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70.95% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2909: OPEN THE DOOR!

Chapitre 2909: OPEN THE DOOR!

Max pulled his finger back from the remote and watched the six foot door open. He pulled it further and stepped up into the big cab of his "eighteen wheeler." Another week had begun. On Saturday morning, he'd be back in bed at home, some twenty-four hundred miles behind him. That about summed it up for Max Wealdstone. He drove auto parts from a plant in St. Louis, Missouri to an assembly plant in Laredo, Texas. Then he drove pallets and shelving parts back to Missouri. It was his business, his risk and his payoff. He took good care of his clients, and they took good care of him with regular work. Most independents would give their eye teeth to have what Max had, but few would have been as willing and diligent about service to have achieved it. Max was his own man, a truer definition of "independent" could not be found.

This trip began Monday at five P.M. when he picked up his loaded rig at the parts manufacturer, and drove southwest through the night. Three hours into the run, making excellent time for daylight hours, he past around Springfield, Missouri and traveled another ten miles before pulling off at an exit not frequented by most truckers. At just after eight pm, with the summer solstice only a week past, he needed no lights to see his way off the deserted exit and onto the local two-lane. A quick left turn, followed by a right at the "T" just a hundred yards further, brought Max and his Freightliner Coronado to a diner with a large gravel parking lot. He pulled the huge rig into the lot, steered around the back of the diner parked there years ago, and back along its side until his cab was even with the eatery's end windows. Max let the six hundred horse Caterpillar idle for several minutes while he filled out his log and brought his paperwork up to the minute.

When he next looked up, the sun was falling faster and the night creeping in from the east. Max shut down the big rig and pushed on his side of the cab. The tall rearview mirror mounted on the door carved a wide arc as the hefty assembly swung open and exposed the driver to the view of the few diners inside the building.

Max struck a classic pose without knowing it. He was a tall, big man with a well proportioned mustache and short, black hair to match. His large eyes disarmed a first time acquaintance, a good thing for from a distance one could easily see workout program was in use. Max's arms were as big around as some men's thighs, and the rest of his body was just as fit and muscular. It was a man's man who stepped down from the high cab of his way of life.

While two men in the diner looked with their mouths open, their wives, a couple of mature and matronly types, unhealthily overweight and apparently not caring how they looked, were quick to glance at the noise and then back at their plates. But one particular person in the diner did more than look. She ran out of the place and across the graveled lot. Rather than stopping, she jumped up and sideways at just the right moment and flew through the last few feet of air into the safest and most secure place she'd ever felt, in the arms of her lifelong hero and lover.

"Oh Max! It seems like a month! Not a week!" She wrapped her arms around his thick neck and kissed him hard on the lips. Their tongues searched each other's out and locked in a familiar dance more like the thumb stomping game than a kiss.

Katie was twenty-six. She was tall and thin, with small firm breasts and only slightly wider hips. Her hair was short and her face was little-boy'ish, a collection of freckles and perky features that warned serious people not to expect her to listen to their woe's. Her voice was a bit lower than one might expect from her appearance, but there was no doubting her zest for life when watching her with her man.

"Hey there, daughter!" Max broke their kiss and came up for air. He chuckled and squeezed her left breast with his supporting hand. "Miss me?"

She wiggled delightedly in his arms and said, "Miss you? Nah." She pressed back into him and sucked his tongue from his mouth before pulling back and saying, "I CRAVE you!"

Max laughed and began to walk her to the door of the diner. The two men inside continued to watch in envy and awe. They hadn't heard the exchange, but it was no secret around the tiny town that Max Wealdstone was the father of Katie, the owner of the diner. Every week they went through the same drill, and every week they looked like they were meeting for the first time in years. Women looked the other way not wanting to admit what they thought, and men looked doubly hard to see what they could see of the legendary story. And week after week, the legend grew.

The big trucker set his daughter down on the stoop of the diner and followed her inside. She flipped her hand toward his usual booth at the opposite end of the long room of booths and counter space and skipped like a child into the kitchen. Max slid into the booth and removed his sun glasses. He looked around, smiled at the staring women and winked at their men after their wives turned back to their plates in blush.

Katie returned shortly with large plate of steak and eggs, proportions not available on the menu. She smiled down at her old man as she placed his food before him and a cup of coffee beside the plate. "Oh!" She exclaimed as she felt his hand slid up her thigh from under the table.

Max laughed and asked, "How've you been, Baby? Husband treating you right?" He slipped his finger under her panties and along her slick crack, back and forth a couple times. Then he withdrew and brought a finger to his nose in a lewd gesture only his daughter could see.

She smiled but that hardly conveyed the urge in her loins, the sight of her father sniffing her aroma from his finger. "The usual, Daddy. He hits me every morning before he heads to the fields, and I don't see him again till the next morning. He's asleep by the time I close up here, and I'm exhausted at the time he gets up. I feel like a pincushion, and just as numb." She smiled then, "Until Monday nights that is!" She wiggled her ass, a movement that definitely was seen by all.

They chatted a bit more and Katie went about seeing to her customers. She lied about the boredom in her marriage – it really wasn't that way at all. But the banter had grown from months of this ritual and it pleased them both to be so crude. They talked on as few more diners came in for late meals or snacks before heading home, and eventually the place cleared out. By ten o'clock, Katie had turned out the lights and the place was dark. They were alone.

Max's booming voice called out, "And just where the hell is my little girl now?"

Katie was born to Max's wife, eight years before Max and she had met. He'd fallen in love with both of them and married and taken care of them ever since, that is, until Katie's Mom died of cancer a few years ago.

Both Katie and Max had been devastated by the loss, a closer family being hard to find. The two of them bonded even more so than before, pulling together to get through their loss, and helping Max keep his business while still getting Katie through school. Katie was conscientious girl in high school, a very mature lady for her age, and Max was seldom home from the road. They needed each other at critical times, and took care to not cause each other harm the rest of the time. On those more cherished occasions when they were in the house at the same time, they talked more like mates, than father and step daughter. They succeeded and got through their loss together.

One Saturday morning, when Max was readying for bed, his clock virtually reversed from the world's due to traffic, construction and the need to get there on time, and when the customer needed, Katie had gotten up early. She was joining her friends for a camping trip, an overnight to a nearby lake. She was excited too, for it promised to give her and her boyfriend, Billy Woods, a chance to have some fun both in and out of the sack.

But as she emerged from the shower, dried and walked nude toward her room, she heard a moaning sound from her father's room and stopped at his door.

"Uhhhhhhh, Mary, ohhhhhhhh yes." The sounds were pounding Katie's senses from all directions. Her father was obviously masturbating, she could see through the crack his reflection in the bureau mirror. He was moaning, his eyes closed, and repeating Katie's mom's name. How awful, she thought. How very unfair! How terrible, she cringed, her Daddy was so lonely still, after all these years. While Katie had come to grips with her loss, her father still needed her Mom, still missed her so. Katie wanted to barge right in and hug him, but refrained somehow, and watched through the crack in the door.

"UHMMmmmmm..." Max groaned as his hand pumped up and down his shaft slowly.

Katie felt an immediate pressure between her legs. She let the towel drop as if she didn't know it was there in the first place. Her hands went down and met over her pubic mound, the fingers of one covering the searching fingers of the other. When the under hand had slipped over the edge and started down over her swollen lips, she let the other hand retreat and move up to her stone hard nipples. "Uhmmmm..." She moaned.

Max heard the familiar sound and his eyes opened wide. He froze in place, his hand stopping at the bottom of a stroke, leaving inches of his stiff shaft above his fist, and pointing at the ceiling. His eyes began to focus and they rolled left toward the door. It was ajar. His daughter was up early, unlike her for a Saturday morning. The mirror! He shifted his gaze without moving his head. There she was!

Katie, little Katie as his daughter but tall and spirited Katie as his house mate, stood stark naked in the doorway. He could see a column of her about six inches wide, from her toes to the top of her head. Occasionally, she'd move to one side or the other while her body gyrated uncontrollably and he caught sight of one breast or its mate. Her left hand was massaging them, pinching the nipples and massaging them again. Her right hand was pumping her snatch. Though he couldn't see that deeply between her legs, there was no doubt she was fingering her pussy, even sliding her hand far enough down to have poked at her asshole if she was so inclined.

When she suddenly stopped, Max closed his eyes quickly and resumed his pumping, now reaching around one hand with the other to massage his balls as well. He let another moan loose, part forced and part from the lewdness of his daughter.

"Uhnmmmm..." His daughter said once again.

He knew he'd saved the moment, kept her from scampering away as if caught. He wondered though, how could she not know he saw her?

Katie was sure he'd looked right at her in the mirror. She saw the whites of his eyes. If her father hadn't resumed pumping his cock, she'd been on the verge of bolting, but his act somehow calmed her and she felt more free, less afraid of being caught spying. She too resumed her movements, reaching further down to insert two, then three fingers in her sopping cunt. She knew already she'd have to take another shower, or smell like a cat house the rest of the day.

Right then, she didn't care about anything but her father, his needs, and hers. She groaned loudly as the first orgasm overtook her.

Max stopped. He couldn't help it. His daughter was masturbating, watching him masturbate. It made all the sense in the world, and just couldn't make any sense at all. The secret is out, which in itself was ironic. Max was jerking off. Her secret was exposed too, however, and she was jerking off all the same. They had never had anything but Katie's mom between them.

