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53.58% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2197: MOM, DEE, NICOLE & ME

Chapitre 2197: MOM, DEE, NICOLE & ME

"You're whoring me out. My own Mom," I said, pouting from the couch. Mom just rolled her eyes, flustered.

"For Pete's sake, will you cut it out with the drama? I just asked you a question" she said, cheeks already flushed with embarrassment.

"And what happens if I say no? Oh, yeah: you lose your shot at your dream job, right?" I said. Mom just shrugged, pretending to look at something at her laptop, then finally said:

"You know what? I'm sorry I asked."

"You should be," I said, turning back to my phone. Mom wasn't done yet.

"I'm sorry I asked my attractive son to simply consider giving an older woman that liked him a chance. You know anyone else would give their left arm to be in your place?"

"Mom," I said, eyes glued to my phone, flicking away nonsense, looking at nothing.

"It's not like you have a girlfriend, either! Think about that: you're just going off to college at the end of summer without even having had..."

"Don't say it," I said, tapping at a stupid cat video, looking up to see Mom wiping crocodile tears from her eyes.

"I guess I shouldn't have asked for something for me in the first place," she said, pretending to wipe tears away from her face "I'm sorry, baby."

With a groan, I pushed myself out of the couch and stomped back to my room, shutting the door behind me.


"She's got some nerve," I told Dee, nodding patiently on the other end of the video feed. Her hair was still wet from her daily swim practice, preparing for her Olympic tryouts "trying to set me up like that."

"I mean yeah, you Mom trying to set you up with her boss after she saw a photo of you on her phone is kinda weird but I mean..." Dee said, then shrugged "it's also kinda hot?"

"Gross," I said, rolling my eyes at her. Dee stuck her tongue out, mocking me. She loved to do that when I was being, in her own words, "a prude".

"I mean, okay, I know it's because it's your mom but like, what if it had been me?" Dee said, "like, what if my boss wanted to hook up with you?"

"Why? Did she say anything?" I said, thinking back to Dee's Olympic swim instructor; her chocolate skin, those powerful thighs, an ass so tight you could smash coal into diamonds with "you showed her my good gym photos, right?"

"What I was saying," Dee said, cutting me off "is that it won't hurt to give this one a try. Hell, did you even check her out?"

"Ew, no"

"Pull up her LinkedIn. Let's see what she's working with," Dee said, fiddling with another window, before sending me a link.

"I'm not clicking that," I said. Dee simply shrugged, then began to fiddle with the other window, nodding suggestively at something just out of sight. I knew that look: it was the one Dee gave to women she liked on the street, men pumping iron at the gym. Even me, sometimes, when she thought I wasn't looking.

I clicked the link and Mom's boss' LinkedIn page came up. Her name was Nicole. She'd been a busy woman: running her own company, doing charity work. Had some cute dogs, too.

"Just click on her pictures, doofus," Dee said. I complied, clicking first on her profile picture, taking in her auburn hair, her emerald-green eyes, man-eater smile. Weren't those clothes a little too tight on her? I checked her featured photos, flicking through photos of her dressed in business attire, a sweatsuit for running, a formal gala dress that went a little higher on her thigh than it should, revealing a hint of her perfectly shaped ass; in another, she wore a low-cut top that revealed the side of her breasts.

"Okay," I said.

"Okay what, dingus?" Dee said.

"Okay, she's hot. What the hell does she want with me?"

"Well, she's obviously not looking forward to your scintillating conversation. She wants to bang you, man."

"Why the hell would she want to bang me? She barely knows me," I said.

"Maybe your Mom showed her a picture of your cock," Dee said, smiling evilly. I blushed; she probably had that dick pic I'd sent her back by accident. She'd obviously held onto it, ready to sprint it to the world when I'd piss her off.

"Disgusting," I muttered.

"Hardly. It's a nice cock. I'm sure Nicole would love it," Dee said "I didn't mind it much either."

"I gotta go," I said, too embarrassed to deal with it "talk later."

"See you tomorrow, virgin!" Dee said before I finally cut her off. I lingered for a while, thinking about nothing before finally drifting off to sleep.


I snuck out of the house and headed for Dad's gym at the crack of dawn. I'd told myself I was feeling the need for a workout when really I just wanted to avoid Mom, after yesterday's weirdness.

Or maybe I'm just looking to get in shape for Nicole, I told myself, feeling suddenly self-conscious in the empty gym. No one came here so early on a weekday, so I had the place to myself, working on too-heavy dumbbells, grunting like an animal with every rep.

"You're gonna tear something, if you keep going like that," Dad called out as he stepped in from the doorway, turning on the morning tunes.

"I can...take it..." I lied "trying to...bulk up..."

"Not how it works," Dad said, taking the dumbbells from my sore hands, then easing me down onto a bench "What's eating ya?"

"Nothing's eating me, I just felt like working out," I lied, again. Dad just cocked an eyebrow and gave me that withering 'don't give me that' look again.

"Your mother being weird again? Or is it a girl?" Dad said as he started his stretches.

"Little bit of column A, a bit of column B," I said "Mom's trying to hook me up with somebody. I'm not so sure though."

"Let me guess: she ain't the one?" Dad said, going for his first dozen crunches.

"It's not like that, Dad, I just...don't wanna be with just about anyone. If I do that, I might just end up like..." I said, stopping myself, too late.

"Me and your Mom, is that what you were gonna say?" Dad said, stopping to look me over. I blushed, not meeting his eyes, pretending to start a crunch "Look; I'm not gonna say we didn't rush into things and that we didn't both mess up. Maybe your mother more than me, maybe the other way around. But that doesn't mean you gotta live the rest of your life being afraid things might go sideways. Hell, you're already 18 and haven't knocked anybody up. That's smart."

"Well, I haven't been with anyone either..." I said.

"You ain't ever gonna be if you keep dragging them by the nose like that poor girl, Dee," Dad said.

"It's not like that, Dad. I've been friends with Dee since kindergarten. I can't risk messing up with her," I said. Dad shrugged, rolling his eyes.

"All I'm saying is, give that hookup your Mom wants to set you up with a chance. What's the worst that could happen?"

"Mom loses her chance at promotion," I said, bringing up my phone to show Dad Nicole's profile, her pictures "It's her boss."

"Right," Dad nodded, grinning. I could tell he'd also caught that hint of thigh caught that glint in her eye that I had also seen "well you damn well better give it your all, then."

"Are you seriously-" I began.

"Best get going. Regulars gonna start coming in soon," Dad said, dismissing me. I was at the door, my things packed, when I heard him call out "best shave, down there. She looks like a maneater."

I groaned and shut the door behind me.


"You're gonna owe me big time after this, virgin," Dee said with a pout as we stood in the guest bathroom. I knew she was just putting on a show, even as she shook the can of shaving foam and I clicked the double-edged razor into place.

"You can go whenever you want," I said, hoping she wouldn't take the bait "I only asked you for a favor."

"And have you shear off your precious balls before Nicole can roll them in her mouth? Nuh-uh," Dee said, smiling "now are you gonna drop that towel today or what?"

I blushed and undid the towel, tossing it onto the clothes hamper. Dee whistled as she looked at me naked from the waist down, a bush of coarse hair growing around my cock and on my balls. She fought back a giggle, then pretended to roar.

"Grow up," I said, blushing fiercely as I started to work the shaving foam in my hands, then lathering it around the soaked hair, working it in until everything was good and soaked and foamy. Dee pretended to act disinterested, as she watched me cover my cock and balls and crotch, then handed her the razor "whenever you're ready."

"'kay," Dee muttered and leaned in with the razor, dragging the edge carefully down, shearing a clump to reveal naked skin behind. She moved slowly at first, taking down clumps at the top, washing it off, shearing away the hair and foam to reveal the naked skin underneath. Each pass felt cool to the touch, her hot breath running across my exposed, now-naked, skin. When she'd cleared the top semi-circle, she reached her hand across the lower end of my abs and over it, running fingers across it. Her fingers over the short hairs and skin sent a jolt up my spine and I fought to think about anything else as her tough lingered and her wide-open palm started to caress the skin just over my cock, touching my abs. "Guess your Dad's regiment working nicely."

"Are you gonna..." I asked, trying to keep my self-control, my cock swelling, ever so slightly. Dee nodded and ran the razor across the left side of it, shearing off the hair from the end of the shaft and the side of my balls, leaving the area smooth, revealing a swelling vein there. She ran the tip of her finger across it and smiled as my cock twitched at the touch. Again. she moved to the right side and repeated the motion, this time running her finger across the exposed vein, circling it. My cock jumped, swelling more, already at half-mast. We said nothing, as her finger lingered halfway up, then stopped.

"I need you to hold it up so I can get under," Dee said and I grabbed my cock, revealing the underside. Running the razor across it, she revealed the skin of the underside and the fascia, then slowly began to shave away at the wrinkly skin underneath, revealing more with each pass. Her hot breath felt shooting against the skin and I was already feeling myself get harder until her hand clasped my own as I held it, gently cupping the shaft as she finished the front "pull them up, will you?"

Complying, I pulled up my balls and Dee shaved all the way down across them, leaving my entire crotch smooth, save for a few lingering patches of foam. I felt her lean a little too close as she took the last remaining bit of hair, then pulled the razor back, her fingers moving up my hands, cupping my balls.

"Is it done?" I asked, uselessly, my cock already swelling, Dee's fingers tangled with my own, gently prying them off my cock and balls to let them drop, naked and swollen. She made a noise as she looked up the shaft, veiny and twitching, her eyes focusing on the tiny spot of precum that had formed at the tip. I left her hand caress the shaft, her open palm moving across the underside of my cock "what are you..."

