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33.95% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1392: A COMPLICATED FAVOUR


Hanging out with my sisters every weekend was just something that had become a natural part of my life. We'd all grown apart a bit as we left home and did our own things. As these things go.

But geographically we weren't that far away from each other, and once we got in the habit of making the time to meet up on a regular basis, it became almost necessary for all three of us. A constant, enjoyable feature of otherwise turbulent lives.

I'd been leery when Elsa got a serious girlfriend and started inviting her to our things. But I'd grown to love Casey like a sister, and now that the two were married and had a pretty nice house, we had a reliably nice venue to hang out at, so it all kind of worked out.

Anna, like me, wasn't in any kind of long term relationship. We'd both had some fairly serious people in our lives at times, but nothing that lasted. That wasn't always easy, but even at worst--such as right after breakups--it didn't feel so bad when we were all together. And Anna and I had the option of ganging up on Elsa and teasing her mercilessly about being a responsible and put together adult with a healthy and functional marriage, which helped in a very weird sort of sibling affection kind of way.

It was a particularly beautiful summer day when Elsa dropped a bombshell on me. All four of us were just chilling on Elsa and Casey's deck, getting drunk in the sun. Casey and Anna had temporarily departed to mix another batch of daiquiris. I suspected nothing.

"Casey and I want a baby," Elsa said, apropos of nothing.

I shrugged easily. "Sure. I feel I have to warn you that biologically speaking--"

"Yes, I'm aware neither of us can get the other pregnant, smartass."

"Ok. Just checking. So, what, adoption or... one of those science things?"

"Well, Kai, my darling brother, that's just it."

"What is?"

Elsa hesitated. "We were contemplating something else entirely."


"Neither adoption nor... science things."

"... magic?"

"Not that either."

"Ok, well I'm out of guesses then. And I don't know why you waited until... wait...."


"Elsa, why in fact did you wait until Casey and Anna were gone to bring this up?"

"'Cause I wanted to run something by you. Somewhat privately."

"And while I'm a bit drunk?" I asked pointedly.

"That too, yeah."

"Casey knows?"

"She's distracting our baby sis as we speak."

"Of course she is." I took a deep breath. "Elsa, please tell me this isn't something weird."

"Sorry. It's something weird."

"Oh god."

"Look, we'd just like you to consider it, is all."


"If you were the... donor, let's say, then genetically Casey and I both get to be roughly equal in the creation process. Sort of."

I rubbed my forehead. "See, this was the very weirdest thing I could imagine, and you went ahead and said it anyway."

Elsa shrugged. "Nah, could be weirder. When we were talking about it, Casey said it would be weirder if I had your baby."

"That's... I mean yeah, that's weirder." I took a moment just to think. "You serious about this?"

She smiled crookedly. "Yeah, Kai," she said softly, pushing back some of her hair behind her ear. "We're very serious. It's not to pressure you or anything. Just... we've talked about options. And we've had a lot of time to think about them. Honestly, asking you to be the donor was the top of the list for a while. Then we joked about skipping the middleman. I think maybe it was Casey who said it first. Just like, 'Haha, what if I boinked your brother though?'"

"And that seems like a good idea now?"

"... yes? I mean, just think about it. That's all."

"You want me to have sex with your wife, Elsa."

"I'm well aware what I'm asking," Elsa said primly. "More aware than you are. Lucky both you and Casey have a little thing for each other going on so--"

"The hell you say?"

"You heard me. Trust me, dear brother, we all know you think Casey's cute."

"Hey now!"

"And she... I mean she says you're like the boy version of me. Which... yeah, you are, basically. I probably shouldn't tell you this, but we've had nights where I pretend--"

"Please don't finish that sentence." I shook my head. "How drunk are you right now?"

"Drunk enough to have this conversation with you."

"Yeah. That's about it, huh."

Casey and Anna paraded back out to us, interrupting any further conversation. The two of them were laughing and chatting as before, initially oblivious to the changed mood outside. They poured everyone new drinks, and Anna then sat next to me, only slowly realizing that I wasn't quite as chipper as when she left.

"Hey, what's up with you?" Anna asked, giving me a nudge with her elbow. "You look... pensive."

"I am," I admitted.

"What about?"

"Something Elsa said."

Casey rolled her eyes at my evasiveness and curt answers. "Well what did she say?"

I made eye contact with Elsa, who just shrugged. Casey next to her seemed to have also picked up on the mood by now, but didn't seem at all confused. She wouldn't be. She knew what was up already.

"You want me to say?" I asked, directing the question to Elsa.

"No, you don't have to," Elsa said. "It's our business." She reached for Casey's hand and squeezed. Casey smiled at her, though with a hint of knowing in her eyes.

"Well out with it," Anna said, taking a drink. "Why am I the only one who doesn't know?"

"Because I needed to talk to our brother first," Elsa said. "I would have told you. Not right now necessarily, but--"

"Oh sure. Leave the baby out," Anna said, affecting annoyance but still cheerful enough that the effect didn't really land. "Business as usual, huh?"

"We don't leave you out of anything," Elsa said calmly. "But it's funny you should mention babies...."

"Why's that?"

"Because Casey and I would like to have one."

"Oh." Anna brightened. "Well that's nice. I mean, for some people. I think they're kind of a lot of work, and noisy, and always pooping, and--"

"Yes, thank you, sister dearest," Elsa said.

"No, but like, that's cool if you two are doing it. What's the plan? Why did you need to tell Kai before...."

Anna trailed off and flicked her eyes suspiciously toward me. Her mind was clearly whirling now. Piecing together the information that I was still mulling over.

"Wait seriously," Anna said in a more dangerous tone. "Why couldn't you tell us both together?"

"I wanted to ask our brother something without anyone else making the conversation more awkward," Elsa said. "Not that it worked all that well."

"What something?" Anna insisted.




"Oh for goodness' sake," Casey said, finally joining in the awkward discourse. "Anna, we wanted to know if Kai would help us out."

"... ok, damn, that's what I thought. Wouldn't that be weird, Casey having Kai's...." Anna shook her head. "Oh that's so weird."

I giggled to myself, unable to help it. Anna turned to me.

"What's so funny?" she demanded.

"It's worse than you think," I said.


"Yeah. I mean, that part makes sense when you think about it. Genetics and all."

"I don't--"

"Ask them how they want me to be the... donor."

Anna frowned and turned back to Elsa and Casey. "How do--"

Casey rolled her eyes, seemingly the least uncomfortable of anyone by now. She had the advantage of not being a sibling to anyone present, I supposed. Sister in law didn't count quite the same for these purposes.

"It saves a lot of time and trouble if we just... do the thing ourselves," Casey said as though it was perfectly reasonable.

Anna cocked her head. "By which you mean--"

"I'd have sex with your brother. Happy now?"

"Not really, no." Anna squirmed. "That's... oh wow, that's so weird."

"Tell me about it," I agreed.

"That's only the first option," Elsa grumbled. "We don't have to do it that way."

"I'll say you don't," Anna affirmed. "But you'd still--"

"We'd still like Kai involved, yes," Casey said. "We've given this a lot of thought, remember. Give it time."

"Ok, listen," Anna said. "You're like a sister to me, Casey. You know that. But... it's different hearing this from my perspective. And Kai's."

"Elsa's on board though," Casey pointed out. "If anything, she should be most weirded out by this."

"I don't see why she gets best claim on finding this weird," Anna said.

I put a hand on Anna's arm. "It's ok," I said. "Chill a little. Have another drink."

"You're not--"

"I'm not saying anything," I said. "But I think they're right that we should just take some time and let it settle. If it's a no it's a no. Arguing about it doesn't change anything."

"It's weird still," Anna said sulkily, though she did sit back and take another long drink. Her face was flushed from embarrassment by this point.

Continuing to get more drunk may not have been the wisest thing to do under the circumstances, but it sure felt like the easiest.

Conversation flowed as normal again, slowly at first but eventually picking up. Always with an undercurrent to it, though. As though none of us could quite get the elephant out of the metaphorical room.

My thoughts would ever return to the offer my sister had made. I could tell Anna was dwelling on it too. Elsa and Casey were maybe not quite so focused, or at least not in the same way, but they for sure kept glancing at me every now and then in a way that suggested they were hoping for a positive answer eventually.

Unless that was all just in my head, which was very possible.

"Here's the thing," I said eventually, head overflowing with considerations and swimming pleasantly in booze. "Here's the thing about sex with Casey...."

Elsa snorted in amusement. "You've been working on that this whole time, haven't you?"

"How could I not?" I said evenly.

Casey gave a small smile. "Well, Kai, what about sex with me?"

"Ok, so like, I think weirdness is a danger," I said. "Not just because the initial weirdness is... weird. But like, what if we do it. And then what if it's not actually what you two wanted. And Elsa, what if you don't like that I boinked your wife, and--"

"No no," Elsa said. "She's boinking you. It's different."

"That's... that's such an irrelevant distinction. We'd be boinking each other."

"I think he's right," Anna said. "Mutual boinkage."

"Could everyone please stop saying 'boink'?" Casey asked politely.

"I've been trying to avoid saying 'fuck,'" I said.

"That's fine. But you can say it. We're all adults here," Casey said firmly.

"Fine. If I fuck you, or you fuck me, or... or we fuck, anyway. Like... I don't want that fucking up our whole thing. You know how many siblings get along like we all do? And what if this is a wedge in the middle of all that afterward."

Elsa and Casey exchanged a long, meaningful look.

"That's... true," Elsa admitted. "And it's basically the worst case scenario, but it's a definite, albeit small, possibility."

"Kai's right," Anna said. "That's not fair. What if... what if we can't do this anymore. Just hang out. Because things get all awkward and weird and no one can talk to each other anymore."

Privately, in my head, I contemplated what it meant that we were all discussing what might happen afterward. That in a sense, we'd already breezed by the notion that I might fuck my sister's wife period.

