that is it... I guess I should go now..." I said, regaining my breath, as I finally got out of my mom, again, looking at her blush.

I was just back on my feet, with guilt slowly finding it's way into my thoughts, when she pulled me back, onto her, and hugged me tightly.

After everything that had happened over the last three hours, the point that we were both naked, seemed unimportant.

My mom continued to caress me, and once we were out of the bed, she let me go only after she kissed me on my cheeks, with a lot of intensity.

"Thank You!!" she mouthed, as she watched me put on my clothes, and leave the room...

It was a strange period at home, and there were very odd instances between me and my mom, the first few days after the wicked encounter, especially when dad was around.

Two weeks later, my mom missed her period, and she checked for pregnancy, even as she was always fully sure she had conceived.

I was watching TV, in the living room, when she came from the back, sat on the couch, and kissed me all over my face.

Dad was in the verandah, speaking on the phone, and I tried to push her away, in vain.

"Your Dad is going to fuck me tonight!! And tomorrow, I will tell him that I fear the condom broke!! Hahaha!! But, the Baby is yours!! Your dumb Dad will never know!!" she gushed, beaming like a possesed lass, making me feel more than just miserable.

Only to find myself totally frozen, when she showed me the Pregnancy Test Strip, in her hand, conveying the positive result.

"Thank You For Everything!!" my mom said, teary eyed, but also overjoyed.

I had impregnated my mother!!

I had succesfully bred my own mother!!

I had given my mother the perfect birthday gift!!


"What are you thinking, Mom??" I asked my mother, seeing her lost in deep thoughts, on a lazy saturday afternoon.

"It's nothing..." she replied with a sly sheepish smile.

Karthik : Tell me, Mom...

Kavita : I was just thinking about my birthday, the year before you were born.

Karthik : What about it, Mom??

Kavita : Nothing... Hehe...

Karthik : Tell me, Mom... Please!!

Kavita : I was thinking about the gift I received that day...

Karthik : What gift?!

Kavita : A gift similar to what my son gave me, this year...

Karthik : Excuse me?!

Kavita : Hahaha...

Karthik : What was the gift, Mom??

Kavita : You...

Karthik : What?!

Kavita : You!! You were gifted to me!!

Karthik : Ohh... Yeah?? So, I was a special offering from Dad on your birthday...

"Hahaaha... Well... Yes... And, I was thinking how I got you..." my mom stopped abruptly, kissing me on my lips, rubbing her hand just over my crotch, as she showed me an old photo, in Facebook.

However inappropriate it was, my mom showering physical & sensual love on me had become a very common activity over the last few days, even as I did my best to keep myself out of it.

"You are the Father to my Child!!" was what she cheerfully replied, when I questioned her actions, and tried to stop her.

I could not accept she said that to me. I still was convinced I had made a sacrifice by being on the bed with my mother.

And to avoid having the uneasy burden of more such explicit set of words, I decided to just let her have her way, with things even reaching a point where she once slid her hands inside my trousers.

It wasn't going to make a difference anyway... I had already committed a sin that would forever remain.

"Who is this, Mom?!" I asked her, surpised that the young man, in the photo, resembled me.

"He is your Father!!" my mom replied, taking a deep breath.

Karthik : But... Mom... I have seen Dad's old pictures... He had very long hair, back then, and looked nothing like this.

Kavita : Karthik... I am sorry... But, the person who you call DAD is not your real father.

Karthik : What?! Mom??

Kavita : It was not Kaushik who impregnated me... But, my ex-boyfriend, from college!!

Karthik : Mom... What the hell?! Just stop it... What are you even saying, Mom?? I know you are lying to me... This is one of your tricks!!

Kavita : Tricks?! What tricks?? I am telling you the truth, Karthik... My first birthday, after getting married to Kaushik, was celebrated on my former lover's bed, on the top tier of a stinking bunk, inside his shared room, in an old filthy lodge, located in the British Junction Bus Stand, behind the Railway Station.

Mom... Please!! Stop!!" I stressed, listening to her narrating the decietful story of how I was born, 19 years ago.

I just could not take it. It sounded too rude, and her detailing was simply too lewd.

But, she was serious... She was telling me the actuality!!

The hard truth that I in reality was an illicit child, from my mom's erotic escapade with her old flame, after her marriage, sent shivers down my spine.

"I wanted a child... That was the only reason I agreed to get married, when my parents starting forcing me for the alliance with your Dad..." my mother began explaining her past.

