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35.58% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1459: MALCOLM'S FANTASTIC LIFE


As was the custom for the past few months, Malcolm woke up to the sound of his alarm blasting somewhere to his right and he groggily reached and felt around for his cellphone, eventually finding it and with the use of muscle memory he hit the snooze bottom of the screen, bringing back silence to his room.

He stayed unmoving for a few seconds before he snorted, quickly rising from his bed as he properly woke up from his slumber, made more difficult by the low temperature of his room but it was just how he liked it so he was not going to change that any time soon. Besides, he had already gotten used to waking up this early anyways.

Knowing the layup of his room better then be back of his hand, he moved quickly to his bathroom, which was only accessible through his room, and quickly went through his morning ritual of a shower with water that wasn't as cold as the temperature of his room, making him feel the water warmer than what it actually was, which suited him just fine and because of it there wasn't a chance of him getting sick due to sudden changes of temperatures. After his shower he brushed his teeth, looking at his reflection with a dull look on his face.

Malcolm was quite a handsome fellow, though he never saw himself as such, no matter how much he was told that by his mother, aunts, sisters and cousins. He knew that he wasn't ugly, but he would never say he was handsome. He just didn't see it. Anyways, at eighteen years of age, fair-skinned, green eyes, dark, short messy hair and a narrow face that lacked any sign of acne, Malcolm was definitely more than average looking, not matter how much he tried to deny it.

And it wasn't just his facial features that were attractive either, his body was also more than average, even for one who worked out regularly. He wasn't bulging with muscles thankfully, as he found it disgusting. His muscles had their fair of volume, simply because he used them every day, either with his work around the house or his own exercising, which he did everyone once in a while using the treadmill, the rowing machine and the few dumbbells scattered around his room. Because of this, Malcolm had a very defined musculature, though he hid it wearing hoodies most of the time and the only ones that had ever seen it were his family, whenever they gathered and went to a place that required for him to not wear his preferred type of upper clothing.

Finishing brushing his teeth, Malcolm moved towards the toilet and pulled his circumcised penis out as he proceed to empty his bladder, subconsciously wondering when had it grown so much again. Thankfully he had enough self-control to never show when he was aroused, otherwise he would've been in the end of even more endless teasing and provocation since a long time ago seeing as he was the only male in a house full of extremely attractive women.

Malcolm thanked the gods and supreme powers above for the fact that his room was in the basement of his house and that he could hear whenever someone was coming down, meaning that he could jerk off as much as he wanted without fearing getting caught. That was a must do for him, which was understandable once you took in consideration who he lived with and his age, in spite of the fact that he looked slightly older than his actual age.

With a small smile on his face, Malcolm stepped back into his room, hurriedly flipping the lights on, only wearing briefs and he quickly went to put on white basketball shorts and a black hoodie with a white fringe going through the middle. Malcolm then went to his bed, disconnected his phone from the charger, put it on his hoodie pockets and made up his bed, making sure that everything was relatively organized before he turned the lights off as he walked out of his room, immediately taking the stairs to the right as he did so.

Silently going up the stairs, Malcolm reached into his hoodie pockets and pulled out his smartphone to look at the hour. It read 6:22.

'I have 38 minutes before they start to wake up,' he thought idly before slipping his phone back into his pockets, then opening the door to the main hallway of the house and closing it behind him, silently without meaning to do so thanks to the months of practice now.

Malcolm walked towards the kitchen, quickly rummaging through a cabinet and pulling out a 'Kiss the Cook' red apron when he found himself in it, and proceed to prepare the morning breakfast for his mother and his sisters, one of the many task that he had assigned himself ever since his father left.

Thinking of his father made Malcolm glare darkly at the knife he was holding as he cut through an orange, whishing he had the bastard in front him so he could stab him repeatedly until there were only stabbing wounds all over his body. He quickly shook his murderous thoughts away, realizing that the bastard was not worth thinking about after what he pulled.

It was almost a year ago when it happened. It wasn't like it had been an extremely outrageous thing, truly, since he knew that it was certainly not the first thing it happened nor it would be the last time it happened to anyone. His bastard of a father had cheated on his mother. That wouldn't have been too much of a problem if you didn't take into account a few factors... factors than ensure that Malcolm hated his father with a passion.

