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50.8% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2083: GIVING MOM FACIALS


On a late Sunday morning, Darleen Walker-Davenport walked back and forth through her home as she collected her family's dirty clothes to do her weekly rounds of laundry. In her tight black yoga pants and a dark green camisole, the raven-haired beauty hummed a tune from her childhood in the eighties as she stepped into the laundry with her third hamper of clothing.

As she separated clothes, out the corner of her eye, Darleen noticed a dark blue sheet lying atop her dryer. Her head shook. That boy. She walked to the sheet and took it in her hold. Doesn't even have the decency to put it in a hamper like a normal human being.

She opened the mattress cover to check its condition. Her pale blue eyes broadened with a gasp.

Near the centre of the sheet, Darleen spotted a powder-like substance in the shape of a large rough circle, about the size of a plate.

Her eyes narrowed as she scrutinised the stain, as if reading a sentence that made no sense. She didn't need a CSI black light to name the substance. Did he sneak some little floozy into my house? Darleen's blood boiled.

Then she closed her eyes, took a deep breath and exhaled. She felt she had no right to get upset about this. Andy was eighteen years old, after all, and legally allowed to participate in sex. She just didn't like the idea of her son repeating the same mistakes she and her husband made.

Darleen cringed at the thought. She loathed the insinuation her son was an accident. She sighed and tossed the sheet into an empty basket.

As the young mother returned to separating clothes, she realised she'd jumped to a conclusion. That stain did not prove her son was sexually active. Another plausible scenario was it came from masturbation. And knowing her boy, that made more sense.

Andy was a good looking kid, but much more socially awkward than his father as a young man. He wasn't into sports, working out, wild parties or anything of the sort. No, Andy preferred video games, Netflix, comic books and school books. The thought put Darleen at ease and caused a smile with a shake of the head.

After tipping the first load into the washing machine, the dark-haired mother took another look at the basket her son's sheet now lay crumpled in. She strode to it, pulled the cover out and gave it one last examination. "Jeez," she whispered. Then her eyes went wide.

It was clear the spokes in her head turned.


Mr Oscar Davenport and his wife Mrs Darleen Walker-Davenport had been in a relationship for close to twenty years and married for over the last eighteen. The two first met in college, during Darleen Walker's freshman year and Oscar Davenport's final one.

The young couple fell head-over-heels in love within the first few weeks of meeting, and as it so often goes with young couples, it didn't take long for their relationship to get physical.

When it came to their amorous activities, Oscar and Darleen were always responsible and practiced safe sex. Although, this excludes one life-altering night, during a wild fraternity party they attended.

Oscar and Darleen both wound up having too much to drink and couldn't resist getting handsy. In need of privacy, they ended up in the backseat of a blue Camry, belonging to Oscar's pal, Trevor.

Kissing and fondling ensued, but Oscar wanted to take their affections a step further. Unfortunately, he'd left all his condoms in his desk drawer inside his room, and Darleen was sober just enough to remind him.

Oscar didn't feel he could wait long enough to get back to his dorm, so he made her the promise to withdraw before his climax. As the saying goes, alcohol impairs one's ability to make good decisions. Darleen smiled and unbuttoned her jeans.

A month later, they discovered she was pregnant.

The young couple wrestled with the decision, but decided to keep their baby. It wasn't all tough news for them: Oscar soon graduated with his bachelor's degree in business studies, and, with help from his father, it didn't take long for him to find a well-paying job.

A couple months later, upon receiving her parents' blessing, Oscar then asked Darleen to be his wife. She beamed, hopped and nodded her acceptance. She couldn't find words; not even a simple "yes."

Oscar and Darleen's parents happily chipped in to pay for the wedding and honeymoon. And at the ceremony, it appeared they'd all put their annoyance about the groom knocking up the bride out of wedlock behind them. They all shone with pride on the day, in spite of the blushing bride's extra glow.

Moreover, soon after his proposal, Oscar suggested his new fiancée should drop out of school, or at least put her studies on the backburner during her last few months of pregnancy. He believed he could take care of their family whether or not she decided to return to her books.

Even though Darleen coveted a degree, she thought putting her studies on hold wouldn't be a horrible idea. She'd done some reading on maternity, and had always known stress and pregnancy did not blend, too well.

In the middle of the festive season of nineteen-ninety-nine, two months following the wedding, Oscar and Darleen welcomed their eight pound boy, Anderson Davenport, into the world.

The new parents couldn't have been happier about his arrival. Their lives as care giving, responsible adults may have started sooner than either had anticipated, but they both felt they wouldn't have it any other way.

Oscar made good money at his job as time went by: enough to get his family out their small apartment and into a lovely two-story home in an upper-middle-class Californian neighbourhood; enough to park a minivan and a luxury saloon car in their driveway; and enough for Darleen to become a fulltime stay-at-home mom. She decided that would be her part.

Life wasn't bad in the Davenport household.

It wasn't shabby in their bedroom, either. As years passed, Oscar and Darleen's sexual flame hardly flickered. Their lust and desire for one another was absolute. Any outsider looking in wouldn't have been confused as to why. They were an exceptional looking item.

Towering at six-foot-two, Oscar Davenport was a fine specimen of the male species. With a healthy crop of dirty blond hair, dark brown eyes, sharp facial features, and a smile that made many a woman weak at the knees, he was considered a dreamboat by many.

He had a lean physique to match his rugged good looks, to boot. The Good Lord was clearly in a generous mood the day He designed him. Oscar had broad shoulders, a chiselled chest, muscular arms—but not overly so—and although his stomach held no abs, it harboured not a hint of fat.

His build indicated why he was offered a scholarship to play for the UCLA Bruins. Well, that and his effectiveness as a linebacker. Lastly, Oscar managed to stay in shape over the years by heading to the gym a few times a week before and/or after work.

He was indeed a great piece of eye candy.

And Mrs Walker-Davenport complemented him, superbly. At five-foot-five, Darleen was several inches shorter than her other-half, but equally in shape.

After her first few years of motherhood, Darleen stepped onto the scale in her bathroom she'd long avoided and discovered she'd packed on a considerable amount of weight.

In spite of compliments from her mother and friends about looking "voluptuous," "curvy" and "more womanly," she felt self-conscious and took their words with a grain of salt. Darleen believed it was their kind way of telling her she was overweight. Oscar never made her feel bad about her size, but she also felt bad about slowly letting herself go while he retained his shape.

She decided to do something about it. Darleen converted a spare room into a home gym. She brought in a treadmill, stair mill, spin bike, gym bench and a rack of weights. She wasn't crazy about the idea of joining an actual gym and working out in public.

With Andy in kindergarten, she was able to push herself every day without distraction. Within a year, the young mother became one tight and toned woman. She was never able to get back to her lowest dress size, which annoyed her, but she still looked fantastic and never stopped pushing for it.

Yes. Being super skinny was still the craze in the early-two-thousands.

Moreover, on Darleen's chest sat an ample pair of breasts, which had developed to somewhere between C and D cups. Oscar found them to be more than a handful. Below, she was gifted an adorable round little bubble butt, tight and toned from her excessive workout sessions. It damn near screamed to be held or swatted.

Lastly, long silky jet-black hair cascaded to a third of the way down her back and framed a beautiful heart-shaped face. It consisted of pale blue eyes, the cutest little nose, high prominent cheekbones, small deep dimples that flashed whenever she spoke, rosy round lips and no sign of aging, which Darleen achieved by—

We'll get into that in a moment.

Indeed, Mr and Mrs Davenport had a lot on their side to maintain a healthy sexual relationship. The only reason they didn't have more children was due to the contraceptives implemented after the birth of their son. They'd had discussions about bringing another child or two into the world, but Oscar was content with the one they had. Plus, as of the year twenty-twelve, Darleen had another use for—

I'm getting ahead of myself, again.

However, Oscar and Darleen's "healthy" sex life had gone awry over the last few months. You see, Oscar wasn't particularly "blessed," if you will, when it came to penis size. He held the average five and a half inches of length while erect. But what he lacked in size, he more than made up for in sperm count.

Oscar Davenport creamed in amounts most porn stars and directors could only dream about for their money shot. The man truly had a talent, and it was one of the things Darleen loved about him. She didn't have a cum fetish or anything of that nature—if such a thing exists—she was just happy her husband was a great source of natural skin cream.

This was Darleen's dirty little secret to looking so young and radiant at the age of thirty-seven. Most strangers assumed she was in her late twenties or early thirties.

The way Darleen saw it, why waste money on chemical peels, Botox and whatnot, when she had exclusive access to an abundant source of natural cream that helped keep the wrinkles at bay—or at least, further delayed their presence. And she'd become addicted to the regimen.

It was a great situation for her husband, as well. "Facials" aside, he could've asked for whatever sexual act his heart desired, whenever she wanted a "treatment," and Darleen never failed to indulge a request. Although, he never did ask for anything outrageous. It was a harmonious arrangement.

