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41.02% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1682: MIRROR

Chapitre 1682: MIRROR

Our story begins in a rural community in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. As a boy growing up Josh lived close to the seashore. By the time he was seven he could swim proficiently and for a birthday present that year his parents gave him a small fifteen foot boat that he could row around in.

Josh himself was a thin child growing up and not till his sixteenth birthday did he start to stretch out. By the time he was eighteen he weighed about one hundred-twenty pounds and was six feet tall.

Josh had two beautiful 20 year old sisters to look at with their beautiful blond hair same measurement 36,24,35 and about 5'8" about 120 pounds. They were identical twins to look at and they seem to like the same things do the same things and their opinions were similar, "Christ" Josh thought "they even think alike."

Both these girls took martial arts training and for their practice dummy, there was always their younger brother, Josh. Over the years Josh had more bruised ribs, legs and arms. You would swear he was the clumsiest kid on the planet. At least that's what they told our parents.

They thought it was funny to embarrass Josh daily. In his early teens as he was blond like his sisters he was forced to let his hair grow and they would style it and play dress up with him. Many a weekend when their parents were away on business Josh was dressed as a girl.

Embarrassing enough for them to do it to them but then they would have their friends over to add to the humiliation.

It was common place for them to do some martial art stunt on him. forcing him to say,"Uncle." It was also a normal thing, for ether of then to slap him across the face and order Josh to do some chore. He knew better than to refuse as it would only lead to more hurt and a stronger punishment later.

Josh's sisters, Jen and Judy were amongst the most popular in school and other students were always trying to win their favor.

It was an easy for students to get in with the so called, in crowd. You guessed it, pick on the weakling brother. He was the nerd, the geek, and the one person in the school that Jen and Judy did not like. Doing a dirty trick to Josh was a sure way of getting in with Judy and Jen.

These students, both boys and girls would turn around and pick on Josh. Josh knew intimately, almost every garbage can in the school. He was either dumped into it or had it dumped on him. There was hardly a day went by, when he did not have to take a shower when he got home, as he smelt like that trash they would dump him in.

To get away from all this, he was constantly going out rowing his boat. This at least developed his muscles. It was also his paradise. There were many vacant islands out in the bigger bay. These were places where Josh could be the ruler, the king, the pirate or whatever he could dream of, he could be it.

As Josh got older and started doing chores and other things like mowing lawns. His sisters wanting his money and they would gang up on him and force him to hand it over.

He vowed one day he would get the upper hand on these two bitches. He wanted to fuck them, well more like rape them. Many a night he would dream of just that, waking up all sticky as he had cum, through the night.

Josh soon figured out a plan to foil his sisters and be able to keep his hard earned money. He figured his two not so intellectual sisters would not know a library tag, if they seen one.

He would go every Friday and get different mechanical magazines which he enjoyed reading anyway but its main purpose was to find a spot where his money was spent.

These two girls would not be caught dead in such a place as a library because it was not the in thing to do. Therefore they had no idea how the system worked.

When he finished his chores Saturday, sure enough they demanded his money. He told them, "I bought magazines instead," and showed them.

Judy and Jen were wild. Josh received, a few slaps, was pantsed and a given a few whacks on his bare ass but he had his money.

Josh now was able to save his hard earned money and within a year he had bought the motor for his boat.

Everybody seems to find at least one best friend and Josh was no exception.

Josh's friend Fred was an only child and very shy. He slipped under the radar at school. He stayed clear of Josh during school hours for fear of being picked on to, just by association.

Fred however, loved the water and exploring same as Josh did. They both enjoyed doing the class projects and learning.

Fred and Josh in the evenings used to practice sparing and some wrestle moves. Many of these moves allowed both boys to accidently on purpose get the feel the others cock and balls. Even though they were did not think they were gay, they also never had a girl and really didn't see many cocks. This activity was a good way of feeling what the other guy had, so he could compare it to his own.

Anyway, all this sparing and wrestling helped in developing their bodies. Josh was confident he could easily take on one of the bitches but still not strong enough for two of them.

Josh was however, now strong enough to hold my own against any one guy that would come up against him. Although he deplored fighting he was sick and tired of being used.

Josh became very introverted, not wanting to get close to anyone because it only hurt, when they turned around and made a fool of him and for no other reason, than to get them in with my hated sisters.

Fred and I used to spend most weekends together. He was so shy, that he was scared of girls and really just was not social person. He didn't go to parties he really didn't want to be around a lot of people.

Fred and I used to go out in the boat. One of our favorite past times, was to go out into the big bay. There were lots of small uninhabited islands and we pretty much knew them all off by heart since we have been there so many times since our early teens. If Fred couldn't go I would go myself, I just found it so peaceful out on the water.

One night in early July, the whole community seems to be awoken by this large bang in the sky. As I stepped outside, you could see lights come one in other houses around our area. We looked up searched the sky with our eyes and saw nothing. I thought, "Maybe the military went through the sound barrier or something because that is the kind of sound that I heard."

The next day I finished up mowing. Fred and Josh used to work together now. While I was mowing he was doing the trimming and edging. We split what we made a course most of it ends up being paid out again for gas for the boat.

We would go out fishing and sometimes what we caught, like cod or a big haddock was great because we were able to sell it. That would pay for gas for a month. We went out that day after the big bang and the fishing was poor. We never even caught a small fish which was very strange we usually always catch fish or something even if it was just a flounder.

We stopped off at one of the islands, where we knew it had a nice cold freshwater stream. This island had the greatest drinking water and had sandy beaches all around it. We landed on the beach and got our much needed drinks of water. One of our favorite things to do, was walk around the Island, stay on the beach. We would go in opposite directions to see what might've washed up on the shore.

The days of us thinking of finding Pirates treasure, have long since gone but we still like to walk the shore, finding different pieces of wood or something of some interest.


This day Fred went to the right Josh went to the left and Josh was almost halfway around the island when He noticed a hole in the sand.

That was strange because we have visited these islands hundreds of time and Josh has never seen a whole like this. Josh looked at this hole, which was probably seven feet across and as he got close to it, was down a good four feet.

Josh thought, "Somebody else might have dug a hole for clams or something" but there was no extra sand on the sides. I thought "This is really weird what could make such a thing and why?" I looked around seeing nothing else, jumped down in the hole. As I step towards the center and felt something hard under my feet.

It was much harder than what the Sand was. I bent down on his knees and scoop the Sand away and here was a foot by foot piece of glass as he cleared it away it was a mirror.

Josh thought,"It was like no mirror he had ever seen," but that was his best description of it. Cool to look at it gave me a warm feeling all over and then it turned cold. He laid the glass out of the hole and went back searching in the hole and found over a dozen more pieces they were small and each piece could fit in the palm of my hand. Josh felt the warmth as soon as he picked them up and a tingling feeling in his hand as if somehow these pieces belong to him.

Fred was waiting on the other side of the island, as we were supposed to meet in the middle.

Fred got tired of waiting and continued walking around till he seen me in the hole up ahead.

I kept digging and found one more piece. As a matter of fact I was holding it as Fred came up to where I was. I said, "Look what I found," and he looked into my hand and he couldn't look away. My hand felt warm and I got that tingling feeling in my head again. Fred had a blank look on his face and was just staring at the piece of mirror in my hand. "What do you think Fred?" Fred said in a monotone voice, "it is beautiful Master."

I looked at Fred as if he were playing a game. "Ok," I thought, "If he wants to play I will fix his wagon quick."

"So Fred, I am your Master, "Josh said. "Yes Master." Josh said, "Ok strip." Fred just stands there. Josh said," see I knew it was a game but Fred just stood there looking at the mirror."

Josh said, "Game over Fred you didn't strip." "You did not ask me to master."

Josh thought and then, "He thinks it's like Simon says" so he said, "Fred strip"

Fred immediately stripped and his cock and balls exposed for me to see, for the first time in his life. Fred maintains that blank look at the mirror. Josh is beside himself no way would his friend ever strip in front of him. He must be playing a game.

Josh said, "Fred, jerk yourself hard," "Yes Master, and Fred put his hand around his cock and pumps his cock hard.

A few moments later Fred is hard looks like 7 inches. It was kind of hard to tell with Fred jerking it.

Josh said, "Stop jerking it, and only pump it enough to keep it hard." Fred keeps jerking and does not respond to Josh's order. "Fuck" Josh said and he repeats the order with his name, "Fred, stop jerking it, and only pump it enough to keep it hard.""Yes Master," and drops his hand away.

Josh said, "Drop to your knees," and Fred don't move so Josh said, "Fred drop to your knees." and he does. Josh reaches from the hole he is in and feels Fred's cock and pumps it a few times. "Fred you like that," "Yes Master."

Josh thought to himself, "There is no way this is a game. His friend would never expose himself let alone let me jerk him. What is going on? What is different?"

