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40% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1640: 11-@

Chapitre 1640: 11-@

Alexa was panting beneath me and bucking her hips rhythmically, flexing her ass around my throbbing tool. She pressed her forehead to mine, gripping me tight. My thrusts were strong and steady, bringing us both closer to the bliss we now sought- a mutual ecstasy that we could not do without.

"Yes, Alex..." she whispered, her fingers caressing my neck. "Cum in me, my beautiful husband. Cum in your loving wife..."

Her words sent my heart soaring and I pushed down deeper inside her, making her gasp. She pressed her mouth to mine and kissed me feverishly, using her legs around my waist to pull her hips off the bed and crush herself to me, straining. I pushed down into her with all my might, my body shaking with effort before the dam burst- we moaned into one another's mouths as we came together, my pearly essence flooding deep inside her ass. We writhed, bucked and churned together, lost in rapture. The tingling fire of orgasm blossomed through me, touching ever fibre of my being.

She collapsed onto the bed and I went with her, both of us panting in exquisite exhaustion. I could feel my cock throbbing inside her and the beat of her heart around me. My eyes were closed, the darkness punctuated with unreal scintillating colours and a deep bliss. I don't know how long we were holding one another, just that this moment never needed to end.

Alexa finally sighed in contentment and found her voice. "Love me?"

"I gots no other way to be." I replied, smiling and rubbing my nose against hers.

"Let me stay with you tonight, Alex," she whispered, caressing my face. "My door upstairs is closed, Mike and Karen will just assume I'm sleeping in after a long day. I already told Freja and Jeanie to let me contact them and not the other way around, so they won't message me. Your parents won't come down here, will they?"

I shook my head. "They never have. That one night my dad called down and turned on the lights was as close as it's ever gotten. They respect my privacy, especially since they know I sleep in the buff."

She giggled. "That's one of the principle reasons that I like to come and bother you in the mornings. May I stay with you tonight, then?"

"I'd love that more than anything," I said with complete honesty. "If you never left my side again, I'd be the happiest man to ever live."

She kissed me again and then allowed me to pull gently out of her ass. We took turns using the bathroom and then cuddled close, arms wrapped around one another. We kissed and whispered words of love before drifting off to sleep, both of us dreaming about a future we knew could never be.


I was yawning and scratching as I stumbled upstairs, clad in boxer shorts and a t-shirt with a Clan Wolf logo on it. The kitchen and dining room smelled of strong coffee, bacon, eggs and toast. Sure enough, dad was sitting at the table, reading a paper while mom was shovelling a few kilotons of eggs onto a large plate.

"Good morning, Cinderfella," dad said cheerfully, looking over at me. "Nice to see yesterday's insanity didn't wipe you out completely."

"I got off lucky," I said, shrugging. "All I really had to do was talk to Jeanie for a few, literally a no-brainer. At least I didn't spend two hours walking around on my hands with my knees latched beside my ears."

"Good Lord, that girl is unreal," mom muttered, pushing a few pigs' worth of bacon onto dad's plate. "She belongs in Cirque Du Soleil with that flexibility."

"I wonder if we could turn that into a sex position..." dad mused as he put down the paper and reached for the Tabasco sauce for his eggs.

"Dear!" mom exclaimed, shooting him a look while I scowled and clamped my hands over my ears. "It's too early to troll your son like that."

"If we don't talk to our son about circus freak sex, who will?" dad laughed, making mom roll her eyes and sit down, resigned to my mental corruption. "But Alex is right, I'm sure Alli is completely dragged out after all that activity. She's still sound asleep up there, her door is shut tight."

"Well, even if she weren't exhausted, she sleeps in the buff, so the closed-door thing is a courtesy," mom pointed out. "She must really be zonked, though. Even the coffee isn't waking her up, and this is her favourite roast."

"She messaged me last night before she crashed," I said as I poured a cup of coffee for myself. "Told me that she would get up eventually and that she told Fric and Frac to let her sleep, that she'd call them. She gave me a heads-up in case they decided to bug me by proxy.""Nice to know she's thorough before she goes comatose," dad mentioned, already halfway through his first plate of food. "Your mom and I will be somewhat busy today, we convinced some Hospitality students from the nearby tech college to coordinate the planning for the events."

