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66.41% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2723: FOOLED INTO BED WITH MY S


There was very little traffic on the roads that Sunday morning, which was okay by me. I, my sister and her friend Melissa were on our way into the city proper.

They often invited me to their outings, though perhaps the fact that I had a car was partly responsible for that. I really did enjoy their company though. Melissa was a fun, not to mention attractive, girl and my sister and I had always gotten along well.

"Aren't we there yet?" Melissa called out from the backseat.

"What are you, a kid?" said my sister, looking back at her with a teasing smile.

"Just saying your brother could speed up a little bit. We won't have any time to look around."

"You can drive however fast you want to when it's your car and license, Melissa. Besides, the stores don't close in, like, four hours," I told her.

"Well, I need time to find the perfect outfit," she objected. "And so does Anna."

The purpose of the trip was to buy clothes for the annual April Fools party. A tradition among our friends.

"I don't care. You're the one who always takes the longest," my sister said absently, looking at her phone.

Melissa scoffed indignantly. "Sure, take your brother's side. I'm only your best friend."

Anna sighed at her friend's behavior and rolled her eyes at me.

"Fine," Melissa said, grabbing my shoulders from the seat behind me. "Maybe Sam and I can shop on our own. Iwas thinking of getting some new sexy lingerie..."

That got my sister's attention.

"Ugh, cut it out. Please? I'm sorry."

She ignored her plea. "Actually, youare a pretty good driver, Sam. Maybe I can sit in your lap on the way home, so you can teach me? I've always wanted to learn how to drive a stick," she teased, giggling at her own joke.

"Oh my god. Just stop," Anna begged, sounding annoyed.

Melissa giggled, reaching around to stroke my upper chest quickly before pulling away her hands. She always teased me like that. Or perhaps it was my sister she was teasing. It always seemed to get on Anna's nerves when she did that, and she always made sure to shut it down. Which was unfortunate.

"Just kidding," she promised, my sister still staring her down.

I just sighed at their behavior, and tried to focus on the road.

Melissa was shorter than me, though still an inch or two taller than my sister. She had brown hair and pretty decently sized breasts, which she showed off as often as she could. She had a bit of a wild streak too, though she wasn'tthat crazy once you got to know her. Many of my late night fantasies had revolved around her.

Anna wasn't bad looking either, I had to confess. My younger sister was blonde, blue eyed and lean. She had less than Melissa in the chest region, but an even better looking ass. Not that I looked. Cute, many still called her at the age of 20. She thankfully didn't show off her body as much as her friend. If she had been anyone but my sister she would most certainly have been my type.

Two hot girls who spent almost every other day with me, yet I was still single. I was probably doing something wrong.


We arrived at our destination. A few busy streets in the middle of the city, which held most of what it had to offer when it came to shopping.

I payed for parking, then walked over to where the two girls were waiting for me.

"I think I'll head out on my own. I've got a pretty good idea of what I need," I told them. "Meet up with you later?"

"Oh. Okay," my sister said. "Call us when you're done. We might need a third vote on a few things."

Anna smiled and waved at me before they left. Melissa blew me a kiss instead, causing them to get into a playful wrestling match, giggling as they fought.

I walked around by myself for a while. I didn'treally have anything I needed to buy. I picked up a nice shirt either way, then spent most of my time walking around and looking at shoes, electronics and anything that piqued my interest.

I liked hanging out with the girls. However, experience told me it was better to let them finish the majority of their shopping on their own before getting involved. I sat down for a cup of coffee and relaxed for a while before deciding it was time to call them.

We met up at the store they were at. Women's clothes only, it seemed.

"Hey, Sam," Melissa greeted me, waving me over.

I circled and zigzagged through the blouses, bras and panties on display.

"Hey," I answered when I reached her. "You guys about done?"

"Mmm, pretty much," she said, cocking her head as if to consider whether that was actually true. "Your sister is still trying out some stuff here though."

She paused, and looked at me with a mischievous smile on her lips.

"What?" I asked.

"I was just thinking, maybe you could help? She was having trouble deciding."

"I guess," I conceded, willing to do anything to speed the process up.

"This way," she said, taking my hand and pulling me toward the dressing rooms.

We passed a few other shoppers on our way there. Mainly women, and the occasional bored husband. The dressing rooms were mostly unoccupied.

"Hey, you ready for me in there?" Melissa said, talking to one of the closed drapes.

"Uh, yeah. Come in," my sister called back from inside.

Before I could say anything she pulled back the side of the drape. I was pushed inside ahead of her and she followed behind me.

The room got pretty crowded with the three of us in there, but there was still enough space between us for me to get a good look at my sister. My mostly naked sister. No one had told me she was trying on underwear. Or lingerie, I should say.Sexy lingerie.

She looked... beautiful. Way better than I would have thought. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a knot, with a few curling locks still hanging down to her shoulders. The dark, lacy fabric of the panties left little to the imagination and the bra put her breasts delightfully on display. When had my little sister gotten so hot?

The shriek pulled me out of my stunned admiration of her.

"Aaah! What the hell?!" she shouted, covering up herself with her arms. It didn't work very well.

Melissa giggled behind me, obviously amused.

"I, uh..." I tried, failing to explain myself.

"Get out!" she yelled.

Oh, right, I thought, as if it hadn't been the most obvious solution in the world.

I stepped outside, with Melissa laughing behind me. A middle aged lady gave me a funny look as I stood there, unsure what I should do.

"I'm sorry..." I said, carefully not looking back. "I didn't know, Sis."

Anna sighed from inside, loud enough to be heard over Melissa's lingering laughter. "Yeah. I figured."

A muffled thud was heard from inside, followed by Melissa's voice. "Ow! Oh, come on. That was funny. You said you needed advice, didn't you? Well... I got you a guy's perspective."

"Ugh, you're such an asshole sometimes..." Anna responded.

"But you still love me," she stated.

Anna grunted in frustration, but didn't disagree with her.

"So? Aren't you going to ask him what he thought? The damage is already done, after all," Melissa urged her. "Iknow you care what he thinks."

"Oh, shut up already..." Anna responded. She paused, seeming to consider it, which surprised me.

"Hey, Sam? What did you think? Be honest," Melissa said to me.

"Uh... really?" I said.

"Well... you might as well," my sister conceded.

"I didn't get a very good look, honestly," I lied. "I don't know."

"Then... I guess you could take another look," she said, in a low voice.

"Wait, what?" I blurted out.

"I mean... you've already seen me, and I reallydo need a guy's advice," she said, her voice pleading.

"Come on, it's only your sister," Melissa urged, sounding way too happy about it.

I looked around, making sure there was no one nearby. I couldn't help imagining someone listening in on our conversation though. Listening and judging.

I suppose I've seen her in bathing suits before. This won't be much different. Notthat much.

I sighed, steeled myself and ducked inside once again.

I suppose I could have just told them she looked good. I did have time to see that much at least. But for some reason I didn't say that. Perhaps Idid want a second look.

"Well?" she asked.

Anna looked amazing. Short and lean, but with curves in all the right places. Her round breasts and smooth, pale skin looked enticing in the black panties and bra she wore. I was coming to realize I would have to reevaluate my opinion of my little sister. She'd grown up to become one of the sexiest girls I'd ever laid eyes on. Why was she so shy, with a body like that?