"Shut up a sec, okay?" Dee said and I felt her lips brush against my balls, gently caressing them, her tongue sticking out to lap up across them and across the shaft. I moaned, loving the way she alternated between kissing and licking up the shaft, moving up the glans, the tip of her tongue circling the frenulum just as the tiny drop of precum dripped from the tip to touch her tongue. She opened her mouth wide and...

"I'm hooome!" Mom's voice came from downstairs, breaking the spell. Dee pulled away from me, wiping away at the string of precum that still lingered from my cock's tip to her lips. We both looked at each other in silence, before she shot up and ran, off to jump from my window to the nearby tree and down the yard back to her house, the way we used to do when we were kids, leaving me with my wilting erection and a freshly shaved cock "anybody here?"

"Coming!" I shouted, then fished for a pair of shorts before heading downstairs.


"What's that? That...that smudge," Mom said, as she fussed over some imaginary thing on my cheek, in between straightening my clothes again and again.

"For the millionth time, let it go," I said, pushing her hand away as Mom leaned in to smell me, making sure I'd showered according to her standards.

"I don't understand why you didn't want to wear a suit," Mom said, staring at my t-shirt and jeans combo and I stared her down until she finally let go of my clothes.

"I'm not wearing a suit and tie for dinner at home," I said, looking at Mom, dressed in halfway formal business attire, touching and retouching the silverware and plates for the five-course dinner she'd set up. For a dinner, it certainly looked like she was giving me and Nicole a lot of room at the table.

"All right, just asking, no need to bite my head off," Mom muttered, "no harm going the extra mile for your poor old mother, either."

The doorbell cut me off before I could answer. I opened the door, turning just in time to look up at Nicole, smiling at me, her hair pulled back, made up in nothing more than a hint of shadow and lipstick, dressed in a too-tight skirt and top. Is she wearing a bra? I thought as my eyes briefly wandered over her breasts and I fumbled for an opener.

"And you must be Sara's gentleman son," she said, reaching out to grasp my hand. She had a strong, steady grip and her thumb ran across the back of my hand, tracing the rough skin "my that's a strong hand."

"Thanks. I do some logging in the summer. It's good exercise," I added, uselessly. Nicole seemed to smile at that as I led her in and watched her hourglass figure as she and Mom exchanged niceties. I tried my hardest to look away from the curve of her ass and her shapely thighs leading down to a pair of stiletto heels. Strategically, Mom led us to the table, bringing in one course after another as Nicole asked me about school, my workout, my plans for college and I tried to keep up with her two dozen business ventures.

We were halfway through dessert and me telling her about my plans to become a park ranger, when I felt her foot making its way up my leg, tracing the inside of my thigh.

"That's very interesting," Nicole said, smiling, as her toes reached deeper between my legs and the balls of her foot began to slowly circle around my cock. I glanced at the other end of the table where Mom should have been, conveniently gone by now.

"I mean uh...it's a thankless job," I said, holding back a sigh as I felt her toes tease my cock, tracing its outline as it swelled. I'd never been touched that way before and Nicole...knew her stuff, as she moved her foot across my bulge.

"Hard, too," Nicole said, moving her foot up across until the toes rested against my abs and the back of her foot circled around my cock, teasing.

"You bet," I said, as she pulled her leg down and traced my hard shaft with her leg, toes finding the head and teasing it. I felt her toes flick the tip and shuddered, barely able to get a sentence together. She teased me a little longer, before saying.

"How about we take this to the couch? I could use a stretch," Nicole said, before taking her drink and my hand, leading me to the couch across the TV. She patted the place next to her and smiled as I sat beside her "easy tiger, I don't bite."

"Jesus, I sure hope so," I said, before stopping myself. Nicole laughed at that, leaning her body against mine.

"You know I've never met a park ranger in training before," Nicole said, scooting across from me, her fingers raking across my jeans toward my bulge.

"Well, I gotta get a...major first..." I managed, already too hard and lost in her eyes to string a sentence together, feeling her lips brushing against mine, teasing me. I pulled back for a moment and Nicole closed the distance, sticking out her tongue to tease my lips, the touch sending a jolt of electricity down my spine as our lips touched, once again and we kissed, briefly, barely a peck, then again. She sucked my lower lips, teasing with her teeth, then let go. I panted and leaned in, a little too hard, but Nicole pulled away at the last second.

"Easy, easy...first time?" Nicole muttered under her breath. I nodded. It wasn't entirely true, but the few awkward teeth-grinding makeout sessions I'd had could barely be called kisses, not when compared to the way Nicole's tongue teased mine and I teased back, just the tips touching, our mouths opening wider until we kissed deeply and I tasted her lipstick and the lingering taste of tobacco in her mouth. She let me take over for a while, awkwardly kissing her lips, teasing her upper lip, dipping my tongue too deeply before she pull back and took control, letting just our tongues dance together before our lips met, wetly. I groaned as I felt her lips caress mine, her tongue teasing me. I followed her lead, matching her motion and our tongues circled each other once again. She let out a deep, mewling moan and we pulled apart for a breather, just long enough for me to catch Mom spying on us from the kitchen, through a crack in the door. "What's the matter?"

"Is my Mom getting the job?" I asked, bluntly "if I don't...do that well?"

Nicole paused, pulling away from me, sneaking a glance at Mom, who quickly bowed away from the kitchen door.

"Is that what your mother thinks? Is that why set me up with you?" Nicole said, smiling mischievously. "That is very unprofessional of her and, frankly, disappointing. I really thought she had a higher opinion of me."

"I don't think she...there's no way she wanted to..." I said, suddenly worried that I'd ruined everything. Nicole just shushed me, leaning into my ear.

"Do you want to mess with her? I think it's perfect," she whispered, as she nibbled my ear lobe, running her tongue across the edge of it, before kissing her way down my neck.

"I mean..." I groaned as Nicole's fingers flicked my nipple, teasing it, before moving down my stomach, tracing my abs. Her lips kissed their way up my neck again and we kissed, pecking at each other's lips before we tasted each other deeply again "....what have you got in mind?"

Nicole leaned in and whispered in my ear between kisses, as her fingers raked across my bulge, teasing me. When she felt my cock about to explode, she let go and pulled away, just as my hands started to move up her body, cupping her breasts. My fingers had just found her nipples when she finally got off me.

"I think we should pick this up later," she said, a little too loudly, just enough for Mom to hear "it looks like it's not a great time."

"Yeah," I said back, hoping I sounded convincing enough. Mom stepped out of the kitchen and gave her best to Nicole, waving her off, even as she maintained a distant, disappointed look. She almost fooled me and hell, I was into the whole thing.

"What happened?" Mom asked. I just shrugged "what did you do?"

"I don't know, she looked a little flustered, and I..."

"I swear to God if you didn't treat that woman right you are so grounded, Mister."

"She said we'd talk," I said.

"What do you mean, she said you'd talk? That doesn't sound good. That doesn't sound good at all!" Mom said, panic edging her voice. I just shrugged.

"Look, Mom, it's getting late. How about we just...clean up and we talk tomorrow?" I said. Mom just stared, looking like she was about to have an aneurysm, then said:

"Just go, okay? I'll...you've done enough."

I went back to my room and lay there, thinking about Nicole's kisses, my cock too hard for me to sleep. Checking my phone, I saw Dee's messages piled up, checking on my date. The thought of her touch on me, the way she kissed her way up my cock sent a shiver up my spine and I closed my eyes and tried my damnedest to sleep while my cock screamed for attention. It could wait, I thought, for now.


"So she like...gave you a footjob? With your Mom right there?" Dee said over the phone, the next day. She looked a little more flushed than usual and something had changed about her that I couldn't quite place. It made me want to tell her more, though.

"I mean, she was in the kitchen, out of our hair but the best part was when we kissed on the couch," I said. Dee nodded and I saw her bite the corner of her lips as I told her about the way Nicole felt, melting into me, our bodies coming together.

"You remembered to hold back on the teeth right?" Dee said, teasing, but I could tell she was enjoying it.

"It was mostly all tongue. And some petting. We teased each other, mostly," I said, already rock hard. I wondered if Dee could see me reaching my free hand down to touch my bulge and tease my cock over it.

"What, she didn't even take it out?" Dee said, her voice a hoarse little whisper. I noticed her free hand moving too and I wondered if she was doing what I was, teasing between her legs "what was she waiting for?"

"I think it was on account of my Mom. She was watching from the kitchen," I said, my hand gripping my cock, teasing over my thin shorts. I could see Dee's shoulder move slightly, as she adjusted her hand. She gasped and bit her lip.

"Hot," Dee said, "I wouldn't have stopped."

"Don't be a degenerate," I fake scolded her.

"Shut up. You'd love it," Dee said. I knew I would have. "Did she touch it?"

"Touch what?" I said, wanting her to say it.

"Your cock," Dee whispered and I could tell how wet she was from the way she'd said it.

"She played with it, under the table first, teased it with her feet."


"She touched it while we were kissing. Teased my nipples, too,"

"Fuck that's good," Dee moaned. I was stroking my cock over my shorts, stroking it over the fabric. I knew she was doing the same "then what?"

"We broke it off, just as I cupped her tits,"

"How were they?"

"They're okay. I loved rolling her nipples. They were so hard," I said. I could see Dee moving her hips, her hand moving to the same rhythm as mine.

"Like this?" Dee said, leaning back to show me her chest, the way her nipples stuck out against her top. She pinched one and tugged it, rolling it between her fingers.

