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13.9% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 570: I Love My Daughter

Chapitre 570: I Love My Daughter

My wife died when our daughter Carrie was just twelve. That was six years ago. Since that day she is all I have. I miss my wife terribly and I really worry that I haven't been the father my daughter truly needs. I have done the best I can, but being an only parent has been really hard. Carrie deserves so much more.

Her mother was struck down by a heart condition. Nobody knew she had any kind of a problem, not even her. I came home from work on a lovely summer afternoon to find her lying peacefully in the backyard on a blanket in the shade. It was normal for her to take naps like this. By all accounts, she died peacefully in her sleep. The doctors think that it happened quickly with very little suffering.

Since that day I've had to care for Carrie all by myself. I feel bad because she saw me emotionally devastated; I was swallowed up with grief. I know that I should have been stronger, but for a long time after her death I was just too withdrawn to be any kind of a father. I worry that I just wasn't there for my daughter.

Time has passed, but it still bothers me that I couldn't have been more attentive to her. I guess I've been trying to make up for that time ever since. Even though Carrie is still my baby, she is growing into a beautiful young woman.

Besides being a little bit shy, Carrie had been a perfectly normal child. She can be funny and silly and she's a good student with excellent grades. She also made sure to look after me. She has done a lot to deal with the day to day stuff in our lives. With her mother gone I truly needed her help.

She had a close buddy named Danny that she had known since elementary school. They had always been good friends as they were growing up. He was a sweet kid and he always looked out for her, and I know she appreciated it.

Early in Carrie's senior year in high school, Danny asked Carrie out on a date. She told me about it that same day, she said he was very formal and polite about it but she could tell he was super nervous. I asked Carrie if she said yes, and I clearly remember her excitingly telling saying me that of course she said yes.

She and Danny were both 18 at that point and they were a really cute couple. It's funny, she had never really gone steady with anyone until that point in her life. That surprised me because a lot of her friends were dating boys. She never said it, but I think she was waiting for Danny to ask her out. I remember how happy she seemed during those months when she and Danny were dating.

This is hard for me to think about, but I am pretty certain that Danny and Carrie had been sleeping together. I don't know for sure, but that's what I suspect. As her father it's really difficult to think that my beautiful daughter is no longer a virgin, but I have to say, I am happy that it happened with him. He was simply wonderful to her. He was kind and loving in a way that really warmed my heart.

I know she was deeply in love with him. He was a really great kid, I really liked him.

He worked in a bicycle shop on the main street of our little town. One morning earlier in the year, there was some sort of gas leak, and the book store across the street caught fire. Danny saw it happen. There was a sweet old woman that owned the store and she was inside that morning. There was an inferno almost instantly and everything happened too fast for her to get out.

Danny ran from across the street to try to save her. He went into the flaming building but he never came out. Both of us just broke down that terrible day.

Now he's gone and Carrie has been in a kind of emotional shock ever since. She's been quiet and hard to reach. Now she acts nervous and scared. She lost a lover in that fire, and I understand just exactly what that means. It can feel impossible to bear.

It's normal for her to be sad, but she has been withdrawn in a way that makes me feel scared. I can't help but worry. It's like she's overwhelmed with sadness. The trauma is real and there is just no way to comprehend how it will effect someone as sensitive as my daughter.

It's probably impossible for anyone to truly understand what we've been though; both Carrie and I have been dealing with such terrible losses. I think there will always be a part of both of us that is forever lonely because of the hand that fate dealt us.

I just want to see that spark of life in her again.

Carrie is really beautiful, but I am sure any father would say that about his daughter. The thing is, the way she has been acting so timid has been really challenging for me. I just want to help her to feel less sad about everything. To hear her talk to me in that quiet timid whisper makes me feel so sad.

Sometimes I call her "My Baby" or "Little Carrie" and maybe I shouldn't. But that's what I've always called her and I can tell she likes it. I asked her about it just last week. I told her that I realized that she was probably getting too old for me to keep calling her the same little pet names. She told me not to worry and that she truly loved it when I called her "My Baby." I really felt relieved when she told me it was okay to call her by the same cute nicknames that I've used all her life.

My daughter has this amazing light red hair that she always keeps pulled back in a modest ponytail Her skin is really pale with a few pink freckles around her nose. She's short, probably just five feet tall, but at the same time she seems sort of gangly, like she hasn't figured out how to be comfortable in her body yet.

Her most striking feature is her great big blue eyes. They are so beautiful and so expressive. Sometimes I see such neediness in the way she looks at me and it really breaks my heart. She is just so timid and nervous, and as her father, I can't help but feel a deep sense of concern. Whenever she looks up at me with those big adorable eyes all I want to do is give her some relief from her sadness. She has such an innocent way about her, and it makes me feel so devoted and protective.

The winter was long and gray, and now it's finally summer again. She came up to me and timidly asked me if we could go swimming together. There is a pretty little pond near our house, a small lake really. We used to spend a lot of time there. It's an easy walk on a path through the woods behind our house. Neither of us has been there in the last few years, mostly because it brings back too many memories of her mother. At first I didn't know if I wanted to go back to that spot, but she asked so sweetly that I couldn't help but say yes.

Carrie ran upstairs to change while I filled a big tote bag with towels and a few snacks. I went into my bedroom and put on my bathing suit and when I walked back downstairs I found her waiting on the back porch in an oversized sweatshirt hoody and a pair of baggy overalls. It was funny; she always wears clothes that look so big on her that it makes her seem even smaller than she already is. It seemed sad to see such a beautiful young woman dressed in a way that was so frumpy.

In just a few minutes we were walking together out to the edge of the neighborhood and then on that dark path through the woods heading to that secluded pond. We didn't talk much as we walked down that path. It felt sad in a way, visiting that pretty swimming spot without her mother seemed emotional, but at the same time I was so content to be with Carrie on such a warm and lovely day. She was walking in front of me on the narrow path through the forest, and I couldn't help but look at her hair.