I'd been part of that. I recognized that in hindsight. Was it such a small thing? Or... shit, was I kind of into it?

I cautiously glanced at Casey. I got to stare for a few seconds before her eyes flicked over to meet mine and I had to look away blushing.

Ok, so she was cute. Beautiful, even. And fun and easy to talk to and be around. I was comfortable with her. I really liked her, though not in what I'd ever thought of as 'that way.' Elsa had good taste. I couldn't pretend she didn't. Perhaps a very similar taste to my own, now that I thought about it.

That comment about me being the boy version of Elsa rung in my head. I didn't think that was quite accurate, but we were siblings after all. It wasn't like we were wildly different people.

"A big part of all that is between Elsa and me," Casey stated definitively. She squeezed Elsa's hand. "You're our family too, both of you, obviously. But you can't put our marriage on your shoulders here. We can make our own decisions, and asking Kai for this is one of them."

"But it impacts everyone," Anna insisted. "Even me, and I'm technically not even really involved."

"You're right," Elsa said. "Of course you are. And that's why we're communicating openly. That's what Casey and I will need to be doing lots of for this whole process. In case of jealousy or... or whatever. Whatever happens. There's no secrets going in. Secrets are what ruins good things. We're not going to have any."

"Oh," Anna said. She considered her big sister's words. "No secrets from any of us?"

"That's the plan."

"Well... ok then. As long as we talk about all the weird stuff...."

Anna looked at me, and suddenly I realized all three girls present were examining me too closely for comfort.

"Wait wait wait, so you're on board now?" I asked.

"I mean... maybe?" Anna said. "I think maybe I'm not against it anymore."

"Oh," I said. "I think... I think maybe I was happier when you were. It let me not have to make a decision yet."

Elsa laughed softly. "Don't make a decision now, brother dearest. You're too drunk for it to be binding. Just think about it. Take some time. Everything's dependent on Casey's cycle anyway."

I blushed at the mention of biological consideration, as though I was young and innocent again, and we hadn't already been talking about extra-marital, incest-adjacent fucking.

"Oh," I mumbled. "Sure."


Anna and I spent the night. Usually we didn't need to, but sometimes we overdid it and didn't allow time to sober up before driving home later. This was definitely one of those times.

We both had our own rooms when we were over. There were two spare bedrooms, in a sense, though it seemed now one of them might get taken over by the new baby, once it arrived. If indeed we went down that path.

It would, arguably, be my child too. That was a wild thought. I wasn't sure how crazy it was in comparison to impregnating my sister's wife in the first place, but I hadn't had a chance to even really contemplate having a kid at all. Even one that was only mine genetically. It had never come up before, not seriously, and now for it to come up like this....

So weird.

I couldn't sleep, and eventually shuffled down the hall to Anna's room. I knocked softly, then cracked the door.

"You sleeping?"

"... yes."

I snorted. "If you want me to leave, just say so."

"Nah. Come in. I'm still thinking about... you know."

"Yeah. I know. Me too."

I scooted into the room, closing the door behind me, and feeling my way cautiously to Anna's bed. I sat on the edge of it while Anna sat up and curled her knees up to her chest. My eyes were sufficiently adjusted to the dark to make out the general shape of her.

"You wanna talk more about it?" Anna asked softly. "Or do you want a distraction?"

I sighed heavily. "Kinda both?"

"Fair." Anna clicked her tongue thoughtfully. "I saw a cool movie the other day."

I smiled tiredly, then groaned and stretched out across the bed. "Tell me about it," I said.

Anna launched into an impromptu and disorganized review of her aforementioned film. I continued to smile at her efforts, even though really it wasn't keeping my mind off my dilemma all that well.

"Sounds like a cool movie," I said once she'd finished.

"Yeah, it was."



"Am I bad a brother if I do this thing? Or... am I bad brother if I don't?"

Anna crawled closer and lay down next to me. "I don't think you're a bad brother either way."

"Oh. Good."

"I think maybe there isn't a right answer. And... and I'll back you up whichever way you decide, ok?"

"Thanks. I don't think I need backup, but thank you."

"Sure. What are sisters for?"

"That's become a more complicated question today."

"Haha, yeah."

I rolled closer to Anna, deriving comfort from her proximity. She actually reached out and tousled my hair gently, not a gesture I expected from my baby sis, but it felt really nice in the moment.

"I think you should do it though," Anna said in a bare whisper.

"You do?"

"Yeah. Elsa wants it. And Casey. They deserve good things."

"True," I agreed.

"And it'd be kinda neat for them to have a kid. I've never been an aunt, you know."

"I am aware, yes."

"Although... what if we can't sit around on weekends being delinquents anymore?" Anna said thoughtfully.

"I'm not sure that's the biggest concern."

"It's a concern though. Even if it's not the biggest." Anna sighed. "I'd miss our hangouts."

"We could still hang. Just maybe with less drinking."

"Or maybe we'd all have to drink more to make up for Casey giving it up. You know, once you put a baby in her and all."

I snickered helplessly. "Oh god, don't say it like that."

"You're gonna have to knock her up, bro," Anna said, immediately seizing on my weakness.

"Oh nooo."

"Mmhm. Fill her--"

I slapped a hand at Anna's face and managed to cover her mouth. She almost immediately stuck her tongue out and licked my hand, making me yank it back. Just like being kids again. The two of us burst out in frenetic giggling.

"You're a shit," I said.

"I'm not the one planning on--"

"Don't you dare!"

"Come on. I got some really gross ones I wanna say. Like about breed--"

"I swear to god, Anna."

"Ooh, or sexist ones. Like finally putting that baby factory to--"

I found a pillow and swung it firmly at Anna's face. She fought me for the pillow, but then only laughed once her face was free again.

"I might actually enjoy this," Anna said.

"Yeah, you're having a great time now, aren't you?"

"I really am." Anna's tone sobered up slightly. "But seriously... I mean, do what you feel. I've got the smallest vote here by far."

"Hey, your vote counts. I don't want you feeling left out here. You know what you mean to me. To us all."

"Yeah. I guess."

I stared at Anna in the dark. She stared right back at me.

"This is gonna sound weird," I said, "but... you mind if I sleep here tonight?"

"In my bed?"

"Yeah. Just... I mean it's big enough."

"It is." Anna thought a moment longer, then shrugged. "It's fine with me. I think maybe I'd sleep better if it wasn't me alone with my thoughts in here."

"Yeah. Same."


Chapter Two: Seduction


I was a bit embarrassed upon waking up that I'd imposed on my little sister like that. Only a bit, though. And watching Anna still cutely asleep for a time kind of made up for that.

I decided to slip out before she awoke, just to avoid any lingering embarrassment from the situation.

Part of said embarrassment to be avoided was my morning wood. Which had nothing to do with Anna, but it still felt awkward to deal with an erection after waking up next to my sister.

Casey was up before me. She beat me to the coffee maker, and already had it running before I stumbled in. She graced me with a faint smile as she saw me.

"Sleep well?" she asked.

"Uh... well enough," I said. "Eventually."

"Ah. Too much on your mind?"

"Basically, yeah."

"Any new thoughts since yesterday?"

Casey tried to stay casual, but I could see her bouncing slightly from foot to foot. She pulled the tie on her robe tighter as her anxious movements made it slip slightly.

"I mean, I think Anna's on board now," I said. "Which just leaves... me."

"You're not totally against though, right?"

"No. Never was totally against. I just... I feel like there are a lot of factors here. I don't want to be the reason you two have jealousy issues afterward or something.""I wouldn't worry about that. We have it under control."

"You think you do," I said. "Maybe you really do. But there's no way to know for sure until it happens."

"That's true. But I'm pretty confident." Casey stepped closer to me, padding forward on bare feet, hands clasped coyly behind her back. "You know Elsa's pretended to be you sometimes while we're fucking."

I sighed. "I didn't need to know that."

"I think maybe you did, actually."

"So, what, you've already got this fantasy, so it won't cause any problems if we do it for real?"

"That's a little more reductive than I'd like, but something like that, yes."

"I don't know if I believe it."

I was getting a bit nervous as Casey stood close. The pose she held and the way her robe was tied presented me with a small but tantalizing view of her cleavage. Ordinarily I would have sneaked a quick peek, then pretended not to notice. In this case, that was a trickier thing. She wanted to have sex with me, after all. That does things to a boy's brain.

Casey shrugged in an exaggerated manner, which did nothing to help me staring at her boobs. It might even have been deliberate. There was a small, knowing smirk on her lips.

"We tell each other everything. Especially this stuff. I've... had a bit of a thing for you for a while."

I blushed. "Elsa mentioned."

"Mmhm. I mean, you're so like her, you know. Except being a boy and all." Casey bit her lip for a second. "You know I always assumed I'd end up with a guy? And somehow your sister... I don't know, she kind of swept me off my feet. And I've loved every minute of it."

"Elsa's pretty great," I agreed.

"She definitely is. But the point of which was, I really wouldn't mind if she was a boy sometimes when we're doing stuff."


"And she knows it. Plays into it. But if it was you--"

"Ok, wait, this isn't just to hit your kinks, is it? It's not just a weird sex thing after all?"

"No no, absolutely not. We still want a baby. Your baby. I'm trying to assuage your worries."

"I don't know that it's working."

Casey eyed me for a moment. "Ok, let me try something a bit different. Do you want to have sex with me?"

"Oh wow."

"Do you?"

I swallowed. "Under the right circumstances... sure, probably."

"These are those circumstances, Kai. Not getting any better."

"Just because I've crushed on you a bit doesn't mean we actually need to do anything about it."

Casey nodded. "Mmhm. Technically correct. But again, circumstances. We want the baby, you're helping us out, and we both get a little something extra in the process. Not a bad deal if you ask me."