She held her arms stiffly to the sides, looking more than a little embarrassed at being ogled by her older brother. Still, she had been the one to suggest it.

"You gonna stare all day, or do you have an opinion?" Melissa asked, a bit too smugly.

"You guys asked me to look. So I'm looking," I countered.

I already knew all I needed to know. She could get any guy to start drooling if she came before him in that. For a moment I forgot she was my sister and saw only the sexy blonde girl in front of me.

"Maybe... turn around," I suggested, milking the moment for all it was worth.

"Turn around?" Anna asked, sounding uncertain.


She looked like she was going to object at first, but then she obediently spun around for me. Shedid have a very nice ass. Too nice. I was beginning to realize I probably shouldn't be looking at my little sister in that way.

"It's great... I mean, you look great in it, Anna," I assured, feeling a bit guilty.

"Looks like he means it," Melissa teased, pushing up against my side playfully.

"Thanks," Anna mumbled. "I appreciate it, Bro."

I left again, before things could get more awkward, to let her change into some clothes.

Afterward, she rewarded me with a cheerful embrace, fully dressed once again. It didn't seem to bother her that I'd pretty much seen her naked. In fact, the whole trip home my sister was smiling and being more affectionate than usual toward me. Perhaps getting a compliment, even from her older brother, meant that much to her. Whatever the reason; if it made her happy, it made me happy.


The day of the party, April first, was also a day for pranks. Particularly in our family. We were pretty hardcore about it.

The day started with Mom serving us orange juice for breakfast, with a thick layer of toothpaste on the bottom. The taste was... interesting. Dad did a whole thing about the car, switching it with a friend's similar one. Luckily he left my car alone.

My sister and I pulled some of our usual pranks. Nothing too extreme. All in all, it was a pretty tame April Fools' Day, by our standards.

We showed up at Melissa's house early, to help out with preparations.

"Hey guys," she greeted at the door, enthusiastically hugging both of us. "Wow, you guys look hot tonight."

Anna wore a light blue dress that ended just above her knees and was partly open in the back. I had to agree with Melissa's assessment. She did look hot. I wondered if she was wearing the black lingerie underneath.

Melissa herself wore a black dress, different in style to Anna's. It hugged the form of her body tightly all the way down to where it ended, a bit higher than Anna's, and it displayed a fair bit of cleavage.

I wore khakis and a nice gray shirt, rolled up to my sleeves.

"So, what can we help with?" I asked after hanging my jacket on the coat rack. "Anything that needs to be set up?"

"Yeah, a bunch of stuff," Melissa said, then paused to look at us suspiciously.

"What?" Anna asked.

"You're not going to prank me, are you?" she asked, eyeing us suspiciously.

I sighed. "No. We promised we're not doing that any more. Not since last year."

"You better not," she said. She gestured widely, spreading her arms. "This house is a prank-free zone, got it?"

"Come on, Melissa. We promised," Anna assured her, looking sympathetic. "We didn't think you'd take it so seriously."

"I put that shit all over Facebook. Do you know how long it took to get people to stop asking about my modeling career?" She grimaced, no doubt remembering the humiliation.

"...sorry," Anna mumbled.

"Bah! Forget it. I'll get you back some day. You won't see it coming," she announced, holding up a finger for emphasis.

"We'll look forward to it," I assured her. Smiling and patting her shoulder as I passed. My sister and I were April Fools veterans after all. No one in our family trusted anyone on that particular day.

"Where do we start?" I asked.

"Mmm... Anna, you handle snacks and Sam, come with me." She turned around and grinned mischievously towards me. "I need a strong man to move the furniture. I'll point, you lift."

I worked under Melissa's supervision, following her directions. Tables had to be moved and more chairs had to be carried down from upstairs. Melissa helped by complimenting me on my physique and excellent carrying technique.

We placed snacks and drinks in their assigned places around the rooms and checked that the sound system worked. We finished well before the first guest arrived.


The party was a success. No one got especially drunk. It was in the middle of the week after all and quite a few people had to stay sober for the drive home. The April Fools parties had never been about getting drunk in the first place anyway. More about hanging around with friends, which I did.

I spent most of my time chatting with people, some that I'd never met before. It was a good way of keeping track what was going on in the lives of our extended circle of friends.

I was catching up with Matt and Rick, two friends back from high school, when I noticed Anna sitting by herself on the couch by the door. I was sure she hadn't been there a moment ago, but my brotherly instincts still worried over why she was sitting by herself.

I excused myself, promising that we would meet and catch up more some day soon before I left the guys and walked over to my sister.

"Hey," I said, sitting down in the middle of the beige couch, next to Anna.

"Hi," she replied, returning my friendly smile. "Having a good time?"

"Yeah, sure. Just been talking with some people, hanging around. You?"

"Mmm... same," she answered, scooting up to me and resting her head against my shoulder. Her hands wrapped around my upper arm.

"Then what's the problem?" I asked.

"What? There's no problem," she said, in a tone of voice that indicated there was.

"You're my sister, Anna. I can tell."

She sighed and sat up straight again. "Meh, it's nothing. It's just all these new couples. Did you hear Maria is together with Brad now? And Jessica is pregnant. At our age!"

"And you don't even have a boyfriend?" I guessed.

"Something like that... Don't get me wrong. I don't want to be Jessica. I just want to..." she unhooked her arms from mine and cleared her throat, "experience stuff I've been wanting to do for a while now. Before even more stuff gets in the way," Her voice got lower as she spoke, as if she wasn't certain how to put it.

"You know you can tell me anything, Anna," I assured her, "but spare me the details, please."

She hit me. "I didn't mean anything likethat! God, you're such a perv."

Her face looked a little flushed, even in the dim light of the room. I burst into laughter, unable to hold it back, which only seemed to offend her more.

"But seriously, Sis. If it's a boyfriend you want that shouldn't be a problem. I swear I spotted, like, three different guys checking you out before I went over here," I said, speaking truthfully.

If I hadn't sat down when I did, someone else would have taken my spot before long. It was part of the reason I joined her, to be honest. Even though I'd come to terms with the fact that she would date and have sex, part of me still wanted to protect her from that.

"It's notany guy. It'sa guy. If you must know," she said, looking down on her hands in her lap.

"Oh." I wasn't sure what to say to that. "Well, that's... harder, I suppose."

"More than you know," she mumbled.

I looked at her for a moment before bringing her in for a spontaneous sideways hug.

"Hey, you're amazing and beautiful, little sis. If he can't see that then he's a fool, whoever he is."

That seemed to help. Anna looked up at me with a grin and leaned in to kiss me on the cheek.

"Thanks," she said, sounding happier already.

At that moment Melissa showed up, throwing herself into the seat next to me with a thud.

"Hello lovebirds," she chirped.

I realized it probablydid look a bit intimate, for any that didn't know us, and released my hold of my sister.

"There you are," Anna said, sounding exasperated.

"Here I am," Melissa agreed, nodding her head sagely.

"I was looking for you. There's no one fun to hang out with here, and everyone keeps hitting on me," Anna complained.

So, I'd been right. Shewas getting a lot of attention.

