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28.8% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1181: LOVE IS NOT A GAME

Chapitre 1181: LOVE IS NOT A GAME

Yes, that's it Carrie! Kite those two morons around while Ann and me throw some hard-hitting cluster spells on their asses! The DPS (Damage Per Second) and AOE (Area Of Effect) effects will eat them up!


No problem Suzy, give me a sign when you have set up your barriers!


Keep it going ladies, we are doing some fine work here! No way they are going to come back from this.

As soon as I finally returned home from a day full of studying I could hear her voice coming from upstairs, probably busy with the tournament they had entered.

I slowly walked to the kitchen for a cool, refreshing drink after I had closed the front door. A smile appeared on my face as I kept on hearing cheering, tactics and the usual banter between her and her in-game friends.

With a cold Coke in my hand I headed upstairs, towards the competitive sounding voice that came from our gaming room.

I quietly opened the door with a soft push. Captivated by her game she didn't notice anything coming from her surroundings, or so I thought.

I smiled again when I saw her sitting in her 'tournament mode' style, her legs tucked away under her body, her left hand busy coordinating over the keyboard while her right clicked the mouse in an almost inhumane tempo.

I leaned against the doorpost, sipping from my cold Coke as I kept on observing her. Again, the sounds of clicking, typing and various tactics and banter ringing my ears like music.

And then they had completed their goal, reaching victory and winning the battle.

"And that's another one for the rankings ladies! Up next is that Nexx-ior guild that shit-talked us way back, we will see if they can back up their big mouths tomorrow." She said proudly into her headset microphone after their fight was finished.

"But ladies, It's time for me to go, my secret admirer is ogling me... Oh my, Exactly Suzan! You know how our boys think that we don't know, that's the secret of us."

I choked a bit on my drink as I heard her say it, did she already know that I was behind her, watching her? I swear, sometimes women can be scary.

"Yes, thanks for coming everyone, tomorrow we surely will kick even more ass than today! Enjoy your evening with your own 'man of the house' ladies! Love you all and see you tomorrow!" She finished with before quitting the game and putting down her headset.

And then she spun her chair around, giving me a sight of her that made the butterflies in my stomach kicking up a storm over and over again every time I saw her like this.

"So, mister, do you always sneak up to poor little me like that?" She said with her cute, southern accent.

I tried to respond to her but I was still captivated by the sight of her beauty.

Her long, braided brown ponytail that hung loosely over her right shoulder, her perfectly shaped face with just a little bit of make-up here and there, her sparkling green eyes behind those nerdy looking glasses that made her even more sexy, those full, plump lips that moved gently as she serenaded her words to me.

And then came her body, that amazing fit and curvy body of hers. Two beautiful, full, big perky breasts that stood high on her chest with a little bit of sag, covered by the fabric of a tight looking tank top. Under that her belly, waist and thighs, all had that extra bit of 'meat' to them that just made her even more delicious, covered by a just as tight looking skirt that stopped right above her knees.

Last but not least, her long legs with that silk looking and feeling skin only to end at those cute little feet that had worn so many sexy heels over time.

By the time I was ready to respond she already pushed herself up out of her chair and walked up to me seductively, her breasts jiggling with every step she made, making it clear that she was bra-less.

"H-how... How did you know that I was behind you?" I finally said.

She smiled to me before playfully biting her lower lip, giving me her foxy look.

"That's because... That's because mothers know everything baby..." She purred to me as her arms wrapped around my neck.

I started to blush as her eyes looked deep into mine, her breasts being smothered against my chest. I could feel her nipples grazing me as she pushed harder against me.

"Mommy has been waiting for you, my darling baby boy." She whispered to me. "And I know that my baby has been waiting to be with Mommy too..."

I then dropped the empty bottle of Coke onto the floor, not being able to resist her any longer. My hands flew forward and cupped her skirt covered ass-cheeks before I pushed her up to me.

Mom then wrapped her soft, slender legs around my waist as she let out a girly giggle.

We watched each other for a few more seconds, our hearts beating rapidly now. And then our mouths mashed together, our tongues darting forward, seeking each other to start our fierce French kissing battle.

I walked out of our gaming room with my mother wrapped around me, slowly to her... Our bedroom without our wild kissing ever stopping.

It was going to be a late dinner for us once more...


Thirty-seven years ago my mother, Caroline Felton, was born on a small farm near the southern border. Unable to reach the hospital in time, my grandmother, Carrie-Ann Felton, gave birth to a tender, but healthy baby girl alongside her husband, my grandfather, Kenneth Felton and a doctor that had rushed to their farm to help them.

Two weeks of happiness followed as the couple's world had turned upside down, finally they had a child, a beautiful girl that meant everything to them. Only their happiness wouldn't last long.

Carrie-Ann Felton died about three weeks after her daughter's birth. My grandfather was devastated, losing the love of his life just when everything seemed to be going so perfect. But he still had her, that small little girl that meant the world to his late departed wife and to him. After a few days of grief, he promised himself and his wife that he would do everything in his power to raise this girl, his daughter with as much love he could possibly give her.

And raising her he did, Mom blossomed into a beautiful young girl overtime, resembling her mother in so many ways. Mom was a 'shy beauty' according to my grandfather, spending most of her free time either with him or by herself. She did not have many friends at school which did bother my grandfather for a while, but he quickly accepted the fact that she was a bit of a loner, just like her mother was before she met him.

Mom loved to work at the farm, especially tending the animals which my grandfather kept. In general she always helped her father were she could, their bond together was something that could never be broken. Her other hobbies consisted of reading, painting and... Video games.

My grandfather was a huge enthusiast for new technologies, especially things that he could do himself. It was a rather funny side of him, almost childlike. Grandpa was a tall, strong, no-nonsense kind of person but when he got his hands on the first Atari home console he turned into a curious young boy once more.

And not only him, but also my mother was quickly attracted to the thoughts of being able to play your own adventures, although in a much simpler way back in those days, to be able to separate yourself from the struggles in the real world for a while to just enjoy yourself. This hobby of her would still be relevant until this very day.

At the young age of seventeen my mother got pregnant herself, pregnant with me. As shy as my mother was, she eventually found a bloke that seemed to be on the same line as her. After dating him for a while they were finally ready for 'that' stage in their relationship, and 'that' stage would change her life forever.

Mom had told me that my father was a scumbag, she knew that they both were in the wrong for not using any form of protection, but the fact that he claimed that he knew what he was doing and would be extra careful made everything even worse. He had the balls to 'accidentally' impregnate her but not the balls to take care of his child after he was confronted by my mother. One day he simply disappeared, not to be seen ever again.

My grandfather was furious, angry at his teenage daughter for throwing her young life away because of some scumbag boyfriend, which he would have strangled to death if he ever got his hands on him. Their relationship was on thin ice for a while, but my grandfather, as tough as nails as he was, could not stay mad at his only child, the daughter that he promised to raise up into a beautiful woman.

After a long and emotional talk with her they finally buried the hatchet, mother apologizing for the way she behaved and her father for lashing out at her in this difficult time for her. He would support her in every way he could, no matter what she chose to do. And Mom chose me, she would not run away from something that she was as just responsible for as the father was supposed to be.

And so I, Kevin Felton, was born twenty years ago on the same farm where my grandmother gave birth to my Mom. The whole happening was extra emotional for my grandfather, seeing his only daughter giving birth to a son without his wife by his side to support her. After Mom's birth my grandmother had told grandpa that she couldn't wait to see her own grandchildren in the future, not knowing that that would eventually never happen.

I grew up with the love of two very special people, my grandfather was more like a father to me, taking care of me while Mom did her studies at school, teaching me all kinds of things that my real father should have done. Mom used every free moment of time she got to be with me, over the years we had developed a very deep bond that still keeps on going strong till this very day. She would teach me how to tend the animals, help with my own school work, how to take care of myself and of course we played video games together, something that made her relax and take her out of her stressful life for a bit.