"Elsa's really cool with you having a thing for me? And vice versa?"

Casey's smile widened. "Dude, you should hear some of the stuff she's into."

"Rather not, thanks."

"Fair enough. But yes, she is totally cool with it. I mean obviously there's gonna be some emotions in all this. Confusing ones. But we'll talk about them. Won't hide anything. It'll be all good."

I closed my eyes for a moment, swallowed hard, then opened up again. "I mean, I guess we should probably do this thing then, huh?"

Casey fairly beamed at me. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. I think. I mean... if I change my mind--"

"For sure, for sure. No hard feelings if you back out. Or if we don't quite get there the first time or anything. Just... oh wow, you really wanna try it?"

"I think so."

"Cool." Casey's grin turned devilish. "In that case... wanna have a little fun?"


"You know, since we're gonna have to wait for my cycle now anyway?"

"... what are you suggesting?"

Casey casually opened her robe up, like it wasn't any big thing. My jaw dropped at the easy way she did it, and more importantly what she revealed to me.

She only had panties on under the robe, and her beautiful tits were fully bared for me, along with the rest of her tempting form. All those years of having the occasional peek or fantasy about her. Just things I couldn't help. And now... now this.

"Yeah, that's how Elsa stared the first couple times too," Casey murmured. "I kinda miss those days. But then again, now she stares like she's intimately familiar with every inch. Which she is. So I'll take it."

I had a flash of envisioning Elsa and Casey together. Elsa at first appreciating Casey's naked body, then both of them naked together. I had to shake my head and try to forget the latter part. I didn't need some weird sister fantasy on top of everything else.

Though if Elsa had pretended to be me during sex....

Best not to think about that either, probably.

"What ya thinkin'?" Casey asked.

"Kinda... Elsa for a second there."

"Ha, yeah. It happens. You two really are basically the same."

"I don't think we are."

"You're biased." Casey shifted her weight. "Anyway, want a feel before I cover up again?"

"... seriously?"


I hesitated a moment, but more because I felt I should than because I wanted to. "Ok."

I reached out with a cautious hand and cupped one of Casey's tits. She hissed softly and stuck her chest out more. Emboldened, I grabbed her other breast as well. Then just stood there fondling her while she seemingly quite enjoyed it.

Casey closed her eyes, and I heard her quietly whispered, "Elsa," as I continued to feel her up. It was a bit weird, but honestly made me feel a little better. Not that she was again comparing me to my sister, though I might just have to learn to live with that, but somehow I didn't feel as much emotional pressure in the moment if she was pretending I was Elsa. Or even just thinking about Elsa while I groped her.

Such a nightmare of complication, mixed with some rather delightful opportunity to satisfy an illicit crush.

Unbidden, I had the thought that if Elsa and I were both into the same girl, that was another point for us being so similar as people. I was forced to consider whether my crush would ever have developed into a full, beautiful relationship if I'd been the one to meet Casey first.

I didn't have any possible answer to that, though, and besides I was distracted by other things. Like Casey's boobies.

A clearing throat from behind me made me jerk my hand away from Casey's tits and turn around guiltily. Anna stood there, having apparently sneaked up behind us, all silent and stealthy on her bare feet. She tilted her head with a faint smirk on her lips.

"That didn't take long," she said.

"It wasn't... that wasn't anything," I said.

"You were feeling her tits, Kai. I saw."

"I mean... technically."

Casey giggled. Her robe remained open. "You're so cute when you're all awkward and embarrassed."

"Gee, thanks," I mumbled. "So glad I'm involved."

Elsa padded around the corner, yawning and running fingers through her hair. "Involved in what?" she asked.

"Nothing," I said immediately.

Anna betrayed me just as quickly. "Kai was feeling up Casey's boobies."

I gave Anna a hurt look, but she only smiled sweetly.

Elsa shrugged. "Oh. How were they?"

I gave up, feeling all too outnumbered. "Pretty great, actually."

Elsa slipped past me and cupped Casey's tits while giving her a long, slow kiss. "Mmm, aren't they though."

My morning wood was not going anywhere at this rate. And it was only getting more awkward all the time. Waking up next to Anna with it was bad enough. At least she'd been asleep for that. It was just getting worse, though. Feeling up my sister-in-law, now watching Casey and Elsa making out, Casey's tits still out. Not good.

Anna sidled up beside Elsa and maneuvered her hand in to feel one of Casey's boobies. Elsa gave her little sister a questioning look.

"What?" Anna said. "Everyone else is doing it."

Elsa laughed. "Horny little thing," she teased.

"No!" Anna insisted. "Kai's the horny one."

Elsa and Casey both glanced at me, then at the tent in my boxers. I realized Anna had already been well aware of it. Maybe everyone had.

"You both can be," Elsa said, her eyes lingering on my erection for a moment.

Still, Elsa made way for Anna, and the sisters shared Casey's tits for a moment. Casey seemed to be quite enjoying herself, and kept making dangerous eyes at me.

I was meant to impregnate her. Actually have sex with her and knock her up and all that. It was a lot to process, but it helped contextualize this sexy disaster of a morning.

Though even in that context, it didn't really help explain how I'd ended up watching my sisters feel up a nearly nude Casey.

I slipped past and got myself some coffee. I needed it. The girls kept going for a moment, then all dissolved into silly giggles. Anna skipped away and got herself some coffee too.

Elsa and Casey stayed together, whispering secretly for a moment. Elsa then helped Casey slip her robe off entirely, leaving her in only panties.

"Gonna have to get used to this," Casey told me as I stared at her.

She did a slow twirl in the middle of the floor, far less self-conscious than I would have thought. That just seemed to be her, though. I wasn't sure if that was just something about her that was being unleashed this morning, or if... if it was to do with me. How into me was she actually?

Anna gently nudged me with her elbow. "You're gonna put a baby in her, huh?"

I sighed and sipped more coffee. "Sure seems that way."

"Don't sound so excited."

"Well it's weird."

"Sure. But, like, kinda hot too, right?"

I gave Anna a sidelong glance. "I mean, yes, it is. Still weird."


"Especially around you and Elsa."

"Gonna have to get used to that, I think."

"Not sure I want to."

Anna thoughtfully drummed her fingernails on her mug. "Are we all that's stopping you?"

"I mean... I guess you're probably a large part of it. I just... I've never done anything like this before. Let alone with my sisters both involved. It's... a lot."

"Sure," Anna said. "I get that. Kind of a lot for me too. But, like, I'm kinda getting into it. How often do you get to do stuff like this? Consequence free and all. Like... you get to cum in a hot girl a bunch and not worry about it. In fact, it's a good thing."

I blushed. "See, I shouldn't be hearing you tell me to 'cum in a hot girl a bunch'."

"Pff, grow up."

"You're my little sister."

"I'm aware. It's not me you're cumming in."

"True." I sipped more coffee, stalling for time. "Anna, you know that my biggest fear is hurting you or Elsa. Mostly Elsa in this case. It's her wife we're talking about."

"I know, Kai. I know." Anna brushed her lips on my cheek. "I don't think you will. But if you do, it's us. We'll work it out, ok?"

I looked into Anna's eyes, her kiss still lingering on my cheek. I loved her. I trusted her. I trusted both my sisters more than anyone else in the world. Sure that meant more concern for their well-being, but an important thing to remember was that I could trust their decisions too. It didn't have to be all on me.

I kissed Anna back, on her cheek, maybe a little closer to her mouth than she'd gone for. She flushed just as I had, only more prettily.

"I trust you," I said.

Anna, still pink in her cheeks, nodded and smiled. "Good."

Anna gave me a last meaningful look, then scampered over to Elsa and Casey. Casey was still just in her panties, which made it hard to tear my gaze away once it was settled. Goddamn but Elsa had good taste. Casey was so easy to stare at.

All three girls whispered and giggled together, and threw frequent glances my way. The small conspiracy was an immediate test of the trust I'd just placed in my sisters.

"Ok, I don't like what's happening over there," I said loudly.

The girls only laughed harder. But then Else gave Casey a firm push in my direction. Casey bit her lip and walked hesitantly, but when she made eye contact with me it seemed to firm up her decision somehow.

She approached me and stood with her hands behind her back, smiling cutely at me. Deliberately pushing her tits out toward me too.

"Hey," she said.

"Hey," I said warily.

Casey nodded down at my erection. "Want some help with that?"

I flicked my eyes to my sisters, both watching me intently.

"Sure," I said.

"Because we're going to need to get used to-- oh, you said yes."

"I did."

"Oh. Well that's easy, then."

Casey was first confused, then delighted by my easy acceptance. She sank to her knees in front of me, only getting cuter and more sensual from her new naughty position.

I tried not to look toward Elsa and Anna anymore. I only wanted to focus on Casey. Maybe make things a little less weird. It didn't really work. I couldn't help looking their way at times. Especially since they weren't being at all subtle in their amusement.

"Could you two please stop?" I asked.

Anna snickered. "Not likely."

Casey yanked down my boxers, making my cock bounce as it came free. The motion got gasps from both my sisters, then increased giggling.

Casey rolled her eyes. "Kai's right. You two are a distraction. Out with you!"

"Hey, no way!" Anna said. "That's not fair."

Elsa looked regretful also, but caught Anna's arm. "No no, Casey's right. Give them a little privacy."


I felt a little more at ease at first with my sister's out of the room. But then, weirdly, I missed them. That was an extremely weird realization.

Casey was nearly naked and kneeling in front of me, tentatively reaching for my cock and brushing her fingers along it. It was like a very naughty dream coming true. My sister's wife playing with my cock all casual like that.

But it felt wrong without Elsa. Which was fucked up, but it was true. I felt like she needed to be there. To 'legitimize' this, or whatever.

Casey was making some compelling points, however. Which was to say she was playing with my cock, mainly. She touched it uncertainly at first, then with increased confidence.

