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48.04% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1970: MOM TAKES THREE STRIKES


My mother's name is Melissa; we all called her 'Missy' when we didn't call her mom. Everyone in my family had a nickname except for dad (probably because he was the one who gave them out). We were four boys and no girls. My oldest brother Phillip was called 'Bossman' - and he was. I for one always did what he told me. He doesn't really fit into this story because he moved out when dad did and I saw very little of him as I grew up. They were gone by the time I was eleven. Phillip was nine years older than I and he never slept with mom.

Johnny was 'Dragon' or 'D.Man', probably because he seemed to breathe fire when he was angry (often) and had a fierce temperament. He and dad never got along and at nineteen, he was the one mom took to her bed after dad left. I always liked him because he took me to the movies all the time told me all about the stars. I saw him kiss mom once and D.'s hand ran down over her behind. At eleven, I wasn't quite sure what was going on but I knew something was. I heard some strange explanations when I saw Johnny coming out of mom's room one morning but I learned that we didn't talk about it and we certainly didn't mention it outside the house. I got all the details seven years later.

Dragon left and got married about a year and half after dad and the Boss left. I was almost thirteen then and I was turned on to the max by his new wife Karin who was dark haired and big breasted like mom. I visited them a lot when they first got married just to look at Karin. I think she knew why I looked at her so much but she thought I was 'cute' and always had a warm smile for me.

Things got heavy and complicated when only Tango and I were left in the house with mom. It wasn't hard to see why dad had called Paul, 'Tango'. He loved music and never stopped dancing. He was thin as a rail and I don't think I ever saw him stand still. At the time I found Tango in my mother's bed, He was twenty three and she was forty three. When I saw what I saw, I was sixteen and I wished I was him.

Missy makes you look twice. She has large almond shaped eyes and that's what probably defines her look. When she's made up, her expressive face, full lips and jet-black hair (helped a little now) makes her look like an exotic princess. Even without the curves of her body, she exudes a sensuous aura. The curves are there; I was aware of them from a very young age. One of my favorite things was when she would hug me to her breasts and tell me, "You're Missy's little man."

When I got older, my fantasies always began at her breasts. I would hold them and run my fingers over them until her long nipples stiffened. I probably imagined them to be long because you could see their outline through most of her bras; my imagination turned out to be more right than wrong.

My name is Greg but I never heard anything but 'Babe' or 'Baby' when anyone in my family called me. I was the 'surprise'. After having three boys, three years running, I guess my parents decided to call it quits. Seven years later, I showed up (plans…ahh yes)

At sixteen, it was no longer a mystery what Tango and my mother were doing in the middle of the night; I wanted to see. In the years since sexual awareness had descended on me, thoughts of my mother were never percolating far from the surface. I thought she was unspeakably sexy and obviously so did Tango and the Dogman. Dad probably once did too but he decided to trade her in for a ten year younger version when he moved into his CEO position.

It still makes me laugh to think what I went through to watch them that night. I almost killed myself. Mom's bedroom is at the back of the house on the second floor. There is a skylight – enough said? I looked down and Tango was on top of her doing what he was always doing, moving. He was in her and her legs were wrapped around my brother's back. I almost came because I started moving and my cock was pressed against the roof. I waited for him to get off her so I could see her naked. When he did, it looked like she had pushed him off. He threw on his pants, said a few words to her and left. Mom sat up over her knees and her elbows covered her breasts. Her face was in her hands. I couldn't see much and I was distracted because she looked like she was crying. I found out a few days later why.

I confronted Tango when we were alone. He was the one who was the nicest to me and I could come to him when I was in trouble, but this was different. My heart was beating hard when I said, "I want to know about you and mom...I want to know what its like."

I could tell he was about to play dumb and deny it but he probably heard in my voice that I wasn't going to be bluffed so he started with, "Look Babe, it's complicated and you're too young for this now…when you get older we'll talk about it…" He started walking away. I grabbed his arm.

"Tango, I want to know now…she's my mother…and I live here too…and I heard her crying when you were in there…"

"Man…you know…she's moody…she's always crying…oh shit, all right…we sleep together sometimes…I know you know it…we have sex…but it's getting to be too much, I never know what she wants…one day she wants it then she goes off and says I'm not sincere – whatever that means, so then I can't go near her for a week…I'm tired of it and anyway she knows I have a couple of girls at work… so I told her I was going to move out soon…but you'll come visit me won't you Babe?" He gave me an affectionate slap and did a few steps as if he was boxing. I wanted to ask him what it was like to fuck our mother, actually be inside her but I knew he wouldn't answer. It didn't keep me from getting hard just thinking about it.

