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49.46% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2028: MOM'S DIARIES

Chapitre 2028: MOM'S DIARIES

It had been nearly two years since I'd left, going straight into the service out of high school. It felt good to be home again, though it was still going to feel different even then.

For one, dad had died the year I had graduated. That alone had made my leaving all the harder on mom, but she at least had a sister she was very close to, who had seen her through much of that difficult time. Though she lived an hour away from where we did, mom never failed to at least travel to see her once a month, sometimes spending the entire weekend with my Aunt Susan and my cousin Jill. The fact they had named me Jack wasn't by accident, though at the time it didn't really dawn on me that my mom and dad had thought it funny to name me Jack, after my aunt and uncle had decided to name my cousin Jill. It was only later that Jill and I realized they had done so on purpose, seeing as we were born during the same year, and only a couple of month's a part.

Still, even then I looked forward to our monthly visits, which most of the time was only mom and I making the trip up to visit with them. It was something I remembered fondly doing while growing up, and had always looked forward to it whenever we went. My cousin Jill, also an only child, though I never knew the reasons why the two of us were, only that's the way it happened to turn out. Because of that perhaps, neither one of us having siblings, Jill and I had grown especially close as kids, more like brother and sister as opposed to just being cousins.

Now home from the service, I hadn't as yet begun looking for a job. I'd decided to spend a couple of weeks just getting used to civilian life again, along with helping mom out around the house, getting things back into shape again for her before looking for work. Something I was in the process of doing now. Unbelievably, mom hadn't gotten around to boxing up most of dad's things. Much of which, I would be taking down to the donation center after going through them, keeping some stuff to actually use or wear myself. Other things, going up into the attic for storage until such time as mom decided what she actually wanted to do with them.

Away at work herself, I had gotten an early start, wanting to dispose of as much as I could as quickly as I could before she returned home. I knew it would be a lot easier on her if things weren't still lying around when she got home. Hard enough how different it would appear when they were gone, harder still to see them sitting there in preparation of being given away or even stored.

I'd been at it pretty much all day long, just then taking the last few stored boxes up to the attic. Needing to make a bit of room and keep things orderly and neat, as there was no telling how long things would be up here, I decided to combine those boxes with a few others that were sitting there. Most of those I noticed were some of moms, things she'd kept for whatever reason. Mostly old photograph books and memorabilia from the years that she and dad had spent together. I had taken a small break to look through a few of them, which is when I came across a couple of old worn leather strapped books. I immediately recognized them for what they were, diaries. The little locks on them had been broken a long time ago as I picked one of three up out of the box, curious about it, but hardly expecting anything electrifying or major in reading any of the passages. Mom had been writing in diaries for years, and as mundane as her life seemed to be, I hardly expected to read anything more other than a few private thoughts perhaps, or how she had spent the day working out in her garden.

Boy was I in for a big surprise.

I noticed the one I was holding was dated 1975. I smiled thinking back how I could have only been around thirteen or fourteen years of age at the time. The first few entries in fact were indeed pretty mundane, just as I'd suspected, with little being said except for what significant occurrences mom felt, had happened that particular day.

I was just about to put the diary back when one entry caught my eye. It was dated on a Saturday, one I was particularly familiar with as it was also my Aunt's birthday, and I clearly recalled the day we had taken up the bus to visit with her on that particular weekend. I continued reading, remembering back, and then things got really interesting.


Though we had been planning on going up there for my Aunts birthday anyway, there soon was a second reason for mom's going and need to be there. I didn't know it then, and wouldn't for a time afterwards, but Aunt Susan and my Uncle Stephen were getting a divorce. She had discovered he'd been having a long-term affair with his secretary just two days before her birthday. She and mom had been on the phone together for hours, though she had locked herself inside her bedroom. I knew something was going on because she had, but beyond that, I knew very little else.

All that I remembered as mom once again briefly mentioned their conversation in her diary. But then I read:

"I knew you needed me emotionally, and physically just as much as I needed you. It had been so long since the two of us had been together, not since before our weddings anyway, and I missed that. After we had gotten the kids down to sleep, I remember coming into your room, you...naked lying there on the bed waiting for me. You looked so vulnerable. I knew you were hurting inside, and yet, I saw the desire in your eyes as well, hopeful that by your being there like that I would come to you in the way that I most certainly did. For me, it was as though we had gone back in time, back to those days when we used to share a bed together and began to experiment. I knew then, I never wanted to stop sharing the intimacy we once had."

To put it mildly, I was shocked. I had to reread the passage twice in order to ensure I hadn't misread it. I kept thinking the intimacy she spoke of wasn't sexual, but as much as my mind tried to interpret it any other way, I just couldn't. Especially when I read on after that. Mom wrote of their encounters together, things they did after that, the time they spent. And it wasn't in general details either, but very explicit in nature, the way she described my Aunt's naked body, how she looked, felt, smelled and tasted as the two of them played together.

I sat back trying to digest all of this. Words mom had actually used, written down in her book were words I had never heard her ever utter before. "Sucking her... your clit," words like "fuck" which again I'd never heard her use, and yet in her diary, she used them repeatedly, though the tone of their use was indeed far more erotic, needful than ever being used in a derogatory way. At first I sat there confused. Learning something about your own mother that's completely out in left field left me wondering if there was indeed a side of her that I didn't know, would never come to understand. On the other hand, it made her even more real to me, more human for some reason, and in a very big way, even more vulnerable herself.

It took me a while to wrap my mind around all this, but when I did I found myself smiling at the thought. After all, who was I to judge my own mother when I'd been harboring my own dark secrets. Curious, once again looking back, I rummaged through another box discovering even more diaries, looking for one in particular. It was the year I had gone into the service, remembering another weekend when I had actually driven mom up to see her sister, and where I of course had gone in order to say good-bye to everyone as I would be leaving the following week. I had gone with the expectations of spending some time with Jill, a continuation hopefully of something we'd almost done, but had suddenly gotten guilty feelings about prior to anything actually happening the last time we had visited. As I rummaged through the box, my mind went back to that particular date in time.

As we always did, we arrived very early that morning just in time for breakfast. By now, as we'd been so comfortable doing whenever we did come for our visits, my Aunt Susan was still wearing her night shift beneath the thin robe she had on. It wasn't at all unusual for her to do so until after breakfast was finished before she usually got dressed for the day. I took those moments to secretly look at her, as well as my cousin Jill, so alike in many ways, and yet different in their own rights. Aunt Sue as I called her was about the same height as mom at just under five and a half feet. Jill on the other hand much taller, only an inch or two shorter than I was at nearly six feet. Both Jill as well as my Aunt had long dark hair, moms a bit lighter in color, and shoulder length whereas both Jill and my aunt kept theirs in very similar pony-tails most of the time. All three of them had green eyes, though I think Jill's could turn blue dependent upon what clothes she was wearing.

But that was where the similarities basically ended. Jill had much smaller breasts than either my mother or aunt had, though I wondered if in time she might continue to grow there as well. I'd seen photos of my mother around Jill's age, and she didn't appear then to have quite as full, or as large of breasts as she did now. Jill was quite naturally a bit slimmer too, not too surprisingly as she'd been on the gymnastics team during high school. And not that either mom or my aunt were totally out of shape, because they weren't. But to describe either one of them, I'd have to include the term voluptuous, as they had a bit more meat on their bones so to speak. Though sitting there looking at the two of them as they conversed while making breakfast, I could only admire and secretly harbor a few indecent thoughts regarding the two of them.

