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36.73% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1506: MARA

Chapitre 1506: MARA

The starting point, the point of no return, he would tell himself, was that fateful storm. A cold blustery Autumn night, the ground caked in as much melting snow as rain soaked amber leaves. The wind howled and screamed as it passed through the old cottage located solitarily on the winding hills.

He told himself it was that storm that made him susceptible, weak to the little mannerisms and subtle flirts. In reality it was simply her smile.

Ezra had been head over heels since they were both much younger, caught up in the way she would tuck her hair behind her small pointed ears before grinning at him mischievously. The way her nose scrunched up as she did smile, freckles dotting her cheeks like stars on a clear night. Or how her smooth glossy black hair curled and tousled after being caught in the icy rains.

There was a never ending list he would revise daily as a new aspect of his sister Mara caught his attention and drove him mad. Maybe he was mad for the feelings he'd been harbouring since they were younger. He never dreamed he'd get the chance to act upon it.

Chapter 1: A welcome distraction.

Ezra wasn't much of a people person, an introvert some called him, 'crazy man of the hills' others. In reality he relished the fresh soul cleansing peace of his solitude deep in the hills.

Far away from any nearby towns as to not be disturbed by regular traffic or unwanted visitors but not too far as to deprive himself of his much needed deliveries. Ezra was a mechanic, painter and designer. He never could choose between just one.

He loved the meticulous planning of a designer down to each minute aspect of a diagram, each contoured leaf of a tree sculpture or elegant curve of a water fountain. He loved the thrill of sculpting new and wild ideas while blasting the latest music. Finally, he relished the intricacy of the machine and how millions of tiny parts collectively can create wonders.

Many would think of his as an 'old soul', his parents had told him many times in the past that he had wisdom beyond his years, nothing, he thought, compared to Mara. At only 19 she had been scouted as an exceptional mind. Drawn to physics at an early age, and with a natural burning curiosity of the cosmos, she landed herself a prestigious apprenticeship at a leading European engineering firm based in Switzerland.

It was like losing a limb the day she left. But he could never of said no when she'd asked to go, not after that damned smile. Even at 18, at the time, an adult in his eyes, she'd still asked for his opinion. That was how much they meant to each other. They were inseparable when together. Now a year has gone by with little contact. Her work keeping her busy.

Ezra sat musing on his front porch listening to the soft patter of rainfall on the slated roof. The cottage itself was a humble single storied building with one main bedroom, a smaller guest bedroom which was little more than a large closet, a living room focused around a fire, a bathroom adjoining that and finally a small kitchen. Perfect for just him, crowded if there was anybody else.

Attached to the cottage was a wooden workshop split into two sections: an enclosed roofed section where anything that couldn't get wet was located and an open space that had a slanted tile roof but no walls. A space for both indoor and outdoor projects.

He was musing on his little slice of paradise when he was disturbed by a distant chugging noise. An old petrol engine carrying an over burdened carriage, the only regularity around here except him. He waited several minutes until the truck pulled up outside his house next to his own car, a small compact electric city model. It was recharged by a series of solar panels and a small wind turbine.

Stumbling out of the hot cab interior was his long time friend Gregor, who had emigrated here over 30 years ago. He had known Gregor since he was a baby, a lifelong friend of his late father's. Sharing a handshake and a heartfelt hug, Gregor smiled and slapped the wagon attached to his truck.

"Got some good salvage this time!' He began, giving his signature big toothy grin.

Ezra mounted the wagon, lifting the soaked rain cover to find a heap of old metal, wood and even porcelain items. Ezra whistled as he scanned what would look to anybody else like wreckage. He immediately spotted some chipped porcelain statues, a pair, depicting some grieving maiden.

He scooped them up and gently passed them to Gregor. As light began to fade, having selected a veritable stash of items for reuse his foot struck something large and metallic. Covered by a large twisted section of tarpaulin was a huge vintage arcade machine half buried under some rusted iron railing. Immediately his heart raced.

'You could have told me about this!' He shouted waving his arms at the machine while shoving the railings off with considerable effort.

'And robbed you of that shit eating grin on your face?' Came a chuckled reply. Ezra rolled his eyes and smirked.

An hour had passed by the time the machine was standing proudly inside his enclosed workshop. After some more small talk and an exchange of a fistful of cash, Gregor departed and left Ezra alone with his greatest piece yet.

For what was several weeks, but felt like several hours to Ezra, he worked tirelessly on the new machine. Peeling back the rusted body panels and sanding down the original artwork that had become corroded and flecked with stubborn dirt.

Most of the mechanisms inside were surprisingly still intact but the electronics were unsalvageable, too much salty coastal rain. He was sprawled underneath the main compartment of the machine, tinkering with a delicate little switchboard when he heard a gentle thud from outside. It reminded Ezra of a car door but he wasn't expecting visitors and hardly anybody ventured this far out from the main seaside resorts into the surrounding hills.

He had dismissed the noise, completely oblivious to the polite knocking on his front door or the persistent presses of a door bell which no longer worked. He had no idea how long it had been until he heard the soft padding of feet approach the workshop, followed by the whine of the shutter door opening from the outside.

"Shit!" he breathed quietly, panic rising inside his chest. He expected to see the booted feet of some low-life criminal from under the frame but instead padded the obviously feminine feet clad in socks and sandal.

Bloody socks and sandals! There was only one person who would wear that in the middle of an exceptionally wet Autumn.