"Fred, how long are you my slave?" "I am yours for as long as you want me." "If I say you're my slave till school starts is that ok Fred?" "Yes Master then I would be your slave till school started." "Why would you do this Fred?" "Master I would do it because you told me to look at the mirror. Any instructions I am given while looking at the mirror are permanent or as long as you set the parameters like a length of time."

Josh said, "If I told you to suck my cock would you Fred." "Yes Master I must do that as your slave." "Would you Fred, as a slave in your mind, know what you were doing?" "Yes Master" "If you're unhappy about doing it can you express it, Fred?" "Yes Master but I can only express it if you allow it".

Josh said, "Fred, can I turn that ability on and off?" "Yes Master you can do whatever you want all instructions are permanent while looking at the mirror."

Josh said, "If I make you my slave then not looking at the mirror tell you to express your feelings are you compelled to do so and can I stop you at any time" "Yes Master, I would be your slave, you are the Master in all things for the duration, whether it be a day, year or life time."

"Fred by having you look at the mirror can I lengthen or shorten the time?"

"Yes Master whatever you want and you don't need the mirror if I am still your slave." "Fred when and if you are released will you know what happen to you?" "Yes Master if you say to and no sir if you say not to." "Fred, how about selective things?" "Yes Master, your control is absolute; I can or cannot remember, as you command."

Josh said, "Fred Can I have you act normal when we are not alone?" "Yes Master and I can be normal not knowing I am a slave or be normal knowing I am a slave but cannot say anything if you say not to."

"Fred can a slave ever hurt a master?" "Yes Master unless the slave is told not to."

Chapter 3

Well Josh thought to himself, "I can make him my slave for experimentation, then release him and my friend will never know." Fred just looked blankly into the mirror.

Josh said, "Fred you are my slave forever until I release you. You can not hurt me drug me or allow anyone else to do it for you. You must warn and protect me; if you know or hear of anything do you understand?"

"Yes master."

"I always wanted to try this but was scared," thinking to himself. I moved my lips up and covered Fred's cock and sucked it and tongued his knob. I did this for about 5 minutes and Fred cum in my mouth. It had quite a salty taste to it but not undesirable and then I swallowed it all. I did my first blow job.

Josh then put the piece of mirror in his pocket. Fred looked up and looked bewildered and said, "Master what happened?"

I said, "Remember Fred." "I am naked" "Yes you are," I said.

"You gave me a blow job, are you a queer or what?" Fred tried covering his parts with his hands.

Josh said did I not tell you to keep your cock hard. "Yes master," and he started pumping his cock, "you bastard you can't do this to me," as he keeps jerking his cock making it hard.

"You got a nice size cock I like looking at that so whenever possible you will show me your cock." I reached over and played with his balls as he jerked himself hard. "Remember what I told you, Fred" "Yes Master" and he took his hand off his cock now hard.

"How long is your cock Fred?" "It is seven and one half inches long Master." "Now Fred my slave, come down here and pull my pants down and worship my cock kiss and lick every part of it and no hands on my cock." Fred complies and on the way down he said, "I am not gay you prick, you may like sucking cock but I got no interest."

Fred worked on my cock wow it felt different first blow job and tongue as he tongued the sides of my cock it came hard to its seven inches. Fred put his mouth over my cock and started to suck it he put it all the way to the back of his throat but I had two inches left. I told him, "to take it all. "He shoved harder and he was gagging he backed off. I said, "Fred, you keep doing it till you have it in your throat." "Mympp mympp," Fred said.

Fred tried about 20 times then somehow he figured it out and had my cock in his throat I came almost immediately putting two shot down his throat then I pulled almost out give him 2 shots in his mouth then pulled out and give him the rest on his face. I told him, "to hold my nice cum in his mouth."

I had him stand I took both our cocks in one hand and jerked us both facing each other I had just cum so he was hard quicker.

Fred cum and he shot all over my stomach and my cock so I told Fred, "Swallow my nice cum and to clean up my stomach and cock with your tongue, no hands." He fell to his knees and now was eating his own cum. When he was finished he said, "You bastard I didn't like that I am not a faggot." "Fred Have you ever been with a girl." He hung his head and said, "No Master." "See Fred, where this is going," I said

"Yes Master," "So Fred, I ask you what are you? Answer or you can suck me off again." "I am your faggot Master." "Good and when were alone you will want to suck me off and display your hard cock."

"Now Fred, leave your clothes here and go find me a piece of cloth to wrap my mirror's in. I have two sisters that are dying to look at them and believe me you are not going to be a faggot to long you will be bisexual before this week is out." "Oh Master thank you."

"Fred, you make sure when you go and come I see that cute little ass and a swinging dick or I will fuck you up the ass today." Fred was back in about ten minutes with an old piece of nylon tent. He walked toward the hole he made sure to keep his cock swing hitting his legs as he walked. "Master I found this and your cock looks like it needs sucking again." "Not now we have some work to do."

I wrapped the mirror up and the broken pieces in the cloth. I had Fred fill in the hole as best that he could, I did not want people getting nosy. It was fun watching his dick swing as he worked and my special cum dried on his face. I put his clothes in the boat and the mirror. I went back to the somewhat filled in creator, he was exhausted. It was a warm day we went and both got drinks.

"I need a piss take my cock out and hold it," he did not respond. I said, "Fuck this was going to be a pain. "Fred I need a piss take my cock out and hold it." He did and I pissed with him pointing it he even started shaking it around making my piss make letters in the sand as Fred laughed. I looked it spelled prick I grab his cock and said, "Fred, piss." He said, "I don't need to." "Then drink, Fred," as I held his balls, "Fred, you well drink till you need to piss," After five minutes he said, "He could pee," I took his cock and spelled faggot with his piss. "Fred from now on I don't have to use your name in a command ." "Yes master." "Now walk down to the boat," as I held his cock till he got in he reached for his shorts I told him, "Faggots don't wear clothes till their Master tells them and the longer you are not in clothes the more you want to suck my cock." We entered the inner bay and I told him, "Put you're shorts on."

Fred said, "I want to suck you off Master." Fred was supporting a major hard on. We docked the boat and he carried the mirror so he could hide is hard on as we walked up the road. We got to my house went up to my room and I put the mirror in my junk draw. I covered it with some magazines that I cum on so stains were showing that would keep nosy eyes away. I then pulled my cock out and Fred was on it in a second, "thanking me for letting him suck me off." It did not take me long to cum, just a few minutes. "Man I can get used to this," I thought.

About that time I heard the front door. It was Jen she was home from tennis practice. I pulled the piece of mirror that I used on Fred. It was finally time to have my revenge. I can't remember being this excited. It surpassed even the blow jobs I got and gave. I walked up to her as she was heading to the shower I ran over to her said, "look what I found."

Jen looked at it and said, "So what big deal, get lost twerp and back handed me and said. "Do you want to be pantsed again?" I went back to my room showed Fred he went into a trance, "Fuck," I said, so I pulled out another piece showed that to Fred. He said, "That is a pretty stone."

"Got it one piece per person," Josh thought.

Chapter 4

Jen was now in the shower and I was waiting impatiently for her to immerge. Finally, Josh heard the shower stop and he went to the bathroom door. The bitch the Bane of my existence was opening the door and as she did I held the mirror piece to her face and said, "Look at this Jenifer It is so unique.""Don't bother...," and her face took on that blank stare.

Josh said, "Do you like this mirror Jen?" Jen just stood there looking into the mirror. "Now what, oh fuck yea that's it." Josh said, "Do you like this mirror Jenifer?" "Oh yes Master it is beautiful," .

"Got her she is mine the queen bitch is mine."

Josh said, "Jenifer you are my slave for life, you cannot ever hurt me or drug me or have someone do it to me. From now on you protect me from anybody that wants to hurt me or humiliate me. Do you understand?" "Yes my Master, I understand my master." "Jenifer you will answer to Jen or Jenifer with me and I no longer have to say your name in a command if it is clear I am talking to you. When we are alone or with my other slaves you shall be naked." "Yes Master" and she drops the towel around her.

"Slave Fred, come here," and slave Fred walks out naked showing himself to Jen and her displaying herself to Fred. I looked down and seen Fred his cock hard as a rock and Jen's pussy start to glisten.

"Jen you love my cock you want it and can no longer cum until you have me only I can satisfy you. My hand touching you anywhere is like my fingers in your pussy just rubbing your arm can get you so hot and horny but you need my cock in one of your holes to cum. Do you understand?" "Yes master, I understand?"

Josh put the mirror away and groggy, Jen said, "What happened? I am naked what did you do to me you," and she stopped and couldn't say it but her face was red. She tried to pick up her towel but as soon as she touched it she had to let it go." What have you done to me Master?"

"Jen, you are mine bitch, to do with and use anyway I fucking want. Bitch now spread those fucking legs get those hands above your head we want to examine the goods." Jen complied, she had to, there was no choice, her Master commanded it. I walked over and felt her hairy pussy and said, "This won't do at all." I pulled on some of her pubic hair. It was blond but still looked like a shag carpet. "Shave this bald when I am done with you slave, Jen."

