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29.19% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1197: LOVE THE UNEXPECTED


Occasionally in life the most beautiful things come flying at you clear from left field. There's something about the unexpected that just makes things that much more exciting. Likewise, there is a certain thrill in taking what you were never supposed to have.

Around two years ago my life changed drastically. My father passed away in a car accident. He was a good man who always loved and looked after his family with absolute care. His passing affected my mother strangely. She turned from a bubbly, out-going person into a brooding anti-social mess. Despite my best efforts to boost her spirits, nothing was ever the same with her after that day.

I was very proud of how my sister handled the tragedy. She was only sixteen at the time of his passing, but she accepted it well and moved on with her life. Her marks in school never slipped. She was rock solid and strong for all of us.

I had always been fairly close with my younger sister Amanda, but after my father's passing we bonded even more. Sometimes I believed that she wanted to bond with me more to hold on to any male role models she had left. But I'd rather just think that she looked to me for comfort because she knew I'd be there for her.

She was a very attractive girl, and I believe that she knew that. It helped her to always come across confidently in whatever she was doing. She wasn't your typical beautiful girl however. She was somewhat brainy, and wrote for her school paper. Amanda loved writing opinion pieces the most, as she seemed more comfortable expressing her truest feelings by writing them down.

As confident as she was, there came a time in the middle of that school year that something had her down. I couldn't figure out what it was, but it had her very downtrodden. In this period there was many a night she would plead me to hold her on the couch and just be a comforting presence for her. At the time I thought it strange that she would turn to her brother for something like that, but with the emotional strife that our family had been through...I just assumed I needed to be there for her.

During this time she kept conversations light and fluffy. Television, music, and books she had recently been reading. But every once in a blue moon she'd choose to really open up to me. Then the conversations would turn to love lives, future plans and her big dreams. I enjoyed those chats very much, as I hadn't often felt closer to another person than during those times. She really did need me I thought.

Sadly, with my mother's deteriorating mental state, I couldn't stand living under her roof much longer. She became very controlling in a matter of months, and as an adult I decided enough was enough. I began attending a university not far from my hometown, and rented a house nearby. I was an hour away from home, and I saw a lot less of my family for a solid year. It pained me, but my mother would not allow Amanda to visit, or even speak with me on the phone for a large amount of time. It was like I was cut off from them.

I put all of this out of my mind to do what was right for my life, and move on as a man. I came into my own very well during this time. Good grades in school, making money tutoring and loving the college life consumed all my time. I found the girl of my dreams in a biology class and started dating her. Her name was Jenna, and she was an absolutely stunning girl, both in the ways of beauty and personality. I was blessed to be able to afford renting my own quaint home on aid money and tutoring alone, and was ecstatic that romance found its way into my life. Things were looking up for me, but not Amanda.

Turns out Amanda and my mother were at each other's throats from the day I left home, but neither of them had the heart to tell me. My mother was over-protective to a fault with my poor sister, and it drove her batty. Even when I'd call to speak with my sister, she'd rarely let me have a word with her. Soon enough she began disobeying the house rules, and eventually my two remaining family members wrote one another off. Amanda had to move out of there, so she called up her big brother. She asked if she could stay at my house until she graduated high school, saying she'd figure something out then. Of course I couldn't turn her down.

It was during her school's spring break period that the move started. She came to my doorstep carrying only three bags of clothes and necessities a day later. Wearing tightly fitting jeans, a form-fitting black t-shirt and a little more eye shadow than I had usually been accustomed to seeing her wear, she lunged at me and hugged me. She'd changed a little more than I figured in the past year.

"I won't be a bother to you, I promise" is what she told me with the beginnings of tears in her eyes. My sister was a tough girl who never liked to show weakness in front of anyone though. She stifled the urge to get emotional and forced a small smile.

I was glad to see her smile at least. I had been worried that she'd be more depressed than she seemed. She looked healthy, although she still had a slightly milky complexion.

"Oh come on...don't be that way. We usually never get the chance to spend time together anyways, so I'm excited that you'll be staying with me for a while. You'll probably be the one getting tired of me..." I joked.

"Yeah, actually you're right." Amanda jeered as she shoved her bags into my arms.

I carried her belongings up to the bedroom I'd set up for her. It was a pretty barebones set-up. A bed, a dresser and a television was pretty much all I could come up with on short notice to spice the room up. Until then, it had been unused space that I shoved laundry in. Classy I know.

