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16.97% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 696: OUT OF AFRICA

Chapitre 696: OUT OF AFRICA

I was in kitchen preparing dinner when Graham called from office and said he would be coming home early as he had something important to tell us.

Worried that it might be bad news, I asked him to tell it right away but he calmed me down saying, "Don't worry, it's not bad news," and hung up.

By the time he came back from office, I, along with our nineteen-year-old son and eighteen-year-old daughter, were nervously waiting for him in living room. As soon as he entered the house, gave a big smile, told Sara to get a glass of water and sat down on couch. We waited for him to say something but he sat there drinking water. After what seemed like twenty minutes, but were actually two or three, Andrew got irritated and told him to spit out the news.

"My company has won a contract in Ethiopia and have to go there for fifteen days to lay groundwork of an electricity-generation plant we're planning there," said Graham raising his brown eyes and saw at us staring at him.

"Ethiopia?" I wondered loudly.

"Yes, Ethiopia."

"Ethiopia?" I repeated .

"Yes, Ethiopia. You know the country in Africa," he replied bit irritated.

We had never been outside our state, let alone the country, so the thought of him going to Africa of all places was too much for me and sat there taking in the news. Luckily, Sara broke the silence and asked her dad whether we can come too.

"Yes," he replied as a smile spread across well-chiselled face.

What followed next was a barrage of questions, planning, preparations and innumerable searches on internet to find out as much as possible about Ethiopia. Finally, the day arrived and we took a 30-hour flight to capital Addis Ababa and then another four hour flight to where the project would be based.

The guy who came to pick us up took us to a well-maintained colonial-style bungalow and introduced all four members of the house staff to us.

We spent first two days touring the town, visiting evening market, drinking loads of tea and just lazing around in African sun. On the third day, Graham had to inspect the project, so all of us got into jeeps and accompanied by driver and two local engineers took off for the site about two hundred miles from town. But since there wasn't much to see apart from the empty land, we got bored and came back early.

All of us were itching to see big cats, wild elephants and other animals, so decided to go on a short safari and since by now we were somewhat familiar with the place we decided to go on our own without the driver.

As it was just a day trip, we took only a picnic basket and satellite phone, which Graham always carried with him to keep in touch with head office back home. We were out in Ethiopian jungle in our jeep searching for animals when it started to drizzle which didn't worry us initially but within minutes the afternoon sky turned dark and rain started to fall think and fast.

We knew it was useless to go ahead, so Graham turned his jeep around and started heading back to town but rain made the barely passible road completely impassable and after struggling for more than ten minutes we decided to stay in vehicle until weather had improved.

But there was no let up in rain, so had no option but to spend the night in our vehicle, with Andrew sleeping in back of jeep, Sara on back seat and Graham and I in front. The continuous rain, darkness and weird voices coming from trees meant that none of us was able to get even a minute of sleep and when day broke with no let up in rain we knew we had to do something.

Graham made a call to local engineers and asked them to send a vehicle to pick us up, but rain and mud had made the road completely useless, so they offered to send a helicopter but since it was in the capital it wouldn't be able to reach us before late afternoon. Not wanting to wait for another five or six hours we decided to walk to nearest village and get some help there.

After walking for more than an hour in jungle, we finally saw some huts and although drenched from head to toe we hurried down to the cluster and knocked on bamboo door of the first.

A man, who must have been in late thirties but looked forty, opened the door and stood there, looking at us drenched in water. I spoke first but when he didn't react, I realized my mistake and this time instead of speaking in English gestured to him that we wanted to take shelter in his house, which thankfully he understood and invited us in.

I had never seen an actual hut from inside, so was surprised to discover that there was just one room with attached kitchen and nothing else. Although the room was decorated in yellow and red it had no furniture or anything else apart from some utensils to cook food and few clothes hanging on a line. In the corner, a woman was sitting.

Having seen bare-chested men back home and in Africa, I wasn't too surprised when the man opened the door wearing just a loincloth but when I saw the woman sitting there topless with just a loincloth around her waist; have to admit I was surprised.

