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64.63% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2650: NASTY NEW YEAR

Chapitre 2650: NASTY NEW YEAR

As soon as the door to his hotel room shut behind them the older man took his teen cousin into his arms and began kissing her deeply, both of them groaning as two days of sexual tension were finally being fulfilled. Pressing her delicate frame against the door he crushed his muscular bulk against her while she wrapped both arms and one leg around him, needing to feel as much of his bulk as possible.

When his roaming hands found her small breasts he growled in his throat finally free to squeeze flesh that had been taunting him since first meeting her on the beach. Pulling back Craig watched almost disbelieving as his big hands groped the girl through the satin of her New Year's gown. The pliant flesh felt sensational under his palms and the hard nipples that had been tantalizing him for hours brushed his skin deliciously through the fabric of the dress.

At last his powerful, scarred hands were touching her breasts and Ondrah couldn't have been happier. Relieved to have permission to touch him now the girl ran her small hands over his broad back and felt a thrill massaging the sculpted physique. Unable to stop ogling him since the beach when he'd hugged her mom with the whole family affectionately watching, at last she groped him hungrily. The entire clan seemed to get a kick out of the reunion between the muscular, dangerous looking man and her beaming mother, except the few younger members of the family like herself who'd never met him before.

The same hands she had been impressed with as the big man gently, but firmly shook her little hand only yesterday morning now squeezed and groped her breasts with equal care. The worldly girl was dazzled by his attention, her reaction uncharacteristically intense. Guys loved touching her boobs, small as they were, because she showed them off whenever possible, but something about Craig's touch inflamed her deeply.

Needing to see her breasts, the big man unclasped her dress and pulled the tight, clingy garment from her pale flesh, exposing the coral pink of her nipples in the light of a lamp on the bedside table. The fall of her long, pitch black hair contrasted erotically with the exposed expanse of her naked torso. The curl of dyed locks fell to the slight rise of her breast, guiding is eyes to her perky orbs, capped with nipples begging to be suckled.

Granting their plea Craig drew her right nipple into his mouth, circling the tip with his tongue while massaging both breasts with his needy fingers. Squeezing her flesh he lifted her nipples and ravished both for a time, his mouth greedy for as much of her as he could take.

There were too many reasons why the two of them shouldn't be together; Craig was twenty five years older than Ondrah, they were cousins once removed, her mother Katherine was his favourite cousin and they'd had a deep connection since their teens and this would hurt her deeply, and Ondrah and Craig had only met yesterday when the entire family met for New Year's in Hawaii. Yet in spite of, or perhaps because of all that the thrill each of them got from the taboo nature of their lust made what they were doing all the more exciting.

Craig was the sexiest man Ondrah had ever seen in the flesh, old or not. The sculpted muscles of his body were irresistible and the many scars and signs of battle aroused something primal in her she couldn't have named if she tried. The fact that her mother adored him and that everyone seemed to like him impelled her to do something nasty with him.

To Craig Ondrah was a cliched angsty teen deep into her goth phase, dyed hair, chipped black nail polish and heavy make up. The reason she was able to seduce him was how well she wore the whole vibe. Oozing sex appeal Ondrah stirred filthy yearnings in Craig he was powerless to resists even as disciplined a soldier as he was.

As his thousand-yard-stare met her seen-it-all-jaded-teen eyes, two sets of pale blue locked and each saw a kindred spirit, the challenge offered and accepted in an instant, merely awaiting the opportunity to pit wills.

It had followed almost right away after Katherine introduced her daughter to the man who had saved her life as a girl.

"This is the dude?" Ondrah had challenged, easily understanding how a man as deadly looking as Craig could have taken on three attackers even as a teen, but scoffing out of habit.

Clearly excited to tell the story in front of the subject, Katherine had spun the yarn with flare, including all the listeners sitting on chairs under wide umbrella's on the gorgeous hotel beach.

"Craig was visiting from the boarding school he'd been sent to after his folks died in the crash." Katherine said it gently, one hand idly rubbing one of his impressive shoulders. "I was showing him the pretty valley that runs through the centre of town. I admit I was just looking for a reason to have him all to myself away from the rest of the family."

Everyone who remembered smiled indulgently at the memory of her school-girl crush on her cousin. "Three weirdos, probably homeless guys, but maybe just scruffy looking drug addicts I dunno, but they emerged from the trees we were passing and called out asking for a light. None of them had any cigarettes visible and Craig told them we didn't smoke." She smiled at her cousin who was looking awkward under all the scrutiny.

"Even then Craig was well built. I suppose military school does that right?" Katherine got a chuckle from the group who were all aware of how much Craig had achieved in the service. "But there were three of them and they weren't looking for a smoke, if you know what I mean."

Ondrah knew very well, she had inherited her mother's petite frame, elfin looks and all the unwanted attention being small and pretty brought, but Ondrah gave none of the docile submission to male authority her mom seemed so willing to give. Ondrah glanced at her mom's husband Dale and sneered thinking about his failed attempts to domineer the feisty teen.

"The creeps started spreading out around us and Craig took my arm and started leading me down the path."

Typical, Ondrah thought.

"'Where ya going?'

The guy who asked for the light says, sounding aggrieved, like we insulted him or something. Craig says

'We have an appointment.'

Sounding all formal y'know how he does? Craig pushed me down the path and I'm almost running but the guys ares still coming.

'We just wanna talk to your girlfriend.' One of them says and I'm thrilled and terrified because I like that he thinks I'm Craig's girlfriend..." the big man blushed, "....but I'm old enough to know he doesn't mean talk.

So I'm moving down the path but I realize Craig isn't behind me any more. I look back and he's stopped in the path between them and me, standing straight up and holding out a hand like he's instructing them.

'I don't appreciate the implication about my cousin, sir.'

Sir! He called that dirtbag sir!

They laugh at him and one says 'Whatta ya gonna do 'bout it sonny?'

And Craig says.

'I advise you to go about your business before someone gets hurt.'

There is no fear in his voice. He's just offering them a chance to leave, nothing more, but they don't notice how calm he is in the face of three-on-one... idiots. They come for him and I could hardly see what happened. Craig starts moving his arms and legs and the fuckers-sorry mom-" Ondrah's Grandma feigned shock. "The clowns start yelling and falling on the ground. Before he finishes Craig kicks all of them in the knee and I hear snapping from one of them. Craig pauses for a moment to assess if any of them are getting back up, but they're just whimpering and cursing, so he takes my hand and pulls me on down the path and we go home. Craig wasn't breathing hard, didn't seem perturbed of even excited. It was just like brushing bugs off his arm, but I couldn't stop shaking for an hour!"

The family murmured their opinions of the whole ordeal, everyone familiar with the story, but never had it been told by the victim herself in front of the hero himself and people rose to give hugs, pat backs and share memories of those years.

Ondrah watched him, during the story and after, and didn't see any sign that he needed the attention or relished the admiration. When he noticed her scrutiny his expression as he smirked and rolled his eyes implied he didn't take himself all that seriously and that none of the hoopla the family was getting up to mattered a bit.

Enjoying the small moment of connection Ondrah had with him, she reacted naturally the way she would with any attractive man she didn't know. She flirted. Pulling the black, silk pyjama shirt she used as a beach cover off her body and showing him her tiny, home-made, burgundy string bikini. Ondrah made most of her own clothes and this bikini was as small as she dared wear around the clan, but it left little of her slender body to the imagination. Settling on a lounger she stretched out her lithe form, displaying herself for the middle-aged soldier, daring him to ogle a teenager.

The grizzled veteran casually took in her performance while engaging with the conversations around him. Keeping the girl in the corner of his eye he offered her just enough attention not to insult, but made sure no one was aware that she had piqued his interest. Craig lived a hard life and had few tangible ways to blow off the considerable steam being an elite soldier built up. Weight lifting, MMA fighting, hard drinking, gambling and, ideally, seducing desirable women who challenged him were his methods. Nothing else worked and the latter worked best.

Making maddeningly banal conversation with his family was only made bearable by the dangerous allure of his teen-aged cousin. The overt offer she presented bemused him. Watching the other men of the clan he saw they too noticed her but no-one seemed as affected as he felt. Most were married with kids so perhaps that explained it, or maybe it was simply that living on the razor's edge of life and death forced him to see potential pleasure more clearly.

Whatever the case Craig had no doubt he was going to bed his favourite cousin's daughter, it was just a matter of doing his best to reduce the damage such an act would have on those he cared about.

Hidden behind the barrier of her cell-phone Ondrah kept the family at bay while ogling her older cousin. As the day had warmed and the drinks begun flowing he had removed his well-fitted floral print shirt and revealed the lean, sculpted musculature of a professional warrior. Scars crisscrossed the carved sinews of battle hardened flesh. They weren't grotesque scars and hardly drew attention from passing tourists but within ten feet it was obvious he had been shot and stabbed multiple times over the years. Some wounds looked white and faded with time, others pink and raw only months old.

The girl gazing at him with horrified lust building in her loins took several pictures to send to her friends after editing. Squirming in her tiny thong she wanted to rub her tingling clit as she regarded her attractive older cousin. The infrequent glances he threw her way only heightened her attraction to him. Clearly he knew she was interested and he was indicating he was considering it.

Ondrah was not used to being unsure whether a man wanted her or not.

Well aware of the hold her sex-appeal had over men, she wielded it with a confident hand most times, but she'd rarely met a man who she desired as acutely. If Ondrah didn't bed him she was going to be very annoyed.

They had three days on the island before the vacation was over. Ondrah wanted to waste no time.

Rising from the lounger she strolled to the water appreciating the swivelling heads following her progression across the blazing bright sand. Pale skinned in a dark bikini with billowing, silky, black hair Ondrah knew she stood out amid the sunburned or dark tanned, bright-suited throng staggering up and down the sand. Years of dance training had given her grace few others on the beach could achieve as they traversed the uneven surface. Titillated by the attention she drew as she walked to the water and waded to shoulder height, Ondrah smiled inwardly, her face a serene mask of indifference.

