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34.21% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1403: @2

Chapitre 1403: @2

Cade's fingers were moving with a distinct lack of focus in Anya's panties now, but they hadn't stopped dancing at any point. Neither had Anya stopped rubbing her bum on Cade's erection. It wasn't a situation that made it easy for either of them to think, but as their conversation and actions had established, they were kind of stupidly horny for each other.

"You might actually be on to something," Cade admitted.

"I kinda think so."

"You think that makes this all ok?"

"I really don't know. But... I think I maybe don't care. I kinda just want to be with you."


"I love you."

"Unf. Not fair."

Cade kissed Anya's neck and gently nipped at her ear. She giggled and wiggled more forcefully on his cock.

"Rub my clit?" Anya asked prettily.

Cade nodded and kissed her some more. She helped guide his hand to the exact spot she wanted him, then moaned low and enjoyed the feel of it. The pleasure running through her. The thrill of being rubbed off by her brother.

They were quiet for a while. Anya didn't need words just then anyway. She could lie there all morning without speaking and be perfectly happy. Even if Cade wasn't playing with her.

"I love you too, you know," he said eventually, just soft in her ear.

Anya bit her lip and pressed back more firmly to him, squeezing her thighs on his hand. Those few words hit her hard, in such a good way.

She knew what he meant. The same as what she'd intended. Expressing love beyond what was previously normal for them. Something new and beautiful, and definitely a little scary too.

"You love me," Anya repeated faintly.


"Tell me again."



Cade kissed just below her ear. "I love you," he said with quiet finality.

Anya shivered. Her brother's fingers on her clit felt all the more intense with the delivery of those words.

"I love you," he said again, unprompted.

Anya moaned and clenched up. Just a little a more. A little... more...

She came with Cade's fingers busy on her clit, his cock hard against her ass, and his lips on her neck. The echo of his solemn words forefront in her mind. His declaration of a sibling love that was so far beyond sibling-like as to be nearly incomprehensible, though since she felt the same it was much easier to understand.

Anya loved her brother. Loved him harder than she could have known. It wasn't sex that caused the emotion, but maybe... maybe it had been needed to unlock those feelings in this case. To force them to realize the truth.

Anya whimpered softly and let her body tense, then relax. She curled up in Cade's arms, no longer trying to rub his cock with her butt. Just letting him hold her for a moment. She shook slightly coming down from her orgasm. Shook and nearly cried in the afterglow of it.

"You ok?" Cade asked.

"I just need a minute," Anya whispered.

"Did I do... the wrong thing?"

"No. No not at all."

Anya took another moment to compose herself, though she wasn't sure it really worked. Whatever she looked like, and she was sure it must be a bit of a mess, with bed head and a face wet with a few stray tears and all.

She ignored the temptation to skip out of bed and fix her appearance. Instead rolling over and smoothly straddling Cade with a grace she wouldn't have guessed in herself that morning. Rather gratifyingly, Cade gazed up at her like she couldn't possibly be more beautiful to him.


Cade's heart pounded as he looked up at his sister. Anya sat atop him, appearing radiant in the morning light filtering through the window.

She backed up a little and sat square on his cock, making him groan at the sudden contact. She teasingly wiggled around a bit, rubbing him very much the same as she had been before, this time with her pussy rather than her bum. Still with her panties on, though.

Was it crazy to want their underwear out of the way? Cade wanted to feel her pussy on him so badly.

"What ya thinkin'?" Anya asked.


"Nothing? It's something."

"... thinking about asking you to take your panties off."

Anya bit her lip, then grinned slowly, spreading the smile across her face. "If I take mine off, you gotta take yours off."

Cade nodded instantly. "Deal."

Anya giggled as she lifted herself off him and awkwardly tried to get out of her panties without leaving her spot. As though somehow she'd lose her claim or something if she moved.

Cade shuffled his boxers down at the same time, freeing his cock. It pointed nearly straight up at his sister's snatch. A place of forbidden pleasure. Not quite so forbidden anymore, as it turned out.

Anya settled herself back on top of him, pressing his cock down, now with her pussy against his shaft, nothing between them at all. She rocked her hips, sliding around. She was so wet, and it spread quickly across his length so she could move with easy, sensual lubrication.

"You're so hard," she breathed.

"Because of you."

"Mmm. It is, isn't it?" Anya closed her eyes a moment. "I can feel you pulsing."

