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67.78% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2779: LIFE'S A BITCH

Chapitre 2779: LIFE'S A BITCH

I always knew that Carol and her mother Amanda were very close, and over the years I was to find out just how close. Carol and I met on a blind date, well it wasn't so much a date as a gathering. Two couples were celebrating their engagement and each agreed to bring along a friend, each guy to bring a male friend, each girl to bring a female friend so there would be eight of us. When it came to meeting girls I was always a little on the shy side, whereas the other guy was slick and picked the girl I was keen on, and of course I was left with Carol. In the night club we talked a little, ate a little and danced a little, and I drank a lot. The following day John, my best friend who invited me, read me the riot act informing me just how obnoxious and rude I was to Carol, who walked out on the group halfway through the evening. Of course I never remembered a thing in fact I didn't even know how I got home. I didn't care, it wasn't as if I would see her again.

Three months later I received an invitation to an eighteenth birthday party from a girl at work who shared a flat with two other girls. Of course I don't have tell you who also was at the party, yes it was Carol. She was standing on the opposite side of the room talking to a small group of friends, and when she saw me arrive turned her back. While she was standing talking, occasionally one of the group would lift their eyes to look at me, she was having a field day at my expense. Plucking up courage I began to cross the room, one of her group warned her that I heading over. She turned as I tapped her on the shoulder. "Carol could I have a quick word with you please." She pulled that I wonder what he wants face to her friends, then nodded. I pointed to the balcony and she followed me outside. "Carol I want to apologize for my behaviour, John told me just how rude I was to you and I'm really sorry. I have no excuse apart from my being nervous and drinking far too much, and to be quite honest I don't remember much of the evening, obviously because of my drinking and inebriation. If there's anything I can do for you to make amends for the way I acted, please don't be afraid to ask."

She looked at me, "Is that it." I nodded and she went back to her friends.

Later in the evening one of Carol's friends stopped me as I circulating around the room. "Carol said that should she need help you would be there for her," I told her that was correct. "Well, Carol has a problem getting home tonight and since you have a car I thought you might take her home."

Carol was standing in a corner talking to friends, as she saw me approach the smile on her face faded. "I understand you have a problem getting home, well unfortunately I have a car full, however, if you can hang on another twenty minutes or so I could drop my passengers off and come back to take you home." Strange how you expect people to react in certain ways, I thought Carol would be pleased to get a lift home, but that was not the way she reacted.

"I'm not letting you take me home you've been drinking all night."

"No I haven't, I've not had one drink."

"Every time I looked you had a glass of beer in your hand so don't tell me you haven't been drinking."

I stormed off went over to the table picked up a bottle of beer walked back to where she was standing and shoved the bottle in her hand. "That's what I've been drinking non-alcoholic beer," then stormed off again. A few minutes later I saw her crossing the room towards me with a sheepish look on her face.

"I'm sorry Mike, I admit that I thought the worst, but I am truly sorry, and I would like that lift if the offer is still open."

"I'm sorry to, I suppose it's only to be expected after our first disastrous date, but I do have to take some people home first, but will come back if you can wait a little longer for me." Carol smiled touched my arm and said thank you and that she would wait for me.

She lived further out than I imagined practically and hour's drive, it was no wonder she would have a problem getting home. We didn't talk much during the journey, I found out that she still lived at home with her mother, didn't have a boyfriend and worked not too far from where I worked. We pulled up outside her house, she thank me for the ride home and just as she was getting out of the car I asked if we could meet up sometime for lunch. Carol rummaged around in her handbag and gave me her card with her works number on, saying, "It's not always possible for me to leave work at lunchtimes, but give me a ring when it's convenient for you and I'll let you know if I can get away."

Carol and I did meet for lunch, the first time I phoned she apologised saying she couldn't make it but would I phone again, which I did and we met. At this point I must admit that Carol was quite attractive with a nice figure improving each time we met. Our lunch together was nice, she was very sociable and we got on quite well and parted with me thinking I would like to meet her again. A couple of days later I phoned her up at work and asked if she would like to go out with me. Carol wanted to know what I had in mind, I wasn't sure, suggesting we could go to see a film, go for meal, Chinese or Indian or whatever she would like to do. She thought a Chinese restaurant would be nice so that's what we did, taking her to the best one I knew. That night I took her home parked outside her house and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek goodnight. From there things began to develop, a month later she invited me to dinner at her house where I was bound to meet her mother. Mother turned out to be charming, beautiful even, when introduced said, "Mrs. Rogers now I know where Carol gets her looks." Of course her mother giggled and asked me to call her Amanda.

Over the next month we went out eight or nine times together, we kissed when we met, we kissed when we parted, nothing passionate but it was nice. I wondered if Carol would like to take our relationship to the next level, and one evening when we were on our own at Carol's, sitting on the couch together, I plucked up sufficient courage to ask her. She wanted to know my thoughts on what I considered to be the next level, and there was no possible reason why I shouldn't tell her exactly what I thought. For my part I wanted to see certain progress, if Carol didn't want the same or similar, there was no point in continuing our relationship because it wouldn't go anywhere. Having considered what I wanted, said, "At the moment if you went out with another guy or I went out with another girl neither of us could complain because that is how I see our current relationship, carefree. First let me tell you I like you a lot and think and have feelings for you, and would like to go steady. If you feel the same about me as I do you it would mean we would be exclusive to each other. Over the next three or four years the way I see our relationship developing is initially romantic, becoming sexual, getting engaged and finally married. However, if you have the slightest doubt about having that type of relationship with me, tell me now and we can end this as friends.

Carol moved and sat on my lap, put her arms around my neck and kissed me, not just a kiss it happened to be the most passionate kiss to date saying, "I think that I'm falling in love with you. I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her close returned her kiss. She never said anything just pushed my hand away when I placed it over her breast, but took no notice and continued to kiss me when I began to fondle her breast for the second time albeit on the outside of her blouse. After a while I began to unbutton her blouse to open it sufficiently to slip my hand inside her bra. Carol didn't complain about my hand being inside her bra but she was concerned saying, "We must be careful mummy will be back soon." My immediate thoughts were perhaps I could get my hand inside mummy's bra as well. I admit being sexually attracted to Amanda, she had a more voluptuous figure than Carol, bigger breasts and quite a lot bigger ass, and generally get a hard on just looking at her.