"Oh, I know. It's the curse of us hot, single ladies. A terrible fate. That's why I came looking for your brother."

"Sam? Why?" Anna asked.

"Well, I was thinking he could act as my boyfriend for the night, to deter all the losers." She leaned in, grabbing my shoulder with one hand and my thigh with the other. "It doesn't have to be just for tonight though," she spoke into my ear in a sultry voice.

"Cut it out," Anna said, also putting her hand on my thigh. She planted the other hand on my chest, pushing me further back into the cushions. "And what about me?" she asked.

"You?" Melissa asked, cocking her head. "Well, it's an interesting idea, but I think it might look weird if you were making out with your brother."

She leaned in further and whispered conspiratorially, "Too many people know you in here. They might start to talk."

I could feel my cheeks get warmer. Melissa really was a bit too brazen sometimes. I could tell Anna was getting embarrassed as well.

"T-That's not what I meant, and you know it!" she said, hand still on my inner thigh.

"I'm kidding. Of course we can all hang out together. But seriously, when was the last time you got laid, Anna?"

"When was the last time you didn't?" she countered.

"Ouch," Melissa said, though she didn't look very bothered by the comment.

It was an odd, though not completely unpleasant, experience to have both girls hanging on to me and arguing. It must have looked, to an outside observer, as if they were fighting over me.

"I didn't mean to be rude," Melissa apologized. "I was actually thinking, if you want, I couldguarantee that you'll get laid tonight."

Melissa smiled mischievously and must have hinted at something to my sister, since she immediately turned red in the face and let go of me.

"Y-You wanna, uh...help me with that?" she asked quietly.

"Of course. I had funhelping you last time," Melissa assured, a knowing look in her eyes.

I felt out of place. Like I was intruding. I didn't really want to know which guy Melissa thought she could set my sister up with either. The less I knew the better, as far as I was concerned.

"Um, right. I'll leave you girls to it," I said, standing up.

"You really don't have to leave," Melissa said, looking up at me.

"No. I've got to go talk to some people. You and Anna can stay."

"Come find me later," Melissa called after me as I walked away.


I avoided the two girls the for the rest of the party. Luckily, I didn't have to watch Anna suck faces with some dude, as she hung out with Melissa for the rest of the evening. She had never been the kind of girl to do that sort of thing in public anyway.Near the end of the evening, as people were starting to leave, I stood in the kitchen talking to Matt and Rick once again. Us three, and some girl who was barely paying attention, were discussing basketball when Melissa came up to me.

"No way, man. Mudiay is definitely the first pick," Rick assured us, gesturing wildly.

"If you say so, I just think-"

"Hey, Sam," Melissa said, interrupting me. She wrapped her arms around my waist from behind, her globes mashing up against my back.

"Oh. Hi," I answered, wriggling out of her grip so I could turn around.

"Come here," she insisted, pulling me away from the discussion.

She dragged me off into the other room, which had been abandoned as people left.

"So, what's up?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to hang out. How did you like the party? Did I do a good job?" she asked, standing close to me.

"Yeah... it was great. Um, good job," I mumbled.

She did stand very close, and looked like she was pushing out her chest as she looked up at me with a grin on her face. Her breasts, in that tightly fitting black dress and with that amount of cleavage, were very distracting.

"Um, where's Anna?" I asked.

"Asleep," she answered without missing a beat. "She was exhausted, the poor thing. You are staying over, right?"

"That's the plan," I said carefully, sensing she was up to something.

"Good. Then since you're sleeping here... I'd like it if you slept with me," she said, biting her lip expectantly.

I stared at her for a few seconds. I'd certainly like to, if she really meant it.

"Are you serious?" I asked, conditioned to expect her to be teasing.

"Yes," she answered immediately, nodding. "I know guys are supposed to be bad at taking hints, but I don't think I can be any clearer than that," she said, grinning wider.

"Uh, that's extremely forward of you-"

Melissa interrupted me, reaching up and pulling my face down to kiss me. She was good at it too. She latched on to me, wrapping one leg around mine and pushing her body hard up against me.

I could hardly believe it, but wasn't about to question it. I grabbed her, pushing her back against the wall. She moaned into my mouth as I returned her affection, my hands roaming over her body.

She pulled back, smiling at me.

"You're not a bad kisser," she complimented. "I've always wanted to do that."

"Then why haven't you?" I asked. "I always assumed you just liked messing with me."

She held on to me, keeping her tits mashed against my chest.

"Well, your sister is my closest friend... You must have noticed how she gets about you?"

"I guess..." I answered. She had a point.

"But she's not here right now," Melissa purred.

She leaned in for another long, wet kiss.

"Meet me later," she whispered. "In my room. After everyone has left."

Melissa looked at me with a mischievous smile. "I'll be waiting for you in my bed. Just sneak in, and leave the lights off."

"Um, alright."

She winked at me and walked away, leaving me stunned but excited.


When the house had gone quiet and everyone seemed to have left I walked upstairs to Melissa's room. She had disappeared before the last guests left, and I had taken it upon myself to see them off instead.

Anna was nowhere to be seen, so I assumed she was already asleep. Which left just me and Melissa.

I had been fantasizing about her for years, on and off. Still, it felt weird walking up the stairs, slowly getting closer to her room, and presumably sex with her. I guess I'd always been aware that my sister stood in the way of any relationship between me and her. How would she react if she found out?

We were both adults now, though. It didn't seem reasonable that I would allow my sister to dictate my love life. Those thoughts in mind, I walked up to the door.

Surprise me :) a note said, taped to the white wood of the door.

Surprise her? I supposed I can do that, I thought.

It was pitch black in there.

After a moments thought, I decided to close the door behind me either way. With any luck we'd be making a lot of noise before long.

I carefully stalked over to where I knew her bed would be. I could see the dark outline of Melissa, laying on the bed. She wasn't speaking. Hopefully she wasn't asleep.

She did say to surprise her, I thought.

I carefully climbed up on the bed and leaned over her, grabbing her side as I located her lips with mine. It seemed she was only wearing panties and a bra.

She let out a short squeak at the contact, which was silenced as I was able to kiss her properly. At first she seemed hesitant, and pulled away from me for just a moment. I was way to into it to be dissuaded so easily however, and I pulled close once again. I brought my other hand up to her cheek, stroking it lightly while keeping my face as close to hers.

She finally responded to my touch, leaning up just a hair to meet my lips once again. Perhaps she really had been asleep. She was awake now however. Very much so. Her hands took hold of my head, pulling it down upon her as she slipped in some tongue, letting it whirl around in my mouth as we kissed.

For a long time we only did that. Kissing wildly while my hands roamed her sexy body, feeling her breasts, ass and naked skin. She responded with passionate fervor, snaking her legs around mine and moaning with pleasure into my mouth.

After a while she groaned, pushed me back off her just a few inches and started fumbling with the buttons of my shirt. I let her work on it, while trying to make out her face in the darkness. I wasn't quite able to. I was pretty sure she ripped some of the buttons off while removing the shirt, though I didn't care much at the moment. It got the job done.

As soon as she got the shirt off her hands found my naked chest. She stroked my stomach and pecs with an appreciative moan, then pulled me down on top of her once again. I kissed her neck, and moved down toward her breasts. Her bra, unfortunately, was in the way.