"Here we go. We'll try to buy you some better furniture and stuff for the room soon enough. It's kind of close to my room too; I'm directly across from you. I'll give you your privacy though, I promise. Won't snoop through your shit like a certain parental figure we know." I said

"Geez, like I'm worried about that. It's actually a really cute room." Amanda walked around her new bedroom and gave everything a good look.

"I'm glad you like it." I smiled at Amanda.

"Wow, it's bigger than my room back at mother's house. I really appreciate this Jay. You don't know how bad it got after you left." Amanda shook her head and sighed

"Hey, there's no reason to even think about that anymore. Today is the beginning of your new life! Forget about the all the old bullshit, we'll look out for each other. We're family. It is important to me that you can be happy."

Finally Amanda did break down and shed some tears. She was overwhelmingly happy to be back living with someone who she can relate to and care about. She held her face in her hands, and sobbed silently.

I immediately wrapped my arms around her, and rubbed her back. I spoke comforting words just trying to assure her that things would be fine. All she could keep saying to me was "thank you."

After around five minutes the tears let up, and a smile returned to her face. She still didn't want to let me go. The way she looked at me was rather strange, almost devilish. She reached her head up and kissed me on the cheek.

"Come on Jay, come relax with me on the couch. I need to unwind. Just like old times?" She let out

"Alright. We'll take it easy before dinner. Just try to relax and make yourself at home, alright? Promise?"

"I promise." She nodded and dragged me by my arm towards the couch.

I sat down on the couch, and she kind of scooted me into a more laying position. She then plopped down on top of me, and buried her head into my chest. She nuzzled me and breathed a sigh of relief.

"I missed this..." Amanda said

"I did too. I'm really sorry we haven't kept in touch like we should I have. I should have been there for you more. I knew mom was going through a rough time, but I neglected the situation. This is probably part my fault." I admitted

"No, it isn't. It was just bound to happen. Just enjoy the moment. I feel like I've been reunited with someone who has been missing a very long time." She said softly

I thought it odd that she chose those words. 'Enjoy the moment.' I was enjoying being with her, as she was one of the most important people in my life. Just laying there with her snuggling against me started to become a bit awkward frankly, so I tried to spark a conversation.

"So, are you enjoying being on break or can you not wait to get back to writing for that paper? I know how much you love that."

"Well..." Amanda seemed sheepish

"Don't tell me you gave up on it! You were great. I loved reading your stuff." I thought perhaps that compliment would at least make her feel good.

"Honestly, I gave up on it. It was fun don't get me wrong. It's just...I'm eighteen now. School is almost over. I just wanted to enjoy my senior year, but things at home got in the way. I'm fine though."

Amanda looked backwards at me and rubbed her left hand across my cheek.

"Thanks to you Jay I'll settle into a more normal routine again. Maybe I'll show you some of the stuff I write on the side if your good, who knows?" she giggled as she said this

"Patronizing me slightly? All right, someone's feeling better. I'm glad."

Amanda kind of shushed me with her fingertips on my lips. She closed her eyes and just lay there for around two more minutes. It was what she did after that two minutes that began to surprise me.

She started to stir. I thought she wanted to get up, but she was just re-positioning herself. She now had her back against my stomach, and she made care to place her ass right on top of the crotch of my jeans.

Amanda began to slowly but surely grind her ass on top of my crotch. It was subtle, but obvious that she was doing it. I was in trouble at this point, as I was at a loss for what to do. It felt absolutely great, but was she really intending this? This was wrong, I was sure of that.

Then she tilted her head and looked me in the eyes. She smiled at me. Amanda was turning into an even more beautiful young woman than I remembered. She was 5'7 with shoulder-length raven black hair. She easily had to have 32-c sized breast. She had a thin waist with slight curves, and a tight little heart-shaped ass that just looked so tight in her jeans. But the most piercing thing about her was her blue eyes. She was ridiculously attractive. Lucky for me, the doorbell rang.

I shot up off of the couch to answer the door. I managed to stave off getting a hard-on, so I was good to see who had arrived. It was my girlfriend Jen. She was a beautiful sight to behold on that night. She arrived looking gorgeous in a black skirt with small circular hoops adorning the belt-line, and a tight red top. The top showed off her breasts well and you could really see the form of her body perfectly. I knew I was a lucky man to have such a beautiful girl, but did she have to look so great right now? I was already trying to stave off an erection for Christ's sake! She was 5'4 with medium length blonde hair, a c-sized bust and a round ass with just that right amount of jiggle. I am truly blessed.

I had invited Jen over to have dinner with my sister and I to welcome her to the house. You see, Jen and I had been dating for several months, but I hadn't gotten to introduce her to my family yet. I was excited that Amanda could meet her; because she really was someone I loved. I could see myself marrying Jen...it was that serious.