But thought of our own state quickly replaced the shock of looking at a bare-chested woman and we started explaining to them that we had lost our way and wanted a place to stay until rain stopped but more importantly we needed dry clothes and food.

With four of us talking in sign language all at the same time I'm not sure how much they understood but they did put on a fire in a mud stove and began cooking something. While they were busy with that, we looked around for some clothes to change but apart from few loincloths there was nothing else, so we stood there shivering and dripping water on their floor.

When the woman, who was apparently the man's wife, saw us standing there and shivering like children, she gestured to us to change into those strips hanging there. When we indicated that we were alright, she got confused and started pointing toward the clothes line and this back and forth gesturing went on for couple of minutes.

Finally, Graham said we will have to wear the clothes they were offering because there was a real chance of catching cold or pneumonia, so I went with Sara to kitchen, while Andrew and Graham remained in the room.

Since there was no wall or curtain between kitchen and room, we hid in a corner and started taking off our wet clothes. We quickly took off our jeans and tied the loincloth over our still wet panties and began to tie another piece over our bras but since it wasn't meant to be tied around breasts it was turning out to be a knotty problem but after struggling with it we somehow managed to keep it all together.

But the hardest part was yet to come. I grew up with parents who weren't afraid to display physical intimacy or their bodies, so right from childhood my siblings and I were comfortable with our bodies and did not attach much importance to nudity. But when my children started growing up my husband somehow convinced me to dress more appropriately, saying that my loose attitude toward clothes could have a "bad" influence on Andrew and Sara, a reasoning I never understood but nevertheless started to dress more appropriately and also made sure that Sara never wore a thong, a low-cut top or anything too revealing.

When the man's wife saw us cowering in the corner in an effort to hide our near-naked bodies, she came near us, took Sara's hand and gestured toward food neatly laid out for us on leaves.

I hesitatingly followed her and sat down on floor, while keeping our eyes pinned to the ground, while Graham and Andrew, who were also wearing just a loincloth, joined us and all of us eat quickly in complete silence.

When the dinner finished I mistakenly thought that the embarrassing situation of sitting there semi-naked would end but that was just the start. Sara and I had pitched in to clean the dishes and were in kitchen when the man's wife, who wasn't embarrassed exposing her thighs and breasts, invited us to front room where her husband was preparing drinks and although all of us refused but since they were persistent we had no option but to join them.

After the drinking session, Sara and I did loosen up a bit but were also conscious that our shoulders and thighs were naked and that our bras were clearly visible, especially hers, as she was wearing a red one. We did try to hide as much as possible but when you are in same room with no sheet, quilt or anything else to cover your body there isn't much you can do, so by morning we were less worried about our bodies and more about rain still falling with same fury.

Graham made a call to engineers and asked them if they could send some vehicle to pick us up but they said rain was expected to stop by evening and since all of us were safe they will send jeep next day. We called them again but received the same reply.

We knew it was useless to call them again, so decided to change our clothes but before we could around three or four men and women entered the hut and asked us to accompany them. They took us to a large hut, which we later found out was tribal chief's house, where a fairly large number of men, women and children had gathered and as soon as we entered the hut all of them starting talking loudly among themselves while we sat there watching them.

After ten or fifteen minutes of animated discussion they all cooled down a bit and two women, who were also bare-chested like others, took Sara and I out of the hut and told us to take off our clothes near a well. Neither Sara nor I had seen each other naked in many years and we certainly weren't in mood to bare everything, so we told them in no uncertain sign language that we won't undress, a stand they apparently found amusing because they returned with two mud pitchers of water and poured them on our heads.

Not satisfied with that, they refilled them and poured them again on us, which made me angry and I started shouting at them but instead of being fazed by my choicest of swear words they asked us to wear loincloths they had brought. I took it from her, pointed at my crotch and asked them how I was supposed to wear it over panties when they had drenched it.

Seeing that, one of the women lifted up her loincloth, showed me her panty-less crotch and told us that we have to dress like them otherwise the villagers would feel insulted and angry, at least that's what I think she told us but who knows.

Turning toward Sara, who already had a body of a grown up woman, asked her opinion.

"Mom, are you crazy? Do you think I can go like this in front of them, especially Dad?"