She always kept her hair pulled back in a ponytail and it was just barely long enough to stay tied back. I always thought that little "tail" looked so incredibly cute; it was just a short little bunch of hair that poked out from the back of her head. It's funny; it would always start out neat and tight. But, before too long is would start getting a little sloppy and she would end up with stray strands hanging down in front of her eyes. I always thought she looked even more adorable when her hair would end up all messy like that.

I watched her walking, and that little ponytail bobbed a tiny bit with each step.

When we got to the pond we walked along the sandy shore until we got to a small little cove with an opening in the trees. It was a small grassy meadow that seemed almost magical in its beauty. I laid out the towels as Carrie took off her sweatshirt and overalls and set them on the tall grass. She was wearing her bathing suit underneath everything and before I realized what was happening she was standing in front of me in her yellow bikini. This was the exact same bathing suit she used to wear when we would come here with her mother.

She has kind of outgrown it, I mean, it still seemed to fit, but just barely.

I have to admit that my daughter looked incredibly cute in that bikini. Actually, she still looked a lot like her mother; she has the same red hair and freckles, and those same great big blue eyes. She is really pale and sometimes it seems like her smooth skin is almost glowing.

It's funny, even though she's graduated from high school, she is still looks a little bit like she's still in elementary school. I'm sort of tall so when we stand side by side, or hug, I feel like I am protecting her. She isn't really into make-up or fashion like most of the girls her age, so she still has that same tomboy appearance she's always had.

Seeing my daughter in that yellow bikini reminded me so much of how her mother looked when we first started dating. We were both 18 years old, and I remember how I thought she was the most beautiful young woman in the world.

Her mother had such adorable breasts when we first met. She went up a few bra size after Carrie was born. But looking at my daughter in that bikini, I couldn't help but compare her body to her mother's.

I was sitting on the towel watching my daughter. She was anxiously pacing back and forth along the shore, trying to get up the nerve to actually wade into the water. I sat contented in the sun and watched her.

As I was watching I was aware that her little bikini made her butt seem especially cute. I know I shouldn't be thinking about anything like this especially with my own daughter, but I just couldn't help it. She was facing away from me looking out at the water and I felt powerless not to stare. There is something so lovely about the way that bikini bottom fit her young healthy body. Watching her at the edge of the pond, all I could think was that Carrie has an absolutely adorable body.

She still has a little bit of her baby fat and it really seemed to match the way she had been talking and dressing lately. I mean, just that tiny bit of plumpness made he pale skin look so soft and smooth.

She turned to face me and nervously asked, "Daddy, do you think it's cold?"

"I don't know Baby, it should be nice and warm this time of year."

Seeing her facing me, I was amazed at how cute her tummy looked. That lovely little bit of baby fat made her belly button look so enchanting. This was always something I have found so beautiful in women and now I was seeing it in my daughter.

She turned around and slowly waded into the calm water while I sat on the blanket and watched.

After she had eased her way out a little ways, she called to me from the water, "Hey Daddy, you promised me that you would give me swimming lessons."

I realized she was right, and I stood up and said, "I'm on my way."

I pulled off my shirt and walked into the water. I was worried it would be cold, but it was warm and pleasant.

I realized that the last time we had a swim lesson was before her mother had died. It sort of shocked me that it had been that long, Carrie would have been just 12 years old the last time we were together here at this same spot.

I had been a competitive swimmer in high school, I know that was a long time ago, but I'm still really confident in the water. She was standing in water about up to her bikini top as I waded up alongside her.

I asked, "I'm here to help. What can I do?"

She thought for a little bit and said, "Well, I still feel scared trying to float on my back."

"You just need to trust that you'll stay afloat. C'mon, let's try it, I can hold you."

She awkwardly tried to get up to the surface of the water and float on her back. I could see she was struggling and I gently slipped both hands under her back and held her level.

She spoke up, "Thanks Daddy, that feels better."

I waded out into a deeper area. I found a point where the water line was about at my chest, and I held her body level at the surface of the water.

I said, "The trick is to make sure you don't scrunch your body so your butt dips down low, you want stretch yourself out so you're flat right at the surface of the water."

"Uhhhm, okay, I'll try."

She sounded shaky. She did the normal thing any beginner would do, she let her hips sink down a little bit too low, and it made her entire body position seem clumsy.

I said, "You need to lift your butt up so you are all stretched out straight."

She whined a little bit, "Daddy, I'm trying."

She needed some help and I asked, "Can I lift you up into the right pose?"

"Yes please."

I slid my hand from her back to her butt, and I gently eased her up so the front of her bikini bottom was just slightly above the water line. I was worried she would protest that her father was actually touching her ass, but she didn't say anything.

I said, "See, it's easier if you are all flat and straight."

She giggled, "Thank you, this helps."

I was holding my daughter as she tried to float on her back. I had one hand under her back, and the other holding her adorable bottom. I couldn't believe how wonderful it felt against my big hand. The water was warm, her bikini felt so thin. I could feel the soft shape of both her round butt cheeks against the palm of my hand.

She wriggled a little bit and I said, "Don't worry Baby, I've got you."

I would ease my hand away, and Carrie would drop down a little bit, and then I would gently lift her adorable butt back up again.

"You are doing so good. Try to arch your hips a little more."

She obediently did what I asked her to do. I could feel the muscles in her butt tense up and then relax. Oh my God, it felt so heavenly.

After a few minutes, she was getting the hang of it and I moved both hands under her back. I held her level like that and I was looking down at her as I spoke.

I spoke softly, "Try to relax. Just tip your head back a little bit. Does this feel okay?"

"I'm still a little bit nervous."

"Don't worry, I've got you."

"Thanks Daddy."

I urged her to try and stay flat on the water, stretch her body out nice and long, to arch her back just a bit. But most of all, I encouraged her to trust me.

"You're doing great Baby, just tilt your head back a little more, so the water line is on your forehead. Close your eyes and relax."


"Yes, tilting your head back helps your whole body straighten out."