When Tango left, I moved into mom's bedroom and fucked her every night – in my fantasies. Actually in reality, for two years the closest I got to that was having talks with her about how I should behave with girls and what women like. Mom went out with lots of guys and most of it amounted to nothing. She always acted just like the Missy I always knew but I could never look at her and not think of Dog and Tango being inside her and why she didn't want me to do it too. I guess I built up some resentment over that one. It was a hard two years for me until they passed.

I was surprised when I heard a key in the lock at 9P.M. on a Saturday night. "Mom" I said, "Are you okay; why are you home so early?"

"Oh honey, I think I'm just going to give up...it's ridiculous…just a waste of time."

"What is Missy?"

"Going out…the whole man-woman thing…it just gets worse instead of better. I don't just mean just tonight, which was a disaster, but…I don't know…they all want to get in your pants and then when they do they haven't the slightest idea…oh I'm just rambling…forget it…if not for you baby I would think there isn't a man worth the time of day…I don't think I'll ever find someone to love this way…probably the sanest thing I could do would be just to give up sex."

"Mom, you're just forty five…somehow I don't think that's going to happen…not with your track record." She laughed.

That kind of banter between us wasn't unusual. We'd started talking her sex life – without the details of course and my sex life – which didn't have too many details.

"I have an idea" I joked, "Why don't I become your boyfriend and then you'll have a guy you can depend on and I'll have the best looker I'll ever get."

She came over and kissed my head, "You're so sweet Baby."

Of course it was a dismissive kiss, given without an inkling that I wasn't joking at all. The hard evidence of that was in my pants. The low-cut black dress had set me off, but she didn't have to wear sexy clothes to set me off. I knew what was underneath even if she wore flannel pajamas; beautiful pink tipped breasts and what I now thought of as the 'succulent' pussy that I'd seen fleetingly…the best body I could ever hope to fuck… And that's exactly what I wanted to do.

I guess because of my brothers the 'she's my mother' thing never meant anything to me and I really wanted her no matter what. At that point I was ready to translate fantasy into reality. I started planning how I would become Missy's lover; and I hoped my plans didn't turn out like most plans - a list of things that don't happen.

My first ploy was to do things with her I had never done; she didn't have many girlfriends and kept pretty much to herself. Now I said "yes" when she asked if I wanted to go to a movie on the weekend. I said "yes" to lunch with her when we both had a day off together. I even agreed to go shopping with her. I complimented her on her dress and on her looks. I once even went so far as to tell her she had great boobs. I saw her face color as she gave me a playful smack on the arm.

I became her confidant, I listened to all her problems at work and I was there when things didn't work out with her dates. Whenever she started seeing someone more than a few times, I did everything I could to sabotage it. I went out and had a good time and came home to tell her all kind of sob stories about how lonely I was and how nothing was working out for me either. (I know what you're probably thinking - it gets worse) Soon she was depending on me emotionally and I began trading on that.

It started with, longer and longer hugs, telling her how comforting she was for me and moved to 'just' a caress here or there because I found her so beautiful (at least that part was true) finally I had a long talk with her. I picked a time when I could see that she was feeling particularly down about her life; in other words, at her most vulnerable.

Basically the story I gave her was that I was distraught over my feelings for her, I wanted her and I couldn't get on with my life because of it. I told her I knew about her and my two brothers and it 'hurt me so' that she didn't love me as much as them. I laid it on pretty thick.

She said, "Oh Baby, of course I love you as much…it's probably wrong to say it but you were always the special one to me…my Baby…what happened with your brothers shouldn't have happened but with D. it was only a few times. Baby I was so distraught over your father leaving me for a younger woman and that was just my way of getting back at him, even though it was the wrong way. And after a few years I just wanted love so badly but it didn't work out with Tango because he wanted other things. Oh Babe, I love you…but how can I…not with you too…?"

I kept the pressure on her using guilt, love, need, and any other straw I could grasp. Missy, being the loving, sympathetic person she was, after considerable 'back and forth', agreed to 'comfort' me.

