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16.87% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 692: MISFORTUNE GIVES BIRTH TO LOVE


There are some who have only good memories of childhood, there are some who have both good and bad and then there are those who have only bad memories.

I'm one of those unfortunate ones who have only bad memories. The earliest memory I have is getting punished for spilling milk on the kitchen floor.

Some might wonder why didn't my mom help me? She would have, but her fate was worse than mine. She was not only going through physical and mental abuse, but was also struggling with the fact of how unfortunate she was to have met her husband, Sean, my father.

My dad had gone to Russia for a week with his friends during his college days and had apparently loved the girls there so much that he learned Russian and decided to find a bride from there.

However, it all remained a dream until his second marriage broke down, and he was facing a lonely life in a two-bedroom house near a small town in North Dakota.

He then decided to make his long-held dream come true and scraping whatever money he could, off he went to Moscow to find a bride. Armed with an American passport, six feet and two inches body, long wavy hair and knowledge of Russian language, he prowled the bars, clubs and pubs all over Moscow until he finally found a girl he instantly liked.

She was walking to school when he first saw her from his apartment and for the next four days he watched her every morning and evening walk down the street.

The first time Dad spoke to her, he asked her for directions to a shop he already knew and engaged her in small talk about the city and its culture. Slowly and deliberately, he made sure she became fixated on his masculine body and American charm.

After about twenty days, he told her that he was going back to the U.S., but could arrange for her to join him there if she wanted. My father, of course, sold her the whole deal: Big cars, huge house, shopping malls, etc. She was enthralled and jumped at the prospect of an American life.

When he saw that she was ready, he went back to the U.S., arranged a tourist visa and tickets and told her to catch the next flight. The reality she experienced on arrival was different to the dreams he had woven in her head.

Dad was living in an old house, way off the main road, and there were no big cars, just a Ford truck, and no glitzy shopping malls. It all hit her hard and she wanted to go back, but he charmed her into staying -- a mistake she came to regret.

She was under the impression that he would marry her as soon as she arrived, but Father told her, deceitfully as it turned out, that since she was only eighteen she can't get married as the minimum age required was twenty one. Then she thought he would help her get the visa extended, but he kept on giving excuses.

She thought about running away several times, but since she didn't know anybody, spoke little English and had heard all sorts of stories from Dad about how illegals were treated in prisons, she couldn't bring herself to take the final step.

All in all, she was at his mercy and he knew it. Within a year, she was carrying me and living more like a slave than a wife.

That's how the journey and the misfortune of my mom, Natasha, began.

Surprisingly, the earliest memory I have of my mother is not of the beatings, the screaming and the abuse, but of her sitting on a chair with her legs crossed and her hands in her lap in the backyard.

I remember her red hair falling over her shoulders, her deep blue eyes looking at me and her nose ring and gold anklets shining in the sun.

"Do you miss Russia?" I asked her sitting opposite her.

"Yes, a lot," she said adjusting her gray, knee-length pleated skirt.

"Any relatives still there?"

"There are your two aunts and an uncle."

"You must have enjoyed there?"

"A lot. We used to cycle across the town, play volleyball and dance to Russian music. School was fun, too."

"Were you good in studies?"

"No, just average. I was a good swimmer though. There's a lake near our house and all of us used to swim in it."

"I guess they miss you, too?"

"Yes, they do. Will take you there some day. Now let's go inside and cook lunch for your dad," she said taking a deep breath and tucking in her white sleeveless shirt.

But that's the only memory I have of childhood where she's smiling and is happy. All the others are of shame and pain.

My father had a more or less set schedule. He would go to work at the garage by eight in the morning, come home for lunch and then be back again at home by evening.

Most of his Saturday nights were spent playing poker at home with his two friends Jason and Matt.

Since our house was so far away from everything, Mother and I remained stuck day and night inside the house. Dad would take us to town maybe once in three months and even then not to the town that was near our house, but to a town that was far away from our place.

My father wasn't even keen to send me to school and only reluctantly changed his mind, but took me out after just few years, so all I learnt was read and write.

Even there it was Dad who used to drop and pick me up from school, with Mom staying stuck inside the house.

I don't remember anything about school, friends or playing any game or sport.

What I do remember is how my father used to beat me with his belt, steel rod or shoes for smallest of mistakes. What's more shameful is that he continued to beat me even when I was eighteen years old.

I was tall with broad-shoulders, although not a giant like him, but the fact that I was nearly grown-up or that Mother could see me standing there with my jeans and underwear pulled down to my ankles with my cock and balls clearly visible didn't bother him.

To some all this might seem barbaric, but it was nothing compared to what Mom had to endure.

One day we were having dinner when Dad thought the steak was burnt a little bit too much, so he started shouting at Mother that she didn't know how to cook and that she was useless. Then he got up, dragged her by her hair and forced her to bend over the sofa without caring that I was sitting there.

He lifted Mom's skirt up and began working on her bums with his belt.

She tried to push her skirt down, but that made him angrier and he started beating her with the belt on her arms, making her scream in agony. Soon Mother's arms and white panties had belt marks all over them.

One evening Mom and I were washing his truck in the backyard and didn't hear him call her, so he dragged us inside the house and told her to take off her jeans, but she pleaded with him to have mercy on her. He told her that if she didn't take them off, he would start the beating again, so she began removing them, crying all the time.

My mother's jeans were off. Then he wanted her to take off her black panties and then her brown shirt and black bra and was only satisfied once she was completely naked.

Mom, who was five feet and five inches tall and had a full-figured body, sat there, with her back against the wall, her long legs joined together and her knees and arms trying to cover her big breasts, while he kept calling her a bitch and a whore.

After staying on the floor for more than five minutes, my mother got up to make dinner.

Since Dad was busy drinking in the living room, I sneaked into my room, snatched a bed sheet and was creeping to the kitchen to give it to her to cover herself up when he warned me that he would beat the hell out of me if I tried to help her, so threw the sheet back into my room and went to calm Mom down.

She prepared the dinner, tried to make it as delicious as possible because she didn't want him to get angry again and went into my room to eat it. I took my plate and followed her into my room, leaving my father eating alone at the table.

There I saw her, sitting on a pillow, still naked.

"Could you do me a favor?" she said looking up from her plate.

"Yes, sure."

