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31.53% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1293: LYING IN THE SUN WITH ELLIE


I haven't seen my little sister Ellie since last summer, and I really miss her. Being apart all winter long like this long has made me really sad.

It's hard to explain, but I've been really lonely since we've both moved out of the house and moved away to college. My role as big brother was really important, maybe because I know how much Ellie appreciated my help with everything.

My sister Ellie - well - her name is really Elizabeth, but I've always called her Ellie. It's my little pet name for her, and I'm the only one that calls her that.

Anyway, she was so excited on the phone when I told her we should meet at the old family cabin over the spring break from college. The little cabin in the woods was about half way between our two colleges, so it was an easy drive for both of us. She immediately got all eager and we talked about how much fun we used to have there as little kids, we even spent some time there together last summer, we were both there together to celebrate her 18th birthday.

Since Dad's death a few years back, it's just been Ellie and me who've spent any time at the cabin. Nobody else from the family had been there in years. It was a long drive from our home, and we both have such nice memories as little kids at the cabin, and our time there last year was really nice. Now it was almost summer again, and it seemed that a weekend in the woods would be wonderful.

It was funny, when I asked, she agreed to meet me at the cabin with such an intensified enthusiasm that seemed bewildering. She's funny like that.

The little cabin was small, secluded and simple. Just what I felt I needed after all the confusing times away at college for my junior year.

Ellie is two years younger, and she was a freshman at a different college, and we stay in touch by phone, but it just isn't the same. I found that I was lonely without her. I really missed her, and I know she was feeling the same thing too.

But I worry about Ellie.

She has this really vulnerable way about her. She can be so emotional - and she can let herself get so worried about things. Even little things can really upset her. In a way, it can be sort of sweet, but at the same time, she can be so fragile too.

I feel like I should look out for her, to try my best to help her, and I guess I've always felt that way.

And - She has been so attentive to me since the end of last summer after our time together at the cabin, and I'm not sure why. Maybe something happened at school and I don't know what it is, but she's been so sweet during all of our phone calls.

She even started ending all our phone calls by saying, "I love you Ethan."

And I'll reply, "I love you too Ellie."

I know that sounds odd, but it feels really honest.

She's so adorable, and I really wanted to see her again after our long winter apart.

There has always been a really powerful connection between us, a closeness that just feels wonderful. It's really important to me to be with Ellie, I mean - we have a marvelous attachment to each other that's hard to describe.

It was a long drive on Friday night after my last class of the week. I got to the cabin first, and it was eerie to drive that dark, narrow road in the forest. But as soon as I stepped inside again, the smell and the quiet brought back so many wonderful memories.

I was surprised how happy I felt just being there. Ellie was supposed to be in later that night. I was tired after the long drive, and I just went into my old room and went to sleep. I left a light on for my little sister.

Later that night I heard Ellie come into the cabin, I could tell that she was being quiet so she didn't wake me, without a watch I didn't know what time it was, but it seemed like it was almost dawn.

When I woke up again, the sun was up and the birds were singing. I got out of bed and quietly walked into the kitchen. The morning sunlight was streaming in through the windows. Ellie was still in her room, and I didn't want to wake her.

The one thing I wanted to do was sneak out of the cabin and walk down to my secret spot in the forest and swim in the stream. I loved that spot, and I was eager to see it again.

I peaked into my little sister's room, and I saw that she was still asleep. I was surprised how cute she looked with her eyes closed and her head on the pillow. I watched her for a while, trying to decide if I should wake her or not. I was amazed at how beautiful the shape of her body looked under the covers, she was lying on her tummy, and I could clearly see the smooth round outline of her bottom under the blanket.

The image was haunting and lovely.

It felt like it would be unfair to wake her after she got in so late last night. I closed her door and tip toed out of the cabin.

It smelled so nice as I walked along the path through the woods. I didn't realize until this moment how much I truly love this place. It was early in the day, and there were a lot of birds singing and it made a sort of beautiful soundtrack.

I felt a little bit lonely as I walked down the path, and part of me thought that maybe I should have woken Ellie up. It would have been nice to walk with her on such a perfect morning.

There is something about my little sister that I can't quite put my finger on. It's an almost indescribable thing she can do, somehow she always manages to get her way. Somehow, I actually think she accomplishes it without even knowing she's doing it.

Not that I really mind, she has a really nice way about her, and I totally trust her.

But it's just funny, I mean, if she wants something from me, she'll somehow manage to get it. And she does it in such a sweet and disarming way, that I usually end up being delighted to give it to her.

Right then, I really wished that my sister was with me. She loves bird watching, and she's always out here with her binoculars trying to find some bird that she's never seen before. Last summer it seemed like she was always off in the woods alone with those binoculars.

She is so intense when she's in her birding mood, it almost like she get totally absorbed - almost like she's lost.

I was approaching the turn off to my secret swimming spot. I stepped off the path and entered a dark part of the forest. I was careful not to leave any marks of my travel as I discreetly eased my way down the hillside in among the dense trees.

As I moved through the forest, I could feel myself getting excited to get to the river again. I had found it while I was alone as a little boy, and I never told anyone about it. This was my secret spot.

I arrived at the spot, and it was just as magical as I remembered it being. You need to approach it from above, and walk downhill to get to the lush green grass of a tiny meadow. It's nestled tightly against the tall trees of the forest and there is a beautiful outcropping of rocks that juts out into the slow moving stream. The stream took a sharp bend right here and it made a deep pool next to the rocks. It was secluded and mystical.

The morning air was still a little bit chilly, but I felt like the day would eventually get warm and humid.

I hadn't stood here since last autumn, when the leaves were all electric orange. And now, in the spring, the leaves were an exquisite vivid green that would be hard to describe.

Something inside me felt sad, and I was wishing that my little sister could be here to see this place. Part of me wants to keep it for myself, as my secret spot. But, I really want to share it with Ellie someday.

There was a small opening under a rock along the edge of the meadow. I got down on all fours and reached under, and I pulled out an old nylon duffle bag. I had put it under here last fall, just as summer was ending. I opened it and there was a big plastic trash bag all rolled up tight. And inside that bag were a big red blanket, and a small tote bag.

I laid out the blanket in the grass, exactly where I always set it, taking care to make it perfect and smooth. Then I put the little black tote bag on top. I sat on the blanket and pulled off my shirt and my shoes. The warm sun felt delicious. I opened up the tote bag and looked inside. There was a great big bottle of apricot scented baby oil.

Then I heard a tiny noise, nothing more than a twig snapping, but it startled me.

It was above where I was sitting, on top of the rocks off in the bushes. Was there someone out there?

I sat still and listened.

Than I called out, "Hello? Is anyone out there?"

TO my surprise, I heard a reply, "Yes, it's me." And my sister Ellie slowly stood up near some dense bushes and looked down at me.

I immediately asked, "Ellie? What are you doing here?"

She came out from behind the bushes and walked along the big flat rock slab above me. I got up and stood below her and looked at me rather sheepishly. She had her binoculars around her neck.

She asked, "How do I get down from here?"

The rocks aren't really that high, just enough that you need to be careful, not much higher than I am tall.

I said pointed to a spot between us and said, "It's easy right here, but you'll need to turn around t climb down."

Than my little sister turned away, and began to cautiously climb down the rocks the same way you would climb down a ladder. She was right in front of me.

I was instantly aware of her bottom. I hadn't seen her since last autumn, and she didn't seem such skinny little tomboy anymore. Her bottom was plump and round.

She asked, "Where should I put my foot?"

I stepped in to help her and actually guided her shoe to a big flat step in the rock.

In doing so, I had to get in really close, and I was looking up at her nylon running shorts. Then I realized that those were MY shorts, I had been missing them since last year.

