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25.46% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1044: LITTLE SIS CH. 01

Chapitre 1044: LITTLE SIS CH. 01

Foreword #1 : All sexually active characters in this story are over 18

Foreword #2 : This is a story and intended purely for pleasure.

Foreword #3 : The author does not condone nor encourage the practice of incest.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Gabriella, or Gabi to her friends, will always be my "Little Sis". Not because she was younger than me, in actual fact she was a year older, but because she was . . . how can I say it simply . . . little.

OK, so she's not really my sister. She's my step-sister. Gabi and her father joined our lives when I was about twelve, bringing joy once more into a rather empty family. I don't remember so much about my own father as he had left when I was very young. I do remember though the difficulty of those early years belonging to a one parent family. I also remember, quite clearly, that look in Mother's eyes. A deep set look of despondency, of emptiness, of a life turned upside down. That was . . . until she met Pawel.

We'd scrimped and saved enough for a cheap holiday in Greece and what a holiday it turned out to be. That was where Mother met her partner to be and, without knowing at the time, I met the one who was to . . . shall we say, teach me about life.

It was a holiday romance. Pawel was a nurse working at a hospital in Dubrovnik. He was also a one parent family and Gabi was his shining light. I never did find out much about his wife but that seemed not to matter as Mother was happy. It was two weeks in the sun and two weeks with a little company. I couldn't believe how much Mother had changed in the space of two small weeks.

And then there was Gabi . . . ah, little Gabi. She was obviously older as I noticed just the smallest hint of breasts stretching the front of her swimsuit. What stood out though was her height, or lack of it, and her flexibility. I would sit and stare at the way she could bend in every direction. Her cards were marked . . . a gymnast or a circus performer . . . it had to be one or the other.

Two weeks of happiness and then back to the same old life as we all departed in different directions. The same old life that was, until one day, an e-mail arrived totally out of the blue. A message from Pawel saying that he had taken a job at a local hospital and was moving over. His ask was for a recommendation of places to live, but Mother went one step further. Without hesitation the offer had been made and three months later Pawel, along with Gabi, moved in. I was thirteen and she was fourteen, still little and still flexible.

It was amazing the change that this made. Suddenly Mother was happy again and life had purpose once more. A year later the two of them tied the knot and we seemed to be back like a normal family.

I loved having Gabi around; she was fun and always happy. Her English was improving but I would still tease her every now and again when she used the wrong words. We'd become very close over our time together and I really thought of Gabi as my own real sister.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As the years passed I watched Little Sis become Little "grown up" Sis as she blossomed into a charming young woman. Gabi hadn't thrown off the tag of being little, standing at just a tad over five foot two, but what she lacked in height she made up for in beauty and charm. Long blonde locks cascaded down over her shoulders, framing a sweetly seductive face. Deep set blue eyes exuded desire. Small, almost pouting, lips just wanted to be kissed. Then there was her body. Petite would be the word, narrow hips, tiny waist and breasts which would disappear into nothingness if she wore anything but the most figure clinging tops. Gabi though had legs to die for, perfectly toned as they narrowed down to tiny ankles.

There was just one thing though which confused the hell out of me. With the body of a heavenly angel, okay not the most well endowed angel, why wasn't she surrounded by would be suitors. I couldn't remember a single boyfriend. Even if she was saving herself, you would have expected at least one or two lads to be on the scene. I hadn't worried at all as Gabi seemed so happy in the company she kept, yes she had many friends and all of them female.

It was Little Sis' eighteenth birthday party which really set the cat amongst the pigeons. It was the usual affair. You know the sort of thing, a private room above a pub, disco, nibbles and drink flowing. It was mainly Gabi's friends who were there, Pawel and Mother giving her free rein for the evening, and of course she had slipped me in as well. Thirty or forty late teenagers having fun.

Music blaring out, only so much diet coke you could manage and the dance floor heaving, I decided to stretch my legs and seek out the little boys room. It was down a long corridor towards the back of the pub. Off each side were a couple of smaller rooms which were not being used for the party. I was focused only on finding the toilets and didn't pay too much attention to the side rooms.

It was a noise off to the left though which did lead me to take a glance, and what I saw shocked me a little. There, in the dark, sprawled across a couple of chairs were two young women. I watched as they embraced, snuggled up bodies writhing against each other like two snakes. They were joined at the lips in a deep kiss. I could imagine their mouths open and tongues snaking around each other. This in itself, whilst unexpected, didn't shock. In fact, if I hadn't been desperate to relieve myself, I would have quite enjoyed staying a while and watching the show.

What did shock me though was that the girl on top was none other than Little Sis. I had wondered before, but really didn't have any proof. Could it be that my Little Sis was batting for the other side? Was she, how could I put it, a lesbian?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Time rolled on and I put the question to the back of my mind. She was still my Little Sis regardless of which side she batted for and to be honest I loved her for who she was and not what she was. I could hardly ask the question though as that would make her uncomfortable, so however much I wanted to know for sure I had to live with that seed of doubt.

Gabi went off to university, to study Theatre and Performance, quite apt given that she always liked to express herself. Life seemed so quiet without her around and I so looked forward to the holidays and Little Sis' return. Each time though she seemed to have changed from the sweet innocent angel I knew. Each time a little bit older, a little more world wisely and, damn I shouldn't be saying this, a little more gorgeous. Maybe I was imagining things but it seemed that Little Sis had more than a twinkle in her eye.

I didn't keep a diary but if I had there'd be some interesting entries for sure. I would have had to keep it under lock and key or anyone reading would think I had become infatuated with my own step-sister, which wasn't the case at all. Gabi was still my Little Sis, it's just that she had learnt how to perform, how to get herself noticed. If I had kept a diary though, maybe I would have foreseen what was to come.

It all started innocently enough. Gabi was always in a cheery disposition when she returned home for the holidays. She was obviously enjoying life at university but it was almost as if she still had a longing to be back home. I guessed this was normal and that she was probably a little homesick. Some people love the sudden independence, I always imagined that I would be one of them, and some needed to have their regular top up of home comforts. It seemed that Gabi was one of the latter.

What I did notice though was the way she changed when we were alone. For sure we'd always been close, in a platonic sibling type way, but now there was something different. It wasn't different in an unpleasant way, in fact quite the opposite, but it did feel different; almost uncomfortably different.

First came the smile. A wry sexy smile, bottom lip pulled in slightly as if she was nibbling on the flesh, which almost involuntarily morphed into the slightest pout. Just a smile to start with but over time the smile was accompanied by those eyes. Those beautiful blue eyes looking upwards into my own. Nothing unusual given that I was nearly a foot taller than Gabi. They were stunning though and once locked in a gaze you were mesmerised by their intensity. Add to this the way in which she flickered her eyelashes in a come and get me seductiveness.

I tried not to be taken in by her charm, through a combination of it just not being right along with just a touch if doubt as to what she was trying to achieve. Over time though I was becoming more receptive and it was obvious that Gabi noticed. She would grab my attention, look me deep in the eyes and, as I stared, her pout would change into a wide smile as she ran the tip of her tongue slowly around her lips.

And so it continued, another term would pass and then Gabi would return home from university. With each homecoming it seemed my angel of a sister had become just a little more sultry, a little more seductive, a little more provocative.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The summer came and it was one which would never be forgotten. For one I'd finally completed my own exams and been accepted for a place at university myself, in my case to study mathematics. It wasn't the same university as Gabi but it wasn't so far away either. It also highlighted one of several differences between the two of us. She was the creative one, the expressive one, the exhibitionist. I on the other hand was just a geek, a mathematical geek.