With exceptional difficulty he untangled himself from the maze of wiring and shimmied himself out, the bare stone floor cool against his bare torso. As he regained his feet he was greeted by an angel, or close enough. His beautiful sister stood beaming before him. Dressed in a floral orange sundress, thin black cropped cardigan that lay unfastened and a pair of white sandals and socks.

She was absolutely stunning. Framed by the lazy orange sun her already amber skin shone with an alluring light. Her straight black hair was cut short to just below her ears, tucking what she could behind them but inevitably some strands broke free. Still without uttering a word he stepped closer to her.

Her large murky green eyes never leaving his, following his every movement. With a shaky hand he brushed the few strands of hair from her face. She smiled shyly , blushing deeply. Like a flash of lightning she pounced on him, hugging him so tightly he could hardly breathe.

He settled into the hug, hands resting on her waist and lower back as she cooed softly. Nestled into the crux of his neck her warm breath hit him and sent shivers down his spine. He cursed internally as he felt the need to rearrange himself rising slowly, the tight cargo shorts he was wearing doing little to hide his problem.

She was unrelenting. Chest mashed into his, she squeezed him until he turned blue. Blushing even more, she released him and began straightening her sundress. Treating him to a healthy amount of cleavage that he had, until now, not noticed, especially considering the low plunging neckline. His eyes flickered back up to his and he knew he'd been caught but there was no anger in her eyes, only a curious amusement.

"Wha...what are you doing here Mara? Not that I'm not happy to see you but this is sudden." Mara grimaced, her happy sculpted face turning sour in a heartbeat. She looked down at her feet as she shuffled nervously.

"I needed some time away," She began her voice becoming unsteady. "I needed you." That simple statement sent his heart cartwheeling.

He brushed a tear from her cheek and pulled her close. He guided her inside, instructing her to sit down while he got her some hot chocolate to warm her up.

They spent the rest of the day talking about what she'd been up to the last year, what she'd done for her 19th birthday, two months ago, or how her work combined with school work was going. Neither outside noticed when it went dark or the temperature dropped almost to freezing. They lay cuddled on the couch feeding each other popcorn and sharing tales.

Ezra woke slowly, a faint light drifting through the gaps in his curtains. He was still in his living room, sprawled on his back on the couch, a blanket draped across him. He assumed Mara had left to go to the spare room and covered him up before she left but a rustle alerted him to the girl sleeping beside him.

As his body slowly awoke he found that , in her sleep, Mara had wrapped her leg around his waist and upper thighs. Normally this wouldn't be an issue, apart from the faint feeling of her now bra-less breasts pressing against his arm through her dress, it was a borderline acceptable position if slightly wrong.

However. There was a growing problem. Rapidly growing problem. As ever, when he awoke he found his morning wood to be standing to attention only this time it was achingly bad. Coupled with the pressure of Mara's leg he was straining against his shorts.

He cursed himself internally, attempting to reposition but only drawing more movement from her which ground her leg against him further. He thought he heard her moan slightly, almost imperceptibly. Unable to cope with the tension he slowly slid her leg off of him and made to get up when a soft voice startled him.

"Morning," she groaned quietly as she stretched, treating Ezra to an unobstructed view of her small athletic body as her dress pulled tight.

"Didn't mean to startle you." She grinned apologetically. Ezra almost believed her except for the slight twinkle in her eye again.

Did she know? Had she felt it?

The questions coursed through his head as he stammered out his reply.

"Its okay," He paused to bend down and kiss her forehead, he noticed her frowning when he pulled away. "I was just expecting you to be asleep, you seemed so tired."

She nodded, pushing herself up whilst scanning for her bra which she'd slung away in the dark for it to land on the coffee table. She blushed as she retrieved it and stashed it near her suitcases she'd brought with her next to the kitchen.

Standing on opposite sides of the room he was fully able to gauge his sister. At 19 she still looked like the sweet innocent girl she was when she left over a year ago. She had slimmed down slightly, becoming more curved and athletic in the process. She was small compared to him. A full head shorter than his just shy of 6ft.

He was broader and more muscular compared to her lithe small frame. She caught him staring and giggled slightly. He averted his eyes and tried to change topic.

"You never mentioned how long you'd be staying." He said, gesturing to her suitcases, from the look of it she'd packed a considerable amount. She smiled, not her usual bright energetic self but a sad smile. She looked into his eyes and then out the window into the rolling green hills.

"I don't know to be truthful, is that okay?" Ezra was taken aback. In all the years they'd been side by side she had never been unsure of anything. She looked conflicted.

"Of course." He whispered immediately, moving to embrace her in a hug as she started to cry again. "Anything you need." He gently eased her back down to the couch.

They ley embracing, Mara stretched out beside him with her head reating on his shoulders. He could feel her breasts pressed against his chest, her hard nipples pressing into him.

Her breathing was heavy, legs clamped together she looked serene but Ezra could tell she wanted to move. Throughout everything, partly thanks to the close proximity to his gorgeous sister, his insatiable morning wood throbbed with urgency.

He prayed she didn't notice but it was a vain hope. In this position, his groin was squarely pressed against her toned abdomen. A slight gasped breath escaped her lips, mouth slightly open as she pressed forward gently.

Ezra closed his eyes. Resisting the urge to thrust back against her. He almost jumped when she felt her hand nervously grasp him through his shorts. Her soft delicate hand enclosed around his covered length.

He screwed his eyes shut. He had to be dreaming. But he wasn't. Mara slowly became braver. Biting her lower lip, she stroked him with earnest. This continued for several minutes, bringing Ezra unbearably close to tye edge.

