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40.14% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1646: @3

Chapitre 1646: @3

Melody was in the back room of the store when she heard the bell indicating that someone had come in. She had been away for a couple of days and there was paperwork to get caught up on. Returning her focus to the paperwork, she knew that Emily would come get her if she needed anything.

"Knock, knock" Emily said softly as she entered the back room.

Looking up, Melody took in Emily. Her manner of dress this morning showed off her tanned legs nicely and accentuated her breasts without being too exposed. It was a bit on the conservative side, but really showed just how beautiful Emily is. "What's up?" Melody asked with a smile.

"Sorry to bother you, but Deanna is here and she asked if she could talk to you."

Neatly stacking the papers, she nodded to Emily, "Please, show her back here."

Deanna stepped through the door and Melody observed that Deanna seemed to be a little tense while at the same time wasn't giving off the air of an uptight bitch that she used to emit. Melody got up and walked up to her and gave her a warm hug. Deanna left shortly after Mike came home and Melody hasn't had the opportunity to talk to her since then.

"Please, sit" Melody said, pointing to a love seat that constituted the stores 'break room'. Melody watched as Deanna's skirt rode up her thigh a little as she sat down. She did observe that unlike prior visits, Deanna didn't bother to try and pull the skirt down or cover herself. She also noted that unlike before, Deanna wasn't wearing any nylons.

"How have you been D? Mike, Linda and I have been a little concerned about you."

Deanna looked at her friend, the first person that she felt like she could talk to about really consider a friend. "I'm sorry I ran off like that, Mel."

"It's okay. There's nothing to be sorry for. I'm just concerned, that's all. Perhaps Linda and I went a little too far."

Deanna looked into Melody's eyes, "No, it's not that. Oh god, where do I begin."

Melody knew that there was something that Deanna needed to get off her chest, so she remained silent, letting her drive the conversation and where it went.

"Mel, that was the most wonderful afternoon I think I can ever remember. The love that you and Linda showed me was, well, incredible."

Smiling, feeling a little relief, "I'm glad."

"I never knew, well, I never imagined myself, you know, being involved like that. You know, with another woman."


"Don't get me wrong, I still want a man in my bed, but, well, I look forward to being with you again." Deanna suddenly felt flush as she realized she just said she wants sex with her friend again and was suddenly afraid that Melody would think poorly of her.

Melody dispelled her fears quickly, "Oh god am I glad to hear you say that. I want to be with you too. And so does Linda, if you would like. We were so afraid that we scared you off."

Deanna felt her heart beat pick up a little at the thought of being pleasured again in ways she had never imagined herself being and giving it back again.

With a slight frown, "Mike probably thinks I'm an idiot, doesn't he?"

"Mike? No. He's as concerned as I am. He thought that maybe he did something wrong."

Deanna thought about the moment that he stepped out onto the patio naked. Her eyes went straight for his penis and didn't leave for a few moments. Mike's was the first penis that she had seen in a while. The sudden realization that everyone was naked combined with her first experience with another woman sent her brain into overload.

Deanna looked at Melody and smiled, "No, he didn't. He was the perfect gentleman. A nude gentleman, but a perfect gentleman."

"Was his being nude a problem?"

Shaking her head, "No. I went home and lay on the couch for a while. It's funny, I thought how nice it felt to be free of clothes that I took mine off and spent the rest of the evening and the next day without a stitch on."

"Welcome to our world" Melody smiled. "We hardly ever wear anything when we're at home ourselves. It feels so much better, doesn't it?"

"It does. But there's more."

Melody looked at Deanna, wanting her to continue.

"Mel, you and Linda already told me about the, well, the sex that goes on."


"And, frankly, I couldn't get Mike out of my mind. I hope that doesn't make you upset."

Her smile growing bigger, Melody tried to assure her friend that all was well, "Of course not. Did you like what you saw?"

Deanna looked at Melody for a moment before nodding her head.

"How would you feel if I told you that Mike liked what he saw when he saw you?"

Deanna had a slight look of surprise that any man would look at her like that.

"Deanna, we all like being naked. We like looking at each other naked. We enjoy sex with each other and would welcome you into the fold. If you want. It's totally up to you."

Deanna felt like her heart was going to come ripping out through her chest. It had been a long time since she had had a man make love to her and here Melody was offering her the opportunity to join them.

"Linda too?"

"Linda too."

"Do Linda and Mike, you know?"

With a shake of her head, "Yeah, they do. It's only been recently, however. Truth be told, Linda was the first woman I've been with. You're only the second. The idea of getting Mike and his mom together grew out of that." With a chuckle, "It turns out that Linda has a far more adventurous past than any of us knew. You're going to love getting to know her better."

Deanna remained totally silent so Melody continued, "Listen, why don't you come over to the house tonight. I know that Mike wants to talk to you about the business. He apparently is meeting with someone tomorrow that could be a customer and I know he really wants your help."

Tears began to form in the corners of Deanna's eyes and a smile began to form on her lips. In a very short period of time, she realized she went from being an unhappy person in a hostile work environment with few friends to a place where she was appreciated, valued, and wanted.

The two women stood and embraced in a tight hug. The feeling of Deanna's breast crushed against hers felt nice but knew that this wasn't the time or the place to act on her desires. Instead, she rubbed her hand up and down her friends back.

Stepping away, Melody asked, "See you tonight?"

With a bright smile, "I'll be there." Leaning in for a more than friendly kiss on the lips, Deanna parted, "See you then."

Melody watched Deanna walk across the store and out the front door with lightness in her step. She smiled at the thought of the customer from hell being a new friend and a new lover.


Linda, Melody and Mike were sitting around the picnic table later that evening. Melody had brought the other two up to date with the conversation that she had with Deanna earlier in the day.

"So, she wasn't mad or anything?" Mike asked.

Shaking her head, "Nope. I think that being in bed with Linda and I," Deanna said as she nodded to her mother-in-law, "was all that her mind could handle. And then when you stepped out in all your glory, I think it sent her over the edge."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I have a feeling that if she would have allowed herself to let go and not let her fear and inhibitions get her, she would have screwed you right there on the spot. It's been a long time for her since her last lover" Melody said with a smile.

Linda looked at her son and smiled, "Well, I can't say as I blame the poor girl."

Mike's face flushed a little. He had only recently seen his mother not only naked, but had sex with her. It was still a new experience for him, one that he had no intention of giving up.

Looking at her watch, Melody noted "She said she'd be here in about a half hour."

Linda stood up in just a way that put her crotch right in front of Mike's face. With her hands on her hips and her legs slight apart, Mike was able to see her vulva between her legs. He could feel his penis begin to respond to the sight.

"I think you better save it, Mike." Looking at Melody, who was smiling and nodded in agreement, "I think you need to be ready to give Deanna your undivided attention. If you know what I mean."

Mike continued to look at the fur covered lips, wanting to spread her legs a little further apart and lap up the juices that were beginning to form. He simply nodded his head.

Linda looked down and ran her fingers through her pubic hair and down to the top of her slit. Teasing him, she stuck her middle finger in between her lips, rubbing her clitoris, enjoying the tease that she was giving him, "Some other time, Mike."

Mike and Melody stayed out on the patio after Linda left. Mike thought about Deanna's visit. He wanted her to be a part of the business and he certainly wanted to see her naked again. But he didn't want to scare her off at the same time. "So, should we be dressed for when she gets here?"

Melody shook her head, "No. She knows that we don't wear clothes at home. I think that she's started doing the same thing. I think it could make things worse if we were actually clothed when she came over."

Mike nodded his head, understanding what was said. He turned his head as he heard the doorbell ring.

Melody stood up, "Stay here. I'm sure it's D. I'll get it."

Peeking out the front window, Melody confirmed that it was Deanna at the door. Rather than put on a robe that was hanging near the door for these moments, she opened the door and greeted Deanna. For her part, she wasn't surprised to see Melody totally nude.

Closing the door behind her, Melody noted, "Mike's out on the back patio. Can I get you something?"

Shaking her head, "No. I'm good. But you can tell me where I can put these" Deanna said as she began to remove her clothes.

After showing Deanna a closet, she watched, feeling glad that Deanna was showing no hesitation or reservation about being naked.

Stepping out onto the patio, Mike stood to greet Deanna. He too, was pleased to see that Deanna joined them in their nudity. It didn't help his semi-erect condition, though.

Melody laughed, "D you'll have to excuse him. Linda had stuck her crotch in front of his face a short bit ago and he still hasn't calmed down."

Deanna looked at Mike's cock and knew that she wanted him and hopefully she would have him before the night was over.