"Been a while since I've done anything like this," she said.

"I guess being with my sister, that makes sense," I said.

"Mmhm. I mean we play with toys sometimes. Strapons even. But they're not the same. Touching them like this is a bit of a waste."

"It would be," I agreed.

Casey leaned in and flicked her tongue over the head of my cock. She grinned at the way it jumped at the touch, and the soft moan I made.

"And they don't react like that," she said.

"Uh huh."

"Or feel alive and warm and... exciting." Casey kissed my cock some. Just gentle and exploratory. "And you're her brother," she murmured.

I closed my eyes a second. "We don't need to mention that."

"It's relevant."

"I know. But I'm not used to it."

"Mmhm. But you kinda twitched in my hand when I said that."

I opened my eyes. "Well it's... it's...."

Casey grinned ferally. "I'm gonna suck off Elsa's bro-ther."

I felt my cock pulse in her hand. It was, in fact, working. She found it quite amusing. I didn't know what to find it.

Trust my sisters. I needed to remember that.

"I'm just a boy version of her to you, aren't I?" I said.

Casey shrugged. "For these purposes, mostly, yeah. You two are so similar, you know."

"So I hear."

"I don't really care about cock most of the time. I mean other than the context of pregnancy, obviously."


"But like when Elsa uses a strapon, I do kinda wish sometimes it was more... like a cock."

"Like mine."

"Like yours." Casey had a dangerous, predatory look in her eyes. "And now I have it... Elsa."

I wanted to complain about her calling me by my sister's name, but she'd cunningly darted forward and sucked part of my cock into her mouth. It was hard to argue with her like that. When I was partly inside her. An unfair argument technique, but not an unwelcome one.

Casey was still calling me Boy-Elsa in her head. I could tell by the way she looked up at me with her mouth full. But she kept working my shaft, taking me deep, showing impressive blowjob skills all things considered.

Was that the strapon thing again? What sort of things did they do anyway? Not that I should be thinking about that. With Casey and Elsa. My big sister. Shouldn't even imagine.

Speaking of sisters, my earlier agitation about having them leave the room turned out to be poorly founded. Elsa and Anna were both peeking back in at Casey and I, trying their best to be sneaky. And possibly doing a good job depending on how long they'd been there before I noticed.

I was embarrassed to be seen getting a blowjob, but with an odd background comfort that at least if they were there, things were alright. My trust in them coming through again, I supposed, even in super inappropriate circumstances.

I tried to focus on that. On my love for my sisters, and the comfort they brought. I wasn't sure it was entirely working. It wasn't a sister-friendly kind of situation. Plus they kept whispering and giggling together while they watched. But still, it made things weirdly ok.

"I'm gonna cum, Casey," I said.

Casey made a small noise of affirmation without taking my cock out of her mouth. She kept sucking, kept working me, obviously intent on the goal.

I was going to cum in front of my sisters. Both of them. I'd never done that before. I had to admit, the anticipation of it was kind of working for me, in an incredibly naughty kind of way.

I felt all warm and flushed as Casey made me cum. That surge of pleasure mixing with all the feelings involved in the situation, which in the moment were too numerous for me to track.

Casey made things more intense by leaning back as I came, jerking my cock fast and hard, and spraying her face all over with my cum. I hadn't been expecting that. Nor had my sisters, judging by their soft gasps and wide eyes.

Afterward, Casey sat back on her heels, smirking up at me through her cummy face. I didn't really know what to do other than stand there and stare at her. I was feeling really good in the aftermath of a really well done blowjob, but there were awkward feelings coming any minute now. I could sense them.

Elsa padded over to her wife. She stepped up behind Casey and tilted her head back to get a look. Casey beamed at Elsa, upside down and all.

"You made quite a mess," Elsa said, examining Casey's face critically.

"Your brother did that, actually," Casey said.

"You could have just swallowed."

"What fun is that? You and Anna wouldn't have seen much."

"We weren't watching anyway!" Anna declared, still peeking out from her hiding spot.

"All for our benefit, huh?" Elsa asked, ignoring Anna. She stroked Casey's hair back, still intently staring at her wife's messy facial.

"That's right," Casey said. "You have something to lick up now."

Elsa snorted. "Ew. I'm not licking my brother's cum off you. Obviously."

"Well at least I made the offer. That's what counts."

"You need to clean yourself up."



"I want breakfast first."

Elsa pursed her lips. "Seriously? You're gonna stay like that?"


Casey was daring Elsa with her eyes. Probably waiting for Elsa to be firm and tell her to wash up. If that was her hope, I felt like maybe there were still some small facets of my sister that Casey didn't quite grasp.

"Ok," Elsa said, giving Casey one last head pat. "What do we want? Eggs?"

"That might be a little too on the nose," Anna said, padding back into the room finally. She approached Casey in a dance that was clearly meant to give her a better view, without looking like she was taking any interest in the cummy mess. My mess.

"How so?" Elsa asked.

"You know. 'Cause you wanna get Casey pregnant. And that involves sperms and eg--"

"Oh. That."


"I'm gonna go have a shower," I said aloud, feeling the need to escape the room for a moment. It wasn't nearly as awkward as it could have been, but I still felt the need for some alone time and to clear my head a little.

"Put some pants on after," Elsa called after me.

I flushed and tried to ignore the fact that everyone present had gotten a very good look at me, nevermind the blowjob itself. My sisters had both seen exactly what my cock looked like, for instance. Had gotten quite an eyeful, really. There was no coming back from that. But... I wasn't sure that I minded. And that worried me.

By breakfast time, things had settled back into something of our usual routine. Casual and joking and comfortable and all.

Excepting that Casey was still wearing my cum on her face. At least she'd put her robe back on.

Anna was perhaps on the quiet side as well, and wouldn't sit still in her chair. Too squirmy and anxious about something. I knew what the something was, generally, but not specifically what part of it was on her mind.


I learned more about Anna's thoughts later that week. After we'd all had a chance to settle down from the weekend and wrap our heads around some stuff.

Anna called me up mid-week. Allegedly just to chat, but there was clearly something she wanted to discuss. She just wouldn't come out with it at first. She danced around the topic for a while. Anything related to sexy times, really.

She got there eventually though.

"Do you still think about cumming on Casey's face?" Anna asked.

I snorted at the abrupt change of subject. "Yeah, of course. That was only a few days ago."

"I know. I think about it."

"I bet."

"Do you think you'd do that again?"

"I don't think I'm the one deciding so much."

"Well... no. But if she offers, I mean."

I hesitated a moment. "Probably," I said. "I mean... it felt really good. And there's a lot of pressure to go for it. I've never had so many girls all wanting me to get a blowjob before. It's... a fascinating experience."

Anna was quiet long enough that I thought the call might have dropped. "I don't want you to feel pressured," she said. "That's not the intention."

"I mean, there's gonna be some pressure. Just by the nature of the thing."

"I know. But you don't have to do any of it if you don't want."

"... but you want me to though, yeah?"

Anna sighed. "Yeah, I do. But... not if it's a problem. I'll pick you over a hypothetical baby any day."

"And sexy times?"

"And those too, yes." Anna paused for a second. "The sexy times are good, though. I mean, the one sexy time there's been."

"You liked that, huh?"

"Is that weird?"

"Kinda. But the whole thing is."

"Yeah, it is. It's fun though."

"Also true."

"So... you're still up for doing more?"

I smiled to myself. "Anna, it almost sounds like you want to see me getting sucked off again," I teased.

"... maybe?"

"You're just gonna admit it?"

"Well you already know."

"I only suspected."

"I've... shit, don't tell anyone, ok? But I've been masturbating thinking about it every night."

My eyebrows shot up. "Oh?"

"Don't take that tone."

"There was no tone."

"You were judging."

"I wasn't," I said. "I've... also been masturbating thinking about it."

"Oh. Good."

"Casey's face all dripping with cum...."

"I knooowww."

"It doesn't bother you that it's me?"

Anna considered. "Does it bother you that I watched?"

"I asked first."

Anna took a deep breath, audible even over the phone. "So... you ever think about how, like, growing up, we were always around each other, and we know lots of stuff--"

"Everything," I said. "I know everything about you."

"Mostly everything. But, see, sex and nudity and stuff, that's stuff that everyone's all like 'no, you can't know that part'."

"I think there's good reasons for that."

"Sure," Anna agreed. "But doesn't mean it isn't gonna interest me when an opportunity arises."

"That so?"

"I mean, kinda, I think."

"So it's scientific curiousity?"

"... yes?"

I snickered. "Ok. Whatever you want to tell yourself."

"It's complicated, ok?"

"Now that I fully believe."

"Mmhm." There was another long pause, then, "Kai, you'll let me watch again next time, right?"

"Not totally up to me. But, like, I don't think anyone's really stopping you."

"Ok. Cool."


Chapter Three: Sex


I was nervous. I'd freely admit that.

I didn't really like that I was nervous. It was perfectly reasonable under the circumstances, sure. But I'd never needed to feel that way around my sisters. Our hangouts in particular had been an oasis of comfort and relaxation in an otherwise stressful adult world.

As much as I still wanted that, there was now an element of stress and uncertainty that had crept in, and I didn't like it.

Anna picked up on it the quickest, it seemed. We were all sitting out on Elsa and Casey's deck, getting a bit drunk as we were wont to do. Anna scooted her chair closer so she could be right next to me.

"Hey," she said elbowing me gently. "Not worried about this, are you?"

"Worried? Why would I be worried about impregnating my sister's wife?"

"Maybe don't think about it like that?" she suggested lightly.

"Well it's true," I said.

"Mmhm. But maybe reframe it. Like... it's just us. We're all good here, yeah? And... and you get to have sex with Casey. You like Casey."

"I do."

"So it's like a freebie. A little bonus."

I sighed and took another drink. "I don't think I can pretend that's all it is. But... I'm glad you're here, Anna. You and Elsa."

