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58.34% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2392: @2

Chapitre 2392: @2

I felt better and expressed that, "Thanks, that makes me feel better knowing it won't all be on my shoulders."

Scooping up Al to sit on her lap she pointed at the door, which I closed, "There's another part to this equation Roy. After you plant our baby girl inside me I will be in mommy mode. Which means that during the pregnancy and after she's born you won't likely see much of me in the greenhouses."

I chuckled, "You have more faith in me putting a girl inside you than I do. What if it's not a girl?"

Taking my chin in her hand she spoke with authority, "It will be and that's that. Somehow, I know this is the right time to put a baby girl in my womb."

Walking through the kitchen toward the door Consuelo spoke, "Listen to her Roy. She will help you become as successful as she is. All the people who work for her love her and they see the same spirit in you. Don't try to rush it, just let it happen."

All day Friday Jackie and I seemed to find one reason after the next to be in close contact until lunch. As we got back to the greenhouses Connie took us aside.

"Listen you two, there's work to be done. I know you want to be with each other but that needs to wait until your date tonight. Do we understand each other?"

We responded in the positive and went about our day as we should have from the beginning. Everyone had left for the day, Connie had taken the report to Drew and I was getting the following day's materials ready. To my surprise Jackie walked in and smiled. Cocking her hip to the side with her hand on it in a provocative manner she spoke.

"It's after 5 and I'm through for the day. Do I get a kiss goodbye or not?"

My executive decision was thus, 'work can wait, I'm going to kiss this girl'. As we kissed she gently opened her mouth letting my tongue slip in. When we broke the kiss and stepped back she grinned.

"You've done that before. Most guys your age are clueless when it comes to being a good kisser. What are we going to do and what time will you pick me up?"

I was walking away when I said, "I'd like to take you to that fancy supper club on highway 26 so dress pretty and I'll pick you up at 7."

Hurrying past me she slapped my ass, "I always dress pretty wise guy. Okay, see you at 7."

Dressed pretty didn't do her justice. Along with makeup that was perfect, dark curly hair hanging softly over her shoulders and just the right amount of jewelry she was wearing a crisp white blouse and a grey pleated skirt. Just when I thought I'd drunk in all her beauty the shimmer of stockings caught my eye. I was telling my dick, 'down boy, stay down'. Could I be so lucky as to have a soon to be girlfriend who liked stockings, and maybe lingerie? I had been after Drew for months to wear lingerie, she said they were too uncomfortable and if I didn't like her nylon or cotton panties I didn't have to stick my hands in them. That cleared the cobwebs in my head instantly.

I worn a dress shirt, tie and dress slacks. She looked me up and down, then walked around and stopped in front of me. Looking over at Connie she asked.

"Well mom, what do you think? He cleans up nicely wouldn't you say?"

Connie laughed and nodded. I wasn't prepared for the reception we received at the supper club. The staff were more than friendly and attentive, it was the customers who were rude. Looking at the mixed race couple, shaking their heads, pointing fingers. I was ready to stand and walk out when I felt her delicate hand over mine.

"Ignore them Roy. They're the ones with the problem, not us. I witnessed this crap extensively in what was supposed to be the land of inclusion, namely California. But no matter how you sugar coat something the rancid taste still shows itself. If you have a problem with being here together we'll go, but know this, I'll never date you again."

I moved my hand so our fingers intertwined and said to her, "Screw these people. I'm with the lady I want to be with. Like you said, it's their problem, not ours. Let's order, I'm starved."

After I began ignoring them they somehow seemed to disappear. I was focused on Jackie and nothing else. We talked, held hands, laughed and made plans for things in the weeks ahead. I brought up the fact that the next weekend I would be busy and wouldn't see her until Monday. She asked what I would be doing.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Not sure, something Drew has planned. I think it has to do with the house."

By the time we left it was nearly nine. We had a half hour drive to reach her place, as we were driving she slid across the seat and sat tight to my body. With her fingers playing in my hair she leaned close and whispered in my ear.

"Do you know where the old lime quarry is?" I nodded. "Then let's go there, I'm not ready to call it a night."