So now we had a good nine weeks together before we went our separate ways once more. What's more, this summer was going to be my eighteenth birthday and I really had high hopes that turning adult would open a new chapter on my life. Until now I hadn't been successful with the opposite sex. All the girls at college either had long term boyfriends or didn't think it was cool to date a six foot three geek. I couldn't wait to get to university, to make a new circle of like minded friends and, with just a little luck to find myself a love interest.

I had high hopes that this was going to be one of the best summers ever.

A few things happened in the run up to my birthday but I hadn't had the initiative to treat them as anything more than isolated incidents. It started though the minute that Gabi returned home. She was her usual cheery self, but the welcome was almost as if she was meeting a long lost lover for the first time in years. She certainly had developed an air of self confidence over the year, to the point that she never kept her feelings hidden and almost always got what she wanted.

I was away on an end of college celebration when Gabi arrived so missed the immediate family reunion. It was a few days later that we finally caught up with each other, and what a greeting it was.

I can remember it clearly.

I'd risen late, taken breakfast alone and was busy washing up after myself staring out of the kitchen window at back garden. A couple of tits had taken my attention, birds not breasts, and I was watching them hop from branch to branch as they chased each other around the garden. I never heard those soft footsteps behind me as Gabi sneaked up. The first I knew was almost jumping out of my skin as a gentle hand tapped on my shoulder.

I spun around and there she was, my Little Sis, staring up at me, smiling as usual. She looked a picture in a pair of pale blue ripped jeans and a white skin tight top. Before I had the chance to react Gabi was up on tiptoes and giving me a peck on each cheek; her usual European style greeting.

"Hello Big Boy," I heard her whisper "I've missed you."

We'd started calling each other "Big Boy" and "Little Sis" over the years. It started as pure teasing, emphasising out height difference but had sort of stuck. The only time we really used our given names was in company or when we wanted to be stern with each other.

"I've missed you too Little Sis," came my reply.

Now, there's nothing too unusual about the greeting itself. It is what followed which was out of the ordinary. Usually it would be a peck on each cheek, a whispered hello and then we would go back to our normal business. This time though the latter didn't happen. Gabi remained on tiptoes and instead of pulling away she practically pulled herself on to me in a tight embrace. I could swear I could feel her grinding those cute little tits against my chest as she held me tight.

"Let's make this a summer to remember," she continued, the breath as she spoke sending shivers down my neck.

"Don't we always," I responded smiling "did you have something different in mind?"

She clung on hard for a minute more and I could clearly feel her hard nipples pressing into my chest. The rest was a bit of a blur, but did she actually nibble my earlobe and grind her mound against my trousers. It was a split second and I guessed my imagination was running riot. We parted and Gabi smiled before turning and walking back out of the kitchen. I watched as she disappeared though the doorway, her cute arse wiggling slightly as she went. I had to admit it, my Little Sis did have one hell of a body.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Nothing more happened for a couple of weeks, bar the usual seductive smile which I had sort of gotten used to. It was a week or so before my birthday when things did start to heat up a little. It wasn't only the temperature which warmed up, although we were having a mini heat wave at the time. Gradually Gabi was become just a little more expressive, exposing her sultry side as the summer went on.

With the heat of the summer we took to lounging in the garden as our parents worked. These were lazy days as we relaxed in the sun. Gabi still loved to dance and would strut her stuff on the lawn. Leotards were no longer en vogue so instead she tended to wear a cropped lycra top and pair of matching gym shorts.

I would often watch as she went through her routine, admiring her flexibility as she bent in every direction possible, from hand stand to splits, almost a contortionist at times. I tried to keep it discrete as it wasn't right to spend time ogling your step-sister but deep down I suspected she knew, and more so suspected that she enjoyed the idea of being watched. It was on one such occasion, as Gabi went through her routine, that I found out for sure.

Everything was slightly exaggerated that day. The way she stretched, the way she bent, the way she displayed her body. It was dirty dancing to an extreme: pole dancing but minus the pole. And then she did it, facing away from me Gabi bent over at the waist, legs splayed wide apart, head down between them. I had a full view of her private parts within those tight gym shorts and swear I could see every curve of her pussy lips. I could do nothing but stare at the young woman in front of me, not even noticing that she was looking up from between her legs. She smiled at the thought of her own private audience before continuing with her performance.

A couple of days later and we were alone one evening, our parents having gone out to the theatre. We'd chosen to stay in and watch a movie. It was Gabi who had suggested we change into something a little more comfortable for the evening so I put on my pyjamas, a twin set of t-shirt and trousers in soft jersey material. I set up the movie and waited for Gabi to join me. Finally she did, dressed in her long white dressing gown, and sat in the chair opposite.

The movie was a romcom and if you ask me it was a little dull and boring, but Gabi seemed to like it. It was around half way through when events took an interesting turn.

"Do you think it's hot in here?" asked Gabi, that mischievous look in her eye once more.

I paused for a minute before responding. "I'm fine," came my reply "but you have got that huge gown on and maybe you didn't notice but it is summer outside." I laughed at the wittiness of my reply, not expecting what came next.

"So, Big Boy, do you suggest I take it off?"

She didn't even wait for a reply before standing up and slowly undoing the belt around her midriff. Seductively Gabi eased the gown over her shoulders and allowed it to drop to the floor. There she stood in a sheer negligee, almost but not quite see through in the right light. I sat, wide eyed, staring at the beauty of my Little Sis. She smiled back.

"Looks like you're more interested in me than the movie, Big Boy!"

I shook myself out of it and went back to the movie. It was wrong, simply wrong. But, she was beautiful. Every now and again, when I hoped Gabi wasn't watching, I took a quick glance. From where I was sitting she might as well have been wearing nothing. With just a little imagination I could see her red knickers down below and those little pert tits up top. It took all of my will power not to think about latching down on her hard nipples and suckling on those tiny breasts.

A matter of minutes later came the next turn of events.

"You know what, Big Boy?" came Gabi's teasing voice. "I'm a little chilly now. Why don't I come over and sit with you. I'm sure you can keep me warm."

I had no time to object before Little Sis plonked herself in my lap, curling up into a ball with her head into my neck. I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close. This was wrong but after all she was my Little Sis and I really didn't want to upset her. I closed my arm around her slim body and immediately retracted, my hand having landed on her pert little breast.

"What's wrong Big Boy?" she enquired. "Don't you like me snuggling up with you?"

"Gabi, it's not right. You are my step-sister," I snapped sternly.

She laughed. "Oh Jamie, I'm suggesting you keep me warm not that you fuck me."

I was shocked with her directness, this wasn't exactly the Little Sis who had gone away to university, but once again I put my arm around her this time avoiding her tits. It was Gabi though who repositioned my hand, placing it neatly over her left breast. And there we sat for the remainder of the movie, only separating at the sound of a car pulling into the drive outside. By the time our parents popped their heads into the living room we were back in opposite chairs, Gabi once again dressed in her long white gown.

Now, as I've always said, Gabi took pleasure in expressing herself and I took it for granted that this was nothing but more of the same, but the recent turn of events was a little surprising and just a tad uncomfortable.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

My eighteenth came and went. It was a low key affair, dinner with family and a couple of close friends. I was never the party animal and didn't want anything huge. Discos and all that jazz were really not my scene. If you ask me it was a very enjoyable evening, the best Italian in town and for the first time as a legal adult a glass or two of red wine. There were the usual handful of presents, a round of happy birthday, blowing out the candles on the cake and then the evening was over.

It was just as we were leaving that Gabi forced a card into my hand.

"Oh, Big Boy," she whispered "I nearly forgot your present." She smiled before continuing. "Maybe you want to open it when you get home." There was a wink and Gabi left the restaurant.All the way home I played with the card in my hand, eager to open it but wondering why Gabi had suggested waiting until I got home. Should I? Shouldn't I? I eased back a corner but there was nothing to see other than a birthday card. I was about to go for it when the card was snatched out of my hand.

