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54.46% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2233: @2

Chapitre 2233: @2

A few weeks before the cruise, Miss Macy announced that she needed to do some shopping. That meant, of course, that she wanted me and my credit card to go to the mall with her. I told her that we would go on the following Saturday afternoon, which happened to be her birthday, and then out to dinner afterwards. We spent a few hours going from store to store. In some stores, she held up potential purchases and asked my opinion. In others, such as Victoria's Secret, she told me to sit down in the mall and do some people watching while she made her selections in private.

I told her that we would probably be invited to the captain's table for dinner one evening and there was also a formal dance one night, so she needed to have a few nice dresses with her. She pretended to be upset at the necessity of shopping for some fancy dresses but it was quite obvious that she was enjoying the experience. It was the first time that I had seen her smile in several months and, despite the final bill for the shopping spree, I was quite elated to see a glimpse of the previously happy Miss Macy.

We went to dinner at an Italian restaurant managed by one of my friends. They seated us in a private dining room and we proceeded to have a nice, leisurely meal. As soon as we ordered an appetizer, my friend brought us a bottle of wine and three glasses. He opened the bottle and demonstrated to Miss Macy what a responsible sommelier would do when opening a wine and what a customer should do before approving the wine. He sat and shared a glass of wine with us. Miss Macy seemed to enjoy being educated on an adult subject and she tried to act sophisticated while sipping her glass of merlot.

The meal was outstanding and, of course, one glass of merlot became three glasses of merlot. We had cannolis for dessert and Miss Macy said that it was the best meal, and the best birthday, she had ever had. She was not falling down drunk but it was obvious that she was a little bit under the influence. She held my hand as we walked out to the car and got in to return home.

When we arrived home, I said, "I'm not ready for bed but I'm going to my bedroom to change."

"Me, too, Daddy. This is the first day that I've felt okay in many months and I don't want it to end. I think I'll try on one of my new purchases."

I carried the shopping bags to her room and then went down the hall to get out of my clothes. As had become the norm for us, I left just my boxers on. I went to the kitchen and got some water and then returned to the family room and sat on the sofa. I scanned the cable guide but didn't see anything that grabbed my attention.

I heard Miss Macy approaching from behind me and then she came into view. She walked to a spot a few feet in front of the sofa and then began posing like a model.

"What do you think, Daddy?" she asked me in a little girl voice.

"Wow," I said quite sincerely. "Wow!" Miss Macy was wearing a night gown that was a sheer top with matching panties. I was accustomed to seeing her panties but this top was sheer enough that I could vaguely discern her nipples . . . and they were quite obviously erect.

"I thought that it was time for me to try something a bit more grown up and I wanted to see how you liked this."

"Well, honey, it's . . . stunning and . . . seeing you looking so grown up is . . . it's rather breathtaking!" I said.

"So does that mean that you like it?" she asked.

"Well . . . I love it!" I admitted.

She walked towards me and then proceeded to sit on my lap, facing me, with her knees straddling my legs. She bent forward, placed her arms around my neck, and gave me a tight hug. "I love you, Daddy. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life. I know you've been trying very hard to help me through the hard times and I want you to know how much I love you for everything you do."

In the back of my mind, I was aware of her little breasts and hard nipples poking me in my chest, but I was trying to concentrate on being a good father. I was also aware that her pussy was just a few inches from my dick but, fortunately, there was no sign of arousal in the pants department.

"My dear, you are my world now and I would be lost without you," I confessed to her.

"I thought about Mom a lot during the day," she continued. "I thought about what we would be doing if she was here. Do you think this feeling will ever go away?"

"I hope so, honey. I'm still hurting, too. I miss seeing her, I miss her voice, I miss her touch, my bed feels empty . . ."

"Well, about that empty bed . . . since this is a tough night for both of us, can I sleep in your bed tonight? Please!?!?!"

Once again, I could not say no to Miss Macy.

"Okay, I guess maybe that would be okay," I answered her. "Are you ready for bed now?"

"Well, I don't think I'm going to sleep in this nightgown but it will just take me a minute to change," she explained.

She went off to her bedroom to change and I locked the doors, turned off the lights, and set the alarm. I brushed my teeth and then got in my bed. Just seconds later, Miss Macy entered the bedroom. She was wearing a thong and a cut off t-shirt that came just below her boobs. Apparently, she was not wearing a bra.

Miss Macy got between the sheets and rolled over so that she was spooned with me. She reached back, found my hand, and pulled it over her.

"This feels real nice, Daddy. I love you."

"I love you, too, sweetie."

Miss Macy was not accustomed to drinking AND it had been a very active day for her so it wasn't long before she was asleep. I felt a little bit guilty because it felt good to have this beautiful girl sleeping in my bed with my arms wrapped around her. I was still her daddy and I intended to keep that fact foremost in my mind . . . but it did feel good.

I allowed myself to at least smile before I joined Miss Macy in dreamland.

Sometime during the night, Miss Macy got up to pee and to get some water. She didn't bother to close the bathroom door, most likely because she assumed that I was still asleep. However, I had apparently sensed the movement in the bed and awakened as she got up. I heard her flush and then I heard the running water as she washed her hands. Then she left the bedroom for a minute, probably for a visit to the refrigerator to get some water.

I didn't open my eyes or say anything to her as she got back in bed. She scooted back so that she was again spooned with me, and then she reached back and pulled my arm over her. This time, she guided my hand so that it was cupping her t-shirt clad boob! I didn't know whether she had done that intentionally or what, but she apparently didn't think it was a big deal - even though I had never previously touched her boobs at all. Since it didn't bother her I assumed that it was unintentional and she wasn't thinking of it in sexual terms, so I just kept my mouth closed and drifted back off to sleep with a wonderful sample of 34B in my hand.