Then she noticed someone stealing the limelight as heads turned to another figure moving across the sand with more ease than she had. In tight blue short-shorts a lithe figure stalked the sand like a sleek jungle cat perfectly balanced and coiled for action. Craig crossed the sand and strode into the water with every eye on the beach trailing where he went. The only way her cousin could make up for stealing everyone's attention was to come straight over to her and inform the watchers they were linked, which is exactly what he did.

Then much to her annoyance he plunged in over his head and swam past her calling as he passed.

"Come on." Challenging her to follow.

Beginning to swim she did her best to chase him but Ondrah was a dancer not a swimmer, she had no fat, no buoyancy and little skill. Struggling to keep up, she lost distance as he surged ahead. Soon she was flagging and he pulled away so far she gave up, disappointed to fail so early.

When she decided to head back to shore she turned to find she was much further out than she'd expected. Intimidated by the distance she started to swim back but was anxious and stiff in the water now. The waves were big and felt like maybe they were pulling her out to sea not moving her to shore.

Watching the coast she splashed in the water constantly checking to see if the beach were coming any closer. With a panicky feeling she realized it was drifting farther away.

Ondrah was being pulled out to sea.

Turning to look for Craig she saw him cutting through the water toward her and she felt fluttery relief that he hadn't abandoned her.

"How ya doing?" He asked calmly when he was close.

"I'm not strong enough to beat the current back to shore." Trying to match his tone she thought she sounded only a little freaked out.

"I apologize. I hadn't thought about the tide going out."

Coming face to face she resisted clinging to him like a scared child.

"Grab me around the ribs and hold tight. You kick and be our legs and I'll be our arms and we'll be back in no time."

Buoyed by his confidence and the opportunity to grab something solid Ondrah wrapped her arms around his burly chest and pressed her cold cheek to his warm back. Kicking her legs she used her dancer's strength while his massive upper body propelled them through the water toward shore and safety.

Gasping for breath by the time they could stand she slowly walked out of the water feeling the exhaustion of fighting the might of the ocean. Stopping at waist height to catch her breathe Ondrah called.


Stopping short Craig turned and looked back glistening in the bright sun, hardly breathing deep at all.

"Thank you. I was getting scared out there. You might have saved another member of the family."

Smiling, raking her body with his bold gaze Craig considered the fact that the only way Ondrah could have made herself look sexier than she had stretched out on the lounger was to be dripping wet. Sleek hair made a long tail down her smooth back and the materiel of her bikini clung to her like paint revealing the texture of her nipples and the outline of her labia.

"I guess you owe me."

"Anything you want... Sir."

Summoning all her dignity and training Ondrah sauntered up the sand on shaky legs, doing her level best to appear as sexy and confident as Craig as he prowled the sand.

Nervously gushing she told her mother about Craig saving her life and Katherine overreacted surprising no-one. Katherine's husband Dale brought drinks around from the all inclusive bar and even Ondrah got one as they toasted her rescue.

Standing in the bright sun everyone took several pictures of the hero and the nearly drown girl. Ondrah's exhibitionism kicked in and she posed beside the sexy man as racily as she could manage surrounded by thick middle-aged and elderly relatives. As soon as the photo-op was over she scuttled back to the shade of the umbrellas, mindful of her pale skin, to reapply her SPF 60.

It had taken the same level of self-control needed to resist interrogation to stop himself from putting a stray hand someplace inappropriate as Ondrah pressed her tits to his arm or her ass to his crotch while they posed for photos. The little minx had been teasing him mercilessly and he'd taken it stoically, desperate to keep blood from filling his cock and tenting his swimsuit.

Allowed to sit beside her and engage now that he's saved her life, Craig did the opposite and sat with Dale and his family, knowing it irritated Ondrah just from the look in her eye. When he could no longer torment himself with Dale's dull conversation he decided to make things up to the sulking girl.

Going down the beach alone he took a surf board from the resort equipment locker and strode back to the family with it.

"You want me to teach you how to use this?" He asked.

Most of the near-by relatives looked on.

Rising to the challenge in spite of her misgivings Ondrah cocked a brow and shrugged one slender shoulder.

"Sure. Whatever."

The next hour was a torment for them both as they brushed and rubbed against each other in the water, scrambling on and off the board as he taught her the basics of surfing and she did her very best to learn. Ondrah had been a skateboarder for a time and took to parts of it easily, but getting the board lined up on the wave was difficult, she didn't have much upper body strength.

Her slippery little body was an utter delight to caress as Ondrah struggled with learning. Craig took every opportunity to touch her and press himself against her, but he did not allow anything she did to him to stimulate an erection. Even though she didn't do anything overtly sexual like kiss him, or touch his penis with her hand Ondrah brushed against him constantly, her bum often pressing to his groin or her leg stroking between his. In return he never groped her breasts or buttocks with his hands, but his fingers and palms touched her flesh everywhere else. Since she was brushing her boobs on him every chance she got he allowed himself to grind back against them.

By he time she could ride a wave consistently to the shore they were both vibrating with repressed desire. They had met two hours before.

The next night, after the New Year was announced, he was finally able to do what he'd been yearning to do since the beach. Craig threw Ondrah on his bed and when she bounced her dark hair fell in a cascade across the top sheet, her bared breasts jiggled appealingly, her face a mask of carnal desire. Amazed that he was seducing his favourite cousin's daughter he pondered the hours since they'd met on the beach while undressing her.

Taking her ankles in hand he unzipped the heel of her amazing shoes, black platform sandals with stiletto heels in scarlet. Zigzagging leather wrapped her slight ankle with shiny black bands topped by a cuff that went all the way around. Kissing the raw spots the shoes had worn in her flesh while dancing he soothed the discomfort and wowed the cynical girl soured on romance by callow youths. Being treated like a princess by a well respected man was outside her experience and she wasn't sure how she felt about it.

Ondrah liked being fucked roughly, in risky places with ill-advised choices. She took pride in being a Bad Girl. Seduced into languid relaxation by strong hands expertly massaging her sore feet, and soft lips kissing tender skin, she indulging in being spoiled. Idly brushing her hard nipples with her own hands she watched Craig adore her little feet.

Then the massaging hands and kissing mouth drifted up her calves. Craig alternated legs, raising Ondrah's black slip dress up her bare thighs and caressing her warm flesh. Once his kisses passed her knees he began licking more than kissing, having wanted to do this since the day before.

When her dress was bunched by her buttocks, all the silky material gathered around her waist, Craig grabbed it in both hands and forced her to lift her hips by pulled the dress and her panties down. Stripping her completely, leaving only her jewellery, Craig finally had the girl naked before him, completely exhibited for his avid gaze.

It had been years since Craig had been as attracted to a women. Ondrah was the ideal mix of soft femininity and sleek fitness he admired in athletic women. As small as her breasts were they suited her frame ideally and as she sprawled on her back, snidely allowing him to gawk at her, he could tell she liked being looked at.

The flat hollow of her toned stomach had a charming little belly button in the centre. Her sex was smoothly waxed, exposing the pout of her labia and tiny inner lips. With her thighs flung wide Ondrah's slit remained tightly closed so Craig pulled her lips apart to expose the opening to her vagina. Smiling confidently he looked her in the eye as he prepared to indulge one of his favourite pastimes. Still fully dressed in his dinner jacket and tux shirt Craig climbed onto the bed and settled between his cousin's legs preparing to eat her pussy for a long time.

Some of her previous lovers had gone down on her and Ondrah liked it just fine but she'd never experienced the slow, careful build up an experienced, sensitive lover could provide. The suckling and licking felt wonderful and whenever she wriggled, wanting some new sensations he would provide, moving his mouth elsewhere, inserting a finger, or rubbing a new spot, each moment building inexorably toward her climax.

Ondrah had never climaxed from oral sex so she didn't have high expectations until Craig had been eating her pussy for a few minutes. None of her other lovers had spent much time on cunnilingus and as the girl realized he intended to make her cum she wondered if he could. That is she wondered until his fingers curled inside her and rubbed deep clitoral tissue and she felt a keen increase in her pleasure.

Expertly working her into an increasing frenetic state Craig massaged her vulva, fucked her with his fingers and lapped at her tender clit like a master, urging utter bliss from her hyper-sensitive genitals. Trembling with suppressed passion Ondrah tried to contain what felt like an impending storm of ecstasy, intimidated by how much elation she was getting from having her mother's favourite cousin going down on her.

The bickering and arguing Ondrah and her mother had gotten into lately added a subversive delight to the glee she took in having Craig devouring her sex. Her mother didn't respect her choices. Katherine had forced Dale into Ondrah's life so Ondrah was seducing the cousin Katherine had adored all these years from afar. The girl might not have any control over whom her mother married but neither did Katherine have any say over who Ondrah fucked.

'We can both make stupid mistakes mother.' She'd once said. "I sleep with losers and so do you."

Katherine had almost slapped her then and Ondrah had braced for it, but he mother wasn't as proud as Ondrah and gave in to her hard-nosed child, no longer commenting on who Ondrah dated.

Would Katherine break her silence if she knew about Craig?

Feeling wholly undeserving of such a giving lover, Ondrah endured his delicious gift, enthralled by the forbidden aspects of their tryst. Lewdly squirming her hips, smearing Craig's gorgeous mouth over her slippery sex Ondrah climaxed, fixated on the depravity of her ecstasy.

Hyper-aware of every detail she felt his tongue wriggle over her blazing clit, electric sparks of bliss igniting from the contact. The exquisite plunge of his fingers into her clenching core stroked over slippery flesh hungry for sensation. The hand that had been holding her labia open groped a breast instead and the mauling enticed even more satisfaction from her orgasm.