He reached out with a shaky hand. Finding her handful sized breasts waiting for him he ran his hands on the outside of her dress. Fingering her nipple he pinched it between two fingers. His heart lept when she bolted up. Eyes wided, she stared at him while her chest heaved with heavy breaths.

She looked beautiful then, he thought. Hair messily curled before her eyes, one strap of her dress hanging off her shoulder. But she was shaken. He could see the look in her eyes.

"I'm...I'm sorry," She stammered, pulling him closer to plant a gentle kiss on his lips before running off into the spare room.It was several days later that Mara started to emerge from her shell. Ezra knew immediately that something was wrong, an unfamiliar burden hanging over her shoulders that she was unsure how to unload.

He would be there when she figured out how, of course, no matter how long it took. As the days went by she became happier, and painfully more flirtatious.

Wearing skimpy outfits became the norm, catching each other, an inevitable occurance, in compromising situations seemed to be happening more often.

Several times Ezra had walked into the kitchen to find her hot, sweaty and dressed in only a sports bra and tight running shorts. Finiding her unexpectedly stretching early in the morning after a long run was confusing for him. Especially when his body was still half asleep, morning wood proudly at attention in his boxers.

She'd stared wide eyed for several seconds before feigning ignorance. That was their routine for the next week while she settled into living with him. Catching her naked coming out of the shower was by far the most embarrassing moment for them both.

He knew they would inevitably have to have a conversation, put a stop to the behaviour. However whenever he would catch her sitting in the garden enjoying the sun, a half read book face down in her lap, he would stand for several minutes just appreciating how beautiful she was.

Something that was becoming a regular occurance.

Ezra was begining to think Mara would never truly open up to him. Or help him find the answers to the burning feelings that had resurfaced.

"Ez?" Mara shouted, not noticing the sound of metallic tools from behind Ezra's arcade machine, something he'd very rarely parted with since getting it. It, and Ezra, were sectioned off by a large cloth partition that he occasionally used for shrouding large sculptures. Mara was perplexed as to why it was so secretive, but she repected her brother's privacy.

Ezra stopped working to review the progress, having not heard Mara call him from the kitchen. Having stripped the casing back to bare metal and plastic, it was now a bleached white, like bone. Several new pieces of equipment lay strewn at his feet, upgrades for a system he wasn't sure would handle the modifications. As he stood staring blankly at the machine, he heard Mara call his name again.

"What's up Mara?" He smiled to her, wiping his oily hands on a spare rag, appearing from behind the sheet like a children's pantomime.

Upon lifting the cloth he had caught a glimpse at what she'd been wearing, albeit from behind, and it was taking all his willpower not to stare slack-jawed.

She'd strolled into his workshop and was bent over looking at some of his older works. Her bikini, a genius invention in his opinion, was two tringles of dark brown fabric over her nipples with whisper thin strands of braided fabric forming the back and side straps. Her bottoms were equally as risqué, a matching colour, they were a high waisted thong that showed an ungodly amount of her ass and legs.

As she stood and turned slowly, Ezra was gifted with a view of his beautiful sister. Framed by a glowing light she seemd angelic. A light white fishnet crop top covered her bikini, with matching sunhat and sandals. Although it was sunny, unusually for this time of year, Ezra didn't think it was warm enough for sunbathing. Especially with a surprisingly cold breeze that heralded colder times.

Mara beamed at him regardless. Nothing in her eyes but pure joy. She had always loved watching him work, even when she was younger. Mara would sit for hours beside him, reading, while he wittled away at some marble.

"What's up?" He repeated, unable to tear his eyes away from his sister. As he craned his neck to look through the back windows, at the sun abruptly disappearing behind some clouds, he felt a sharp crack in his neck.

Mara grimaced, the noise evidently as loud as it was painful.

"Well," She began, setting down her book, water bottle and sunglasses on a nearby table. "I was going to enjoy what little sun you seem to get here." Mara finished with a smirk, adjusting her bikini underneath her crop top.

"But you seem like you need more help than my complexion." Ezra wasn't following, he gently padded into the living room, discarding his stained shirt along the way. He began to open his mouth to reply but Mara cut him off. She jumped onto the couch beside him, staring intently into his eyes.

"While i was away, i found that i got incredibly bad neck cramp from staring at blueprints or a monitor all day so me and a friend decided to get massages. That slowly graduated into learning ourselves to save money." Mara fell silent, hoping Ezra would fill in the blanks. She sat on her knees, feet tucked beneath her and body tilted forward in eagerness.

"So you're, what, offering me a massage? I dont know Mara..." Ezra was skeptical, worried they were straying dangerously close to that line he didn't want to cross. He was about to argue further when his neck ached, as if his body was telling him to shut up.

Mara looked at him expectedly, mouth open slightly and lips curled into a barely noticeable grin.

"Okay fine," He relented, wondering what the harm actually could be. Mara jumped off the couch with a childish giggle.

"You should probably take those off," Ezra realised Mara was pointing to his paint stained combat pants. "Besides, they'd probably get in the way." Mara looked down at him as he begrudgingly hooked his thumbs into his waist bad. She had one leg between his thighs and he could smell her scent. He could feel the heat from her legs.

As he struggled out of his pants, now clad in only his boxers she disappeared momentarily. Mara reappeared seconds later with a bottle of lotion from her room. He shivered slightly as he realised what she probably used it for.

"Lie on your front." Mara's voice was forceful, something that made his heart stutter. Willingly, he turned over, head craned to the side to watch her. Although painful, it was certainly worth it. She climbed onto the couch, straddling his legs to sit right on his bottom. Light as a feather, he barely noticed her weight.