I knew it was going to be difficult but had no choice, so took the cloth, tied it around my waist, took off my wet black panties and black bra and stood there in front of Sara with nothing on but a small piece of cloth around my crotch.

After looking at me for a second or so, she realized the situation, took off her red panties and red bra and stood there in that cloth, with her long slender legs, her bums, her stomach and breasts exposed. The thought of going in front of so many people with nothing on but a small piece of cloth was killing us, so asked Sara to hide behind the wall and told the women to fetch Graham.

After what seemed an eternity, Graham, who was already drunk, arrived but when he saw me standing there with my thighs and breasts naked he quickly sobered up. I told him the whole situation and asked him what we should do.

"Don't worry, nudity is not a big thing for them, they all dress up like that and won't even notice you," he replied in a very uncharacteristic manner.

I wasn't entirely satisfied with his reasoning but it did make some sense. He then asked where Sara was, so told him that she was hiding behind the wall.

"OK, wait here," he said.

He came back after two or three minutes with a jar of local rice wine and two bare-chested girls, who were around Sara's age.

"Look at these girls, they aren't worried about their bodies, so drink this and give some of it to Sara and stop fussing over your nakedness."

I was so nervous that I drank half of it and then went behind the wall and gave rest to Sara, who finished it in two gulps. Then placing my hands around her naked shoulders, I brought her in front of her dad who until then was trying to act all sensible and reasonable but when he saw his own daughter revealing her long, slender legs, her beautiful thighs, her smooth stomach, her breasts and pink nipples, which she was desperately trying to cover with her hands, he took a deep breath and feasted his eyes on her young body.

When he didn't move or say anything, she slowly lifted her blue eyes and saw her dad admiring and appreciating the beauty of her near-naked body. To break the tension, I went and placed my arms around her stomach and hugged her tightly, her face was resting on my bare bosoms and nipples.

"These girls are naked but aren't ashamed, so don't be shy and go out and face all of them confidently," I comforted her.

Somehow, I was able to convince her with the help of her dad and she began walking with her dad's arms around his young daughter's naked waist. As I didn't want my son to freak out in front of everybody I told the girls to fetch him. When I saw him coming, I hid behind the wall and told him that since his dad and I didn't want to offend these people I had no choice but to dress like them.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I'm wearing the kind of loincloth you're wearing and nothing else, so don't freak out when I come out, OK?"

"OK," he replied in an unsteady voice.

With my arms around my breasts, I hesitatingly came out of hiding and stood in front of him, with only my crotch and nipples covered. The moment he saw my body his eyes popped out and a visible bulge appeared under his loincloth.

For a minute or so I allowed him to get comfortable, but when I noticed his bulge becoming bigger, I took him behind the wall and in a motherly voice told him to do his "thing" and call me when he was done. With his back toward me, he called me after two minutes and I handed him the pitcher with which he washed the cum off his hand.

I was expecting him to cool down a bit after masturbating and although his eyes weren't popping out anymore he was still looking hungrily at my body, especially my breasts and nipples, which were surprisingly erect. I knew there was nothing else I could do, so started walking with him toward the tribal chief's hut.

Once inside the hut, the two women signaled us to bow in front of the chief, who was looking at our naked bodies with a large smile. I knew it was too much for all of us and wanted to get out of there as soon as possible but the chief motioned us to sit down and have a drink, which meant there was no choice but to sit in front of all of them with our breasts, thighs, legs and shoulders totally exposed for them to see.

Although I wasn't shy of my body and many people, including my brothers and parents, had seen it several times but sitting in front of so many people with just my crotch covered was one experience I wasn't enjoying. What was making it even worse was that Sara was feeling completely ashamed of the situation. Her face had turned bright red and although she was trying to cover her breasts and nipples with her palms she wasn't having much success simply because they were too big to hide under her hands. We sat like that for twenty minutes eating raw meat and drinking rice wine.

Finally the party broke up and we started to go into the hut where we had taken shelter last night when a girl motioned Sara and I to follow and she took us inside a comparatively large hut where the tribal chief was sitting in his loincloth with a woman and two young girls, all bare-chested. Tired and confused we didn't wait for any ceremony and sat down near the girls who were younger than Sara.