"Your real father & I always talked about family & kids, when we were dating... We planned to have a lot of children... But, he was years away from settling down... And, I wanted to be a mother as early as possible, and I could not wait so long for my true love."

"However, after my marriage with Kaushik, he said it was too early for a child, just like how he told it was too late, on my birthday this year, despite me begging him."

"It was very rightfully only a few days after our wedding, but I wanted to be pregnant."

"I was dejected, with my life, and wanted a break. And, was going to be with my parents, the coming weekend."

"Maybe it was a coincidence... But, when Kaushik dropped me in front of the station, that eventful Friday, to catch a train that would take me home, I was greeted by the familar figure of my ex-boyfriend."

"It was my birthday and Kaushik was upset he could not bring a smile on my face on my special day. He was also unhappy about how things were between us, but thought a couple of days away from each other will make things better."

"And, when I saw the man I always turned wet for, I knew just what had to be done."

"I did not board the train, but instead just followed him blindly, as my once darling lover grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his room."

"He shared the tiny space with 6 other men, from his work place, but I still stayed there for three full nights, letting him mercilessly master me, very much aware of the possibility of being taken by each of his older colleagues too."

"They were all kind enough to not touch me, but had all humbled me with just their looks... And to be very honest, had any of them approached me, I would have succumbed to their lust, putting an even more daunting question mark over the identity of your biological father."

By the time my mom concluded briefing me about her scandalous demeaning affair, I was on the verge of breaking down.

But, she wasn't done opening up, just yet. She had only paused, to get herself a glass of water. She sure had more details to add.

"When I got back home, the Monday that followed, Kaushik hugged me tightly, kissing me. I felt shameful, for cheating on him, but it also struck me that this was my best chance to hide the otherwise obvious."

"I got him on the bed, straightway, and made him enter me, bareback. He had pulled out well before he even neared an orgasm, but the mere seconds inside me were enough to convince him of your origin!!"

My mother finally finished telling me how she tricked dad into trusting her loyalty, with a deep sigh.

It was a revelation, I deserved to know. But, I felt completely let down.

My whole life seemed a big lie. And, I also felt sorry for my mother's husband - the man I considered my father all this time.

While it was her son from her ex-boyfirend that received her husband's love & care, all these years, this time it was going to be the corrupted child from the very above mentioned evil offspring, who was going to call her man DAD.

My mom had done this before, with relative ease. That is why she was so chilled, even as I was tempted to keep a low profile.

My mom had got my false dad to believe it was his seed that she had inside her.

She did that when she had me. She knew she could do the same to him, one more time. She knew dad would believe her.

"Just promise me you won't force him to be on the bed with you!!" I almost demanded, pointing my finger on my mom's stomach, in a tone that had shock & shame mixed.

I knew I was stretching too far. It was too early... I did not even know if it was going to be a boy... I was just too stressed & broken.

But, slowly, I realised I was also very amused at the developments.

This was so damn twisted, it actually had started to feel like a very teasing kinky setting.

I did sense my cock harden, but my craving mother had noticed it a lot earlier.

"Hahahaha... Let us seee... Cannot guarantee anything..." my mom smirked, getting down on her knees, right away.

"Never wear your bottoms at home!!" she firmly ordered, as she pushed my boxers down, pulled my excited cock out, and started blowing me, like a pro, letting me know how slutty a woman she had been her whole life.

"And, also, Karthik... I know it is not right to always trouble you for my needs!! So... Do you know somebody who would be interested in doing it with me?! Hahaha!!" my mom repeated the question that started everything, before rushing back to licking my thick shaft, as I softly moaned.

"What is the name of my real father??" I asked my mom, as I continued to be sexually stimulated, not worried anymore about my manhood being used by my own mother, even after being filled with a considerable amount of remorse.

I had cum in under a minute, this time, and my mother had all my juices in her mouth. She was pleased, and she knew she had won me.

"Karthik!!" my mom said, almost laughing as she swallowed my load, feeling extremely gratified, watching me groan.

"Yes... Tell me his name..." I repeated.

"Haha!! Karthik!!" my mom said, again.

"Yes, Tell me his..." I started the sentence, before I shockingly realised that my mom was trying to say I shared the same name with my her ex-boyfriend, who was also my true male parent!!

It was a very precious input, but the piece of information only shed more light onto the horrifying reality that my mother was making a cuck out of her husband, for the last 20 years.

She had named me after her former lover, as an ode to his special birthday gift.

It was her revenge on her husband, for saying no to her dear dream of being a loving mom.

And with me getting her pregnant, I had only helped her continue the cycle of shaming the man I still called DAD!!


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