When she'd come home that Saturday night when she'd been taken for the first time, she'd only made him promise not to act on what she was going to tell him. He promised, and she opened up. They'd talked long into the night about the good and the bad of such behavior and pleasure, and they'd shared all they knew. Max had made good on his word not to interfere, and since then, she'd never hesitated to ask her father questions, or tell him of her exploits. It was the best possible relationship a father daughter team could have, or so both of them thought before tonight.

"Katie," He waited.

She froze.

"Katie, Baby, come in." He made no move to cover himself, or even remove his hand from his cock. She'd seen it all already. Why hide what was already known?

Katie let her hands fall to her sides. She thought about picking up the towel, but left it on the floor. She'd never tried to deceive her father before, so why try now? She walked in and half way to her father's bed.

"Come here, sweetheart." Max sat up in bed, and Katie stepped up beside him. Her hands were fisted under her chin, with her forearms covering her breasts.

"Sorry, Daddy."

"Sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for, Baby. I am the one to be sorry, if anyone is. I didn't realize you were up."

"I think, we were both up?" Katie tried to smile at her attempt at humor.

Max looked down at his still stiff pole and laughed. "Yeah! We are both up all right." He pulled her too him and kissed her on the lips as he had ever since she was eight. To his surprise, and for the first time, he felt her tongue shoot out form between her teeth and right up against his. Reflexively, he let his jaw open and her tongue in. It speared deeply, then curled around inside his mouth. He curled his own tongue and they found themselves suddenly hooked around each other. They remained still at first, then tugged as if enacting what they'd wanted to do for many years, and hinting what they'd like to do with the rest of their bodies.

Katie acted first, letting a hand fall to her father's chest, then sliding down to his stomach. When he made no attempt to stop her, she continued her trek toward his loins and eventually felt his bush, then his hardened cock. She grabbed it firmly and held on to it as if expecting a fight to pull it back. But the fight never came. In fact, after a few moments, she felt his hips rise against her hand.

While she felt her body tense with the pleasure of touching her step father's cock, she hoped she would never forget that moment. It was as if all her life she'd been waiting for that one moment to come. She had finally come of age, become a person, an adult, been fulfilled. Nothing wrong could happen from here. She was whole.

Max raised her up and brought her into the bed. He placed her on his stomach, facing him. "Honey, you are so much like your mother everyday, I don't know if I can do this."

She looked at him affectionately, "It's ok, Daddy. Really. We don't have to do anything. I'm glad we are so open though, and I have so much to be grateful for, having you."

Max wanted to cry out, but knew he could not. It just wasn't his way. He hadn't cried at the funeral, just kept silent for weeks after. Now he was silent again, just staring into her eyes.

Katie leaned down and kissed him again, even more passionately than before. They hooked tongues again, bringing this new practice to the fore of their relationship quickly. She kissed his ears, his eyes, all over his head, and he did nothing to stop her. He kissed her back, and held her head and long hair in his hands. It was like holding her mother all over again, the hooked tongue kisses especially private to their past, or so he'd thought.

Suddenly Katie sat up, turned a one-eighty on her knees and hands, and dropper her pussy down on his face just as her mouth enveloped his cock. It was the boldest move she'd ever made in her life, and already she was beyond her own surprise. She shoved her head down and down until another first happened, she managed to push her step-daddy's cock clear up into her throat.

Max was sucking his daughter's entire pussy into his mouth as he felt the sudden tight hold on the head of his dick. In her throat! It had to be! Just like her mother! He sucked hard and pulled her gushing pussy lips down into his mouth. His tongue found and began to manipulate her clit, a tough little prick of a thing that seemed to want to defy him as well as egg him on at the same time. It actually moved in response to his severe stimulation.

The two of them explored each other, and all new territories for each, yet seeming familiar to Max. They sucked and pulled and blew and pulled until they heard the doorbell ring and they froze.

"Oh my God!" Katie blurted, raising her head and looking at the image of herself kneeling guiltily over her father face and cock.

"It's ok, Honey. You go get ready. I'll put some pants on and keep Billy occupied." He started to move as if to push her off.

"No!" Was all she said, and she went back to work on his cock for a few more seconds. Then she jumped up like a kid in a sand box and exclaimed, "I'll put him in the living room. You stay right here Dad! Don't you dare move!" She didn't wait for an answer, but flew out of the room, grabbing the towel up from the floor as she passed, and ran clumsily down the stairs to the front door.

Max just laid there in shock. His daughter had given commands just like her mother had done years before. She had laid down the order, and didn't even wait for an acceptance. She'd just said do it, and he did it. God, he thought, it was so nice to be back with his love!

Katie settled Billy in the living room while she supposedly went to get ready to go. "Lousy alarm clock." But instead, she rushed back to her father's bed and finished what they had started. Both had to muffle their cries of ecstasy at climax, but the mere fact that someone was downstairs waiting, while they eat each other to the last orgasms of this first outing was unbelievably stimulating. They allowed themselves only a minute of relaxation before Katie got up, smiled warmly at her Dad, and then kissed him on the forehead before heading back to the shower.

And now, in the pitch darkness of the diner, Max knew what to expect. He walked slowly down the aisle between the counter stools and the booths. When he was nearly at the register, he felt the tug on his trousers and turned to the counter.

He felt the first pulls at his pants, then the unbuckling of his large belt. His eyes were beginning to adjust to the dark and he could barely make out the form of his baby, lying on her back across the counter, waiting for him.

She pulled his cock from his boxers and pulled on his hips to shove it down her throat. When it landed, it was held there for the next move.

Max leaned over in quite a lot of pleasure. The motion not only moved his cock deeper into his daughter's throat, but brought his chest down on her stomach. Then he reached under her legs, pulled them apart, and dropped his head down on her pussy, his mouth instantly fixing itself around her mushy lips and aromatic wet snatch. He then straightened, bringing his daughter up and vertical.

They were still for a moment, then Max gradually turned them around. She was completely in his grasp, supported by his arms around her waist, her body upside down and vertical. He began working on her pussy with his tongue while she sucked on his dick like she knew exactly what it wanted. Max completed his revolution, clearing the parking lot and immediate area, and sat back on one of the stools. And there they stayed until Katie had sucked him dry, and Max had at least attempted to do the same to her.

"Baby, you are like a waterfall! Endless!" He spoke into her crack.

"Mmmmmm... you make me so, Daddy. And that last load was just as tasty as the very first time. You remember that? In your bedroom?" She smiled around his softening shaft.He too smiled, and admitted, "Ohhh, yes. I remember. I'll never forget! Poor Billy waiting in the living room too."

"Billy got his, Daddy. I told you that. He found it worth waiting for."

He slipped a hand up (down) her back and let its index finger settle on her sphincter. Her body jolted automatically.

"Why Daddy! You really don't want to leave tonight, do you?" She held his ass tighter, lovingly.

"No, Baby, I don't." He let his finger back away though, trying to exercise at least some control. "But I have to."

She let out a squeal of objection but knew he was right.

Max walked forward and let her down on a booth table. She let go of his ass reluctantly, and took him in her mouth one last time, right to his balls. Even Max inhaled deeply as his cock was released and he stood free.

"What am I going to do with you Baby? Damn!"

"Anything you want Daddy, anything."

Max was back on the road in ten minutes. His mind was not however, not fully. Each time he stopped to see his daughter like this, have dinner on the way out, he left with terribly mixed feelings. And oddly enough, it wasn't guilt. No, Max's dilemma was whether to let their love making go all the way. Whether to let his daughter's apparent desire to have him enter her and seal their intimacy with the final act, or to read her differently and keep their contact on an oral only level. He thought about this intensely as he rejoined Interstate Highway 44. Next stop, Lawton, just past Tulsa, OK.

Traveling at night had its advantages, and it had its problems. One problem was the loneliness. He saw nothing but head and tail lights unless he stopped, and he got nowhere if he wasn't doing 75 down the highway. At least in daylight hours, along with the traffic, there were faces, people with stories he could imagine. He had company. But at night, it was radio and music, and after so many years, both were less than fulfilling.

Now and then Max glanced over his shoulder at the very comfortable sleeper cab behind him. He had a curtain he could pull to separate him from the tempting bedroom quality accommodations, but chose to leave it open. It gave him a sense of space and comfort to leave it open, as if he were home, sitting in his living room and watching a video of highway travelogue. He pushed on through the lonely dark night.

Max needed no maps for this run. It was the same each week. His next stop was a truck stop in Lawton, Oklahoma, nearly six hundred miles into his trip, and coincidentally as close to half way as one could get. This run, from his daughter's diner to some restful sleep, would take him through to four-thirty or five in the morning. He'd stop, have some dinner, and then walk around a bit in a nearby park and town to stretch his legs. Then he'd get back to the big Freightliner and make use of that wonderful traveling bedroom. Seven hours later, he'd rise and shine and take another walk, pull some maintenance on his truck, and use the stop's showers to freshen up for the night's drive.

He never lacked for things to do, and even used the lonely drive time to contemplate new ideas, and places and things to do. In the end, his "to do" time was limited to when he took those two week vacations twice a year. With his daughter now married and unable to go with him, he had new concerns too, who to take along. He was thinking just about this when he slowed the big rig on the way onto the ramp at Lawton. A good night's rest would be signaled by the dawn.