"How'd you do that?" I asked.

Mom shrugged. "We know the profs at the college and they agreed to let this count as practicum for any students who volunteered. There's four of them working on it now. Brute labour'll be provided by the Kjaer men, your father and yourself."

"This is turning into quite the event." I said.

"Well, once we knew it was actually happening, we subtly began planning," mom explained. "We had no idea how involved Jeanie's parents would be, and the Kjaers were still in Denmark. We had to be ready for a small ceremony or a big to-do, so we kept our options open. And it didn't cost us a penny, so win-win."

"But Alli'll need to get up at some point," dad mentioned. "We have a rehearsal dinner and all that. Which reminds me, would you be okay with standing in as part of the wedding party, if necessary?"

I shrugged. "For who? I mean, Alexa's probably gonna be the Maid of Honour for Freja, and there's plenty of women on the Kjaer side, not to mention men. How would I fit in?"

"Jeanie invited a few of her friends in addition to family," he replied. "One of whom is Heather, who you already know biblically. I imagine you'll be paired off with her for convenience."

"Beats getting stuck paired with my aunt again." I sighed.

"Oh, be nice, Groucho," mom chided. "You could do a lot worse than being matched off with Alli for a wedding party. People get stuck with relatives all the time, they're just never as spectacular as she is."

"Spoken like a true big sister," I grimaced. "Look, whatever needs to happen, whatever part I need to play, that's fine. If there's an open bar, it's all good."

We ate and discussed the day's plans over coffee before dad announced his intentions of going for a swim. Mom followed him out, deciding they would be skinny-dipping together and leaving me to finish my breakfast. The sliding back door had barely closed before Alexa came padding quickly up the stairs from my room, dressed in the see-thru nightie she'd been wearing when she came down to see me, along with see-thru panties. She pulled me against the wall and we kissed and ground hungrily against one another for several seconds before we broke the lip-lock, panting heavily and staring into each other's eyes in barely-restrained lust. She then hurried upstairs and quietly closed her door. I sighed heavily and sat back down, trying to calm my raging hard-on.

Mom and dad came back in finally, wet of hair but thankfully wrapped in their plush robes. Mom made a wry face and looked up the stairs.

"That girl still not awake? Alex, go get her, will you?"

"Uh, no, she sleeps in the buff, remember?" I replied.

"Yes, the sheer trauma of seeing your gorgeous aunt naked," she said dryly, shaking her head. "What ever would you do? Fine, wait here, Pollyanna."

Mom went upstairs while dad and I drank coffee. We heard her knock and announce herself, then open the door to Alexa's room and head in. It was maybe five minutes before they came downstairs together, with Alexa wearing a long t-shirt and some panties beneath them. The t-shirt did very little to restrain her opulent breasts and I did my best to make a point of not looking, as my parents had come to expect.

"She's clothed, Lord Autumnbottom, it's okay to look up."

I sighed and greeted Alexa, resolutely making eye contact and looking nowhere else, to the amusement of my parents. Under other circumstances, I would find the amusement annoying, but it was better this way, for obvious reasons. The plans for the day were laid out again, and Alexa finally messaged Freja and Jeanie. Within moments, her phone was blowing up with endless messages. Her head thunked against the dining room table in despair.

"Is it too early for absinthe and champagne?" she groaned.


Tradition was mostly thrown out the window for the day, since there was much to do. I ended up playing chauffer for the brides and closest associates as they went for their final wedding dress fittings. Neither girl was assuming a 'groom' role in the marriage, so two elegant bridal gowns were in order. Not surprisingly, neither gown was all that modest. Both were backless and the bodices enhanced Freja's and Jeanie's cleavage to the place where they almost looked like they were Alexa's size.

I was sitting on a small padded bench and watching the proceedings, while Alexa was fussing over her friends, who stood side-by-side on a small dais for viewing. Two of the shop's attendants were making sure all the alterations were in place. Freja and Jeanie mostly just stood there and giggled, trying to not feel one another up.

My eyes were closed and I was lost in thought when I felt someone sit down next to me- I opened my eyes and saw Freja's mother, Anna, smiling at me. She was a kindly-looking lady, about my mom's age, with greying hair and cheerful hazel eyes that reminded me of her daughter.