Ezra settled into the massage, relishing the feel of her hands on his near naked body. She rubbed her lotion covered hands into his neck and shoulders. Expertly working out the knots he had developed from working scrunched up under the arcade machine.

"Oh god!" He exclaimed in a husky breath as Mara worked out a particularly stiff section. Ezra became painfully aware of not only his growing arousal, which was pressing painfully into the couch cushions, but surprisingly of Mara's. He could feel her slight gyrations with every stroke of her hands, the slight grinding of her hips on his lower back. Knowing there was only two thin strips of fabric separating them made him audibly groan.

Mara noticed, pausing momentarily. Ezra's heart raced, thinking he had gone too far, until he saw her white fishnet top go sailing over his head.

"Turn over." Mara's voice was small, hardly a whisper but it sent shivers down his spine nonetheless.

"Mara, i..." She continued to grind against him and rub his shoulders as she spoke. Her breath coming in ragged intervals.

"I know...its okay." Ezra was hesitant, still weary of that proverbial line, but Mara's commanding voice was overwhelming. As he began to turn around Mara lifted slightly. Settling into position, he watched with baited breath as Mara hovered above his waist. She was biting her lip.

Slowly, agonisingly slow, she lowered herself down until her bikini bottoms where pressing firmly against his now raging hard boner. She gasped loudly, pressing down into him. Ezra clamped his hands on her waist. Mara's eyes rolled back in her head, mouth hanging open in a wordless shout of ecstasy.

To her credit, Mara continued to massage his chest, kneeding his shoulders, tracing the muscles of his abdomen or playing with his nipples. Ezra's eyes shone with desire, something that drove Mara on even more.

At her direction, he accepted a healthy amount of lotion on his hands and began to systematically oil every part of his sister that he could. He teased her unnecessarily, wanting to savour her body as she granted him free reign.

He too traced her collar bones with his finger, felt the sculpted curves of her breasts and the smooth flat skin of her stomach. Although she may not have been the most well endowed woman ever, her modest bust seemed perfect. Every contour, plunging curve and ounce of soft amber skin was exposed to his embarrassingly hungry eyes.

Her grinding was becoming increasingly rapid and pronounced. Unexpectedly Mara leaned forward and kissed him. Gently at first but growing in ferocity as her tongue reached out to explore his mouth. He didn't know where this hunger had come from, but he blissfully sunk into it.

"Did you like my outfit?" She asked, her breath shaking. Face barely an inch from his. Her eyes sparkled cunningly, biting her lip again. Ezra nodded, boldly running his hands under her bikini to fully appreciate her breasts. Tweaking her nipples she moaned loudly.

"Say it!" Ezra stared into her eyes, open mouthed, as she ground down on him furiously. He could feel her heat unbearably, the unmistakably feeling of how wet she was.

"I thought you looked incredible. So sexy. It was all i could do not to just kiss you right there and then." Mara hung on his every word, abandoning the pretence of the massage to place her hands either side of his head and pseudo ride him with all her effort.

"Then you'll love this." Mara leaned back, out of the reach of his questing hands and reached behind her. Ezra's eyes bulged as her bikini fell away. Fully topless, he drank in her beauty. He thrust upwards, meeting her own grinding, with renewed effort.

They were both close. They locked eyes as Mara clamped her legs around him, the feeling of her almost bare pussy lips around his cock sending him to heaven. They both came, Ezra first, and then Mara shortly after as she felt his hot cum pulsing through his cock. They collapsed breathlessly on one another. Body's glistening from oil and sweat.

Ezra stared at the ceiling as Mara stretched out along his body, breast still bare and mashed into his chest. He expected to feel regret. Despite his feelings he almost wanted to feel that crushing, heart wrenching guilt. The only thing he did feel was love. Love for his baby sister.

Watching her fall asleep in his arms, the only thing Ezra wanted right now was her.

Ezra didn't see Mara again until tomorrow's night arrived, and with it the tempestuous storm and never ending torrent of icy rain.

The storm was blotting out any of the weak sunlight, casting a permanent moody glow over the once lush grassy hills. Everything was washed with a dull grey as thunder crackled above.

When they were younger, Mara and Ezra had been inseparable, spending more time together than some deemed acceptable. But ever since their parents had tragically passed away together when he was 10, and Mara 9, she had clung to him.

Even during their formative years, staying with their grandparents further down south, they had managed to navigate the more delicate subjects and give each other just enough space to grow. Even still, they had had the awkward encounters of walking in on the other half dressed or getting out of the shower.

Mara had, after a rather unpleasant nightmare when she was 18, before she left, walked into his room to cuddle, oblivious to the fact that Ezra had just seconds ago been masturbating. He had just heard her door close and yanked up his boxers just as she'd entered, praying she hadn't seen anything but she remained quiet.

They had always shared a more relationship type of relationship, just without those parts.

As he lay sprawled on his small, soft two seater couch, feet extended onto an equally plush stool, he thumbed idly at the controller in his hands. One of Mara's old action games flashed idly by on the screen, only barely registering the giant of a man in cobalt blue armour slashing and hacking at green overgrown ape like creatures in typical over the top type action.

The sound of soft padding feet drew his attention as he watched Mara gingerly creep towards him. He knew why. She hated storms. Wrapped in a giant fluffy dressing gown as soft as silk, her seemingly bare legs poking out from underneath the rim. She teetered on the edge of the room, as if waiting for permission for something she never had to ask for.