All that time we lived on the farm with grandpa, who insisted that we could stay there as long as we wanted. He enjoyed our presence around him, he had a smart, pretty and well-mannered daughter that would surely succeed in the future that kept his spirits up, and of course me, his grandson which to him felt like a child of his own. I often wondered what would happen if me and Mom would find a place of our own.

Eventually the day came that Mom and me moved out from grandpa's farm, she had found a small, two floor apartment closer to the city so she would be closer to her job as a graphic designer. She would be working from home and in an office.

Many tears were shed when the day came for us to leave, especially between my mother and grandfather. Though we wouldn't be living miles away from him, it did feel strange without having him around, and for him to not have us around.

After a few weeks of adjusting we finally found comfort within our new home. Mom enjoyed her new job and I enjoyed living together, just the two of us. When we both had free time we would always spend it together, I was just like Mom when she was my age, a bit of a loner at school. Our hobby regarding gaming evolved too, Mom and me played together more than ever before since it was just the two of us at home, it was the perfect thing for her to escape the struggles of the real world as she would tell me.

Of course we did not forget about my grandfather, we always tried to at least see each other once a week, we would go over to him or he would come over to our apartment.

Fast-forwarding a few years, I was now attending the same university my mother went to, and yes I still was a bit of a loner but I couldn't care less. Over the years spending time with Mom in our apartment made me realize what she truly meant to me, not only was she my mother but also my best friend, and every second spend with her was like a treasure for me.

Mom had climbed the ranks within the company she worked at as she was now one of the lead designers, this gave her the opportunity to work fulltime from home, only attending meetings once in a while. Just like how I felt about her, she also felt about me, I was her best friend and the person that knew her in and out. Seeing her bright smile every time I returned home was something I could never get enough from.

I once asked her if she would ever pick up dating again, which resulted in her giving me a stare that could spontaneous combust someone if she had super powers. She still had a difficult time with trusting men, relationship wise that is. Of course she had male friends but never a romantic fling, she told me that there were only two important men for her, one was me and the other my grandfather.

Everything seemed to go well for us, we were happy, my grandfather was happy. We finally were living a life that we had dreamed of. Until everything changed last month...

I was sitting in a lecture when Mom suddenly called me on my phone, something she never had done before. I excused myself to my professor, saying that it could be an emergency. As I picked up the phone I was confronted with my mother's sobbing, weeping voice. I could barely make out what she tried to tell me, she was panicking and her words just seem to not come out right. The only things I could hear were 'dad' and 'grandpa'. I knew something bad was going and decided to go home as fast as I could, my professor understood me and allowed me to leave.

When I came home I was let in into our apartment by one of Mom's close colleagues and friends, apart from me she had also called her. I could hear Mom crying hard when I stepped though the front door, pumped up by adrenaline I quickly reached her in the living room.

When Mom saw me she started crying even harder, she leapt out of her chair and rushed into my arms, hugging me like she never hugged me before. I felt a lump in my throat as I held her, watching her cry. It truly broke my heart seeing her like this.

As I held Mom and comforted her, her colleague returned to our side and told me everything that had happened. What she told me resulted in my own tears running down my cheeks.

My grandfather had suffered from a heart attack out of nowhere, a heart attack that ended up being fatal. His longtime neighbors had found him in the barn of the farm between the animals, they came searching for him after he did not show up to their appointment and did not respond to their calls. My grandfather had died all alone, without ever seeing the two people dearest to him again.

The news hit Mom the hardest, of course it affected me too, but my grandfather always had told me to be strong for her if something ever happened to him. Mom kept saying that it was her fault for not spending more time with him, that she was the one that caused it. I was still in shock myself so the only thing I could do at that moment was to hold her tighter to me, telling her that everything was going to be alright.

A few days later was his funeral, and to my surprise a lot of people showed up to it. I knew he was a beloved person around the place where he lived but I had never guessed that so many people would attend. Mom tried her best to hold a speech, only to succumb to her sadness in tears. So I took over her place and held a long speech about what my grandfather, her father meant to us. He was then laid to rest, next to his beloved wife Carrie-Ann.

Even after the funeral Mom's mental health kept on spiraling down. Her work became sloppy, she forgot to cook our meals when it was her turn, she forgot to do house chores and the worst of all, she started to became distant to me. Mom was still living with the regret of not being there for him when she needed to be, but was that really true?

Mom and I were always there for him, just like he was always there for us. I personally thought that this whole phase had to do with something from her past. I knew that during the beginning of her pregnancy with me that they didn't see eye to eye for a while. Maybe it was a bit farfetched but I certainly knew that something was bothering her.

Finally, after a week or two I managed, with the help of some of Mom's colleagues, to get her to seek help from a psychiatrist, someone who could listen to her and determine what possibly was going on in her head. And this... This is where our story starts.


"And that... That's about it Ms. Lorenz... I think I pretty much covered everything." Spoke Caroline quietly, wiping away her tears.

Ms. Lorenz nodded to her and scribbled something down on her clip board.

"Caroline... Please call me Lenora, okay? I like to speak with my patients on first base." She said.

Caroline looked up to her and gave her a little smile. "Okay... Lenora."

Lenore smiled back at her before resuming her talk. "From what you told me I can pretty much figure out what's holding you back from moving on with your life Caroline. The reason why you feel so bad and different after your father passed away."

Caroline waited patiently for her to resume talking, her hands were trembling a bit out of nervousness.

"There is a part of you that can't accept that he, your father, has passed away. I understand that he was the sole person that took care of you throughout your life, even when your son was born he kept on taking care of you and him, like he was his own child too. Your father had always been someone you could share your secrets with, to tell all of your problems, to seek advice from, to be with when you felt lonely and someone who would never stop loving you." Resumed Lenora.

Lenore took Caroline's hands into her own, holding her gently as Caroline quietly sobbed again.

"You don't need to have any regrets Caroline, your father was happy, proud of you, proud of how you evolved into a beautiful young woman and a strong mother. Don't think that him passing away had anything to do with you, you know that you always loved him and that you always were there for him just like he was there for you. But, you got to let it go Caroline, you know that he wants you to remain strong, not only for yourself but also for your son." Said Lenora.

Caroline sniffed once before wiping her tears away, she then slowly nodded her head, agreeing with everything Lenora had said.

"Speaking of your son, you told me that your father had told him when you two moved out that he was now 'the man of the house', right? Think about him Caroline, his grandfather gave him his blessing and now he has to witness how you get more depressed each and every day. I bet the boy feels bad too, for him to not be able to reach out to his mother, to comfort her in the time she needs him the most, it must break his heart." Resumed Lenora once more.

"I... I think I understand what you told me Lenora... I have to stop grieving over my father's death... I have to be that strong woman, that strong mother, his strong daughter again that he was so proud of... Not only for myself but also for my son." Said Caroline with a teary grin after being silent for a few seconds.Lenora smiled back at her and shook her hands. "That's exactly what I wanted to hear Caroline, keep making your father, and your son proud of you. I for one, know that you can do it!"

Both woman then talked for while like they had been longtime friends, Lenora openly told Caroline about her own struggles in the past, how she too, as a single mother went through periods of her life where she felt all alone. It felt good to Caroline to finally talk to someone again, to socialize a bit with another woman of her age after being more of a workaholic for the past few years.

"So Caroline, what I would advise you to do is to take a few weeks off work. Do stuff with your son, socialize a bit more with other people. Maybe your hobbies could help with that, although... Reading and painting don't really allow for much interactivity with others..." Suggest Lenora after their friendly talk.

Caroline started to fidget with her fingers, looking a bit embarrassed. "Well... Besides those hobbies I still have another one that I did not told you of yet..."

Lenora looked up at her quite surprised. "Oh? Well, tell me about it, why wouldn't you mention it to me before?"