"Go to my room and bring the white cream kept inside the drawer."

I came out of the room, saw Dad was busy with TV and whiskey, and gave it to her.

"Would you please put it on, it's hurting a lot," she pleaded handing me the cream and lying back on her stomach on the bed.

I dipped my fingers inside the jar, scooped the cream out and started applying it on Mom's ample bums and inner thighs as she lay there with her legs spread. I rubbed it all over the red marks made by Dad's beatings and then lightly massaged her bums, inner thighs and the bottom part of her back with my fingers.

"Why don't we run away from here?" I asked her.

"We will, very soon," she promised burying her face into the pillow.

"Have you always worn this blue necklace?" I asked her just to cheer her up.

She lifted her face from the pillow and turned her head toward me, exposing the side of her right breast in the process.

"It was given by my grandmother when I was a child," she replied holding the necklace in her fingers.

"Is she alive?"

"No. She was very beautiful and graceful."

"Like you?"

"Yea, right. Like me," she said rolling her eyes and looking down at her bruised bums.

"You're beautiful," I comforted her by going near her and kissing her neck and bare shoulder.

She didn't reply, but just lay there on the bed while I ran my fingers through her long red hair and over her soft and smooth back.

We heard Dad stumble back to his room, so Mom got up to give him medicines and to plead with him to allow her to put some clothes on. As if all this wasn't enough, he found another way to humiliate and shame her.

On Saturday nights, he used to play poker with his two friends Jason and Matt in the living room, so both Mom and I avoided going there and remained in our rooms. Then he started calling her on one excuse or other and began forcing her to sit there with them, while his friends shared lewd jokes and ogled at her body.

She felt uncomfortable and tried to get away by pretending to have fever or headache, but he wanted her there, so she had to be there.

One Saturday night I was helping Mother change the bed sheets in her room when my father came in, handed her a white top and a black mini skirt and told her to put them on as he wanted to give his friend Matt a surprise birthday present.

She looked at the top and saw that somebody had cut it with scissors in such a way that now it had a really deep neck and the bottom part wasn't long enough to even cover her belly button. Mom stared at it and said to him that somebody had butchered it from all sides and it was probably one size too small.

He glared back at her and told her to wear it and the skirt and to come to the living room with the cake he had kept in the kitchen and the drinks when he calls her. With that, he went back to join his poker and drinking friends.

Mother was looking at the top and mini skirt he had just handed her and was still wondering what to do when he came back and told her not to spoil the evening by wearing a bra and stormed back into the living room.

She hesitatingly began taking off the jeans and yellow shirt she was wearing and then the green bra, but not her panties. Since Dad had stripped her naked so often, she didn't mind me there nor tried to hide her breasts. She began putting on the white top and the black mini skirt.

Mom was right. The top had such a deep neckline that a good part of her breasts, including the blue veins, were clearly visible. It had been cut so badly by the scissors that it barely reached below her breasts, exposing her whole stomach and even her under boobs. But what made it worse was that it was tight for her and as she wasn't wearing a bra, her big breasts and her pink nipples were as clearly visible as her hands.

And the mini skirt? Well it was long enough to hide only her green panties, leaving her long legs and her ample thighs completely uncovered.

My father was always calling her a whore or a slut and today, as Mother looked at herself in the mirror, she knew he had succeeded in making her dress like one.

After adjusting her gold anklets, the blue necklace, which was buried in her cleavage, and her gold nose ring, she sat down on the bed to wait to be summoned.

When she heard him call her, she got up and hugging me tightly asked me to look out for her and to come in there and start shouting and screaming if she began panicking. I told her that I would listen out, but she asked me to promise her, so promised her that I would barge into the living room and start screaming if she seemed to be in trouble.

Mom held my hand for a few seconds, kissed my cheek and went to serve Dad's friends while I left the house by the backyard and kept my eyes on them through the living room window.

She took the cake from the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of whiskey and walked toward them.

"Matt, here's your surprise gift. She's here to serve you in her full glory," said Dad getting up from the sofa and pointing toward Mom.

Jason and Matt both looked at Mother, first in surprise but then the surprise quickly turned into pure and sheer lust.

Matt got up from the sofa, apparently to touch her, but my father said, "First, let's cut the cake," so Mom placed the cake on the table and stood aside.

But Matt asked her to join him, so she held the knife with him and when she bent down to cut the cake, both Jason and Matt began staring at her breasts.

Matt picked the first piece of the cake and made Mom share it with him while Jason feasted his eyes on her semi-naked body. Then Matt handed her a drink and sitting back on the sofa, thanked my father for the best birthday he ever had.

Dad dismissed his gratitude with his hand and told my mother to go and sit on the birthday boy's lap, but she hesitated, so he growled at her and told her to make Matt happy.

She hesitatingly walked toward him and sat down on his knees. Putting his arms on her naked thighs, Matt pushed her bums near his crotch, so now Mom was not only sitting on his cock, but her skirt had ridden higher, exposing her green panties to Jason.

"Like your top, it's very beautiful," said Matt rubbing his hands over Mom's long legs, bare thighs and looking down at her boobs.

My mother's face was now completely red with shame and she squirmed and tried to shift away from his crotch, but he held her tightly and brought his face inches away from her clearly visible pink nipples. Then moving his hand toward her cleavage, he lifted her necklace buried between her breasts and started playing with it, while his fingertips touched her cleavage and even her nipples.

Putting his hands over her knees, he turned her body sideways, so now Mom's bums was on his legs and her near-naked boobs right under his gaze.

He began caressing her bums and her green panties with one hand, while his other hand played with her blue necklace. He ran his fingers over Mom's exposed cleavage, her nipples and then cupping her big breasts, he squeezed them right in front of Dad and Jason. His other hand, meanwhile, continued to roam all over her bums and naked thighs.

Matt continued playing with Mother's nipples and her breasts, including running his hand over and under her boobs, while feeling her tight bums, smooth thighs and long legs for more than fifteen minutes.

Jason, who was watching Matt enjoy Mom's body so shamelessly, turned toward Dad and asked him when he would get the surprise gift.

"On your birthday," he replied smiling.

My mother finally got the opportunity to escape the situation when my father got bored with her sitting among them and told her to go back to her room as he wanted to play poker.

