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71.73% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2941: OUR FAMILY CALENDAR


We're a largish family - six of us in all...our parents, Sally and Jim, us two boys, Chris and Tim and the two girls, Angela (Angie) and Elizabeth (Liz). Liz at 18 is the youngest of us all but we're all close together - even Tim, the eldest is only 26. Mum's just celebrated her 46th birthday while Dad's 50th happens to be next year.

We're also very fortunate in that we've got a decently large house in the countryside, left to our parents by my Dad's parents and since we're all 'good friends' none of us kids have ever tried to move out so far. Oh, it'll happen eventually but we're in no rush; our parents have made our home far too comfortable!

Apart from being a reasonably large family, both our parents come from large families as well and as a result we seem to have aunties and uncles, nieces and nephews coming out of the woodwork all around. It's always someone's birthday somewhere, as a result of which we've made a family decree to only buy pressies for our immediate family members. We'd be bankrupt otherwise...and when it comes to Christmas, we long ago all agreed to send just one present to each relative's family. It didn't have to be a big one - the thought was what counted and so we were always thinking up new ideas...

This Christmas coming was no different and one warm evening in late August we were all sitting out on the patio with assorted drinks when the subject of the forthcoming pressie came up.

"Oh shut up!" said Angie to whoever raised the subject, "Its still summer!"

"Yeah but we've got to think ahead," Tim answered, "We always seem to leave it to the last minute and then its all a rush at the end. About time we got ourselves organised."

"Hear, hear," said Dad, not really sounding too optimistic, "So whose got any ideas then?"

I think he expected the subject to grind to a quick halt so we could ignore it once again, but Liz piped up. Liz, at 18 was still going to college part-time while working as a receptionist at a local office.

"Speaking of Christmas, I hear they're going to do another calendar at college," she said, "It'll be to raise funds so all the various departments will have a month, as well as some of the course leaders. It'll be boring as usual I expect."

"So?" moaned Angie, "Why should we care?"

"Well, couldn't we do one?" replied Liz, "Its for the relatives only isn't it, so it doesn't have to be anything special...so if we did perhaps two photos of each of us that would make twelve photos - and a whole family one on the front. Yeah?"

"Not a bad idea," said Mum, standing up and preening herself, "I'll take July and August so I can wear my bikini!"

"No you won't!" said Dad, grasping the idea, "If we're going to do that then we'll cast lots or perhaps have one summery one and one wintery one each."

Somehow the idea seemed to have taken root and even the following day discussions were taking place between various family members; we were actually getting quite animated about it all.

A few days later and we were all together again and now we discussed the matter in more detail.

"It's a damn good idea actually," said Dad, "My nice new camera will be perfect and I can make some excellent calendar setups on the printer. Shouldn't be too hard to organise but we do need to think of some way to make it interesting."

"Some props then," suggested Mum but Dad wasn't impressed.

"I agree that we can't all just stand there like lemons, so what about if we use our work and our holidays to create themes?" he said, "Chris, you're into nature so you can put on a jungle outfit. Angie, you're a nurse - you put on a sexy nurses' uniform!"

"Dad!" exclaimed Angie, "That'll be rude - we can't send that sort of thing to Auntie Jane, not to mention Cousin Pru!"

"Fuck them!" said Dad crudely, supping at his wine, "We'll do what we like!"

"Hey Dad," said Tim, "How about you and Mum wearing what you did on holiday last year!"

Mum turned sharply towards him.

"Tim - how could you suggest that!" she said, "That was a private holiday, just your Dad and me."

"Hah - your nudist holiday, you mean!" said Liz, "Go on Mum - dare you! And you Dad!"

While nudity wasn't 'done' on our house, it was inevitable that we'd see other family members in various states of undress from time to time, so we were only mildly shocked when Mum and Dad said they were having a nudist holiday away from us all. What was the best part though was that Dad left the memory card in his camera when they came home - long enough for me to 'borrow' it and copy the contents onto my computer.

And from there it did the rounds of the children; all of us eventually owning copies and our parents really should have been more careful because quite apart from many general nudist scenes there were plenty of close-ups of both Mum and Dad - even pictures of 'an erotic nature' as they cavorted in their chalet.

And even more interesting, especially to Tim and I was a video of our parents fucking!

It may have been our parents but wow, they looked hot and the sex was vivid and exciting, if fairly brief. Long enough though, we both admitted, to wank over, buoyed up by the fact that we were watching our two parents going at it like rabbits!

Tim and I were good pals as well as brothers - we had to be friends I guess, because we shared a bathroom in the same way that Angie and Liz had to share theirs. Our home might have been large but we had three bathrooms for the six bedroom (one kept as spare for visitors) - hardly deprivation even though the girls seemed to think so at times.

Sharing a bathroom meant that we'd both come across the other in the process of having a wank in the shower once in a while but it was no more than a slightly embarrassing moment and we'd never done anything with each other...even though I was somewhat tempted occasionally.

And it seemed that the girls felt much the same. Liz told me, in private, that Angie shaved her pussy and that it looked all smooth and sexy and that she wanted to be able to touch it - but that was as far as our inter-family relationships went, it seemed.

Naturally Dad thought he was supreme with a camera and it was only a few days later that he gathered us all together one evening...

"You mother and I have decided," he said, standing there on a proverbial soapbox, "A photo of just one of you at a time really will be a bit boring, so we're going to do things in pairs."

"Yeah - guess that makes sense," agreed Tim, "So who's going to be with who?"

"One girl, one boy," said Mum, "Then you can change partners."

"Ummmm, that'll only make six months, won't it," said Liz logically, "Suppose we'll need to do ones with us girls and then the boys too."

"So we will," said Mum suddenly realising our shortcomings, "Hmmmm - ok, we'll do this."

She began making notes on the edge of a newspaper.

"Yes, we can start with the two boys, then Chris with Liz and then Chris with Angie. Then we'll change over and it'll be Tim's turn with the girls. We'll see how it all goes and then we'll do your Dad with the girls and me with the boys and then Christmas and Easter specials of us all together. How's that sound? We'll need a few more combinations but we'll come to those in due course."

Approval all round, it seemed - or at least no-one objected, so Dad powered up his camera and got his stuff ready.

"Let's try some trial runs," he said, "See how things look; then we can do some dress rehearsals sometime soon and then the real thing perhaps next week."

Before long we were all posing wildly and stupidly, all of us knowing that this was just for practice and all of us seemingly trying to out-pose the other.

It was just as well then that Dad seemed happy with the photos; even managing to dash round and into place so we could do the full family photos before the camera timer expired.

Finally Dad was satisfied and he packed his stuff away before disappearing into his office room while Mum and us kids sat around and chatted, much of the chatter being about the forthcoming calendar.

Tim was now a bit scathing as he spoke up.

"Isn't it going to be a bit boring though? Just two mugshots each month..." he said, "Everyone seems to do that kind of thing nowadays."

"Yeah," yawned Angie, "Seen them like that before - our boss did one of his family last year - it was terrible!"

"That's why we'll be better if we do something a bit different; say wear our "uniforms" - our work outfits for example," said Mum using her two fingers to indicate the parenthesis, "Then we'll all be able to show off our best bits, won't we?"

Angie and Liz cracked up, sniggering quietly in a corner while Tim just stood there.

"What me - covered in brick dust and shit?" he said, grimacing, "I'll definitely have to find some way to look a bit better."

"Perhaps we need to get some fancy-dress outfits instead; or I'll make them," suggested Mum, "You, for example Tim, you ought to show off your muscles and your tan. You need some sexy shorts and a vest...with your tools hanging from your belt."

I couldn't help snigger at Mum's words as I imagined Tim with his tool hanging out of his shorts and Liz must have had the same thoughts as she looked at me and covered her mouth, her eyes sparkling!

I saw Liz about to speak and I quickly stopped her, guessing the kind of thing she might say.

"No I don't need a magnifying glass for my bits, thank you!" I said with reference to my entomological studies and Liz burst out laughing wildly, soon followed by Angie.

"Bet you'll need a big collecting bottle though!" said Liz, sniggering even more.

"Dirty sods!" said Angie, "Trust you to bring sex into it!"

"Well why don't we do something sexy?" said Tim, a big grin on his face, "I mean I've already suggested that Mum and Dad wear their holiday outfit - I bet if we all posed nude we'd be able to sell the blooming calendar like hot cakes!"

It was hard to tell what Mum was thinking because she was keeping quiet but she was obviously listening carefully and thoughtfully.

"You just want to show off your chest and your tool!" laughed Liz and Angie and I fell about laughing too.

"And I suppose you'll be wanting to check me over with your stethoscope," said Tim to Angie.

She didn't reply but her eyes and her mouth said it all...she was interested!

"Alright Liz, so what can you be doing?" asked Angie, her face screwing up, "Guess you'll just have to sit on people's laps like the good secretary you are, eh?"

"Be a problem with Tim's tool then!" said Liz, laughing freely, "Where am I going to put that?"

We all cracked up laughing at this point, which was just as well as the time was rushing on. We all kissed Mum goodnight and disappeared to our rooms, all of us still chuckling and giggling like kids. Soon I was relaxing on my bed but inside me there was a certain amount of arousal. The nude idea sounded like quite a lot of fun...especially if things got hot and I began to get visions of Liz and Angie rubbing themselves against me. I knew that both girls and Tim for that matter were pretty broadminded and I began to wonder... What if things progressed to the point of touching? Or even to playing? Could I even stand there beside a nude sister without getting a hard-on? Could they keep their hands off me for that matter? And what about Mum and Dad too?