"You're so wet," Cade said.

"Because of you," Anya said, echoing his previous words.

She slid back and forth along his length, grinding on every inch of him. Not taking him inside, but doing everything short of that. Sex, but technically not.

"You know I'm gonna start wanting this kind of thing more," Cade said.

Anya giggled and pushed her hair back with one hand. "That's ok. I will too. Kinda works out."

"Kinda does."

"That's what's good about all this. It just kinda works."

"I thought it was loving each other. I thought that was the good part.

Anya smirked and leaned down, her hair cascading down in an unruly waterfall over Cade's face. She kissed him. Her lips met his, soft and sweet. He kissed back, just as tender and loving.

"Silly," she said. "I meant aside from that."

He grabbed her butt, digging his fingers in and taking a good grip. He didn't try to control her movements, though, he still just let her do what she was doing.

"Ah. Of course," he said.

Cade kissed Anya some more. She seemed in no hurry to straighten back up. It made the angle she was grinding him on a little more awkward, but it was more than worth the trade off. Cade wanted nothing more than to keep kissing her. Kissing his sister. In their private little cocoon of her hair draped around them.

Anya's slick pussy slid over his cock. Again and again. Eventually causing him to explode in a huge, pulsing mess.

Cade was pretty sure he'd mostly cummed on himself, but was pleased at how much stuck to Anya when she straightened up. He had the sudden insane urge to cum all over her, despite having just finished. He wasn't horny in that moment, just... intrigued by the idea of seeing more of his cum dripping from his sister. Possibly a little too intrigued by it.

"You're amazing," Cade murmured, running his hands up her thighs and under her shirt.

Anya giggled. "Tell me that when I didn't just make you cum."

"I will."


She let him feel her up some, then languidly stretched out, half on top of him. Their mutual cum mess got smooshed between them. Neither really minded.

"I'm hungry," Anya mumbled as she nuzzled against him. "But I kinda just want to cuddle for a while."

Cade nodded. He held her to him. "Cuddling's good."


Cade smiled as he gently tousled her hair. "I love you, you know."

Anya smiled back shyly, then nuzzled hard to his shoulder, clutching possessively with her hand that was on top of him. Cade wasn't sure if it was her claiming him, or being claimed by him. Maybe it was the same thing, really.


Anya couldn't stop vibrating and humming with energy. She tried to go about a normal day, but every glance at Cade made her melt and go a little shaky.

She thought she'd been in love before. She hadn't, she realized. Or at least not like this.

She'd fallen hard. That much was clear. Harder than her trip to the ground out of the tree not so long ago. But the result was so much more pleasant.

Cade was feeling things too. It would have been devastating if he wasn't. Anya had known he was in a similar place to her anyway, but the way he sneaked glances right back at her was still reassuring.

Plus the way his hand would drift every time he got close. Just little touches. Not even groping necessarily, but just making contact. Often somewhere she left bare skin. Neck, shoulder, lower back...

Anya toyed with the notion of stripping naked and seeing where he'd target then, but it seemed a little too obvious for the current mood. She didn't want to cheapen what they had. Not that that's necessarily what would happen. Certainly her stunt with that skirt had worked out quite well.

And Cade did seem to like her pussy...

Anya climbed her favourite tree later on. She just needed to climb. To get off the ground.

She went as high as she dared. Near to the top. Somewhere she could wedge herself in halfway comfortably and just stare out at the view. It was pretty nice.

Anya clung there, relaxed but secure, and just let her mind drift. Her lips quirked into a smile every time she thought of Cade. Some slightly different reactions happened when she thought back to their sexy encounters. The increasing daring they'd shown.

Was she horny again already? To be fair, Cade had revved her back up that morning, just at a nice comfortable low buzz, but still. She wasn't starting from zero.

It was amazing what he did to her. The things she felt when she was properly in love. She was more and more solid on the idea. That love was, in fact, what was happening here.

In love with her brother. The idea that should have been nonsense only brought a wide, goofy smile to her face. Undignified, perhaps, but who the hell cared? It was all so good.

Anya's reverie was interrupted by a sound from below. She looked down and saw Cade scrambling onto a low branch.

"What ya doing?" she called.

"You've been up there a while," he called back.

"Yeah, so?"

"So I wanted to come up."

"What happened to not climbing trees in your old age?"

"I'm not that old."

"Your words. Not mine."

"Those were absolutely not my words," Cade grumbled.