She closed her eyes and cautiously eased her head back a little more. With her closed and the way she was resting in my arms, I was able to look at her wet body right in front of me.

I wanted to reassure her that she was doing it right, and I said, "That's perfect! Now just stay still for a little bit so you can get the feeling of floating."

My daughter was motionless in the water; I was still gently supporting her under her back. Looking down at her, I was astonished at how beautiful her smooth delicate chest looked, she was lying flat in my arms and her cute breasts seemed even smaller than they did on the beach. And, oh God, her tummy and belly button just looked so unbelievable cute. Everything was shiny and wet. She was so close, resting in my arms in front of me.

I said, "Just relax, keep your eyes closed and feel how you are level with the water."

She was so submissive, doing exactly what I asked.

The way she was floating in this relaxed pose, her chest looked so cute. I could clearly see the shape of her nipples pressing against her bikini top. I was absolutely astonished at how alluring they looked.

Then I said, "Carrie, you should try moving your arms so they are above your head, but still right at the water line."

My Baby did exactly as I asked. She moved her arms so they were stretched out above her head. With her arms in this pose, it seemed that her small breasts had almost disappeared. Her chest looked impossibly smooth and beautiful. I stared down at her nipples, the seemed divinely plump and glorious.

I asked her, "Try to stretch your arms out as far as you can."

She obediently pushed her arms out event longer, making her chest almost perfectly flat. Her puffy nipples under the thin wet material of her yellow bikini top looked beautiful. I could clearly see that the round smooth shape of the areolas, and raised up above that was the hard little tip, it was protruding up against the tight fabric. Her nipples seemed so big compared to her gentle chest.

She nervously asked, "Daddy am I doing okay?"

I said, "Try to relax, keep your eyes closed and arch your back just a little bit more."

I realized that I shouldn't focus on my daughters nipples like I was doing, but I was absolutely hypnotized by their perfect beauty.

After a little while, I eased myself away and let Carrie float on her. It felt sad when I let go of her and watched her slowly glide away.

I encouraged her, "Yes, you are doing so good."

I stayed close and together we swam in to a shallow area where she could stand on the sandy floor of the pond.

When we came out of the water it felt like the air was cooler. As we walked back up to the little tiny grassy spot, with her arms down her breasts seemed less small and they even jiggled a little bit. I was acutely aware that her wet bathing suit and the chilly breeze had made her nipples incredibly stiff. Oh God, I was overwhelmed by her angelic wet youthful body.

I felt bad that I was looking at my beautiful daughter that way, but I couldn't help it. Seeing her looking so innocent and pure, I realized how lonely my life has been since her mother died. It was a relief to me when she finally put on that oversized sweatshirt. We talked during the walk back to the house. The perfect sunny day had ended and now there were dark clouds filing the sky.

I said, "We might get some rain tonight."

She nervously replied, "I hope there isn't any lighting."

Hearing her say that made me feel worried.

Growing up Carrie was such a sweet child, but she had one really intense fear, she was scared of thunder and lightning. When she was about six years old, there was a terrible summer storm. In the middle of the night there was a bright flash of lightning and then an explosive sound that shook the house. It was so powerful that it really shocked all of us.

We knew the lighting was close, but it wasn't until the next morning that we realized that it had struck our next door neighbor's house. There was a lot of damage and it really scared her.

My wife and I did our best to shelter Carrie from the reality of what had happened, but starting that day she was absolutely terrified of lightning, and its destructive force.

From then on, anytime we experienced an electrical storm, especially at night, Carrie was sure to run into our bedroom. She would instantly be in between me and her mother, her head buried in my chest, holding on for dear life. My wife would squeeze in tight, to comfort her, but it was always me she would hold onto for that feeling of safety. I remember we used to keep the light on for her.

i thought about that as we got closer to the house. 

She interrupted my thoughts and said, "Thanks for the swim lesson, Daddy."

"Sure baby, I hope it helped a little."

"Oh it did, I was so nervous when we first started, it helped that you held me up like you did. By the end it was easy."

"You did great." I made dinner and we sat together at the table to eat. Carrie was across from me and we spoke about going back to that pond for the first time since her mother had died. It felt sad to talk like we did, but it also seemed important too. I was aware that Carrie's voice and mannerisms were even more quiet and nervous than usual. She was retreating even deeper into that vulnerable place. Hearing her voice falter broke my heart. Right then I was swallowed up in a feeling of helplessness. I simply didn't know what I could do to help my daughter.

We cleaned up the kitchen together, and then we sat on the couch and watched a little TV. I fell asleep for a little while and when I woke up Carrie was right next to me. She was watching the local news. The weatherman was warning of strong storms tonight. 

I glanced over at her and I could see little her tense up at hearing the report. She looked at me with fear clearly written across her lovely face. While I tried to appear outwardly confident, inside I was actually quite worried about her reaction. I could sense the tension, and I felt a very real need to make sure she felt safe.

She said she needed to get to sleep. I asked her if she was going to be all right.

I told her, "Now don't you get worried about anything, okay?"

She replied in that meek baby-voice of hers, "Oh Daddy, I don't know, I feel really scared."

I got up off the couch and I gave her a long hug. I could literally feel her trembling, so I held her tightly and whispered in her ear, "I'm always here if you need anything, sweetheart."

"Thanks, Daddy," she responded with a hesitant smile, and then she went into her bedroom.

I took my time getting ready for bed. As I brushed my teeth I thought about how hard Carrie's life had been since her boyfriend Danny had died.

I thought about my suspicion that she and Danny had probably made love together. I was happy for her, because I know he must have been so kind and tender with her. I think it had happened when I was still at work and they were both here after school. I imagined them doing it in her bed. It broke my heart to know he was gone. 

I looked at myself in the mirror and thought about how the death of her mother had impacted me. I had never dated anyone since her passing, it was just too difficult for me to even attempt. In a way, Carrie had become my one and only priority, I had been putting her first in my life.