The woman got up and offered us a drink, but we refused. Then she started speaking. Initially I thought she was telling us that she was chief's wife and the girls were their daughters but after lot of gesturing and sign language we understood that all of them, including the young girls, were his wife, a realization that shocked Sara more than me.

After sitting there for ten minutes or so we were getting pretty uncomfortable, especially with the way he was looking at Sara's near-naked body, and when he gave me the look that said 'See I've so many women and girls to fuck', I decided it was time to go back to safety of our hut. When we reached the hut, we discovered that some village children had taken all our clothes, so we went after them and although we found the children our clothes had simply disappeared.

After about fifteen minutes, Graham and Andrew entered the hut and without even saying hello Graham took me behind the hut, pushed my back on the mud wall, untied my loincloth and without even worrying that we were in a wide open space and somebody could see us fucked me there and then under the moonlit sky.

Usually Graham enjoys making love, especially foreplay, but this time he didn't even kiss or touch me, but rammed his cock into my pussy and started fucking me violently, biting my nipples so hard that I had to scream at him to stop. I knew his dick was ramming me but he was thinking about his own daughter's breasts, her nipples, her thighs and her pussy. I knew he was imagining her while screwing me but didn't say anything. After fucking me, we went back to hut and sat there silently.

The villagers had made dinner for us and since all of us were tired and pretty drunk we all went to sleep early, with Sara, the wife and I in kitchen and men in front room. When I woke up in the morning, I saw Andrew lying on his back watching us sleeping semi-naked from the front room. I went up to him and told him to accompany me as I wanted to use bathroom before others woke up, but he didn't get up.

So, took his hand and dragged him to his feet and then understood why he was so hesitant to stand up. Not only did he have an erection, but what was making it stand out, pardon the pun, was the loincloth. Averting my eyes, I began walking in front of him and took him behind the hut.

"It's natural for men to have these kinds of feelings and since women here aren't wearing that much it's more understandable but you can't walk all day like this," I said in a hushed tone.

I went back to hut, brought water and told him to "do his thing" before others woke up. He went behind the wall but I began feeling bad for him and wanted to comfort him, so went behind the wall but he froze up when he saw me.

"Don't feel bad, all men do it. I'll help you. Take off your loincloth."

But he just stood there. So went near him and untied his cloth and taking his hand placed it on my bare breast and whispered, "Come on, I'm your Mom, don't feel shy."

He hesitatingly placed his fingers around his erect cock and started masturbating, while I helped him play with my boobs, nipples and my stomach and just before he came all over my legs and thighs he buried his face into my bosom and wrapped his arm around my naked back. Running my fingers through his hair, told him to come whenever he needed help. He nodded his head but kept his face buried into my breasts.

I've been always close to my son and he was my favorite but this was the first time I felt the perfect mother-son bond. I wanted the moment to last forever but knew others would be up soon so picking up the jar of water washed his cum off my legs and thighs and then he washed his dick and we went back to hut.

When Graham woke up, the first thing he did was look at his near-naked daughter sitting there cross-legged playing with stones. He called her and gave her a tight hug, which meant her naked breasts were pressed against his bare chest and his crotch was pressed against her stomach. After letting her dad feel her body, Sara calmly went to kitchen to help prepare breakfast. Although I didn't like the way he touched her but decided not to create a scene there.While we were busy preparing breakfast, the men were busy feasting their eyes on our bodies, with both Graham and the African man paying close attention to Sara, while Andrew was showering his attention on me and the African woman. After enjoying watching his daughter walk around topless in just a tiny strip of cloth, Graham finally called the town for a vehicle to pick us up and they promised to send it by late afternoon. He then went with the man and his wife for a tour of their village.

I went to well to take a shower and when I came back both Andrew and Sara were looking at me in a funny way, so asked them what was wrong but they kept smiling and looking at me.

"Andrew has told me everything," said Sara curling her red lips in smile.

The minute she said that I glared at my son who was also smiling.

"Has told you what?" I asked staring straight at her.