He patted the couch next to him, moving a bottle of water that was resting next to him onto a coffee table to his left and straightened out the cushions for her to sink in next to him. She tucked her knees up to her chest and lay her head on his, sighing deeply she seemed calmer.

He assumed she had dozed off because an hour went by and she hadn't uttered a word, just watched him murder countless aliens and other horrors in his game. The lights flickered gently as the storm raged on causing Mara to flinch suddenly. He swore quietly as he jumped as well.

"Sorry," Came a sheepish voice. She scrunched up against him tighter. The room was bathed in a soft orange glow from several racks of candles spread throughout the room and the gently crackling fire place. Her face was framed by that lazy flickering glow, enhancing the already beautiful pallor of her skin. Her eyes twinkled in the half light, enticing him to stare endlessly into their murky depths.

"You okay?" Ezra asked, almost soundlessly as if not to frighten her, even though she was far from fragile. She nodded, her eyes never leaving his. She slid up slightly higher, her head now on his shoulder, with her chin turned upwards so she could look at him. His eyes were eventually drawn to her gown, splitting open slightly to allow him to stare down into the gently sloping cleavage.

Although the shallow light offered little in terms of illumination, he could see the almost hidden ridge of her camisole, a pale blue, peaking out from under the fabric. The thought of her in essentially next to nothing sent chills through his body, stirring his already wakening cock. An almost inaudible breath escaped her lips, steaming against his chin. He could feel her heat.

"Mara?" He murmured again, inching his chin closer down to her. Without waiting... no, unable to wait any longer, he bent the last few inches between them and pressed his lips to her's again. They lightly brushed at first, barely touching just relishing the contact of each other's skin. Slowly they became more passionate.

Ezra tilted her head up, cupping her chin she moaned slightly into his mouth, sending another pulse to his now rock hard cock.

She felt everything.

How his tongue probed insistently, yet caringly, around her mouth. His hand gently brushing her neck, tussling through her hair or gliding down her spine, tracing the pattern in her camisole before repeating the circuit.

It electrified her. Made her burn with a passion she didn't know she had. She had decided upon this since long before she had returned. Long before she'd even left in the first place.

Pushing herself up by her elbows, all whilst never breaking the kiss Mara swung one leg over Ezra's, straddling him but hovering centimetres above where she knew it lay pulsing.

She broke off the kiss, panting heavily already she reached forward and untied the already loose robe. Ezra's eyes bulged. Not just with lust but filled to the brim with love.

She was overwhelmed.

She had loved him since the beginning, as he had her.

Letting the robe fall slowly from her shoulders in dramatic slow motion she soaked in his admiration. He drank in her beauty. The curves of her breasts and the soft firm skin hidden beneath her surprisingly sheer top.

More lingerie than common underwear, the almost wafer thin material did little to hide her hard nipples.

"You're beautiful." Whispered Ezra, almost lost for words. Fresh tears trickled down Mara's cheeks as she dove back in for another make out session. She sank down, feeling Ezra's hard cock beneath her.

They gasped simultaneously. Eye's locked as they slowly began to grind on one another. Arching her back in pure bliss, Mara grabbed Ezra's hand that had rested on the small of her back and pressed it hungrily to her breast.

Cooing again, she was lost in his touch. Pure ecstasy coursed through her as he kneaded her breasts tracing his fingers over her soft supple skin, drawing delicate circles over her nipples through the fabric. She whimpered, unable to keep her orgasm from approaching rapidly.

She ground her hips down heavily one last time. Feeling the firm outline of his manhood pressing against her lips, barely separated by her thin matching panties and his equally thin running shorts. Ezra's head rolled back, eyes closed for several seconds until he felt Mara lift off, ending what was almost causing him to explode in his shorts.

He tried to speak but found he had no words. She placed a finger across her lips to silence him.

"Has to be you first." She stated matter-of-factly. Conviction soaking through every word. "I need to do this."

With determined fingers she hooked into the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down. The tight nylon shorts were, in hindsight, a bad choice as their heated exchange had left him sweaty causing the fabric to stick to him like glue. With much effort, and embarrassed giggles from the pair of them, she finally managed to pull them to his ankles.

Ezra blushed as he was fully exposed, his cock wasn't massive but he had never complained and Mara's wide eyed expression bolstered his ego a little. Hesitantly she reached out and wrapped one of her small hands around the shaft.

Slowly she settled into a rhythm, gently stroking up and down his shaft while the other hand fondled his balls with equal care.

Had he died and gone to heaven? Certainly felt like he was being jerked off by an angel. How had it come to this? But he knew how, and he no longer cared.

The woman he loved more than anything in the world knelt before him staring at him with nothing but love. Ezra was roused from his reverie by the unmistakable feeling of something wet on his cock. At first he thought she'd spat on it but watching as her head now bobbed gently on him he realised she had taken him into her mouth.

He gasped audibly as he felt her tongue run along the underside and caress the tip. It was all too much. The kissing, the agonising grinding, her incredible body and now this. He could feel it rising within him. He worried for her, that this would be too far.

"Mara!" He cried, tensing up. Placing a hand on her head to ease her off. But she was prepared. Feeling the pulsing in his cock and the increase in his panting.

She did what she had planned for years. Taking as much as she could in one go she moaned loudly as Ezra exploded violently into her mouth. She gulped the first few shots before being overwhelmed and pulling back. The final few ribbons streaked across her face, arm, stomach and chest. She looked shocked for a moment before smiling.

That damn smile.

