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30.48% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1250: LUCY AND JASON

Chapitre 1250: LUCY AND JASON

Jason was trying to focus on his work, but it was a losing battle. He knew that in less than an hour his Aunt Lucy would be arriving for her month-long stay while his parents flew to their summer home in the south of France. It was not as though he needed any adult supervision, he was, after all, attending graduate school, and was going to be graduating with his MBA after completing his final few courses in the fall term, but his parents were the worrying kind and had asked his aunt if she would stay at the house while they were away. Jason was not about to complain for many reasons, not the least of which being that Lucy was closer to his own age than his mother, and she was the coolest person he knew. She was also his best friend.

At twenty-two years of age Jason was anything but immature. He had reached his full height of just below six feet, and was looked as though he could walk onto any sports team and be a star, though he preferred working out in the gym rather than team sports. Violence was not something that appealed to the young man. Like his father, he had sandy brown hair and brown eyes, a welcome contrast to his mother's blue eyes.

His mother's parents had been quite young when their first daughter, his mother, had been born. Lisa had been a planned pregnancy and had been everything that the deeply religious family could have hoped for as they raised her through adolescence. Then, as Lisa reached her eighteenth birthday, her 37-year-old mother made a startling discovery: she was pregnant. It was something that came as a shock to the older couple, but Lucy had been born happy and healthy; what more could they have asked for? As much as Lisa liked the idea of having a baby sister around, she had already discovered the joys of being a fully-grown woman, and was anxious to get on with the things that a young adult did with her life, and her body.

Lisa had begun dating Jack when she was still seventeen, before Lucy had been born, and the two were married when she turned nineteen, just after Lucy had celebrated her first birthday. She was already a few months pregnant as she walked down the aisle, unabashedly dressed in virginal white, knowing that her father would have put a bullet through the middle of Jack's eyes if he had found out that this strapping young man had deflowered his precious daughter. Her father had been extremely old fashioned and the thought of his daughter rutting around with some boy (it really didn't matter that she and Jack had been engaged, they were having premarital sex, which was a sin) was inconceivable to the aging conservative.

It was hard enough on the older man to cope with the fact that he once again had an infant daughter to contend with, a little girl that would be growing up in a modern world full of wicked temptations, full of boys, the Internet, porn, and horrible diseases that might attack her delicate womanly parts. It made him crazy just thinking about it, making his heart beat a terrible tattoo as he considered the life his little girl would have to navigate before she reached adulthood.

For a brief instant after the wedding of his first daughter the older man had a horrible image of his infant daughter walking down the aisle, of his innocent Lucy in the grips of some monstrous beast on her wedding night, being ravaged, her maidenhead being shredded beneath some massive disembodied cock as it pummeled into her with relentless force. He found he couldn't breathe, couldn't get the horrible scene from his sight as his imagination kept churning the images, expanding the scene as he watched this young woman cry out in passion as her virginity was stolen on her wedding night. More than that, however, her father watched as this spectral groom did unspeakable things to his daughter, thrusting into her with what could only be described as a weapon—it was far too long, to large, to thick, to be attached to anything other than ... he gasped as a blood vessel in his brain finally erupted from the blood pressure that had been going higher and higher as the images played out before his eyes.

When Lisa's mother found him in the morning it appeared that her husband had passed away from a simple stroke. It was tragic, and everyone mourned, but that had also been how his father had died. With her other daughter having just been married, Lisa's mother put all her focus into raising the young Lucy.


Some people marry for love, some for lust; Lisa had been raised to be quite practical. She had also done everything in her power to separate herself from the stifling conservatism that her parents had espoused while she had been growing up. Lisa could never be described as a 'free spirit' but, at the same time, she harbored a wild side. It was something that made her deeply attracted to the man she had chosen to be her husband. Her parents had raised her to understand that love was important, but it wasn't the most important thing. There was no question in her mind that she had loved Jack, but she was probably more in love with the idea of being in love than anything else. Oh, she had loved him enough to let him have her cherry, and it had been a wonderful experience, but she had known, from the beginning, that he was also a good catch. That was, after all, more important, wasn't it? She and her friends had discussed things like this when they talked about guys. They'd talk about the things the guys would try and do to them behind the bleachers in the football field, how they would try and cop a feel while they were making out, or innocently slip a hand up their skirt while sitting in the dark of the movie theatre.

All of it seemed like innocent fun, until one of those exploring fingers got too close to home. Lisa had always been extremely careful about anything related to sex, but Jack was different. When she saw him, his handsome features and strong hands, she saw someone that might make her change her mind. Jack was not only good looking, he was extremely intelligent and came from a good family. As her father had been fond of saying, Jack came from good stock. It was more than that though, and Lisa could tell: Jack was going to go places in life, and she wanted to go with him. Even more importantly, though she would have never said anything about this to her father—even if he had not died on her wedding night—Jack had something that would make any woman swoon: he had been given a rare gift, a marvelous, delightful penis that made her wet just thinking about what he was able to do to her during their lovemaking sessions.

As soon as she and Jack started spending time together it was obvious to the two of them that their feelings were mutual. Jack saw in the young woman a kindred spirit, a spirit he wanted to possess, a woman he wanted to know in every conceivable way. Lisa, while she had felt a strong attraction to Jack, also saw a way out of the life she had been living. She recognized that Jack was an ambitious man, a man who would make a name for himself; he was a man who knew what he wanted, and if that included her, that was fine. More than anything, however, it was Jack's manhood that Lisa had fallen in love with.

When they had first made love, she had been afraid that Jack would hurt her, that his immense organ would rip her apart as it tore into her untouched inner sanctum. As much as she wanted to feel him inside her, as much as she wanted to become a woman, leaving the world of schoolgirl innocence behind her, Lisa did not want to be in pain. Her friends, the ones who had already lost their cherries, had told her that it would hurt—there would always be some pain—that was inevitable when the hymen was penetrated for the first time, but her real fear was not the small trickle of blood that would issue forth from her virginal pussy but rather the stretching she would experience from the rigid rod that would be entering her.

She had never actually seen Jack's hardness, but she had felt it, clothed, beneath his pants while they were sitting in the movies. It had taken her breath away when her hand slid across the length of his erection, sliding down the leg of his trousers as his hand slid up her skirt. He had placed his jacket over their laps, in case anyone might have seen what they were doing, but they had been safe in the darkened theater. Even so, the feel of that thick snake had shocked the young woman, filling her mind with images of her innards being ripped asunder as her future lover pounded his tool into her waiting orifice, relentless in his pursuit of pleasure.

Once Lisa had felt Jack's erection she knew it was only a matter of time before she saw it, before she touched its nakedness, before she allowed it to touch her, to enter her, to fill her with what she wanted the most.

In truth, Lisa had been jealous of her mother and her pregnancy with Lucy. Her mother had maintained her youthful appearance and being pregnant made her look even better. She had that glow that made pregnant women seem so desirable. When Lisa saw how much her mother was enjoying her unexpected pregnancy, even the thought of raising a second infant child as her first daughter was ready to leave home, she began feeling the desire to have her own child growing within her womb. Jack, she knew, was the ideal choice with whom she could fulfill that desire.

On the night that Lisa allowed Jack to finally have her she made only one request of her boyfriend, "I won't ask you to wear a condom, but if you get me pregnant, you'll have to marry me, okay?"

He took one look at his girlfriend, dropped to his knee, and proposed to her on the spot. "I'll buy you a ring next week," he promised, after she said yes, wiping tears from her eyes. They celebrated by making love more tenderly than she had ever thought possible. Yes, there was pain, yes, there was even some blood, but there was also a sense of release that Lisa could hardly articulate. It was beyond anything she could have imagined.


When Jack's first business became successful, Lisa had known she had chosen well. He was not only a good husband and provider, he was a good father to their only son, Jason. That was more important than anything to Lisa. She knew how difficult it was for her younger sister to be growing up without their father and wanted to make sure that Jason never lacked for anything. As soon as the young family had made enough money from Jack's burgeoning business empire, a chain of grocery stores that were expanding along the east coast, the young couple bought a house for her mother and sister a few streets over so the two of them could be closer to the young family. Lucy became a fixture at the Bane household, spending more time with Lisa and Jason while Jack attended to his growing empire.