I said, "Hey, you stole my favorite shorts!"

She said, "Are you looking at my butt?"

"I can't help it, it's cute!"

"Please, just help me figure out how to get down."

I said, "Put your toes right here, and then you just step down to the grass."

Her bottom looked so adorable, it even jiggled as she hopped onto the grass.

I said, "Welcome."

We walked to my blanket, she said, "I was out looking for birds, and..."

She didn't really answer, she just sort of trailed off to silence.

How did she find me? That seemed odd and I thought to myself, how quiet I was this morning. I was certain she was asleep when I left the cabin.

She stood in front of me, with here big binoculars around her neck. She was acting a little bit embarrassed. And - as always, she looked perfectly adorable.

I didn't want to make her feel bad for following me, so I smiled and said, "I like your hair, it's cute."

And that was true, she had just cut her hair short, and it looked lovely. She was even cuter than she usually is.

My compliment seemed to disarm her, and she giggled and said, "No it's not, it looks silly."

She was wearing red nylon running shorts (my shorts!) and a simple 1 white t-shirt. I could tell she was wearing a bra under that. She wore her old beat up running shoes, and short little white socks.

Even though I am a little bit taller than my sister, I am always amazed at her long athletic legs. She has a really cute way of simply standing around. She is a little bit awkward, and she always looks like she is just about to ask for directions or something. It's hard to explain, but it's SO cute.

I asked again, "How did you find me here?"

She acted nervous and said, "Well, I guess - I followed you after you left the cabin."

"Really? You saw me walk off the trail?"


I asked, "Why were you so sneaky about it?"

She nervously answered, "Well, yes - I wasn't sure where you were going, so I - I guess - I just ended up following you."

Something in her voices sounded so shaky, she seemed ashamed, and it made me feel bad for pressing her like I was. I didn't want it to upset her, so I just dropped it.

I said, "Welcome to my secret little hide away in the forest."

She smiled and in a soft murmur, she said, "It's pretty."

I suddenly had a funny feeling about the way my sister was acting. Had she followed me here before? Just the thought of that made my heart pound,

Thinking that she had seen me was sort of scary, I wasn't sure what to think. All last summer I would come here alone and skinny-dip.

I spent almost all my time here with my clothes off.

This was my secret spot and I would nap naked in the sun.

But here's the really embarrassing part, I would even masturbate here. That was why I had the big bottle of baby oil, I used it on myself.

I mean, if she had - she would have seen me naked and she would have also have seen me masturbating with that oil. And that was scary to think about.

She walked up and sat down on the blanket with me.

I asked if she had seen any new birds today. She said no. I asked if I could look thru her binoculars. She said sure and took them off from around her neck and handed them to me.

I put them up to my eyes and said, "Wow, this is amazing, these are really cool!"

She giggled and said, "Yeah, they have a really nice binoculars, they are super clear."

I looked at a tree on the other side of the river, and I found a tiny bird on a branch. With these high quality binoculars, the little bird seemed huge, like it was right up close to me. It was amazing, everything was crystal clear!

Than Ellie pointed to another tree, and said, "Look, two little goldfinches"

I could barely find what she was pointing at throughout the binoculars, but sure enough, there were two beautiful yellow birds sitting to together on a branch. They were preening and playing with each other. It was really cute, they were funny together.

Ellie took the binoculars and watched them for a moment and giggled: "Little love birds!"

We watched the little yellow birds for a long time, passing the binoculars back and forth between us. We both stayed quiet, and I think it was helpful for Ellie, because it seemed to calm her down after acting so nervous and embarrassed about following me here.

I said, "I've been coming here for a while, it been sort of my secret spot."

She didn't say anything, and I was worried about her, she seemed sort of scared.

"I really like it, it's so secluded and beautiful. And I've always wanted to bring you here."

She smiled softly.

Than I said, "Usually, when I come here, I'll swim. The water gets warm in the summer this slow moving pool."

She quietly said, "It seems - well, like a really nice place to swim."

I said, "We should jump in, it would be fun."

"Well, maybe, but - I didn't bring my bathing suit."

I thought for a moment and said, "Neither did I."

She bashfully said, "It is a really pretty place. Maybe we could come back later with our bathing suits."

I said, "Actually, I've never brought a swimsuit here, I'll just skinny dip."

She looked at me with the most embarrassed expression, and she stammered, "Ethan - I don't think - that would be - I mean - I couldn't..."

I tried to calm her down, "Ellie, it's okay, I won't skinny dip with you here, don't worry..."

She looked at me with her big blue eyes, and there was something so pensive in her expression. It confused me.

I said, "Maybe we could just swim in our clothes?"

She replied cautiously, "Well, maybe."

I said, "It won't bother me to get my shorts all wet."

"But, I would have to swim in pretty much everything."

"Don't worry about that."

She said, "But it's still a little bit cold. It might forever for my clothes to dry."

I said, "It's a nice day."

"Do you have any towels?"

"No, just the sunshine."

She said, "Oh I don't know, I worry I'll feel all soggy when I get wet. But maybe."

I thought for a second and then said, "You could just wear your bra and panties, and it would be sort of like a bikini, that would work."

She thought for a moment and said, "Oh I don't know, that would seem funny, I mean - I think - I would feel really embarrassed if you saw me in just my underwear."

I said, "I've seen you in your bathing suit a lot."

"Ethan, a bra and panties is different, but maybe I'll just jump in with my clothes on."

She giggled a little and looked at me.

Then, Ellie took off her shoes and socks. And without either of us saying anything, we both walked up to the big flat rock that juts out into the water. We needed to walk slowly with our bare feet. It was a perfect place to jump into the river, Last summer, this is where I would dive into the water when I came here alone to skinny dip.

The last time I was here, I was alone and naked. Now I was here with my adorable little sister. All I was wearing was a pair of cotton hiking shorts. My sister stood next to me, she was barefoot and wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of red nylon running shorts. The way the wind was blowing, I could tell she was wearing a bra and panties too.

There was a sort of nervous tension between us.

We both stood on the rock and looked at the deep slow moving pool of water below us.

My sister asked, "Do you think it's cold?"

"Maybe, it's not really summer yet. Last year, in late august the water was wonderfully warm."

"But it's still only May, it could be freezing."


"I should test it with my toes."

And I watched as she started to point her bare foot toward the water.

I interrupted her and said, "Wait, what fun is that. Let's just jump in at the same time."

She asked, "Really?"

I held out my hand and said, "It's okay, take my hand."

She reached out and we held hands and I could feel her trembling with nervous anticipation.

I said, "Don't be scared."

We looked at each other, and she had such a playful smile on her face. We stood there for a long time, both of us aware that three was no turning back.

Finally she looked at me, took a deep breath, and said, "Okay, I'm ready."

And we both jumped off the rock.

The splash was electric, and the water was unbelievably cold! I kept a hold of her hand and we went fully underwater for just a second. When we resurfaced Ellie shrieked from the shock.

I had to laugh, and we needed to float a little with the current in order to get past the big rocks to where we could walk out onto the little sandy beach.

We were in the water just a few seconds, but it was so intensely cold that it seemed to jolt me into a new reality.

Both of us scampered like scared children up out of the icy water.

Ellie gasped, "Holly FUCK that was cold!"

I laughed and said, "Ellie, I've never heard her swear before."

She blurted out, "Well - I can't help it - that was FUCKING cold!"

And we both laughed. We were facing each other on the edge of the river, both of us in a funny sort of shock

My little sister stood in front of me with her soaking t-shirt and nylon shorts. The wet fabric was clinging to her body in a way that surprised me. I was immediately aware that I could clearly see the outline of her bra under her shirt, and her nipples were hard and distinct - easy for me to see. I know I was staring, but I couldn't help it. I was unprepared for the sight of something so beautiful.