I put two fingers inside her pussy dam it felt good. "Jen direct me to your G spot" She did I had her orgasmic in minutes but she just couldn't cum. "Please master fuck my virgin pussy please Master I need to cum." "Fred, turn on my cell and record this bitch."

"Jen you can use my name for the next while repeat what you want." Jen couldn't help it, "Josh I am so horny I need your big cock inside me please fuck me I will do anything you want but please take my virgin pussy." "What if I want your ass?" Jen just looked horrified but as his fingers kept teasing her G spot she said, "please Josh fuck my virgin ass, I need you to fuck me any hole you want I need your cum shooting inside me." "Any hole eh, then that must include fucking your face?" "Yes Josh fuck my face take this virgin mouth let me swallow your cum, Please Josh please I need you."

"Fred turn the camera off for a minute but I want you to get all the stuff where she is riding me but wait till she stops cussing me out I am going to give her some free speech. Go lay that towel on the bed, I want the souvenir of her blood."

"Yes Master," Fred said.

We went into the twin's room and I laid on the queen size bed and said, "Jen you may fuck me and speak freely for a minute then comply." "What have you done to me? You can't do this, I am your sister this is incest who the fuck do you think you are." All the while she was climbing on the bed getting in position to fuck me. "Please I am a virgin you can't do this to your loving sister" and then she went silent.

"Listen you bitch, loving hardly. You wanted me dead since I was born, you and your sister ganged up on me and now its turnaround time you bitch." "You may think how wrong this is but you must do it anyway."

"You will think my cock is the best cock in the world. Only my cock can ever make you cum regardless of who fucks you. You can't cum unless you're on my pole or have my cock or cum in you. Now let's here you beg to fuck me."

"Turn on the video Fred." "Jen what are you doing?" "I am going to fuck you" "But Jen this is incest." "Josh I don't care I need that huge cock of yours in me please Josh I need it." "Well Jen if you want me this bad and you're sure, go ahead." "Thank you Josh," as she lowered herself on my cock into her virgin pussy. I felt this hot cunt around my cock it was different than anything I had ever felt.

I felt this barrier must be the hymen then it tore away and I felt this warm fluid run down my cock she held still then slowly started pumping on my pole and I could feel her muscles every so often squeeze my shaft then she started screaming. "Josh I am cumming thank you," and she leaned over and kissed me passionately then went back to bouncing on my pole as I was watching her tits bounce up and town I reached up and played with them and she was cumming again.

I told her, "That was great but she wants my cock in her ass she needs to start begging and put it in herself." Immediately she said, "Josh, I want you to be the first to take my virgin ass, you were the first in my pussy please take my ass." "Go ahead you slut, you want me that bad you're such a whore, you know that?"

"Yes Josh I am a slut whore for you I can't resist you."

Jen lowered her ass on my hard cock and soon she was riding my pole and as I touched her tits she cum again and again I was getting close so I whispered; "You want my special cum in your mouth beg." She started cumming and said, "Josh may I suck you off I wanted you to have all three of my virgin holes please Josh my sexy master let me suck you off."

"Ok slut, if you like it and need it that much, go ahead"

She got off me an sucked me off including her own juices and some of her own blood

"What a slut you are." "Yes Josh, I am and will always be your personnel slut if you will have me," then went back to sucking my cock.

Then I blasted my special cum into her mouth she swallowed a lot of it but kept enough to show the camera my special cum in her mouth. Then after making a sexy show for the camera she swallowed. Fred gave me my phone and I said, "Fred, go fuck this bitch up the ass till you cum."

"Yes Master." "Bitch Jen enjoy the cock and after Fred cums in your ass you suck him clean." "Yes Master." Josh sends the video to his I cloud account and to a sex site without the sound. Plus to Fred's email. "Jen are you and Judy on the pill?" "Yes Master we had to in order to regulate our periods."

Where is Judy now? "She is at her friends Julie for the night, Master." "Great mom and dad are gone for the week so I have you all to myself."

"Slave Fred I want you to suck and play with one side of my shaft and Slave Jen you play with the right side. I want both your tongues on my knob at the same time a lot and that's where both your mouths will be when I cum you guys well not spill a drop Fred while you're playing with my cock finger Jens G spot. And Jen can try and make you cum at the same time. Now get to it."

I sat up in the bed so I could watch my blond headed sister and my brown hair friend suck my cock and getting their tongues entwined at the top of my knob. It felt great not only the act itself but having this bitch of a sister now my slave for life and my friend getting to play with my cock and to pass tongue exchange with Jen.

They did this for about an hour and I cum shooting my special cum in both mouths. Christ that felt good.

"French kiss you two,"

I said. "Fred you didn't cum. Jen get on all fours and Fred fuck her pussy till you cum and Jen suck my cock while he fucks you." Fred fucked her pussy while I rubbed her arm bring her into that orgasmic state but because she was sucking my cock she was able to cum and each time she did she squeezed Fred's cock.


After all this sex I was hungry and so was Jen.

"Make Fred and your Master supper, Jen." "What would you like for super, Master?" "Make us blue berry pancakes." "Yes Master," and she went to the kitchen we followed watching her move that sexy ass. She was making the pancakes and she went to set three plates. "Jen what the fuck are you doing slave?" "Setting the table Master, Jen said." "Is their company coming slave or did you think you deserve to sit at our table slut."

"No Master," and she puts the third setting away. She puts a plate size pancake on our plates. "Ok slut you don't expect me to feed myself anymore do you?" "Of course not Master" She leans over him showing those big tits hanging and cuts up the pancake and serves it to him. "This feels great having my slave feeding me, and when you done feeding me, you will feed my best friend, slut." "Yes Master"

Once Jen finished feeding Fred I said, "hear is your supper," and I poured some syrup over my cock and said, "Lick it up." "Master there is too much sugar in that I don't eat it." "Lick it up slut now," when she finished he poured more and more till the bottle was empty. I had the slut lick my knob till I exploded into the whore's mouth.

"Fred, fuck her till you cum then lick her pussy make her feel good."

Jen you can speak while my friend fucks you. As soon as Fred enters her pussy Jenifer starts. "You can't do this to me." ugg as she feels Fred's cock hit her cervix. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" "I am a person you can't Ugg treat me like this." Ugg "I am your sister Ugg you Ugg shouldn't Ugg treat me Ugg this Ugg way."

"Oh Fuck Ugg Fred Ugg your cock Ugg is so big Ugg." Fred came in Jenifer then he pulled his cock out and started licking Jen's pussy. I went over to lick Fred clean.

Jen said, "So you're bisexual eh." "Maybe you whore, but you will be to slut. You will serve me till the day you die so get used to it." "No fucking way brother can't you hold me in this nightmare that long."

"Jen say that you love me and will be my loving slave forever." "Josh I love you and will be your loving slave forever." Jen cries, "how did you make me pledge that my love?"

Josh said, "Jen for the rest of your life you are mine you will do what I say when I say and for as long as I say I own you slut."

Josh finished sucking Fred and made him cum again. I held a mouth full of Fred's cum and French kissed Jen giving her Fred's cum. "Eww" she said. "Get used to it Jen it is part of your daily diet now."

I need to piss and shower lets go all I went to the urinal well who is going to guide my cock Fred came over and grabbed my cock

I said, "You are lucky, Jen get your slime cunt over here kneel in front of me and drink my urine." "Please Master I love you."

"Open your mouth slut, as I put my knob just inside her mouth with Fred holding it and I let my piss go and she swallowed it all. "Thank you Master for your piss, I love you my Master."

"Let's get a shower" I said. We entered the three of us they showered me washed ever inch Fred would wash my cock and suck it. Jen was washing my balls and licked them. Jen would wash one leg Fred the other same with my ass cheeks and both kissed my ass cheeks the each did an arm and half the chest they washed my hair and Jen put the conditioner in while they both massaged my scalp Jen trimmed my pubic hair and was a joint effort to shave my cock and balls. I stepped out of the shower Fred cut my nails and Jen did my toenails and she sucked each one as she cut them. It was so erotic.

Fred said, "Master thank you for the day" and ask if he could go home."

I said "Fred act normal and return in the morning."

"Master are we going to bed?" "Yes Jen but first I want to watch you to clean up that bush around your pussy." "Yes my love my Master." Jen cleaned up her pussy to a nice landing strip her blond hair being so light made her look bald and as I run my hands over it she was dripping wet from my touch. What a difference a day makes. Before we went to bed I had her turn on the stereo and teach me how to waltz we danced nude for an hour then squeezed into my single bed. I slept like a baby with Jen stroking my cock leisurely as I drifted off to sleep when the light was shining in the window I smelled bacon cooking . I got up and Jen was cooking. I said, "I had to go pee," and she dropped to the floor and opened her mouth. Who was I to refuse she put my knob inside her mouth and let go with my morning piss she drank it all then licked my knob. She got back up finished my breakfast and fed it to me while I played with her tits giving her a couple of orgasms. We were just finishing breakfast when we heard someone come in we thought it was Fred but it was Judy.