While I cooked dinner, Jen and Amanda exchanged pleasantries and generally hit it off great. They bonded right away. I had told Jen so much about Amanda that it probably felt like she was already best of friends with her. Amanda didn't know as much about my girlfriend, and was a little upset that she didn't get filled in on her quicker. I apologized of course.

I made my specialty for dinner. It was chicken Parmesan with lots of what was basically spaghetti sauce. It didn't look as aesthetically pleasing as a restaurant version of the meal, but it tasted damned good if I do say so myself.

Amanda was obviously still curious about Jen, and what I'd been up to over the course of time that we'd lost touch. She sparked up conversation as she ate.

"So Jen, how long have you and Jay been dating now?" Amanda said as she politely cut into her piece of chicken.

"Well, it's been almost a solid year. Things have been going pretty well." Jenna looked over to me and placed her hand on mine. I kissed her on the cheek for her gesture.

"I was just surprised that a girl as nice as her would put up with my crap. I always used to think I had a dog's luck, but she's a winning ticket.

"Awww..." Amanda smiled sincerely at the both of us.

We may have been a tad disgusting with our cute couple bullshit, but it was tough for me not to openly display my affection for Jen.

"Oh! Amanda, you've got to hear the story on how Jay and I met." Jen shouted excitedly

"I'd love to hear it. If Jay tells it, it'll probably be a lie about how he saved you on the side of the road when your car broke down, or that he backhanded a touchy feely guy at a bar for you. Something unbelievable like that." Amanda grinned as Jen laughed for quite a few seconds.

"You do know your brother! He's such an exaggerator sometimes. But seriously, we met in our biology class last year. Jay here was nervous as hell at lab, and looking for a partner for a dissection."

"Oh Jesus, come on...you don't have to..." I was quickly cut off

"Shush! I'm telling the story!" Jen slapped me on the arm

"Fine, fine!" I gave up on giving her a hard time.

"Okay, so he was nervous about finding a partner, and then after a solid minute of staring at me awkwardly he finally walked up to my table and asked if he could work with me. He was stumbling on words, definitely not his usual cool self that I got to know later.

So we chat for a little bit. Small things like how our first semester at college was going so far. What classes we had. The usually bullcrap that people fall back on when they just meet and aren't sure how to go about normal conversation. Eventually we get to the part of dissecting the fetal pig. I was way too nervous to make the incision myself, so I forced Jay to do it. And what does he do as soon as he sees the inner workings of the pig?"

"What? Come on, what does he do?" Amanda asks

"He gets sick all over the floor!"

I make a joke vomiting motion to set off some laughter. I figured I'd play it up and let them have their time.

"Come on! I'm eating here!" I said playfully

"Sorry honey. So anyways, the instructor just stopped the class session and Jay struggled to help mop up the mess, all the while apologizing to everyone around. I stayed to help him, and after we were done and walking through the hallway...he turns to me and asks if I had a boyfriend, and if not could he take me out sometime?"

Amanda laughs uncontrollably along with Jen. Both were cracking up at the story.

"After all of that he had the nerve to ask you out?" Amanda couldn't believe it

"That's how I knew he was a special guy. He had to have balls to just go for it after the big misstep on the first impression. Since then he has been great: confident, smart and sweet. I'm glad I took him up on his offer." Jen kisses me on the cheek, and I just nod and smile in return.

"You guys are so cute together. You had better hang onto this one Jay! She is smart, pretty and most importantly of all I like her. And isn't that what really counts?" Amanda joked before shoving an uncharacteristically large bite of chicken into her mouth.

"I'm just glad that you like me and we've hit it off like this girl. I've been worried for a long time about meeting Jay's family, so I'm relieved." She admits

"There's nothing to worry about really. I'm not sure if either of us will really be on good terms with mother again, but we'll save that story for another day. I like this happy getting to know each other time much more than talking about her." Amanda admits

We continued to eat, and laugh together. It was genuinely a great time, and it made me forget about the odd goings-on with Amanda on the couch earlier. Things were back to normal it seemed.

After dinner all three of us sat on the couch and decided to watch a movie. We snacked on popcorn, and both girls snuggled up against me. It was a great feeling to have both of my favorite girls in the world under the same roof for the first time. But as both Jen and Amanda's bodies were pressed against mine, it brought back the thoughts of the incident.