She stood there in front of me, shivering with wide eyes and an expression of astonishment. And she looked at me, and it was obvious that my eyes were totally focused on her icy wet breasts.

She looked down at her own chest, and it was obvious she was startled too. She immediately put both of her small hands over her small breasts to cover her hard and conspicuous nipples.

My little sister gasped in surprise, "Oh my God, I'm sorry..."We stood there for a moment, and simply stared at each other. I didn't know what to say, but Ellie looked at me with a funny smirk, it was obvious she was totally embarrassed.

She repeated herself, "I'm sorry."

I nervously replied, "No - Ellie, it's okay."

She held her hands tight against her little breasts and stammered nervously, "Oh God - I didn't think that, I'm sorry - I didn't know that they would..."

Then Ellie turned and ran up to the blanket. I watched her as she immediately lay on her tummy, and I knew it was because she was ashamed about her nipples showing thru her wet t-shirt.

I walked up and sat there next to her, I was shivering from the icy cold water.

My sister was lying on her tummy with her hands tight against her side, she looked at me with such a funny expression. It was like she was lost or something.

Ellie said, "This is crazy, I'm totally freezing."

I said, "I know, the water was really cold!"

She giggled and said, "It was FUCKING cold!"

"You're right."

Than I lay myself down on the blanket, on my stomach, just like my sister. We were facing each other in the exact same pose, our faces just a few feet from each other. Both of us were almost rigid from the cold.

She looked at me and said, "I'm freezing!"

I replied, "Me too."

She said, "I think I need to get out of this wet t-shirt, it feels so clammy."

I said, "I feel the same way, my shorts feel cold."

"I know, so do mine."

We both lay there not saying anything for a while trying to get a little bit warmer from the sun.

Finally, I said, "Okay, if you turn your head, I'll pull off these wet shorts and lay back down, just like this, on my stomach."


"I'll lay here on my stomach and I'll let the sun warm me up again."

"What? You mean, right here, without anything on?"

I said, "Well, I think it'll be fine, as long as I stay on my stomach like this."

She seemed confused, "Are you serious? Right next to me, here on the blanket?"

I told her, "These shorts are soaking wet, and I'm not getting warm in the sun."

She asked, "I don't know, it seems sort of scary."

"Don't worry, I'll stay just like this, on my tummy, okay?"

She looked at me with an expression of complete astonishment. And then she sort of giggled and said, "Okay."

And then she turned her head on the blanket and faced the other way.

She said, "All right, I'm not looking."

It only took a few seconds and I rolled over onto my back and instantly pulled my sopping wet shorts off and set them on the blanket at my feet. I looked down at my self, and my penis was all cute and tiny from the icy cold water. I rolled back over and onto my stomach, and I put my hands along my side.

I took a deep breath and said, "All done!"

Ellie whispered, "Are you sure? Can I turn my head?"

I said, "Yep, I'm all discreet."

I watched as she slowly turned her head to look at me. She was seemed a little scared, but when she looked down and saw my naked bottom and she started to giggle.

I asked, "What's so funny?"

My little sister was obviously looking right at my bare ass, and she laughed and said, "I don't know, it's just so weird."

It was a giddy moment, and I said, "You're looking at my butt!"

She replied, "I'm sorry - it's just - it's funny..."

I said, "It feels nice, without my wet shorts it feels so much warmer in the sun."

She spoke in a sort of pathetic voice, "I'm not sure what to do, and I'm freezing."

I said, "Okay, I get it, I'll turn my head."

With that I turned my head so I was facing away from her.

She quietly asked, "Is it really warmer? I mean, being naked like that?"

"Yes, it feels nice, the sun is heavenly."

Then I heard some cautious movement on the blanket, and in a resigned tone, I even heard her mumble, "Oh God, I can't believe I'm doing this."

I could hear her sort of grunt and whimper as she undressed, it sounded like the wet shirt and shorts were sticking to her skin, and she had to fight to get them off. Then I heard her settle down and she actually sighed with relief.

Finally she said, "Okay, all done."

"Can I turn my head?"

She nervously whispered, "Well, I guess so."

And then I turned my head and set it on the blanket so I could see her. I was amazed at how pale her perfect her skin looked in the bright sunshine. I couldn't help it, but my eyes immediately went to her butt, it was smooth and round.

She was looking at my expression, and she asked, "Hey, what's so funny? What are you smiling about?"

Without hesitating I said, "Your bottom, it's so cute."

"Ethan, don't say that!"

"I can't help it, it looks really cute."

She sort of giggled and squealed, "C'mon, don't stare like that!"

I could tell by her playful tone that she wasn't really upset, instead she seemed relieved.

It was true, her bottom was amazingly cute. It looked so perfect and plump. She had always been such a skinny little tomboy, but now her butt was all curvy and adorable. The pale skin was still wet, and it sort of sparkled in the bright sunlight.

I asked, "Is it less clammy without your wet shirt and shorts?"

"Yes, it's nice. The sun feels warm."

"I know, I thought about coming here to this spot all winter, I love lying in the sun like this."

She awkwardly replied, "Uhhmmm, like this? You mean - like - naked?"

I replied, "Yes, I usually take a nap like this, right here, in the sun."

My sister spoke haltingly, "Uhhmmm, you would - really?"

I looked at her face, and I could tell something was bothering her, like she was embarrassed or something.

Then I looked down at her naked body, and her smooth beautiful back, and her perfectly cute bottom. The way she was lying, with her arms snug along her side was actually a modest pose, so it didn't seem all that strange, I mean, even though she was naked. It seemed - I don't know - really captivating.

I thought for a moment, and I realized that she KNEW that I would lay out naked like this, she must have followed me before, and she had seen me.

And I looked at her face, and I could tell she was tense, and I didn't want to make her feel bad. But at the same time, it seemed so strange.

I cautiously asked, "Ellie, have you ever been to this spot before?"

Immediately I could see the alarm in her eyes. It made my heart sink that I was scaring her.

She nervously spoke in a shaky voice, "Uhhmmm, no, I've never - I mean - no, I haven't been here - ever."

I knew she was upset, and I think she was hiding something from me. I didn't want to make her feel bad, so I tried to change the subject.

I said, "We could take a little nap, that's what I always do here."

"Uhhhm, okay"

And then I closed my eyes and I allowed myself to listen to the calm noise of the gently flowing river. It was so peaceful, and I felt so warm.

I could feel sleep creeping up on me.

But I was filled with thoughts of my little sister, and how beautiful she looked, pale and naked in the warm sunshine, next to me on the blanket.

I opened my eyes to peak at her bottom again. I couldn't help it, the way she was lying on her tummy, it just looked so cute. I just stayed still and stared at her naked smooth bum.

After a few minutes, my sister broke the silence. She whispered, "Ethan, I followed you last summer."

I was jolted back from a dreamy delirium, shocked that she admitted it, and I said, "Really?"

"Oh God Ethan, I'm sorry - it was - it just - I'm sorry..."

I interrupted, "It's okay Ellie, I don't want you to feel bad."


"Shhhhh - It's okay - Don't worry."

Than she put her hands up to her face and whimpered, "I'm so sorry..."

With her hands covering her face instead of along side her torso, I could suddenly see more of her naked body, I could see her hips and her waist. I felt my heart quicken.

I thought for a moment about what she had just confessed. I thought back about all the times I came to this spot, and I realized what she must have seen.