At some point during the night, I'm not sure whether I was awake or dreaming but I had the sensation that Miss Macy was gently pulling up on her t-shirt until it exposed her boob and my fingers were now wrapped around her naked tit. I recall her nipple being hard and my dick getting hard but then, if I had in fact roused from the deepest stages of my sleep, I quickly returned to the depths of dreamland.

When I finally woke up in the morning, my hand was still cupping her boob, but the nipple was no longer hard. I assumed that meant that Miss Macy was still asleep, and that was a good thing because . . . sometime before I awoke, I had developed an erection and Mr. Willy had popped out of the fly on my boxers. It was firmly poking Miss Macy in her almost naked ass and I would have been very embarrassed if she had been awake.

I slowly rolled over and away from her, stuffed Mr. Elephant back in his cage, and quietly got out of bed. I went to the bathroom, closed the door, drained the lizard, then went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. I turned on the TV and started watching a recap of Saturday's baseball scores when I heard Miss Macy enter the room.

She was still dressed in her thong and cut off t-shirt. "Good morning, cutie!" I greeted her.

"Good morning, daddy!" she replied. "My head hurts just a little bit this morning. Is that a hangover?"

"Yes, honey. The best cure for a hangover is to keep drinking plenty of water during the night, take ibuprofen before you go to bed, take ibuprofen again when you wake up the next morning, and eat a good breakfast, so . . . maybe you should go pour yourself a glass of orange juice, take some ibuprofen, then get dressed and I'll take you out to breakfast."

"Okay, daddy!"

A few minutes later, she reappeared in the family room and slid onto my lap, facing me, with her knees straddling my legs. "Daddy, yesterday was the best day I've had in a long time and I really liked going to sleep with your arms around me. It made me feel . . . so special! I love you, daddy!" she whispered in my ear, then she kissed me on the cheek before she got back up and went to get dressed.

Breakfast was uneventful and there was no mention of me poking her ass with a boner, so I felt that I had dodged a bullet. Still, I pondered what she had said and I wondered if she was just an innocent girl enjoying the feel of being protected or if she had been hiding some developing desire.

* * *

The next Wednesday night, we packed our bags and got ready to depart for our cruise. There are a few cruises which depart from Jacksonville but most of the nicer cruises depart from Port Canaveral. We planned on driving down on Thursday, spending the night in a motel, then driving to the port early Friday morning.

I went into Miss Macy's room to say good night to her. She was already in bed and I went and sat on the side of the bed and we talked for a minute. As I talked, she clutched the sheet to her chest and sat up. I put my arm around her to give her a hug and realized that she was not wearing a top.

"Are you feeling hot tonight?" I teased her.

"No, you mean, like . . . I'm not wearing a top? Sometimes I don't wear anything when I'm sleeping. Is that okay, Daddy?"

"That's okay when you're sleeping in here alone, but I'm still your father."

"Daddy, sometimes you're so silly!" she said in her little girl voice that always melted my heart. "You've seen my boobs before. Now go to bed and get some sleep!" she commanded me in a falsely authoritative voice.

"Yes, mother!" I retorted.

When I got in bed, I thought about how her skin felt when I had my arm around her. I wondered whether she was wearing any panties and then I chastised myself for thinking about my step-daughter's panties. Eventually, I went to sleep.

Thursday morning, we woke up, got dressed, and stopped at a restaurant for breakfast before we got on I-95. On the way down to Port Canaveral, we talked about such a range of subjects and I really enjoyed the conversation. I felt that Miss Macy was slowly starting to come out of her depression though I was concerned about the sexual innuendoes in our earlier conversations.

It was only a two hour drive to Port Canaveral and we were there by 10:30 am. After we checked into the hotel, Miss Macy asked if we could go spend some time on Cocoa Beach. I agreed and we took turns changing into swimwear in the bathroom. When Miss Macy came out of the bathroom, she was wearing some nylon shorts over her bikini bottom and she had a t-shirt on and I thought it was interesting that she was acting a bit modest.

When we got to Cocoa Beach, I found a place to park, grabbed our towels, and we made our way out onto the beach. Once we found a place to park ourselves, we put our towels down and then Miss Macy peeled off her t-shirt and shorts. The bikini she was wearing was hot! The bottom was barely big enough to cover her pussy and most of her behind was visible. The top cover her nipples and the lower half of her little boobs but the top half was clearly exposed. I was afraid that I would start getting a boner just looking at her so I busied myself with some meaningless detail until I lay down on the towel and I immediately turned over so that I was belly down.

"Daddy, did you remember to bring some sun screen?" she asked.

"Yes, it's in the bag, dear," I responded and automatically added, "do you need help putting it on?" Oh why in the hell did I ask that, I silently wondered.

"No, silly, I've been working on my tan all summer. I don't need it but you sure do. We can't have you getting sunburned at the beginning of the cruise!"

She knelt beside me and squeezed the sunscreen out of the tube and into her hand. Instead of kneeling beside me, she straddled my behind and I felt her bikini covered pussy resting on my ass. Again, I chastised myself for thinking about her pussy. That was certainly not a very paternal thought!

I felt her hands on my back as she started applying the lotion as if she was giving me a massage. I was surprised at how strong her hands felt.

I had my hands stretched out above my head and, as she proceeded to apply lotion to my arms, she left her knees in place and simply stretched out to reach as far as she could. This brought her chest down on my bare back and though she was wearing a bikini top, I thought I could feel erect nipples.