"Now, now, Big Boy. Impatient aren't we. I guess I'd better look after this until we get back."

It was only a few minutes drive back to the house and, once we got there, Gabi immediately ran inside. The card in her hand was being waved teasingly at me as she bounded up the stairs. I ran after her, following the sound of her giggling all the way into my room. There she stood, arm aloft, as if trying to keep the card out of my reach. Little Sis though had forgotten that she was little and I wasn't. It was simple enough to snatch the card back. I ripped the envelope open in an unceremonious fashion then pulled out the card. Sitting down on the end of the bed I read the card.

"Happy Birthday Big Boy" read the outside of a rather plain card.

If anything it was a little disappointing after all the fuss Gabi had gone to, so that I didn't open it in the car. I opened the card and out fell a pair of tickets. Picking them up off the floor I took a look. They were tickets to the local cinema for the following weekend, the weekend before they all went their separate ways again back to university. The local cinema was a sort of retro affair and prided itself in showing old films that nobody really wanted to watch any more. The film in question was Romeo and Juliet starring Leonardo di Caprio.

"Fantastic," I thought to myself without saying anything "a night out to watch bloody Shakespeare, and what's more a bloody love story at that."

I was about to turn round and thank Gabi for her thoughtfulness when I spotted the writing inside the card. I paused for a moment as I read it through.

Oh my dearest Big Boy, I wanted you to know

how important you are, if only I could show

just what you mean to me.

I toyed with what to get you, for your great day

the message that could be given, a present to convey

so my love you can still see.

What is there I could give my Big Boy for his birthday?

A surprise, that's all I'll say.

Little Sis (kiss kiss kiss)

It wasn't at all what I imagined getting for my eighteenth birthday but to be honest a night out with my dear Little Sis was a nice touch before we went away to university once more. If nothing else we could always take in a bite to eat after the film.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Saturday arrived at last, a warm summer evening and we left for the cinema. I'd worn a pair of jeans and striped polo shirt. Gabi on the other hand looked stunning in a little black mid thigh-length dress.

With the weather so good we decided to walk the short distance into the town and before long arrived at the cinema. It was a 1930s building which had been restored to all its previous glory. I handed over the tickets and the cashier smiled back.

"That'll be the back row, seats 14 and 15. We're not too busy this evening so I'm sure you'll have fun. Oh, I nearly forgot, do enjoy the film."

There was almost a note of sarcasm in her voice especially when it came to mentioning the film.

We wandered inside, taking in the decor as we walked up to the back of the auditorium. The cashier was right, it was hardly busy inside with just the odd couple here and there. Reaching the back row I noticed how it differed from most cinemas. In keeping with the retro feel the back row was made up of "love seats", each one a double seat in its own enclosed walls. "How sweet," I thought to myself as we settled down into our own private booth.

I must admit the seats were much more comfortable than the usual cinema affair. Plush red velour, soft springy cushions and the almost perfectly curved back. There was plenty of room for the two of us and, with the cinema almost empty, there was a real sense of intimacy. Gabi slipped her shoes off and pulled her feet up on the seat. I put an arm around her shoulder as she snuggled up close. The lights dimmed and the movie started. It wasn't really my cup of tea but there was no way I was going to let on. After all it was the thought which counted and a little time with Gabi before we went off to university was a fantastic thought.

The movie had been running some fifteen minutes or so when there was a whisper in my ear.

"So, Big Boy, do you like your birthday present?"

"Sure," I responded quickly "it was a great idea to spend a little time together. I couldn't have thought of anything better."

There was a peck on my cheek before Gabi continued.

"Oh, OK. Then you won't be wanting the rest of your present . . . will you?"

"Gabi," I exclaimed "you really didn't need to get me anything else. Just being with you is enough."

There was a pause before Gabi continued.

"Well, you know, you're only eighteen once so I wanted to share the day with you. But I also wanted to give you a little surprise as well. Now, let's see how good you are at twenty questions."

"OK, go on then . . . is it big?"

"Nope . . . I guess you could say it is definitely Little."

"OK . . . did you bring it with you tonight?"

"Yes, it goes everywhere with me."

I pondered. Little Sis had come out with nothing more than a small shoulder bag so it had to be something inside.

"Is it hard?"

"Mostly no, but one or two bits might be."

"Can I wear it?"

"Not really . . . but you may find a way inside if you are lucky."

"So if I can't really wear it, can I eat it?"

"Oh yes Big Boy, I'm so looking forward to you eating it."

There was another peck on the cheek.

"Do you give up?"

"No . . . " I paused thinking then asked " Does it make a noise?"

"Mmmm . . . well that all depends."

"So . . . it's small, I can sort of wear it, definitely eat it, and it may make a noise."

"Sorry Little Sis, you got me . . . you'll have to let me know what it is."

Gabi shuffled in her seat, removing herself from my outstretched arm.

"So, close your eyes. Let's have the touch test and see if you can guess what it is."

I closed my eyes and waited. I could hear Gabi moving around in her seat and, I guessed, reaching into her bag for something. Then all was quiet. The next thing I knew was Gabi's positioning herself back inside my arm and snuggling up once more before stretching one leg out and over my own.

"So, one last clue and then we'll see if you can guess what it is. It's not something you can buy. Treat it well and it'll reward you. A little stroke might make it purr and it loves nothing more that to be given a little cream every now and again. Can you guess yet?"

I wanted to open my eyes and shout at her.

"Gabi, no! Tell me you haven't. How can I look after a cat when I'm off to university, and you know how Mother isn't keen on animals."

To be honest I don't know why I reacted like that. If I had thought rationally there was no way she could have carried an animal in that little shoulder bag. I would have known by now.

"Oh Big Boy, it's such a cute little thing."

"No, Gabi . . . we can't."

She took my hand in hers.

"Come on, you'll really like it. Come and give your little pussy a quick stroke."

Little Sis had never perfected English and I immediately corrected her.

"I guess you mean kitten, my dear."

"Oh no . . . " came the reply as she lowered my hand down into what I assumed was the gap between her legs. "I meant pussy."

My eyes shot open as my hand touched a strip of cool silky material. I looked down and for sure my hand was resting on Little Sis' red silk knickers, poised over her mound and just above the apex of her pussy lips.

There was a quiet giggle from Gabi as I took in my position. I turned to look at her and she planted a wet kiss on my lips.

"So, aren't you going to unwrap your present then?"

"What . . . no . . . it really isn't . . . "

I was cut off by another big wet kiss, this time lingering in position. I felt Gabi move my hand a little to the side as she lifted the gusset of her knickers. I could almost imagine the warmth inside.

"But Gabi, we're brother and sister."

"Technically no, we're not related as such so there is nothing wrong in what we're doing. Yes our parents would have a field day but who the hell's gonna tell them. Not me for sure."

That was true, but did it make the situation any better? Then I remembered back to her birthday.

". . . anyway I thought you liked . . . well . . . girls. I assumed you were a . . ."

"a lesbian?" came the questioned reply filling in the end of my sentence.

"Yes. I saw you with that girl at your party and put two and two together. After all there's never been any boys on the scene."

"Well, you're not wrong. I do have a girlfriend. Her name's Jules and she's wonderful, but I've always wanted you Big Boy. Not instead but definitely as well. Now, go on, dip a finger inside and see if you can make me purr."

I felt her pull my hand under her outstretched knickers and then release them, the fabric clamping back down on me. Just as a reassurance Gabi rested her hand back on top of mine, gently easing my fingers around, through the fabric and against her pussy lips. I was right, it was warm and in a matter of moments moist to boot.