Thoughts I might indeed entertain, but thoughts I would never openly act upon.

Jill however, was something else entirely.

Growing up together, again closer than most kids back then, we'd gone through several "curious" phases together as I called them. One of which mom and my aunt had caught us doing. What I recalled from that, was that neither of them made as big of a deal out of it as some might have. We were indeed "counseled" about it to be sure, and told that it wasn't proper for cousins to be engaged in such activities, especially at our age. But beyond that, neither one of us had received any punishments. For a time, we did indeed behave ourselves, but only for a time.

Jill was the first girl I had ever kissed. Jill was also the first girl who had ever let me feel her up, which is what we'd done now each and every time we had come for a visit after that. Each time lasting a bit longer, getting a bit more exciting every time we did. It was because of that, because we had finally done far more than we ever had before, that I wondered if she...like me, had overcome our previous guilty feelings about all that. I was more than curious to find out, and didn't have long to wait.

Even with our expected early arrival, Jill as she always usually did, slept in. She never had been an early morning person, definitely more of a night owl, very often not even going to bed until well after midnight. Something, which during my last visit had suited our purposes perfectly. Eventually we could all hear her finally stirring as the bathroom door opened and then closed up stairs. Minutes later the sound of her coming down the stairs in order to join us all, reached our ears.

Like I said, seeing my Aunt still wearing her sleeping gown wasn't any real surprise, especially as she for the most part kept herself well hidden enough beneath the thin robe she wore over it. Jill on the other hand left very little to the imagination, which my aunt briefly commented on, though making more of a joke about it, rather than admonishing my cousin for her somewhat inappropriate attire. All she was wearing was what they call a "wife beater" for a top, which she slept in, and a pair of short, men's boxers. I thought she looked sexy as hell in them, especially as her pert small breasts could be so easily seen pressing against the tight white tee shirt.

"Good morning sleepy-head," my aunt had said. "Was just about to send Jack here up to wake you, though it's probably good I didn't," she said giving her daughter an obvious look at her appearance.

Jill had walked around the kitchen table giving mom an affectionate hug, and then a kiss on the cheek, likewise moving back around behind me, doing the same, though I think her lips lingered a bit longer than usual on the back of my neck as she kissed me there.

"Good thing you didn't send him up, I might not have gotten up, or let him come back!" She stated surprising everyone by the implication.

"Jill!" Sue said turning to admonish her, though I noticed a slight smile on her face as she did that. Jill laughed, as did my mom, though a bit nervously as I recalled. Something that now had greater implications and meaning behind it now that I thought about it. Though at the time...

"Besides, it's not like he's not seen me dressed like this before in the mornings either mother," she continued. And in fact, as you remember, I wore that blue baby-doll nightgown the last time they were here when I was getting ready for bed, and you never said a thing to me about that."

"Well, it's because you were on your way up to bed," Aunt Sue had said, and I think Jack was being enough of a gentleman not to sit there and stare at your breasts, even though they were fairly noticeable!"

They had been indeed. And I smiled remembering that, both then and now. I had been a bit surprised to see her wearing so revealing an outfit, though as my aunt had said, she'd appeared there only briefly in it before heading upstairs to bed. But I knew...as well as Jill did, she had done that on purpose, as a further tease towards me. It had been like that all day. It had been like that almost every time we had come for a visit in fact most recently. And now, with her sitting there at the kitchen table, her nipples now even more noticeably erect, pressing against the thin material of her tight tee, I was hoping for and now anticipating more of the same.

After breakfast was over, it was one of Jill's chores to then go out and feed and water the horses. They had three, which were theirs, plus they stabled and took care of four others for neighbors, making a bit of money on the side for doing so. It was a chore I always looked forward to in helping out with. Not only did we very often go out for a ride later, but also there was the infamous barn, which was situated on the far end of their property. A good walk, it also ensured us of a bit of privacy, which is where our last visit had gotten interesting.

But as I sat there thinking about that visit, and what eventually happened, I couldn't help but now wonder at what had also been going on after we'd left. As I said, my aunt always appeared dressed, refreshed for the day after her morning shower, but I now recalled that mom too had appeared to do that. We'd always be gone for at least an hour, if not two, plenty of time for my mother and aunt to spend some personal intimate time together themselves.

The puzzle pieces were beginning to slowly fall into place.


After we had walked a reasonable distance from the house towards the barn and the stables, Jill had reached down taking my hand. We walked together like that for a short distance, whereupon she suddenly dropped my hand and took off like a shot towards the barn. I stood for a moment simply watching her run. Her long legs, trim, sleek body was like poetry in motion. Moments later I took off after her watching as she soon after disappeared inside the barn. By the time I got there, she had disappeared.


"Up here!" Came her response, and though I couldn't see her, I knew then she had climbed up into the loft. Climbing the ladder, I reached the upper level of the barn, but she was still nowhere in sight. There were a lot of hay bundles stacked up there as well, and I could see that some had been recently moved, basically creating a bit of a partition or wall from prying eyes. I grinned knowing now where she was, but still not fully aware of what she was up to, until I came around the corner and looked down where she was laying.

She was totally nude. She had spread out, having prepared the place some time ago, as it seemed, a rather large thick quilted blanket over a pile of loose hay. Somewhat surprised, I could only stand there gawking at her, especially as she lay there, the evidence of another unexpected surprise awaiting me. She had trimmed her pubic patch into the shape of a heart. And I knew now, she had done so just for me.

"You like?" She asked grinning up at me. "I guess you could say...I have a heart on for you!" she giggled excitedly. "Any chance you have a...heart on for me?"

"I don't know about a heart on, but I certainly have a hard on," I had told her. Which I honestly did.

"Then show me," she said as she reached down between her legs, her fingers suddenly spreading herself so wickedly, and the look in her eyes wanton, lustful. I had honestly never seen her this aroused before, which she obviously was, nor had I ever expected to see her totally naked either like I was now. She was a feast for my eyes, and all I wanted to do was devour her.

Whatever guilt she had experienced the last time I'd come for a visit, seemed to have been dealt with. That she had offered her breasts to me to fondle the last time had been exciting enough. But after I'd left, with Jill acting so guilty about what we'd done during that visit, I certainly hadn't expected or even hoped for anything like this.

"You sure?" I had asked looking at her, though my cock was now pressing almost painfully against the front of my jeans.

"I've never been more sure about anything before in my entire life," she had told me. "I've been thinking about it, and almost about nothing else since the last time you were here. I finally decided...'fuck it', it's what I want...if you want," she finished worriedly.

I gave her the answer she was hoping for as I undid my jeans.

Even then I didn't move to join her immediately. Just looking at her as she so openly, so uninhibitedly played with herself was a fantasy of mine come true. Her breasts, though small were firm, hard-tipped and pointed. She held one within her hand, self-teasing the rosy pink nipple, almost by way of an offering. Her other hand, fingers delicately caressing her clit, just rubbing it back and forth, up and down her wet slippery groove. When she held that up towards me, I immediately knelt down in front of her, taking her middle digit into my mouth, sucking it off, tasting her for the first time.

She giggled hotly, perhaps not expecting me to do that, no more than expecting me to now do what I then did. With her legs still bent so obscenely at the knee, I prostrated myself down in front of her, kissing her womanly place, my lips immediately embarking on a first time experience as I mouthed her succulent, sweet tasting pussy.

Jill groaned deeply, tossing her head back into the pillow of straw and blankets, her hands now coming up to bury themselves in my own dark thick hair.