We were sitting at the table and I brought my chair by her and began kissing her. A few minutes after out tongues began playing she said, "If we're going to do this thing Baby, let's do it right. Give me a few minutes and then let's get this out of your system once and for all. I'm afraid, baby boy, that your old momma isn't quite what you've made her out to be in your fantasies, but here's your chance to find out. After tonight I know you're going to go out and find a girl that can make you happy. Missy disappeared into her bedroom.

When I went in, she was sitting on the bed absolutely naked in a half-lotus. Her cleanly shaved pussy glistened in full view. She was rubbing lubricant on her fingers and smiling. She said, "At forty five, I'm afraid I'm not as wet as I used to be at twenty; and with that thing…" She smiled and nodded toward my cock. "Come here Baby."

I said, "What do you mean, mom?"

"Don't play 'cute' with me" she smiled, "I've seen that bulge enough times to know what you have there." I went up to her and she undid my pants pulling them down. I kicked them off and my mother closed her fist around my width lightly coating the length of my shaft. There was a hint of lemon in the air. After two or three strokes, she stopped. Under any other circumstances that act alone could have kept me going with fantasies for a month but these weren't ordinary circumstances; I was about to fuck Missy.

I bent to kiss her and I was a bit ashamed because the kiss from her was so loving, and giving, and sweet. It didn't stop me but it did slow me down. I didn't grab and pounce as I had imagined because she sat me down next to her and tasted my lips and mouth, using her tongue to explore and tease. Her hand went under my shirt and ran over my chest stopping at the nipples to play. She lifted off my shirt and suckled, giving me a tingle.

Her dark hair was up and the silver hoops in her ears set off her nakedness. Her well-rounded breasts sat surprisingly high on her chest for a forty-five year old and the uninterrupted color of her skin from her face down to her toes was beautiful. It was probably the most erotic sight I had ever seen. As we kissed, I fondled her breasts while still managing to run my hands over every inch of her. She made small sounds in my mouth.

My cock was straining and she laid her hand on it, hardly moving. I stretched my mom's erect nipple between my fingers and then cupped the heavy breast raising it to my encircling lips as she began to writhe. I sucked on it and moved the hardened nipple around with my tongue. Missy sounded like she was enjoying it.

My cock seemed to move of its own volition as it sought my mother's massage. She smiled at me and said I was 'lovely down there'. If I wasn't crazy enough by then, that did it. I moved to get on top of her to get what I came for but she slipped out before I could get my cock into her. She turned me on my back and as I reclined she said, "Soon Baby, soon."

She used her tongue all over me. She started at my feet and worked her way up to my eyes never touching my cock. When she was through she went to my center. She started with her tongue under my balls and licked and pressed using the tip to tease its way along my shaft. She reached the tip with her tongue and took the pre-cum that had appeared into her mouth. When I thought it was as close to torture as it could be, she finally took the head into her mouth. I must have let out a noise of relief because my mother gave a little laugh with my cock still in her mouth. She held the shaft and sucked the top. I knew that if she would have rubbed up and down even once I would have shot into her mouth but I guess she knew that too.

She released my cock and then she straddled me, walking on her knees to bring her pussy to my face. I took her in my mouth and saw her close her eyes in satisfaction. I teased the flower of my mother's pussy to open for me. More than once she had told me about how little most men knew about the female anatomy. I had memorized the map and worked my tongue lovingly across the territory, finally reaching under her hood to the swelling button of her clit.

I gently pressed and prodded, circling and licking the engorged nub as she said, "Yes Baby…yes…there…there…" She let out a high pitched squeal and I could feel her shudder through my hands that rested in the small of her back as she came. She looked at me with a bit of surprise and said, "Ooh that was quick…I didn't expect to come that fast…or that good." I looked into a smile I had never seen on my mother's flushed face before.

She flipped off me and was on her back with her legs opened when she said, "Okay honey; now come put your love into your mamma." I didn't need an engraved invitation. I brought my cock up the entrance of her pussy and she took it in hand. It went from hard to steel.

I penetrated my mother's pussy and I slid into juice that wasn't artificial lubrication; she was wet. It made me feel wonderful to think that my Missy was wet for me. I pushed my cock deeper into her hole and she said, "Mmmm…I didn't know if I could do this for you…but I'm glad baby…it's good to have you inside me…you feel so right for me…oh yes…do that… deep into your mamma…fill me sweetheart…" Looking at my mother's pussy lips move over my cock as I pressed in deeper was one of the sweetest things I had ever seen. I reached to the end of her channel and ground my hips until I heard a little screech from her. When I closed my eyes, I had to keep telling myself that I was actually inside my mother's pussy to keep from thinking it was just another fantasy.