I soon found myself solidly erect as imaginary visions of my sisters in the nude began to take over my mind; us doing things with each other as we posed...and suddenly, almost without realising that I was wanking I was cumming - spraying hot spunk all over the bed and the carpet.

The idea was a hot one, that was for sure - one I'd have to ensure was given its best chance...

A few days later and I'd formulated a bit of a plan and caught Mum in a relaxed mood, just lazing one early evening, enjoying a glass or two of wine. I brought with me a memory stick and, having found myself a can of lager I joined Mum out on the patio.

"Hi Mum, how's things?" I asked, an easy throw-away line.

"Fine darling, and you?" she replied languidly, "How's things at work."

"Just organising another field trip," I said as I sat down beside her and topped up her glass, "A good excuse for a lazy few days!"

Silence reigned until I spoke again...

"Mum," I began softly, "You know your holiday, the nude one?"

"Yeahhhh?" replied Mum, her glass poised at her lips, suddenly wary, "What of it?"

"Was it fun?" I asked, "Was it exciting as in sexy?"

"Yeahhh," said Mum, her eyes shutting as she remembered, "Was good actually!"

"What - having nude people all around?" I asked, "Getting to see all those exciting bits...was there lots of sex?"

"Chris...!" exclaimed Mum, taking a large gulp of her wine, "You shouldn't really ask that kind of thing!"

"Well," I persisted, "Was there, go on, tell me?"

"Mmmmmm, there was actually," said Mum, her eyes shutting once more, "Lots of sex - of course there was - good sex too...!"

Then she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Why do you ask, Chris?" she said, "You haven't mentioned it before."

"It was the calendar idea that got me thinking, wondering about how we'd all feel naked together," I said, "And that made me think of your holiday...and that made me think of this..."

And with that I gently placed the memory stick on the table between us.

"What's on there, darling?" asked Mum inquisitively as she took another long swig of her wine, "Some pictures for me?"

"Some pictures of you!" I said, "After your holiday Dad left the camera on the side and I downloaded the photos he'd taken. I didn't mean to, I thought they were my photos...I'd taken some and I didn't know yours were still in the camera."

That was something of a lie but how was she to know the truth!

"What - those pictures - oh my God!" she said, picking up the stick; her face flushed, "And you've seen them?"

I nodded enthusiastically.

"Of course I have! And you do look bloody good too, Mum!" I said encouragingly, "Damn shame we don't get to see more of you!"

"Cheeky sod!" she exclaimed, putting down her now empty glass, "But yes, I've still got a decent figure, haven't I?"

I could see her squirming around as she adjusted her breasts as if to show them off better; thank heavens she'd taken it the way I'd rather expected she might!

"You've got a lovely figure!" I said, "Don't mind me saying so Mum, but you've got better pair of boobs than that girl I had round last week."

"Don't know if I should take that as a compliment or get mad at you - but thank you darling - nice of you to say so," said Mum, preening herself, "I've been lucky."

Her hands came up and lifted her breasts and as she did so, her nipples both began to show through her clothes, standing out like the proverbial door stops.

"Cor, look Mum," I said, pointing at them, "Wish I could see them properly!"

"Not now, another day!" she said, then shook her head.

"What am I saying?" she said, blushing prettily, but I noticed that her hands had strayed and her thumbs were now rubbing over her nipples which seemed to stick out even more now!

"Never mind Mum, I can always look at the photos," I reminded her, "Anyway, they look even better in the video!"

Mum's eyes flashed open.

"Oh no, you haven't seen that as well! Chris, how could you!" she moaned, "Your Dad said he'd delete it!"

"Glad he didn't," I said cheerfully, "Too good to delete - you looked so damn sexy Mum...spread out over that table...made me wish I'd been there instead of Dad!"

That was a risky comment but with Mum obviously not seriously complaining or objecting, I thought it was worthwhile and I actually got away with it!

"Mmmmmm, your Dad was good that day," said Mum ignoring my innuendo, her eyes closed once more, "I think all that nudity really rejuvenated him - and me too for that matter. Really got me going, it did!"

"Did you have sex with anyone else while you were there?" I asked, emboldened by Mum's words and I saw Mum smiling as she remembered.

"Nearly darling," she said, as I filled her glass again, "There was a young man there - he was massive and he kept following me around. God - he kept on getting hard too!"

"Go on..." I encouraged her...

"I was coming back from the showers one day and I met him and we got talking...well, more than talking actually," she recollected, "And I held him and he was like that!"

Her hands formed rings round a huge imaginary penis and she moved them up and down...

"And then an old bastard came walking past - I reckon that if that he hadn't come along I might well have got him to have me!" she continued reminiscing, "It was that close...!"

"No other bits of activity?" I asked again and Mum's eyes closed once more.

"Well, one nice man did let me suck him off," she said, her lips remembering the taste, "And two girls got me to join in with them one afternoon...but that wasn't anything serious, just a bit of fun. Other that those few there was no-one else there I really fancied though."

"Wow Mum," I exclaimed, "Didn't know you were a swinger!"

"Hmmm, wonder what else you don't know Chris," she said mysteriously as she put her hand on my arm, "Bet you'd like to find out! Perhaps you will one day!"

Highly excited but realising that much as Mum had opened up to me, now wasn't the time to try to push the envelope too far - although I'd got a lot further than I'd expected - so I returned to my original subject.

"Getting back to the calendar Mum," I said, "So are you in favour of doing nude photos then?"

"Might be rather fun," she said, her hand rubbing up and down my arm, "I think we might need some bits to hide behind and so on but why not? I'll suggest it to your Dad then."

I leaned over and kissed her, noting that her nipples were still proudly erect, then left her to relax again while I went to find Liz to update her.

Liz was in her bedroom rummaging through her dressing table drawers and she invited me in cheerfully and soon we were both sitting cross-legged on the floor while she sorted through a pile of undies.

"I've got far too many pairs of knickers," she moaned, "And a lot of them are a bit childish for me now; look at this pair for example!"

They were indeed on the young side; floral cotton with bows here and there...but quite cheeky, nevertheless.

"Yeah - guess they are a bit on the babyish side I suppose, but they'd still look fine on you. So, what's your plan - are you moving into G-strings and thongs instead?" I suggested cheekily and Liz grinned at me.

"Well, sort of - I rather like thongs but I've got to be a bit careful with Tim around!" she said, "He keeps grabbing my arse when I'm wearing thongs - he can tell somehow!"

"Visible panty line," I said, "Or rather no line - even I can tell."

"Oh I know you can!" she said, "But then you've always been able to spot things like that - it's your interest in natural things that does it I reckon."

"My interest in good looking sexy things, Liz," I quipped, smiling broadly and Liz smiled back at me.

"You're wicked," she replied light-heartedly, "Anyway I don't mind you having a feel; you're my favourite brother!"

She leaned forward and threw her arms around my neck and with our centre of gravity altered we slowly rolled over onto one side, my arm managing to stop her head from hitting the floor. We lay there giggling softly before she leaned closer and kissed me on my lips, a warm tender kiss."I love you Chris," she said, "You're my very best friend."

Immediately I responded; down below things began to rise rapidly while up higher my own lips softened and suddenly we were really kissing, almost making love with our mouths. Liz's tongue had already found mine and we played together while lip-locked until we had to break off to breathe.

"Phew," said Liz, her eyes shining with excitement, "That was unexpected; that was hot Chris!"

"Couldn't help it," I said defensively but Liz shushed me.

"Did I ask you not to?" she said, kissing me again, "We ought to do that more often!"

And with that she pushed me over onto my back while she rolled on top of me. In the process our legs straightened until Liz was lying flat out on top of me.

"Kiss me again," she said as she lowered her face to mine and in seconds we were smooching, making out hard and furious, for all the world as if we were about to make love. And for an insane moment that's exactly what I wanted to do - to slide my hands down until I could push her shorts and knickers off; lower my zip and thrust my rock hard penis deep into her.

"Ooooh Chris, that's feels naughty!" said Liz and for a moment I wondered if I'd carried out my dream.

"What feels naughty?" I asked, not yet aware of anything untoward - until I felt Liz's body pushing down onto mine.

"You've gone all hard," she said, a big grin on her face, "He's pushing up at me...ohhhh, I like it!"

I just couldn't help my response; a jerky lifting of my hips to rub my penis against her pubic mound; an unintended response, but one that Liz obviously enjoyed.

"Ohhhh, stop it!" she said, her own body squirming above mine, her pussy rubbing against the hard ridge of my cock, "Stop it - that's nice!"

"It's not me - it's you!" I said, as my cock jerked once again, "You're doing it!"

Liz's eyes were half closed now as she ground down on me; small moans coming from between her moistened lips.

"This is so naughty," she moaned, her voice quivering, "Feels lovely though, I feel so hot inside!"

'You'll definitely feel hot inside if I get this thing in you!' I thought, feeling my cock pushing at her body.

Feeling that things were getting a bit out of hand I was about to suggest that Liz get off when I felt her fingers delving between us - and moments later she was grasping my penis through my jeans, sliding her hand up and down my length.

"God, he feels so big!" she said as she squeezed my cock, "Ooooh I wish you weren't my brother!"

"I wish you weren't my sister!" I moaned in return as her hand played havoc with my cock, "Oooh yeah Liz - that feels bloody nice!"

"Do you want me to do it some more?" she asked wickedly, her eyes shining brightly, "You don't mind, do you? Could I see it, do you think?"

Not waiting for a reply Liz slid off me, her pussy sliding across the top of my cock as she released my shaft. I couldn't help but quiver all over as sexy sensations shot through me.

Liz's hand was now busy at my waist, undoing my belt and my jeans...and then sliding my zip down. My good side wanted to jerk away but somehow I couldn't; somehow I just wanted her to continue exploring; to extract my cock; to play with me...even to go further!