Since the two kids were only about a year apart in age, they were always close, even going to the same schools as they were kids. It was a family joke, however, for Jason to call Lucy his "Aunt", even though they were practically the same age. By the time the two were in high school though, that had been dispensed with, though Jason's parents still referred to her as his Aunt Lucy, if only around the house, and only playfully.

That had not changed the fact that Lisa was Lucy's big sister. She still felt a certain responsibility toward her young sister, especially as she watched the young girl begin developing into a beautiful young woman. Knowing how scared she had been of her own first sexual encounter, and how wonderful it had turned out, Lisa was intent on ensuring that Lucy was more prepared than she had been when her younger sister eventually chose to give away her virginity. Even though she was busy with raising her own son, whenever she had the chance she would take the time to have private talks with her little sister, especially when she hit puberty and her body began to blossom.

Lucy cherished the times she and her sister spent together, but she especially loved the discussions they had about sex. These were discussions that she had never had with Patricia, her mother. As much as she would have loved to have had such open discussions about sex and sexuality with her mother, she was from a generation that could not cope with the idea of her daughter giving into the wanton lusts of her flesh. At least, that was how Lisa thought of her mother. Her mother had, in fact, been a child of the 60s, but where others of that era had found the times liberating, Patricia had been raised in an extremely conservative household and had married a man who had thought that sex was for making babies. Lisa had never known that she had been conceived on her parent's wedding night, though she might have guessed as much by the fact that her birthday was nearly nine months to the day after their wedding anniversary. Her little sister, it had turned out, was the result of her father having had too much to drink one evening, and her mother having had the odd idea that, at her age, nothing could happen if he just slid it in for a bit of a look around.

She had been wrong. Patricia had not been trying to get pregnant, but it had happened. It had only been the second time her husband had been inside her, and each time had resulted in a pregnancy. Other than that, as attractive as she was, Patricia had never given much thought to pleasuring herself. Her conservative background had made anything having to do with sex seem so dirty that the idea of self-pleasure was simply inconceivable. On the few occasions that she had touched herself, always by accident while taking a shower, she had jerked her hand away from that private place.

It was dirty. Not something that nice women did to themselves. Certainly not something that a married, respectable woman would do. Certainly not something that a mother would do.

There was, after all, more to life to sex; more to life than pleasure.

When her husband died, the night of her daughter's wedding, Patricia silently closed the door to the possibilities of her experiencing sexual pleasure from another man. It was certainly not something she would discuss with her daughter, even though she seemed much happier in her marriage than she had ever been.

Lisa spared no details when she told her younger sister about what she had to look forward to when she eventually found herself with a man, a man who loved her, she was quick to add. She even used visual aids to help the young girl understand what she had to look forward to, calling up some of her favorite sites online to let the young teen see what a man's erection would look like, and what different men looked like without their clothes on.

That was when their talks turned to Jack and his penis. Lisa was, at first, reluctant to give her sister too much information about her husband's package, but her sense of pride in her husband was such that she couldn't help herself. Before long, Lisa was telling her baby sister everything, including the fact that her husband's penis was nearly as thick as her forearm, and almost ten inches long.

Lucy was aghast at the idea of something so massive sliding inside her sister, a woman who could hardly be considered tall. Lisa only stood about five-foot-five, and only wore heels on rare occasions. On top of that she had a small frame, though her body was perfectly well proportioned. As many years as separated the two sisters, they were quite similar, though Lucy was taking after her mother and was a bit shorter than Lisa. When she finished growing she ended up at just an inch over five-foot in height, but, like her sister, her body was perfectly proportioned. Both women had silky blonde hair and sultry blue eyes.

Lisa did her best to provide Lucy what she had never had growing up, including the material things that she had missed. Both she and Jack had agreed that, since they could afford it, they would make sure that her little sister would have the same advantages that their son had, as though she was the daughter they'd never had. Seeing the trepidation on her little sister's face at the idea of such a massive thing intruding inside her she decided to help her, to train her as it were. When Lucy turned seventeen Lisa bought her a special present, a secret gift that would be kept just between the two sisters.

To Lucy's shock, and joy, her older sister had given her a 10-inch dildo.

"Now," Lisa had said, in great seriousness, "you can't try and shove it inside all at once ..."

Lucy had nearly fainted at the thought of having the massive rubber phallus filling her virgin pussy. At the same time, holding it in her hands was making her feel things that she had only felt while her sister had shown her the explicit pictures and videos that they had watched while talking about Uncle Jack. As exciting as that had been, as aroused as she had felt then, the young woman had never allowed herself to think about her uncle as anything other than her sister's husband. She loved him, but he had always been like a father to her, not anything more.

There was, on the other hand, another boy who had caught her eye, a boy who also happened to remind her a great deal of her uncle.

As she held the pliant rubber dildo in her hands, allowing herself to slowly stroke its length from the tip to its rubber testicles, Lucy imagined she was holding her nephew's erection in her hands, stroking him, teasing him as her pussy twitched in anticipation of future pleasures. She had discovered her nephew's condition, if you could call it that, the previous summer while their family was vacationing at the lake. It had all been perfectly innocent, at least, that was what she told herself. They had taken a canoe out to a small island, in the middle of the lake, for an afternoon picnic. It was something they had done dozens of times over the previous summers and nobody thought anything about it when the two teens announced their plans that morning.

Lisa packed their picnic basket and Lucy made sure they had blankets to sit on and plenty of sunscreen and anything else they might need for an enjoyable afternoon.

"Have fun you two," Lisa called as the canoe slipped into the lake. "Be safe," she chided, as she always did when her son and little sister left her sight. She was rewarded by a wave of the paddle by her confident son and a cheerful wave from Lucy as she helped him steer the canoe toward their island destination near the center of the small lake.

After lunch they decided to take a swim in the warm water of the lake, and were lying on the blankets, enjoying the sun. They had decided to set up their picnic area on the far side of the island, the side opposite the shore facing their family on the lakeshore, under the shade of a large maple tree. It was a lovely, warm day and the two teens were enjoying their time alone.

"So," Lucy said, turning to Jason as he laid on his back, his eyes closed, enjoying the warm breeze, "have you been seeing anyone?" She knew the answer, but was in a teasing mood.

Jason opened his eyes, shifting his position, "No," he grunted, glancing at Lucy. "You should know better. When would I have the time?"

"Well," she exhaled, "you could always try ..."

"Try what?" He looked at her suspiciously.

Lucy smiled and began telling Jason about what her sister had told her about sex, including the videos and galleries she had been showing her online. Jason was shocked that his own mother would have been showing Lucy porn, but then thought about it and realized that she would have probably discovered it on her own. It wasn't as though grandma would have had 'the talk' with his aunt. His mother had confided in him that, as far as she knew, his grandmother had been with one man, and only twice at that. While he had never been with a woman—at least, not yet—he could not imagine being married to an attractive woman (it was hard to admit that his grandmother was attractive, but she bore a striking resemblance to his mother, who looked a great deal like Lucy) and not wanting to make love to her whenever possible. In fact, the thought of it was beginning to give him that all too familiar feeling between his legs as the blood began to engorge his manhood.

He tried to ignore the feelings he was experiencing as Lucy continued to explain what her big sister—his mother—had been telling her about sex and everything she had to look forward to when she finally had her first sexual encounter. It had all been perfectly innocent, but she had not expected the reaction she would get from her nephew.

"You know," he said, "I've inherited something from my dad," he smirked, winking.

Lucy looked confused, "How could you have inherited anything from Uncle Jack? He's still alive."

"That's not the type of inheritance I'm talking about," he chuckled, reaching down to adjust himself. "After all, you inherited your good looks from grandma, right?"

Lucy blushed, taken off-guard by the compliment, "You think I'm attractive?"