"What the fuck," Judy said, "What have you done to my sister? with Jen on my lap I was at a disadvantage or so I thought? "Wait said Jen I am in love with him don't hurt him." Judy had the fry pan in her hand and before I could move the lights went out. When I came to I was on the couch, Fred had a cold cloth on my head. Judy was tied up like a hog, with a gag, her own panties in her mouth held there by the jeans she was wearing.

"What the fuck happened Fred?"

Fred said, "I heard the commotion while walking up the driveway so I rushed in and Jen was protecting you taking hits from her sister. I grabbed Judy, as I must protect you and threw her against the wall. I must of done it harder than I thought because she went out cold. Jen stripped her being real mad and hogtied her like you see now. Fred was nude and said, "I have been here a half hour or so. You were really out of it Master this bitch is just coming around now to."

I went to sit up and the room started to spin again. Josh said, "You bitch there was no need of that but you will get it back tenfold." " Mympp, Mympp, Mypp, Myp." Judy said.

Jen came over, "Master my love are you okay?" crying. She felt the lump on the back of my head. "My poor love, that little bitch," and she kicked her square in the ass hole" Mympp Mympp," Judy screamed muffled by the gag.

Josh said, "Fred piss all over her gag so she can suck piss for a while." "Yes Master," Jen said, "Master let me save Fred's valuable piss for later he can piss in her cunt or up her ass." Josh said, "Ok Fred stop and go ahead Jen."

Jen squatted over her sister's face and as Judy tried to move Fred grabbed the blond bitch's hair and held her head still while Jen soaked the pants and gag and even got some up her nose. About three hours later I woke up again there was no doubt this bitch gave me a concussion. Jen said, "I want to kill her, my love, my Master."

"Jen we well do much worse than kill her, my love, we will rape all her holes. She is going to pay for weeks for this my love and you can help."

"Fred take Dads car go to the city in the sex shop buy these items 4 pair of handcuffs, nipple clamps, leg spreaders two sets, hole gag, magic wand for shocking and Josh showed him on the net the type of ball gag, nipple weights, cock vibrating dildos, seven, eight and nine inch vibrating dildos also a seven inch dildo mouth gag vibrating. Also get some cat of nine whips and a Cain whip. Then stop at the building supply place get me a dozen screws in eye hooks type and this lumber material to build this x for our new sex toy. Pick up a couple packages of polyester rope."

"Here is my debit use mine and yours." We will need both.

Jen said, "wait" she came back with fifty dollars and said, "Dad give us this money it's only fitting that the bitch help pay for the stuff to train her."

When Fred got back we all went down the basement and they built our sex cave dungeon for Judy. It was the next day before I was feeling better to do anything I just let Fred and Jen piss on her and squeeze her tits I was saving her for me. Bill called his house said, "he was staying over," and that was no big deal he has been doing that for years. Through the night Fred and Jen sucked me off twice man they were good working together.

The next morning after Jen fed us breakfast and I let her eat. after we were done we went down stairs to deal with our prey.

Jen was still upstairs doing the dishes. I spoke to Judy and said, "Do you realize I can do whatever I want to you?" she nodded "yes." "I am going to fuck you in all three holes." Judy shook her head, "no" I slapped her ass and said, "Just like I did that and as much as you could not stop it, is the same when I fuck you understand?" She didn't move I used the cat of nine and give her a swat and said, "Do you understand bitch?"

Judy nodded her head, "yes." "I am going to take the gag out of your mouth you only answer when I tell you understand?"

She shook her head, "yes." "Fred, take the gag out."

Judy started mouthing off, "You can't do this." I used the cat of nine across her face she looked like a zebra with the red marks.

"Listen bitch speak when you're spoken to Jen wants to put a knife to you for hurting me, so be good or I will let her do it."

"Yes josh," she said.

Whack across he tits, "I am your Master and that is how you address me."

Crying she said, "Yes Master."

We put Judy on the X and cuffed her face down her ass and cunt were exposed as was her 36 c breast hanging down first thing was to put the nipple clamps on she screamed with that next I started fingering her pussy and said, "are you a virgin?"

"Yes," she said, "please Master, don't do this." "Hey bitch remember in the middle of the gym you pantsed me and forced me to walk not run to the girls locker room? Now bitch you think I care about you. You're going to be a whore I am going to sell you everybody in school is going to get a piece of your ass."

As soon as she was wet enough I rammed my cock into her she screamed as I tore through her hymen. I started fucking her for all I was worth I never gave her the chance to adjust I was really rapping her I pulled out she was crying I put my cock to her ass and forced it in all the way she was bawling louder I did that for a few minutes and I was getting dizzy about this time.

Jen come down and seen her sister being fucked and wish it was her. I pulled out sat on the old coach and said, "Fred fuck her and cum in her pussy then when Jen gets you ready do her ass." "Yes Master," "Jen my love come sit here we can enjoy this together"

Jen came over got between my legs and started sucking my cock clean tasting her sister's ass and cunt along with some blood. Then I was cumming and Jen took it all in her mouth got up went over to her sister held her nose till her mouth opened and French kissed her sister when she was done she said, "feel honored you just had our Masters cum." Judy started to spit it out. Jen said, "You waste one more drop and I will whip you till blood flows from your ass cheeks."

Judy kept the rest of his cum in her mouth. Jen come back and laid her head on my lap saying, "I love you my Master," while petting my cock. "Jen did you ever have your pussy licked by a girl." "No my love I never have." "Well what are you waiting for there is a real bitch over there that hurt your Master."

"Oh thank you Master," and she got over to Judy's face and said, "Bitch eat my cunt." "No fucking way, what did that twerp do to you? You're my best friend, my sister," "Listen you skank you were my sister until you hurt my love ,my Master, Now your nothing more than a play toy for my Master and I will gladly satisfy his every whim and you will comply or I will cane you, now eat."

With tears coming down her face she started to lick her sister's cunt. After some time Josh got up and went and said, "Jen you could cum without me in you for this occasion." Josh started kissing Jen and playing with her tits, she cum in Judy's face, forcing her sister to keep eating her.

"Keep eating I dare you to stop I will cane that fat ass just to see how many welts I can do in one day you fucking lesbian acting bitch," Jen said.

Josh kept playing with Jens tits. Jen kept cumming and Judy kept licking her pussy and lapping up her cum. Fred was wiped he cum about four times in Judy's cunt and ass. While he was in ass, he was fucking her with a vibrating dildo. He could feel the sensations while fucking her ass. Judy kept cumming.Josh said, "Fred, piss inside her ass, she don't deserve your delicious cum."

Fred did and watched his cum and piss slide down his shaft and balls. "It feels kind of nice Master."

"Jen make her some porridge and jerk both Fred and I off into it so she can get more protein." Fred took the nipple clamps off and about five minutes later Judy was crying with the pain as the blood came back.

Jen said, "Good glad you got the pain for hurting my Master." Jen clamped her pussy lips so Judy could enjoy more pain. Judy cries out, "please master I am sorry I will do anything Please Master." Josh turned on the video camera. "Anything slave yes Master anything so do you want to swallow my piss?" "Master please, not that." "Jen put the chain on and ad a 1 pound weight to the chain to stretch those pussy lips."

Judy screamed in pain as the weight pulled on her pussy lips. "Ready for another pound slave," "Please no Master please I will do anything I am your slave please Master," as she was bawling.

"Do you remember all those dirty tricks you played on me?" as I lifted the pound weight and let it drop.

Judy screamed again so I did it a half dozen more times. "Please Master no more." I took the cat of nine and laced her ass welts appeared.

Screaming again he voice almost gone, "please Master give me your piss I will gladly drink your piss or anybody's you say please my precious Master."

"Fred attach the leg spreader and releases her." I stepped in front of her she opened her mouth I put my knob to her lips she kissed my cock then sucked my knob as I pissed in her mouth she swallowed it all then kissed my cock and she said, "thank you Master."

Josh said, "Slave, take up the slave position."

She went to her knees and bowed her head.

"You're worthless; you don't even know your proper position"

"Master I am sorry tears rolling down her face, Please show your worthless slave Master," and she bent over kissing my feet.

"Alright slave just this once, kneel up straight spread your legs as far as you can now lean back with your hands holding your ankles."

Judy does it and I see Fred and Jen have taking up the same slave positions. "Christ I said, "Judy you got a forest."

"Jen go get the shaving gear. Make this cunt bald uses the laser treatment on it then do Fred."

"Fred, you can do my cock and balls." "Fred you have to suck me to keep me hard."

"Master please let me do that," Judy said? "No my slave Judy, slave Fred is going to do it part of his bisexual training but you can finger your sister's pussy while she cleans that forest off you."

"Yes my Master," Judy said.

"Fred, you're becoming a good cocksucker." "Mympp mympp," Fred said as he had a mouthful of cock. Fred finished with the laser treatment my cock and balls felt as smooth as a babies bottom. "Good job now suck me off as your reward slave."