I gave her long strokes that traveled the whole length of both of us. Her noises were exciting me more than seemed possible. Even when I had fantasized about fucking her, I didn't imagine her enjoying it as much as she was. My cock was up inside my mother's wet cunt and she wasn't just letting me fuck her, she was loving the fucking I was giving her. That thought was enough to make me come. Just as I heard her sounds get urgent, I lost control. I pumped repeatedly into her and let a torrent of cum fill her pussy. She held me for a long time.

My sleep that night, instead of exhausted tranquility, was torn by a disturbing dream; Tango came back and he wanted mom again. She said that the only way to settle it would be for us both to have her. Mom was on top of me in the dream. I was in her pussy and then Tango put his dick in her ass. His cock was very long and slim and when he pumped her she told him he was the best and how much she missed having him do her. Stupid as it sounds; I woke up pissed off at her until she finally got me to tell her what I was upset about.

She said, "Listen to me Baby, you can't drive yourself crazy about the past; it happened but it's done…I love your brothers but this is different…God I hope it's different because…Baby, you're the one I want…the one I want to be with…the one I want loving me." Her hand was in my pants before I could think and soon there was very little thinking going on.

During the next three days, I had more sex than I had had in the three years since I had become sexually active. I fucked her by every whim that struck me. It was a marathon I thought would never end. On the fourth morning, I got up late and came into the kitchen in my briefs. Missy was dressed and just about ready to leave for work. She looked sexy in the dark suit and stockings. I was feeling cocky and hot. Without even acknowledging the wonders of the night before or even a "good morning" I said, "How about a suck before you leave?" She looked at me strangely but I wasn't thinking or paying attention. She came to me and sucked me.

That night, even tough the subtle changes in her attitude over the past few days had registered at some level, I chose to ignore them. We were in bed and I had her pussy once. After about fifteen minutes, I got an urge and said, "Turn over mom, I think I'll fuck you in the ass." She sat up and a hard look covered her face.

"I think you won't" she seethed as she slapped me across the face as hard as I've ever been hit. I was stopped in shock. I had never seen her raise her hand in my whole life. I mumbled something to the effect that we didn't have to if she didn't want to and she said, "You don't understand shit do you…DO YOU?" Tears started rolling down her face. At that point she was absolutely right; I didn't understand shit.

It took a few days until civility returned to the house despite my apologies, which fell on deaf ears – mostly because I really didn't know what I was apologizing for. When I got up enough courage and stupidity to put my hand on her, I got that look again and she said, "Listen up, I am NEVER having sex with you again…or anyone else for that matter."

It was weeks before an inkling of what had happened dawned on me. As the days went by, my thoughts kept turning to all the mundane things that had made up our lives. "It would be nice if Missy was home to talk to; it would be nice if we could watch a video together." Hell, I even wanted to go shopping with her. My most recurrent thought became, "Fuck me; what an asshole I am." I had used her like they had used her; I had screwed her and I never realized what she was trying to give me. Sex is great but after you come, it's over; love is there forever. My mother was trying to give me forever.Now I knew what to apologize for and I knew what I really wanted. I loved her, and I wanted for us to love each other. (Okay, okay, I wanted the sex too.) We talked about it for days and when she saw my sincerity, she forgave me but…the most I was getting was a kiss and a hug.

It was strange but it was okay. I told her "Mom, I'm giving it up too." She looked at me uncomprehendingly. "That right mom, I'm giving up sex because if I can't have it with you, I don't want it from anyone else. I'd rather be with you this way than not at all…it's okay…because I love you mom." She gave me a beautiful kiss and "no" we didn't have sex…then.

We went for four months (Which seemed like forty years) without sex. I watched her breasts and legs and ass get more desirable each day without a remark or touch. I loved her; I meant it and she came to know it. When 'The Trial,' as I came to call it, was over, we were sitting in a park just looking out at the lake and my mother simply said, "It's time Baby; let's go home." She kissed me with promises.