I heard Gabi moan slightly under her breath and almost immediately my reserve was breaking. She was obviously enjoying the attention and who was I to spoil the moment. Taking one finger I curled it up and went in search of her love canal. I must have caught Gabi's clit by the way she jumped as my finger passed through her outer lips. Lower and lower I searched, feeling the slickness of her juices against the heat of her soft pussy lips.

Deeper and deeper until, finally, I found the opening. A tight hole just longing to be prised open. She gasped as I pressed my digit inside. In this position I could only reach as far as the second knuckle but it was far enough. Finger lodged inside, I waited.

"Don't stop, Big Boy. Make me cum for you."

I didn't need to be asked twice and started. First moving the end of my finger round in circles, feeling inside, exploring how much her pussy would stretch. By now Gabi had her head almost forced into my shoulder, snuggled up as tightly as she could. Her breathing was a little deeper and I could already feel her pussy walls contracting tighter around the invader. I switched to pumping my finger in and out, short quick thrusts followed by slow longer ones. Her breathing was becoming laboured which was just the encouragement I needed.

I continued with my onslaught, alternating thrusts with circles, and at the same time pressing down with my thumb where I thought her clit should be. The way in which Gabi clenched at my torso was incredible, almost painful. I felt her stiffen then gasp as her orgasm hit. For a minute, or maybe two, time stood still as she rode the top of the wave.

Still gasping for breath she kissed me once more.

"That was . . . great . . . never . . . cum so hard . . . no more . . . "

She pulled my hand away from her dripping pussy, lifting my fingers up and placing them to my mouth.

"Go on, Big Boy, taste how sweet you've made me."

Slowly I opened my mouth and let her put my fingers inside. She was right, the juices were sweet. In an instant I knew I couldn't wait to eat that tender pussy. What had been so wrong had suddenly become so right.

Gabi shuffled back up and sat at the side of me. She smiled.

"So, Big Boy, why don't we see what you've got hidden away."

I sat and watched, almost mesmerised, as my Little Sis undid my belt, the button on my trousers and finally the zip. Opening them at the front revealed my boxers and the obvious bulge of a cock inside. Without hesitation Gabi pulled the front of my boxers down exposing my almost rigid manhood.

"Well, well, well," she smirked "looks like somebody is pleased to see me."

I gasped at the tenderness of her touch as she picked up my cock in her soft hand. I would be the first to admit that I didn't have the longest cock in the world. It was seven inches at a stretch but fairly thick. I'd have loved to say that it was not the size but what I did with it that made the difference. This would have been a downright lie though as I'd never actually used it in anger other than to pull myself off in the privacy of my own room. Yet here I was with my step sister holding my hard cock in her small soft hand.

"So, shall we see what happens if I do this?" came her whispered question as she slowly pulled her hand down the shaft.

Down she pulled, my foreskin following revealing the dark pinkish purple head underneath. Then back up again, the foreskin covering the head once more. She repeated this several more times with greater force before I eventually stopped her.

"Go easy," I whispered.

Disappointingly, Gabi let go of my cock and moved away. I really thought I had upset her. I was wrong though and after a quick rummage in her bag she returned with a little bottle of liquid.

"This should help," she smiled.

Squirting some in her hand she returned to my cock. I jumped again, this time at the coldness of the liquid on my warm member. Her hand slid effortless down the shaft again revealing the head. This time though her slid over my foreskin and caressed directly over the exposed head. I gasped as the softness of her hand hit the nerve endings. With the lube doing its trick she continued to pump my cock.

I closed my eyes and dreamt of fucking the young woman. Each stroke of her hand was accompanied by a mental image of Gabi riding up and down on my erection. I could feel the fire build in my cock and knew I was close to unloading.

"You'd better stop now," I whispered "or it's gonna cum all over you."

Gabi continued for a minute and I moaned under my breath. I thought I was going to unload there and then but in the end she did stop and tucked my cock back inside my boxers.

"There," she said winking "wouldn't want to make a mess, would we?"

I didn't even have time to respond before she grabbed my still hard shaft through the fabric of my boxers and started to pump again. Fast and strong she worked the shaft, listening as my breathing turned to low moans. It didn't take long before my cock twitched in her hand. Cum flooded out of my hard cock and in a matter of seconds my boxers revealed a huge warm wet patch.

"Oh, Big Boy," she sniggered "looks like you've had a little accident after all."

I pulled her in close.

"Thank you," I whispered "that was the best birthday present ever. One I'll never forget."

"Don't worry," Gabi responded "I'm not going to give you the time to forget. Think of that as your starter for ten. Only next time we'd better find somewhere more suitable for you to deposit your load. The wet pants look is so not attractive."

I smiled and hugged my dear Little Sis.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The rest of the summer passed without further opportunities to be close and I wondered if this was to be a one off.

Finally we both left for university, Gabi for her second year and myself as a fresher. She had given me a good luck card which I took with me. That evening, sat alone in my tiny student bedroom, I opened the card and read inside.

Good luck big boy

Hope you don't forget about me

I've got big plans for your Christmas present

Little Sis (kiss kiss kiss)

So there I sat, thinking of what had happened. My secret escapades with my step-sister. Escapades which should never have happened. Escapades that nobody could ever know about.

It was wrong, so wrong, but boy could I not wait until the Christmas holidays to find out what Little Sis had on her mind.Gabriella, or Gabi to her friends, will always be my "Little Sis". Not because she was younger than me, in actual fact she was a year older, but because she was . . . how can I say it simply . . . little.

OK, so she was not really my sister. She was my step-sister. I'd watched Little Sis grow up from young wannabe gymnast/dancer, through to sexually charged seductress. It was the latter which had really taken me by surprise. The sweet innocent Gabi, who I had known for years, went away to university and what came back was a totally different young woman. A woman who knew what she wanted and knew how to go about getting it.

Throughout the summer she had become a tease, showing just a little more of her body than she should have done and being just a little more intimate than was healthy in a sibling relationship, even between step-siblings. It all culminated just after my eighteenth birthday with a strange present of two tickets to a rather old fashioned retro cinema. Not wanting to upset her feelings I went along with the idea and soon found out that the tickets were just an excuse for a little private time together. The real present was to cum a little later, Gabi on the end of my finger and myself flooding my boxers.

Time had passed and it was nearly the Christmas holidays. I'd waited so long for this opportunity to spend some time back with Little Sis, reading her good luck card over and over again in my university room.

Good luck big boy

Hope you don't forget about me

I've got big plans for your Christmas present

Little Sis (kiss kiss kiss)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It had been an interesting ten weeks. My first term away at university had forced a sort of independence into my life. To be honest it was an independence that I wanted and had looked forward to for so long. I was one of those people who felt that they could settle down anywhere, without any ties. You knew how the song went . . . wherever I lay my hat, that's my home.

All of that changed though in the week before I went away. That one evening with Gabi was now etched on my mind. If I closed my eyes I could imagine every minute of our time together. This had become part of my routine. A couple of cheap watered down beers in the union and then back to my room for an evening alone. I would read the card that Little Sis had left me and then close my eyes, imagining once more the feel of her young pussy cumming on the end of my finger followed by the way she reciprocated with a handjob. For added realism, more often than not, I would imagine that my hand was hers and would pull myself off.

So now, ten weeks later, I was all packed and ready to return home for the Christmas period. This time though it meant more than just going home. It was the time to be reunited with Gabi, to catch up once more, oh and yes Christmas just had something to do with exchanging presents. I'd already done my shopping, presents for mother, my step-father and for Little Sis. They were wrapped and packed, ready to drop under the tree when I got back. I did hope that Gabi would like what I had bought her. It was a very simple heart shaped silver charm with a discrete infinity symbol pressed into the front next to the hallmark and on the back, in tiny letters, the words "Always Yours - Big Boy" were engraved around the edge. You almost had to take a magnifying glass to read them but that was part of the idea, for the sake of our parents things still needed to be kept a secret.