She realized, and seemed to fumble to unlatch the thing for a moment. With a little help from me, she got it off and threw it off the bed.

Her moans intensified as my mouth met her nipples. It was incredibly hot, to finally be able to suck and lick her amazing breasts. They seemed smaller than I had thought they would be, in the darkness of the room. Not that it mattered. At that moment, they were perfect.

I licked, massaged and worshiped her tits, leaving her nipples hard and coated in a layer of saliva. Melissa breathed heavily above me, stroking my head encouragingly.

I was very hard, and eager to release the tension that was building up in my cock. Still, I knew that the first impression was vital, and I was determined to leave a good one.

Slowly, I moved down along her body, kissing and licking as I went. I could feel her shiver as I passed her sexy, flat stomach, getting closer to my destination. I got off the bed and sat down with my knees on the floor before reaching out and pulling her closer to me.

She had on a thin, lacy pair of darkly colored panties. Her heavy breathing filled the room as I bit into the top of it and pulled it down with my teeth, eager to get to what was underneath.

"Oh god," she whispered silently, between breaths. Her voice was excited, sounding lighter than usual.

I kissed the sides of her thighs and touched her pussy cautiously with my fingers, feeling its wet swollen form. Melissa whimpered in pleasure as I found her opening with my fingers and pushed inside.

My mouth followed shortly, licking up and down the valley between the lips of her pussy. I groaned as I made contact. The taste of it was intoxicating. She tasted just good as I'd imagined. If I had to describe it, I'd say it was a fresh, sexy and somehow familiar taste.

I ate her out with a hungry ferocity, her sexy moans encouraging me as my fingers and mouth pleasured her.

Right then, the lights came on.

"April Fo-ah?" Melissa called out, only to stop herself short. "Oh, shit."

Melissa? But...

I stopped what I was doing, suddenly confused.

I heard a loud squeak from ahead of me. Looking up, past the drenched pussy in front of me, I saw Anna. My sister.

Our eyes met in a moment of shared confusion and panic before I jumped back, falling onto my back on the floor.

"Holy shit," Melissa exclaimed. "Holy fucking shit."

"What the fuck?" I contributed.

"S-Sam?" Anna asked at the same time. She was sitting on the edge of the bed now, covering her sex with one hand and holding the other over her breasts. Her face was beet red.

"You guys were only supposed to kiss, or... or something. Not... that," Melissa said, one hand over her mouth. She looked shocked.

Anna watched us both with stunned disbelief.

"What do you mean, supposed?" I asked, standing up. "You did this? You set us up?"

"It was supposed to be funny," she said in a panicked voice. "I didn't expect you to go straight for, uh, you know..."

She looked to Anna and back to me. "How the hell did you guys not notice anyway?"

She had a point. I should have noticed, even in the dark, that it wasn't Melissa. Holy fuck, I thought. I ate out my own fucking sister!

A few, extremely awkward, seconds passed as we let what had happened sink in.

"Fuck..." I said, breaking the silence, not knowing what else I could say.

"Sorry," Melissa mumbled, looking extremely apologetic.

"I... need to get home," I said, walking out of the room. What else could I do? I needed time to process, on my own.

"W-Wait," Anna called out to me from the room. A few moments later, she met me in the hall carrying most her clothing with her in a bundle.

I didn't object. It wasn't like she had any other way to get home, after all.

We left without saying goodbye. Without saying anything, really.

The ride home wasn't any better. I tried to concentrate on the road as Anna put on as much of the clothing as she could manage in the seat beside me.

Perhaps I should have said something. But what could I say? Sorry, I thought I was about to fuck your friend, not you? Or Whoops, I guess I ate out my little sister. My bad?

We managed to get home, and into our separate rooms, without so much as looking at each other. Sleep came with great difficulty.


Being around Anna got awkward after that. I tried avoiding her, but couldn't do so forever. After almost two days of avoiding each other I manned up and decided I needed to talk to her.

"Anna?" I called out, knocking on her door.

A few seconds went by before she answered.

"Come in," she called back.

She sat on her bed, wearing dark pants and a white blouse. Our eyes met for a moment before she looked away, hands held together in her lap. Her blonde hair framed her beautiful, uncertain face.

"We need to talk," I said.

"I know..." she answered, sighing. "I guess we have to."

"Look," I started. "It was a misunderstanding. Neither of us can be blamed for what we did, but I still get it if you feel disgusted by me or resent me for what happened."

Anna looked up at me with a sudden movement.

"I-I don't feel that way. I don't resent you at all. If anything, you should be disgusted by me," she exclaimed, grimacing at the last part.

"No, Sis. I'm definitely not disgusted by you," I assured her. "Let's just... put it behind us. I'm kind of missing spending time with my little sister."

"I miss it too," she admitted. "These last few days have been horrible."

I smiled at her, and she returned my smile.

I couldn't help but see the absurdity of the situation, and let out a relieved laugh. Anna joined me in my fit of laughter, and before long things felt like normal again.

"Thanks, Bro," Anna said, moving over to hug me tightly, resting her head on my shoulder while I held her toward me.

I did feel a spark of attraction as I held on to her though, a feeling that I desperately tried to ignore.

I released her, and stood up to leave.

"Sam?" Anna asked, stopping me.

"Yeah?" I turned around to face her. She was picking at her nails, an uncertain look on her face.

"Was I... was it good? T-The kissing, I mean," she quickly added, face turning scarlet.

That certainly caught me off guard.

"Good? Why would you ask that?" I wondered, not sure why she would bring that up again. It clearly made her embarrassed.

"It's just... I wanted to know how I compare to other girls. If I'm any good," she said in a low voice. "Sorry. Forget it. I shouldn't have asked."

I considered leaving, but she really did look as if she wanted the answer. Was she that uncertain of herself?

"No, it's okay. It was..." I tried to think of the right way to describe it. Amazing, sexy and fucking hot all seemed terribly inappropriate, however. "...good. It was good."

"Really?" she asked, looking up at me with pleading blue eyes that were begging for confirmation.

"Yes. You were pretty great at it, to be honest," I admitted.

Her face turned an even deeper shade of red, but she smiled. It was good to see her happy.

"Thanks. I just wanted to know."

"No problem," I said, leaving her to her thoughts.

Everything didn't quite get back to normal. Things were still awkward between us, but they were better. A day later we decided it was time to patch things up with Melissa. The coming Friday, when her parents would be away again, we decided to meet up and watch a movie at her house.

Part of me wondered if her words had all been part of the prank, or if Melissa had meant some of the things she said.

Part of me wished she'd never interrupted my sister and me.

Part of me hated myself for feeling that way.


We left for Melissa's late in the evening. We had already picked out a movie to watch and Melissa had popcorn ready for us. I suppose we all figured it was a good way to avoid talking too much.

We parked on their driveway and walked up to the front door. Melissa opened it before I could knock.

"Hi guys," she said, making an obvious effort to act normally.

She wore a bulky gray sweater, which was unusual for her. It still didn't succeed in hiding her impressive bosom.

"Hey," Anna replied.

"Hey," I echoed. "You, uh, doing well?"

"Yeah. Fine," she answered.

We made some small talk before moving to the living room. I sat down in the couch and Anna took one of the armchairs.