"Harder," I said, my mouth suddenly feeling dry, watching as Dee worked her nipple, as her fingers circled her nub over her shorts. We were quiet for a while, watching each other, me stroking my cock, her tugging her nipple, playing with her clit.

"I'd fucking ride you on the couch if I was her," Dee moaned, her voice barely above a whisper "don't care who was looking."

"What's stopping you?" I groaned. Dee stared into my eyes as we edged across our mutual orgasm.

"Don't fucking tease me, you virgin. I'm gonna come over there," she said.

"What's keeping you?"

Dee was about to speak when Mom knocked on the door.

"Are you in there? We need to talk," she said. Dee shut off the connection before I could get a word in, leaving me just enough time to hide my raging boner under the covers, as Mom stomped in, fiddling with her earrings "you're going to have to make it up to Nicole."

"What do you mean, 'make it up to her'?" I said. Going by Mom's flustered and panicking expression, Nicole was probably enjoying herself a little bit too much with her prank "I did what I could!"

"Well, you messed up. Or something. She wasn't too happy, I'll tell you that for nothing!"

"Okay," I said, shrugging.

"What do you mean okay? Do you understand what this promotion means to me? I swear to God if I lose this position to fucking Sita from Seattle I am going to flip!" Mom said, a tinge of hysteria in her voice, before slowly coming down.

"All right, tell her...tell her I'll do whatever she wants," I said, shrugging "if it's all such a big deal to you."

"Good. You'll make it up to her on the weekend. She wants to see you at her place, for whatever reason," Mom said, finally getting the earrings on.

"I can't do this weekend, Mom. I'm supposed to go hiking with Dad," I said. Mom gave me a long, silent stare that bore right into my soul, then smiled.

"I guess you'll just have to cancel then, won't you," Mom said.

"But I don't have a car," I pretend complained.

"I'll drive you," she said, one foot halfway out the door.

"And my good shirts are all at the dry cleaners'," I said, as Mom went up the driveway.

"Then get new ones," Mom said, turning the key in the ignition.

"Okay, but can I get an advance on my allowance for that? And something extra? For Nicole," I said.

Mom just gave me a look that could curdle milk, then smiled, before backing the car out the driveway and peeling away like a madwoman, fishtailing as she turned the corner.


Friday went by in fits and stops. I would look up at the clock in between doing menial jobs at the house, stopping for a workout, fiddling pointlessly around in my computer, and fiddling around with my college applications, only to find that barely two hours had passed.

I checked my phone time and again, looking for a message from Dee, but she'd been offline since the last time we'd talked. My mind flashed to what I said, caught in the strange haze we'd both been in and I realized I'd have to apologize when she'd get back online. After all, she deserved better than to get dragged by the nose by a friend.

"Moment of weakness my man," I told myself "happens to the best of us."

The afternoon came and went when my phone rang; a number I didn't know. I picked up without thinking.

"Hello?" I said.

"Your mother is pretty strung out," Nicole's voice came from the other end "maybe cut her a little slack?"

"Depends. What did you do?" I asked, sitting on the couch. Already, I could feel my cock swelling in my pants at the sound of her voice.

"Told her that her promotion will depend on your performance tomorrow."

"Damn, that is stressful," I said, leaning back.

"I'm sure you can handle it. You seemed confident enough," Nicole said.

"Yeah well, it's fake it till you make it, right?" I said. There was a long, breathy pause on the other end.

"Have you never...been with anyone?" Nicole asked. I shrugged, feeling suddenly self-conscious.

"No, not really," I said. Even though the phone, I could feel the flush of Nicole's cheeks, her excitement.

"Well then. How's 11am? My place?" she asked.

I made a polite grunt. Nicole loved that.

"Catch you then," and clicked off the phone.

"Holy shit," I said, staring up at the ceiling before I checked back the clock. 15 more hours to go.

Can't call me virgin after tomorrow, I messaged Dee.


I saw Dee at 10am on Saturday morning, climbing in through my bedroom window as I was stepping out of the shower.

"Yo, what are you-" I asked, watching her as she wordlessly stepped up to me, pressing her firm, athletic body against me. At a head taller than mine, Dee always got the upper hand during our playground fights, until I bulked up but this was different. She pushed me against my wardrobe, her hand reaching down to tear my towel off, exposing me entirely. I felt her hand, still cold, grasp my cock.

I gasped as I felt her circle her thumb across the tip, teasing it, stroking the shaft. We gasped together as it grew in her hand until it was fully hard and Dee ganged her grip, pumping it slowly at first, picking up speed. We barely said a word, our foreheads pressed together as she ground against me, using my knee between her legs, letting me feel her heat as she picked up speed. I Moved my leg back, feeling her wetness spill through her running suit. She matched my rhythm, her hand pumping up and down across my cock. Our lips almost touched as I felt my balls tighten, my orgasm building. There was a moment of pure ecstasy as I felt her cunt spasm against my leg the second my cock shot out, my cum flying across the room to land on my bed.

We lay there for a while against the wardrobe, Dee melting against me, my cock wilting in her hands, cum coating her fingers. I leaned in for a kiss but she pulled back.

"Don't make it weird, dude," she said, turning back to the window "you should last longer now."

She was gone without another word, jumping to hang off the tree branch, landing on our back yard and back to her morning exercise route. We'd talk, her and I, after this.


Nicole's house was one of those big, detached affairs almost an hour's drive away from the suburbs. From a distance, it looked like a fortified shoebox set in the middle of a forest path. Its driveway entrance was so well hidden, we didn't see it until we were almost up against it.

"Come in," Nicole buzzed us inside. Mom nestled the car along with the rest, as Nicole came out to greet us, dressed in what looked like a plain silk summer kimono "Sara! Glad to see you could make it!"

"I'm just dropping him off, be out of your hair right away," Mom said but Nicole waved her in.

"Nonsense, come on in! You haven't ever seen the old place, have you?" Nicole said as we stepped outside, leading us through the featureless exterior into the wide-open, minimalistic house of glass and Norwegian wood, put together by some Swedish engineer king or another. I was barely inside when I felt her hand move down my back and wrap around my waist.

"Love what you've done with the-oh," Mom said, as she turned to look just in time to see me and Nicole kissing deeply, me groaning as she teased me with the tongue and playfully teased my bottom lip, her body grinding into mine "I see you two are getting along so I'll just..."

"I was going for a dip. You should stay," Nicole said, as she led me toward the back of the house, where the small pool overlooking the hills was. Mom followed behind.

"Wish I'd known you had a pool. Would have brought my trunks," I said.

"You can swim without them," Nicole said, as she began to undo her kimono, letting it drop. She was dressed in a barely-there bikini with a thong bottom, the top cupping her perfect, perky breasts. "Sara, do you mind getting my tablet from the kitchen? I want to go over the Korean account."

I felt my mouth going dry as Nicole's hands ran over my body, fingers slipping under my shirt to pull it off me, revealing my body. She gasped, as her hands ran across my waist, already noticing the way my pants were tenting.

"Don't you think she's had enough?" I asked Nicole. She just shook her head, before kissing me deeply.

"Put some sunscreen on me, will you?" she said, turning around to undo the barely-there knot on her top.

By the time Mom came back, I had been busy spreading the lotion on Nicole's back and across her neck, slowly moving down her spine. Mom lingered there for a while, staring at her boss as she moaned while her son spread sunscreen on her, then finally said:

"Looks like they...they are going to push the deadline all the way to September. Something about renegotiating the price..." Mom said, between looks at Nicole's body, my rough hands, and the screen.

"They're stalling. Don't let them," Nicole moaned as my hands moved down to the small of her back, the thumbs teasing the tiny triangle where her thong peeked on top of tight, shapely ass. Without thinking, I reached out and undid a side knot, then another. She didn't stop me.

"We're already on shaky ground with their project owner," Mom said, eyes glued to the screen, legs fidgeting as she watched me slowly pull down the ends of the thong, completely exposing her. Nicole purred like a cat, as I spread sunscreen on her thighs and began to spread it down to her calves, before moving up.

"They'll have to get another if they lose us," Nicole said, breathily, as my thumbs traced the inside of her thighs, before reaching the curve of her ass. She bit her lip as I massaged her, spreading her lips and cheeks as I went. In my pants, my cock was so hard it almost hurt.

"I just think we..." Mom said, struggling for words as she saw her son lean in to kiss his way down her boss' body, his massive bulge pressing up between her legs "uh..."

"Uh, what, Sara? I can't understand you," Nicole said, gasping as I grasped her by the waist and pulled her halfway up as a man possessed. Her ass was in the air and her face on the sun lounger, as I leaned in and ran my tongue across her cunt, from clit to hole, slipping it inside to taste her deeply. Nicole moaned. Mom watched as I ate Nicole's pussy out, finally muttering:


I spread Nicole's ass with my hands, my mouth watering at the sight of the pink, wet flesh that parted in front of me. Lapping at it with my tongue, I tasted her folds deeply, grunting as I dark ner juices, then kissed my way down to her nub, flicking it with my tongue, attacking it like a man possessed as she writhed underneath me. I watched as she shuddered and came in front of my eyes, her cunt spasming and I prodded her wet cunt with my thumb, watching as it sank inside her deeply. Nicole howled and I sucked and kissed her clit again as my thumb pumped in and out of her, working her wet hole as another orgasm took her, then a third, before she pulled away from me, naked and flushed.

"What you need to do, Sara," Nicole said as she turned around and made me lean against the other end of the lounger, half my body in the air as she tore my pants off me, revealing my hard cock, the tip already dripping precum "is to be more assertive."