"Yes Master," and Fred sucked me off did it ever feel nice his tongue was so much more sensitive on my shaft. I cum hard in his mouth and I told him, "not to swallow," so he held it and I told him, "to French kiss Judy". He did and Judy kissed him passionately for ten minutes. "Oh thank you my Master," when she finished, "he was delicious with your cum."


The last couple of days were unique to say the least I now have a slave sister that loves me and another one that has appeared to be broken. Josh thought to himself, "that even though he had broke her it would be wise to use the mirror he had a good thing going why ruin it with the mirror he was always sure."

It was time for lunch so he sent Fred and Jen to go make it leaving Judy in the basement.

"Judy pleaded oh Master don't leave me I need you." "Relax I will be back slave."

Josh went to his room and got a fresh piece of glass and while he was there he gazed at the big mirror and that tingling feeling went through him and he was dizzy. Next he heard was Fred calling him for lunch. Josh looked at his watch thirty minutes had passed. He covered the mirror and stood up feeling fit as rain, no dizziness. He felt for the lump on his head and it was gone and no more headache. "What happened," Josh thought, "Did the mirror cure that?"

Josh went down to the kitchen and a full breakfast was waiting they fed him Josh couldn't use his hands to feed himself so he jerked Fred off while fingering Jens G spot making her cum. As Fred cum Josh made him shoot all over his breakfast plate and they both fed him Fred's cum mixed in with his breakfast.

"Great sauce," Josh said.

Fred just smiled and said, "Anytime master any time." Josh said, "Have you guys eaten yet." "Absolutely not my Master, we don't eat or make anything till you say it is ok." Jen said.

"Ok my love make food for you Fred and your sister bring hers downstairs after you have eating." Josh said.

As I went down stairs I seen a wonderful site here was Judy on the floor with her legs spread almost doing the splits with her feet in the air.

"Nice view," I said. "OH! You scared me Master I was trying to spread my bars more, to give you a better view but I got stuck my Master."

"Well it certainly looks nice but looks like you were trying to get my spreaders off my slave." "Oh no, my Master, I was just trying to please you more." "Well let's see then, my slave, look at this pretty mirror." Judy looked at the mirror and the blank stare came across her face.

"I have got you. Judy you are my slave forever." "Now what's wrong" I thought then it hit me her real name. Her real name was Julie Judith Davis

"Julie you are my slave forever." I said.

"Yes my master."

"Julie you will answer to the name of Judy or anything else I wish to call you. You may never hurt me drug me or cause me any harm you may not tell anyone about being my slave when we are alone you shall not wear clothes. You can not lie to me. You must always tell me the truth."

Yes my Master, " "Now Judy what were you doing with the spreaders?"

"Master I was trying to escape." "You were calling me Master?" "I would have said or done anything to get away from you Master"

"Judy you are now my slave and will do what I say and you can speak for one minute freely then suck my cock and as you suck it you fall in love with it and want to suck it all the time."

"You miserable rotten son of a bitch how could you do this to me. This is incest we never did this to you. You are a miserable excuse for a person I will have my fr... "And Judy dropped to the floor and started sucking my cock. She started humming happily while she sucked the vibrations on my cock felt great.

Fred and Jen were walking down the stairs and Jen said, "I brought Judy lunch but looks like she is having a feast already."

"Fred, jerk off over that food she will crave it from now on." I said.

"Jen you can take off those spreaders." I said.

I blew my load and she swallowed it all like it was cocaine.

Judy said, "Master that was fantastic my I continue to suck your cock please?"

"No slave, go eat your breakfast there is a special sauce there for you. When you taste that you will want it from its source all the time to," Josh said.

Judy mowed down her breakfast and licked the plate. "Master that sauce was out of this world I want more." "Fred is the one that supplied it work something out with him."

Judy kneels at Fred's feet. "I love that sauce can I have some more."

Fred looks at me and I said, "She had to work out a deal with you. Your both slaves but you're my best friend you always wanted a girlfriend now you can have one and in a very open relationship other than me she can be whatever you want her to be. Just remember the more cum she gets the deeper the connection to you."

"You're the best Josh I mean Master."

"Hey my slave you have fun and so will I because I get to enjoy that cock and maybe your ass."

"Master you wouldn't?" "Go on make your deal with Judy,"

Fred said, "Judy you will be my slave girlfriend and I will supply you with my sauce as you call it but in public you will be my girlfriend." Judy said, "Yes my second Master I will be happy to be your girlfriend" and she kneels and takes up slave position in front of Fred.

Josh looks over and said, "Jen why are you not in front of me bitch"

"Sorry Master" and as she runs to get in front of me I grab her put her in my arms and French kisses here she responds and almost passes out with joy.

"Now bitch get me the cat of nine." She runs and gets it and runs back and places it in my hand and goes to take up slave position. "Jen you bitch you remember all the years of hurting me you need to atone once a day you need to be whipped."

"Yes my master, I deserve that and more you are so kind, I love you." She bends over and grabs he ankles and I let the cat of nine go. Whack and welts appear on her left ass cheek whack again and welts appear on her right ass cheek. "My Master, my love, I love you."

Jen pass the whip to Fred "Fred takes the whip and I said Fred Judy need two lashes daily you will give them to her. Judy take up the position"

Fred gives her a whack it does not welt her.

"Fred give me the whip and he does. Now you bend over and grab your ankles." Whack I hit him bring welts across both cheeks at same time. "Fred you are my slave and so is Judy she mistreated me for years and she is going to be punished she is now your girlfriend like Jen is mine but they will be punished. If you don't do it then I will give you lash for lash that welts don't appear on her. Do you understand?"

"Yes Master," Fred said "I am sorry master I just did not want to hurt my girlfriend."

Fred takes the whip and he did now strike Judy with it." Whack and a second one on Judy's ass she screamed both time as did Jen when she got hers.

Judy said, "thank you second Master I know I deserved that."Josh said, "Jenifer you speak the truth."

"Josh my brother, I love you and am so sorry for the way I treated you. I want to live with you always and have your babies you are my master, you control me and I love that to. Ple..." and she dropped to her knees and takes up slave position exposing that sweet pussy and those gorgeous tits.

I look on the glistening pussy, bead drops forming on her clit, as she looks into my eyes.

Judy is sucking Fred off getting a good load of sauce.

I decided, and said, "Alright girls we are going to the island for the day. Girls make lunch sandwiches and we will stop at the store for some supplies."

Fred said, "what about Mr. Zulu lawn?"

Josh said, "I will call him told him we had a family day planned and could we come in two days?" It was agreed and we were off we got dressed and I took three pieces of new glass just in case. The four of us arm in arm walked down to the store Judy had a lot of make up so she stayed outside. We got our supplies and went back out. Brad was talking to Judy as Fred came out and put his arm around her. Brad said, "This is your boyfriend?" laughing. Jen and Josh came out holding hands. Brad said, you're kidding your holding hands with your twerp of a brother. "Brad I was wrong, they are so sweat we did them a great injustice all these years," Jen said.

"Really," Brad said, in a mocking way, and as he went to hug Judy. Josh stepped in front, "Not a good plan man, that's my friend's girlfriend."

Brad said, "Hey it was just a hug."

Fred stepped up said, "There is a tree over there, hug that, leave my girlfriend alone." Brad seeing the two of them backed off, and said, "We will see you soon," as Brad left seething that these two had the hottest chicks. He was also one of the guys that kept putting me in with the garbage. I thought, "Maybe I should make him my personnel cocksucker or have him seek out every guy from his old class and beg to suck them off." I decided that would be a later project I was looking forward to having fun with Fred and my girls didn't want this asshole to get me down.

We headed down to the shore and loaded our boat and off we went as soon as we cleared the first bay Josh said, "Ok girls get your bottoms off we like the view."

"Yes master" they said and slipped their miniskirts off and panties exposing their beautiful pussies.

Judy was looking at Fred's crutch watching it bulge.

Fred said, "See something you like my dear."

Judy said, "I see the bulge but I dream of seeing what's under it and feeling it inside me."

Josh drops his pants because he knows from last time he was out the longer Fred sees his cock the more he wants to suck it off and Jen looks at Joshes cock with her shoulder her head twisted she is drooling to get at Josh's cock.

Josh said to himself, "This is going to be quite a landing"

Reaching the island we stepped out of the boats and I said, "We strip here no clothes for the weekend."

"Yes master," Fred said, "we won't need them anyway"

We unloaded the boat and pulled it up into the bushes so we didn't advertize we were there. It was fun watching the girls do the work while Fred was sucking me off as I watched, their tits bouncing and their pussies glistening as they wanted to be fucked.

It was fun watching them fumble to put the tent up. I put that on hold and said, "Judy come over and help your boyfriend suck me off. Jen get the whip out and give Judy her two whacks as she is working on my cock with Fred. I will take care of your punishment later." Judy flinched but kept her mouth on the side of my shaft as Jen raised some welts on her ass. After an hour I gave them both my load and then had Jen and Judy kiss and then do Fred's cock and I gave Jen her two whacks with the cat of nine.

