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62.51% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2563: MY SUMMER OF AWAKENING


Hello! My name is Jake. I am 18 years old and I am currently a freshman in College. The summer between High School and College changed my life forever in a very wonderful way. I grew up in a very conservative home in rural Oregon. My Dad was a very strict, disciplined, by-the-book kind of professional. My Mother was the proper, PTA, Sunday school teacher, faithful, stay at home wife. I am the middle of three children. I have an older sister who decided to follow Mom's footsteps and got married shortly after High School to one of the local boys from our town. I have a younger brother who is a High School Senior and will graduate next summer.

The College I chose to attend is in Washington and is several hours away from my parent's house. My Grandparents on my Mom's side have a small 'ranch' about 20 minutes from the campus so it was decided that I could stay with them while attending college. They call their place a ranch but it is only 5 acres with a small barn, a couple horses, some chickens and a dog. The very back of their property backed up to a small lake that was shared by a few of the neighbors. When I was younger and we actually got to visit Grandma and Grandpa, I remember swimming and fishing there with my cousins. The house is older, but nice and they have a built in swimming pool that I am sure I will get a lot of use from instead of that dirty old pond out back. My Dad never really seemed to me to like my Mom's parents much and it took a lot of coaxing on her part to get him to agree to let me stay with them. In the end, I am sure that the financial benefits were what swayed him the most. I always liked my Mom's parents. They were my favorite set of Grandparents but I never got to see them as much as I would have liked. They were the 'FUN' Grandparents. My Dad's parents were the serious, boring ones. Mom always took several trips each year to visit her parents and usually stayed a few days each trip. Dad never went with her and none of us kids were allowed to go either.

In order to help earn my keep, I moved in with my Grandparents just 2 weeks after graduating High School. Since their place was already furnished, all I had to bring was clothes and personal stuff so the move was easy and painless. Dad stayed home and Mom came with me. We made the drive to the ranch on a Saturday. She only stayed one night and was crying when she hugged me "Good-bye" after lunch the next day. Grandpa saw her crying and told her, "Don't worry! We will take good care of him."

Mom's eyes narrowed at him and she said, "I know, but remember your promise!"

"Hmmm... I am having trouble remembering that promise. Do you have time to remind me?"

"Oh Harold!" Grandma chimed in, "I'll remind you. Let's just let her get on her way."

Mom looked at her watch and said, "That's OK, Mom. I have a few minutes. I WANT to remind him. C'mon Dad, let's go inside and talk."

As Mom and Grandpa walked into the house I turned to Grandma and asked, 'What promise?"

"Oh, don't worry about it Jake." she answered with a wink, "I don't plan on keeping it anyway."

Grandma and I made small talk until Mom finally came out of the house after about 12 minutes inside. Grandpa followed but stayed on the front porch. Mom gave me another hug and then hugged and kissed Grandma also. We all said our good-byes and watched Mom drive away down the old dirt driveway. Grandma and me walked up the steps onto the front porch with Grandpa. "What was the promise, Grandpa?" I asked.

He smiled and winked at Grandma and replied, "Damned old age... I forgot it already" Grandma smiled and winked back to him and then ushered us all inside.

Grandma cleaned up the dishes from lunch and Grandpa gave me a tour of the ranch and explained my duties. It was all pretty easy stuff. Take care of the feeding and grooming of the animals, some painting, some gardening and a few repairs around the place. Grandpa reserved the right for him and Grandma to add stuff as time progressed and other needs developed around their place. He let me know that there wasn't really a whole lot to do and I would have plenty of free time for playing and relaxing. Grandpa told me that he and Grandma worked hard all their life and deserved the relaxed lifestyle they were now enjoying and that they were glad to be able to help me out and expected me to enjoy relaxing as well. "You'll be joining the Rat-Race soon enough. Enjoy your free time. Play hard and play often!" he said. "That's the philosophy your Grandma and I tried to raise your Mom and Aunt with. I hope you adopt it as well."

My Mom had one sister and no brothers. Of course, my Dad didn't care for Aunt Barb or her husband Samuel either. Aunt Barb was a couple years older than Mom and definitely played hard and often. Uncle Samuel was a large black man. Her 'play hard' lifestyle and the fact that she married a black man both contributed to my Dad's attitude toward her. Dad was a successful professional and Uncle Samuel moved from job to job for years until finally settling into one of the local mills. He always seemed to do a good job providing for Aunt Barb and his kids but Dad always looked down on him as a lesser person. I never really heard Dad say anything racist about anybody. One of his golf buddies was black. I think he just liked looking down on Mom's side of the family and used any excuse he could find. As I said earlier, Aunt Barb is a couple years older than Mom. That, plus the fact she had her first kid at 17 put all three of my cousins my age or older. The oldest, Sam JR was 21 and went to the same college I was about to start. He was a local football hero so he made the college team as well. The next oldest was Grant. He was a 20 yr. old bookworm and went to college in Boise. The youngest, Alicia, was my age(18) also just graduated and I hadn't heard what she was planning, if anything. I have not seen any of them for several years so all of the information I had on them I got through Mom.

Grandpa and I walked back to the house. Grandma had finished the lunch dishes and already started working on dinner. Grandma and Grandpa were pretty modern and had High Speed Satellite Internet. Until I got mine set up in my room, I could use the one they had in their 'study'. I spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing and goofing off. I was able to chat with my friends so all seemed pretty normal for me. At dinner, Grandpa informed me we needed to go into town in the morning and get some supplies. As soon as dinner was over I got back on the computer. Grandpa came in a few minutes later, "Just so you know," he said "We have a few rules about the net that you need to follow." I looked at him expecting a lecture about Internet porn. "If you are gunna be looking at porn" he continued, "You gotta show me any good stuff you find" he finished with a smile.

Out of the kitchen I heard Grandma yell, "And me!" Not exactly what I was expecting.

"Yeah...right" was all I could answer.

"We're serious." He responded "We may be old, but we aren't dead. Everything still works and we still like to 'play hard and play often'. There's nothing wrong with porn or sex."

Grandma was now standing behind him. "Besides" she added, "You might be surprised what these two old bodies are capable of."

"Ummmm.... Yeah...." I replied.

"Good porn makes your Grandpa hard and me wet." Grandma said as she turned and went back to the kitchen. Grandpa put his hand on my shoulder and leaned in to whisper in my ear, "And Oh-Boy! does your Grandma get wet!" This conversation was making very uncomfortable so I was extremely glad when Grandpa turned to walk away. He stopped a few steps out, turned and asked, "Say... are you still a virgin?"

"No! Grandpa I'm not!" I answered. He finally left me alone. No, I was not a virgin. I didn't have a lot of experience but definitely enough to get by.

Around 10PM Grandpa told me it was time for bed cuz we had to get up early in the morning. I told my buddies g'night, logged off the computer and went up to bed. I was thinking how great it would be to get the net in my room and avoid Grandma and Grandpa's embarrassing conversations. Of course, I was also looking forward to the privacy and being able to look at porn again. That night I jacked off to the sounds of Grandma and Grandpa going at it in the next room. They definitely were NOT dead and apparently their bodies still worked quite well. They went at it for quite some time. Surprisingly, hearing Grandpa talking to Grandma about how hungry and wet her pussy was and hearing Grandma begging for Grandpa's big cock was extremely sexy. They were going at it so long I actually ended up jacking off and cumming twice.

The next morning Grandpa woke me up at 7AM. Not exactly the 'early' morning I was expecting, but considering how late they were up fucking I guess 7AM could be considered early. He told me Grandma was using the shower in the hall bathroom and I could shower and come down for breakfast when she was done. I had just gathered my stuff for my shower when I heard the bathroom door unlock. I headed to the hall and ran into Grandma there. She smiled and said 'Good morning" before turning to her room. She had a towel wrapped around her that barely covered her and she was carrying a handful of clothes and stuff. I never really thought of Grandma as a sexual being before, but after last night I started to appreciate what she had under her towel. Besides not seeing any visible tan-lines, Grandma appeared to have a nice set of boobs for a lady her age. She was 62 and did a good job of taking care of herself but I began to suspect implants. I think I might have even over-heard Mom mention them to Dad once now that I think about it. Grandma also had some very shapely legs for a woman her age. She almost made it all the way to her bedroom when I heard her drop something. When she bent over to pick it up, I got a perfect view of her well-tanned, perfectly round ass. Not only her ass, but her shaved bald pussy as well. I stood there and stared, my cock was at immediate attention and was straining against my flimsy pajama bottoms. My arms were full and I had no way to 'adjust'. I could have gone into the bathroom to hide my hard-on but I didn't want to miss any of what I was seeing. Grandma stayed bent over for quite a while and I continued to stare. Her voice startled me. She was looking back at me between her legs, smiling. "I am going to go down and fix breakfast in a minute. Can you think of anything special you would like to eat?" I couldn't respond. I stood there staring. "Hmmm?" she asked, swaying her ass back and forth. "Can you think of ANYTHING you are hungry for?" All I could do was stand and stare. I couldn't believe what was happening. My Grandma was coming on to me! Right? That is what was going on? NO! It couldn't be. She stood back up, looked at my straining hard-on and said, "I know what I want. But I guess I have to wait." Then she turned and went into her bedroom. I didn't move. I was waiting for reality to set in. It never did. I walked slowly into the bathroom and closed the door. Images of Grandma's pussy filled my mind as I jacked off again and then showered.