Mom removed Matt's hands from her bums and breasts, got up from his lap and rushing back to her room threw herself on the bed and began sobbing. I went and lay down next to her and tried to calm her down but she kept crying. It took her nearly thirty minutes to calm down and then she got up, lit a cigarette, took off the top and skirt and even the green panties and got into a brown nightgown.

Assured that Mom had calmed down, I left her alone and went into my room to try and get some peace and sleep. Throughout the following weeks and months Dad continued whipping our naked bums, continued his verbal abuse and continued making strip Mom naked.

One day I accidentally broke one of his vinyl records and that made him so angry that he stripped me of my jeans, underwear and then started beating me on my thighs and bums with a steel rod and didn't stop until his hands began aching. Then he left me there, crying, sobbing and bleeding and went back to resume drinking.

As soon as he sat down on the sofa with his glass, my mother came to me, helped me stand up and took me to my room and began consoling me. While she was comforting me, we heard a loud noise, so she got up, opened the door and saw that Dad was lying out cold on the floor drunk, but neither Mom nor I went to help him and left him on the floor.

My mother closed the door and coming back to me ran her fingers through my hair and told me not to worry and that everything would be alright. Sadly, both of us knew that things would never be alright as long as he lived.

She loosened her cream nightgown and hugging me tightly, threw her leg around my naked thigh and buried my face into her breasts. I put my arm not above the robe but under it and dug my hand into the naked skin of her back. She was now covering me, giving me security and trying to shield me by throwing her robe around me and pulling me inside it.

My face was buried deep inside her ample breasts, with my lips inches away from her pink nipples, my one arm around her bare back and the other pressed against her tits and stomach while my legs were sandwiched between her naked thighs and legs. My cock was resting against the lower part of her stomach.

We remained like that for at least twenty minutes, and then Mom got up and without bothering to tie her nightgown, went to her room and came back with a pack of cigarettes and lit one for each of us. We lay there nearly naked on our backs with cigarettes in our hands and an array of thoughts in our minds.

I thought our misfortunes would never end, but then the unexpected happened.

Dad, who had made our lives hell for years, died one night peacefully in his sleep.

It was my mother who found him dead in the bed and since we knew only his two friends, Matt and Jason, I called them on the phone and told them the news.

They came within thirty minutes. Jason was the first to arrive and immediately hugged me, which I found detestable. Then he went and tightly hugged Mom, who was wearing the only black dress she had. He kept his arms around her lower back until she forced herself out of his clutch.

When Matt arrived he didn't even bother to shake my hand, but went straight to Mother and enveloping her in his arms, while making sure that her breasts were tightly pressed against his chest; he took her to kitchen where he kept telling her not to worry as he was there and that he would look after her.

Mom stood there listening to him and just when she thought he was finished assuring her, he put his fingers under her chin and lifting her face up, told her that he would always be there for her. She nodded her head in agreement and was coming out of kitchen when he ran his hand over her bums.

My mother, who had been abused by Dad so much, didn't bother to say anything or even look at him and came and stood near me.

The funeral was quick, simply because there were just four of us. As soon as he was buried, Mom told both Jason and Matt that she wanted to be alone and so got rid of them, but not before both told her that they were available night and day and would check on us every day.

As soon as they left, she slumped down on sofa in the living room and told me to get white satin robe from bathroom. I took off my brown coat - I didn't have a black suit -- and blue tie and went to bring her the robe.When I came back, Mom was still slumped on sofa with her eyes closed and asked me if I could help her get out of the black dress as she was mentally drained.

I went behind the sofa, unzipped the dress, pushed it off her shoulders and freed both her arms one by one. I then went and stood in front of sofa and holding the dress near Mom's knees, pushed it below her thighs, legs and then her ankles.

I picked up the satin robe and was about to hand it to her when she opened her eyes, pointed toward her bra and panties and said, "Please get rid of this, too."

So again went behind the sofa and unbuckled her black bra, freeing her big breasts completely, and placed the bra near her. Then knelt down in front of her and untied the knot of her matching panties and pushed her lace panties down to her ankles leaving her shaved pussy there for me to see.

After that I helped her put on the robe and was tying the belt when she asked me to leave it open. That meant that a good part of her boobs, stomach and thighs were fully exposed.

With that done, I went to kitchen, brought a bottle and two glasses, took out the cigarettes from my pocket and after pouring the drinks and lighting a cigarette, sat down next to her and we began planning our future.

We knew we couldn't stay in this house or even in this town as there were just too many bad memories. So we started thinking of other places and finally agreed to move to Fargo, primarily because it was the closest big city near our town and also because we figured Mom would have a better chance of finding a job in a place like Fargo.

We decided to first go there, have a look and then make the final decision. She took out whatever savings she had kept hidden in the jar, counted it and agreed to leave Monday, which was two days away.

In the evening, we were sitting in the living room watching TV when there was a knock on the door. Peering through the window, I saw both Jason and Matt standing there with stupid smiles on their faces.

I whispered to Mom and she tip-toed to her room and closed the door behind her. I opened the main door and both of them walked inside without even a hello and asked me about my mother. I told them that she had a headache and was sleeping, but that didn't satisfy them and they started walking toward her room.

I went and stood in front of Mom's door and told them again that she was sleeping. When they saw that I wasn't going to let them enter her room so easily and that I could take both of them on, they backed down and told me to take care of her, that they were always available if we needed any help and that they would come again tomorrow. I just stood there and watched them turn around and walk away with sheepish grins on their faces.

That night was the first time Mother and I had dinner without Dad's screaming, shouting and abuse and it felt really good. We stayed up late watching TV, talking, smoking and drinking and genuinely feeling as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

It was also the first time that Mom, who wanted to get away as far as possible from Dad's memories, slept in my room with me. She still had the white robe on, while I was in a yellow T-shirt and orange boxer shorts. We were sleeping in the morning when we heard loud knocks on the door and knew who the visitors were.

Mom told me to open the door, but stall them while she changed, so I went to welcome the guests and she went to her room to change. This time both Jason and Matt said hello to me and even smiled, but their eyes were searching for Mom, who came out of the room in a full-sleeved shirt and jeans.

As soon as they saw her, they rushed toward her and apparently wanted to hug her, but she stood there with her arms crossed against her chest and looked at them in utter derision and disgust and waited for them to speak.