And Liz was acting out my fantasies...her hand was working its way inside my fly, pushing at my underclothes until suddenly her cool fingers met my hot flesh.

I sucked in a huge breath as my cock jumped hard; her fingers now preventing escape; her fingers now closing around my shaft.

"Fuuuuuck!" I moaned, "Oooooh Liz, you mustn't! That's so naughty! You shouldn't be doing that!"

"Shush!" she said, leaning forward and kissing me quickly, "I've wanted to do this for ages. I've always wanted to see you and hold you, ever since I saw you that day."

She was referring to an evening when I came out of our shower without a towel, planning to dash across to my bedroom...only to find Liz in the hallway. We bumped together before dancing aside, allowing me to escape red-faced and half-hard to my room and for Liz to remain standing, staring...open-mouthed.

Naturally, while Liz had been busy, so had I, lifting my hips to slide my jeans and underwear down and out of the way. Liz pushed my t-shirt up and leaned back to admire her new toy; a generous seven inches of manhood that now throbbed energetically in her hand.

Slowly she slid her hand up and down, pulling back my foreskin, sliding the flesh erotically in her hot fist, making my knob glow with slippery excitement.

"God, I feel I want him closer to me," she said, her hand sliding around, "I want to feel all that hardness and heat against me - can I Chris, can I?"

"Mmmmmm!" I replied, unable to make a coherent reply or stop her, "Mmmmmm."

Obviously taking that as a 'yes' Liz suddenly squirmed around beside me; then lifted her thigh over me, before rolling completely on top of me once more.

"Ooooh yessss," she said and at that moment I realised that all that separated us was her very tiny thong. I could feel the stubble of her trimmed hairs brush against my thigh and then the softness of her thinly-covered pussy as it ground down on my cock and the warm softness of her belly on mine.

"Yeahhhhh," I moaned, "Oh bloody hell Liz, you feel lovely."

Liz didn't say anything; instead her hips began to move, rubbing her pussy up and down my shaft, driving me almost insane with pleasure. It was all I could do not to slide my hand down, push her thong aside and shove my slippery hardness into her but her actions spoke loudly of her own pleasures, so I concentrated on her instead.

My hands reached around her and clasped her bare buttocks, pulling her tighter to me, causing us both to groan as our sex organs rubbed together harder. Her hips jerked more energetically; as did mine - we were as good as dry-humping each other and we were both getting there, quite quickly.

Liz's eyes had lost contact with the world, she was on a different planet as she worked her pussy against me; her lips were open and wet; her tongue was protruding from one corner of her mouth; her cheeks were flushed red.

Hot wild scents were rising from us; perfumes full of sexual top notes with incestual undertones and base notes of heavy eroticism filled the air around us as we almost made love, until suddenly Liz opened her eyes wide.

"Oh Chris - Chris - I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" she cried quietly, "Oh God, I'm not suppose to - you're my brother!"

"God, you're my sister and I'm gonna cum too," I moaned, feeling things rising and escalating rapidly, "You're making me cum!"

Totally unable and totally unwilling to stop we powered urgently onwards, our bodies working hard against each other, extracting the maximum pleasure we could before we both reached the grand finale and with a final flurry and a twitching and jerking of limbs and bodies we both erupted in our own ways.

I felt my cock becoming wetted from Liz's profuse juices as they flooded from her barely-covered pussy, squishing out as her scrap of thong material became pushed aside and then I felt my strong spasms as it was my turn to make everything wet. Pulse after pulse of hot cum pumped from my cock, flooding the small space between our bodies; sending up a pungent wave of aroma and causing a sudden huge increase in lubrication; so much so that as we both jerked around, so my cock slid under her tiny thong and slid wetly up her slit, spraying her very pussy with another pulse of cum.

"Oh yesssss!" she cried into my shoulder, "Yessss, I can feel you Chris - Oh God I want you in me; get him in me...please!"

But I was past my best; I was on my way down and our movements had dislodged him from his happy seat and the moment had passed.

Liz was still jerking languidly above me though, her body slowly coming down from her high peak, random spasms jerking through her from time to time as she gradually unwound...until all was still apart from our heavy panting breaths.

"Oooooh Chris," she moaned, "I wish it wasn't over; I want more, please."

"No, we can't, we shouldn't," I said, repentant now that I'd unloaded, "We've got to clear up too."

Yes - that was definitely true - sticky cum and other fluids were spread between us, some of it oozing down my sides, all of it cooling and beginning to feel a bit nasty.

Liz suddenly realised our situation too and sat up on my thighs, her hands on my chest. I looked down at her and saw that not only was her lower body liberally smeared with white blobs of cum, but her thong was pushed aside, revealing her delightful pussy to my gaze. She obviously trimmed her pubes but being a blonde, her hairs hid nothing and her part-parted pretty pink lips were clearly visible, her little clit on show as well, all lightly veiled with mists of my cum.

I felt stiffness returning to my cock but I cast the idea aside - we'd already pushed the envelope far enough for now!

Liz had come to her senses too and had risen up, pulling her thong back into place and handing me a towel and before long we were both much more presentable once again, even though the room was in serious need of ventilating.

We linked hands as we smiled at each other, a strong bond between us now, amid promises of more to come one day.

And at this point I remembered why I'd come in to see her - the calendar, of course!

"Liz - totally forgot," I said as we embraced one last time, "That damn calendar...that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I had a good chat with Mum and she seems quite keen to try the nude idea - I guess you're ok with it too."

Liz nodded and smiled and kissed me.

"What do you think?" she said, her lips busy on mine, "I love a bit of nudity...especially with you!"

"Brilliant, I said, "Mum's going to have words with Dad about it so we just need to get Tim and Angie on our side...and I don't think that'll be hard."

"Bet Tim will be!" said Liz, her tongue licking her lips, "If he isn't, I'll soon get him hard!"

"Lay off - you're mine!" I said chuckling as I pulled Liz into my arms, "Get Angie to sort him out."

Early the following week Liz caught me at the breakfast table and pulled me aside.

"I've dealt with Angie," she said smiling broadly, "She's fine - she's all for it and she's going to convince Tim that it's a good idea."

I squeezed her hand to show my thanks; we certainly couldn't show much more affection here at breakfast even though just the feel of her hand sent waves of excitement to my groin.

But a little later I found Liz alone outside on the patio and she told me some of the story.

"Gosh - it was so exciting!" she said, "I met Angie just after she'd had a shower and I went with her to her room and we had a good talk. Well, we did more than that actually!"

I listened with bated breath and a rapidly growing hard-on as she continued...

"Well I came straight out with the idea," she said, "I told her we planned to do a nude shoot and that Mum was all for it too - and she came over all weird! She just looked at me and told me she'd had a dream about us all being naked...and that we'd all been having sex together in her dream!"

"Wow!" I exclaimed, feeling my cock jerk hard, "So Angie got there before us, so to speak?"

"Yeah, she was going to raise the idea with us before I spoke to her...and then Angie just let the towel drop and she stood there completely naked!" said Liz, her voice all excited.

And I was all excited too; my penis now a rigid bar in my shorts.

"Come on, what else?" I asked and Liz calmed me down.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you," she said as we sat down on a lounger, "I'll try to make it quick!"

I was squirming with arousal but I managed to listen to her...

"Liz shaves everything - completely," she said, "And she's got a fabulous figure Chris - you'll love to see her. She doesn't show much through those baggy clothes of hers but underneath - phew!"

"Yeah, yeah...?" I tried to push her...

"She's so slim but so sexy; she's got pretty little tits; not like my big ones and she's got a lovely bum - it sticks out just right," she said, her eyes bright with excited memories, "And I wish my legs looked as good as hers."

"You've got gorgeous legs Liz and as for your tits; I think they're bloody fantastic!" I said defensively and Liz pecked my cheek.

"Thank for your support, Chris," she said, "But I was coming to the best bit. 'Cos once she'd dropped the towel she turned all round for me and then she came over to me and pulled my hand onto her pussy!"

"Wow!" I exclaimed, my cock jerking again, "Really?"

"Yeah and she told me to rub her and to feel how smooth she was...and she was and then she was all wet as well!" said Liz sexily, "And so was I! And I made her cum so easily!"

"God, you lucky thing!" I exclaimed, "Wish she'd let me do that to her!"

"Don't worry, I think you'll have a chance one day," Liz said, "Angie wants both Tim and you! She told me and that was why she was all wet - she'd been thinking and rubbing herself in the shower and I turned up just when all she needed was a little bit more and 'bang,' she was over the top!"

"Was that it?" I asked and Liz shook her head.

"No way - Angie wanted to do it to me then so she stripped me and we lay on her bed and she got me off too," she said happily, "Best orgasm I've had in ages!"

I simply had to put my hand on my penis; he was rearing almost out of control in my shorts and needed repositioning. Liz saw my actions and put her hand on my arm.

"Let me see - God, he looks so big and hard - look at the size of that lump!" she said, sucking her lower lip, "He's leaking too, isn't he!"

"Oh fuck! See what you've done!" I said because once he started oozing precum he wouldn't stop! Soon I'd need to change my shorts - or have a wank!

I stood up and faced Liz, my penis a big tent in my shorts; he needed sorting out without delay! Her eyes were fixed on the sight and I just had to leave or I'd have no idea what might happen next.

"Gotta go," I said hurriedly, "Can't stay like this!"

"You're off for a wank aren't you," said Liz, "Let me come and I'll do it for you."

"You can't - there's too many of us at home - we'd get interrupted, for sure," I said as I turned, blowing a disappointed Liz a kiss as I departed.