I didn't know how I would react to homecoming given that this was the first time I'd really been away. I'd assumed life would be exactly where it was when I'd gone away but, to be honest, it did feel a little different. Nothing I could put my finger on but just the slightest feeling of being a stranger, a guest in my own house. What seemed strange at first was soon brought back to normal by the warm welcome from my parents, to whom it seemed I had been away a lifetime.

It was now, having come back after ten long weeks that I did start to think of things from their perspective. After all these years, suddenly the nest was empty once more and they had so much free time. How would you fill such a gap? Time to enjoy each other once more? Reflection on the sudden emptiness? Learn a new skill? Rekindle that long lost intimacy? Shit, I thought to myself, suddenly I was thinking of my parents getting up close and personal. I spent the rest of the evening unpacking and getting used to my room once more. OK, I actually spent the rest of the evening trying to block out that vision of parental sex.

Gabi wasn't due to arrive back until a couple of days after me. She'd had a little extra work to do at the end of her term; something to do with a Christmas production that they were putting on. It was still a couple of days before the big one though, so really not a problem other than my impatience to be together again. I needed to know, and needed to know quickly. Would things be as they were the last time we were together or would life have moved on? I was always the pessimist so expected the latter. We'd been apart for ten whole weeks so Gabi was bound to have kindled a new love interest. And, after all, what we did last time was wrong . . . plain and simple . . . wrong. It was as wrong as imagining my parents banging each other like rabbits. Shit, there I was again, thinking those thoughts. The sooner Little Sis could get back here, the better.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Little Sis did finally return home the night before Christmas Eve. It was late when she got back and she seemed rather tired after the journey. She summed it up so well in saying that the whole world and its dog had decided to take the same train back as she did. There was very little by way of catching up, just a simple welcome home before Gabi decided she wanted to freshen up before turning in for the night. For all the time I had waited it was a bit of an anticlimax. A smile, a couple of winks and the briefest of "hello lover" pecks on the cheek was all the reunion amounted to.

With Little Sis off to take a shower, I decided to turn in myself. I could hear the water running from my room next door and couldn't help a little dreaming whilst I settled down. Eyes closed I could visualise her petite fit body, water flowing over her shoulders, forming rivers around her pert breasts before cascading down to the floor taking endless soap suds with it. The more I imagined, the more I felt compelled to give my rapidly hardening manhood a quick stroke. The more I stroked, the more my imagination moved from an innocent shower to something a little more sordid.

By now Gabi had, or at least my imagination told me she had, turned her attention to washing her more intimate areas. First those tiny pert breasts, covering with soap before massaging into the skin and finally paying attention to her hard nipples, playing with each in turn, a pinch, a tweak and the odd massage. She sat down in the streaming waterfall of the shower and pulled her legs apart. It was time for down below. Slowly to start with, but soon increasing in speed, I imagined her working a couple of fingers in and out of that tight pussy. The quicker she went, the quicker I stroked my own manhood. And then it happened, I was no longer imagining her fingers working in and out of her pussy. It was now my cock stretching her open and thrusting in and out. How I wished I was in that shower with my gorgeous Little Sis.

Within minutes I could feel the tell-tale warmth build in the head and I knew I wasn't far from cumming. Anyone listening outside would know clearly what I was up to, the fast breathing and sound of a hand moving rapidly up and down beneath the sheets. It was a good job that the sound of the shower was drowning out the noise I was making. Shit . . . that was it, I knew something was different but it hadn't registered. There was no sound of water running anymore. Reluctantly I stopped, waiting, hoping that nobody had been listening outside. All was quiet though and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

What I didn't realise though was that my imagination hadn't been too far off the mark. Little Sis had been focusing her attention on herself, especially down below, just not quite in the way I had imagined. What I also didn't register was the sound of Little Sis sneaking away from the other side of my closed door. How long she had been listening for was a bit of an unknown.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Christmas Eve morning I was up early and had already taken breakfast before Gabi arose. Mother and father had already left and I'd promised to do the washing up. It was almost a deja vu moment, thinking back to that first seductive encounter with my step-sister. Once again she crept into the kitchen and once again was on tip-toes, her hands over my eyes and whispering into my ear.

"Guess who, big boy?"

I didn't need to guess but simply spun around, washing up brush still in hand, and turned to face the most gorgeous woman in my life to date. I laughed as a blob of bubbles flew off the brush and landed on her cheek. Wiping them slowly away I embraced my Little Sis. It was the first chance to be alone in some ten weeks and I really needed to know if things were just the way we had left them. I was to be disappointed though as, initial welcome over, Gabi announced that she was going to be out for the day and wouldn't be back until late. She had said something about a little last minute shopping and then catching up with a couple of friends as it was traditional where she came from to celebrate Christmas Eve almost as much as Christmas Day.

She grabbed a little toast, downed a quick coffee and within half an hour or so was on her way. A nonchalant "bye" was her departing word as the door shut behind her, leaving me none the wiser as to how we stood. I still couldn't be certain if we were lovers or just good friends.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Call me a sentimentalist, call me sad, call me naive, but I am one of those people who still enjoyed the tradition of Christmas. Yes I knew there was no such person as Santa Claus. No cheery person who brought presents to those sleeping in the deep of the night. Yet it seemed so right and I always made sure I was tucked up in bed before midnight. What was it they said? If you stayed up waiting for Christmas then it would never come. Yes I knew the presents were already under the tree but it still seemed right. I tucked myself up and was asleep, in nothing more than my boxers, just after ten. I had always been a deep sleeper, luckily not a snorer, and once in the land of nod there was little that would wake me up until the next morning. Hence I never heard Little Sis return from her party at some time around eleven.

I often dreamt as I slept, deeply sensual almost real dreams. That's about all I ever remembered. I was there and the dreams were real but what happened in them was a bit of a blur by the time that I woke up. Occasionally one or two lingered on but most were lost to the night. I often thought I could make a fortune if only I could remember those dreams, put pen to paper, and publish them. Tonight was no different, I was back in my fantasy dream world and once again the dream had that hint of realism, only this time it lacked actual definition even if it seemed more realistic than ever.

It was dark. Yes I remember the darkness, unable to see any more than subtle differences in the intensity of the light, like shadows passing by. And it was warm. If anything it was toasty. But beyond that there was no definition to my dream, just darkness, warmth and, yes, softness. I was somewhere soft and warm. Lying down. I must have been lying down as I could feel the softness through my back. Warm, soft and lying down. But where, I didn't know.

Then, as in many a dream, things happened. A slight chill pierced the warmth from one side. Yes a clear chill, not a breeze per se but a definite change in temperature. It was brief but for sure it was there, from the side then up against my body, a definite chill. Maybe I imagined it but the softness moved with the chill. Not much but a small movement as if a hidden pressure was being applied. I stirred slightly, trying to wake from my slumber, trying to see what was there with me. All went quiet though, the coolness withdrew and not a movement to be felt. I was back in the land of toasty warmth and once more dreaming again.

No sooner was I away with the fairies again when the chill returned. This time though it had shape, firmness yet gentleness, a touch, albeit a chilly touch. I felt the chill move across my arm, then over my bare chest, catching my nipple before heading down my torso. I tossed once more, trying to shake off that invisible touch and for an instant it vanished, the chill disappearing back into warmth. It was gone for just an instant and as soon as I fell into slumber once more the touch was back. Each time it was slightly less cold than before, as if the touch was taking on my own warmth. It picked up where it left off, gently following the lines of my body, further and further down.