"Well... of course."

I put my hand on hers. "It's weird, because I'm mostly worried about one of you getting hurt. Elsa mostly, I guess, given the circumstances. But also... I don't think I could do this if you weren't both supporting it."

Anna blushed faintly, but gave me a big smile. "We love you, Kai, you know that. We're always here for you."

"I know."

"And... I'm kinda looking forward to seeing this."

I snorted. "Of course you are. When did you get to be such a little perv anyway?"

Anna tossed her head flippantly. "Let's not cast stones, brother. You're the one knocking up your sister's wife here."

"You just said not to think about--"

"What are you two whispering about?" Elsa called out.

I turned to her. She and Casey were getting quite snuggly together. I was pretty sure I was the most drunk of any of us at this point, given my nerves, but they were both getting fairly giggly.

"I'm nervous," I admitted aloud.

"Ah. That," Elsa said. "Don't worry. We'll take it slow. Make sure everyone stays comfortable."

Casey took another long drink. Watching her for a moment, I reconsidered my previous assessment. We might both have been fairly tied for most drunk. I'd been too obsessed with my own fears to note that Casey might be feeling some of the same things.

"Don't get too drunk," Anna cautioned. "You need to be functional. And we don't want to step on any consent here."

Elsa nodded. "True. And if we need to stop and try again some other time, we can do that. There's no pressure here."

"There's some," I mumbled.

"Ok, there's some," Elsa allowed. "But we're going for as fun and easy as possible, yeah?"

Casey nodded. "Yeah. I think we should."

It took me a while longer to work up the nerve to do something. The extra buzz I'd achieved by then probably helped.

All eyes were on me as I stood up and walked over to Casey. Hers in particular. She actually blushed as I extended a hand to her. Like this was something romantic, rather than pragmatic and naughty.

"Ready?" I asked.

Casey nodded and took my hand. "Let's try this, shall we?"

I caught Elsa and Anna glancing at each other as Casey and I headed into the house. As one, my sisters jumped up and tagged along right behind.

I felt increasingly anxious as Casey and I neared the bedroom. My heart pounded and my palms sweated. Like I was a totally inexperienced teenager all over again.

In a sense, it wasn't that far off. I was pretty sure I'd never had sex while there was someone else in the room. Let alone two someone elses. Let alone those two being my sisters.

But Casey was anxious too. And that helped. We both dallied awkwardly beside her bed, unsure what to do in the moment.

Elsa and Anna were no help in that matter. They were too busy fussing with seating arrangements. Needing somewhere to watch from.

"This is weird, huh?" Casey said softly, so only I could hear.

"It is."

"We don't... we don't have to do it now."

"You want this, don't you?"

"I do!"

"Is it Elsa and Anna?"

"No. Yes. Maybe."

"We could ask them to leave," I suggested.

She smirked. "They'd just sneak back in again."

"I know. But the pressure would be off for a few minutes."

Casey shook her head. "That's not what's pressuring me most anyway."


"No. It's... it's getting pregnant. That's what's stressing me. I don't know... I've never done it before."

"Well, yeah, that's kind of the point."

Casey nodded. "I know. Just... it's a lot."

"We don't have to. I'm only here to help you and Elsa, you know. If you're not ready--"

"I'm ready! I want this. It doesn't mean it's not scary. Lots of things I've wanted in life have been scary. Even... even marrying Elsa. That was scary at first. Marriage, you know? But it's been so great."

I smiled at Casey. "Alright, so we just need to... start?"

"Yeah. Just start. Bear with me if I'm slow."

"Hey, I'm under no time pressure here. We have all evening. And if it doesn't feel right--"

"If it doesn't feel right, we try again another time," Casey finished for me. "Agreed."

Casey reached for me with one hand, then stopped. We wanted to proceed, but it wasn't easy. I didn't know what to do either. It felt like kissing her was the move, but she wasn't my wife. I didn't know how much kissing was ok. Maybe that was a silly concern. I was going to be cumming in her pussy. Did kissing even rate in that context?

"Goodness' sake," Elsa said, interrupting my thoughts. "It's like you two don't even know what to do."

Elsa marched over to Casey and started helping her undress. It was fascinating to watch, but not as fascinating as when Anna started helping me. I raised an eyebrow at my little sister, but she just smiled crookedly and shrugged.

"You're not wrong," I said. "I don't know what the etiquette is here."

"I don't think there is one," Anna said.

"No, I know," I said, "but like... I can't treat Casey like she's my girlfriend."

"Just for a little while you can," Elsa said.

She already had Casey's top off and her boobs out. Casey stared at me, halfway between bashful and seductive as Elsa kept stripping her in front of me.

"Yeah," Anna said. "Be gentle and romantic. Gotta get her feeling good, you know."


"Don't worry about it so much," Elsa said. "I know you want to be delicate and worry about everyone's feelings. And I appreciate that. But... part of this whole thing is you two need to have sex. That's the main part, really. So do that."

"We'll watch and make sure you're doing it right," Anna added helpfully.

I snorted. "I swear, if I start getting critiqued by my sisters on my sex...."

"Then what?" Anna asked innocently.

"... then I'll be kind of annoyed."


Anna finished stripping me, pulling my boxers down my legs. I just let her. She grinned up at me as she came nearly face to face with my cock, which was growing right in front of her. She then retreated and took a seat before getting any more inappropriate than that.

Somehow, letting Anna take my clothes off had been the easiest thing in the moment. That probably shouldn't have been the case. I should have just done it, really. But she'd taken away my need for decision making, and that was important. I just wished I didn't now have an image of her smiling up at me with my cock in her face.

Who cared, though? She'd see more than that very shortly.

Casey was naked too. Which was lucky, because it was very easy to focus on her to the exclusion of all else. She was really quite seductive without any clothes on. No panties this time, even, which was nice.

Elsa gave Casey a last kiss on the cheek, whispered something to her, then went to join Anna as a spectator.

"So," I said.

"So," Casey echoed.

We started toward each other, then stopped. Again. Even naked, it didn't feel quite right. The rhythm of the thing wasn't there.

"Do you need help?" Anna asked cheerfully from the sidelines. "You can--"

"I don't," I said firmly. "Thank you."

Purely out of brotherly spite, I moved to Casey and kissed her. Something about being teased by my baby sister made it easier to get past my misgivings. I'd expected to draw comfort from our sibling love, but sibling annoyance was just as powerful a force.

Casey liked the kiss. She pressed herself up against me for more. She was so warm, so soft, so eager to get close.

Our mutual hesitation melted away somewhat as our lips lingered together. It was nice. And it got me fully hard, poking into Casey.

We fell into bed together. Still kissing, now groping each other some too. I could get lost in her. I tried. Part of my mind was always on my sisters, though. Knowing they were there. Wondering what they felt as they watched. Wondering, rather irritatingly, if I was giving a good enough performance.

"Ignore them," Casey whispered.


"Your sisters. I know you're thinking about them. Your eyes keep flicking that way. Even though you can't see them."


"Don't be. I'm not expecting romance or all your attention or anything. Just... this can be good, you know."

"It's already pretty good."

Casey laughed. "Flatterer."

"Truth, though."

"Mmm, ok. Listen, don't worry about what they're thinking. I'll throw them out if they start being a nuisance."

"Ha, good luck with that."

Casey kissed me on the cheek. "I know, right? But seriously, how 'bout you just help me get all wet and ready for you, huh?"

I groaned. "I mean, that does sound fun."

"I would hope so. You can... you can do basically anything, if you want. Boobs. Pussy. Ass. I mean, no ass fucking. But if you wanna touch me or something...."

I groaned louder. "You make it sound so casual."

"It is."

"It isn't."

"Right. Well... it could be." Casey pushed my head down to her tits. "Just... have fun."

I buried my face in Casey's boobs. What else could I do, really? They were right there, and they were magnificent, and I was a little jealous of Elsa for a moment. But then I started sucking on them, and that jealousy went away. Why be jealous when she was sharing so completely with me? Not that that was exactly what was happening. But it was close enough.

I took my time, getting my fill of Casey's breasts. It might be the only time I ever got to freely play with them, after all.

Eventually, I moved lower, to her pussy. She had such a pretty pussy. All wet and waiting for me. I thought about asking whether she was ready, skipping unnecessary foreplay. We had a job to do, after all.

But... she wanted me to take my time. To enjoy myself. She wanted to enjoy this too. For pervy reasons, sure. But that was fine. Our reasoning didn't have to be pure, here. It just had to work for everyone. And so far, it was.

I licked Casey's pussy. She moaned in appreciation and patted my head fondly.

I heard some whispers from my sisters as I ate Casey out. I was doing ok at ignoring them. And, in fact, the hornier and more into this I got, the less I minded at all that they were there. I only felt the comfort of their presence and not the embarrassment. It was a nice place to be in, emotionally speaking.

"Mmm, shit," Casey hissed. "You're gonna make me...."

I kept licking as she trailed off and grasped my head with both hands. It seemed like too quick for her to be cumming, but also it was quite a horny situation. I privately took a lot of the credit for it, regardless.

"Elsaaa," Casey whimpered as she came.

I kept licking her clit. I was unsure if she was calling me Elsa again, or if she was reaching out to Elsa sitting nearby and watching.

I brought her down gently with a final little kiss on her pussy before crawling back up her naked body. I left a few more kisses along the way. The eyes Casey gave me now were totally absent of the hesitation and uncertainty of before. I decided I'd probably dropped a lot of that too. It felt better now, what we were doing. More natural. We'd just needed to get into it.

"Ready?" she asked softly.

I nodded. "Yeah. You gonna call me Elsa again?"

Casey shrugged playfully. "Maybe. No promises."

"I'm not my sister, you know."

"You're very close though." Casey kissed my cheek. "It's a good thing. I swear."

"Uh huh."