The air was cool when he exited the cab, a still, dry air that felt like freedom. The place was quiet except for an early starter of a hauler down the line of parked monsters, their shapes ghostly. The stirrer was a Mack, an older truck but sounding smooth and strong as it idled, waiting for sufficient warmth to ensure good circulation in its oil and water cooling systems. As it began to pull away from the line, Max walked in the same direction until the big truck crossed in front of him and the driver tipped his forehead in recognition. They parted ways as fast as they'd met and the big rig left the lot to the quiet again.

Max walked up to the door and was about to pull the handle when he saw a woman just coming out, but looking the opposite way. She was saying something, but Max could not understand through the glass, only that her words were shouted. He pulled the door slightly open, not wanting to frighten her.

"Fuck you too!" She turned and ran right into Max's chest. Both hands had come up in a last attempt of defense and landed on his breasts as if they'd been directed there. The woman stopped dead, looked up into the face of a large and attractive man, and shivered.

"Max?" Her eyes searched the man's face for recognizable features. He was mustached now, the skin trailing his eyes a bit creased, very tanned and very mature.

"Judy?" His question was more one of surprise than a request for recognition. Of course it was Judy! They had gone to high school together. She had the biggest boobs in school! She was known as the class whore, but only because none of the guys got to first base with her, except Max, but even he had ONLY gotten to first. "Judy Mackenzie?"

She looked over her shoulder at the man she'd been yelling at, or arguing with, but made no move to pull back from Max. Then she looked back up at the brute of a man and said, "Once again, I'm afraid." She looked back again quickly then added determinedly, "And staying that way!" Then she turned back to Max and backed up a few inches to look him up and down. "Well! You sure filled out!"

"Thanks," He chuckled. "You..."

"Filled out too?" She too laughed. "You don't have to say it. I've been threatening since college to have these things reduced."

Max squinted in mock pain at the would-be loss to the male species. He then felt and looked a bit sheepish in his transparency.

"Oh, don't worry silly. I have lived with the cat calls and jokes all my life. But you know? In the end? I haven't found a man yet who really knew what to do with them!" She winked. "You came about the closest, there big fella." She popped him on the arm and planted her foot up against the door to keep the man inside from interrupting.

Max suddenly wanted to a second chance! "So. What are you..."

"Doing in a place like this?" She nodded back behind her. "My friend there, the big traveler. Drags me half way across the country to 'See the world.' And all we do is drive! Damn! You know, he's into the voyage? I'm into the destination? We've been driving and eating all night. First he can't think of sleeping, then he has to stop for coffee. Then we have to get to Missouri, or Tulsa, or whatever. Then we stop again. I'll tell you. I'm tired, dirty, and fed up. And he still won't pull into a motel. We had enough trouble already, but this is just too much. I was just on my way out the door to catch... THAT bus!" She pushed him out with her way. "Damn good to see you again, Max, but..."

"Wait!" He said. "Where are you goin?"

"Dallas!" She shouted over her shoulder as she began to run toward the Trailways that had just pulled into the parking lot.

"Wait, Judy! I'm headed that way! I can take you!"

She stopped dead in her tracks. Both of them stood there for a moment in time, as if some ray-gun had suddenly stopped the world. Slowly, she turned. Then she stopped, turned back toward the bus and began walking. "Oh, no," She said to herself. "Frying pan to the fire. I know that nightmare."

"Judy, don't be silly. I'll take you." She stopped but did not turn. "I have bucket seats. You'll be safe." He couldn't help but smile.

Judy turned back to him and stared. "Max, the way I remember you, you were as frisky, make that horny as any other guy in school. Tigers like you don't change their spots."



"Leopards. Leopards don't change their spots. Chameleons do though, so let me put on a gentlemanly face and carry you off home, safe and sound. Promise." He made the Boy Scout salute, feeling as foolish as he must have looked.



"Frogs," She said, "Frogs can change their spots too. But they croak if they don't get it right." She smiled.

Max laughed and said, "Ribbit!" He walked toward her. "Come on. I'll get you set up with that shower and join you when you are done."

She hesitated and looked him in the eye.

"For the trip, Judy. I'll join you AFTER your shower. Hey, I have to drive." He looked up in exasperation. This sure wasn't the outgoing, loose and easy woman he would have expected from her reputation in high school. This woman was in control, and yet defensive, untrusting, as if she'd been mistreated by everyone and valued by none. He had an idea. He reached down, took her by the hand and led her quickly back into the restaurant. The guy she'd been yelling at was no longer in the doorway. "Which one of these assholes was yours?"

The gruff voice and language surprised her. Judy looked up at him, feeling suddenly safe in his shadow. She pointed across the array of tables, mostly empty this early in the morning, and aimed at a man busy stuffing his face with eggs and bacon. Max pulled her over to the table with him.

"Hi. What's your name?" Max asked, towering over the table and man.

"What's it to you? Judy, sit the fuck down and eat. We've got a long way to go." He went back to his fork.

Max reached down and tipped the plate of eggs and hash browns into the guy's lap, prompting him to jump up and face off against the much bigger man.

"What the fuck you do that for?" He demanded.

"Just cleaning the table. You're through here. Get out." He stepped into the man until their noses were nearly touching. The shorter man's face was turned up to meet him.

The other diners, and the staff, had all been stopped to watch. The room was dead silent. Finally the man grabbed Judy's other hand and said, "Come on. It stinks in here."

Max moved so fast everyone had to replay the act in slow motion mentally to see what he did. His first chop was to the man's wrist, which didn't break, but let go of Judy instantly. His second move was to twist the wrist around behind the man and pull it up tight to his shoulder blade. He stepped behind him and pushed him toward the door.

The man had the presence of mind not to object further. Max led him out the door and stopped before descending the three steps. "Mister, Judy is done with you. You can go now." He released the man, who turned quickly back as if to say something. "And if I hear of you even mentioning her name again, let alone trying to contact her, I'm gonna break that wrist, and the arm, and your scrawny neck. Now give me twenty bucks for your breakfast and get out of here while you're still intact."

The man thought for a moment, then reached slowly into his pocket and pulled out a wad of bills. He peeled off a twenty and wanted to throw it on the ground, but knew from the big man's commanding presence he'd better not. The damage was done. He wouldn't be back here. He'd never see any of these people again, and therefore no one would ever know of this embarrassing confrontation. He handed Max the bill and turned and ran for his car.

"What did he say?" Judy asked as Max sat down with her at a new table. The waitress followed him back and past them to begin cleaning the previous mess.

Max held the waitress' arm gently and said, "Here. Our friend left this for you for the cleanup. Put the tab on mine and let's eat!" He handed her the twenty and rubbed his hands together in anticipation, as if nothing had just happened.

The waitress looked down and said, "Mister, that man was an asshole. Pardon me lady. But there's no way that guy gave you that bill willingly. The cleanup and eggs are on me. She smiled and began to move on, but felt compelled to add for the woman's benefit, "Lady, this guy has been here before. He's a gentleman. You're safe with him."

Judy smiled at Max and said, "You didn't have to do that."

"What? She deserved it."

The waitress turned and resumed her thoughts out loud, "And another thing! I want first dibbs."

She was looking at Judy so Judy responded, "What?"

"I want first dibbs. You dump this guy and I want him!" She smiled at Max and walked off.

Judy rolled her eyes and broke the contact. She looked back to Max. "No. I mean, yes. She deserved it. The waitress, the tip, I mean. I am the one who didn't deserve it. You didn't have to free me of that numb-wad. I was already on my way out." She looked around the restaurant to see that everyone in the place was still looking at them, a couple giving then the thumbs-up. "Do you... know all these people?"

Max said nothing. He propped an elbow on the table and smiled. "Menu?"

Judy smiled back and began to laugh, "You mean there's more?" Just then they heard tires screeching and looked out to see numb-wad leaving in a huff. Judy laughed some more.

They ate, talked, relaxed with coffee and talked some more. Finally, Max said, "Ok, time for that shower." He rose up and signaled the waitress for the check.

When Judy looked at him with suspicion, he laughed and said, "NO!" Loud enough for the entire population of the restaurant to hear. "I am not going to shower with you!"

He laughed so hard Judy couldn't help but join him. "You cocky SOB," She whispered.

The waitress brought the check and left it with a smile. Judy saw Max put not one, but two twenties on the table and walk with the check to the register near the door. Judy also saw the waitress pick up the twenties and point at the big man at the register and nod her head in approval. She winked at Judy.

Judy agreed. He's a keeper. "Oh wow," She said under her breath, "The troubles I get in."

After they'd both taken their showers and returned to the Freightliner, Judy asked, "And where we sleeping tonight?" Being a cynic, a woman who'd learned from her dealings with the less noble sex, she only half expected him to say a motel. The other half expected the "Men!" side of her knight in shining buckle to say the cab of his truck. Then again, he'd been true to his word till now.

"Right here," He said, indicating the plus sized twin bed in the sleeper.

Judy's heart sank, despite her cynic armor. Ironically, she wasn't revolted by the idea of sleeping with him. Had the circumstances been only slightly different, she might have even dropped the hint. The sadness came from his disappointing her with deception. It all appeared now to be an act to get her in bed. How very sad. Now she had to decide if she could get through that and reward him for... hell no. She turned to scream her objection when he put a finger to her lips and reached above her head.

The top bunk came down with a rush of air. Its lifting mechanism sounded like spaceship doors and the slightly smaller bunk dropped to a point three feet above the main bunk. Max smiled when he looked down at the very embarrassed Judy.

"Max, I'm sorry. I..."