When Fred came we all went back to putting the tent up as their dicks were swinging. The girls wanted them more. We went into the tent and Fred and Jen sucked my cock, one working on each side, while Judy sucked off Fred.

Josh cum and it felt wonderful as Jen and Fred ate my cum then Jen French kissed me feeding me my own cum Fred stopped Judy and French kissed her feeding Judy Josh's cum and he fucked her while kissing her and for the first time she cum, while Fucking Fred.

Oh my second master that was wonderful I love you Fred Judy said. That mirror really rewired their brain and although I have not had a lot of experience, we all seem to recover and be able to orgasim again very quickly. That night we had a campfire We were roasting marshmallows and the view of the flickering fire dancing of the skins of Judy Jen and Fred. Jen was saying, "I am so happy now, I can't believe I was so shallow before and now so full of love for my master."

They could hear the waves as the tide is going out and locking up at the million stars in the sky no street lights or traffic pure silence other that the crackling of the fire. The girls wondered at the beauty something the boys had seen many times spending a lot of weekends here over the years.

As the fire wore down the four of them crawled into the tent and were making love Josh was using his shorts for a pillow but the stones he brought were hurting his neck so he took them out and placed them by his head just under the sleeping bag.

Jen fell asleep half on top half on the side when we heard the girls scream and be pulled off us. I grabbed a stone but a knife was on my throat and my arms taking behind my back. Brad and three of his buddies had attacked us. The girls were hog tied and the guys said, "We were going to be deal with you faggots first." They had tied Fred up like a hog and gag him. The girls were crying and begging, "Don't do this to us."

Bill slapped Jen across the face and Brian did the same to Judy saying, "Harry tie josh's legs together".

Brad said, "Now twerp I am going to fuck your face and if you try to bite me I'll cut your bag off and shove your balls down your throat and watch you die. Then I will cut the nipple off that bitch sister of yours and watch her bleed out, so you will do everything we say won't you fag." "Yes Brad I will do whatever you want but please don't hurt the girls."

Harry had his knee in my back holding me in the sitting position as Brad pulled his cock out and rammed it in my mouth. "Suck it you fag make me cum and you swallow and don't lose a drop." I did as I was told and it didn't take long for Brad to cum I drank it all and swallowed. He had a fat cock fatter than Fred's but not as long maybe five inches but still a mouthful. As he pulled out he went over to Fred and started toying with his cock and running the blunt side of his knife up Fred's cock.

Brad said, "Give me a reason to cut this cock off Josh you fag."

I said, "Brad I give you my word I will do as you ask please don't hurt them." Brad laughed, "go ahead Bill the faggot will suck you off." Bill put his cock to my mouth it was all of seven inches and fat like Brads he rammed my face and gagged my throat he was right in my throat and I almost passed out ant he fucked my face hard and cum within a few minutes. Bill took over in my back and Harry did my face he lasted a good fifteen minutes before he blew his load.

Brian came up and said, "I don't want sloppy seconds I am going to take his ass and make him my pet for the summer."

They lifted my legs and Bill let go my arms but straddled my face over my head and was holding my legs. Bill said fagot suck on my cock while a real man fucks you. Bill put his cock in my mouth and I felt this cold liquid on my ass and then a finger started fucking my as the two then three then the cock entered hurt like hell but then started to feel good I was finally being fucked I licked and sucked the cock and moaned I couldn't help it

Brad said, "Look the fag likes it."

Bill said, "I want next."

"Fine," Brad said, "But I am going to have this fag lick Brian's cum out of his ass. You will do that won't you Fred," as the sharp end touches his bag.

Fred said, "Yes sir."

Brad said, "This boy knows his place he might even survive the next few days."

Brian finally cum in his ass then told Bill to move and Brian put his cock in Josh's mouth and said, "Suck my cock and clean it good fag." I sucked Brian's cock clean.

Brian grabbed Fred drug him over and said, "Start licking his ass boy."

Josh managed to free his hands while Bill straddled him. Brad drug Judy outside and Harry drug Jen outside they were tying them to the logs so they could fuck their brains out.

Brian and Bill said, "They were going to play with these fags till morning they had all day after they finished with these two. Brad said yea I want them staked out to bake and we will throw some saltwater on them every few hours see how well the faggots tan."

Bill laughed, "Suck it good faggot "

I started bobbing my head to cover my hand movement and I managed to get the second piece of glass. I kept my hands closed and had to wait to get light to make sure they could look into the mirror. After Fred licked my cum they had Fred fuck me and then eat his own cum out of my ass, then Bill fucked me while Fred had his cock in my mouth I could hear muffled screams from outside Brad and Harry must have been having their way with my slaves.


Soon it was light enough to see and Bill had just finished cumming in my mouth while Brian was fucking my ass. As soon as Bill got off I showed both them the pretty mirror and they froze with that blank stare.

Josh said, "Brian you are my slave forever"

Brian said, "Yes Master."

Brian you can never hurt me or drug me you must protect me with your life and always tell me the truth. Brian said, "Yes Master."

William, "You are my slave forever."William said, "Yes master." "You can never hurt me or drug me you must protect me with your life and always tell me the truth. And you will answer to William or Bill." William said, "Yes master."

Josh said, "Slaves untie us."William and Brian said, "Yes master."

"Bill you walk out and say you want Brads knife to carve some initials in the fags." Brian follow Bill out here is two pieces of rope one for each of you choke Brad and Harry out to unconsciousness. Then we will tie them up."

It worked like a charm we had Brad tied and I went over the knots to make sure and Harry. The girls wanted to kill them I figured I would leave them tied to cool down. They were wild. "Hey Fred fuck your girl and I will take care of Jen."

"Bill, Brian have our tied friends suck you off make fags of them."

William and Brian said, "Yes master."

I said to Brad and Harry, "Of course if you bite you will own no balls I have the knife."

I fucked my Jen and made her cum many times before I cum in her and I said." this was fun having my love tied." "We well have to do this more often," Josh said.

"Please my love my master I am sore, they hurt me," Jen said. I cut her lose and said, "You may not do anything to them without my permission." "But Master I want to castrate them." Jen said.

"Jen my love they will never rape again I promise you. Bill and Brian are my slaves now. So they will never hurt us and we are going to play with Brad and Harry and make them big faggots."

I went over to Judy and had her suck my cock and Fred made her cum she had a orgasm over and over. As much as Brad and Harry fucked her she couldn't cum I looked at Brad, "You couldn't even make them cum, you really are a faggot."

Judy hugged Fred, "Oh my love, I love you." She just then realized she was free. I had cut her free while she came. She got up and threw sand in the eyes of Harry. Well never thought of that.

"Harry screamed. "I can't see."

Judy said, "Good now you can go blind and never see the beauty in life. We were on one of the most beautiful spots on the planet and it will be the last thing you will see for the rest of your fucking, worthless life."

Josh said, "Judy my love is that what you really want that is permanent no coming back in a few hours or days this is a life time decision."

"Oh master I don't know, I want them dead for what they did to you and all of us."

"Judy as for me they broke my cherry ass in, boo hoo if it had not of been them it would have been Fred or you two with dildos just happened sooner."

Josh said, "I am upset what they did to you and I ask you, do you want Harry permanently blind living off welfare the rest of his life."

"No Jen cried I am sorry master."

"Fred take care of him rinse his eyes out." "Yes master."

"Bill, what plans did you have for me and Fred?"

Bill said, "There wasn't much talk about Fred. You however Brad wanted you broke to his obedient pet to suck him on demand or give up your ass whenever he wanted he wanted to make you a mindless idiot."

Brad said, "Shut up you bastard you're supposed to be my friends."

Josh said, "They are my slaves now and we are going to do just as they said only in reverse you will be my obedient slave."

"Fuck him good guys. Fred how is Harry doing? Are his eyes going to be ok?"

"I am no doctor they are scratched for sure."

"See you got him blindfolded. Ok girls what do you want done to this blind guy?"

"Master, fuck his virgin ass at least."

"Ok Fred, fuck Harry."

Later that day we staked Brad out on the sand in the noon sun. Every hour we poured some salt water over is body and cock. By two o'clock he looked like a lobster we put a wet towel over his head he was starting to babble. His cock started to get blisters on it so I had Bill jerk him off.

He screamed, "Please stop."

I walked over to him and knelt down and said, "What do you want."

"Please master don't hurt me I will do anything please don't hurt me." "Open your mouth I want to piss down it." "No master I can't."

I took the towel away and by four he was baked blisters all over his front including his bag

"Girls he need some water. Come piss over his face and body." "Yes master" and Judy and Jen pissed on him as he screamed back to life." "Please master I am yours I will do as you ask I am a worthless slave."

"Open your mouth I am going to piss down it." "Yes master" Brad said without hesitation he opened his mouth. I pissed down his throat then Brian, Bill and Harry with Jen aiming Harry's cock. "Thank you my master how can I serve you".