Breakfast was a bit awkward. Grandma fixed eggs and bacon and toast. "I hope you like eggs." She said, "We eat a lot of eggs. You will too. You're gunna need lots of protein this summer."

"I like eggs." was all I could say.

"How did you sleep?" Grandpa asked. What a relief to talk to Grandpa and get my mind off of what happened earlier.

"I slept fine, Grandpa." I answered.

"Good!" he said, "I hope all the noise we made didn't keep you awake too long."

"Umm, no... I didn't hear anything." I lied.

"Really? Huh? You must be a sound sleeper. Everybody else always comments on how loud we are when your Grandma and I fuck like we did last night." He responded. "It's good to know we can do that and not bother you. We might have to step it up a notch or two." "Ohhhh... sounds fun to me!" added Grandma. I hurried up and finished my breakfast. "Go ahead and do the chores I showed you yesterday." Grandpa said, "I changed my mind. We will go to town after lunch."

I was glad to finally be outside, away from THEM. I needed the fresh air that being outside provided. And the solitude. I finally had a chance to think clearly. Well, as clearly as I could under the circumstances. Where do I start? The talk about porn? Listening to them fuck? Seeing Grandma's pussy? Grandma hitting on me? Grandpa talking about fucking Grandma? Even if Grandma was hitting on me, it didn't seem to me that Grandpa would even object. Part of my mind was screaming "NO! NO! NO!" and another part was yelling "HELL YEAH!" Before last night Grandma was... well... Grandma! Now she wasn't just Grandma anymore. Now she was an incredibly sexy lady with a hot body. More importantly, a sexy, hot lady that acted like she wanted to fuck me. How do I handle this? I was planning on staying with them for at least a couple years. I couldn't go home. What would Dad say? How would I tell Mom and Dad the reason for coming home? They would ask. They would demand and answer. How would Mom take it finding out her parents tried to seduce me? So much for fresh air and solitude. I was more confused now than I was earlier. I had to figure something out. This was going to either be a very short summer or a very long couple of years. At best a very long, enjoyable couple of years.

I took my time finishing my chores and walked back up to the house about lunchtime. Grandma met me on the porch. Handing me the cordless phone, "It's your Mom. I think she's checking up on you." She joked.


"Hi, Honey! It's Mom. How are you?" Mom asked.

"I am doing just as well as I was yesterday when you last saw me." I responded.

"I know." She said, "It's a Mother's job to worry so get used to it. I love you! Be careful."

"Be careful?" I asked, "What can happen here?"

"Nothing, I guess. You're a good boy. I trust you... Just be good and make me proud."

"Yes, Mom." I sighed. "I need to go now. I love you"

"I love you too, Jake. Bye-bye" Mom said and then hung up.

I walked into the house where Grandma was. "I think your Mom is worried that we might corrupt you." Grandma giggled.

"Are you?" I asked.

"Grandpa and me? No." she answered "We are just being ourselves, how you respond is entirely up to you."

"Oh really? You treat all of your guests this way?"

"Hmmm... maybe" she responded and then changed the subject. "Your Grandpa already had his lunch. After you finish yours, meet him out in the driveway."

Lunch consisted of a ham sandwich and some chips. Considering the big breakfast, it was more than enough. "Finish your lunch and then go find your Grandpa. He wants to head to town. I'm going up to change into my tanning outfit." Grandma said, "It's a nice day and I want to get some sun this afternoon. Leave your plate on the table and I will get to it later." And she headed upstairs.

I finished my lunch and headed outside to find Grandpa. He was leaning over his truck, talking on his cell phone. He finished his conversation when he saw me coming, "Ready to go to town?" he asked.

"Sure." I answered and he motioned me into his truck.

He started it up and we headed down the driveway. Right when we were about to hit pavement he stopped. "Oh Crap!" he said. "I forgot that the phone guy was coming this afternoon to put a line in your room." He paused for a minute. "Why don't you walk back and wait for him. I'll go to town alone."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah" he answered "Your Grandma gets lost on this kind of stuff and I can handle this alone. You don't mind walking back do you?"

I told him I would be fine and got out of his truck and started back toward the house. It wasn't that far and just gave me a few more minutes alone to think. When I got back to the house, it was empty. Then I remembered that Grandma said she was going to get some sun. I looked out the back window toward the pool. Sure enough there she was lying completely naked on a lounge chair. She was on her back, sunning her front side. Her boobs were as glorious as I had imagined. My cock started to get hard again. I knew nobody was around so took my cock from my pants and started stroking it. Grandma was even sexier without her towel. I was really enjoying watching Grandma and playing with myself. Then the phone rang. "Crap!"

I answered the phone. It was Grandpa and he wanted to talk to Grandma. I stuffed my cock back into my pants and tried to make it as least noticeable as possible before heading out. I called to Grandma, wanting to give her a chance to cover up. She just called to me and waved me over. She was still on her back and made no move to cover as I handed her the phone. I continued to stare. After a brief conversation she hung up and put the phone down. "The phone man called your Grandpa and cancelled. Looks like it's just you and me, Kid" she stated "And just in time. I was about ready to turn over. You can put some lotion on my back. Unless you are still too afraid to touch me." Grandma rolled onto her stomach.

"I'm not afraid. You're just my Grandma." I replied and grabbed the lotion from the table next to her. I started on her shoulders and back and worked my way down.

"Make sure you get my ass and legs good. I don't want them to burn."

My cock was so hard it was aching to be let back out. Grandma made soft moaning sounds as I rubbed the lotion onto her body. "That's good enough," she said, "Now it's your turn"


"Take your clothes off." Grandma insisted "You are going to join me and get some sun too"

"B-b-but... " I stammered.

"Stop being bashful. You can leave your underwear on if you want" and she started lifting my shirt over my head. I took over and finished my shirt as she dropped to her knees and started undoing my belt.

I reached down and stopped her "I can do that." I said.

"I know you CAN" she replied, "But I WANT to. I'll do this and you can kick your shoes off."

I removed my shoes and Grandma undid my belt. Then she unbuttoned my fly and began to lower my zipper.

"How far is she going to take this?" I thought "and how far am I willing to go?" My cock was straining against my zipper, which made it hard for Grandma to unzip all the way.

"I don't want to break anything. You might want to shift your package a bit." She said.

I reached into my boxers and grabbed my cock. Ohh how I wanted to just take it out and feed it to Grandma. I am sure she would oblige with little or no hesitation. I moved my cock to the side and Grandma finished unzipping my fly and slowly pulled my pants down to my ankles. I kicked them off to one side. I was standing there in only my boxers and socks with my naked Grandma kneeling with her face mere inches from my cock. She was licking her lips and breathing hard. That was when I realized that Grandma wasn't touching me anymore. She was touching herself now. She had one hand massaging one breast and tweaking her nipple. Her other hand was between her legs. I couldn't see what the other hand was doing but I do have a pretty good idea. Grandma closed her eyes and let out a soft moan.

In a flash Grandma was standing again and licking clean her very wet fingers. "Damn your mother and her stupid promises!" she said.

'Wh-what promises?" I asked.

"Never-you-mind." She answered "We'll get it worked out soon enough." And then gave me a quick wink. "Look at you! You're as white as cotton! You definitely need some sun." Get over here and I'll put some lotion on you" she demanded as she went back to the lounges.

"WOW! That was a strange transition," I thought. My cock was still rock hard but I did as I was told.

Grandma had me lie facedown and started applying lotion to my back. "Something you should know right away..." she started "Your Grandpa and I are nudists. We enjoy being naked and are in no way ashamed of our bodies. You might as well get used to it. You are going to be seeing us both naked...a lot. We have a lot of privacy here and a lot of our friends and guests are nudists as well." Then she explained that she and Grandpa almost never wear any clothes at home and were only doing so for me. If I was comfortable with it, I could join them or not. If it was something that really bothered me, that I should let them know and they would limit their nudity. If they had any nudist friends over, I could stay in the house, take the car to town or join them. Even if I chose to join them it was up to me whether I wanted to be nude or not. "OK... roll over and I'll lotion your front for you" Grandma said. "If you are thinking of joining us nude, you might want to work on that all-over tan.""Umm, yeah. I suppose" I replied while standing up "I wouldn't mind so much but I'm kinda embarrassed... you know." And I nodded at my hard-on.