Jason nodded, not saying anything. Lucy was wearing a two-piece bathing suit that could not be described as overly revealing, but it still did a good job of showing of her assets, which were considerable. He could clearly see her young breasts swelling beneath the bikini top, not overly large, but enough to make him want to take them into his mouth, to suckle on the nipples that he imagined hardening at the touch of his tongue. Peaches. Atlanta peaches. That's how he thought of her breasts. Firm, fleshy, ripe peaches, contained by the soft material of her bathing suit, ripe for the picking. Juicy, waiting to be nibbled, licked, suckled, devoured by his hungry mouth. Her hips were not wide, but flared enough to leave no doubt that there was a treasure within, flowing naturally to her virginal, tight, pristine ass. He shook his head as the thought of his growing erection invading both her sopping pussy and puckering bunghole passed through his mind, filling his head with illicit images that, he was certain, would fuel his fantasies for the next several months.

Then there were her legs. Jason bit his bottom lip as his eyes took in the sight of Lucy's legs. She may have been short in stature, but her legs were as beautiful as anyone's he had ever seen.

"Oh my God," she exclaimed, suddenly realizing what he was talking about as she saw the growing erection in his loose swim trunks.

"Yup," he grinned, "snake's out of the bag." He reached down and adjusted himself again, allowing his erection to move to the side so it wasn't pressing so obviously against the waistband of his swim trunks.

Lucy was licking her lips, but knew that they could not go any further than looking. Some lines just couldn't be crossed.

"Do you want to see it?" he asked quietly, looking her in the eye.

Knowing it was wrong, but not caring, she nodded. No, she didn't want to see it a voice screamed in her mind. She could hear her big sister screaming at her, calling her a little slut, calling her an incestuous home breaker. What she was about to do was ... she shook her head, not caring. After all, she rationalized, her own sister had told her about what it had been like to be fucked by Jack, by the man who treated her like a father.

"Yes," she finally said, "show me." She was full of conflict, feeling both desire and trepidation, but she did want this, of that she was certain. "But," she quickly added, "I'm not going to do anything other than look."

Jason looked disappointed for only a second, then smiled and reached for her hand, which she allowed him to take, "Lucy," he said, his voice barely above a whisper, "no matter what happens, you will always be in charge, alright?"

It seemed like an odd thing to say, but her heart melted at that moment. She had always loved Jason like a brother but now, at this moment, she was seeing him in a new light. He was still young, but Lucy was now seeing him as a young man, and she knew she was falling in love with him.

She nodded again, "Yes."

Before making any other move, he asked, "May I kiss you?"

She nodded again, not saying anything.

His question had both surprised and aroused her. They had kissed before, but never anything beyond a simple peck on the cheek. As they leaned toward each other she knew that this would be different. They were both opening their mouths, both anticipating something more as their lips met. It was like an electric shock as they touched, even if it only lasted for a few short seconds. It lasted long enough for them to realize that it was something they both wanted to do again.

"Thank you," he whispered, "that was really incredible. Better than I'd ever imagined."

Lucy's mind was reeling, "You ... you imagined ..." she blushed, realizing that Jason had been imagining doing things to her, doing things with her, things that no nephew should be considering with his aunt. At the same time, she knew that she had also been imagining the same thing. She had been imagining Jason's tongue probing her mouth, as well as other orifices. Lucy knew that as soon as her sister had begun talking to her about sex there had only been one idea coursing through her mind: she had wanted to know what it would be like to be fucked by her nephew.

Jason laughed, "Imagined ... fantasized, obsessed, oh fuck ..." he rolled onto his back again, his erection tenting his swim trunks. As much as she wanted to, Lucy couldn't take her eyes away from the engorgement.

While she wanted the same thing, Lucy knew better. "You do know," she tried to sound serious, "that's just wrong." As much as she tried to sound indignant, the taste of their quick kiss was still on her lips and the sight of Jason's engorged manhood was making her pussy drenched with excitement.

"Sure, it's wrong," he chuckled, turning to face her again, "but that's what makes it so sexy. Now," he eyed her again," rising to his knees, "I think it's time to show you your reward for that amazing kiss."

She watched as he pulled down his trunks, gasping as his erection popped out of its confinement. It took every ounce of her willpower to stop her from reaching out and grabbing his manhood, but she had to obey her own rules. Lisa would never understand her baby sister manhandling her nephew. No, she repeated to herself, some lines just couldn't be crossed. Not now, not ever.

She shook her head as the one-eyed snake seemed to dance before her eyes, as though it was trying to hypnotize her. "So, what do you think?" she heard Jason's voice ask.

It looks delicious, her inner voice wailed. I want it, I want it buried between my legs, pounding into my virgin pussy, filling me with your seed, filling my womb ... She shook her head, "I'm sorry," she looked away, "did you say something?"

He laughed, slipping his cock back into his trunks, "Yes, I asked what you thought of it."

She blushed, "It ... it ... it looks really ..."

"Big?" he prompted.

"Yeah," she gasped, "that'll work." After several moments she looked around, "Maybe we should start thinking about getting back. It's starting to get late, what do you think?"

"Sounds like a plan," he sounded nonchalant about the whole thing, "but first," he moved closer to her, "how about another kiss?"

Lucy was surprised by how she reacted. She had expected to reject the idea, but her body, her entire being, sprang at the opportunity and before she realized what was happening she found she had wrapped her arms around the handsome young man sitting next to her and they were locked in a passionate kiss that lasted several minutes.

Once they broke their embrace Lucy was acutely aware of how wet she was between her legs and knew she needed one final swim, otherwise her sister might notice the scent of her sex when they returned to shore. That would only raise questions that the young woman would be unable to answer.

After that visit to the lake Lucy and Jason began sharing kisses whenever they were alone.


It took several days for Lucy to build up the courage to use the birthday gift that her sister had given her, but the image she had of Jason's hard cock from their visit to the lake two summers before, along with the images she had been looking at online, kept making her return to the giant dildo that was safely stowed in a shoebox under her bed.

Lisa had given her enough of a tutorial to know what to do to prevent the massive toy from hurting her too much, but Lucy still understood enough to know that when she first used the giant beast of a toy to enter her, there would only be pain, but there would not be any blood.

She had probed her inexperienced pussy with her fingers on numerous occasions, feeling the pressure as she met the resistance of her partially intact hymen. While she had never had a boy touch her 'down there' (as much as she may have wanted such a thing) she had managed to open herself up after several sessions using only her fingers. Lucy could have never imagined that her self-pleasuring sessions had all been leading to this point: to the moment where she would be using the present her big sister had given to her to fuck herself silly with a giant dildo.

Before she took this pristine mock-cock into her she wanted to try something else. Many of the galleries and videos she had seen online, even if they ultimately featured some gorgeous young woman with a massive cock pounding her pussy, also showed the girl with the cock in her mouth, giving the guy a blowjob. Lucy had been mesmerized by images of what her sister had called the money shot, as the men would release what seemed like gallons of ... stuff ... all over their partner. Cum. She had called it cum. Ejaculate. Sperm. Jesus, it was that life-giving liquor that Lucy was craving, the ... she shook her head at the thought, her mind drifting back to the moment she had first seen Jason's massive erection while they had been together at the lake and her hand slipped between her legs, sliding between her moist outer lips, over the nub of her clit. Her most powerful orgasms had come while imagining Jason emptying his balls of his thick load down her throat or into her convulsing pussy squeezed every drop of his creamy load out of his swollen cock, leaving him drained of the life-giving liquid.

More than anything, more than the desire to lose her virginity, Lucy wanted to be a good lover. She had watched enough videos, thanks to her sister's guidance, to know what she should be doing. Her big sister had warned her that porn was not supposed to be used as a 'how-to' for sex, but there were specific sites that did cater to such things, and Lucy had applied herself to those lessons just as diligently as she had to her other studies.

Now was the time to start applying what she had learned, at least on herself. Taking the huge dildo in her free hand while she continued to gently tease her sopping pussy she held the rubber head close to her mouth and began to lick its tip, moving her lips over the head as she opened her mouth to engulf it as far as she could. She knew she wouldn't be able to swallow the entire thing, but that wouldn't be necessary to perform a proper blowjob. Using her saliva as a lubricant she moistened the shaft and practiced sliding her hands over the length of the entire toy, imagining what it would feel like to have Jason's tool in her hands, to have him groaning in pleasure as she brought him closer and closer to his inevitable orgasm.