There was a tug at my boxers. Yes, something, some invisible thing, was pulling at them. One side at a time, easing them down over my hips. Once more I struggled, trying to break from the dream. Once more though the movement stopped and I felt myself drifting away again. It was like a stuck record, playing the same track over and over again. I dreamt, something played with me, I tried to wake and it faded into nothingness, I dreamt again and the whole cycle began once more. It was back at my boxers, pulling them further down and over my hips. Then the chill was back, this time wrapped tightly around my manhood. I moaned slightly at the cool grip down below and for once it did not go away. Instead I remember feeling the chill moving up and down, following the length of my shaft. For no reason at all I felt myself becoming hard within this invisible grasp.

There was a movement in the bed. The chill was still working my manhood but now there was another definite feeling. Whatever I was lying on had moved gently to one side. A movement following the same path that the chill had taken, downwards until stopping finally by my hips. I tossed once more but all went still, just the chill grip around my manhood but nothing more. Then the chill disappeared, to be replaced by a feeling of warmth. Starting at the head of my cock then slowly moving down. A warm, wet feeling.

"Mmmmm," I moaned quietly in my sleep as I reacted to this new sensation down below.

This time it didn't stop. The more I moaned the more it continued. A warm wetness enveloping my shaft. I felt my foreskin gradually peel back and something gentle stroke at the exposed head.

"Ahhhh," I moaned once more.

Then, in an instant, my whole shaft was taken into this warm wetness, the head of my cock hitting something firm. That was enough, my eyes shot open, still sleepy yet suddenly open. I quickly tried to get my bearings. Somebody was in my bed and what's more they were playing with my cock. I pulled back the covers and there, dressed in a silky red baby doll, was Little Sis. She withdrew my cock from her mouth before sliding up the bed alongside me.

"Oh Big Boy, I wondered how long it would take before you woke up. I heard you last night. Even from outside the door it was obvious what you were up to and I just hoped it was me you were thinking of."

"What, what do you mean?" was the only thing I could muster. Hardly romantic, hardly a welcome but I had just been woken from a deep sleep.

"Well, you know. You were playing with yourself, getting quite passionate if I remember rightly. I wanted to walk right in there and then, but the time wasn't right.

Where we come from Christmas Eve is a time for present giving so tonight I thought it was only right that I gave you a little present. Would you prefer me to leave?"

"Eh," I stuttered not sure what to say. "No, no." I pulled her in close. "But we must be quiet. We don't want to wake our parents, They are over the landing you know."

"Oh, don't worry about them," continued Gabi "they were sleeping like babies when I passed their room. Now, where were we?"

I watched as Gabi knelt up and in one movement swung her leg all the way around and over my chest, just missing my nose on the way. So here she knelt, my Little Sis, dressed in a near see through red baby doll one leg either side of my chest with her cute ass pointing right at my face. She resumed her attention to my manhood. It was hands first, stroking the shaft back to hardness. She glanced back over her shoulder and winked.

"Looks like someone's pleased to see me. Any ideas what to do next?"

Gabi didn't even wait for a reply. She simply bent at the waist and took the head into her mouth, shuffling backwards slightly to get the best position. I felt her suck up and down the shaft before finally pulling away my foreskin and exposing the sensitive head.

"Mmmm," I moaned out loud as she repeated her sucking across my head.

"Shhh," came a muffled reply obviously indicating that I was being too loud.

I tried to contain myself. The last thing in the world that we wanted was the door to suddenly open and one or both of our parents to be stood outside. It was tough going. Nobody had ever given me a blowjob before and now I knew just what I had been missing. Little Sis' talents went beyond her dancing and flexibility. Soft and smooth as she took in my shaft, then strong and firm as she withdrew her mouth. Each time taking a little more of the shaft until the point that I could feel my head hitting the back of her throat. Then Gabi's tongue came into play, flicking at the tiny hole at the end of my head before stroking gently around the whole girth. Tonguing followed by sucking, I was in heaven.

"Mmmmm," I moaned once more.

It was getting too much and I knew I wouldn't last long before I either came inside her mouth or ended up waking up the household. I needed something to keep me occupied whilst she worked her magic on my cock. The answer was staring me in the face; Gabi's cute ass, barely covered in the flimsy red fabric. I ran a hand up her legs, from just above the knee all the way until I reached her bare buttocks, at the same time easing aside what little fabric covered her modesty. And there they were, a perfect set of lips smiling back at me and simply asking to be eaten. And what's more, they were totally clean shaven and not how I remembered them from our little escapade in the cinema.

There was a little wiggle of her ass as she continued to suck my cock. I could already feel that warmth building in the head and knew it was only a matter of time before I came.I whispered down to Gabi. "If you keep going like that I'm gonna cum soon."

I really wasn't sure if she wanted a mouth full of cum or not and half expected her to pull off. The outcome though was the opposite as she intensified her sucking, inching me closer and closer to the point of no return. The warmth of her mouth and the way she sucked her lips over my sensitive head were heavenly. I was going to cum and cum hard. I was going to scream the place down. There was just one thing for it. Pulling her cheeks apart I quickly dived straight in and forced my mouth up against her pussy lips. The effect pushed Gabi forward and she took my head deeper than ever into her mouth, almost to the point of deep-throating but not quite. It was all it took, my cock quivering as climax arrived. Quickly she pulled back leaving only the head inside. It quivered once more as globs of salty cum spewed out into her mouth.

Gabi pulled herself off my now diminishing manhood. I expected to feel cum dribbling out of her mouth as she lifted herself off. I could only guess that Little Sis had swallowed the lot as there was not a trace of cum anywhere.

She wiggled her ass once more and whispered back at me. "Tasty . . . my turn now, go on put your tongue up inside."

I didn't need asking twice and quickly ran my tongue up and down the outside of her pussy lips, gradually forcing them apart and probing at the sweetness inside. I pulled her cheeks further apart opening up her lips. She was dripping wet now and I proceeded to lap at the sweet juices as I ran my tongue from end to end up and down her pussy. She gasped as I caught her hard nub of a clit, flicking the end of my tongue over her bundle of nerves. Gabi's breathing was coming in hard short blasts and she was grinding her ass back towards my tongue trying her best to align the tip with her love canal. Taking the hint, I did the rest. Rimming the opening I then forced my tongue up as deep as I could, bringing an audible moan from Gabi. She was down on her elbows now, her head resting on my lower abdomen as she succumbed to the pleasure of my tonguing.

I pulled my tongue out, ran the tip around her hole once more, then dove back in. Deeper and faster I repeated the action, listening to her breathing as she came closer and closer to the edge. I could feel her pussy walls clamping down tightly on my tongue, making it harder to move. Releasing one of her cheeks I brought a hand down and with a probing finger sought that hard nub of a clit once more. Gabi jumped as my finger found its target.

"Mmmmm," came a muffled moan.

It was all I could do to keep my tongue moving inside, so instead I focused my attention on drawing little circles with my finger over the top of her clit. Gabi shivered as the first wave of orgasm hit, her body visibly shaking and her pussy walls clamping down on my tongue. I continued, tongue lodged inside and finger tormenting her clit. Gabi was forcing her head into my abdomen, stifling her moans. She shook again as the second wave hit followed by a third and final wave. Then I felt it, her juices flooding out of her pussy over my tongue and down my chin. I tried to lick up as much as I could but Gabi pulled herself away, the torment obviously too much in one go.

She pulled her baby doll back down and turned and kissed me.

"Happy Christmas Eve, Big Boy. You were fantastic. Now, we need to be good children or Santa won't come and visit us."

She stood up and with a little wiggle of her ass started to walk towards the door. Just as she reached the exit she turned and whispered once more.

"Now sleep tight and let's see if we get any more presents tomorrow."

With that Gabi was gone and I lay in bed, damp from her love juices and wondering what present could surpass the one she had just given me.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next morning everyone was up good and early. There was nothing better than a family Christmas; carols on the radio as we passed around the presents. This Christmas was no different. Breakfast over, we all took our places in the front room and the present opening started. There were the obvious presents of course; socks for father, gloves and scarf for mother, food bits and the like.