The first one was his father and his mother had been together since before they finished high school, and had gotten married while in college, just before his older sister was conceived when they were his age. Three years later he was conceived and a year after that his younger twin sisters came around, which was when his mother decided not to have any more children so she could finish college without more interruptions. Because of this, his father and mother had quite the stable and loving relationship, meaning that his father cheating on his mother had come extremely out of left field.

Because of this, his mother had been hurt deeply, which was the second factor one had to take into consideration. Malcolm absolutely adored his mother, as in he was a momma's boy through and through and he was not shy to admit it to anyone. The reason behind this was because Malcolm's mother, Sandra, or Sandy as she preferred to be called, was perfection in his eyes. If giving birth to him and his sister hadn't been enough, Sandy had made sure to give her children more than comfortable lives, huge amounts of love and made sure to raise them properly. Malcolm knew that he was never going to be able to repay her that, so he decided to always treat his mother with love, care and respect, something he had never failed to do so and planned on keeping it that way until he died.

This took us to the next and final factor, which was the fact that his father had cheated on his mother with another man. Now, mind you that Malcolm had nothing against homosexuals in general, hell, he was even the unofficial singer of a rock band with gay kids that were dating each other and he got along splendidly with them.

No, what Malcolm had a problem was the fact that his father had cheated on his mom with a member of the same sex that wasn't even remotely as attractive as Sandy, which made the blow three times as hard on her: 1) Because of the length of the relationship, 2) Because of him cheating on her and 3) Because it was with a man. Sandy had been devastated and had gone through a depression for almost two months.

Thankfully it had not been her he found about it as it had been Malcolm himself. He had found his father and this random man, having sex on the couch and he had immediately seen red. Malcolm beat the shit out of them and kicked them out, not even allowing them to get clothes on. He had immediately told his mother, who had gone and confronted her husband, after which she filled in for a divorce which she quickly got along with getting the entire house to her name and custody of all of her children.

"Fucking piece of shit," he muttered angrily, preparing the coffee for his mother after he made sure that everything else was going smoothly, as he remembered the state his mother had been for the following almost two months. While she continued to work, though not as efficiently as she normally would, she acted as if she didn't care and Malcolm had immediately taken to make sure that things around the house were going smoothly, under protest of his sisters since they wanted to help too, but he had been adamant, saying that as the man of the house it was his job to take care of them. They had relented after that. That was the reason why Malcolm did everything he did

Malcolm had let her be, knowing that his mother needed to work through this on her own, though he admitted that he was extra loving and caring during those tough times and while he knew she appreciated his efforts a lot, he could see that her depression was getting the best of her. And he understood, from a certain perspective, what she was going through as he'd tried many times to put himself on her shoes and he found himself shuddering at the feelings just imagining evoked in him The real thing must've been much, much worse.

Everything had come to a head when he had come home to find her sprawled on the floor of the living room, a bottle of vodka almost empty next to her. The only that had saved her had been his quick thinking and the fact that he owned a Chevrolet Camaro ZL1 2018 that she herself had given him for his eighteen birthday. He had gotten two tickets for skipping the red light and his license had been almost revoked but when the situation had been explained the judge had been sympathetic and had allowed him to keep his license though the fee still had to be paid, not like he cared since his mother was alive.

He remembered her laying on the bed, connected to cables that were working on purging the extreme excess of alcohol of her body while at the same time filling it with glucose, looking extremely guilty as she refused to look into the eyes any of his children. It had been Malcolm who had broken the ice, fed up with how his mother was destroying herself, even though he understood her feelings somewhat.

He recalled the same exact words he spoke to her.


Malcolm grasped his mother's shoulders tightly, wincing internally at the wide eyed and panicked look she gave him as he stared into her eyes, a serious expression on his face that booked no room for any argument against what he was going to say.

"Mom, I know you are hurting, and God knows I've been trying to understand what it must have felt to be betrayed like that by the man you thought loved you with all his heart, who is also the father of your children. I can only imagine the pain you must be going through but I'm sure it is much worse than I can't come up with. However, you can't keep doing this to yourself, mom. You almost died! And that is something I cannot accept. And also, moping over that bastard and almost getting yourself killed is not worth it. He was an idiotic moron to have ever cheated on you like that. You are the most beautiful woman I know after all, so idiocy is the only reason why the bastard did what he did. He doesn't deserve your pain mom. Please, be back to your loving, caring self. Please."