Quaking with rapture from head to toe Ondrah mewled helplessly as Craig continued rubbing and slurping, wringing more and more euphoria from her pleasure wracked nervous system. Watching his sinewy arm moving like a piston in and out of her quivering core Ondrah stared sightless at the source of her ravishment, lost in an orgasmic typhoon.

Lifting his mouth from her clit Craig smirked proudly at the expressions flashing across his tiny cousin's adorable face. Her features twisted in agonized bliss, shocked at how good she felt, begging him to stop, beseeching him to continue, enduring and submitting while climaxing over and over. The soldier loved making woman cum and had studied long and had on how to do it, but something about the way his cousin looked when cumming inspired him to push her further than he would other lovers, she wanted more and could handle more ecstasy than most. Once more they met eyes and challenged the other to quit first.

Ondrah had lost the swimming contest and she wanted to win this battle of endurance. Would his arm give out before she could no longer stand to climax?

Settling in, very much like he did in arm wrestling matches, Craig tested the minimum effort he could put in to finger fucking Ondrah hard and fast while keeping her climax going. That arm was already sore, but he felt he could keep up the pace for a while once he started breathing exercises.

Ondrah saw him shift gears and the burning rub of his fingers lessened in intensity, but still dragged across the bundled nerves of her inner clitoral tissue, scraping pleasure from her body. Her orgasm-addled brain lashed her with salacious thoughts of who this man was to her. Thinking as many filthy thoughts as she could summon she prolonged her climax needing to last longer than his arm.

In her imagination they were doing this on the beach where they had first met, the whole family standing around shocked as Craig gave in to her immeasurable charm and began ravishing her on the canvas lounge chair. Other hotel guest gathered around and watched the girl climax and touched themselves, too aroused by the sight of her irresistible body to keep their hands from engorged genitals. Her aunts and uncles, cousins grandparents and even Dale all masturbated to the sight of the cutest member of the family being finger fucked blissfully by the hero they all admired so much. Ashamed of how much delight she took from such a perverted fantasy Ondrah continued climaxing as Craig's fingers wrenched an orgasm from her shivering body.

Craig wasn't sure he'd ever seen a woman cum so long and his arm burned with fatigue. Not wanting to wear out her sweet pussy, at least not with his fingers, he conceded the battle acknowledging inwardly that she was one of the most orgasmic partners he'd ever had.

Pulling drenched fingers from her sopping slit Craig kissed her labia and made her twitch.

"You win sweetling. I cant keep up."

Proudly exhausted she collapsed on the bed, limbs flung wide, chest heaving and her pussy throbbing warmly.

"Yay me." She drawled, lips numb, brain fogged and feeling far away.

The older man stood and began to take off his suit, laying it carefully on a nearby chair. As his body came once more into view Ondrah roused and watched him strip for her. Craig was tall and she liked looking way up at him from the bed as his shirt came off. The sight of his square shoulders with the undulating cords of muscles made her feel small and feminine, his bulky biceps, triceps and the cords in his forearms flexed and relaxed, thrilling her as he pulled off his shoes, pants and socks. The size of his pectorals and the tight hardness of his perfectly sculpted abdominal muscles took her breathe away. Thighs like trees and buttocks as round as a runners sent a quiver through her sex at the idea of how hard he would be able to fuck her.

When he pulled off his boxers and revealed the smooth length of his wonderful erection Ondrah scrambled around on the bed, enlivened with excitement as she saw what appeared to be the biggest cock she'd seen. As their flirtation had progressed and she'd attempted to get him hard Ondrah had braced for disappointment not seeing him grow in his swim trucks. Whether he was impotent or just small she hadn't thought too hard about, but the relief she felt at the sight of a big, throbbing hard-on straining toward her clued her in that she'd been worried.

On all fours, rump as high in the air as she could raise it, leaning on her elbows she inspected Craig's penis from a foot away. The big knob was dark pink and smooth, the gnarled first few inches of his shaft looked like gristle, then the flesh grew less knotted and the big veins were the most prominent feature, other than the girth. Large. Heavy balls hung low in his loose scrotum, the skin lightly haired and smooth. Craig had trimmed his pubic hair to a clean half-inch or so, and the way it faded into his groomed chest hair made her tingle.

Not using her hands at all Ondrah reached for his knob with her extended tongue and licking him wetly with long, lewd strokes. Caressing his gorgeous manhood with her grateful mouth she moaned gratefully, Ondrah was a size queen and loved sucking a big cock. Craig not only thrilled her with his fantastic body but his erection was perhaps even more impressive, at least that's how she felt on that glorious New Year's Eve.

A salacious shiver fluttered through her body as she finally tasted the salty manliness of his phallus. Warm under her tongue, his soft skin titillated her senses. Soaking him as much as she could before engulfing him completely, Ondrah teased her mouth with his manhood until she couldn't resist sucking him in and stretched her tongue as far along his shaft as possible, taking him deep. Still not using her hands she bathed him and caressed his flesh adoringly with her greedy mouth. Making herself more and more horny with every sordid moment, she became lost in the sleazy delight of filling her mouth with maleness.

Craig watched her suck him and understood that she was performing an act full of meaning to her. The way she suckled him in a strange, trance-like, passion-filled ritual fascinated him. The girl's hands were held in a prayer-like pose on the bed and her eyes closed in deep concentration as she bathed every inch of his cock with her insistent mouth. The position she adopted, ass up, face buried in his crotch was so specific, and she had done it so quickly, he knew she'd practised.

The overt, sloppy way she sucked him, showing him her desire, exaggerating everything sordidly looked very pornographic, but the obvious pleasure she took from being so slutty was seductively erotic. As preformative as it was it didn't seem like she was actually doing her act for him. Ondrah was enjoying herself contentedly.

Keeping still, allowing her to fuck her own face with his erection, Craig felt the urge to climax distantly asking permission to approach. Grinning, Craig knew he was going to resist as much as possible but suspected his young, new lover wasn't going to appreciate him holding back for long. When her warm hands began both stroking his shaft gently, but with increasing insistence he relished the challenge once again. How long could he hold out against her abilities and allure?

Lost in her own word of blissful fellatio Ondrah didn't even know they were competing until she heard him make strangled noises deep in his throat. Opening her eyes she looked up and saw Craig's straining face looking less composed than she'd seen it before and she realized how hard he was fighting not to cum. That knowledge, the impending unleashing of his sperm, impelled her to actually try and make him cum.

No longer indulging in her own pleasure she stroked his shaft more firmly, massaging his balls and making eye contact, beseeching him to give her his jism as she worked her tongue all over his knob as vulgarly as possible. Panting and mewling like a slutty kitten begging for cream Ondrah made a raunchy spectacle of herself for his benefit.

All of her wanton behaviour aroused Craig powerfully but it was the deep, earnest eye contact that overwhelmed him. Eyes so blue they glowed entreated him to give her his precious essence and Craig fixated on the family resemblance those eyes held to her mother and the others. This was his cousin and it was forbidden.

Craig shot a jet of sperm deep into the suckling mouth of his teen-aged cousin once removed and his mind ignited with shameful pride that he could be accepted so intimately by someone in his own family. In utter physical and emotional ecstasy Craig emptied himself into the warm wetness of the gorgeous girl's greedy mouth. Ondrah moaned appreciatively as her mouth filled with his seed and Craig hissed through gritted teeth experiencing more intense bliss than he could ever remember.

Thirstily swallowing his semen, Ondrah loved the warm, delicious splash of his cum on her tongue and the nasty joy she took from this being a man her mother admired desperately. As she performed an obscenely intimate act on a much older relative Ondrah experienced a depraved satisfaction in shattering taboos in favour of her own lust.

Once more testing his limits Craig remained ensconced in the sweet mouth of his cousin far past the point when it felt good and became the keen torture of too much pleasure. The girl milked his shaft with one hand, squeezed his ball with the other while her suckling mouth tormented his sensitive glans and tip with her wriggling tongue. Brain shorting out, his nervous system screaming at him to move, Craig held as still as his trembling limbs allowed as Ondrah grazed him with her nimble tongue, tormenting him with lacerating bliss.

Again unaware of the extremity of his reaction to what she was doing Ondrah savoured his sperm, swirling it around in her mouth smearing it over his trembling erection. The throb of his cock as he responded to her movements thrilled her so she continued doing it, pleased with the tiny spasms and swelling flesh. The strange taste of cum and the fascinating way his cock reacted to her ministrations diverted her for so long that the flavour of jism faded and was all gone before she finally released him from her oral grip.

Sighing heavily Craig spun and flopped on the bed behaving like he had just completed some vigorous task. Good! He had been making her feel like that for two days, since he wandering hands touched her almost everywhere while surfing.

After the surfing lesson the day before had them both drunk with lust they had gone for lunch with the clan. The resort provided a buffet for lunch and the whole family gathered around a few adjoining tables while Ondrah remained in her bikini covered with the black pyjama shirt. Eating her food she posed as a matter of course, displaying herself to best advantage like a cat. Why not show off her body, she worked hard on it and it made her feel good?

Tired from the surfing she was ready to eat. When her mother joined them dominating the conversation, Ondrah took the opportunity to study Craig when he wasn't studying her back. It didn't take long to realize he was adept at changing the subject away from himself which Ondrah admired and, naturally, intrigued her.

Craig re-dressed but was pleased the girl had chosen to allow him the pleasure of ogling her some more. Impressed with her physique he approved of her meal, low fat, high protein and lots of greens. Like himself she didn't eat a lot, but it was healthy food for high energy people. The girl understood her body's needs. And he understood he needed her body.