My dick wasted no time responding to her words. It was rising and doing so rapidly. I knew of the old lime quarry, it was where people went to park. Was I going to get lucky with Jackie? As much as I liked Drew and all she had taught me, I was enamored with Jackie. The thought of more than a kiss or two had me hard as a rock. Thank God it was dark enough she couldn't see the tent in my slacks. When we pulled in the place was empty save another car way at the end of the road a hundred yards or more away. It was chilly enough that I left the car running after dousing the lights. With the lights out she moved away to the passenger side of the seat.

Smiling she motioned for me to come closer, "Over here Roy. There's more room."

The longer we kissed the steamier things became. I bravely moved my hand up her side and had it on the edge of her bra when she stopped me.

"If you aren't serious about me then stop. I have no desire to be somebody's lay."

I answered her by gently cupping her breast, softly molding it through the material of her blouse and bra. Moving my hand away she reached down tugging the blouse from her skirt. I knew what to do and slid my hand inside the blouse, put my hand under the bra and lifted. She moaned when my hand made contact with her bare 32 B's. Soft and delicate like Drews, but a bit firmer. I lifted the bra over the other breast and began caressing, when I attempted to open the blouse she stopped me.

"No, not tonight. Be happy with second base. I like you Roy, I mean I really like you but I'm not ready for that. Things happened while I was modeling that I swore would never happen again. If you can be patient there will be more, but not now."

I lightly bit each nipple through the blouse, then kissed them and pulled the bra down. After she'd adjusted it she turned to me with a sultry look.

"You've done that before. If you don't have a girlfriend where did you learn to do those things?"

I needed to think of a quick lie, "Oh, I've gone out with a few girls. Most before I moved here."

She smirked as she tucked the blouse in, "Are you sure you haven't been getting lessons elsewhere? You're awfully smooth to have only dated a few girls. You live in miss Drew's house with a baby boy that looks an awful lot like you."

Oh, oh, trouble. Time to double down on the lie, "What? No! She got pregnant at a conference with a guy who looks a lot like her late husband, who just happened to look a lot like me. Or maybe it's the other way around. Think about it Jackie, we have the same blood line, who's to say Al doesn't have more of his mother's features than the dad?"

She laughed softly and said, "Okay, if you say so."

I was behind the wheel ready to turn the headlights on when she put her hand on my arm.

"I know I left you frustrated and that wasn't my intention. As much as you tried hiding that hardon it was obvious. Oh look, that car is rocking. I know what they're dooooing. Take me home Roy, or we're in trouble."

Standing on the stoop outside her front door the porch light went on and then off a few times. Jackie huffed, said, "Stay right there", and spun opening the door. Two feet from her was Connie.

"Mother I'm 24, I'll come in when I'm good and ready. Go find your own guy."

With that declaration the light went off, she was back in my arms and our tongues were doing a tango. Being an inch or more shorter than her I could easily envision myself with her nipples in my mouth. As she broke the kiss she whispered softly into my ear.

"I liked what we did tonight, but don't be a kiss and tell guy. Okay?"

I gave her my most serious look, "Never happen beautiful. Never happen. I have too much respect for you to do that."

Stepping back she put her hand on my chest, "Thank you for calling me beautiful. It's been a long time since someone loved me just for me instead of the color of my skin or my job. Modeling is a brutal life. I know you're working tomorrow but can we maybe do something Sunday afternoon? It's family bowling in the afternoon, not very likely all the rednecks will be there."

I nodded, "That sounds like fun, but I'm not very good at it."

As she opened the front door she grinned, "Neither am I. I just want to be with you. Goodnight prince charming."

Walking into Drew's house I was surprised her bedroom light was still on and made my way down the hall. Even more surprising was when she lifted the blanket to show me that she was naked save a garter belt and stockings. Gesturing me to come closer she opened the fly of my slacks and stuck her hand inside. The front of my underwear was soaked with the excretions of my earlier excitement. Pulling my dick out she kissed it and gave me a command.

"You've got five minutes to get out of those clothes and in this bed. GO!"

I bound up the steps two at a time. Hastily disrobed, hung my clothes and raced naked to her bedroom, though I didn't sleep in it every night it was now referred to as 'our' bed. Lying in the middle of the bed in stockings and a garter belt she reached up her arms to hold me as she opened her legs. I was going to eat her, she stopped my advance.