I dashed off and headed indoors to my room, only to collide solidly with Angie just as she came out of her bedroom.

"Owwww, fuck!" I cried and Angie made a similar sound as we bounced off the walls and rebounded.

"Bloody hell - what's your rush?" asked Angie, ruefully rubbing her shoulder, "What's up? Is there a fire somewhere?"

"Sorry Ang, you ok? I didn't mean to catch you - I wasn't thinking," I said, "Wasn't concentrating."

"Hmmm, you were definitely concentrating on something, weren't you?" said Angie as her eyes swept down my body, "Now come here and say sorry."

With that she grabbed me by my t-shirt and pulled me hard - I think she'd have torn my shirt if I hadn't complied and moments later we were in her room with the door shut and locked behind us.

She let me go and I just stood there, open-mouthed as Angie sat on her bed and gave me another once over.

"Come on, tell me," she said, a wicked grin on her face, "Why have you got a big wet patch on your shorts?"

"Coffee," I said quickly, the first word that came into my mind, "Spilt some on me - was dashing in to change."

"No you didn't spill any," she said, "I've been in the kitchen for a while and your mug's in there; it's still got the dregs from your last cuppa in it. Come on, you can do better than that!"

My penis had wilted away as we'd collided and there was now no evidence of his arousal...except for that damp patch but now Angie set him off again.

Because as she sat on the bed and waited for my response, so she inched her already short skirt up until her knickers were clearly visible to me. And worse than that, they looked as if they too had a big damp patch in them! And even worse, the damp patch was almost see-through now and seemed to reveal that she did indeed shave just as Liz had told me!

Instantly my penis jerked uncontrollably; in seconds he was once again stiffening alarmingly - a sight not lost on Angie, even though my hands fell quickly to cover him.

"Ummmmm," I mumbled trying to get back to the basic subject, "Don't know why they're wet then, must have been something else I spilt..."

"Definitely something else; probably something called precum, wasn't it?" said Angie, her lips all wet and glistening, "So what got you all horny?"

"I was talking to Liz," I said, admitting defeat, "Don't know what started it but that's why I had to dash off...didn't want her to see it."

"Likely story - more like she got you aroused and wanted to see it," said Angie, "So what did she say then, I wonder...?"

"We were just talking," I said lamely, "About the calendar and that she'd talked to you and..."

"Oh yeah - about doing it in the nude. Great idea, I reckon! And that's what set you off was it - or did she tell you about her and me then?" asked Angie.

My blushes told her everything and I noticed that she spread her legs a little wider as I hesitated. But if Angie was as interested as Liz said she was, why was I holding back?

"Ummmm yeah," I replied, a bit more bravely now, "She did actually; sounded like it was fun!"

My cock definitely thought it would be fun and he'd risen firmly once again, my tented dampened shorts attesting to his interest, and this time I wasn't covering him up!

Angie stood up and with a flick of her fingers her skirt fell down leaving her standing there in just a cropped top and knickers; her knickers brief and now very much see-through.

"So she told you, did she?" said Angie, advancing on me, "Thought she might - wondered if I'd get lucky after that...and here you are!"

Her hands reached out and pulled me closer to her, my feet stumbling towards her until we were at arms length. Then her hands went to my shorts and now it was my turn to be revealed; in seconds she had my shorts around my ankles; my erection very much revealed!

"Ohhh - no underpants - naughty!" she said as she looked me over, "Glad about that though!"

I so wanted to respond but this was Angie's show - I was at her mercy as she began to explore my cock, her hands now holding my shaft and my balls.

"Ooooh fuck!" I moaned as she slid my foreskin up and down, "Careful - he's all sensitive."

"You mean you'll cum if I keep on doing this?" Angie said and I nodded.

"Gooooood!" exclaimed Angie, "I'd love to see that - all your spunk shooting everywhere!"

"Ooooh fuck - it will too!" I moaned as her hand continued to arouse me, "Wait - please wait a bit."

"Why?" asked Angie, her hand working faster on my shaft, "Don't you want to cum?"

"Yeah, bloody right I do, but I wanted to have a look at you as well, please!" I said bravely.

Her hand stopped its ministrations and she stepped back.

"Oh right - of course!" she said, her hands moving to her hips, "This is what you want, isn't it?"

And with that she slid her knickers down and stepped out of them; then thrust her hips forward towards me, her very naked pussy now very much on show.

"Oh wow!" I exclaimed, feeling my cock jerk and stiffen even more, "God you look fantastic!"

"Come here then," said Liz seductively and as I approached her she shuffled backwards until she fell back onto the bed, her legs now wide apart, her pussy thrust to the fore.

"Come on, here she is!" she said, oozing sexuality, "Come and feel me, I'm all nice and smooth!"

Oh yes, she was smooth, so soft and smooth and warm to my hand as I cupped her sex, my fingers sliding over her plump lips, slipping so easily between them and into the warm slippery wet gash between them.

"Yesssss!" hissed Angie, her hips jerking at my hand, "God - I'm so wet already! Feel me!"

"I am, you're soaked, Ang," I said, one finger sliding deeper between her slippery lips; then bending to slide upwards towards her clit.

"Ahhhhhh yesssss!" Angie moaned as I touched her clit for the first time, "Yessss pleeeeease - do that, right there!"

Gently I allowed my finger to be joined by a second one as I swirled them around and over her clit, feeling it stiffen beneath my touch; feeling it quivering; feeling Angie shuddering all over with excitement.

But wishing to discover more I slid one hand up her body, up her firm torso and under her cropped top. Moments later and I was cupping a naked breast, merely a small handful but wonderfully exciting for all that. Angie sucked in a long breath as I gently squeezed her breast, allowing her nipple to graze over my palm before I slid my hand around to hold and twist her little nipple between my finger and thumb - an erotic feeling that sent another wave of excitement to my cock.

My cock was now resting hard on Angie's thigh as I leaned over her; something she now became aware of.

And now I too considered our position - Angie was lying flat out on the bed with her legs from her knees downwards hanging over the edge while I straddled her thigh and reached over her body to her breasts. She merely wore her cropped top and I only had my t-shirt on; the rest of our bodies were bare naked and strongly aroused!

Angie and I both felt my cock jerk as I grasped her nipple and we both felt the dribble of precum as it oozed from my cock and ran down her inner thigh.

"Ohhhhhh Chris," Angie moaned, "That's so sexy... Come right over here."

Her arms pulled me over her body, sliding me off her thigh until I covered her sex with mine, my cock now resting on her smooth sleek abdomen. Together we shuddered and shivered as our intimate body touching intensified; I just couldn't help but rub my body on hers and Angie was quick to respond.

And as our movements increased, so did our desire and our willingness to go further; steadily my penis was moving downwards towards her slit, aided by Angie's movements below me. I was throbbingly hard as suddenly my cock slid into that swampy wet pussy of hers and Angie responded quickly.

"Oh God Chris, let me feel him; slide him up and down there," she moaned urgently, "It's been months since I had a cock, let me feel yours."

The randomness of our movements increased as we became more and more excited and suddenly my penis kind of stuck in a depression within her gash; somewhere between her lips I'd found a hole; it had to be her vagina that the tip of my cock was now pushing into!

"Chris, Chris, yesssss, put him in - don't stop, for God's sake," Angie cried quietly, her pussy thrusting hard against me and her actions were more than sufficient to allow my penis to slide and slither straight into her hole!

"Yesssss," moaned Angie softly, "Oh yesssss, that's what I wanted!"

My cock was in a warm tight place that seemed to have no limits to its capacity and ability to accept my penis. My body was already hard against Angie's lovely soft skin, my pubes crushed against her bare flesh, my face inches from hers as I leaned over her.

"Bloody hell," I exclaimed, "We're not supposed to do this! We're brother and sister - it's evil - its incest!"

"So?" said Angie, her lips seeking mine, "I wanted you and I've got you; that's all I care about!"

With that our lips met and we kissed; not a brotherly, sisterly kiss but one that went on and on, wetter and wetter, more and more intensely until, just as we broke for breath Angie cried out.

"Ahhhhhhh, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" she cried, her body shaking violently; her pussy squeezing and clamping down on my cock, "Oh yessss - that's wonderful - oh Chris, I love you, I love you!"

Her actions were incredibly exciting; to see my own sister writhing and cumming on my own cock was more than I could bear and with an ever increasing flurry of thrusts I found myself about to join her in an intense orgasm.

Oh Angie, I'm cumming too!" I cried, "Here it cums! Uuuuuggghhh, uuuuuugh! Ooooh yeahhhhhh!"

"Let it go!" cried Angie, her face hot against my cheek and I could feel my cock pumping gush after gush of cum into her hot grasping vagina.

"Oh God - that's so damn good!" she cried, her pussy working hard, "Fill me, fill me please!"

Oh yes, I was going to do that alright - I'd been primed to cum for ages and now my aroused body was letting loose; several days of pent-up spunk was now washing around in her tight vagina instead of inside my seminal vesicles, some of it already leaking back past my shaft to further dampen her very wet pussy.

"Oh Chris, I needed that," moaned Angie as our actions subsided, "Oh I feel so much better now!"

I kissed her, her lips all hot now but very wet, much like her nether regions wherein my cock was still embedded.

"Thank you sis," I said, "I never expected that! Bloody brilliant that was!"

"Naughty, aren't we?" Angie said mischievously, "We've just committed incest, haven't we? Phew - if Dad could see us now he'd have a blue fit!"

Thank heavens that Dad was out somewhere today; presumably working but he worked from home most of the time, so we needed to keep an ear open...

Then Angie looked up at me, her eyes still bright and happy.