However, as stated before, things had gone "awry" in the last few months. Even though Oscar managed to maintain erections, he hadn't been able to produce as much of his miracle cream as he'd done in the past. Lately, Darleen was lucky if he provided her with a spoonful, which perplexed, worried and left her frustrated.

She'd asked him to go see a urologist about the problem, but he shrugged it off, saying it was probably just an effect of aging. Darleen found it difficult to argue with that reasoning. Oscar was in his forties now, and no man could cum and maintain the libido of a youngster forever. She found this depressing, but unsurprising, because in her mind and as the old adage goes, Nothing good lasts forever.


Sitting at his desk in his dark untidy room, Andy stared at his computer screen with a deadpan expression as he clicked at his mouse and keyboard. Voices crackled from his headsets, to which he responded, while playing the online video game sensation, Fortnite.

The young man had been at it for hours. The only reason his room was dark was because he'd forgotten to open his blackout curtains that morning. He hadn't even showered yet. He sat and played in his Star Wars boxers and the beige t-shirt he'd worn to bed.

It wasn't that Andy was unhygienic. He simply became so engrossed in gaming sometimes, he lost track of the real world around him. In fact, in his focus, he only heard the third round of knocks on his door and call of his name:


He snapped out his trance and looked towards his door. His mom stood in the doorway, in her green cami and tight yoga pants. "Oh, yeah, Mom. What's up?"

Darleen smiled, shaking her head. "I swear, it's like you turn into a zombie when you're playing on that thing."

"Ah, yeah, sorry about that." He removed his headset.

"So...busy, honey?"

"Err"—he looked at his computer screen—"yeah, kind of."

"C'mon, Andy. You've been playing that game all weekend."

He picked up his headset and spoke into its microphone, "AFK, guys. Be back later."

"Later, dude."


He turned his attention to his mom. "Is this gonna take long?"

"Only a few minutes, sweetie. Meet me in the family room." Darleen spun and walked down the hallway, adding, "Oh, and for goodness' sake, Andy, put some pants on. It's two in..." Her voice faded.

Andy walked into the living room. His mother sat on their cream coloured couch chair and on the glass top of the white living room table sat his crumpled mattress cover.

His heart sank. He knew what he'd accidently done to that sheet two nights earlier. He'd scrubbed it down with paper towels and tossed it into the laundry room without much thought. He didn't believe the stain would show, but he'd obviously been wrong.

Fuck, Andy groaned inwardly and took his seat on the middle of the largest couch.

"Umm, what's this about, Mom?"

"It's about this, honey." She reached for his sheet and held it up with one hand. "I, ah, found it in the laundry this morning."

"This is about my sheet?" His face scrunched. Andy knew playing stupid would ultimately get him nowhere, but he'd do whatever it took to prolong getting to the crux of this meeting.

"Yes, honey, but more specifically, it's about what's on your sheet."

His heart thumped. Oh, God, Mom, why're you bringing this up? Why couldn't you just throw it in the washing machine like a normal mom? Andy couldn't voice his thoughts, though. He could only stare, wide-eyed and straight-faced.

"I'm talking about this, hon." She showed him the large white stain.

"Oh." He looked away and bowed his head. "...Yeah, sorry about that, Mom."

"Do you wanna tell me how it got there?"

His head slowly shook.

"Andy, did you bring a girl into this house?"

He shook his head with more conviction as he faced her. "No, Mom. I swear."

As Darleen stared him in the eye, she felt like breathing out a sigh of relief. She knew her son couldn't bear to lie and maintain eye contact with her if she gave him one of her icy stares. He'd learned from an early age about the consequences of lying to that face.

"Okay." Her expression softened. "So, this happened during a...naughty movie?" Her thin eyebrows with their slight arch rose, as the one corner of her mouth curled.

After moment, he nodded and murmured, "Yeah."

She smiled. "It's okay, hon. I'm not mad about that. Every healthy red-blooded young man masturbates. It's the norm and has been accepted since...I can remember." She shrugged. "What had me worried was you might be having unprotected sex. And seeing your sheet made me think you might be relying on the withdrawal technique. Which isn't very...reliable." Darleen stopped before she said too much.

"Umm, okay, Mom." He nodded. "I was wondering why you're bringing this up. Don't worry. I'm not doing anything stupid."

"Good." She nodded with a smile, but it soon disappeared. "Okay, now that we've gotten your awkward moment out the way...I think it's time we get into mine."

Her son's face contorted as he eyed her.

"You see, Andy, it's just that...well, when I first saw your...umm, semen stain...I couldn't help noticing how much of it you...produce."

Andy stared. "Oookaay." He nodded. "That's, aaah, weird."

"Yeah." Darleen took a moment. "I thought you might say that, but when you hear why I bring this up, I think you'll understand."

Andy waited. "Okay, then, Mom...go on."

"You see, Andy, I—aah. Well, your father—umm. Okay, let me start off by asking you a question: have you ever wondered how I manage to stay so...radiant looking—not sure if that's the right word—despite my age?"

Andy put thought into that.

Like every boy in the world, he'd always believed his mom was a beautiful woman—in fact, the most beautiful when he was little. But he also knew this didn't solely come from his love for her. Even his three buddies weren't too shy to admit what a "hottie" he had for a mom, Joshua being the most vocal:

"I say, Andy, you got one hottie for a mommy," he'd say. "You sure you weren't adopted?"

In a way, it flattered Andy to hear compliments about his mother, but it also annoyed him. He'd always shrug it off, though, and come back with some quip about his friends' parents.

Indeed, the young man knew he had what others would refer to as a "MILF" for a mom. And now that she brought it up, she did look "radiant" and younger than her thirty-seven years on this planet. There'd been more than one occasion she'd been confused to be his older sister.

"Well, Mom, I guess I just never thought you were that old"—he shrugged—"and right now, I'm guessing you're just using some sort of beauty cream."

Darleen giggled. "I guess you can call it that." She nodded and showed off her healthy teeth.

"What's so funny?" Andy smiled subtly.

"Umm, do you wanna know the name of my 'beauty cream?'"



His face scrunched. "Well, that's a weird name for a beauty product."

"No, honey, as in actual sperm, semen or...spunk, as the young people say these days."

His eyes broadened as he listened. "Mom...eww!"

Darleen laughed. "What?"

"I can't believe you do that."

"Hey! I'm not the only one!"

He considered. "So...you're trying to tell me...that other people do this, too? I mean, other than porn stars?"

"Yes." She smiled. "I only learned about it a few years ago. I heard on a talk show that 'sperm facials' can actually be good for your skin. Curious about it, I went on the internet and did some research.

"Apparently, it was true. Studies reveal that the protein in sperm can do wonders for your skin and help fight off the signs of aging. So for a few years now, I've been making use of your dad's. And I've been happy with the results."Andy was stunned. Although, now that he gave it thought, this explained why he often smelled the aroma of semen when he hugged her, which he thought might have been emitted from him. He occasionally drenched his chest and stomach. It also explained why Darleen often didn't want him kissing her on the cheek. Funny enough, she always blamed it on a skin care product he never cared enough to ask about.

"Uh, okay, Mom." He nodded. "Just finding all of this a little...weird."

"That's understandable." Darleen also nodded. "You're not used to hearing me talk about this sort of thing. So, yes, I understand. But you're going to have to bear with me a little longer, hon, 'cause I still haven't gotten to what I really want to say.

"You see, Andy, up until a few months ago, your dad has been an excellent supplier of 'beauty cream.'" She used air quotes. "And—prepare yourself, hon—he and I were pretty much working on a quid pro quo basis. I'd do something for him." She winked. "And he would give me what I needed, in return.

"But as of late, your dad just isn't able to supply as much of his product anymore. And I'm not exactly sure what the problem is. I'm guessing old age is just catching up with him." She sighed. "I mean, you can't keep going like a young man forever. So, yes, I believe it's natural.

"But now I no longer have a reliable source of 'beauty cream,' and I've come to love its natural effects. And buying it online isn't an option. It's too expensive to keep getting it on a regular basis. So when I saw your semen stain"—she took in a breath—"I, umm, can you connect the dots here, sweetie?"

After a moment, Andy said, "Yeah...you wanna use my sperm."

"Basically, yes."

He thought. "Okay, but, Mom, here lies the problem—I'm. Your. Son."

"I'm well aware of that, honey. Which is why I had my reservations about asking you in the first place. But here's my counter argument: technically, you and I won't be doing anything wrong. I'll only be using your bodily fluid to treat my skin. Sure, it's strange, but...I've handled a lot dirtier things that have come out of you."

That took him by surprise. "Uh, I kinda see where you're coming from, but"—he sighed—"it's just all so—how are we even gonna do this?"

"That's the thing, we're not going to do anything weird like touch each other. All I ask is whenever you're, you know, 'cleaning the pipes,' you do it in a cup or a container for me. It'll be more sanitary than doing it on your bed sheets and I get to keep up with my beauty regimen. It's a win-win for everybody. Though, admittedly, more of a win for me." She smiled.