"I... Uh... I think it's a bit embarrassing for me, a thirty-seven-year-old woman to still be doing that..." Caroline quietly responded.

"Oh that's nonsense Caroline, why would you be embarrassed of something you enjoy doing? I mean, it's two-thousand-and-eighteen now, a lot of people have different hobbies that go in all sorts of directions." Said Lenora to reassure her.

"Oh... Well, now that you mention it like that... Okay, I still like to play video games. Although I didn't have much time for them the last few years, I would like to give it a shot again. I was very fond of them as a little girl, and I have to admit, I still crave to being able to pick them up once again." Explained Caroline.

Lenora clapped her hands together. "Then go for it Caroline! Who's stopping you? Nowadays video games are so advanced that whole groups of people can play at the same time, and interact with each other too, at least that's what my own son explained to me. Maybe that's a good place to start becoming more social again? You know, find one of those online games where you can group up with people, I bet that there are much more women like you who play games than you think!"

A smile returned to Caroline's face again. "You know what Lenora? Why not! I could get my son to help me out with it, he's just as much of geek as I am!" She said with a giggle.

Lenora stood up out of her chair and reached out her hand. "That's exactly what I want to hear and see Caroline! Just have some time for yourself, for both of you. I really think this will set you back on the right track!"

Caroline also stood up and shook Lenora's hand. "I have a good feeling about it so I will give it ago. Thanks for listening to me Lenora, and for pushing me into the right direction. I seriously needed to hear this from another single mom like me!" She said excited.

Lenora started to laugh. "Well, that's what I'm here for! Now, get your behind home, relax and spend some time with your son. Take it easy and I swear that you will feel much better after a week or two. Just let me know how everything is going and, if you ever feel down again, you know how to reach me."

Both woman then said their goodbyes. A freshly awoken Caroline, almost reborn, walked out of the building, ready to get her life back on rails. She looked forward to being able to do her long lost hobby again, and to share more time with her son, who had always been looking out for her after her father passed away, just like he had promised him.


Kevin came home early after finishing his classes at the university. As he was munching on a sandwich in their apartment's kitchen he was thinking about how everything would be going with his mother, now that he had finally managed to convince her to seek help for her problems.

Seeing his mother spiraling down after his grandfather's death had a deep impact on him as well. He was so concerned for her that his own priorities suffered greatly, he couldn't concentrate in his classes, he made stupid mistakes at his part time job at a local IT shop and often forgot to properly take care of himself. He wanted to be there for her as much as possible, even when she became distant to him. As 'the man of the house' he had to keep his promise that he made to his grandfather.

"I just hope that that woman manages to talk some sense into her... She seemed alright, friendly too, totally the type for Mom to get into a conversation with." He said to himself before taking another bite of his sandwich.

Just as he was about to finish his sandwich he heard the front door of their apartment opening, followed by the clicking sounds of his mother's heels and a very familiar humming tune that she only made when she was happy.

He then turned himself around to the opening to see his mother standing in front of him with a big smile on her face, looking very cute in her low-cut summer dress that showed off her curvy body.

They kept looking each other in the eyes for a few seconds when suddenly Caroline leapt forward with a happily sounded yelp, crashing against her son's body before giving him a long kiss on his cheek.

Kevin started to blush from her sudden outburst, he could feel her firm breasts mashing against his chest, and the combination of her soft lips on his skin and that sweet female fragrance of her made his cock tingle.

After his grandfather's death he started to see her in a different way, not only as his mother but also as a beautiful, cute single woman that he would protect no matter what. He had always loved her to death but the sudden changes in their lives made him feel so much more for her, he slowly started to long for her in a way that a son never should have.

"Wow! I guess your appointment was an effective one?" Asked Kevin excited as he held her close to him.

Caroline let go and looked up to her son again. "Honey, I'm so glad that I took your advice! Lenora... Uh... Ms. Lorenz knew exactly what was going on in my mind. It just clicked immediately after she told me what she suspected what my problem was, it was like talking to my best friend!"

Kevin smiled at her and hugged her again. "I told you it would be a good idea! Mom, I'm so proud of you!"

Caroline hugged him back. "And I'm proud of you baby, I'm such a lucky mother to have such an amazing son."

Kevin started to blush even more. "You know I would do anything for you Mom..." He responded softly as their embrace kept on going for a while.

Mother and son had taken a seat in the living room after Kevin washed his plate and cutlery. Kevin sat in the corner of their couch with his mother right next to him. Caroline had her legs tucked under her body and was leaning against her son, just like they used to sit together. She told him in full detail what she and Lenora had discussed, what advice she received from her and how much of a relief it was for her to pour her heart out to someone else of her own age, someone that went through her own set of difficulties as a single mother.

"So this means that I'm going to see my gamer Mom in all of her glory again?" Said Kevin excited after learning that she was going to pick up one of her biggest hobbies again.

Caroline giggled and smiled at him. "It's what the doctor ordered honey! And to be honest... I kind of missed playing games, it made me realize how much time I spend on work stuff instead of enjoying myself once in a while."

"So have you already taken days off from work? I can help with setting up stuff, I can probably score some gamer rig pretty cheap from work, I mean, no offense but that work laptop you are using now is way outdated." Said Kevin.

Caroline placed her hand on her son's thigh before speaking. "You don't have to do that for me sweetheart, and I start with a couple of weeks leave after Friday, I promised to attend an important meeting so that will be the last thing work related for a while."

"Alright... But I'm serious Mom, I want to help you out with this." Responded Kevin as he placed his hand on top of his mother's, feeling her soft skin. "What did you have in mind to play anyway, she mentioned that interaction with others was important, so I guess an MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) or something?"

A soft giggle came from Caroline as her son asked her that question. "You hit the nail on the head baby, I was thinking to get back into Eternia Online... I still have my account info from all those years ago, so that might be the perfect thing for me."

Kevin looked up to her in disbelieve. "No way Mom! You played Eternia? Since when?" He asked curiously.

"At the launch of the game twenty-one years ago, a year before you were born." Said Caroline with a big smile. "Your mother is a Eternia player from the first hour sweetie!"

"Damn! I never knew that, my Mom is a classic gamer girl! You know, the game has had a complete overhaul the past few years and it still is going strong with a large dedicated fan-base, this would indeed be perfect for you to start again." Responded Kevin.

Caroline nodded her head. "To be true, I stopped playing it after you were born, I couldn't keep up with the game because I had to help Dad, take care of you and my school. But I never really 'left' the game sort to speak, I kept up to date with the changes and always followed its development cycle till this very day. I wanted to give it a try again but I was so focused on work that it never came to it."

"Until today that is... Ha! I can't wait to see the all serious you again, I know how you can get when you put your soul into it." Said Kevin with a grin. "I might even be able to play together with you sometimes. Although I have a lot of Uni work, I think I can squeeze some hours in."

"You know... I would like that darling, just the two of us again... Having a good time together." Said Caroline with her motherly voice before cuddling up to her son further.

She then placed another long lasting kiss on the corner of Kevin's mouth, her impressive bust brushing against his arm. One hand still on his thigh and the other caressing his cheek.

"Y-yeah... I would like that too Mom..." Responded Kevin to her with a new blush across his face, the affective touch of his mother stirring his cock again.

Caroline giggled again after seeing her son blush. "You are just so cute Kev... I love you..." She whispered to him as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"I... I love you too Mom..." Whispered Kevin back to her, his right arm now wrapped around her body, pulling her closer so they could cuddle even more.

"Honey... I... I'm sorry for acting the way I did... I... I didn't mean to but everything was so... so..." Stammered Caroline to say, still feeling a bit guilty about her behavior.

Kevin kissed the top of her head and gently rubbed her arm. "It's okay Mom... No need to apologize, I can understand how you felt... I wasn't the same too you know?"