"Fred cut him loose." and soon as he did Brad crawled to my feet kissing them, "I am so sorry master I will never hurt you again I am your slave forever."

"Bill take him to the stream and help him bath."

"Bill come here, if he says anything negative just agree with him and tell me when you return." "Yes my master"

"Brian get that swinging dick moving and go make supper for us all." "Yes master and Brian got the fire going and cooked steak and eggs for us all."

Then when Bill came back Brad went between my legs and started licking my cock. Bill said, "All he talked about was serving you and how he was so wrong about you and wants your forgiveness."

"Fred, take Harry over to the stream rinse his eyes see if he is doing better."

"Master may I go with them," Judy said. "Go my love."

Jen said, "Master I want to leave this place. It was so perfect now I feel like a prisoner I shut my eyes I see them hurting you." "Let wait see what your sister and Bill want to do but yes my love we will go back tonight but even so these four will now be part of our family they will never hurt us again but also will never leave us."

"Surely not my master those creeps are part of our family?"

"Jen they were no more creeps than you and Judy were." Jen started Crying remembering again how bad they treated Fred and I. Josh put his arms around her and kissed her and said, "It's all right my love, you and Judy have changed and it will be the same with these four, trust me my love."

Fred came back and said, "Harry can see but his eyes are still sore and I think there is still sand in his eyes. He needs proper flushing."

"Ok that settles it we need to head back"

Fred said, "Judy and I would like to spend the night, Master come in early in the morning."

"Fred my friend, Jen needs Judy she is very unstable right now, probably not a good idea to separate them tonight." Fred said, "You're right, Master we should stay together we will head back."

Josh brings out the third stone and has Fred take the bandage off Harry's eyes. Josh shows him the mirror and Harry takes that blank stare and Josh says, "You are my slave forever, Harry."

"Yes Master I am your slave forever." Josh said, "You can never drug me hurt me you must protect me with your life any threats against me or my family you must tell me." "Yes master," Harry said.


"Anybody ask you were playing with your friends and got sand in your eyes." "Yes master," Harry said.

Josh felt the mirror light up a strange green shining in the eyes of Harry. His eyes started watering like a tap was turned on. Josh let the light continue although he didn't have much choice his hand was frozen the mirror had control.

When the green light stopped Harry said, "I can see, my eyes are not sore master Thank you my master" and he fell to the ground and kiss Josh's feet. Josh had learned a new feature to the stones a healing property. He also found it strange that everybody would start kissing his feet. Oh well, who am I to argue.

We loaded up the fifteen foot boat sent Harry and Fred on ahead. Fred was to go get dads car and bring it down to the wharf while we packed the boat beach I went in the Brads 40 horsepower speed boat with Brad, Jen, Bill and Brian. We give Fred a tow, as he did not get far and we caught up with the smaller boat.

Once in the inner bay we stayed out running around the bay had Brad blow me and swallow my special cum If he was acting it was a grand performance even when he was done he ask if he could stay between my legs he felt safe there. It was getting dark when Fred returned with Dads car we put the naked Brad in the back seat with Bill and Brian on either side of him we drove to the house while the rest unloaded the boats and moved the stuff up to the parking lot. At the house we pulled into the garage I told them, "to bring the faggot in to the kitchen," while I went to my room for a new stone.

I come back down showed Brad the stone and he went to that blank stare and said, "Brad you are my slave forever," he didn't answer. Bill what is Brad's real name Bradford the third I think Master.

Josh repeated, "Bradford you are my slave forever." "Yes master," Brad said. Josh said, "Bradford you will answer to Brad. "Yes master." Josh said, "You can never drug me hurt me you must protect me with your life any threats against me or my family you must tell me." "Yes master," Brad said.

The stone turned a bright green all over Brad's body and my head was tingling as it did before. In a few minutes all the blisters were gone and Brad looked like a well tanned body in front and a white back kind of cute actually.

"Brad every day you must get fucked by two guys then you can beg to fuck me and every time you fuck me you become more subservient to me." "Yes master"

"Bill and Brian you like to fuck Brian and you enjoy Fred's and my cum the more you get the more you desire it and will do anything the family says to get it." "Yes Master," they both said.

Josh thought, "He was getting quite the house full of slaves." Brad had opened a web site development company and Bill Brian and Harry worked for him. As long as they had a computer and internet access they could do work from anywhere. Brad made me senior vice president with a six hundred a week salary and my job was to give him my ass once a week, what a hard ship. I really enjoyed being fucked by him his cock filled me and he massaged my prostate and made me cum with no touching of my cock. The next day they were working on the computer at my house.

Josh and Fred had a yard job at Mr. Zulus.

Josh said, "Hell that was a three hour job that is going to screw the day but we have to do it its eighty dollars."

Jen said, "Master are you forgetting the two of us."

Josh said, "That's right we got I got three slaves and now two more for work. Ok girls get on matching miniskirts no underwear and a blouse tied under your tits no bra, now get ready"

"Fred, get ready for work, get the old lawnmower it still works." Josh said,"We will mow and have the girls trim and kneel to do all the aerating. We may as well have a good view."

Ten minutes later we were walking down the street Fred was pushing a mower and Jen the other one while Judy pushed the wheel barrel with all the gear as I walked along Judy was having a hard time as it's the first time in her life she held a wheel barrel. I used my phone to get some great shots. We finished the front lawn in about a half hour with the two mowers and I had Fred help with the trimming as I sat back and watched the nice pussies that I got many a glance at. We got a few whistles from guys walking by to.

When we got to the back it took us an hour but Mr. Zulu came out and was enjoying the views. I finished mowing and sent Fred to help the girls told him, "to take his cock out so the girls could see the prize."

I went up and sat with Mr. Zulu and he was interested in watching the girls.

Mr. Zulu said, "How did you get them to work with you and in those divine outfits."

"We had a bet they lost so they are all my slaves for the month." "That's why your partner's dick is swinging out there?" "Yep sure is cute isn't it." "Yea not bad they all look hot." "He is a good cocksucker just like the girls." "You got him to suck your cock?"

"I see from the budge in your pants you like what you see. And yes they all suck me and I have fucked those two girls." "Aren't they your sisters?" "And your point is?"

"Absolutely nothing man I loved to have any one of them suck me off." "Mr. Zulu that's a possibility I own them for the month anyway."

"Call me Zack would you prostitute one of them for a blow job."

One three what's the difference and the old saying is everything has a price."

Zack said, "How much for one of them?"

Never thought of it Zack, "what's it worth to you but they are novices they did their first yesterday?"

"How about the boy sucks me off for $200.00?" "Really "I said?

"Hell let me watch the girls play with themselves and I play with the boy for four hundred dollars."

"Sure that sounds fine and he takes five hundred fifty dollars that's for the work done and the show you provided."

I stood up and said, "Slaves strip and they all took their clothes off. Now finish your work."

Zack said, "My god you're going make me cum watching them." "So you will enjoy more being sucked off as you will last longer," as I reached over and grabbed his rod.

"Nice package Zack" "Looks like you're excited too,"

"Hey with Fred's cock swinging in the breeze and the sweet asses on the girls it would be hard not to and seeing you hard to is a bonus,"

"Zack said take them off be comfortable."

I did and Zack said, "Man that's hot have you ever been fucked by a guy?" "Nope not yet, thought of it but no not sure it's for me."

Zack dropped his shorts and he had a six inch package standing like a flag pole. He stepped in front of me and with his hand on his he slapped my cock with his then grabbed my cock and rubbed it around his did it ever feel nice.

So he said, "You got a virgin ass how much?" I thought, "I whored everybody else but now he wants me and secretly I want to be fucked." "I don't know, whatever you think will be fine."

"Great he said I will put the money in the envelope and all of you are mine for two hours."

I agreed called them all over told them that Zack was master for next two hours and I was going to be ass fucked so let him do it."

We went in his house and in the living room he had me kneel on the coach facing the back he went behind the coach where there were ropes and he tied my hands to each leg.

He said, "This is to keep you in position where it is your first time."

He seen the welts on Judy's ass and said, "Did your master do that?"

Judy said, "Yes and I deserved it."

"Zack said Judy you lick his ass get it very wet and you girl stick your finger in his ass one at first then two then three and you boy suck my cock get it ass slimy as you can make it."

After a few minutes Zack was moaning being sucked he said, "Ok boy put your cock all the way in his mouth as he chokes don't take it out keep it their he will learn to breathe through his nose you let up he is liable to bite your cock off because as I am going to break him in, it will hurt then he will love it understand?"

Fred said, "I understand sir." And Fred put his cock in Josh's mouth all the way back till he started to gag at that point Zack entered his tight ass and pushed his cock all the way in and stopped.

Josh said "mmphmphm," was all you heard.

Zack started to fuck him and soon Josh was moaning with enjoyment.

Zack said, "I own you now you will want my cock all the time slut. Keep fucking his face and make him gag he is my slut now and I like them to gag. Judy you play with his balls and you the other girl, play with the boys balls."

Zack slaps josh's ass hard mutable times with his huge hand. "You're going to give me your slaves Josh aren't you?