We decided to sleep after the movie finished. I asked Jen if she'd like to stay with me tonight since it had gotten late, and she quickly accepted the invitation. Amanda retired to her room, and I snatched Jen up into mine. I had dirty thoughts in my mind since that encounter with Amanda earlier, despite my trying to forget. I needed Jen to be there on that night to help me relieve some tension.

I turned on my trusty floor fan to create background noise before giving Jen my 'are you ready' look. I began to take Jen like I had never taken her. I tore her skirt off like a madman as she took off her shirt and bra.

Jen's stunning breasts found their way into my hands. Her large nipples were very sensitive to the touch, and it was always a great idea to work her up by massaging, slightly pinching and eventually kissing them. Jen arched her back and allowed me to have a field day with her tits for several minutes. Once she started reaching her hand down to her panties, I knew that it was time to move on.

When I got down to the red boyshorts she was wearing, I began to rub her pussy through the panties. I did so for several minutes, enjoying the sounds of her moaning and cooing. Once she had soaked her panties, I slid them off, and flung them away from the bed.

Jen's pussy was definitely a thing of beauty. She kept it completely bald and smooth. Her mound was just so inviting. The scent of her sex was intoxicating to me, and I did not hesitate to shove my head in-between her legs, and lap my tongue all around the right spots. This was usually Jen's favorite part of the night, and had I continued with this routine she'd have came quickly. I cut it short and gave her just enough to get her good and ready for some real fucking.

I quickly unbuckled my pants and took out my cock. It was then taken into Jen's hand. Jen expertly tugged and rubbed my cock before wrapping her gorgeous lips around its head. She took every inch of me into her mouth and looked up at me with the cutest eyes. Jen always loves every minute of our times together, especially when I am feeling especially passionate as I was on that night. She licked up and down the length of my shaft before letting go of my cock and leaning farther back on the bed.

Jen spread her legs wide and motioned with her finger for me to hurry up and get in there. I happily plunged my dick inside of her and settled into a steady motion of thrusting my hips slowly. As I continued to pump her, she eventually started thrusting herself to meet my motion. She was incredibly into it, and as I started to fuck her harder and faster, her moans got louder and louder. Soon enough Jen was writhing in ecstasy having a hell of an orgasm.

As worked up as I had gotten earlier, I didn't want the love making to stop. I decided to keep going instead of finishing myself. As we continued to make love, Jen started to worry about Amanda being able to hear her moans."She's so close by Jay! She just moved in here, I'm sure the last thing she wants to hear is her brother 'getting it on' with his girlfriend. Maybe we should finish up quick." Jen whispers

"Don't worry, we've got a fan on. I doubt she can hear you." I tried to convince her.

"Oh whatever!" Jen smacked at my chest playfully. "You just don't want to quit!"

"Yeah...so?" I looked down at her with a shit-eaten grin

"What the hell has gotten into you? You're so damned horny tonight." Jen kind of shook her head and moaned at the same time, as I began to slowly fuck her again.

"You just look especially beautiful today, that's all. I can't help myself."

"You always seem to know what to say, don't you?" Jen reaches up and kisses me. She switched positions with me, and began to ride my cock up and down.

She really was stunning tonight. But that is only half the reason I was as worked up as I was, even if I didn't want to admit it. Jen continued to ride my cock hard, pounding down on me fast and hard each time. The sound of our bodies banging into one another actually made me think twice about whether Amanda could hear us. I was enjoying myself all too much to worry much about it though.

After a few minutes of this, I was ready to cum. I asked Jen where she wanted it, and she replied "go inside of me." That always turned her on, despite my being worried. She trusted in her birth control, so I always went along with her wishes. I came harder than I ever had before inside of her lovely pussy.

She rolled over off of my cock slowly, so as not to hurt. I enjoyed looking at her lying next to me just glowing from the sex we just had. Jen was still playing with her pussy slightly, running my cum across her lips and giggling.

We cleaned up quickly before going to sleep. Both of us slept naked and half on top of one another. I loved Jen too much.

That morning Jen and I woke up early. Jen had to be to work; she had a position as a secretary for a private medical office. It kept her too damned busy sometimes in my opinion. We showered together and I saw her off in the morning, then I got dressed for my day. My work was rather easy in comparison to most people. All I had to do was meet with a few kids to tutor them for a few hours. I attempted to find Amanda to tell her where I was going before I left, but she was nowhere to be found. I didn't worry myself and left to be about my business.

Hours later I arrived back home. "Amanda! Yo, are you home?"