The second Christmas of our relationship I invited Carol and her mother to our companies Christmas dance. Paul, a friend and work colleague agreed to make it a foursome on the understanding that he could dance with Carol, and not be lumbered with her mother all night. I happily agreed because Paul had not met Amanda and when he eventually did, he would kick himself for insisting on such arrangements. The evening went well swapping dance partners, and drinking a little more than we should have done, not that we were drunk, just happily flirtatious, and perhaps a little promiscuous. Towards the end of the evening I was dancing with Amanda, our bodies close, very close, and with the heated dance hall things became a little too much for her. She asked to get some air so I escorted her outside.

Several minutes outside she began to shiver saying that she should have worn a dress that was not quite so revealing. I took off my jacket and while I was slipping it around her shoulders she placed her arms around my waist and kissed me. She took my hand and pulled me around the corner into a secluded spot, where we ended up leaning against the wall deep within the buildings shadow, and hidden by shrubbery. Amanda wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me again, and while returning her kiss I fondled and squeezed both breasts, before sliding my hand down the top of her dress. Struggling a little to finally get my hand inside her bra in an attempt to wrap my hand around as much of her breast as I could, while searching for her nipple to tweak. I couldn't make out her expression as she said, "You're always looking at my tits now you have the chance to feel them I hope you're not disappointed. Carol sometimes says that I should be careful what I wear in front of you, because through some of my clothes you can see the shape of my nipples. Little does she know that I dress deliberately that way just to see your face and how much you watch my tits bounce around, and here we are with your hand down my dress."

We continued to kiss and I continued to play with her tits until I felt her hand seeking out the zip on my trousers. Amanda asked me to put my hand up her dress and touch her, I lifted the whole bottom of her dress up above her waist, the problem being it was so dark that neither of us could see much of the other's body. "Fuck me Mike I want you to fuck me." I was a little surprised, not about what she wanted but her language, I'd never heard a woman talk like that before; it really turned me on. I told her to give me her panties and she slipped the off while I fumbled around to release my cock, I shoved her panties in my jacket pocket, little did she know that I intended to keep them as a souvenir.

Between the two of us we managed to get me slipping back and forth inside her, and all I could think about was that I was fucking the mother before the daughter. Whispering in Amanda's ear I told her she was some sexy bitch and if she didn't have my jacket over her shoulders I would have reached behind and unzipped her dress, she said the zip was at the side. She lifted an arm to give me access to the zip which I pulled down and shoved my hand inside her dress forcing her bra up and over freeing her tits. Fucking and fondling it couldn't get much better, unless of course we were alone in her bedroom. Eventually we both reached the point of satisfaction, it was quite a show those final few seconds having to remain quiet in case someone heard us, with me desperately wanting to advertise my conquest just like a rutting animal. Amanda asked me to kiss her tits before replacing them back in her bra, then cup them on the outside of her bra before finally zipping up her dress and asking for her panties back. Of course I refused informing that I was keeping them as the start of my memorabilia collection. She asked me if I expected her to go back inside without any panties on, I told her yes.

How long we had been outside I couldn't say having lost all track of time, but by the time we got back to the main entrance I was wearing my jacket, having retrieved it from Amanda. Once we were inside Carol who was getting agitated was relieved to see her mother, asking us where we had been. Amanda said the she had to go out and get some air and I kindly escorted her and remained to ensure she was okay. Carol noticed brick dust on the back of my jacket, I just said it must have come off the wall when I leaned against it. I felt that Carol had her suspicions but she never said anything to me. The following day when I visited Carol it was difficult for me, and I think for Amanda also to make eye contact, but she was still walking around with her nipples on display forming those little mounds beneath her jumper. At one point when Carol left the room and we were alone, I apologised for my behaviour, however Amanda didn't seem to mind saying she was as much to blame, then added that she enjoyed every minute of it, she was referring to the dance of course.

Over the next couple of years mine and Carol's sexual practices blossomed, well at least to a certain extent, encouraged by several holidays in Spain and the Canary Islands. Amanda's attitude towards me was one of suspicion and caution, believing that I was sleeping with her daughter at every opportunity. As with my mother she made sure that we slept in separate bedrooms when we stayed weekends at each other's house. Her attitude towards me softened when we became engaged allowing us to sleep together, and even bought Carol several sexy nightgowns. Initially Carol slept in the smallest of the house's four bedrooms, the one next to her mothers. It wasn't small by usual standards it was just that with the older type house the other bedrooms were very big. Amanda suggested that if we were going to sleep together Carol should move into the second largest bedroom, which also had an en-suite and furthest from the master bedroom giving us a little privacy.

The time came when we started to discuss marriage, at this point you need to understand our working arrangements. Carol and I both worked in the city, Carol a 9 to 5 job, me shift work, four weeks on the early shift, 6 until 2:00 p.m. four weeks on the late shift, 2 until 10:00 p.m. then back on early shift. Amanda worked flexy hours locally, which meant she could work pretty much what hours suited her, providing she completed a certain number of basic hours each week. The first question was where would we live, we couldn't afford to buy a house because we didn't have sufficient monies for a deposit, so it looked as if we needed to rent. Amanda made a suggestion about living with her and proposed that she and Carol switch bedrooms giving us the master bedroom with an en-suite. With the death of Carol's father the mortgage had been fully paid up, with Amanda suggesting that we pay half of the house and living expenses, such as the services, rates, electricity, gas and water. That would also include food and house maintenance. Amanda offered to do the cooking and cleaning if I was responsible for maintaining the house and taking care of the garden, which she said was getting too much for her, or if Carol wanted to share or even take over the kitchen the choice was hers. She said she was prepared to fall in with our arrangements, however she said that should we decide not to take her up on her offer, the house was getting too much for her and would have to consider downsizing in a year or two.

Carol and I discussed the pros and cons of living with her mother over the next week, Carol wanted to remain living there, I really wasn't bothered either way. If we declined her offer, in time she could sell her house and perhaps move into a flat, with Carol possibly losing her inheritance, we would also have a readymade babysitter should we ever start a family. Amanda was delighted when we eventually agreed to her proposal, with her insisting that she and Carol swap bedrooms immediately. Thus we began to plan and prepare for the wedding and our new lives together.

Over time we began to get into a routine. When I was on early shift and first up meant that I had to drive to work leaving about 5:15 a.m. I would take a cup of tea up to Carol who needed to get up around 6:00 a.m. to leave for work around 7:30 a.m. traveling on public transport. Carol before she left would take a cup of tea into Amanda. When I was on late shift, Carol was first up and take in Amanda's tea as usual, Amanda would then bring me in a cup of tea before walking to work leaving just after 8:30 a.m.