"Daddy, you have very strong arms! I like the way your muscles feel!" she said. I thought that her voice sounded very alluring and then I rebuked myself for entertaining the absurd fantasy that an 18 year old girl could want a man such as me. Despite my anger at myself, my fantasy became visual as I saw myself dancing a slow dance with Miss Macy at a New Year's Eve party. As the band played a soulful love song, my right hand rested in the small of her back. My fingertips pressed against her gown until I felt the bottom of her spine and my fingertips then extended lower until I reached the point where any lower movement would mean that I was feeling her ass. I felt her arm tighten its hold around my waist. I allowed my fingertips to reach lower and she breathlessly whispered into my ear, "Oh, Daddy!"

* * *

"Daddy, do you want me to do your legs?" she asked in an exasperated voice.

"Oh, yes, honey, that would be fine," I answered.

* * *

As we continued dancing, my hand cupped her ass and she was lightly moaning into my ear.

Somehow, everyone else at the dance had disappeared and we were the only two people in the room. The music had continued but the band had also disappeared. Since we were alone, I became a bit bolder. I reached up to the top of her gown and slowly began pulling the zipper downward. When it reached the bottom of its travel, I placed my right hand on her back and immediately realized that she was not wearing a bra.

"My dear, I'm surprised at what you aren't wearing," I said softly with feigned shock.

"Daddy, when your boobs are as small as mine, a bra really isn't necessary," she explained.

"Dear, I haven't ever actually seen your boobs, but as far as I can tell, they're just perfect," I said.

"Would you like to see my little boobs, Daddy?" she asked coyly.

* * *

"Daddy, I'm finished. Can you put some lotion on my back?" she asked.

"Oh , yes, dear. Absolutely!" I responded as my lustful reverie quickly faded.

She was already stretched out on her towel and she reached behind her to unfasten her bikini top. This, I was quite certain, was not my fantasy but was actually occurring. I poured some lotion on the small of her back and started pushing it upward and outward. After a few moments, she said, "You need to cover my lower back, too, Daddy." As she finished saying that, she reached down and pulled her bikini bottom down until I could clearly see the upper part of her butt crack.

"Dear!" was all I could manage to say.

"Daddy, nobody but you is close enough to see me and, besides, we're sharing a room and I'm hoping a bed for the next seven nights," she responded.

"And?" I asked, not comprehending the import of her last statement.

"I usually don't wear anything when I sleep, Daddy . . .," she replied in a very matter of fact tone.

"Oh," was the most intelligent thing I could say. I suspect that I had a deer-in-the-headlights look on my face.

She gave me that "come hither" motion with her index finger, beckoning me to put my face close to hers. In her soft, intimate voice, she explained, "We're going to be on a ship where no one knows us, I'm legally an adult, nobody knows what happens behind closed doors, and, anyway, it's none of their business."

"My dear, I'm not quite sure what you are trying to tell me," I said.

"Daddy, you booked this cruise because you think I need something to make me let go of the past and start moving forward, right? Well, you need to let go of the past and move forward, too. So, we're both gonna move forward, together, right?"

"Yes?" I said with querulous hesitation.

"So, let's have some fun and move forward," she suggested, and then she kissed me on the cheek. "And let's have a week that we never forget! I love you, Daddy!"

At that point, I felt confident that the next week would be unforgettable.

After about 30 minutes in the sun, I felt sufficiently baked and I suggested to Miss Mona that we go find someplace to have a cold drink and get out of the sun for a while. I did not want to begin the cruise by getting sunburned and most of us older natives are not tanned as we avoid the sun as much as possible.

Of course, Miss Macy wanted to visit the nearby "world famous" surf shop and that resulted in the purchase of one more bikini. I assumed that I would soon be seeing it aboard ship.

Eventually, we were back in our hotel room and Miss Macy suggested that I take my shower first. I grabbed my robe and went in the bathroom to undress. As I stood under the hot water and relaxed, my mind replayed the exchange on the beach and especially the comment about sleeping in the nude.

The idea of seeing Miss Macy naked evoked many feelings. Of course, the idea of seeing her nude body was arousing. I had seen her in a bikini many times and I had seen her in her panties and bra on numerous occasions but I had never seen her naked. She was beautiful like a much younger version of Miss Mona and I missed my wife horribly! I also felt guilty about being aroused by this young girl who was either throwing herself at me or who was simply very inhibited and unaware of the effect she had on me.

Most often, when I had such arousing fantasies, I would need to "take matters into my own hands" but the idea of masturbating to fantasies about my step-daughter seemed wrong and so I simply turned the shower handle to make the water a bit cooler and it had the desired effect. After I finished my shower and towel dried my body, I put on my robe and exited the bathroom.

Miss Macy had taken off her bikini and was lounging in panties and a bra. The panties were actually a thong and she was displaying an obvious camel toe. Fortunately, she quickly entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

I was tormented with conflict. I had always thought that Miss Macy was a very cute girl and, if I was 18 years old, I would love to date her. But . . . she was my step-daughter, or at least she was my former step-daughter. Miss Mona had only been gone for four months. What would she think about the way that Miss Macy was throwing herself at me? Would she tell me to be a father to Miss Macy, or would she say that no one could be a better first lover for Miss Macy other than me? Or was I perhaps deluding myself? Maybe Miss Macy was just being uninhibited and displaying a bit of exhibitionism in what she considered to be a safe environment. To say that I was confused would be an understatement.

Miss Macy took a long time in the bathroom and I dozed off while she was taking her shower."Daddy, wake up . . . you need to take your little girl out to dinner. I'm hungry!"