Not even thirty seconds later I came across Amanda lying on the living room couch. There wouldn't be anything unusual about this if not for the fact that she was only wearing a tiny black tank top and curiously these pink, lacey form-fitting panties. She was on her stomach reading some sort of magazine. Her legs were so smooth that it was maddening. Watching her move those sexy legs up and down was taunting. I was shocked to see her lounging around the house wearing so little. And I was even more surprised to hear that her reaction to my being home was calm and normal.

"Hey Jay. How was work? You weren't gone too long." She said

"It was fine Amanda. Easy as usual." I struggled to find words, but I didn't want to make this seem like an issue. After all, this was her home too now. "Just had to help some kids with sentence structure today."

"That's good. You have got to hook me up with one of these cushy tutoring positions once I get done with this high school crap."

"Oh for sure. I think you'd probably be even better at it than I am. You were always the smart one."

"Oh whatever! I'm smart sure, but you were almost 'Mr. Valedictorian.' If it weren't for auto shop, the mighty Jay might have delivered a wordy speech at his graduation." She always did like to pick on me.

"Yeah, yeah. I know how to change my own oil now I'll have you know!"

"Uh...did Jen teach you?" she sunk her nails in even more with the jokes.

"Yeah actually. Geez, you are Ms. Know-it-all today!" I exclaimed as I walked to a recliner sitting near the couch Amanda was lying upon and took a seat.

"I put a load of laundry in by the way. It'll be done in a few. I just put yours and Jen's in with mine."

"Jen's? I don't think she left any clothes over here? That's cool though, I appreciate it."

"Well, Jen just had some cute red boy shorts on your floor. I hope you don't mind me poking around in your room."

My face turned red, but I tried to hide my embarrassment. "N-no...that ain't a problem. Heh, you probably think Jen and I are slobs if you looked in my room though. Sorry about that."

"No reason to be sorry Jay. You and Jen are great together. Apparently you had a great night last night too. I washed the sheets for you, and made the bed. I'll take thanks in the form of gift cards or more good meals like last night's. That chicken parmesan was awesome." She chortled as she gave me a grin.

"So...I won't beat around the bush. You heard Jen and I last night didn't you?"

"Yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors did too. You guys were going at it!"

Amanda was being especially frank about the situation, and it made my face turn an even deeper shade of red. "Listen, I'm sorry. I probably should have been a little more discreet being that I have a roommate now. It won't happen again. I don't want to scare you off, or freak you out."

"It doesn't freak me out. I think it's nice." Amanda got off the couch and stood in front of my chair for a moment. She then sat on the arm of the chair and swung her legs so that they'd rest atop my lap.

"Well, I'm glad it didn't freak you out then."

"It's a beautiful thing. I wish I had someone I loved that much. The sex had to be great." She was obviously prodding for more information.

"We do have great sex, but are you sure you want to talk about this with your brother?" I asked her

"Why not? I always shared everything with you. You should be open with me!" she smacked my right arm softly

"Fine. I will be."

"I haven't had the chance to be with many guys yet. So I might be a little envious of you. Mother wasn't the type to let me date, so I had to do it in secret most of the time. I'm not very experienced."

"Well you'd better not be! You're my little sister, and you'll remain a virgin until marriage!" She knew I was joking as I gave her my 'impression of my father' face.

"A little too late for that. But not super late. I've only been with one guy. And he was clumsy and stumbled a lot. Not the best experience." She started to kind of rub her legs together; making the smooth skin on both legs softly slide along mine.

"If I told you I was surprised that you've been with a guy, I'd be lying. You're an absolutely beautiful girl Amanda. It was bound to happen. Probably all the guys in your school dream about you." I gave her the elbow nudge

"Maybe they do. But I'm not interested in any of them. I have one guy I like, but I don't wanna talk about it yet. I just want to know what it's like when you meet that certain someone that you just mesh with, you know?"

"It's great. When you meet the right person everything just feels right. Maybe not right away, but once you get comfortable and all of those walls you've been building come down, you can just be so open and intimate with that one person. It's a beautiful thing."

Amanda obviously liked my answer. Her eyebrows rose, and she nodded her head in approval. "Are you going to marry Jen?"

"I think so. I haven't bought a ring yet, but I'm saving up. I love her to death." I did not hesitate to tell her this.

Amanda leaned over to me and kissed me on the cheek in a cartoon fashion. "I'm very proud of you. Just keep a guest room available for me for a few years. I'd rather live with you guys than in a dorm. I love it here!"

I patted her on the thigh. "You'll always have a place with Jen and I if you want."

"Plus I get to hear entertainment every night! It's better than porn!" at that line, she bit her bottom lip. It was so erotic, but I fought to hold back those thoughts.