As I said earlier I was sexually attracted to Amanda and the odd occasion in the morning, especially weekends when I caught sight of her walking around wearing a nightdress or slip, didn't help. Apart from that time at the company's Christmas dance when we had been drinking, Amanda wasn't interested in me, sexually that is, but I had my suspicions about her and Carol. Not that I thought they were actively having a sexual relationship it was just the way they interacted. They were always touching each other especially if they were sitting close, one would place a hand on the others arm or thigh, perhaps brush the hair from the others eye and placing it behind the ear. Every night just as we were going to bed the two girls would hold and kiss each other on the cheek, sometimes the embrace would linger. Then there was the time the three of us went shopping and I went off to do something and they were to catch me up, as they approached they were walking arm in arm. Each in itself was innocent enough, but when it was all linked together I did begin to wonder.

We'd been married about a year when we received an invitation to the wedding of Carol's cousin, well one of them anyway. The wedding service was as expected as was the reception with the wedding breakfast and drinking and dancing afterwards. Carol and I danced most of the dances together while Amanda remained sitting at the table. It was getting late into the evening with not a lot of time for many more dances, Carol suggested that her mother was looking bored and that I should ask her to dance. Our first dance was the usual popular swing type dance with which we struggled slightly, but the second dance was a slow smooch with the lights dimmed. Amanda moved in closer, I could feel her breasts touching and rubbing against my chest as we drifted around the floor.

I whispered in her ear, "You look great in your new dress."

She whispered back, "Is it because it's tight on me and shows off my body? Tell me what else you like about it?"

I told her, "I like the feel of the dress."

Amanda surprised me by saying, "While you're feeling the dress you can feel me as well?"

When we arrived back at the table Carol, who had obviously had been watching us said, "You two looked as if you were cosying up together what were you talking about?"

Amanda put her hand on her daughter's shoulder, "You darling, we were talking about you." Meanwhile Carol had placed her hand over Amanda's, just before she kissed Carol on top of her head and slipped away.

In itself it was just a mother and daughter thing, but with all the other incidents my suspicions deepened, and of course then there was Amanda's encouragement for me to feel her body while we were dancing. Also there was her quick response, albeit a lie, to her daughter's question referring to our closeness and whispering while we were dancing. I was receiving all sorts of massages from these two, could it be that they both wanted each other and me. That sounded very much like a challenge, one which I would certainly be up for, to end up with them both together in my bed.

Monday was the start of my last week on the late shift before reverting to the early shift again, giving me the opportunity to turn over and snuggle down as I heard Carol leave. Five minutes later Amanda opened the door and just walked in, no knocking or indication that she was coming in. Perhaps she thought she might catch me doing something out of the ordinary, placing my tea on the bedside cabinet she sat on the bed next to me, wearing her blue dress.

"What are you doing bring me tea this early?"

"Thought I would pop in, thinking you might like to see me alone after our dance Saturday."

"See you're wearing your new dress are you wearing it for work now?"

"No I've put on just for you, I'll change before I leave for work, thought you might like to feel it again. I know you have this thing about satin because gradually my daughter's underwear has been replaced with satin lingerie."

She took my hand and began to rub it up and down the top of her thigh. "Can you feel that, does it arouse you?"

She wasn't talking about her dress it was what lay beneath the material, my fingers were feeling the clip which held up her stockings as she rubbed them along her thighs. Amanda began to rub my leg in a similar fashion albeit on the outside of the covers, at the same time I moved my hand to her waist. Although I was enjoying the feel of her dress her waist was not exciting enough so I move higher to cup her breast. There was not a lot she could do, if she didn't her breasts caressed, she couldn't very well tell Carol she was sitting on our bed rubbing my hand along her thighs. But she didn't stop me she just leant forward forcing her breast into my hand and kissed me, during which she slipped her hand beneath the bedcovers. Amanda fumbled around until she found her way inside my pyjama bottoms intent on holding me while applying soft squeezes.

"Take your dress off and climb into bed with me."

"I can't do that darling, first there's not enough time, secondly and more important, if I laid in your bed Carol would know, she would smell my perfume on her pillow, finally I don't want to lie in your bed, I want you in mine. Tomorrow when Carol goes to work you come to my room, but now I have to go and change for work." She declined my request for me to watch her change, having suggested that she fetch her clothes and dress in my bedroom. "That," she said "is a pleasure you have yet to come." For the rest of the day, even at work I couldn't stop thinking about her, wondering what she would be wearing for our first time in bed together.

The following morning Carol disturbed my sleep as she was getting up for work, I lay there eyes closed listening to her shower and dress then make her way downstairs to continue preparing for work. With Carol taking a cup of tea into her mother I wondered what Amanda would be wearing, surely she wouldn't wear anything sexy in front of her daughter. I hadn't seen her wear anything of that nature in the last couple of years, it could be a giveaway, now I wish I had said something. I remember hearing Carol come back upstairs and the cup rattle on the saucer as she passed our bedroom door but I don't remember anything else until I felt someone shaking me. It was Amanda, "I've been waiting for you to come to my bedroom Carol left twenty minutes ago, have you changed your mind?"

I shook my head, "No I must have dropped off again." She pulled the covers back took my hand and began to pull me out of bed. I looked at her and couldn't believe what I was seeing. "You're wearing Carol's nightdress." It was one of those sexy ones she bought for her daughter, it certainly wasn't hers. When I say it hugged her figure that was an understatement, it was so tight on her she could hardly walk in it. The bodice section was so tight that her breasts were being pushed up and almost out of the nightdress. As tight as a drum it stretched across her ass and the hem being tight around the top of her thighs, made walking difficult. She looked fantastic. I said, "You're worried about Carol smelling your perfume on the pillow, what about her nightdress it will either smell of your perfume or she could miss it, if you have to wash it."

"Don't worry darling this isn't Carols, this is mine. When I bought those nightdresses for Carol I bought two each of the same size, one set for Carol and one set for me, I knew you would like them looking tighter on me." There must have been a puzzled look on my face because she continued saying, "From the very first time we met I knew you were attracted to me over the years you've continually stared at my breasts and my bottom. You just can't ignore my body, I always knew we would sleep together, and now you have the chance to enjoy it."