I was dwelling on how lonely I have been. Carrie was 12 when her mother died, and she had just turned 18, that means it had been six years since I had made love to her mother. There hasn't been anyone since.

As I finished brushing my teeth and then I noticed that it was starting to rain outside, and there was a low droning patter on the roof above us. I left the bathroom and went across the hall to check in on Carrie. 

I tapped on her door, and she replied softly, "Daddy, it's okay, you can come in."

I opened the door and she was under the covers with the light still on.

I said, "I just wanted to check in, just to see if you were okay."

She looked up at me with those great big blue eyes of hers, and she said, "Well, I'm a little bit nervous."

She just seemed so beautiful, her hair looked neat and tidy pulled back in a tight ponytail. She had showered after we swam together at the pond, and she looked clean and wholesome. 

I reassured her, "Don't worry Baby, everything will be fine."

She looked up at me and replied in a shaky voice, "Thank you so much for being so wonderful to me."

"You're welcome, but, I really wish I could help you, even more..."

She smiled nervously and said, "I love you Daddy."

"I love you too Baby, and don't be scared, I'll be right across the hall, okay."

She meekly replied, "Okay..."

With that I closed the door, took two steps across the hall and I walked into my room. I was greeted by the sight of my empty bed. 

I thought about Carrie's mother and how much we were in love. Looking at that big bed, I was reminded that I had increased the height of the legs, so the mattress was positioned at the exact same height as my hips; I had bolted on sections of wood to make the whole thing taller. I did this for my wife, because her favorite way to make love was with me next to the bed, and she would be on her back right up next to me. With the bed up higher just a little bit, I could stand on the floor and push myself into her at the exact right position.

I remembered how her breasts would bounce when we would fuck, I would stand next to the bed, and she would hold her legs apart for me. Nothing in the world was more exciting for me than to watch the frantic motion her breasts as I vigorously pumped myself into her.

Well, maybe one thing was more exciting for me.

After she climaxed but I still hadn't, she would beg me to cum on her breasts. She would tell me what she wanted, and she could be kind of loud. It seemed almost every love making session ended with her crying out, "Cum on me, cum on my tits!"

She was so lost in the passion of what we were doing, that I don't think she realized how loud she was being. Carrie was right across the hall, and I was so worried that she could hear her mother begging.

When she cried out like that we both knew what to do, I would climb on top of her and she would eagerly jack me off. I would squirt my cum on her beautiful delicate breasts. Oh my God, it felt so perverted but we both loved it so much. She would just get so excited watching me cum, and it made my heart ache to think about it all these years later. 

As I stood there in just a pair of boxers staring at my bed. I stepped in right up close to the side and tried to imagine my wife holding her legs for me at the edge of the mattress as I forcefully pumped in and out of her. I thought about how much she loved it, and how I used to do my very best to satisfy her. Sex was powerful release for my wife; I remember how making love with her could liberate her from so many of her tensions and anxieties. 

It was a sad feeling when I finally climbed into bed. I still missed my wife terribly, much more right then than I had in a long time. I listened to the lonely sound of the rain on the roof and I got all lost in the beautiful memories of making love like we used to do. At the same time, I realized that I was worried about Carrie and how helpless she seemed, I wanted so badly to help her. I was desperate to find some way to alleviate her from her fears. It took me a long time to fall asleep.

I'm not sure what time it was, but the house was dark when a loud crash of thunder woke me with a jolt. The storm had clearly rolled in and was unleashing its fury. Rain pelted the windows and wind whipped over the house, causing it to shudder. Only seconds later, I heard a soft voice from my open bedroom door, 

"Daddy, are you awake?"

I could just barely make out a small form near the door, and replied towards it, "Yes, baby."

I knew what she was going to say before she uttered another word, so I was not surprised when she meekly asked, 

"Is it okay, I mean, can I get in bed with you?" 

I sat up and turned the bedside lamp on, and she just looked so vulnerable and nervous. It broke my heart seeing her like that, so I just had to say yes.

I lifted the thin sheet up and patted the open spot next to me and said simply, "Its okay, you'll be safe."

Carrie nervously walked towards me she was wearing an oversized t-shirt and old pair of my boxer shorts. Both of them looked huge on her petite body. She looked so worried as she awkwardly tried to climb up onto the bed alongside me. She is so short that it took her two tries to hop up onto the mattress.

She spoke in that shaky vulnerable voice, "Your bed is so tall compared to mine."

It struck me as odd that she would say that after I had just been thinking about the very personal reason that I raised the height.

I quietly said, "Yes, it's a tall bed."

She sat next to me and it was obvious that she was really tense. "Thank you for letting me come in here like this, I just feel so scared."

"Its okay baby, I understand."

I went to reach for the lamp, to turn it off, but she timidly asked, "Please Daddy, can we keep it on? I mean, like we used to do?"

I whispered, "Of course."

She eased herself under the covers and she set her head on my extra pillow. My sensitive daughter was lying there next to me so stiff and scared and I didn't know how to help her. It seemed so poignant that she would ask to leave the light on. This was exactly what we used to do, when she would sneak into this room to sleep with me and her mother.

Suddenly, there was a faint flash of lighting, and she visibly flinched. I reached over and put my arm around her.

I whispered, "It's all going to be okay."

I pulled her in close to me, and I felt her warm skin against my arm and chest. I was only wearing a pair of boxer shorts on this humid summer evening. We were both aware that the storm was steadily increasing in its intensity. With each flash of light I felt her body stiffen in anticipation of the bang that was sure to follow. When the thunder rolled, she would whimper, just exactly the way I remembered from years before. 

I wanted to let her know she was safe, so I held her tight and whispered words of encouragement into her ears. I repeated soft encouragement like, "I've got you baby," over and over again. 

Even though I knew she was frightened, it still felt wonderful to have her so close to me. It was really important that I could still play the role of her protector. 

For a while the storm seemed like it was way off in the distance and that it might be over soon. But then there was suddenly a bright white flash and Carrie reflexively shivered and squeezed me really tight. I was shocked at the intensity of her reaction. 