"Not tonight. Tonight we fuck. I figured she'd leave you with blue balls. Let's see if we can't lighten the load big boy. Give Auntie the reaming she needs."

As I slid in with one long stroke my mind was wondering where the terminology 'auntie' had come from. She'd never referred to herself that way prior. Thankfully my dick took over the thinking process as I began to push harder and harder. She'd climaxed twice when she blurted, "stop."

Pushing me back she quickly went to hands and knees, her ass high, waiting for me to fill her very wet hungry pussy. I was in and ready to plow new ground when she spoke.

"Wait. Raise up and put one foot on the mattress, now the other one like you're squatting. Mmm, lovely. Now fuck me til I scream."

It was nothing but pussy wrapped around my cock and I absolutely loved it. With my fingers on the small of her back for balance I gave it every ounce of energy I had. A new Drew arrived on the scene as she began to encourage.

"Yes. Yes, fuck her hard lover. Fill me with baby juice. Cum in me Roy, cum deep. Give me a baby."

I happily obliged as my cock spewed what felt like a quart of semen into her pussy. She kept uttering.

"I can feel it. Oh my God, I can feel it. I think you put a baby in me."

Lying next to each other in coital bliss I asked, "I thought you weren't fertile until next weekend?"

"I'm not one hundred percent sure, but who knows when you haven't had a period for so long. I feel as though we just made a baby, even if this didn't make me pregnant it was so much fun practicing. How did you like the new position? I read about it in one of the women's magazines at the doctors. No wonder women are knocked up all the time."

We lay in the dark for some time. Just as I was thinking she'd drifted off to sleep I felt her hand on my limp dick. Against my will it responded accordingly. Giving it a stroke and squeeze she spoke.

"I'm gonna miss this Roy. You've not only brought me such delight, but you're also about to give me another baby, a little girl."

"How do you know it's going to be a girl?"

"I don't know, I just feel it inside. I'm serious when I say I think you got me pregnant tonight."

My inquisitive mind needed to know, "So does that mean we aren't going to screw next weekend?"

She huffed and pushed back looking at me, "Oh hell no. You're going to put more sperm in me next weekend than ever before. My eggs won't have a chance. No Roy, next weekend is mine, all mine."

"Drew? You said you were going to miss this. I assume you mean our love making. Why will you miss it if I'm still here?"

She slid tight again and chuckled, "Don't be daft Roy. You and Jackie are meant for each other. You're going to chase her until she catches you, from that point forward we'll need to stop. I'm not about to be screwing you at the same time you're screwing her. Not gonna happen."

"Yeah, but she and I are barely doing more than kissing. She let me touch her breasts under the bra, and then she stopped me."

With that comment she broke out laughing, "Men. You guys can be such idiots. She told you to stop because if you didn't she was going to be on her back, panties on the floor, skirt bunched around her waist and your cock buried in her pussy. That's why she told you to stop. Stay with me tonight, now be quiet and go to sleep."

I exhaled and said softly, "You started this conversation. How is it my fault?"

Patting my chest she cooed, "Shut up tiger."

Saturday was a non-eventful workday. After a light lunch we went into town for groceries. Little Al was smiling at everyone charming the pants off them. Numerous people stopped to slobber over him and talk with Drew, I went about filling the grocery list. As we were walking out who should be walking in but Connie and Jackie. When our eyes met there was no way to stop the smile from flooding our faces. Drew stepped to the side talking with Connie while Jackie followed me to the truck.

Pushing the cart she put her hand on top of mine working her fingers between mine as though holding hands. My heart was racing. Though Drew had taken me in, taught me to be a man and a good lover, I couldn't imagine anything better than being with Jackie every moment of every day. With the groceries loaded in the truck I pushed the cart back to the store with Jackie holding my hand. There could be no way anyone watching wouldn't know we were together. As we approached the two women Drew handed Al to me, it was obvious their conversation wasn't over. Jackie and I sat in the truck with Al between us on the seat, (there was no such thing as child seats then), nor were there seat belts. Just before Drew and Connie parted Jackie leaned over to kiss me.

"Do you think maybe we could do something tonight Roy? I know we're going bowling tomorrow, but I'd like to see you tonight as well." Pulling my head close to hers she whispered in my ear. "I'd like to revisit last night."