"Oh... trust me, Jake" she said, "You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Besides, I have seen a lot of cocks in my day. One more hard cock isn't going to hurt me any."

"Well... here goes nothing", I thought to myself and dropped my boxers and kicked them off in one, quick, fluid move. My cock was out and on display for Grandma to see.

"Mmmmm... nothing to be embarrassed about at all."

My cock is nothing to really brag about. It is almost 7" long and kinda thick I suppose. I am definitely not well hung but I haven't gotten any complaints either. Grandma seemed to like the looks of it. She had me lay down on my back and started rubbing lotion onto my chest and legs. She never took her eyes off my throbbing cock. "You know" She said, "You don't want that to get sun-burned either. It will need sunscreen as well. Here..." and she handed the lotion to me.

By now, Grandma's hands had rubbed over every inch of my body. My cock was throbbing and pulsating from excitement. I wanted her to finish what she started. "No, Grandma. That's OK. You can do it." I squeaked out.

"Are you sure? " she asked. I nodded. "Positive?" she asked again.

"Yes. Please" I responded.

Grandma looked me in the eyes with a big smile on her face. She leaned up and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and whispered, "Thank you!"

Grandma squeezed some lotion into her right hand and reached for my cock. She stopped momentarily and reach in with her left hand and scooped a large drop of pre-cum of my cock. My cock jumped but she got it all. She moved her fingers to her mouth and sucked my juices off them "Mmmmmm" she sounded. Then I felt her right hand on my cock. My cock wanted to jump again but she held it firmly. Grandma started moving her hand all around my cock, spreading lotion over all of it. She even caressed my balls and covered them with lotion as well. "Unnngghhh" I groaned. Grandma started working my cock again. This time she was stroking it.

"MMMM... Grandma?"...

"Yes, dear"...

" You don't have to kiss me on the cheek anymore, if you don't want."...

"Really? You want me to kiss you on the mouth?"...


Grandma leaned up and pressed her lips against mine. Her mouth opened. I opened my mouth and our tongues met. Grandma squeezed my cock with her hand. As our tongues danced, I reached my hand down and found Grandma's thigh. I slid my hand between her legs and found her soaking wet pussy. Grandma moaned, sucked my tongue into her mouth like it was a small cock and then started stroking my cock again. I knew I would cum soon, but wanted to get Grandma off as well. Her pussy was wet and hungry. I slid three fingers into her easily. Grandpa was right; Grandma's pussy did get extremely wet. I had only been with three girls before Grandma and she had more juices flowing than all of them combined. I rammed my fingers into her pussy as far and as fast as I could, making sure the palm of my hand was rubbing against her clit as I did. Grandma stopped kissing me. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning and moving her head around and side to side. I knew she was close to cumming. So was I. I kept plunging my fingers into her pussy. I now had four fingers in her and she was grinding against my hand. Grandma stopped stroking my cock. She froze. Then her hips started bucking and I felt a gush of fluid spraying out of Grandma's pussy... and then another... and another. I had never actually experienced a woman's g-spot orgasm but I knew what they were. Grandma was a squirter!

Even though Grandma had stopped stroking me to cum, I started to shoot my own load. I was so turned on by all of this. Grandma squirting on my hand set me off. As soon as she realized that I was cumming, Grandma started stroking my cock again, coaxing as much cum from me as she could. Even though I had already cum earlier in the bathroom, I shot out a huge load. My first spurt landed on my belly, my second made it to my shoulder. Grandma kept stroking and I kept cumming. I had never, ever cum like I did just then.

Grandma let go of my cock and grabbed my hand from her pussy. She guided my sopping wet hand to my mouth. I sucked and licked off all of Grandma's juices. Then she used my hand to scoop up some of my cum and guided it to her mouth. I watched as Grandma slurped my cum from my fingers. I took Grandma's hand by the wrist and scooped up some more of my cum onto her fingers. Something in me had snapped. A bubbly had burst and I was a different person. I wanted Grandma to know this. I wanted her to know that I could be nasty as well. I wanted her to know that I was willing to be as nasty as she wanted me to be. As nasty as he would teach me. I guided Grandma's hand to my mouth and sucked my own cum from her fingers. She looked at me and smiled.

Grandma and I spent the rest of the day naked and enjoying each others company. We didn't play any more but a barrier had been broken. We connected better. I wasn't the shy Grandson anymore and her frank talk about sex didn't intimidate me. I sat in the kitchen talking and watching her while she prepared dinner. She explained that they were not only nudists, but swingers as well. I knew what that meant but wanted to know even more. I wanted to ask Grandma a bunch of questions and anytime I started talking about my limited past experiences, she would stop me and tell me to wait until Grandpa was home. "Your Grandpa will be proud of you. He is a part of all of this too, you know?" she said. I wasn't sure how big a part he would actually be as far as I was concerned but I did know he was in the mix somewhere. I trusted Grandma and would continue to do so until given a reason not to. She did ask one interesting question,

"How far do you want to take this?"

"As far as possible" I answered.

Grandma thought we should wait until after dinner to tell Grandpa about our little 'breakthrough'. We both put clothes back on and were to pretend nothing had happened. Grandpa had been gone several hours when we finally heard his truck coming down the driveway. It was around 5:30 and dinner was about ready. I slipped into the study and started playing on the computer. Grandma met him at the door.

I heard some mumbled pleasantries between them and then I heard Grandpa behind me, "Hey, Sport! I hear you been playing on this dang thing all day! I sure hope you saved a bunch of dirty pictures for old Grandpa to look at."

"No." I responded "but I did make it to level 33 on DOOM" I lied. I had never played DOOM in my whole life and had no idea if there was a level 33, but I guessed that he didn't know that either.

"Well, I hope you can find something more productive to do this summer than sit inside all day." And then he walked away and I heard him go up the stairs.

Several minutes later Grandma came in the room. "Your Grandpa is upstairs looking at some new porn mags. Why don't you sneak up there and let him know dinner is ready."

"OK, Grandma."

I crept upstairs as quietly as I could. Their bedroom door was open and I could see Grandpa laying on his bed completely naked and stroking his cock. He had several magazines on the bed with him.

I took a deep breath and walked into his room. "Grandpa.." I started "Grandma says it's time for dinner."

He stopped stroking his cock and sat up giving me a perfect view of his stiff cock. He was completely shaved as well and must have had at least an 8" cock. It was definitely longer and thicker than mine, but not a whole lot. All in all I was still impressed. My cock started to get hard.

"Thank you, Jake" he said "Let her know I'll be down in a minute."

"What are you reading?" I asked

"Well" he joked "Since I can't count on you to find me any good porn, I bought some in town." And he flipped a couple of his magazines across the bed at me. I looked through them briefly.

I had read the normal porn mags before but these were different. These were hard-core magazines with full penetration on every page and without advertisements all over the place. He had 3 or 4 of them. One of them had a series of pictures of 2guys and a girl threesome. I had seen 3-somes before but in this series the guys were sucking and fucking each other as well as the girl. I spent a little extra time with this one. Studying it a bit closer than the others. I had never seen anything like this before and wasn't quite sure what I thought of it.

"Do you find that one interesting?" Grandpa asked.

"I'm not sure." I replied, "I have never seen anything like this"

Grandpa was stroking his cock again. I took turns between looking at the magazine and watching Grandpa stroking his cock. My cock was now fully erect... again. Grandpa must have noticed my erection and my eyes.

"Have you ever seen another man's cock before?" he asked.

"Just in pictures and movies." I answered. "Oh... and the locker room, but none of those were hard, like yours."

"Well... what do you think?"...

"Hmmm... nice... I suppose."...

"I don't think you know this yet, but your Grandma and I are both bi." He added.

I looked him puzzled. "Bi?... Really?"...

"You know what that is?"...

"Yes... I just... I mean, I didn't..." I let it drop.

I continued to watch Grandpa masturbate. He was still stroking his cock, but now he was doing it in such a way to show it off to me. Moving it around so I could see it from different angles.

"Have you ever touched one?" he asked.

"NO." I answered.

"Do you want to?"...

"Yes... I think so. After dinner? While Grandma is cleaning dishes?" I asked.

"CRAP!" he responded, "I forgot about dinner. This will have to wait. I'll put some close on. Go tell Grandma I'm on my way."

I went back downstairs, sat at the table and told Grandma what just happened.