Each and every time I came to this spot, I would lay naked - right here - right on this same blanket. I would pour the baby oil all over my hands and all over my penis too - and I would masturbate. I was convinced I was alone, and I would lie here and jack-off. And if she was here, she MUST have seen me.

I guess I should feel really embarrassed, but for some reason, it was strangely calming to think about her watching me.

I said, "Oh please Ellie, don't feel bad."

She looked at me thru her hands, and I realized she was crying. She whimpered, "I'm so ashamed."

I begged, "Please don't cry."

"But - I'm so sorry..."

"Oh please, I don't want to see you cry."

And then we just sat there, in silence for a long time. It was a funny few moments, and I could tell she was feeling really nervous or something.

I wanted to try and calm her down, at least a little bit. My first reaction was to reach over and hug her, but since we were both naked, that seemed inappropriate.

Finally I said, "Doesn't this feel nice, lying in the sun like this?"

She meekly relied, "Yes."

"I think so too, I really love how warm it feels."

She cautiously said, "You're right, this is nice."


"But, I feel a little bit scared..."


She said, "Because, I mean - both of us are naked."

"It's okay, I feel a little scared too."

"You do?"

"A little bit. But don't worry, we are just lying out in the sun together, it's okay."

She said, "You're right. This is nice."

Even though she had stopped crying, I could tell she was upset, and it seemed that just listening to my voice was helping her calm down, so I wanted to say more.

I said, "I come here because I think it's so relaxing, and I love that it's so secret."

She whispered, "I know, it's really beautiful here."

"I'm glad you came up from school for the weekend, it's nice to see you after so long."

She said, "This is really nice, I mean, talking like this."

And then she looked at me, and it felt like she wanted me to keep talking, or to ask her something. The look on her face was so urgent, and I wasn't sure what she needed from me.

I lay there in silence for almost a minute, looking into her big blue eyes, trying to figure out what she wanted me to ask her.

Finally I asked, "Ellie, you said you've seen me here before, I mean, here in this spot?"

She looked at me and quietly whispered, "Yes."

I asked, "Did you follow me here?"



She paused and looked at me with her big blue eyes and replied, "Well, it was, I guess - last summer - a few different times."

"A few different times? Really?"


Ellie was acting so submissive, almost like she was eager to answer these questions.

I asked, "Were you in the bushes, up on the rocks, like today?"


I thought for a moment at what she was saying. If she had followed me here, she had obviously seen me swimming naked - and every time I've come here, I've laid on this blanket in the sun, right here, and I've poured baby oil all over my hands - and I've masturbated.

Oh my God, right then I simply KNEW that my little sister must have watched me jack-off, and it made my heart pound.

I asked, "Ellie, you really followed me, right here, right to this spot?"

Without hesitation she said, "Yes."

She sounded almost eager to confess.

I wasn't sure what she was thinking, but she was lying there, looking at me so intensely those big blue eyes.

And, it was so strange to watch her, on the same blanket as me, as she was lying there, on her tummy, with her hands up near her face, her eyes wet from crying, completely naked.

I cautiously whispered, "Is it okay, that I'm asking you these questions?"

In a restless voice she said, "Yes, I think so."

My mind was spinning, and I was aware of how urgent everything seemed. We were both naked, on the same blanket, both of us trying to pretend that this was somehow normal. Both of us lying so still on our stomachs, and looking into each other's eyes.

I looked at my sister and asked, "Ellie, Oh God, that means - you saw me when I was swimming."


I had to pause, because she was telling me she saw me naked. And that means she saw me masturbating with the baby oil. Should I feel ashamed that she saw me, I was all mixed up, and she just kept looking at me with those big pleading eyes of hers.

I said, "That means you saw me skinny dipping, right here."

She whimpered, "I know, I couldn't help it."

I asked, "This is so strange to talk about, Should I feel - I don't know - embarrassed?"

She reassured me, "Oh no, don't feel bad, please..."

"But, it's so - I don't know - so shameful."

She sort of gasped, "No!"

I was shocked by the intensity of her emotion. And I think she even surprised herself.

She followed up with, "Ethan, I'm sorry, but..."

"But what?"

She looked at me with an expression of such seriousness that almost scared me.

She pleaded, "Don't feel bad, please. What I saw, when I watched you. It was really beautiful."

Hearing that was so intense, it felt like everything in the world had just changed.

I affirmed what I already knew, "You watched me skinny dipping."

"I - I couldn't help it"

I lay there, lost in emotion - and I suddenly realized that I was getting hard. I actually had to wriggle and shift my hips a little bit on the blanket to make it comfortable for stiff erection under me.

I asked, "Ellie, when you watched me, that means - you must have seen - well - everything I did."

She quietly replied, "Yes, I did."

"You saw what I did, right here - on this blanket."

"Yes, and - please Ethan - you shouldn't feel ashamed."

Oh my God, I was amazed at how good it felt to hear my little sister say that. I'm not sure why, but it was simply electrifying for me.

She cautiously said, "Can I ask you something?"

I nervously replied, "I think so."

"Why do you use the baby oil, what's it for?"

I reflexively gasped, "Ellie?"

But she insisted, "Oh please, I really need to know."

I tried to understand what was happening, but it was overwhelming. And my erection was pressed tight against the red blanket as I lie there, and - right then - it felt so hard it almost hurt.

I couldn't respond, and she sort of begged, "Please Ethan, I want to know, please tell me?"

I looked at her and I whispered, "Oh God - You really saw me, and - and - you watched me - when I used the baby oil?"


"I didn't know you were there."

"I know you didn't"

"What were you thinking?"

She looked at me for a moment, and then she answered with a deep seriousness, "I was envious of you."

"What? You were envious of me?"

"Oh God yes, I really was jealous, it made me feel all crazy inside."


"It just seemed so, I don't know, so thrilling, and I wanted the same thing."

"I'm not sure I understand."

"I was watching you, seeing you naked with all the baby oil, and what you were doing - and it just seemed so exhilarating, and I wanted someone to watch me, it's all I could think of. I wanted it so bad."

"But I didn't know you were watching me - If I knew you were there, I never would have done ANY of that."

"I know that, but all I wanted was someone to watch me - I don't understand why - I couldn't help feeling that - It made me crazy, I just wanted it so bad."

As she spoke I looked down at her pale beautiful body, naked in the sunshine. It was hard to tell, but it looked like her hips were shivering a little. It might have just been from the cold, but it looked unbelievably sensual.

She whispered meekly, "It feels good to let this out of me, to be honest."

I kept staring at her bare bottom, and the way her hips were delicately moving.

I said, "This is nice, talking like this."

It felt like I was giving her permission to say more.

She smiled softly and said, "I loved that you went so slow, I mean, when you rubbed yourself with the baby oil."

It was so weird. Right then I felt like there was a strange sort of shift in reality. I wanted to say more.

"The baby oil feels so nice, it feels so smooth. I wanted to enjoy it."

I was so engrossed in the intensity of what was happening - it was like a powerful dream.

But at the same time - All I could do was lie there, looking at my little sister - and I was swallowed up in some deep need to tell her what I was feeling.

I said, "I went slow because, well, I just felt so secluded, and just being here seemed make everything feel so - well, so magical."

"And, you would eventually go faster."

"That's what feels good."

She said, "I had never seen anything like that - ever."

I asked her, "And how did it make you feel, watching me?"

"I felt fascinated. But it was, like - it was TOO intense."


"Because, the image, what I saw - was just - It was - too beautiful."

I was amazed at what she was saying, and I could tell that this was some sort of fixation for Ellie. And it was a deep release to talk about it.

I whispered, "Why did you ask about the baby oil?"

"It just seemed so - beautiful."

I asked, "Ellie, it didn't seem perverted or weird or anything, did it?"