-Flashback end-

After his passionate speech, his mother had teared up, getting tears from her children and the ended up hugging each other over his mom's bed, crying as they poured their feelings towards one another. In the end, the event had united his family more, which was the reason why Malcolm, in all the hate he had for his father, was also grateful to him, but not enough to impede him from decking him across his ugly mug if he ever saw him again, which he doubted since he had moved to another state, the shame of being caught having sex with another man being too much for him.

"Hm, good morning, sweetie," said a mature, loving voice from his right and Malcolm smiled happily as he turned towards the source. It was his mother, Sandy, walking towards him with her own happy, albeit somewhat sleepy, smile on her gorgeous face.

She was simply breathtaking. She had light brown hair that reached just past her shoulder blades, hazel eyes that shifted from green to yellowish occasionally, fully and pouty lips and perfect teeth, which he could see in her smile. Also, in spite of the fact that she was 39 years old, she looked a decade younger, thanks to her healthy lifestyle and regularly working out. Her body was also something out of this world, with very big, round breasts that didn't sag even a bit, a flat, slightly muscled stomach, a thin waist, wide hips that denoted she had given birth to four children, a round, big ass that looked firm and soft at the same time and finally long legs that looked as soft and supple as they were muscled. In Malcolm's mind, she was the perfect woman.

Sandy's smile widened as she saw the happiness in her son's eyes as he admired her beauty, as he tried to discreetly to look at all of her, something she made easy for him as she put a bit of sway to her hips as she approached him. Sandy knew that her son was attracted to her and she didn't mind one bit, knowing there was nothing perverse about it and the he was attracted to all of her and that he was never going to act on it unless she allowed it. The most he would do would be to jack off to the image of her and Sandy could admit to herself that it was more flattering that disgusting or wrong.

Malcolm was her precious son and he deserved everything good that came to him, even if that thing was to give him jacking off material by flaunting her sexy, curvy body for his watching pleasure. It was the least she could after he began to take care of the most basic things in the house like making breakfast and dinner, keeping the pool clean, mowing the lawn, making sure that all of the house vehicles were in working order and repairing anything that didn't really call for a professional hand. The only thing he didn't really do was the more general cleaning of the house and the laundry, his sisters were in charge of the former and she had hired personnel to come clean the house in the Sundays.

Malcolm was the man of the house, a tittle that she felt came with some benefits, which included her as his mother rewarding in any way she felt he deserved it, whether it meant giving him the latest car of his preferred type or letting him ogle her to his heart's content, it didn't matter. They had more money they knew what to do with thanks to her work as the owner of the most successful real state agency in the region and her multiple inversions. Also, knowing that she had an effect like that on a young man, that was her son, at her age was extremely flattering.

When she reached him she tenderly cupped his cheek and smiled up at him lovingly, seeing that she came up to just below his chin, and tilted his head down as she stood on her tippy toes so she could give him a soft kiss on his other cheek. For a brief moment, she contemplated kissing his lips but decided against him, not wanting to work him, up too much that he couldn't concentrate on anything other than her.

Malcolm for his part enjoyed the tender demonstrations of affection from his mother and he wrapped one arm around her, giving her a tight hug. He got a whiff of her natural scent, peaches and roses, before he pulled back and looked down at her happily. "Good morning, mom. Did you sleep well?"

She nodded happily. "Yes. Having a King-sized bed all for myself has the benefit of letting me move around as much as I want so there is no uncomfortable position for me," she joked as she looked around smiling softly as she saw everything he was preparing. Their favorites, just like she knew he would today.

"I bet," he chuckled before he motioned towards the table, which was out of the kitchen but still within sight of it. "Go take a sit. I'll get you your coffee and your breakfast in a moment." Sandy nodded before she hugged and kissed her son again on the cheek before she walked towards the table, making sure to walk as sensually as she could without being blatant about it.

Malcolm groaned internally but refused to look away from his mother as she walked away from him. He knew that it was wrong to be attracted to her in this way but he couldn't really help it and it wasn't like she helped with the way she dressed in the mornings. Sandy liked to wear tight clothes to sleep, which meant that more often than not she would wear tight cotton shorts and tank tops that clung to her like a second layer of skin and today was no different.

He managed to tear his eyes way from the magnificent and alluring sight when she took her seat, picking up the iPad that had been on the table as she began to read on the latest news around the state and the world. It was something she always did to keep to date with everything, which was sensible seeing her line of work. Malcolm turned to his work and smiled as her coffee was ready.