"You know what I'll have to do tomorrow, don't you?" she said, "I'll have to nip down to the chemist shop."

"What for, do you need some tampons or towels or something...I'll get them if you want me to," I replied gallantly but Angie shook her head.

"I'm not on the pill at the moment," she said, shocking me to the core, "I'll need a morning-after pill now won't I, just to be safe."

"Fucking hell," I exclaimed, "Bit of a risk we just took!"

"Yeah but it was so good that way!" Angie replied, "Spontaneous sex; yeah, I wanted you but I didn't expect to get you quite so soon!"

"So you'd planned to have me?" I asked and Angie's big grin told me all.

"Not planned so much as just hoped and hoped," she admitted, "How could I not want you; you're always parading around in your shorts and showing off your bulge and I just knew that one day I'd have to give in to my thoughts. One day we'd make love! And now we have!"

"Was it good then?" I asked, worried that I might not have lived up to her expectations but Angie pulled me tightly onto her and kissed me.

"Good - you were fantastic," she said happily, "You know we'll have to do this again, don't you?"

"Guess so," I replied delightedly, "When?"

"Now?" said Angie, her pussy writhing around; her vagina squeezing and caressing me, "Can you do it again, please? And let's make it last longer too..."

I wasn't sure if I could but her actions were working and as I began to move as well, so I felt my penis begin to stiffen inside her once more.

"Oooooh yesss," Angie groaned, "I can feel him coming up, he's getting bigger; yessss, make him bigger!"

Our second cumming was slower and even more fulfilling as we both made sure that our fuck was thorough and deep and satisfying. We'd moved further onto the bed and now we were more comfy we relaxed better, Angie's legs coming up and clamping my hips down as I thrust into her time after time.

There was a steady squelching sound coming from our wet and hot sex organs, a steady slapping sound as our sloppy slippery bodies met and parted, met and parted. At the other end our lips kept meeting too, sloppy kisses, smooching lip-sliding kisses, urgent tongues working hard to create the perfect fuck; the perfect love-making.

On and on we fucked until with a final flurry of wild activity we both spent at the same time again; our love juices flooding everywhere once more, our bodies united as we coupled and had sex and made love.

But eventually we had to part; we'd been having sex for almost an hour; we'd be lucky if we had much more peace before we were interrupted.

Angie was ready with two towels thank heavens; they were definitely needed if we were to exit her room looking even vaguely 'normal'!

I was actually in the process of pulling my shorts up when we heard Dad's lumpy footsteps. In a rush we dragged our clothes on and I went and hid in her wardrobe in case Dad knocked to come in...but fortunately he didn't.

Instead he merely trundled down the hall, slapping on the walls as he went.

"Come on kids," he called to us all, "I want to do a photo shoot - let's be having you!"

Angie stuck her head out of her door as Dad moved off down the hall.

"I was just going to have a quick shower," she said and we heard Dad voice his approval along with an admonishment not to take all day.

Seconds later and she headed to the girl's bathroom and then, waiting until Dad's voice had departed, I escaped into my own room, where a quick change of clothes and a good spray of deodorant was enough for me.

Soon I was in the lounge where Dad had set up his camera; his welcoming wave showing that he was still preoccupied.

A few minutes later and Liz appeared, looking as interesting as ever; her sexy curves on show now in preparation for a good exposure. She looked at me and sidled up to me.

"Took a long time in Angie's room, didn't you?" she asked quietly, "Dirty sod!"

I tried to look aghast but my face wouldn't work; instead I found myself looking as guilty as a child caught stealing apples and Liz knew it!

"I told you she was after you, didn't I?" she said, "Was she good?"

"Fuckin' hot!" I said, knowing that Liz knew exactly what we'd been doing, "Incredible!"

"Hmmm, my turn next!" said Liz, "Don't wear yourself out on her, or else!"

Mum suddenly appeared at the back door and put an end to our discussions as she began dumping her clothes and bags.

"Sorry Darling," she said to Dad, "Got caught in the traffic - bit late."

But soon she too was ready for the action, undressed down to her almost skin-tight bandage dress and quite honestly I felt pleased that I'd just been drained or her appearance would have set my cock a-raring!

Angie and Tim came down the corridor together, animatedly chattering together until they joined us.

I saw Liz mouth something to Angie and she smiled and winked back, their faces happy and friendly with their little secret...whatever it was! Briefly they whispered in each other's ears before parting. But I didn't need to wonder about their secret, as Liz sidled up to me and stood in front of me. Seconds later and her hand was fondling my penis behind her as she looked over her shoulder at me.

"You're mine next, I mean it!" she said softly, "Angie just said you were really good; I'm so looking forward to getting you inside me!"

I had to move away or I'd be rock hard once more and anyway, Dad was calling us all together so he could get going... Soon we'd be getting close together again for a completely different purpose.

Even before we'd all gathered, Dad had been busy setting up his little photographic 'studio', draping various coloured sheets over furniture; bringing in some Greek-style ornaments from the garden to become props and even placing vases of flowers here and there. He'd obviously been enjoying himself, even if his ideas were a bit off-beat - and certainly not much in line with our plans!

The two girls began verbally pulling apart his ideas as they stood together surveying the scene.

"Oh Dad - that looks so naff," said Angie, pouting prettily, "It'll make me look so old-fashioned."

"Umm Dad," said Liz, sliding her voluptuous form around the 'studio', "It's all very pretty but what are we going to do - just stand there holding a vase or something?"

She wriggled herself around so sensually that I almost felt surprised that Dad didn't jump her on the spot. I was sorely tempted!

"Ahhhh, yes, wondered about that..." said Dad, "Had wondered if we ought to be seen doing something more interesting. Ummmm, what do you suggest then?"

"Angie and I had thought that we don't really need props, what we need to do is to show that we're a happy normal loving family, don't you think?" Liz said.

"What a nice idea!" said Dad as he looked at Mum, who smiled and nodded - she obviously approved.

"So - what then?" asked Dad.

"You said we'd do two people with each shot - one girl and one boy, yeah?" said Liz, "So all we need is the settee and us and perhaps some bits and pieces around us to hide the furniture behind us."

"That would be easier, I must admit," said Mum, now joining in, "And I'll love to be pictured cuddling with my two lads - that would be so lovely."

"Ok - let's try it," said Dad, "So where do we start...best start at the beginning - January, ok?"

"Might as well do that - so what's the grouping going to be?" asked Angie, "Who's in January."

"Actually it'll be the two boys first up," said Dad, chuckling as he consulted his paperwork, "Nice bit of beef to warm the cockles of your hearts, eh?"

There was a collective moan of disappointment as Tim and I separated from the crowd and made our way to the stage, although with Dad there, bustling around rearranging things, there was little chance to settle to a pose yet.

But eventually Dad was ready and Tim and I sat down, both of us looking entirely ill at ease. What the hell were we supposed to do - get into a clinch?

"Ummm," said Mum as she looked on, "This is where we need some props of sorts. Boys - go and get into your outfits."

Temporarily relieved Tim and I leapt up and dashed off to our rooms, soon reappearing in our outfits, as Mum called them. She'd scoured the on-line party shops and come up with two 'uniforms' for us - a pair of torn shorts and a vest for Tim, all complete with a tool belt as originally envisaged and an abbreviated jungle suit for me - very short shorts, long socks and an open shirt, all in camouflage green. I guessed we looked ok, if only in a somewhat dated way...but we'd do for the relatives!

But as we returned to our seat, an animated conversation was going on again.

"But you said we could do nude pictures?" said Liz determinedly, "We'd look so good and I love showing my body off!"

"Not sure we should do that," muttered Dad, unable to look as Liz dropped her skirt, "Hey - what are you doing!"

"Getting ready - why, can't I?" said Liz, "Can't we do two sets - one for the relatives and one for us?"

"Could we darling?" asked Mum, her eyes starting to shine excitedly, "What a good idea!"

Liz, having shown her intent, now pulled her tiny skirt back up, but not before we'd all been able to admire her cute lower half, clad only in a soft pink and minute thong that quite honestly covered sod all!

I felt my cock begin to fill out and hoped that he'd behave himself; a forlorn hope indeed.

Come on boys," said Dad, "Let's have you; how shall we do it?"

"Let's pretend to wrestle," said Tim, desperate to find a solution and Dad was quick to approve.

"Fine, fine, I'll let you decide how to pose then," he said.

But how do you get two strong healthy fit blokes to make themselves look as if they were wrestling on a settee; we felt like a pair of homo lemons!

"Hey - if we're wrestling we'd better change things around a bit," said Tim, standing up, "Come on - let's turn the settee over!"

I saw his plan - we were wrestling so the furniture had to look as if we'd been throwing it around or something...so, ignoring Dad, who stood there dumbfounded, we picked up the settee and turned it on its back. We chucked the cushions around and then arranged ourselves draped over the remains of the settee, our arms locked together, our bodies straining as we seemed to fight for position.

"Hey - that's good!" said Dad as he began to take pictures, "Different - come on Chris, stretch your leg back a bit if you can; Tim, bend your arm more; show off those muscles!"

We posed in various positions, doing our best to look as if we were having fun despite our 'fighting' until, as we glanced towards the camera, there behind Dad was Angie, busy stripping down, her nurses' uniform on the chair beside her! Dad hadn't seen her but we could - her sylph-like figure simply captivating; her breasts, supported on rather than contained within her little bra looked almost childlike; her cute bubble bum wobbled enticingly as she moved showing that she too was wearing a thong that clearly revealed that she'd shaved.

"Concentrate!" said Dad as he worked at the camera, but we couldn't.

"Fuckin' hell," I heard Tim mouth right by my ear, "She looks fuckin' hot!"