They, of course, were trying their best to charm her by smiling, by telling her how much they missed Sean and as friends they would always be there to help her.

She first listened to them and then told them in her halting English that they were Sean's friends, not hers, and reminded them that Sean was no more. Then she told them that she was leaving the town for good next week.

Jason turned toward me and asked me why we were leaving, adding that he would help us in every way. He went near Mom and putting his arm over her shoulder said she didn't have to leave when they were there to help her. He took out some money and said to her that as she was his best friend's wife it was his duty to help her, so she should keep the money and stay here.

Matt, who thought Jason was gaining an advantage over him, also took out cash from his wallet and told her to keep the money and consider it a help from one friend to another. Then he came closer to her and touching the blue necklace she always wore, he lifted it from under her bra to the front of her shirt, which was an attempt to remind her of how he had played with her body when Dad had presented her as his birthday gift.

Mom took the necklace from his hand, stepped away from him and told them that she was touched by their concern and generosity and she was happy to have them as her friends, but she needed some time to mourn Sean's death and to come to terms with the loneliness.

When she said that, both Jason and Matt nodded in agreement. They said they understood the loss and grief Sean's death had caused her and told her not to hesitate to call them if she ever needed anything.

She, in turn, gave them a big smile and said she would love to have dinner with them sometime soon and then, just to make sure they understood her, she gave each of them a light hug and promised to meet them soon. Her charm obviously worked on them because both of them left the house satisfied and smiling.

Once they were out of the house, she put her hands on my shoulders, her head near my face and laughing loudly said, "Stupid idiots."

The rest of the day was spent packing, planning and thinking about tomorrow's trip.

I got up early in the morning, made breakfast and brought it to Mom, who was still sleeping in my bed wearing an old blue top, no bra, and pink shorts. She was touched by this act and told me that this was the first time anybody had ever served her breakfast in bed.

"Don't start thinking that this is going to be a daily thing," I said kissing her cheeks.

Hearing that, she pouted her red lips in mock disappointment.

We finished our breakfast fast and started getting ready for the long trip ahead. I was taking a shower when she entered the bathroom and after peeing began to brush her teeth and then took off her top and shorts and hit the hot water once I was out of the shower.

Both of us changed into T-shirts and jeans and lugging the bags on our backs began the long walk to the town from where we took the bus to Fargo.

We took a room in one of the rundown hotels in the city and began looking for a permanent place to stay and a job for Mom, but finding both of them was proving to be tough. We started searching everywhere and meeting anyone who would meet us, but since Mom knew very little English job prospects were looking dim.

Finally, on the third day, we met a woman who ran a boutique and was looking for a designer who was not only good but also quick. My mother opened one of the magazines lying there in the shop and asked the woman to choose any dress from it. Mom then went out and bought a sewing machine, threads, needles, cloth and other materials needed for the dress and had the whole dress ready in the hotel room by evening. She took it to the woman who was amazed and delighted and gave her the job.

The pay depended on how many dresses my mother made, but the woman assured her that there was no shortage of orders, so she'd be able to earn pretty decent money every month.

The next day we went looking for a place to stay and found a one-bedroom apartment. After signing the contract, we went back to town to finish our business there.

In the town we told a real estate agent guy that we were looking for a buyer and when we told him the details about the house he decided to come with us to have a look. When he saw the property, he agreed to buy it there and then, although the price he was willing to pay was much less than what Dad had told us the house was worth.

Since we wanted to get out as fast as we could, we sold him the Ford truck too, and he also arranged a company to move all our stuff to Fargo.

After he had signed the deal and made the payment, Mom called Matt and asked him if he could come Tuesday, which was three days away, as she wanted to speak to him about something alone.

"I'll send Derek to town to buy groceries," she told him when he asked about me.

Then she called Jason and told him the same thing. This meant we would be able to spend the last few days here without them disturbing us, especially Mom.

With that taken care of, she asked me to help her get rid of all the useless stuff. We gathered all of Dad's clothes, shoes, records and everything that belonged to him, including the wedding ring he had given to her, and burnt them in the backyard.

Then we got down to packing our stuff and whatever that had to go to Fargo. That took us the whole afternoon and evening. By the time we had finished the packing, both of us were tired as hell. After taking a shower and eating whatever there was in the refrigerator, we lay down exhausted on the sofas with drinks in our hands and cigarettes between our fingers in front of TV. In the morning, all our stuff was loaded on the van for Fargo and we hitched a ride with the driver leaving the house and the town for the last time.

In Fargo, Mom got busy cutting and tailoring the dresses the boutique wanted, while my job was to take orders from the boutique every week, deliver them to Mom and then watch her work her magic on the dresses at home.

Apart from these weekly trips to the shop, all I did was hang around the house, watch TV and then hang around the streets in the evening.

As I didn't know anybody there, life initially wasn't all that great, but slowly began hanging around with the neighborhood boys and started earning some money by doing stuff like stealing cigarettes and liquor and selling them cheaply. Soon I was making serious cash by dealing in dangerous and lucrative stuff.

While life on the street was getting exciting for me, things at home were more or less the same. Mom continued working from home for the boutique and I continued to laze around the house until it was time for some selling and pushing all kinds of illegal stuff.

But that is not to say that the bad memories were dead and buried. After we moved to Fargo, Mom started having nightmares of Dad beating her and abusing her and she would get up in the night and start sobbing and crying. As it was a one-bedroom apartment, I used to sleep in the living room and would get up, go to her room and talk to her until she fell back to sleep.

When the nightmares didn't stop, she asked me to sleep with her in her room as she wanted the nightmares to end and to get some sleep in the night, so began sleeping in her room.

We had long ago stopped feeling ashamed in front of each other and had slept a few times on the same bed together, so moving to Mom's room wasn't a difficult decision for either of us.

Our daily routine too reflected our level of comfort with each other. The fact that one of us was taking a shower or peeing or even shaving pubic hair didn't stop the other from entering the bathroom, so we would do all those personal things in front of each other without any shame or guilt.

I would walk around the house the whole day in a T-shirt and boxer shorts, even though my cock would be clearly visible under my shorts. Mom, on the other hand, would sometimes not wear a bra under the top, or put on a nightgown but not tie it tightly, or brush her hair, cook breakfast or drink coffee, wearing only bra and shorts and, of course, her blue necklace, gold nose ring and anklets.