"Speaking of Jen...she'll be home soon. She called me from work before you got here. I'm going out to dinner with her tonight. It's a girl's night out, so you can't come! I'm gonna get ready to go...you should go out with your buddies tonight or something."

She leapt off of the arm of the recliner and began to walk up stairs. As she turned she wiggled her ass cutely. I could not help but watch her all while she was walking up the stairs.

Amanda looked so cute and sexy as she walked away, that it made my cock ache. I wasn't dumb enough not to know that she was teasing me. But part of me didn't want to believe it. For her to act like that around her own brother...it was so out of character for her. She was so adorable in those pink panties though, and I couldn't stop thinking about them. What was I going to do about this?

I decided to stop fretting over it, and to just deal with it as it came. I called a few guy friends of mine and decided to go to a local sports pub for drinks. They were people I knew since high school for the most part, so it was a blast just reminiscing about days gone by. We went on and on about the most inane shit for hours, but it was made funnier by the fact that we were drinking.

I received a text from Jen around 8:00PM that said she wasn't going to be staying at my place that night. She said something came up, and that she'd dropped Amanda back off at the house. Jen also noted that she'd try to call me later that night, and that she was thinking about our passionate night of sex from before. Her text message aroused me beyond belief just by bringing up the memory of what we had done. It was painful to know that there wouldn't be a repeat performance waiting for me at home. I said my goodbyes to the friends to make my way back.

I arrived back home at only 9:00PM, but the house was strangely dark. No lights were on. I yelled out for Amanda to see if she was still about. "Hey Amanda, I'm back home? What came up with Jen anyways?"

There was no response. The house was fairly quiet, at least until I started walking up the stairs towards my bedroom. As I got further up the steps, I began to hear moaning. The only person home had to be Amanda. As soon as those sounds hit my eardrums my cock jumped in my pants. I knew it was bad to be thinking those sort of thoughts, but damn if I could help it. I tried to avoid the situation, so I decided to sneak past Amanda's room and bolt into mine to change my clothes. That plan backfired when I found her lying atop my bed.

Amanda hadn't heard me come in yet. Her eyes were closed, and her hands deep down her tight little pink panties. The straps to her tank top were disheveled and drooping over his shoulders only slightly. You could tell she had no bra on either, as her erect nipples surfaced.

She looked stunning I couldn't lie about that. Amanda was such a beautiful girl that I couldn't help but have my eyes be drawn towards this sight. My cock immediately hardened, and I'm sure my jaw dropped. I tried to slip back out of the door to hide, but Amanda finally opened her eyes and noticed me.

"Jay!" Amanda had a few gasps, and pulled her hand out of her panties. She sat up on the bed slightly, leaning back on her elbows. She seemed flustered for a second, but then she gathered herself.

"Were you just going to stand there and watch me? Come on, you could have said something!" Amanda said

"Whoa, I'm sorry. I didn't expect you to be in my room. Don't worry about this. We...can just pretend like I saw nothing..." I said as I tried to avert my eyes.

"And what did you see exactly?" Amanda said in a semi-childish tone, almost to showcase her being playful on the subject.

"I...I saw my beautiful little sister relieving some stress. That's all. We all do it." I assured her. I didn't want her to be embarrassed.

"You're right, we do. I was doing this a lot last night actually." She giggled as she admitted

"Better than watching porn, right?" I tried to force a laugh

"You'd better believe it Jay." Amanda kind of bit the right side of her lip, and placed her hand back down her panties. I was dumbfounded and incredibly turned on.

"So Jay since you saw me I have to know, did you like what you saw?" she asked as she continues to rub herself inside of her panties.

"Listen, you're my sister. This isn't right." I plead with her.

"Of course it's right! I've wanted this for so long! How can you be so dense? We're both adults here. I know you like this Jay. I can tell just by looking at the bulge in your pants."

My face turned a deep shade of red as I couldn't help but look at her. She was so beautiful, and truth be told I wanted her more than anything else in the world at that moment. But what was I to do?

"Amanda, I have a girlfriend and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this. You're absolutely beautiful but I...just can't okay?"

"I'll share you with Jen, I don't care. I spoke with her tonight you know." Amanda stopped her rubbing, and looked at me seriously.

"Oh really?" I was actually curious for her to continue with this.

"She's a great girl Jay. I absolutely love her too. And I want you guys to be together. You're meant to be...but so are we." At this point it sounded like she was begging for me to listen to her words.

"How could you say that? You know I love you, but what am I supposed to do here dammit!?"