Hand in hand we walked down the hall to Amanda's bedroom. She asked me to lay on the bed then leant over to undo the cord of my pyjama bottoms before pulling them down my legs and off. "This is how things are going to work, first without removing my nightdress I'm going to lay on top of you, we will kiss and I will press my breasts into your chest and rub my groin against yours. After a while we will reverse out position, you will lay on top of me we will continue to kiss and you can rub yourself up against me until you cum on my nightdress, I want you to cum on my nightdress then continue to hold me tight. I enjoyed Amanda lying on top of me rubbing herself up against me pressing those breasts into my chest with her lips locked onto mine. It was even better when we reversed our positions with me holding her tight while we kissed and squashing her breasts with my chest.

But best of all was rubbing myself up against that satin nightdress stretched across her thighs, knowing she wanted me to cum on her. Thinking about our relationship, how in the future she might insist that I cum all over her body, hopefully in her mouth. When eventually I came, it was wonderful, rubbing myself on that cum soaked satin, Carol would never have allowed that, she could learn a lot from her mother. Amanda pushed her hand down between us, touching me, covering her fingers in semen before bring them to her lips to taste me, I couldn't help myself I had to kiss her to taste a mixture of our bodily fluids on her lips. We cuddled for about a further ten minutes before Amanda said, "Come on baby mummy has to get ready for work," although she was already later than her usual time. I watched as she showered and dressed offering my assistance several times but she said it would only make her later than she already was. We kissed goodbye and she was gone.

Wednesday morning I heard Carol leave for work and allowed a few seconds before making my way to Amanda's room. She wasn't in her bed but I could hear her moving around behind the en-suite's closed door, I opened the door hoping to catch her having an embarrassing moment. As I entered Amanda practically overbalance as she struggled to get into one of those tight nightdresses. Having stepped into it she had only managed to pull it up so far and was gyrating attempting to force herself into it. Her breasts at that point were still uncovered and swinging around like a pendulum it was such a beautiful sight. I stood behind her holding her hips to prevent her from overbalancing while she continued to ease the nightdress higher and higher until she finally managed to slip the shoulder straps up and over her arms. Leaning back and placing an arm behind my neck she pulled my head forward pressing her lips against mine, while my hands sought out her breasts.

We moved into the bedroom, Amanda had me lie on the bed with her on top repeating the previous day's action, kissing, pressing her breast into my chest while she rubbed her groin up against me. When we changed around we started as before with me rubbing myself up against her, although after a while she encouraged me to climb higher up her body wanting me to work myself off and cum between her satin covered breasts. With semen dripping from her neck, chin and cheeks, Amanda pushed me back down until we were lying face to face and asked me to massage the semen into the swell of her breasts. She held my hand and began to lick the semen from my fingers, then kissed me dribbling a mixture of semen and her saliva into my mouth. This had been the second day we spent a little time together, both times I had achieved some satisfaction at Amanda's expense.

Amanda was sending me all sorts of messages indicating she would respond to all my sexual needs, but when it came right down to it how could we expect to achieve total sexual satisfaction when we're watching the clock all the time? The problem was that during our restricted time together, I had, in my view, been unable to achieve a satisfactory seduction performance to release my frustration. All I could do to release my sexual cravings was take my frustration out on my wife, the daughter of all the causes of my problems. That night I arrived home from work about 10:45 p.m. had a snack and relaxed in the chair. Amanda had already gone to bed, Carol, when she went to bed gave me the look when I said; "Wear something sexy."

Carol was wearing one of her sexy nightdresses, but when I climbed into bed and pulled her close and began to kiss her, she didn't seem all that enthusiastic. She laid there and let me take her nightdress off, then to fondled and suck her tits, while I tried to arouse her with my fingers. Eventually we had intercourse and I cum inside her, but you could tell her heart wasn't in it. She was more like a cold fish causing more dissatisfaction if anything, which didn't alleviate my frustration, nevertheless I just let it go by not saying anything. Thursday morning when I climbed into Amanda's bed she was naked, we kissed passionately and fondled each other's body until we both became aroused. I sucked a nipple and caressed her other breast, while she slowly and tenderly massaged my manhood. My hand travelled down her body stopping between her thighs, my fingers lightly traced around her inner thigh, along the entrance to her pussy, spending time circling her clitoris before moving up to her groin. Amanda jumped and gasped suggesting that I was tickling her as my finger tracked around the top of her pubic mound reversing the route down along her other groin, returning to her clitoris. This time as my fingers rubbed along the entrance to her pussy they slipped inside her and continued to pleasure her as I eased myself down the bed, kissing her body as I moved on down.

I didn't have to ask Amanda to open her legs, she did that automatically allowing me to position myself between them. My fingers were working overtime flashing in and out of her body as my tongue located her clit and began to lap. Amanda became animated, moaning as she drove her hips up into my face. I don't know what she expected to achieve, whether she thought that she could drive my tongue deeper into her, but all that happened was she pushed my head backwards. My fingers and tongue worked relentlessly until she cum, squirting my face with her juices and being extremely vocal, crying out as if in pain instead of feeling ecstatic. Her breathing was laboured as she lay there stroking my head. "Darling please kiss me down there." Her womanly fluids were still oozing from her, but who cared, although it would seem that I had satisfied Amanda, I was still aroused. I kissed those vaginal lip coating my lips in her seminal fluid, then licked a globule onto the tip of my tongue before using the whole flat of my tongue to lick along the length of her pussy including her clitoris. Amanda had sufficiently recovered to notice the time and realise she had to get ready for work.

She had left me frustrated, I wanted to know what I was supposed to do, "Wait until tomorrow darling, tomorrow babe, I'll sort you out tomorrow." Frustrated, I watched her shower wondering if I should do a hand job on myself, thinking she might enjoy watching me, but decided against it. However, I did make a mental note that it was something that I would like to watch her do, I had never seen it done so somehow I had to find out how she gets herself off. She has a considerable sexual drive therefore, all the time she had been on her own, it's inevitable she had to release her frustrations somehow.

Friday was pretty much the same except instead of me going down on her, Amanda turned around and went down on me but in the sixty nine position, hoping that we would both get satisfaction. For me it was the first time that anyone had even come close to performing orally on me, Carol had always refused to participate to either give or receive this form of love making, which at times could be very frustrating. Amanda seemed experienced as she bobbed her head up and down slowly, gently massaging me with her lips and tongue. I tried to match her movements with my tongue, knowing her likes and dislikes from the previous morning, not that she had any dislikes, just preferences.