Andy gave it more thought. "Aaaaahh, okay...if this'll make you happy—I guess."

Darleen beamed, stood and climbed in Andy's lap as she gave him a hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, baby." She gave him three kisses on the cheek. "You're such a star."

"Sure thing, Mom." He smiled.

"Oh and, honey"—she stood—"can we leave your father out of this? I'm not sure how he'd take it."


Later that evening, Andy sat at his desk with a cylinder plastic container and tub of lube as he went onto Pornhub. He'd planned on doing so regardless of his mother's request. Still, he felt strange about what he was about to do for her. But there was little Andy wouldn't do for either of his parents.

He selected the website's search box and thought about what kind of video he'd view tonight. Excluding animation and hentai videos, the type of porn Andy watched was vanilla, usually involving some young woman being ravished by a well-endowed man. The old school, standard stuff. Tonight, however, he was in the mood for something different.

As a result of all the talk about "facials" he had with his mom earlier that day, Andy typed in the phrase, "Cum facials."

A whole array of videos appeared and not feeling picky, he selected the first one on the list. Its likes to dislikes ratio wasn't bad. The video played. An attractive young woman who looked to be in her early twenties appeared on the screen with a smile. The raven-haired, brown-eyed girl sat on a large black sofa, wore a colourful sleeveless top, Daisy Dukes and black heels.

Andy uncapped his lube. He loved dark-haired women.

The husky voice of an unseen man greeted Andy before conducting an interview. The actress gave her name, age, place of birth, sexual history, credentials in the industry and her take on messy cum facials. She claimed to love them.

The interviewer then introduced a third party. A man in his late twenties or early thirties walked into the shot and sat beside the girl. The voice behind the camera acquainted the pair, which was soon followed by the lowering of her top and the fondling and sucking of her moderate breasts.

A minute later, all the actors' clothes were gone and the cameraman/interviewer had moved behind the male co-star, to give viewers like Andy the illusion he was being serviced by the attractive young woman. Classic POV.

Andy's lubricated palm worked its way up and down his cock as the palm of the actress did the same for the erection on screen. Then, as she looked the camera in the eye, she parted her lips and took the actor's cockhead into her mouth. She worked her pink lipstick covered lips up and down his impressive length, taking it into the deep depths of her mouth. It was apparent to Andy she was an experienced and talented cocksucker.

A couple minutes later, the man pulled from her mouth and his hand blurred its way up and down his shaft. When it came to a stop, he grunted as his cock twitched and expelled copious amounts of semen—and I do mean copious. Andy came much heavier than the average man, but he too couldn't compete.

The actress cried, "Oh my God," as her partner drenched her face, neck, tits and even her stomach before the video cut to its website's commercial.

Andy enjoyed the short film, but couldn't help thinking the ending had been faked. It didn't seem possible to cum that much.

Still having not reached his own orgasm and eager for more, he clicked the Back button, scrolled down the page and selected another video. This time, he went for a facial compilation video, which felt much more realistic than the first.

He applied more lubricant to his palm and got back to stroking as numerous clips of beautiful women being debased ran through screen. The video, however, ended sooner than Andy would've preferred. Still, he enjoyed it enough to look for another.

He typed in, "Facial compilation," and, eager to continue touching himself, selected a random video, clicked the Full Screen button and retook hold of his cock.

The video started off with a pretty blonde woman's face being plastered. Andy's hand continued moving. Then the words "Top 100 Facials of the Year" appeared, and at the end of the next sequence of words, he noticed the phrase, "mom edition." It caused Andy to wonder, but stroke on he did.

A pair of mature beauties appeared next, whose faces were also dishonoured. The next clip was more interesting, as it featured a woman talking to her "son."

Andy had run into these types of videos before. Hell, a lot of animation porn consisted of sex between family members, but he never really got into the theme. This video, however, felt appropriate, as his cum would soon and actually be on his mom's face—as foul as that sounds.

An R&B song played through his headphones as numerous mature women's faces were coated, voiced-over by the woman talking dirty to her son.

Andy had to admit, This is fuckin' hot.

Then something strange happened, something that had never happened to the young man before. As he stroked his cock, the vision of his mom's beautiful face entered his mind. Andy tried to brush it off and focus on the moms on screen, but some evil feeling, unexplainable need to visualise his own mom overwhelmed him.

His eyes closed as he listened to the seductive words of the woman talking from his headphones, picturing Darleen uttering them as she knelt before him. He soon felt the approach of his orgasm and grabbed the container on his desk. He groaned as his testicles contracted, shaft twitched and euphoria swept over him.

Oh, Mom.

Andy sighed.

Moments later, panting, he glanced down and noticed, despite his next-level high, he'd somehow gotten his heavy load into the container without wasting a drop. He capped it, paused the video and removed his headphones to think about what had taken place.

He'd just had an orgasm while thinking of his mother. Fuck. That was weird. His head shook.

As it should be clear by now, Andy had never looked or thought about his mom in a sexual manner before. He knew she was attractive, yes, but the fact remained; Darleen was his mother, and men simply aren't attracted to their mothers. Or at least that's what he'd always believed, even in the face of Sigmund Freud's kooky ideas.

He wondered if he should be worried, but decided to chalk it up as a one-off incident. Andy cleaned up, pulled up his pants and headed to his parents' bedroom.

He knocked on their door. Then seconds later, his father pulled open. "Andy." He cleared his throat. "What can I do for you, Son?"

Andy moved his cum filled container behind his back. "Hey, Dad. Is Mom in there?"

Oscar glanced at the arm behind his son's back, but then looked over his shoulder. "Honey, Andy's looking for you." He walked back in.

Soon Darleen appeared with a smile. "Yes, dear."

"Aaah, Mom, I, ah, got that, aah..." He showed her what was behind his back.

"Oh." Her eyebrows rose. She looked back into the room, stepped out and closed the door. "I wasn't expecting you to deliver it so soon." She smiled. "Thank you so much, honey. I really appreciate this."

"No problem, Mom. So, ah...what should I do with this?"

"Umm." She Thought. "Yeah, I didn't think this far ahead...Okay, here's the plan: ah, leave it on your bathroom counter for me, and I'll come and get it in a little while."

"Okay. Sure thing."

"Thanks again for what you're doing, baby." She gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Andy's eyes closed with a soft sigh as he took in her sweet subtle scent. He couldn't tell, but she smelt of honeysuckle, jasmine and lilac. He shook himself out his daze, blurted his goodnight and walked back down the hallway.

What the fuck was that? He entered his bathroom and set the container on the counter. I really need to get a hold of myself. He headed back to his room and turned in for the night.


Over the course of the next three and a half weeks, every other night or so, Andy went online, searched for explicit content and came in the container Darleen rinsed out and returned to his room while he was in school.

On the nights of his first few deposits, he decided to switch back to his regular porn, fearing a repeat of what took place during the first night. This turned out to be a success. However, on cum deposit night four, he couldn't fight off the urge to go in search of mom-son porn.

Earlier that day, as Andy walked past Darleen's workout room, he looked inside, stopping in his tracks. His mom was hard at work on her spin bike. She worked up a sweat that showed on the back of her grey tank top, but Andy's eyes were drawn to the region below. Her tight little bubble butt rocked back and forth, covered in black biker shorts.

He stared, rooted to the spot. When his cock stirred, he shook his head and continued on his way.

The image of Darleen pedalling away on her spin bike haunted Andy for the rest of the day—up until he went online and stroked out his emotions to videos of young men ploughing their supposed moms and/or stepmoms. But once his cup was filled, remorse settled in.

On deposit night five, he returned to hentai porn. Halfway through his second video, though, he cancelled it and sought out more facial videos which contained the special ingredient of taboo.

He stumbled upon a video of an older blonde woman, admonishing her son for coming home late. She decided to punish him by giving him a hand job. The "punishment" made no sense, at all, to Andy. Then again, neither did any porno with a plotline. The video ended with another unrealistic offloading of cum, but he enjoyed the mother-son element enough to fill his container.

And thus began Andy's descent into the wonderful world of mom-son pornography. For the next two weeks, every time he went online, he searched for the theme without second thought, finding a particular liking to the actresses Alura Jenson, Cory Chase, Mandy Flores and Madisin Lee.

He felt bad about his mom popping into his head every night, but less so with each release into his cup.

In addition, Andy found himself ogling Darleen's curves whenever the opportunity presented itself, which wasn't aided by her insistence on wearing tight apparel. He also found himself looking forward to when she'd hug him; to take in her magical scent: and to when she'd kiss him; to feel the soft sensation of her lips.

What am I turning into?

A couple times, he thought about making use of her used underwear or finding a way to catch her unclothed, but he was afraid of getting caught and felt it'd be going one step, too far. Still, his lust for Darleen grew with each day.