"Holy fuck!" She mewled as I now began lapping at her tender clit with my tongue, initially doing so lightly, softly until she all but mashed her cunt into my face humping herself against it.

Obviously I seemed to be doing it right, though this honestly was my first time ever experience actually doing so. And it wasn't to be the first only experience doing other things either.

Now...I had made one other girl come with my fingers. So I was sort of expecting something like that. She had indeed moaned, groaning pleasurably through her climax. I'd even felt her pussy clamp down on my probing finger as she did. But that was the only way I ever had, up until now at least, so I still wasn't entirely sure of what to expect if in fact Jill even did come this way.

I don't think she was expecting it either when she did, as it was suddenly upon her before either one of us really knew it. One second she was lying there somewhat still, though still rocking, or rather rotating her hips slightly beneath me. In the next instant, she literally lurched upwards, her ass coming up off the blanket entirely. I felt her stiffen, her back arching as she sucked in her breath holding it for a moment, and then let out what I could only describe as a blood-curdling cry of release. All I could think of at the time was, "Thank god we're this far away from the house!" It was loud enough that I could hear the horses whickering down below us in the stables.

The other thing I hadn't expected, and to which she admitted herself afterwards, was the sudden expulsion of pussy juice that liberally sprayed my face. This was something totally unexpected, but not at all unenjoyed. She was even embarrassed about it afterwards. Telling me a short time later that she knew she got pretty wet, even to the point of 'gushing' as she called it whenever she masturbated. But this had been the first time she had actually 'squirted' to the extent that she obviously had. Maybe it had something to do with the way I'd brought about giving her, her orgasm. Neither one of us really knew for sure, but what I did know was...I'd enjoyed it, and wanted to do so almost immediately once again.

She of course now had other plans.

Extricating herself from beneath me, Jill now rolled me over onto my back. When I felt her lips, and her tongue suddenly began to bathe my prick with kisses and light feathery little flicks of her tongue, I had somewhat of an idea of what she'd just experienced for herself. This too was another first for me. Up until now, I'd only had one single hand job by another girl, the same one I had likewise fingered in the back seat of my car at the drive-in. Nothing since then, and certainly nothing ever like this. I thought I was going to lose my mind. Which I think was partially what suddenly shot out of the end of my dick seconds later. If I'd hoped to have some sort of control, some sort of long-lasting stamina to endure and thus enjoy the sweet sensation Jill's mouth and tongue was giving me, I was sadly mistaken.

She on the other hand seemed immensely pleased to have brought about such a quick unexpected release. And oddly, neither one of us even considered for a brief moment as to what to do...or not to do, when I actually came. She simply swallowed my almost constant, or so it felt like anyway...spending as I squirted copiously into her mouth. The feel of her lips sucking me, drawing the head inside her as she opened her throat in order to more easily swallow my discharge was beyond anything I had ever felt before. And that included my having on occasion, masturbated with a baggy filled with whipping cream, which up until then had provided me with the best felt pleasure.

This by in large far surpassed the feeling of that.

We lay there together for a fairly long time, just holding, touching and caressing one another until we both realized we needed to be heading back before we were missed. But it was only the beginning of what I now looked back on as the most important, most significant day of my entire life.

It was then that I finally found the diary I'd been looking for.


Once I had, I quickly skimmed through it looking for that same particular date. I had already learned through briefly reading through some of her other entries, that even in the mundane, mom was particular in writing a lot of detail. I wasn't too terribly surprised then upon finding the dates for that weekend that she indeed had. Nor that those two specific dates had far more of a longer detailed entry than most. A lot obviously had gone on that weekend, much of which I remembered of course, but a lot more that until now at least, I hadn't been aware of.

I quickly skimmed through our arrival, and even some of the things we'd said and shared during breakfast that morning. What I was interested in, was seeing what she had written after Jill and I had left to go down to care for the horses. Now knowing what I did know, I was more curious about that.

"...As I stood looking out the window, watching Jack and Jill walking down the hill..." She paused, and then I noticed a footnote she had written there in parentheses. (Perhaps it was a mistake to have named our son Jack, I cannot help but laugh every time I write their two names down together, especially watching them as they moved off. I can only hope that neither of them will ever hold it against us for having done that...but I digress here) She then continued on. "Sue made mention to me a bit later how she thought it was very likely that the two of us had possibly already become intimate. I wasn't as surprised to hear her tell me that as I might have expected to be. I'd been thinking along those same lines myself now, ever since our last visit here. Just seeing the two of them together, the way they very often teased one another, even flirting a little hinted at that very same possibility. When I discussed it at length with Sue, her thoughts were that it was simply bound to happen at some point. She'd been actually expecting it to, long before now. The fact that Jack and Jill are both adults now, and most capable of making their own decisions with regards to any furthering of their relationship, should that include sexual intimacy, was something they would themselves have to deal with. Sue and I both feel that it could and very possibly would have far reaching complications should they decide to do so. But to interfere, to try in any way to keep it from happening, would be a very hypoctrical move on our parts. What we did agree on, was to be there for each of them, when and if such a thing were to occur. Though seeing them as the two of them walked down the hill together, eventually taking one another's hands as they did, was only the beginning of what the rest of the day would eventually offer up.

It was then that I felt Sue come up from behind me, kissing me ever so sweetly on the back of the neck, her hands coming around to cup my breasts, caressing them as she stood there fondling and kissing me. I was already wet between the legs in anticipation of some time together, watching the kids walking off as I turned towards her. Her hands now coming up to begin undoing the buttons on my blouse. Aroused as we both were, we soon after headed upstairs to her bedroom where we once again enjoyed the intimate touch of one another's bodies in ways I now knew, I could never do without. The only concern I had was when we sat for a moment afterwards basking in one another's arms after having given one another what was yet again another explosive climax, was her comment about Jack. It's not as though we hadn't shared certain thoughts with one another about other such intimate things, even fantasies, neither of which I think at the time we'd have acted upon. And sometimes just because we might admit to having thought them, wasn't in and of itself a bad thing necessarily, or one that would tug at my conscious later on. But I got the impression that if something ever should happen, Sue wouldn't exactly be opposed to it. What bothered me the most however, I'd been wondering about that myself."

Once again I sat back, wondering at what she had meant, though now knowing without any doubt whatsoever, that the two of them had been enjoying one another intimately at the exact same time that Jill and I had. It was an ironic piece of information to now know and come to understand. But I also knew there was more. A lot more. I had barely read through a quarter of the day's events as they'd eventually unfolded.


I remember just getting back to the house when mom and Aunt Sue came down from the bedroom, now dressed. I had noticed at the time that their hair was still damp from having taken a shower, but as I also recalled, mom's face had a bit of a flush to it still. I didn't think anything of it at the time. Now I did.

They had told us they were going out to do some grocery shopping to pick up a few things for the weekend, and then something special to drink as well, as mom and I had not yet told them I'd be leaving soon. Looking back, I almost wish that we had.

They soon after left, and I knew almost immediately that we had a good two hours or more once again to ourselves. After our time together in the barn, I knew by the look in Jill's eyes, she was thinking the same thing I was. Though instead of heading upstairs to her bedroom, Jill took me by the hand leading me out towards the back patio instead. It was much cooler outside than in, in the shade for one thing. And for another, the old hide-a-bed couch was what we very often sat on outside, and had in the past on several occasions, still used it as a bed to sleep in at night out beneath the stars. Which we'd in fact do that very same evening.

As quickly as we'd gotten dressed, we'd gotten undressed once again. Though even though we had, it was at that precise moment that Jill said something that would have significant importance for me later on that same night.