His body and soul exhausted he reached down to cup a blush filled cheek and brush the hair from her eyes. She smiled shyly. Standing, she surveyed the damage.

Her camisole was covered in her brother's cum. And a lot of it. Deciding against keeping it on, she reached behind and lost one of the last pieces of her clothing.

Much to her brother's shock, she now stood practically naked before him, clad only in a thin pair of cotton panties. A visible damp spot staining the front. She scooted over to the couch lying with her back on his chest, oblivious to the pools of drying cum that stained them both.She was still hot and bothered. Fidgeting, she wanted nothing more than to fall asleep in the safety of her brother's arms. To her luck he wouldn't leave her 'blue balled'. A gentle hand snaked down her chest, tweaking her now exposed nipples, driving her further over the edge, pushing further down to her waiting pussy.

She spread her legs, encouraging him to continue. He probed under the fabric, feeling the subtle curve of her lips, her pulsing mound and finally her aching clit. He worked her deftly. Switching between stroking her clit to slowly and teasingly working a finger inside of her.

Never did Ezra ever think he would actually see Mara naked, never mind be slowly inserting fingers into her. Her hips bucked violently on top of him, back arched, mouth open in a wordless shout.

She rode out the orgasm. Body silhouetted by the slowly dying candles. Ezra knew she needed more. Inserting a second finger he stimulated her clit with the palm of his hand and soon her second, and third, orgasms sparked.

She dropped limply against him breathing heavily. She was in heaven. As their breathing returned to normal, Ezra pulled a tartan blanket over themselves, not bothering to clean up or get dressed. As they drifted off to sleep in the fading light, she whispered something that stole his heart.

"I love you."It all changed for them in the coming days. The dynamic of their relationship shifted from close siblings to inseparable lovers. Often, they would lie together, content to stare into the mysterious stars of each other's eyes. Several days passed since their initial incursion on the couch, a time spent relaxing indoors while the storm raged around them.

The ever present crackle and boom of thunder like a natural clock marking the hours. Mara spent her time reading, a mixture of work related engineering texts and her usual sci-fi fantasy epics. A plethora of dusty leather-backed tomes lay scattered around the living room.

Her work kept her constant, always in motion with little time to think. From what little Ezra could discern, she was designing a pentagonal shaped capsule. Her headquarters back in Switzerland routinely sent her updates on her project, obviously important, to her and everyone that worked on it, Ezra was left wondering why she had left in the first place.

The one question that had nagged him since she had arrived all flustered. Why?

Mara had loved engineering, space and the uncertainty that inhabited the vast unknown since she was young. She lived and breathed it. She used to lay in the garden, surrounded by books, gazing at the stars until the grass frosted over. Her decision to leave, although it had hurt, came as little surprise.

So why had she come back? And why did it feel more like a goodbye?

Ezra attempted to distract himself through his work. Completing several commissioned pieces of work, a sculpture of a dog from silver painted cast iron, a human sized wicker man and even a commercial businesses sign. It was good money, something that he used to buy more art supplies. He had never wanted for anything. His parents had seen to that.

Even before they had died, they had showered both Mara and himself in money. He felt guilty growing up, having so much money it didn't even register as an object. He had moved away, much to Mara's discontent, in a vain attempt to escape his parent's wealth.

Selling what little he made during his university course to pay for food and heating in his new cottage. He had wanted independence. They died shortly after, barely 2 months after he'd moved away. Leaving him distraught, caring for his younger sister and now wealthier than he could ever need.

Mara had used the money to fund her education abroad, burying herself in her work while Ezra did likewise. Sculpting his mind numb in a cottage that reminded him of his selfishness.

Ezra sat back on his stool, staring at the blue figure he'd just finished painting. The wet brush tumbled from his fingers onto the flags as he loosed a raspy breath. His closed his eyes, replacing the vintage arcade machine and encompassing white cloth with serene black. He rubbed a growing headache from his temples.

"Ezra!" Mara called, her voice sad. Ezra opened his eyes. Mara. What he wouldn't do for her. If only she knew.

"Mara?" He asked curiously, pushing the curtain aside to find her leaning against the living room couch. His sliding door locked into place on the far side of the room. She was dressed for winter, the bitter chill making her thick woolly coat, gloves, scarf and wellies a necessity. She wore a knitted beanie on her head, her hair hanging messily in front of her eyes.

She looked sad, vulnerable. It tugged at Ezra's heart to see her this way. Unsure of how to proceed he quickly closed the distance and pulled her into a deep hug. Despite his paint stained overalls, she melted into him. Burying her face in the crook of his neck. He gently stroked the strands of hair that poked out from her beanie.

She was trembling, he realised.

"Let's go for a walk." She murmured quietly. The storm had briefly abated to reveal a light dusting if snow. The temperature had dropped overnight, replacing rain with sleet and eventually puffy snow. Although most didn't stick, enough landed on the surrounding hills to create a serene picture of winter.

Ezra nodded, not willing to leave her warmth, but managing to pull on his boots, wool jumper and trench coat before she wrapped herself around his arm as if he was a life preserver out at sea.

Locking up, they stepped into a veritable wonderland. Light flakes of snow drifted lazily in a windless sky, catching in a weak orange sun that revealed a light dusting over the hills. Their breath steamed.

Mara pressed herself more firmly into him. He welcomed her heat. Ever since that night, he had craved her proximity. Although they had managed to behave themselves, they had routinely ended up naked, or near to, cuddled up beneath a blanket of covers.