I held her tight and waited for the thunder. A few seconds later there was a tremendously loud boom and she seemed to spasm against me. She shuddered so violently that it scared me.

I tried to console her, "Shhhh, Carrie. It's going to be all right, I'm right here."

She stammered, "Oh God, Daddy, I'm, really scared."

I was lying flat on my back with one arm around her. She was right up next to me on her side. She was hugging me with one arm across my chest and one leg over the top of my thighs. Her body was shivering like a frightened baby lamb.

"It's okay baby, I've got you."

There was another bright flash. She instantly burrowed her forehead into the nape of my neck and pressed her body tightly against my side, just like she had done during storms as a child. Her entire body was pressed firmly against me and I could feel her trembling as she readied herself for the violent thunder. 

All I could do was hold her.

When the thunder boomed it was louder than before, and Carrie flinched against me with fear. I felt so desperate to help her, but all I could do was squeeze her tightly with both arms.

The storm was getting worse. The lightning and its booming thunder were getting closer together. Each flash of lightning was brighter and each explosive clap of thunder was louder. My beautiful baby was trembling and shaking in a way that really worried me.

I tried to reassure her, "Don't worry. Please Baby. Daddy has you, it'll all be okay, I love you, don't worry."

Suddenly there was a Flash-Boom at the very same instant, the noise was incredibly loud and it shook the house. My poor frightened baby sort of sprung upward from the sound.

Her whole body seemed to violently react to what was happening. I grabbed her as tight as I could and pulled her right on top of me. She was squirming in such a terrified way, and all I could do was to try and hold her close against me.

It took all my strength to hold her, she was writhing with panic. She was scared to death, and her whole body would suddenly get stiff with terror, and a few seconds later she would be twisting and quivering as I tried to keep her from squirming away.

She was so anxious, her legs were almost running in place, it felt like she was going to crawl out of the bed one second, and the next she would squeeze me with a kind of manic neediness.

Then there was another bright flash of lightning, and instantly there was an earsplitting explosion of thunder. 

I heard a picture fall from my wall and crash on the floor.

My baby screamed in terror, and I tried to hold her even tighter against me. I could feel her arms and legs flailing in panic.

"Daddy, Help me!"

She was writhing with such intensity, that I literally rolled her over onto her back and lay on top of her, trying to calm her frenzied spasms of terror.

I pleaded, "Baby, I've got you, I've got you!"

She was panicking, and she was desperately trying to escape. There was nowhere to run and all I could do was stay on top of her and hold her tight against me.

She was crying out, "Daddy, Help me, Help me!"

Then she was twisting and struggling, and she and I rolled over together, and I was trying to hug her as tight as I possibly could. My baby ended up on top of me, holding me tight with a sort of insane neediness.

"Oh Baby, don't be frightened, you're safe, you're safe with me

I was flat on my back with both arms holding her on top of me, holding her as tight as I could. At this point she was sort of squatting on me, she was on her knees with both her legs were on each side of my hips, her knees desperately squeezing my ribs.

I could feel her heart pounding against my chest.

The next flash of lightning wasn't as bright, and the noise wasn't as loud. But I still felt her body stiffen as I held her.

Her chest was heaving and I could feel her inhale and exhale against me. I wanted to soothe her frantic breathing; I hugged her even tighter in my arms.

I whispered, "It's okay Carrie, it's all going to be fine. Don't be scared, I've got you."

We lay there together and listened to the storm outside, as time went on the power of the lightning and thunder didn't seem as intense, and with each cycle we could tell it was moving away. 

I wanted so badly to try to calm her down, "Please Baby. Don't worry, I've got you."

After a long time I could tell that the storm was moving away, but we stayed frozen in that pose, in that tight embrace. I could tell we were past the worst of it. Little by little I felt her begin to relax, and she sort of melted against me.

After a while she kind of nervously stuttered, "Oh God, Daddy that was SO scary!"

I realized she was emotionally exhausted, not just from the storm, but from everything we've experienced together since her both her mother and boyfriend died. 

"Oh Baby, I'm here for you, don't worry."

After a while she softly spoke in that nervous voice, "Daddy, thank you for holing me so tight, it really helped."

"Of course, I would never let anything hurt you."

When the intensity of the storm finally waned, the atmosphere in my bedroom changed, the feeling was peaceful and soothing, and there was a smooth droning noise of gently rain from the roof above us. 

I kept on holding her against me and, after a long time, I sensed she was slowly drifting to sleep.

Now that the lighting and thunder had ended, I finally allowed myself to relax a little after the emotional intensity of what Carrie had just experienced.

In a timid voice she murmured, "Daddy, I feel so safe with you."

I whispered, "Go to sleep Baby, I'm right her, so don't worry."

She replied in a squeaky whisper, "I love you Daddy."

"Oh Carrie, I love you too."

There was a very real sense of relief that the storm had ended. It was so comforting just to lay there holding my beautiful daughter. I could feel her literally of melt into me. It didn't take long before I could feel that she was falling asleep.

I tried to stay as still as I could so I wouldn't disturb her. From her soft, rhythmic breathing I knew my baby had finally drifted off to sleep, much to my relief. I allowed myself to relax too, but I was still holding her snug against my chest. 

Feeling Carrie so close, I realized that I had not been in bed with another warm body next to me since my wife died. Holding her like this made my heart ache with a very real emotional longing. I absolutely loved the warm feeling of being so intimate with my daughter. 

My baby was asleep and breathing steadily with her head still resting on my chest. I tried my best to stay as still as possible, not wanting to wake her.

I was still lying flat on my back with both arms holding her on top of me. I wasn't holding her as tightly as I was during the fury of the storm. Instead the embrace was tender and loving; I was entirely focused on trying to make her feel safe and protected. 

Now that everything was finally calm, I suddenly realized that I that something was different. I could feel my boxer shorts were pulled down a little, it must have happened while Carrie was squirming so violently during the height of the storm. She must have pushed them down my thigh with her legs, or maybe it happened when I rolled over to protect her.