"Everything," she replied calmly looking at me with her deep blue eyes.

"What's everything?"

"Mom, he has told me how you helped him jerk off," she answered as she came closer to me and spreading her legs apart placed her hands on her naked hips.

When she said that, I knew I could either deny the whole thing or make it appear as normal as possible. Moving away from her, went to Andrew and told him to stand up which he instantly did. I went near him and placing my arm on his shoulders gave him a hug which took him by surprise. I knew my naked breasts were rubbing against his arm and my thighs were feeling the soft skin of his body.

"Are you angry that Mom helped you?" I enquired knowing fully well that he was now a puppet in my hands.


"Are you ashamed?"


"Good, because there's nothing to be ashamed of. All men do it and even some women do it. And this wasn't the first time I saw a man do it, so there's nothing to feel bad, OK?"

As expected, was hit by a volley of questions. The first one was by Sara who shamelessly asked me whether Dad does it, too.

"Yes. He does," I replied after little hesitation.

"Have you helped him?"

"I help him when he asks me to," I answered although I did realize that it was getting too personal.

But before she could ask another question, Andrew jumped in and asked me whether I do it, too.

"I do it," I whispered hugging him tightly to hide my blushing.

"Every day?"

"No, sometime."

"And Dad?" said Sara.


"It's not raining anymore so let's go to river for a swim," I interrupted them in an effort to change the topic.

They stood there mulling further questions, but then they agreed to my suggestion. When we reached the river, I expected them to keep the loincloths on, but they had apparently decided to shed all their clothes along with their inhibitions, so just before jumping into water they took their loincloth off and dived into river with nothing on.

I, of course, kept my cloth on but they started pestering me to take it off and when they saw that their pestering wasn't having any result they came near me, held my arms and legs and yanked that small piece of the cloth off my waist leaving me standing there in water completely naked.

With my kids taking the lead, I became my old self and lost all inhibition. I began teasing and playing games with them in the water. All three of us were loving it so much that we stayed there for about thirty minutes and by the end of it we had accidentally and playfully touched, rubbed and felt each and every part of each other's bodies. My hand had accidentally rubbed against my son's cock several times, his hands had explored every inch of our breasts and his sister reciprocated him by touching his fully erect dick.

His favorite trick was to come from behind, put his hands on my boobs or his sister's and shove his erect cock in our bums. Then he would proudly stand there with his hands cupping our breasts, while his dick would rub against our naked bodies. His sister and I reciprocated him by hugging him and rubbing our hands against his cock and letting him touch every part of our bodies, except our vaginas.

After playing with each other as much as possible, we came out completely naked and rested on grass with my son on one side and daughter on the other. Since I wanted to take things further, I asked him who was more beautiful, his sister or I?

"I think both of you're lovely," he replied admiring our bodies lying next to him.

We all laughed on hearing his diplomatic answer. Then I asked my daughter whether she has ever masturbated.

"Couple of times. A girl in the school taught me."

"Have you done anything with boys."

"Yes, small stuff, nothing big."

Then turning toward my son asked him if he has done anything with girls.

"No, because I love my mom."

And just to drive his point home, he jumped on my body and kissed me on my lips. I could feel his cock pushing against my stomach but decided to ignore it and asked them if they had seen each other naked before today.

"Come on, you know I won't get angry, so you can tell me," I added when both felt silent.

"We've seen each other few times," confessed Sara.

I wanted to tell them how I used to parade myself in front of my brothers and parents but decided it was too early so just said, "OK."

"Mom, when was your first time," asked Andrew lifting his face from my breasts.

"Will tell you all that later on, now get off me or I'll suffocate."

He moved his body away from mine and lay down between me and his sister.

His cock had been erect for some time and I was thinking he needed to do something about it when he turned his face towards me and said: "Mom, I need help."

I knew what he meant but my daughter was there so didn't say anything and just lay there.

"Help him, Mom. We know you love us," said Sara when she saw me not replying.

So I asked him to sit on my stomach as that would allow him to feel my whole body. He sat down on my stomach, placing his balls on my brown pubic hair and started masturbating and touching my body while his sister watched him.