"After dinner, you and Grandpa can do what you said. I'll join you after a bit. Just don't tell him." She said.

Grandpa came down a few moments later and joined us at the table for dinner.Dinner was very good but took longer than I wanted. I was actually anxious and looking forward to whatever was about to happen with Grandpa. I didn't mention this earlier, but Grandma is a very good cook. She makes everything from scratch and with only the freshest ingredients. Dinner was too good to rush through and I didn't want to seem too eager either. Grandpa actually finished before me and headed upstairs first.

As soon as he was upstairs, Grandma turned to me and said with a smile, "He'll be expecting you soon. Come here for a minute."

I got up and walked over to her. She turned in her chair sideways. "You know..." she said as she started undoing my pants. "I got all of this started with you. It's only fair that I get to have you in my mouth before Grandpa."

Grandma had my pants open and my boxers pulled down enough to grab my semi-hard cock and guide it into her mouth. Her mouth was warm. Her mouth was wet. Her mouth was talented. My cock was fully erect in a matter of seconds. I had girls suck my cock before, but again, Grandma was by far better at it than any of them. She sucked me and stroked me and massaged my balls. Grandma wasn't just good... she was GREAT! And she obviously enjoyed what she was doing. Grandma had a sloppy, wet style of sucking... she fucked me with her mouth. Very different than the way the girls back home did it. I wanted to cum in Grandma's mouth but she knew I had other commitments upstairs. After only a few minutes, she tucked my aching cock back into my pants and sent me upstairs. "Have fun!" was all she said as I headed from the room.

When I got upstairs, Grandpa was already naked. He was sitting on the edge of the bed and his cock was pointing right at me. He nodded at an empty spot on the bed across a small pile of magazines. I sat down but still had my clothes on. Grandpa started stroking his cock.

"Help yourself to the magazines." He said.

"Nah..." I responded.

"If you don't like these, I have a whole box of them under the bed. Feel free to look at them anytime you want." He added.

"No... these are fine." I said "I just want to watch you for now."

He seemed to like that answer. "Join in anytime you want." He said.

I stood up and removed my clothes. Grandpa didn't say anything when he saw my hard cock, but I could tell he was pleased by his expressions. I sat down and started stroking my own cock. We both sat there stroking and watching the other one. Occasionally, our eyes would meet and we would smile and then look back to each other's cocks. This only went on for a few minutes and then I broke the silence.

"Earlier, you said I could touch yours. Can I now?" I asked.

"Sure you can." Was his reply.

Grandpa got off the bed and stood right in front of me. I switched to my left hand for stroking myself and reached for Grandpa's cock with my right. His cock jumped briefly when I first touched it. But when I wrapped my hand around it, I was in control of it's movement. I moved my hand up and down the shaft. Grandpa moaned. I had never touched another man's cock before. It felt just like mine... only better. I let go of my own cock and started using two hands on Grandpa. I using long, slow, deliberate strokes. A large drop of pre-cum formed at the tip of the head of Grandpa's cock. I leaned forward and scooped it up with my tongue. I heard Grandpa moan again. I also heard something else. A 'clicking' sound from the doorway. We both turned and saw Grandma, standing naked, holding a camera.

"You boys just keep doing what you're doing." She said "Pretend I'm not even here."

Neither of us said anything back to her. I closed my eyes and wrapped my lips around the head of Grandpa's cock. I heard another 'click' but ignored it. I also ignored the rest of the clicks that followed. I sucked and I stroked and I licked and then I sucked some more. Grandpa's breathing changed. I knew that if I kept it up, he would cum soon.

"Do you want to cum, Grandpa?" I asked "Or do you want to wait?"

"That's up to you, Jake" he answered, "What do you want?"...

"I want to make you cum."

I sucked and stroked some more. I guess I was too busy wanting to make Grandpa cum that I didn't really think about how I was going to handle it.

Grandpa was polite enough to warn me, "I'm cummmiinnggg!" was all he said.

When I felt the first blast from his cock explode inside my mouth, I panicked and did what I always saw the porn stars do. I took his cock from my mouth. Grandpa's cock had just cleared my mouth when he shot again. This one also went into my still open mouth. I closed my mouth and took the rest of his cum on my face. My mouth was full of Grandpa's cum and I liked the way it tasted. It was sweet, like mine from earlier. I swallowed. I don't recall how many times Grandpa shot cum onto my face. There wasn't a lot, but enough to warrant Grandma taking some close-ups. I posed with Grandpa's cock and cum. When his cock went limp I let Grandma get some pictures of me licking his cum off my lips and eating it from my fingers. Grandma handed the camera to Grandpa and he got some pictures of Grandma licking the last of his cum off my face and sharing it with me in sloppy wet kisses.

Grandma reached down and grabbed my cock. It had been neglected since I first started sucking Grandpa's cock. It was bulging hard. I was so extremely turned on by what was happening it didn't need any attention. If I hadn't already cum twice that day, I am sure I would have erupted all over Grandma's hand. Luckily, that didn't happen. She pushed me back so I was lying on the bed and took my cock in her mouth.

Grandpa took some pictures of Grandma giving me a blowjob and then I felt two mouths on my cock. Grandma and Grandpa were double-teaming me. This lasted for about 2 minutes and I was ready to cum for a third time that day. I didn't want to cum again... not yet. I stopped them and stood up.

"Grandma, you lay down." I said, "I want to eat your pussy."

Grandma stood up and tongue kissed me again and then lay on the bed. She was on her back with her crotch aimed right at Grandpa and me. I could see her juices running down her thighs. I could smell her wetness and it made me hungry for her. She was smiling and had her hands raised in a fake hug-like manner.

"Come on, Baby." She beckoned, "Come eat Grandma's pussy."

About a half a second later I had my face buried in her pussy. I tried to lick up all of her juices but there was way too much. I slurped at and sucked her pussy juice into my mouth. Grandma was moaning and writhing. Grandpa was taking more pictures. I was having a feast. I licked all over Grandma's pussy. Unfortunately, I am no expert at pussy eating. I just haven't done it enough yet, but I wanted to learn. I paid attention to Grandma's reactions to the different things I tried. Although she reacted positively to everything I did, she really seamed to like it when I sucked on her clit. I liked the way Grandma's pussy juice tasted so I mixed up my licking and my sucking. I worked my tongue into her pussy as far as it would go.

I sucked her clit like it was a smaller version of Grandpa's cock. Then I remembered what happened earlier with her. How she squirted when I was fingering her. I wanted to make her squirt again. I wanted to watch her squirt. I wanted to taste her squirt. I wanted Grandma to squirt all over my face. I started by inserting two fingers in her and working her like that for a while. I could tell she wanted more. I put a third finger in. She wanted more. I gave her more. I had four fingers in her pussy and was working her just as I had earlier. I knew she would be cumming soon. I knew she would be squirting again for me.

I heard Grandpa whisper in my ear, "Bend your thumb down and put your whole hand in. Your Grandma loves to be fisted."

WOW! I had seen pictures of fisting on the Internet and it always turned me on but I never thought I would ever actually do it. I did as Grandpa said. I expected more resistance but my hand slipped right in. I had my entire right hand in my Grandma's pussy, up to the wrist.

"OK now" Grandpa continued. "Go ahead and lick her clit, if you want. Just make sure that when she starts to cum, you pull your hand out. You'll be in for a nice surprise."

I laughed to myself. Grandpa didn't realize that I already knew what the 'surprise' was. But I was grateful for his advice. I did exactly as he said. I loved the taste of Grandma's juices and was glad to have my tongue on her pussy again. I moved my hand in and out of her pussy. Slowly at first but picked up the tempo when I saw how much she enjoyed it. I also tried twisting my hand from side to side. Grandma really liked that.

I was glad to hear the camera snapping away photos of what was happening. Grandma's hips started bucking and I knew she was about to explode. I started fucking my hand in and out of her pussy faster. I replaced my tongue with my left hand and worked her clit with my fingers. Grandma started moaning and shaking her head back and forth. She was almost there. Then it happened. She let out a scream and Grandpa yelled at me to pull out. Just as I did a huge gush of liquid came flying out of Grandma's pussy. Most of it went past my head but some hit me in the face. I moved my face closer and opened my mouth. The second gush hit me right in the face. Enough got in my mouth to taste and swallow. I expected a bitter, piss-like taste. This wasn't piss.

Grandma continued to buck and squirt. I continued to take as much of her cum as I could. It was clear and had almost no taste, just a faint taste of her pussy. It was good and I drank as much as she was able to squirt into my mouth. Her bucking stopped and so did the squirts. I wanted to suck the rest of her juices from her pussy but she stopped me. She was too sensitive right now,

"Wait... no... don't" she said, "I can't take any more right now. Come up her and give me a kiss instead."