Josh shakes his head "no."

He gets fucked harder hurting again now but still pleasure and wanting it what do you say, "Josh nod your head yes and the slaves are mine."

Josh shakes his head. "No."

"Gag him and stay in his throat until I say so," and Fred sank his cock all the way into Josh's throat.

Josh gagged and then he stopped and went limp

Zack fucked him but he was limp

"Pull out boy" Fred did and Josh started choking as Zack slapped his ass. "Nod yes and your slave will be mine."

Whack he hit him bring welts when the welts appeared.

That did it everybody jumped Zack and held him down. Fred shoved his cock all the way down Zack's throat so he could bite or talk.

"Master you all right." "Untie me Jen." She did and he tied the ropes around Zack feet and took lamp cord around his wrist.

Josh said. "Fuck his throat and cum girls jerk him off and Judy you can have his cum."

"Thank you master," Judy said

Josh ran home and got a new piece of glass and soon returned.

Zack seen the glass and said, "it's huge, oh no and wouldn't look at it."

"Squeeze his balls girls till he opens wide,"

Zack screamed and opened his eyes and went into a blank stare. No more screams even though the girls had his balls.

I told everyone, "to go outside and get dressed."

Josh said, "Zack you are mine."

No movement here we go again.

I called Fred in and said, "Find this guys wallet or passport."


The girls came in I had them look two Judy came down fifteen minutes later with three passports all with different names.

I thought, "Who the fuck was this guy" No matter he will soon tell us.

I read off the names and still nothing.

"Keep looking there must be something," after another half hour they found nothing.

Alright josh said, "We can't leave him he is way too dangerous so let's take him home to the x. once on there we can take our time and get the information that way."

Judy said, "Can I have his cum?"

Fred said, "You can have mine," and Judy kissed Fred passionately.

Josh said, "Let's get him in the garage." I held the mirror and Fred and the girls drug him to the back seat of his car. Judy drove home with Fred and I. Jen picked up all our gear and put it in the garage we got home Bill took Dad's car and Judy drove in the garage ten minutes late Fred arrived back with all the gear we drug Zack or whoever the fuck he was down to the basement. We fastened him to the x face down pulled the ropes to about waist he could easily fuck his face or ass.

I took the mirror away. He come round and started swearing in a different language. I put mirror in front of him and he went back to stair mode.

Josh said, "Go get dad's tape recorder, now Jen."

When Jen came back, Josh told Fred, "You work the recorder, don't know what we might get from this guy."

I took the mirror away and again the guy stated speaking again in a European type language.

When he was fully awake he said, "let me go and I will let you live."

I looked at Jen and nodded Jen went whack with cat of nine three times.

"What's your name," I said.

"Zack Zulu."

Looked at Jen she whipped him six times with the whip.

"What's your real name," I said.

"Zack Zulu," he cried.

We showed him the three passports and said we know that none of them is your name I want your first name.

Zack said, "Fuck you, all of you are dead."

Josh said, "Maybe so but guess who will die first asshole?" and he looked at Jen.

Fifteen lashes over his ass legs and lower back.

Bawling and speaking in a foreign language

Fred and Judy go to the net see what he is saying what language.

We put a ball gag in his mouth then put a small easel and a marker in his hand and said, "We don't want to hear your screams we want your birth name. He wrote to letters f and u.

"Jen jerk him hard," and I got out moms sewing basket and dug out for sewing needles.

I showed him said. "These are for your cock when she gets it hard and they will be in deep enough as you go soft they will hurt more are you ready for that?" "Then we have your toes nails to go underneath then your finger nails then we start with the eyelids we put the needle horizontal just in the lid and your blinking will cause your own blindness for life. You hurt me and I am quite prepared to kill you, you son of a bitch."

This is your last chance when I start even if you write your name I will not stop till I am done that set in other words once I do I toe nail all ten will be done even if you give me your true name on the first do you understand?" I erased the easel and he wrote, "u dead."

I put first needle under his knob and pushed it in to the centre pushed the second and he was passed out

"Jen give him smelling sauce."

Fred and Judy were back said, "Its Austrian dialect some of the words were mob but not a mob this guy is important.

"Well guys I have just ruined his dick don't think he will be using that for a long while."

I was going to put the third one in and Judy said, "Use peroxide it stings more."

She got the peroxide and he screamed into his ball gag and wrote ad when he passed out. Give him smelling salts brought him around and said is this your name he didn't move so I poured peroxide on all the needles he screamed and wrote off.

I pushed the third needle all the way in.

We brought him round again and I said so your name is Adolf eh. He nodded yes well I told you I had to finish what was started and you best not be lying or it will be the next ten toenails. MymppMympp Mympp.

I pushed the fourth needle in he screamed and passed out. When he came round I Judy took the ball gag off and I said, "Is that your true name?"

"Yes," he cried, "please take those needles out they are killing me." I showed the mirror he went to the blank stare and said Adolf you are my slave forever." "Yes master."

"You can never hurt me or allow me to be hurt you must always tell me the truth. Do you understand?" "Yes master," he said.

I pulled the needles out and then tried to take the mirror away. No way, the green light went to his dick and that greenish light was strong and I got that tingling felling again in my head when the light shut off there was no makes on Adolf he was his old self.

The rest of that day we talked Jen stayed by my side while Judy and Fred were off making love and Judy getting her cum from Fred.

Adolf was a kind of enforcer hit man for a European mob. He was in charge and worked with another guy this other guy was a subordinate to Adolf. He had seen the glass before in Germany there were men in the last war that had it but vanished at the end of the war and Adolf was privy to pictures of it said that if he ever found it report it. He would receive a ten million dollar find.

I said, "You will never report it or talk about it to anyone you are to forget it exist." "Yes Master,"


I ask how much money he has he said he had about two million under the cement in his basement and another one million in the wall safe in the bathroom. I got the locations and combinations .I had the house which was paid for signed over to a corporation that Adolf set up and then signed the shares over to me.

"Adolf do you know all the heads of this mob or organization in this country."

He said, "he did," so I sent him on the task that he and his partner eliminate all these people and any money he would get he would put into this other corporation that I held all the shares but never transfer till this guy was out of the picture. That way I wouldn't have to worry about him or the associates of his.

I always knew where he was as he had to put an ad on a face book account as to what city he was in of course it was fake name a girl's name to be exact. About a year later I heard he was on the west coast and heading for Europe.

There were all kinds of media attention to this mobster or that one being killed or caught This Adolf really knew his stuff I didn't expect him to last a month and now he was heading to Europe.

We had Brad's company hire Jen, Judy and Fred, that give the appearance of work and we moved into Adolf's house. I fucked Jen and Judy every day and when I remembered the cruel treatment I would have the guys fuck their ass and some days they got whip even if I brought great pain to them I used their mirror and they were instantly healed. After a year or so I had my pound of flesh and really started to care for both of them.

We decided to move we told our parents we wanted to try farming so we bought one thousand acres of land and had a home built in the woods. There the eight of us made our home.

The home cost over a million by the time we brought in the power, phone, cable all underground from a small two bedroom we built at the front of the property the home we built was back a mile in the woods and behind us was the lake and then crown land behind that so we were secluded we had to use four wheelers to get into our place we let the path grow up where we brought the power lines and utility lines come in from the two bedroom bungalow out front. All our food was ordered on line and delivered to the house out front we would pick it up from there. That was the same with everything we wanted. Fred and I got our helicopter license and we got a small chopper for emergencies like when the girls were in labor probably one of the few times we wore clothes.

My sisters were both pregnant with my kids and I used the mirror on their stomach make the kids ok. Their love for me now was unconditional Jen had a hard time sharing me with the boys but eventfully she got used to that. I even got her a strap on so she could fuck all the guys including me which she did often.

She knew that even though I was in charge I like to sometimes not be so about once a month she and Judy would tie me up and gag me and have their way with me even paddle my ass red. They made sure that all five guys fucked me and fucked my face. It was like heaven. The mirror took care of any damage that was done but most of the time I would not use it I enjoyed the feeling of being fucked and wondered, "if that's what the girls felt like."

It was fun the first year or so giving the guys free speech listening to the whines, how straight they were and then suck me off or fuck each other. After about a year they didn't bitch other than to say this guy or that one wasn't fucking them enough.

The girls never fucked the four of them nor were the four boys aloud to fuck the girls except in the ass. School was over now and the hottest girls to attend it were my slaves. To think I got to fuck them daily and watch their cute ass, get reamed by four guys. I made it a rule that the boys had to be fucked twice a day and suck two cocks off a day they become experts after the first year and the green mirror I used one a month on each it seem to have a curing factor. None of us got sick not even a cold

I used the big mirror on me. My cock is now nine inches whether it was the mirror or the stretching exercises I got the longest cock of our little group. I get no complaints with it being used and all my boys are excellent throat cocksuckers now.

I am also able to get hard on demand now even after cumming. That I know is weird, so it has to be the mirror allowing me to do that.

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