Sitting with mother and daughter he was able to assess the differences and similarities as the conversation meandered over the long years Katherine and he had been apart. Katherine didn't pry into his work or where he'd been, focusing on his emotional happiness. Unfortunately those were the three things he was least comfortable speaking about so he used all the skills he'd learned over the years to deflect and redirect the attack to question Katherine on her life, learning as much as he could about Ondrah his fascinating niece in the bargain.

With Dale and other nearby relations interrupting and adding their two-cents through the meal Craig eventually learned about Ondrah's years of dance, martial arts, gymnastics, and all the track and field events. He found she spoke three languages, English, French and Spanish, and that she was the family expert on computers. That last one may have just been based on her age within the family but maybe she was actually skilled.

About twenty minutes into the meal Ondrah realized that Craig was pumping everyone for information about her right in front of her face. It seemed unlikely anyone else except maybe her mother would notice that anytime anyone brought Ondrah up in conversation he asked more pointed questions and followed the stories more closely. However the girl was on high alert around him, her desire for him sharpening her instincts and she noticed.

Under the table she lifted on bare foot and placed it on his thigh. When he didn't flinch or even glance at her she slid it back and forth sensually, enjoying the feel of his thick trews through the soft materiel of his slacks. The new game was chicken, who would flinch first?

Stroking his leg with her foot Ondrah teased the older man awkwardly, the angle he was sitting at difficult for her to fully move her leg. It didn't last long, the position too odd, and it becoming obvious she was doing something under the table.

"What are you doing?" Her mother asked.

"I have a cramp from surfing. Charlie horse."

Standing she began to stretch right in the restaurant, her body almost nude and her stretches on the verge of obscene. Pretending her hamstring was spasming Ondrah exhibited herself for the crowded restaurant, her sexy older cousin and the family did their best to ignore her display.

"Uncle Craig are you any good at massage?" Ondrah asked guilelessly, her eyes too wide, her expression as far from her usual calculated mask as possible.

"I studied a bit in Japan."

"Oh!" Ondrah was impressed.

"The hotel has massage tables by the lobby." Aunt Sylvie offered.

"Lets go use one?" Ondrah gushed mischievously.

"Darling, those aren't for guests to use." Her mother chided.

"If they tell us to stop we won't argue." she countered reaching for Craig's hand and pulling him from his chair. The urge to have his hands on her body was building again. It had been almost an hour since he's been touching her in the water, but only three since they'd met.

"Be back soon." Craig called as Ondrah pulled him toward the lobby.

Dropping on the cushioned table closest to the busy lobby she flopped on her stomach and reach behind to untie her bikini strings, happily removing even that tiny barrier between complete nudity and roaming eyes.

"Where was this charlie-horse?" Craig asked archly.

"Everywhere. But my legs need so much work." she mumbled into the table smiling, her face pointed to the passing people so she could see their reactions to the mostly nude girl being rubbed by the muscular man.

The moment Craig began kneading the flesh of her left calf Ondrah sensed his skill, Craig really had studied massage. The competency in his fingers immediately soothed her hard worked legs and Ondrah lost any will to tease him and simply basked in the healing touch of an excellent masseuse. The girl had no idea how long she lay on the table before Craig had worked up both legs and was massaging her buttocks dangerously near her bikini bottoms.

Prying apart her succulent globes, he gazed at the hidden juncture where her vulva and anus hid behind the stretchy materiel of her burgundy swimsuit. It was while he was debating between moving on to her back or teasing her by edging closer and closer to her sex when an employee who actually worked at the hotel arrived.

"May I help you?" the woman asked clearly meaning "What the fuck is going on?".

Ondrah rose up on her elbows her bare breasts almost exposed to the lobby. Turning to look at Craig she had a confused expression on her face.

"What's wrong? Doesn't this man work here?" Ondrah asked innocently.

"No! The actual masseuse said tersely.

"What?" Ondrah squealed and covered herself as if Craig were about to molest her. People turned to look.

Looking as calm as ever Craig made eye contact with Ondrah and the tiniest smile quivered his lips before he resumed looking confused. Then to Ondrah's amusement Craig began to speak in another language. It took a moment for her to decide it was an Eastern European tongue, perhaps Slavic.

He pointed to Ondrah and the lobby and mimed he was passing by when she called him over.

"I don't understand you sir." The masseuse said.

Sitting up with her breasts covered by one arm Ondrah gathered her clothes and sandals.

"This pervert pretended to work here and fondled me." She wailed, backing away into the filling lobby.

Craig followed pointing at his palm indicating she had to pay him.

"Wait. Wait. Wait." The employee repeated not sure if she should stop them or let them pass.

Ondrah walked away from Craig pretending to be afraid, her bare torso gleaming pale in the sun spilling through the huge lobby windows. With the arm holding her bikini top, pyjama shirt and sandals she tried to keep Craig away as he followed demanding payment.

Then she bolted and he chased after her. They ran back to the beach and she dressed behind a landscaped hedge, laughing as Craig joined her and helped her tie her top back on without getting a glimpse of her perky breasts.

"You're a very bad girl." Craig informed her

"I should probably be punished." She replied, brazenly looking him in the eye.

"I have an idea how." He told her taking her hand and pulling her farther away from the lobby.

Craig had spotted a sign in the lobby that showed the activities offered to guests on the resort. Dragging the saucy minx on bare feet he took her poolside where a small crowd of people gathered and the sounds of salsa music drifted from speakers standing on tripods.

"I hear you are a dancer. Lets see how good."

Craig brought her to the group of people gathered for salsa lessons. When the teacher asked people to pair up he looked for an elderly lady to partner and left Ondrah to fend for herself. For the next few minutes he instructed his fragile partner on the intricacies of salsa dancing.

Ondrah was appropriately irritated by her punishment, but Craig was pleased to see she quickly adapted. Buttoning up her silky shirt she found an old man to partner with and she began teaching him as well. The actual instructor was relieved to have two more experienced dancers in the group and she patted them both on the shoulder as she congratulated their partners on their work.

For an hour the pair drifted from elderly partner to middle-aged and back as the instructor taught them all several dances. Craig knew each of the dances well already and each of his partners gushed and blushed as he twirled them around the patio under the shade of a gazebo roof. Keeping watch over Ondrah he saw that she knew many of the dances and those she didn't she picked up immediately, teaching several men. More than once she had a whole section of the class to herself passing on instructions naturally. The glances she shot back at him indicated she was enjoying herself but that she would find a way to get back at him.

Craig greatly looked forward to what she came up with.

For the most part Ondrah enjoyed the class. The men all ogled her creepily but there was always at least a small part of her that appreciated any person lusting after her. Secretly Ondrah felt like she might not continue to exist if she wasn't sexy to someone. The thought wasn't logical or tangible but it floated through her unconscious constantly. If Craig hadn't already gotten her hot and bothered more than once that day she wouldn't have been as into the attention she was getting, but knowing he had forced her into this situation added a spicy titillation to being objectified for an hour.

There had been many times she had been asked to teach younger dancers and Ondrah found that as natural as dancing itself, but the instructors praise and the appreciation of the students made her feel good. When the class ended the instructor thanked them both and the students applauded.

"I deserve a drink after that." Craig grinned at his cousin who was too young to have alcohol.

"I'll get you one. Scotch was it?" Ondrah cocked a perfect brow at him.

"Irish whiskey, please." He smiled blandly, curious if she could pull it off.

As Ondrah walked away she pulled off her shirt and draped it over her arm where her resort wristband wrapped her delicate wrist in the colour of guests too young to drink. Artfully covering as much of the band as she could while still proving she had one, she sauntered over to the bar right on the beach.

Admiring her confident, athletic movement Craig assessed his cousin trying to see her as the bartender did. Black hair tangled and windswept in ragged ringlets from the ocean, heavy makeup, smeared but still expertly done and the pale expanse of her smooth skin all made her look older than she had when he'd first seen her only that morning. The ripe, unmistakable sexuality of the girl also gave her more maturity than another girl her age might present. The obvious effort she took in keeping her petite body toned and trim reinforced her ruse.

Playing cool she ordered, her hands wide on the counter on either side of herself, the wristband on her right the furthest from the bartender. With her breasts displayed overtly in the bartenders face she glanced around as if looking for her companions.

There were some of their party there and they waved to her, the grey hair and frumpy clothes showing the bartender she belonged and wasn't some party girl looking to get loaded. Craig nodded his approval as she got both drinks and started back, the bartender watching her ass as she left.

"There ya go." She handed him the drink and they toasted each other.

"To the thrill of the game." He offered wondering what she thought he meant.

"To the game." she repeated and got a rush of arousal as she understood he was going to keep escalating things with her until one of them broke down and seduced the other.

Thirty two hours later, in the first hour of the New Year Ondrah lay naked beside him having just swallowed his cum. As he lay on his back she began to kiss his fabulous stomach and he flexed for her so she could lick and kiss each and every separate muscle.

"Let me know when you're ready for round two." She purred.

When he was she started riding him. The first press of his knob to her slippery slit was delicious and they both groaned in anticipation as she rubbed the tip of his dick around her vulva, spreading lubrication over both of them. When she sat down on his thickness he slipped deep immediately, making the both moan, then smile at each other sharing the forbidden delight of one another.

Full of the older man's fabulous cock Ondrah rode up and down teasing herself by slowly taking him deeper and deeper, but holding off on taking it all. Craig's hands roamed her body squeezing and stroking alternately, making her skin tingle and glow from so much attention. Holding her hair off her neck, wanting him to see every part of her, she moved on and off his long pole dancing the carnal dance of seduction for her mesmerized audience of one.

The smooth, wet slide of her pussy over his cock felt wickedly satisfying. The gorgeous movement of her lithe body entranced him and the touch of her skin under his hands enthralled. With the same preformative, overtly lewd enjoyment of his cock Ondrah fucked herself and he watched. Moaning and mewling like his was the best cock she'd ever had, the teen eased herself on and off his manhood quivering and panting with exaggerated but sincere lust.