Anya watched him in amusement as he struggled with very basic tree-climbing maneuvers.

"You know I'm not wearing a skirt today," she said. "There's no view to sneak."

"That's ok. I just... I dunno. Want to be close, I guess. I was trying to get some work done. It wasn't going well."

Anya's heart soared. That he'd say something like that so casually. She wasn't even sure he'd considered how the words might sound to her. That he just wanted to be close...

That he'd climb the tree just to reach her...

Well, he'd try anyway. He wasn't going to make it. Anya could already see that. His frame was bigger than hers for a start. That was a disadvantage. But he also didn't have her level of experience.

She watched him, let him get himself stuck, and just smiled adoringly all the while.

"Need some help?" she asked.


"You sure?"

"... maybe."

Anya laughed and easily scooted back down the tree to meet her brother. Cade shrugged ruefully, silently admitting that yes, in fact, he'd gotten himself a bit stuck. Or at least he didn't know how to get any higher up.

Anya didn't try to help with that. Instead she settled herself next to him, and together they stared out at their view above the ground.

"It's kind of nice up here," Cade said.

"Mmm. It is," Anya agreed.

"That why you're always up here?"

"Part of it, I guess."

They sat there for a while. Just being together. Enjoying the flow of the moment.

Anya got fidgety though. It was slow and snuck up on her, but she glanced sidelong at Cade more and more frequently until she had to say something.

"You kinda horny too?" she asked.

"Ha. Yeah. Kinda am."

"Cool. Wanna mess around?"


Anya watched Cade clamber back down the tree with a mixture of amusement and tender love. He moved so awkwardly, but only because he wasn't in his element. The way he could move in bed, for instance...

While he wasn't paying attention, Anya shimmied out of her shorts and panties. Her panties were only just a little damp from her growing excitement. Possibly enough that Cade would notice.

She timed it to drop the pieces of clothing on his head just as he'd reached the ground. Cade looked up, confused, until he realized she was bottomless and headed down the tree toward him. His face then broke out into a wide, goofy grin.

"I could get used to this," Cade said.

"Used to what?" Anya asked innocently.

She dawdled the rest of the way down to give her brother more time to stare.

"This," Cade said emphatically as her leg came within reach. He slid his hand right up her thigh as she took another step down. Anya let herself be guided into a sitting position on a branch right about at face height for Cade.

"Hm, well it is kinda nice," Anya agreed in a soft purr.

Cade kissed his way up her inner thigh. Anya spread herself wide for him. He skipped over her pussy and kissed her opposite thigh instead. But he'd get there. She believed.

"It's only been twice, though," Anya pointed out. "Not necessarily something you can 'get used to'."

"It'll happen more," Cade said confidently.

"What makes you so sure?"

He smirked at her. "Are you serious?"

"Maybe you just caught me in the right mood these couple times."

"Nah. Don't think so. You know what you're about. And I think you really like me eating your pussy."

"I... maybe."

Anya's breath hitched as Cade dove in an kissed her almost directly on her clit. He kissed all around her pussy, then started on some small, soft licks.

God did she love it. He was so right about that. It might just be her favourite thing. Which didn't seem right, given how few times they'd done it so far, but it was just so good.

It was probably even better than her upside down stunt had been. She didn't have to concentrate on not falling. She could just lean back against another branch and relax. And Cade seemed to be having an easier time doing exactly what he wanted to do to her with his tongue.But there had been a certain impish naughtiness to hanging upside down from her tree and giving her pussy to her brother. She'd definitely have to do it again sometime.

Aaannnd there she was already planning to do this more. So much for any defense that this wasn't going to be a regular thing. Not that she'd believed that even as she said it.

Anya put her legs right over Cade's shoulders and set a hand gently on his head. She held him loosely, but with a little extra security that she had him right where she wanted him. Face against her pussy. Just where her brother belonged.

Oh fuck. What was that thought? Where he belonged...

That really wasn't true and she knew it. But... it wasn't as untrue as it might have been. And maybe... fuck, maybe it was true, actually.

Anya's head spun trying to keep up with her thoughts and Cade's tongue dancing over her clit. It was too much. She didn't even know why she was rationalizing. She didn't need to. Everything was perfect just as it was. Thinking was only going to complicate matters.


Cade lapped happily at Anya's sweet pussy. This was the second time he'd eaten her out while she was on a tree branch. It was weird and probably not ideal for comfort, but it was just so uniquely Anya that it felt right. He couldn't imagine any other girl seducing him like that.