Sitting down, Mike looked at his business partner hoping for something that would allow his condition to soften, "So, are you ready to start? I've got a potential client lined up."

Feeling like she was living a whole new life, one that contained much more excitement than the last, one that would provide a fresh new slate of opportunities and challenges, she was more than ready, "More than you know, Mike, more than you know."

"Well, here's what I have and what I know so far." Mike spent the next half hour going over what his conversations with the new client entailed. While they needed more than this one client, it was going to get them off to a good start. They both knew that it could lead to more business given that word of mouth was their best advertising.

The sun had set and the smell of rain filled the air. At the sound of thunder, Melody thought they ought to change locations, "I think we should probably head inside. That last lightning bolt was a little close for my comfort. And we really don't want it striking Mike's built in lightning rod."

Deanna sat for an extra moment as Mike stood. She tried not to be too obvious as she looked at his cock, wanting to reach out and touch it. Her gaze didn't escape Melody's observation. As the two girls followed Mike back in the house, Melody said in a low voice, "See something you like?" along with a devious smile.

"Oh Mel, I just wanted to reach out and touch him. I'm sorry" Deanna stammered. Even though she knew the parameters in which the Peterson's lived, she just couldn't quite accept that she could take liberties with Mike.

Mike led the way to what was going to be the office. It was actually a large bedroom. The original owners designed the room to be a nice guest suite. As such, it had a walk-in closet and its own bathroom complete with a shower that had multiple jets embedded in the wall.

"Well, this is it." Looking at Deanna, "You think this will work?"

Deanna looked around. Mike had made sure that there was most of the needed office furniture and equipment. She was impressed with the preparation work Mike had done.

As she was walking around the room, Melody pulled Mike by the elbow and whispered in his ear, "I really think that she wants you. But I think you're going to have to make the first move. So maybe, I don't know, maybe tell her you want to properly initiate one of the desks" she concluded with a light laugh in her voice. Mike looked at his wife, who nodded her head in Deanna's direction.

Mike stepped up behind Deanna who was looking out the window that opened to the woods just beyond the yard. "I don't think I've ever gotten around to telling you, D, may I call you D?"

Deanna nodded her head that it was okay. She turned to look at Mike who had his arm crossed across his chest in a relaxing manner.

"I don't think I've ever told you just how beautiful you are." He reached out with his hand and just touched the nipple of one of her breasts. He smiled as she took in a gasp of air and felt the nipple harden under his touch.

Deanna could feel the moisture between her legs beginning. The touch of his fingers sent bolts through her body, making it tingle all over. Her breath became a little more labored and her heart started beating faster. 'Oh god, could this be happening? Don't stop, please don't stop.'

Mike looked back up at her eyes, "May I?" He knew that Deanna had been without a male sexual partner for a long time, according to Melody. He also knew from talking to his wife, that Deanna wanted him. Nevertheless, he didn't want to rush things or make Deanna the least bit uncomfortable. He would stop whenever she wanted.

Deanna nodded her head and nearly cried out as he cupped each breast in his hands. She could feel her knees begin to quiver. She slowly reached out with her hand and placed it on his penis. She hadn't noticed that it had become quite hard. It felt soft and smooth as she ran her hand up and down its length.

Mike placed his hands on her shoulders and gently turned her around so that she was backed up to what would be her desk. "I think that we should break the desk in right. What do you think?" Mike asked in a soft and loving voice.

Feeling the desk behind her, Deanna sat on the desktop and scooted back. She watched as Mike got down on his knees and placed her ankles over his shoulders. She nearly screamed as his tongue made contact with the crease between her vulva and her thigh. Her breathing became more rapid as continued his oral exploration. She finally dropped on her back as he spread her labia apart with his fingers and ran his tongue up her slit until it made contact with her clitoris.

Deanna eyes were closed tight as her mind lost all contact with her surroundings. The only sensation that she was conscious of was that coming from her mid-section. The waves of pleasure ran through her body over and over as her clitoris was manipulated. She felt something enter her; she knew that it wasn't a cock as she could feel Mike's tongue still lapping up the wetness from inside her.

Mike slowly inserted two of his fingers into her vagina. He slowly stroked them in and out as he sucked her nubbin between his lips. Rotating his fingers in search of the rough spot just inside her tunnel, he knew he had hit the right spot when Deanna's hips came off of the desk and her hands wrapped around the back of his head drawing him in tighter. Her juices started pouring into his mouth as she came.

"Oh. My. God" was the only utterance escaping Deanna's lips as her orgasm, the most powerful one she had experienced in a long time, ripped through her. Just as she thought it was over, she felt a pair of lips touch one of her nipples. She couldn't think clearly enough to understand what was going on, just that it merely added to the intensity of the feelings pouring through her.

Melody had been standing off to the side, one hand caressing a breast and the other massaging her own clitoris. A smile formed on her face as Deanna reached the point of no return with her orgasm. Stepping up to the desk, she leaned over and took one of her friend's breasts into her mouth and gently nibbled on the nipple, causing it to enlarge and become firm.

Deanna collapsed on the desk top, sweat having formed on her chest and stomach, her breathing labored and her heart racing. She lay there for a few moments as the intense feeling ebbed. Still, the warmth coming from her crotch was still bringing joy to her mind.

Raising her head just a little and looking down her torso, she saw Mike still standing there, his cock fully erect. Reaching down to clasp it, "Inside. I want it inside."

Rubbing the head of his penis up and down her slit, coating it with her juices, he placed it at her entrance and slowly pushed so that the head separated her labia and disappeared inside her. Understanding that it had been a while since she had intercourse, he slowly entered her, allowing her vagina to expand to accommodate him. His attempt to be gentle was quickly pushed to the side as Deanna placed her hands on his ass and pulled him in until he was completely inside her.

"Oh lord. I had almost forgotten what it feels like. I have missed this so much."

A whisper in her ear told her "You won't have to go so long anymore."

Mike picked up his pace and watched as Deanna's breasts moved back and forth on her chest as he pumped in and out of her. Melody reached down and started to finger the top of Deanna's slit. Once again, Deanna dropped back onto the desk top and took in all of the sensations that she was being treated to.

A few moments later, Mike told Deanna, "D, you feel so damn good. Ugh, I'm about ready to come" hoping that he would be able to come inside her but wanting to give her the opportunity to decide that.

His wish was granted when she told him, "Come inside, I want to feel you come inside me."

Mike grabbed her hips and pushed a few more times when he felt his penis enlarge just a little more and spurt after spurt splashed the inside of Deanna's womb.

Melody watched as her husband let go of his semen deep inside her friend. She loved watching him as he came, his neck muscles becoming taught and his mouth clenched as his own orgasm enveloped him. Looking down at Deanna, Melody was filled with a sense of joy as she shared her husband and that Deanna was able to experience the sexual high that she always enjoyed with Mike.

Mike's cock softened after the last of his ejaculate was spent and he watched as it slipped out of Deanna's vagina, covered in their mixed fluids, the excess slowly seeping out of her. His cock was quickly replaced with his wife's mouth as she lapped up the combined comb, causing Deanna's stomach to flutter again at the new sensation.

Deanna raised herself up onto her elbows as she watched Melody's head move between her legs. She looked over and saw Mike standing off to the side, his penis still at half-mast completely covered in wetness, their wetness.

Standing, Melody smiled, "I think we should clean up a little. Don't you?" looking at Deanna. She turned to Mike and said, "I know you do" as she reached out and tugged on his dick, causing it to harden again.

The shower in the master bathroom was more than big enough to fit all three lovers. As much as Melody wanted to feel Mike's cock inside her, she wanted to make sure that Deanna was the focus of attention. With a little bit of maneuvering, Mike entered again, this time from behind as she leaned against the shower wall. They were both treated to another mutual orgasm.Lying in bed a little later with Melody and Mike on either side of her, Deanna felt a level of happiness and contentment that she hadn't felt in a long time. Her only wish was that she didn't have to go home, but that she could just live here instead.


Deanna ended up spending the night in their bed, nestled between Melody and Mike. Awake before anyone else, she stared at the ceiling for a few moments recalling the previous night. She had reached down and clasped his penis in her hand. Once it had gotten fully hard, she moved down and took him in her mouth, working him until he came. She tried to swallow as much as she could but it still leaked out around her mouth. A deep kiss from Melody took care of that. She experienced one more wonderful orgasm as she sat down on his cock and rode him until they both came. A smile formed on her face, reliving the wonderful feelings that she experienced.

Extracting herself from the tangled arms and legs, she made her way to the bathroom and indulged in the endless hot water. She had the initial inclination to find her clothes and dress. She turned up the corners of her mouth as she thought about the fact that this was a nudist household, so dressing was unnecessary. Besides, she liked the feeling of the air on her bare skin.