Ondrah was cumming already sliding that delicious prick into her deepest place. Embarrassed by how quickly and how powerfully his fabulous cock made her cum, she peeked and saw that he was watching her rapture with an amused detachment she recognized from practising in the mirror. While she was feeling more intense orgasmic pleasure than she'd ever known he was merely amused. Slowing to a self-conscious stop she blushed and hid behind her hair as she tried to control the detonations created by having his cock nestled so deep inside.

When her older cousin started fucking her, holding her hips and churning himself deep inside she felt an intense pop far up inside her vagina. A surge of orgasmic ecstasy bloomed from the source of the pop and she cried out as Craig started humping up into her. Putting both hands on his broad chest she tried to control the depth of his plunges but the much stronger man was now in control and he drove deep making her climax more intense with each jab of his cock into her.

With little effort Craig flipped her onto her back and moved in and out from above. The new angle felt wonderful and Ondrah loved the way he so easily manhandled her. Again and again she felt the swell an orgasm wash over her as Craig powered is cock into her with carefully paced strokes. Taking his time, not rushing toward his own orgasm he watched her and timed his thrusts to maximize her pleasure.

When Craig saw that Ondrah's eyes were clearing and she was returning from the orgasmic place she's gone he eased off the deep strokes and teased her with shallow plunges of his cock using one hand to rub her little button. Her eyes widened as another different feeling orgasm burned in her little clit. Kissing her deeply he tickled her clit and eased just a few inches of his cock in and out, enjoying the tickle of her pussy.

When she kissed back enthusiastically Craig one more began to fuck her more intensely, determining from her face and her body how hard and how fast she wanted it. Now that she'd cum so much she was greedy for more stimulation. Groping her hungrily and fucking with less control and more abandon Craig gave over to his beastlier instincts and began fucking her savagely. The petite teen responded lecherously, groping him and humping back ant him, showing just how much she liked being fucked hard.

The cousins both squirmed and churned their sexes together, greedy for one another after so much foreplay and two days of constant yearning to be joined. Gasping and grunting they gyrated their hips and sweated in the tropical heat, unable to stop gazing in wonder at the others amazing body. With brutish need they struggled in mutual effort to climb the pinnacle of release together, seeking raw animal sensation.

Beneath the insistence of their flesh and the depravity of being related, the deep emotional connection to Katherine tainted the primal beauty of their copulation, despoiling it with lecherous taboo. The prohibited nature of their degenerate rutting made it all the sweeter.

Ondrah continued to climax, struggling to continue fucking back at the strong man pummelling her ecstatic pussy. Straining to the very limit to keep conscious as her climax robbed her of breath and thought, she watched helplessly as his thick member stretched her wide and disappeared inside her insatiable sex.

Need impelled him to drive himself into her relentlessly. No longer able to hold back, his nervous system lashed him to race faster and faster toward climax. Ondrah's anguished face stared at him, beseeching him to spill himself deep inside and he tried as hard as he could after having cum less than ten minutes before. The raw need in her eyes, the glory of her vagina delectably encasing him urged him to cum. The hours of teasing, the tantalizing beauty of his partner, her age and the ferocious erotic energy between them because of being related all combined to extract from him a superlative orgasm.

Lava filled his penis and erupted in coruscating bliss from the tip of his sex. Keen ecstasy, brighter and richer than any he'd experienced before filled his body and he bucked and hitched as his brain misfired in its extremity. Pouring himself into her body he fell into her eyes, wide and bright blue around huge black pupils. Claiming her mouth with his Craig kissed her deeply needing the grounding of her lips to stay sane as rapture squeezed him with repeating clenches.

As he spilled scalding jism into her constricting core, kissing her deliriously, Ondrah clung to him helplessly, allowing him to pillage her mouth and sex while lost in a euphoria of her own. Two beings achieving sublime bliss, the absolute apogee of pleasure together, knowing they couldn't have achieved this level of gratification without the other.

The comedown was slow and came in stages. After the blinding intensity of his initial release the after-quakes made Craig's cock swell inside her, sensitive to her slightest movement. When his member throbbed with tiny tremors the increase in girth flared a response from Ondrah's overwrought nerves. They stimulated one another in gradually slowing loops of delight, kissing, caressing and gazing at one another, glowing and shivering from deep satisfaction.

Heart rates slowed, breathing returned to normal but they continued to remain entwined, his erect cock still wedged deep in her sex. Craig shifted her leg so that he could lay beside her, his manhood ensconced in her quivering pussy both leaning on their sides, her twisted to kiss him.

She couldn't stay there.

Ondrah wanted to fall asleep in his arms his cock still nestled inside but she was staying in a room with Dale's youngest sister, Ondrah's step-aunt. If the thirty year old wasn't in their room now, she would be soon.

Kissing her shoulder and upper arm, making her feel woozy and adored Craig spoke quietly.

"I heard Sadie and some others asking a concierge about food. They were told there was a buffet opening at one. They were very interested. I bet they are still eating."

As if he'd read her mind Craig informed her she could safely leave now if she needed to get back to her room without being seen. He was good.

Turning to look at him she did her best to affect the cool, cynical mask she practised so hard.

"Don't make things weird tomorrow and blush when you see me, ok?"

"I'll try." He smiled softly, far more experienced at her game than she. "If I get an erection every time you look at me would it be okay if you meet me someplace secluded and help me out?"

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Wriggling her hips she squeezed his cock with her vagina, thrilled by the fullness she felt.

"I've never wanted anything more." It was easy to make her believe it, he believed it himself at the moment.

Ondrah looked at his piercing blue eyes, usually so cold, but so full of affection just then. Feeling her carefully built walls shudder just a little she kissed him deeply, then, before she could do something dumb like cry or tell him she loved him less than forty eight hours after meeting him, she disengaged reluctantly.

"I don't think I'll be able to sneak off and blow you in the crater of a volcano." Tomorrow's group activity. Shrugging she put on her New Year's Eve dress once more.

"Well, the car I rented is only a two seater."

Pulling her dress over her tussled hair she paused to look at him naked on the bed. Craig was superbly fit, confident and capable. Clearly he was used to getting what he wanted and Ondrah was powerless to resist him.

"Won't the family start getting suspicious? You are paying a lot of attention to me." The girl loved the risk and the attention.

"Just take too long getting ready." It really was that simple if he only had a two seat car.

The next morning she dressed in thick-soled sneakers, black tights under blue-jean cut-offs, layers of sweaters in black and pink, a pink dog collar around her neck and a thick black ski toque on her head. Ondrah's make-up was over-done in that innocent slut style she loved, but so professional looking she looked like she was ready to walk onto a Paris runway.

Craig, Katherine, Dale, his sister Sadie and Dale's parents were gathered outside a rented SUV.

"Where is everyone?" Ondrah asked in her usual disinterested tone.

"You're late! We've been trying to figure out rides, but I think we need another vehicle." Dale said, trying to be the boss.

"I'll take mine. But its only got one more seat."

"I'll go." Ondrah sneered, sounding like she just wanted to get it over with. The two of them wandered off to his car as the others crammed into the rental SUV, paying no attention to the two of them at all.

The Haleakala Crater stands 10,000 feet and was about ten miles from their resort up a winding, twisting road to the summit. Craig had rented an Aston Martin DBS coupe in black. Ondrah had never been in a nicer car and she looked at Craig sideways wondering what they hell he did to afford such a car.

Before she could formulate a cool way to ask him they reached the highway and Craig pressed the gas hard enough to pin her to the back of her seat. Weaving the car in an out of traffic he raced down the highway going faster and faster until he encountered vehicles blocking all lanes.

"Wow! Ondrah gushed, the speed and his skill at driving taking her breath away.

The car was the mechanical version of Craig himself, smooth, sexy, athletic and responsive. The obvious power was actually more impressive than it appeared and she was aroused by the way he drove the car. When he could no longer speed, the roads growing more twisty and full of traffic Craig had to drive more reasonably.

That was when Ondrah dropped her head in his lap and pulled his penis from his tactical trousers. Not bothering to check with him she engulfed his flaccid member into her greedy mouth and suckled him happily, thrilled by the sensation of him growing in her mouth. Sliding her tongue around his swelling girth Ondrah indulged herself, rubbing her own breasts with one hand and stroking his shaft with the other as she lay on his leg.

The car swayed back and forth on the road as they wound their way up the side of the volcano. Enjoying the erratic movement Ondrah braced her feet on the passenger side door and used his body to stop herself from sliding to the drivers side. Clinging to his cock with her mouth and one hand she slurped away as the car ascended thousands of feet.

Careful not to slobber all over his pants and mess up her perfect make-up Ondrah devoured her older cousin's sweet cock. The warm length filled her mouth satisfyingly and the feel of his silky skin under her curious tongue incited warmth in her own sex. When the action of the car forced his pole deep down her throat Ondrah tingled with fear and lust, enjoying the choking danger of a cock far down her esophagus. When the car swerved the other way and she could only reach his tip with lips and tongue she yearned for that full feeling again and lapped at him mewling sadly she couldn't have him all.

The feeling of her avid mouth absolutely devouring his member felt lascivious and immoral. Ondrah had looked particularly cute that morning and the feel of her wet mouth lovingly, but immodestly gobbling his knob on the way for a hike with the family was so wicked he couldn't hold back long and soon unloaded a gush of cum, climaxing gloriously while driving slowly up the winding road.

Trained to keep command of his body during the most extreme of situations the debilitating quality of an orgasm challenged his abilities. Keeping the car's speed low and far back from the bus in front of them he spilled himself, wincing with blissful torment as her delectable mouth worked him over. Wishing he could move more, take control of his own pleasure he drove the car and came into the succulent mouth of his young cousin.When he was no longer filling her mouth with sperm Ondrah savoured the flavour and sucked him gently, easing him down from his climax. Sucking his thick tool filled her with such mischievous glee she wished she could show someone the jism on her tongue, but they were alone. Instead she took out her phone and took several selfies with her tongue out, Craig's cum gathered in a pool, her older cousin driving in the background.