Since she was using both hands her own pleasure was being delayed. As much as she wanted to have the giant toy shoved between her legs she knew it was important to continue her practice, if only for a few more seconds. As she continued to stroke the toy she realized that she was taking more and more of it into her mouth, until she felt it hit the back of her throat and she started gagging. At first, it was uncomfortable, and she wanted to stop, then she realized that she could lift her high palette, opening the back of her throat, as though she were yawning, further allowing the dildo to slip deeper into her throat, past the point where she would normally be gagging.

Finally, she thought to herself, singing in a choir is paying off. When Lucy had been younger, Patricia had insisted the young girl attend Sunday services at the neighborhood Baptist Church. While she had left the church after her fourteenth birthday, she still remembered many of the things she had learned. One of those things had come from her time as a member of the choir, which she had enjoyed. Mrs. Monroe, the Choir Director, had taught them many interesting things, including the technique of opening the back of the throat to increase the resonance of the voice. It was a simple procedure, though many of the singers would use the opportunity to imitate Kermit the Frog. It was something frequently used by opera singers, but, as it turned out, it also proved helpful for someone interested in deepthroating a large dick.

With a little practice, she was sure, she would be able to take almost half of the giant intruder, far more than she'd been able to at the start. Practice really does make perfect, she thought to herself as she stretched her jaws, relief washing over her as she pulled the monster out of her throat. "Now," she eyed it hungrily, "for what you've been waiting for."

After repositioning herself on the bed and spreading her legs, Lucy began to slowly insert the moist head of the dildo into her virgin pussy. She gasped as the bulbous head pressed against her labia, as she felt the first intrusion of anything other than her own fingers, fully aware that she was in full control of the pressure being applied. Her eyes widened as she pulled back on the giant toy, suddenly missing the touch of the fake phallus on her inexperienced quim. As much as she might be afraid of the pain from its intrusion, she wanted to feel what her sister had described when she had told her about how magnificent it felt to have Jack's erection firmly entrenched between her legs.

Lucy had spent many hours imagining her nephew driving his own rock-hard member into her sopping pussy—no, she corrected herself, call it what you really mean to, it's your cunt—almost from that warm afternoon, after they had returned from their island adventure on the lake. Once they had started sharing their illicit kisses, whenever they were alone, she could feel how excited Jason would become, although he was always gentle with her and never once pressed her into doing anything more than kissing. He hadn't even tried to feel her boobs, like the boys she occasionally went out with did.

She may not have been tall, but Lucy was still aware that she had a great deal to offer the young men who gave her admiring looks when she walked around the campus at school. She took pride in her appearance, and was pleased at the effect she had on others, even if she really only wanted one man. It still made her feel good to know that she was a desirable young woman. Lucy had never lacked for young men who were interested in taking her out on dates, but she had usually declined, making the excuse that she had to study for some upcoming test. As a result, she had consistently received top marks in school, but her social life had been quite stunted.

Instead of going out with other boys, she had used her lack luster social life to spend more time with Jason. Patricia had not minded, nor had Lisa and Jack, thinking it a good way for their own son to stay out of trouble. Jason spent much of his time studying as well, similarly earning top marks in his classes. Jason was similarly disinterested in dating, though he had, on occasion, gone out with other girls, if only to avoid the unwanted rumors from his boorish friends that would inevitably arise if he did not. Unfortunately, their the Senior Prom was something that would have been difficult for the young man to avoid, especially since his popularity had earned him a spot on the organizing committee. He hadn't been elected Prom King, for which he was grateful, but he had still been expected to be at the event.

All that time spent together made Lucy love her nephew that much more. It made her want him that much more. Lucy was convinced that Jason was more like his father than she could have hoped: he was kind, considerate, and had been endowed with a cock that any woman would be proud to call her own. At least, that was how she thought about the whole thing, and that was what she wanted: she wanted the whole thing.

Lucy was so lost in thought that she had not even realized that she had been pushing the dildo into her pussy the entire time. She gasped as she looked down to see over half of the mock-cock buried inside her small vagina, as she felt its tip pressing against her cervix, stretching her inner wall, as though it might rupture from the pressure. Without thinking about what she was doing she began to rotate the dildo inside her wetness, maneuvering it so its curve was pointing upwards, toward the top of her vaginal wall. As she pulled it out and pushed it back in, the fires began to erupt.

"Oh, fill me with your cum," she moaned, pulling it out again, trying to cram it in even further. The change of angle caused the tip to rub against her G-spot as it pushed deeper into her love-vault, driving her mad with pleasure as the first orgasm she had ever experienced with a foreign object inside her washed over her, making her vaginal walls clamp down on the large dildo as they convulsed with the waves of pleasure that made her toes curl in delight. As she moved it another orgasm hit her, and then another, and she realized that the tip of the massive dildo must have been overstimulating her G-spot.

For a brief instant she wondered whether it was possible to die from having too many orgasms.

When she finally pulled the glistening tool out of herself she could think of only one thing that remained to be done. Without hesitating she brought it up to her mouth and began licking it clean, tasting herself on it as she once again took it in her mouth, practicing her deep throating skills as she slid it down her throat, enjoying the feeling as it filled her mouth for the second time. As she held it there for several seconds her fingers once again found her wetness, flicking over her clit as she worked herself toward another orgasm while she imagined Jason going down on her, just as she had seen online. She came, hard, as she imagined Jason's erection exploding in her mouth while his tongue and fingers filled her freshly-fucked pussy.

It took every ounce of energy the young woman had to put her gift away and clean herself up in time for dinner. That evening, when she went over to visit Lisa, Jack, and Jason, she pulled her sister aside when Jack and Jason went out for a few minutes to get some ice cream at the store.

"I have to tell you something, sis," Lucy looked at her sister, wanting to tell her everything, but knowing that would enrage her older sister.

Lisa had known from the minute her little sister had arrived that her gift had finally been used. It wasn't that she thought ill of the younger girl, just that she had known her curiosity had been piqued by their discussions. "How was it?" she asked, smirking.

"How ...?" Lucy gasped, blushing.

Lisa laughed, embracing her sister, "Don't worry, sweetie, it isn't anything anyone else would notice, but a sister can always tell. But seriously, how was it?"

Lucy took a deep breath, "Jesus, Lisa, I had no idea," she whispered, even though they were alone in the house, "I'd never imagined an orgasm could feel so ..."

"Earthshattering?" Lisa finished for her.

Lucy just shook her head, nodding mutely.

"Just wait until you try the real thing," Lisa looked around conspiratorially, "at least, assuming the guy you meet is as considerate a lover as Jack."

"Is he ..."

"Let me put it to you this way, sis," Lisa continued, suddenly unburdening herself, "when Jack and I make love, he never finishes before he's made certain that I've reached ..."

"You mean, you always cum first?" Lucy interrupted, images of sloppy blowjobs clouding her vision.

A wicked smile came over Lisa's face, "Well," she cleared her throat, "let me let you in on a little secret about men," she lowered her voice. "Getting them to cum fast, at the beginning, will usually mean they have more staying power later, especially as they grow older," she winked, "but that shouldn't be something you have to worry about for a while, am I right?" Her voice had a teasing tone to it and she laughed, winking in a conspiratorial manner that made the younger woman worried, if only for an instant, that her sister might somehow know about her dark fantasies regarding her nephew.

Lucy nodded, still imagining Jason's rigidness down her throat as he ate her out.

"Yes, I suppose ..."

"You suppose? Is there something else I should know, young lady?" Her voice had taken on a stern tone, but she was still smiling.

"No, not at all ... I was ... just thinking, that's all."

"Yeah, sure you were," Lisa chuckled. "My lord, I've turned you into a regular sex kitten, haven't I?"

Lucy blushed and was about to say something else when they saw the headlights of Jack's car pulling into the driveway.