"Jack? I want you to know...I'm still a virgin," she told me. "I've been saving it...not for marriage, but for the right guy to come along. I now know...that person is you."

I was myself a virgin too, and though we'd never really discussed it, I think she was fairly certain that I was, and believed me when I told her that I was in fact. As we crawled onto the couch and began kissing, I wondered if she had said that by way of informing me, that this was to be that moment for each of us. In a funny sort of way, I was almost relieved when she told me it wasn't.

"If you're willing...I'd rather wait until tonight," she told me. "I want to lose my virginity beneath the stars. It's the way I've always imagined losing it, and now that I know who with...I'd like to wait until later on this evening after mom and Aunt Darlene have gone to bed."

I didn't have a problem with doing that, with waiting. If anything, it made the excitement, the expectation of that eventuality all the more arousing for us both. In the meantime however, I was already crawling up between her legs, to once again sample her sweet tasting pussy with my mouth, and hopefully, enjoy my only second ever blow-job too, hoping this one at least, would last a bit longer.


I could still see that moment in time inside my head as though it were yesterday, and not over nearly two and a half years ago now. I could almost recall how she tasted, how she smelled as I closed my eyes remembering that moment along with all the others of that fabulous, somewhat crazy weekend.

I looked down at the diary in my hand and began reading again.

"It's hard to say what we might not have known, or to what extent things had honestly progressed had Sue not left her wallet inside the house. We had barely reached the main road when she realized it, and hurriedly turned the car around. I waited for her to run inside and get it, expecting her return momentarily. After several minutes had passed however without her coming back outside, I grew curious, somewhat anxious and worried that perhaps something had happened. Perhaps she had tripped, fallen, hit her head. A number of things suddenly running through my mind as I ran into the house in search of her.

I was surprised to find her standing there in the kitchen area. She turned smiling, though holding her fingers up to her lips, letting me know in an instant to be quiet. I wondered what was going on, yet...in the recess of my own mind, already had a pretty good idea as she turned back to look out the window, peering from around the side of the kitchen curtain as I now walked over to the other side, moments later doing the same.

I had half expected to find what I did, simply by the way Susan had looked at me, informing me in an instant to remain quiet in my approach, which I did. I don't know what I was trying to picture in my mind as I approached the other side of the window, but it wasn't at all what I thought when I eventually looked. There was Jack, obviously nestled down between Jill's outstretched legs there on the couch, licking her pussy.

It wasn't so much the shock of seeing them together, after all, Sue and I had half expected it to happen before now anyway. I'd honestly however thought to find the two of them fucking, but the fact that they weren't is what initially threw me. Perhaps it was because Sue had so recently gone down on me. The sensation of her tongue lapping away at my own tender clit, immediately causing the sudden stir of emotion the way that it did at that moment. I felt what I later called a searing jolt to my groin, the almost spasmodic tickle of desire, and the immediate surge of moisture suddenly gathering between my legs far faster than I would have ever thought possible.

Watching my own son, licking my niece's pussy...and wishing now more than ever before, that it was me he was doing that to."


Once again I had to reread what she had written several times. "Mom? She had been wishing it was me? Doing that to her?"

I didn't know what to think. It was for sure a private thought, and certainly one she had never obviously acted upon. Even after that date mom never spoke or treated me any differently than she ever had. "Or had she?" I wondered trying to think. More confused now than ever, I crept back to my own thoughts, there'd been times I'd allowed myself a few fantasies, but never anything more than that. I'd never purposely spied on her, or attempted to see or do anything that would have been inappropriate for me to do. In the fantasy of my own mind, that was one thing. Actually doing something, or looking for the opportunity to do it was something else entirely. Sure, there had been those rare moments when I'd accidentally walked in on her while she was dressing. What son hadn't at one time or another. And it wasn't as though we had any hang-ups about running around the house in various states of undress from time to time. That happened to. Which perhaps is what at times gave birth to some of my imaginings. But again, it was never something I consciously set out to do.

I continued reading.

"I was becoming aroused, very aroused, watching Jack going down on Jill, glancing over towards my sister as the two of us stood there peeking through the curtains at the two of them. I know we both should have stopped, turned away and left again. Emotionally I fought with doing so, but the sensuality of what we were seeing held us both like glue as we stood there. Watching Jill climax, hearing her cries of pleasure and release nearly brought about my own. Only then did I realize I had actually slipped my hand down the waistband of the slacks I was wearing. I was soaked. My own pussy a virtual ocean of hot wet moisture as I stood there actually touching myself. Susan too was doing the same, unabashedly, uninhibitedly, so obviously aroused.

And then they switched places.

I had only once before seen Jack with an erection. Years ago when I had accidentally stumbled into his bedroom, not realizing he was at home. I had only seen it briefly as he had immediately hidden what it was he was doing. But I knew, even though I pretended I hadn't seen what he was doing, it was too obvious that he had been, to fully ignore it either. What could have been a very awkward moment for us both was one that thankfully we talked through quickly, telling him that it was perfectly natural and normal for people to masturbate. More importantly, that it wasn't anything he should have been ashamed about in doing. It had been my fault, not his, that I had come into his room the way I had. What I remember most about that, was our discussion afterwards. It felt so good and so natural to be able to sit down with Jack and talk about it the way that we did. I remember blushing when he asked me if I did...if dad did. To which I told him yes, even married there were times when this simple pleasured act was enjoyed by most everyone. What could have been a scarring incident, I believe was left with a mutual respect and greater understanding between us.

I was much more careful after that, always knocking before entering. But I also knew from the few times I had stood there outside his door, listening to him as he pleasured himself, that even then I was aroused knowing that he was.

Now...seeing Jack's hard beautiful cock once again, I found myself envious of Jill. The way she so lovingly licked his shaft, sucking the hard swollen head of my son's prick. I again wished that it were my own mouth savoring the delights of his taste, and eventually the warmth of his hot spurting seed into my mouth. God how I wanted that, and how I fought emotionally with the desire for that afterwards. I even became jealous surprisingly later. And not with Jill...but with my own sister, as though she had no right to be there, to witness and see the exact same thing I was seeing. As though it was my own personal pleasure to be enjoyed, experienced, though I was as guilty as she in continuing to stand there watching the two of them.

We were silent as we finally drove into town, eventually discussing it, though Susan was cognizant of my discomfort, though not knowing to the extent or the real reason I was. Eventually we parked in the parking lot of the store we were going to, and simply got it all out. In the end, each one of us at least admitted to the other of our thoughts, not that either of us fully understood them, but at least we'd accepted and admitted that we had them. The fact that we both were still very much aroused didn't help the matter much. Nor did it help when later on that same evening, we got an even bigger surprise which merely added to that arousal, heightening it even more."

I wanted to read more, but it would have to wait. Mom was due home any time now, and I wanted to finish up what I'd set out to do before her return. Replacing the diaries back where they belonged, I did note the specific boxes they were in, promising myself to return and continue reading them when I could safely do so.


Hot, sweaty and sticky from my exertions, that and being up in the hot attic for well over an hour now, I returned to my room where I intended to quickly shower and freshen up. Even as I pulled the sliding glass door on the shower stepping beneath the hot spray of the water, I heard the sound of the garage door opening and knew that mom had arrived home.