My immediate reaction was to reach down and pull them back up, but I was afraid any movement might wake her, so I stayed perfectly still. It was a strange feeling, knowing that my boxers were pulled down far enough that my penis was uncovered. It was completely out from under my underwear. It felt a little bit scary to know it was so close to my sleeping daughter, but all I could do was keep still. I couldn't bear to move, I was so scared to wake her.

She had fallen asleep while I was hugging her in this comfortable pose, with her right on top of me; she was sort of positioned on her knees straddling me. Both her legs were on each side of my hips, her knees tight against my ribs. Her chin was snuggled into my shoulder, and my arms were across her back. Her elbows were resting on the bed and at the same time she was gently holding my shoulders.

Now that everything had calmed down, she was sort of resting her big baggy boxer shorts right against my bare stomach. The feeling was so intimate, I mean, her groin was gently pressing right against my stomach, near my belly button, and I was intensely aware that she was really close to my uncovered penis.

She was lying on me so quietly, and after everything she had been through there was no way I was going to move her, even though it seemed a little bit improper that she was against me like this.

I knew that I should reach down and just pull up my underpants, but we fit together so perfectly. It just felt so beautiful.

I loved being so close and I carefully caressed her back and stroked her short hair. Carrie seemed so nervous against me that it felt like I was protecting her. Oh God, I love my baby so much, and it felt beautiful to have her on top of me like this.

With Carrie lying right on top of me, I couldn't help but think of her mother. After we would make love, she would just sort of collapse on me and she would lie on top of me a lot like my daughter was doing right now. I loved being close to my wife like this, and if everything went well we were usually both all wet. 

The wetness between us was something that both of loved. Her mother would get unbelievably wet when she was excited and she would actually squirt when she climaxed. She would try to aim it at me. If we were fucking and she was on top, she would make sure to squirt it all over my chest, and sometimes my face. Some of the most amazing memories I have of my wife was when she was gushing all over me.

iguess I wrote this already but the other part of our routine was that she jacked me off, and I would pump my cum on her chest. It was so delicious, we would both end up covered in each other's cum, and then we would hug just like I'm hugging Carrie right now. I remember that both of us being all soggy felt like heaven.

Right then I had a funny thought, I wondered if my daughter had inherited that beautiful ability from her mother, I mean, I was curious if she could squirt the same way when she climaxed. Her mother would release an insane gushing flood of liquid, and I loved watching her. Oh my God, maybe my daughter could do that too? Oh man, this was too intense to even think about. I needed to put it out of my mind. It was so hard because I have so many loving memories of her mother, and I all I could think about was how much I adored making her squirt during her orgasms, and how I loved watching her when she would spray all over me.

With my wife gone, Carrie was all I had, and right at that moment I felt so blessed to have her so close.

She was quiet and still, and I was gently rubbing her back and neck and hair. Her breathing was slow and steady. The way she was lying on me, her head was positioned in close to my neck and I was listened to her soft breathing. 

I whispered softly, "Carrie, are you asleep?"

She didn't reply.

As I caressed her, I felt her little ponytail. My fingers traced the little rubber band and I played with the tiny bunching of her hair. I have always thought that there was just something so adorable about her funny little ponytail.

Then I gently whispered in her ear.

"Carrie, I love you."

When I said that, I felt something stirring inside me, a feeling of devotion and tenderness, but at the same time, and I know I shouldn't say this, I felt myself slowly getting hard. I couldn't help it, the feeling of loving affection was completely overwhelming.

I whispered again, "Carrie, I love you with all my heart."

Little by little, I felt myself getting even harder. The way I was laying, my penis was pointing up towards my daughters cute bottom. She felt so small on top of me that I was really hoping that she was positioned far enough away that it would actually touch her.

I softly said, "Carrie, Baby, I, love, you..."

I was still gently rubbing her back and neck and hair as softly as I could. It felt like if I stopped, she might wake up. Then I softly kissed the top of her head.

Again, I whispered, "Carrie Baby, are you asleep?"

She didn't reply. She lay there, in my arms, motionless. I could feel my penis getting even harder, it was getting longer, and it felt like it might be getting close to her adorable plump butt.

Right then, I was absolutely certain she was asleep. There was a funny feeling in me. I felt such an overflowing of honesty, and I couldn't hold back.

I whispered, "Carrie Baby, I want you to know that I really understand what it means to lose somebody. I know that Danny loved you, and I know how sadness feels. I just wish I could help you more."

She didn't respond I just listened to her soft breathing. It felt so gratifying to share something so heartfelt, even if my daughter was asleep.

I felt a need to say even more, "Carrie, I need to tell you that I saw so much love between you and Danny. And, even though you were both so young, it would make me so happy if you and Danny had made love together. It would be something beautiful. I hope you did that together, I really do."

Nothing happened she just lay there, warm and quiet in my arms.

"Carrie Baby, right now, it feels SO good to hold you like this, so close. It feels just like when I used to hold your mother, it feels wonderful." 

Then I felt her move just a little bit.

Now I was getting really hard, and I suddenly felt something brush against the head of my erection. I realized that my dick was now long enough that it was actually touching my daughter's butt. Oh God, I could feel the fabric of her boxer shorts against the head of my erection.

I was afraid to move. I took a deep breath and tried to remain calm. I was so relieved knowing that she was asleep and she wasn't feeling any of this.

I continued to gently rub her back with one hand and caress her hair with the other. I lay there and I thought about what she had just been through, not just the storm, but losing her mother and Danny. I thought about how sad she has been. I know that she's been swallowed up in such difficult emotions and insecurities. She is just so vulnerable and fragile. 

Lying together with her was so soothing for me, and I absolutely knew that holding her close like this was truly helpful for her.

This moment was so quiet and tender. The way she was laying on top of me was simply magical. She was wrapped around me with her legs pressed tight around my stomach. Carrie felt so warm and soft, I realized how close were really were. The enchanting sensation of my hard dick gently pressing against her thin boxer shorts felt so loving and beautiful.