I crawled up her body to kiss her, but stopped and kissed both nipples first. I laid myself on top of Grandma and kissed her. A nice, passionate kiss. She didn't lick my face this time. We just hugged and kissed. She complimented me on a job well done and hugged me tight. The way we were laying together, my still hard cock was pressed against her clit. She knew what I wanted.

"My clit has calmed down a bit' She said, "You can fuck me now, if you want."

Trust me... I wanted. She was still very wet and was certainly opened up enough. My cock slid into her pussy with little effort. Considering that I just had my entire hand inside her, I was surprised at how good her pussy felt. After everything that had happened throughout the day, I had finally achieved the ultimate goal. The culmination of the entire day's events led up to this one utopian moment. Finally... I was fucking my Grandma. I lay there for a moment; my cock buried deep in Grandma's pussy. Then I pulled out slowly, barely keeping the tip of my head inside. I pushed back in slowly as well. I wanted every inch of my cock to feel what was happening. I wanted my cock to recognize and appreciate what it was doing. A few more slow strokes and then one hard, quick thrust. Grandma moaned. I started fucking her with a regular rhythm and pace. Changing it up every now and then. Grandma enjoyed the faster pace. So did I.

"Oh yes! Fuck me, baby!" Grandma yelled, "Fuck your Grandma good!"

I wanted to fuck Grandma forever. I also wanted to cum. I wanted to lift her legs up to my shoulders and plunge my cock even deeper into her glorious pussy. I needed to cum.

Grandma must have sensed my need, "That's OK, baby! You go ahead and cum." She said "Fill Grandma's pussy with your cum!"

I thrust my cock as far as I could and shot my load deep into Grandma's pussy. "Oh yes! I can feel you cumming in me!" I could feel her pussy clamping onto my cock, milking it inside her.

"Oh Harold!" she said to Grandpa, "Your grandson is cumming in my pussy! Your grandson is filling his Grandma's pussy with cum!"

Just then I felt a flood of fluid all over my cock and balls. Grandma was squirting again. Grandma was squirting on my cock. The combination of Grandma's dirty talk and her squirting on my cock seemed to intensify my orgasm. I don't know how much I actually came, but it seemed like a lot to me.

Grandma and I kissed and hugged some more. I was drained. I rolled off of her and lay next to her for a few minutes. Grandpa was still taking pictures. He took a few pics of my cum oozing out of Grandma's pussy. Then he handed me the camera and gave me very quick instructions on it's use. Next he got between Grandma's legs and started licking my cum from her pussy. I started taking pictures.

Grandpa licked and sucked as much of my cum as could. He had my cum all over his face. He also started licking and sucking Grandma's clit. I figured Grandma was as spent as I was. I was wrong. Grandpa ate her to one final orgasm of the evening. Her body quivered and bucked and Grandpa got to enjoy her juices this time. Now, she was done. We all were. I think Grandpa still had some energy, but Grandma and I were both too tired to accommodate him. I had a feeling we would make it up to him another time.

Grandpa and Grandma's bed was a mess. It also had an extremely huge wet spot. Grandpa decided he wanted to cum again and wanted to spend some time on-line. Grandma didn't want to have to clean their bed until the morning. Grandpa was going to stay up and sleep in the spare bed. Grandma slept with me in mine. As I lay there with Grandma cuddled up against me, I couldn't help but review what had happened since getting here. Mom dropped me off on Sunday, still fairly innocent and naïve. Today was only Monday. Look at what had happened and how much I had changed in only one day. I smiled and closed my eyes. This was going to be one hell of a summer!

The next few days with my Grandparents were a whirlwind of nudity and sex. None of us would wear any clothes and my own all-over tan started to darken. The lack of clothes being worn by all not only saved Grandma from doing laundry, but also opened up many opportunities for fucking and sucking. Every morning, it seems, either Grandpa or I, or both would take Grandma over the kitchen table. We knew we would end up fucking sooner or later so doing it first thing worked out well. It allowed me the opportunity to get my chores done after breakfast so I could spend the rest of the day goofing off or having even more sex. I am still surprised at how much Grandpa and Grandma fuck. I am 18 and these 60+ year olds have more sexual stamina and energy than me. I figured for sure that Grandpa must take Viagra but they both swear that his hard-ons are natural. At one point, Grandpa offered his ass to me to fuck. I don't mind sucking his cock but something about anal sex with another man still turned me off. I declined his invitation. On the other hand, when Grandma offered her ass to me, I accepted her offer. Her asshole is nice and tight and grips my cock nicely. Grandpa and I even did a DP on Grandma. Grandpa filled her pussy with his cum and I filled her ass with mine.

One morning at about 11 o'clock, I had just finished my chores and was heading up to the house. A black Jeep came driving down the driveway toward the house. I was naked and ran for the back door. Charlie (the dog) barked a few times and met the Jeep by the front porch. His tail was wagging so I figured he must know whoever it was. I watched from the front window as Grandma walked out onto the porch. Grandma was still naked.

"Good Morning, Sally!" she called toward the Jeep.

The passenger door opened and a lady got out of the car. The driver's side was empty.

"Hello, Marge!" the lady responded, "I have a package for Harold."

The lady was OK looking. She was mid to late 30s, average height and a little overweight. She had long auburn hair and a friendly smile. She was kind of pretty in a 'natural' way. She was carrying a box and some letters. Sally was the mail carrier.

"Porn or toys?" Grandma asked.

"Porn is my guess." answered Sally as she walked toward the porch, "Plus he got his new 'Penthouse' magazine."

"Well, that ought to keep him busy. At least for a few hours." Grandma joked as she took the stuff that Sally was carrying; "Do you have time for coffee?"

"Sure. It's a pretty light day today," said Sally.

They both went into the kitchen. Sally sat at the table and Grandma put the box and the rest of the mail on the table. Grandma poured them both a cup of coffee and called for me.

"Jake! Come down here. I want you to meet somebody." She yelled toward the stairs.

"I'm right here, Grandma!" I told her.

I was just in the other room and was only a few feet from her. I startled her a bit, but she recovered quickly.

"Come in here and meet somebody."

Grandma grabbed my arm with her free hand and gently ushered me into the kitchen. I was still naked and tried to cover myself.

"Oh! Stop being shy!" Grandma said. "Jake, this is Sally. Sally, this is my grandson Jake. Sally delivers our mail."

"Hello!" I muttered.

"Grandson?" Sally puzzled briefly before lighting up "Oh! This must be Patty's oldest boy. Nice meeting you!"

Sally stretched out her hand in greeting. I took her hand in mine and shook it quickly. I used the hand that I had covered my dick with and Sally got an eyeful. I tried to let go, but she kept shaking.

"VERY nice meeting you." She added. Her smile broadened.

"Jake will be staying with us while he goes to college here in town." Grandma chimed in. "and he is adapting to our lifestyle quite nicely. Aren't you, honey?"

"Umm. Yeah. I'm trying." I answered.

Sally let go of my hand, but I decided not to cover up this time. Grandma motioned for me to sit and visit with them. I sat in a way that allowed Sally to keep looking at my dick, if she wanted. She looked away often in conversation but always looked back.

"Where is Harold?" Sally asked

I hadn't seen him all day. Grandma and I had fucked and had breakfast without him that morning.

"He went to town early." Grandma responded. "He'll be back later."

I could tell that Sally enjoyed looking at my cock. I stroked it a bit to get it hard.

Sally looked at me and asked, "You know, I only have a few minutes left before I have to go. You just planning on teasing me or can I suck you off before I leave?"

"WOW! Is everybody around here so forward and blunt?" I thought to myself.

"Please do." I answered her.

Sally looked at Grandma, smiled and then got on her knees in front of me. She was good but still not as good as Grandma. Sally spent a lot of time stroking my balls and licking and sucking them. I really enjoyed all of that. She really seemed to get into it as well.

Grandma moved into Sally's chair so she could watch. While Sally sucked my cock and balls, I watched Grandma masturbate.

"He already came in my pussy once today" Grandma bragged, "But I know he has a nice load of cum for you too."

Sally was moaning and her sucking intensified.

"Damn!" She said, "If I had more time, I'd let him fuck me and cum in my pussy too."

Watching Grandma acting and talking like a slut again helped me get off. Sally was a good cocksucker too. Both of these factors helped me cum.

"I'm gunna cum!" I warned Sally.