I barely made out what Mom said as Nicole took my cock into her mouth, swallowing half of it in one go. She briefly gagged as I felt myself slide down across her wet tongue and down her throat, sticking her tongue out to lap at my shaft. Pursing her lips, she sucked and lapped at it deeply, pulling back until she held my cockhead into her mouth, sucking at it before letting it plop out of her mouth and slap onto my abs.

Nicole maintained her eye contact even as she took my cock down her throat again, this time easing it down along her throat, spit flowing down freely. She choked, but I grasped her bun, leading her down across my length and she complied, building her rhythm, until her nose touched my flat belly and I saw my Mom's boss choke on my cock, her eyes watering as she saw me. I was teetering on the edge of exploding, barely holding on, when her tongue stuck out and she lapped my freshly shaven balls.

"Fuck Nicole, I'm-" I barely managed to say as I finally lost it and my cum shot out down her throat. Nicole held on, gulping down my cum, letting each inch slowly go, massaged in her mouth. When she finally let go, a single string of cum still hanging from her lips, she simply wiped her eyes and winked at me. Finally, Nicole stood up and walked to the indoor bar, still naked.

"I could use a drink after this. Anyone want one?" she said. I just gawked at the perfectly shaped as it moved away, tracking it through the glass panes.

"Did you just..." Mom hissed "you could have warned her. That was very rude!"

"Aw come on, Mom, don't be a prude. I gave like I got, didn't I?" I said, smiling, suddenly realizing I didn't mind the way Mom looked at my cock, already half erect and covered in her boss' spit and leftover cum.

"Water for the young gentleman. And for you, the usual," Nicole said, offering a glass to Mom.

"Oh no, I couldn't, I have to..." she began, but Nicole simply took her by the hand, as she motioned for me to follow her inside the house.

"Nonsense. We aren't done. Are we?" she said, looking at me over her shoulder, her hand grasping my cock, already hardening in her grasp.

"Not even close ma'am, no," I said, watching from the corner of my eye as Mom's eyes wandered to the way Nicole gripped me, leading me inside the house, toward one of the bigger couches in the living room. I sat down, my cock already at full mast, as Nicole Motioned for Mom to sit in the chair across from us. We watched her as she straddled me, her body leaning onto mine. Without thinking, I cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples, tugging them. Nicole cooed, as she brought herself down, grinding her wet cunt against my cock.

"Did you know that your son's a virgin, Sara?" Nicole said, biting her lip as I sucker her nipples, coning her tits and gently nibbling at the areolae. Her clit slid across the length of me, teasing. She slid across the length of me, letting me feel her hot, wet hole against the head before sliding back down.

"No...we never talked about that," Mom said, almost dreamily, nursing her drink. Her tone was like Dee's had been and I wondered what was getting her wetter: Nicole or me. The thought lingered, even though I tried to shoo it away.

"What a good executive I've got. Bringing me a virgin cock. Haven't had one..." Nicole said, moving her body up to let me feel her entrance, my cockhead lingering there, pulling back just enough as I thrust my hips, trying to fill her "...in a loooong time."

"Just happy to help," Mom said from the other end of the couch. When had she gotten there? I tried to focus, in between tasting Nicole's tits and feeling her hot cunt as it enveloped my cockhead, the sensation driving me inside as she let me dip inside her, teasing. I looked at Mom, playing with her hair, my eyes finding hers just as Nicole came down on my cock, taking down every inch.

There was a moment of perfect ecstasy as her silky, wet inside wrapped around every length of me and I felt her cervix press against my cockhead. She shuddered, her body shivering as I filled her, then began to move, grinding against me. I savored the feeling as she gripped me, her nails raking across my shoulders, moving down to grip my triceps while she picked up speed. For a long time, there was no sound in the entire house, save that of Nicole's panting and the wet, sucking noises of her count as she rode me, hard and fast, grinding on top of me. I began to move with her, matching her rhythm, the sensation driving me over the edge, happy that Dee and Nicole's blowjob had drained me ahead of time. I ground and bucked up against her, then grasped her ass, digging my nails inside the firm flesh as I picked her up.

"My! What are you-" Nicole barely had time to say before I picked her up bodily and turned her around, laying her onto the couch. She squealed as I grasped her ankles and pushed her legs up and apart, then drove myself inside her all the way to the hilt, using my weight to push with every thrust, bottoming out again and again. Nicole squealed underneath me, her wet cunt and my balls slapping together. She came against my cock and I could already feel another orgasm rising inside me. I turned to look at Mom, her own hand against her skirt, teasing her clit so we couldn't see, her eyes and Nicole's locked together as I fucked her boss.

"I'm cumming," I groaned to no one in particular and began to pull out but Nicole wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling me in, grinding back inside me "I gotta..."

"Ask your mother," Nicole said as she bucked against me. I looked at Mom, teetering at the edge of an orgasm when she suddenly shouted:

"Pull out!"

I barely had time to slip out of Nicole as my cum shot out in thick, hot ropes to coat Nicole's tits and belly. She squealed with joy with every splash of my cum and stroked me, getting every last drop, until I was finally spent, before turning to Mom:

"Good call. You got the job."

"For that?" Mom asked breathlessly, as Nicole crawled toward her, cupping her face in her hands.

"For being the best damn chief exec I could ask for," Nicole said, her lips kissing Mom. She melted into her and I watched the kiss for a while, their tongues dancing together, before breaking apart "but your son was nice, too."

"So all this...you didn't..." Mom said, staring at us, trying to piece together what happened, as Nicole brought me close, my cock already swelling in her hands.

"Thinking I'd hinge your promotion on a lay was very unprofessional, Sara. I trust this won't happen again?" Nicole said, in between kisses, her hand disappearing under Mom's skirt. She jumped, melting into her boss' touch.


"Good girl," Nicole said, kissing Mom's neck as I moved behind her. She barely resisted as I spread her widely, hooking two fingers in her cunt, playing with her wetness. Mom looked at me, mouthing thank you as Nicole moved between her legs and placed her face against her sex. She moaned deeply, just as I slipped my cock inside Nicole, riding her. We spit-roasted Nicole, Mom riding her face and my cock slapping against her and I watched as Mom hid her face just as she came over her boss' face. I pulled Nicole off Mom and against me, gripping her throat as I drove myself in her, before we both climaxed, my cum shooting in the air.

It was late at night when we drove back, Mom and I, across the empty wooded streets and back to the suburbs. I'd been feeling sore after Nicole's attentions. Mom looked ruffled but glowing.

"Sorry for pulling your leg," I told Mom, as we took a turn up the road and the city lights came into view "I hope I didn't make it weird."

Mom didn't say anything, only placed her hand on my thigh. It lingered there for a while, going up a little bit higher than it should, even when she could tell that my cock started to swell under her touch.

I smiled. This was shaping up to be one hell of a summer.Dee:

Again and again, the string of excuses and near-kisses came back to me:

I just think this...is okay.

I can't risk it. Not with you.

What if it doesn't work out? What then?

Friday went by in a haze of stretches, being screamed at as I dove in and came out of the water, drifting in and out of conversations on autopilot. Hazel chewed me out about my time, my form, and about how the tryouts were six months away...

And all I could think of was all the times we practiced kissing during high school, all the things he'd told me after every failed date, about Nicole and his Mom setting him up with her...


About the way, he tasted on my tongue when I finally placed my lips on his cock...

"Earth to Dee," Hazel's voice came into focus from somewhere far away and I made a polite noise as if I was listening. She didn't buy it, of course. Hazel had that built-in bullshit detector that swim instructors do, worse than any teacher or mom in the world. She had that kind of withering cat stare, emerald green eyes set against dark skin boring into your soul. It didn't help that she was mostly all muscle, built like a bullwhip with two legs, either "what's eating you?"

"Nothing," I lied. Hazel gave me the Look again and I fumbled with my swimming cap before I said "Okay, okay. It's...it's this guy."

"I thought we'd talked about keeping personal drama to a minimum," Hazel said matter-of-factly, pulling off her cap. She had a head full of kinky, auburn hair that made her look like a pinup model straight out of a magazine centerfold. Even after a year of training with her, I'd still find myself gawking at her when I thought she wasn't looking.

Who was I kidding? Of course she knew.

"I know, okay? It's just...I've known the guy forever and I don't know how he feels about me. Or if I should feel anything about him," I said.

"Why not?" Hazel asked, shrugging. I tried not to stare as she pulled down her bathing suit, revealing her tight body under the wet cloth that had clung to her. She placed her hands on her waist, letting me get an eyeful. Was she smiling?

"Well, his parents broke up when he was in elementary school and I guess it messed him up a little. Didn't help that his Mom is a bit of a control freak," I said, pulling off my swimming suit, glancing over to see that gleam in Hazel's eye. I wondered how much longer we'd have to tease each other before either of us would admit it.

"He sounds like a mess," Hazel said, searching for her clothes in her bag, pulling a tight top on her. I watched the way it hugged her breasts and her belly, the way her nipples poked against the fabric. I walked toward her, pretending to reach for a towel, letting my body brush up against hers. She didn't move entirely out of the way "hope he's hot at least."

"He's okay, I guess. Bit of a gym buff. But it's just the stuff he can make you do..." I said, thinking back to me in the bathroom, shaving him, his voice on the call, the way he made me want to touch myself.

"Sounds like he's riding roughshod all over you," Hazel said, our bodies still pressed against each other. I lingered still, pretending to look for a towel, loving her warmth against me. I wondered what she'd do if I pushed myself back against her "or maybe you're just letting him."