At night, Mom liked cuddling and throwing her legs around me. Sometimes the nightgown would get loose and her big breasts, including her pink nipples, or her ample thighs would be clearly visible, but all this didn't bother her.

Sometimes I would get a hard-on at night and she would feel it against her stomach or her bums, but she never said anything or tried to move away. I would sometimes get a hard-on during the day, but Mom would just look at it, smile and continue doing her work.

She too didn't try to hide her nipples when they became erect due to cold or something else. Mom would casually walk or do chores with her nipples bulging out under the top or blouse. Like her, I would look at her erect nipples, but not say anything. But this doesn't mean she didn't try to draw the line somewhere.

The first time I tried to cross the line was when I was lying with her on the bed at night. Mom had a loosely tied lime nightgown on and her back was toward me. Moving closer to her, I hugged her from behind putting my hand inside the gown and felt the smooth skin of her flat stomach. Mom didn't say anything or try to move away, so I slowly moved my hand near her breasts - my fingers were now touching the under boobs - and tightly hugged her semi-naked body.

While my thumb was below her left nipple, fingers were enjoying the feel of her soft ample right breast; I brought my body closer to her by putting my leg over her exposed thigh. Now not only my fingers were touching her big boobs, but my cock inside my shorts was also pressed against her round bums still hidden under the gown.

I wanted to make the next move, but my forehead and palms were sweating and heart was beating like a marathon runner, so just lay there with my bare leg on Mom's naked thigh, dick pressed against her behind and hand on the bottom part of her breast.

After what seemed like an eternity, I took a deep breath, gathered up the courage and cupped her left tit in one quick motion. I knew she had big breasts, but now holding them I realized that they were more than a handful. My whole hand was on her left breast, her pink nipple pressed under my palm, but even then I couldn't cup her whole tit.

"What are you doing?" she asked looking at me when she felt my hand on her boob.

Since I didn't know what to say or do I just continued cupping her breast.

Mom looked down at my hand over her boob, at the bulge inside my shorts and then removing my hand from her breast said, "Go to sleep," and turned her back again toward me.

The next time I tried to push the boundary was when she was putting on make-up and I was taking a shower. When I came out of the shower, instead of bothering to put on towel or clothes, went and hugged her from behind, pushing my erect naked cock against her back, and placed my hands on her blue bra.

"Are you going to behave yourself or not?" she said looking at me in the mirror and seeing my hands on her bra and feeling my dick pressed against her panties.

"What am I doing?"

"Remove your hands, this isn't right."

This time instead of listening to her, I squeezed her breasts and started kissing her bare neck and naked shoulders. I thought this would get her in mood, but she again removed my hands from her breasts and walked out of the bathroom.

One morning we were lying on bed with our eyes still half closed when I climbed on top of her and began kissing her lips, cheeks and neck, while my hands squeezed her big naked breasts and rubbed the bulge under my shorts against her bare thighs.

"You need a girlfriend," she suggested giving a light slap on my bums and taking my face in her hands.

"Why?" I asked looking in her blue eyes.

"Because then you would leave me alone."

"I'll never leave you alone," I said kissing her bright red lips.

"At least you would leave my breasts alone," Mom said kissing me back on the lips and began getting up.

"Stay in bed. I'll be back in ten minutes," I requested.

I went into kitchen, made breakfast and brought it to her in bed.

After that morning I became bolder while she tried her best to maintain a boundary between us.

I started feeling and squeezing her breasts nearly every day and rubbing my cock, which always stayed hidden under my shorts, against her bums and thighs. I began touching her pink nipples while Mom lay there on the bed with the nightgown barely covering her sensuous full-figured body.

One day I walked into the bathroom naked when Mom was taking a shower and wrapping my arms around her back tried to kiss her big breasts and feel her ample bums, but she stopped me and got out of the shower.

"Please don't do this," she pleaded picking up the towel from the stand.

"I want to," I countered standing in front of her and putting my hands on her bare bums pulled her closer to me.

"No, I can't. I know you love me, but really can't do this."

With one hand I began feeling her bums and with the other shifted my naked erect cock toward her shaved pussy and started sucking her pink nipples.

"We can't do this. Not now," she said shifting her crotch away from my dick and cupping her right breast took out the nipple enjoying the warmth of my lips.

"Then when?" I asked stepping back from her.

"Maybe later," she said taking my arms in her hands and hugging me, with my erect cock still pressed against her naked stomach.

I again tried to move my lips near her pink nipples, but she held me back by covering her breasts with her hands and left the bathroom after lightly slapping my bare bums.

Although I wasn't successful in getting what I wanted and she continued to resist me, my persistence finally paid off after several attempts and she did move the boundary a bit.

Mom no longer stopped me when I kissed her lips, or when I pushed my hands inside her bra or top or when I walked into bathroom naked and enveloped her body while she was in the shower.

What she still didn't allow me to do was touch her shaved pussy or suck and kiss her pink nipples. My fingers and cock weren't allowed near her pussy and nor were my lips near her pink nipples.

Rest of her body was available for my pleasure whenever and wherever I wanted. I began playing with Mom's big boobs in movie theaters. When we were out shopping, she would wrap her hand around my arm and press her breast against my elbow. I even fondled her tits and ran my hand over her smooth thighs in parks.

"Why don't you go out with Megan?" she volunteered one evening when we were sitting in the living room watching TV. (Megan lived in the next apartment).


"I've see you two talk to each other. Ask her out."

"Why do you want me to date her?"

"Well she looks like a nice girl and she's beautiful, too."

"I'm not interested," I replied.

"Please, please date her."

"Why are you so keen on it?"

"Because I want you to kiss somebody else," she said giving her lovely smile and sliding next to me on the couch.

"Don't you like it when I kiss you?" I asked putting my arm on her stomach.

"No, I don't," she replied.

"You really don't like it?" I again asked lifting my head from the couch and putting my hand under her back and kissing her red lips.

"No, I don't," Mom again said.

So I again kissed her and again asked her the question. This time she didn't reply, but only nodded her head that she didn't enjoy my kisses, so I climbed on top of her and began kissing her lips, touching her breasts under the black bra and running my hands all over her body while she kept laughing and tried to stop me.