She just sucked harder. I shot my cum into her mouth. Several, nice, hard blasts. She swallowed it all. Sally swallowed up every last bit of my cum. She didn't leave one drop. As soon as she was done with me she went to work on Grandma. She stood next to Grandma and bet over her. She fingered Grandma's pussy and was whispering in her ear. Sally must have known what she was doing because she had Grandma cumming in no time. I still don't know what Sally whispered to Grandma, but I am sure it was nasty. Grandma squirted all over Sally's hand, her chair and the floor. When Grandma stopped quivering, Sally licked her fingers clean.

"You should have ate my pussy." Grandma told her.

"The last time I did that, I had to go home and change my shirt" Sally joked.

Grandma and I composed ourselves and walked Sally to her car. Sally gave us both a quick hug and kiss and we said our good-byes.

"Nice meeting you." I said.

"Yes... " she said, "I hope to see you again sometime. Especially when I have more time."

Sally was smiling as she drove away. Grandma and I were smiling too.

Grandpa got home about around 2PM that afternoon and immediately took his clothes off. Grandma gave him his mail. While he went through his box of adult DVDs, Grandma told him about our visit with Sally. Telling him about Sally giving me a blowjob while Grandma watched got Grandpa more excited than his new box of porn. I glanced at some of the DVD covers. Most had to do with gang bangs and white women taking on huge black cocks. It didn't take long for Grandpa's cock to become rock-hard. We all decided to fuck in the living room this time. We fucked while watching one of Grandpa's new DVDs of some poor little blonde chick get impaled by 4 humongous black cocks.

The next day was Thursday. It went as well as the previous days had. We always had plenty of time for chores and working on one or two of Grandpa's bigger projects for the summer. Time for relaxing, meals, and goofing off. We also had plenty of time for sex. Thursday night was going to be different. This was my first night to be left alone. Grandpa and Grandma had some 'members-only' dinner at the country club to kick off the summer. I was kinda disappointed that I couldn't go. Well, disappointed until they both assured me that it was a very straight-laced affair and nobody was going to be having sex. I could use some time to myself. If nothing else I could get some sleep and rest my body for a while.

Dinner started at 7PM, but the bar opened at 6PM. Grandpa and Grandma left at about 5:30. They both told me not to bother waiting up. They would probably be late and most likely too drunk to fuck. I laughed and sent them on their way. I ate the dinner Grandma had left for me and got on the computer to chat with my buddies.

Shortly after 6PM the phone rang. It was my Mom. She had called a couple of other times during the week to check up on me. She knew Grandpa and Grandma were going out tonight so wanted to make sure I was OK.

"How are you?" she asked.

"I'm doing OK." I answered, "It's kinda weird being here alone. But I'm OK."

"I love you and I'm worried about you." Mom said. "If you ever need, you can to call me. Your Grandpa has a cell phone too. You can call him if you have troubles."

"I know, Mom. I'll be fine." I assured her. "Besides, Charlie is here and he barks at anything suspicious"

"He is a good dog." She said, "I know you'll be OK. Sooooo... have you been behaving yourself?"

"Of course." I lied, "I've been looking for a way to get into trouble here and can't find a thing."

Mom laughed, "Don't look too hard. It's easier to find there than you think. Just be good. Make me proud and your Grandma and Grandpa happy." She said. She hesitated and then added, "Just not too happy. Be careful, OK?"

If she only knew how happy I was making them and they were making me.

"Yes, Mother." I droned

She proceeded to tell me again how it is a Mother's duty to be worried about her kids... yadda... yadda... yadda... She also wanted me to tell Grandpa and Grandma that she would not be visiting this weekend and still hoped to the following the week-end. That was fine with me. I was having a lot of fun expressing the new ME and wanted to enjoy a weekend without constraints. Having Mom here would definitely interfere with my new 'Play often. Play Hard' attitude.

Eventually, we said our good-byes and hung up the phone. None of my friends were on-line yet and Mom's phone-call had me bored to death. It only took me a moment to remember Grandpa's offer to help myself to his porn. I enjoyed the DVD we watched the previous night and wanted to see what else he had. I went into their bedroom and looked under the bed. Grandpa said he had a box under his bed with his magazines in it. I assumed his movies would be there too. Under their bed were several boxes of different shapes and sizes. I grabbed the largest box first. Sure enough, It was filled to the top with all sorts of porn magazines. I grabbed another box. This was what I wanted. This box was filled with DVDs. His new ones were right on top. I found the box I wanted, but was curious what was in the other boxes. The third box was the same size as the second one I grabbed and was also full of DVDs. The fourth box was a different size as the others. When I looked inside I saw several photo albums and several videos. Some VHS tapes and some digital videos. The videos all had writing on them. 'Labor Day 06", "4th of July 05", "XXX-mas 06" and the like. Most had some holiday and year associated with them. I chuckled at the 'XXX-mas' one. I could only imagine what I would find on that. Then my eye caught one title in particular. "Pat's B-day 07". This one was taken at my Mom's birthday party earlier this year. Mom always visits her family for her birthday, usually on a weekend preceding or following her actual birthday. As usual, Dad never let us kids go with her. This tape was only 6 weeks old. Still... I couldn't help but wonder why this video was with Grandpa's porn collection. I knew I had to watch it to find out.

Luckily, Grandpa had his camera hooked to the TV in their bedroom. I was afraid I would have to spend a lot of time looking for a way to watch it.

"Thank You, Grandpa!" I thought out loud.

My heart was pounding. I knew what I wanted to be on the tape. I wanted to see my Mom fucking and sucking and acting like a slut. Part of me knew that I was going to be disappointed.

I opened the camera and loaded the cassette. Grandpa even had a remote right next to it. I turned on the TV and pressed 'Play'.

The scene was of the living room just below me. It was a typical birthday party scene. Several people sitting around talking. I saw Mom. She was sitting in a chair, fully clothed with a drink in her hand. It was exactly as I expected but continued to watch. Even if Mom did behave herself and there was no sex on the entire tape, I was enjoying 'spying' on Mom. This was a completely different environment than I am used to seeing her in. It was also a bit voyeuristic. Mom was smiling a lot in this tape. More than I had ever seen her smile at home. She was actually enjoying herself. Not only was she being allowed to have fun, it was being encouraged. That never happened at home. If anybody, especially Mom, ever had fun, it was by accident. I enjoyed seeing her smile. It was a smile I had never seen before. It was actually very sexy. She looked like a different person. To an extent, she even acted like a different person.

The camera panned the room. I saw Grandma sitting in a chair. Mom was in her own chair and Aunt Barb and Uncle Samuel were sitting on one of the couches. I could tell by the voice that Grandpa was running the camera. Everybody there had clothes on. Even Grandma was clothed. I couldn't see Grandpa but assumed he was dressed too. The conversations consisted mostly of small talk.

Not far into the tape, Grandpa panned to the front door as it was swinging open. Two black teens walked through the door. I heard their names being called out in greeting. It was two of my cousins, Sam JR and Alicia. Grant was still in Boise. Alicia ran across the room and gave my Mom a big hug. The tape was starting to pick up a bit. Alicia was wearing a tiny, little mini-skirt. When she bent over to hug Mom, it rode up the back of her ass, exposing her ass and panty-less pussy. Grandpa zoomed in. As soon as Alicia moved out of the way, Sam JR kissed Mom on the cheek and hugged her.

Mom put her drink down and spun Sam JR toward the camera.

"Is this my birthday present?" Mom ask him, but addressing the camera as well.

Mom was rubbing the front of Sam JR's pants over what appeared to be a rather impressive package. She found his cock and gave it a squeeze through his pants. I could see his cock start to swell.

"Not until later." He answered her.

My cock did not 'start' to grow. It did not 'become' hard. It was instantly hard. Mom was starting to act like a slut and I liked it.

Apparently Mom missed the reaction to Alicia's ass shot and just caught on to it.

"Huh? You're not wearing panties? She asked her.

"Hell no!" Alicia replied, "I came prepared."

"Let me see!" Mom demanded.

Alicia went back over next to my Mom and lifted her skirt. Alicia was facing the camera and I could see Mom reach out and start to finger her pussy. Alicia moaned and Mom smiled at the camera. Just then Grandma came from off-screen and smacked Mom's hand away from Alicia's pussy.

"Not yet!" Grandma scolded her. "You have to wait. You know the rules."

Rules? What rules? I didn't want there to be any rules. I wanted to watch Mom act like a slut. What a load of crap. I was getting mad at Grandma for stopping Mom.

Then I heard Aunt Barb speak up.

"OK Patty... when do we get to have some of Jake?" Barb asked.

"Never." Mom responded.

"Awww... c'mon!" Barb said, "He's old enough now."

Grandma joined the debate, "Jake is 18 now. You can keep protecting him if you want. But it is ultimately up to him."

"My kids were all 18, when we introduced them." I heard Barb say.