"Don't sweat it. No offense taken. Can't you see I'm smiling?" He grinned excessively and ogled her breasts like a voyeur gone mad.

She laughed and smacked him on the shoulder. He quickly had his shirt, socks and pants off and he flipped up over the bunk. Judy was still in shock when he appeared over the bunk and tipped his head down to kiss her. He held her head up to his and made that innocent kiss one she would not forget soon.

Before she could open her eyes again, he was gone, disappeared over the top and out of sight. "Sleep tight," Was all she heard and the cab went silent for some time. After a moment, she heard a curtain close, a window slide, and some rustling in the upper bunk. The upper bunk and the whole truck cab moved slightly as big Max turned over. Then stillness all together.

Judy sat down on the larger, lower bunk and slumped. She sat there for several minutes, her mind reeling in two directions at once. "What the hell am I doing? I am strongly attracted to Max. It's not as if I don't know the guy. We went to school together! He just saved my butt from that asshole! Christ! It was like a fairy tale! He's in the freaking bunk two feet from my head!" She looked toward the windshield, the light of dawn brightening a new day. "Damn! If I just walked by this guy on the street, I'd be conniving ways to meet him. Now he's..."

She quickly removed her blouse and jeans, and stood up on the sleeper's floor, facing the sleeping driver. This put her breasts just over the top bunk where she let them rest invitingly just inches from where Max's mouth would be if and when he turned over. "Max?"

"Yes." The word was mumbled, as if from sleep. He didn't move.

"Max! Damnit! I don't remember you being all this chivalrous! Turn over!" She slapped the mattress, then all was a blur. One second she was standing in her bra and panties, and the next she was flying through the air like a feather, and then sitting on Max's stomach.

Max looked up at her for some time, as if trying to decide whether to proceed. Slowly, he reached up with both hands and pulled her down to him by her shoulders. Their eyes remained locked in contact as she leaned forward and down, then onto the big man's chest. Neither missed the intoxicating effect of her melon sized breasts between them.

The moment her lips touched his, instant sensations of relief and sexual stimulation overtook her. She pushed down hard on his mouth, her tongue pushing through and beginning to search for his. She felt her legs spread over his and along side, her knees now in the mattress. Her body was on automatic consumptive mode. Her legs closed on his and held him tightly.

They kissed like two old friends who'd always wanted to, but had never had the opportunity. They explored each other's mouth while allowing their other senses to feel each other, comparing their sensations with their fantasies from the past.

She was lighter than Max remembered, or perhaps he was just that much stronger. Her breasts had swelled, that was for sure. They were pushed delightfully into his chest right now and the feeling was hot, their nipples so stiff he could feel them poking him. Her hair smelled like jasmine, and another aromatic stimulation was beginning to arise. Her legs squeezed him from below and pressure from her hips sent signals he could not ignore. His boxers did little to hide his erection and he was sure she could feel him in the "V" of her thighs.

Judy wanted to suck the man into every hole and pour in her body. He was huge in all respects. His arms had swooped her up as if she were a feather, yet as gently as if she were an egg. She had no idea how he had lifted her four feet off the lower bunk, swung her through the air and brought her gently down on his form with hardly an effort. She lay there now, knowing full well that he was her muscular match several times over, and yet he seemed gentle as a child might be holding a flower.

She did feel his huge pole between her thighs and before long she felt the need to increase the contact. She brought her knees out and up and back in again, next to his hips. This lifted her ass slightly, though not enough to cease her contact with his loins. It did however, rotate her hips forward and this brought her panty clad pussy in full contact with his shaft. The first sensations were electric.

The feeling was not lost on Max either. His tongue reached out instinctively and curled around Judy's. He could not remember being this hot in a long time, except of course with his step daughter. She had heretofore been the only woman able to turn him on this much this fast, and surprisingly there was a second who could accomplish this too. He instinctively smiled in their kiss and brought his arms down her back and hugged her ass to his groin lovingly, yet promisingly.

Judy felt the strange curl of his tongue on hers and without trying, she responded likewise. To her surprise, and for the first time in her all too many love makings with all too many unsatisfying men, she it hooked his tongue in an entirely new erotic sensation. They both reveled in the sudden recognition, tugging and pushing on each other for some time, while their hips began to gyrate by themselves. It was as if there were two couples in the truck.Max unexpectedly broke their kiss and sat up. Judy, with her knees forward, rotated easily with him and was now sitting on his upper thighs, her heels wedged in the corner of the cab wall and mattress behind him. Her arms were around his neck for support and his arms were behind her lower back. This second position was just as delicious as the first. She could not get over his strength, and the agility with which he moved. They parted mouths and stared into each other's eyes.

"Judy, you don't have to do this."

"Don't have to? Are you nuts?"

"No. I mean it. You don't owe me anything. And I'm going through Dallas, or close anyway. I know you weren't looking for this..."

She smiled and put a finger to his lips to silence him. "Do you kiss all the girls like that?"

"Uh, no. You mean the tongue?"

"Yes, the tongue." She smiled again at the childish innocence of his response.

"In fact, only one." Alarms went of in his head He was always being so open. It was one of his biggest assets, and yet one of his biggest problems too. Being such an open book kept his life simple and free of the complications of secrets and maintaining lies, while at the same time ensuring certain other liberties in life could not be taken. When his second wife, Katie's Mom was alive, they had built a game around his candor, one that kept them together, and him from straying like he did on his first wife. He would fantasize on the road when he saw a woman. What man wouldn't? But Kathryn would be right there in spirit and rather than act on his primal instincts, he would write a few notes on his dashboard pad, enough to remind him later what his fantasy was. Then Kathryn loved the deep trust and acting out those fantasies, right down to the right clothing. They had more fun together with such an open dialogue, than either could have imagined before they married. It was like having all the lewd and fantastical debauchery of an "open marriage", yet with all the intimacy and loyalty of one built on a true sense and feel of love. Max had been a broken man for more than a year after she'd died.

Then, just two years later, his step daughter instinctively curled her tongue around his just like her mother used to. A whole new world opened up to him, one that had many similarities to the past, and yet one with many new facets as well. He still loved his step daughter in a familial sense, but now in a sexual sense as well. And yet, that one part of him that yearned for the compatibility and devotion of Kathryn, the sensibility of her perceptions and understanding, and the devotion to enjoying him and him enjoying her.

He let his shoulders slump and admitted, "I have baggage, Judy."

She was floored by his words. Baggage? Was he thinking she'd just proposed? He didn't owe her anything. She hadn't expected anything from him. Why was he telling her anything like this at all? They had just started down a course of extremely pleasing sex! "Max, I..."

"No, it's not right. I need to tell you before... well, it's just not right. This kind of thing means more to me than to some guys I guess. You are, well, you have feelings too, right? I know that as long as I remember that, I make better decisions." He was stumbling and confused. That kiss, her body, none of it should have felt this good.

She just sat there, a bit disappointed at first, even concerned that he was reading too much into their meeting. But now, she began to see that he was truly thinking of her feelings. She didn't know what to say. Her breasts were standing out proudly, touching his huge chest, and her crack was now pleasantly positioned over his elongated shaft, a condition that showed no sign of diminishing, despite his somber tone.

"I mean, I'm a widower."

Judy was surprised once again, "I'm sorry." Then a horrific thought struck her, "Max! Recently? Your wife just died?"

"No, no, nothing like that. She passed more than four years ago."

"Kids? You have kids at home?" What difference did that make anyway, she wondered.

"One, well, she's not at home. She's married in fact. I was with her last night. She lives just this side of Springfield, Missouri. Runs a diner I helped her buy."

Something in the statement wasn't right. She waited, still confused.

"What I'm trying to tell you is... well... I have a relationship."

Judy sat back instantly. It had to be, damnit! The perfect dream coming true, smashed to bits in a heartbeat. The man's a cheating... wait. "Damn," She thought in confusion, "Why?"

Max dropped his chin in question, "Why? You mean why am I involved with my daughter?" Then he realized he hadn't even told her that yet. Suddenly the whole thing was wrong, out of control.

"You're involved with your daughter? Max!" Her head sprang back on her neck.

"No, wait, I'm trying to explain. I have a relationship with my step daughter. I know it sounds weird, or whatever. It's hard to... no it's not. I loved her mother. We met when Katie was eight. Her mother was older than me, helped me mature at the same time we raised Katie. Kathryn was more than I deserved. When she died, she'd told her daughter to take care of me, in every way she found necessary. Hell, I didn't even know this until she'd come to me one day and told me."

"She told you what, Max, that her mother told her to fuck you?" Judy's voice was not friendly, but not entirely angry either. Something more existed here, she felt it.

"She took care of me through high school and even went to college close by. She lived at home then too."

Desperate to salvage something here, she pleaded, "Yes? And I suppose you took care of her too? I mean, she got through school somehow, didn't she?"

"Yes, I tried to be her father, ever since her mother and I met, to give here everything she needed. I took a local job after Kathryn died and ran a driver with my rig at the time, so I'd be home to be with her as she finished school. I had to fulfill a promise I'd made to her mother, to see that she grew up a woman, a good woman, with all the tools to deal with life."

"So you brought her through school and ... what? Fucked her to show her how?" She instantly regretted the cheap shot. On the one hand, the man fucked his daughter, well, his step daughter. Was it the same if she was his step daughter? Was that incest? "Right now I don't know whether to smack you, kick you in the balls, or..."