The tension between us was palpable. For the whole duration of the movie, no one spoke. It was a comedy, which helped to relieve some the tension. By the end of the movie, we were talking like we normally did, discussing the plot and characters, which were both subpar.

"So... we're fine?" Melissa asked suddenly, voice pleading and unsure.

No one said anything for a while. Anna sat with her hands on her knees, looking at the floor.

"Um, well..." I said, coughing to clear my throat. "That was a bit too much for an April Fools prank."

I turned to face Melissa, who looked intensely ashamed.

"I-I didn't mean for that to happened..." she said defensively. "I was just trying to get you guys back for last year."

"Well, you certainly did," I said, half jokingly. By the look on Melissa's face, that wasn't helping her feel better.

"Isn't there anything I can do?" she asked. "I'll do anything. I just... want us to be friends again."

"I don't know..." I said, looking over toward Anna. She returned my helpless gaze. "It feels a bit awkward between the three of us now and I'm not sure how to fix that."

Again, a heavy silence fell between us, no one offering any answers to the problem.

After a few awkward moments Anna took a deep breath and spoke up. "What if we embarrass you too? You know, to make us even?"

"What?" Melissa asked carefully. "How?"

"I don't know... Take off your clothes?" she suggested.

Both Melissa and I were taken aback by my sister's sudden suggestion.

"It's the only way to make it even. You need to be embarrassed as well," Anna spoke with growing conviction showing in her voice.

"I... Um, okay..." Melissa agreed. "I'll do it."

It was a strange idea, but I supposed my sister's logic made sense, in an odd way.

Melissa stood up and looked like she was going to strip on the spot at first, but then seemed to hesitate.

"Do I just... do it here?" she asked.

Anna considered the question, apparently the one in charge at the moment. "No. Your room, I think. On the bed."

Melissa seemed to accept this and left for her room without a word.

"What are you doing?" I asked Anna, after Melissa was out of sight.

"Making us even. She's always messing with us anyway," she explained. "If you're okay with this?"

She waited for my answer, looking like she needed me to support her crazy idea. I sighed, nodding my head.

"Okay, fine."

Anna nodded back to me and we walked together into Melissa's room.

She was already down to her dark blue underwear. I wasn't sure Anna realized how much I appreciated the situation we were in. Melissa looked beautiful.

"Here goes nothing," she muttered, unlatching the bra.

We watched in silence as Melissa unveiled her breasts, holding her hand in front of them for a moment before taking a deep breath and displaying them freely. She bent over and slid her panties down, her breasts staying surprisingly firm as she did. The whole thing turned into something of a striptease.

"Like what you see?" she teased, looking in my direction.

I glanced in Anna's direction, who was looking daggers at me. I wasn't sure why she was upset. It had been her idea. To be safe, I didn't say anything.

Melissa giggled, which didn't seem to help Anna's mood.

"Good," Anna said, her voice firmly in control. "Now lay on the bed. I'll be right back."

She left us alone in the room for a minute or two, though it might as well have been hours. Melissa lay silently on the bed, while I stood watching, trying to adjust my pants to make my excitement less obvious.

Anna came back into the room, throwing me a silvery roll.

"Here," she said. "Use this."

"Uh, this is tape," I noted.

"Yes. Silver tape. Tie her hands up." She pointed at the metal bars at the head of the bed, holding a pair of scissors in her other hand.

"Wait, what?" Melissa said.

"We need to punish you somehow," Anna explained, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Now lay still."

I did as she said, sitting down on one side of the bed and tying Melissa's left hand to one of the metal bars. After I was done Anna took the tape and scissors, sitting on the other side of her naked friend.

"Sooo... what are you guys planning to do exactly?" Melissa asked, not sounding very bothered by the possibilities her situation presented.

"Not anything like that, if that's what you're thinking," Anna said, finishing up on her side.

"I was thinking we might leave you like this, see what your parents think," she explained. "Maybe leave some lotion and the dildo I know you're hiding in here out for them to find."

Melissa's eyes went wide. "What?! No, wait," she begged. "You can't!"

"Is it really worse than what you did to us?" Anna asked.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean for it to go that far," she said, a note of panic in her voice.

Anna sighed. Looking at my sister I could tell she wasn't serious. It seemed very likely that she just wanted to scare her a little.

"Fine," she said, dropping the bad-cop routine.

"I really am sorry," Melissa continued. "I figured you'd notice right away. I didn't know he would go straight to eating you out."

"It's fine, rea-"

"I really thought you'd notice it was a guy right away. You know I like making out a bit before the big event, right?" she rambled.

S-Stop, it's fine. Just shut up," Anna said, her voice urgent.

Wait, what? I thought, picking up on what she'd said. If it was a guy? Does she mean that she and Anna...

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" I asked.

"It's nothing! Let's not talk about it, please?" Anna begged.

"Was she waiting for you that night?" I insisted.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry if that's personal," Melissa said, looking at Anna. "Oh, fuck. I fucked up again, didn't I?"

She looked even more ridden with guilt, grimacing to herself and refusing to meet my eyes.

That wasn't quite what I was most concerned about though.

"But I didn't. I mean, we did make out first. Quite a lot actually. And she should have noticed it was me," I said, looking over at my sister. Her face was scarlet red. "Who did you think it was?"

"I-It... I just..." she stammered.

Melissa watched her with the same unbelieving expression as me. Did this mean what I thought it meant?

"Oh my god!" Melissa exclaimed. "I knew it!"

I looked over at her; naked, bound and triumphant on the bed.

"You're hot for your brother, aren't you?" Melissa said, smiling wryly. "I always knew it. That's why you won't let me fuck him, isn't it? Not because you wanted me for yourself."

"T-That's not-"

"Is that true?" I asked, interrupting her.

Anna looked at me. There was real fear in her eyes, and her hands quivered. I knew the answer before she said it.

"Y-Yes... I... guessed it was you," she admitted with obvious reluctance. "Please don't be mad at me. I just... didn't want you to stop."

There it was. The whole thing was confusing. Maddening. Part of me wanted to storm out, get angry. They had both played me for a fool. Still, there was another way to look at it. I couldn't deny that something, an urge, had awoken in me that night.

I was tired of being tricked. So I decided to be the one in control instead. The fact that I had had an erection since Melissa got undressed made my decision easier.

I looked at my sister. My beautiful, vulnerable little sister. The sister that wanted me.

"Fine," I said, reaching over and taking hold of her waist.

"Ahh!" Anna squeaked as I pulled her toward me, right over Melissa's naked body.

She ended up pressed against me, upright on our knees on the side of the bed. Her breath was already heavy and her face scarlet red as she looked up at me, desire burning in her blue eyes.

I repositioned one hand over her ass and pushed her harder against me, producing a soft groan out of her. Her breasts were mashed up hard against my torso and the outline of my hard cock pressed against her crotch.

"Fuck..." Melissa whispered in awe.

"Bro..." Anna whispered, voice quivering. She looked up at me, inches from my face, eyes begging for more. Her warm, quick breath brushed against my skin.

I grabbed the back of her head and guided her lips to mine. I kissed my own sister, really kissed her, for the second time. Her tongue responded quickly to mine, and her lips hungered for me. She let me have my way with her, with great enthusiasm.