She made her way to the office and sat at what would be her desk and to the spot where it had been initiated. She noticed that there was a spot where she sat. Her attempts to clean it failed and she realized that it would be a permanent marker to her first of what she hoped would be many times with Mike.

Mike walked into the office holding two mugs of fresh coffee. Setting one down in front of her, he sat at his desk. Thankfully, he was sitting behind the desk so that only his upper torso was exposed.

"Good morning, D. How are you feeling this morning?" he inquired. He had been concerned when he woke to find her gone.

"I'm great Mike, thank you" she replied with a broad smile across her face.

"I was a little concerned when I couldn't find you at first. I was afraid that Mel and I, well, I was hoping that we didn't scare you off."

"Not at all. Last night was wonderful. It made me feel like a woman again."

Mike smiled in relief. He knew that he enjoyed having both women in bed with him and had hoped that there would be future opportunities.

"So," Mike started, changing subjects, "I have a bunch of information that I hope you need to start the contracts. Let me know if I don't and I can get them to you."

"Good, I can start on it this morning. I'm really anxious to get our first one under our belt, so to speak. But there is one thing we need to talk about."

A slight furrow formed on Mike's face, "What's that?"

"Being with you and Melody last night was, well, it had been a long time since I've had someone make love to me like you did yesterday."

Mike smiled, "We enjoyed it too."

Deanna looked at Mike, never envisioning herself saying what she was about to say. "I want more. I want to experience the openness that you two share. I want Melody again. I want you again." 'There it was out' she thought to herself.

Smiling, "And you are welcome to our bed with either of us or both of us anytime you want." He added in a slightly lower voice, "Though it doesn't have to be restricted to a bed" as he rubbed his hand across the top of the desk next to him.

Knowing that feeding her sexual desire after a long dry spell could cause difficulties, "Speaking of which, I think we need to lay out some ground rules for when we're working."

"Ground rules?"

"Yes, ground rules" Deanna answered as she got up out of the chair and went around to the front of her desk. Leaning against it and setting her feet apart, she watched as Mike's eyes went straight to her crotch. She was pretty sure that his penis was beginning to harden.

With one had stroking her thigh just off to the side of her pussy, "We have a lot at stake in getting the business going and making it successful. We have to agree to established work hours and that sex within those work hours is off-limits. Otherwise I'm afraid that we'll never get anything done."

Mike stood so that Deanna could see that her suspicions were confirmed. "I suppose you're right" he said as he came around his own desk.

Turning so that her back was to him, Deanna leaned over and rested her elbows on the desk. Placing her feet wider apart so that her lips were totally exposed to him, she looked over her shoulder, "But by my calculations, work doesn't start for another hour."

Without replying, Mike stepped up to her and placed her hands on her hips, with the head of his cock at her entrance, he entered her once again.


As was common for the early part of the day, business at the store was almost non-existent. Nevertheless, the store was open and Melody was once again, completing all the paperwork that was demanded by those higher up the food chain.

Emily came into the back room holding a mug of coffee between her hands and sat down across the desk from Melody. "Deanna was in yesterday."

Melody looked up, "Oh?"

Nodding her head, "Yeah. When I saw her coming up to the door I just took a deep breath and hoped that she was in a good mood."

Melody crossed her arms on the desk in front of her, "Was she?"

"Well, that's the strange thing. She was in a good mood alright, but she was happier than I think I've ever seen her."

Melody smiled. Mike and Deanna had been working feverishly on their first client and ended up getting them to sign up for their services. Deanna had ended staying the night on a few occasions, the three of them fitting nicely on the large bed. There was even one night where Linda had come over and Melody watched as Deanna and Linda alternated sitting on Mike's cock until he came deep inside his mother. Deanna lapped up whatever leaked out of Linda so their mutual satisfaction. Things certainly had changed a lot recently.

"That's good to hear. I think that will likely to be a more common occurrence with her."

"Oh, how's that?"

Leaning back, she was careful about what she shared with Emily about her home life. "Well, she and Mike are in business together now. So that's got her out of the hell hole of a workplace she was in and, well, we've been able to help her relax a little."

Emily took a sip of coffee and looked over the rim at her boss, "Oh, you mean she mean she finally got laid by you and Mike?"

Melody's eyes popped wide open in surprise. Try as she might to maintain composure, she swallowed hard as she watched a smile form on Emily's face.

"Mel, how long have I known you? A few years, right?"

Melody shook her head.

"I know that you and Mike like to run around naked at home. You've told me as much on more than one occasion."

"Yeah, I guess I have" Melody conceded. She and Emily talked about their personal lives frequently.

"Well," Emily added, "I also know about you, Mike, his mom. So, I was hoping that you guys would help Deanna with her issues."

Looking at Emily, "Excuse me?"

Laughing, Emily set the mug down on the desk, "Linda came in one day while you were out last week. She and I had a nice long conversation."

Not sure whether to be relieved or angry, "What did she tell you?"

"I think pretty much everything."

"Oh god," Melody groaned. That's all she needed was for others to know about their lifestyle.

"I think it's pretty cool."


"That the three of you enjoy each other. I know that based on the few times I've met Mike, I wouldn't mind a romp with him myself. And Linda is quite the adventurous woman you know."

"Yeah, I know. She told you about Mike and her?"

"Oh yeah" Emily replied with a smile.

"And it didn't bother you?" Melody asked.

Shaking her head no, "No, I had already told her about my brother and I. We started having sex together when we were both still living at home. And we still do from time to time." Emily grabbed her mug and took another sip, watching Melody react.

"Does Robert know?" Melody wondered how Emily's long-time boyfriend would react to this information.

"Oh yeah, he knows" Emily replied without hesitation. "He's okay with it. He knows that it's just sex with my brother and I." With a tilt of her head, Emily revealed a little more about herself, "As much as I'd like to have the two of them at the same time, neither really are interested in being in the same bed at the same time" Emily laughed.

Melody sat back in her chair and ran her hand through her hair, "Well, I never saw that coming."

"Like you, it's not something I go around blabbing about."

Melody started to smile, "Well, I'll be."

"So, you see, you're not the only one" Emily noted. "But I have to admit, talking to Linda did give me something to think about."

"What's that?" Melody now curious as to what was coming next.

"Robert has always thought my mom was a MILF. Maybe I should see if I can get the two of them together. Wouldn't that be something."

"Or all three of you" Melody added.

The conversation was interrupted by the bell announcing that someone had entered the store. Emily got up and put her mug back on the desk, "I'd better get that." She looked at Melody and smiled before turning and leaving the back room.

Melody watched her as she left 'Well I'll be damned' she thought, staring at the door leading to the front of the store. Getting up, she went out onto the sales floor as well. Once the customer had paid for their purchases, Melody tugged on Emily's arm, "You have got to tell me more. How the hell did this happen?"

Emily smiled, she anticipated that her boss would want the juicy details. "Well, as I said, Linda came in and she was looking for some lingerie. So I showed a few items. She wanted to try some on before deciding which ones to buy."

"What ones was she looking at?"

Emily pointed to a rack of some of the more exotic and revealing pieces that they had in their inventory, "Mostly those over there."

"I see."

"So," Emily continued, "as I said she wanted to try some on. So I showed here where the dressing rooms were and went back to the counter. Then she called out to me and asked how I thought the one she was trying looked on her. Well, needless to say, what she wore left little to the imagination."

Melody shook her head, envisioning her mother-in-law in wearing highly suggestive clothing. She would have liked to have seen that.

"So, I told her that I thought she looked terrific and that whoever she wore those for would be pretty excited. One comment led to another and we ended up telling each other more about ourselves."

"Wow" was all that Melody could say.

"I'll have to admit, it was tempting to turn the 'open' sign off and get to know her better."


Mike hung up the phone and turned to Deanna, "As you probably heard, we're set to meet with Phil and his team the day after tomorrow."

Deanna was looking at Mike with an anxious look, "I did. What did he say?"

Getting up, Mike went over to the coffee maker and poured a cup, mixing in some cream and sugar. He knew that he was dragging this out and smiled inwardly, knowing that his partner wanted to hear more.

Turning and leaning against a table, he put the mug to his lips and took a drink, "Well, apparently he has friends at ChemTest who really liked the work we did for them. And based on what he learned, he wants us to provide the same work for his company. We meet with them the day after tomorrow."

Clapping her hands and giving a small fist pump, Deanna stood and broke into a big smile, "Yes!"