"Go on, say it. Let the words come out." He put a finger under her chin.

"Yeah, all right, fuck you myself. That's sure where I was heading, until..."

"Until I told you the truth – that I made love with my step daughter and we both liked it so much we still do it even after she is married?"

The disclosure was so abhorrent on the surface she wanted to slap him hard. But the sincerity of his voice and words, not to mention her curiosity, kept her open just a bit longer.

"Look. The world is full of hypocrites. Politicians didn't invent the sport either." Max let his hands drop to her sides. We're all in the game."

She felt a shiver through her body at his touch. "Yeah?" Was all she could manage without loosing control.

"Well, I'm just saying that, I don't want to be one of them."

"Aren't you telling me right now how guilty you feel about fucking your daughter?" He'd asked for it.

"First of all, she's not my daughter. Second, she came to me, so there's no way I could feel guilty about seducing her. Third, well, we have a very special feeling for each other. We like making love together." He looked at her for a moment then added, "I know you aren't here to marry me, Kathryn. But this is something I think a lot of people would have trouble with. And I hate secrets. It hurts everybody when they come out, and damnit, they always do. I can't be bothered with having to cover things up. Life's just too damn short."

She thought about his words. He was so honest! Why were there always such stinking complications? She wanted to yell her frustration at him, but wanted just as much to hear more. If nothing else, it would give her more time to think and sort through all the confusion in her senses. She'd never come across such an open and honest guy before! How the hell had she let him slip through her fingers years ago? Because all he wanted in high school was a trophy, or the two on her chest. Why was she being so damned judgmental now though? What the hell was she going to do now?

Max smiled as he watched the wheels spinning in her head. He was always amazed at how people dealt with the truth when confronted by it. He would often tell a waitress he'd never seen before something personal about himself, or what he saw in her, just to see the reaction. He had nothing to hide, and game was a terrific way to spice up the boredom of long road trips. Now he waited to see how this once elusive beauty, who he found himself uncommonly attracted back to in such a short time, would react to his much more serious disclosures. The first thing he wanted was to make love to her like he'd dreamed year ago. He'd be much better at it now, he knew. But the last thing he wanted was to upset her afterward and have her run away in shame or anger. If it were meant to be, it would be. Let her decide.

"Why... you know, it was so simple just a little while ago." She took a breath and slumped in surrender.

"And it's not simple now? I'm sorry for that." He smiled.

The kindness ripped into her, right through her weakened defenses and into her heart. She pounded on his chest. "Why did you have to make things so complicated?"

"Hey! Things are what they are. I just don't want you doing something now, that you might regret later. I'm not gonna let that happen on my account."

"Now you're being noble? Or just covering your ass?" Again! She chastised herself for looking to accuse, rather than accept. "So let me get this straight." She shifted on the mere mention of the word, to feel the still hard shaft aligned along her crack. "You have a thing going with your step daughter who your ex-wife told to take care of you in every way, and she's married. And you're telling me all this because you don't want ME making a mistake?" Damnit! She did it again!

"In a nutshell, yeah. I might not put it quite that way, but the words are true." He actually smiled at her.

She raised a hand off his shoulder and ran it through her hair. So? Here she sat, on the lap of a gorgeous guy, his dick eager to climb up insider her, and he was filling her in on what she was getting into before he made his move. No matter what way she looked at it, it was her decision. And no matter what her decision, she felt totally safe with Max, that he would respect that decision completely. She smiled suddenly, her mind made up. She fell against him and her tongue reached out once more for his.

Max sucked her back in and resumed where they'd left off, only this time his hands went right to her ass and pulled her panties aside. He raised his knees to get her off his lap so he could redirect his engorged shaft. With his hips raised for the purpose, he pushed down his boxers and let Judy slide down on his pole.

"Ohhhhhhhh.. that's so nice." She cooed in his ear having let go of his mouth to breath. She let herself rest there for several minutes, totally impaled on his shaft, his upper torso so big she could barely close her hands behind him. Finally she raised them higher and wrapped them behind Max's head, where she used the position to lift herself up slowly from his lap.

"Where do you think you are going?" Max whispered as she rose all the way till only the head of his cock was still softly held in her velvety swollen lips.

She opened her eyes in a dream state, "Heaven, Max, join me."

He smiled and said, "Already there. Let me help you up." He lifted his hips and slid his shaft into her until their loins met once again.

They began a slow, full length pumping and kept it going for some time. Both were feeling their way around. Max found her to be remarkably wet, even feeling a drop or two of her hot indication lingering on his pubes and balls. Judy felt the wetness too, and more of it coming as she tried with every cell of her vaginal tunnel walls to feel him inside her.

"You feel good, Judy," He said in a low voice, a large sigh following the observation.

"Mmmm was just thinking the same about you, Max." During one of Max's up strokes, she hit her head lightly on the ceiling of the sleeper. They both laughed and before Judy knew it, she was whisked off the bunk and suddenly hung on his hips where he stood on the floor of the cabin. He pushed up the upper bunk and it locked to the rear of the sleeper, and then he dropped down into the larger lower birth.

When seated, he stopped and asked, "In for a penny?"

She tilted her head back with a smile and answered, "In for the pound, for sure."

Max turned and laid her down on the bunk, still buried in her nearly shaven gash, and still with his face close to hers, their eyes locked. Her look was one of complete trust, while amazed at his strength to maneuver them around so. She felt protected before, but cherished now. His control of her body was both ominously strong, yet lovingly gentle. She would do anything he asked. Indeed, she had a lot in mind for him too.

Max pulled his shaft free of her body and smoothly slipped further down. His knees were between hers on the mattress and he stopped to suckle her breasts. While his hands fed them up to his topngue, first one then the other and then back again, his right knee came up and made contact with her crack. He knew immediately that was specifically for her benefit and she began pumping her hips up and down on his thigh.

Max sucked at her breasts for several more minutes, pulling a little harder on each nipple each time he visited. Each time he pulled one up with the touch of his teeth, she gasped in a conflicting command to stop and bite harder at the same time. Max went by the increasing pressure on his thigh, rather than her conflicting words.

"Oh, My GOD Max!" She pulled him down hard on her chest. "Where the hell have you been for so long! I must have been crazy!"

Max smiled around her left nipple and opened his mouth to take in a sizable portion of her breast. With his hand, he held it squeezed just enough for it to remain plump and forced upward for him to suck. He repeated the process several more times on each tit before finally beginning to work his way down her abdomen.

In seconds, Judy was pushing his head down toward her crotch, pushing hard too. Max smiled inwardly once again at her aggressive impatience. This woman was exactly his cup of tea, aggressive, eager, unable to get enough. He too, wanted more than she could give, but would be very happy to get what she gave. He reached the small patch of pubic hair forming a narrow "V" above her mound.

Max lingered there, licking her bare and furry skin alike. Judy however, was beyond such foreplay. She wanted tongue, and she wanted it now! She pushed as hard as she could on Max's head to push him down between her legs. In frustration, her knees came up to compensate for his stubborn slowness, attempting to grasp him between her thighs and help drag him down and into her.

Max finally let himself be pushed just a bit faster and he was soon rewarded with the sweetest smelling, wettest feeling pussy of his life. It spoke to him of desire. If he didn't know better, he'd swear the swollen lips were reaching out for him, begging him to come closer, faster. Just as he touched her clit with the tip of his tongue, Judy came for the first time.

"Ugh, ohhhhh, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooo..." Her voice finally trailed off in a slowly disappearing orgasm and meltdown of her body. Her arms relaxed on his head, her entire body going limp, and one last exhaust of breath carried the words, "Ohhh, Max."

Max smiled, surprised at how truly turned on she had already been. He let her relax awhile, kissing the insides of her thighs, massaging her tits with just the slightest touch of his finger tips gliding over her skin. He heard her sigh again in the afterglow and continued his movements for a little longer.

"Where have you BEEN! My God, Max! You are... delicious."

Without hesitation, and still with his head low on her abdominal horizon he said, "You can't possibly know that."

Her mind froze, then her smile broadened as recognized the challenge in his words. "Roll over you monster."

Max did as he was told, a rare act, and rolled over on his back as she scooted out from under. As she straddled his thighs and leaned down to take him in her mouth, he said, "Wait!"

She was staggered by the delay as driven as she was in her determination to do something to please him. But her fears were soon relieved as she felt the huge arms scoop her up and flip her around so she was now straddling his upper torso, his arm and head behind her bent knees. When she felt his gentle touch on her ass cheeks, his hands gliding over her hot flesh, she heard him say, "Ok, now let's see you concentrate."

She heard him chuckle with his remark and felt his tongue stab into her ass the next second. Her ass jumped at the surprise, electric as it was, and then settled down on his face. She leaned down and took his stiff cock in her mouth, first just the the head, then half its length, and then as if driven by some strange force, his entire cock, non-stop right into her throat.

She felt him bolt upright with the sudden hot and restricting force of contact on his shaft and his recognition of just what she had done. She smiled around his pole, marveling at her accomplishment, her first time at taking anyone that deeply into her mouth. He was inspirational! She held her breath and pushed down harder in small jerks, each of these also rewarded with a new jolt from the hunk below.

Max was amazed. Judy had gulped him down entirely. He was able to feel her lips coming up against his pubes. She had deep throated him to the hilt, a first for him, and one he would not forget. He groaned loudly into her snatch while his finger went above his nose to return the favor. Within two more pumps of his cock, he had his middle finger buried three knuckles into her ass. It felt like they were telescoping inside each other, not knowing when they would stop.