We went home and made some noise. I never regretted waiting because it made what came after, lastingly precious and intense. As soon as we got into the house mom unzipped me. She went down on her knees and I watched my cock disappear into her saliva filled mouth.

It was slow and deliberate as my mother's wet tongue painted from underneath my balls to the tip, slathering the shaft as she went. She almost swallowed the knob in her attempt to take me down. The pulsing suction on the helmet sensitized the shaft to its base. She moved her head slowly and the softness inside her mouth massaged my cock. The combination of being sucked that way and the fact that it was my mother who was doing the sucking took me to a fever pitch. I reveled in it until I knew I would have to pull out of her mouth or come. I wanted more of her before I came so I urged her up and took her in my arms. I looked into the face of love and kissed her with passion and longing; I'd found a lost treasure.

I lifted her skirt and exposed the creamy thighs that showed above the dark stockings. When her panties were off, she took my hand and placed it over globes of her ass. She said, "I think we have some unfinished business my love."

I pressed a finger against the tender pucker and said, "Yes mom…I know…I know."

We were discarding the rest of our clothes as we started up to the bedroom and never actually made it. As she walked up the stairs, I put my hand between her legs and held her pussy, rubbing her wet center and pushing my fingers in and out of her. She stopped and put her hands on the stairs while opening herself to me. She said, "Yes Baby…make mamma's pussy cream…do it honey…do it."

I sank my cock in her wet hole and drove it in. I held her beautiful tit in my hand and rubbed across her stiffened nipple as my shaft was held in the loving grasp of my mother's pussy. I said, "I love you mom…I love being with you…I love being in you... I want you for everything…is that what you want mom?"

"Yes love, it's what I want too…I want to love you and feel you loving me like this…showing me your love…feeling your cock in me like this…filling me…fucking me…loving me…" I took my wet cock out of her and spread her ass. I loved the sight of my mother's two beautiful pinkish openings. I put my finger against the smaller one and pushed past the ring with a short firm push. My mother let out a loud, "OH" and then said, "Yes baby…yes…inside…everywhere inside me…" One long firm push and my cock was inside my mother. I wanted to stay there forever. Her flesh was wrapped around my flesh and every movement sent signals of pleasure throughout our bodies; each stroke of mine that filled her opening connected us, drawing us toward one beating heart.

I pushed to the end and just held my cock deep inside her and said, "Do you know that I love you mom…do you know it now…can you feel it when I fuck you mom?" My cock was on fire as I stuffed her with it.

"Yes baby…I know it …I feel it…I feel it…yes love…yes…and your mother loves you…with everything I have…all of me…for you Baby…to have, and to fuck, and to love…oh sweetheart…it's so hard in me Baby…so hard and so hot and so good…keep loving me and fucking me…keep fucking me…keep…oh…oh…fill me with your cum Baby… fill me…fill me now…fill your mamma…OH…I'm coming love…I'm coming…" My mother came and the spasms of her pussy were quickly followed by the first thrust that began filling her with my cum, and with my love. With each succeeding push up into her center I released more thick juice to commingle with her own.

That night, we made love to make up for all the lost time. When I looked at my mother's naked sleeping body, it wasn't with desire; it was with an overwhelming need. I had to wake her; I had to fuck her, I had to love her. Each intertwining and each joining connected us past the physical. At one point as I reached out for her she laughed, "You can't want me again…?" My hard cock assured her that I did. Neither of us got enough until we both fell into an exhausted morning sleep.

We awoke to the sweetest of mornings. We kissed for an hour before getting out of bed. I touched her pussy once and she laughed as she jumped because it was so sore. That day was the longest 'high' I'd ever been on. We spent every minute of that day together. When we walked, Missy's body aligned with mine; from her shoulder to her hip she leaned against me and we stepped together in perfect rhythm. We shopped for groceries to make dinner together.

By nightfall I was hungry for her. Missy went to bathe but I didn't want to be away from her; I sat by the tub as she languished in the warm water. Her skin glistened with the light reflecting from the bath. Her breasts appeared even fuller and rounder in their slightly buoyant state. I reached for one and fondled the warm flesh as her legs responsively opened. Her hand seemed to go almost involuntarily between her legs as I pulled on the pinkened nipple. She gently moved two fingers down over the hooded clit and along her slitted opening. I cupped her tit and began massaging as her fingers entered her hole.