Mike glanced at Deanna's breasts and crotch as she stood. Even though they had agreed on the basic ground rules in order to get proper work done, it didn't eliminate the periodic look, touch or stroke. And Mike never got tired of taking in her well-trimmed bush. It added to the intensity of the sex when work hours were complete. It also usually worked out that Melody often got home from her job about the same time and so the three of them would usually enjoy each other.

"So, we should plan on leaving here by noon tomorrow and stay overnight so that we can meet them first thing Thursday morning."

"Then we need to get busy, there's a helluva lot of work that we need to get done before then."

"I know. I figure that we can use a lot of what we put together for ChemTest as the job will be similar. But you're right, there's a lot that needs to be done."

"Well, let's get started" Deanna offered, "We don't have much time."

The office was relatively silent except for the clacking of fingers on keyboards as the pair worked nearly non-stop. As if on cue, both Mike and Deanna looked up from their laptops. Deanna spoke first, "I think I've got everything that I need ready to go. There're just a couple of things to wrap up. But I'll do those tomorrow."

Mike smiled, "Same here" replied as he closed the lid and stood up. He looked at his watch noting the time, "Mel should be home before long. Want to join me for a glass of wine outside?"

Deanna stood, closing the lid of her laptop, "Sounds great."

Stepping out onto the patio, Deanna once took in the yard and the surrounding forest. She wished that she could just stay there instead of the condo in town. This was so much nicer, more relaxing, and quieter. Hearing Mike come up behind, she turned and took the glass of wine he offered her.

"Thank you for including me in the business" Deanna said in a soft voice.

"Thank you" Mike replied with the emphasis on 'you'. "I thought I could do this on my own. But after seeing what you've put together, listening to your ideas, I realized that there was no way that I could have done it alone." Mike offered up his glass in a toast. "To the future."

"To the future."

Mike turned as he heard a noise behind him, he was pleased to see his wife coming out the door, wineglass in hand.

Holding up the glass, Melody commented, "I'm guessing there's cause for celebration. What happened?"

Mike beamed as he said "ChemTest is what happened?"

Melody's faced lit up, "It did? You guys got it?"

Deanna stood and turned to face Melody and with a broad smile, shook her head 'yes'.

Melody stepped up and gave Mike a kiss and then turned to give the same to Deanna. Moving towards a chair, "You have to tell me all about it."

Taking turns, Mike and Deanna filled Melody in on all the details that were know so far. The ended by telling her that they were going to leave the next afternoon to meet with the client the following day.

Melody was excited for the new opportunity, "I can't believe you guys have gotten so far in such a short time. This is beyond words."

Deanna, "Well, you're part of this too, you know."

Melody shook her head, "No, it's the two of you who are doing the work."

Mike shook his head in disagreement, "Mel, without your encouragement, I wouldn't have even contemplated doing this." Nodding to Deanna, "And without you bringing this lady here into the picture, it would have fallen flat on its face before it even started."

Deanna said in a quieter voice, "Mel, you got me out of the meat grinder that I was in, I've got two new lovers that I relish being with, I'm happier than I've been in a very long time."

Melody raised her glass and the other two raised theirs as well. Melody declared, "To the future of your business, to future of our relationship, our loving relationship."

Clicking glasses, they each drained their glass and set it on the table.

"Speaking of relationships," Melody started, "I had a rather interesting conversation today."

Mike furrowed his brow, "Oh?"

"Yeah. It seems that your mother went into the store the other day. Bought some risqué lingerie and got all but intimate with my employee."

Mike tried to hold back a laugh. "Mel, I swear this is not the woman who raised me."

"Yeah, well, Emily now knows all about the four of us and all the intimate details."

Deanna suddenly felt embarrassed and covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh no, she knows about me too?"

"Yes, D, she does. But she said to assure you that she is very happy for you." Looking at Mike, "And a little envious as well." Melody could see both of them wanting to know why, "It seems our little Miss Emily has the hots for you" she said, looking directly at her husband smiling, knowing that he probably wouldn't mind the opportunity to see a little more of Emily, so to speak.

"She can't be but barely out of high school" Mike exclaimed, even though inside she thought she was a flirty little vixen who had a very nice figure.

"She's in her early twenties, Mike."


"So anyways, it seems that she and her brother have been rather intimate over the years."

"Doesn't she have a boyfriend?" Deanna seemed to recall Emily mentioning something about that one time.

"She does. And to answer your next question, he knows. He seems to be okay with it." Melody looked at the man she adored and the woman that she had become close friends with. Her life had changed significantly in the last couple of months and she didn't regret a bit of it. Looking a little longer at Deanna, she momentarily toyed with the idea of converting one of the extra bedrooms for her and have her live here. Shaking her head slightly 'Too much too soon'.

"So," Melody piped up, "you two ready for your meeting?"

Deanna, relieved at the change in subject, smiled, "We are. We both have a couple of loose ends to tie up in the morning before we leave. But otherwise, I'm anxious to go and meet with these people."

Mike added, "She's right. I think we're good to go. Based on my phone conversation earlier today, I think it's pretty well a done deal but until they place their signatures on the contract, it's still something we could lose."

Melody was thrilled that the business was so successful so quickly, "I'm sure you're going to be fine." She thought again about Deanna living here. "By the way, where are you staying?"

Mike looked at Deanna and then to Melody, "There's a Marriott about a block away from their offices. We're going to stay there. Which brings up a question I want to ask you."

Melody had a pretty good idea what the question was going to be and she already knew what her answer was going to be, "What's that?"

"Well, you and I, well we," motioning to include Deanna, "have been pretty open with each other. We've created this environment where it's okay for anyone to have sex with anyone else here as long as everyone agrees. But we're," nodding to Deanna, "going to be away for a night on business."

Melody smiled, she was thrilled that her husband was considerate enough to ask her permission to have sex with Deanna while they were away on business. "Honey, I fully expected the two of you would get one room and I fully expected that you two will screw each other silly celebrating a signed contract." Melody watched as relief washed over Mike's face. "Deanna, just do me one favor?"

"What's that?"

"If he even attempts to make eyes at another woman that you find a way to remind him that he has three women at home who will make him pay dearly." Melody broke into a broad grin and pointed her finger at her husband.

Deanna laughed and looked at Mike and then to Melody, "Don't worry, Mel. I'll make damn sure that he keeps his attention where it's supposed to be."

Mike felt a little scrutinized at the moment, "Anyone hungry? I don't know about you two, but I'm starved."

Dinner was enjoyed sitting outside as the sun began to set. Mike surveyed the yard and noticed that it had gotten a little ragged in places. "Would you look at that?" pointing to an overgrown flower bed. "I've been so busy lately that I've let this place go."

Melody nodded her head, "Yeah we're both guilty of that." Putting her hand to her chin, "We could hire someone to take care of it for us."Mike nodded his head, "That's probably not a bad idea." There was a pause as he thought about the clothes free environment that they enjoyed and the possibility of someone walking in on people having sex. "I think we need to be careful, though on who we hire. Given how things are here."

Nodding her head in agreement, "We do. And I've already given it some thought. Do you remember Carl? Deidra's son?"

Mike thought for a moment. He and Melody had been friends with Deidra and Sam for years. Carl was their eighteen year old son who had recently graduated from high school. He smiled as he recalled catching Carl staring at Melody in her bikini a number of times when they got together recently. "I do. Do you think he'd be interested?"

"I'll give Deidra a call tomorrow and find out."

Deanna didn't know Deidra and asked, "Does she know about, you know, this?"

"No," Melody answered, shaking her head, "but I know that she's pretty open minded about things. I'm not worried about it."

"Well," Mike shrugged, "see what he says."


Mike and Deanna had left for their meeting shortly after noon. She was working on cleaning the kitchen when she heard the doorbell ring. With a deep breath, Melody went to the front door and grabbed a robe from the coat closet, one that she kept there for when people came to the door that weren't part of their circle.

Opening the door, she saw Carl standing there in shorts and a t-shirt. He wasn't exactly the type that probably had a following of females in school. She had also known him to be on the quiet and reserved side. Not a total nerd, but she wouldn't be surprised if he was still a virgin.

"Why hello, Carl. Come in."

"Hi, Mrs. Peterson." Carl looked at Melody. He always had a thing for her. He thought she was one of the sexiest looking women he knew. Seeing her in the robe, he imagined her naked underneath it. It caused a slight stir in his pants. "I'm sorry. It looks like I came at a bad time. I can come back later."

"Not at all. Please come in" Melody said, stepping aside so that he could enter the house. Tying the knot in front of the robe, she closed the door and offered him a seat. She sat down as well, carefully crossing her legs with the robe draped over her knees. He was a fine looking young man but she wasn't sure that exposing herself to him would be a smart move, at least not yet.