Swallowing and grinning she began editing and picking her favourite.

"What's your number?" she asked.

Texting him the pic she felt a modicum of exhibitionist thrill at sharing her debauchery. Laying back in his lap Ondrah tucked his softening penis back into his trousers and zipped him up.

"Will you be able to control yourself for a while now?'

"Will you?" He shot back.

"No. Never could, never will." They shared a smile.

Fixing her makeup in the rear camera on her phone Ondrah re-applied smeared lipstick and dabbed tears from her eyes from gagging on such a long erection.

"What do you call that style of make-up." Craig asked.



"It came out of Asian fashion, internet stuff and TikTok."

"You do it very well. You look beautiful."

"You're just saying that 'cause I sucked your cock."

"True. I rarely talk to young women unless they do."

Ondrah laughed, shocked by the blunt delivery.

Enjoying the taste of his sperm in her mouth she rambled about goth fashion, anime and k-pop music, her influences. Craig took it all in and asked questions when he needed to but he found it all a bit bewildering.

At the top of the road there was a parking lot where the family gathered. Gloating to herself Ondrah coddled the memory of Craig's cock jetting cum over her tongue as her family gathered around to gush about the view, how cold it was, how beautiful and what a crazy drive that was. Undeniably aroused by the thought of her family finding out about them she hugged herself in the wind, relishing the secret.

The hike through the desolation of the volcanic crater was fairly calm. They spent a few hours walking around inside, enjoying the bright, brisk day, the lovers drifting from group to group but always finding themselves near one another.

The crater is about seven miles across, and twenty-five hundred feet deep. The sides are steep and barren with smaller volcanic cones scattered around inside. The volcano is still active but hasn't erupted in hundreds of years so the feet of thousands of tourists have carved paths winding around the inside of the crater.

After, when everyone assembled in the parking lot one of the uncles was inspecting Craig's car asking him all about it. Ondrah sensed she was going to have to give up her ride and began assessing where she would ride as a second choice of companions on the trip back. However when the Aston Martin sped out of the parking lot Craig was climbing into the back seat of a mini-van.

Ondrah did a subtle little move slipping past one of the grannies to get the seat next to him on the back bench seat between Craig and the Granny. Within ten minutes of beginning the descent the Granny was asleep and the conversation settled into two groups, the middle row and the front seats. Silent in the back Ondrah pretended to fall asleep too, resting her head on Craig shoulder.

The big man worked a hand down the front of her her jean shorts, under her tights and into her panties. Easing her hips forward and parting her legs she gave him access to her smooth labia, while peeking at the Granny to see if she noticed the risque behaviour.

Settling back onto his shoulder Ondrah closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of his big finger moving in between her nether lips. Craig pressed one finger along her groove, easing his digit into her vagina just a little, then sliding it back out between her lips deliciously.

Slowly, insistently he eased her closer and closer to orgasm with small movements, focused on teasing her lips and clit. Expertly sensing her needs as she approached climax Craig massaged her slippery slit and rubbed her burning clit, playing her like an orgasmic instrument.

Delighted by the risky, lecherous conduct Ondrah found it easy to achieve orgasm even with so little stimulation, her brain providing more than enough sordid fuel for her climactic needs. Biting his sweater between her teeth Ondrah came for Craig, offering her ecstasy to him to extend or cease at his will.

Craig rubbed the quivering girl's clit with little mercy, carefully assessing whether or not she was going to make an embarrassing noise. When he heard her whimper he lifted his finger from her button and eased his hand from her crotch. Offering her his finger to lick Ondrah sucked his digit like it were his cock and showed him how much she appreciated what he had done.

The clan assembled for lunch after the hike, chatting about the sites and plans for that afternoon. Heading back to her room after the meal, eager to change into a new bikini and parade around in front of Craig she made her own plans. Maybe they could do some more surfing, she enjoyed both the activity and the contact with him.

Ondrah saw her great Aunt Sylvie looking through all her pockets and purse frantically.

"Did you lose something Auntie?" She inquired.

"Yes. I can't find my key to the room. I keep leaving them on the table. They said they were going to charge me if they had to give me anymore keys." she grimaced, afraid to get in trouble.

The older woman and the two youngest kids were staying in the room next to Ondrah. Glancing up she did some quick calculations and assessed which room Sylvie's was. It was there in the corner where two wings met, on the third floor. The wind billowed Sylvie's curtains indicating the big patio door was wide open.

"I'll climb up and let you in." she told the older woman.

"No! What if you fall?"

"Look at the balconies. I can go there, there and right there." She pointed at the off-set balconies that almost made a stair up the outside of the building where the wings met. The wing Ondrah was in was three feet lower, being closer to the beach, and the offset rails would be fairly easy to climb for an athletic person.

Before she could change her mind Ondrah hopped up on the fist rail on the ground floor of her wing. Then pulling herself up rail by rail she scrambled up the twenty feet or so to her Auntie's balcony and ducked inside. When she opened the hotel door from inside she had a spare key in her hand. Letting her grateful aunt in she said.

"I'll keep this key in my room just around the corner. If you need it I'll have one for you."

Letting the door shut behind her aunt Ondrah came around the corner to her door and saw Craig on the stair ascending toward her, grinning.

"Nice climbing."

"Oh! You saw that?" Glancing around she saw they were alone. "Were you looking at my ass?"

"Yes, but also your everything. That took guts."

"Nah! My elementary school gymnasium had a climbing wall higher than that. I grew up on that thing."

Craig nodded, impressed, and she felt a little leap in her heart.

"I was thinking about surfing some more...?" Ondrah was annoyed that right at the end of the sentence she up-spoke a question, sounding insecure and needy to her overly-sensitive ears.

"Have you ever ridden a jet ski?"

She hadn't and she loved it once they were each out on their own. For a while she hated the violence until Craig showed her how much smoother the ride was once you opened the throttle and rode on top of the waves. Screaming at the top of her lungs with elation she flew over the sea going almost seventy miles per hour. Following Craig she carved swaths in the water, sending sheets of spray in the air, whooping and hollering her enjoyment at the bright blue sky.

Craig was thoroughly enjoying his time with his young cousin, her athletics, humour and brazen defiance of norms excited him. After a time he realized she reminded him of himself. Racing up and down the beach they explored the coast for the afternoon then returned windswept and beginning to burn.

Hoping to sneak away for a quicky she was leading him to his room when they met Dale and her mother.

"I was looking for you! Oh dear, you have some colour in your cheeks I think."

"How can you tell under all that?" Dale teased.

"Most women's make-up has SPF qualities so I guess she should be fine." Craig tossed in, not paying much attention as he looked out over the courtyard.

Ondrah smiled seeing how that disconcerted Dale.

"Ondrah your cousin Nicky did something to the password on his tablet. Could you look at it and see if you can get in?"

"Sure." she didn't even sound annoyed and Katherine's eyebrows shot up. Ondrah ignored her Mother's expression. Katherine met Craig's eye. "Ondrah is excellent with computers. Most of us go to her for advice."

"These kids are on their computers constantly." Dale chimed in.

"Yeah, I imagine its pretty necessary now-a-days. Especially after the pandemic." Craig smiled a humourless, tight lipped twitch that looked like a threat to Ondrah. Dale read it as well and backed away pulling Katherine's hand. "

"Your Dad's waiting." Dale suggested.

"Right. We're going on a booze run!" She grinned and they retreated down the stairs.

Ondrah turned to Craig disappointed they'd been interrupted.

"You wanna watch me struggle with the password?"

"I have to do some computer work as well. Knock on my door when you're done, ok?"

Leaning in he gave her a kiss on the cheek just grazing her lips, not lingering, but not being quick either. There was salt on her cheek from the ocean and it tasted divine. Going to his own room he booted up his computer and decided to do some investigating.

In a few minutes Craig was looking at Ondrah's high school files. Until graduation she had been closely watched by the guidance councillor due to Ondrah's high intellect and propensity to get into trouble. Listed as idealistic, highly adaptable with keen intellect they found her to be a team player in sports, but with authority issues. Ondrah challenged teachers and had humiliated more than one in front of their class. Although she'd scored really high on her S.A.T.'s she hadn't yet chosen a University.

Paralyzed by choice? That didn't seem like her. There were no records of her applying anywhere.

Then she knocked on his door.

Ondrah hadn't been in his room since the night before and seeing his bed, made and tidy as if nothing had happened made her blush thinking of how many times he'd made her cum on that bed. Feeling the pressure of their desire for each other she walked trough the room out onto his balcony seeking air and wanting to see his view to compare to her own.

Craig didn't join her immediately and in the moment of anticipation she saw the front of the hotel, the manicured lawn and long driveway. People passed in the parking lot below and ate on the patio of the little hotel cafe she hadn't been to yet. The mountain loomed above and she remembered sucking his cock while she tried to spot the road they had used, but she couldn't spy it from that far.

When Craig joined he gathered her hair in one hand and kissed the back of her neck warmly. A thrill went through her to be so lovingly nuzzled by a man so much older. Craig continued kissing her nape but placed a hat on her head. Stuffing her hair up inside a fedora he stopped kissing to neatly stuff all her hair under the hat. Then he handed her his sunglasses, a large pair with a dark sleek frame and black lenses.

"Your disguise." He smirked.

Saucily putting them on she posed for him looking Audrey Hepburn elegant.

"Stunning." He murmured and she believed him.

Then Craig put on a ball cap and another pair of sunglasses, those ones brown and he slid behind her and resumed kissing her neck. As his insistent hands began to grope her and his kisses inflame her Ondrah intuited he intended to fuck her out here on the balcony and she moaned with passion at the idea.