And there was no denying he was in deep now. Just the sight of Anya climbing toward him with no bottoms on had been enough to rev him up and get his heart thumping. Burying his face in her pretty snatch felt like a surrender to his desires in all the very best ways.

Anya. His Anya.

It was hopeless at this point. No denying it. He was falling hard for his sister. Was already gone, in fact. The sexy stuff was a confirmation of it, but not the cause. His desire was far more than just how good she tasted and how hard she made him. Though those were good things too.

He loved how she clung to him. How her thighs tightened around his head, how her fingers tangled in his hair. The soft moans and pants.

He made her cum, and it was a thing of pure beauty. His sister squirming in pleasure, threatening to fall right out of the tree. Moaning his name, even if only at a bare whisper.

Cade kissed Anya as she came down from her high. Kissed her right on the pussy. She seemed to like when he did that. He liked it too.

"I kinda love this," Cade said.

"Unf. Be hard not to."


Anya petted his head some as he kept tending to her pussy and the area around it with his gentle kisses.



"I really love you, you know."

"I do know."

"No but I mean... oh god. Like... for real though. Like kinda painfully, almost."

Cade frowned up at her. "In a bad way?"

"No. I mean, probably not. Just... it's maybe a little scary."

"It is, isn't it?"

"But it's so good."


Cade looked at her. Seeing his sister with the light shining down on her, framing her so angelically. Her eyes full of love for him, but with a hint of pleading to them. Something else needed.

"Anya... what if I took you to bed right now?"

"So early in the day?"

Cade kissed her inner thigh again. "For sex, Anya. What if we-"

"Oh thank fuck. I didn't want to ask."

"Why n-"

"Let's go," Anya said, pushing his head away. "Out of the way, I need to get down."

"Why didn't you want to ask?" Cade insisted.

Anya hopped lightly to the ground and fully ignored her discarded clothes. Her little pussy was all red and wet from arousal and its recent licking.

"Because the only thing worse than asking your brother for sex is if he says no," she said as though it was common knowledge.

"I don't think that's tr-"

Anya interrupted with a firm kiss and a quick, sneaky lick of his bottom lip where her own flavours resided.

"Remember when I rode your dick?" she asked quietly. "I can't believe I didn't do more than just grinding on it. Need to make up for that now."

Cade grinned crookedly. "Horny little thing all of a sudden."

"All of a sudden? Are you kidding? What do you think that was in the tree just now?"


"Dude, I can see your hardon. I'm not the only one here. Now are you coming or not?"

"Impatient too," Cade teased, though he hurried toward the house just after Anya, making sure he didn't get left behind.

"Not impatient. Just... excited."

"Ah. My mistake."

Cade caught up to Anya at the door and let his hand fall down to her bare butt, giving it a squeeze. Anya gave him a small noise of approval, but kept moving.

The pull he felt following after his sister was as effective as any leash ever could have been. He couldn't resist her. Didn't want to even try.

Anya went to her room. It didn't really matter which bedroom she chose. These days the demarcation was basically only to do with whose stuff occupied the room. Any other sense of ownership or privacy was largely left behind.

Anya crawling into her bed was an act of seduction both overt and subtle. The presentation of her ass and pussy as she strategically showed herself off was quite obvious. The less obvious part was in what it all meant. What it meant to both of them that they were doing this. That Anya was crawling into bed fully expecting Cade to follow, and what they intended had nothing to do with sleep.

Always before, sleep had been the reason. Or at least a pretext. That might be entirely behind them now. There was very little need anymore for false stories to themselves.

Cade pulled off some of his clothes while watching Anya settle herself. She took her sweet time, and once she stretched out her gaze was firmly fixed on Cade, with a small smile of one who isn't so innocent as she appears.

"Don't need those clothes," Anya purred.

She reached down and casually rubbed her pussy as though it was no big thing.

Cade kept stripping. He hadn't intended to take everything off before he hopped into bed, but the way Anya watched him made him want to keep going. To let her look. To feel her desire.

"What about your clothes?" Cade asked.

"Don't hardly have an on," Anya said.

"Sure. But you have some on."

"Too many for you?"

"I'd prefer you naked."

Anya bit her lip and rubbed her pussy a little faster. "Come take them off then," she said, her tone low and husky.