"No, it was beautiful."

And now I could tell that her bottom was sort of humping against the blanket, and it transfixed me and I was completely focused on the slow physical motions.

She kept talking in a shaky voice, "There was something about the way the baby oil looked, and it made everything so - glistening. Everything seemed so pure and beautiful. I just LOVED seeing you, your smooth skin. And how gently you used - your hand. But..."

I whispered, "But what?"

"But - It was scary too, I mean, it was just too much."

My little sister was being SO honest, and hearing her tell me these hidden secrets about watching me - was just so intoxicating. She was laying there, so close, right in next to me on the blanket, with her eyes wide with intensity.

Without realizing why, I moved myself on the blanket just a little bit closer to Ellie.

"Ellie, can I ask you something?"


I cautiously asked, "You said something before. What do you mean, you wanted someone to watch you?"

"Well, that's how I felt, it was like I desperately NEEDED someone to watch me."

"Watch you doing what?"

She explained, "I needed someone to watch me, doing what you were doing."

"Do you mean, how I was - well - the way I was touching myself?"

"Oh God - Yes."

I said, "Ellie, I can't believe we are both talking about this."

"I don't understand it, but seeing you - and especially the baby oil - just made me so - I don't know - so crazy."

I thought for a moment and asked, "Did you have your binoculars with you?"


"Did you watch me like that, looking through them?"

"Yes. I couldn't help it."

I was stunned and I had to collect my thoughts. I mean, the image of the two love birds was so close up and so vivid, and to think that she was watching me masturbate and she was using binoculars - it sort of freaked me out to think about. I mean, she must have had a VERY close-up view of my oily hand wrapped around my erection.

I wanted to hear more and I asked, "What was it like, using the binoculars."

"Oh God, It was beautiful."

I whispered, "Tell me...

"Something was just so magical about everything, everything was SO clear and the way baby oil sparked in the sun, it was really beautiful. - Everything."

The thrill of listening to her vivid description just made my heart soar. I wanted MORE.

My little sister sounded so sensitive as she spoke, and hearing her like this, so honest and so close, just made me feel powerfully aroused, I simply NEEDED to hear more.I cautiously asked, "Please, I want to know what you were feeling."

She nervously whispered, "I feel funny saying this, but I would - I would - pull my pants down when I watched you."

"What? Really?"

"I couldn't help it."

"Right up there, in the bushes, where you were hiding?"

"I just HAD to, I needed to - so bad."

Oh my God, right then my heart just started pounding with excitement. I had no idea that I could feel this way, my emotional hunger was making me so exhilarated, and I thought I might start to panic.

I asked, "Ellie, is it okay that we are talking like this?"

She stammered, "Oh my - God - Ethan - Yes."

"It feels so funny, are you sure?"

"Yes - this is nice. I mean, Thank you for letting me be so honest - I mean - saying what I'm saying - it feels REALLY good!"

I took some deep breaths and tried to calm down, and that helped, a little. This was like some compulsion for me - I needed to hear my sister say even more.

My little sister was lying there looking so pretty with her big eyes focused on me.

I looked down at my little sister's pale body in the sunlight, all naked and smooth. She looked gloriously beautiful.

And I desperately wanted to hear more.

I asked, "Ellie, you pulled your pants down, right over there, in the bushes. You really did that?"

"Yes, I was on my knees. If I stood up you would have seen me. And I would pull my shorts down - well - actually, I would pull them all the way off."

"Oh my God, Ellie - you really did that?

"I couldn't help it. I had to."

I felt overwhelmed and selfish - I desperately NEEDED to somehow tell my sister how this made me feel.

I collected myself a little before I spoke.

I asked, "When you were in the bushes, and your pants were off. Were you worried that I might see you?"

She replied in a shaky voice, "I don't know, maybe I wanted you to see me."

Hearing that, I felt like I visibly shuddered.

Ellie kept talking, "I'm sorry but I need to tell you how all this made me feel."

I said, "It's all right, you can tell me."

My little sister stammered, "After last summer, and watching you like I did. It really affected me, and - I guess I got all obsessed. And, when I'm alone - and when I'm in my dorm room - alone. I need to - I mean - the only way I can..."

She trailed off, and she seemed so emotional.

I said, "Please, keep talking."

"This is scary for me to say..."

"Please, I want to hear this."

"Okay, I'll try - when I'm alone - when I masturbate - the only way I can - climax - I mean - really have an orgasm - is to be up on my knees, just like when I was in the bushes - when I was watching you..."

I thought for a second, and then I spoke, "Ellie, were you - touching yourself when you watched me?"

"Oh my God yes, it felt SO good."

We both looked directly into each other's eyes. This lasted for a few minutes. She radiated a sort of amazing honesty.

She told me, "I loved following you here last summer. I thought it was beautiful."

I gasped, "I can't believe we are both talking about this."

"I'm scared to say this but - would you do something, for me, if I asked?"

I was confused, and I cautiously replied, "I think so..."

My little sister whispered, "Ethan, please, don't move - you can't move."

There was something SO desperate in my sister's quiet voice. She was looking at me with such a yearning, and I wasn't sure what to do.

She said, "No matter what I do, please, I don't want you to move..."

I said, "You mean stay still, here on the blanket?"


"Okay, I'll stay still."

"But, you can only move if I ask you to - Okay?"

I said, "I'm not sure what you mean."

"Please, I need you to stay completely still."

"I will, I'll stay still, just like this."

She spoke in a needy voice, "And if I ask you to move, you have to do as I say. Okay?"

"I will."

She let out a sigh of relief, and said, "Thank you."

The day was heating up, and the sun suddenly felt powerful and warm. Any sense of being cold was gone.

She whispered, "Ethan, I'm need to ask you - to do something - for me..."

"What is it?"

"I need to ask you - to move - for me - just please say you will - please say yes - okay..."

I wasn't sure what she meant, but I replied, "Okay, tell me what you want me to do."

Without realizing what was happening, I had completely abandoned myself to my little sister's desires, it was like she had hypnotized me.

She slowly asked, "Ethan, would you, roll over and lie on your back?"


"Please, I need you to lie on your back, just like you would last summer - when I watched you."

I quietly asked, "Are you sure?"

She begged with a needy, "Oh pleeeeeeease..."

I'm not sure how it happened, but I was powerless to stop myself.

Everything felt so perfect, and before I knew what I was doing, I had rolled over onto my back and I saw my erection spring up. With that, I was suddenly completely showing myself to my beautiful little sister, and I felt a sense of liberation I had never known.

The instant I was on my back, there was a sudden jolt of electricity in the air, and she stared at me - at my erection - with wide eyes and such a shocked expression.

I watched Ellie flinch, and she was suddenly lying there, with both hands covering her eyes.

She let out a panicky, "Oh Fuck - Oh Fuck..."

I nervously whispered, "I'm sorry..."

She sort of whimpered, "Oh my God - No - It's okay."

And I watched as she cautiously moved her hands from her eyes, and she looked down at my erection.

She was just barely peeking thru her fingers, but I could see her whole body kind of shudder.

Suddenly, I could see her expression get even more intense, and she was obviously staring directly at my hard erection.

She gasped, "Oh Ethan - Oh FUCK!"

And Ellie's eyes were wide and electric with emotion.

I just let her stare from her frozen position on the blanket next to me. The deep emotion I saw in her eyes was simply overwhelming - and I thought my heart would break.

She stayed motionless in a sort of frozen trance like state. It was almost like she was tied up, and trapped.

And I wanted to set her free. I wanted, something MORE.

I whispered, "Ellie, are you sure this is okay?"


I was too amazed to say anything, I just stayed frozen lying on my back, with my naked little sister just a few feet away next to me on the blanket.