"So, your mom told you we needed help with the yard?"

"Yeah," Carl started, trying to keep his attention and focus where it belonged and not the bare legs nor the opening at the top of the robe. He deduced that she was probably wasn't wearing much of anything under it. Maybe she had just stepped out of the shower, 'no, her hair isn't wet'. So maybe she was going to take a shower and he interrupted it. "Mom said to come over. She said that you asked if I could mow and do some other things around your yard."

"Yes, I did. As you know, we have a rather large bit of land here and it takes some work to keep it in shape. And, well, neither Mike or I really have the time to do that. So we thought that with you being out of high school now, that maybe you'd like to earn an extra few bucks before running off to college this fall."

"That would be great. I'd love to." And Carl truly meant it. Besides, it might give him the chance of seeing Mrs. Peterson more. Maybe he'd even get to see her in a bikini or something.

"Good, I was hoping you would" Melody replied. "We have everything you'll need in the shed." She looked at the boy and could tell he was a little ill at ease. Smiling inwardly, she figured his hormones were raging and was wondering what she had under the robe. Continuing as if there was nothing amiss, "We need the lawn mowed and the flower beds weeded for starters. There are a few other things here and there that we'll want you to take care of as well."

Nodding his head, "Okay, I can do that." He had been asked to work on his neighbor's yard as well. He was thinking that maybe he had his summer 'job' lined up. He knew that he did quality work, better than most landscaping companies and that word was getting around. The Peterson's would be a feather in his cap.

"Let me show you around a little bit before you decide" Melody said as she stood and motioned him to the back yard. She spent the next 30 minutes or going over the yard, showing him the shed where the tools were stored. They also agreed on a price for his work.

"But there is one more thing I need to tell you about before you commit. It may cause you to change your mind". 'But I really doubt it' she thought to herself.

"Both Mike and I like to be free of clothes when we're home. I don't know if that would bother you or not."

Taking a slight gulp, "Uh, you mean that you two are, um, naked?" Carl stuttered as he raced through the implications.

Melody nodded her head, "Yes, it means that you'd be seeing me naked. As well as Mike." Melody paused to see his reaction. Seeing that it wasn't causing him to flee, "Mike also has a business partner that works with him, Deanna. So you'll most likely see her nude as well. And then there's Mike's mom." Melody added hoping that she wasn't causing the poor kids mind to explode.

Carl tried to subtly shift his legs to hide the growth that was forming in his pants. But then the realization hit him that he might have to be naked as well. "Hmm, would I have to be, you know, naked too?"

"Only if you want to. Nobody is going to force you to do anything you don't want to do. "

Carl had to think for a moment. He would give anything to see Melody naked. But there was a chance he would see two other women nude as well. Trying to sound confident, he responded "I can handle that I think."

"Well, there's more."

Carl thought what else could there be.

"You will probably see one or more of us having sex. We are pretty open and we like sex."

"You mean you and Mike do it, like outside?"

"Yes we do. And his mom comes over from time to time as well."

Carl's mind took in the new information 'Does Mr. Peterson have sex with his mom?' He knew that he had thought about his own mother in more than a casual way now and then. He had met Linda once and thought she was a sexy looking woman. 'Holy shit. What did I get myself into.' He looked at Melody a little, "Is that why you're wearing a robe?"

Looking down her front and then to Carl, "Yes, it is. We always keep a robe nearby for when someone comes over. We're not inclined to expose ourselves to just anyone, you see. So, do you still want the job?" Melody asked, hopeful that he would accept. She also hoped that he would adopt their clothes free aspect.

"Yes, yes I do" Carl replied, trying to keep his voice level and not relay the fact that he was eagerly anticipating seeing Melody in the buff.

Melody smiled and untied the knot in the front of her robe, "Good, I was hoping that you would. We really need someone that will take good care of this place." She turned and slid the garment off her shoulders set it on the picnic table.

She stood there for a moment allowing Carl to take in her nudity. "You have seen a nude woman before, haven't you?"

"Uh, yeah."

"I would have thought so. Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah" Carl replied, suddenly thinking about Alice, his girlfriend of several years. "Uh, she helps me sometimes with yard work."

"Oh good, bring her out. I'd love to meet her."

He tried to gracefully cover his crotch with his hands as he took in Melody standing in front of him, totally naked, her bush shining in the sun.

"Again, no one is going to force you to do anything you don't want. But, would you like to join me in feeling how free it is to not be constricted by clothes?"

Carl stammered, "I don't know. I don't think I should" suddenly very conscious about his hard on that he tried to keep covered.

"Why? Because you have an erection?" Melody asked, smiling and trying to set the boy at ease.

"Um, yeah. A little."

"Carl, I've seen lots of erections and I would be disappointed if you didn't have one. Please don't be embarrassed. Odds are you're going to have a lot more of them while you're here."

After a slight hesitation, Carl removed his shirt and his shoes. With a slight pause, he unbuttoned his shorts and drew them down along with his underwear. He could feel himself turn slightly red as his erect penis became exposed.

"Ooh, you have a very fine looking cock, Carl. I bet you make your girlfriend very happy." Smiling at him, she leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Let me show you some other things about the yard that you'll need to keep an eye on.

Carl felt relief as his cock softened just a little as they made their way around the property, Melody showing him all of the work that needed to be done. He didn't see that Melody was eyeing his cock, anticipating being able to feel it in her hands and elsewhere. She did notice that he kept looking at her tits and her crotch, his cock twitching now and then.

"Well, I think that pretty well covers everything." She turned to the young man, "Do you have any questions?"

Looking around the yard, "No, I think we're good."

"Great! As you saw, there're some places that have been neglected that I'm anxious for you to work on."

"I can start on them tomorrow, Mrs. Peterson" Carl replied, genuinely anxious to return.

"That would be perfect. But please, call me Melody. Mrs. Peterson is just way too formal."Mike sat in the family room, the fingers of one hand tapping his chin. He was looking outside as his mother was on her knees, coating her body with lotion before laying down to soak up the sun. He watched as she coated each breast, then her abdomen, followed by her legs. He watched as she moved her knees apart just a little as she poured a little more lotion onto her hand and made sure that the juncture between her legs was properly coated. He saw her eyes close and imagined her moaning just a little as she ran her fingers between her labia. Mike could feel the blood begin to flow to his own mid-section.

Linda laid down on the blanket and Mike could still see the sun glisten off her skin. He lifted the drink that he held in his other hand to hand lips and let a little of the brandy into his mouth. He savored the warmth as it coated his mouth and then down his throat.

It had been a little over a year since the dramatic life changes took place in his life. He had quit his job and started his own business. He had taken Deanna on as a partner, what with her background in accounting and law, it was a perfect match for his skills. Their partnership had turned more successful than anyone could have anticipated. What started out as a home office for the two of the them had grown into a much larger organization with an office in town along with a small staff. He still worked out of his home for the most part while Deanna worked out of the office in town.

He felt a presence come up behind him and looked up as Melody softly put a hand on his shoulder.

"God, I hope I look that good when I'm her age," Melody said in a soft voice.

Mike turned his head to find that her bush was right at eye level. The soft curls accentuated by a glint of sunlight coming in the window shining on her mid-section. He turned to face her and gently nudged her hip so that she faced him. Setting his brandy down, he placed both hands on her hips and pushed enough for her to move backwards.

Melody felt a table behind her. With a devilish grin, she scooted onto it. Mike moved his hand to behind her knees and looked up, "Honey, you are incredibly beautiful now. And I have no doubt that you'll look as good as mom, if not better."

Melody slid further back onto the table and Mike raised her legs, pulling them apart. Her labia, like a flower, opened its petals to him, exposing the sweet pink flesh that was hidden. Without a word, Mike leaned forward and started with his tongue.


It had been quiet all morning long and Mike was able to get caught up on some paperwork that he had fallen behind on. It was one of the few days that he was at his desk in the downtown office. So it startled him when the phone rang.

"This is Mike, can I help you?"

"Mike, it's Mitch. How are you today?"

"Not bad so far. Just trying to get caught up on paperwork."

"Yeah, I hear ya there. Never seems to go away."

"No. In fact I'm not sure it's not getting worse."

Mitch laughed, "Say Mike, do you have a couple of minutes? I'd like to stop by and hit you up with an idea."

"Sure. When?"

"Well, I'm actually in the area. Would 10-15 minutes be too soon?"

"No. Gets me the hell away from this stack of crap."

"Ha, I'm on my then," Mitch replied with a chortle.

True to his word, Mitch appeared at Mike's office 10 minutes later, "Come on in, make yourself comfortable," Mike said, pointing to the chairs that populated his office.