"Okay, because I can like, just get over it, thanks," I said, turning to face her. Hazel only smiled, pushing a lock of hair away from my forehead. It made a chill run down my spine.

"What I'm saying is: at some point, you either shit or you get off the pot," Hazel said, pulling away from me to pull on her panties and shorts, before heading for the door "I think it's time you got this sorted."

I stared at her as she went, before checking my phone. The calls had piled on, one on top of the other, the messages. I tapped the call button, about to call him back, maybe drive to his house and get this whole thing over with before Nicole the MILF would beat me to it when the message came:

Can't call me a virgin after tomorrow.



Friday was a march of pure embarrassment, as I fumbled my way through one faux pas after another while trying to avoid Nicole's cold stare.

"I expect that your son can...perform accordingly?" she'd said, first thing in the morning like I was supposed to know whatever the hell Liam was capable of.

"I thought you'd gotten a pretty good idea by now," I said, awkwardly, realizing she might know that I'd kept an eye on them from the kitchen. Just to make sure he'd behave, I'd told myself.

Just business. No nonsense. Didn't enjoy that one bit, a little nagging voice came from the back of my head as I thought back to the way Liam and Nicole kissed on the couch, how she led him along as they. He'd caught on fast, hadn't he?

Faster than his father anyway, the little voice in the back of my head said and I'd waved it off, thinking back to how my son had attacked Nicole with his kisses, sticking too much tongue in there. He'd been clumsy, but passionate, like his father had been. If Nicole was lucky, he probably made love like him too...

"Hardly. Just some...petting. Had some promise, but I'm not working on promises, am I?" Nicole said, looking up at me from her desk, her tone and stance shifted to full-on 'boss bitch mode', the kind that made me weak at the knees. I tried to mumble a response, as Nicole walked around her desk and ran her hands over the front of my jacket, straightening some imaginary crease.

"Damn right you aren't," I said, taking in Nicole's scent, the curve of her neck, feeling ready to jump at her every touch. It had been five years since the last time we'd come this close but I'd remembered it like it was yesterday.

How she'd made me crawl and beg; like an animal...again the voice, but I didn't fight it, as Nicole leaned into my ear.

"Then I trust you'll do what you can. There's a lot riding on him," Nicole said, whispering in my ear and I felt myself flooding at the sound of her voice even as the stress hit me like a runaway car.

"Of course," I said, then made up an excuse and locked myself in the executive bathroom. Checking my panties only to find them soaked, I pulled them off me and the thought came to me, without warning:

It can't be that bad...

And before I knew it, I was running my finger between my legs, parting the folds biting my lips as I reached my nub and flicked it, shivering with pleasure. How long had it been since I'd touched myself like that? Since anybody had made me like that?

Last Wednesday. When you were peeping at Nicole and your so-

"No, before that," I whispered to myself, even as my fingers circled my clit, then slid down again, my wetness making soft, sopping sounds in the bathroom stall.

April. That man from the bar.

I sighed as I teased my entrance. He'd been a stranger, his name gone from my mind as soon as I'd left his home, along with his lovemaking. Why had I picked him?

He did look a little like your son, didn't he?

The little voice in my head said and I whimpered as I slid a finger inside me, hooking it deeply. My free hand reached down to pinch my nipple and I tugged at it hard, twisting it even as I fingered myself deeply, teasing my g-spot, trying to think about the man from the bar, his lips brushing against mine as he filled me, his cock throbbing inside as I bucked my hips against him. He threw his head back as he came, his cum coating my naked belly, and when he looked back down...

Liam's face stared back at me.


My cunt spasmed and my knees buckled as the first wave of an orgasm hit me, but I cut it off, clenching my teeth to keep my moan from turning into a whimper. This was wrong. This wasn't me, I told myself, as I stomped out of the stall and didn't dare look at myself in the mirror before I headed back to my office.



It wasn't the drink that made me dumb, but sure as hell did help. It took about five beers before I got a buzz going and by then, I'd found myself outside Mr. B's gym, an hour before closing.

I can't have you, can I? I wrote out on my phone but never hit the Send button

I'd been at the place years ago, back when it was just a five-room affair that Mr. B lived out of, after the divorce. We'd hang around there, acting like regulars, trying to get anyone we knew to sign up until work picked up.

Today, the gym was as large as a warehouse and Mr.B lived on the upper floor, inside a bachelor pad twice the size of my parents' house. He'd pulled his life together, but never remarried. I guess he'd been a one-woman-man kind of guy.

I want you, but you won't let me, I wrote down the next line.

The receptionist barely noticed me as I walked inside, hard at work flirting with a himbo pedaling away at the stationary bike. The entire place reeked of sweat and machine oil and industrial-strength air freshener, the air filled with the sound of trashy euro beat songs, perfect for keeping up the reps.

It's okay. I'll manage; I just hope you'll forgive me, I typed out, then deleted the entire thing.

"Can I help you?" Mr. B's voice finally came from behind, while I tried one of the bench press machines, struggling against the weights.

"Hey Mr. B, you probably don't remember me, but..."

"Dee, right? You hang out with my son?" He said, smiling "he's not here tonight."

"It's okay," I said, looking him over, realizing how much they looked like spitting images of each other. Sure, Mr. B was bulkier, his muscles more filled out from years of pumping iron, a streak of grey in his full head of hair. My eyes wandered to his chest, where his shirt clung to it, showing off his sculpted pecks and hard stomach "just wanted to say hi."

"Well, hi then," Mr. B said, then after noticing his receptionist goofing off with the himbo "excuse me a second."

I watched him go, staring at his muscled back, the strong legs. Something inside me whispered a warning, but I didn't listen.



I left the office, avoiding Nicole for the first time in years before I hopped into my car. Reaching the parkway, I signaled the left turn that would take me back home, then changed my mind. I couldn't go back just yet. Not if Liam was awake.

Can't risk it, the little voice in my head said and I tried to shoot it away, then changed the blinker, heading the other way. I was taking a turn without thinking when I finally said:

"Risk what?" realizing how stupid I sounded to myself, the little voice coming back with

Jumping his bones.

I braked hard, swerving the car to the side of the road, the driver tailing me barely avoiding me as he sped away into the night. In the quiet, broken only by the purring of the car's engine, I inched my hand down my skirt, checking my wetness, finding myself soaked. Closing my eyes, I tried to focus on something else: spreadsheets, presentations, kittens, the Korean account, but the image of his face, looking into mine as he came...

My son's face.

For the second time in God knows how long, I began to tease my clit, flicking it, circling it. I shuddered in the car, teasing myself to the edge of an orgasm, feeling about to explode. I bucked my hips as I felt it build inside me then...nothing.

It won't do.

"No. No no no, I just have to-" I told the little voice in my head and it came back with:

No substitute for the real thing, the voice came again and my eyes went wide, realizing it was true.

"I can't...I'm not that...he's my son, I can't-" I mumbled and the voice in my head came back with:

There's always the next best thing.

I froze, staring out into nothing, then checked the time: 9 PM. Without thinking, I drove the car back to the road then took the next exit to a place I'd sworn to myself I'd never go to unless it was life or death.

Funny how it felt like it, at that time.



"You're still here?" Mr. B asked, looking over his shoulder as he killed the tunes and began to shut off the lights across the gym.

"Thought I'd stick around. Catch up," I said. Mr. B looked at me like I was so full of shit my eyes were brown.

"What did Liam do?" he said, as he rearranged the dumbbells and began to reset the machines.

"What? No, he's uh...he's fine. I think the trouble's with me," I said as I tried to pull one of the bars up, barely managing to get it an inch of the ground before I had to let it drop. Mr. B took it off my hands and began to unscrew the weights. He smelled like sweat and grease and a hint of cigarette ash.

"Not from where I'm standing," Mr. B said, looking me over. I blushed, despite myself, feeling his gaze as it moved over me. I tried to think of something else, but then I watched his hands pull the weights up like they were nothing, stacking them up along the shelf "that boy is a damn fool if he can't see the way you look at him."

"He just doesn't want to hurt me," I said, feeling suddenly defensive, taking a step toward Mr. B. If he felt me, he didn't move.

"Except he is," Mr. B said as I stood behind him, running my hands across his back, feeling the hard muscles underneath, reaching around his sides.

"He doesn't mean it. That's me. Just me," I said as I wrapped my hands around his waist and pressed my body against him, feeling his hard body on me, taking in his scent. It made my knees go weak.

"You're making a mistake," Mr. B said as my hands moved down his belly, finding the bulge that swelled in his thin sweatpants. It filled my hands already but I could tell it wasn't done. Just like his son.

He'd have to do if I couldn't have the real deal.

"It's okay, it's not your fault," I said, as Mr. B turned around and I fell onto my knees, bringing my face up against the bulge that tented up his pants, my hands exploring the length of it, feeling the veins that pulsed underneath. I hooked up my hands against the waistband and pulled down, revealing the trimmed bush of hair, the curve of his meat, itching to spring out. Mr. B's hands grasped mine.

"Just once," he said. I moaned, nodding as I tugged down, revealing more and more of his length, kissing and lapping my way along the veiny length of him until only the head remained. When it finally sprang free, I felt it slap against my cheek, a thick trail of precum dripping off the end of it. I opened my mouth to take it in, but Mr. B's hands grasped a handful of my hair holding me back "say it."

"Yes," I whimpered, sticking my tongue out to lap at the tip like a dog, but Mr. B maintained the grip, holding me back.

"Say it," he said, even as my hands moved up his thighs, cupping his balls, teasing more of the precum to drip from the tip.