When we finally broke off, out of breath, she smiled at me. It was the most honest, loving smile I'd ever seen from her. A smile that told me I had just fulfilled one of her deepest desires.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Don't thank me yet," I said, returning her smile. I knew now what I wanted, and I wasn't going to stop until I had it.

With one hand I pushed her back, putting her with her back against the bed, laying across Melissa with the small of her back over her stomach. I undid her pants, starting to undress her. Both jeans and panties came off quickly, leaving her wet pussy bare.

"Oh god," she exclaimed, hand over her mouth.

I intended to pick up where I had left off last time.

Melissa watched with great interest as I bent down, putting my mouth an inch from my sister's drenched sex.

I had both arms under her legs, one wrapping around her thigh and the other resting on her stomach. Anna tried, unsuccessfully, to bend her head up to see.

"Oh fuck, Sam. Oh fuck," she said with desperate urgency.

I didn't bother teasing or working my way up to it. I wrapped my lips over her wonderful slit and explored her ferociously with my tongue.

She let out a long, deep moan of pleasure as I eagerly lapped at her pussy. Just like last time, I found her taste to be deeply sensual, almost intoxicating. The taste I now knew to be my sister's. Somehow that made it even more thrilling.

"God, that's so fucking hot," Melissa said appreciatively, still bound and watching.

It barely registered for me. I slid over her clitoris with my tongue, increasing the intensity of her moans. Her legs were shivering, and her moans frantic. Not wanting to let her come too soon, I licked a final time along her slit and stood up, juices dripping down from my chin.

Anna responded with a disappointing groan, moving one hand down between her legs in a need to keep the stimulation going. I took of my own pants, releasing my aching cock and sat down on my knees before her.

"Is this what you wanted?" I asked my sister.

She opened her eyes, which widened at the sight of my erection.

"Y-Yes," she admitted, watching it hungrily while I pulled off my t-shirt.

I continued to undress her, pulling off the blouse and bra. Anna let me work, wordlessly laying in front of me.

When we were both finally naked, I positioned my knees closer between her legs and pushed my unwilling member down on her lower stomach, as if measuring how far in it would go.

"Do it," Melissa encouraged. "Fuck your dirty little sister."

I had almost forgotten about her, even though Anna lay splayed on top of her stomach. The dirty part of my mind jubilated over the fact that I had two sexy, naked girls in front of me.

With my left hand I felt at her naked leg, then moved it up toward her sex. Melissa let out a surprised shout and recoiled as I put my fingers between her legs. She quickly recovered though and let out a relieved "Aaah" as I probed the wet confines of her pussy. She watched me with a grateful smile.

I leaned over my sister, meeting her hopeful gaze. I brought my fingers up to her face, which were dripping with fluid from her friend's wet mound, and coaxed them into her mouth. She accepted it without resistance, sucking the juices off my fingers.

"So. You and Melissa, huh?" I said, pulling my fingers out of her mouth. "You've really been sleeping together?"

"...sorry," she whispered, a tormented expression on her face.

"You don't need to be sorry," I said. "I'm just... surprised. I always thought of you as... innocent when it came to these things. Turns out you're more perverted than me."

My words seemed to make her more embarrassed.

"I'm... sorry," she repeated.

"I told you not to apologize," I said, leaning down to kiss her again.

"We've only had sex, like, three times anyway," Melissa said, interrupting us. "It just sort of happened. I'm pretty sure she's been pining for you longer than that."

"I... I have," Anna affirmed, nodding her head. "Is that weird?"

"Maybe," I admitted, "but I'm happy it turned out this way. The idea of fucking my little sister seems like just about the hottest thing ever."

Anna let out a short, sexy moan as I said that, biting her lip seductively.

"What about me?" Melissa asked, obviously turned on by what was going on on top of her.

"Do you want me to fuck you as well?" I asked, cutting right to the chase. She nodded.

"I'm starting to wish I had my own brother to fuck, but I'll settle for you," she said, smiling mischievously. "God, Sam. You have to know I've been wanting you for years now."

"Sorry," I said with a grin. "Family first."

With that, I sat up and guided the head of my cock to my sister's waiting opening, pushing lightly against her parting lips. She gasped loudly as I entered her, followed by a drawn out groan.

"Oooh, god. Finally," she spoke, arching her back in pleasure.

"Is it in?" Melissa asked, voice dripping with lust-filled curiosity.

"Oh, yes. Oh, god yes," Anna said, breathing hard.

I smiled at her enthusiasm. No other girl had ever had such a strong reaction to being fucked by me. I found myself really enjoying the way she squirmed and squeaked with joyful eagerness as I slowly entered her.

Inch by inch I sank deeper into my sister. Her walls reluctantly parted for me, clamping down on the cock inside her.

As I bottomed out in her, she arched her back even further, letting out a long, deep groan. She gripped the bed sheets to her sides and shivered with pleasure. As her muscles relaxed I realized I had just watched her orgasm.

"Wow," I said, dumbfounded. I'd never gotten a girl to orgasm from that little before. Not even close.

"Holy shit," Melissa whispered in the background.

"That feels sooo good, Bro," Anna said, suddenly exhausted. Her hands reached out for mine, holding on to them hard. With our hands clasped together I leaned forward, putting her arms above her head on the mattress.

"You like feeling your brother's cock inside you that much?" I asked, teasingly.

She nodded, still breathing hard.

"Say it," I demanded.

"I... I like feeling you inside me," she repeated obediently. "I've wanted you to fuck me for so long. I'm-"

"A dirty, perverted little sister," I finished for her.

"...yes," she agreed.

"Good," I spoke, "then you won't mind if I keep fucking you from now on."

"I definitely won't," she said, leaning up to kiss me.

With our lips locked together and my hand massaging her naked breasts I began to thrust. Slowly at first, going in and out of her. Our moans mixed in our mouths as I fucked her on top of her friend.

"You guys look so fucking hot together," Melissa purred. "I'm actually a bit jealous."

I groaned an answer, keeping my attention focused on my sister's naked body.

We breathed together, our faces inches from each other as I pounded my younger sister, eyes locked. I picked up the pace, pushing inside her more aggressively, sending bursts of hot air from her mouth shooting against my skin with each push.

I leaned back, sitting up on my knees again, to give myself a better angle. Anna lay over Melissa with her back arched while I grabbed the sides of her legs and pushed even deeper inside her.

I looked at where we connected, where I entered my sister. It was amazing to think it was my sister's pussy that was so willingly accommodating the length of my dick.

"Aaah, aah, mmm, fuck!" she moaned in pace with my thrusts.

"Fuck her, Sam. Fuck your sister," Melissa encouraged me while fighting against the tape that held her. "Mmm, you're so fucking lucky, Anna."

I slowed down, fucking her with long, deep thrusts instead. Pacing myself. Her moans were building again, getting closer to another orgasm. If possible I wanted us to come together. It was difficult to hold back, however, and I soon felt myself losing control.

"Should I, uh, pull out?" I asked, panting.

"Aah, no, don't!" she exclaimed, bending her legs around me.

She moaned louder, pushing back against me as best she could. The walls of her pussy clamped down hard on me, milking my cock as I was brought over the edge.