I felt a kiss on my cheek. When I opened my eyes, I saw that Miss Macy had already dressed in some shorts and a tee shirt. She was lying beside me and looking just beautiful.

"Where do you want to go for dinner, sweetie?"

"Well, we'll be eating nice meals for the next week but I can think of a few things we probably won't be able to get aboard ship, so . . . what should a daddy feed his little Southern girl?" she asked in her very best over-the-top Southern drawl.

"Well, little missy, let me see here, I reckon . . . Southern girl can always eat fried chicken and Southern girl can always eat barbecue." I returned in my best exaggerated Southern dialect.

"Let's get barbecue ribs, daddy!" she squealed. She knew, of course, that I would give her whatever she requested, so we were off to find some barbecue. The front desk recommended a local barbecue "joint" and they were right on target. The atmosphere was classic Southern barbecue joint and the ribs were moist and falling off the bone with a great tangy sauce. On the way back, Miss Macy asked if "we" could have some wine so I stopped and got a bottle for the two of us.

When we returned to our room, she turned on the television and found a movie to watch. I had nothing else to do so I opened the wine, poured two glasses, and sat down beside her to watch the film. It was something that featured an actress who is extremely cute and very well known and who, coincidentally, wears a 34B bra - the same size as Miss Macy.

I sipped my wine but Miss Macy drank hers a bit faster and before long, it was finished. She asked me to stop the movie because she needed to go pee. When she came out of the bathroom, she poured herself another glass of wine and returned to her position sitting beside me. I suggested that she slow down on the wine consumption so that she would feel okay in the morning.

She slowed down for a few minutes but about the time I finished my first glass, she had finished her second glass. She excused herself to go to the bathroom and, when she returned, she was not wearing her shorts.

She noticed me looking at her panties. "I decided to get more comfortable, Daddy. . . . You should get more comfortable, too."

Within the next hour, we would probably be getting in bed so, when I went to the bathroom, I took off my pants and shirt so that I was just wearing my boxers.

"I poured you another glass, Daddy. I decided to take your advice and slow down a bit."

"Smart girl," I noted.

When we resumed the movie, there was a scene in which three girls decide to have a sexfest with a virgin teen boy. It was not at all graphic but there were a few shots of the star topless.

"I don't get it, Daddy. Everybody says guys want big boobs but she's a movie star and she's got itty bitty titties!"

"Honey, all guys do not want girls with big boobs. I was very happy with your mother and she wore a 32B bra, so that isn't any bigger than this movie star. I thought she was beautiful!"

"I've been worried, Daddy. Guys never look at me and I'm afraid I'll be forced to become a lesbian because no guy will ever want me. My boobs are so fucking small!"

I had never heard Miss Macy use any foul language so she had my attention. "My dear, I don't know what you are talking about but you happen to be beautiful. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you!"

"You don't understand, Daddy, 'cause you haven't seen them." As soon as she said that, she stood up, turned to face me, and lifted her tee shirt to expose her boobs. "There, do you see how small they are. Maybe I need to get closer so you can see them!" She moved forward so that her knees were touching mine, and then she pulled the tee shirt over her head.

Miss Macy was standing before me in just her panties and I was afraid that I might start getting a boner, especially since I was only wearing my boxers.

"I've been doing things to try to get you to say something about my boobs for two weeks and you haven't said a word, not one word telling me that you think I'm cute. I don't want to hear it! This has been the worse year of my life!"

With that last exclamation, she burst into tears. I immediately stood and put my arms around her, She buried her face in my chest and I rubbed and patted her back in the same way that I would console a little child.

'Miss Macy, I do think you are beautiful and if the circumstances were different . . . Your mother died just four months ago and I miss her horribly, just as you do. You have been my step-daughter and I am trying to still be a father to you. You don't know how difficult this is for me because you remind me so much of your mother and she appealed to me in every way. But, honey, you really don't want me to be your boyfriend. If I was your boyfriend . . . I really would want to lick and suck on those boobs all night long . . . and more . . . but I'm still your daddy."

"I just want somebody to love me, Daddy. I want to be loved the way that a woman is loved by a man. I'm tired of being the last virgin at my high school! I want to know that I can make a man happy. I want somebody to lick and suck on my boobs all night long! And take my damned virginity!"

"Honey, all that will happen. I know you want it now but you have seventy or eighty years ahead of you and, before long, some guy is going to fall in love with you and it will be the greatest thing ever for you. Really!" I backed away just enough so that I could look her in the eye as I said, "And, some day, I may feel like the world's biggest idiot for not being the one to give you what you want now!" After a brief pause, I added, "Now, let's go to bed . . . to sleep!"

She smiled at me and I smiled at her. We took turns in the bathroom, brushing our teeth and getting ready for bed. She never put a shirt back on and she got into bed wearing just her panties. "I was serious earlier when I said that I usually sleep naked, but I'm going to take it easy on you tonight, Daddy!"

"You're such a thoughtful girl," I said in mock appreciation.

Miss Macy rolled onto her side and moved back so that we were spooned together, then she reached back, grabbed my hand, and pulled it around until it was cupping her boob.

"It feels just perfect, sweetie!" I candidly assured her. And then it happened. My dick started getting hard and it immediately started poking Miss Macy in her cute little ass.

"At least I know you're not lying, Daddy!" she teased me. "And it's okay, Daddy. I'm very flattered, it's been awhile for you, and it's nothing to apologize for. And it feels good so just leave it there. Let's go to sleep."

So I went to sleep cradling her sweet, precious little 34B boob in my hand and with my hard dick poking her cute little behind. Fortunately, between the driving, the time in the sun, and the wine, I was soon asleep.