"Oh, the boys are back," Lisa announced, "better change topics, right?"

Lucy nodded, grabbing the dishes for the ice cream as the front door opened.


Jack had tried his best to keep Lucy and Jason as close as possible, even arranging for them to find work in his corporate office to gain valuable experience in running the family business. It had always been assumed that Jason would someday become the head of the company, which was why he was pursuing his MBA. He seemed to love the business and genuinely enjoyed spending time working with the people in the company. In this way he was much like his father. Lucy, on the other hand, had a head for numbers. She could read a spreadsheet the way some people read music: they just made sense to her in ways that others could only see rows of meaningless numbers. As an intern in the accounting office she had managed to discover that Jack's Chief Financial Officer had been embezzling substantial amounts from certain accounts by using what she called creative accounting. When she reported it to Jack he was able to have his accountants recover the funds and have his CFO arrested and charged, saving the company hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process.

If there had ever been a question in Jack's mind about Lucy's future in the company, there was none now. Both Jason and Lucy represented the future of Bane Inc., and nothing could make Jack prouder. Leaving the two together while he and his wife travelled to France for a vacation was as natural as having peanut butter and jam: it just went well together. He knew the two kids enjoyed spending time together—as a father it was difficult to think of his son as anything other than a kid, even if he was now twenty-two and working on his MBA—he was still his little boy, and Lucy, although she was twenty-three, was still his wife's kid-sister. She spent nearly as much time at their house as she did at her own, which was why it had seemed natural for them to ask her to spend the vacation with Jason.

It had been an even easier decision since Lucy's mother would be joining Lisa and Jack in France. Patricia had been joining Lisa and Jack on their family vacations for several years, and was looking forward to the opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. She had every confidence that Lucy would keep her younger nephew in line while she and her older daughter enjoyed some quality time together. Jack had turned out to be a great friend to the widow, and a better husband to her daughter than she could have dared to hope possible. Every mother hoped to see their children grow to be happy and healthy: that was precisely what had happened to Lisa, and then some. She was not only happy and healthy, she had raised a beautiful family, and had helped raise her little sister as well.

Patricia could not have asked for anything more. Her bags were packed, and she was ready for a month of nothing but rest and relaxation.

Their flight was set to leave in three hours, but there really was no rush since they would be flying Jack's corporate jet. If they were late it wasn't as though it would leave without them. If it did, Jack would simply ask it to turn around and come back for them. That wouldn't happen.

"Oh great, you're here," Lisa called out as Patricia and Lucy came through the door. "Just leave your bags there, mum, we're all set." Patricia could see the pile of luggage by the door and smiled to herself. Typical of her daughter to want to bring everything she owned on a trip.

"Is that all going to fit on the plane?" Lucy asked, marveling at the pile of luggage ready to be taken on the trip. She moved her single suitcase next to the stairs. It had not been necessary for her to bring too much since she would be able to go home for more, if she needed anything.

"Oh please," Lisa exclaimed, "don't you start with me, mum, I've already heard enough from Jack about wanting to pack the entire house."

"Yes, she's bringing everything except the piano," Jack quipped, slapping his wife on the butt as he passed her in the hallway to give his mother-in-law a welcoming hug. "Good to see you, Pat," he said into her ear, holding her close for a second before releasing her. When the two women were together it was amazing how alike they looked. Pat had aged well, though things were beginning to sag just a bit; she was still a striking woman who looked as though she was in her forties rather than her fifties.

"In answer to your question," he looked at the pile of luggage, "yes, it will all fit. We're flying a Cessna Citation. It can carry all of this and then some."

Lucy opened her mouth to ask a question, but Jack just shook his head, "Don't worry, little one," he smiled, "it has the legs to get there."

She looked confused, "Legs?"

He nodded, "The Citation can fly over five thousand miles. We're going to be flying to Gander, Newfoundland, where we'll top up our fuel tanks, and then we'll hop across the ocean. We'll have more than enough fuel to make the crossing," he winked. "Don't worry, I've done it before."

Lucy nodded, "I'm not worried."

Patricia laughed, "Why would you worry?"

"Well ..."

"Oh, don't be silly, my dear, you know that flying is the safest way to travel, right?" her mother gave her a quick hug, then looked at Jason. "You're going to listen to your Aunt Lucy, aren't you, young man?"

Jason smiled, "Yes, Grandma," he nodded, "I'll obey her every command."

Patricia looked at her daughter and grandson for a moment, then at the pile of luggage, "Well, I suppose we should start moving this stuff out to the car or we'll never make it to the airport."

"Good idea," Lisa chimed in, grabbing her small carryon bag, ignoring what had been going on between her sister and son. "Jason, please help your father," she called out, opening the door. "I'll text you when we're ready to take off, okay darling?"

"Sure thing," he replied, grabbing two bags as they began the process of loading the car. It only took a few minutes before everything was loaded into the SUV.

Jack looked at his son, "First leg of the flight will take about two hours and thirty minutes. We'll call you when we land. The flight to France will take about eight hours, so we won't call until tomorrow morning, alright?"

Jason was nodding absentmindedly. He already knew all of this. His dad had printed out their itinerary and explained everything. Besides, there was nothing to worry about. He had been on the jet more times than he could count. It was a marvelous piece of equipment and the flight crew were all ex-military, the best pilots that money could buy.

Lisa took one final look at her son, smiled, and said, "Make sure you behave yourself, alright?"

"Of course, mom, I won't do anything you wouldn't do."

Lisa looked at her little sister, then back at her son, "Why doesn't that make me feel any better?"

"Get in, Lisa," Jack called, sounding impatient. "They're going to be fine."

"What are you going to do today?" Lisa suddenly asked, rushing up to the two for a final hug goodbye.

"Oh," Jason said into her neck as he gave her a tight hug, "we'll probably just order in something later and watch some movies ... you know, have a lazy day at home."

"Mmm ... sounds delightful," his mother said, sounding more like Lucy than he liked.

She looked at her little sister, then winked, "You ..." she smiled, "take good care of my little boy or you'll have to deal with me when we get back, understand?"

Lucy nodded, embracing her sister, "Of course. I love you, sis."

"I love you too." They separated, and Lisa quickly got into the loaded SUV and they drove off, honking once as they turned onto the street.

As Jason found himself waving to his family, Lucy standing by his side, her arm slipped around his waist as though they were an old married couple. He slipped his arm around hers, "Hmm," he said, smelling her hair, "I could get used to this."

"Not so fast," she muttered. "They haven't even taken off yet," she nearly hissed, slipping her arm from around his waist. Not a good idea, she thought to herself.

"So, Aunt Lucy, what did you want to tell me to do?" It was impossible to hide the mocking tone in his voice, but Lucy knew he was joking.

She remained silent as they walked the short distance back into the house. "You could start by giving me a kiss," she finally said once the door was closed.

"I thought you'd never ask," he practically hissed as he pulled her toward him, his mouth opened in anticipation as their tongues began the now familiar dance as they began exploring each other's mouths. Their kiss lasted several long seconds while their bodies were pressed against each other. While they had never gone further than this it was impossible for Jason to deny that being this close to his aunt was affecting him in ways that were difficult to conceal. He could feel the burning in his loins, the twitching of his manhood as he became firm, as his erection grew against the softness of his aunt's body.

Lucy knew exactly what was happening as soon as she felt the first twitch of her nephew's cock. It was positioned so that it was pressing against her abdomen, but oh, how she wanted to feel it somewhere else, how she had imagined it somewhere else. How she wanted it, needed it, desired it, thrusting inside, filling her, consuming her, until she couldn't take it anymore. When she was preparing her belongings that morning one of the things that had gone through her mind was the issue of what she would wear when she and her mum went over to her sister's house. She wanted to be comfortable, but she didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression about her intentions either. Since it was summer, and warm out, she decided a safe bet would be one of the many sundresses she often wore. They were not only comfortable, they were, she knew, damned sexy as well. Not too revealing, but, if she unbuttoned one—or two—of the buttons, they could be transformed into something more than they were at first blush.