I came, grunting and shooting streams of hot cum into her. Covering my younger sister's insides in my sperm, filling her up.

"Oh, fuck," I grunted.

She squeaked with joy as I came and held me bottomed out inside her with her legs, locking me in place until it passed.

I pulled out of her, ready to collapse. The look on my sister's face, however, got me to reconsider. She was obviously close to coming herself.

I leaned in and started kissing and sucking on her hard nipples while substituting my cock for two fingers.

"Come for your brother," I said between sucking. "I want to see my beautiful little sister come one more time."

I put my head right over hers, looking deeply into her eyes while I stimulated her clit with my thumb.

"Ah, aaah, aaaah," she moaned, her mouth half open and her expression filled with desire.

I kept talking to her in a low voice, urging her to come. She finally grimaced and shivered as orgasm overtook her. I watched as she went through the ecstasy of it, making cute little sounds through clenched teeth.

"You're very pretty when you're coming, Sis," I told her after it had passed and she lay exhausted in front of me.

Despite everything, she blushed.

"T-Thanks," she whispered.

I kissed her lightly on the lips and smiled at her.

"What about me?" Melissa asked, sounding eager to be noticed. "Now that you guys have fucked each other on top of me, isn't it time for me to get some attention?"

"Hmm, I don't know," I teased. "We might just snuggle a bit and fall asleep on you."

"Oh, fuck you," she complained, straining against her bonds with annoyance.

Anna giggled at her friend's predicament, pulling herself off from on top of her and sitting up in the bed.

I lay down next to Melissa, inspecting her naked body. Her nipples were rock hard with excitement. I trailed a finger over her naked skin, only lightly touching the soft flesh of her breast as I made my way up to her face.

"Without messing with me, tell me you want this," I said to her.

"I do," she insisted, grunting in frustration. "I'm sooo horny right now. Please."

I looked at Anna, who was sitting on her knees next to us, watching.

"Actually, didn't you say you guys used to help each other with this sort of thing," I asked, thinking of how to put it. "Since you both lied to me, I think it's only fair that I get a demonstration."

Anna looked at me, then Melissa. Melissa, in her horny state, seemed eager to agree.

"Okay," Anna said, grinning. "I don't mind."

She came down on top of her friend, her naked breasts rubbing against Melissa's bigger globes. Melissa gratefully accepted Anna's lips on top of hers, and before long the two girls were making out. It was a beautiful sight.

"God damn it," I said with awe. "That's insanely hot."

I thought I saw them smile, though their lips never parted from each other. They moaned as they shared another long, deep kiss. I had always been a fan of girl-on-girl stuff, but this was on another level than simple porn. The sight of my sister and her best friend going at it in front of me is a memory I'll always cherish.

"Mmm, Ah, Anna," Melissa said, breaking contact.

"Yeah?" asked my sister.

"Please," she begged, biting her lip. "I'm so fucking horny."

"Mhmm," Anna hummed, smiling mischievously. "You want me to get you off, then?"

Melissa nodded, obviously desperate for it.

Anna winked at me, then moved down over Melissa's naked body, stopping only to lick at her hard nipple. She went all the way down to her pussy, which was dripping wet.

I watched intently as my sister lowered her mouth to embrace her friend's womanhood and licked, sucked and worked her magic on it. Melissa groaned loudly, pent up sexual frustration finally let free.

I had to admit my sister looked like she knew what she was doing. Melissa clearly enjoyed it, at least. It was a supremely sexy spectacle.

"She's very hot when she does that, isn't she?" I said, still not taking my eyes of my sister.

"Oh, fuck yes! So fucking hot," Melissa agreed, breathing fast.

"You both are," I added, smiling at her.

She moaned her answer, closing her eyes and pushing her head back against the pillow. I took the opportunity to inspect her tits more closely, bending down to nibble experimentally at them.

"Yes, mmm, yes," Melissa mumbled as I got more serious about it.

I massaged her impressive bosom with my hands while sucking her hard, pink nipples, biting at them lightly.

It didn't take very long for our combined efforts to make her come. She was louder than Anna, almost screaming as the throes of orgasm set in.

"Aaah, fuuuck, fuck, fuck," she swore, flailing wildly.

It took a long time for her to calm down. She finally seemed to do so though, a deeply satisfied smile on her lips.

Anna came up from between her legs, her face wet with the juices of her friend.

"Looks like I did a good job," she said happily.

"So good," Melissa groaned.

Anna leaned in to give her another kiss, but this time she also grabbed the back of my head, pulling me in toward them. She switched to kissing me, letting me taste the mixture of fluids that still stuck to her.

"Mmm," she moaned. "I love this."

"Couldn't agree more," I said. "You guys are so sexy."

I shared a kiss with Melissa, who seemed very enthusiastic about it, almost biting my lips a few times.

Me and Anna eventually moved down to her breasts, sharing them between us. Melissa moaned while we licked a nipple each, then tried to switch, which didn't quite work out. Anna giggled at our clumsiness and pulled me in to share the same nipple instead. My sister's tongue and mine met on the pink areola, swirling around each other.

"Isn't it my turn to be fucked?" Melissa asked, looking down at us. We were pretty much just messing around at that point, pushing at one another and giggling as we competed over the same tit. "Or at least get rid of this damn tape."

"Ah, not yet," Anna said. "I mean what's the point of tying you up if we don't use it?"

"I'm sure Sam would oblige that first request though," she continued, looking at my once again hard cock with a grin. "He seems about ready."

"Sure," I said, more than willing. "But didn't we just establish you've been getting in the way of just that all these years? Are you okay with this?"

"Of course," she said, sounding offended. "I got to have you first, didn't I? I can share."

I wasn't going to question that. Hopefully this was a sign of how things would be. The prospect of having them both whenever I pleased, and together, excited me beyond belief.

I got into position before Melissa, Anna watching me closely, and placed my cockhead at her entrance. I massaged her slit with the engorged head, moving it up and down.

"Put it in," she begged. "God, stop teasing already."

"Sorry, I will," I answered.

I looked at my sister for confirmation, and she nodded. She looked excited to get to watch me fuck her friend.

With a slow, strong push I entered her. She was not quite as tight as Anna, though she still felt extremely good. I had to put some effort into sinking my whole length into her.

"Oh, yes! That feels amazing," she spoke, sighing with pleasure. "Your brother has such a nice cock, Anna."

"Mmm, I know," she answered, smiling and fingering herself softly as she watched.

I thrust into her aggressively, not taking my time as much as I had with Anna. Melissa moaned and cursed loudly as I pounded her.

"Fuck, fuck, fuuuck!" she wailed, reaching another orgasm before long.

Watching her sped up my own orgasm, and I grimaced, feeling my cock twitching with the need to come.

"Wait," Anna said suddenly. She laid down on top of her and spread her legs before me.

"Finish in me," she said, grinning at me. Her hand parted the lips of her pussy for me, inviting me in.

"W-What?" Melissa exclaimed.

I had only seconds to decide. I pulled out of Melissa and entered my sister's warm opening instead, at the last second.

For the second time I let loose inside her, pumping sperm into my own sister's cunt. It felt amazing. She had a look of glee on her face as she received my cum instead of Melissa.

"Oh, what the fuck, Anna?" Melissa said, voice disappointed.