The last time he found himself eyeing her, as she cooked in the kitchen, he imagined walking behind her, pinning her against the counter, kissing her neck, peeling down her pants and underwear and—

Point being, his obsession was getting out of hand, which was something Andy wanted to do—in the literal sense, to exorcise his demons. He couldn't do this with the help of his girlfriend, though. He hadn't had one in close to a full year. He didn't know where else to look.

Andy believed if he were to somehow get over his feelings, he would need a little something from his mom; maybe not the whole cake, but at least a crumb.


On a return from school, the young man headed for his bedroom, dropped off his reading material and did some last minute thinking. He'd deliberated all day—to the concern of two of his attentive teachers—about how he'd voice the request he had in mind for Darleen. Granted, what he planned on asking wasn't huge, she'd still probably find it an odd request.

Just coming out with it and asking her is probably the best way to go. He walked down the hallway and poked his head into the workout room. There were no spandex-clad moms to be found. He headed to his parents' bedroom and knocked a few times to no answer. He opened and stepped inside.

As Andy opened his mouth to call his mother's name, she walked out her bathroom with a towel around her head and body. He swallowed hard as Darleen reached under her left underarm and grabbed the corner of her towel. Before she could disrobe, though, she turned her head and spotted him, which startled her somewhat.

"Oh. Andy." She relaxed then chuckled. "You almost just caught the horrifying sight of your mother naked."

He tried not to let his disappointment show. "Yeah...although, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have been 'horrifying.'"

Darleen smiled. "What are you doing in here, hon?"

"Umm, oh, yeah, I wanted to ask you something."

"Is it important?"

"...Kind of."

"Okay, can it wait a few minutes, just for me to put some clothes on?"

"Okay." He nodded.

"I'll be with you in a little while, hon. There's two tacos in the microwave for you."

Andy headed downstairs to the kitchen, where he pulled out said tacos, poured a glass of soda and sat down at the kitchen table. He ate and thought about his unlucky moment minutes earlier. If only Darleen hadn't turned and spotted him. He would've gotten an unadulterated eyeful of her goods—if only for seconds.

He thought about the last time he got to see her unclothed. It was long ago when he was only a boy. She occasionally took baths with him then. Andy was too young to care or notice she was nude, so he couldn't even remember what she looked like in that state. Although, he remembered her being a little bigger in size.

Soon Darleen strolled into the kitchen, in her yoga pants and a maroon camisole with her dark hair clipped into a neat bun. "Sorry about almost traumatising you there, hon," she said as she approached the fridge. "You caught me after my post-workout cold shower." She pulled the fridge's door handle and pulled out a container of salad.

"It's okay, Mom. Really."

Darleen got a fork. "So"—she sat in a chair opposite from him—"what did you wanna talk to me about?"

"Yeah." Andy put his taco down. "Well, I probably shouldn't be bringing this up during a meal, but it's about your...facials, Mom."

"Oh?" Darleen's eyebrows rose.


She waited for him to continue, then said, "What about them, honey?"

"Umm, well, it's not so much about them, it's just...well, I was wondering," Andy spoke slowly, unable to look his mother in the eye, "if it was possible for me to, ah...watch you apply your beauty product?"

Darleen opened her mouth to talk, but then closed it to think. Andy still couldn't look at her. She then said, "And why...would you want to see me do that?"

"Umm...I don't know." He finally made eye contact. "I'm just curious, I guess." He shrugged. "I mean, after these few weeks of providing you with my stuff...I guess I just wanna see how it's used."

Darleen stared past him with a blank expression as her foot tapped. "Okay." She snapped out her thoughts with a shrug and stuck her fork into her salad.

"Really?" He perked up.

"Yeah, sure. Why not? What harm can it do?" She placed her fork into her mouth.

"Gee, thanks, Mom." Andy smiled and picked up his taco.

Darleen wiped her mouth. "When do you wanna do this?"

"Well, I was hoping today—before Dad gets back home from work, of course. So...in like an hour?"

"You know, this is actually a better time to do this—instead of waiting for him to fall asleep."


Andy stood outside his parents' bedroom, again, holding the container cup he'd filled to a Melanie Hicks video. He felt nervous, maybe even a little scared about what he was about to see. He wasn't sure why, but he was more excited than apprehensive.

He knocked on the door and said, "Mom," who answered by telling him to come in. Andy found Darleen sitting at her dresser, where she normally applied her makeup.

There was tension in the air of the deathly silent room, as if they both knew they were about to do something they shouldn't. Andy let out a slow breath and walked up to his mother, who watched his approach through the mirror of the dresser.

"Here you go, Mom." He placed the container in front of her.

"Thanks, hon." She smiled. "So, ah, why don't you take a seat on the bed."

"Okay." He walked to his parents' king size bed and sat on the edge of its foot.

Darleen's nerves kicked in as she reached for the container and unsealed it. She wasn't used to doing this with an audience. What was the protocol here; talk her way through this like some sort of shopping channel promo, or just sit and quietly do her thing?

She opted for a bit of both.

"Okay." She turned and looked her son in the eye through the mirror. "This, Andy"—Darleen held up one of the little cotton pads she used to apply her makeup—"is what I've been using to apply your special cream. Before this, it used to get applied directly, if you know what I mean." She winked with a smile.

Darleen added her crude joke in an attempt to kill some of the tension in the room. Which seemed to work—Andy smiled back.

"Normally, I just pour some of your spunk on it; like so"—she demonstrated—"and then, little by little, I apply it all over the skin of my face and neck." Darleen showed him by starting off with her one cheek.

For the next several minutes, Andy sat and watched his mother silently apply his semen to her skin. He'd always known what she did with it, but watching her somehow made it more real. He found it staggering she actually did this.

As he watched, the appendage in his pants couldn't help stirring, and within a minute, he was rock hard, despite having had an orgasm not too long before. Andy wasn't sure what he expected from watching his mom do this, but it was clear it was something he enjoyed viewing.

"And that's about it, hon." She dropped the cotton pad into the container and spun to face him. "I usually leave it on my skin for about thirty minutes to an hour before I wash my face—you know, to try and get rid of the smell."

"Mm." Andy nodded. "I see." He got up and then plummeted back down as he tried to sneak his erection behind his waistband. "Thanks for that, Mom. It was really...umm, educational."

"Any time, sweetie," she said and thought for a moment. "Hon, are you sure there wasn't anything more to you wanting to watch me do this?"

"Uh, no." He shook his head, worried she might've spotted the situation in his pants. "Uh, why-why do you ask?"

"Ohh, no real reason. Just a gut feeling." She shrugged. "But...are you sure?"

Andy thought. "Well, mayb—Actually, yeah: I'm sure, Mom."

"Okay, then. I'll see you later then, honey."

"Yeah." He stood, with his erection hidden by his waistband and shirt. "Thanks, again."

Once he was gone, Darleen stayed seated and wondered why Andy might have grown excited watching her apply his cum to her face. She'd definitely caught a glimpse of his not so little problem. However, the answer seemed obvious once the words "his cum" came to mind. She could see how smearing a man's semen on your face while he watches could provoke such a reaction. It just felt strange that she, of all people, could get that kind of rise out of him.

Darleen chuckled, but more at the wordplay than the incident.

I guess boys will just be boys. She shrugged and stood. And it really doesn't take much to get an eighteen year old going. Apparently, even one's mother can get the job done. Darleen headed to her bathroom with another chuckle and washed out Andy's container along with her hands. It was time to get dinner started.

Meanwhile, in Andy's room, with his pants missing and door locked, he had his hand around his cock as he took care of the problem his mom created. For the first time in a long time—excluding moments in the shower—he did this without the aid of the internet. The image of his beautiful mother rubbing his cum on her face and neck remained fresh in his mind. He didn't want anyone else preoccupying his thoughts, which was an actual first.

Before, Andy liked to hide behind the pretence that internet MILFs were the main reason behind his stroke sessions, but now there was nowhere to hide. Darleen was clearly the reason his hand manipulated his cock, and he was willing to accept that, even after he went cross-eyed.

Andy knew now more than ever what he wanted most in the world was to share a bed with his beautiful mother—as pitiful as that may, or may not sound.

It was time to formulate a way to get there, even if it seemed like nothing but a wild dream. Although, it appeared to Andy the platform to turn this dream into reality had already been laid.


A day short of a week later, Andy had been able to convince Darleen to let him watch her apply his cum to her face two more times. But now, as he watched a Sybil Stallone film, he felt it was time to take proceedings to the next level.

He stopped the video, picked up his lubricant and empty cum container and then headed to his parents' bedroom, where Darleen waited to put on another demonstration for him. Once given permission to enter, Andy stepped inside, finding his mom in her usual spot by her dresser, dressed in a form fitting white tank top and her customary yoga pants.

As he approached, Darleen noticed he held a small tub of Vaseline, and that his normally filled cum container was empty. Strange, the raven-haired beauty thought and spun in her seat to face him.