Cade groaned and nearly tripped himself getting his underwear off. He stalked toward Anya, naked and erect. Her eyes just got bigger the nearer he came.

"You're so hard," she whispered.

"That can't be new to you by now."

"No, but... it's different. You're usually right next to me already."

"Mmm. Well let me fix that then."

Cade slid in next to Anya, getting close and snuggly. She abandoned her pussy and reached for his erection instead. The movement was so smooth that Cade was caught fairly unprepared for her soft little hand wrapping around him.

"I like this part," Anya said.

"Jerking me off?"

"That too. Just holding you though." She looked at Cade seriously. "It was always for me, wasn't it? When you got hard next to me?"

Cade nodded. "Yeah. I think so. I didn't mean to. But... it happened."

Anya nodded. "Well I'm glad." Her hand slid slowly along his length. "Glad my brother kept popping boners for me," she said with a faint titter of amusement in her words.

"Just what every girl wants, I'm sure."

"Not every girl. No way. But me, sure."

Cade wanted to just lie back and let Anya stroke him. She was so good at it. He knew what to expect.

But there were other things he wanted too.

Cade slid his hands up Anya's sides, over her tantalizing skin. He pushed her shirt slowly up her body. She let him do it. Her eyes daring him to keep going.

The only sticking point came when Anya had to let go of Cade so her shirt could come over her arms. She was reluctant to release him at all, though she eventually did. Only for the sake of getting naked.

The two of them devolved into nervous giggling as they each groped at the other, sometimes at cross-purposes. They were both naked, and were already quite horny. They knew what they wanted, but it felt like such a momentous thing all of a sudden. It was so much more comfortable just to keep playing. Being sexy and silly.

"We don't have to do this right now," Cade said.

Anya's eyes flashed with sudden concern. "Why not?"

"Just saying we don't have to."

"I know. But I want it."

"Me too. Just... I'm kinda nervous about it. And you won't stay still."

"Why am I the one who has to stay still, huh?" Anya asked defiantly.

"You wanna be on top? I don't mind. Just... not what I assumed."

Anya had to think about it. She grabbed his cock and rubbed it gently, feeling his hardness and faint throbbing as she did.

"No. Not this time," she said after a moment. "You're right." She lay back, stretching her lithe, nude body out on the sheets. "Next time though."

"Thinking about next time already?" Cade asked, amused.

"Well it's only fair. If you're on top this time, I should get a turn too."

"I told you you could be on top if you wanted."

"Yes, very noble." Anya poked Cade's chest. "If you were clever you'd probably stop arguing right about now."

Cade looked down at Anya. Naked for him, totally exposed and vulnerable. Vulnerable more than just physically. Still an obvious hint of nerves in her expression. Anxious. Waiting.

"You're right," he said.


Cade leaned down and kissed his sister. He couldn't get over how he was allowed to do that now, and how natural it felt. Anya's lips only tasted sweeter every time, and they were already learning each other's quirks so that making out flowed ever smoother.

Anya's fingers ran across his skin, mostly along his back as she gently guided him closer. When he got close enough, she switched one hand to his ass, and the other to his cock, becoming even more direct in her guidance.

"You're gonna be in me," she whispered.

"That's the intent."



"Tell me you love me."

Cade grinned and kissed Anya's nose. He heard the vulnerability on her voice now too. It was a big moment, in some ways. In others it was, perhaps, inevitable sooner or later. Though that didn't stop it being important, he supposed.

"You know I love you," he said.

Anya nodded, smiling a little easier already. "I know. I just needed to hear it."

"You gonna say it back?"

She shook her head, her lips twitching into a hint of teasing. "I'm just gonna ask you to get inside me already, I think."


"I know, right?" Anya looked at him with big, falsely-innocent eyes. "I need to feel you in me now," she said, just a hint of pleading in her tone.


"I know. It was meant to be."

Anya guided him with her hand. Cade followed willingly. Pressed against his sister's wet, waiting pussy. Her hand was hot around him. Still guiding him. Still urging him onward.

She opened for him. So smooth. Warm and wet and tight, but easy and comfortable too. As though this wasn't their very first time doing this. They knew each other. Knew each other's rhythm to some extent. That all helped. As did their excessive horniness, and just how ready they were for this moment.

"Anya..." Cade breathed.

She made a sound halfway between a moan and a squeal, smiling so wide up at him.

"I'm in you," Cade whispered.