They walked for several minutes, savouring the peaceful quiet and gentle atmosphere. Mara held out her hand, catching snowflakes between her fingers. The faint light caught her face, accentuating the curve of her face, the rosy freckled cheeks, small bushy eyebrows and pursed lips. She was beautiful. She caught him staring and smiled.

"What?" She asked, blushing deeply. Walking several steps ahead he savoured her beauty before answering.

"Just relishing the time I have with you before it's over. I can't get enough of you lately, Mara." She smiled, tucking a strand of hair beneath her beanie and ear.

"You shouldn't be saying stuff like that. Its not right. I'm your sister, we shouldn't feel like this." The words escaped her mouth before she could stop them; she didn't mean it, he knew. Ezra chuckled, pulling her closer until their noses touched. Planting a faint kiss on her lips, he smiled weakly.

"I'm head over heels for you Mara, and I don't care anymore." Ezra's heart hammered as the words left his frosted lips. "To hell with everyone else, come live with..."

"I'm leaving," She interrupted, lips trembling as she uttered the words that had been gnawing at her since she returned. She pulled away from Ezra, turning away to hide the tears streaming down her face.

"I don't..." Ezra stopped, firmly rooted where he stood unable to move as a fear stronger than any cold froze him in place. Mara turned to him, the pain eating at her heart that she'd have to hurt him after everything they'd been through was unbearable.

"The company I'm working for was awarded a breakthrough contract for the European Space Agency. They want us to design a self propelled crew capsule capable of surviving a journey to Mars in record time." Ezra was puzzled as to why this meant she was leaving differently than before. As it slowly dawned on him, his stomach knotted.

"They also want us to provide two crew to maintain the shuttle and supervise the construction of the first self-sufficient Martian habitat."

Ezra was dumbfounded. Caught between pride, nervousness, fear, and a deep longing.

"I...I don't..." He mumbled incoherently. His body went cold, as if all the warmth had been leached from his body in an instant.

"I'm going to Mars, Ezra." Tears were streaming down Mara's face now, her voice shaky. She fought to control her trembling. Not from any sense of the cold but a palpable fear of rejection.

"I didn't want to leave without saying how I felt, how I've always felt. We've got closer than I ever dreamed possible but I didn't want it to be built on a lie if I was leaving." She continued with difficulty. Her voice was quiet and strained.

Ezra's face was blank. Unable to process anything. After all, everything she was saying was a mirror of his own feelings. It was a dream come true. But the thought of losing her...

Mara ignored his vacant stare and padded over the light snow and buried herself in his arms. Reluctantly he returned the hug, pressing Mara further into him he sighed heavily. The misty hills were silent except for her soft crying. Ezra remained silent. After all, what could he say?

Mara allowed herself to be led back to the cottage, her numb limbs craving the comforting warmth within.

Ezra woke suddenly, the fierce wind howling against the windows causing him to jump. He scanned the living room with sleep filled eyes. The soft golden glow of the candles and lazily flickering fire cast a comforting haze. Mara stirred, rustling the blankets. She lay stretched along him, head resting on his chest while her arms held him tightly, as if not wanting to ever let him go.

They lay on the couch, wrapped in several blankets and using each other's body heat to stay warm. They had discarded their cold and snow damp clothes on the floor. Saving only their underwear, they had wordlessly cuddled on the couch until sleep dragged them down.

Ezra twirled a loose strand of Mara's hair with his right hand while stroking her cheek with the other. He could remain in peaceful ignorance with her for ever, and never want for anything. Mara opened her eyes, yawned and stretched against him. He was treated to a glimpse at her slender body. The light catching her navy blue sports bra, the gentle curve of her soft bottom and the elegant shapes of her legs.

She stared at him for several minutes. Chin planted on his chest, eyebrows raised and boobs pressing into him.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked quietly, stretching forward to kiss him lightly on the lips and nose. He wrapped his arm around her back, tracing his fingers up her shoulder-blades and back along the hem of the bra. He remained quiet a moment before replying.

"No," Ezra's voice was quiet but hoarse. He gazes deeply into her eyes, seeing nothing but adoration. A life long love.

"Are you sure? You don't sound it." Mara frowned slightly before Ezra returned the kiss. Mara eagerly tried to continue the kiss but Ezra pushed himself free of the enveloped warmth of the blankets, shivering at the shocking kiss of the cold.

"Come on, I need to show you something." Ezra padded into his workshop, leaving Mara wrapped up warm and reluctant to follow. Slowly she pushed herself to her feet, gathered a blanket so that it hung loosely around her shoulders and trudged after her brother. He was grinning manically, which in turn made Mara giggle.

"It was originally supposed to be a belated birthday present, and it's not entirely finished, but I want you to have it now." With a rapidly beating heart, Ezra gripped the sheet dangling from the ceiling and pulled. With decidedly less grace than intended, it fell away.

Mara stood dumbfounded, mouth open in shock. The woolly blanket slipped through her fingers and pooled at her ankles. She stood shivering for several minutes in nothing but her underwear; completely oblivious to the rest of the world.

"Oh, Ezra..." Before her was the arcade machine. Fully restored: it had an upgraded, more high definition screen, a keyboard and mouse replacing the traditional joystick and buttons, instead of a stool, a gaming chair had been raised up on a plinth connected by several metal beams. The machine itself was painted a sombre black, a tall warrior in cobalt blue armour, flowing blonde hair and a battle cry on his lips dominated the display.

Mara recognised it instantly, a constant obsession from her childhood and a game she had always nagged her brother to play with her. She had brought him in on her wish to one day own a high tech gaming rig, never expecting her brother would be the one to make it a reality.