* * *

When I woke up in the morning, I was still spooned with Miss Macy. The only difference was that my dick was poking out through the fly on my boxers. It was resting between her legs and against her panty-clad pussy. How it had happened was relatively unimportant. I just needed to extricate myself from this position without waking Miss Macy.

"Good morning, Daddy," she said as soon as I started to move.

"Damn!" I thought to myself. "Good morning, sweetie," I said to her. "It looks like something embarrassing happened to me in the middle of the night. If you don't mind, I'll just . . ."

"It was like that around 5 am when I woke up to pee, Daddy. I thought it looked nice and it really didn't bother me at all. At least I know that I have an effect on somebody!"

As I pulled my boner from between her legs and behind, she rolled over to her other side so that she was facing me, leaned up and kissed me on the lips. "Don't be embarrassed, Daddy. I feel flattered!"

I quickly tucked the little general back into his hiding spot. However, seeing Miss Macy's naked little boobs did nothing to help me lose my boner and I felt that I was losing my struggle to avoid crossing the line with her. I rolled over so that I was facing her, put my arm around her to pull her body against mine, and I said, "Yes, you should feel flattered, because you are responsible for the state of my . . . unit . . . and I'm trying so hard to be a good father but I suspect that you want none of that, so . . . I'm going to get up and pee."

And with that announcement, I rolled over to the side of the bed, stood up, and quickly made my way to the bathroom in a way so that the prominence of the bone in my britches would not be obvious.

We got dressed, put the suitcases in the car, and headed out to breakfast. After devouring two satisfying stacks of blueberry pancakes, we proceeded to the port, parked the car in long term parking, and got in line for the check-in. Since we had an upgraded stateroom, we received some VIP treatment and we were soon through the process and on our way up the gangplank.

Some staff escorted us to our room and Miss Macy let out a shriek when she saw where we would be staying for the next week. "Oh, Daddy, this is perfect!" she exclaimed. "So . . . perfect! You're the best daddy in the whole wide world . . .," she added as she put her arms around me and hugged me tightly. Then, she kissed me on the cheek and added, "and we're gonna have so much fun together!"

Our bags were delivered to the room within 10 minutes and we quickly unpacked our suitcases and got settled into our new bedroom for the next 7 nights.

"Daddy, I want to go up to the pool for awhile," Miss Macy announced. I think she expected me to say that I would go with her but I told her that I was going to explore the ship to get my bearings and we arranged to meet for lunch at 12:30.

While I was putting away my clothes and toiletries, Miss Macy changed into a bikini. She said goodbye, gave me a kiss on the cheek, and was gone before I knew what had happened.

I had about an hour before lunch so I start exploring each deck, finding the various dining rooms, shops, theatres, lounges, and recreational venues. By the time I was finished, it was about 12:15 so I headed back to the room. Miss Macy was already there and when I walked in, it appeared that she had just changed from her bikini into shorts and a halter top.

My lunch was a grilled ham, bacon, and gruyere sandwich on oatmeal bread with fries and a diet coke. Miss Macy had a cheeseburger and she claimed it was the best she ever had. She was very bubbly and I had not seen her with this much energy and enthusiasm in many months. My plan to bring her out of mourning seemed to be working and I was quite pleased with myself.

In the mid-afternoon, Miss Macy asked about getting a massage and I told her that would be fine. A few minutes later, she told me that she had booked us for a couples massage at 4:00 pm. That was not exactly what I was expecting but I did not complain.

When we went to the spa, there were two masseuses on duty. They placed us in a room with two massage tables and told us to disrobe to whatever extent we were comfortable. They then left to give us a few minutes. Without hesitation, Miss Macy disrobed until she was just wearing her panties. "Well, you've seen my boobs before and it's not a big deal, so get used to it," she said lightheartedly.

I stripped down to my boxers and got on the massage table. The two girls returned and they were very good at what they did. When I was on my back, I spent most of my time looking over at Miss Macy. Watching her having her body explored was a bit arousing at times and I had to look away to avoid getting an erection. Despite that distraction, it was a very relaxing experience and I was glad that Miss Macy had suggested the massage.

I reminded Miss Macy that we were dining at the Captain's table that evening and the dress was formal to semi-formal. I attended enough black tie events to justify owning a tuxedo, so I had brought it with me and Miss Macy had brought the dress which she bought for the senior prom that she never attended.

I took a shower and then got dressed while Miss Macy was in the shower. She exited the shower wrapped only in a towel and the sight of this beautiful young girl, looking so innocent and vulnerable, appealed to my most base instincts. Fortunately, she asked me to leave the room while she dressed. "Daddy, it wouldn't bother me at all to get dressed while you were here, but I want to surprise you!" she explained.

Anything that got her energized and motivated to make an effort was a good thing so I readily agreed. I told her that I would return to the room in an hour and instead, she suggested that she would simply meet me in the corridor outside the grand dining room at 7 pm.

I went to the business center to check my email and to peruse a few online news sources and soon it was 6:55 pm. I went to the fourth deck and made my way towards the dining room.

When I saw Miss Macy, I was speechless. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. The gown that she had chosen fit her body as if it was tailor made for her and it was a wonderful selection. It was youthful but stylish in a mature way, making her appear a few years older than her actual age. Her makeup was very slight, as she was naturally beautiful and needed very little enhancement.

Her hairstyle was stunning and, if she was not my step-daughter, I would have fallen in love with her at that very instant. I noticed several men staring at her and I'm sure that they were at least falling in lust with the vision before them.