She whispered, "Ethan, I'm really scared right now - but - Please just please stay still - don't move - okay..."

I wasn't sure what she meant, but I replied, "Okay."

Then she smiled at me from her side of the blanket, and whispered, "Just stay totally still, for me, please."


We both lay there, silent and still, me naked on my back, and Ellie was naked on her tummy. We stayed quiet for a long time as we looked at each other.

My little sister broke the silence by whispering, "I loved watching you from my hiding spot."

I whispered under my breath, "Oh God Ellie..."

Then she giggled and in a little girl voice, she said, "It was cute to watch you pee standing up."

I sort of gasped, "Ellie? You watched me pee?"

And in a quiet whisper, she said, "It was so beautiful, you would step off the blanket and pee, and I loved that when you were all done, you would - sort of - shake it - it was so cute."

And then we both giggled, and it eased the tension a little bit.

She looked over at me from her modest pose on her tummy and said, "I have to pee, really bad."

Her voice was strangely resigned, like she was trying to tell me something more.

I looked at her, lying naked on her tummy next to me, and she looked SO determined.

I whispered, "Ellie, what is it?"

She spoke slow and clear, "Please - Ethan, I need to pee."

We stayed silent for a moment, and I could tell she was pondering something.

Ellie slowly moved her arms, and put both hands flat on the blanket. Then she got up on all fours, and I instinctively turned my head away.

She sort of whimpered, "No - Please, I asked you not to move."

I said, "I couldn't help it."

And in a quiet voice, she said, "Please - look at me."

I cautiously turned my head back to her. I was totally unprepared for what I was seeing.

The shock of seeing her, naked - so close - completely startled me.

She was on all fours and I needed to look up at her pale smooth body.

She was unimaginably lovely, and her little breasts were hanging down, small and delicate, and her nipples were tiny and hard.

I was too amazed to say anything, I just stayed frozen on the blanket, with her just a few feet away.

She intentionally repeated herself, "Ethan, I loved watching you pee."

Before I could comprehend what was happening, my little sister stood up on the blanket and looked down at me. She was totally naked. And her wet pubic hair was glistening in the bright sunlight.

She was breathing deep and fast. And she stared at me with an expression of such deep longing that it made my heart ache.

She stammered, "Please - Ethan - I need you to watch me."

And then I watched from below as her long athletic legs moved slowly as she stepped just a few inches off the blanket. She stood on the grass and faced me as I lie on my back, with my throbbing erection pointing upward toward the sky.

She seemed to carefully position herself paying close attention to my eyes. Then she gracefully lowered herself into a squatting position, facing me, with her knees wide.

I could see between her long legs, she was letting me look directly at the delicate pink lips of her vagina. And it was obvious that she absolutely LOVED letting me see her like this.

My beautiful little sister looked down at me and then whispered, "I need to be a little bit closer."

She reached toward me and folded the corner of the blanket away, right near my face, so the green grass was uncovered. She moved forward so she was even closer to my face, her knees almost above me as she squatted next to me.

She whispered, "Ethan - you need to stay still. You CAN'T move. You have to let me do this."


Her pubic hair was still damp from the cold river, and it glistened in the bright sunlight.

My intense gaze was totally locked on the beautiful pink wetness between her legs. I was completely transfixed on this small area, like I was afraid to blink. Neither of us moved for a long time, only my deep breathing broke the quiet.

I could tell something was building, I could sense it in her expression.

Then, she spread her knees a little wider and she whined, "Oh God - oh god..."

And then she began started peeing.

I stared wide-eyed. My heart started pounding. She looked so unbelievably ecstatic.

She mumbled an emotional, "Yes - yes - yes..."

And it was obvious that she absolutely LOVED letting me see her as she peed, she was literally shivering with excitement, and - Oh God - she wanted - she NEEDED - me to look at her.

The stream of clear liquid was somehow electric in its perfection, I was lost in an overwhelming excitement as I watched.

It lasted longer than I imagined, and then the thin stream slowed to a dribble.

I said, "Oh God - Ellie, that was SO beautiful."

She said, "I needed to do that, for you to watch me, since last summer."

My little sister had suddenly leaned forward from her squatting position on the grass, and she eagerly crawled onto the blanket, over to the other side of me, to the duffle bag next to me.

It was heartbreakingly beautiful to watch her on all fours, naked on the blanket. Then she carefully crawled over toward me slow and catlike, and she turned around and faced me.

She looked at me with her big beautiful eyes.

My little sister was breathing deep and fast. And she stared at me with an expression of such deep longing that it made my heart ache.

She was unimaginably lovely, and her breasts were so small and delicate, and her nipples were tiny and hard.

Without realizing what I was happening, I watched as my little sister franticly unzipped the small duffle bag and took out the big bottle of baby oil.

She quietly said, "You are doing so good, but please - you can't move."

She opened it up and set the cap on the blanket. And then she moved in close to me, along my side, right up next to my hips and she poured a thin little stream of baby oil on the head of my erection, and she watched, mesmerized, as it dribbled smoothly down along the shaft.

Ellie reached her hand out toward my tall erection.

She sort of whimpered, "I simply have to do this, I can't help it."

As her fingertip delicately caressed it, I flinched.

She whimpered, "I'm sorry..."

I said, "Ellie, it's okay - it feels nice."

I was surprised, and it took me a second to understand. I had NEVER felt anything like it, and it seemed to release such powerful emotions, deep within me, and I just let myself admire what I was seeing.

She said, "Please Ethan, don't be scared. "

Then, suddenly, her little hand was wrapped around my hard oily erection.

I couldn't help it, I moaned with passion, "Oh fuck - Oh fuck..."

I was shocked at how warm it felt, and how - how beautiful and perfect it seemed.

For the next few minutes I let my sister cautiously caressed it, and fondled it. The baby oil created a sort of smoothness that was heavenly. I would react so powerfully to her every little touch. My breathing was getting faster.

She was sitting right next to me, and I reached up and gently set my hand on her smooth leg. She looked down at my hand, and she seemed uneasy.

She spoke in a sympathetic voice, "Ethan - You CAN'T move. You have to let me do this - Please."

I set my hand back on the blanket, realizing that my little sister was somehow living out some deep need.

Then, she gently gripped her little hand around my penis, and she delicately began to stroke in a slow gentle rhythm.

I instantly responded, "Oh Ellie - Oh FUCK..."

And hearing me sound so electrified somehow affected her and she gripped a little tighter and pumped a little harder. I was suddenly gasping with lust, and it made her squeeze even tighter.

I whispered, "This feel SO amazing..."

I didn't fully understand what was happening, but Ellie kept at this for a few minutes, and she was absolutely ecstatic.

I watched my sister and the motion of her hand made her little breasts jiggle, and just watching her breasts like that was MORE exciting than her hand stroking my erection.

I panted, "Oh God, Ellie..."

Her expression was awash in absolute ecstasy, and it just sent me higher, I was completely entranced by the sensation of her hand on my penis.

I had never felt ANYTHING so arousing.

I looked down at my sister, as she sat there on her knees, so close to me. She seemed like a beautiful angel, naked and flawless.

I wanted so badly to reach up and touch her, but I stayed as still as I could. She looked at me with an expression of such determination, and she said, "I need to do something."

I didn't understand, and I asked, "What is it?"

"Last summer, when I watched you from up on the rocks, from the bushes, I wanted so bad for you to see me."

She sounded so serious that it scared me, "Ellie?"

"Since last summer, I've been totally preoccupied, thinking of this, it's made me sort of crazy. Please let me do what I need to do."

"It's okay..."

"But - Please - Don't move."