I couldn't help thinking that for the next four weeks some of the excitement in my life would fade as I reverted to the early shift, only to spend most afternoons on my own carrying out those jobs needed around the house. Amanda finished work at 5:00 p.m. and would arrive home about 5:20 p.m. Carol also finished work at 5:00 p.m. and arrived home around 6:00 p.m. leaving approximately forty minutes for us to seduce each other. However, when you consider that when Amanda arrived home she would change out of her work clothes and start to prepare dinner, it didn't leave us much time for romance. Sometimes while she was preparing dinner I would walk up behind her wrap my arms around her to fondle her breasts while rubbing my groin up against her ass. We would kiss a little but there was not enough time for us to get amorous with each other; that would have to wait for another four weeks.

Two weeks into the shift I felt almost like a monk who had taken a vow of celibacy, and made a decision that Saturday night I would resign from the priory and swap my monk's habit for a naked lady. Carol and I started off okay, kissing and cuddling, fondling and sucking her breasts, while my fingers aroused her, having made the decision to push her into areas that she considered taboo. Before expecting her to perform orally on me I thought it advisable that I should first perform on her, assuming that she would eventually enjoy being pleasured that way. I began to make my way down her body applying kisses and the occasional love bite which she was never very happy receiving, especially on her neck. Having worked my way down to her naval she grabbed my head to prevent me from going further suggesting that it was a fetish that ordinary people didn't do. She never believed me when I tried to explain that it was an accepted part of love making, and we ended up having an argument with Carol storming out of our bedroom saying she was going to sleep in her mother's room, I didn't try to stop her leaving. Sunday was embarrassing we hardly spoke, and Sunday night she slept in her mother's room again, then of course early Monday morning I left for work without disturbing Carol and her mother, not knowing what I might find.

Monday afternoon I arrived home about 2:45 in the afternoon, carried out a few jobs around the house, and waited for Amanda to arrive home to find out what the situation was. When Amanda arrived home she laughed and told me I was in a lot of trouble, but not with her and gave me a passionate kiss. I followed her upstairs and sat on her bed while she changed. I asked "What happened?"

"Carol came into my room crying, said that you had argued and could she creep in with me. Well I was only wearing the top half of my pink satin pyjamas, but said okay and she crept in beside me. She cuddled up close her head resting on my chest, my arm around her shoulders trying to console her. Gradually her crying subsided and her position altered placing one leg over mine her groin rubbing against my knee. I felt her gently nuzzle my breast with her face, with time her actions became more deliberate pressing her face deep into my breast, her mouth seeking out my nipple as she felt it react beneath the fabric. Her fingers sought the buttons on my pyjama top, undoing the first then working her way down as she undid each one, finally spreading open my top to seek out my nipple.

"I turned slightly towards her and placed my hand behind her head to encourage and make it easier for her to suckle. Moving her hand up to my neglected breast, she caressed, fondled and squashed it before turning her attention to my nipple tweaking, squeezing and twisting, introducing a little pain, sweet pain. I wondered if this is how she would like to be treated. With my free hand I slipped the straps of her nightdress from her shoulders, lowering the nightdress to expose her breasts, my free hand seeking her breast to return the favour. With my knee between her legs I pressed it against her then eased off, continually pushing, relaxing, feeling the movement of her hips becoming more aggressive as my knee continued to pleasure her.

"We performed like this for a while until Carol pushed me onto my back climbed on top of me before moving up to face me. Without warning she kissed me full on the lips, she tasted so sweet. I kissed her back needing the pleasure of her mouth on mine. Things heated up as our kisses became passionate, lasting longer, employing the French style as we squashed our breasts and rubbed our groins against each other. Carol whispered that she loved me, I asked that she allow me to pleasure her between her legs with my tongue. Initially she objected but surrendered when I suggested that she either allow me to perform orally or return to her own room.

"She was already extremely aroused and shuddered as I lightly run my tongue along the entrance to her vagina before lapping across her clit. At least five minutes maybe ten I pleasured her with my tongue, achieving an unbelievable response as she tried to ram herself into my face, screaming and convulsing during an extended orgasm. I moved up and lay on top of her grinding my pubic mound against hers, and while kissing ensured she tasted herself on my lips. Carol had been satisfied I had not, she now knew the pleasure such an act can give and I wanted that same pleasure before the night was out. Carol was reluctant when I asked her to reciprocate by pleasuring me with her tongue, but knowing the enjoyment it brings finally conceded to my request. She did use her tongue on me and succeeded in giving me an orgasm, after which we lay together providing each other with kisses and confessing our little secrets.

"Carol said that she would like to sleep with me permanently so we could make love more often. I asked her if we slept together how she would feel watching her mother and husband making love. Obviously, if we all slept together I suggested that you would want me to come to bed naked so you could have sex with me. Also I asked her how she thought her husband would feel watching his wife and her mother having sex. I already knew that was not what she intended, she wanted to sleep with me in my bed, just the two of us, and that's what she asked of me. She told me of the argument after she refused to allow you to perform oral sex on her. When I asked her why she didn't want to sleep with you, Carol shrugged her shoulders. I said her argument was no longer valid because she had received and performed oral sex that night. I asked her if she intended to return to her bed and sleep with you again, she said that she would prefer to sleep in my bed. She was startled at my suggestion that we swap over, she sleep in my bed and I'll sleep with her husband. "Mother would you like to sleep with Mike?" I told her that it had been too many years since I had laid in a man's arms all night.

"She asked me if I was trying to steal her husband away from her. All I said, that it was her own suggestion that she discard the marital bed to sleep in mine, therefore, I assumed you are considering divorcing your husband. If that is the case and you file for divorce, I'm sure that if I offer Mike my body, I could persuade him to accommodate me. Carol began to cry, I think she was confused and really didn't know what she wanted."

By this time Amanda, who was standing in front of me in her bra and panties, took my face in her hands and kissed me. All the time I was thinking that I had made a mistake and should have married this beautiful sensuous woman instead of her frigid daughter. We couldn't remain in her bedroom for very long, she finished dressing and I followed her downstairs where she prepared dinner.

Later that night Carol followed me into the bedroom, when I asked her what she was doing she said that she was coming to bed. When I asked why she wasn't sleeping with her mother she just shrugged her shoulders, for me that was not good enough and I asked her again and kept pressing the point, but she didn't say word. Taking a different tack I told her of my suspicions about her and her mother's relationship having mentioned on numerous occasions in the past, just how close they seemed to be. "You're reluctant to have sex with me yet very touchy feely with your mother, so is there something you wish to tell me or should I guess that you both have a lesbian relationship." Carol burst into tears as I pressured her to admit what I already suspected, that last night she had sexual relations with her mother, and also probably discussed her intentions for our future as a couple.