I walked up behind her, put my hands on her shoulders, and pulled her back ever so slightly towards me. I leaned forward and quietly said, "My dear. You are an exquisite vision of loveliness and, for the rest of my life, I will remember exactly the way that you looked at this moment."

She turned around, looked me in the eyes, and smiled as she replied, "I'm trying so hard to make you happy in every way, Daddy, so . . . I'm glad you like me. Now, let's go eat!"

"Okay," I answered, "but always know that I don't just like you. I love you . . . and I always will."

She immediately leaned forward and gave me a quick kiss on the lips, then took my hand in hers, and turned for me to escort her to our table. We were quickly seated and I immediately sensed that every man at our table was jealous of me. I was quite proud to have Miss Macy by my side.

We introduced ourselves and Miss Macy surprised me with her facility at establishing rapport with the older couples at or table. We did not introduce ourselves as father and daughter; we only introduced ourselves by name and, since we did not share the same last name, everyone incorrectly assumed that we were a dating couple and they may have assumed that Miss Macy was a sugar baby. However, her liveliness and charm were so captivating that I'm sure all of our tablemates were enamored with her.

As we had previously agreed, Miss Macy and I both avoided any mention of the tragedy in our lives. We did not want sympathy and, while we obviously would never forget Miss Mona, we had come on this cruise to move forward and this was not the time to dwell on the past.

After dinner, Miss Macy and I went to the fourteenth deck and found a lounge with live music. She requested a margarita and I ordered a single malt scotch. We danced a few songs and then sat for a few minutes and engaged in talk primarily about the other guests, making up stories about them to explain why they were here and who they were with.

Miss Macy finished her margarita and we ordered another round of drinks. When the band started a slow song, she exclaimed that this was one of her favorite songs and she pulled me back out on to the dance floor. She locked her arms around my waist and placed her head on my shoulder. I placed my left arm across her upper back while my right arm rested on her backside.

As the song drew close to the end, she pulled her head back so that she could look me in the eye and she said, "You make me feel very special, Daddy. Very grown up." And then she kissed me on the lips and, for the first time, I felt the tip of her tongue on my lips. I instinctively parted my lips and I felt her tongue enter my mouth in an expression of her passion for me.

My inner voice screamed that I needed to be a good father to Miss Macy but my animal instincts told me to accept the love Miss Macy wanted to offer. My resolution had been tested so much that it had been weakened and I simply no longer had the strength to reject my animal instincts. I returned her kiss with ardor and desire. I allowed myself to feel my desire for her and it was overwhelming.

We ended the kiss before it became so prolonged that it drew attention from other passengers. At that point, I think we both wanted the same thing. What we wanted was something that would happen only in the privacy of our stateroom and not on the dance floor. The look on Miss Macy's face told me that she wanted to return to our room and I felt the same.

We forgot about the remains of our unfinished drinks. Miss Macy placed her hands around my upper arm and I escorted her out as a gentleman would escort a lady.

When we returned to our room, I suggested that I wanted to take a shower before we got in bed.

"I've got a better idea, Daddy. Obviously, you're not really dirty so you just want to rinse off, right? And I'd like to do the same thing. So, since you got us this deluxe stateroom with all the bells and whistles, why don't we use the hot tub on the balcony. If we don't turn any lights on, it'll be private."

I readily agreed with her suggestion and I stripped down to my boxers. "I don't need to put on a swim suit," I said. "I'll just leave my boxers on."

"Sounds good to me," Miss Macy responded. "I'll follow suit, or I guess, actually, I'll follow no suit."

Within a minute, she had stripped down to just her panties and that was, in fact, just a thong. I got out of my clothes and left on just the boxers and it was quite obvious that I had a boner as hard as steel.

Miss Macy looked at me and then my boner and she chuckled as she suggested that maybe we could do something about my problem. "We'll see," I replied.

Miss Macy got in the hot tub and I was right behind her. She reached down and I could tell that she was removing her thong. "Now that I'm in the water, I don't need this anymore, do I, Daddy?"

I just shook my head in agreement. She looked at me as if she was waiting for me to remove my boxers. Apparently, she was not going to be patient on that matter as I felt her hands sliding under the elastic of my boxers just enough to start pulling them down and I instinctively raised up just enough for her to get them down and then she threw them on the deck. They landed on top of her thong.

Miss Macy turned around and sat between my legs so that her back was against my chest. "Daddy, you're so hard," she exclaimed. "Does it hurt for it to be that hard?"

"Only if it stays this way for a long time," I explained.

"Well . . . what can we do to make it go away?" she teased me. She placed her hands on top of mine, pulled them up, and placed them over her boobs. "Now you can make my nipples get hard, Daddy."

When she said that, I got her nipples between my thumbs and index fingers and started gently rubbing them in circles. It took very little stimulation for those cute little nipples to become as hard as pebbles. In the background, the sounds of the sea provided a beautiful serenade.

"Umm, Daddy, that feels good, but . . . there's another place that would probably feel even better." As soon as she said that, she grabbed my right hand and guided it down between her legs. I'm sure it only took one or two seconds but it felt like an hour as I realized that I was about to have my hand on Miss Macy's pussy.The first thing I realized was that there was no pubic hair. I wasn't shocked because most women either trim or completely shave their pubic hair. I also realized that Miss Macy had one of those pussies that was all internal, just a simple slit, not one of those pussies with protruding lips called a full bloom.

Initially, I just let my hand rest on her pussy as I continued playing with her left nipple. Then I applied a very gentle pressure with my middle finger in the area where her clit was hiding. As soon as her outer lips parted, I felt her wetness and her clit was very obvious. She was already very aroused.

I whispered in her ear, "You've been wanting this for a while, haven't you?"