"It is very good of you to be patient with all this, Alex." Mrs Kjaer said.

"Oh, uh, thanks," I replied somewhat lamely. "It's no big deal, I'm happy to help."

"Yes, but you misunderstand me," she said, placing her hand on top of mine. "Freja told us about you and Alexandra, remember. Do not worry, my dear boy, your secret is safe with us."

"I... thanks..." I murmured, no doubt a few shades paler than I needed to be.

"I admit I thought for years that my daughter and your aunt were destined for one another," she said quietly, still smiling. "I would have thought I'd be disappointed at a different outcome, but I am not. Jeanie is a very good person, and a good match for my daughter. They will be very happy together."

"But more than that," she continued, leaning in and still squeezing my hand. "Alex, you and Alexandra, I see it- you are so perfect for one another, in a way that is so rarely seen. And it is so unfair that you cannot marry, my friend. So unfair."

I said nothing, but nodded, looking at her hand on mine. I didn't rightly know what to say, to be honest.

"It is not an easy thing, your situation. You could absolutely be married elsewhere; even little Denmark would allow it. But the cost to your family, the stigma of it, of breaking the law, even if the law is unjust... I understand how you feel trapped. Alexandra does not wish to cause problems for her family that she just came home to. And you do not wish to complicate matters for your parents, who are upstanding citizens and could be compromised by such a scandal."

"Yeah..." I said uselessly. "That's pretty much it. Marrying Alexa comes at a cost I have no right to inflict on my family. I wish I knew what to do."

"Many people would say you should take a chance and just tell your parents," she said gravely. "But even that is still fraught with endless complications. If your parents approved, it would still need to be kept a total secret. If they fought for you publicly, it might cost them everything. And while any parent loves their child enough to make such a sacrifice, no child could live with that guilt."

I nodded.

"And if they approved, you would still need to leave the country and go elsewhere, to a European country that allows avunculate marriage, or Australia, or one of the American states where it's allowed, and then you would have moved Alexandra away from the family she's missed for nineteen years."

"And that's not fair to her, either," I sighed. "There's no good answer, is there?"

She shook her head sadly. "No, my friend. There is only today's answer."

She now turned her head and looked at Alexa. "And that answer is for you to take her away from distracting herself up at the front there with her friends and to be with you for a few precious moments."

I blinked. "What, right now?"

Mrs Kjaer nodded. "Freja has been giving me subtle looks and hints to get Alexa away from the platform. She knows your aunt very well, my friend, probably better than you do. Alexandra is delighted to be helping her friends, but she is distracting herself, do not doubt it. She needs you. Right now."

"What... what would I do?"

"Take her out to your car and do what people in love do," she said kindly, smiling. "You're our chauffeur, it's not like you can take off on us. Just look after her while I see to my daughter and her bride, okay?"

I took a breath and nodded. She squeezed my hand again and stood up, walking over to the platform. She put a hand on Alexa's shoulder and they began speaking in Danish. Alexa initially seemed to protest, but then both Freja and Jeanie chimed in, agreeing with Mrs. Kjaer. They all hugged her and scooted her away gently. She walked up to me, smiling weakly and wiping at her eye.

"Guess it was pretty obvious," she said, trying to not sound emotional. "I'm sorry."

"I'm the one who should be sorry," I said, rising and taking her hand. "I thought you were perfectly happy doing what you were doing, but Freja and her mom know you so well that they could tell what you really wanted."

"Having people who know you inside and out can be a real pain in the ass," she agreed. "They said we're gonna go sit in your car and be together while they take care of all this stuff?"

I nodded and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around me and just sighed. We walked back to the platform, hand-in-hand, thanking them for their kindness and consideration. Freja and Jeanie stepped down and hugged us both before we exited, heading to my car, which was around the back of the building. I clambered into the back seat and then Alexa followed me in, straddling my lap, her forehead pressed to mine.

"Freja's mom's a smart cookie, isn't she?" my aunt whispered to me.

"Seems to be," I agreed, my hands resting on her waist. There was nothing sexual about what we were doing, it was strictly an emotional response to the stresses we'd been feeling for weeks now. "I see bits of Freja in her, but they're different in more obvious ways."