"Just this once," I promised and he let me go, opening wide to swallow his cock, as wide and big as his son's, taking the spongy cockhead into the back of my throat and sucking on it, using my tongue against the underside to ease inch after inch down my throat, feeling it fill me. I choked spit dribbling from my lips as Mr. B's hand caressed my hair and whispered "easy, easy."

I pulled back for a breather, then grasped his shaft, lapping down along the length of it, breathing through my nose, easing him halfway into my throat. I stared up to watch his eyes roll back, groaning like an animal as I swallowed his cock, bobbing my head on it, using both hands to work the shaft. I savored his precum and wondered if he knew how alike they both tasted, the thought of taking them both down my throat making my cunt flood with juices.

Mr. B's hands grasped the back of my head, taking clumps of my hair in his hands, and began to move me, making me pick up speed. Wet, gulping noises came from my mouth as I took him, my spit flowing down on his shaft to pool in the floor as he began to build a rhythm, using my face. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I took him desperately, feeling his cock tighten, about to explode...

Before he pulled me off his cock, just as a single drop of cum shot from the tip, dripping down the head and onto the floor.

"What? Why did..." I began, as Mr. B. pulled me up bodily, and laid me on the bench, tearing my sweatpants off to reveal my barely-there thong, already soaked through. He tore away at it and I watched as he brought his lips down to kiss his way down my belly, across my thighs. By the time I could feel his hot breath against my wet lips, I was already shivering, grasping his head, silently begging for his kiss.

And then his tongue lapped up across my slit, from hole to clit. I whimpered as I felt his tongue lap at it, tasting me deeply, then his lips kissing, sucking my nub before he descended again, sliding his tongue inside me, tonguefucking and kissing me. I howled as he matched my movements, working his lips and tongue with me, filling me. His hands grasped my thighs and pushed them up and apart and he dove deeper into my cunt, filling me with his tongue. When his thumb finally flicked my clit, I howled like an animal, shivering all over, feeling him push back against me as I spasmed and bucked against him, before he finally let me go.

"What...are we done?" I barely managed to say as Mr. B hauled me off the bench, leading me up the stairs to his home. I dropped down at the entryway and leaned in to kiss him, but he simply pushed me back through the half-open door, inside the living room. I followed, my legs still shaking, my hands seeking his cock, stiffer than ever.



The gym was dark, the sound of me fumbling with the keys almost deafening in the silence. Slowly, I made my way around the machines, the racks of weights and benches, trying to keep as quiet as possible.

Maybe if I sneak up on him, he won't think about it, I told myself, feeling like an idiot as I headed toward the sliver of light spilling from the open door on the other end, only to find the pair of sweatpants and the thong dropped on the floor at the edge of it.

I blinked slowly, then poked at it stupidly as if it were alive. The fabric was still wet and hadn't gone entirely cold yet. Whoever was here with him was...around.

I should go, the little voice said, even as I folded the tiny, wet thong and the sweatpants, placing them on the bench. They'll probably want some time alone, it went on, as I tiptoed across the floor, taking off my shoes so I could make my way up the stairs, nearing the door, where I could hear Roy's deep animal grunt, the kind he used to make when we were together, the sound of two bodies smashing together, the whimpering of some girl.

That's far enough, the little voice warned me but I still stopped by the door and peeked, just in time to see Roy on the bed, laid on top of some young little hussy, her legs splayed wide and apart, his body slamming against hers as he drove her down against the mattress. I looked at his cock, as it sawed in and out of her, covered in her juices: no condom.

"Typical," I said, my voice barely above a whisper, watching and Roy switched gears, driving himself inside the little slut, grinding himself inside her.

"Fuuuucckk you're so deep!" she groaned, shuddering like a stuck pig as his cock slammed inside her, the only sound her panting and the wet noises her cunt made, hiding my own panting as I teased my nipples over my shirt. My fingers slipped inside me and I fingered myself deeply, trying to match his rhythm as it picked up again. This time, Roy turned the girl sideways, letting me catch a glimpse of her face, her mouth hanging open as his cock slid in and out of her, his fingers squeezing her breasts, tugging at her nipples.

I froze, as our eyes met for a moment, recognizing each other. Dee!

Without stopping. little slut matched his pace, driving herself against him with every motion, matching his speed until another orgasm overtook her and her cunt flooded again. She howled as she pushed herself back onto his cock and I watched as Roy's balls tightened about to cum and for a moment, teetering at the edge of an orgasm I wished he'd fill the little whore with his seed, but Roy pulled out and groaned like an animal, his cum coating her belly, her shirt, drops of it shooting on Dee's face.My son's going to fuck Nicole like that, the voice said.

And then he's going to fuck me.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as my orgasm finally washed over me and my knees buckled. When the world finally swam into view, I just had time to see Roy pulling off the little slut, before she looked up.

I barely had enough time to run down the stairs and out of the gym and into the car, before I peeled off into the night, back home.

Thankfully, my son didn't hear me come in, just in time to collapse onto the bed.



Even in the middle of my cunt-shattering orgasm, I knew who the woman in the doorway was. For a moment, I wondered if I should tell Mr. B that the mother of his son had caught us in the act, then decided against it, as I rolled out of the bed and began to daub at the cum on my belly and shirt with a wad of tissues.

We'd have to talk, her and I. Just not now; not yet.

Mr. B pulled up his clothes and began to roll a cigarette, offering me one.

"No thanks. I should go," I said, the shame set in, but slowly.

"I can drive you," he offered but didn't mean it. I just shook my head and headed downstairs, picking my sweatpants and thong, now neatly folded on the bench. I had to laugh. Even when peeping, Ms. Sara was a mom, first and foremost.

Stepping out into the chilly June air, I went back home and showered, then lingered in bed until dawn came. When it was finally light enough to go outside, I ran. When I was good and sick of running, I went to his house and climbed in through the tree, into the window.

"Yo, what are you-" he said, as I grabbed his cock and jerked him off. I felt my cunt spasm as he came in my hand, his body melting into mine. He tried to kiss me, but I pulled away.

"Don't make it weird, dude," I lied, then ran back and out, lingering at the corner until Ms. Sara's car drove off, with him by his side, off to see Nicole.

I need to tell you something, I typed it out on my phone, then deleted the message.

I can't do this anymore, I tried again after lunch, but it didn't feel right.

Yo, dude- No.

I think we should- who am I kidding?

My man, your Mom's kind of a freak nope. Nope. Nope.

Can we talk? I typed, let my finger hover over the Send button at midnight, then deleted it. It wasn't the time yet. It would never be the right time. I could never-

Sunday went by, then my phone buzzed, just after dinner time. It was a text message from his mother, just 3 words long:

We should talk.


We barely exchanged a dozen words between us, until Mom parked the car in the driveway and stepped outside:

"Heck of a day. I could do with some R&R."

"Sure," I said, sneaking glances at my phone. Swiping away all the other useless notifications, I found no messages from Dee and a single message from Nicole, reading:


I smiled as I saved the number to my contact list and headed inside, barely looking up as Mom pulled off her jacket and let her hair down. I didn't notice her coming close to me until she wrapped her hands around my belly and pressed her body onto me, to whisper in my ear.

"Thank you. For everything,"

I simply nodded, just feeling Mom against my body, her tough lingering against me. How long had it been since we'd been this close? It didn't feel like any of the kiddie hugs she used to give me, not by the way she pulled herself against me or how we let each other linger. Or the way her fingers moved down my belly, teasing the edge of my pants...

"I could do with a shower," I said, pulling away from her to go up the stairs and into the bathroom. I lingered there a while, looking at my cock, already at half-mast, and shook my head and told myself "it's okay. You saw a MILF eat your mother out while you plowed her. Of course you're hard."

But Mom did look beautiful, with her head thrown back, her mouth hanging open as Nicole ate her out. Maybe I should ask her for some pointers, I thought, with the hot water washing over me, trying my hardest to ignore my cock standing at attention as the foam fell into my eyes. I tried to think of the way Nicole felt, bucking against my cock, the way Dee had made me cum...

The way Mom's hand lingered on my thigh on the way back...

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to think of something -anything- else, not noticing the brief burst of cool air that spilled inside the shower until Mom's body was pressed against my back.

"Heater in my bathroom's busted. You don't mind, do you?" Mom said and I made to turn around, but she simply pressed her hands on my shoulders, reassuringly.

"It's okay. We can share. Best not peek," Mom said softly, taking the showerhead. I heard her lather her body and thought of her standing behind me, naked and dripping all over as her body would brush against mine. Was that her breast, rubbing against me? I was too hard to think straight. I had to take control of the situation. I had to...

"Can you get me the shampoo, honey? Thank you so much," Mom said, her voice barely above a whisper. I handed her the shampoo, turning to see her with her back to me, her long hair laid out along her back, lathering her hair, working the foam into her auburn locks. She wasn't entirely naked, dressed in a too-small pair of panties that clung to her, so wet it had almost become see-through, letting most of the flesh of her wide, tight behind spill out. I groaned at the sight of it, watching the foam spill down along her back before pooling down through her crack.

"Need a hand, Mom?" I said, my voice sounding a little too coarse for my tastes, as I reached out to lather her hair, working the foam as I stepped closer. Mom didn't stop me, even when my cock touched the fabric of her bikini bottom, my shaft resting against the stretched, too-thin fabric. I closed in, too hard to care until my cockhead lay against her back and she could feel my body resting against hers, as my fingers ran through her hair.

"A little lower baby," Mom said, relaxing as I grasped a handful of her hair in my hand, the other moving down her hair, across her back. I ground against her, testing the waters, letting her feel my cock as it slid across her panties. Was that a moan? I couldn't be sure. Not that it stopped me.