"Uh huh," was her simple admission.

"What else have you been wanting, my love?"

"I want you to make me a woman, Daddy. I want you to make love with me and I want to please you with my body!"

"You are going to get everything you want tonight but we don't need to be in a rush. Just lay back and relax and I'll show you all the ways you can please me," I instructed her. I felt her let go of the tension in her body and just slump back against my chest.

"Good girl," I said. "First, I'm going to make you cum with my fingers, just like when you play with yourself, but I'm in charge now and I'm doing everything. I won't stop until you cum, so just relax and let it happen.

I had started rubbing the tip of my middle finger in circles around her clit. She moaned softly and I felt her body starting to rock in the rhythm of sex. "Would you rather have my finger inside of you?" I asked.

"Oh yes," she answered with excited anticipation.

"Lift up and sit on top of my legs instead of between them," I instructed.

When she raised her body, I moved my knees closer together and she sat down on my lap. I immediately slid my middle finger into her tight little pussy and felt for the spongy mass that I thought would get a response from her. I started stroking her G-spot and her rocking resumed at an even faster tempo.

"Daddy, . . . I feel your dick . . . against my behind . . . you know, my . . . my butt hole," she uttered in between moans.

"Does that bother you?" I asked.

"No . . . no . . . it's just different. It feels good. Is it supposed to feel like that?"

"Uh huh," I responded affirmatively.

I'm not sure why I didn't start cumming right then, but I'm glad I didn't. I just kept doing what I had been doing.

"I'm so close, Daddy," she pleaded. "Make me cum!"

"Baby, when I get inside you tonight, I'm not gonna stop 'til I fill you up!" I whispered in her ear. That was all it took.

I felt her pussy go into spasms, squeezing my finger, and her body went stiff. "Oh, Daddy!" she moaned.

I continued playing with her nipple and then I withdrew my finger from her pussy so she could begin to come down from her very first orgasm with a partner. I cupped both of her boobs and pulled her body back against mine.

"Daddy! It never feels like that when I do it!" she exclaimed.

"And the rest of the things we do tonight are gonna be things you can't do to yourself at all," I advised. "Honey, you've told me that you were still a virgin and, if that's just a story you told me because you didn't want to disappoint me, that's okay. You can tell me the truth and it'll be okay," I said.

"No, Daddy, really, I'm still a virgin. Maybe not for much longer but I'm a virgin right now."

"Haven't you had any sexual experiences with any of the boys you dated?" I asked.

"Well, Bannen felt my boobs some, and I gave Mason a hand job once. He put his hands between my legs once but he didn't know what he was doing and nothing happened. And that's about it, so . . . I'm sorry, but if you try to teach me stuff, Daddy, I promise I'll try real hard. I don't wanna disappoint you."

"No, no, no, honey. I'm not complaining. I'll teach you whatever you want to know. I just don't want to rush into things that are so . . . you know, unfamiliar . . . I don't wanna scare you or make you feel overwhelmed."

"Well, Mandy and Kim and Monica have all had sex with their boyfriends and they've talked to me about the things they did, so at least I've heard about some of those things, like oral sex and blow jobs and being eaten out and even anal. Monica told me she had anal sex and she said she even had an orgasm from it."

Hearing talk about such things coming from my little Macy was strangely discongruent with all of my experiences of her as a relatively innocent child. On the other hand, at the moment, she was naked, I was playing with her nipples, I had already fingered her to an orgasm, and I would soon be depriving her of her virginity.

"Daddy, are you gonna show me about oral sex?" she asked.

"Well, tonight, I'm not going to show you anything about giving oral sex to a guy, because I don't want you worrying about whether you're doing something wrong. I want you to just lay back, relax, and enjoy what happens. We'll start working on teaching you some things tomorrow."

"Let's get out, get ourselves dried off, and get in bed," I suggested.

"Is that all we're gonna do tonight, Daddy?" she asked with a sound of disappointment in her voice.

"No, dear. If you still want me, then I'll make love with you and you can go to sleep as a woman and not as a girl."

Miss Macy got off of my lap, turned around and then sat down so that she was again in my lap but facing me. Every time I saw her naked little boobs, I got aroused. It was like magic.

She put her arms around my neck and said, "I want you to make love to me, Daddy. It's not just because I want to lose my virginity. It's because I love you," she said. "You are my whole world and I can't imagine what life would be like without you. I wanna make you so happy!"

She then leaned forward, brought her lips to mine, and gave me a kiss as passionate and hot as any kiss I have ever had in my entire life.

"You are so beautiful, Macy. You are such a good person, such a sweet lady, and I am so proud to have you in my life." I hugged her and I knew it, I felt it; whatever others might say about us, I loved Miss Macy as a man loves a woman and I knew that they were pure and honest feelings.

We got out of the hot tub and grabbed our towels. We went back in the stateroom and closed the sliding glass door. It was just me and Miss Macy. The rest of the world did not exist. I knew that in the next hour, I would be inside of her, making love, and hoping that she would feel secure with me as her lover.

We had ourselves dried very quickly and turned down the sheets. She started to get into bed but I stopped her.

"Honey, sit on the side of the bed for a minute," I requested and, of course, she complied. I knelt on the floor in front of her, facing her, and we were almost eye-to-eye. "Everything that happens between a man and a woman when they make love should be something that they both want. If there is anything that I do, or say, if there is any place that I touch you that to don't want, all you need to do is tell me. Will you do that for me?"

"Yes, Daddy. What are you going to do now?"

"Do you want to learn how it feels to receive oral sex?" I asked.