"Yeah you are."

She still held him until Cade sank deep enough to force her hand out of the way. He buried himself fully inside his beloved sister, meeting her eyes nearly the whole time.

Cade tried some gentle thrusts, going so slow and soft at first. Anya moaned louder and gripped his butt. She urged him harder and deeper.

He kissed her then, full and intense. Anya was caught off guard by it, but responded to the gesture. They made out with wanton abandon as Cade thrust in and out of her and she wiggled her hips in encouragement.

"Cade?" Anya whispered between kisses.


"I love you."


More makeouts.



"I want you to cum in me."

"Fuuuccck, Anya."

"I do, though."

More kisses.

"I'm gonna," Cade said. "I'm gonna cum in you."

Anya nodded like it was a perfectly reasonable course of action. "Good," she said.

Cade pounded her harder. He fucked his sister's wet little pussy with all the love and sexual intent he felt for her. And the new goal of filling her up with cum. Which maybe would have happened anyway, but now that she'd insisted it was practically guaranteed.

"I love you," Cade said, absolutely meaning it.

Anya blushed and kissed him again. It seemed partly this time to avoid making eye contact for a second.

"Not fair to say that now," she said.

"You just said it, like, two minutes ago."

"That's different!"

"It's not."

"... say it again?"

Cade grinned. "I. Love. You."

Anya whimpered and this time buried her face against him. He wanted to kiss her more, but couldn't the way she was clutching him.

A moment later her nails dug into his back. Not painfully, really, but still a sharp contrast to everything else. Her small moans changed in intensity, and Cade felt a definite shiver from her.

"Are you cumming?"

Anya just made a small whining sound rather than answering.

She was definitely cumming. And Cade wasn't far behind, really. Anya had settled down again by then, and had even graced him with more kisses, but squealed in rather undignified fashion when she felt him explode inside her.

"You're cumming!"

"I am," Cade grunted.

"Mmm, yesss."

Anya wrapped her legs around him and held him tight, as though there was some chance he'd leave at an inopportune moment. All his cum went deep inside her, just like she wanted.

Cade stayed where he was for a long while afterward. He had no choice, short of fighting free of his sister's embrace. And that seemed like such a silly thing to do.

"That was probably the naughtiest thing I've ever done," Anya murmured after several minutes of decadent silence.

"Only probably?" Cade asked, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I've been trying to figure that out. I mean, ordinarily, yeah, fucking my brother would be tops. But... I don't know. Sex with someone you super love and trust and want to be with doesn't seem quite so naughty." Anya shrugged. "So I don't know where this lands."

Cade kissed her on her nose. "You're silly."

"Hey! It's a serious conundrum."

"I love you."

Anya went a cute pink. Cade was really getting to love her reactions just to being told something so simple. Though of course the emotion behind it was anything but simple.


Anya didn't put on much for clothing the rest of the day. She wore some panties as a concession to the brother-cum in her pussy, but otherwise wanted to revel in their relationship far more than she wanted to concede to modesty.

Cade's frequent glances at her kept her feeling all warm and tingly. They added nicely to the naughty feeling of carrying his cum around inside her.

He didn't dress up much more than she did. The two of them spent a hazy rest of the afternoon and evening in something barely more than an idyllic trance. Wandering somewhat aimlessly, curling up together at various intervals, and always appreciating each other visually, or with soft caresses as appropriate.

Anya sensed her brother getting increasingly horny through the rest of the day. He wasn't overly subtle about it. Always tenting his boxers, and getting more and more aggressive in his casual fondling of her.

He got to a point of taking any excuse at all to press up behind her and wrap his arms around her, giving her kisses from behind on her neck or shoulder, and sometimes nibbling on her ears. Usually he'd grind his erection on her ass quite firmly in the process. Occasionally he'd even get so bold as to rub her panties and check how wet they were.

All of which was fantastic. Anya was heavily turned on as well, and every little thing he did seemed to hit the right spot for her.

"My cum's still in you," Cade said at one point.

"Mmm. I'm aware."

"I really liked cumming in you."

"Heh, I know. You don't have to tell me."

He kissed her some more.

"I'm a little worried how natural this feels," he said.

Anya tensed. "Why?"

"Because what if we're wrong and really we're just super horny?"

"You know that's not it."

"Do I?"

"Yes," Anya said firmly. "You do."

"Oh. Good, then."