Caroline started to turn her head to respond to her son, but she quickly dropped it back onto his shoulder again before letting out a soft sigh. "It was a hard time for us... But that's in the past now, so let's make the best of it... Let's just... Cuddle for a while longer, okay?"

Kevin kissed the top of her head again and held her body close to him, not saying a word as the two of them just enjoyed each other's presence. And so mother and son were reunited again, starting with a clean slate.


Kevin woke up with a loud yawn, today he was going to set the plan in motion that he came up with last night in bed. His mother would be gone till late so he had all the time to complete his surprise for her.

His palm slammed onto his alarm clock to shut off the annoying beep. Usually he would have been grumpy, turning himself around for an extra five minutes or so. But this time he shot out of bed, grabbed his clean clothes that he readied the day before and went straight to the bathroom for his morning shower.

Passing the hallway to the bathroom he saw the spare room he and his mother used to store stuff in, that very room was his main goal today. He wanted to give it a makeover, to make it into a room where he and his mother could enjoy their favorite hobby together.

After a quick shower he had a simple 'grab and snack' breakfast and after he was done with that he went straight back to the room he looked at before going into the bathroom.

He started with removing the items they had stored over time that had no use for either of them anymore. Once he was busy with that he smirked to himself, thinking about how much useless items people can store and pile up over the years without simply throwing them away. So with garbage bags at the ready he made short work of that, he still had to pick up other equipment for the room later so he might as well make a detour to the waste disposal facility on the way.

Kevin let out a long sigh after finally getting rid of the piles of useless stuff. He scanned around the now rather clean looking room, sweeping from left to right until he spotted something that made him smile. There was some old furniture that he could easily use for the room he had in mind, two modern looking, comfy chairs and a thin wood table that would fit perfectly against one of the walls in the room. Although it was thin it was very sturdy, perfect for him to put their gaming rigs and monitors on, along with the additional electronic devices.

"Mom is totally gonna love this!" Said Kevin to himself as he visualized their finished gaming room. With the added enthusiasm he started with cleaning the nearly empty room from top to bottom before moving on with putting the furniture in its proper place. After that came placing power strips, wiring Ethernet cables from the modem in the living room to their little game domain through the wall and setting up a wireless router specific for their other electronic devices. The whole morning was used on renovating the room, and once he was done with that he could start part two of his plan.

At the same time Caroline was having a hard time keeping focus on the meeting she was attending with her colleagues. Her mind was occupied on what she was going to do when her weeks off work started. First and foremost was spending time with her son, and second came the advice Lenora had given her.

She was ready to pick up her long lost hobby again, only she had no clue where to start with it. As a girl she had access to the newest of the newest PC's and other gaming related things, thanks to her father, but this time she had to start from scratch and they weren't exactly swimming in money.

"You okay Caroline?" She suddenly heard coming next from her.

She snapped out of her thoughts and quickly refocused herself on the meeting.

"Y-yes James... Sorry about that, my mind was somewhere else." She said with an apologizing tone.

James, her boss, nodded and smiled at her. "You must be looking forward to those weeks off, don't you? I completely understand but I do need you to stay with us this last day, it's important stuff that we will have to deal with in the following months. If you don't feel good, we can take a break if you want?"

"No, no need for that... I am indeed looking forward to those weeks off, but you are right." She then straightened her skirt and took a sip of her coffee before her bright smile returned. "Let's finish this so we can all go home early, okay?"

"That's the Caroline we know!" Said her other colleague.

The meeting resumed and Caroline attended it without any more distractions, only looking forward to the days to come.

Back at the Felton apartment, Kevin was giving the renovated room the finishing touches before he could start part two of his gaming room plan.

With the fully filled garbage bags in hand he made his way outside to his mother's car. Caroline rather used her bicycle to get to her work as it helped her staying fit, the car was a last resort for her if the weather decided to show its ugly side.

Kevin placed the garbage bags in the back and quickly made his way behind the steering wheel. First stop was the waste disposal facility followed by the store where he had his part-time job and last but not least the photography studio where he had ordered the last remaining surprise for his mother.

"Alright Kev, make it a bit hasty but drive safely. If everything goes according to plan, then I will have just enough time to set up everything before Mom returns home." He said to himself as he started the car and took off.

The first part of the trip was taken care of rather quickly, he then drove off to the little IT store where he would be picking up one of the big surprises for his mother.

Once arrived he entered the store through the backdoor as he was one of the employees that had the keys for opening and closing the store.

As he entered he was immediately greeted by the impressive gaming rig that he had built himself from the ground up, the rig that would be his mother's after today. The day before he had made sure that it was ready to be picked up, all cables and necessary accessories where placed right next to it so he surely wouldn't forget any of them.

Kevin had a short talk with one of his colleague's that was working today before heading off to the last destination. He had already paid for the gaming rig the day before and thanks to the benefits of being an employee it also didn't cost nearly as much as it should have been, it was still a big chunk of income but since it was for his mother he didn't really care about it.

As he pulled up to the photography studio he waited a few seconds to admire it. It had recently been opened by two young women that had immediately made a name for themselves due to their incredible quality services. They had turned an old, depressing looking store into one of the most appreciated ones in a short time span.

Once inside he was greeted by a beautiful and bright young woman with fierce red hair that had a big smile on her face.

She offered her hand as she spoke to him. "Hi! I'm Stephanie! And you must be Kevin Felton, coming to pick up that adorable mother and son family picture?" She said happily.

Kevin shook her hand and nodded his head. "Indeed I am; I hope it wasn't a problem for you two to make it in such a short period of time?" He asked with an equally bright smile on his face.

Stephanie shook her head. "No, not at all! Vanessa really worked her magic and I have to say that it looks splendid, I'm sure your mother will appreciate it. Here, let me show you the final result." She answered as she signaled to Kevin to come further into the studio.

Suddenly Kevin noticed a small, red-headed girl that looked awfully familiar to Stephanie standing on her toes, trying to grab a jar that spelled 'cookies' across it from a counter.

"Ahem!" Fake-coughed Stephanie as she placed her hands on her hips and faced towards the little girl's direction. "Olivia Judith Caldwell, what are we trying to achieve here?" She asked with a stern, motherly voice.

The little girl froze on the spot, stood still for a few seconds and then quickly darted off to another room while she giggled.

Stephanie let out a giggle herself. "My daughter, she sure is a feisty one." She said to Kevin who smiled back at her. "Anyway, here it is Kevin. Take a good look at it. I hope it is to your likings, we always strive for the very best, especially when it involves families which is also something very important to me." Said Stephanie as she carefully held up the enlarged, framed picture towards Kevin.

Kevin watched it quietly for a few seconds, a handful of emotions running through his whole body as looked at himself and his mother, hugging and smiling together on a park bench, it was one of the last pictures that his grandfather took from them before he passed away. He wanted to place this beautiful framed picture in the very room he had renovated, to also bring a little bit of his grandfather's spirit into it. This was his last surprise for his mother, and possibly also the most emotional one."It's... It's perfect Stephanie. My hat goes off to you and Vanessa for this sublime work." He said with a bright smile on his face.

"Now that's exactly what we want to hear, I'm glad we managed to make it to your likings. From what I can tell it seems to be very emotional for you, and presumably for your mother as well." Answered Stephanie who wrapped up the beautiful framed portrait before handing it over to Kevin.

"Oh it is; I know for sure that she is going to love it. Once more, thank you two for this incredible work." Responded Kevin as he took the wrapped up portrait from Stephanie.

"No thanks needed, but we do appreciate it! Like I said, anything involving families hits myself on a personal level as well." Said Stephanie as she calculated the price.

Kevin looked rather confused up to Stephanie when she handed over the receipt. "This can't be right... Is it?" He asked.

Stephanie simply smiled and gave him a wink. "It's perfectly fine, it's family discount today, but only today!" She said with a grin.