"Ezra..." Mara found that she didn't have the words. Instead she ran up to him and threw her arms around him, forcing him down into a passionate kiss. As his hands began to wander her body, one resting firmly on her bottom pressing her firmly into him, while the other traced light finger tips across her spine, she pulled away to look deep in his eyes.

"Do you like it?" He asked, his eyes wide in hope. Mara screwed her eyes shut, attempting to stall the tears welling up in their corners.

"I love it... I cant believe you remembered... I love you, Ezra." Ezra opened his mouth to reply but Mara silenced him. "No, I love you, Ezra." He froze for a minute, unsure what she meant until she pulled him into another passionate kiss. Her tongue snaked into his mouth, dancing with his own as they fought to taste each other.

"I need you..." She whispered gently in his ear, nibbling on it for good measure. Ezra looked into her eyes again, eyebrow raised before smiling. Wrapping his arms under her bottom, while she clamped onto his waist with her legs, he slowly carried her back into the house. As Mara pulled herself closer, she inadvertently ground her crotch against his. They kissed furiously, barely giving each other enough room to breathe.

Gasping for breath, Ezra lowered her down onto the back of the couch, instinctively she spread her legs for him. Mara pulled her bra forcefully over her head, relishing Ezra's wide eyes and hungry hands as he explored ever inch of her skin. Unable to wait any longer, she shimmied her panties off, flicking them away like her bra. Ezra, equally as hurried, pushed his boxers down to his ankles stepping out of them.

They gasped simultaneously as they pressed back, stark naked for the first time together, their skin was electric as Ezra's increasingly hard erection slid along Mara's waiting pussy. Already the heat and growing wetness made him ache as they ground against each other. Mara hissed at the feeling of her brother's cock sliding between her folds.

Ezra pulled back slightly, resting the head of his cock against her clit. Looking into her eyes he saw nothing but love.

"Not here," Mara whispered, stalling him just before he was about to enter her. "I don't want our first time to be on the back of the couch." She smiled mischievously, hopping off the rim and guiding him, virtually by the cock as she never let it leave her hand, towards Ezra's bedroom.

Mara settled on the edge of the bed, eyes closed and legs spread, waiting for what was to come. She yelped as she felt something warm and wet enter touch her pussy. Too horny to initially rebuke Ezra, she prepared to rebuke him for not waiting when she realised it wasn't his cock but his tongue. Her back arched as spasm of bliss coursed through her.

Although largely inexperienced, the beautiful moans coming from Mara spurred him on. Her hands found his hair, absently curling it in her fingers as Ezra inserted a finger, and then satisfied she was comfortable enough, inserted a second. Mara was convulsing not longer after, her hips bucking wildly as Ezra continued to finger her through the orgasm.

She collapsed back on the bed moments later, chest heaving as Ezra slumped next to her. Cock standing at attention he simply stared at her with a incredulous grin and a raised eyebrow.

"Don't think you're getting off that easily!" She smirked, pushing him onto his back and crawling down to sit lightly on his thighs. She stroked him gingerly, feeling the pulsing veins and savouring how he twitched every time she circled his head. Several times she lifted herself up, running the head through her folds and stimulating her clit again.

"Mara..." Ezra breathed heavily, playing with her hard nipples. Mara bit her bottom lip, pushed her hair from her eyes and grinned.

"Someone's impatient." She smiled once, leant forward to plant a heavy kiss on his lips as her hand wrapped around his cock, pointing it directly upwards. Ezra's eyes went wide as Mara raised herself up, holding his cock firmly at her entrance.

Slowly, Mara sunk down. They moaned in unison as the tip pushed inside, slowly burying his entire length within her as she bottomed out. Mara sat there momentarily, mouth open and eyes closed. Gently she began to rock, grinding like they had before only this time with his entire shaft buried in her.

"Shouldn't we wear protection?" Ezra asked through panted grunts as Mara began to pick up the pace and found he was instinctively thrusting back. She shook her head. Mouth hanging open.

"No, I need to feel you. I'm on the pill. Oh, and don't worry about going slowly, I broke that barrier a long time ago." Ezra moaned as she spoke, thrusting back with earnest as she rode him. He felt like heaven.

Minutes later, through panted breaths Mara came suddenly. Her body tensing, her walls gripping his cock as he fought to explode right then and there. He played with her clit and she slowly recovered, leaning down to kiss him deeply. Using the opportunity, he rolled her onto her back and leant over her. Her eyes widened as he thrust into her again, abandoning the pretence of going slow as she rapidly grew accustomed to his hard member.

Ezra grew near to his own orgasm. Feeling it build within him, and Mara feeling his cock swell within her, they both reached a frenzied pace. Mouths locked together, Ezra grunted as he felt his orgasm approach. Mara moaned as soon as she felt her brother cum deep inside of her. He continued thrusting before pulling out and collapsing beside her.

They lay in a tangled heap, chests heaving and sweat rolling off their bodies. Ezra clasped Mara's hand in his, pulling her against him. She lay snuggled up against his side, oblivious to the cum leaking from her. As he delicately stroked her hair and cheek Mara sighed contentedly.

"I can't believe this actually happened," Ezra breathed, eyes closed, savouring the close proximity of Mara. Her finger's drawing lazy circles on his chest. After several minutes she replied, turning to look into his eyes with a new found confidence.

"I did," she said simply, eyes alight with passion.

"After all, it was always going to be us."

The End.

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