"I have loved you forever. You were my first crush, and the only person I have ever wanted. "But what about Jen then? What would she think?"

"I admitted my true feelings to Jen. I told her how I've wanted you all this time. Jay, she said that she knows how much you love her. She wants to marry you Jay, to have your children. But she also knows about the chemistry between you and I! She told me that what you and I do will not change yours and hers relationship!"

I couldn't believe it. She told Jen all of this...and she said that she was fine with it? It was almost too good to be true. But was I horrible for thinking it to be good. I was torn.

"I just need this. It can't be wrong if we both want it all right? This is all I've thought about in my dreams for years." Amanda said with a longing moan

"I-I...I've had dreams about you too. No! Wait, I shouldn't have said that. We can't."

"Just because you think it's supposed to be wrong, you'd deny me? Please don't Jay. Just let me have my moment, this once. Then you can be the judge on where it can go from there."

I had trouble continuing to resist. I tried to look away, but Amanda stood to her feet and removed her tank top. Her perky beasts were exposed to the cool air. Amanda's puffy pink nipples made my cock throb.

She walks up to me and kissed me on the lips. It was a passionate closed mouth kiss, the kind that you could tell she'd been putting a lot of thought into for a while. I could not help but kiss her back. We stood there kissing for several minutes. I then knew I'd crossed the point of no return. My tongue entwined with hers, passionately reaching out to one another.

I moved on to grabbing her breasts. She yelped as soon as I grabbed them, showing me how horny she really was. They were aching for attention. I caressed them and squeezed them with care, massaging her nipples just a tad before beginning to suck on them. She cooed contently.

When Amanda had enough of her tits being shown attention she slid her panties down to her ankles. My mouth watered as I stared down at her lovely mound. It was absolutely perfectly formed. Pink lips, and she even shaved her area to have only a landing strip above the clit. I was in love right off the bat.

I threw her onto the bed and went to town eating her pussy. I rotated my tongue around her labia clockwise, and rubber her clit with my thumb. She moaned so loudly during this that it brought music to my ears. Her musky scent and taste was marvelous, and I lapped up her wet pussy.Amanda had several small orgasms during this time, and every time she had one she would press her thighs hard up against my temples. I made her nearly crawl out of her skin when I lightly licked around the rim of her asshole. She jumped and screamed "Jay!" Eventually Amanda stopped me as she was hungering to touch me as well.

Amanda made me stand to my feet as she unbuttoned the fly of my jeans, and dug into my boxer shorts. She started stroking my cock, but got tired of the fabric being partially in her way. She forcefully shoved my pants down to my ankles, and I aided her by kicking them off. I threw my boxers across the room, and let her do her thing.

She stood and then turned to push me on the bed. Amanda then leapt on top of the bed and slowly but surely squatted down on my face. She grinded her pussy against my nose to entice me, and then leaned over to suck my cock. I began to eat her pussy once more, licking up and down the slit, and just taking in all of the loveliness of her mound. She licked the tip of my cock like a lollipop as I did so, and eventually she went for broke. She plunged her mouth onto my dick, and actually managed to shove nearly the whole thing into her mouth. She stumbled for a second; nearly gagging before finding the right amount she could put in and comfortably suck me off.

She was surprisingly good at sucking dick for an inexperienced girl. All the while I licked her pussy, and even her asshole when she was in a good enough position. I found it incredibly cute how she'd nearly jump every time I did that. I was getting too close to orgasm though, and didn't want her to finish me off yet. I needed to fuck her. I had to be inside her vagina.

It was now finally time. I asked her if she really wanted to do this, and she said she did. Amanda positioned her ass up in the air, spreading wide and presenting her pussy to me like a gift. I treated it like the best gift I ever received, as I carefully teased the tip of my dick against her pussy lips. She yelled for me to stick it in, moaning in pleasure all the while. I poked the head of my dick inside of her, and realized that she was very tight. Probably the tightest pussy I will ever fuck in my life. I slid the cock in slow until a majority of it was inside of her. She grabbed a nearby pillow and shoved her face into it, biting it. I slowly humped her, and her vagina was wet and quivering. Soon enough she rose her head from the pillow and screamed for me to go harder.

I obliged and began to take the normal hard pace I go with Jen. I pounded Amanda's vag hard and fast, making my balls slap up against her ass ferociously. She was so tight that I could barely keep from Cumming within the first few minutes. Willpower prevailed and I kept going, but I could tell I wasn't lasting long.