He began cupping my big breasts and circling my erect nipples with one hand while his other hand was busy with his dick. I and Sara lay there and watched him cum all over my neck, shoulders and boobs. His sister took her loincloth and cleaned off the cum from my breasts and neck and off his cock. After making sure that he was satisfied and happy, we all went back to hut.

Little later, my husband came and said the African wife and man were busy at their farm and will not be back before evening, so I started preparing lunch with whatever I could find. He then made a call to the engineers in the town who told him that the helicopter has developed some mechanical fault so they will not be able to send it to pick us up for at least couple of more days.

This made my husband angry and he started shouting at them but that didn't resolve the situation at all. So we just gave up and decided to stay there for two more days. While I was busy with cooking and Andrew had gone outside to look at village girls, Sara got busy with her father.

After our talks and the incident at the river, she knew I wasn't going to say anything, so she started flirting openly with her dad. She began moving her hips and breasts slowly and seductively in front of him like in a tribal dance while her near-nakedness made it much more erotic. Then she made him join her, pushing her bare boobs against his chest and wrapping her naked thighs against his legs.

With her legs wrapped around his body like some courtesan, he started running his hands all over her body, moving from her back to her legs and then to her hips, stomach and then to her boobs and neck while she arched her body back to make it easier for him to touch his own daughter.

"There's a river here, let's go there for a swim," she said turning her face toward me and giving me a smile.

When she said that, Graham turned toward me for my opinion but I knew he wanted to swim with her as much she wanted to, so shrugged my shoulders and within seconds they were out of the hut.

I was left alone in the house and wasn't enjoying it, so went outside and was looking at the village when I saw Andrew sitting near a woman breastfeeding her child. He was looking at her intently and possibly enjoying it and she didn't seem to mind it. I went and sat down near him but when he saw me he quickly moved his eyes away from her milk-filled breasts and stared at the ground.

"What were you looking at," I asked knowing that the woman wouldn't understand our language.


"You know, you used to suck my nipples just like this boy and you loved them so much that you wanted them all the time."

"Really?" he queried moving his eyes away from the ground to my face and saw me smiling.

"Yes. You used to spend hours sucking my breasts and wanted them all the time."

"Didn't you get tired," he asked shifting his gaze toward my big boobs and now erect nipples.

"No. I loved it."

I could sense that he was getting pretty excited, so said to him that it's time we went back to hut.

I knew my husband and daughter wouldn't be back for some time and the African woman and her husband were busy with their farm, so once inside the hut I lay down with my back on the mat and signaled him to lie down next to me.

He hesitated for a second but then came near me and I slowly placed one hand on the back of his head and brought his lips near my fully erect nipples and with the other hand I moved my tits near his hungry mouth. He started sucking my nipples just like he used to do years ago but now his hands were also moving all over my body, feeling, touching and rubbing each and every part.

But when he tried to untie my loincloth to touch my pussy, I stopped him and he didn't like that because he tried to force it open, but I wasn't ready for it so he took my hand and placed it on his throbbing cock.

This was the first time I was stroking my own son's dick and that made me really wet and horny, so I began touching his cum-filled balls and his bums, while he sucked my boobs and nipples. After five or seven minutes he was ready to cum, so asked him to climb on top of me and unload his cum on his own mom's breasts and neck which he happily did. I cleaned his cum off my body and his cock with my loincloth and we lay down on the mat with our bodies locked in an embrace.

Just before evening, my husband and daughter came back from the river and although neither of them said anything the smile on my daughter's face told me that something did happen at the river.

And since both my son and I were dying to hear the story, I told my husband to go and get some vegetables from the village and as soon as he was out of the hut both my son and I crowded around her and asked her to tell us what had happened at the river. But she said it was a secret between her and her dad and she will not reveal it.

"OK, I'll tell my story if you guys tell me what you were up to," she finally relented after I threatened and pleaded with her.

Both my son and I quickly agreed to her condition. We told her our story, leaving out nothing, answering all her questions and provided as many details as possible. After calmly hearing our story, she told hers.