I came near to her face and kissed around her ear and whispered, "Put your finger in your ass." She obeyed with a sigh as she found the small opening after raising her knees. My tongue played in her ear as I told her "You can't know how much I love you…sweet Missy…sweet mom." I could see her wrist pressing and moving on her clit as her finger explored along the channel of her ass. I urged her in whispers, "Come for me baby…you're my 'Baby' now too…come for your love…"

I reached down, took her hand and placed it over her clit. I replaced the finger in her ass with my own and said, "Come for me…let me feel you come…come beautiful Missy…"

"Yes love…yes…you make me come…when you're inside my pussy…or your tongue is on my clit…or your finger… deep in my ass…yes love…ohhhhhh…" She held the word as a long exhaled cry while the water rippled in response to her shuddering orgasm. I kissed her face that was beaded with moisture and ended on her wet lips, licking and sucking them until her hand reached behind my head to press me into an insistent kiss that she didn't want to leave. When she broke the kiss, I saw her eyes fill and she said, "I don't deserve you." I told her she was crazy because I was the lucky one.

I was happy. I went to work happy and I came home happy. I wasn't totally naïve; I knew that down the road something usually lurked, slouching, waiting, and I knew enough not to go out looking for it. When it came, I wasn't ready.

Dragon had asked me to water his plants and feed the cats while he was away with Karin on a trip. I was finishing up and started looking at the titles of his perfectly arranged videos when I noticed three of them a bit forward from the others. I pushed at them to even the line but they wouldn't move. I reached behind and there was one marked lightly in pencil, "Missy". Only Dragon's obsession for order would have made him write that instead of "Gone with the Wind" or #272.

My heart raced, and what chance did I have not to watch it? I put it on and the first thing that appeared was a close-up of mom with dragon's cock in her mouth. I knew this had to be before me but I was still jealous - and excited. Missy was seated, sucking him and cupping his balls as he pulled on her tits. It lasted only a minute or so and then there was a cut and the scene shifted.

Dragon and Karin were laughing as they sixty-nined. I didn't want to watch and fast forwarded until another cut appeared. Missy was now on a bed with her legs held high and apart; the lighting was different from the first one with her. Dragon was holding Missy's ankles and fucking her. I was frozen in fascination and caught by the intensity of their voices. Dragon said, "Oh Missy… I need you so much…I need this so much…you're the only good thing in my life…"

I heard her answer, "I'm here for you Johnny…I'm here…momma's here." As I watched them fuck my eye caught something at the corner of the frame. A part of a nightstand showed and on it was statue of a black bird. It was the replica of the Maltese Falcon that I had given Dragon for his birthday only a month before. I broke out in a sweat and they continued fucking.

With every stab of Dragon's cock into my mother's pussy she was calling out, "Johnny…Johnny…Johnny…with every stab of Dragon's cock into my mother's pussy, a knife went into my heart. I shut off the video as a wave of nausea struck and I went up to the bedroom, hoping I was hallucinating. FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, there it was; the damned black bird on the nightstand. I found where he had the camera hidden and I threw it so hard to the floor it bounced into three pieces.

I wondered what I would have done if either of them had been within striking distance. I still wanted to think of myself as rational, and after calming I decided that I couldn't hurt either of them no matter what they had done. I thought, "I guess I can't force her to love me…and I had no right to expect it." It gave me a moment of peace and profound sadness.

I took the video with me to confront my mother. She was out; waiting for that hour was hell. I paced, fumed, and resigned myself as I formulated my accusations and diatribe. I had every word planned out but when she came in, the only thing that escaped my choking throat was, "How could you…how could you?" After many exhortations I finally told her what I knew.

My mother's face turned ashen and then she reached for me and said, "Oh Baby…oh Baby…it's not what you think…" I pulled away and started screaming at her as a torrent of tears and a wail passed through the hands that attempted to cover her face and mouth.

"Not what I think…not what I think…I don't think… I watched you fucking him…I watched you blowing him…you fucking whore…you…" I sat down defeated after the last of my exploding expletives stopped resounding off the walls.

Then my mother's tear choked words came in fits and starts, "Oh Baby…I love you…I'm so sorry you found out…I would never want to hurt you…but Johnny was in such pain…you don't know what he's been going through…Karin doesn't love him…she won't even have sex with him…he's been calling me and telling me how unhappy he is…and how much he needs me…he's my son too Baby and I felt so bad for him…He begged me come over and I did…only once…he begged me…he needed me…I did it but afterwards I told him…I told him it was a mistake…I couldn't love him that way ever again…because I love you…I love you…oh Baby, I'm so sorry…so sorry…"

I believed her. I showed her the scene of Dragon and Karin and she was angry at how he had used her; she was crying. I believed her and I held her. I believed her and I made love to her.