She only laughed at my expression and got me to crack a big smile in response. She then reached down and grasped my cock, guiding it to her pussy.

"Let's get you inside me," Casey whispered.

I nodded, not trusting myself to speak in that moment. There was something insanely hot about the way she casually maneuvered me toward her entrance, with the knowledge that I was going to cum in her. In front of my sisters and all.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked, blushing faintly.

"Like what?"

"Like... like Elsa does when she's super turned on." Casey quirked a smile. "I might have just answered my own question."

"This is kinda doing it for me," I admitted.

My eyes rolled back slightly as Casey pressed me to her wet pussy, and I instinctively started to push inside.

Casey fully closed her eyes for a second, then fluttered them open again. "More," she urged.

I thrust deeper. She bit her lip and nodded approval, practically eye-fucking me even as I worked my way inside her.

"That's good," she breathed.

"Unf. Yeah it is," I said.

Casey's pussy felt really damn good around me. All tight and warm and wet, and delightfully forbidden as well. Usually forbidden, technically. Right now three other people were actively wanting me to be inside it. Which was a weird thought, but an accurate one.

"Remember, you gotta cum deep in me," Casey said.

"I'm aware."

"It's no good if you pull out and cum over me."

"Ah, why would you even suggest that?"

"Just mentioning." Casey's smile turned devilish. "You seem to like the thought of cumming in me, is all. So I thought maybe it'd help."

"... it does, actually."

"Mmhm. So cum in me then. While your sisters watch."

I grunted and kissed Casey, if only to stop her talking. She was turning me on like crazy, it was true. And sure, that was kind of the goal. I just felt a certain pressure not to cum too quickly. In this case it would be perfectly fine. But there was still pride to think of.

A weight shifted the mattress as I was fucking Casey. Elsa sidled up beside us. She glanced at me, but mostly had eyes for her wife.

Elsa gently pushed my head away and took over kissing Casey. Jealousy? Possessiveness? Or just getting too hot? Hopefully the latter. I really didn't want to stop now.

Elsa and Casey making out so close to me was way too much to resist at this point. I exploded in Casey, making sure to do it as deep as I possibly could, as per instruction.

I'd never before in my life cummed so freely in a girl. Just absolutely let go and filled her pussy up, with no worries or fears about the consequences of it. It was kind of a wonderful feeling, even if a lot of that was purely the cumming itself.

"You cum in her?" Elsa asked, looking at me with big eyes.

"He did," Casey said before I could.

I nodded confirmation.

Elsa grinned wide at me. "Let me see."

I reluctantly pulled out, my cock softening and messy. Elsa nearly got slapped in the face with it, she was so eager to check out Casey's pussy.

"Ooh," Elsa cooed. "Look at you." She probed a fingers inside her wife. "So cummy."

"Well don't go playing around in there now," Casey said.

Elsa grinned at her and pulled her finger back out. She examined it critically, then wiped it delicately on Casey's inner thigh. She kissed Casey tenderly on her pussy, then crawled up for more proper kisses.once again felt slightly awkward. The aftermath of an orgasm could do that anyway at times, but especially now. I had no idea what to do with myself, and eventually slid off the bed and padded for the door.

Anna was quick behind me. I'd half forgotten she was still there.

"Hey, you ok?" she asked.


"Kinda? You looked like you were really enjoying that."

"I was. Just... I know it's silly, but I could have used... something afterward. Some cuddling or whatever. I don't know."

"That's not silly! That's normal." Anna slipped her hand into mine. "Elsa should have known that."

I shrugged. "Casey's hers."

"Still, though." Anna dragged me into her room. "I'll talk to her. She'll be better next time."

"Next time?"

"Well... theoretically, I guess. It's unlikely you're gonna ace it first try."

"Oh. Right."

Anna pushed me into bed and crawled in with me. "Scoot over some."

"Uh... what are we doing?"

"Cuddling. Durr."

"... I'm still naked."


"Ah... nothing, I guess."

Anna curled up with me and held me. It was actually just exactly what I needed. Some sense of love and belonging. I didn't like that I'd been feeling vulnerable, but I realized that was the biggest thing. A sense of vulnerability and uncertainty. And Anna took that all away.

I breathed out, letting my tension ease. Soaking in my sister's presence.

"Better?" she asked.

"Actually yeah."


Anna's warmth and love lulled me to a very peaceful place, and without meaning to, I fell asleep right there with her.


Chapter Four: Sisters


Anna was petting me like a sleepy puppy when I woke up. She seemed amused about it. I gave her a chagrined look all the same.

"Guess I fell asleep, huh?" I said.

"Sure did."

"Didn't mean to fall asleep on you."

"You didn't. You just kind of drifted off. You must have rolled over on me during the night."

"Oh. So you just stayed here too?"

Anna shrugged and squirmed out from under me, hopping out of bed with far more cheer and energy than I felt.

"It's my room," she said, as though that explained everything.

I was distracted for a moment by her butt. She was only in panties from the waist down.

"You took your pants off too?" I asked.

"Well I wasn't going to sleep in them, was I, mister nude?"

I blushed and pulled the covers up over me. Anna laughed.

"I've seen you naked, Kai. It's no good hiding now."

"Well I'm embarrassed now," I mumbled.

"Ah. I see."

Anna found her pants and pulled them back up. I wasn't sure it made me feel any better. Now she was fully dressed and I was totally naked.

More awkwardly, I was hard. Stupid morning wood. Although....

It wasn't Anna, was it? Something about her that had caused an erection? She hadn't noticed it, had she?

"I'll leave you some... privacy," Anna said, winking as she strutted out the door.

Yeah. She'd probably noticed.

I wasn't going to masturbate, if indeed that was what she was implying. But I definitely needed clothes. Shit, how was I going to get clothes? I'd left them in Elsa and Casey's room.


"Hey, Anna!" I darted to the door and called out. "Anna!"

"What?" Anna reappeared, her gaze immediately dropping to my erection. "Dude!"

"Shush. Just... I need my clothes."

"I'll say."

"They're in Elsa and Casey's room!"

"Oh yeah. That's gonna be awkward, huh? Maybe they're not awake yet."

"Could you get them for me please?"

Anna grinned and gave me another once over as she passed me. "Yeah, ok. I'm having to look after you an awful lot, you know."

"Yeah yeah. I know."

"Lucky I love you."

"I... actually am," I said, mostly to myself by then.

I waited for Anna to come back. I waited far too long before admitting to myself that she wasn't going to be right back.

I sighed, listened anxiously for any sounds of movement, then tiptoed toward Elsa and Casey's room.

Anna was sitting on the foot of the bed cross-legged, just chatting and laughing with Elsa and Casey. I tried to sneak away again, but Elsa saw me before I could.

"Anna, were you meant to be bringing Kai his clothes back?" Elsa asked, one eyebrow raised to perfectly communicate that she knew the answer already.

"Maaayyybe," Anna said.

"That's fine," I said. "I'll just be naked and weird over here."

"Oh pff. Come join us. Elsa and Casey are naked too." Anna paused to consider. "I think I'm the odd one out, actually."

"They've got covers," I said.

I walked in anyway and sat next to Anna. I got some glances, but once I sat down it wasn't quite so obvious how erect I was. Plus, seriously, they'd all seen me last night. This was nothing new for any of us.

"How you feeling?" Elsa asked me.

"Ok. I think," I said.

"Horny again though," Anna said.

"Yeah well... that happens."

"It's fine. Last night was pretty hot. I bet Elsa and Casey messed around after we left."

I looked at Elsa. She didn't even bother denying it.

"Of course we did," Elsa said. "You think we were just gonna fall asleep after or something?"

"Hehe, just as long as you didn't lick all the cum out of Casey's pussy," Anna said. "That'd defeat the whole point."

Elsa and Casey both blushed. Anna's eyes widened.

"You did!" Anna exclaimed.

"Only a little," Elsa said. "On accident."

"That's our brother's cum!" Anna said, though he tone suggested she wasn't horrified so much as intrigued.

"An accident," Casey repeated. "I needed another cum. Elsa licked me. Her tongue caught some. It happens."

"Wow." Anna clasped her knees up to her chest, thinking deeply.

"Ok, well this isn't helping me so much," I said. "I might just grab my clothes and--"

"Sorry," Elsa said. "I didn't want to make that weird. I mean, yeah, I tasted some of your cum last night. I swear it was accidental."

"Oh, no, I mean that's... that's whatever," I said. "Just, this is all getting to be a lot for first thing in the morning. I probably need to go jerk off and calm down."

Anna snickered. "Hehe, boner."

"Oh very mature," Elsa said. "Like you're not gonna go rub one out too."

"I'm not!" Anna said defiantly. "I'm not as bad as all of you."

"Sure you are," Elsa said. "You're our sister. Don't think I don't know. Unless... how many times did you get off last night?"

"She didn't," I said. "She was with me. I fell asleep. She--"

I stopped. Anna had turned away from me.

"Oh god, Anna. While I was sleeping?"

"... maybe."

"Oh. Oh wow."

"I was horny! I didn't get to cum, unlike some people."

"Yeah, no, I know," I said. "But now I've got an image of...."

"Of what?" Elsa asked sweetly. "Our darling, innocent little sis all--"

"Don't even," Anna said. "You licked up our brother's cum."

"You masturbated with him."

"Beside him. Not with him."

Casey finally interrupted. "Alright, enough. All of you. God you all can be so cranky in the morning."

"We're not!" Anna said. "We're... spirited."

"Yeah, spirited," Elsa agreed.

"Well can you be spirited less argumentatively?" Casey asked.

"... no?" Anna hazarded.

Elsa had a different tactic. She rolled over onto Casey and assailed her with kisses. Their covers fell down some in the process.

I stopped, intrigued at the sight of Elsa making out with Casey, their boobies now visible and pressing together.