"Thanks for seeing me on short notice."

Mike sat in another chair across from Mitch, "So what's up?"

"Well, you and I talked a while back about whether or not we could do business together."

Mike nodded, "Yeah, I remember."

"Well," Mitch continued, leaning forward a little, "I was really impressed with your technical knowledge and insight."

Mike looked down and picked a piece of 'lint' off his pants. He didn't handle compliments as well as he should, "Well, thank you, Mitch, but it's nothing special."

"That may be. But it's some knowledge that I don't have. And the other day I got a hair brained idea and I just want to run it past you and get your feedback."

"Okay," Mike replied with a nod and a shrug, "I'd be happy to."

Just as the two men were getting up to leave Mike's office an hour later, Melody entered with a bounce in her step and a smile.

Mike stepped forward while Mitch stopped, "Mel, surprised to see you here," Mike said as he took his wife in his arms and gave her a kiss.

"Well, I thought I'd stop by and see if there was anything needed before I head home."

"Mel, I'd like you to meet Mitchell Sanders. Mitch, this is my wife Melody."

Mitch reached out and shook Melody's hand, "Good to meet you Melody."

"Please, call me Mel," she replied with a smile, thinking she had seen him before.

"Mitch," he replied with similar thoughts running through his head.

"So, do you need me to pick up anything, sweetheart?" Mel asked.

Mike pursed his lips for a second and shook his head, "No, I can't think of anything."

"Okay," she replied with same bubbly smile she had earlier.

"No, wait. Remember that wine you brought home last week?"


"How about a couple more bottles of it?"

"Okay," Melody said as she stepped forward and gave her husband a kiss. "Don't be late."

"I won't."

The two men said nothing as they watched Melody leave. Unbeknownst to the other, each was taking in the sway of her hips as she walked away.

"You know, I swear I've seen her before somewhere," Mitch said in a thoughtful voice.

"Oh?" Mike replied turning to face Mitch.

"Yeah, I was checking out a small resort recently and I, no I must be thinking of someone else," Mitch said trying to quickly drop the subject as it occurred to him that he did see her, only she was naked.

Seeing Mitch's sudden change, he asked "It wouldn't have been Hidden Eden would it?"

Mitch looked at Mike trying to hide the surprise he felt, "Well, yeah."

Mike smiled, "It was probably her. She and I go there quite often."

"How did you like the place?" Mike asked hoping to set Mitch at ease a little more.

"Not bad, not bad. I usually frequent another place."


"Yeah, I don't know if it has a formal name or not, be we just know it as 'The Camp'."

Mike nodded in thought for a moment, "Can't say as I've heard of it."

Mitch stuck out his hand, still wanting to sidestep the topic that had inadvertently come up, "Mike, thanks for your time. You have been incredibly helpful."

Mike shook the offered hand, "Anytime, Mitch, anytime. You should come out to the house sometime and we'll just kick back and relax. I'll e-mail you my address."

Mitch quickly thought, "I'd like that."

Mike leaned over and in a low voice, "That way you can also see how well Mel's tan looks on her."

Mitch could feel his cheeks redden a little bit. He replied with simply a smile and a nod.


Deanna lay on her side, her head resting on the chest of her new boyfriend. She smiled as she felt his hand run up and down her arm. She draped a leg over his and felt his penis stir as her thigh made contact.

"This is wonderful," she said in a soft voice.

Mitch turned his head just a little and kissed her forehead, "Yes, it is."

It was the first time in a long time that she spent the night with someone else in her bed, other than Mike and Melody and they really didn't count. She met Mitch at seminar recently. She started up a conversation with him primarily because he had a service which could help the business that she and Mike had built up. While the prospect didn't pan out, their relationship did. Both went through tough divorces so both were very cautious with each other for a long time.

It was a week ago that Deanna had Mike and Melody over for dinner. It was to introduce Mitch to her best friends but she also wanted their opinion of him. Deanna dropped by the store the following day to pick Melody's brain, "Mel, what did you think of Mitch?"

Melody looked at her friend and read a real desire on her face, "Deanna, I've only met him once before in Mike's office before last night."

"I know. But you must have an opinion."

Melody folded her hands in her lap and looked down for a moment. She was hesitant to express her opinion, not that she had a negative impression of Mitch, quite the opposite, she was reluctant to get in the middle of things. But Deanna needed some reassurance and she had become her friend.

"Deanna, I think he's a nice guy. He seemed really decent and seems to be quite taken with you."

"You liked him?"

"From what little I know, yes, I would say I do."

Deanna sat back and smiled, "I like him too. What does Mike think?"

Melody took a breath and paused before answering, "You should really ask him. He knows a lot more about him than I do."

A frown formed on Deanna's face, "What do you mean?"

Melody tilted her head slightly, "Well, when you and Mike were looking at him for his services, he checked him out."

A mixture of fear and anger began to form on Deanna's face, "He never said anything to me."

Melody reached out and patted her friends knee, "I know. If it looked like there was any possibility of business with him, he would have. But being it never went anywhere, he just forgot about it. He didn't intend to go around your back and he never would. You should know that."

Deanna slumped her shoulders and looked down, "You're right, I'm sorry."

Melody smiled and rubbed Deanna's knee. Deanna looked up and leaned forward a little, "What does he think?"

Melody smiled, "Well, Mike found out that Mitch is a man of his word. He has a great reputation, he's honest in his dealing with others. He seems to be a really decent man."

"Then why's he divorced? What's wrong with him?"

"Deanna, who said that it was his fault?"

"Well, he's no longer married, is he?"

"Deanna, just because your ex was a cheat and a scoundrel doesn't mean that all men who get divorced are."

"Maybe," Deanna replied quietly, not totally convinced.

"His ex-wife's family lives on the other coast and they were health problems with her parents. She's an only child and she felt like she needed to move to take care of them. She knew that Mitch's family lives only a few hours away and that his business was grounded here. So, she decided to move and divorcing Mitch was the best for both of them."

"That's awful," Deanna said, placing her hands on the side of her face.

"Well, Mitch was devastated and could only watch as his marriage fell apart and the woman he loved moved out and disappeared." Melody watched as her friend became absorbed in thought.

"He never said anything," Deanna said in a whisper. She decided then and there that she wanted to see Mitch again.

Deanna's mind returned to the present when she realized that Mitch had asked a question, "Hmm, what? I'm sorry."

Mitch rolled onto his side and brushed the hair off of her face, "I said, would you like me to get you some coffee?" He repeated in a soft voice followed by another kiss on her forehead.

She looked up and wrapped her arm around his neck, "In a bit. I want something else first." She reached down and stroked his member until it was hard. Then she rolled on top of him, placing him at her entrance and sighed as his cock made its way inside.

The following day Deanna and Melody met at a nearby sandwich shop. In deference to the menu filled with the variety of offerings, they both opted for salads. Deanna had her head in her hand and was using her fork to pick at the lettuce. Melody looked first at the salad bowl and then her friend, "What's wrong?"

With a heavy sigh, Deanna put the fork down and looked at Melody, "Mitch spent the night last weekend."

Melody's face broke out into a smile and was quickly replaced with concern, "Well, that's good, right?"


"Then I don't understand."

Deanna sat back and looked Melody in the eyes, "Mel, he doesn't know about us. You know, I mean he knows we're friends but he doesn't know about, well you know."

"Ah, the nudity part."

"Yeah, and the sex part."

"Well," Melody paused to think, "how long have you and Mitch been seeing each other?"

"Just a few weeks."

"And last weekend was the first time you've slept together."

Deanna simply nodded her head, "I was afraid to get involved. You know, I had sworn I wasn't going to get involved in another relationship again. Not after what happened the last time."

"I know and we both know what kind of person that created," Melody replied, raising her eyebrows just a little to remind Deanna of the bitch she once was.

"I know. And I don't want to be like that again."

"You think things could develop between you and him?"

Deanna looked at her friend as smiled, "Yeah, I do."

Melody returned the smile, "Why I think Deanna is beginning to experience love again."

Deanna could feel her cheeks turn warm and her thoughts turned to the times she has spent with Mitch so far. "I don't know. Maybe. I guess."

Melody took Deanna's hand in hers, "So don't stop seeing him. What Mike and I have is special and we've been happy to have you a part of it. But it doesn't mean we still can be friends without the sex."

Deanna let out a breath of exasperation, "But that's just it Mel, I don't want to give that up." Deanna lowered her voice just a little, even though there was no one nearby, "I love when it's just you and I in bed. And of course, I don't think I could stand be around Mike naked and not want to put his cock to use."

Melody smiled some more, "We love having you as well and we would both be sad to give that up." She thought for a moment, "How do you know that Mitch would be offended or have a problem?"