He expertly pulled out her 'Best mom in the world' coffee mug and poured the dark liquid into it before adding exactly three and half sugar cubes before swirling it around with ten times clockwise and five times counter-clockwise. Sandy was very exigent with her coffee and the only reason she let him prepare it for her was because she taught him how to do so, and she only allowed him to prepare it when he mastered the technique. It was ridiculous but it was one the many quirks of his mother that made her unique.

He walked towards the table and put the mug next to her hand, smiling at her. "Your food will take a little while longer, though you know we have to wait until everyone is here. You know how Hannah gets," he said with a chuckle, getting a giggle from her. Hannah was the eldest of Sandy's children and after the incident she was very adamant of them always sharing breakfast and dinner time together if they were all in the house. It was endearing, how she tried to maintain the new-found closeness, though everyone was happy to comply.

Sandy raised the mug to her luscious lips, took a sip from the steaming coffee and moaned at the flavor, knowing that by this point her son prepared her coffee better than she herself would do. She smiled at his flushed but pleased face, raising the mug at him in a salute, which he took as his cue to go back to the kitchen to continue his work. Sandy for her part stared at her son's ass as he walked away, licking her lips before she shook her head and went back to enjoying her coffee while reading the news.

Malcolm then spent the next few minutes in comfortable silence, occasionally glancing at his mom as he continued to prepare breakfast for the rest of his family. Just a he was about to be done he heard the hurried padding of feet against the floor and he chuckled while Sandy giggled, shaking her head in amusement. Malcolm only had time to turn around and brace himself before he was suddenly glomped as one set of arms and shapely, muscular legs wrapped around neck and waist respectively.

"Ha! I won! Take that, Kay!"

"Dang it!"

Two identical voice sounded, one victorious and the other one disappointed. The victorious one came from the girl that was now clinging to him like she was a monkey and the other one came from the pouting one that stood in front of him at the door way, pouting as she looked at him and her twin. He shook his head again with another chuckle and wrapped his arms around Layla, getting a happy sigh from her as she tightened her hold around him. Kayla just pouted harder.

Malcolm for his part was thankful for his self-control as he felt everything Layla had to offer pressing against him and the best part was that he could see that as he looked at Kayla, since the twins had exactly the same body, seeing as they shared the same interest in fitness and sports. Their hair was a very dark brown, almost black, which Sandy said they inherited from her father. They had green eyes and their face was a feminine version of Malcolm's, meaning that they were extremely beautiful. While the twins hadn't inherited their mother's melon sized breasts, they still got the general curviness of her body and the gigantic ass, coupled that the amount of exercise the twins did and their perfectly tanned skin, well, they were erection inducing... and one of them was pressing her athletic, but definitely feminine body against him, only wearing a sport bra that accentuated her orange sized breasts and spandex shorts that left nothing to the imagination.Malcolm was very, very thankful for his self-control.

A few seconds later Kayla's pout became a cute scowl. "Stop hogging him to yourself! I want a hug too!" She snapped in mock anger as she put her hand on her defined hips.

Layla groaned but realized her hold on Malcolm and fell to the floor gracefully, as expected from someone that used their body daily for many physical activities. "Spoilsport," she muttered before she beamed up at him, almost tilting her head back completely seeing as she and Kayla only reached up to his upper chest, being a few inches shorter than mom. "Good morning, big brother," she said before she promptly did a cute little hop so she could give me a peck on the lips before giggling and skipping away to greet our amused mother.

Kayla glared at her twin. "Who does she think she is?" She muttered to herself rhetorically before doing a complete one eighty as she beamed up at him and imitated her sister's action as she glomped him, forcing Malcolm to grab her by her big, firm ass cheeks. "Good morning!" She declared impishly before she gave him a firmer peck on the lips when comparing it to the one performed by her sister. She then hopped off him and skipped away in the same manner to greet their mother.

Malcolm turned away from there and groaned, ignoring the amused giggling of the three occupants of the table. Feeling a pressure from his crotch, Malcolm looked down and groaned as he saw that his cock was semi-hard, making it very noticeable for everyone. He heard giggles again and he turned away from his mom and his two twin sisters, focusing once again on finishing the breakfast.

A few minutes later Malcolm was serving the many plates when calm steps resounded through the hall before the final person that lived there appeared. Hannah was an exact copy of her mother, Sandy, though they were a few differences. She had green eyes, a slightly rounder face and brownish brown hair that she kept straight and never past her shoulders. Everything else, however, was the same as her mother: complexion, curviness, breast and ass size, thin waste though her hips weren't as wide as Sandy's for obvious reasons.