Then there were the more unexpected gifts. A tea-cosy style hat, a box of savoury flavoured chocolates, a university challenge quiz book and a pair of tickets to a Christmas Day evening carol concert. It was the latter which caught my eye. Little Sis had bought them for our step-parents. So thoughtful of her yet so out of character. What does our Gabi know about carol concerts?

Finally there were our own presents to each other. The silver heart shaped charm for Gabi and a bundle of books for myself. I looked at Gabi, a rather confused look. She just smiled back, a sort of "go on take a look" type of smile. There were three books in the bundle. The first was a guidebook to the town where Gabi had gone to university, quite useful if I ever visited. I flicked through and a map fell out along with some photos. The map had a few handwritten labels on to show her house, college and a few good shops. The photos were pictures of her house, her bedroom and a rather revealing set of herself on her bed. The second book, a copy of war and peace, turned out to be a security box disguised as a book, perfect to keep your secrets hidden away. I quickly slipped the photos inside. It was the third which was the most interesting though. A slim volume with a picture of a kitten on it and a rather interesting title of "Keeping Kitten Happy" only the word "kitten" had been crossed out and replaced, in handwritten style red marker, by the word "pussy". I glanced inside and immediately decided this was one to keep away from your parents.

"Thank you Gabi, they're certainly . . . educational."

Presents over, it was time for dinner. We tended to alternate between a Croatian feast and an English one. This year was the latter, dominated by a large turkey with all the trimmings. Honey glazed carrots, roasted king edwards and parsnips were the accompaniments. Oh and yes, there was chestnut stuffing and pigs in blankets. A dollop of cranberry jelly on the side finished off a feast fit for a king, queen or little princess. There was plum pudding as an end to the meal with lashings of brandy cream. The afternoon was one of slumber after the indulgence of gluttony that was lunch. The queen's speech came and went along with the ubiquitous Bond movie that always seemed to show on Christmas Day.

Finally, sunlight fading, our parents got themselves ready and left for their carol concert. For the next couple of hours it was going to be just Little Sis, myself and whatever delights were on the gogglebox. There was a shouted "goodbye" followed by a "be good" and then the front door closed. The car pulled away and we were alone. It was Gabi who made the first move, jumping out of her chair and onto mine.

"So Big Boy, a couple of hours with just the two of us. I know what I fancy doing, how about you?"

Now, there was a question and a half. I paused, thinking of something witty to say in reply. Gabi though was just too eager to get on with things. She had bought the tickets. She had guaranteed the time alone. She had planned the whole thing. Gabi jumped up, a smile on her face like a kid in a sweet shop. She practically pulled me out of the chair and led the way upstairs, this time to her room.

I had barely followed her in through the door before clothes were been thrown at me. Firstly her jumper, practically ripped off her head and tossed over her shoulder. Next came the tee, then her skirt leaving Little Sis standing there in nothing more than a matching set of red knickers and bra. Suddenly her fevered attention moved away from her own attire and focused on mine. Gabi was in a wanton craze as she stripped me all the way to my boxers. A gentle hand felt for my already hardening cock through the front of the fabric and then in an instant my boxers were around my ankles.

"Shit, Gabi. Are you for real?"

She stepped back, admiring her work before responding in a calm, seductive whisper.

"It's Christmas, Big Boy. And Christmas is the time for giving, so here's my present for you."

With that Gabi slowly pulled her knickers down at one side, revealing a tantalising glimpse of her bare mound. The other side followed and once clear of her hips she let the flimsy knickers fall all the way to the ground. Pulling one ankle out she let the knickers dangle around the other foot before discarding them in a little kick, the red lace flying upwards towards my face. I caught them in mid air before simply standing there staring at my step-sister. She was awesome, such a beautiful body and such a mischievous character. But when she was like this there simply were no words to describe her. As I stared, the bra came off revealing those tiny, but perfectly formed tits.

Gabi jumped on her bed, her light weight barely causing a thud. She shuffled her way up the mattress until her head was on the pillow, leant herself up on her elbows and winked.

"Come on then, aren't you going to join me? I didn't get that cock out just to look at it."

I climbed on the bed and lay at her side. Without waiting to be asked Gabi had climbed on top and was lying on her front, warm, up against my naked body. She lifted herself up on her hands and stared down at my face, smiling.

"So, Big Boy. Bet you didn't think we'd be doing this on Christmas Day."

There was a quick kiss on the lips and then Gabi knelt herself up, her warm pussy right on top of my now stiffening cock.

"Mmmm, that feels so hard," she whispered.

As I watched she started to rock back and forth over my manhood. Gabi dipped two fingers into her mouth, licking them nice and wet. Kneeling up a little she dropped them down to her pussy, using the wet fingers to spread her lips. By the way she gasped I could only imagine those digits entering her pussy and spreading her open. She lowered herself back over my cock and I could feel the dampness of her now wet lips up against my shaft. Those glistening fingers were presented to my waiting mouth and I sampled her sweet juices once more. With wet lips Gabi ground back and forth on my cock, her pussy sliding easily up and down my shaft. Up all the way until there was nothing visible under her snatch and then back down, taking the foreskin with her, revealing my exposed head just poking out between her engorged lips.

This continued for a couple of minutes before she finally stopped and picked herself up on her knees. I had a perfect view between her splayed legs and could see those puffy outer lips, glistening with her love juices and spread just wide enough to give the merest glimpse of her pussy opening. She held herself there, looking tantalisingly down at me.

"So, here's the deal. I promised you somewhere better to leave your load. So in a minute I'm going to lower myself down, feel your thick cock stretching me wide open and then I'm going to ride you. You . . . you're just going to lie back and enjoy. If I'm lucky I'll get to cum with your hard cock up inside of me."

She smiled and I smiled back. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and, however wrong it was, I just had to feel that tight pussy around my cock. I wasn't going to let on that this was my first pussy but somewhere deep inside I suspected that Gabi actually knew. Why else would she be putting on a show like this instead of just fucking me senseless.

"Any objections Big Boy?"

Again she didn't wait for a reply. Picking my now stiff manhood in one hand she positioned the head between her warm lips and lowered herself slightly. I didn't have the biggest cock in the world but it was thicker than most. She gasped as the head spread her opening wide, before stopping with the widest part still to enter.

"Big Boy by name and Big Boy by nature. You sure have a wide one bro."

I smiled back at her and watched as she lowered herself down. There was another gasp and almost a grimace as the head disappeared up inside her love canal. She was tight and I could feel the warmth of her pussy walls stretched tight around my cock. Down and down she went, all the way until she was resting on my hips with my cock fully inside. I wasn't long enough to bottom out inside her but the feeling was wonderful regardless. Gabi paused, getting used to the stretch. She looked down at me lying there on the bed.

"I knew this would be good, but it's beyond my wildest expectations. You are so thick. My pussy's never been so stretched before. "

I smiled back. "Sis, you are fantastic. You are my first and you'll always be my greatest. I never knew a pussy could feel so good, so warm, so tight."

Gradually Gabi started to grind back and forth, feeling the slightest of movements of my cock inside her. I lay back and almost closed my eyes as her tight pussy moved ever so gently, caressing my manhood. It was a divine feeling as she rocked her hips against my cock. Grinding evolved into full blown fucking as she gradually rode my cock, slowly at first and then gathering speed and length. It was Gabi's breathing which went first, her breaths becoming shorter and faster as she felt the warmth start to build inside. Mine was soon to follow, the telltale burn building in my head and the knowledge that I was going to cum and cum soon.

"Gabi, stop . . . " I almost pleaded "I'm going to cum."