Even as I stood there beneath the spray of the water, I thought back to what I had learned and read. Not too surprisingly, I found myself erect, my hand already toying with the idea of rubbing one out. I knew there was no way I couldn't now, as aroused as I was by everything I had learned, now firmly ensconced within my mind. And then I allowed other thoughts to invade my reasoning. I knew I hadn't locked the door to the bathroom. I also knew that mom would no doubt soon be headed upstairs. When she did, she would no doubt hear the shower running. I stood there wondering, when and if she did, would she toy with the idea of coming in for some reason? Probably not. Not unless I gave her one. Perhaps then she might. Perhaps then she might actually entertain her own thoughts she'd once had. Though in truth, there was no way of really knowing if she still had them. Enough time had passed, it was just as likely she had overcome those very thoughts and tucked them away once and for all. Was I in fact tempting her with opening Pandora's Box in doing this?

I was no doubt thinking with my cock at the time as I scrambled out of the shower, yanking towels off the rack throwing them in the dirty clothes hamper. I was lucky in one respect, as I knew she hadn't as yet come in to change them recently. But would it be enough into using that as an excuse? It was perhaps a dangerous game I was playing with myself, but the fact was...I was playing with myself as I considered it.I stood beneath the hot spray of the shower, my prick firmly in hand as I slowly worked it, maintaining its firmness though it took little effort in doing so. I was hard as a rock and now horny as hell. My heart felt like it was beating a thousand miles an hour as I stood there listening, finally hearing her as she actually stopped and knocked on the bathroom door.

"Jack honey? I'm back!" Mom called into me. It was now or never.


"Yes honey?"

"I forgot to get some fresh towels before stepping into the shower, would you mind getting me a new one?" I asked.

There was only the briefest of pauses, but there was one. I knew she was standing there thinking about what I'd just asked.

"Sure honey...be right back," she said and then walked down the hallway towards the linen cupboard.

I knew that the glass doors on the tub enclosure where opaque just enough to offer up some small measure of privacy. She would no doubt be able to make out the outline of my nude form inside the shower itself, but nothing too revealingly. Not unless I either pressed myself against it, or allowed it to remain at least partially open. I slid it back just a couple of inches, no more than that. But in having done so, I knew that should she stand anywhere's near the doorway to the bathroom, that she would in fact be able to see in.

The other problem was, even if she brought the fresh towels into the bathroom, I needed some additional excuse to keep her in there after she had. Which immediately came to me, just as she entered.

"Here they are," she said as I heard her open the door as I'd expected, stepping in. "I'll hang them up for you."

I knew as she did so, she could see me through the glass of the shower doors, though not clearly. Perhaps a hint of my erection poking out in front of me, which I then purposely turned to one side ensuring at least that she might. I heard her placing the towels, and smiled inwardly as she took an inordinate amount of time doing so.

"So...you get everything done you went out to do?" I asked attempting to keep some sort of dialogue and conversation going here. "I got everything done on my end," I added waiting for her response. I got it in the form of her actually sitting down on the toilet seat, as I too could just make out her presence on the other side of the glass doors.

"Yep, all done. Picked up a few things for the drive up tomorrow," she now added. We had planned on driving up, not only for the weekend, but for an additional three days to spend some time visiting with my aunt since my return. I was sad that Jill wouldn't be there, as she was upstate attending school at a local university up there. But I wasn't too surprised by that either as Jill and I hadn't exactly parted on the best of terms when I had originally left. Still...I was anxious and looking forward to seeing my aunt once again even then.

"You still been going up at least once a month to visit with her?" I asked.

"That...or she's actually been coming here to see me if I couldn't make it up there...so yes," mom replied. "Though I thought it was only fair that we go there this time, especially as it's been a while since you've been there." As she spoke, I now saw her stand up, and knew she was making to leave.


"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I got soap in my eyes, I can't see...and it burns," I said quickly not knowing what else I could have come up with.

"Aren't you using that new shampoo I bought?"

"No...I guess not, where is it?"

I then heard her open the cabinet door beneath the sink. "Here it is," she said and then approached the shower door where she now stood, her hand coming through the opening though she was careful not to position herself so she could see clearly in. But I could see that she was peeking without trying to make it too obvious as I stood there rubbing my eyes with my fists.

"Can you grab me a washcloth too? I still can't get the soap out of my eyes," I informed her, pretending I hadn't seen her hand as she stood there holding out the bottle to me. Once again I heard her open a drawer searching for the cloth. She laughed when she did. "What?"

"Oh nothing," she snickered. "I guess it's just nice to feel like I'm still needed is all," she said laughing. "Grown man with soap in his eyes acting like a young kid again is all," she finished still chuckling.

"Yeah well, it burns," I responded even though it really didn't. I'd also managed to accomplish one other feat, as had been my intent. I wasn't exactly full on erect now. Not like I had been, certainly not enough to appear obscenely aroused, but not exactly flaccid either. I knew as she opened the sliding door a bit wider this time in order to hand over the cloth, still holding the bottle of shampoo, that this time she could see me quite clearly as I turned towards her in order to accept it.

"Goodness," she said surprising herself perhaps when she did.

"What?" I said once again.

"Well...for one, you're certainly not modest these days," she said as I stood there knowing full well I was facing her.

"Must be the service, got used to standing around naked in front of a lot of people," I replied.

"Yes well, I doubt any of those were women...and certainly not your own mother," she told me, though I noticed she made no effort to move away from the door as I stood there scrubbing at my eyes with the washcloth as though unaware that she still was.

"Well, you're the one who told me that there was nothing to be ashamed about," I began. "Remember? And especially now, being grown up and all, no reason for me to be embarrassed by your seeing me, no differently than I wouldn't be embarrassed at seeing you."

She paused once again digesting that perhaps. "Yes...except if you remember correctly, we weren't actually discussing naked bodies, but something else a bit more intimate in nature as I recall."

Now it was my turn to laugh, though I immediately felt my cock stiffen, and knew as it did that she could now easily see it doing so. I held my head beneath the water for a moment, and then opened my eyes glancing in her direction. Sure enough...she was looking down at my rapidly stiffening cock.

I noticed her face was flushed, and her chest seemed to be heaving up and down a bit more noticeably as well as she breathed in and out.

"That's true," I laughed as she now looked up into my eyes. "And to be perfectly honest about it...that was what I was actually doing when I got soap in my eyes."

"You...you were?" Mom asked a catch in her throat as she once again looked down at my now full on erection.

"Yeah, I admit, I was feeling a bit horny...especially these days," I freely admitted, seeing the surprise in her eyes that we were actually now having this conversation. "It's been a while since I've been with anyone..." I told her, once again catching her off guard. I had dated a couple of women while away, but even then the sex with each had been less than satisfactory, and I certainly hadn't been looking for any long-term relationships either. "What about you mom?"

Already off balance as it was, my question seemed to make her even more so.

"What...what do you mean?"

"What do you think I mean?" I chuckled back, still trying to keep it light and open between us. "I know that you've certainly not been seeing anyone, at least anyone you've told me about...but I can't believe for a moment you still don't have the urges or desires. You're still too attractive, too good looking a woman not to."

She again blushed, evading the question perhaps by asking another. "You really think so? Think I'm still attractive enough to entice someone?" She asked.

"Yes, of course you are. But you are at least masturbating yes? I mean honest mom, it's not healthy if you're not at least doing that. I know for a fact, that men and women both, if they go too long without having an orgasm, experiencing pleasure, it really can affect their health in a fairly serious way."

She stood for a moment without speaking. Her hand coming up to grab the side of the shower glass door as though needing the additional support. I was almost positive that she now did as her chest continued to rise and fall a bit quicker than normal. This conversation was obviously having an effect on her after all.