"Why's your cup empty, hon?" She forced a smile.

"Yeah, about that, Mom." Andy sat on the bed and took a deep breath. "Remember a few weeks ago, when you first came to me and asked me to provide you with my semen?" After she nodded, he said, "Well, you told me that when Dad used to do this for you, you and him were 'pretty much working on a quid pro quo basis.'"

Darleen didn't like the sound of this. "Yes. I remember saying that." She nodded. "But why are you bringing that up, hon?"

"Umm, well, Mom...I kinda feel...it would only be fair...if you and I were pretty much working on the same basis, as well."

Darleen took a moment to think. She really didn't like the sound of this. "And what do you mean by that, exactly?"

Andy also gathered his thoughts. "The thing is, Mom, is well, masturbating is actually quite a lonely activity." He'd clearly rehearsed this, Darleen thought. "A lot of people only do it out of necessity. We'd much rather have someone else help us reach an orgasm. The problem is that isn't always an option."

Of course, she knew what he was talking about, but found what he hinted at to be ludicrous. "So what are you saying, Andy? You want me to help make you cum?"

Andy sensed anger in her voice. "Umm"—he scratched his head—"I tried not to phrase it like that. But, I...guess you could...put it...in...those—"

"And you think that's appropriate, do you?" She glared. "To ask your mother to help you have an orgasm?"

"Aah, you know what, Mom?" Andy stood. "This was actually a bad idea. I'm sorry I said anything." Embarrassed, he started his journey towards the door.

"Andy. No. Wait...sit." Darleen placed a hand over her face with a sigh. The frightened look in his eye had stabbed at her sympathetic side.

However, and more to that, Darleen had to admit, she wasn't exactly innocent here: letting Andy watch her rub his semen on her face for the last few days clearly had an effect on him, and she knew that, but pretended it wasn't real. Well now the chickens had come home to roost.

With her son back on the bed, she said, "I understand where all of this is coming from—I really do—but what you need to understand is asking your mother to partake in a sexual activity with you; is highly inappropriate."

"I know that, Mom, but I don't think you understand how hot—I mean, beautiful you are. I know that's no excuse, but I don't have many options—any options, really—and I just didn't know anyone else to turn to. So I thought who else but the most beautiful and understanding person I know?" He exhaled loudly. "I now know it was a dumb idea."

Even though Darleen wasn't one of the most self-conscious people on earth, she felt a strange but pleasant warmth at hearing him refer to her as "hot" and "the most beautiful." It caused the slightest of smiles.

"Ohh, I don't know if it was a 'dumb idea.' The way you phrased it actually helps me understand. It was just...hard for me to take in at first. That's all." She leaned forward, placing her chin in her hands as she thought. "But let's just say"—Darleen sat up—"speaking hypothetically, of course; if I were to agree to help you out, what would that entail, exactly?"

"Umm...hypothetically speaking? It wouldn't be much. Considering the circumstances, I'd only be asking for a...ah, hand job."

"Mmm." She nodded. "And this wouldn't bother you? Getting a 'hand job' from your mother?"

"Hypothetically speaking—no." His head shook. "Like I said, you're a...uh, very attractive woman, Mom."

"I see." She nodded. "And that would be it?" Her eyebrows rose. "You wouldn't want anything more?"

Following a moment's hesitation, he said, "Ah, no...I wouldn't."

"Okay." Her head continued nodding. "Then—speaking in the practical sense now—let's...well, let's get to it." Darleen's heart sank as she uttered those words.

Andy stared. "Really?"

"Yeah." Another nod came, and then a sigh. "It's really the only way I can think of to thank you for what you've been doing for me."

He beamed. "Wow. Thanks, Mom...You're amazing."

Darleen half-smiled back. "Okay. Now"— her pale blue eyes dropped as she nodded towards his shorts—"I think it's time for you to...get those off." She swallowed. What have I gotten myself into?

"Ookay." Andy placed his cup and lube on the bed as he stood. He found it hard to believe this was about to happen. A part of him had seriously doubted it would. His heart hammered as he slipped his thumbs into his shorts and boxers before pushing them to his feet.

As he got upright, Darleen's eyes broadened and jaw dropped half an inch. Her eyes must deceive her. In its flaccid state, her son's penis looked almost as long and just about as thick as her husband's while erect.

Her heart rate picked up slightly and mouth dried. Darleen was astonished. She couldn't help wondering how Andy's penis would look and feel like in her hands. She'd caught a glimpse of its outline the week before, but it was only a glimpse. She had no idea it would look this menacing in all its glory.

Shockingly, the young mother felt a twinge in the region below her belly.

She felt the need to make a joke or comment about his size in an attempt to quell some of the guilt she felt, but in the end, Darleen decided to keep it to herself.

"All right." She got up and pointed to his lubricant. "So, I'm guessing that's what you normally use when you masturbate."

"Uuh." He turned to look. "Yeah. Petroleum jelly seems to be the best substance for it. You don't have to re-lubricate as much as you have to with water-based substances."

"I see." She picked it up and uncapped it. "I normally use my spit when I'm helping out, but this seems a little more appropriate." In her nervousness, Darleen couldn't resist letting that little joke slide, but her words were also true.

She used a middle and forefinger to extract a glob before smearing it all over her palms. Darleen thought she'd probably need both hands to deal with his size. She knelt before Andy, and the sight of her doing so caused his cock to swell. In no time, it stretched to its limit.

Holy. Shit. Darleen's eyes broadened at the spectacle. Andy's erection was easily the biggest she'd seen in the flesh—not that she'd seen many. She estimated his length to be probably eight, maybe nine inches long? Although, she couldn't be sure without a ruler or tape measure. But it was longer than the average man's, that was for sure. Thicker in the same respect. His girth compared to the narrowest part of her wrist.

Andy's whole deal was without a doubt impressive. She also liked the finishing touch of how he kept himself completely smooth in that—

Wait a second. Like? No. I just think it makes it look better. Let's not get things confused here.

As impressive as his cock was, Darleen thought it looked a little out of proportion protruding from his slender frame. She figured she should probably put a little more food on his plate from now on. She also wondered who in their family he'd inherited this from. Perhaps her father or maybe his other grandfather? It might've just skipped a generation. Wasn't that po—

"Ah, earth to Mom. You still there?"

She shook her head and looked up. "Oh, sorry about that, hon. Just got a little lost in thought."

Darleen looked Andy's cock in the eye, inhaled and let it out. Here we go. She raised her hands and wrapped them around his shaft, with her left hand around his base and the other right on top.

Her heart pounded. Darleen wondered why she felt so nervous. It wasn't like she'd never done anything like this before. Although, it was a first between her and a blood relative. Her greased hands slowly made their way up his shaft, causing Andy to moan, until her right hand clutched his glans.

Andy groaned.

As strange as it was to have her grown son's cock in her hands, Darleen liked the physical feeling of it. It had been long since she last felt a raging hard dick. She smiled to herself, which she often did if she said, heard or thought that word. Piling on to the problem of Oscar's scarce semen, even his erections weren't what they once were.

Darleen also enjoyed the emotional feeling Andy's erection gave her. It was one thing for him to call her "hot" and "beautiful," but it was another for him to get this hard over her. She didn't even have her clothes off. Merely the thought of her touching him had turned him to stone. She found it flattering.

"Ohh...Mom," he whispered.

Darleen slowly pushed her hands back down his cock to more soft moaning until they were around his base, once more. She couldn't get over Andy's girth. She had to squeeze to get the white tips of her thumbs' and middle fingers' nails to touch. Although, her hands couldn't be called large.

Darleen's breathing deepened as her palms made their way back up Andy's shaft. Jeez. I wonder what this would feel like sliding in—No. Get a grip, Darleen. This is your son for God's sake!

But as she worked her hands up and down his erection, gradually gaining speed, her conscience was betrayed by her body.

Darleen's skin reddened, nipples hardened and labia moistened. She was mortified, and doubled her efforts in getting Andy to climax. She worried he might notice her state of arousal. She removed her left hand and cupped his sack.

"Aah, Mom, this is amazing." He groaned with his eyes closed as the speed of her right hand shot up and the other hand massaged his balls.

Andy's moaning and groaning didn't help Darleen's situation—she enjoyed the feeling of giving pleasure—and neither was having her hands all over his genitals like this. But what really troubled Darleen, was that deep, deep within, lurked a fact she didn't want or wasn't ready to confront. And that was the fact that a part of her might actually enjoy taking part in this. That part of her might actually like the naughty feeling of—

I need to get him to cum, right now. She tightened her grip around his shaft and moved it with greater intensity as her other hand kept gently manipulating his balls.

Andy only praised her.

She then decided to focus her efforts on his glans. This usually does the trick for his dad. She kneaded, squeezed and stroked his purple cockhead with her right hand as her left ran up and down the few inches below. It worked. Within seconds, he announced the approach of his orgasm.