As her sobbing continued she placed her arms around me and pulled me tight against her resting her head on my chest, while apologising for her behaviour. Carol looked up into my eyes and asked me to undress her then kissed me as she placed my hand on her breast. After undoing the buttons I removed her blouse, pulled the bra straps from her shoulders and continued to pull until her breasts were uncovered. Placing my arms around her squashing her breasts against my chest as I unhooked her bra, allowing it to fall, after which she asked me to remove her skirt and panties. She didn't object when I manoeuvred her naked body onto the bed, having her lie there watching me undress, knowing her sex life was about to change for the better or worse. I lay alongside her pulling her close telling her how beautiful she was, while slipping two fingers inside her.

As we kissed I pleasured her, occasionally removing my fingers to bring them up to her mouth. The first time I rubbed my fingers across her lips leaving residue of her own juices, which automatically caused her to sweep her tongue across her lips to remove them. I wanted her to taste herself to experience what she had the night before with her mother. The second time I inserted a finger into her mouth instructing her suck it, after that, to suck both fingers which was, at that time, the full extent of my penetration into her. The more aroused she became the more I wanted from her, whispering in her ear that I wanted to hear her talk dirty knowing she was reluctant to say such words out loud. In the great scheme of things these words are now generally accepted in movies and television while becoming a part of everyday conversation. Carol was familiar with the words and probably thought about them having used them in context of some fantasy. I persuaded her to admit she had used them in her thoughts and argued there was no difference saying them in her head, to saying them out loud.

"Come, fuck me Mike." I climbed on top of her, eased my hands under her shoulders and slipped my cock inside her. While gently easing myself back and forth I asked for the full details of her previous night's adventure. She said they kissed, I stopped her there because that was not what was wanted, I wanted to hear every little detail from the minute she walked through her mother's bedroom door. Carol was in tears while she told me of the encounter with her mother, apologising for being such a slut, but she didn't leave anything out of her story, it matched Amanda's in every detail.

"You are a fucking slut for not allowing me to watch you perform with each other, you could have called me."

Carol was stunned. "You would like to have watched us make love, you wouldn't have minded?"

"No I wouldn't have minded, I would quite enjoy watching the both of you perform, perhaps have even joined in."

"Mike would you like to have sex with my mother?"

This is the opportunity I had been waiting for. "Yes I would like to sleep with your mother and have sex, like I sleep with you and have sex. Sometimes I fantasize about sleeping and having sex with you both at the same time, although I don't think it would ever happen, but how would you feel about it?"

Carol said that she wasn't sure, but if I was suggesting that the three of us slept together taking turns to make love to each other, she would think about it and wouldn't rule it out. I was pretty sure that Amanda would enjoy our little encounters participating and watching. Whether it was my love making, our sexual conversation or the thought that both of us could make love to her mother I couldn't be sure, but Carol was extremely aroused, more than I had ever seen her. Even after the two of us had achieved total satisfaction, she moved further down my body to rub my cock, coated in a mixture of our seminal fluids, between her tits. After, she dropped further down my body to take my semi-erection into her mouth licking clean the remains of our union. When she returned to my arms we kissed, she used her tongue to smear the remains of our mixed fluids along my lips and in my mouth. She asked me to watch as she placed her hands on her tits, squeezing them while rubbing her nipples against my chest. I told her how wonderful she was with her new found sexual practices which I found highly seductive.

Most of the evening I had been working out in the garage and it was getting late when I finally returned to the house. Amanda was sitting alone watching the television, she nodded in the direction of upstairs while informing me that Carol was up there waiting for me. Carol was lying on our bed naked, I leaned over and kissed her, then playfully slapped her breasts before slipping my hand between her legs. I think she knew I was testing her to see how far she could be pushed, but she didn't care. She watched me as I stood close to the bed undressing before I took up my position alongside her, lying on my back, hands behind my head with legs spread wide. She was taken aback when I told her to give me a blow job, never having performed oral sex where the man was expecting to cum in her mouth. Reluctantly she slipped her mouth over me, her tongue rubbing up against my cock as she bobbed up and down, but it felt like a half-hearted performance, certainly not to my satisfaction. I kept insisting that she go deeper until finally it became necessary to press down on her head as encouragement to take more of me in her throat. In the end she took all of me, being deep in her throat with her nose pressed against my pubes.

Carol was a quick learner and soon got the hang of things with this being the first time she had provided me with so much pleasure in such a manner. I began to lift myself off the bed, attempting to get more of me inside her before backing off a little as I came in her mouth. She did her best to swallow it, but there was too much too soon, so she let it dribble from her mouth over me. It wasn't long before I pulled her up to my level, rolled her on her back and applied passionate kisses, but it was some time before I was ready to make love. We lay there talking, with me extremely curious to know whether Carol had spoken to her mother about the three of us sleeping together, and when her next encounter with her mother was due to take place. Suddenly I realized that it may have already happened because when I'm on the late shift they have between 6 and 11 p.m. to perform on each other as much as they wish without my knowledge.

It became necessary to wait until I was back on the late shift before the opportunity arose for me to talk to Amanda to find out what progress, if any had been made for the three of us to occupy the same bed. I was a little concerned in case Amanda had changed her mind. The problem was, if I seemed too anxious they know they have me by the short and curlies, and if I seemed too nonchalant they may think I've lost all interest, with them going their own way. After a lot of soul searching I decided to play it cool believing Amanda wouldn't let it slide, and I was pretty sure that she wanted to have sex with me, Carol, I still wasn't a hundred percent sure about.

That first morning while I was still lying in bed, having switched back to the late shift, Amanda, within seconds of Carol leaving for work, was in my room wearing one of her sexy nightdresses. I pretended to be asleep, but that didn't stop her from crawling in and spooning up against me, pressing her breasts into my back. Her hand came across my body and fumbled around seeking the tie on my pyjama bottoms which she undid before slipping her hand inside. Already aroused with a full erection she wrapped her hand around my male appendage, she certainly knows how to treat a guy.

"What are you going to do toss me off and make me cum in my own bed?"