Kevin laughed and paid Stephanie the price she had made up for it. He then said his goodbyes to both her and her daughter and made his way back to the car, he still had a bit of time left to set everything up before his mother would arrive home.


The meeting for Caroline finally had come to an end. She was so ready to return home to her son to claim her few weeks of total freedom and to do fun things together again. She got goodbyes from her colleagues that wished her well and hoped to see her in tip top shape again when she would return.

"Wow Caroline, I can already see that the original you is returning faster than ever!" She heard a voice saying from behind her.

Caroline spun around with a smile and walked forward for a hugging embrace with the person who's voice she recognized everywhere. "Thanks for the compliment Zoë! You know it means a lot coming from you!" She replied happily.

Zoë laughed and embraced her friend and colleague. "About goddamn time Caro... I hated seeing you all depressed and down."

Zoë Carrillo and Caroline had known each other since their university days, they had studied the same subjects and in the end became colleagues as well. Zoë was just as important to Caroline as her son, she too was one of the few people that held her when she felt like she was crashing down. Zoë was also the person that had comforted her at her home when she first heard the terrible news regarding her father's death. And just like Caroline, Zoë is also a single mother of a son that she had on an early age.

"So... Ready to kick some ass on Eternia again? Doctor's orders, right?" Asked Zoë with a sly grin on her face as they ended their hug.

Caroline smiled. "Who would have known that you also still play it after all these years, and indeed, doctor's orders!" She responded excited.

"So much has changed over the years Caro... Not only us but the game as well. You mentioned that your psychiatrist wanted you to have more social connections and interaction, right? I'm in a big guild on Eternia, a guild that is exclusively for single mothers that just want to have a good time besides their daily lives. I'm sure you will enjoy it; we even have annual meet-ups IRL (In Real Life). It seems the perfect way to uh... Start your treatment, I guess?" Said Zoë.

"That sounds great Zoë, something to look forward to. I'm sure Kevin can help me with setting up everything at home since he also plays it, I still have to 'level up' my geekiness again regarding all these new technological things and programs though, plus I have to see if I can score a proper PC from somewhere, this crappy work laptop won't be able to do the deed, so to say." Answered Caroline.

"Ha, I already know that that won't be a problem. Girl, you got a 'man of the house' walking around at home just like me. Our boys know exactly what their mothers need." Said Zoë, sounding a little naughty as she said it.

Caroline started to blush slightly, knowing that at home her dear Kevin would be waiting for her. Just as herself he also couldn't wait to spend some quality time with his mom, his best friend. Caroline's blush intensified a bit as she pictured them properly bonding again.

Zoë giggled as she observed her best friend. "I think I managed to hit a soft spot there!"

Caroline snapped out of her thoughts and started to giggle as well. "Sorry Zoë, I'm just really looking forward to spending some quality time with him! And you of course!"

Both women laughed for a bit before taking their leave out of the building. Caroline was shining with confidence again and Zoë loved seeing her bestie all bright and happy once more.

"So, how about I introduce you to the other ladies' tomorrow? Take a bit of rest tonight and enjoy some time with Kev before this duo will be wrecking all across Eternia again?" Suggested Zoë outside.

"Sounds good to me!" Answered Caroline with a grin. "I think I will be able to pick up a decent rig somewhere tomorrow morning, the store where Kevin works should have everything I need."

Zoë smiled at her. "Good! So I will, hopefully, see you tomorrow on the online world once more... 'Missy C'!" She said, mentioning Caroline's online persona to her.

Caroline giggled before hugging her best friend again. "Sure thing... 'Missy Z'!" She responded.

The two women then said their goodbyes and walked off opposite directions. Caroline could feel that her happiness was returning rapidly, she looked up to the bright sky as if her father was looking down at her, shining rays of positivity onto her.


It was a piece of cake for Kevin to prepare his mother's new computer rig, he already had cabled everything together to the monitor, surround audio system and the electricity output. The case fitted like a glove under the newly renovated bureau and would be having enough space for proper cooling.

"Let's fire this baby up." He said to himself as he turned on the computer. He waiting a short period of time for it to install the needed drivers and updates before he worked his own magic onto the system. He installed various programs his mother would be using, of course the client for Eternia was one of them. Satisfied with the result he switched on the standby mode so his mother could use it right away when she would return home.

Now all there remained was to give the framed picture of him together with her a nice spot. He looked around the room for a bit before deciding to hang it up against the sidewall of the room, this way you would immediately spot the picture when entering the room. But it was a surprise after all, so Kevin placed a small cloth over it so his mother wouldn't see it right away, he would reveal it when the time was right.

Last but not least he gave the room one final look and cleaning before being satisfied with the result. He was amazed that he was able to pull it off in the short period of time he had, but then again he had prepared for it to happen when the time was right. Now all that there was left was to wait for his mother to return home and surprise her with his gift. Kevin closed the door to the room and made his way downstairs, picking up a well-earned drink from the refrigerator to clench his thirst.

Just when he had finished his drink he could hear someone fondling keys into the lock of the front door. "Speak of the devil... Kev you are one smooth worker." He thought to himself with a goofy grin on his face.

With a push of satisfaction Caroline opened the door and stepped inside. After closing the door behind her she dropped her bag, kicked off her heels and stretched herself out. "FREEDOM!" She shouted as if she was William Wallace from Braveheart.

"And a good afternoon to you too Mom!" Said Kevin as he watched his mother's silly act from the opposite side of the entrance hall.

Caroline snapped out of her act and started to giggle. "Good afternoon darling." She said happily. She picked up her bag and walked towards her son.

Kevin could already sense and see that his mother's peppy spirit had returned to her. He watched as she walked closer towards him, his eyes scanning from her cute little barefoot feet up to her pretty face, taking a pause midway to appreciate the jiggling of her well-endowed 'twins'.

Caroline made her way over to him and then leaned forward, giving her only child a motherly hug and a big kiss on his cheek.

"Looking good Mom, I hope you will have a good time these few free weeks. You deserve it." Said Kevin as he embraced his mother, not only feeling her affection but also the beautiful breasts he just ogled pressing hard against his chest.

Caroline smiled and looked up to her son, her now sparkling green eyes behind her glasses making contact with his. "Thank you baby... I just know that these few free weeks was really what I needed, to get back into my long lost hobby... And of course spending time with my darling son." She whispered to him.

Kevin smiled at her, he couldn't wait any longer now. He just wanted to show his mother the room he had created for them in the last couple of hours. "You know Mom... I want to show you something, something I wanted to do a long time for you to see you happy again. Care to follow me upstairs?" He asked as he reached out his hand to her.

Caroline giggled and happily took her son's hand. "Honey... You know that you don't have to do something special for me all of a sudden, I'm already happy with just being together with you right now." She said to him rather seriously.

"I know Mom, but the deed has already been done. And truly... You deserve this Mom, and I certainly know that you will love it. It has to do something with our mutual hobby." Responded Kevin as he enjoyed the feel of his mother's soft hand in his.

Caroline's eyes opened up a bit in surprise. "Kev, don't tell me that you spend all yo-" She tried to say before Kevin interrupted her by placing a finger on her mouth.

"Don't worry Mom, and even if I would... For you I would do anything, you know that." He said.

Caroline felt her heart flutter with happiness while a small red blush formed on her face. She gave her son a cute smile and nodded, giving him the okay to take her upstairs to whatever he wanted to show her.

They made their way upstairs and stopped in front of the room that had been more of a storage room to them for the last couple of years. Caroline looked at Kevin with a questionable expression on her face, all he did was giving her a goofy smile in return.

"You cleaned our storage room?" Asked his mother curiously.

Kevin shook his head and simply said: "Sort of I guess... but, ladies first Mom!"