With a smile on her face she walked up to Malcolm, cupped his chin tenderly and pulled his face down so she could give him a loving kiss on the lips as she pressed her body into his. Malcolm responded to the kiss just as lovingly and they lingered more than what a kiss between brother and sister should, but none of them complained and his mother and other sister never said anything even though they had seen it many times before, so he guessed that there was nothing wrong with it.

After a few seconds of kissing, Hannah pulled back, licking her lips with a hum of pleasure before she looked up at the flushed Malcolm with innocent, loving eyes. "Do you need any help, little brother?" She asked, tenderly rubbing his chest as she pressed her gigantic tits into his flank. She loved the way he reacted to her and loved to spoil him rotten, it was the least he deserved for being such a loving and diligent brother to her and her sister and even more loving and caring for their mother.

Malcolm gulped but he enjoyed the caresses of his sister, smiling down at her. She was the same height as his mother. "Erm, sure, if you want to. Everything is served so we just need to take it all to the table."

She nodded at him before she gave him a tender peck on the lips before she walked away to set up the table for breakfast. Malcolm watched her, biting the inside of his cheek as he fought to control his natural reaction to her actions and what she was wearing. Unlike their mother, Hannah liked to wear loose clothes to sleep and she hadn't failed to do so, wearing a tank top that was too big for her, meaning that its shoulders only covered her nipples, letting the entirety of her tits to be seen and sleeping shorts that accentuated her curves, ass and smooth thick thighs without clinging to them.

Malcolm shook his head after a minute, finally calming down and went to present his work to his mother and sisters once the table was properly set up. His mother got a bowl full of fruit salad (Pinneaple, apple, banana and watermelon) bathed in vanilla yogurt. The twins got waffles, though Layla poured maple syrup on hers while Kayla did the same to hers with natural honey. Also, Layla had blueberry juice while Kayla had strawberry juice. And finally, Hannah had bacon, scrambled eggs and toasted bread with butter and orange juice. He had prepared their favorites today since school started for him and the twins and Hannah had her first day of her new semester at college. It was to get them motivated, which always worked.

He himself ate from their breakfast, letting them feed him without any embarrassment from his part. They enjoyed doing that and he had no problem with making sure that his sister and mother were happy. After they finished eating, Malcolm was pulled to his feet by Hannah and she dragged him away towards the living room while Sandy went upstairs to get ready for work and the twins began to clean the table and take the plates and utensils to the sink so they could wash them, which was the only chore Malcolm had allowed them to do. After that he knew that they would head down to his room to use the treadmill and the rowing machine for light exercising to warm up for the day.

Since school started at 9:00, and it was barely 7:30, and the school was a ten-minute ride away from where they lived, Malcolm had one hour to kill before he had to go to put on some jeans and shoes since he already wore the hoodie he was going to use for the day the moment he stepped out of the room. So, how did Malcolm spent this hour? Well...

Hannah smiled as she pointed the leather loveseat. "Sit," she said simply, looking at him expectantly.

Malcolm smiled happily and in excitement, knowing what was going to come next. "Sure," he said before he did as he was told, like the obedient guy he was. Just like he expected, Hannah plopped her delicious rear on his lap, sitting in a way that her smooth and toned legs rested on the free space of the loveseat. Malcolm looked up at her with a smile. "You are the best sister ever," he said, voice dripping with admiration and love.

Hannah smiled wider and giggled. "Don't let the twins hear that our they might do more than just wrapping themselves around you and peck you on your lips," she said with amusement before her smile turned more sensual. "Besides..." she said slowly and throatily as she wrapped her right arm around his neck and rested her left hand on his firm chest. "I can't in good conscience let you go rusty on me after all the time I invested on you," she said before she pressed her lips to him once again.

Malcolm responded to the loving kiss in kind, wrapping his strong arms around his sister's midsection. The kiss started innocent enough but soon enough it became open mouthed, tongues began to come out play and wage war and groans and moans started to resound through the living room as brother and sister loving and erotically made out as they pressed their bodes into each other. This was a routine for the both of them, something that they felt made them closer than any older sister and younger brother.