Anya rubbed her butt back against him. Not strictly the most helpful thing as far as resolving her brother's worries, but it felt nice and made her pussy tingly, and sometimes that was the main thing in life.

Still, though. Cade had to know this wasn't just horny problems, right?

"Are you actually worried about that?" Anya asked gently. "Or is this all just new and a little scary still?"

"... probably the second one. I mean, it's not scary. But it's new. It's like... I fucked my sister. I came in her."

Anya's toes curled and her heart leapt at those calmly delivered but sexually charged words. Words from her brother.

"You came in me," she echoed.


"You want to do it more, right?"

"Of course I do." Cade squeezed her tit from behind. Just giving it a good feel. "But that's horny me talking. I mean, at least partly."

"Mmm. At least partly. Horny you is a result of loving me, though."

"True. Very true."

"No one's ever made me as horny as you have," Anya stressed. "That's not just hormones."

"No, you're right. I know you are."


"I still just really want to fuck some more."

"Ha ha, oh god. You are a horny thing, aren't you?"

"I thought that was clear by now."

Anya turned in her brother's arms and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck in return. She used the leverage to pull him in for a deep, firm kiss.

"I love you," she stated simply. "I love everything you do to me. Everything you make me feel. Yes this is all new, but I'm not worried about anything. You know why?"


"Because anything that happens, we'll be together for it, yeah? And that makes me feel safe and loved. I can't ask for more."

"... you make some compelling points."

"Plus I have my tits out."

"That too. It's a good argument technique."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Anya let Cade play with her boobies some more.

"Still worried about this?" she asked.

"Nah. Wasn't properly worried anyway. It was just like... why is this so easy? Relationships are always hard. And it should be harder with you. And it's not."

"You silly. We did all the hard parts already. We've known each other forever. Like... like people who've been friends since childhood and get together. Except better."

"Ah. Fair enough."

Anya slipped out of Cade's grasp and took one of his hands. She started walking, forcing him to follow along.

"Where we going?" he asked.

"To bed."

"Oh. It's kind of early."

"Not early for sex."

"Oh good. I was hoping you were gonna say that."

Anya snorted. "What else was I gonna say?"

"I dunno. I'm new to fucking my sister."

"Well get used to it."

Anya took Cade to her room. She got him out of the few clothes he was wearing and made him lie down on her bed. He was a little bemused by her instructions, but didn't seem to mind.

Particularly, he rather enjoyed lying back and watching as Anya slowly peeled her ruined panties down her legs. He absently stroked himself while she stripped off her only article of clothing.

"Well these are quite a mess," Anya said, examining her panties in her hands.

"Mmhm," Cade agreed.

"You're not even looking."

"I am."

"At my pussy. I'm talking about my underwear."

"Well who cares about that?"

Anya snickered and tossed the wet, sex-coated panties aside. "Good point."

Anya clambered nakedly on top of her brother. He reached for her and had his hands all over her before she'd even settled. She avoided his cock for the moment, though it was tempting to sit straight on it. She was wet enough to get away with that, if she wanted. In a sense, they'd been getting their foreplay in for hours already.

It was better if it came naturally. That was Anya's feeling. She started with kissing and rubbing against Cade, letting their naked bodies come together lovingly. He kept feeling her up so good, helping her get revved up like crazy.

Anya let her hips slowly wiggle ever closer to Cade's cock. Just teasingly. Occasionally brushing against him when she got close enough. It got harder and harder to hold back. Especially when Cade started whimpering so cutely at the fleeting contacts.

"You wanna be inside me again, huh?" Anya said.

"You know I do."

Anya squealed as Cade smacked her butt and pulled her closer. His cock pressed against her wet slit for a moment before she wiggled away.

"Ah ah! Be good," she said.

"How am I possibly supposed to do that?"

"I dunno."

Anya took Cade's arms and pinned them over his head. His eyes were all big and pleading. He even pouted at her, and it worked all too well. Anya was kind of melting anyway, but seeing her brother's need so evident made everything that much worse. Or better, really.

"I'm gonna ride you," Anya promised. "But no rushing me."

"Can I touch at least?"

"Yes. That you can do."

Anya pushed herself up on her knees, straddling Cade. His hands went right back to her upon release, running over her warm, aroused skin.

She found her brother's cock with her hand and pressed her pussy to it. Still just teasing mostly, but teasing herself as much as Cade. She wanted him in her. Oh god she wanted it.