She had chosen her favorite, the one with the small blue flowers—Forget-me-nots—on an ivory background. It was simple, but when she looked at herself wearing it in the full-length mirror in her bedroom, she knew it made her look sexy. That was how she wanted to look today. Even if nothing happened, she wanted to look that way. It made her feel special, the way she felt when she was with Jason, and she had to admit, even though she knew it was wrong, she loved that feeling.

Now, as she allowed her nephew to embrace her with his powerful arms, she could feel his growing hardness pressing against the softness of her belly. A burning sensation between her legs reminded her of just how close the man in her arms was to being inside her, if only she would lift her dress and allow him entry, she would—NO, her mind shrieked, you can't go there—even as his tongue, and hers, continued their mutual probing, she knew it had to end.

After several more seconds their kiss ended, and they took a step back from each other. "That was ... amazing," Jason said, licking his lips. He could still taste Lucy's sweetness and wanted to savor it for as long as possible.

"Yes, it was, but ... you know, we have to be careful."

"Why? It isn't like anyone's going to be here for the next month," he made a move to wrap his arm around her again, but she stepped away.

"Hey there, big guy, not so fast, and you're right, nobody's going to be watching, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still your aunt."

He laughed, "Yes, Aunt Lucy," he mocked, "and I'm supposed to listen to everything you say."

"That's right, you are," she looked at him seriously.

"So," he said, with mock contrition.

"So ... what?"

"What are you going to tell me to do?"

She looked at him, trying not to laugh. Yes, she was a year older, but he was nearly a foot taller, probably a hundred pounds heavier, and capable of picking her up with one arm. Even so, Jason had never done anything to hurt her, and she was certain that he never would. If there was a man she trusted more, she couldn't imagine who it was—not even her brother-in-law Jack—no other man had ever treated her like Jason.

"How about we just sit and talk for a while?" she suggested, her eyes darting down to the bulge that was still apparent in his cargo shorts.

Smiling, Jason nodded, "Sure thing, let's talk." He took her hand and led her into the living room, guiding her to one of the comfortable couches. Using the remote control on the coffee table he turned on the stereo and selected one of his favorite playlists, which he knew Lucy also enjoyed, and they sat for a few minutes, just listening as the music filled the room.

After the sexual energy that had passed between them, the change in mood was welcome. Lucy leaned back and closed her eyes for a moment, considering her situation. As much as she wanted to be with the man sitting next to her, as much as she loved him, she knew it couldn't—that it shouldn't—happen.

While she had never had a lover, she knew the same couldn't be said for Jason. Even if they had never discussed the details, she had known that he had gone out on several dates while he was in his senior year at high school, culminating with his Prom Night, which had ended in an overnight stay at the Waldorf-Astoria. Opening her eyes, Lucy knew what she wanted to talk about.

"Tell me about your Prom date," she said, looking into his eyes.

"Excuse me?" he was surprised by the request.

Lucy crossed her legs, her sundress raising a bit over her thighs, allowing Jason a better view of her legs, "I said," she licked her lips, "to tell me about your Prom date," she smiled. "You do remember ... what was her name again?"

Jason gulped, "Adrienne," he whispered, glancing down at Lucy's legs. "Yes, I remember her name." It would have been impossible for him to forget Adrienne, even if he had tried. In fact, the only reason he had asked the young cheerleader out was because of the uncanny resemblance she shared with Lucy. If the two women were standing next to each other it would have been nearly impossible to tell them apart. Lucy's eyes were blue while Adrienne's were green, and Adrienne's breasts were just the tiniest bit bigger, but other than that, they were nearly identical.

Looks, however, had been just about the only thing the two had in common. Jason had felt an instant attraction to the sexy cheerleader the day she arrived at school at the beginning of the third year, but, he quickly realized, the attraction was not so much to her but to what he could not have, or what he should not think about having. He was really attracted to his Aunt Lucy. Since he couldn't go out on a date with her, however, he had asked Adrienne. They had gone out a few times, and it had been obvious to Jason that the cheerleader was smitten with him, but he had mixed feelings about the attractive young woman. Yes, she was beautiful, but she wasn't Lucy. There was no question in his mind that he wanted her—that he would enjoy being with her if he had the opportunity—but, in his mind, he would be thinking about someone else.

All they had done on their first few dates was swap a few kisses, much to Adrienne's surprise. She had obviously been prepared for more, but Jason had used the excuse that he had to get home early, that he had to study, leaving the teen feeling confused about her date's true feelings. She dated some other boys, but when Jason asked her out for the Prom, she jumped at the chance.

As Jason considered how much he would tell Lucy about that night he remembered how frightened Adrienne had been, how horrified she had been. It could have ended in disaster had he not been careful.

"Tell me everything," Lucy encouraged, intruding on his reverie.


"Did you ... you know, did you ... do it?" She licked her lips, uncrossing her legs.

Jason looked at her appraisingly, feeling the stirring between his own legs once again. He glanced over at the clock above the stereo and calculated that his parents and grandmother would be arriving at the airport soon. It would still be a while before they were ready to take off.

"Alright," he said, adjusting himself on the couch so he was facing Lucy. "I'll tell you everything on one condition."

Lucy nodded, "Okay, name it," she wasn't sure she should have agreed so quickly, but she did trust him.

"Kiss me again," he said, leaning toward her, his mouth already open.

Without saying a word, Lucy moved toward the man she loved, the man she was in love with, and allowed his mouth to touch hers, allowed his tongue to probe into her own, her tongue to probe into his. Her breath caught as her arms encircled his back. They sat that way for several moments, savoring the taste of each other as their tongues danced to the music playing on the stereo. When they finally separated Lucy looked into his eyes, grinned, and said, "You'd better have a good story to tell me, big guy," she laughed, looking down at the swelling beneath his shorts.

"I think you'll be impressed," he said, resisting the temptation to slip his hand under her sundress.

"Before you start, I could use a drink, would you like something?" She was already on her way to the kitchen. As she walked she unbuttoned the top button of the sundress.

"Sure," he called out, "I'll have whatever you're having."

A minute later she returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses. "It's a bit early for that, isn't it?" he asked, taking one of the glasses from her extended hand.

"No," she replied, "it's after noon."

"Well then, that settles it," he took a sip, "time for some wine, some song, and some talk about my Prom Night," he chuckled as Lucy settled herself back on the couch.

"Just make sure you don't leave out anything important," she poked him in the ribs as she took another sip of her wine. "Otherwise, I may have to send you to your room without any dessert.

He raised his eyebrows, "Oh, and what's for dessert? I thought we were going to order in something for dinner ..." His eyes could not help but notice that the top button of her dress had apparently popped open, his mind screaming terrible things about what he really wanted for dessert. He knew exactly what he wanted: everything he wanted was sitting right here, right next to him.

"Yes, we are," she smiled, "but you never know what your Auntie Lucy has up her sleeves for her little nephew," she laughed, taking another sip of the red wine.

Jason looked at the beautiful woman sitting next to him, wanting her more than he had ever wanted her in his life, "Little nephew," he said, his voice mimicking hers. "Is that what you think of me, even after our day at the lake?"Lucy blushed, nearly as red as her wine, "Good grief, Jason, you should know better than that ... let's ... let's just forget it, okay?"

"No, I won't just forget it," he said.

She was shaking her head, "I'm sorry, okay," she was getting flustered. "Please, just tell me about your date with ..."


"Yeah. The slut-queen."

"Lucy! What's come over you?" Jason had never heard Lucy say anything like that about another girl. Truth be told, he was finding it tremendously arousing.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, "it's just, well ..." she was averting her gaze, "I ... well ... it wasn't lost on me that she—that Adrienne—bore a striking resemblance ..."

"To you?"

She nodded.

He put his hand on her leg, just below the hem of her sundress. His touch sent a surge of energy, of raw desire, coursing through her body and she nearly lurched off the couch but managed to remain seated. "That wasn't an accident," he said, looking directly into her blue eyes.

All she could do was nod in response, silently encouraging him to continue.