"Bloody right she does," I replied, "Puts you right off your work!"

"I'm getting hard!" said Tim suddenly, "Oh fuck - I'm getting hard!"

"Oh shit - don't you start," I moaned, "You'll set me off!"

And sure enough I too could feel things happening down there and it was just as well that Dad chose that moment to end the shoot.

"Ok lads, all done!" he said, "Well done...um, could you put the settee back please?"

Eager to have something to take our minds off Angie, who by now was in her outfit, Tim and I put the settee back in place and tidied up, then joined the small crowd away from the set.

Liz slid up beside me, her arse rubbing hard against my front.

"I saw that," she said, "Wish Dad had kept you there a bit longer! We could see the tip of Tim's cock below his shorts - it was going to get really, really interesting in a few moments!"

I looked towards Tim and saw that Angie was in much the same position as Liz but in front of Tim and she was talking to him over her shoulder. And what was more, her hand was behind her back between them!

I nudged Liz and pointed it out to her - she chuckled quietly.

"Dad had better get a move on!" she said, "This place is going to be like a brothel soon, if we're not careful!"

We had a few moments peace and then Dad called us again.

"February - this time it's Chris with Liz," he said waving us onto the set.

"Make yourselves comfy; I want you really close, so I can do portraits later if I decide to," he continued, "Tell me when you're ready."

Having spoken he turned away and went to consult with Mum, leaving Liz and I to settle ourselves; a fateful decision!

"Get in the middle," said Liz, "I'm going to sit on your lap like a good secretary should!"

My cock was already half hard and I felt movement down there as her words sank in, even if I didn't have a whole lot of time to consider the problem.

Not much time because no sooner had I sat down than Liz came and backed onto my lap, her hand proceeding her.

"Thought I'd find it!" she said quietly, "Thought you were getting hard too!"

"Let go!" I moaned, feeling my cock stiffen in her fingers, "Dad will see everything!"

"No he won't," said Liz as her nimble fingers made short work of my fly, "Just sit still - leave it to me!

Aghast I felt her hand on my penis and in seconds cooler air on my knob told me she'd dragged him out into the open! But seconds later and he was bathed in warmth again as Liz sat down on top of him.

My poor cock crumpled under her weight, but Liz hadn't finished.

"Hang on, just getting organised," she said softly, wriggling her rump around, "Ah, that's better!"

I felt her hand moving between us and then a sudden release of pressure as my cock was freed to stretch out again...straight up her hole!

"Oooooh God yessssss," Liz moaned as I sat there motionless, my penis now entirely embedded in my sister's twat, "Said I'd have you Chris - now I've got you!"

I was about to reply, although I can't remember what I was going to say when Dad returned to his camera, a smile on his face.

"Good, good, that looks nice and friendly, thanks kids, you ready then?" he said as he concentrated on the camera settings, "That's nice!"

"Mmmmm, this IS nice!" hummed Liz as her pussy squirmed around, squeezing my cock rhythmically.

"Can you get any closer?" said Dad and Liz groaned.

"Not really Dad," she said, wincing softly, "I think Chris and I are about as close as we can get!"

I was right up inside her now, my cock jerking as Liz squeezed him with her vaginal muscles.

"Never mind; how about you turn side on a bit?" asked Dad and Liz was quick to comply.

I felt the walls of her vagina sliding around on my cock, sending lovely messages to my mind; my mind which was almost panicking about Dad finding out and yet simply loving what was being done down below!

"Are you comfy?" asked Dad and we both hummed our reply.

"Could you lean back - Liz rest yourself on Chris's chest and look over your shoulder into his eyes," Dad requested, "Let me see the love!"

"Not a problem Dad!" said Liz happily and she leaned backwards, her lovely vagina sliding around on my erection; her juicy hole letting us move easily.

I felt Liz's hole tightening around my cock as she moved and she moaned softly to me.

"Ohhhhh fuck!" she said, "I'm getting close; so close...can't cum while Dad's there!"

Then suddenly there was relief for her as Dad swore lightly and held up his hand.

"Hang on! My bloody memory card's full - should have cleared it before we started; silly me," he said, "Won't be long while I go and unload it..."

"I'll get another cuppa while you're busy," said Mum and she headed off to the kitchen.

And as Mum and Dad turned and walked away, so Liz's body began to quiver and shake; her hot pussy squeezing and sucking at my cock energetically and suddenly she seized up, her hole clamping hard on my urgent penis.

"I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" she moaned, biting my ear lightly, "Fuckin' cumming - oh God! That's so good!"

Liz was now panting and jerking wildly on my penis - a sight not lost on Angie and Tim!

Tim was standing there with his mouth wide open as Liz and I fucked; Angie on the other hand, standing beside him had one hand up her short uniform skirt and judging from the way she was bending and squirming, she was very busy bringing herself off.

And then she was suddenly all over Tim, her hands busy at his groin, her lips busy at his mouth.

"Oh Tim, you're going to let me, aren't you?" we heard her moan, "I need a fuck - a fucking good one!"

Poor Tim was gobsmacked; yes, he was as hot-blooded as the rest of us but he'd been taken aback by the action and he was having trouble taking it all in. But his options were quickly running out as we saw Angie's hand extract his penis; his almost entirely stiff penis stretching out from his fly, Angie's hand at once sliding up and down his shaft.

"He's bigger than you," breathed Liz as she continued to squirm on top of me, "Inch or more I'd guess."

Then she squirmed around and kissed me, offering me her forgiveness.

"Don't let it worry you - I love your cock, it fits me so nicely," she said, still squirming, "Ohhhh God, I wonder if I'm going to cum again?"

Angie was wanking Tim vigorously now; her spare hand still up under her skirt - until with a quick flurry of activity she shoved Tim's cock back and stood upright in front of Tim, her hands smoothing her uniform. Mum and Dad were coming back and even Liz managed to sit still, but we were in trouble, I could tell.

Mum's nose was crinkling and her head was turning around until she focussed on us. She walked up and sat beside us on the settee, her nose now working overtime.

"There's an incredible smell of sex around here," she said, her arse squirming on the settee, "And it's coming from over here, isn't it?"

Liz and I both shook our heads but Mum wasn't convinced at all; then she looked up at Dad.

"Darling," she said, "Have you finished with these two?"

"Think I've got enough actually," he replied, "Why?"

"I think they've had enough - give them a break," said Mum and with that she patted Liz on her thigh.

"Come on - up you get," she said, "Go and have a cuppa or something."

Liz looked at me, knowing that we'd been caught but there wasn't a whole lot we could do now. Slowly she lifted off me and as she did so my erection plopped out and stood there, all glistening with her juices and glowing with heat.

"Don't get mad Mum," said Liz, "We couldn't help it!"

Ok - it was a feeble story but it gained her enough time to pull her thong back into place as Mum took in the scene.

"Oh Jesus!" moaned Mum quietly, "What on earth have you two been doing? You lucky sods; and I didn't even know you were at it! God, just look at his lovely cock!"

It was at that moment that I realised that Mum was far from pissed off - instead she was very clearly aroused and excited.

"For God's sake, we can't let your Dad see you like that!" she said to me, "Liz, shield me - hang on..."

With that Mum stood up, turned round, flipped up her gym skirt and reached down to grasp my cock. Moments later she sat down heavily onto my lap and my cock, with just a little catch on her flesh and her knickers, slid straight up inside her just as it had done to Liz!

"Muuuuum!" said Liz quietly, "What are you up to?"

"I'm hiding him," she said to Liz, "Stay here for a mo."

Seconds later and she'd arranged herself tidily on my lap, her arm around my neck and was calling for Dad's attention.

"Jim darling," she said, "Take some of us together please. I know we're not scheduled to be together but I thought that while you've got the camera going, it would be nice to have some of me with each of the boys."

"Great idea," said Dad enthusiastically, "They'll come in handy if we don't like some of the other photos. Are you comfy then?"

"Mmmmmm - very," said Mum, her hips moving lasciviously and slowly, her hole moving with much more energy, sucking and caressing my cock.

"Ok - just hold it there for a while; I want to change some settings on the camera," said Dad as he twiddled around.

And Mum was twiddling around too, her pussy now working hard on my cock, really getting into it in a big way.

"Ooooh darling," she moaned quietly to me, "I can't keep still, stop jerking your cock will you!"

"I can't help it," I replied feeling my cock jump as her pussy squeezed him one more time, "You're making me do it!"

"Wish you wouldn't!" she moaned again, "I'm getting close - it's so exciting!"

Mum was definitely getting quite warm as she sat on my lap and the scent of hot pussy was rising around us erotically.

"Whatever happened to start all this off?" asked Mum.

"Dunno," I said, "Angie changed into her outfit and I got all excited and then Liz came and sat on me and she was excited too and suddenly..."

"Oooooh don't tell me darling," said Mum, her hips working harder now, "You couldn't stop could you - like I can't...!"

"It just sort of slid inside her," I said, "Liz was so wet..."

"Just like I am!" moaned Mum, "Oh God - hold still - got to get rid of Dad for a minute!"

"Why, can't you just sit there for a bit," I said, enjoying Mum's pussy around my cock but she shook her head.

"Can't," she said, "I'm going to cum very soon if I'm not careful...it's getting close now...!"

Her pussy was now rhythmically squeezing and sucking at me, her internal muscles now working flat out to excite me and I too was starting to feel that things were getting out of control.

"Better stop that Mum," I said as my cock jumped wildly inside her, "It's going to get messy if you're not careful!"

"You're not, are you?" moaned Mum, her eyes opening wide, "No, you can't; I'm not...oooooohhhhh fuck...here I cum...oh God, I'm holding it...! I think I'm gonna cum now...nearly, nearly! Oh God - I've got to hold it..."