Once I started making the fast cash, I knew what I wanted to do with it. My mother had been in America for nearly eighteen years, but had never been outside the state, so I booked tickets to a place she had always wanted to see, Disney World in Florida.When I went home and showed her the tickets, her face lit up like New Year's fireworks and hugged me so tightly that I thought she was going to suffocate me. I tried to calm her down and make her sit down, but she was ecstatic. She started worrying about the weekly orders, what to wear, what to buy and everything else.

Finally she took a deep breath when I told her that we will do the shopping there, that she still had three days to finish the orders and that we weren't going only to Disney World, but also to New York and Las Vegas.

The next three days were spent helping her finish the work, preparing and planning for the trip and getting the ID card made for me to show that I was twenty one.

Then, on the fourth day, we took off for Florida. We booked into a fancy hotel and went shopping with her for clothes, stilettos and loads of perfumes.

At Disney World, we went to the Magic Kingdom, the Epcot and Disney's Boardwalk and enjoyed the walks and evenings together.

She wore long skirts and full-sleeved shirts during the day, but let her long red hair down in the evenings. Out went the sober Mom and in came the short skirt and tight leather jeans woman who enjoyed flaunting her big breasts, long legs, smooth thighs and round bums.

She would take my arm and place it on her bums during the evening walks or take my hand and put it in the back pocket of her jeans thus letting me feel the tightness and roundness of her behind.

Mom had sensed that I thought of her more as a girlfriend than a mother, so she wore dresses and behaved like a girlfriend would. She didn't mind me kissing her red lips and feeling her round bums or tightly hugging her from behind - all in public places.

She began enjoying dancing close to me and feeling my hands all over her beautiful body in nightclubs. Mom too would get into the mood and start rubbing her bums against my crotch or take my hands and put them on her boobs or make me kiss her bare shoulders and neck.

"Why don't you let me kiss them?" I asked one evening putting my arm on her shoulder and my fingers on the cleavage the purple tank top was nicely exposing.

"What?" she said looking at me.

"Them," I said pointing with my eyes at her visible nipples

"Don't you think it's wrong?" she asked looking at where my eyes were pointing.

"Many would say what we're already doing is wrong."

"What are we doing?" she asked looking at me.

"You know, touching and kissing each other."

"You do it, I don't. If you don't like it you can stop it," she countered removing my hand from her naked shoulder.

"I didn't mean that," I protested.

"No, from now on don't touch or kiss me. OK?"

"That's not possible," I said taking her arm in mine.

"Then be happy with what you've got."

"But why not let me kiss them, just once?"

"I'm not sure about that. Will let you do it when I'm ready."

"I'm ready," I said putting my arm over her shoulder.

"You're always ready," she replied throwing her arm around my bums and pinching the left one.

"Don't you want it?"

"Yes," she whispered looking at the ground.

"Then what's the problem?"

"I don't know. Let me think about it."

Although I wanted to know why she was so hesitant, I didn't say anything because she had been through so much plus didn't want to spoil what we had, so ran my hand over her round tight bums in the black short skirt and said, "OK."

Once inside the hotel room, she let me touch and feel her big breasts and thighs as she lay down on the bed in a white robe that barely covered her behind and beautiful cleavage.

From Florida, we went to New York City, where we again booked into a fancy hotel and spent the whole first day in Times Square looking at people, shops and restaurants.

The next day was spent visiting various places in the city and on the third day went to see a Broadway show.

After the show, we were strolling in Times Square when I saw a Victoria Secret's outlet, so I took her hand in my hand and entered the store. Since she had no idea what Victoria Secret was or what it sold, she didn't hesitate to enter the shop, but once inside she was taken aback a little bit to see so many kinds, shapes and colors of lingerie.

She took me aside and asked me what we were doing there. I told her we were there to do shopping and signaled an assistant to help us. The girl asked Mom whether she was looking for something particular, but I didn't give her a chance to reply and whispered to the girl that we were looking for something naughty, so she showed us all kinds of kinky, naughty and wicked lingerie.

I turned toward Mom and asked her what she thought about the collection, but she just stood there in sheer amazement and surprise. By now I knew Mom's size, so I selected two dozen things, including transparent and strapless bras, panties, thongs, micro-thongs, garters and stockings.

From there we went to a famous showroom and bought several backless and strapless dresses; deep-neck gowns; short skirts; shorts; cropped, spaghetti and tank tops; jeans, T-shirts and shirts. The next stop was a jewelry showroom where I bought necklaces, anklets and rings for her. By the time we were finished shopping; our hands were so full of bags that we took a taxi and went straight to hotel.

We landed in Las Vegas the next day and later in the evening began getting ready to go out for the night.

After taking a long bath, I wore a black suit with a blue shirt. Mom had laid all her dresses and lingerie on the plush bed, but the sheer choice was confusing her, so I selected a backless, wine colored halter mini dress, which had a low-cut neckline and splits on each side, a red thong, but no bra.

She took bath and came out of bathroom without even a towel wrapped around her full-figured body. I handed her the thong, but she told me to help her dress as she was busy brushing her long red hair. I knelt down on the floor and helped her put on the red thong and the beautiful dress, which was revealing not only her smooth back, her soft shoulders, her big breasts, but also her lovely legs and thighs.

"No bra?" she asked looking down at her exposed cleavage.

"No, no bra today," I said cupping her breasts and pushing them up.

"You like it when I wear revealing clothes, don't you?" she said adjusting the strap of her dress and looking down at her half-exposed boobs.



"I don't know. I just like it."

"You like it when I show my body to others?"

"I just feel good when you dress up like this."

"You're always feeling good down there," she said rubbing her thigh against my crotch and sensing that my cock was erect.

"You're looking gorgeous," I confessed wrapping my arms around her waist and pressing my chest against her breasts as I kissed her red lips.

"Thank you," she replied kissing me back on my lips.

I took her arm in my arm and we went to a plush restaurant for dinner. From there we went to casinos and shops. We spent the whole evening enjoying each other's company and the environment, rounding off the night at a bar, where we remained until we were totally drunk.

The next evening I wore jeans and a brown shirt and selected a short red skirt and a transparent cream top with a black lace bra and matching thong for her. We went to casinos and tried our luck there followed by watching the Cirque du Soleil.