"True," she said, smiling. "She loves her daughter, no matter how promiscuous she might be. Mom was the same with me."

"I never knew grandma," I sighed. "I think she raised you differently, at least somewhat, from mom. Probably had to do with where she was in her own life, I guess."

Alexa considered my words. "I haven't really asked Karen enough about how she lived her life when she was younger," she said. "I mean, she's certainly a subtle libertine now, as we well know. I don't know yet about earlier. She's always been an empowered woman, clearly. She'd have to be, to keep up with your dad."

I nodded. "Dad and I were talking yesterday about how to be happy in marriage and he said the most important thing was to marry your intellectual equal."

She smiled. "And your dad considers my sister his intellectual equal?"

"If not his superior," I mused. "He's pretty fanatic about her."

"And you, good sir?" she cooed, her hands on the back of my head. "Did you marry your intellectual equal?"

I shook my head. "Not even close. In every single way, I married up."

"Oh, you..." she giggled, booping my nose.

"I'm serious," I said. "I'm pretty damn sure your psychic dick is bigger than my actual dick."

"I've got an absolutely titanic psychic dick, then..." she purred, squirming on my lap and sending shivers through me. "So, did momma Kjaer have any words of wisdom for you that make our lives easier?"

"No, unfortunately," I sighed. "Just to seize every moment with you while I can."

"Like I said, she's a smart cookie." Alexa whispered before pressing her lips to mine.


Rehearsal day went off without a hitch, and I found myself at home, wishing Alexa was with me. Not surprisingly, she was at the hotel with Freja and Jeanie, along with Heather and a few other girls who made up the bridesmaids on both sides. There were some groomsmen in the wedding procession for form's sake, even thought there was no groom.

If it had just been Alexa, Jeanie and Freja, she no doubt would have Skype-called me, but there were a few people there who didn't know about Alexa and I, so we relegated ourselves to texting until we said our goodnights and went to bed. I lay awake for some time, lost in thought and, predictably, coming up with no satisfactory answers.

Morning arrived and before I knew it, the ceremony was upon us. I was technically paired up with Heather, my former flame, who was delighted to be included in the proceedings. As much as I wanted to be with Alexa during the reception, I was pretty much obligated to be glued to Heather. I shouldn't complain, she's a nice girl, as I've mentioned before, and getting laid by her is easy, at least for me. She made it abundantly clear that she intended to fuck me before the night was out. I sighed inwardly, knowing that fucking Heather would be a good thing in terms of throwing everyone off where my aunt and I were concerned.

And it occurred to me that my feelings for Alexa, my aunt that I could never have, were ruining my enjoyment of sex with girls I was perfectly capable of having a relationship with.

I just... didn't care.

I didn't resent Heather wanting to have sex, it was perfectly reasonable for her to want to- we'd done it several times before and enjoyed ourselves immensely. Her desire for sex was hardly an imposition, so why did it feel that way? Alexa had already told me that if I needed to have sex with Heather to keep up appearances, that she really wouldn't mind. And I believed her. But that didn't mean I didn't feel like I was betraying her.

If Alexa could hear me having this argument with myself, she would have laughed and told me I was silly, since she often had to sleep with girls so that everyone thought she was a lesbian. But in my mind, that was different. Alexa fucking girls genuinely didn't bother me, because it was a desire of hers I couldn't fulfill. More than that, she was all too willing to share said girls with me, when it was safe to do so. Me fucking other girls, that was different in my books.

I looked around the breathtaking botanical gardens we were standing in and wondered at how my life had ended up here, at this point- in love with my aunt, unable to marry her and keeping our relationship a secret, even if it was doomed to a bad end.

Beautiful flowers everywhere. Endless bushes of grandiflora roses, trellises and archways burgeoning with lilacs and lavender, the delightful scents mingling as they were carried on a zephyrian breeze. A string quartet was playing 'Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring' as the girls walked down the aisle together, followed by their fathers. The music had been chosen by Alexa, who was allowed to pick the procession music as a thank-you from Freja and Jeanie.