She'd no more than said that when the door opened, Jackie said "bye" and headed to the store in search of her mother. Drew had a smirk on her face.

Driving from the parking lot I asked, "So what's the grin about?"

"You two. You're like love struck puppies. It's sweet to watch. With all that hippie free love crap going on I find it refreshing that young people can still fall in love, because free love is never free, somebody pays the price."

I called Jackie when we got home and arranged to pick her up at five so we could go to the Dog and Suds for a burger before we did anything else. As we ate she asked if we could go to Princeton to a juke joint she knew of. The more I thought about it the more I realized where she was talking about.

"But .... Isn't that a colored only bar? I don't think they're going to wanna see me in there. I sure don't feel like getting beat up because I show up with my colored girlfriend."

Taking my hand in hers she spoke with soft sincerity, "We aren't called colored anymore. We call ourselves black, it's not like we come in an array of colors. Sure, some are darker or lighter skin than others, but we all fit into that category of people. Black."

I cringed, "Okay, but I still don't want to get my ass kicked, I'm not a very big guy."

I carried our trash to the bin and returned to the car. As soon as the door was closed she scooted across the seat and tight to my side. With her hand on the upper part of my thigh she kissed me and then spoke.

"First off, it's not a black only bar. Second, you won't get your ass kicked. My first cousin Edson will be there with his Jamaican girlfriend and her skin is only a shade or two darker than yours. I've already talked to him and he said he'll protect you. And if you're wondering, he's six foot three, 310 pounds and has a mean streak a mile wide when it comes to protecting family. I'm not saying we won't be harassed, but nobody is going to hurt us. I'm going to say something you've likely never heard before. Some black people can be just as racist as white people, but just like all white people aren't prejudiced, same is true with black people."

I was still not convinced, the last thing I wanted was an altercation 32 miles from home. She obviously sensed it.

"Baby we don't have to go if it bothers you that much. It's just that you like soul music as much as I do, they'll have a live band. I thought it would be nice."

I needed to step up and be the man Drew always said I had turned into. I didn't need to fight anyone to do that. Jackie wanted me with her, it certainly wouldn't be the last situation like this if we were to stay together. Sitting straight with my shoulders back I looked at her.

"Yes. Let's do that. I'm shorter than you and not very big, but if you don't mind being with me, then I'm okay with it. I'm not comfortable thinking about it, but only because I don't know what to expect."

With her arms around my neck we kissed for several minutes before realizing we had an audience of teenage girls giggling and laughing. As she pulled back toward the middle of the seat she smiled.

"I'll make it worth your while when we head home. Promise. Roy, I don't care if you're shorter and not built like Charles Atlas. I just want to be with you. I think we're meant to be together."

We weren't ten miles down the road when 'Everybody say Yeah' by Stevie Wonder began to blast through the airwaves. It was followed by 'You've Lost That Lovin Feeling', then 'Shotgun' by Junior Walker and the Allstars. 'Can't Help Myself' by the Four Tops rounded out the non-stop commercial free set. We had a great time singing along, she was making dance moves in the seat I'd never witnessed before. By the time we made Princeton we'd heard 'Tambourine Man' by Dillan, 'Ticket to Ride' by the Beatles, 'Satisfaction' by the Rolling Stones, and who else to cap off the drive but James Brown singing 'Papa's Got a Brand-New Bag'. To say we were cranked and ready would be an understatement.

I parked about halfway back in the lot, she told me to stay put while she went and found Edson. Five minutes later she was walking to the car followed by a rather large intimidating man with a smaller light skin woman holding his hand. I exited the car, locked the door and turned to see him face to face. He extended his hand to shake mine, I followed suit as we greeted one another.

"Name's Edson. What do they call you?"

"Nice to meet you Edson, my name is Roy. You can probably tell I'm a little nervous."

Jackie and his girl were ahead of us chatting as we walked toward the building. Putting his hand on my shoulder he looked down.

"I'll be near all the time. There's gonna be some bruthus that won't like you just cuz yer skins white. Prolly call you honky or cracker, ignore um, they be all talk. And they damned sure aint gonna mess with me."