Later in the night we were walking on a bustling street when Mom put her arm around my waist, pushed her breasts against my elbow, and whispered, "I want to go in there."

I turned my head toward her, looked at her face and saw her pointing at something with her eyes, so turned my head again and saw Nude Dance written in neon on a door.

I asked her if she was sure.

Mom replied she was, so we went inside, took the seats in the last row and watched the girls dance, move and strip. While Mom was impressed by the way they were moving their bodies and the whole atmosphere, I was enamored by their hips, breasts and their nakedness.

Two girls, who were wearing nothing but bras and thongs, started dancing in front of us and asked us whether we would like a private dance, but Mom politely refused. Then turning toward me, Mom said: "You can have a private dance if you want".

"I'll have one if you will," I replied.

"OK," she said after thinking for a few seconds.

The girls held our hands, took us to the private rooms behind the curtains and started moving their hips and breasts slowly. Mom, who was sitting next to me on the couch, began blushing, so I held her hand and whispered to her to enjoy it.

The girls started moving their lovely bodies in sync with the music and began taking their bras off and started touching us and running their hands over our chests and legs. Then they threw their panties at us and really got into mood. The way they were moving their legs, hips and breasts was leaving both of us in awe, especially my mother, who was getting some special attention from the girl.

The girl was not only touching Mom everywhere, but the way she was looking at her, the way she was sitting on Mom's lap and cupping her breasts and the way she was moving her hips, showed that she either fancied my mother or was a good actress.

Mom, on the other hand, had forgotten all about blushing and was looking intently at the girl and thoroughly enjoying the attention. I too, had forgotten all about my girl and was only interested in watching my mother and her girl.

She pulled Mom from the sofa, turned Mom's back toward her and began running her hands over Mother's thighs, bums, stomach and even her boobs. She then turned Mom around, took her hand in her hand and placed it on her breasts, while her hands caressed and massaged Mother's bums.

Mom, who was until then hesitating a bit, began touching the girl's nipples, squeezing her tits and ran her hands all over the girl's back. Both of them were now touching, caressing and feeling each other's bodies and the girl wanted to take things further, but having sex there wasn't allowed, so she gave Mom her phone number and asked her to call her later.

"Did you enjoy it," I asked my mother when we went back and sat down on our table.

"I did. The girl was really naughty," she replied taking a sip from her drink and adjusting her black lace bra.

"You're naughty, too," I said looking at her long legs.

"Did you like it?" she quizzed moving her leg near me and pushing her knee against my crotch.

"Of course," I said running my hand over her knee.

"I was feeling so shy when she started touching me but then ... This was the first time I've done something this bad," Mom said.

"Would you do it again?"

"Yes, would like to do it again someday."

"Cool. We'll do it again."


"What? You don't want me to come?"

"You want to watch a girl feel your mom's body again?"

"Yes, Mom. I want to watch a girl touch you everywhere and I want you to touch a girl everywhere," I admitted caressing her naked ample thighs.

"She had a great body, especially chest and legs," she said smiling at my openness.

"The main difference is that her breasts could be plastic ones while yours are natural."

"You have always liked my chest. Even when I was feeding you milk, your hands were on them," she said pushing her boobs out.

"But now you don't feed me."

"I will, soon. Will let you do whatever you want with them. Be patient," she added looking around the bar.

She saw that nobody was watching us, so took out her pink nipple from under the cream top and circled her fingers around it. I got up to touch her nipple, but she hid it back under the transparent top saying that somebody might see us.

We stayed there a little longer and then went back to hotel and were resting when Mom said she wanted to do something really crazy. I asked her whether she meant things like bungee jumping.

"No, I mean other crazy stuff."

"OK. What other crazy stuff?" I said.

"I'll tell you, but first you'll have to tell me whether you're game or not."

"I am."

"So, you won't freak out?"

"No, Mom, I won't."

"OK. Well last night when we were coming back to hotel, I spotted a seedy looking bar just round the corner and saw many men and girls standing there. So, when you were sleeping, I sneaked out and went to that bar and stayed there for nearly twenty minutes."

Although I was surprised to hear that she had sneaked out alone, I didn't react and waited to hear more.

"I want to go back there again tonight, but this time with you. I'll go first and then you'll enter after ten minutes, but you won't talk to me or come to me. You'll be a total stranger to me and won't say a word or do anything until and unless I come to you. If you think you can do this, we will go again today otherwise we won't."

I thought she wanted to do role-play or something like that, so told her that I didn't have a problem in playing along with her.

She gave a big smile, but reminded me again that no matter what she does there in the bar, I mustn't say anything, do anything or come near her until and unless she comes to me.

I promised her that I wouldn't disturb her at all.

She got up from the bed, took off the robe she was wearing and went to bathroom naked to take a shower while I changed into different jeans and T-shirt.

She came out of bathroom wearing the hotel bathrobe and dropping it to floor started putting on a purple short strapless dress that left her whole cleavage, her thighs and legs exposed.

Then she picked up a purple thong and put it on.

"No bra?" I asked her watching her dress.

"No. No bra tonight," she replied winking at me and then cupping her boobs and pushing them out.

"Good," I said looking at her half exposed round and big breasts.

She smiled at me and started putting on the blue necklace, the golden anklets and stilettos.

We took a taxi but instead of stopping at the bar, we got out in front of a restaurant and from there Mom walked alone to the bar and went inside.

I finished my cigarette and after ten or twelve minutes followed her. The bar was playing loud music, was dimly lit and it took me a few seconds to make out that while some men were alone most of them were with women and were touching and feeling their bodies.

After looking around for a minute or so I saw her standing in a corner with a drink in her hand and talking to a man.

I ordered a drink, walked in front of her and stood opposite her. She looked at me but didn't acknowledge me or anything. I was sipping my drink when I saw the man run his hand over her bums and she had her arm on his shoulder, but her eyes were looking directly at me.

The man kept feeling her behind and then his hand was inside her dress and was touching the bare skin of her thighs, her bums and the thong. She shifted her body closer to him, pressed her leg against his crotch and slowly began rubbing her leg against his cock.

While I was busy watching her play with the man, a girl came to me and tried to talk to me, but I quickly dismissed her and kept staring back at Mom.