It happened one year and a half ago when Hannah had come back to the house crying and raging after another failed date with a douchebag that had only wanted to fuck her. Malcolm had been the only one in the house at that time and he had comforted her, assuring her that she was much more than just a pair of tits and a great, big ass, jokingly pointing out that it was their mother's fault, not hers. After getting a chuckle out of her, Hannah had confessed that she wanted a man to love everything about her, not just her body. Malcolm, not wanting to see his older sister sad, had done the first thing that had come to mind, which had been to kiss her and pouring all the love he felt for her through that kiss.

After that day, as they say, all was history and Malcolm and Hannah had to at least make out with each other once a day without fault. Strangely enough she had also stopped attempting to find a boyfriend, and he asked about it one day, she had just smiled mysteriously, saying that she had everything she needed and wanted to now. Malcolm had shrugged and had proceeded to make out with her after that, not asking again since his sister was obviously happy, so he was also happy.

A few minutes later, Hannah pulled away with a pleased gasp, full and pouty lips slightly bruised and face flushed as she grinned, filling her brother's excitement poking covered pussy. She slipped her left hand into his hoodie and marveled at the feel of his hard, defined muscles as she leaned into him, setting her chin on his shoulders and breathing sensually on his ear. "You are the best kisser ever," she spoke throatily, shifting slightly so his cock rubbed against her crotch, smiling wider when she felt it twitch.

Malcolm groaned in pleasure at his sister's actions but he was resolute to keep up her game so he rose his right hand from his knee and set it on her thigh and his left hand -slipped inside her own shirt and he began to rub up and down the side that was facing away from him. He tilted his head slightly and whispered into her own ear, lowering his voice unconsciously due to the pleasure he was filling. "I learned from the best after all."

Hannah tilted her head back, beamed at him and she was back to making out with his little brother with even more eagerness than before and Malcolm responded in kind, wrapping his arm even tighter around his older sister.

A few minutes later Sandy came down from upstairs, wearing a conservative but still sexy business suit, and she smiled when she saw Hannah and Malcolm making out with each other in the living room. She felt a thrill of love and arousal go through her as she watched the erotic display of love between them and she wished she could join them but alas she had her responsibilities. Sandy approached them and her smile widened when Hannah stopped sucking Malcolm's tongue into her mouth so they could both look at her.

She almost preened when Malcolm ran his loving green eyes across her form, smirking when Hannah did the same as she began to slowly grind back and forward on top of Malcolm's lap, obviously getting aroused by the sight of her, which flattered Sandy more than what she cared to admit. She smiled down at them. "I'll see you two at dinner. Hannah I want you to buy anything that is missing after you are done with your classes for the day," she said and turned towards her son, pulling a stern façade when he made to protest, obviously wanting to take the task himself, though inwardly she was amused and pleased. "Stop right there, young man. You have to let your sisters do their own fair share of work around the house too. I know I can't stop you from cooking and doing the other things you do, but I want you to focus on school more than anything. It's your last year after all and you have to make the best out of it."She grinned when he sighed almost in annoyance and nodded. "That's my boy," she said before she leaned towards him and pressed her lips into his.

Malcolm for his part widened his eyes but soon enough responded to his mother's loving, slow kiss. He tightened his hold around Hannah and his dick twitched like razy against her warm and slightly wet crotch as he exchanged a tender, loving kiss with his mother, something that wasn't as occurring as him kissing any of his sisters, so he learned to cherish any time his mother deemed him worthy of a kiss with her.

Hannah for her part grew aroused as she saw her little brother and mother exchanging a kiss that was meant for lovers, knowing that that was how she looked whenever she made out with Malcolm. She smiled as she felt his dick twitching against her covered pussy and she grinded harder against it in order to amplify the amount of pleasure she and Malcolm were feeling due to such a contact.

Sandy herself felt her desire for her son increasing as she continued to kiss him but eventually she pulled back, before she decided to not go to work and take him to her room and do unspeakable things to him, and have him do unspeakable things to her for that matter and that won't do. He had to go to school after all and she needed to generate even more money for their family. She grinned as he flushed, dreamy expression as he stared at her with love, admiration and lust, enjoying the thrill receiving such a look from her handsome son gave her. She turned towards Hannah, who was looking just as flushed and aroused. "Keep up the good work with him," she said before she proceeded to give her eldest daughter a similar kiss to the one she just shared with Malcolm.

Said teen watched with wide eyes as Hannah and Sandy kissed each other passionately and lovingly, showing him that this was not the first time they did so. Feeling his cock getting even harder and becoming more excited, Malcolm did the only sensible thing and he began to move his hips to respond to Hanna's own movements, never looking away from a sight that most males he knew would've killed to witness in real life.