"How do know that Mitch wouldn't like to play too?"

Deanna pulled back with a puzzled look and then stared at the table for a moment, she never thought that maybe Mitch would be open to the idea and would want to join in. She looked at Melody and slowly shook her head, "I don't know," she said softly.


Mike was working on some new ideas when he heard a knock on the door. He looked up from his desk to see Deanna standing there. He took a couple of seconds to look at her. He loved how her legs look in dark stocking. "Uh, hi. What's up?"

Deanna slowly strode towards his desk, her arms crossed across her chest, pushing her breasts up just a little. She knew she was teasing him and she enjoyed it. However, there was business to attend to. Dropping her arms, "Would you talk to Anita?"

"Why? What's wrong?"

"She won't tell me. But I know her well enough that there's something wrong. She hasn't gotten much work done this week."

Mike sat back in his chair as turned his thoughts from the feminine figure in front of him to one of their star employees. "Yeah, I'll talk to her."

"Thanks," Deanna said with a smile of relief on her face. "I'll go tell her to come see you." Deanna turned and started for the door.

"Deanna," Mike called out.

Deanna stopped and turned, "Yeah?"

Mike got up and came around his desk. Melody had told him a little of her conversation with Deanna. "You have any plans for Saturday?"

Deanna turned around and looked off to the side for a moment, "No, not really. Mitch and I were probably just going to go hiking or something."

"Well, how about you and Mitch come out to the house."

Deanna thought for a moment and then formed a small smile, "Let me ask him and see." She turned to leave and stopped. Turning around, "Mike, I haven't told him that you and Mel are nudists yet, never mind the rest."

Mike thought for a moment and nodded his head, "Okay, well if you think it will be a problem for him, let me know and Mel and I can dress for the day."

Deanna looked at Mike for a moment, "I need to tell him. If he accepts it, great. If he doesn't then maybe he and I are right for each other."

"Okay," Mike replied, "whatever you decide. Let me know."


Mitch waited outside of Deanna's door, making some last-minute adjustments to his tie. Sure, they had been seeing each other and things were getting serious, but he still wanted to look nice for the woman who has become the love of his life.

It took a few seconds for him to say anything once the door did open. Standing before him was the most beautiful woman he has known. Deanna stood before him wearing a black dress that came down to just above her knees, accentuating a pair of legs in dark nylons. A deep "V" in her top revealed that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her hair had been done and there was just a touch of makeup. Mitch could feel various parts of his body responding to the vision before him.

"Well, aren't you going to come in?" Deanna asked with a rather seductive smile.

Mitch resumed breathing, "Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just that, well, you are gorgeous. I'm, uh, wow. You look incredible."

"Why thank you, sir," she replied with a slight curtsy.

He entered the living room and gently pushed the door closed behind him. Placing his hands on the back of her shoulders, he slowly drew her towards him. Her arms wrapped around him and their lips joined in a kissed that was not only passionate but filled with the love for each other.

Stepping apart just a little, Deanna smiled and took his hand, leading him into the dining room. Her thoughts momentarily wandered to hoping that he would have a positive reaction to the subject that she needed to talk to him about.

"Wow, what's the occasion?" Mitch asked as he looked at the dining table, centered with two lit candles and set for two.

"Nothing really," she started to reply. "I just wanted to do something special for you."

He continued to be wowed as he consumed the dinner Deanna prepared. He had enjoyed her cooking in the past, but this dinner was beyond anything she had made before. It was, in his opinion, exquisite. She blushed when he told her as much.

Sitting side by side on the sofa, they slowly sipped at what was left in their wine glasses. Deanna's heart was beating a little faster due to the topic she wanted to bring up. Mitch's heart was beating a little faster as well as he could the love for her grow, outside of the fact that her dress had slid up a little when she sat down, exposing a bit more of her thigh and he could just make out the lace at the top of her stocking.

"Mitch," Deanna started, "what do you think of Mike and Melody?"

Mitch looked up, "Well, I've worked with Mike a couple of times and I really like the guy. I've only met Melody once and, well, she's pretty amazing. Why?"

"Well, they are probably my best friends, outside of you, of course."

"I know," he replied with a reassuring smile.

"Well, I just was hoping that you liked them too."

"I do."

"Well, they've invited you and me to go over this weekend."

"That sounds great to me."

"There's one other thing," Deanna said hesitantly.

Mitch cocked his head a little, "What?"

"They're nudists."

"Okay, so?"

"Well, they'll be naked."

Mitch nodded his head for a moment, "Well that makes sense."

"You're okay with that?" Deanna asked, surprised at his response.

"I already knew."

"You did?"

"Yeah, somehow the subject came up in one of our conversations," Mitch replied as if the topic was and everyday thing.


"Yeah, Melody came in and told Mike that she was going home." Mitch stopped and looked at Deanna for a reaction as he knew that Deanna was there with them.

"I see."

"I mentioned to Mike that I thought I had seen her before someplace."

"Really? Where?" she asked with a quizzical look.

"A place called Hidden something or another."

"Hidden Eden," Deanna corrected him without thinking. Her eyes went wide as she realized what she had just blurted out and she covered her mouth with her hand.

Mitch broke out in a broad grin and reached out to touch her arm, "It's okay, I figured you went with them." He let that sink in for a moment, "I haven't been there myself but that one time, I usually just go to another place called The Camp.""You mean, you're a ..." Deanna started but couldn't finish.

"I am and I can't wait to see you and Melody side by side in all your glory."

Deanne still hadn't told him about the openness of their relationship but figured that could wait a little bit, she had a more urgent need. She stood and held out her hands to him, "Come with me. I want to see you in all your glory. Now."

Deanna led him by the hand to her bedroom. When she turned her back to him as she entered the room, he lowered the zipper on the back of her dress and slowly slid the garment off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Her head tilted backwards and he moved his hands down and softly caressed her breasts using his thumb to twirl her nipples. He could feel himself harden as her nipples hardened.

Mitch leaned forward and started kissing her neck and shoulders. He moved his hips back just a little as he felt her hands make their way to his trousers. He became very constrained as he had no more room in his pants for his cock to grow. Sensing this, Deanna turned around and unbuckled his pants and slowly lowered them. She looked up at him as she lowered them along with herself. She continued to look into his eyes as her hand wrapped the base of his shaft and the head of his cock disappeared inside her mouth. It was only when he closed his eyes and tilted his head back did she close hers and focused her attentions on the throbbing that she could feel in her mouth.

With slow and gentle efforts, she moved her mouth up and down his shaft, every so often lightly rubbing her teeth along the extra sensitive helmet. She was rewarded with faint groans and a light clasp on the sides on her head by his hands. She pulled back, just leaving the head of his cock in her mouth and stroked his penis with her hand as Mitch moved closer to coming.

With a groan and in a quiet voice, Mitch said to no one in particular, "I'm coming. Oh God."

Deanna felt his hands grab at her hair as the first spurts of semen were ejected from deep inside Mitch and hit the back of her throat. The joy of giving him the massive pleasure he was experiencing overshadowed any bitterness she tasted in his semen. She knew from experience that her oral manipulations sometimes gave him a stronger orgasm than he experienced during intercourse.

The pressure of his hands on her head eased as he slowly came down from his orgasmic high. Deanna continued to gently caress the head of his penis with her mouth, causing Mitch to jerk now and then as it was now super sensitive. With a slight pop, she finally let his cock go. She stood up and took his hands in hers and looked at the man she was head over heels for. With a gentle tuck, she led him to the bed.

He lay next to her, his hand exploring her breasts. He looked at her, "My God, woman, that was incredible."

"You liked it then?" Deanna asked, as if she had to.

"Uh, yeah," Mitch answered in a way that made it sound like it should have been obvious. He smiled and leaned over and kissed the nearest nipple.

"I'm glad," Deanna beamed. She wanted to give him the same pleasure he had been giving her. She enjoyed the feeling of his cock and the warm fluid filling her throat this time as much as any.

Deanna's smiled faded a little as she looked into his eyes. In a barely audible voice, "I love you."

Mitch stopped playing with her nipple and didn't say anything for a few seconds, "I love you, too."

Deanna reached down and rubbed her hand gently up and down his shaft and could feel it quickly harden with her manipulations. Without breaking eye contact, she raised herself off the bed pushing Mitch onto his back at the same time. She swung a leg over his waist and still holding onto his penis, placed it at her opening. With a little excess moisture in her eyes, she lowered herself on him until her hips rested on his.