I whispered a desperate, "It's okay, you can do what ever you need to..."

I'm not sure how it happened, but the next thing I remember she was naked and straddling me. She was sitting up, on her knees, with her legs spread, right over my belly.

Oh her God, she was perfectly naked. She moved her self taller on her knees and slightly arched her back; she was showing me her body. she wanted me to see her. I was on fire - she wanted him to see me, her small breasts, her adorable tummy, her pubic hair - her wet vagina.

Ellie spread her knees wider and inched a little toward my face - she wanted - she desperately NEEDED him to see her open wet vagina.

I could FEEL the overwhelming joy in her - she looked so beautiful.

I was still breathing hard, in an anxious way. It was so intense, but at the same time I felt this overwhelming love for my little sister.

Then she carefully moved myself over me, straddling me - right above my face, so her vagina was easy for me to see.

And in a quiet voice, she said, "Please - look at me."

She looked so strong and so beautiful. And it was obvious that she absolutely LOVED letting me see her like this. Her breasts are small and her nipples were hard. She could tell I was excited, and - Oh God - she wanted - she NEEDED - me to look at her. The way she was sitting, her knees were on the blanket and her legs were wide, and she let him see me - her wet vagina.

She whispered, "Please Ethan, you CAN'T move."

Than she reached over and grabbed the bottle of baby oil, she cupped her groin with one hand, and then she poured a thick stream down into her hand, and I watched as it dribbled out from between her fingers and down the inside of her legs and onto my chest.

She poured a lot of baby oil into her hand and it ended up all over my chest. She took her palm and caressed her groin in slow sensual motions, until her tummy and the inside of her legs were glossy with the baby oil.

She looked at me with absolute seriousness and said, "If I ask you to do anything, you need to do what I ask, okay?"

She was acting so determined all I could do was respond with, "yes, I'll do whatever you need."

She moved both her hands and leaned forward and lovingly caressed my forehead and neck with her oily fingers.

She looked into my eyes and said, "I've thought about this all winter, and I am so happy to finally be here with you."

All I could focus on was the plump glistening lips of her vagina. I could see that they were a deep pink and slightly parted, I was amazed at how beautiful it looked.

Than she sat up tall on her knees, arched her hips toward me and took her fingertips and placed them on her clitoris. And she began to rub herself in frantic little circles.

All I could do was stay still and watch.

She was unimaginably lovely, and looking up at her I was captivated by her breasts, they were so small and delicate, and her nipples were tiny and hard. And they seemed to jiggle with the desperate motion of her fingers rubbing her clitoris.

My little sister was breathing deep and fast. And she stared at me with an expression of such deep longing that it made my heart ache.

She looked at me and stammered, "Ethan - I - I need to - cum like this - I've thought about it all winter long..."

I was amazed at how thrilling our pose was for me. It was like a drug that went right to my soul. We were both naked and oily, and I was flat on my back, with my little sister was kneeling above me. Her knees tucked tight against my ribs and pushed into my armpits, and her beautiful oily vagina centered above my chest, maybe 12 inches from my eyes.

She whimpered, "I need to cum - I need to cum..."

I wanted so badly to reach up and caress her beautiful pale body, but I stayed as still as I could.

I watched as the urgent rubbing motion of her fingertips against her clitoris got even faster.

She gasped, "Oh Ethan - Oh FUCK!"

With that, she pushed her hips even closer towards my face. Then she abruptly stopped. I watched as she franticly grabbed the bottle of baby oil and she opened the lid.

She commanded, "Ethan, show me you hands."

And without hesitation, I held both hands up for her to see.

It felt funny to move after being so still.She said, "Cup them for me."

And I did, and she began to pour a thick stream of baby oil into my cupped palms.

Then she instructed, "Please, rub my bottom."

And, without hesitating, I reached around and put both hands on her soft round bottom, and rubbed the baby oil into her smooth skin. Oh my God, it felt so perverted.

She whimpered, "Oh fuck, that feels SO good."

I was utterly amazed at how perfect and slippery her oily bottom felt. She looked down at me with such haunted emotion, I thought she would cry. It felt so wonderful.

She said, "I need more, I need your hands again."

And I held out my hands and she filled them again with the baby oil, and I put them behind her and rubbed her smooth bottom even more.

She begged, "Keep rubbing."

And then she had a kind of spasm, and she leaned forward and literally pressed her chest against my face, and in a feverish voice she said, "Take the bottle, I need more, in the middle - Pleeeease!"

There was something so urgent in her voice, that it sort of scared me.

My sister was lying on top of me, with her back arched and her butt pointed up to the sky. It was actually really hard to reach over and grab the bottle of baby oil off the blanket and do was she was demanding.

The way she was laying, her head was on the blanket and her lips were close to my ear. One hand was still between her legs and she was rubbing furiously, and it made her whole body feel like it was trembling.

She whispered, "Oh God, please Ethan."

I had to reach around and I could only see a little bit, so I had to guess what I was doing. I let the oil dribble out of the bottle and all across her already slippery bottom.

She whimpered, "More - in the middle - Oh please..."

And I moved the little squirt cap on the bottle directly above her bottom, aiming for her bum crack, and I let the oil trickle out in a delicate stream.

She begged, "More - please MORE!"

And I responded by pushing the bottle firmly in-between her butt cheeks and I think it was pressing against her anus.

She gasped, "Yes - Ethan - yes..."

And then I squeezed the big bottle hard. There was a sudden gush of thick oil that ran down the crease of her bottom, between her legs and into her cupped hands.

My little sister began to shiver with excitement, and her hips began to rock back and forth.

The oil streamed out between her fingers and rained down on my stomach, chest and my throbbing erection.

She whimpered, "More - oh god - more...."

I squeezed the bottle even more, and she was moving with such lurching rhythm, that I couldn't hold the bottle tight against her bottom, and I ended up pouring a lot across her back and down her legs.

I squeezed the big bottle harder, and I was amazed at how it affected my sister. She was loosing herself in some haunted passion.

Suddenly I realized the bottle felt light in my hand and all the oil was gone, and I could sense she wanted me to squeeze out even more.

I said, "The bottle - I'm sorry - It's empty."

She instantly stopped her sexual lurching and sat herself up on her knees, she supported herself above me with one hand on the blanket and she kept the other hand cupped tight in-between her long legs.

She looked at me and said, "Please Ethan - I really need you to do what I ask."

I whispered, "Anything"

She looked directly in my eyes, but I was looking at her small breasts as they hung down in front of my face. Thick streams of baby oil were running down from her back and they were dripping of her amazingly hard nipples. And she was still rubbing her clitoris in delirious little circles.

The sight of her as she loomed above me was heartbreakingly beautiful. She was on her knees, naked - and - everything seemed so lovely and powerful.

She instructed me, "Put both hands on my bottom."

And I did, and I was amazed at how warm and smooth they felt against my hands.

She sat upright tall on her knees, and I watched little streams of oil run down her breasts and tummy, and they all seemed to converge in her glistening pubic hair and her cupped hand.

She whispered "Please, deeper."

And I slid my fingertips around her slippery skin, and pushed them further into her butt crack.

In a depurate voice she said, "Deeper."

Then I felt the small muscular pucker of her oily anus, and the instant I touched she gasped, "Oh fuck - oh fuck...."

And I watched as her fingertips rubbed her clit even faster, with a wild abandonment

She begged, "Push it in - pleeeeeease..."

And she arched herself back against my fingertip as I pushed a little bit, and it slipped inside her oily anus, and it was so tight.

She gasped, "Oh God - I'm gunna cum - soon..."

I felt a tight muscular grip around my oily finger, and I could tell this was sending her even higher.