"Yeahhhh, like that look - hold it!" said Dad, "Nice shot there!"

Mum just about had presence of mind to speak to her husband.

"Darling," she said, her voice and even her body all quivery, "Go and get some pillows; they'll make us more comfy on the settee. Hurry up would you please darling!"

"Of course sweetheart," he said placidly, "One more shot - there, that'll do...won't be long."

And he was off down the hall...

"Long enough," panted Mum, much relieved, her arse bouncing violently on my lap, "Long enough for me to...!"

"Ahhhhhh, and me!" I moaned as I felt a pulse of cum rapidly rising, "Here it cums Mum!"

"Don't cum - oh God, you'll have to!" she cried, her pussy fluttering excitedly around my throbbing cock, "Can't stop now - cum, cum, please!"

And I was flooding inside her - frantic pumps of cum were filling her hot wet slippery excited vagina to the brim. I felt a thick wave of spunk slide back down my shaft as her pussy filled and overfilled; as her pussy convulsed and squirmed; as Mum climaxed and shook and collapsed.

But not for long...quickly she pushed herself upwards, a splash of sticky sperm falling back into my lap as she did so.

"Quick darling," she said, "Get up - go and clean up; change, anything."

I was up and off the settee in seconds, shoving my wet penis back into my shorts as I moved, just in time as Dad reappeared, his view impeded by his armful of pillows.

"Must have a leak," I said as I headed off down the hall, "Won't be long."

"It's ok Chris," said Dad, "No rush - I've done with you for now thanks. Take a break."'I'm done for now too,' I thought as I entered my room and collapsed onto my bed...'How the hell did we get away with that?'

I put my hand into my shorts and adjusted my sticky penis, a small dribble of cum still oozing from his slit; my pubes liberally soaked in cooling spunk. I'd have to change and clean up too, so I stood up and dropped my shorts and underpants and began wiping myself down with a towel. I could really do with a shower but that could wait - and now it would definitely have to wait as the door quietly opened.

Mum stood there and smiled at me as she entered the room, quickly closing the door behind her.

She shook her head at me and smiled naughtily.

"You're wicked!" she said, "And I hope you haven't got me into any trouble."

"Dad didn't know; he didn't see did he?" I said as I held the towel in front of my genitals.

"No, don't think so - he's too tied up in his camera, but he will know if I get pregnant, won't he?" said Mum, a twisted grin on her face.

"Whhhaaaatttt?" I groaned, "Not you as well?"

"What are you on about - you're not telling me you're liable to get someone else pregnant, are you?" said Mum, looking at me seriously, "Who was it then?"

"Oh fuck, guess you'll find out anyway - it was Angie; she's not on the pill either!" I replied, looking down at my feet.

"You've had Angie as well as Liz?" said Mum, sitting down on the bed, "And me! Blimey - proper little Romeo, aren't you! We'd all better get down to the pharmacy in the morning."

I'd really thought she'd be jumping around and threatening me with everything from the police downwards but instead she was making light of my incestual philandering...apart from the pregnancy angle.

"I couldn't help it," I said, "It all started with Dad and this calendar idea - well, it was Liz who suggested it but when Tim mentioned your nudist activities we all got excited, I think."

"That's why you were asking me questions, isn't it?" said Mum, "About our holiday..."

"I guess I wanted to see how interested you'd be; how open about sex you were," I said, rubbing at my still sticky pubes, "You see, Liz and Angie - and Tim too...and me; we've all avoided sex with each other somehow but we all knew it would only be a matter of time really."

"Until you all...?" said Mum with bated breath.

"Until the calendar - until we all fucked, yes," I said, "I mean four of us all around each other in those skimpy outfits all the time and not doing anything about it - what a waste!"

I laughed quietly and was very relieved to hear Mum chuckle too - she obviously understood...more than I realised as she spoke again.

"I shouldn't really tell you this," she said quietly, "But my brother and I used to do it too."

"What, you and Uncle Phil?" I said, somewhat shocked, "Really?"

"Definitely!" said Mum, her eyes shining brightly, "He, um, took my virginity actually; my first lover - how's that?"

The talk had aroused my cock and now he was standing eagerly and Mum's eyes locked onto him.

"He was very much your size," she said, "A lovely fit - I remember him well - driving his cock hard up me - oh, those were the days!"

She shook her head to clear her wicked memories and her eyes focussed on my cock once more.

"Come here darling," she said, "I want to feel him again."

I edged closer and Mum's hand reached up and grasped me; her hand all warm and gentle and arousing. Slowly she moved her hand up and down my shaft, smoothing her thumb though the small dribble of precum that was now oozing from the tip.

"You were so naughty, cumming inside me," she said, "But it was my fault too; I couldn't move with your Dad there, could I?"

"So it was Dad's fault really!" I said brightly, "Hey Mum, do you think he'll join in?"

"Why, what are you planning?" asked Mum suspiciously.

"Nothing really," I said, "It's just that if he does, then we'll all be free to fuck, won't we - without hiding it - we'll have a great time!"

"I bet you will!" said Mum, her hand moving faster, "You're just sex mad, aren't you?"

"Yeah!" I said, my face creasing into a big smile, "Aren't you Mum?"

"Oooh Chris, I wish you hadn't asked that," said Mum, her voice quivering, "I simply love sex but I've had to be so good at home - keeping it in the bedroom because of all you kids...but now perhaps...!"

My cock jerked and pulsated as she said those words and Mum leaned forward.

"Can I suck you off?" she asked as if she needed to ask, "I want to taste you darling!"

There was one thing for certain - despite having emptied myself into Mum not that long ago, it wouldn't take me long to cum again, especially now that Mum's lovely lips had fastened themselves around my cock!

"Mmmmmm," she hummed around my throbbing penis, "Lovely darling, love the taste!"

Her lips were so tight around my shaft and her tongue was so busy that I didn't think I'd last long at all until she slowed and pulled her head away.

"Cum in my mouth Chris," she said, "I want my son's cream - all of it - inside me!"

Things were happening down there now; flutterings and quiverings that were uncontrollable; the sensations rising and concentrating in my groin as my orgasm neared.

"Won't be long Mum," I moaned as she employed her fist on my shaft as well, "Getting close now!"

"Yes darling, cum for me please!" moaned Mum, sucking harder, "I want you!"

I shut my eyes and there before me in my mind was my Mum as she dropped her pussy onto my hard cock half an hour earlier and suddenly I was there - shooting jet after rapid jet into Mum's welcoming mouth.

"Oooohhhhh yeahhhhh!" I cried, "All yours Mum!"

I heard her gulp and splutter as I filled her mouth, a spray of cum squirting from her lips. I pumped another load into her mouth and Mum's cheeks bulged as she took me all and then I'd finished cumming and I felt my body go limp all over.

Mum let me slide from between her lips and I sank onto the bed beside her, breathing heavily.

Her lips were all wet and shiny and looking down I could see a long blob of white cum adorning the top of her breasts like a pearl pendant. I put my finger on it and gathered it up, bringing it to her mouth where her tongue reached out and swiped it up.

"Thank you darling," said Mum sweetly, "Gorgeous stuff! Makes me wonder what Tim will taste like!"

I looked sharply at her but she was smiling broadly as she licked up the straying strands of cum from her lips.

I was wondering if I might be allowed to repay the compliment and lick Mum's pussy but at that moment we heard Dad's voice.

"Come on people, let's be having you - want to get some more shots done now you've all had a rest," he said as he walked down the hall, "Time for a drink too I think."

With a final swipe of the towel I opened the door and Mum and I trooped down the hall to where Dad was busy opening several bottles of wine; his own home-brew stuff - wickedly potent nectar.

"Where's the rest of the kids?" he asked as he began filing glasses, "Ah, here they come - that's good - wanted to propose a toast."

Pretending to be solemn we gathered round as we accepted glasses of his wine before Dad got us ready.

"A toast," he said, "To a successful shoot and a brilliant idea for our family Christmas present - our family calendar!"

We all muttered appropriate words and slurped at our wine, the heady fumes already spreading their somewhat erotic tentacles to our noses.

"Right-ho," said Dad as he returned to his camera, "Who's next. Ah - it's Tim with the girls this time I think."

There was a flurry of glassy chinks as they deposited their glasses and a rush of bodies towards the settee; all three of them in full costume regalia; Tim in his torn shorts and singlet with a hammer hanging from his belt; Liz wearing what looked like a porno cheerleaders outfit as befitting the perfect secretary and Angie in a nurse's outfit that revealed more than it hid.

"Where did you get the gear from?" I asked Mum quietly of the girls, "Bet it wasn't at the costume hire shop."

"On-line," said Mum quietly, "Brilliant, eh?"

Dad didn't seem to notice anything amiss or outlandish and continued to organise his shoot; shuffling his subject around until he was happy. The trouble was though, as I'd mentioned before, he wasn't all that good at organising things and his arrangement left a lot to be desired, especially by the two girls.

"Dad," moaned Liz, "Leave it to us - we'll find positions and tell you when we're ready, ok?"

"Alright darling girl, if you say so," said Dad as he wiped his brow and swigged another mouthful of wine, "Cor, bloody hell, forgot how strong that was!"

There was a lot of chattering going on among the kids and the occasional exclamation and then Liz piped up again.

"Chris - come here and hold the sheet back - it keeps sliding down," she said and seeing the problem I moved quickly to the side of the settee, just out of camera range I hoped and held the sheet in place.

The big benefit I immediately realised was that I could see the girls in their costumes that much better and I could hear their quiet comments...not that there were that many as they settled into position, but the actions spoke louder than words.