She liked being on top as it gave her the ability to move her hips in such a way that she was able to have his cock rub against her clitoris. She usually wasn't able to orgasm during intercourse unless she was on top. Mitch was all too happy to let her as it applied different pressure to his penis that reverberated throughout his body. It didn't take long for her to feel the electrifying waves of pleasure roar through her as she started to orgasm. At the same time, Mitch started to raise his hips, trying to drive deeper inside her as he let loosed spurt after spurt of cum.

Deanna woke up to find herself laying mostly on top of Mitch. His penis had slid out of her and could feel it up against the inside of her thigh. She looked at his closed eyes and smiled. Slowly and quietly she got up as nature called.

Stepping out of the bathroom, she grabbed a robe and wrapped it around her. She looked at the form laying on her bed. Mitch was still on his back, sound asleep. She took in his face and smiled. She looked lower at his limp cock and smiled some more.

Deanne was leaning against the kitchen counter slowly sipping a mug of coffee when she felt arms wrap around her, "How long have you been up?" Mitch whispered in her ear, his nose nuzzling through her hair.

Deanna turned in his arms, setting the mug down and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Only about 20 minutes or so." She closed her eyes as she reached in for a kiss.

Their lips met in a semi-chaste kiss initially but quickly grew in passion. Soon their tongues were dancing with each other, both filled with love and passion.

Deanna pulled back just a little when it ended. "Wow," she said in a whisper, her eyes focused intently on his.

Mitch smiled and said "I love you, Deanna."

Deanna returned the smile, "I love you too." But then the topic that she wanted to discuss last night entered her head. "But there's something we need to talk about."

A frown quickly formed on his face as he retied the sash on his robe, "What is it? What's wrong?"

Deanna didn't answer as she turned away and grabbed another mug out of the cabinet. Without a word, she prepared the way she knew Mitch liked it. Picking up hers in the other hand, she turned to face the man she had fallen hard for.

"Sit," she said, indicating one of the dining room chairs.

She set his mug down in front of him. He didn't say a thing and never took his eyes off hers as he looked at her, worried that something was terribly wrong, something that might what they had together to an end.

Deanna sat down and put one hand on his arm, "Mitch, I love you more than anything. I feel a joy that I didn't think was possible."

"I do too."

"You know that Mel and I, well, she's my best friend."

"I know and I think that's wonderful."

"Well, you also know that they're nudists and now I know you are too."

"Yes, and I'm guessing from what you've told me, you've become one as well."

Deanna nodded her head and softly replied, "Yes."

"So, there's nothing wrong with that."

"I know."

"So, what's the problem?" Mitch asked, sensing that there was something more.

"Well, Mike and Mel, well, they're a little more, how shall I say open in their marriage."

Mitch nodded a little bit and was silent for a moment, "You mean that they include others in their bedroom?"

Deanna could only nod.

"Including you?" he asked tenderly.

Deanna looked at Mitch, worry in her eyes and nodded confirmation.

"With Mike?"

"And Mel," Deanna said in a whisper, not of shame, but of fear of what Mitch will think.

Mitch took his arm out from under Deanna's hand and took her hand in his. Deanna watched as a smile formed on his face, "Deanna, is this what you've been afraid of? Is this why you went through all you did last night?"

Deanna nodded, tears begging to form in her eyes.

"Sweetheart," Deanna perked up as he had never called her that before, "It doesn't bother me at all."

"It doesn't?" Deanna asked in genuine surprise.

Mitch smiled and shook his head, "No, it doesn't."

"I don't understand."

Mitch looked at her hand for a moment and patted it before looking back at her. "My parents had an open relationship. We went nude in the house since I can remember. When I turned 18 they sat me down and we talked. After that they let me join them in their get togethers."

"Wow, I would have never have guessed," Deanna said in utter surprise.

"It's true," Mitch said in a comforting voice. "And," he continued, drawing out the word, "it was mom who let me lose my virginity to. And we've enjoyed each other a number of times over the years."

The silence was deafening as Deanna could only look at Mitch. Never in her wildest imagination could she have ever imagined hearing what he just said. Not only did it cause a tingle between her legs, she suddenly started feeling a great weight lift off her shoulders.

"Does that help you at all?" Mitch asked in a hopeful voice. Now it was he that was concerned that his revelations would spell doom for their relationship.

Deanna smiled, a tear running down her cheek. She nodded, "Yes. Yes, it does."

"I'm guessing that you and Mel have gotten together, just the two of you?"

Deanna nodded in the affirmative.

"Would it bother you if I told that I would love to see the two of you together?"

Deanna smiled and shook her head, "Only if it would bother you if I said that I can't wait to see you and Mel together."

Mitch smiled, "I look forward to that. Just so you know, I'm not into guys."

Deanna laughed and wiped away another tear, "Neither is Mike."

He took her hands in his and stood. His erection stuck out between the gaps in his robe. "Let's go upstairs."


Deanna sat down at the table and waited as the waitress set the menu in front of her. Melody also sat back as a menu was placed in front of her.

"Can I get either of you ladies anything to drink to start with?"

Deanna didn't hesitate, "A glass white wine, a chardonnay?"

"We have an excellent house wine," offered the waitress.


Turning to Melody, "And you, ma'am."

Melody looked at her friend for a moment and then turned to the waitress, "I'll have the same."

"Excellent, I'll be right back with your wines."

They waited until the waitress had left and then Melody put her arms on the table and leaned in, "Okay, so what's up. You seemed pretty anxious to talk today."

Deanna couldn't help but smile as she also put her arms on the table and leaned in. "Well, Mitch and I talked."

Melody wanted to ask but decided to let Deanna tell her story. Instead she simply cocked her head a little to say, 'go on'.

"Well, you remember my telling you that I never talked to Mitch about us," she said, using her fingers to indicate the two of them.


They stopped as the waitress returned with their glasses of wine. They both ordered Caesar's salad with chicken and again waited for the waitress to disappear.

"Well, it turns out he saw you at Hidden Eden".

Melody was surprised, "You're kidding? He goes there too?"

Deanna shook her head, "Apparently he usually goes to a place called The Camp, or something like that. He said he was only there to check the place out".

"Oh. Did he say if he liked it?" Melody asked.

Deanna frowned for a moment, "You know, I didn't ask. I was so shocked that he actually was there that I didn't think to ask him".

Melody laughed, "I'm sure you were. I'm a little surprised myself".

"Well, anyways, he said that when he met you at Mike's office he recognized you."

"I'm flattered," Melody smiled, "So he's a nudist too. That will make things a little easier for you," she commented, genuinely happy that things were turning out for her friend.

"So," Melody continued after taking a sip of wine, "does that mean you'll be able to invite him out for a BBQ sometime soon?"

Deanna broke into a grin, "Yes and it gets even better."


"Well," Deanna leaned forward a little more and looked around with her eyes to make sure that no one was within earshot, "apparently his parents had an open marriage and would often have friends come over and stay the night."

Melody smiled, "Nice." Melody took a sip of her wine, "It's not as uncommon as some people think."

They had to sit back again as their salads were placed in front of them. When the waitress left, Deanna leaned forward again, "He also said that he lost his virginity to his mom."

Melody had picked up her fork and started mixing up the lettuce but stopped and stared at Deanna with the last revelation. This was certainly not something that she expected, "You're kidding?"

Deanna smiled and shook her head, "Nope."

"Oh my," Melody said breaking into a grin.

"Yeah, I guess sometime after he turned 18 his folks let him join in on their parties. He lost is virginity one night to his mom and they did it several times over the years since then."

Melody put a forkful of lettuce in her mouth and contemplated the revelation as she chewed. She had watched Mike make love to his mom on a number of occasions and thought it was not only erotic to see but loved to see the passion between mother and son.

"So," Melody started after she swallowed her food, "did you tell about Mike and I?"

Deanna still hadn't touched her food, "That's the best part, Mel."

"How's that?"

"Well I told him that you guys are open in your marriage as well. He figured out that I've been a part of that. And he asked if you and I, you know, have ever been together."

Melody stopped in mid-chew, "And?"

"He asked me if it would bother me if he watched you and I together some time."

"No shit!"

Deanne grinned, "No shit."

Melody could feel herself get itchy between her thighs. "What did you tell him?"

"Well, I asked if it would bother him while I watched him with you."

Melody started to feel her pussy beginning to moisten very quickly. She thought the Mitch was a very good-looking man. Now the thought of having him in-between her legs was intoxicating.

Deanna could only smile as she watched her best absorb the news. Only now did she start eating her salad.

Melody asked in a soft voice, "So when are you guys coming out?"

Deanna burst out laughing, and then answered, "Mike invited us this weekend. Would that be too soon?"

Melody vigorously shook her head that it wasn't too soon.

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