I decided to ask, "Why did you bring your girl out to the car with you?"

"Cuz I don't trust a few of those mothafu..... and before he could continue both women spun on a dime. His girl pointed a finger in his face with a scowl on hers. He continued, "Yeah baby, sorry. Like I was sayin, most of those guys are cool with her bein my woman, then there's those other muth....., guys. You be sure and keep Jackie close and don't let nobody cut in or buy her a drink."Tapping Jackie on the shoulder he said, "You hear that Jack, you don't dance with nobody but Roy and he the only one gon buy you drinks."

"Got it." She chirped.

As the girls quickly went to the lady's room Edson gave me a warning. "Listen, some of these fools are gonna give you shit just cuz you're new and with a black girl. But look around, you aint the only white guy here. Best thing to do, ignore um, if they push it find me. Girls be back, let's find a table."

The place was jumping and the band hadn't started yet. I went with Edson to the bar for beer and when we returned there were three guys chatting up the girls. Edson stood behind two while the other slunk away, which caused the other two to turn and look. You could see the fear in their eyes as they gazed upon that huge man.

"Look here you fools. Stay away from this table and these ladies. I see you talkin to um again we'll have a little talk in the back alley. Now get the fuck outa here."

Wanda (his girlfriend) was going to say something, he gave her a look and muttered, "Save it." She smiled and said, "Thank you for protecting us baby."

By the time the band set up I was feeling more comfortable. Several people had stopped by, singles and couples, all people who knew Edson and Wanda. I needed to piss and said I was headed to the can. Edson was talking with someone as I walked away. Bad move on my part, as soon as I entered the men's room there were three guys right behind me. One leaned against the door and the other two walked toward me. The biggest one seemed to be in charge.

"Wat chu doin with a sistuh you white muthafucka? Black women need be wit black men, not a little cracker like you. You gon get yo ass beat boy."

I was telling myself I knew coming here was a bad idea when the door burst open throwing the guy leaning against it onto the sinks. There stood Edson, face like a rock, no emotion whatsoever. Pointing at the big guy he snarled.

"Get your black ass outa here fool. I see you or any of those assholes you run wit mess wit him I'll put you in the dirt. Now git."

He stood by the door while I relieved myself. As I washed my hands he stood next to me.

"That should be the end of you getting shit from them, they're the worst ones. Word'll get out now. People will leave you alone so you and Jackie can have some fun."

And we did, we danced fast and slow. The slow were the best, she would press her body to mine enough that I could feel the swell of her breasts and occasionally she'd move in such a way that my thigh would slip between hers. I never touched pussy with my leg, but I damned sure knew it was there. We necked a few times slow dancing and she made sure we kissed at the end of every slow song. Just before we were going to leave a rather arrogant well-dressed black guy stopped at the table. Looking directly at Jackie he asked.

"What's wrong with dating a brother? Why you wanna be with this short little cracker?"

I loved that girl all the more when she answered, "He's only short where you can see. There's more to my man than meets your eye."

By the time the night was over we had made numerous acquaintances, one in particular intrigued me. A tall well-built white guy with a shorter chubby black girl.

The way he treated her and doted it was obvious there was much more to their relationship than just the physical. Edson was holding Wanda's hand while they accompanied us to the car, 'just in case' he said.

As I was helping Jackie in the car he made an interesting comment. "I see you watching that big white guy and little Brenda."

I nodded, "Odd couple. He's so big and she's little. I would have thought he'd be with somebody closer to his size.'

He laughed, "You and ever-body else. These be his words, not mine, 'I like a little extra cushin for the pushin'. No shit, he likes um small and round. Brenda don't complain neither, apparently his arms aren't the only big thing on him."

We sat as the car warmed. The fact that Edson spoke entirely different when he was with me in the men's room and how he talked outside the bathroom hadn't escaped me.

"Why did Edson talk different to me when we were in the bathroom?"

She looked oddly at me, "What do you mean?"

"Well in the men's room, and at other times he was articulate, but other times he spoke differently."

She laughed, "Edson is an English teacher at Jefferson High. He talks like that when he's around the guys he hung with as a kid, it's how they grew up talking. Besides, some of those guys call him an uppity nigger when he talks without the slang. So ..... He goes along to get along."

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