Deft hands pulled her clothing from her easily, his mouth never leaving her skin, kissing neck, shoulders and upper back as he bared her to the evening air. The railing of the balcony was smooth stucco wall with a short metal rail that reached four feet. There was foot high gap between the top of the stucco wall and the white painted railing meaning it would be difficult but not impossible to see her breasts from the cafe or the parking lot. Ondrah shifted position to ensure more people would see her naked tits if they looked.

Standing close behind her, still kissing her neck Craig fitted his prick into her already soaking wet sex. The sense of invasion was deeply satisfying after a day of teasing and rising sexual tension. As Craig began to move his gorgeous cock in and out, the friction of his flesh in hers intoxicating, Ondrah scanned to see if anyone was watching.

The wet grip of his little cousin's luscious pussy gripped his cock exquisitely and Craig groped her breasts hungrily as they moved together. The first day of the new year had been the most erotically charged of his life, boding well for the coming year. Withing the first hour of the year he had bedded Ondrah and by the seventeenth he had cum in her mouth while driving, finger banged her beside his Great Aunt and was now fucking her in plain view on his balcony. What could be better?

When it was time for him to cum Ondrah dropped to her knees. Removing the hat and sunglasses she looked up, stroking him with both hands and pleading, "Cum on my face! Cover me in your hot sperm!"

The sound of her voice echoed off the walls of his balcony and he heard the sound of diners down below stop chatting and eating. Glancing down from his vantage point he could just make out a few faces scanning the hotel for the source of the obscene cries. The risk of being seen and the look on Ondrah's adorable, e-girl face detonated his orgasm. Jism sprayed across her extended tongue, her carefully painted skin and nearly into her crossed eyes which were rolled back in a lewd expression of unmitigated lust.

Ondrah had wanted to shock Craig when she shouted, and saw that she did. Feeling bratty and slutty she did an ahegao face as his cum spattered her visage. Panting like a happy puppy she let his cum drip off her face, sticking her tongue out as far as she could, crossing and rolling back her eyes the way guys on the internet loved. Whenever she posted a tiktok doing an ahegao face she got a ton of likes. Hoping Craig enjoyed it she milked his cock and acted like a demented slut for him.

The strange, exaggerated orgasmic expression she made was so sordid, like a cute nymphomaniac, that he felt a salacious thrill from her wanton display. It added so much to his pleasure to see her behave so adorably nasty.

Then she made it better. When Craig finished cumming on her face Ondrah got her phone and took several selfies posing with his cock, pressing it to her lips, holding her tongue far out to touch it, rubbing his sperm around using his cock. Then she asked him to take some while she bathed his whole groin with her greedy tongue, washing all the cum from his knob, and once more making that strange face.

"Oh man these are going to look so good when I edit them." she gushed.

"Are you a photographer?"

"I guess. Like, everybody with a smart phones is now. Look, I can go into each photo and edit it, these features let me crop, adjust how bright it is, the focus and stuff, and there are all sorts of stupid filters and shit."

"Huh!" He hadn't known any of that.

"You mean you aren't an expert at this too?"

"Naw, I'm not perfect." He quipped.


The word slipped out and she blushed from saying something emotionally vulnerable even as his sperm besmirched her features. Nothing else they had done on the balcony embarrassed her as much as admitting she thought he was almost perfect.

Gallantly guiding them past the awkward admission Craig asked.

"Would you like to go dancing tonight?"

"Should I redo my make-up first."

"That's entirely up to you." He grinned.

Ondrah smirked and dressed once more in her bikini and pyjama shirt. Leaving her sandals off she glanced in a mirror on the way through his room.

"I'm gong to have a shower, then eat with the family and then spend too long getting dressed up to go dancing with my almost perfect cousin."

Blowing him a kiss the sperm stained girl left his room and Craig felt a twitch in his balls knowing she proudly wore his essence out in public. Ondrah acted cool only as long as it took to close the door then sprinted down the hall and down the stairs to her own room. Hiding behind a plant she waited to be sure her hall had no relations in it then, with key card ready, she bolted for her door anxious a relative was going to stop her and see the stain of her guilt.

"Oh good, there you are." Aunt Sylvie panted at the top of the stairs as Ondrah slipped her key into the reader. "I forgot my key again. May I have the spare?"

"Of course." Keeping her face turned to the door Ondrah felt herself go white.

Pushing the heavy door inward she stepped in and stood behind it so her aunt could enter.

"Its just there on the table."Ondrah pointed to the card. Aunt Sylvie hesitated, looking at her niece and then waddled to the table to grab the key card.

"Thank you!" Going back out the door she asked. "Do you want to come get another one to replace this one?"

"I'll drop by in a moment, I was about to have a shower to wash off the ocean water."

"Oh! Yes I saw you on the snow-mobile."


"Right! No snow here! Hee hee." The older woman toddled off without another glance at Ondrah and the girl closed the door as soon as possible, then rushed to the shower.

Under the warm spray she relived the many wonderful sexcapades she and Craig had already gotten up to and masturbated, greedy for more.

After another round of family stories over dinner Ondrah returned to her room to dress. Black combat boots, patterned, black, thigh-high stockings, garters and belt, no panties naturally, a red checked plaid skirt, white dress shirt, unbuttoned all the way, held closed by a black, lace bustier decorated with silver chains and no bra under the shirt so her nipples were visible if you looked closely enough.

Lips painted flat black to match her ebony, cats-eye liner, false lashes, and smoky coral eye-shadow. Her foundation was pale and she used no blush, giving herself an ethereal, ghostly quality. Ondrah curled her hair away from her face and artfully tussled it, spraying it enough to keep it perfectly mussed for hours.

Craig dressed in a tan suit of soft cotton, a periwinkle shirt, no tie, with blue button-suspenders, and tan hush puppies on his feet.

They walked from where he parked on the edge of town and strolled along the boardwalk looking like father and daughter to the passers-by. They found a bar brimming with character and bursting with live music, a cover band carrying on the New Year party for all the tourists.

Th two of them danced for hours working up a delicious sweat and drawing everyone's eyes. Craig removed his jacket and rolled his sleeved over his corded forearms. Sweat plastered his shirt to his bulky shoulders and pectorals and Ondrah felt squishy inside watching him move. Craig was a great dancer, supple and precise in his movements, clearly listening to the music and letting it inform his movements moment to moment.

Ondrah's white shirt grew translucent as she perspired and her pink nipples grew more visible as the hours wore on. Twirling and undulating wantonly she danced like a professional stripper for Craig, using her training to entertain the crowd but focusing on her partner.

Watching her closely Craig was ready when Ondrah no longer wanted to dance for him, shifting to wanting to fuck, and he took her hand pulling her from the bar when she gave him the look. Wrapping herself around the big man she moulded her supply body to him as he guided her back to the hotel."You want me to do a lap dance for you when we get back?"

"That would be exciting." Craig cupped her firm buttock on his hand. "I promise to give you a tip."

Ondrah squealed and skipped ahead of him and when she looked back at him Craig saw her eyes shift to the side and widen.

Instinct kicked in and he turned ready for action.

The movement startled the four guys silently moving around to circle them. In the blink of an eye Craig assessed the danger in order. To his right a big guy was moving slowly, confident his size would be enough. Next to him the most dangerous man was the small nervous guy with a knife. Sticking close to the big guy as a shield he was the one Craig needed to keep an eye on. Next to him was the mouth piece who grinned, ready to use his words. Lastly on Craig's left a guy who looked like he knew how to fight, but who was more interested in Ondrah at that moment. Wanting to take control of the rhythm of the encounter Craig stepped close to the mouth and spoke first, unnerving him.

"Hey, you guys got a light?"

"Huh?" Mouth piece hadn't expected that.

Nervous guy lifted his knife giving Craig all the excuse he needed. Twisting he used the kinetic energy of expertly practised movement and punched Mouthpiece in the solar plexus so hard the man fell onto his butt trying to gasp but failing. With his weight now on his right foot Craig lifted his left and spun backward, the unexpected direction, and kicked the knife from Nervous' hand before someone got hurt.

Using his momentum Craig planted the swinging left foot and connected a fist to Big Guy's nose. The thick fellow cupped his face and bellowed, stepping away, leaving Nervous exposed. Craig stepped toward Nervous and started a punching sequence that pummelled the small man with a swift series of shots starting at the ears, then hitting the eyes, chin then nose. Craig's hands moved so fast the twitchy kid only blocked one shot and took the rest in full, falling backward nearly unconscious.

Turning to the fighter Craig saw him moving toward Ondrah who stood eyes wide, hands defensively in front of her, weight balanced between both feet. As the creep reached for her she took his wrist and pulled him toward her rising knee which she planted in his groin adding his own momentum to the blow. Releasing his wrist she brought her right elbow down on the back of his hunched neck, adding strength by clenching both hands together. He dropped and she stepped on his back to jump toward Craig.

The older man had already pivoted back to the Big Guy who was recovering. Craig hit him with a series of kicks, one to the knee, one to the short ribs, one to the neck, all hitting as the man toppled from the knee hit.

Ondrah stomped on the Fighter's ankle. The sound of snapping bone filled the air a fraction of a second before the scream. The next sound was the leather slap of Craig's foot wrapping around the Mouthpiece's face as the dazed man struggled to his feet.

All four attackers were on the ground groaning, cursing and clutching wounded body parts. Ondrah screamed a triumphant, primal shriek at them and the men scrambled painfully to their feet fleeing from the enraged banshee. Turning to Craig he saw a disorienting series of emotions cross her face. Rage gave way to intense worry.

"Are you okay?" she panicked, beginning to check him for wounds.

"I'm fine. No one touched me."

Then her face melted into relief.

"Are you okay?" He inquire back, looking her over.

"Fuck Yeah!" Now she looked ebullient. "That was fucking crazy! Holy Shit!"