Judy bolted too when the finger penetrated her tight rectal opening. But the pain was barely perceptible, and the pleasure barely containable. Before she could do much more than moan on his cock as he was humming into her pussy, she felt a second finger push inside her ass and the wonderful filling sensation began.

Judy squirmed, moving her groin on Max's face and that seemed only to enhance both their feelings. He brought his other hand to task and began to apply pressure to the sensitive area between her pussy and ass. Judy, her arms similarly extended beyond his thighs, pulled her upper arms back, forcing Max's knees up toward his chest. This opened his loins to her like a melon cut in half and waiting for her face to plunge.

Max was ready when the plunge came. The first finger up his ass went slowly, gently working its way inside, then up to its last knuckle. Immediately, a second finger joined the first, and then a third. Her hand was so small she didn't hurt him, but made him want to be hurt. The pleasure was exquisite.

They continued to fuck each other's asses and suck on each other's genitals until the first signs of orgasm in Max began to unfold. Judy felt his hips tighten several times, not jumping up, but tensing up where they lay. Each time, Max groaned a little louder too, giving his actions a kind of warning quality, a warning that the volcano was soon to erupt.

The eruption was sooner than later. Max let out a vociferous groan, escaping the confines of her pussy and left no doubt in Judy's mind of his current and imminent states. Max groaned once more loudly before his cock erupted in an explosion of cum that threatened to drown his lovely partner.Judy had felt the load boiling, rising up his cock. But she was unprepared for the gusher that followed. She had been taking a much needed breath at the time, and her mouth overflowed with the first rush of cum. Thinking fast, she took a deep breath and rammed her head back down on the shaft until the erupting cock was once again buried up her throat. This proved to be the one way to ensure she caught the rest of his load. She was amazed at how easily she took it down, and even had time to sense the taste of the batch she had caught. She liked his taste a lot, so much so that when his orgasm began to lessen in volume, she pulled her throat back off and let the rest of his load spurt into her mouth where she could savor it for more time.

Her own orgasm immediately after his. The two intense sensations going off in succession were nearly more than she could handle, and yet it seemed so natural she could not imagine how it could have been better. Max dropped another spurt of juice in her sucking mouth and she squirted another spurt of juice in his. The fluid exchange was perfect, long and intensely satisfying, at both ends of each person's body.

They finally collapsed on each other, Max's big arms wrapped over her ass on the small of her back, and Judy's entire weight slumped on Max. They both hummed their approval, unable to say anymore, The orgasms seemed lovingly to last forever, their bodies unwilling to give up such a satisfying state. They just lay there, feeling, smelling, and reveling in each other's sex.

They awoke six hours later and made love again. This time they were more relaxed, as if now experienced professionals at a competition to make each other hornier than themselves. Max picked Judy up off the bunk and held her facing him in his lap. They smiled warmly at each other and then he stood in the roomy sleeper cabin. He let her down on his shaft slowly, the two of them savoring each inch of penetration and connection. He held her there and raised and lowered her on his shaft, moving nothing but his arms to do so.

"You're so strong," She whispered softly in his ear.

"You're so light," He whispered back.

"You fill me up," She cooed.

"You're so tight," He smiled.

"You're too good to be true," She leaned her head back to see into his eyes.


She reared back and slapped his shoulder again.

"You don't know enough about me to say that," He said in a more serious voice.

The words shook her. They were too callous, too true yes, but too harsh. They finished their lovemaking in silence and finally headed for the showers and soon after, the highway.

Max was quiet as he drove through the night. She hoped she hadn't upset him with her sudden pull back. Regretting it now, she could do little about it. He was obviously a man of few words, and all she could think of was that he would be annoyed by discussing it further.

Max was too quiet, he thought. He should be opening up the conversation, talking about the wave of emotion that had washed over both of them that day. Somehow though, he couldn't find the words. Something was bothering him, or maybe her. He didn't know. Either way, the ride was awkward.

At about two in the morning, they arrived in Dallas. Judy gave him the directions to drop her at her apartment's closest spot to the highway she could think of. He followed her directions and brought the big rig to a halt where she asked. They looked at each other silently.

"Well," Judy said, reaching into her purse. "I want to at least put some money toward the gas."


She looked up at him in astonishment. Where had that teddy bear gone? What had she done? She had already lost him? Suddenly she was being torn up inside.

Max wanted to slap himself for being so abrupt. Why couldn't he open up to this woman any longer? Had they found something they didn't like in each other? Was she pissed at him for some reason? "Diesel. The engine runs on diesel." He tried to smile but knew he'd failed. And the darkness precluded her picking up any more subtle signals.

"Oh, well, here's some money for some DIESEL then." She threw the bills she had left in her wallet on the seat and was out of the cab before Max could react.

"Judy! Wait!"

"What's a matter? Not enough?" She said the words aloud, but to herself for she had already run much too far for him to hear. She started crying and cursing and forcing back the images of their unbelievable love making all at once. The mile back to her apartment didn't take her twelve minutes to cover, and she showered and cried herself to sleep.

Max got out of the truck but could not find Judy anywhere. He realized he had not even asked her for her number. "GotDAMN!" He swore and smacked the door with his hand. After several minutes of walking around the truck and several false starts at getting into the cab again, only to stop and make another round, he finally completed the act and got the rig back underway. Something very big in his life had happened tonight, and he'd just thrown any lasting good that could come from it away. How the hell had he let that happen!

Max arrived at the auto assembly plant at eight the next morning, only a half hour late and dropped off his load. He traveled across town to another plant and picked up a three-quarter trailer load of shelves and related parts, then filled the remaining space with pallets he was paid by the piece to deliver. Then he drove back to a truck stop on Interstate 35 where he fueled up and settled in for a night's rest at ten-thirty in the morning.

Sleep did not come easily. Despite his normal fatigue from driving all night, he was drained form the emotional, terrific sex with Judy. As he recalled the moments of sheer bliss with the beautiful woman he'd idolized even back in high school days, he began to nod off to sleep, only to be wide awake in the next heartbeat, berating himself for having let her slip through his fingers.

It wasn't until after noon that he finally fell asleep, and even then, only after finally resigning himself to somehow find Judy and apologize. From there, he would let nature take its course. But he knew one thing for sure, he hadn't felt this way about a woman but once before in his life. One way or another, he was going to give this a chance. Judy would just have to learn to live with his unusual relationship with his step daughter, for he was not about to let her go again.

Judy Lang felt more like she'd been run over by that big truck, than transported home by it. The walk/run from the highway had done her some good, but she was still a jumble of nerves and mixed emotions. As she began to sort through the maze of information she'd gathered along with such an exceptional attraction to a man in such a short time, things, answers mostly, finally began to fall into place in her mind.

Max was her kind of man. Of that, there was no doubt. He was in fact more than she'd ever hoped for in the looks department, tall, strong, rough-cut handsome and well groomed. But he was a man's man too, in the sensed me would like to define. He made up his own mind, stood up for his beliefs and wasn't afraid in the least to help someone else. In bed, well, she couldn't think of anyone, or anytime, she'd had better, more emotionally stimulating sex in her life. So what the hell was bothering her?

Katie. The issue was difficult to understand, let alone deal with. How does a guy jump into bed with his daughter! Well, step daughter. And what does that matter? She wasn't his blood. But he helped raise her. He bounced her on... no, she was eight when they met. He probably taught her how to drive, screened the boys that came to date her, helped her, oh hell. He, oh hell is right, she thought. It was all too confusing. There were no simple answers. There was no list to check for propriety. It was all too, too vague. What the hell was she to do?

Suddenly she rose from her bed and rushed to the phone. While she dialed "411" and waited for the recording, she fished in the table drawer and pulled out a pencil and sticky pad.

"What city and state, please?"

"Springfield. Uh Missouri, I think."

"What listing, please?"

"Uh, Oh. Damn," She couldn't remember the name of the diner. Had he even mentioned it?

"One moment please."

"One moment?" She asked aloud. For what?

"What listing please?" The voice was no longer recorded, but a live person.

"It's a diner, Mam. Outside Springfield, Missouri."

"I'm sorry, I'll need more than that." The woman was polite, but without sympathy.

Judy thought hard. "Katie!" She yelled into the phone. "Try Katie's Diner." The idea was absurd, but it gave her time to think.

There were a few clicks, then the recorded voice again, but this time with a number. Judy wrote it down and hung up. She stepped back a foot from the table, staring at the number on the pad on the table, as if it were too hot to handle. Could it have been that easy? It might just be, she thought.

She looked at the clock on the kitchen wall and saw it was nearly noon. Surely the diner would be open, and surely Max's daughter, no, Max's lover, no, Max's step daughter would be there, wouldn't she? She stepped forward again and dialed the number.

"Katie's," Came the greeting. It was not a woman.

"Is Katie there?" She still didn't know for sure this was the right place. The voice went silent after the receiver had been dropped on a table or countertop and remained that way for sometime. It must have been in the kitchen however, for she did hear sounds of dishes and exclamations of food being ordered or noted as ready.

"Katie," The voice was friendly enough, but obviously bothered by the intrusion too. "Hello?"

Judy finally answered, "Hello. Pardon me, but do you know a man named Max, a very large, nice man?" She thought she'd better add something characteristic, but disarming. What better word was there between women than "nice?"

After a moment, Katie answered, "Yes."