"Sometimes," she said now looking down and away from me, speaking softly as she said it, admitting it. "But...it has been a while for me too," she added.

"Well then you should."

Once again she laughed, blushing even more. "Oh sure...maybe I should just head off to my bedroom, close the door and get myself off, is that what you're actually telling me I should do?"

"Well no...not exactly. I was thinking more along the lines of you just doing it here...while I watched, while you watched me."

I hadn't honestly intended to take it this far. Or to so openly pose or make the suggestion. But I was, and had been truly and honestly aroused, even more so now knowing what I knew. My advantage was in knowing that, knowing what my own mother's secret private thoughts about me had been. And though that indeed might have changed by now, I was gambling on the fact that they hadn't.

She tried laughing it off as though I was teasing her, joking around with her, until she saw me reach down, grabbing my cock as I stood there stroking myself in front of her.

"Jack, you're not...you can't be...serious. Are you? I mean...I am after all...your mother!"

"Yes I know that, and you're my very beautiful, very attractive mother too. And I've been standing here for a while now, imagining you inside my head. There, I've said it. I've admitted it. I've been enjoying myself while thinking about you, trying to remember the way you looked when I've seen you naked before."

"You have? I mean...you are? You did? When?"

I was scrambling here, trying to come up with something specific, and decided to try bluffing my way through it. See if I could get her to buy into it if I could.

"Just days before I left," I stated hoping I'd come close to some sort of truth, using the information I now had, making a few assumptions perhaps, but fairly certain that in doing so, I wasn't that far off the mark.

"When? When did you see me...see me doing that?" She pressed, though as she did, I could hear an edge of excitement in her words.

"Remember how you used to sit down stairs late in the evening reading a book?" Which was true, she always did. But I knew as her eyes widened, I was closer to the truth than I actually realized, and decided to see if I could trick her into admitting to me now that she actually did.

"Yes..." she spoke softly almost quietly.

"Well, one night, I woke up thirsty, decided to come down stairs and get something to drink. I noticed it was later than usual, and the table lamp was still on. I thought maybe you had fallen asleep while sitting there reading, so I approached the stairs quietly not wanting to wake you. And then I saw you. I stood there and watched you, watched you as you fingered yourself."

"Oh my god! You did? You...you caught me masturbating?"

"Yeah I did, and it was hot too mom! You looked so sensual, so erotic sitting there touching yourself. And because you did, I then found I couldn't help myself, so I stood there on the stairs without your knowing I was, and stroked myself off while I watched you."

"Right there? On the stairs?" It was obvious she was trying to look back and remember if she'd heard anything, obviously she thought she was being careful.

"In fact...you almost caught me I think. I barely turned around and got back up out of sight when you turned to look. But the fact was, I actually wished you had. I had secretly wanted you to see me, see me standing there jerking off, knowing full well I was thinking of you when I did. Just like I am now..." I said once again drawing her attention back to my hard fucking cock, which I now fisted pleasurably for her as she stood there watching me do it. "Just like...you are now," I finished.

"But I'm..."

"My mother. Yes...I know. But it doesn't change the fact that I enjoyed seeing you, that I enjoy thinking about you, or that I'm thinking about you now in fact. And that more than anything, right now...I wish you'd take off your clothes, let me see you, see you masturbate yourself again while I do, while you likewise watch me."

I knew that her resolve was crumbling, but it could easily have gone back the other way as well. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights and could have very easily jumped in the other direction.

It was then that I reached out my hand, pulling her into the shower with me even though she was dressed. She squealed in shock and surprise, but it was a flirtatious cry, almost welcoming that I had. Especially when I pulled her towards me, her full breasts now pressed against me, the water having thoroughly soaked her blouse making it adhere to her along with everything else. I likewise knew, she could feel the press of my hard cock digging into her belly as I held her, and then suddenly without warning leaned over kissing her as we stood there.

She basically melted there in my arms. We kissed again, our tongues now coming forward to fence playfully together. As we did that, I allowed my hands to come up, each one cupping her still covered, but very wet and very hard tipped breasts as I began thumbing each one of her hard taut nipples through her blouse.

I now felt her own hands reaching up, quickly parting the buttons on her blouse until I peeled it away from her, dropping it there in the bottom of the shower stall, along with her bra, which came next. Her shorts, and then panties soon followed until she stood there in front of me just as naked as I was. Now cupping one of her breasts directly, I tenderly began playing with, and flicking her nipple. With my other hand, I allowed it to trail down her belly, slowly teasing her almost agonizingly so before resting it against the soft furrow of her mound. I felt her sudden intake of breath as I did, and then parted the sea of her pussy, my finger just then probing her moist depths.

"Jack, Jack honey...we shouldn't," she said only now trying to resist the urge. "It isn't..."

"What? Right? I think it is...because it feels right. It's something I've always wanted to do...and besides mom, all we're doing is touching...it's not like I'm doing anything else to you at the moment, like licking your pussy, or actually fucking you with my cock."

She groaned at that, as though feeling like I was. "But...only this then, nothing else...just, just..."

I placed her hand on my cock, felt her fingers wrapping themselves around and about it. Once again my own hand slipping back down between her legs, where I found even more moisture sitting there waiting for me than there was even a moment or two ago.

"Stroke it, play with it...jerk it off," I said lustfully, breathing against her neck, "while I caress your tits, finger-fuck your pussy," I once again breathed hotly against her, now kissing and nipping at the softness of her neck.

"Oh fuck, fuck!" she moaned in response as my fingers began toying with her clit, as her hand began sliding up and down the length of my cock, exploring it, teasing it with the tips of her fingers. "Oh Jack...Jack! Make me cum baby...please, make me cum!"

The moment I felt her give way, the moment her inner muscles suddenly began to spasm around my finger, clenching it inside, her low deep-throated moan of release triggered my own. I felt my cock throb, as she did, her hand pulling upwards on it holding it there briefly as the first powerful spurt of my cock filled the palm of her hand. She stroked down again, pumping out another, just as my own finger flicked her clit like a light-switch, sending yet another powerful jolt through her cunt, just as my cock lurched shooting off again. I felt the second even more powerful spurt leap from my cock. She looked down, now watching it as I squirted against her thigh, her belly. My fingers now pinching her clit, holding it there as I worked it as though jerking it off. Her knees nearly buckled with the effort of maintaining her balance as I too began feeling light-headed with the intensity of my own orgasm.

We stood for long moments there beneath the shower, still holding one another trying to collect our breaths. Eventually she stepped out, and began drying herself off as I did. She turned away briefly, embarrassed, perhaps guilt trying to force its way into her thoughts.

Not about to allow that, I stepped up behind her once again, my hands coming around to secure her breasts, cupping them and easily feeling the press of her nipples against the palms.


"Shh," I said kissing her neck. "I'm home now...it's where I want to be...with you. And I fully intend on doing this again, every chance that I get. So don't try and convince me to do otherwise. Because mother...I can't."


I heard the soft click on her bedroom door telling me she had locked it shortly after she left the bathroom. I considered knocking, but then thought better of it. Perhaps I had indeed crossed the line, forced too much to happen too quickly. But even if I had, it was too late to do anything about it now. Sequestered with her own thoughts, all I could do now was give her the time to do that, to think things through for herself, and then abide by whatever decision she came to, whenever she finally did.

She sat upstairs in her bedroom for a good two hours while I in turn sat downstairs in the living room, the TV on, though for the life of me I didn't remember watching it. All I knew was, when she finally did open her door and came back down, she would have reached a decision about everything that had happened. All I could do now, was sit and wait.