Finally! She exhaled, avoiding a sigh. "Hold on for just a second, hon." Darleen reached for his container and quickly uncapped it. She grasped his erection with her one hand and pulled down on it, pointing its head at the container's opening. Then she tightened her grip and made small jerking motions.

Seconds later, she heard Andy groan and felt his shaft throb as she watched his cum pump out his veiny cock. It was amazing to watch. She usually had her eyes closed when her husband used to cum for her. Darleen also got the sense of what a fire fighter with his hose might feel like as she tried to keep her aim steady.

Damn, that's a lot. She felt another shameful twinge below the pit of her belly.

Once his last spurt was released, Darleen shook out his last long drop. Andy softened in her grip. The familiar, unmistakable and admittedly unpleasant aroma of semen filled her nostrils. She picked up the container's lid and sealed it.

"As always, thank you, hon." Darleen showed him the cup as she stood.

He let out a loud breath. "Wow. Mom. I think I'm the one who should really be thanking you." He bent over to hoist his pants and underwear.

She smiled. "I can see why you'd say that. So...talk later?"

"Sure. I do need to get some studying done." Andy made his way to the door. "Thanks, again, Mom."

Once he closed the door, Darleen ran to it. She turned its key and placed her hand and ear against the door. Then she quickly made her way to her side of the bed, placed the container on the bedside table and opened its drawer. She reached in and pulled out a see-through blue vibrator.

Darleen studied it for a second. Not as big, she thought, but it would have to do.

She placed it at her side on the bed and then pushed down her yoga pants. She shed her wet, tight grey cotton panties before kicking them away. Then Darleen lay with her upper body on her pillows, switched on her vibrator and spread her legs.

The thirty-seven year old mom couldn't believe how horny she felt. She used her purring toy to apply sweet relieving pressure to her clit. Her eyes twitched and closed with an, "Aaahmm. Oh, God."

She worked her toy back and forth for a minute or two, then reached under her top with her free hand. She pushed up the one cup of her bra, massaged her breast and squeezed her nipple as her vibrator continued its assault on her clitoris.

Moans and groans accompanied the buzzing sound of the vibrator.

With her skin flushed, dark hair dishevelled and pants missing, Darleen looked like a hot mess. But there were probably many men out there—and a few women, for that matter—who would've coughed up their hard earned money to catch the spectacle she put on.

Darleen did something she didn't normally do next, but she had an overwhelming desire to feel filled. She pulled out the hand on her tit and used it to spread her pussy wide open. She pushed her blue vibrating tube past her labia with a soft groan and then pumped it inside herself. It felt wondrous.

Many minutes ticked by.

Then Darleen heard herself whisper, "Ohh...Andy." Her closed eyes tightened their seal. Don't say that! she screamed in her head, but kept pushing her toy in and out her body. That's your son, you whore!

Try as she might, the image of Andy's bulky piece of meat stayed in her mind. And even though she couldn't admit it to herself, what she truly wanted at that moment was to have that iron hard erection inside her steaming hot pussy, pounding the ever living shit out of her.

The thought caused Darleen's pussy to cream. She came. And cum hard she did over and over for the next twenty to thirty minutes, to the sensations of her pussy being filled and voided and her nipples being toyed with.

By the time she finished, Darleen was nothing but a sweaty, heaving puddle of flesh. It took over a minute to catch her breath. She'd had a second workout for the day. Darleen couldn't remember the last time she masturbated with such fury. Perhaps some time in her teens or twenties? Then again, perhaps never.

Think I'm gonna need another shower. Her stunning silky smooth legs dropped off the bed as she sat up. What on earth got into me? she wondered, but probably should've been asking "what hadn't"?

Darleen turned her head and eyed her son's cum container for a few moments. She picked it up and unsealed it. Its contents attacked her nostrils with its pungent odour. But it bothered her none. Darleen had become accustom to the smell. In fact, it made her nostalgic over her husband's virile days.

She rolled her wrist, mixing the gooey looking yellowish-white substance. Darleen stared into the cup. Then she raised it to her full round lips and took a swallow, causing her to cough and shocking the hell out of herself at the same time.

Why the hell did I do that!


Life became awkward in the Davenport house over the course of the next five days. Andy and Darleen hardly spoke. When they did, it was only in greeting, on important matters and/or if they had no choice but to talk, which was always initiated by the man of the house. However, even in those exchanges, they kept it brief.Andy, to his credit, put more effort in to talking with his mom, but her responses reminded him of girls like Brianna Thompson, Mindy Po, Keisha Owens and Jessica McCredie; a handful of the deadly hot girls in his school who showed him little to no interest. But each time Darleen gave him what felt like the cold shoulder, Andy withdrew from her a little more.

He wondered if asking her for a hand job had broken their relationship.

He hoped not.

Even Oscar noticed the off vibe between his wife and son, and asked Darleen if Andy had done anything wrong. She shook her head with a, "No." When he asked about what had caused the change, she told him it was all in his imagination.

Oscar wasn't eager to get to the bottom of that doubt. He knew how hot headed his wife could be and didn't want to agitate her. In fact, he preferred focusing his energy on complications at the office. Oscar knew mother and cub would eventually kiss and make up.

Despite Darleen's mood, Andy placed a cup of his semen on her dresser on the third day after his hand job. She didn't ask for it. He thought she might still want it. He also wasn't up for asking if he could watch or if she could give him a hand—so to speak—in producing his "skin cream." If that's what caused their rift, then why pull at the tear?

He received a "thank you" for his deposit later. But that was the peak of seeing her kind side for those few days.

Andy prayed he'd get his old mom back soon.


An hour after a return from school, Andy was in his bedroom, reading at his desk. The young man had been in a glum mood the entire day; of course, over the situation with his mother. He wasn't one hundred percent sure on what to do about it, but felt the need to try and mend what had gone wrong, regardless.

He pasted a sticky note bookmark into his chemistry book. He stood and took a swig of his apple juice. Then he headed to his parents' bedroom, finding their door already open. Andy walked in.

He saw his mother's reflection through the large mirror of her dresser. Focused on her tablet, she lay on her bed, dressed in a white t-shirt and light grey sweatpants. Andy thought she looked at peace, but she probably wouldn't come off that way. He walked farther into the room and greeted her.

Darleen turned her attention to him for a second, then refocused on the device in her hands. "Hi, Andy."

"Whatchu up to?"

Without looking at him, she said, "Oh, nothing." Her finger ran across her screen, accompanied by the sound of a page flipping. "Just reading a Danielle Steel novel."

"Oh." He stood quietly for a moment. He could see she wasn't about to go on. "Ah, Mom...do you mind if we talk for a little while?"

"About what, honey?"

Honey? He hadn't heard that term in a while. Although, Andy thought it would've been nicer had she said it looking at him and not her screen.

"About your...I don't know, disappointment in me?"

Darleen's eyes darted up, looking over her tablet. "Disappointment?" Her face twisted as she put her device down and sat up to face her son. "I'm not disappointed in you." Her head shook.

"Then I don't know what else to call it. Hatred?" His hands and shoulders rose. "You've just been so closed off towards me lately."

Darleen's head slowly slumped. "I know, Son." She looked him in the eye, then, shaking her head, said, "But it's not because I'm disappointed in you, and it's certainly not because I hate you." She sighed. "If I've felt that way about anybody for this last week...it's been me."

Andy considered her words. "What...do you mean by that, Mom?"

Darleen felt it wouldn't be wise to share that information with him. "Uh—It's complicated, Andy. I just haven't been feeling too good about myself."

"Okay." His gaze dropped before resuming eye contact. "If I asked you something right now, do you promise to answer me truthfully?"

She thought. "Well, it really depends on the question."

"Fair enough." Andy nodded. "Um, does the way you've been feeling lately have anything to do with what we did the other day?"

"Honestly"—her eyebrows rose—"yes. I've been feeling really guilty about it all week."

"Well, don't, Mom. I'm the one who asked you to do it, and I'm not disappointed or ashamed of you because you did. If anything, it made me think I literally have one of the best moms in the world. I'm not too sure how many others would indulge their sons' fantasises like that. So—"

"Fantasies?" She smiled.

Andy's nerves piqued, and then his face flushed. "Oops. But...yeah."

"So you have fantasises about me?"

He nearly turned scarlet. "Sometimes," he squeaked.

"Well look at my little Oedipus."

Andy groaned. "Oh, jeez, Mom, please stop embarrassing me." A hand came over his face.

Darleen giggled. "I'm sorry, baby. But just so you know, I'm very flattered."

After a moment, he smiled, hunching his back. "Aah, where was I again?...Oh, yeah, so as you can see, I'm not sad about what you did for me the other day, so you shouldn't be disappointed in yourself."

She gave him a slight smile. "Thanks for that, hon, but—and don't take this the wrong way—but this is really more about how I feel about what I did, than what you think about me for doing it."

Andy considered. "Okay. I hear where you're coming from, but think about it like this: a few weeks ago, I was racked with guilt about my...uh—'naughty' thoughts about you. Not saying you're going through the exact same thing, by the..."