"I noticed her the moment she arrived, as I'm sure you did as well." Another nod. He was still looking directly into her eyes, his hand, still just above her knee. It wasn't moving, but its presence was enough to remind her that they were now touching, flesh to flesh, more than their lips, but less than something else.

"The Prom," she managed to whisper, taking another sip of the wine, relishing the taste of the liquid as it trickled down her throat. For a brief instant she imagined that her mouth was full of something else, something thicker, creamier, warmer, something she might someday get from the man sitting next to her, but she quickly drove that thought from her mind.

"Yes, the Prom," Jason agreed, beginning to recount the events of the evening. When he got to what had happened when he and Adrienne arrived in their room at the Waldorf-Astoria it became difficult for Lucy to continue listening without thinking about the massive dildo that was safely packed in her suitcase. As much as she tried to divert her thoughts it was difficult since she could feel the familiar stickiness of her wetness spreading between her legs. Any movement of her legs only served to add to her lubrication, making her need to touch herself, to relieve her growing discomfort more necessary.

Jason was talking, his eyes still on hers, "I knew, from the beginning of the evening, that Adrienne wanted to go all the way. In all honesty, Lucy, I wanted something else, and felt bad about being dishonest with her, but ..." he hesitated, looking down at his hand which still hadn't moved, "if I couldn't have what I really wanted ..."

"You'd have what ..."

He grinned, seductively, "As the song says, If you can't be with the one you want ..."

"Love the one you're with," she completed the lyrics for him, biting her lower lip, trying not to move either of her legs, afraid that if she did, she might trigger a spontaneous orgasm.

"Yeah," he grinned, "though, the reality is that love had nothing to do with it; that night was only about sex. She wanted to get fucked, and I wanted to ..."

"Fuck her."

"No," he corrected, nearly whispering. "I wanted to fuck you."

Lucy was shocked at the admission, though she shouldn't have been. They'd been kissing for long enough to know they shared powerful feelings for one another. For the first time since that day at the lake Lucy began to feel genuinely sorry for how she may have been tormenting her nephew. She hadn't been considering how much he might have been suffering because of the unrequited feelings he was having for her, and that had led him to go after someone else.

Without further prompting, Jason continued, "Prom was fine, if you like that sort of thing, but Adrienne really only wanted to get up to the room and ..." he cleared his throat, shifting on the couch, "you know."

Lucy really didn't, but she nodded. She had skipped her own Prom, since she knew it would have been wrong to ask the only guy she was interested in to go with her, and none of the guys who had asked her could measure up to her high standards. Most of them accused her of being a closet dyke for refusing them the opportunity to take a stab at her, but she really didn't care. She knew that none of those losers would ever get a chance at slipping into her panties. On the dew occasions that she had gone out with guys she had ended the dates abruptly when they had assumed she was willing to do far more than she was. At least, not with them.

"Tell me," she encouraged, taking another sip of the wine. His hand had begun gently kneading her leg, making her entire body tingle with warmth. She knew that all he would have to do to make her cum, to give her the most intense orgasm she had ever felt, would be to slip his hand up her dress and graze the outline of her drenched lips, but he wouldn't dare. As much as she may have wanted that to happen, Jason would never cross that line, at least, she reflected, not without her consent.

"Well," he blushed, not sure what he should say, "we kissed ... but, you know, it wasn't nearly as nice as ... you know," he blushed again, suddenly aware of how engorged his erection had become. "I'm sorry," he said, shifting himself on the couch again so it wasn't so apparent. The movement caused him to remove his hand from Lucy's leg. He took a sip of his wine, then continued, "So, we had this great room to ourselves," he continued to look directly into her eyes, making her feel the warmth between her legs spread, "and Adrienne was anything if not enthusiastic."

"What happened," Lucy encouraged, feeling as though he was teasing her, drawing out the telling of the story.

"She began by doing a striptease," he replaced his hand, his fingers brushing the hem of her dress for an instant that made her breath catch. "I have to admit, Lucy, all I could imagine was you, watching you take your clothes off, thinking of what it would be like to ..."

"To see me naked?" she finished for him, feeling the growing warmth radiating from his hand.

"Yes," he nodded.

"Then what?" she asked, imagining what it would be like to stand naked before him, showing him her breasts, her neatly trimmed bush as she spread the petals of her pussy apart for him while he aimed his missile at her, penetrating her for the first time.

"Then ..." he blushed again, looking down at her leg, which she had turned toward him to give him easier access to, "when she was completely naked, she got onto the bed and watched as I stripped ..." he hesitated, "and that's where things started to unravel."

"Why? What went wrong?" she sounded genuinely concerned.

"That was when she saw ... it."

Lucy looked down at his lap and understood. "Oh," she said, trying hard not to laugh.

"It's not funny," he gave her leg a playful slap, "she nearly screamed when she saw my erection."

"Well, it is kind of big, you know," Lucy teased.

"I know," he looked down again, looking over the creamy skin of her legs, wanting to dive between them, "but ... at that moment, I really wanted her—you—I wasn't really thinking ..."

"You had other things on your mind, right?" As much as Lucy may have felt a tinge of jealousy toward the cheerleader, she had stronger feelings toward Jason and didn't want to see him hurt or in pain.

"That's right," he agreed, "I was thinking with ..."

"Another organ?" she giggled.

He nodded, "True enough," he agreed.

"So, how did you resolve this situation?" Her curiosity was genuinely piqued.

"Well," he smiled, making her womb swell with desire as his hand caressed her leg some more, "I told her we wouldn't do anything she was uncomfortable with, that she would be in total control." The words were familiar, like what he had said to her when they had begun kissing, and she knew he was sincere.

"She agreed, so, I went down on her," he grinned.

"You what?" Lucy was surprised that the first thing Jason had done was perform oral sex on the cheerleader. "Are you telling me you ate her out? Really? What was it like?"

Jason laughed, rubbing Lucy's leg again, "It was, well, it was really interesting. Wet, warm, musky ... actually, it was quite delicious if you want to know the truth. Have you ever tasted your own juices?"

"Excuse me?" the question caught her off guard, not because he had asked it, but because she knew that the truth would raise even more questions.

"I asked ..."

"I heard you," she cut him off, "I ..."

"I'm sorry," he said, his voice softening, "I had no right to ask you something like that, it was none of my business." He leaned forward and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek before she could react. "Forgive me?"

Lucy looked at him, her insides churning, "No ... I mean, there's nothing to forgive, and ... uhm ... yes, I have."

His face brightened, "Really? You have?"

"I don't want you to get the wrong idea, Jason, but ... it's natural for people to give themselves pleasure, right?"

He nodded, perhaps too enthusiastically, "Of course, yes, of course ..."

"So, sometimes, after ... you know, I had a bit of ... you know, on my fingers ..."

He took her hand in his, lifting her fingers to his mouth, kissing them, then taking one into his mouth, "... and you thought you might taste yourself, just to see what it was like?"

"Yeah ..." she exhaled heavily, "something like that," she said, pulling her hand away without any resistance. "So," she shook her head, "tell me more about that night." It was growing increasingly difficult for her to not think about her need to bring herself to the release she so desperately needed, but there was no way she could do that now without leaving the room, or finishing her self off in front of Jason, which was absolutely out of the question.

"When I went down on her," he continued, still maintaining his eye contact with Lucy, I began by sliding my finger along her outer lips while my tongue began lapping at her clit, darting in and out of her tight little hole. When I slipped my first finger into her slit I thought she was going to die, my God, that girl has a set of lungs on her. I decided the safest thing was for me to have her turn over, so she could scream her heart out into one of the pillows before the police showed up at the door."

"That would have been a good end to the evening," Lucy giggled.

"Not really, no," he shook his head. "Can you imagine what dad might have said if I'd called him from Central Booking? I don't think he would have disowned me, but ... shit, that would have been one hell of a reason to get grounded. Anyway," he chuckled, from that position I had good access to her pussy, and was able to get her to her first orgasm. That, however, was only the beginning. Since she had been warmed up, the idea of being near such a large erection ..."

"Massive," Lucy interjected, smiling.