Anna watched intently as well, slipping a hand down between her legs, just holding it there and squeezing her thighs around it.

"You're turning your siblings on, darling," Casey warned, rather perceptively.

Elsa shrugged and nibbled on Casey's ear. "That's ok."

"Is it?"

"Well... we could always have Kai cum in you again this morning. To increase our chances and all."

"Ah! So bad," Casey said.

"Hehe, you only think that 'cause you want it."

"... maybe."

"You liiiked fucking my little brother."

Casey whimpered and buried her face against Elsa for a moment, hiding from Anna and me.

Elsa turned her head to us and winked, then went back to kissing Casey all over.

"Alright, hell with this," Anna mumbled. "It's a pants off kind of morning."

Anna struggled out of her pants and kicked them off. Her panties were wet already, which was really quite fascinating to me. Not that it surprised me particularly, but it made me realize I wanted to see more. Everyone else was already naked anyway.

"Hey, Anna?" I said.


She turned to me, and I put my hands on her sides, slipping under her shirt. Her eyes widened, but she didn't stop me. Her skin was so warm and inviting underneath. Already flushed and aroused.

Anna silently lifted her arms as I dared to push higher. I trembled as I kept going, lifting her shirt off entirely. Her little boobies were bared, and her nipples were so hard already. Matching my cock, in their own way.

I made eye contact with Anna, which meant tearing my gaze away from her chest. She stared back at me, awkward and unsure, but also excited and defiant.

"Still got my panties on," she said quietly.

"Should I...."

Anna shrugged. "Just sayin'."

I knelt reverently before my little sister. I wasn't sure why this even seemed like a good idea to either of us. But then, she'd helped me out of my clothes last night. And... and I wanted to see her naked.

It was a weird thought to have to justify to myself. I wasn't sure how to. My sisters had seen me naked and having sex. That was just... what it was.

Now this morning I was seeing more and more of Elsa as she and Casey wrestled nakedly on the bed, kicking their covers off more with every passing minute. That too just felt like something that was happening. Like, sure I was enjoying it, but I didn't feel responsible. That was probably the wrong thing to focus on. But who cared, really?

Taking Anna's clothes off was an admission, to myself and to everyone else, that I wanted to see her. That made it trickier to process.

"I'm gonna take 'em off if you don't," Anna said.

I realized I'd hesitated too long, just staring at Anna's soaked, clingy panties. I could already see a lot of the outline from underneath.

"Sorry," I said. "Just... got caught up thinking."

Anna smiled crookedly. "Yeah, I know. I get it. I've been thinking a lot too."

"But you still want me to...."

Anna's cheeks held a faint pink. "If you want to," she whispered.

I did want to, was the thing. I tugged gently at Anna's panties watching them still cling to her pussy for a second, then slowly peel away and down her legs.

Her pussy was right in front of me. All wet and aroused, but so small and pretty.

"You're staring," Anna said.


"... you're still doing it."

"Just... I have such an urge to kiss it. It's so bad."

"Unf. My pussy?"


Anna flicked her eyes toward Elsa and Casey. They were so wrapped up in each other that they didn't seem to be paying us any attention.

"Just a quick one," she said.

My eyes went wide, staring at her a second to see if she was serious. She was. I looked back down to her beautiful, beckoning pussy. I leaned in and kissed it. Quick, but maybe not as quick as I could have been. She gave me the softest of little gasps. Halfway to a moan, even. The sound disturbingly enticing, coming from my baby sister and all.

I had to stand up after, lest I go in for more. Anna and I shared a knowing look. She would have let me keep going. I knew she would have.

"Let's, uh, focus on Casey," Anna said. "Gotta do her again. For safety."

"Right," I said. "That."

I kept looking at Anna until she blushed and gave me a push on the shoulder. "What are you staring at?"

"You're naked."

"I know."

"You look good."

"Shut uuuppp. Elsaaa, Kai's being a perv!"

Elsa tore herself briefly away from Casey. "What's he doing? Staring at my butt?"

"What? No. Staring at me," Anna said. "Why would he be perving on you?"

"I've got a nice butt," Elsa said.

"It's true," Casey said, grabbing Elsa's ass cheeks with both hands and squeezing possessively.

"Yeah she does," I agreed, turning my attention to Casey playing with Elsa's ass.

Anna made an offended noise. I was pretty sure it was more because I was staring at Elsa rather than her, and not so much because I was perving on my sisters in the first place. If I asked, she'd probably claim the latter.

"Casey," Anna reminded me insistently.

"Elsa's in the way," I pointed out.

"That's fair," Anna said. "Come on, Elsa. Let Kai in. How's he s'posed to cum in Casey again if you're in the way?"

"Casey's my wife," Elsa said petulantly. "I got dibs."

Anna rolled her eyes. "Oh now really. You're the one that wants a baby, remember?"

Anna crawled onto the bed, examined the situation more closely, then pulled the remaining covers entirely out of the way. They'd been mostly off anyway, the way the girls were writhing around together.

Elsa and Casey were grinding around and rubbing their pussies against each other. Elsa's butt was pointed toward me, and she was quite correct about it being nice.

I was getting a significantly better look at both of my sisters this morning than I'd ever had in my entire life. And it was working for me. I was so hard. Spoiled for choice as to where I wanted to look, and who I wanted to perv on in any given moment. Anna was absolutely correct about me perving.

But then, Anna was perving too. She was up close to Elsa's butt, even daring to spread Elsa's ass and give herself and me better looks at our big sister's butthole.

Anna brought a hand down and smacked Elsa's bum, giggling at the yelp she got.

"Don't smack my butt!" Elsa said.

"Why not?" Anna asked, spanking Elsa again. "It's right there. And it's such a nice one, just as you said."

Anna spanked Elsa a few more times. I could see her getting ready to bolt in case Elsa turned on her, her little sister training kicking in. If anything, though, Elsa only made out more energetically with Casey.

"Careful," Casey mumbled between kisses. "Elsa really likes spankings when she's in the right mood."

Anna gasped. "Elsa! You're enjoying that?!"

"... no."


Anna smacked Elsa's butt a final time, harder than any of the others and making quite a distinct crack of flesh on flesh as the blow landed. Elsa audibly moaned at this one.

"Careful, Anna," Elsa said with a dangerously sexy look in her eye. "I can do things to you too."

Anna hesitated, as though she was actually considering whether she should test out the threat.

We were all way, way too horny to be doing any of this. We were being so dumb in so many ways.

I loved it, though. That was the scariest part. I was naked and perving on my sisters, watching them get increasingly flirty and sexual around each other. I was meant to be impregnating Casey too. That was a constant background thought. Which, seriously, was crazy that it wasn't the main thing I was thinking about all the time.

But Anna all nakedly playing with Elsa's ass in front of me... how was a boy meant to handle that?

Anna caught my eye and beckoned me. I cautiously sneaked closer, right up behind Elsa. Anna held Elsa's ass spread, winking at me as she gave us a good but incredibly naughty view.

"You're bad this morning," I said.

Anna shrugged. "That happens. Anyway, I have to be. I'm the only one focusing here."

"... on Elsa's butthole?"

"Well that too, I guess. But no. Not that."

Anna reached for me, grabbing my cock. I hissed in surprise as her warm fingers encircled me. She didn't even seem to note what she'd just done. To me, it was absolutely insane. But it felt really nice though. Anna casually guiding my cock like that.

I followed her lead, letting her point me toward the area between Elsa and Casey where their two pussies rubbed together in a constant flux of wet horniness.

"Get in there," Anna said.

"Yes ma'am."

Anna tilted her head and smiled crookedly. "Don't you 'ma'am' me."


Anna kept pulling my cock into place, holding onto it as long as she could. Even as the tip started brushing against the girls. Against Casey's pussy, and against Elsa's too.

Elsa made a weird sound as my cock first touched her. "Ah! Kai!"

"What?" Casey asked.

"He poked me," Elsa said. "On the pussy."

"Hehe, well you didn't want to give me up this morning," Casey said. "That's gonna happen."

"Oh you think that's funny, do you?"

"Kinda funny. Kinda hot."

"That's my brother!"

"I know. A little Elsa on Elsa action. I do like."

"I'm not just boy Elsa," I mumbled, to absolutely no one's interest.

Anna snickered at Elsa and Casey and urged me onward. Admittedly, I was happy to get deeper in there. Squished between two pussies. One of them my sister's.

The girls were as happy to grind on my shaft as they had been on each other. I'd intended to carefully slide into Casey when I had a chance. But the two of them wiggling around on me like that made it tempting to stay right where I was.

My cock started catching on the girls' pussies as they kept grinding on me. I wasn't helping matters, as I was thrusting in there too. It would have been fine if it was only Casey's pussy threatening to swallow me, but Elsa was well in the mix too, and didn't seem to be avoiding contact at all.

In point of fact, I slid inside Elsa rather than Casey. And in the moment, though I couldn't be sure, it felt deliberate on my sister's part.

Elsa gasped loudly. "Bad brother!"

"What? Did he... no!" Casey tried to peer past Elsa, but couldn't get a good look.

Anna, however, immediately crawled around and dropped her head under the action to get the best close up view possible.

"Oh he did," Anna declared, her voice somewhere between awed and horrified, but definitely aroused either way.

I thought about pulling out again. I shouldn't be in my sister. That was basic stuff.

But Elsa pushed back against me, just a little, but enough. I grabbed her butt, abandoning any pretense of sibling barriers, and thrust deeper into her.

Elsa cooed and matched my rhythm as I fucked her. That's what I was doing. Fucking my sister. In one way, it felt impossible that it should have happened. In another, looking at events immediately prior, we'd been playing with fire. Only neither of us was acting burned.

"Oh my god," Anna said, still watching from a crazily close position. "That... wow. Just wow. Elsa, you know what--"

"I'm aware," Elsa said. She buried her face into Casey's cleavage.