"Let me rinse your back," I said, taking the showerhead, using it to wash away the foam from her hair, letting the water cascade across her ass, as my cock slid down across her panties, my fingers grasping her hair harder, trying a gentle tug. I tried again, sawing my length across her, moving lower with every motion, the tip of my cock rubbing against the outline of her pussy lips, sticking out against the wet fabric.

"Here, let me just..." Mom said, her voice down to a low moan as she took the showerhead from me, freeing my hand, letting me caress my way down her arm, across the side of her breast, along her back. My fingers hooked into the elastic band of her panties, sliding across the side of it, revealing the flesh of her ass, the pink lips of her asshole, a hint of hair surrounding her muff, as my cock slipped under her panties, resting across the naked flesh. Mom made a deep, animal noise, as she felt me slide under her panties, my shaft and balls resting against her ass, teasing her hot slit.

We said nothing as I moved against her, grinding onto her slowly, picking up speed as Mom tensed, then slowly eased, before she started to match my motions. For a few long, silent moments, the shower stall was silent, except for the low, deep animal sounds we made as we moved against each other. I tugged Mom's hair back, making her lean against me, my free hand moving up her body, pulling up her bikini top to let her breasts flop free. I squeezed the plump flesh, working it in my hands, finding and tugging her nipples. Mom gasped, pushing harder against me, our bodies melting into each other.

"Fuck," I groaned, as Mom's ass enveloped my cock, working it with every motion of her thighs, her plump, wet cunt running across my shaft, letting me feel her hot wetness against me. I lowered my knees, easing myself lower, letting my cockhead feel the entrance to her cunt, the caress of her asshole as I teetered over the edge.

"Language," Mom scolded me as she took over in a single motion, standing on tip-toe to tease my cock, circling the head, letting me feel just enough of her hot wet hole to drive me over the edge before moving low again to work my shaft, then switching up again, pulling away just as I tried to thrust inside her, her motions driving me over the edge. I felt my cock tightening, my balls clenching as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

"I'm gonna..." I barely had time to mouth as I came, my load coming out in hot, thick ropes against the fabric of Mom's bikini bottoms, splashing down onto her ass. Mom didn't stop, her ass and cunt lips still working my cock as I came, until I finally fell back, my knees buckling from sheer pleasure. Mom collapsed with me, her ass still grinding onto me as we fell against the shower wall. Moving on pure instinct, I moved my hand down her body, slipping under her bottoms to find her cunt, my fingers clumsily circling her clit, the touch alone enough to make Mom jump, howl, then finally shudder in my hands as her own orgasm hit her.

"Good don't stop, don't stooopp ooohhhh," she howled, as she bucked her hips, her own body shuddering and we collapsed together onto the floor, savoring our orgasmic afterglow, until finally, Mom stepped off me, grasping a towel as she pulled her soiled bikini onto her, drying her hair on the way out "are you up for dinner? I'm famished."

I nodded, then slowly stumbled my way out of the shower and back into my room.



I just jerked off my son, the voice came from the back of my head.

"No hands, doesn't count," I told the woman in the mirror as I peeled my bikini off from me, the bottoms still coated in his drying cum. You'd think he wouldn't have any left, after the work Nicole gave him but...

Plenty for me left.

"No. This is it. Just a fluke," I told the voice in my head as I began to search through my wardrobe, taking out a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Fishing through my underwear drawer, I picked out a pair of panties "one-time thing. It's done."

Then maybe don't wear the hot pants, the voice came again as I pulled up the panties, the fabric so tight it hugged the front and left most of my butt hanging out.

"It's hot," I said, as I pulled up the shorts, loving the way they hugged my butt, exposing the best part of it. It had been one of Roy's last few picks for me before things turned sour.

Bet they'll give Liam a few ideas, the little voice said, as I pulled up the shirt over me and headed downstairs to the kitchen, where Liam was hard at work staring at the microwave reheating yesterday's pizza.

"How's dinner coming along chef?" I said, sitting against the kitchen counter. Liam almost jumped at the sound of my voice, then placed his finger on my lips, counting down:


Liam jumped at the microwave, removing the pizza, gasping and blowing at his fingers as he handled the hot plate, before placing it on the counter. Behind him, the microwave door closed soundlessly and clicked into place, punctuated by a diiinnggg.

"Was that really necessary?" I said, trying a slice. Sure enough, the cheese stretched, the strings holding on until the perfect moment. I tried the slice and it wasn't anywhere near as hot as I'd expected.

"The secret ingredient is timing," Liam said, taking a bite from the pizza. We ate in silence for a while, each of us sneaking glances at the other, noticing the way he would gaze at my chest, the shape of my breasts against the fabric. Every now and then, he'd pretend to play with his phone, then put it back down. I hadn't tried putting on a bra but I didn't care. Two slices into demolishing the pizza, Liam said: "do you want to talk about it?"

"Talk about what?" I said, pretending to focus on the pizza.

"About Nicole, the shower...all of it," Liam said.

"I'm thinking we could have a movie night. We haven't had those in a while," I said, cutting him off. Liam stopped, fumbled for something to say and I stepped away from the kitchen to the couch, turning on the TV so I could look at nothing.

"Mom, I just wanna know if..." Liam started "I know it wasn't nice, what we did, teasing you like that but I wanna know where we're..."

I turned my head to kiss Liam, my lips meeting his before he could finish the sentence. He froze for a second, before finally relaxing, letting out brush turn into a kiss. He groaned, as my tongue dipped into his and we teased each other a little, before he took over, his lips sucking mine, the teeth nibbling it. His hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me in and I moaned as I felt him take control, his hands moving down my body, finding my nipples, flicking and teasing them over the top. I let out a soft, animal sound, egging him on as his hand moved down along my shirt, pulling it little by little, exposing the flesh, letting him cup my breasts, squeezing them, tugging my nipple. He was about to pull my shirt off him when I grabbed his hands.

"Clothes on", I muttered, as we resumed our kissing, and Liam continue to tug my nipples, twisting them. My hand moved down his belly, grasping the huge bulge that tented up the thin fabric of his shorts. I rubbed my hand over the length of it, feeling it get bigger, harder against my hand.

Bigger than his Dad, the little voice in my head said and I nodded as Liam kissed his way down my neck, letting go of my breasts, reaching my belly. He popped the top button of my shorts off and slipped his hand inside, tracing over my panties, his fingers prodding against the wet baric of my hole, clumsily searching for my clit.

"Here," I said, undoing my pants altogether, taking Liam by the hand, leading his fingers under my panties. His touch was warm against my wet cunt and I felt him carefully parting the folds, his middle fingers sliding across my slit "Little higher...ahhh too high baby..."

I panted as I felt the tip of his fingers trail around and finally find my nub, the touch of it sending a jolt of electricity across my body. I whimpered like a dog as he flicked it slowly, breaking away from our kiss to look at the way my body reacted as he clicked it, the circled it, experimenting with his touch and his kisses, grazing my nipples over his fingers as he went.

"I need to know if we're okay," Liam panted as I stroked his cock over his shorts, savoring his hardness, the precum pooling against the fabric to wet my palm "because I want to talk to Dee."

I pushed Liam so he was sitting on the couch, then straddled him. I thought of Dee, the little slut having her brains fucked out of her skull by his father; God, it would break his heart if he found out.

"You don't need her," I said, as I kissed him, then began to trail down his neck, his chest, his lips. He gasped as he watched me kneel between his legs, both hands grasping his hard tool, from the base of the shaft to the spongy head "you've got Nicole."

I leaned down to kiss my way up his massive cock, along the thickness of it all the way to the tip over the fabric, moving just so to give him a good view of my ass as my shorts finally slipped halfway down my hips before I added:

"And me."

Liam threw his head back and groaned as he watched me take his cockhead into my mouth, the thin fabric barely a barrier between my mouth and his flesh, letting him feel how I kissed and teased him with my tongue, sucking the precum that filtered out through the fabric. He stroked my hair as he watched me make my way back down his shaft to nuzzle his balls, taking them in my mouth over his clothes, both of my hands working the shaft, pulling back the fabric, inch by inch.

"It's coming out," Liam said and I looked at his cock, standing at attention, the flesh half exposed, aching to get out. I looked into his eyes as I stood up and let my pants drop, leaving me with just my panties. He gasped as I straddled him, letting him feel my panties grind against his almost bare cock.

"Nicole will take your cock in every hole," I said, the words coming out slurred as I felt his bulge against my lips, grinding deeply against me, wanting to push myself deeper inside it "and Mommy will drain your balls whenever you want her to."

"Every day?" Liam panted, as he grabbed two handfuls of my ass, raking his nails across it, parting my cunt lips wide. His cock pushed against the fabric harder and I moaned, feeling the tip tease my hole.

"Every day. Every night. Whenever...my baby..." I panted, as I began to grind against the tip of his cock. I thought of slipping the fabric aside, letting myself feel it, just for a moment, what Nicole felt...

"I'm cumming Mom!" Liam shouted and I pulled away from him just in time to see the cum shoot out through his shorts, pooling out of the fabric, staining it as his hips shuddered. I thought of this spilling inside Nicole, filling her womb.

Then I thought of Dee, wrapping her legs around my son's waist as he pumped his baby batter in her. Without thinking, I leaned down and began to lap at the spilled cum, sucking as much of it as I could like a madwoman, my cunt spasming as I felt his warmth fill my mouth. Liam groaned with pleasure as I cleaned him off. When I was done, I rushed into the kitchen for a drink, then up into my room.