Sandy pulled away from the kiss when Hanna moaned and flicked her tongue against her. She saw how excited her children became and she gave her own pleased grin as she saw them dry humping each other, feeling proud at the thought that she had managed to arouse them. "I'll see you guys later. Give the twins my love," she told them teasingly before she winked at them, grabbed her purse and keys and excited the house through the front door.

Hannah and Malcolm continued their slightly awkward dry humping, due to their position, and they stared at the door of the house until they heard the roar of her pink Audi R8 Spyder as it sped away from the house. The turned towards each other and a spark of lust filled their eyes before they were making out again, this time with urgency, lust and love.

Wanting to feel even closer to his oldest sister, Malcolm stood up and nudged Hannah by the legs and she understood what he wanted and she eagerly complied by shifting her body until she had her legs wrapped around him. Malcolm took a step to the right and sat back slowly back on the middle of the loveseat with his older sister straddling him as she continued to grind her crotch into his erection, never stopping making out with each other.

This continued for long minutes, enjoying the sensations but they couldn't help but want more and not really being in control Hannah and Malcolm acted on those desires. Malcolm's left hand sneaked down from his sister's midsection and he grabbed her ass, getting an approving moan from her and he sucked her tongue into his mouth, he marveled at the fact that his hand couldn't grab the entire ass cheek. It was that big. His other hand sneaked in between them and with some hesitation he grabbed her right tit, getting an even more approving moan from Hannah as her grinding became harder, faster and more intense as he massaged her breast, also not able to grab it entirely due to its size.

Hannah moaned into her little brother's mouth as he grabbed her as one of her tits, and that combined with her clit rubbing against his crotch and her covered pussy lips and ass rubbing against his erection behind her made her experiment an incredible amount of pleasure. Wanting her brother to feel as good as she was feeling, Hannah reached back and grabbed his dick with her left hand while she used her right one to make sure he didn't pull away from her own mouth. She used her left hand to rub his dick up and down its impressive length, and she could tell she wasn't feeling it completely, but mainly she just rubbed his wide cockhead.

They continued like this, moaning and groaning, until Hannah pulled back from shoving her tongue into Malcolm's mouth and she gave him a wicked look with a lustful grin on her red, sweaty face as she furiously rubbed his cock. "Cum for big sis," she urged him cutely, knowing she herself was just about to have an explosive orgasm as she continued to thrash on top of her brother.

The erotic and sinful words from his older sister did it for Malcolm and with a powerful grunt he shot his seed into his briefs and he looked on shucked as Hannah froze before she threw her head back, eyes closed as she gave a screaming moan as she shuddered. Malcolm watched as her shorts got drenched with her juices as she continued to languidly grind on top of him ad rubbing his dick, prolonging their orgasms as she did so.

After a few long seconds of ecstasy, Hannah looked down at him with a happy, dreamy smile on her flushed face as she panted. "Hah, thank little brother. You know exactly just what a girl needs," she said with amusement before she stood up with shaky legs, but that only made her smile wider. "I'm not sorry for your hoodie and pants. I kinda drenched them but that's your fault for being so damned good. God, I promise we are finishing this later today," she said with a lustful smile before she leaned down and gave him a sisterly peck on the cheek. "It's just 8:20 but I guess you'll need the extra time to get another bath and dispose of the, hehe, evidence."

Malcolm watched her walk away, enjoying her unstable sweaty legs and how her juices were ruining down her leg from her crotch and how drenched she was. Slowly, a happy and prod grin appeared on his face.

"This might not be what I call a normal morning but I sure as hell not complaining," he said, leaning back into the couch for a moment until the musky smell of his semen hit him though it was also combined with a fruity and floral aroma, which he supposed was the smell of her sister's juices, which he found kinda weird since girls were supposed to not taste like anything if they were hygienic or like raw fish if they weren't. He would investigate later. Now he needed to get rid of his briefs and shorts, which probably had a gallon worth of semen in them. He always came a lot whenever he jacked off, he supposed he would've cum even more because his older sister had taken a very prominent part in making him cum.

Malcolm stood up, his own legs unsteady for a second, but soon enough he got a hold of himself and he made his way directly to his room, where he would take a shower and put on his clothes so he could go to school, where a new year awaited him. Little did he know, that life was going to take a turn for the absolute best for Malcolm, because this was just the beginning of his fantastic life.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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