"And look at us now." Alicia chimed in again.

"Besides, Patty..." Grandma added, "We all know you want to fuck him too."

"Oh, Hush!" Mom snapped at Grandma.

I could see Mom blushing. Did she really? Did Mom actually want to fuck me? I started stroking my cock when Mom first grabbed Sam JR's cock. But now I had to stop. This was too much and I was about to cum. I knew I wouldn't be able to hold off cumming very long but wanted to hold off as long as I could.

"Aunt Patty, you're blushing!" Alicia commented again.

From behind the camera, I heard Grandpa speak up.

"OK, then, little-miss-innocent." he started, "If Jake was here right now and he was standing in front of you naked, what would you do? Would you tell him to get dressed or suck his cock?"

Grandpa put her on the spot. The rest of the crowd all commented and voiced their opinions but then Mom finally answered him.

"First." she started, "I would send you all home and then I would fuck him in that special way that a Mother fucks her son without you guys all here getting in the way."

I almost came. I wasn't even touching my cock anymore but I still almost came. HOLY SHIT! Not only was Mom a slut, but she wants to fuck me. ME! Her oldest son! If I hadn't heard her say it with my own ears, I would have never believed it.

Just then, I could here the front door open again. Grandpa adjusted the camera to the door just in time to see two more people arrive. They were also heralded with a round of greetings from everybody. It was my older sister Debbie and her husband Ron.

With everything that was going on, I didn't even stop to consider what role she might have in all of this. Debbie was almost 2 years older than me and was really quite pretty. She looked a lot like Mom, but a bit shorter and thinner. I spied on her a few times growing up. I would try and catch her changing clothes or in the shower. Summer days by the pool always offered me the most skin. My mind was more than able to remove her skimpy bikinis. I hadn't seen much of her since she married Ron. Ron was an OK guy. He was more fun that Dad, but still a bit reserved. Or so I thought. They had been married a little over a year and Debbie just had a baby boy about 2 months prior to the party.

They both hugged and kissed Mom. Mom grabbed one of Debbie's boobs and squeezed it until a large wet spot showed on the front of her blouse. Debbie was obviously lactating.

"Got Milk?" Mom joked.

"Sure do, MOM." Debbie responded, "Want some?"

Debbie lifted her shirt and bra, grabbed both boobs and started squeezing them and squirting milk at Mom. Mom closed her eyes and moved her head back and forth, getting as much milk as she could on her face from both streams. Mom opened her mouth and leaned in toward Debbie's breast. Debbie stopped squirting and put one of her nipples in Mom's mouth. Mom started nursing and sucking milk from Debbie's breast.

"Just make sure to leave some for your Grandson." Debbie told her.

Just then, Grandma latched onto Debbie's other breast.

"Leave some for MY great-grandson." Grandma added.

"Is everybody here now?" Mom asked.

"Everybody is here." Grandma answered, "Let's get started."

Grandma looked at the camera.

The screen went black.

I was about to get upset. Both my Mom and Grandma were sucking milk from my sister's boobs and the screen goes black! I was about to get VERY upset.

An image appeared on the screen. It was my Mom. She was naked, lying on the very same bed I was now sitting on. I was no longer upset. She was lying on her back, legs only slightly open. The camera was positioned at the foot of the bed, giving me a direct view of her pussy. Mom's pussy was partially shaved. She had a 'V' shape of pubic hairs left. I had never seen Mom naked before. Sure, I tried to catch glimpses of her whenever I could but was for the most part unsuccessful. She had large, round, natural breasts that lay slightly to side. In her battle versus age and gravity she was the obvious winner.

I heard the door burst open and a wave of naked relatives flooded the room and surrounded the bed. The bed was high enough that I couldn't see most of their genitals. I did catch a glimpse of Uncle Samuel's cock. It was huge! It was already bigger than my cock is when I am hard, but he was still limp. I might not have been able to see pussies or cocks, but I could see boobs. Alicia's breasts were nice and perky. Probably a B-cup. Aunt Barb was a different story. She was 35-40 pounds heavier than my Mom was and it definitely showed in her breasts. She had large, pendulous breasts with large, dark aereolas. They looked fun.

"Happy Birthday!" they all shouted.

Grandma started pouring baby oil all over Mom's body. Wherever Grandma poured oil, somebody else reached in and started rubbing. In less than a minute, Mom was covered in oil and hands. Mom was getting a full-body massage all at once. They were massaging her legs, her arms, her shoulders, her body, her face, and her breasts... everywhere. But nobody was touching her pussy. Mom didn't seem to mind. Everything else that they were doing must have felt wonderful. This proceeded for several minutes. At Grandma's signal they all stopped and Mom rolled onto her stomach.

Grandma covered Mom's back with oil and the group massage continued. Again, she had hands on every part of her body except her pussy. I heard Grandpa call to Ron. A few seconds later there was some justling of the picture and then Grandpa climbed on the bed behind Mom. Everybody backed away from the bed except Grandma. Grandpa grabbed Mom's hips and she raised her ass to him. Now that there was room at the head of the bed, Grandma climbed up and sat spread-eagle with her pussy just inches from Mom's face. Grandma put her hand under Mom's chin and lifted her face.

"Happy Birthday, Baby! I love you!" she told her.

"I love you too, Mom." Mom replied and lowered her face to Grandma's pussy.

I watched the TV as Mom started licking and sucking Grandma's pussy. Her Mom's pussy.

My cock was throbbing. I had to stroke it.

Grandpa made a few corny statements about how he and Grandma caused Mom's birth so it was only fitting that they get her first on her birthday. I thought it sounded stupid, but everybody followed along. I watched as Grandpa guided his cock into my Mom's pussy. Mom moaned. It was a pleasurable moan. I know she was enjoying it. She had her Father's cock in her pussy and she was eating her own Mother's pussy. What wasn't to enjoy? I was enjoying watching it as well. Watching Mom acting like such a slut and with Grandma and Grandpa was an incredible turn-on. I wanted so much to be a part of what I was watching. I wanted to be fucking Mom. I couldn't take any more. I started to cum. I didn't want to cum on the carpet, so I leaned back and shot my load on my belly and chest. This was another intense orgasm and I came a lot. It was just like the first orgasm I had with Grandma, by the pool. I shot several spurts and shot them far. I shot way up onto my chest and one spurt even hit my chin.

I hit 'PAUSE' and got a hand-towel to clean up with. I hit 'PLAY' and resumed watching while I wiped up my cum.

The scene of Mom, Grandma, and Grandpa having sex had an effect on the others who were watching also and they started playing amongst themselves. Ron did a good job of trying to keep up on the action with the camera.

Aunt Barb leaned into Grandma. They started making out and fondling each other's breasts.

Debbie crossed to the other side of the bed and started sucking Uncle Samuel's massive cock.

Alicia dropped to her knees and took her brother's cock in her mouth. Sam JR's cock wasn't nearly as big as his Dad's but was still quite impressive. It was probably 9" and fairly thick.

When the camera focused again on Mom, Grandpa was still fucking her from behind. Mom had her fist deep in Grandma's pussy and Aunt Barb was fingering Grandma's clit. Soon Grandma's pussy exploded and she was squirting all over Mom's hand and face. Aunt Barb licked Grandma's juices off Mom's face and started tongue kissing her.

"C'mon." Mom said to Aunt Barb.

Grandma's orgasm was over so Mom spun around and took Grandpa's cock in her mouth. Aunt Barb followed her lead and joined her.

Ron walked to the side of the bed and got a great close-up shot of the two sisters sucking their Dad's cock together. This was the first time I got to see Mom with a cock in her mouth. My cock was rock hard again.

"You've been neglected." I heard Grandma whisper close to the camera.

"Mmmmm...yeah... that's nice." Soon followed from Ron.

Ron aimed the camera at his own cock. Grandma was devouring it in a way I was already familiar with. I knew he was enjoying that.

The camera did a quick pan of the room and then focused back on Mom and Aunt Barb taking turns sucking Grandpa's cock. The action amongst the others was unchanged.

Mom looked in the direction of Uncle Samuel and Debbie.

"My pussy is empty," she said.

Aunt Barb saw where Mom had directed her statement and looked at Sam JR.

"So is mine." Aunt Barb added.

Mom and Aunt Barb were both on their knees. Uncle Samuel took his place behind Mom and Sam JR got behind his own Mom. Mom's face grimaced briefly as Uncle Samuel lunged forward. His cock was huge. It must have caused some discomfort at first but I could soon see pleasure on Mom's face.

"You want my cock, Mom?" Sam JR teased his mother.

"Yes, Baby!" Aunt Barb responded, "Fuck your Momma like you always do!"