"We're still punishing you, aren't we?" she said, teasingly. "I guess you can eat it out of me, if you want a taste?"

"Fine, but that's got to be enough. Please untie me already."

I got the scissors while Anna climbed up on top of her gleefully. I worked, slowly, to remove the tape while Melissa used her tongue to lap and dig out the multiple creampies I had given my sister out of her pussy. The display was distracting, to say the least. Cum dripped out of my sister's cunt and was swallowed eagerly by Melissa."Oooh, oh, mmm... That feels so nice," Anna complimented, holding her friend's head up between her legs. Melissa let out a sexy, muffled moan at the praise.

After some time I got her free and they stopped, letting Melissa relax and massage her wrists. Anna and me took up positions on either side of her. We all lay together for a while, warm bodies up against each other.

"So, is this going to be a regular thing?" I asked.

"Not if you're thinking of tying me up again," Melissa muttered. "Shouldn't Anna be punished worse than me, anyway?"

"Oh, I can think of a few ways for her to make up for it," I said. "Don't worry."

Anna sighed dramatically. "Oh, well. Looks like I've got no choice. Don't go easy on me, okay?" she said, winking at me.

"But really, this was great. I'd love to repeat this, if you guys are up for it," I said, hoping for confirmation, even though I was pretty certain of their answers from their earlier attitudes.

"This was pretty fun, I suppose. And I guess you guys would just go on without me if I said no, right?" Melissa asked. Anna and I shared a look that confirmed her suspicion.

"It's settled then," I said.

"Every guy's dream, huh?" Melissa said teasingly. "Well, minus the sister part, maybe."

"I'm pretty hooked on the sister part though," I said.

"I noticed," she said dryly.

Anna giggled on the other side of her.

We lay like that for a while, catching our breaths. At some point we fell asleep, naked bodies cuddled up against each other, and slept until morning.


"Good morning," Anna said.

I opened my eyes. My sister was straddling me, completely naked on Melissa's bed. Melissa stood to the side, watching. She was also naked. It struck me again how beautiful they both were.

"Morning," I replied, yawning.

The bed was a mess, which wasn't surprising after yesterday's activities.

"We were thinking about taking a shower," she chirped, blonde hair a mess. "We thought you might like to join us?"

"Umm, yeah. Yes. Definitely," I answered, fighting through the tiredness.

"You better hurry up then or we might start without you," Melissa teased.

"I'm awake, I swear," I assured her, suppressing another yawn.

They led me into the shower, which was barely big enough for the three of us. The girls giggled and played in the water, taking turns lathering up each other's bodies.

I happily accepted their attentions when it was my turn, letting them rub the soap over me. They seemed to spend an awful lot of time on my chest and muscles however, and when they came to my dick they insisted that it needed extra attention.

Both girls sat on their knees, practically jerking me off and playing with my erect cock. After the water was turned on, they dropped all pretense and started sucking me off, passing my dick between time like a peace pipe. It was by far the best and most thorough "cleaning" of my nether parts I'd experienced.

When it came time for me to help them clean up, I returned the favor, putting soapy fingers inside them and "cleaning" the outside of their vaginas with my tongue. They stood before me, looking down with lust-filled expressions as I went from one to the other, tasting their womanly juices.

When we were finally done, we were all very clean.

We messed around a bit more, but me and Anna had to leave before long since Melissa's parents were returning.

We shared some very intimate farewell-kisses in the hallway before we left and promised to find the time to do it again.

And we did, as often as we could.


"That sounds a bit expensive," I said, watching the screen.

"Not if we split it in three," Melissa answered. She had one hand between her legs, and one on her naked breast. The laptop was positioned so I got a clear view of her masturbating.

"I suppose," I answered. My own laptop stood on a chair next to my bed, the glare of the screen the only source of light in the room. I looked down at Anna.

"Sounds good?" I asked. She nodded, the tip of my dick still in her mouth.

"Mmm, you guys always look so sexy together," Melissa commented.

"Wish you were here," I said, grinning at her.

"Hah, sure you do. Is that why I'm the only one looking into possible living arrangements?"

"Hey, that's not fair. You know I love having you around. We both do," I said.

"Oh, fuck," I grunted. The way my sister's lips wrapped around me and the way her tongue played over my shaft was making it hard to concentrate. She had become very adept at that in a short amount of time.

We stopped talking. Anna expertly used her warm mouth to suck and lick my cock while Melissa watched us both. It felt absolutely amazing.

Anna pushed herself down on me as far as she could, gagging and coughing as my cock reached the back of her mouth. That didn't stop her though and she kept trying, not wanting to lose out to her friend.

I decided to help her, for admittedly very selfish reasons, and took hold of the back of her head. The next time she went down I pushed with her, making my cock slid into her throat with little resistance. Her eyes went wide and she gagged at the sudden feeling of an cock lodging itself in her throat, but she seemed to recover quickly.

I pushed her down further, watching as my dick was engulfed by her mouth. I brought my sister's head all the way down, pushing her nose against my stomach and feeling a wonderful sense of accomplishment at being fully inside her.

Our display seemed to excite Melissa. Her moans increased in intensity as she watched us.

I held Anna down on me, cock twitching inside her throat. It only took a few more seconds for me to come, shooting my cum into her. The first jet of semen unloaded right into her throat, causing her to try pushing herself back up. I held on for just another second, consumed by the ecstasy of orgasm, before releasing her.

Surprisingly she didn't pull herself all the way off. She coughed once, spilling semen, but then wrapped her lips around the head of my cock once again, catching the rest of the sperm in her mouth.

When I finally relaxed I was treated to the sight of my little sister gulping and forcing down as much cum as she could. I made a mental note to pay her back for that.

"Fuck," I said, breathing out. "That was amazing, Sis."

She smiled, cum still running down her chin.

Melissa came soon after. I watched her through the screen as she shuddered and let out a muffled squeak, concentrating on the sight of us.

Anna lay down on top of me, exhausted. Her head rested on my stomach, above my shrinking cock, warm saliva and cum dripping down on me from her mouth.

"Mmm, that was good. Nice of you to give me a show," Melissa said, licking off her fingers.

"No problem," Anna said with a tired grin. "It's the least we can do."

"I have to get going now," she said. "Unfortunately. See you guys tomorrow. Good night."

"See you," Anna answered. We both waved at her before she closed the connection.

We lay together in the dark room, catching our breaths. Anna looked up at me, her blue eyes reflecting the glare of the computer screen.

"Did you like that?" she asked.

"Of course," I answered. "You're amazing, little sister."

She smiled at that, always happy to be praised. She closed her eyes and sighed tiredly, cheek against my stomach.

"I love you, Bro," she murmured.

I didn't answer. It looked like she was falling asleep. We had been at it for quite a while, and it was very late.

I lay there, alone with my thoughts for a while, watching her. Even her soft snoring was cute. Eventually I decided to move her. It wouldn't do for our parents to find us like that in the morning, after all.

I carefully stood up from the bed and lifted her, holding her in both arms. She didn't wake up as I carried her to her room and put her down on her own bed. I lifted the bed sheet over her, tucking her in. She looked content.

"I love you too," I whispered, kissing her on the forehead. "Good night, Sis."

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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