Liam said something from the living room, but I couldn't quite hear it.

Welp. No way back from that, the little voice in my head said, as I wrapped myself under my sheets in shame, wondering what the hell happened to my life.

Desperate for something, anything to hold on to, I grabbed my phone and sent Dee a message:

We should talk



"Did you get all that?" I told Nicole on the other end. She sounded absolutely exhausted.

"You bet your sweet behind I did," she said, smiling "I think I should come over for coffee and a chat."

"Should we tell my Mom anything or..."

"Just keep it a surprise for now," Nicole said, smiling "and check on Dee while you're at it. The more the merrier."

"Sure," I said, then hung up the phone, before pulling off my ruined shorts. This was gonna take a bit of doing...Sara:

"I don't think you should see my son anymore," I said, not bothering with the niceties. Dee just stared at her coffee "I think you know why."

We'd met in a coffee shop, early in the morning, someplace halfway between my home and work. The place had been empty, save for a gaggle of bored baristas, going through the motions of opening for the day. There hadn't been enough people around to keep from making a scene, but it would have to do.

There was a long, heavy pause as she stopped to look at me, her big doe-like eyes almost looking through me and past me. Something rose inside me, red-hot that I barely contained; the kind of anger that comes from dealing with a dismissive teenager. It had been years since I'd had to deal with this with Liam but Dee...she'd had this perfect, magical way of knowing how to drive me crazy. I guess it was her gift.

"You can call him, every now and then, but keep it casual," I said, as Dee brought the coffee up to her lips and took a sip. "No more video chatting and no more staying alone with him at home. If I ever catch you trying to..."

"I'm going to get some cream. You want any, Miss M?" Dee said, sliding off the booth. I watched as she moved to the small station by the bar and added the cream, then came back, stirring as if nothing happened.

"If I ever catch you trying to flirt with my son, I am going to -" I began again, then stopped as Dee slid on my side of the booth, her body pressed against me, her phone in her hands, flicking through menu after menu "what are you doing?"

"Listening to something. Wanna hear?" Dee said, holding up the little wireless earbud to me. I pushed it away.

"This isn't a game, Dee. You did something awful and if my son finds out, it's going to destroy him," I said.

"So we'll keep it a secret. Both of us," Dee said, a little too close for comfort, the earbud in her hands, hovering close to me. Sounds were blaring from the little nubs that sounded halfway familiar. Dee offered the earbud to me with a little 'go ahead' motion and I took it, placing it in my ear...

Nicole will take your cock in every hole...and Mommy will drain your balls whenever you want her to.

I heard myself speak, my voice all throaty, and...did I really sound that desperate? Liam's deep groan came from the other end as I felt myself getting wet just from the sound of us, together.

"How did you..." I began

"Every day?" Dee moaned, almost in perfect sync with Liam's voice. I felt her fingers trailing their way up my leg and shivered. With a backhand motion, I pushed her hand away and off me. The sound of myself panting as Liam's cock teased me, pushing against the fabric of my panties made me flood as I heard myself say:

Every day. Every night. Whenever...my baby...

Dee's hand was back on my leg before I noticed, her fingers tracing the top of my thighs, across the sensitive skin, the soaked fabric. I nearly jumped out of my skin as I felt her fingers run across my wetness, trailing across my lower lips, teasing me.

"What are you doing?" I hissed. My hand cupped around hers, but I didn't stop her as her fingers found my clit over the fabric and flicked it once, twice. Dee leaned into my ear and whispered, along with Liam:

"I'm cumming Mom!"

Clamping my legs shut, I bit my lips and tightened every muscle in my body, as I tried to keep Dee from feeling my orgasm. I still shuddered, white-knuckled hands grasping the edge of the table as wave after wave washed all over me and I finally relaxed.

When I'd finally blinked away the post-orgasmic haze, I turned to look at Dee's smiling face.

"How about it, Miss M? Deal?"

I pushed myself out of the little booth, tossing a couple of bills from my purse onto the table. Dee didn't even bother looking at them, smiling up at me with that devious kind of smile she'd had since she was in elementary. The kind she gave adults when she knew she'd gotten away with murder.

"Okay, have it your way," I said, trying to sound as authoritative as possible but failing miserably "but you tell Liam nothing. And if I catch you fooling around with him, then he's going to know. Understand?"

Dee simply nodded, the smile on her face wavering, if only for a moment. It was a petty victory, but I'd gotten that little jab in nonetheless. I was about to head for the door when I heard Dee say:

"You look real flustered, Miss M. Maybe you could use a workout..."

I narrowed my eyes at her and turned away, stomping through the doors of the cafe all the way to my car, then drove out, heading nowhere for a good ten minutes, before I finally pulled out by the side of the road, gritting my teeth. Here I was, a grown single mother, a high-powered company exec in my high-end luxury car, sitting on the side of the road, stewing in my own juices after being blackmailed by an 18-year-old.

An 18-year-old that fingered me while I got wet to the sound of me jerking off my own son.

"Goddamnit," I said, that same feeling rising inside me, made up of desperation and rage "Liam must have had his phone...no."

I tried to close my eyes, and think how Dee could have gotten her hands on that recording. But the dampness between my legs and the heat in my chest was too much and I needed to let it out.

Only one way out of it, Sara.

"I can't. He's my..."

The next best thing, then.

"No. I..." I began, then stopped myself, before finally starting the car and heading to the one place I'd sworn I'd never go back to for the second time in the same week.


Call me when you see this.

I stared at the message for a while, the last in a long train of Heys and How Are yous and Pick Up Alreadys. Dee hadn't even read them and she hadn't answered her phone. The Olympics tryouts were a ways away and she never used to dodge my calls unless something big was going on.

I sent out the next message before I could second-guess myself:

Miss you

I put down my phone and strutted around the house for a while, trying not to check the screen or listen for the buzzing sound of any notifications, before finally heading to the kitchen for a sandwich. I wasn't hungry but it was the furthest away I could be from my phone without leaving the house.

My double-decked, needlessly complicated sandwich had just been assembled and plopped onto the plate when the doorbell rang. Checking myself, I realized I was naked from the waist up, dressed in nothing but a pair of shorts I wore to bed during the summer and couldn't be bothered to put on a shirt so I could deal with the UPS guy.

"Just leave the package, man," I called out. The doorbell rang again and I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore it, before finally calling out "door's open, just drop it in."

There was the creaking of the door, then the sound of it getting shut. Satisfied, I dug into my sandwich, not realizing that something was going on, just out of earshot. There was the hint of a sound of heels on the hardwood floor, then naked feet on the rug. By the time I'd realized it, the subtle hint of scented bathwater hit me, and then...

"You should lock your doors, you know," Nicole's voice whispered into my ear, close enough to make me shiver. I paused, my mouth still full of sandwich, as she pressed herself against my back and ran her hands up along it and across my shoulders "never know who might come barging in."

I nodded, chewing as quickly as I could, my cock swelling as I felt Nicole's body writhing against mine, her fingers moving down from my shoulders across my chest, tracing the hard pecs. She flicked my nipples and traced my hard abs, circling them slowly. I felt my cock swell, getting hard against the counter as her lips kissed the back of my neck.

"Did Mom see you?" I said, finally swallowing my sandwich.

"Sara's been gone for some time. Probably went to the office for some unpaid overtime," Nicole said, her fingers tracing the elastic edge of my shorts, teasing the skin underneath, running across the rough patch of regrowing pubes around my cock. I hadn't gotten a chance to shave since last time, with everything that had gone on, but she didn't seem to mind. I felt Nicole writhe against me, her crotch grinding against my ass, pushing up against the small of my back as she kissed my neck. I groaned, loving the sensation, as one of her hands moved up to flick my nipple.

"Dee hasn't...ugh...picked up the phone..." I managed, my cock rock hard now as Nicole traced her fingers across the length of it, her palm rubbing across my cockhead, spreading around the precum that began to leak from the tip.

"You should give it another shot," Nicole whispered into my ear as her hand wrapped around the girth of my cock, so hard it now ached at her touch as she began to stroke it, one hand moving in tandem with her teasing my nipple "after we're done."

I groaned as I felt Nicole pulling away from me. I turned, just in time to see her undoing the straps of her dress, letting it slowly slip down her back to linger at the edge of her firm, shapely ass, dropping an inch down along the crack as she stepped halfway to the living room staircase.

"Which way to your mother's room?"


"Hey," Roy said, nearly bumping into me as he turned the corner to his gym door, a paper bag full of bagels and a cup of coffee in hand.

"Hi yourself," I said, looking at him, trying to keep myself from staring at the way his plain t-shirt and shorts clung to him. He'd really filled out since we'd split, his muscles toned back almost to the showroom definition he'd used to have back when we used to date.

"Thought you'd told me you never wanted to step foot anywhere around here. Or see me, for that matter," Roy said, fumbling for his keys before finally stepping inside the gym, flicking on the lights as he went.

"Never's a hard deadline to make. Besides, things...came up," I said, looking at the way Roy moved, not having lost an iota of the grace and power that had taken him to the edge of the bodybuilding circuit.

He's just a bigger, harder version of Liam, isn't he?

The voice in my head went and I didn't fight it. I'd seen him in action after all, hadn't I? With Dee? I wondered if I could make him give in, after everything that had happened between us.

"Came up? Is Liam okay?" Roy asked, suddenly worried. I looked up at him, taking in his scent. God, he was a giant. My knees quivered. I looked down, pretending to be in distress while I struggled to come up with something.


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Stone -- Power stone

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