She said as planned she and her dad went to river and just before jumping into water she asked him if they should take off their loincloths but he said no, so they just swam for couple of minutes but since she hadn't gone there to swim she got bored and decided to take the matters into her own hands. She came out of water, untied her loincloth and stood there fully naked giving her own father a clean view of her shaved pussy, her legs, her thighs, her perky breasts and erect nipples.

After standing there for more than five minutes, she slowly walked into water, swaying her hips seductively, and went straight to her dad whose eyes were fixed on his young daughter's body.

Wrapping her arms around his waist, she kissed him on his lips and he moved his hands from her back to her tight bums and then pushed his tongue deep inside her throat giving his own daughter a French kiss. Bringing her hands to his cock, he whispered her to untie his loincloth which she eagerly did and then placed her hands on his dick and told her to stroke him.

She started rubbing his balls and rubbing his cock, while her mouth was busy kissing his lips, neck, shoulders and his nipples. The sight of his own daughter caressing his dick was sending him into ecstasy. Moving his mouth to her breasts and her nipples, he started biting and sucking them hard, making her scream in painful lust. He knew she was about to explode, so he moved his fingers towards her shaven pussy and slowly inserted one finger inside her, which made her gasp, and patiently explored her dripping wet pussy.

After making sure she was ready for more, he buried his face into her heaving breasts and inserted two more fingers inside her and making made her cum instantly.

"I love you, Dad. I love you," she repeated wrapping her arms tightly around his back and resting her face on his shoulders.

"I love you, too," he said running his fingers through her brown hair falling over her naked shoulders.

Then lifting her in his arms, he brought her to shore where he made her go down on her knees and suck his cock. Since this was the first time she was taking a fully grown man's dick, she was having difficulty in taking the whole of it, but he worked with her slowly and by the end of it she became a pro, or as he said, "You're as good as your mom."

A compliment she said she would never forget. She told us she was ready to swallow his cum but he wanted her to take one step a time, so he came on her face and hands and then made her lick his cum off her hands while he watched her.

"Didn't he want to do it?" I asked.

"Yes he did, but was afraid that somebody might see us but has promised that he would do it when there's some privacy."

My son asked her whether Dad's cock was big.

"Yes, it's. At first I was having difficulty in taking the whole of it in my mouth but when he said Mom takes it easily I decided to show him that I can do it, too."

"Mom, are you able to take all of it?" asked my son when he heard her say that.

"Yes, but then I'm much more experienced."

"Mom, when was the first time you took it inside your mouth?" enquired Sara.

"Many years ago. I was younger than you."

"Who was he?" she asked.

"A friend."

Although in reality he was a 50-year-old neighbor and he was also the first person to put his fingers inside my pussy. Turning the conversation back to my daughter, I asked her if she wants her dad to be her first lover.

"Yes, Mom. I really want Dad to be my first lover."

I asked her again if she was sure.

"Please, Mom, I want him," she said coming near me and pressing her breasts against mine in a hug.

"OK. I'll see what can be done."

By now all three of us were very aroused and my son was having difficulty in controlling his cock so his sister untied his loincloth and started masturbating him and within seconds he came all over her breasts and stomach.

Later in the evening I asked the African man and woman in sign language whether there was any empty hut where the four of us could sleep as this hut was too crowded for all six of us. When they understood what I was trying to say, they took me to a hut that was smaller than theirs but at least it offered us privacy. With that done, I went and asked my husband if he wanted to make love to his daughter. He replied only if it was fine with me.

I said I was but I think I should be with her as this will be her first time and I don't want her to get scared.

"Yes, I think that would be good for her."

"Do you want to do it tonight?"


"OK, I'll arrange it."

We went back to hut where others were waiting for us for dinner. After the meal, told the family members that it was time for bed and herded them back to new hut. Once inside, we placed the sleeping mats, lighted some more oil lamps, drank bottles of local brew and while my son and husband created music with their fingers on some tin cans they had found my daughter and I danced in front of them.

After watching our near-naked bodies dancing sensually in front of them, my husband and son too joined in and by the time we finished dancing we were all drunk and my daughter had taken off her loincloth and was completely naked, with her shaven pussy and lips clearly visible.