Then she looked at him with more raw unbridled lust than he had ever seen on any face.

"Fuck me. Right now!

Agreeing with her sentiment Craig pulled the aroused teen down an alley and behind a low retaining wall on a hillside. No-one from the street would see them, but anyone could walk down there, and the windows above could see if anyone looked. Let them, they were about to get a show.

Ondrah pulled her skirt up and tucked the hem in her waistband exposing her bald pussy framed by the black of her garters. Craig pulled open her shirt exposing her bare breasts over the op of her bustier. The girl rubbed her pussy readying herself while the big man pulled his hardening cock from his pants. Rubbing the tip along the groove of her sex Craig teased them both as they shifted from Fight or Flight response to Fight & Fuck.

When he finally slipped into her hot embrace they were both kissing and groping each other frantically, the adrenaline from the altercation transforming into lust. Ondrah lifted one stockinged leg over Craig burly shoulder and thrust her pussy out for him to pillage shamelessly. The soldier drove into her, battle lust burning in him, the risk to life impelling him to embrace existence passionately.

They fucked mindlessly for a time, just experiencing being alive and whole after a dangerous encounter. Slippery friction, groping hands and kissing mouths were all they knew for a while. Gasping into each other's mouths they moved together, cherishing the feel of the other's body brimming with life, ecstatic to be alive.

The awkward position was insufficient for Craig, he needed to be more aggressive, his body thrumming with violence. Disengaging he whirled her around and took her from behind, pressing her against the wall, her hands on the cement, arms straight as he battered he from behind. Gripping her slim hips he pulled her back onto his cock as he thrust forward, slamming his hips against her buttocks, wedging his long cock deep inside her sopping vagina.

Each time he drove into her clenching depths Ondrah mewled pathetically, the impact forcing her closer and closer to climactic release. Each time Craig jammed his prick all the way in Ondrah squirmed and ground his tip against the deepest recess of her vagina, whimpering her ecstasy so he knew how good his cock felt.

Unable to believe his luck Craig fucked his petite cousin with zeal, thrilled by the fight they'd just fought together. Impressed with her instincts and the relish she took in winning, the celebratory sex was aggressive and satisfying. Driving into her yielding heat, hearing her song of desire, seeing her sordid delight in his use of her incited Craig to hedonistic abandon.

When Ondrah began to climax she wondered with depraved curiosity if her mother had fucked Craig after he fought for her. Did Katherine cum the way she was, merely at the memory of him leaping and kicking those assholes. Ondrah felt repeated spasms of rapture as she received Craig's delectable cock deep inside.

"Take me! Yes! Yes! Yes!" she raved, orgasmic filth spilling from her grateful mouth. "I'm yours! Anything you want! Use me!" Ondrah needed to abase herself before him, the fantastic orgasm he was pummelling from her demanded it.

Sliding down the wall she fell to her hands and knees as Craig continued hammering her from behind savagely. Falling to the filthy asphalt she whimpered and implored him to keep fucking her as her mind shredded with degenerate thoughts.

"Your pussy. Its your pussy. Fuck it! Fuck it!" Did her mother talk like this? Had she given herself so willingly to him after their fight? Ondrah's filthy imagination conjured images of Craig fucking her mother and Katherine begging him to fill her with cum like a shameless slut. Had it happened?

"Give me that cum! I need it! Fill me up!"

The sound of Ondrah's panted entreaties turned him on profoundly. Craig loved the way she behaved, so willing to debase herself for his pleasure. It worked, the way she urged him to cum worked and he soon spilled himself into her depths overwhelmed by her hunger for him. The way she gripped him with her inner muscles sent delirious waves of euphoria through his cock and straight to his brain. The salacious squeeze prolonging his climax.

The siren's ended the escapade abruptly.

A cop car raced down the alley right past them and Craig saw the driver's tense face looking straight ahead as Craig knelt with his shrinking cock nestled inside his shuddering cousin.

"We should go." H murmured, his voice shaky after his orgasm.

Ondrah tried to look at him but her eyes were unfocused and looking in slightly different directions. It should have been funny if he weren't delirious from his own climax. When she took his cock into her wet mouth he feebly protested. Ondrah slurped him deep, running her tongue all around his shaft while her right hand delved between her legs.

Filling her face with cock Ondrah plunged her fingers deep and felt around for his sperm. As she wriggled her fingers around inside she felt the slippery ooze of his cum and trembled with another tiny climax. Smearing sperm around her vulva she suckled his cock and had several tiny orgasm in the ally, fantasizing about doing this for him forever.

The police car returned going the other way down the street beyond the buildings they hid behind.

"As good as that feels, it really is time to go." He pulled away and put his penis back n his pants.

The girl looked dazed and reluctant to rise. Helping her up Craig pulled her skirt down and covered her sex, though she continued stuffing her fingers far up inside. Pulling her shirt hem Craig tucked it back behind her bustier and pulled it over her hard nipples.

Ondrah was decent but still masturbating as he took her other arm and guided her down the ally. When they stepped out onto the street heading for his car she finally stopped touching herself but the naughty girl began licking her fingers clean. In the car on the way back to the hotel she once again lay in his lap and placed his semi-hard cock in her mouth. Suckling him gently she didn't try and get him fully hard and Craig enjoyed the warm embrace without the need to be stimulated by more.

In the parking lot she seemed reluctant to move. Murmuring around his knob she spoke, kissing his tip as her lips moved.

"I meant what I said. This is your pussy now. I belong to you. I'm gone man. I will do anything you say, go where you want. You fucked me into submission."

"You haven't applied to any schools yet?"

She shook her head no, her mouth full.

"I know a program you would be perfect for. It's the place I went. Its a special program, for unique people."

"Where?" she whispered around his tip.

"It's a government program. Very secretive. If you went there you'd never be able to tell anyone."

Ondrah sat up and looked her cousin in the eye. Understanding dawned on her, he was suggesting she do the same job he did. The job that took him all over the world, kept him from the family for years at a time and of which he never spoke.

"You think I could do... what you do?"

"Absolutely, no doubt."

"Would I ever get to see you?"

"It could certainly be arranged." The sly way he said it indicated he had no worries about gettng access to her.

"You want me to do it?" she asked vulnerably, letting him understand she would do what he told her to.

"Yes. I'm certain you would be great."

"Then show me where to sign up."

Craig walked her to her door and kissed her goodnight after a quick scan to ensure they were not being observed. Then he walked to his room. On the way he heard laughter from Katherine's suite. Knocking he found a gathering of a few of the middle-aged family members. After a brief update about their night Katherine pulled him onto the balcony to talk. Drunkenly leaning against him she spoke facing the beach.

"I'm so happy you and Ondrah have been hitting it off. You have no idea how happy that makes me."

"I'm glad. She's a pistol, that one. Got a bright future ahead of her."

"Too smart for her own good sometimes."

"No such thing." He scoffed..

Katherine looked at him for a time and he let her study him blandly. Then abruptly his cousin kissed him deeply on the mouth.

"I loved you Craig." she confessed.

"I know. I always appreciated it very much."

Katherine laughed. "So polite." Pain in her eyes belied the laugh.

"Happy New Year Craig." She redirected.

"Happy New Year."

"Do you remember the last New Years we were together?"

"Vividly." He held her eyes contact as she assessed him.


"That was a night to remember."

"I was drunk."

"You were wonderful." Craig brushed a loose lock of hair from her cheek. "I cherish that night."

"Me too." Turning her mouth to his hand she kissed his palm. "Ondrah was born in September. she's yours Craig."

Paralyzed by her words Craig felt too much to react, and Katherine continued. "I had no idea when I would eve see you again and I was too ashamed to admit I'd slept with my cousin." She whispered low so only he could hear. "I never told anyone about us, but seeing you together its so obvious. I've been terrified everyone in the family would know. I'm glad she dyes her hair now, its exactly the same as yours, and her eyes! How does no-one else see it?"

Every depraved thing he and Ondrah had done over the last three days swirled around his mind as he maintained a still demeanour, listening calmly to her words while inside he reeled in a lustful, horrified, depraved storm of feelings.

"Wow! This is a lot..." He managed.

"I apologize for keeping this from you. I love you and didn't want to hurt you..."

"No, I understand. I'm sorry you had to carry this weight all alone..." Craig hugged her in part to cover the colour draining from his face. He had been fucking his own daughter for days.

"I'm so glad you aren't mad."

Was he mad?

"Do you plan on telling her?" Craig asked terrified of the answer.

"No idea. I wanted to see you together first."

Well there have been plenty of opportunities for that, he thought.

"I think I'd like to tell her, now that its obvious you get along." Katherine looked out to the night sky. "I'm just worried she will judge me too harshly for sleeping with my own cousin."

"Don't worry about that." He assured her. "You can't control her reaction, only your own."

Katherine nodded. "Would you want to be there?"

"If you think that would help, or course."

"I honestly have no idea."

They sat in silence for a time, Craig unable to stop himself from reliving each sordid act, but re-contextualizing it as him doing those things to his own daughter. A massive erection grew in his pants, straining to indulge some more in those forbidden delights.

Just then Dale joined them on the balcony.

"Hey you two." he put an arm around a distracted Katherine. "What are you two talking about"

"Ondrah." Craig supplied. "I have been doing some casual tests and I think she would qualify for a program I know of for specialized training."

"Really?" Katherine asked, bewildered by the switch in conversation.

"Yeah. We're constantly on the look out for qualified young people. There is a test she could do to determine her fit, but I truly believe she would pass with flying colours." He grinned wickedly. "It runs in the family."

Trained to hide his true feelings he told the mother of his daughter what he could about the program, hiding his erection and the fact that he was attempting to recruit their daughter into a spy network run by the government.

Life got so complicated sometimes. But maybe as father and daughter they could make the world make a little more sense.

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