She was so still and I was listening to her soft breath against my shoulder. I felt like I needed to say more, but I didn't want to wake her.

Then, right at that point, in a slow and sleepy way, Carrie shifted a little bit under the covers. Her movement scared me. Oh my God, was she awake? I mean, I had just whispered all this really intimate stuff and I only said it because I felt certain she was asleep.

At this point I was getting insanely hard, and the way she had moved, she was now positioned so that I could feel my erection firmly pressing up in between Carrie's butt cheeks. My hard dick was jutting out from the top of boxers and it felt like the head was aligned perfectly into her adorable little ass. Oh God, the pressure of my hardness pushing against her felt so loving. I was so glad she was asleep because this was something that felt absolutely forbidden.

I lay there, still and quiet for a long time, listening to her soft breathing.

It really frightened me to think she might wake up with my erection pressing snug up into her butt cheeks. But after a while of listening to her breathe I felt pretty sure she was really asleep, but I wasn't really sure.

With her head so close to me, the way she was snug into my neck, I could smell the sweet fragrance of her shampoo, it was the same kind her mother would use, and it smelling it again seemed so irresistible. The beautiful smell sort of calmed me down; I was reliving the emotions of being in love. 

I lay there quietly, waiting.

Then, there was a very subtle squirming under the covers. Carrie moved, just a little.

I wasn't sure, but, and I know this sounds odd, but it felt like Carrie was moving down my body a little bit, it felt like she was trying to press her adorable ass just a little more firmly against my hard dick.

I feel funny confessing this, but, it felt really good. It was warm, and her butt cheeks fit so snug and perfect around the tip of my erection. It felt beautiful.

I whispered, "Oh Carrie, I love you, I love you so much..."

Then, in a very subtle motion, I thought I felt her rub herself, her ass, right against my erection. Right against me.

I felt her squirm a little on top of me. It made me shiver, it was totally involuntary, and I couldn't help it. Oh God, The way she had moved, I could really and truly feel her cute butt pressing really tight against the hard tip of my penis, the sensation was absolutely electric.

After that she was motionless. Everything was silent except for her calm quiet breathing.

I continued to slowly rub her hair and her back. I just wanted so badly to soothe her, to let her know how much I loved her.

Then she did it again, her hips moved and I felt her groin sort of softly press against my belly. It was so subtle I could just barely feel it.

I kept caressing her hair. Oh my God, did my daughter actually hump against my belly? Did it really happen? Did I really feel it?

When she eased herself against my belly the head of my erection pressed in between her butt cheeks

It felt so good, but, maybe she just moved a little in her sleep? The feeling was so intense and right then, I was almost afraid to breath. 

I was scared to stop caressing her, I continued to softly rub her neck and her back as slow and calm as I could, trying to sooth my baby into an even deeper state of sleep.

Oh God, was she really sleeping? Was I just imagining it?

I softly whispered, "Carrie Baby, your Daddy loves you more than you can ever know."

Then, it happened again, ever so slightly, I felt her pressing herself, her warm groin into my belly. At the same time, I could feel her butt moving against the head of my rock hard erection. It was slow and, I think, maybe, this time it seemed deliberate.

Oh God, did she really do it on purpose? I could feel the soft cotton of her thin baggy boxer shorts as she pressed her butt crack snug against the tip of my erection.

What was happening? Now I was worried that maybe she wasn't asleep at all. 

Maybe this should have seemed immoral or perverted, but what I was feeling was a delicious closeness, it was exciting and beautiful. Carrie was warm and snugly, all wrapped around me. 

I mean, this was my Baby, my beautiful daughter and my closest friend. And right at this moment, what she was doing just felt SO good.

I tried to stay calm, and I was holding still to see if she did it again.

I waited a long time, and then I softly whispered, "Baby, I need to tell you, right now, being so close, the way we are, it feels so beautiful."

I held still and waited.

I whispered, "Carrie, I depend on you, you are my reason to live."

Then, it happened again. This time there was no mistaking it. She pressed herself, her warm beautiful ass, right against the hard head of my erection. 

Part of me wanted to tell her to stop, that she shouldn't be doing this, it just wasn't right. But I was too emotional to say anything, so I just let it all happen. 

Then she did it again, smooth and steady. 

And again.

Her motions were as slow and as gentle as her breathing, maybe slower. I was carefully stroking her hair and shoulders, and then I lifted her baggy t-shirt a little so I could caress the bare skin of her lower back. I lay there drinking it all in, Oh my God, the sensations were so gratifying.

Little by little, the gentle movement of her hips was becoming more noticeable.

I could sense my heart was beating faster. Carrie had her head on my shoulder, and I just know that she must be able to feel my heart pounding.

I wanted to stay quiet, to stop urging her, but I couldn't help whispering even more praise.

I softly whispered, "Baby, I love this, you are doing so good..."."

She seemed to respond to my honesty, and I felt one firm downward push from her hips, and this one was hard enough to be unmistakable. It was a sexual and deliberate humping movement, her butt kind of pushed against my erection. It was so strong; I think it surprised Carrie more than me, because right then, she froze.

Was she scared? I didn't want her to feel bad about what was happening. I felt a need for even more, but I didn't want to do anything to frighten her. 

What could I do? I kept on rubbing the bare skin on her back; my caressing was slow and gentle. I was trying to be as tender and loving as I possibly could. I moved her t-shirt up a little higher so I could feel more of her smooth back.

I whispered again, "Oh Carrie, I love you, I love you, I love you..."

Then, I heard Carrie taking a long deep breath and I felt her gradually shifting a little. In a very deliberate way she began to move, she was ultra-slow and cautious, and the way she was moving felt more like a dream than something in real life. 

I stayed perfectly still as she gently moved under the warm blankets. Right then I was pretty sure that she might be awake.

She shifted her body just a little bit more. 