She said, "A little deeper, please"

And I pushed and my oily finger slid in just a bit more.

She stammered, "Oh Fuck - I'm - gunna cum..."

I could tell my little sister's arousal was rising to a sort of panic.

Then she squirmed above me, and she sat tall on her knees, and she positioned her oily vagina directly above my face.

In a haunted whisper I said, "Ellie - Oh dear God, Ellie."

The lips of her oily vagina were plump and pink - and she was rubbing furiously with here fingertips - and everything was glistening with baby oil. I was looking straight up toward her wet vagina lips.

"Ellie..." I whispered.

I still had one finger in her anus, and I watched as my beautiful sisters begin to spasm with ecstasy.

She gasped, "Oh - Oh Jesus - Oh FUCK."

I was amazed by the overwhelming emotion in her voice.

With that, she let herself settle, a little lower towards my face. I watched in amazement, as the sopping open folds of her vaginal lips seemed to pulsate. And I could feel the same spasm as her anus gripped my finger in a throbbing rhythm.

She panted, "I'm just - about - to cum..."

I felt such an overwhelming love for her, for her sensitivity.

Then I whispered, "Ellie, I love you. I truly love you."

She replied, "I love you too."

The kindness in her voice just seemed to make me melt.

She said, "Oh God - your finger - I'm gunna cum...."

I watched her with such devotion - it was glorious. Then I felt her anxiously back up, and she pushed her bottom firm against my fingertip and it slid in just a little deeper in to her oily bottom.

With that, she was literally convulsing with ecstasy, shivering tall on her knees above me. Her little breasts were jiggling from her frantic motions.

I was on my back, staring at her vagina, holding her ass, and she was trembling with pleasure, as she pumped her hips forward.

She begged, "Watch me - PLEASE - Watch me"

I replied, "I'm watching - It's beautiful."

She wanted - she desperately NEEDED me to look at her, everything felt SO bewildering and perfect.

She panted, "I - love you - so much..."

Right then she absolutely exploded, she climaxed - and it just released a flood of sensations - and without realizing what was happening - suddenly there was a hot wet splashing, and the wetness was getting all over me. She was gushing in a way that seemed unreal. The feeling of slipperiness had changed, it got even WETTER, Oh God - it was beautiful.

She squealed, "Oh FUCK!"

And it just went on and on and on. It was incredible how long it lasted, the sensations were strong and hot, and the smell - the sweetness was luscious.

She panted, "I - love you - so much..."

Right then she absolutely exploded, she climaxed - and it just released a flood of sensations - I felt her anus grip my finger tightly.

She whimpered, "Yes - Yes!"

My eyes were locked on her sopping vagina - suddenly there was a hot wet splashing, and the wetness was getting all over my chest. She was squirting, just like she had peed before, in a way that seemed unreal. The feeling of slipperiness was magical. Oh God - it was beautiful.

She squealed, "Oh FUCK!"

And it just went on and on and on. It was incredible how long it lasted, the sensations were strong and hot, and the smell - the sweetness was luscious.

I could feel each rhythmic spasm as her tight oily anus gripped my finger.

My little sister was breathing deep and fast. And she looked down at me with an expression of such deep emotion that it made my heart ache.

And her pale oily body was glistening in the bright sunlight.

She stammered, "Oh my - God - Ethan - I needed to that - SO bad."

Then, she was off of me, and I felt my finger slide out from inside her. She was on her knees next to me, along side my hips. I looked down at myself. She was focused entirely on his hard penis. And it looked, oily, enormous and straight.

My erection felt like it was straining, it was visibly throbbing. And she carefully leaned over and put her fingers around the oily shaft.

I gasped, "Oh God Ellie."

She looked at me with her beautiful big blue eyes. She was obviously lost in absolute ecstasy, and it just sent me higher.

With that, I just seemed to spiral out of control - my breathing turned into a crazy kind of panic.

My penis was glistening and oily and my torso was wet, from her sopping orgasm! And - Oh God, the smell - the beautiful smell...

And then, without hesitating, she gripped her hand around a little tighter around my penis, and delicately began to stroke in a slow gentle rhythm.

She looked down at me and whimpered, "Oh God - Does it feel okay?"

I stammered, "Oh God - Ellie, this feels SO good."

My hard erection was slippery with her warm wetness of all the baby oil. I watched as her little hand would glide so beautifully and smoothly.

She grasped a little tighter and pumped a little harder. I was suddenly panting with lust, and it made her squeeze even firmly.

I was whimpering from the sensations.

I watched - she looked down at her self, and watched her tiny breasts jiggle. They looked so magical as they hung down and bounced with the same rhythm of her pumping little hand.

Somehow, she just knew how much I LOVED seeing her breasts, and she even moved to position her chest so I could see better, to make it as perfect for me as she could.

And I watched her with such devotion - it was glorious.

Oh my God, it felt SO perverted and exciting. It was so obvious that she delighted in the in the act of trying to make me cum - it was like she was trying to make me crazy with lust.

"Oh Ethan, please cum - pleeeeease..."

Oh God - I was still so sexually flooded from her orgasm; it felt like a kind of madness. Right then, all she wanted was for me to truly climax with the same wild intensity that she did. And she knew she could make it beautiful for me.

I watched as she gripped her hand tighter around my oily penis, and began to stroke even faster.

Seeing this, I stammered, "Oh Ellie - Ellie..."

And then she gripped even tighter and pumped even harder, all the while, I watched her little breasts bounce with the same rhythm, and it made feel totally overwhelmed - I was suddenly gasping really loud with feverish lust.

I was absolutely frenzied with passion.

I looked up at her beautiful face, and I could see she was joyous.

She pumped a little faster, the motion of her hand made her breasts jiggle wildly, it was the most beautiful thing imaginable.

She could tell I was watching her breasts, I was looking right at them.

My little sister asked, "What are you thinking? Tell me."

All I could do was gasp, "Your - nipples..."

And hearing that, she leaned over, positioning her chest close to my hips and firmly cradled my throbbing erection in between her soft oily breasts. She was so urgent to make me achieve something glorious.

Instantly - I began writhing in ecstasy. I pushed my hips upward, pressing my hard penis against her smooth breasts.

She looked at me with emotion filled eyes and stammered, "I love you..."

I cried out, "Ellie!"

Suddenly, everything felt hot and wet - and she watched as a thick stream of milky cum pumped out onto my stomach and her hand.

She squealed out, "Yes - YES!"

My beautiful little sister watched as my hips shivered, I spurt drops upward onto her oily breasts, and I watched as my erection pulsated in her hands. She could feel the powerful contractions as it squirted.

The electricity of my orgasm was subsiding. And she watched - and felt - me slowly melt back into the blanket. She radiated a glow of relief and gratitude.

She whispered, "Oh my God - that was beautiful."

She let go of my penis, and moved up toward my face.

She cautiously let her tiny breasts, now wet and dripping wit baby oil and warm cum, hang above her me.

I pulled her down on top of me, and we lay there on the blanket, and she wrapped herself around me. Our embrace was glorious and emotional. We squeezed each other tightly.

Oh God, we were clinging with such desperate emotion.

I whispered in her ear, "Baby sister - I love you..."

"Oh Ethan - I love you SO much!"

The oily wetness of her slipper chest was delicious, and it was pressed against me so hard that I just KNEW she could feel my pounding heart as if it was inside her.

My beautiful little sister said, "I'm so happy."

I squeezed her oily body tight against me. Then I told her how much I loved her.

Then, she put her lips next to my ear, and in the quietest whisper, she said, "I thought about this - doing this, exactly this - since watching you last summer."

The sun was warm and beautiful, she then she whispered a quiet thank you. And then I kissed Ellie.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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