"Don't make me beg," Cade said.

Anya smirked crookedly at him. "You want it bad, huh?"


Anya let her pussy part around the head of his cock. Just a little. Just enough for him to be technically inside.

Cade's eyes rolled back and his fingers tightened on her momentarily.

Anya studied her brother's face as she sank further down. Taking his cock in her. He filled her up so good. And he was so cutely helpless as she took him deep.

The way he looked at her was simply unfair. She was trying to focus on the pleasure of taking his cock. But having him stare back so affectionately, in such bliss, and to know what she was doing to him was a whole other thing. It split her attention, which was so limited in the moment.

"Don't look at me like that," Anya said.


"I'm trying to ride you."

"So do it."

"You're... you're making me all tingly."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

Cade ran his hands up her sides, angling toward her boobies. He was only driving her crazier. Probably intentionally, really.

"How am I supposed to concentrate?" Anya asked.

"Why do you need to concentrate?"

"Because... because."

"Oh. I see."

Anya growled low, put her hands on Cade's chest for balance, then started riding him the way she intended. More aggressively than planned, if anything.

She felt some immediate satisfaction at Cade's expression and the way his hands fell back down to her hips. Plus it just felt amazing to take her brother like that.

Anya kept going, getting a feel for the rhythm needed to keep Cade passive and docile beneath her, though she knew it wouldn't last forever. Already he was reaching for her again, getting handsy and distracting.

Still, she had control for the moment. Nearly full control, except for those wonderful, fluttery feelings she kept getting.

"You're so amazing," Cade said.

Anya felt herself flush. "Thanks."

"You feel so good."

Anya rocked her hips harder, really riding her brother. Giving him everything. "You too."

"You want me to cum in you again?"

"Mmm. Of course."

"Hehe, you're so horny," Cade teased.

"No you are."

Anya put a hand over Cade's mouth. He was still obviously grinning beneath it. When she was sure he wasn't going to say anything else, she pulled her hand away and kissed him instead.

She couldn't get over how nice it felt kissing her brother. Sex was amazing, but kissing him was a whole level of comfort and arousal that couldn't be beaten.

"I'm gonna make you cum in me," Anya said.

"I know."

"Then you're gonna cuddle me."


"And love me."

"Way ahead of you."

Anya rocked her hips harder, grinding on Cade's cock like the horniest of sisters. She was feeling the deep throb of pleasure that was a prelude to cumming. She was more focused on him, though. She wanted Cade to cum in her messy little pussy.

He apparently had very similar thoughts about her. Anya gasped as his thumb brushed over her clit, then pressed more assuredly as he found his target.

Cade rubbed her off while she coaxed him toward cumming. The two of them getting more and more frantic about making the other explode. Their naked bodies sheened with sweat, their breathing coming increasingly ragged.

Anya was lost in an in between world for a time. Wanting to cum, wanting to make Cade cum. Not quite at a point to do either.

But the moment broke. Of course it broke.

She came in a loud, freeing moan of deepest pleasure. Something close to a scream, perhaps. Her brother's cock and his thumb on her clit seemed connected, as though they were one. The sexual shivers and tingles running through her were a mixed maelstrom of happiness inside her, and when she came it hit her hard.

Even better, she felt Cade's cum inside her. His cock pulsing and exploding, painting her insides all naughty and creamy. More brother-cum for her little pussy.

"Thaaattt's it," Anya hissed.

Cade only groaned. He squeezed her butt while she wriggled around a last little bit on top of him.

Anya slipped off her perch and lay down half on top of Cade. She put a hand on his cummy penis and felt it soften. She didn't do more than that. Just held him.

He in turn put an arm around her and kissed her forehead as she lay atop him. They were warm in each other's embrace, and only just starting to really settle down.

It was a beautiful afterglow. Anya enjoyed it immensely. She listened to her brother's heart slowing down to normal, as her own did the same.

"I'm gonna get used to this," Anya purred softly.

"Yeah you are."

"Love you, you know."

"Mmm. Love you too."


The sibs slept peacefully together that night. Not as soundly as they usually did these days, but even when one awoke, they just smiled and watched the other snoozing, felt their gentle breathing, and were lulled back to dreamland themselves.

It was part of a pattern that continued to develop small intricacies, but was largely set in its overall direction. Anya and Cade had each other, the security and love their relationship provided, and plenty of fun sexy times to go with it.

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