"I knew you wasn't asleep, you can cum in my bed if you like, and by the way, you had better be nice to me this morning because tonight I'm going to tell Carol that I'll agree for the three of us to sleep together, but I think we ought to get a bigger bed, a king size."

I turned over to face her. Instantly she was leaning over and kissing me before I had the time to get settled, pulling her shoulder straps off, pushing her nightdress down below her breasts before moving up on me to rub her nipples across my lips. With one hand she held her breast with the other she pulled my head into her breast encouraging me to suckle. She said that the last four weeks, with only minimal contact between us had been torture for her, especially when she watch Carol and I going to bed. Then there were the occasions she heard Carol when she became exceptionally vocal during our love making. Amanda said she needed to become involved with the two of us, starting this very minute with me. Amanda straddled me, sitting on my chest with her knees pressed against my arms. She pulled her nightdress off over her head and sat there naked for a couple of minutes displaying all of her womanly body to me, not saying a word.

Finally she spoke, "Look at me, look at my poor body after it's been starved of your affection, no wonder it looks sad and droopy it needs reviving, kissing it would help." Amanda leant forward searching for my tongue, she always enjoyed oral sex. Shortly after she must have looked at the clock, "Damn look at the time I'll need to get ready for work in a minute." Amanda rolled off and lay beside me, pulling me, demanding that I mount her. "Come on darling I need you inside me, come on Mike take me." I manoeuvred myself to slip inside her and began using her to satisfy my lust, my passion, my libido, this was some sexy bitch. "That's it Mike, fuck me hard, tonight I want you to fuck me again, sobeit if Carol wants you to fuck her, but you have to fuck me, in my bed or yours I don't care and I'll tell Carol, Oh god Mike I'm coming."

We both lay together for a few minutes recovering before Amanda took my hand suggesting we shower together. She washed her face and hair before handing me the body wash to complete the job. I stood behind her spreading the liquid soap as I washed her shoulders and arms, rubbing it across her breasts and nipples, down over her stomach to concentrate on that little area between her legs. Kneeling down in front of her I washed her legs and feet while allowing the water, looking like twin waterfalls, to cascade over me, as it flowed over her breasts and nipples. With our bodies pressed together, her arms wrapped around my neck, we kissed while she encouraged her partially soapy breasts to slip against my chest, as I washed everything aback of her. Having rinsed herself she just walked out leaving me to carry on with my own ablutions. By the time I had finished showering and dressed Amanda was heading for the front door.

When I arrived home from work that night, Amanda had already gone to bed. Carol was waiting up, but wasn't at all pleasant, in fact she was downright rude and very aggressive, leaving after a few minutes slamming the door behind her. I guess Amanda told Carol about crawling into bed with me this morning and agreed to share our bed permanently. Where Amanda was at that very moment I couldn't say, whether she was in our bed or her own was a mystery, but knowing how Carol reacted, I bet she was in her own bed. Expecting to receive the rough edge of Carol's tongue when I eventually entered the bedroom, I poured myself a drink sat in my comfortable chair while I thought things through attempting to find a way around the situation. Suddenly the door burst open, it was Carol, standing before me in her nightdress, she looked furious her whole body shaking. "You fucked my mother this morning."

I just looked at her poker faced. "No I didn't."

She stopped for a few seconds, taken aback before ranting again. "Yes you did fuck my mother this morning."

"No I didn't."

I think she became a little confused "She told me you did."

I asked her what Amanda actually said, and she maintained that her mother told her that I had fucked her. Carol seemed a little quieter and not so confident after me telling her that when she gets up in the morning to get me and her mother up and I will ask Amanda what she told her. If Amanda's story differs from Carol's, I told Carol I would put her across my knee and give her a good spanking. Then Carol attempted to change her argument by saying, "Are you telling me that you never had sex with my mother this morning."

"No I never said that I didn't have sex with her, I said that I never fucked her, it was she who came into my bedroom and fucked me."

Carol accused me of semantics the fact was we had intercourse and that is what she accused me of. Her anger returned when I said, "Okay I had sex with your mother so what?"

You could see her blood begin to boil. "So what? You're my husband and she's my mother you shouldn't be having sex with her."

"If I'm your husband what does that make you?"

"It makes me your wife."

"So you as my wife can have sex with your mother but me as her son-in-law can't. I think it's about time you left this room otherwise I may do something that I might come to regret, now get out."

After a finishing a second drink I went up to bed, Carol seemed to be asleep nevertheless when I got into bed I turned my back on her. A minute or two later I felt her move up against me and slip an arm around my waist. She asked if she should take her nightdress off, I told her not to bother. Then she wanted to know if I would have gone through with my threat by putting her across my knee to give her a spanking, and would I like to spank her. While we talked her hand drifted down into my pyjamas to caress me. "If I took my nightdress off I could lie between your legs and suck you, I know you like it; shall I do it?" It sounded like Carol was being very submissive, I wondered how far she would go to accommodate me.

"If you're so keen to please me then take your nightdress off, go to your mother's room; persuade her to join us to watch me cum in your mouth." I thought I had overplayed my hand as Carol went very quiet and remained perfectly still for a while, before turning on her bedside light, then slowly eased herself out of bed. She walked around to my side, stood in front of me and allowed her nightdress to drop to the floor, then left. Carol must have had quite a time trying to persuade her mother to join us, although the two of them eventually arrived and climbed into bed. I'm sure she did it just to annoy Carol, but when Carol slipped between my legs, Amanda move in close, eased her nightdress down below her breasts and kissed me.

According to Amanda it had been quite an evening, declining her head towards her daughter said, that she didn't look very happy when she was told that we would all be sleeping in the same bed. Apparently she became abusive when Amanda told her about our morning assignation. Carol had been lying there listening to our conversation until she was told her to get on with it. There I was in heaven with Carol blowing me, her head bobbing up and down, and Amanda leaning over me holding her breast to my mouth for me to suckle. Amanda watched me knowing how close I was as Carol intensified her action, only to transfer her interest from me to her daughter once I had shot my load in her mouth and become languid.

Carol retched and choked while semen dribbled from her mouth, evoking the sympathy of her mother "My poor darling come to mummy." Carol crawled into her mother's arms, their naked bodies pressed together while Amanda passionately kissed and dipped her tongue into her daughter's mouth. While both girls purred their contentment, their hands were wrapped around each other's breasts pressing and flicking their nipples together, as for me, that's how the evening ended. My only consolation was that when Carol left the bed to get ready for work Amanda gravitated towards me wrapping herself, arms and legs, around me and proceeded to seduce me.