"Oh. Uh, Are you related?"

"Who is this?"

"I'm sorry. My name is Judy. Judy Lang. I went to high school with Max Wealdstone, and, well, I ran into him last night after all these years."

Katie wrinkled her eyebrow at the strange call. Her step dad was a trucker after all, and dealt with all kinds of people. She ran a small town diner and suffered her share of whacko's too, most of whom were passing through. One had to be careful and yet, this woman sounded like she was hurting. And Max was not the type to hurt people, not good people.

"Well, Judy, I'm glad you two met up again, but how? He's on the road."

"Yes, well, early this morning, no, yesterday morning, or..."

"Yes?" Something wasn't right for this woman. She was totally disoriented. "Is something wrong? Is Max all right?"

"Oh! Yes! He's fine. Hell, he's terrific!" She sucked in a lungful of air.

Katie smiled. The picture was clearing rapidly. Max was no slouch when it came to affecting women, just by being in their presence. He commanded any scene he found himself in. "So Max bumped into an old classmate. Well, it's about time. What can I do for you, Judy Lang?" She smiled.

Max drove through the night, back on schedule. When he stopped at Lawton for the night, he hesitated before going in for dinner, half expecting and half hoping to replay the events of his last stop there. But he was not to be so lucky. He had a steak, showered and went back to his sleeper for a much needed rest. When he awoke, he pulled some maintenance and resumed his run and spent the night thinking again about Judy, and Katie, and even Kathryn. In the end, he concluded just as he passed Tulsa he had done nothing wrong. He would probably never see Judy again, and he would just have to learn to live with that. He would also have another repetitive discussion with Katie on his next trip, and make sure she was still desirous of their relationship. And he would resolve once again that Kathryn was gone, and there would not be another in his life. Tough shit, that's life.

On the road that evening, he called the diner and asked for Katie. "Hi Honey."

"Hi! Where are you?" She seemed in great spirits, and her excitement was contagious. She also seemed as if she was expecting his call.

"I'm two hours out of Springfield, and I need a favor."

"Sure Baby, anything!"

Weird, he thought. "I want to see you tonight."

"Whoa! All RIGHT!"

"No, not that way, Katie. I need to talk. I have, well, a problem."

"Oh? Well sure, Daddy. What time are you coming by?"

"Well, if I can square it with my delivery, I'll be there in, let's see, four hours, maybe four and a half. I know it's late, but will that be ok? At the diner?"

There was silence for a moment then, "Sure Daddy. I'll be here. Uh, you sure there's nothing special you want me to wear?"

The offer was tempting. "No, Honey. I'm there to get some advice, some woman stuff. I need some help. Thanks."

They rung off and Max dialed the home of a dispatcher at his regular delivery point. With some reluctance, the man agreed to a late afternoon delivery. Max Wealdstone seldom asked for favors, maybe never he thought. The goods weren't needed until the following week anyway, so why not give the guy a break. He said, "Hell Max, bring it in the next morning. I'll have a full crew then to unload. No sweat."

"Man, thanks. I owe you. See you in... thirty-eight hours then." Everything on the road was choreographed, everything but love and lust.

Max pulled the massive Freightliner into the dark parking lot at two-fifteen in the morning. The diner was dark too, having closed some time before. He hoped his step daughter hadn't forgotten.

He shut down the rig after an engine cool-down and walked slowly over to the front door, stretching his legs and all the other muscles he could on the way. He also gathered his thoughts for the thousandth time since Judy had left him, and tried to organize them in preparation to giving Katie the story. He stepped up the three steps, pulled on the door and found it open, and stepped inside the pitch dark entryway. He pulled the next door too, and walked in as far as he felt comfortable doing so, and waited for his eyes to adjust. "Katie?"

Max felt two hands on his upper back and began to turn, "Katie? Why no lights?"

"It's customary, Daddy. I always turn out the lights when you come by, remember?" The voice was his step daughter's, but it was coming from in front of him, not behind.

"But! What..."

"Shut up you big lug," The whispery voice was familiar. Max held his breath. The hands slid up his back to his neck, then around to his face. They pulled at his head to force him through an about-face maneuver. Then two of the most delicious lips locked onto his and that unmistakable tongue reached in and hooked his own.

"But..." This was not Katie locked onto his mouth – this was Judy, and Judy all the way! The grip remained tight on his head, but the lips pulled away.

"I'm sorry, Max."

It was, it really was! "Judy?!"


"But how did you... I thought I heard..."

"You did." Came the voice of his daughter again, this time behind him. What the hell was going on?

First Katie, and then Judy began to laugh in the darkness. Max could still not see either woman, but he was suddenly feeling a lot better about life. "Judy, how did you find this place, I mean, why..."

"Why? You lug! And I thought you were smart. Fortunately, you have a brilliant daughter. I think she knows you better than you do. How am I here? How many diners are there in the State of Missouri named 'Katie's?' And why am I here? Well, you're just gonna have to wait and see." She pulled his head back to hers and sucked him in again.

When Max managed to pull free once more, he said, looking around in the dark, "But, Katie. You're here too?" He felt two more hands on his back. Then two lips tugging on his ear in a very familiar way.

"I'm here Daddy. We're both here." She nibbled a bit more then asked seductively, "Was there something you wanted to ask me about?"

Max was afraid to let himself believe what was apparently happening. His lover/step daughter was at his back, whispering into his ear, and a woman she'd never met but that Max had zeroed in on like a cruise missile crossing thousands of miles of enemy territory, was at his front. The two of them were encircling him with their arms, pressing their bodies against his, and all this seemed to be not only planned, but leading somewhere he was not privy too.

"I called your step daughter, Max," She said, alternately kissing his eyes and every other part of his face. "We had a long talk, and I came up here to see her. She's really something, lover, even more than you said."

"Judy is good, Daddy. She reminds me of Mommy, but she is different too. It's no wonder you were taken by her." She rubbed her body up against Max's ass.

"We talked about you, Max," Judy continued, "And I learned a lot. I know you were as smitten as I was last night. I also know now why you reacted the way you did, and why I did too. It was too good to be true. Neither one of us wanted to be hurt again." She too pushed her body up against Max, but she felt the added inducement of a hardening cock in his pants.

"But, I thought you were..." Max's mouth was filled again.

Then Judy pulled back once more and said, "Shut up you big lug. It's lady's night. Yes, I was worried about your relationship with your step daughter. I realized on my own that technically, you did nothing wrong. But socially, well, who's to say really? It was confusing. That's all."

"Then how did you...?" He felt a pair of hands grab his ass cheeks hard. That had to be Katie, behind him.

"Shush, Daddy, Judy's talking." A slight giggle escaped her throat.

"So I found your step daughter a girl I just had to meet. She was gracious enough to see me and I flew up here right away. And what do you know? I found her delightful! You have some nerve, Mister, keeping her to yourself all these years. You know that?"

Max was following along easily until Judy's last comment. What the hell was she talking about? He hadn't held her back at all. She was married!

"Katie is a beautiful woman, Max."

"I know. I..." Another squeeze on his ass, compounded now by a hand squeezing his cock.

"Shush, Max. You are not in charge here. The ladies have the baton now."

He stood still, and quiet, and felt a hand on his tool, as if making the point.

"As I was saying, Katie is a wonderful girl. You did a wonderful job, you and her mother, bringing her up. And your change of duties from a substitute father to a lover and best friend helped keep her going. She is grateful to you Max, did you know that?"

He started to respond. Katie had thanked him many times over the past couple years. What the hell was this all about?

"But you have only today begun to close the last two chapters of her education. And you needed help - mine. You were unaware of your short sightedness, so I suppose, that's ok. You can be forgiven based on the wonderful job you did in all other respects. Is that your opinion too, Katie?"

Max was totally confused now.

"Oh yes, Judy, darling. He can be forgiven, that is, if he completes his fatherly, lover-ly and manly duties." Katie's voice had a familiar devious tone, but Max was still confused.

"Well then, I suppose we should see to training the big lug to complete his duties then. Shall we?"

Judy's voice carried the same damn devious tone! "What the...?"

Before he could react in any way, a blindfold was slipped over his head and snugged up tight. Then his pants were unbuckled and dropped to the floor. His shorts were pulled down even faster and he was pushed a few feet to clear him of the garments. His shirt was being lifted over his head before he stopped moving and within seconds, he was standing naked in the middle of the diner's floor.

Max heard some rustling and assumed someone had picked up his clothes. Then hands grabbed his again and he felt bodies warm up to him from in front and behind, This time however, they were naked bodies.

"Let's play a little game, Max. Who's in front?"

The voice was Judy's, but she must have been speaking to the side for he could not tell if she was in front or behind. He racked his brain for clues. Katie was taller, smaller breasted, and a bit thinner. Judy's body would feel softer, give more upon contact. He really didn't care which one was where! This little surprise was turning out to be more than he could have dreamed for.

The bodies left him then, and came up against him again, though he suspected in the reverse order from before.

The women laughed in unison. "Still don't know?"

Then they left him again and this time when they made contact, there was no question who was who. Judy's big tits were pushing into his back, and Katie's pussy mound was riding just at the bottom of his upturned prick.