When I finally did hear the door, I knew that moment had arrived. Hearing her descent down the stairs, I turned towards her looking up expectantly. Immediately relieved to see a smile on her face as I did, though even that didn't give anything away.

"You hungry?" She asked reaching the landing.

"Famished," I responded back, now standing. "What can I do to help?"

"How about keeping me company while I fix something?" She suggested, and then kissed me lovingly on the cheek, more like a mom would, which I took as a hint at her decision. It was then however that she actually took me by the hand and led me into the kitchen area. "Pour us a glass of wine while I fix us some dinner," she told me. "And...while we chat," she then added.

After pouring our wine, I walked over handing one to her, and then attempted to lean forward and kiss her again after I had. She turned her head however, accepting it on the cheek instead.

"Before things get too carried away here Jack, we really do need to talk."

Resigned, I walked back over to the kitchen table sitting down on the side, facing her all the while sipping my wine, though I don't recall tasting it. I waited on her without speaking as she screwed up the courage to do so.

"I still haven't been able to come to any agreement with myself about what happened," she began, as she now turned away from the stove, steeling herself perhaps and taking a sip of her wine. "But...I'm also not going to deny the fact I didn't enjoy it. Because I did."

I smiled inwardly. It was more than I expected to hear at this point, expecting to have heard otherwise, though even then she still came pretty close to that.

"But, just because I did enjoy it, doesn't mean it should ever happen again either," she told me. "I might not be able to control myself...if it did."

"So don't," I finally said in response to that. "I certainly don't want to." I was already becoming aroused again, just thinking about it. And especially looking at her as she stood there. She had obviously changed clothes, putting on what I had come to affectionately call as her "comfy" clothes. A pair of my old sweat pants, which she'd cut off into a pair of shorts. Shorts, which were almost too short, even for her. And then a lightweight, though baggy sweatshirt, which was, also mine. And I knew damn well as she stood there, she had nothing else on beneath it, save for a pair of bikini panties perhaps, though nothing more. The way her breasts fell, pressing against the material of the sweat-top told me that much. And I noticed that her eyes naturally gravitated towards my crotch as she looked at me, as though remembering what she'd once seen, held, and watched squirt as I came in her hand.She tore her eyes away from me however, once again turning back towards the stove as the water she'd put on for our pasta began boiling, giving her excuse to do so, yet still speaking to me with her back turned.

"Maybe I'm emotionally too weak to deny that I do have certain desires," she began. "Which is why I'm counting on you...asking you...to be stronger than I am."

My heart sank. I prepared myself to hear her tell me that regardless of what she obviously felt, that she was going to pointedly ask me not to tempt her, or pressure her into doing anything again. But what she said, lifted me like a rocket a moment later.

"Until I know for sure how I feel about certain things, how I can, or can't deal with it if we do...we can't actually have sex Jack, not until I've come to grips with that. Doing what we did was one thing, I know now that I enjoyed it, and look forward to doing that again with you. I can't and won't deny that. Not if we're going to be perfectly honest with one another. So at least Jack, please promise me that much. Promise me you won't pressure me into actually fucking you," she said using the one word I had never actually heard her utter before.

"I won't. I promise," I told her meaning it.

"And one more thing, though now isn't the time...perhaps tomorrow during the drive up to your Aunt Susan's. There is more I need to tell you about, more I think now we need to discuss. But...I don't want to do that now either. But as I do think we need to be totally honest with one another about certain matters, it's because of that, you need to know a little more about me. But again...be patient. I promise to tell you everything on the drive up to your Aunts. Will you do that for me Jack?"

I of course already knew what her secret was, but it would be interesting to hear her actually tell me about it. If nothing else, it would make the hour long drive pass quickly. And I had no doubt, it would indeed make for some interesting conversation as we did.

Once again I stood, walking towards her. This time she didn't turn her head away as our lips met. I kissed her deeply, mom kissing me back in kind.

"How long before dinner?"

She glanced back at the stove, the sauce on, though simmering. "Oh I don't know, another twenty, thirty minutes perhaps? I like the sauce to simmer for a while, flavor up a bit...why?"

I picked her up in my arms. She squealed once again. "Jack, put me down you crazy boy! What are you doing?"

I literally threw her over my shoulder, and then spun around taking her back out into the living room. Walking over to the couch, I then tossed her down onto it where she actually bounced, now laughing. And then I reached down, grabbing the bottoms of her cut off sweat pants, and in one fluid easy motion, yanked them down her legs.

I was wrong about one thing. She hadn't been wearing any panties either.


Before she could protest, or try to actually stop me, which she didn't, I had spread her legs, diving down between them there on the couch. Surprised at first, she quickly succumbed to my actions as my mouth quickly found her, my tongue spearing her within moments of having done that.

All she did was softly cry out my name as her hands came up to entwine themselves in my hair as I began lapping away at her already slick passage. As I did that, I likewise reached upwards, pushing away the sweat top that covered her bare breasts, knowing they were. Her nipples already hard, waiting, I began toying with them each, holding them between my fingers, gently pulling, and twisting as my tongue did spirals against her clit. I sucked her in, savoring her taste, holding her clit inside my mouth where I again allowed my tongue to flick wildly, rapidly against it. I felt her hips rotating now beneath me, her gurgles of passion making unintelligible sounds as I continued to fuck her with my tongue and lips.

"Fuck!" I moaned into her pussy. "I could eat you forever!"

"Yes Jack, yes! Eat my pussy, please eat my cunt...finger-fuck my wet slippery pussy!" She answered back, the level of her arousal escalating far beyond any inhibitions she might have had or held on to. "Lick me baby, lick my clit, suck it...finger it, lick it! Lick it! Lick it!"

She came screaming, arching her back, her cunt pressed firmly against my face as I held on, her breasts molded within my hands. I held and pinched her nipples as she did, pulling them upwards well off her breasts, jiggling them as I held them there. She went crazy with the sensation of that, likewise her clit, hard swollen and throbbing, captured between my lips as she came over, and over and over again.

She collapsed beneath me like a rag doll, spent, thoroughly drained, unmoving though her breath took forever to calm down. When she finally did, she sat up pushing me away from her for a moment, and then standing. I sat licking my lips, tasting the sweetness of her juices still covering my face.

"Don't go anywhere," she said looking back at me. "I'm going in to turn the sauce off...we'll eat it later," she said grinning. And then bare-assed naked, sauntered back into the kitchen area. She turned just before entering the room. "Oh, and while I do that? You might want to take your clothes off," she told me, and then disappeared.


I was indeed naked lying on the couch when she returned. I don't think my prick was honestly ever as hard or as stiff as it was then when she came walking back into the room. Even the look in her eyes told me that much as she faltered in her step coming towards me.

"I don't think I've seen anything more beautiful," she told me as she almost reverently knelt down on the floor by the side of the couch, her hands quickly reaching out to surround me, chasing my own hands away. Even the look in her own eyes said it all as she looked up, locking hers on mine, her tongue snaking out of her mouth to tickle and lick at the sensitive little eye-slit in the head. She squeezed it, a pearly drop of moisture bubbling out of the tip. Her tongue lapping it up, though she did so again, producing another, applying this one like lipstick against her mouth as she rubbed my dick around it, now kissing it.

"Fuck," I moaned saying the word, drawing it out, letting the word roll like a wave from my mouth. She smiled at that.

"Funny isn't it?" She asked.