Caroline shrugged her shoulders and acted upon her son's word. When she took the first step into the renovated room she felt another shock of happiness blasting through her body. Her jaw literally dropped seeing that the room had had a total makeover, and then her eyes caught the beast of a machine that was turned on, it's colorful interior colors illuminating the underside of the large bureau through its casing. It was accompanied with an equally colorful keyboard and mouse, and to top it off impressive dual monitors.

Kevin heard his mother letting out a girly squeal of enjoyment, it was like she was a young child all over again. Before he knew it she was wrapped around his body once more, hitting him with a barrage of kisses all over his face and repeating the words 'Thank you!' and 'I love you!' over and over again.

"You sly dog you! How in God's name did you manage to pull this off sweetheart!?" Asked Caroline highly excited after expressing her happiness and love to her son.

"By being your awesome son! And to let the love for my mother do its work." Answered Kevin vaguely, but his mother knew immediately what he meant. "Oh and before you ask again, I did not spend all my saved up money on this, working in an IT store has its benefits, you know?"

Caroline said nothing in response and gave him another big hug before letting go to walk around the renovated 'storage' room. She trailed her hand across the desk, the chairs and the bright white walls that seemed cleaner and brighter than ever. She also took in all of the technological devices that had been installed in said room, still amazed how her caring son managed to install everything in such a short amount of time. Finally, her eyes rested upon something that was covered with a cloth on the wall, she pointed her finger towards it. "What's that baby?" She asked.

Kevin looked at what she was pointing at, he gulped before answering her. "That's your final present...".

"Can I... Can I take off the cloth?" Asked his mother, seeing that mentioning it stirred a reaction from her son.

He nodded and took a step forward so he was behind her, he then placed one hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

Caroline was surprised by his reaction as she carefully reached up to remove the cloth. As the cloth pummeled down onto the ground her eyes widened once again, but this time all kind of emotions were released inside of her. She felt her eyes tearing up, her heart beating faster and her skin itching.

Memories of her youth, the birth of her son and the later stages of her life flashed by as she took in the picture of her and Kevin, the picture that her father had taken of them now beautifully enlarged and displayed with a hardwood frame around it. In the middle of the frame under the picture sat a small metal plate. "You and me, together forever." Was engraved into it.

Kevin still had his hand on his mother's shoulder, he could feel her body tremble and shake, even more so after each sob. It didn't take long before she turned around to him and embraced him once more. She softly cried into his chest while he stroked her hair gently, he could feel his own tears running down the sides of his cheeks.

Mother and son just stood there together for a while, both experiencing the emotional outburst, memories of themselves and her father, his grandfather. It was no doubt that this was the most beautiful surprise of them all.

After a few minutes Kevin could feel his mother calming down. She slowly raised up her arms and took his face in her soft, tiny hands. They looked each other deep in the eyes, an unknown never before experienced feeling running through both their bodies.

Caroline then pulled her son's face closer to hers, her full lips met his and she gave him a kiss, a long lasting and unmotherly kiss.

Kevin's heart almost bursted out of his chest, he couldn't believe that his own mother was giving him a kiss full the lips, a kiss that normally is meant for lovers. He felt his whole body weaken as if his mother was draining his life force. The kiss felt like it lasted for hours.

Caroline released her lips from her son's after a few seconds and cuddled up to him again.

"I love you Kevin, I love you so, so very much." Was all she whispered to him.

"I... I love you too Mom..." Responded Kevin in return, holding the most important woman in his life close to him.

Another short period of time went by as mother and son stood inside of the renovated room embracing each other lovingly.

Both of them were in the living room downstairs a half hour later. Caroline had changed into her 'lazy' outfit, a tank top and sweatpants, both which hugged her well-shaped body perfectly. She sat on the couch next to Kevin, cuddled up against him, her legs under her body and her head on his shoulder.

Kevin had his right arm around her body, holding her close to him as they enjoyed each other's presence.

"So... I guess I can say that my surprise for you was an effective one?" Asked Kevin after a while.

Caroline cuddled further up to him before speaking up. "You guessed right honey... You sure know how to make your mother a very happy woman..."

"I'm glad I do, seeing my mother happy makes me happy too." Responded Kevin.

Caroline giggled and let out a cute little coo, feeling her former self again thanks to the love of her own son.

The rest of the evening they sat together like a lovers' couple, enjoying being close together, feeling fully relaxed and comforted. It was the first step of their fast evolving relationship.


The first week of Caroline being absent from her work went by in no time. She felt like she had stepped into a time machine and traveled back in time, reliving the times how she and her son had been before her father's death, together playing games and having fun with each other.

Kevin saw his mother blossoming into the same cheery woman she was before and its positivity rubbed off onto him as well. He was glad that they would be spending time together like this again, it was even better that he was more at home than at the university this month of the year due to his excellent results. It was as if destiny had planned it for them.

Caroline had also been introduced to the Guild full of single mom's on Eternia by Zoë and it immediately clicked. She enjoyed having fun with like-minded people, strong single moms that knew all the ins and outs of living the life they lived. She even went to a small gathering at a local coffee shop in the city that was planned by Zoë, here she met a couple of the women she had been playing with online, you could say that after the gathering she had a few new friends and the social aspect that Lenora had advised her to act upon started to shine once more.

Everything was going good again, great even. Caroline felt she had her life back on track and Kevin had the mother he always had known return to him as well. Of course it couldn't stay like this forever because what happened next would change the lives of mother and son forever.


Kevin sat on a rather comfy chair across the principal's bureau, still feeling a lingering anger inside of him after what had happened a few minutes ago.

"You know how he can be Miss Harrison, this time he truly stepped out of line and if it wasn't me then eventually someone else would have acted the same way I did." Explained Kevin to the older woman in front of him.

Miss Harrison sighed before speaking. "First of all Kevin, please call me Jenna when it's just the two of us and second: I know Mr. Coletti has behaving somewhat... Different than what kind of behavior we allow over here. I will be having a word with him as well, but you know actions like these will have consequences, even if I have known you almost all your life."

Jenna Harrison had been a long-time neighbor to both Kevin and Caroline when they still lived at the farm. When Kevin eventually found out that his old neighbor was the head of his university he was rather surprised, but also relieved. She had been like a second mom to him when either his mother or grandfather couldn't look after him all those years ago.

"I'm sorry Miss Har... Jenna, but when he called my mother a 'antisocial reject freak' I simply snapped. He always tries to get under peoples' skin and well... He succeeded this time, but he was not prepared to be lying on the floor like a bitch with his blood spurting out of his half broken nose." Responded Kevin fierce.

"Calm down Kevin, please. Like I said, I also will be trading some stern words with him, don't think he's coming off easy as he has been warned before." Countered Jenna.

Kevin sighed before speaking again. "You know how my mother has been going through a shit period of her life recently and I refuse people calling her names when they don't even know in what kind of situation she... we were."

"I completely understand what you are saying Kevin, and I know what both of you have been through, but it doesn't justify your actions." Said Jenna softly. "I need to follow the rules and I'm afraid that I will have to give you at least a suspension for a week, violence is not tolerated here, no matter what the cause."Kevin slowly nodded his head. "I understand Jenna, and I apologize for my behavior."

Jenna gave him a little smile as she briefly pictured the young version of Kevin in her mind. "I'm just glad you are one of the people that has a higher than average grade for each of your subjects, you won't be missing a lot in this period of time but I do want you to keep on studying, even during your suspension, okay?... Oh, and your apology has been accepted young man." She said, sounding like the nice caring woman she had always been to Kevin.

Kevin and Jenna made small talk after that before she let him out of her office, wishing him luck and hoping to see him soon again. Kevin knew that his mother would be asking questions when he would mention that he wouldn't be attending his university for a week. There were never any lies between the both of them and he wasn't about to break that bond between them, he would tell her about the suspension but not about the reason as he didn't want to see her hurt again.