How little you know, sweet boy. Darleen shook her head faintly and continued listening.

"After a little while, that guilt I felt went away. I realised it was really no big deal and that it didn't make me a monster. I'm just cursed with having a beautiful mom." He shrugged. "So my advice is find a way to forgive yourself for helping me out, because...in the end...you'll realise...it's really no big deal." His head shook. "But I think you'll see that in time."

Darleen smiled, tilting her head. "Thank you, honey. Hearing that helps."

"Sure thing, Mom. Oh, and if you got that upset over what we did the other day, you don't have to worry about me asking you to do it anymore."

"Thank you for that, honey."

"Okay...Ah, yeah, it's been a few days since I last gave you a cupful. So, yeah, lemme go and work on that for you."

Before he reached the door, Darleen said, "Andy, honey." He stopped and listened as she moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "I really appreciate you not putting any pressure on me to help you out, anymore, but, even after everything I just said, I do feel the need to tell you that I can soldier on and keep going—if you want me to, that is."

Andy gave this a good think. "Are you sure about that, Mom? 'Cause...I really don't want to go back to us not talking, anymore."

"I am sure." She nodded. "I think I've had enough time to clear my head, and to get over our first incident. And like I've said, I really can't think of a better way to thank you other than saying it. And for some reason, giving you money or raising your allowance would feel even worse."

Andy thought some more. "I'm not going to lie; I really do enjoy it when you're helping out."

"Then it's settled." Darleen nodded. "Come back in ten to twenty minutes with your cup. I'll be ready. And I promise nothing will change after we finish this time."


Fifteen or so minutes later, Andy was back outside his parents' door. The young man had his doubts about his mom being able to handle their next session, but as he told her earlier on, he relished her participation in producing his seed. And this tipped his decision in accepting her offer. Plus, for the most part, he believed she could handle it. Andy by no means believed his mother was weak.

After a quick knock on the door, he pushed it open and walked through. He found Darleen sitting on the edge of her bed. With her hair in a ponytail, she wore her tight yoga pants and an equally tight, white camisole. At the centres of her coconut size breasts, Andy noticed two nubs attempting to pierce their way through her top. It appeared she'd chosen to go braless. He felt his cock twitch.

"Decided to change outfits?" He swallowed.

"Uh." She looked down as her hands rose. "Yeah. What I had on before wasn't very flattering. This isn't exactly lingerie, but I think it'll do better in helping you get there. I mean, you did say you fantasise about me." A wicked smile spread across her face.

"You're not gonna let me live that down, are you?"

Darleen chuckled as her head shook. "No." She stood. "Now...let's do this."

Once Andy reached her, his mom took the container from his hand and placed it on the bed. She descended to her knees and reached for his belt buckle. Already, Andy's cock swelled. It amazed him how easily she got him going.

Once his belt and single button were undone, a thought occurred to Darleen. "Hon...where's your lubricant?"

"Ah. Oh yeah, I forgot it in my room. Be back in a jiffy."

"No, no. It's okay. I can improvise. Plus, your pants are almost already off."

"Ookaay." He wondered what she meant by "improvise."

Darleen hooked her slender fingers into his jeans and boxers and pulled down, collapsing them at his feet. His mostly erect cock sprang out, missing her face by an inch. The sight of it sent a spasm through Darleen's body, followed by a pang of shame. She looked up at her son with a smile in an attempt to mask it.

"I think I've already told you what I normally do when I'm helping out." She cupped her hands and dropped two long strings of saliva into them. She rubbed her palms together. She took hold of Andy's cock. Then she ran them up and down his long length. Within seconds, Darleen's heart rate accelerated.

When Andy first headed to his mother's bedroom, the last thing he expected was to have her hands back around his cock. The only goal he had in mind was to repair their relationship. He had no clue the outcome would result in this.

He closed his eyes and moaned as her magical silky hands worked their spell. His erection soon stretched to the max, causing Darleen to feel as if she held an iron bar. "Mom," he whispered, then heard and felt her spit out three rounds of spit to keep her hands flowing. Andy wondered why he hadn't left his lube behind the first time around.

Minutes clocked as the sounds of Darleen's slippery manoeuvring hands, her occasional spitting and her son's moans flooded the room. He delighted in the softness of her palms—mixed with her technique. The way she stroked his entire shaft, not neglecting his glans or testicles, was as incredible as their first time.

Andy felt he could do this for hours.

Soon, he felt Darleen's stroking quicken as her right hand massaged his cockhead with more intent. He sensed she now put her all in to coax an orgasm from him.

Before Andy's plans in bedding his mother came to a standstill, he'd formulated a crude ploy in to getting a huge step closer. He'd planned on implementing it a little sooner, but was unable.

Andy knew he should just be grateful to have Darleen's hands back around his shaft, but it appeared his abandoned hopes in sleeping with her were back on track. He couldn't let the opportunity go a-begging.

His moaning dwindled as he focused and fought off his orgasm. C'mon, you can do this. You've played with yourself much longer than this before. Just don't think about who's doing it. Not wanting to give anything away, Andy allowed himself to moan and groan every now and then as his mom's intense manipulations continued.

Nearly five more patient minutes of spitting and stroking went by before Darleen said, "Wow. Getting your stuff to come out is proving to be much more difficult than the first time." She wiped her forehead with the back of a hand as the other worked on, but slowed down a notch.

"Yeah, sorry about that, Mom. I know." He feigned a sigh. "Some days are just easier to have an orgasm than others." Andy moaned softly as she returned her hand to his shaft.

"I get that." She nodded and kept pumping. "Good thing I'm so used to working out. Otherwise, I'd be exhausted." Darleen chuckled.

"Yeah." He smiled.

"Is there something wrong, though, hon? Or on your mind?"

"No. No, Mom...I think I'm just too used to the feeling of a hand handling my...deal."

Out of fear, Darleen felt her heart rate shift into fourth gear. "What...are you trying to say, Andy?" She removed her hands and placed them on her lap.

"Uh—Nah, never mind." His head shook. "It's a bad idea."

"No, honey. Tell me."

"Ah, well...I just thought it might help...if I could see your...breasts."

Darleen stared.

"I told you it was a bad idea."

Her head shook. Then she said, "No, no, no." She steadied herself. "I can definitely see why you think that'd help. Andy, honey, I'm just worried we might be taking things, too far."

"Any further or worse than what we're already doing?"

She considered. "I guess not—in a way." She gave a small shrug. Plus, they're just boobs...And you know you want to. Darleen cringed with another shake of the head. She looked up. "Umm, so I should just take my cami off...just to help you get there quicker?"

"In theory." He nodded. "Although, I don't think you need to take it completely off. You can just pull or pop them out. You know, to help you feel a little more covered."

"I guess that makes sense." The dark-haired mother looked ashamed, as she knew she'd already decided. She sighed. "Okay, then." Darleen reached into her top, withdrew her left breast and then its partner.

Darleen felt as if she was naked from head to toe. There went his "feeling more covered" theory.

Andy thought it was impossible to get any harder than he was, but watching his mother's beautiful breasts come into view proved him wrong. He'd known all along they carried weight, but had always believed there was more than size in what made breasts appealing—other than the primal or evolutionary disposition that they'd make a woman a great nurturing mother.

Firstly, there was shape. Darleen's had that for sure, rounding out in just the right spot to give them a nice plump and perky appearance. Then there were the two separate skin tones, and her chest did not look starved of sunlight. Darleen had a creamy complexion and it provided a nice contrast with the darkish tone of her areoles and nipples.

Andy wondered if she found time to sunbathe while he was in school. Spring time was quickly approaching, and she'd been known to do so during summers.

Her nipples were Andy's preferred size, to boot: not too large and yet were something an infant would drool over on sight.

The young man knew, from all the mom-son porn he'd watched, it was perfectly natural for a woman's breasts to head southward after a certain amount of time. His mom's had followed trend. However, and contrary to widespread belief, he didn't find it unappealing, at all. And this didn't only apply to Darleen.

Andy couldn't understand it, but something about an older woman with some sag to her chest turned him on greatly. Maybe not the great grandma, "I'll whip y'all up some cookies" kind of sag, but to an extent, and he preferred it over boob jobs, which more often than not just looked botched.

This was no judgement by Andy on women who opted to get them, which was an all too familiar sight in California. He understood not all girls grew into a large bust, and about other complications that caused their necessity.

Andy had wondered, though, if he was the only one who felt this way about older women with some sag. Perhaps.

Finally, like most guys, he preferred women with a heavy chest set. Darleen didn't disappoint in that area, but that was no surprise. It was easy to tell even with her top completely on.

Andy found it strange how his mother seemed to check all the correct boxes of his ideal woman. Perhaps Freud did have some valid points.

"Whoa. Mom...thanks." He smiled. But this was only phase one in his ultimate plan for this session.