We lay there for several minutes, with our breasts, thighs, legs, arms and cocks on top of each other. Then we got up and my daughter and son went to kitchen-cum-room to sleep, while my husband and I lay down in front room.

Later in night, I got up and slowly woke my daughter up, who was sleeping nude, and whispered to her that it was time. She rubbed her eyes, took a deep breath and walked with me to front room where her dad was already stroking his erect cock.

"Don't worry, we love you, everything will be all right. Now lie down and make Dad happy, OK?"

She nodded her head. After she was on mat, I went to her and spread her legs, revealing her lips to her father, who began kissing her toes and patiently made his way up. By the time, his lips had reached her stomach, she was already moaning and when he put his finger inside her pussy she started dripping.

I went and lay down next to her and placed my arm on the back of her head to give her some support. Her dad always loved foreplay and was now showering her long legs, her thighs, her stomach and her perky breasts and pink nipples with his kisses.

While I held her head under my arms, he slowly started caressing her young body, patiently touching her with the tip of his fingers and moving his tongue from her legs to her back and then to her nipples and to her face, which was now red in ecstasy. The more she moaned and writhed, more slowly he made love to her body, which just drove her crazy.

When he brought his cock near her pussy she looked at me in panic with her blue eyes but I brought my nipples to her mouth and buried her face into my breasts, while her dad slowly entered her virgin hole. She tried to get up, but I kept her face buried into my boobs and then she screamed a bit, a confirming that she had been deflowered by her own dad.

After initially hesitating, he now started to really ram his cock inside her and though she begged and screamed at him to stop - and even I felt he should be gentler with her - he just kept fucking her until he was completely spent.

"I love you. Thank you," he said kissing her cheeks and nipples and his cum inside his own daughter's pussy.

"I love you, too, Dad. It was awesome. Thanks," she replied smiling and hugging him.

I gave her a glass of water and took her to back of the room where my son was sitting and watching us.

"Mommy will make you happy, too. Promise," I comforted him kissing his lips.

Went back to front room, took a shot of the local brew, dimmed the oil lamps and crept back to back room to my son who was waiting for his mom.

Untying our loincloths, sat on him and started making love to my son. Taking his hands, placed them on my breasts and then brought my big boobs to his mouth and he started licking and biting them while his hands glided from my back to bums and then to my thighs and back again to my breasts, nipples and neck.

"Ram it inside her, she would love it. Fuck her, ram it in," ordered my daughter watching us.

When I looked at her talking like that she smiled and kissed me on my lips. Her brother, whose hands were until now all over my breasts, cupped his sister's breasts and started feeling them, so she came nearer and gave her nipples to his hungry mouth to suckle.

The sight of my daughter giving her nipples to her younger brother to suckle while his cock was fucking me was too much and surprisingly I came before he did. Both my son and I lay there on top of each other while my daughter played with my breasts. When she started sucking my nipples, I asked her if she again wanted to make her daddy happen. She said yes, so told her to go and make him proud.I don't know if my husband was watching me getting fucked by my own son or not but when he saw his daughter walking towards him, with her shaven pussy glistening wet and her breasts heaving, he gave her a big smile.

"I know you want your sister, but let Daddy have her today and tomorrow you can have her, OK?" I said turning toward my son.

Then he started getting up so asked him where he was going. He pointed towards his cock, which was still half erect, and said to pee.

"There's no bathroom near this hut, so will come with you." And got up to go with him.

When we crossed the front room to go outside, saw my daughter riding her dad while his finger was inside her back hole. When she saw us, she stopped riding him, called me and placing her hands around my naked bums kissed my pussy lips.

"You're the best daughter," I said patting her head.

My son and I went outside the hut, sat down facing each other on grass and peed in front of each other without any shame or inhibition. We stayed there for some time looking at the night sky and stars and by the time we went back inside the hut my husband was already sleeping, while my daughter was sitting in the back room waiting for us.

I took my mat, my son's mat and joined them with my daughter's mat and all three of us went to sleep lying as close to each other as possible. When I drifted off to sleep, my son was sucking one of my nipples while my daughter was sucking the other.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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