And I felt sad, because she had once told me that it was what she would have picked for our wedding procession music, if such a thing had been allowed. It wasn't just a thank-you from her friends, it was a tribute to her, to what might have been. Should have been.

Don't look at me, Alexa. Not with tears in your eyes...

I went back to concentrating on the event at hand. Considering how quickly it had been thrown together, the ceremony went off without a hitch.

Well, almost. Jeanie couldn't find her ring to give to Freja, looking around in confusion for several seconds, to the consternation of many in attendance.

"Well, that's not good..." I thought to myself, seeing Alexa standing across from me and frowning slightly.

But then Jeanie made an 'Oh!' face and pulled it out of her cleavage, making everyone chuckle. Except her parents.

"Could've been worse," I saw my mom whisper to my dad nearby. "She could've pierced her clit with it..."

I really wish she'd been kidding, but it was a distinct possibility, I had to admit.

The wedding vows were exchanged, once Jeanie had fished Freja's ring out of her boobs, and all those attending applauded loudly as the brides kissed one another. Many children were turned away or their eyes covered as the brides kissed, their prominent breasts squashing together. Alexa laughed and rolled her eyes. I just applauded the rampant public indecency.

Lineups to kiss the brides continued for some time, and champagne was served before everyone headed back to the reception at the university. Heather used this time to pull me aside to a well-concealed area some distance away, which was considered rented by us for the day and therefore not open to the public. Before long, she was bent over a stone bench and I was pushing my cock in and out of her from behind, making her hiss and moan, trying to keep her voice down.

It felt good, of course, and I was determined to make her cum. But I was wearing a condom, which cut down on my sensitivity and made the experience last a little longer than I would have liked. Determined to not draw this out, I began fucking her harder, closing my eyes and thinking of Alexa.

"Nnnffff, oh yes..." she panted, squirming her ass back against me. "You're really strong today, Alex, are you- gnnnnnn- are you fucking another girl who likes it rough?"

I didn't answer her but pushed inside even harder, my hand now snaking into her hair and gripping it tight, pulling on it and making her moan rather more loudly than I would have liked. I knew she liked having her hair pulled, but I was pulling it how Alexa liked it.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, Alex, you... gnnnnnnn, you bastard, yessssssss..." she moaned. I forced myself to open my eyes staring down at my glistening cock as it slid back and forth inside her. She was beginning to shake and I could feel her pussy tightening around me. I knew she expected me to cum and I began fucking her harder and faster, both my hands now reaching forward and clamping over her mouth, to muffle the scream I knew was imminent.

And scream she did. I was pulling back slightly, clamping my hand over her mouth and bowing her spine while I pushed in as hard as I could. She convulsed as we came together, my cum pumping deep inside her, stayed by the condom. Her pussy bathed my hips as she squirted on me. Thank God the wedding party had been dress casual.

I let go of Heather's mouth and she sagged against the stone bench, breathing heavily, her eyes wide and her body trembling. My cock was still throbbing inside her and she stayed still, just feeling me. My hands rested on her ass, caressing it absently as I tried to catch my breath and compose myself. A few moments passed before she reached behind and pulled me forward, slowly turning herself around. I sat on the bench and Heather sat on top of me, facing away. Her hands brought mine up to rest on her breasts while we sat quietly, recovering.

"Holy shit..." she said, still breathing heavily. "Whoever the Hell it is you're fucking, remind me to send her a thank-you card."

I rested my forehead against her back, trying to remember to not give the secret away. "Maybe... I was just excited to see you."

"Yeah, no," she said shaking her head. "I'm not an idiot, Alex. You're smarter than me, but that doesn't make me a moron, you know. And I'm not unhappy about it- you fucked the shit out of me, to the place where I nearly screamed and ruined a wedding. How many girls can say that?"

"Glad to be of service," I mumbled, reaching under her blouse and giving her boobs a squeeze and making her giggle. "Always happy to be a part of the problem instead of the solution."

She squirmed on my lap for a while, enjoying the feel of my hard cock inside her before standing up and turning around to kneel in front of me. She stripped the condom off and sucked the cum off me, licking me clean while smiling up at me dreamily. Discarding the prophylactic discretely, she began dressing herself and then pulling my pants up to make me look presentable.


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