Darleen nodded with a half-smile and wrapped her hands back around his cock. She let out a few more rounds of spit as she got back to stroking, with her exposed tits framed between her smooth toned arms.

As Andy returned to quietly moaning and saying her name, Darleen wondered how their arrangement had deteriorated to this point. What started out as an innocent request had somehow turned obscene, because now here she was, on her knees with her tits out like some cheap bimbo, as she used her hands to gratify her boy. Impressive as he is.

The young mother wasn't sure what was more frightening: the fact all this was true or that she enjoyed it.

Minutes continued to flow as Darleen worked on and on. No matter how hard she tried, there was no sign of Andy's orgasm. The sweet burn she'd become accustomed to during her workouts had come and gone, and at this point, fatigue settled in. The only silver lining was the longer she kept at it, the less guilty she felt about taking part. Still, she needed a break and soon.

"Andy, honey, what's wrong? I thought you said having my tits out would help," she said as her hands kept moving. Darleen didn't normally use foul language in front of her kid, but she thought a little dirty talk might motivate him.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, Mom. I definitely thought a visual aid would do the trick. That's why pornography is so popular, isn't it?" He watched her work on, feeing bad about his ruse. "You getting tired?"

"A little." She nodded.

"It's okay, you can stop. I'm starting to get a little raw, which I think is adding to the problem." This was true.

"Oh." She released his shaft, placing her hands on her lap. "What should we do, then? Stop or go and get your lube?"

"No, I'll be okay"—he grimaced—"I can keep going. Umm, lube does sound like a good idea, but..." Andy let his sentence hang.

"But what?"


Darleen waited. "Andy, talk to me."

"Uuh, it's just that...I don't think you're gonna like it."

She considered his warning, but had to know what lay on his mind. "It's okay." She nodded. "You can tell me."

"You sure?"

She gave him a deadly serious stare—verging on a glare.

"All right, okay. I was just thinking...you know, it might be best if you...uh, use your...mouth."

Darleen's eyes lit up as her arched eyebrows rose. "Oh." She thought for only a second. "Andy, honey...I seriously think that's a bad idea."

"Okay, but hear me out: you're feeling tired right now, and you wouldn't really need to use your arms to do it. And I know it would definitely push me over the edge."

It felt like he was grasping at straws, to Darleen. "It's still a bad idea."

He thought. "Is it, though?"

"Yes, it is." She nodded.

"Okay, it's a little extreme, I'll give you that. But the way I see it, it's not much further away from a hand job."

"Andy." She stared. "It's. Incest."

"Uh, maybe, but if anything, it's softcore incest."

"Incest is incest."

"Okay, um, does you handling my penis also count?"


"Well, then we've already crossed that line."

"Andy," she whispered, placing a hand over her face.

"It's not a big deal, though, Mom."

Darleen thought for a long while. She couldn't seriously be considering this, could she? She looked him in the eye. "You know, Andy, you also seem to be forgetting that I'm a married woman. Helping you out to get semen for my skin seemed like one thing, but now it feels like we're opening up a whole new can of worms."

As Andy also mulled, he moved to the bed and sat down. "I honestly do feel bad about that, Mom. I really do. But I don't think you quite understand what's been going on with me lately. Yes, I've already admitted that I fantasise about you, but it honestly feels more like an obsession or infatuation than just a little crush. So I don't think you know how badly I want this."I know simply wanting something doesn't entitle me to have it, but there's more to it than that. I love you, Mom. I really do. And I wanna share so much more with you than just this. I know that may never happen, so this would only feel more like a...consolation prize—if that makes sense. It may not make me feel completely happy...but I think it'll at least take me a little closer." He sighed. "That's the truth, Mom. All cards on the table."

The dark-haired mother stared at her boy. His head hung low. She had no clue his feelings were this strong. How could she?

Tucking away her breasts, Darleen rose and sat beside him on the bed. She placed a hand on his back and rubbed as she said, "Andy, baby, how long have you been feeling this way?"

"I don't know." He gave a small shrug. "A few weeks now, I think."

After a moment's hesitation, she then said, "Believe it or not, honey, I think it's sweet—a little strange, but sweet." Darleen wasn't sure how to handle this situation. "I hope you know that I truly love you, too—more than you'll ever know—but...I'm still married to your father, hon."

"I know, Mom," he said, his head still low.

It appeared to Darleen he'd given up his fight.

She rubbed his back. Then her gaze dropped to his drooping erection, which had lost its posture during their chat. Even in its current state, it still looked menacing.

Darleen chomped her lower lip as she contemplated. Would it be so bad if she gave this to him? A part of her wanted to, and it wasn't out of pity. But the bottom line was it would be cheating, which is something she'd never done. Although, she knew she'd technically already crossed that line. Twice—and the second time was with a little more intent.

Nearly a minute clocked as she stroked her son's back and absent-mindedly stared at his cock, while she deliberated and endured internal struggle. One side did seem to talk louder than the other, though. In the end, Darleen decided she'd find a way to forgive herself.

She reached across her lap with her free hand and took a firm hold of Andy's penis, jerking it in small motions.

He turned his head and looked her in the eye. "Mom...what are—"

"Shh, shh, shh. Just...trust me. Okay." With a slight nod, she leaned in and gave him a soft peck on the lips. Then her eyes lowered as she focused on gently stroking his shaft.

Even though Andy had lost all hope, slowly but surely, his erection stretched to life in her grasp. Darleen revelled in the feel of it. It was a first for her and Andy's cock. She normally only got to handle it at full strength, or there about. Her manipulations continued and around the one minute mark, his appendage tensed back into an immovable object.

After slipping out only her left fleshy tit, Darleen's spandex-clad little bubble butt lifted off the bed. She knelt before her son. Gently stroking his length with one hand, she looked into his light blue eyes—a mirror image of her own. Andy was astonished at how she looked both adorable and erotic. After this brief moment of eye contact, Darleen focused on his intimidating erection.

She took a deep breath.

She could do this.

Darleen leaned in, parted her mouth and took his cockhead between her rosy lips.

Andy was startled. After their chat, he never believed this would happen. He thought of pinching himself, but instead closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment. How could it be that the first girl to take him inside her mouth was his beautiful mother. And the young man wouldn't have it any other way. Rare were moments in his life he felt joy on this level.

Darleen stretched her jaws as wide as she could in an attempt to accommodate his girth. She had loads of experience in oral gratification—she'd been with her husband for many years—but not much with other men. In fact, Andy was only the fourth she had any sexual interaction with, and only the third she'd taken into her mouth.

Darleen didn't go out much during her awkward middle and high school days. With her teeth in braces and her overactive pimple breakouts, she never felt good enough to approach any of the "cool kids." So she spent most of her time being invisible, reading books and hanging out with her best friend, Bernice, who she didn't talk to as much as she'd prefer, anymore, but that's another story.

Darleen did eventually lose her virginity to a sweet boy turned boyfriend before her senior year, which is when she gained a lot more attention from her peers. People noticed she was a natural beauty. The guy's cock she sucked in her next short relationship was somewhat bigger than Oscar's, but it too wasn't in Andy's league. So trying to get it down her gullet proved to be troublesome.

She forged ahead, though, and inched him farther and farther into her mouth, loosening her jaw as her son groaned and rasped her name. Darleen felt her insides tingle and pussy saturate at the sound. It's been said she enjoyed providing pleasure. It made her feel powerful. She knew she'd have to spend some alone time with the blue toy inside her nightstand after she and Andy wrapped things up.

His sounds of delight motivated her to keep going. She stuffed more and more of him into her mouth. Then feeling him well down her throat, Darleen carefully breathed through her nose. She had no idea she was capable of this.

"Ohh, wow," Andy exhaled. "This's amazing." His head titled back.

Darleen couldn't get his entire sausage past her lips, two inches or so had been left out, but most of him had been taken and she was pleased with her attempt. She felt her eyes water. The young mother pulled back and caught her breath with Andy's cockhead inside her mouth. Then she plunged back down and began the slow bob of her head, gulping half of his shaft each time.

Andy placed a hand above the tie of her ponytail as he groaned and watched the rise and fall of her head. He felt the urge to lift his hips and meet her downward bobs—face fucking being one of his most recent fantasies; not necessarily with Darleen, but he'd given it thought.

In the end, Andy restrained himself, feeling it would be cruel. But perhaps one day she'd allow it, and having her sweet round lips around his cock was more than enough for him at the moment. He closed his eyes and soaked it all in.

Darleen's head picked up to a medium pace. Then she slowed back down and pushed forward as she tried again to get as much of him inside her mouth as possible. It was a painstaking procedure, and she managed to get a little farther this time, but not much.

After catching her breath, she gave it another try.

Still no dice.

Darleen had not a clue how much her attempts blew her son's mind. He didn't know how much longer he could hold on. His toes curled.

She returned to her halfway-mark bobs, starting at a neutral speed, but quickly accelerated.

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