Ok, the women had had their fun. Judy had obviously been as enmeshed in heated passion as he in Lawton, and nearly as confused by the outcome and surrounding circumstances. She'd acted even more deliberately than he, and found Katie. They were both sure of their desires, Max and Judy, but now it seemed that Katie had an even more enlightened design on her life than he had thought. Whatever the case, it was given that all three were where they wanted to be, with whom they wanted to be with, and under circumstances they wanted to explode. Max turned to his side, scooped both women up under each arm, and said nothing as he walked brazenly out of the double doors and back to his truck, lady flesh kicking and screaming under each arm.

The cold night air chilled all three of them on the short walk, but no one was complaining. He stopped at the side of the cab and planted both women on the large running board, giggling bubbling like a couple of school girls. He opened the big door and pushed both of them inside with a pinch here and a poke there, again to more giggles and a few squeals.

Once inside, he closed and locked the door, pulled the window curtains and turned to face his two beautiful, idolizing women. What ever did he do to deserve this?

"Well big fella," Judy mocked, having fun teasing him, "Now what?" She looked down at his long stiff cock standing out at attention. "Hmmm.. I bet I know."

Katie laughed and said, "You're an open book, Max, always have been, and I love you for it." But she did not move toward him. Instead, she turned to Judy, who turned to her, and the two of them embraced and kissed passionately, just two feet from the end of his cock.

Max was floored. The two of them went at it like rabbits in heat. As he stood there, he turned slightly while he looked more closely at each one, trying to understand, to see somehow what had occurred in his absence. As he turned, his cock pointed too, at the woman he aimed his head at. Their hands were already wandering all over each other's bodies!

Soon they sat down on the large bunk and then Katie laid Judy down on her back. As if she'd watched Judy and Max two nights before, she shifted her position a hundred and eighty degrees and let her pussy down on Judy's face, while diving her own down between Judy's legs. They both moaned and groaned into wanton pussies and closed their thighs on each other's heads. The scene was enough to drive Max nuts.

Finally, coming up for a second of air, Katie asked hurriedly, "Well? Aren't you coming, Daddy?"

The taunt was like a fire iron rammed up his butt. Daddy or lover or whatever, there were two gorgeous bodies of flesh on his bunk, in his truck, and they were about to trade places on his cock?

Max loomed over the tangled pair and worked his way around behind his step daughter. Just as he felt he was regaining some control, he heard his daughter mumble into Judy's cunt, "Ha haaa, I'm first! Told ya!"

Max did not grasp the words right away, and it took several more seconds before the meaning struck him. They had been planning, but betting too! On his moves? He kneeled up on the bunk and towered above Katie's ass, and Judy's head hidden below in her groin. As he was about to grab his dick and aim it for Katie's pussy, he felt two hands pull on it and aim it downward instead.

"That's what you think!" Judy laughed about two gurgles before her mouth and throat had the meaty pole corralled and buried.

Katie wiggled her ass in frustration, but kept up her sucking on Judy's pussy. She tasted far too good to let go of, despite the temporary delay in having her body filled with her Daddy. And the sensational new oral application on her pussy kept her plenty busy.

Max leaned his head back in pleasure as Judy worked his cock again. She deep throated him to his pubic bone and held him there to show him who was in charge. In case he had any doubts, she reached her arms around his ass and pulled him in firmly.

Max managed to look down after the initial ecstasy of entrapment and noticed his step daughter looking over her shoulder at him and where his cock was buried not in her, but in her new friend's mouth. She smiled devilishly, then dove her head back down into the delicious pussy given her by Judy.

After another five minutes of this, Max was nearing a point of no return. His cock pulsed this information to Judy, and she pushed him free. She slapped her partner's ass cheeks too, and Katie rose off her.

They both stood on the bunk and pulled and pushed Max down in their place. Katie started to move over him, but Judy held her shoulder back. They looked at each other. Katie recognized the need in her new friend and nodded her approval. Judy then straddled Max's reclining body and lowered herself down upon his shaft. They both experienced a sudden intake of air as the contact then the tightness enveloped them.

Katie walked a couple steps around them on the mattress and straddled her step-daddy's shoulders, and lower herself down on his face. He was always so good at eating her, and this had always been his favorite position for the sport. He immediately went to work on her clit.

Judy judged this the moment to show her new lover some of her special talents. She stopped completely for a full five seconds, and then sent the signal to contract her pussy lips and walls. She smiled when Max's instant response was a hiking up of his hips. She heard him mumble something like the word "more," but was not sure. She gave him more anyway, and was rewarded additional gratitude in the form of upward spears of his cock. Before long, they had timed their respective actions to let one, then the other be felt. Max was torn between the heat in his loins and the aromatic and tasty sensations on his face.

Suddenly Katie lifted off his head. Max was actually angry, until he figured out why. She had moved off to give him a quick glimpse of what was going on above him. In the moment he could see up, the girls each sucking one of the other's breasts, while fondling the other. "Why you two...." And the pussy was back upon him.

"Shut up Daddy," She laughed out loud.

Judy laughed too. The two of them were having more fun than they'd thought possible, and both realized it wasn't only their own cooperative natures that had brought this to happen. Max was the glue here, in more ways than one. Max was the open and frank guy who held no secrets, and encouraged the same practice in others. They leaned back and stared at each other, and smiled warmly.

Max pushed them both off. "You two had your fill yet?"

They didn't know whether he was kidding or serious.

"You!" He pointed at Katie. "On your knees!" Katie dropped down to her knees as Max rose from the bunk and stood at its center. "Over here, now!"

Katie backed up to her daddy's cock as she knew he wanted. They let Judy watch as they carried out a ritual they'd engaged in many times. Katie pulled Max's cock inside her pussy and wiggled her ass all around at his pubic mound. This lathered up his cock, got her hot as iron in the sun, and readied Max's shaft for heavier duty.

Judy watched in horny awe as Max then withdrew his pole from his step daughter's pussy and quickly inserted its head only, into her puckered little asshole. The sight of it entering the tight, horny orifice nearly drove her to madness. Her mouth opened and her hands went north and south, one to her breasts where it pulled on alternating nipples, and the other to her mound where two fingers immediately began to twiddle her clit.

Max looked over at her actions and smiled, "Up there." His voice was firm, but less commanding than it had been with Katie. "Go on. Up there, on your back with your delicious ass right here." He patted the edge of the upper bunk nearest his face.

She followed his orders and laid on her back across the upper bunk. Immediately she knew why he had ordered her so. Max's face was exactly at and above her crack with easy access to all of her. He stood there with is dick in his step daughter's ass, and his face about to ravage her loins. She let her head all the way back, planted her feet on the sleeper's ceiling above her face, and waited with here ass up and pussy sopping.

Max liked this woman more each minute he knew her. She was able to immerse herself in whatever she believed. She was a commitment person, not afraid to take risks. She had her beliefs, but was not unchangeable. She was built like a goddess, and ready to give herself to anyone who gave themselves to her. Max gave her his face at that moment and made every effort he could to return her trust.

Unable to resist, Max let his head free for just a minute to ask Judy, "So you are ok with all this?" The question sounded stupid, but he needed to know for sure.

"Baby, you introduce me to new and wonderful things practically every minute I am with you. Now you have introduced me to Katie, and I am only torn by which of you to devour first! Yes, I am ok with all this. I am more than ok. I am in heaven! Eat me!" Her head flew back down on the mattress.

Max's head flew back down on her pussy and his tongue resumed exploring every part of her, every orifice, and every sensitivity. In the meantime, his hips were busy pumping his step daughter's ass. She was equally involved, rocking back on his every stroke, ramming him deeper and deeper up her ass. She'd thought for years it couldn't be any better, that she was the luckiest girl in the world to have Max, and her husband. But in the last twenty-four hours she had seen ever greater heights, with even greater still potential. And now she was in the middle of experiencing all new sensations. She pulled abruptly away and said, "All right you two, get down here, now!"

The other two stopped just as abruptly and looked at each other with smiles. Judy rose up and bent to lick her man's face clean of her sexy juices. They finally capitulated and rejoined Katie on the big lower bunk. Within minutes they were daisy chaining every combination of sexual encounter and deviation they could think of. There was no keeping track of all the orgasms that were erupting in the Freightliner's sleeper. As they came, so did the rising voices and more animated thrusts. Soon, they were like little kids, drunk with endless energy and virtually insatiable desire.

The knock on the door was loud and final in its threatening three raps. They all froze.

Judy asked, frightened, "What the hell was that?" She sat up, pulling herself up with the help of Max's hands, and sat on his lap, an easy transition form being fucked on her back by the same pole.

The knock came again, three loud raps.

Judy held Max around the waist.

Max looked at Katie with concern.

Katie, deadpanned until that instant, suddenly smiled, "It's Billy."

Max and Judy looked at her with wonder that she didn't seem more concerned.

"He's got a twenty-millimeter out there."

Max immediately jumped off the bunk and made for the under side of his driver's seat.

"That's his COCK, silly!" Katie laughed loudly. "He calls it his twenty millimeter!" She laughed some more. The knocks came again. Katie whispered conspiratorially to Judy, "It's ten inches of anti-aircraft hell." She laughed some more, "Air Force. He can't seem to shake it. To me and you, Judy, that's one helluva mass of meat to add to this gorgeous hunk we already have. And given that he had contributed his wife to her step dad all these months without complaint, I think it's time he gets his fair share. Don't you guys?"

Max looked at Judy, and she looked back at him. Something passed between them then, a kind of final understanding that sealed their hearts and minds together. They winked and Judy said, "Well? What are you waiting for?" She laid back on her back, legs open and up, and commanded, "Open the door!"

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