"What's that?" I said half sitting up, just so I could watch her, watch my own mother holding and playing with my cock as she rubbed it against her lips.

"How the word fuck can sound so hot, so naughty, so pleasurable when it's used in just the way you've used it."

"And you," I reminded her, seeing her blush upon realizing that.

"Yes, and me too," she said sucking the head of my prick, her mouth wrapped around it as she spoke. "Fuck," Popping the head of my prick with her lips, saying it again. "Fuck, fuck...fuck!" and each time that she did, purposely popping my prick with a sweet, erotic, very obscene sound as she did so, not to mention simply saying the word fuck each time that she had.

"Fuck cunt," I then said for no apparent reason, just enjoying the sound of two particular erotic words as I spoke them. Mom giggled.

"Fuck cock. Fuck Prick."

"Fuck tits, fuck pussy, fuck ass."

"Fuck ass?"

"Yeah, fuck ass...just like I wouldn't mind fucking yours!"

"I've never actually done that," she told me, now lapping at my prick once again with her tongue, tickling it.

"You're kidding? You mean to tell me that you and..."

"No, we never did. Never really considered it, though at the time, it wasn't exactly something anyone ever really spoke about either. Not until years later at least, and then only quietly and in secret. But by then...it was sort of off the table for me."

"And now?"

"One thing at a time," mom said once again slurping up and down my cock. "Let's not be in any sort of a rush here. Bad enough I'm doing this to my own son, I'm not sure I'm quite ready yet to even consider having you sticking this thing up my ass!"

I burst out laughing. I couldn't help it. Hearing my own mother speaking so openly, so wickedly was a pure pleasured delight. But then again, so was her mouth as she all but swallowed the entire length of my prick, all but gagging on it as she did, large drools of her saliva clinging to it, connected to her lips as she pulled up before once again engulfing it with a very wet sounding gurgle.

"I want you to cum in my mouth," she then spoke moments later, her head now bobbing up and down with a steady rhythm, her hands working perfectly in conjunction with that. "I've always wanted to do this to you," she told me honestly, now admitting even that, something else I already knew. "Give it to me baby...give mommy your sperm!"

I gave her more than she could handle, more than I think I had ever actually produced before. She swallowed as much as she could, but even then, I saw the cum drool from the side of her mouth dripping and then falling against her breast. Even that was erotically hot, sensually intense as she reached down, now smearing what she hadn't licked up or swallowed into her breast. When she had fully and entirely drained me of each precious drop, only then did she once again sit up, smiling at me.

"Well, I think I've actually already had my dinner. But maybe you should eat something too," she said grinning at me.

"Like you?" I asked teasingly.

She threw her head back laughing, and then climbed up to sit on the couch, once again resting her head back against the end cushions, one leg spread resting over the headrest of the couch, the other flat upon the floor.

"Fuck dinner...eat this!" She said wantonly. So I did.


As we always had every time we'd gone up to my Aunts, we got an early start. By seven we were on the road.

Though normally only an hour long drive on the freeway, mom had never cared to take that particular route. So it was, even though I was the one driving, we took the back roads which would make a longer drive, but it was also far more of a scenic one too.

But there was another reason for taking the longer route. I knew that at some point mom wanted to tell me more about herself, things I perhaps already knew, but was anxious to hear it from her own lips anyway.

I had also noticed as we finished packing things up that mom had slipped her diaries into her travel bag. As long as I had known her, she always took her new one to write in, and then the one before that which she sometimes referred to for whatever reason. I'd watched her tuck both away, and wondered if the opportunity would ever present itself for me to get a peek at anything she had written.

Fifteen minutes into the drive we turned on to what was a two-lane highway, which would take us the rest of the way there, though again it was a much longer way to travel when taking it. At this early hour there was very little if any other traffic on the road, which then gave me an idea. Seeing that she was fidgeting as we drove, hardly speaking at all in fact so lost in thought, I knew then she was already trying to screw up the courage to talk to me. I decided to lighten the mood somewhat if I could and make it easier for her to do so. One way to do that was to try and make her horny again if I could, and I thought if I began teasing her a little, it might. Besides, I really wanted to see her tits, so I asked her to show them to me.

"Although it takes longer to get to Aunt Susan's this way, I really do prefer taking this road," I began. "It really is a beautiful drive with beautiful scenery."

"Yes it is," she said easily looking out her window.

"And having beautiful company to share it with is nice too," I then added. She turned from the window looking and smiling at me.

"Thank you Jack, I appreciate hearing that, though I'm not sure how beautiful I am at the moment," she said only then checking herself in the small little vanity mirror over the sun-visor on her side of the car.

"You're very beautiful mom, especially in that outfit," I now added easing into the real purpose behind my idea here.

She did look cute, a short pair of white shorts and a simple peasant blouse that bared her shoulders. And though she was wearing a bra, the way her breasts molded themselves against the material was very alluring.

"Thank you again," she said. "I do like this blouse."

"I do too, it shows off those beautiful breasts of yours quite nicely."

I noticed a small blush suddenly creep into her face as she once again smiled looking up into my eyes as I sat there glancing towards her.

"In fact mom, I'd enjoy seeing them."

"What here?" She said incredulously glancing out the front of the car window, though at the moment there was no other traffic on the road heading towards us.

"Especially here," I said. "It would be sexy as hell to see your boobs while we're driving," I now stated.

"I don't know Jack, what if someone were to see me? And besides, why do you want to look at these old boobs anyway?" she asked.

"For one mom, who's going to see anything on this road? And even if we do see any cars, you'll have plenty of time to slink down in the seat. Secondly, they're not old boobs, and like I said they really are beautiful, not to mention the fact they make me horny as hell just looking at them!"

She was still hesitant to do so until I reached down with my hand rubbing my crotch and thus telling her that even the thought of that was getting me hard. "See? I'm already starting to get a hard on just thinking about it!" I told her.

That seemed to do the trick as she peered over the back seat as though to ensure herself we didn't have any traffic coming up from behind us either, which we didn't.

"I can't believe I'm actually doing this," she said as she pulled her peasant blouse up over her head, now reaching back behind herself to unclasp her bra, though I reached over cupping her left breast with my hand before she could. Even that was sensual as hell. Her bra had a bit of see-thru lace over the cups, her hard extended nipples already pressing against it as I fingered one teasing it. "Just keep your eyes on the road Jack," she admonished me as I finally withdrew my hand, now allowing her to remove her bra entirely.

Now sitting back in her seat as she refastened her seat belt, even that I found erotically enticing as the strap came up between her breasts separating them even more fully. The fullness of her boobs, heavy against her chest, twin points of rock-hard firmness capping each was a delightful thing to be seeing.

"There, happy now?" She asked, though she was grinning from ear to ear as she said it. I knew then she was feeling a bit more aroused herself, doing something that she hadn't honestly ever done before. A simple enough act that had perhaps given a further boost to her own sexuality and desire, especially when she reached up and actually fingered her nipples as we drove along. "That making you horny huh?" she then asked glancing over towards me as it became obvious by the sudden bulge in my pants that it had.

"You know it," I told her only then seeing a car heading towards us as it came around a bend in the road. Mom saw it too.

"Shit!" She said suddenly slinking down in her seat long before the car drew close enough to have seen anything however.

"What?" I laughed. "No way they could have seen you mom, but it would have been interesting if they had don't you think? Though we passed one another so quickly, I seriously doubt that anyone would even realize you were sitting there with your tits out. And even if they did...they would probably wonder if you really had been, and not actually know that for sure. Kind of exciting to think about either way isn't it?"

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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