"And then you'll make love to me, Daddy?" she countered.

"Of course, honey. Now I want you to lay back on the bed, put your feet up on my shoulders, and then close your eyes." She raised her legs and I helped guide her feet to my shoulders, then she reclined and closed her eyes.

I looked down at the beautiful virgin pussy that was just inches from my face. I could feel my dick getting harder than Chinese arithmetic. I turned my face to the left and I kissed her inner right thigh. Her skin was as smooth as a baby's skin, very sweet and tender. I placed a series of kisses on her thigh as my mouth approached her pussy. Then I turned to her left thigh and repeated the performance.

I kissed her belly above her pussy and I kissed to the left of her pussy. I kissed to the right of her pussy and then I kissed lower. I moved my face to the center and I placed very soft kisses on her labia.

"That feels SO good. Make me cum, Daddy!"

I really didn't need any encouragement but hearing those words really set me off. I dove into her pussy and started licking and sucking like a mad man. She got very wet and I tasted the sweetness of her pussy. Every few seconds, I licked down the entire length of her slit and she seemed to really get aroused by that. After doing that a few times, I extended my exploration and let the tip of my tongue touch her cute little pink pucker. The first time I did that, I felt her body tense and then relax. The second time, she didn't tense up. The third time, I heard a little bit of a moan.

"Daddy, I'm so close. Keep licking me!" she pleaded.

I began sucking her clit between my lips and teasing it with my tongue. When I sensed that she was very close, I placed the tip of my finger against her butt hole and pushed just enough that she would feel the pressure without actually pushing inside of her ass.

As soon as she felt my finger, she grabbed at her nipples and started squeezing them. Within seconds, her body began to tense and relax in waves, she was moaning. "Oh, Daddy! My pussy! Oh fuck, oh fuck! Sooo good!"

I decided to see whether she could have multiple orgasms so I continued to lick her clit and play with her asshole. After her bouncing around with waves of muscular contractions, my fingertip had slipped just inside her ass.

"Daddy, I want you now. Fuck me!" she demanded.

I turned her so that she was reclining on the full length of the bed. I was as hard as I have ever been and needed nothing more but to be inside her. I got on top of her in preparation for the missionary position.

"Baby, are you sure?" I asked one last time, hoping that she had not changed her mind.

She wrapped her legs around my naked behind and pulled me towards her. "Daddy, I need you now!"

With that, I moved forward and felt the tip of my dick push between her lips. I was concerned about this hurting her the first time. My hesitation was not to her liking because she again used her legs to pull me forward and I was suddenly totally inside the most beautiful young girl in the world.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked.

"I feel so full, Daddy. It feels so good!" she responded.

"Your pussy is the tightest thing I've ever felt in my life. I don't think I can last very long before I start cumming," I warned her.

"I'm still close, Daddy. I just want your cum inside me."

I began thrusting slowly and then gradually faster and Miss Macy just got more aroused and held me tightly. I kissed her while I was thrusting and she returned my passion with intensity. I could feel her little nipples rubbing on my chest and every sensation I had was getting me more and more aroused.

I soon felt the gathering of my cum, the filling sensation, the pressure, the deep need for release.

"Baby, I'm gonna cum so hard in you," I gasped. "Mmmmm, ohhhh!" I moaned.

I felt a twitching in her pussy and I knew she was beginning an orgasm. "Daddy, I'm cumming!"

As soon as I heard those words from my little girl, I lost all control. It felt like a garden hose had replaced my dick and I started spurting my hot seed into her virgin pussy.

"Oh fuck! Baby!" I screamed in delightful agony. I kept thrusting and my cum kept pumping into her. Her torso was tense and her breathing was rapid and shallow as she experienced her first orgasm from vaginal sex.

As I began to come down from the intensity of the experience, she did, too. I stayed inside of her until I became flaccid and then I pulled out and reclined beside her. She turned to face me, draped her left knee over and between my legs, put her hand on my chest, and placed her head on my shoulder. This had been Miss Mona's favorite position for going to sleep and I felt eerily comfortable with Miss Macy being in this very same position.

"My dear," I began, "I've known for awhile that you wanted to have a physical relationship with me and I didn't think it was a very good idea. I don't want to hurt you, I don't want to use you, and I need for you to always be in my life. If you just want me to be a sex teacher, I guess I can do that, but I'm hoping that you want much more, because I want you tonight and next week and next year and forever."

"Daddy, you're so silly!" she teased me. "I love you like a daughter loves a daddy but I also love you like a girl loves a guy. I love you like I don't want anybody else and . . .," she paused to move up a little higher in the bed. She raised up enough so that she could put her mouth by my ear, and then she whispered "when the time is right, I wanna have babies with you. We aren't related by blood or marriage so there is no reason why we can't be together the rest of our lives . . . if that's what you want."

"Oh, yes, baby," I quietly replied. "I probably need to stop calling you 'Baby' because you obviously aren't a baby and it's just a bit weird to make love with someone who calls me 'Daddy,' but going to sleep with you for the rest of my life sounds like a great plan to me."

"We'll have a great life . . . Jack Landis," she assured me.

"And I'm a Southern boy, so you'll always be Miss Macy to me, but eventually you'll also be Mrs. Landis. We'll need to wait awhile before we let anyone know but what happens in our home is just between us. We'll keep a separate bedroom for you and your clothes can stay in there . . . just in case Grandma comes to visit. You're an adult now and there's nothing that anyone can do but there's no reason to get Grandma upset if we can avoid it. But, from now on, we have just one bed and I want you in it every night."

I then turned and whispered in her ear, "So, Mrs. Landis, how many babies do you want?"

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