However much I was enjoying the fuck of my life there was no way I wanted to end up a teenage father, and even worse a father to my own step-sister's baby. She continued and I pleaded once more.

"No Gabi . . . I can't cum inside you."

Gabi though was on a mission and, whether she heard or not, she did nothing to stop. I reached up with my arms to try and hold her still but she was quicker and grabbed my hands before they could reach her hips. Now she was on top and in control, and still riding me closer to the edge. There was a smile on her face as I was moaning under her continued fucking. I grunted, once, twice and then felt it happen. My cock twitched and cum flooded out into her tight pussy. In an instant I had creamed my step-sister.

Gabi continued to ride, cum leaking out around my shaft, as she tried to reach her own orgasm. My cock though was softening and even though she was close it just wasn't enough. In the end she lay forward, panting, on top of my naked torso.

"Happy Christmas Big Boy. Did you like your present?" she whispered.

I put a finger to her lips and pulled her upwards until her head was up against mine, my cock slipping out of her pussy in a stream of sticky cum. Reaching down I pulled at her legs, encouraging her to spread them wide, and then dipped a hand between them and into her sodden pussy. I could feel the dampness down below, a combination of my cum leaking out and her own pussy juices. Holding Gabi close in with one arm, I started to finger her pussy with the other. Rimming her opening and then thrusting a finger inside I built up a steady tempo as I moved the tip in and out then round and round. Her breathing was once again becoming ragged but this time I wasn't going to stop. Faster and faster I went, a second digit joining the first, until suddenly she moaned out loud. Her body practically jumped on top of mine as the orgasm hit, her breathing becoming ragged as she rode the wave. My finger stopped and I left it there feeling her pussy walls pulse against my invader.

Gradually Gabi came down from her high and the two of us lay, arm in arm, as we recovered from our exertions. Eventually, after many minutes, I broke the silence.

"Thank you Little Sis. You were wonderful and I really loved your present. But, this wasn't right. What would we do if you got pregnant?"

Gabi laughed. "Don't worry Big Boy. You're not going to be changing nappies just yet. I took care of that some time back to make sure there was no risk as I have lots of plans to put your cock to very good use. Now, can I suggest we get cleaned up before our parents return?"

We spent the next half hour or so in the shower together. The imagery of two nights ago was now reality as we explored each others bodies under the waterfall of cascading suds.

By the time two became four once more we were both downstairs, dressed casually, watching television.

"So, how was the concert?" enquired Gabi, her face a picture of innocence as she asked.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Nothing further happened during the remaining days of the holiday and eventually we both went out separate ways. There was no good luck card this time, just the memory of those two evenings together . . . the best Christmas ever.

It was a couple of weeks into the term when a letter arrived in my pigeon hole. I was surprised as I'd never had a letter before. Taking it back to my room I opened the envelope in private. Immediately I noticed the fragrance of a perfumed note. How could I miss it, it was Little Sis' favourite scent. I pulled the contents out. It was an invitation.

Big Boy, I think it is time I introduced you to Jules

I hope you can join us for a weekend at our place to get to know each other

RSVP: to let us know if you can "cum"

Little Sis

I smiled, breathing deeply at the scented card.

Something to look forward to.So things were becoming clear. Everything had a purpose. Maybe I hadn't recognised it at the time but as events unfolded it seemed that Little Sis had planned everything. First the cinema tickets for my eighteenth; our first time together and a clear statement of intention. Then the tickets for our parents to go to the carol concert; again time together taken to whole new heights. Then there was the book, a guidebook to her university town. Sitting there with the latest invite in my hand, even this made sense.

I turned the invite over and read the back of the card. Nothing had been left to the imagination. The weekend in mind was a few weeks away, the weekend before Valentine's day. A little map had been sketched showing rough directions from the station to the house and underneath were a couple of train times and what looked like a booking reference. It seemed that she had already assumed my reply, and who was I to disappoint.

I tore off the RSVP slip and scribbled a quick reply. Of course it was in the positive, with a smiley face to boot. Any opportunity to be with Little Sis was not to be missed. The reply was posted and the train tickets collected. It was just a matter of waiting for the weekend to arrive. I stuck the tickets to my wall planner with yet another smiley face.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Studies were going well and I was really enjoying life at university. I'd built a close group of friends, which had definitely helped. We had an almost open door policy and would spend time in and out of each other's rooms. Nothing serious, just idle chat and study help. At least that is what was intended.

One of the group was a young woman by the name of Maria Eugenia, or Mara for short. She was a foreign student, hailing originally from Argentina although she had lived for some time in Spain, and seemed particularly attentive. I just assumed she was a little homesick and needing of company. Quite often we would spend time together, free periods and evenings, either in my place or hers. It was all quite innocent, nothing more than friendly chat.

Don't get me wrong, Mara was a pretty young thing. She was a bit older than me, in fact her nineteenth was later that term. If there was a stereotypical Latina then Mara was it. Short in stature, long dark wavy hair, tanned complexion and a figure which screamed to be dancing a rumba or samba. Then there was the temperament. She was feisty, excitable, passionate and very touchy feely . . . a real pintsize dynamo. Mara was the type of girl who everybody wanted to be friends with. I was just lucky that she wanted to be friends with me too. But friends was all it was.

It was on one such evening, after study, that we returned to my room with a bottle of wine. We drank and chatted, just the two of us. I guess I was just a good listener but it seemed that Mara wanted to tell me her life story, not to mention that she was in one of her more inquisitive moods also. That evening I found out about Pablo, her first love and how they had split soon after she came to university. From the sound of things it probably was for the best as he seemed overly possessive. Conversation soon turned towards our dreams, an evening rapidly becoming philosophical.

"Tell me Jamie, if you had the choice of anyone, who would it be?"

"Wow, Mara. What brought that on?"

"Nothing, you just never talk about who you like. I guess I was just interested, nada mas."

I smiled at her. She was so sweet, especially in the way that the odd words of Spanish tended to drop into her conversation.

"I've never really thought about it Mara."

It was a lie, only a small one, but I could hardly admit to fantasising over my step-sister. Not just fantasising, but actually going much further than that. It was one secret which had to be mine to keep. And so the conversation continued, with Mara trying her best to get me to reveal my real feelings.

"Go on Jamie. What would she be like? Start with height."

"Short," was my one word answer








"Er . . . bubbly, likes to laugh, not overly serious."

It was almost a game of word association and without even realising it I was recounting back an image of Mara. She didn't say anything but once the game was over she just sat there and smiled.

"Very revealing, don't you think? Now, I think it's time I should be going."

Mara stood up and turned to leave. It was just as she did so that her eye glimpsed the smiley face and tickets on my wall planner.

"What's with the tickets?" she enquired.

"Oh, just going away for the weekend," came a nonchalant reply.

"And a smiley face. Who is she?"

"If you must know, she is my step-sister and she's just invited me to visit for the weekend, nada mas."

I was playing her back at her own game, slipping in the odd bit of Spanish for good measure. Mara smiled back at me. There was the usual kiss on each cheek, a whispered thank you in my ear and then, quite unexpectedly, a third kiss on the lips. Before I had time to react, she turned tails and bounded out of the room, leaving me to ponder just what had happened. Was it my imagination or had Mara, in her own discrete way, come on to me? It was probably the wine I thought to myself.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next couple of weeks passed uneventfully. There was no repeat of the evening with Mara and I put the kiss out of my mind. Instead, all I could think about was the upcoming weekend with Little Sis.

Finally that day arrived. I jumped off the train, sports bag in hand, and started to walk off towards her house. It wasn't exactly far, about twenty minutes, but in the chill of an early February morning it seemed to take forever. By the time I reached her road I could feel the cold in my hands and feet. All the houses looked alike, sixties semi detached, quite up market for student digs. I searched for her number, eventually finding it at the far end of the road.

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