It was late when I arrived home from work that night and it became obvious the girls had been talking and plotting some changes. Carol asked, "Why don't we invite Paul around Saturday to join us, I've always liked him." I said I didn't think that was a good idea. Carol said, "You have the added excitement of having sex with my mother which is incest and against the law, when we have sex it's nothing out of the ordinary because I'm you wife. There was that additional excitement when we had sex before we were married, but that's gone now." I said that I would see if he was interested. I spoke with Paul but swore him to secrecy before telling him the way things had developed in my life, then asked if he was interested in watching the two girls making love, he jumped at the opportunity. Saturday night when Paul and I entered the bedroom two chairs had been strategically placed, the girls had been preparing themselves in the second bedroom.

Paul and I took our seats and waited. Five minutes later the girls walked in wearing new extremely short and cut very low micro satin nightdresses. They sat on the side of the bed facing us generally chatting about their new night attire until Carol lifted her hand up and squeezed Amanda's breast. "Do you mind darling that was my tit."

"Sorry mummy I was only feeling your nightdresses material."

"Well that's very naughty because you were feeling my tits at the same time."

"Are you going to spank me mummy?"

"Do you think I ought to spank you?"

"Yes mummy I do."

Keeping Carol's feet on the floor Amanda bent her daughter across the bed and made her spread her legs slightly before pulling her nightdress up above her waist. Everything of Carol's was on display she had no secrets from us. I was quite surprised just how much effort Amanda put in to spank her daughter who ending up faking crying and sobbing. Amanda apologised to her daughter for spanking her while helping her onto the bed to lie down. Carol's nightdress was still up above her waist when her mother lay beside her cuddling and consoling and generally making a fuss of her daughter. Amanda kissed her, a short parent's kiss, then kissed her again only longer this time, but as she broke the kiss Carol placed her arms around her mother's neck and pulled her back down and kissed her back. The couple began making out, Carol slipped one of her mother's shoulder straps off; then a second strap allowing Carol to pull down her mother's nightdress exposing those magnificent tits.

Amanda moved up the bed, cupped her breast and rubbed the nipple across Carol's lips, who drew it into her mouth and began to suckle. There was no stopping them now, Amanda slipped her hand inside Carol's nightdress and began fondling her tits before sliding her hand down between her daughter's legs and slipping two fingers inside her. You could see Carol becoming aroused her body movements becoming more violent until she was thrashing around, with knees bent and spread wide screamed at her mother to eat her. Amanda dropped down between her daughter's legs and licked, driving her tongue deep inside Carol until she achieved and orgasm. Amanda immediately reversed their roles, lying on her back demanding Carol perform on her. After both girls had orgasmed they lay recovering for a few minutes. I looked across at Paul both his hands were covering his crotch, on his forehead beads of perspiration and his breathing, heavy.

Carol having recovered, left the bed to stand in front of Paul before slipping her shoulder straps off to allow her nightdress to fall to the floor. Standing naked in front of him she bent over, her breasts almost touching his face, her hands fumbling in his lap to unbuckle his belt and unzip his trousers. She knelt before him, her hand releasing his cock allowing her to slip her mouth over it. She continued to perform on him knowing, hoping that he would cum in her mouth, he grabbed her head forcing himself deeper and deeper into her, screaming, "Take it, take it, fucking take it all." Carol still encouraged Paul to remain in her mouth even though his erection had subsided it would seem she just enjoyed him in her mouth. Amanda came over took her daughter by the hand and as they walked off back to their changing room Carol turned, "Paul see you next week." Paul nodded stood up redressed himself and said that he didn't expect that, neither did I.

After Carol's performance with Paul, our relationship as far as I was concerned seemed to be deteriorating. When Paul arrived the following Saturday, the girls, this time dressed in micro bra, panties and suspender belt with stockings, went through a similar routine with some minor changes. However, after instead of giving Paul a blow job, she did a strip tease for him then took him by the hand and led him off to the second bedroom. I didn't see him again he must have left in the early hours of the morning.

The third week things came to a head when at 8 o'clock the doorbell rang and I answered it Paul and five friends were standing there, I wanted to know what was going on, Paul said that Carol invited them. The guys sat on the floor surrounding the bed when the girls walked in there was clapping and cat calls because of their outfits if that's what they could be referred as. They were wearing the tiniest bra, panties, suspender belt with stockings, each piece of material couldn't have been more than one centimetre wide, if these garments were worn in public they would have been considered obscene. The girls went through their routine only this time they undressed each other and of course the boys went wild. After they had finished Amanda and Carol selected one boy each, Amanda laid on the bed, spread her legs and told the boy to undress and fuck her, Carol took Paul by the hand and led him down the hall to the second bedroom.

I slept on the couch that night and the next morning the boys were still at it, god knows how many times each had sex with the girls. That was it; that did it for me, I packed my bags and left and went back home. My mother was surprised to see me and she could tell I was upset. We sat on the couch she put her arms around me and asked me what happened. How could I tell her? I began to cry. She swung her legs up and sat along the couch resting her back against the arm, holding me close as she pulled me alongside her, attempting to console me. The side of my face was resting on her breast. Again she asked me what happened saying that no matter how bad or heinous it was, I could tell her anything. I looked down unable to look her in the eyes as I began to tell her my story, beginning at the point when I first met Carol, the night of our blind date. Burying my face in the soft flesh of her breasts I told her the whole story leaving nothing out.

While telling my story noticed that when I spoke of the relationships between Carol, her mother and me her nipples began to swell and harden. They became very noticeable beneath her bra and blouse as they continued to get larger. From then, each time I paused I nudged the protrusion with my tongue, which cause her blouse and bra to gradually become saturated with my saliva, causing the fabric to become almost transparent and cling making her nipple far more obvious. Having finished my story I began to nuzzle her breast pushing my face deep into the soft flesh before finally taking her nipple in my mouth and lightly chewing on it. Mother never said a word, just placed her hand on the back of my head as I continually nuzzled her breast and sucked her nipple. I don't know what made me do it, I never thought about doing it, but I just couldn't help myself, I slipped my hand right up her skirt cupping and caressing the most intimate parts of her body. She never complained or mentioned the fact that for three or four minutes I sucked her breasts and stroked her vagina. I still couldn't look her in the face however, mother sat there allowing me to fondle her before saying, "Michael why don't you invite Paul round for dinner Saturday evening, he's such a nice boy, I've always liked him."

The End

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