Aunt Barb closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip as her son guided his cock into her pussy. Her face showed no discomfort at all. Hell, she was used to Uncle Samuel's massive cock. Still, I could tell she was enjoying Sam JR's cock as well.

Ron shuffled to the side just enough to get the perfect view of Mom and Aunt Barb. I could still see them sucking Grandpa's cock. I could also see the two sisters' pussies being pounded by black cock.

"I'm about to cum!" Grandpa alerted them.

The camera zoomed on Mom and Aunt Barb just as Grandpa's cock started spurting his cum all over their faces. They took turns sucking his cock as he filled each of their mouths with cum and then they let the rest land on their faces and drip off their chins.

When Grandpa's cock was drained of cum, they both looked back toward the camera and showed off their cum-covered faces. They opened their mouths and showed Grandpa's cum to the camera before swallowing it. They turned to each other and cleaned the cum from each other's faces with their mouths.

Grandpa got off the bed as Aunt Barb and Mom cleaned each other and kissed.

"Some day, I hope we can share Jake's cock like this." Aunt Barb said to Mom.

Mom gave her a stern look and then smiled.

"So do I." She said.

I wanted to cum again.

Grandpa took the camera back from Ron and focused on Grandma sucking Ron's cock. Grandma smiled and waved and then kept sucking.

I had not seen Debbie or Alicia since Uncle Samuel and Sam JR joined Mom and Aunt Barb on the bed. Grandpa found them with the camera. They were on the floor. Debbie was lying on her back and Alicia was fingering her pussy. She would probably be eating her pussy except that she was too busy sucking milk from Debbie's breasts. Debbie had her hand between Alicia's thighs and was fingering her pussy as well.

The camera focused on Mom again. She crawled forward a bit so that Uncle Samuel's cock was no longer in her pussy. She turned to him.

"I want to ride your cock now." She told him.

Uncle Samuel lay on his back and I watched Mom straddle him. Grandpa zoomed the camera in on her pussy. Mom was facing away from the camera as she started to guide his cock inside her. This was the best view I had of Mom's pussy so far. Her pussy was extremely wet and gaping open. I was wishing that was my face she was squatting over instead of Uncle Samuel's cock. This was also the first time I got a really good look at his massive cock. It was well over 10" long. Maybe 12"-13" and as thick as Mom's wrist. I watched as it disappeared, inch by inch into Mom's hungry pussy. She didn't go all the way down. She left a couple inches at the base out. She slowly raised her ass up off of it, just leaving the head inside. She lowered herself back down. She continued this slow, fluid movement. Slowly, she picked up speed and started riding Uncle Samuel's cock like a pro.

After just a few minutes of this, Mom grabbed Sam JR's arm.

"I want to suck your cock while I fuck your dad." she told him.

He looked at his Mom for approval.

"It's her birthday." Aunt Barb said, "Give her what she wants."

Sam JR's cock was glistening with the wetness of his mother's pussy as my own mother took it in her mouth. Mom must have liked the taste of Aunt Barb's juices. She moaned while licking and sucking as much of it from Sam JR's cock as she could. Then she started sucking and stroking it, pumping it in her mouth as she continued to ride up and down on Uncle Samuel's cock.

Aunt barb got off the bed but I don't know what happened to her after that. Grandpa kept the camera focused on Mom as she was enjoying those two big, black dicks. Mom did as best she could to keep working both cocks at the same time. Sometimes she would stop sucking the one in her mouth to concentrate on the one in her pussy. And sometimes she would stop riding the one, to suck the other. All in all, it was the absolute hottest thing I had ever seen in my entire life.

"I'm getting close." Sam JR said.

Mom sat deep on Uncle Samuel's cock and concentrated on Sam JR.

Grandpa positioned himself so the camera could catch what was about to happen.

I knew what was going to happen. I had to let go of my cock.

Mom had the head of Sam JR's cock in her mouth and she was stroking the shaft with her hands. She was pumping his cock. She was trying to pump his cum into her mouth. Sam JR grabbed the back of Mom's head and held it in place as he started to groan.

"I'm cumming!" was all he said.

Mom kept pumping. I could see her throat moving as she was swallowing as much as she could. I thought she was going to swallow it all, but she wasn't able to keep up with his load. Cum started spilling from her lips and around his cock. Mom tilted her head back and took what was left of his load on her face. She had already swallowed most of it, so there wasn't as much cum on her face as there was when Grandpa just came on her and Aunt Barb. But it was still enough to make my cock jerk and throb and want to cum. Somehow I was able to keep from cumming.

Mom cleaned up some of it, but she still had some cum on her face as she resumed fucking Uncle Samuel. Grandpa did a good job of filming it. He would get some full body shots of Mom riding his cock but he also got some good close-ups. I really liked watching Mom sliding up and down on that huge, black cock. I could see her pussy lips gripping it as she rode up. I could also hear the wet, squishy sounds she made as she fucked it. She would change her pace. Sometimes she was slow and deliberate and sometimes she was fast and aggressive.

"I want you to fill my pussy with your cum." Mom said to Uncle Samuel. "I want to feel you shoot your cum deep inside me."

Uncle Samuel grabbed Mom's hips and started lifting her and lowering her on his cock. He was in control now and they both were getting off. He was driving her down on his cock fast and hard. Mom was screaming and cumming. I saw something white start to appear on his cock. As soon as I saw his cum, I grabbed my cock. It didn't take much and I was cumming too. Each time Mom rode up on his cock, more cum appeared. I watched as Uncle Samuel filled Mom's pussy with cum and it was flowing out and around his cock. Uncle Samuel was a bull. He had the cock of a bull and came like a bull. He kept lifting Mom and slamming her back down on his cock. There was a lot of cum at the base of his cock and along the shaft. Finally he let go and Mom collapsed forward on him. His cock started to get soft and Mom raised herself from it. Her pussy was gaping open and even more cum poured from it. Mom rolled over onto the bed next to him. She was exhausted and her pussy was dripping cum. She was done.

I started cumming at the same time as Uncle Samuel. The amount of my cum was nothing in comparison. I shot my load into the towel I had handy and wiped up as I watched the camera zoom in on Mom's worn out pussy.

Grandma hugged Mom and whispered "Happy Birthday" to her.

Grandma then looked at the camera. The screen went black.

I know that the others continued having sex and can only guess what else happened that night. I didn't care now. I got to see what I wanted to see. I not only got to see my Mom naked, I also got to see her acting like more of a slut than I could ever have imagined. I was very happy.

I was also drained and a bit confused. As difficult as it was coming to terms with having sex with Grandma and Grandpa, this was going to even more difficult. How do I approach this new revelation about Mom? Do I even do anything or keep it a secret and a fantasy? It looks like I have even more deep thinking to do. For the time being, I wanted to keep it a secret and not even tell Grandma and Grandpa what I discovered.

I rewound the movie and put everything back exactly as it was earlier. I put my clothes back on and went downstairs to get on the computer and free my mind for a bit.

The phone rang. It startled me and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"H-H-Hello..." I answered.

"Hello, Honey. It's me, Mom." I heard Mom say. "I just wanted to call and check on you again. This is your first night alone and I am just concerned. I hope you're not mad."

"NO!" I shouted, "I'm not mad at all. I'm really kind of glad you called."

"Really? I thought you would think I was being a pest," she said

"Normally... yes" I teased her, "But tonight it's fine."

"OK... good." She responded, "I just wanted to make sure everything was OK."

"Everything is fine. I guess I am just missing you tonight." I told her, "I just like hearing your voice right now."

"Wow!" she said, "That doesn't sound like you. Are you sure everything is OK?"

"Yes." I answered, "I'm just lonely."

"Alright." Mom replied, "I miss you and like hearing your voice too."

"Mom." I asked, "Are you sure you can't come here this week-end? I'd really like to see you."

"I'm sorry, Honey. I can't. Mrs. Henderson is away this weekend and nobody else can cover my class. I promise I will come visit the following weekend though. How's that?"

"I guess it will have to do."

I was both sad and relieved that she wouldn't make it this weekend. Sad that I wouldn't be able to feast my eyes on her beautiful body or pursue whatever plan of action I decided to take. I was also relieved that I now had an extra week to decide what, if anything, I wanted to do.

The rest of the conversation was normal and consisted of smalltalk. I did enjoy talking to her and hearing her voice. I made no comment whatsoever that would indicate what I discovered tonight or what has been transpiring here since I moved in. For now, it was best that she had no idea.

We talked for several more minutes and then said our 'Good-byes'. again.

Now that I knew that Mom was definitely not going to be visiting for another week, I had plenty of time to consider how to handle things. While talking to her, I decided that YES; I am definitely going to pursue having sex with her. Now, I just need to figure out how...

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