I undressed her as she cried softy. I touched her as I took her to our bed. I stroked her and opened her legs as she whimpered. I licked her pussy as her unending apologies to me streamed. I took her clit into my mouth and she calmed, and she came. I held her.

We each confronted Dragon separately and over the coming months we were both convinced that he was sincerely sorry for what he called his 'thoughtless and selfish' actions. Even when you love someone, it isn't easy. It took months of talking and loving before we had put it in the place called 'behind us'.

That was all a while ago and last night we celebrated our first year together in our new place. We celebrated in the way we always have, with wine and love. We planned to celebrate by going out; we ended up celebrating by staying in.

We had our first toast and sitting across the table from her, I was struck all over again at how beautiful her smile was and how fortunate I was. I marveled at the body that filled out the dress she wore; the inviting full breasts over her still slim waist. I surveyed her long legs and thighs in nylons that caught the light playing over the curves of her calves…and that gentle smile…always that loving, gentle smile.

I walked behind her and kissed her neck resting my hand across as much of both breasts as I could. Even under the coarse cotton, the give under my pressing hand revealed the smooth softness beneath. I kissed her cheeks and could feel her face widen into that intoxicating smile. I began unbuttoning the dress and we both knew we would be in for the night. She turned and looked up into my face and said with almost pained seriousness, "I'm so glad you still want me."

I felt my throat tighten as I told her how much I loved her. I unhooked her bra and took the dress off her shoulders. I looked over the top of her bare breasts and saw her nipples stiffen to my touch. I ran my palm over each and heard a smiling "Mmmmmm…." in response. She said, "I like when you touch me like that love."

I said, "Come with me honey" and took her hand. She stepped out of her dress and we walked to our bedroom. Seeing her bare-breasted in stockings and heels was almost enough to make me come. We stood and kissed slowly as we sought the familiar places our hands liked to go to; her hands rested on my ass as mine fondled the big tits I could never get enough of. Her tongue never stopped moving in my mouth whenever we kissed and it always excited me.

I took her panties down and she undressed me while she told me, "I want you inside me Baby…deep in me…like only you can be..." She came to my ear and whispered, "…fucking me…fucking me…" I held her pussy in my palm as she spoke; I felt her wetness…and she felt my hardness.

I kneeled a bit and she helped my cock find her hole. She wrapped her legs around me as I lifted her onto my shaft. My hands under her ass steadied her as she locked onto my mouth. I liked the feel of her nylons on my skin. I bounced her some and she laughed into my mouth as we fell over onto the bed. She unlocked her ankles to give me deeper access into her pussy.

With my shaft engulfed in my mother, I wondered at how new it always felt when I was inside her. I had been in her so many times and yet that first deep plunge was always surprising…electrifying. I was deliberate with the long, slow, deep strokes that ran my shaft along the grasping walls of her channel. I kept up that pace until she asked for more. I gave her more and then more until I felt us both driving to the edge. I stopped deep inside her while I licked her lips and kissed her mouth, trying to keep her moving hips from making us both come. When I felt I could, I started again.

There are only so many times you can do that without being triggered to come. The need overwhelmed me when I felt my mother stiffen in anticipation of her orgasm. She raised her hips forcing my cock to her limit. It was more a cry than a moan that escaped her lips as my first stream released into her welcoming hole. "Yes Baby…yes…" she said in a deep guttural whisper, "…my best Baby…for your momma…do it for your momma…in my pussy…I love you in me…coming in me…I love this…oh love…oh…"

There is no better feeling than fucking my mother and there is no sweeter sound than her enjoying it. As my cum poured into her, I opened my eyes to watch the pleasure on her face and the sight of a mother lovingly accepting her son into her pussy. Her legs wrapped around me and held me tightly; her arms wrapped around me and held me tightly. My mother's love wrapped around me and held me tight.

I marveled at how lucky I was to be loved by Missy and I still marvel, every day. And we were lucky that sometimes three strikes doesn't mean you're out…We gave it another chance and now we're both safe…and home.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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