I told her to reach back and rub her clit with her hand. I said I wanted her to come hard for me. It didn't take much longer than a few more minutes of steady pounding and rubbing to make her gush out a strong orgasm, the strongest she'd ever experienced! I pulled out of her slowly, as her body bounced up and down. She finally laid down flat on the bed, but still writhing in pleasure from her orgasm.

I was at my threshold. I was going to come hard any second now, so I just told her to get ready. I stroked myself off the last little bit and didn't even have time to ask her where she wanted it. I shot my load onto her tight little asshole, and then just collapsed next to her.

As we were lying there on the bed, she turned over onto her back and looked me in the eyes. She had the hugest grin on her face that I had ever seen.

"I told you Jay! I knew you wanted it! Thank you for letting me finally have what I've wanted all this time." She was glowing, much like Jen was after we had our night of passion.

"I love you Amanda. This was one of the best nights of my life. I don't know where we go from here. Jen...well..." I stumbled on my words, so I just began to stroke Amanda's beautiful black hair.

Don't worry about Jen. She's been here all along!" Amanda says as she raises her eyebrows.

As soon as that was said, my beautiful Jen comes walking into the room. She was wearing nothing but her blue bra and panties. Jen's right hand is firmly placed down her panties, and she looked at both Amanda and I with a certain longing.

"Jay, don't feel bad about what you've done. I told Amanda to do it." Jen was so horny that she could barely speak.

My jaw was agape. I knew not what to think. "I-I can't believe this. You were in on this! But you're okay with this?"

"From the stories you'd told me of Amanda since we've been dating, I could kind of always tell you had a thing for her deep in the back of your mind. You love her Jay. She is a beautiful girl, and she just wanted the kind of love that she knew you could give. I'm fine with sharing you with her Jay, but in turn...you have to share her with me as well!"

I couldn't believe my eyes, but Jen took off her bra, slid down her panties, and hopped into bed with my sister and I. Jen began to kiss Amanda so lovingly it was as if they had been the ones who were a couple for a year. It was incredibly sexy to see, and despite having blown my load onto Amanda only minutes prior, I felt like I might have it in me for another go.

Amanda and Jen continued their make out session for another minute, until Jen migrated to Amanda's pussy. She smiled when looking at that sweet mound much like I had, and she began to slowly lick her. Jen enjoyed the taste of my sweet sister combined with my manhood that had been inside her not long ago.

Amanda barked at Jen to allow her to taste her as well. So Jen turned herself and placed her pussy in the 69 position for Amanda to taste her, and so that she could still go to work on her pussy.

For a few moments I gave some attention to Amanda's pussy as well. I knelt by the edge of the bed and licked Amanda in tandem with Jen. We stopped to kiss a few times throughout this, but Amanda adored the attention. Her squeals were euphoric to our ears. Eventually I decided I needed to show some love to Jen as well.

I got back on the bed and kissed Amanda on her lips. I then grabbed onto Jen's ass and plunged my cock inside of her. Jen arched her back immediately and shouted for more! I began to fuck her pussy hard and fast from behind. I was pounding her good, and Amanda was rubbing Jen's clit at the same time. With both of us working her over like that, it didn't take long for her to start climaxing. Even still, she begged for more.

I began to go slower and deeper, wanting to put her through multiple orgasms. Amanda leaned her head up and licked my balls once I was that deep inside of Jen. Jen's entire body started to quiver, and I knew she was reaching a huge orgasm! She was gushing, and I was at my limit as well. So I came inside of Jen once more, just like I had the other day. It was a surprisingly big load on my part considering having used up so much energy on Amanda.

As I slowly took my cock out of Jen, Jen was still recovering. She finally turned around and looked at me, and she seemed so absolutely happy. I looked down at her pussy, and saw my cum dripping from her mound.

"You put all of it in her, and couldn't save any for me Jay?" Amanda teased Jen and I.

"Don't worry sexy, I'm okay with sharing. You just lay right there, okay?" Jen told Amanda

Amanda lay still on the bed and nodded at Jen in a 'yes ma'am' sort of way. Jen crawled over Amanda, and then got on her knees, placing her pussy above Amanda's face. She began to squeeze out my cum that was inside her, and Amanda got what to do. She reached her neck up and began to drink it straight out of Jen's amazing pussy. Amanda kissed Jen's pussy lips sweetly after she knew it had mostly all come out. Jen, Amanda and I then just lay on the bed, caressing one another and thinking about what just happened.

This was an unexpected turn of events, but I knew it was the beginning of a beautiful new sexual relationship. Things only got crazier from there, but I'll save that for another day.

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