The three days that followed were a mystery for Caroline. Kevin had told her about his suspension but refused to tell her the reason for it, of course she could just simply call Jenna to find out more about it but she didn't want to confront her son with it. What if it was something that would only make him more distant?

Kevin wasn't his chirpy self for the last three days. He wasn't really talkative during dinner, he rather stayed in his room in the evening and their gaming sessions weren't there. It was as if he desperately wanted to hide the reason for his suspension. Caroline and her motherly instincts were on high alert, she wanted to comfort her son but she had no idea what to do. She then sought out the assistance of her best friend Zoë, the two of them had a private Skype conversation while Kevin was once again in his room, doing whatever.

"And that's about it Zoë... He really started acting odd after he had told me about his suspension, I tried to make him smile again but for whatever reason the things I tried don't seem to work... I think something is really bothering him, something that had happened at his university." Said Caroline, sitting on her comfy chair in their gaming room.

"Mhmmm... You know, I've seen him acting the same once. It was right after the death of your father, but at that time he wasn't distant to you but to others... Maybe this suspension has something to do with you?" Responded Zoë over the skype call.

Caroline looked confused towards her webcam. "How in God's name would his suspension have to do something with me? It happened at his university while I was at home."

"Yes... You're right, guess I'm just imagining things here on my end. But hey, that's not why you called me, right? So you want some advice from me to possibly break his shell and see him smile again?"

Caroline nodded. "Yeah, I mean, I tried different kind of things but to no avail. Maybe you have been in a similar situation like me?"

"Well... Now that you mention it... There was this time when Gary had broken his leg after his football practice. He was all pissed off and sad too because he couldn't play his championship matches. Soooo... I did a... Eh... Little something for him which turned him into my sweet baby boy all over again." Explained Zoë.

Curiously as can be Caroline waited for her answer.

"You know what? Let me show you something." Said Zoë.

Caroline watched her best friend doing something on her computer before the sounds of new messages popped through her speakers. Zoë had send her two pictures, it was a woman posing in an oddly familiar, and rather skimpy outfit. She then noticed that the outfit resembled one of the many heroines from Eternia, they were cosplay pictures.

"So what does this have to..." Said Caroline before she stopped her sentence. She then spotted the small mole to the right side of the woman's mouth, and then her bright hazel eyes. Caroline's jaw dropped a bit, this wasn't some random woman, this was Zoë, her best friend!

"Zoë! Is this you?!" She yelped.

Zoë laughed through her microphone before she spoke. "Pretty good looking right? Was about time that you noticed it was little ol' me! Very accurate to the character, isn't it?"

Caroline had to admit that it was on point, her best friend looked really good. "Well yeah, it looks rather professional and I have to admit that you nailed the character!" But then another thought popped up in her mind, the pictures were clearly taken at her home. "Wait... Who did take these pictures of you?" She asked quickly.

"Gary of course, I mean I was all dressed up and cosplaying for him! And let me tell you that he absolutely loved it, gone was the grumpy Gary and in return I got my sweet son back. You should have seen how excited he was!" Explained Zoë happily. "Here, let me show you some more pictures, we have been doing this off and on because we both rather enjoy it!"

Caroline couldn't believe what she heard and saw, more pictures popped up. Outfits that got skimpier and poses that got a lot more... sexual and flirty. Was here best friend giving her hints on what to do?

"Zoë... Are you suggesting that I should try doing this for...? For Kevin?" She asked nervously.

Zoë laughed again before talking. "Hon, I'm not suggesting anything. I'm just showing you what made my boy all happy again. But now that you mentioned it, I think Kevin wouldn't mind seeing you cosplaying either... Maybe you should try it out?"

A thousand thoughts ran through Caroline's head. Would something like this make her son smile again? Would he enjoy it if his own mother would cosplay as one of his favorite heroines from Eternia?

"I... I don't know Zoë... I mean, I think I'm not really cut out for cosplaying..." Responded Caroline.

"What?! You got to be kidding me girl! Look at yourself! You're one sexy momma with all the right curves, cosplaying would be totally something for you!" Answered Zoë very excited, and she wasn't wrong.

"So... What if I would go with your advice... As what should I cosplay as for him?" Asked Caroline. Deep inside she could feel her heart flutter, would she really be able to pull something off like this for Kevin, her own son?

"Well since he's just as much as an Eternia geek as you and I are... Maybe he has a favorite character or something?" Answered Zoë. "Say, didn't you two play together last week in the same room?"

Caroline nodded. "Yes, we did."

"So check out his PC or whatever he was playing on, maybe he has a wallpaper or something that could inspire you." Suggested Zoë.

Caroline shifted her head to the left and looked straight at the computer of her son, she knew his password so she could have a little peek. She turned on his monitor, entered his password and saw his desktop popping up.

She remained quiet for bit before speaking up to Zoë who was eagerly waiting for her.

"He has Erianna, queen of the night elves as his background wallpaper." She said with her face a bit flushed, overlooking the rather sexy and busty character.

Zoë clapped in her hands out of excitement. "Girl, you hit the jackpot! That character would be perfect for you! I mean that busty and sexy body of yours will resemble her so much!"

"Zoë!" Yelped Caroline. "Even if I would go on with this... How would I be able to resemble her? She has dark purple skin, white silvery hair, red eyes and pointy ears! Plus, her rather eh... 'revealing' outfit."

"Well, that's where I come in sweetheart. I've been really getting into cosplaying for Gary that I purchased a lot of accessories like body paints, clothes and other things. I'm sure I can make you look just like her!" Said Zoë.

Caroline grew quiet for a bit. Thinking everything over in her mind.

Zoë quietly waited for what her best friend's response would be.

"Okay... I will do it." Said Caroline a bit nervously, but with a smile on her face after a while.

"Yes!" Shouted Zoë. "I swear that you won't regret it Caro, and neither will Kevin!"

Caroline then remembered that Kevin would be visiting a friend tomorrow in the afternoon, it would be the perfect time to get herself 'ready'. She didn't want to waste any time, she wanted to see her son happy and smiling again.

"Can we... Can we do it tomorrow Zoë? Kevin will be gone in the afternoon so we would have all the time in the world." She asked.

"Wow! Someone seems to be eager! But yes, I could transform you in the perfect Erianna look-a-like in a few hours. So, see you tomorrow?" Responded Zoë.

Caroline nodded, a new flush of red forming on her face. "Y-yes Zoë, let's see each other tomorrow..."

Her own son had surprised her with something truly incredible and sweet a week ago, this time it was the mother's turn to do something incredible for him. As Caroline laid in bed that night she felt all her nervousness wash away, she felt something burning inside of her: excitement, passion... And love. A deep lingering love for the most important man in her life.


Caroline was greeted by Zoë who had a stupid grin on her face when she opened her front door. She also had a large suitcase with her which presumably contained all of the cosplay items.

"Hi hon! Ready to transform and give that son of yours the surprise of his life?" Asked Zoë as she stepped inside the Felton household.

"Yeah... I... I guess so..." Answered Caroline a bit vaguely, the excitement from the night before had washed away a bit since she realized that her cosplaying for her son would be taking place in a few hours.

Zoë placed her free hand on Caroline's shoulder. "Don't be nervous Caro, believe me, you will have fun doing it. Just image Kevin's face when you reveal yourself!"

"I presume that I will be giving you your makeover upstairs?" She asked as she already made her way to the stairs.

Caroline nodded before following her best friend to her bedroom.

Zoë immediately started to extract item after item from the opened suitcase onto Caroline's bed. A makeup kit here, a piece of clothing there and much more additional accessories, and, as last a printed paper with a full body shot of Queen Erianna for reference.

"Wow... That's quite a lot of stuff Zoë, I never knew that cosplaying would be such a chore." Said Caroline as she eagerly waited.

"When you do something, you gotta do it good! Especially when trying to resemble a character like this." Answered Zoë.