Casey held Elsa and stroked her hair. "I can't see," she complained.

"Well... Kai's inside Elsa," Anna supplied helpfully.

"Yes, I know that," Casey said. "But--"

She was interrupted by Elsa kissing her fiercely. Casey accepted the kisses, even while Elsa got fucked by her brother right on top of her.

Elsa's pussy squeezed so tight around me. She was actively gripping me and rocking back against my thrusts. The harder I pounded her, the more frantically she moved and whimpered and made out with her wife.

Anna rubbed her horny little pussy while she watched, all naked and curled up practically underneath the action. I had the strong temptation to pull out and cum all over her face when I finished, but luckily she moved before then anyway.

Anna, panting with lust, went back to her post at Elsa's ass, this time fully straddling Elsa's back before spreading her butt again. Anna glanced at me, seeking either approval or just mutual appreciation of our big sister's booty.

Either way, Anna sucked one of her fingers in her mouth, got it nice and spitty, then rubbed Elsa's butthole with it.

"Anna!" Elsa yelped.

"Your sibs always this naughty?" Casey asked. "You never told me that."

"They never have been before," Elsa said.

Elsa moaned, and if anything actually tilted her ass up a little more, even as Anna added more spit.

"May never get another chance to do this," Anna said, as though that explained anything."Have you... wanted to do this?" I asked hesitantly.

Anna shrugged. "Not until just now. But if you can fuck Elsa, playing with her butt really isn't so bad."

"I don't know that that's true," Elsa said.

I might have been worried about Elsa, except that she was doing everything she possibly could to encourage both Anna and me. Her main problem seemed to be finding a compromise between fucking me back, and holding still for Anna's naughty fingers.

It was a problem. It really was. I was only meant to be helping Elsa and Casey have a baby. Instead, I was currently involved in a small orgy with both my sisters. And not one of us seemed inclined to stop it.

Anna was actively getting bolder. Not only sneaking fingers into Elsa's ass, but alternating her exploring with fully licking Elsa's butthole. Eating out our big sister's bum while I filled her pussy.

I began to get ideas with Anna's face so close to my cock. From certain angles, it halfway looked like I was face fucking her at times. I tried to shake off the image at first, out of instinct more than anything, but then considered why I was even bothering. Today was not the day to repress sexy thoughts. It wasn't like Anna was behaving herself at all.

I pulled out of Elsa, much to her verbal disappointment. My cock was slick from her pussy, hard and bobbing in front of Anna's face. Anna looked at me, just for a second, her eyes round and hopeful. Then she grinned and dove on my cock. I pushed deeper into her mouth, and she sucked on it without any hesitation.

"Put it back!" Elsa insisted.

"Just a sec," I said, currently enraptured by Anna lavishing attention on my cock.

"El-sa needs her bro-ther in her," Casey sang, making herself giggle. "God, can you imagine if you got her pregnant instead of me? Our little Elsa baby would be so cuuute!"

Elsa growled and kissed Casey ferociously. She also wiggled her butt at me with no shame at all.

Anna pulled herself off of my shaft with a sloppy pop. Her eyes gleamed even brighter than before.

"Better do it," Anna said.

She grabbed my cock and pushed it back to Elsa's pussy. I was happy to return. I knew Casey was just joking, but somehow the idea of me actually knocking Elsa up accidentally was turning us all on. Like, way too much, really.

As soon as Anna had me in place, I grabbed Elsa's hips and pounded her pussy deep and hard. Anna didn't even go back to licking Elsa's ass. She just stared at me giving it to Elsa and rubbed her own wet little pussy as she watched in horny awe.

"Cum in her," Anna said softly, breathlessly.

"Unf. Shush," I said.

"Cum in her!"


Anna's hand was a blur on her clit. "Cum in our sis-ter."

"Do it!" Casey agreed before being kiss-attacked by Elsa again.

I groaned. "Not fair."

I felt myself getting close though. And I wanted it. I wanted it so bad. I was secretly insanely happy that everyone was encouraging me to cum in Elsa, because it's what I wanted to do anyway. I thought back to Anna's words. About possibly never getting another chance like this. Because for real, this might well only be a one time horny nexus, and never happen ever again. Who could say?

That wasn't really a good reason for cumming in my big sister. But I didn't have one. I just wanted to, was all. And so did everyone else.

I gripped Elsa hard and held her ass to me, keeping my cock buried as deep as possible in her as I came. I exploded inside my sister, shooting cum and making a big, naughty mess.

"Are you cumming?" Anna asked, wide-eyed, frantically masturbating.

"He isss," Elsa hissed.


"Deeeep inside."

Anna moaned and fell back, still rubbing herself wantonly, her whole body splayed out nakedly, staring at nothing.

I stayed in Elsa's pussy after, waiting for the regret and guilt to hit. It didn't. I just felt wonderful and satisfied, and still cozy inside my sister.

Casey made me move out of the way. She slipped away from Elsa and crawled around to examine her pussy. Anna, panting from just making herself cum, joined Casey, and the two of them poked and cooed at Elsa's gooey, messy snatch.

"Damn, sis, you got cummed in," Anna said.

"Lots and lots," Casey agreed.

"I am aware," Elsa purred. She looked rather cat-like, face down ass up for her inspection, all satisfied with herself.

There was no guilt to be had here at all, apparently. Elsa clearly wasn't feeling it any more than I was. If anything, she was just showing off for the rest of us. The very opposite of guilt.

Casey finally turned to me, lust in her eyes, fresh from cummy pussy inspecting. "Think you can go again?"

I was getting hard again already from the wanton sexual display. My growing erection throbbed at the implied question of whether I could cum in Casey now, as was the whole point of the operation after all. The desire in her eyes helped too. As did the way she scooted closer and wrapped her fingers around my pulsing shaft, gently stroking it with a soft, promising touch.

"I'm sure I can," I said.

Casey smirked and kept stroking me, tightening her grip. I tentatively reached for her tits, and she happily let me play with them.

Anna, left to her own devices behind Elsa, had once again chosen to eat out Elsa's butt. Elsa was rather enjoying it, by the sound of things, though at one point she did gasp in shock.

"Did you just lick my pussy?" Elsa asked.

"No," Anna said.

"You did! I felt it."

"Then why'd you ask?"

"... did you lick some of Kai's cum?"

"Well it was leaking out!"

"That's so baaaddd," Elsa purred. "Our brother's cum."

"Says you with a pussy full of it."

Elsa hesitated a moment. "I suppose I could share."

It was Anna's turn to gasp. Elsa didn't wait for Anna to process, she just flipped over on her back, spread her legs, and tacitly invited Anna to dine.

Anna only took a second to get over her shock at the proposal. She was quick to get between Elsa's thighs and latch on to her messy little pussy.

It should have been quite a horny and naughty display. Anna licking my cum from Elsa's pussy. I was pretty sure it was meant to be. The sisters giving into carnal impulses and all.

It wasn't, though. It softened almost immediately. The way Elsa gazed down at Anna, and the way Anna stared right back, even with her tongue deep inside her sister, it wasn't sexual or filled with lust. Not primarily. It was more... a longing. A desire. Pure sisterly adoration.

Anna licked and sucked on Elsa's pussy, and Elsa cooed and encouraged her with head pats, but the two of them were eye-fucking way harder than anything Anna was doing with her mouth.

Casey saw it too. "Goddamn. You sure you guys never did this stuff before?" she whispered to me.

"Pretty sure. I mean, I haven't. I would have sworn Elsa and Anna hadn't either, but...."

"But look at them," Casey finished for me. She shrugged. "But maybe this has just been a long time coming."

"I mean... maybe?"

"The way you got with Elsa, after all."

"You couldn't even see that!"

"I heard it. Felt it. I watched Elsa's face while you were inside her. And... while you were cumming in her."

I blushed. "Sorry about that."

"Don't be sorry." Casey kissed my cheek. "Just... I think all three of you are closer than you want to admit."

"Oh. Maybe? We didn't mean to be."

"I know. But your sisters love you. And each other. That's all becoming very clear." Casey fixed me with piercing eyes. "And you love them. Don't think I can't see the way you're still staring at them."

"I'm just horny."

"No. You're horny, but not just that. Not even close."

I glanced hesitantly at Casey. "How come you're not worried about any of this?"

She smirked evilly. "You keep forgetting how well I know Elsa, don't you? I knew this was a possibility going in." Casey paused. "I mean, not nearly to this extent, mind you," she said, glancing at Elsa and Anna again. "But the chances of it getting inappropriate were always high. I know what she's into. What she's like. How she thinks. What gets her going."

"... me and Anna?"

Casey laughed. "Not that I specifically realized. But I mean... yeah, actually. Her pretending to be you sometimes was always one of our things. When we were sufficiently horny. Or... me being Anna."

"Oh goddamn."

"I know, right? This weekend... Kai, it's gonna be fuel for months. Years, maybe."

"That's so twisted."

"Does it bother you?"

"... no. Wanna fuck?"

"Hehe, yes please."

Casey fell back and pulled me with her. I entered her smoothly, enjoying the little mewling sounds she made as I filled her up. She was all hot and wet for me. So ready for this.

"You guys are a good family to be a part of," Casey whispered.

"Hehe, you think so?"

"Mmhm. Love like this... it's something else."

"See if you still think that when you're not horny."

Casey teased my hair. "I told you. It's way more than that. It's just coming out as horniness right now, is all."

"Ah. Well... I'm happy to have another sister then."

"Ooh, you charmer."

"I feel like that should be weird, thinking of you as a sister right now. Since I'm gonna cum in you and all, but...."

"But you just came in Elsa."


"Maybe that's your thing. Cumming in your sisters."

A shiver went through me at the thought. The thought of cumming in my sisters, and of it being 'my thing.'

"Maybe it is," I said. "I love my sisters."

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