"Alright, massive," Jason agreed, smiling, "didn't seem to be as daunting. However, there were still some practical issues which we still had to contend with. She decided it wouldn't be possible to give me a blowjob, and I was fine with that, but she definitely wanted to get fucked, and I was more than willing to oblige."

"I hope you used protection," Lucy had a sudden image of the young cheerleader being filled with gallons of her nephew's spunk and felt a pang of jealousy that made her want to claw the young woman's eyes out.

Jason nodded, smiling at the memory, "Yes, mother," he said, mocking the object of his desire, "we used protection, not that it was really necessary."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"When ..." he hesitated, "when I started, you know ..."

"Fucking her?" she prompted.

"Yes ... that's right," he looked down, studying her leg again, "when I started fucking her I thought she was going to lose her mind. I'd barely touched her, barely entered her, when she started having these convulsions, as though her entire body had been taken over."

"What was she doing?" Lucy asked, her curiosity piqued.

Jason shook his head, "It was as though she was having an orgasm—more than one—but I was ... I mean, my dick, it was hardly inside her. I don't know how that's even possible."

Lucy was laughing, understanding exactly what had happened from her own experiences with her sister's gift. "Tell me something, Don Juan, did your little sex kitten happen to be on her back during this episode?"

Jason looked at Lucy and nodded, a confused look on his face, "As a matter of fact, she was ... but how could you ..."

"Trust me, a woman has ways of knowing such things," she giggled, reaching for the bottle of wine and refilling both of their glasses before taking another sip of her own. "What I'm guessing happened," she continued, "is that your engorged man-meat," her eyes shifted to his semi-erect bulge, "was pressing against your little vixen's G-spot, causing her to experience a cascade of orgasms which was, in a word, overwhelming to the poor girl. It must have been an earthshattering experience for her first time. Yours as well. I'm only sorry it couldn't have been everything you'd hoped it would be."

To her surprise, Jason started to laugh, leaning back on the couch, nearly crying as the scene replayed in his mind. He had been so concerned that he had been hurting Adrienne it had never occurred to him that she had been enjoying their predicament. She had insisted that it had felt good—that it had been amazing—but he had always believed that she had only said that so as not to bruise his ego. After school had ended, shortly after the Prom, Adrienne's family had left the city and she had gone to school on the west coast, so they had only remained in touch through social media, and then only sporadically, but it had never occurred to him that her first time had been anything other than a terrible disappointment.

"I'm quite sure that you knocked her socks off," Lucy was saying.

"Uhm, she wasn't wearing any socks," he finally managed to say, after he stopped laughing.

"My point exactly," Lucy clucked her tongue, licking her lips again. "So, that was it then? Nothing else? No anal?"

"Jesus, Lucy," Jason exclaimed, "what ..."

"Just kidding, sweetie, just kidding," she took another sip of her wine when she heard a bell chiming. "Is that your phone?"

"Oh, must be mum, texting from the airport," his phone was on the other side of the coffee table, just out of reach, so he had to get off the couch to get it. "Yes," he said, "they're on the plane, ready to take off. Anything you want me to say?" He was already typing out a short message.

"Sure," Lucy thought for a second, "tell them to find my nephew a nice French girl ..." she started to laugh as he threw a pillow at her.

"I will not," he hissed, sending the text he had finished. "You are terrible."

"Yes, but you love me anyways."

He shook his head, knowing it was the truth, "More than you can imagine." He leaned back on the couch, put his arm around Lucy and pulled her against him, which she allowed him to do without resisting. They often sat like that while watching television. It was perfectly innocent, except when it wasn't.

"Let's watch a movie," he suggested after sending the message to his mother.

"I don't know," she suddenly felt vulnerable. Sitting there in the sundress, her skimpy, soaked panties, drenched from the excitement she was feeling as a result of their discussion, her legs, so close to his, it was all so wrong, and yet, it was something she wanted so much.

"Okay," he said, "unless you'd rather do something else ..."

Lucy looked up into his beautiful brown eyes, eyes that melted her heart whenever she saw them, and knew she was in good hands, "No, I mean, yes ... I mean ... never mind," she sighed. "Let's watch a movie. It's a good idea. It's something I want to do ... now, here, with you."

He smiled again, leaned toward her and gave her another gentle kiss on the lips. "You do know that I love you, don't you?" His voice was soft, tender, the words of one lover speaking to another.

She nodded, almost afraid to speak, "Yes, I do."

"You do?" he echoed.

"Yes," she repeated.

"How do you feel?" he asked.

Lucy groaned, knowing this moment would come, "I ... oh Jason," she gasped, leaning into his body, "I love you too."

"Thank you," he sighed. "That's all I needed to hear."

"Really?" she sounded surprised.

"I know what we share is special, and I also know it's wrong for us to do anything—to go any further than we have—but ... that doesn't change how I feel about you. It can't change the fact that ... oh, Jesus, Luce, it can't change the fact that I'm in love with you. That I adore you. It can't change the fact that you're the only girl I've ever wanted. Adrienne was ... she was nothing. When I was with her I was thinking only one thing: when I had my face buried in her pussy I was imagining what it would be like to have my tongue inside of you, to have my fingers inside of you, to be bringing you to the same heights of pleasure that she was experiencing. All I could imagine was ramming my ..." he stopped, suddenly aware that Lucy had shifted next to him, that one of her hands had disappeared.

"Don't stop," she whispered as she felt herself coming closer to the orgasm she so desperately needed.

"Jesus Christ, Lucy, what are you doing?" his voice had risen half an octave in alarm.

She pulled her hand out from beneath her dress before she came, and raised it up to his face, "Is this what she tasted like?"

Without hesitation, he took her fingers into his mouth, as he had the first time, but this time he could taste her juices on them, a taste that was both unfamiliar and familiar at the same time. His eyes widened in disbelief as he cleaned her fingers, believing that this would be the only time he ever had such an experience.

"I'm sorry," she murmured, enjoying the sensation of his sucking, "I shouldn't have done that."

"No. It's my fault," he said, surprising her.

"How is it your fault?" she looked at him, confused.

"I never should have told you about her. I should have known better," he released her hand, albeit reluctantly. Then, changing topics, but still holding her close, he picked up the remote and switched off the stereo and turned on the big screen television. "Alright, what would you like to watch? We've got a few hours before they arrive in Gander, and it's still too early to order dinner. What would you like to see?"

Grabbing the control from his hand, Lucy began scrolling through the on-demand menu, "I've got an idea," she giggled. "Close your eyes and I'll pick something, alright?"

"Sure," he groaned. "So long as it isn't some chick-flick."

"You know me better than that, don't you?"

He eyed her suspiciously, "Yeah, I suppose I do. Go ahead, pick whatever you want."

"Okay, but don't open your eyes until I tell you to."

"Fine," he smiled, leaning his head back against the cushions.

He closed his eyes, keeping his arm around her while she scrolled through the menu. After a few minutes her selection started, but she hadn't told him to open his eyes yet. Then he heard it, the sound of a woman moaning, of a man, making the sounds associated with ...

"Alright, open your eyes," she said, her voice taking on a seductive quality.

On the screen were two young lovers, engaged in the same thing that Jason had just been describing from his Prom. The young man was between the legs of the young woman, eating her out with great enthusiasm, and she seemed to be on her way to a powerful orgasm.

"Lucy!" Jason exclaimed.

"I'm only kidding," she laughed, turning off the porn. "Here," she switched to another selection, "I'd chosen a cool action flick that we missed from last summer. You remember, the one where that guy saves the world from getting blown up ... again?"Jason laughed, "Yeah, right. Same shit, different actors. Haven't seen it, but I have." They both laughed and settled in to watch the mindless entertainment, sipping their wine as the afternoon slipped by. There was no place else they wanted to be than right there, in each other's arms.

When the movie ended Jason looked at the clock above the stereo, "They should be getting close to Gander ..." he was interrupted by his phone. This time it was ringing.

"Who's that?" Lucy asked.

"I don't recognize the number," he said, looking at the caller ID. "It says ... oh shit. Port Authority. Hello?" Jason listened for several seconds, nodding his head. He picked up the remote control and switched to the local news station.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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