After separating and placing everything she needed on the bed Zoë turned towards her best friend. "Should I give you a small summary of what is going to happen? And, I want to make sure that you are one-hundred percent behind this Caro because your body is going to be my canvass so to speak. I want to make you look as good as possible." She asked rather serious.

Caroline could feel the confidence and excitement from the night before finally returning to her, she nodded and gave her best friend the go ahead.

"Alrighty! Now, one question: you shave everything, correct? Because I will be needing your skin to be as smooth as a baby's bottom." Asked Zoë.

Caroline developed a small blush on her face before nodding again.

"Good. So, first I'm going to dye your hair in this silvery white color that perfectly matches Erianna's hair. After that I will be using this dark purple body paint to recreate Erianna's skin color, and yes, I mean that all of your skin will be covered. Now don't worry, you will be able to clean yourself after the event but it will require some scrubbing. Then comes the clothing, we will be going after Erianna's primary costume so knee length high-heeled boots, tight silk shorts and a bustier/corset combo." Explained Zoë excited.

"That seems quite... Revealing, wouldn't you say? No bra and panties?" Asked Caroline, again with a small blush on her face.

Zoë smiled at her. "Elves are a thing of beauty! It might be a bit revealing but that's what we are going for, we want you to resemble her as much as possible."

"Anyway, after the clothing is out of the way I will be doing your additional makeup: lipstick, eye shadow, black nail varnish. Then we need to use some props: your red contact lenses, these dark purple elven ears and as finishing touch her characteristic moon-shaped earrings." Explained Zoë further.

Caroline was quiet for a bit, overlooking everything that was laid out on her bed. She truly was going to be transformed into a total different person from the outside. She then smiled at Zoë and spoke. "Well, shall we begin?"

Zoë clapped her hands and started gathering the needed items for the first part of Caroline's transformation. The two best friends would have a few hours before Kevin would return, hopefully to witness his own mother representing his favorite, busty Eternia character.


After an almost three-hour session of Zoë letting loose her cosplay skills onto Caroline they finally had reached the end. Zoë had kept Caroline away from any mirrors so it would be a surprise for her as well, but judging by the huge grin on Zoë's face Caroline knew that the result had to be good.

"Aaaand... We, are, done!" Said Zoë overjoyed before letting out a puff of air. "Girl, you are looking mighty, mighty fine if I have to say so myself. I dare to say that this blows any of my previous creations right out of the water!"

"Sooo, am I allowed to actually see myself now?" Asked Caroline.

"Oh right! Here, let me return your mirror into the room." Responded Zoë before returning the body length mirror to its original place. "Prepare to be amazed!" She said.

Caroline closed her eyes, let out a soft sigh and walked in front of the mirror, she then opened her eyes.

Her long, silvery white colored hair hung loose, just ending above her behind. Her eyes shining a bright red due to the contacts, her face professionally made up accompanied by the elven ears and jewelry. Her body a dark tint of purple, the revealing clothes wrapped around her curvy body like a second skin, her breasts almost spilling out of the tight top and her motherly hips and juicy ass were out on full display. There was no mistake, this afternoon she had transformed into Erianna, queen of the night elves. The resemblance was spot on; Kevin's world was about to get hit by an earthquake, in an hour or so he would be confronted with a real life version of his favorite character which also happened to be his very own mother.

Zoë observed Caroline as she was standing awestruck, looking at herself in the mirror. "I think I'll take your silence as a compliment Cora, glad to see that my skills never stop evolving." She said after a while.

She then glanced at her watch and saw that it was almost six o'clock, time flew by while she had been sculpturing her best friend into the perfect Erianna cosplayer.

Zoë walked up to Caroline and placed her hands onto her shoulders which made her snap out of her paralyzing stance. "Caro, I think Kevin will be returning soon, you always serve dinner around six, right?"

"Y-yeah I do..." Answered Caroline softly.

"Alright... Look, I got to go. I still have a son of my own to dine with. Remember what I told you, the body paint is erasable but it's gonna take some good scrubbing, and don't bother returning the clothing and props, their yours now since they fit you like a glove." Said Zoë as she looked at Caroline in the mirror.

"And don't be nervous, Kevin will appreciate and love it that you went out to do something like this for him, I'm sure of that." She added.

"T-thanks for doing this for me Zoë, I owe you one." Responded Caroline, a little more relieved.

Zoë laughed. "Girl, you don't owe me nothing, you helped me out a lot too. That's what best friends are for after all. Anyway, I really got to go now before I bump into Kev, you stay here and wait, once he gets home, give him the surprise of a lifetime!"

And so Zoë left while Caroline stayed upstairs. She then remembered that Zoë allowed her son to take pictures of her, serving as a memory of her cosplay outfits. She liked the thought of having some memories of her own as well, so she decided on the spot that she would allow Kevin to take pictures of her too, something that would probably make him even more happy.

She walked up to the drawers in her room and open the bottom one, it contained a rather professional camera, often used when she and Kevin would go on vacations. She took it out, checked if the battery was still full and then placed it on the end of her bed, making sure that Kevin would see it.

Just as she finished that she heard the lock from the front door unlocking. This was it, Kevin was home at last. She suddenly felt a bolt of excitement running through her body and even a bit of... arousal?

"Mom, I'm home!" Came from her son's voice downstairs.

Caroline took another big breath, opened her door slightly before responding to her son. "Hi honey, could you... Could you be a dear and help me out upstairs? I'm in my bedroom."

Kevin, being the attentive son he is, responded right away. "Sure Mom, just give me a few seconds to take off my shoes." He said.

Caroline felt her heartbeat increasing rapidly as she quickly darted towards her own seperate bathroom that was attached to her room. She left the door open a few inches and started to wait for her son to come upstairs. The door to her bathroom was exactly opposite of her bed, once she would come out of it Kevin would have a perfect view of her.

She then heard him slowly walking upstairs, each step making her more nervous but excited at the same time. Finally, he reached her bedroom door, opened it and walked in.

"Mom? Where are you? I thought that you needed my help?" Said Kevin as he walked into his mother's room, spotting her camera sitting on the end of her bed.

"I-I'm here, just... Sit on my bed for a bit..." Came his mother's voice from her bathroom.

Kevin shrugged his shoulders and did what his mother told him. He sat down on the end of her bed, placing the camera safely in his lap to make sure it didn't get damaged.

Caroline took a deep breath. "You can do this! Make your boy happy again!" She said to herself. She opened the door and walked into her bedroom with mild confidence. Kevin was inspecting the camera and didn't notice her right away.

"D-darling." She said to him, sounding a bit shy.

Kevin was still looking at the camera when she walked in and spoke to him, he immediately looked up. "Hey Mom, I was... I... Was..." He said before his sentence broke up until only silence remained.

His eyes almost popped out of his skull as he witnessed his mother, or was it queen Erianna? standing in front of him. His mouth dropped open as his eyes darted all across and over her body. Her long, silvery white hair, her beautiful made up face with bright red pupils that seemed to stare into his very soul, those bombastic pair of tits that were on full display in what seemed to be a corset, followed by her curved ass and motherly hips in those tight silky shorts, her cute little feet and smooth legs now covered by high-heeled knee-length boots that made her a few inches bigger, and to top it off her whole skin was covered by a warm, inviting dark purple color.

Kevin felt his body burning up, his heart fluttering as he had a real-life living version of queen Erianna standing about a meter away from him. And this incredible beautiful and sexy queen Erianna was his very own mother to boot.

"S-surprise!" Said Caroline shyly with an odd smile on her face as she presented herself to her son. She was blushing intensely but due to the purple body paint it didn't show.

"Mom... This is... Oh my God... Mom... You look amazing! You look just like her! This is incredible!" Shouted Kevin out of excitement, all his questions washed right away when he heard his mother's voice.

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