"How's this Dad?" called out Angie.

"Blimey!" said Dad, shaking his head either in disapproval or to clear the alcoholic fumes, "Bit risqué, isn't it?"

Angie was astride Tim's thigh, her naked thighs gripping his, her skirt short spread enough to reveal her tiny thong - and although nothing was on display, all it took was a good imagination to believe that she was naked down there!

Liz was kneeling on the settee facing Tim, bending over him, her generous breasts thrusting forward over his shoulder. Tim meanwhile was just sitting there with his arms around his two sisters, with his hammer hanging between his legs, looking a little foolish, to be honest!

Angie brought me back to reality as she replied to Dad's comment.

"Yeah, it is, but let's do this first; you can always airbrush out any bits you're worried about," said Angie, "And if we do a calendar just for us, then we'll be fine anyway."

"Suppose so," said Dad taking another swig, "Ok - let's go for it."

He bent over his camera as he adjusted the settings and as he did so Tim turned his head towards Liz and came face to face with her breasts. And such was the flimsiness of the outfit that his nose must have popped a clasp on her blouse and suddenly her two superb breasts were in his face, literally! Her outfit didn't include a bra apparently!

I head him gasp and then a sucking noise as he enveloped a nipple in his mouth which was quickly followed by a gasp from Liz.

"Oooooh Tim, don't to that - you'll get me all excited!" she said, "Stop it!"

From my position I could see Liz's hips beginning to jerk back and forward, her pussy mound pushing up against Tim's side as she moved. Then she hissed an intake of breath as Tim's hand insinuated itself between her legs from behind and I could see his thumb disappearing underneath her thong!

I guess that Dad didn't spot Tim's mouth on Liz's nipple either because he was only looking at the two inch LCD display rather than the real thing; then I saw a flash as Dad popped one off and the sudden brightness caused Liz to jerk her hips harder.

"Oooooh Tim - stop it, stop it," she moaned, "Stop sucking, please!"

Tim removed his mouth from her breast, leaving her pretty nipple all reddened, wet and stiff but the damage had been done! Because down lower, Liz's hips were now pushed down and she was actually rubbing her pussy against Tim's arm!

"You've made me all horny!" I heard her moan, "Oooooh fuck, don't know what to do now!"

In the meanwhile, on the other side, Angie was watching, her eyes bugging out with excitement and it was Tim's turn to moan.

"Damn Angie," he moaned, "Stop squeezing my leg; it's making things happen!"

I saw Angie put her hands behind her as if to push herself up but instead she was pressing on Tim's cock - his rapidly rising cock!

I noticed too that Angie's hips were starting to slide up and down Tim's naked thigh and she was leaving a slippery trail behind; a broad area of pussy juice that oozed constantly through her thong.

My own penis was as hard as granite as I watched my siblings get hotter and hotter.

"Stop it girls," moaned Tim, "I'm getting all hard now - what the fuck am I supposed to do?"

I could have told him, but I kept quiet; I was having enough troubles of my own simply keeping my own erection under control...

Instead it was Liz who spoke.

"Hey Dad, can we move - try another position please; my legs are getting tired here?" she asked and Dad was quick to accede.

"Yeah, of course," he said, "I'm getting some lovely pictures I think. I can't see the monitor very clearly because the light's behind the camera but never mind, I'll edit them all tonight I think."

There was now a flurry of movement as the girls climbed off their perches and stood before Tim, both of them sniggering as they did so.

"See, he's even bigger than Chris!" I heard Liz say quietly, "Wonder if I can sit on him too?"

I saw Liz push Tim's hammer to one side and reach inside his shorts.

"Oooh, no underpants!" she said, her hand moving around, "God, no wonder he feels so hot, wow!"

"Let's feel," said Angie and moments later she too groaned.

"That's gonna feel so good!" she said, as Liz pulled Tim's cock out down one leg, "Careful - don't let Dad see!"

But Dad was now slumped in his chair, exhausted and presumably not a little pissed. And for a moment we all thought that was the end of the session, but Mum now suddenly moved from the shadows where she's been standing.

"You are wicked!" she said to us all, "I've been watching - I don't know who's worse."

We all just stood or sat or knelt still as Mum moved behind the camera, then she spoke.

"Come on then kids, let's give your Dad something to edit!" she said, "While he's out of it, let's got some serious stuff going!"

"Yeah Mum," cried Liz, "I was going crazy; I wanted his cock so much - can I now?"

"Course you can darling!" said Mum, "But we'd better continue with the month by month photos, hadn't we?"

"Ok, we'll get into position Mum," said Liz as she dragged Tim's shorts down, "I'm gonna sit on him first off!"

"What about me?" asked Angie and Liz pushed Tim's hammer towards her.

"Use the handle," she said, "At least that'll get you off!"

Liz was now backing onto Tim's penis, her thong pushed aside as she got ready to be speared while Liz spread her legs and began rubbing the smooth handle of Tim's hammer up and down her sopping slit. Soon moans began to rise from both of them, followed by similar sounds from Tim.

"Oooooh fuck, you're tight!" he said as Liz sank down, "Do I need some lube?"

"No, no," moaned Liz, "I like him to be tight; love the way he pulls at my pussy; ooooh, he's stretching me so nicely!"

Her hips were working, now jerking and spasming almost randomly as she opened her hole for Tim's cock until, with a sudden intake of breath, she dropped several inches onto Tim's lap.

"Ooooh fuck - he slid right in!" she moaned, "God - I'm full!"

On the other side, Angie was now about to insert the slippery wooden handle of Tim's hammer. It was just about the right thickness for a cock but it was considerably longer than either Tim's or my cock and was obviously blunter at the end...but Angie was having no troubles!

Gradually the handle disappeared inside her; steadily her slippery wet hole accepted inch after inch of the instrument - until finally the blunt hammer head was all there was to be seen.

I think that Liz and I looked at each other at the same time, our eyes wide open.

"How the hell did she do that?" asked Liz, "Where did she put it all?"

No doubt Mum was equally amazed but instead she just continued snapping photo after photo as her three kids pleasured themselves.

Angie hit the limits first; suddenly jumping up and falling to the floor to lie on her back with her legs wide apart; her hands holding and thrusting the hammer handle up inside her as if in a fury; her body squirming around wildly as she orgasmed.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!" she cried with each insertion, her hips rising off the carpet, "I wish it was real; I need a cock; oh God, please, please!"

"Go on Chris," called out Mum, who beat me to it by mere moments - I was already on my feet and dropping my shorts!

"Yes Chris - oh please, come here!" groaned Angie, "Put him in me, now!"

She pulled the wooden instrument from her soaking hole with a sucking noise and dropped it beside her, the hammer clattering loudly as it fell.

In no time I too fell to the ground but between her legs, my erection stretching eagerly before me. Angie reached up and grasped me, pulling me by my cock downwards and into place.

"Hurry up Chris, I'm gonna cum and I want you in me," she moaned as my penis touched her lips, "Yesssss, that's it, put him in...!"

"Ooooh Angie, you're so bloody wet!" I heard myself say as my cock slid inside her, "Oooooo - slid right up you already!"

"Yeah, oh yeah," moaned Angie eagerly, "Oh God yesss, come on Chris, fuck me, fuck me hard - I'm gonna cum any time...!"

Quickly I got into action, thrusting my cock firmly into Angie's lovely pussy, feeling her body beginning to spasm and quiver around and under me; powering my penis into her hole once more.

Firmly I thrust my penis into her, loving the way her already spasming hole was quivering and sucking at my cock. Faster and faster I worked and with Angie already on her plateau, my orgasm and Angie's second was quick to arrive.

"Come on Angie, cum with me!" I moaned as I banged into her, "I know you can!"

"Yeah - yeah, I'm cumming too!" cried Angie, her hips shaking beneath me, her pussy working hard on my cock, "Almost...yessssss, yesssss - here it cummmmmms!"

"And me!" I cried as I felt a blast of spunk rising rapidly, "I'm cummmming too!"

"Ooooh, that's lovely!" cried Angie, her body convulsing as I began to fill her hole, "Ooooh that's better - that's wonderful!"

"Fuuuuuck!" I groaned as another powerful eruption took place, "Oooooh God!"

Then we slumped together, both panting hard before Angie patted me on the back.

"Come on - we'll make the carpet all wet!" she said and I lifted myself slowly clear of her lovely elfin body, feeling her pussy suck at my cock as I pulled out of her.

Angie was obviously well organised and had a towel between her legs in moments, leaving me to dry my sticky cock off on one corner of the towel - enough for me though.

Not far from us Liz was rising and falling on Tim's sizeable penis, her grunts and groans attesting to his dimensions. She'd discarded her thong and her pretty pussy lips were visible, wide spread, glowing and glistening as Tim's tool slid between them.

I looked at Mum and she was still there, clicking away - poor Dad would have a heart attack when he viewed all those pictures.

Then I also noticed that Mum's spare hand was busy - she'd hitched her skirt up above her waist and she was working hard inside her knickers; perhaps hardly surprising considering all the sex she was watching and filming!

Meanwhile Dad was slumped in his chair, his eyes closed, his glass now empty and on the table beside him. His shock would come later! Or sooner if Mum had her way, it now seemed.

Because Mum had taken note of Dad's condition and had now stopped clicking...and was advancing on Dad as he reclined in his chair in his alcoholic stupor.

Reaching Dad she put her hand on his belt and moments later it was undone; then there was the sound of a zip running down - then Mum had her hand inside Dad's trousers!

A very short time later and Mum was hauling out a small python - a penis that seemed to go on and on, even though it was soft!

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