The man moved his body a little and tried to put his fingers inside her thong, but she stopped him and signaled him to get another drink for her, which he promptly did. She took the drink, looked around the room and whispered something to the man and walked to another man who was sitting on a stool near me.

She started chatting with him and soon his arms were around her back and his legs were enveloping her body.

She came closer to him, turned her back toward him and swayed her body to music while he rubbed his cock against her back. His hands were all over her thighs, stomach and even her breasts and the well-exposed cleavage. He ran his fingers over the valley between her breasts, her clearly visible nipples and circled his hands over her boobs, then his hands were on her stomach and thighs while she was rubbing her bums against his cock.

All the time this was going on she kept stealing glances at me and I kept staring in amazement at her body and at the magic she was creating with it.

She took the man's hand, dragged him with her and made him stand next to me, with his back against the wall. Her back was pressed against his cock and her hands were on the same table where my hands were. She put his hands on her breasts, pushed her bums against his dick and brought her fingers inches away from mine on the table.

The man continued rubbing his cock against her behind and feeling her tits, while she continued to whisper sweet nothings in his ear -- and all this was happening just inches away from me.

She stayed in that position with that man for good fifteen or twenty minutes. After the man had felt each and every part of her breasts, stomach, thighs and behind she finished her drink and whispered something to him.

I couldn't hear what she said, but he looked at her in surprise and said, "So soon?"

"Somebody's waiting for me," she replied running her fingers through her hair and over her exposed cleavage.

She stole a glance at me, winked at me and walked out of the bar.

When I saw her go out, I thought the man might follow her, but when he didn't move, I left my drink, got out of the place and saw her standing on the road in front of the restaurant.

When she saw me coming, she stopped a taxi, waited for me to get in and then started laughing loudly at what she had done at the bar. I too joined in and opened my mouth to say something, but she pinched my thigh and pointed out that the driver could hear us.

She placed her arm on my leg and felt my erect cock touch her elbow, so she turned her head toward me, looked at the bulge in my jeans and lay back on the seat smiling, with her elbow still touching my dick and her arm still on my leg.

We were tired by the time we reached the hotel room, so Mom took off her clothes and got into bed completely naked, while I went and put on my boxer shorts and T-shirt and lit cigarettes for both of us. After finishing the cigarettes, I switched off the lights and got ready to sleep.

Mom, as usual, had her naked leg over my bare thigh and I had one arm around her back and the other pressed against her big naked breasts and stomach. Although I had gone to pee when we had entered the room my cock was still erect inside my shorts and was sandwiched between her bare thighs.

I moved my hand from her naked back with the intention of shifting the cock away from her thighs but instead of doing that took it out of my boxer shorts and began stroking it lightly.

She immediately felt my hand move and asked me what was I doing, but I kept on stroking it and before she could move herself away from me came all over her thighs, her back and her pussy.

"It's OK, I'll clean it up," I said when I saw her getting up.

I picked up the T-shirt lying on the floor and cleaned my cum from her thighs, back and shaved pussy, while she lay there watching me.

When I lay back, she asked me whether I did this often. I told her that I did. I asked her whether she did it often, too.

Mom replied that she had never done it.

"Never, not even once?" I said turning my body toward her.

"No. Never."

"But you do know how to do, right?"

"Of course, I know."

"Then why don't you do it?"

"You mean now?"

"Well, I meant why have you never done it, but you can do it now if you want."

"You won't have a problem?"

"No. Why?"

"You serious?"

"I won't mind. Go ahead."

"Maybe some other time. Now go to sleep."

I shrugged my shoulders and closed my eyes. After around twenty minutes, I felt something move and saw that Mom was lying with her back toward me and her right hand was moving in that familiar motion.

I didn't say or do anything, but lay there watching her pleasure herself and heard her moan softly. Then the pace of her hand increased and the moans got a little louder and louder until they peaked and gradually became just a faint murmur, but her hand didn't stop and soon Mom again started moaning softly.

I knew the movement of her hand and the moans meant she had already had an orgasm and was now going for a second one, so put my hand on her naked shoulder, turned her body toward me and kissed her red lips.

When she felt me kiss her lips, she tried to speak but all she was able to say was "Please" before I put my hand on her mouth and whispered, "Let me help you."

I cupped her left breast and ran my lips and tongue over her soft cheeks, her long neck and over her big round perky breasts and pink nipples, while my left hand felt the smooth skin of her legs and thighs. I slowly moved my mouth near her shaved pussy and began exploring its wetness. With my tongue deep inside her vagina, I put my hands on her boobs and began squeezing them, massaging them and softly pinching her pink nipples.

Mom was, by now, moaning and writhing in pure pleasure.

After licking her pussy for more than five minutes, I kissed her lips and turned my body around, so now my cock was near Mom's mouth and my mouth was near her vagina. I thought she would not go for it, but she eagerly opened her mouth when she saw my dick nearly touching her lips and began sucking and kissing it. She put her hands on my bums, pushed my body down and took it deep inside her mouth.

While she was busy pleasuring my cock, I was making her moan and toss and turn by licking her clit and pushing my tongue deeper into her pussy. She was moaning loudly, her juices were filling my mouth and she was desperately trying to make me stop, so I moved my tongue out of her pussy, kissed her on her lips, sharing her juices with her, and circling my hands over her big breasts, pushed my cock inside her wet vagina.

She threw her arms around me, dug her nails into my back and began kissing my lips, my neck and my nipples. My dick was deep inside my own mom's pussy and my mouth was sucking and biting her pink nipples, while my hands were squeezing and holding her big boobs. I held them tightly and played with her nipples while my cock continued to make love to her vagina until she came again.

I followed her lead and came inside her, but didn't take my dick out of my mom's pussy and it remained there as we kissed each other, ran our hands all over each other's bodies and soaked in the satisfaction of our love making and closeness.

Finally, after staying like that for fifteen minutes, Mom got up, picked up the packet of cigarettes, lit one for each of us and we lay down on our backs next to each other.

"What's your next plan?" she asked taking a long drag.

"Give it ten minutes," I replied looking down at my dick.

"I didn't mean that. Are we going to live in Fargo or somewhere else?" she said turning her body toward me and smiling.

"It depends," I said circling my fingers over her right breast and playing with her pink nipple.

"On what?"

"On how happy you make me tonight."

"OK," she said wrapping her red lips around my cock.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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