I let her move, she was sort of squirming in slow motion and she inched her whole body, she gently lifted herself up, and then moved down along my torso and then she slowly set herself back down, pressing against me. 

Oh God, I could feel her groin, she had moved so it was exactly centered on my erection. 

I was flat on my back and she was hugging me. Her knees were positioned on both sides of me, squeezing against my ribs. And right now she was firmly pressing her groin directly onto my hard dick. 

Now she had eased down my body so her head had moved down from my neck, and now it was snug against my chest, setting just a little bit toward my shoulder and she continued to hold me in a warm cuddly embrace. 

The way we were positioned, I could feel the warm plump mound of her vagina pressing directly against my erection. I could feel it thru the thin fabric of her boxer shorts.

I couldn't help myself, I gave her a soothing hug, and I pulled her tight against me.

I whispered to her, "Carrie, you will always be your Daddy's little girl, my beautiful baby."

Oh my God, this was my daughter, my sweet daughter, and I felt so close right then. I desperately needed to express how much I adored her.

We lay there for a long time. Carrie was right on top of me, and she didn't feel at all heavy, we seemed to fit perfectly together. I could feel her crotch firm against me, pressing right against my rock hard erection.

My daughter is really petite, and I'm a lot taller than she is, so with her head snuggled in against my chest her groin was positioned exactly against the shaft of my erection.

Carrie was lying there, totally still. 

I slowly let my fingertips move down, under the warm blanket, to low part of her back, to the bare area between her t-shirt and her boxers. I rubbed her cool skin with the tips of my fingers, and it made Carrie shudder, almost like I was tickling her, it seemed like she was shivering with ecstasy.

Then she made another gentle humping push into my erection with her groin.

I couldn't help it, I anxiously gasped, "Oh God, Baby, yes..."

When she heard my passionate reaction she cautiously pressed against me again. Her soft movement felt so beautiful against my erection.

I tried to encourage her, "Carrie, yes, yes..."

She did it again.

I was so grateful, I whimpered, "Oh Baby, you are doing so good..."

Little by little her humping got a lot more willful and deliberate. There was no pretending now. Her pelvis was grinding in a firm and smooth rhythm, pressing down hard against my erection.

It felt magical.

This went on for a long time, Carrie humping down against my long straight dick and all the while I was running my fingertips along her bare back above her boxers. It was so wonderful. 

Oh my God, little Carrie was getting more intentional. She was building in intensity; her humping was becoming forceful and dramatic. I was really shocked at how, well, how obscene it was, and at the same time, because she is so cute, the feeling was just so adorable, it was somehow really tender and lovely.

And then, my daughter suddenly stopped moving. 

What happened? I was worried this beautiful thing we were doing together might have ended. 

I slowly and gently gave her a warm little hug, it wasn't much, just a small reassuring embrace.

Nothing happened.

I continued to stroke the small of her back as she lay frozen against me. Then, I kissed her as softly as I could on her forehead.

She had been literally humping against me just a moment before, and it felt so wonderful, but now she was completely still. Was she scared? Why did she stop? I was all mixed up and worried. What was happening?

I wanted so badly to tell her how much I loved was she had been doing and how wonderful it felt. 

I carefully moved both my hands along the smooth skin of her back. And then, I couldn't help it, I actually slid my hands under the fabric of her her boxers and gently held her round plump bottom, my hands gently cradled each of her lovely butt cheeks. Oh God, the smooth coolness of her adorable ass felt absolutely luscious.

My boldness surprised me. I was scared she would protest, but she stayed perfectly still. It seemed impossible, I had just seen her adorable butt today covered by her wet bikini bottom, and now she was letting me hold it in my hands.

I whispered, "Daddy loves you, please Baby, Daddy loves you, so much..."

Then I shifted my body just a little, I moved my hips slowly and eased my erection up against her groin, I was gentle and cautious, but I was pressing the length of my hard cock upwards right in between her legs, right into her crotch. Even through her thin boxers, I could feel she was getting wet. I could feel the warmth against the head of my erection.

She didn't move.

She stayed so still, like she was frozen. Should I stop? What was happening? I couldn't control what I was feeling; I was so flooded with a feeling of love.

I whispered, "My Baby..."

The next thing I did felt so honest. I took both my hands out of Carrie's underwear long enough to pull my own boxers down a little further, almost to my knees. Then I needed to sort of squirm as I slid them down my legs. I felt her holing me tight, literally clinging to me, as I wriggled under the covers until I kicked them off the end of my feet.

I was now completely naked with my beautiful daughter on top of me, lying against my erection.

I know this seems naive, but I was still a little bit unsure if maybe she was still sleeping. I had to think that she must have felt what I had just done. She must have felt that I had just pulled my boxers off and that I was naked.

I eased my hands back into her shorts and held her soft butt cheeks. 

I whispered, "Oh God Carrie, this feels so beautiful."

She must have heard me, I know she did.

And then, I couldn't help it, I carefully arched my hips and steadily pushed my erection up into her boxers, right between her legs. I kept both hands firmly positions on her butt cheeks under her boxer shorts. I stayed in that pose, with my hard cock pushed snug into her crotch.

I whispered, "Baby, I love how this feel, pressing myself into you like this."

That was all it took. Almost immediately she delicately moved her groin again, pushing right against my hard dick.

She started humping in that same slow deliberate rhythm and I was so relieved that she was moving against me again. 

I was astounded at what was happening. Her warm seductive motions felt affectionate and soothing. It was magical and the focal point everything was all on my adorable daughter's gently pumping hips. 

I eased my hands deeper down into her underwear and held onto to the cool skin of her soft lovely ass. We both held each other tight, and both of us were gently rocking, meeting each other with this deliberate humping rhythm. We were swaying and pumping. Oh God, it was so delicious. 

My daughter's head was so close to my face, I could smell her hair and hear her deep breathing. And then I heard her say something, it was quiet, just a hush. I didn't know what it was.

I put my lips to her ear and whispered, "Carrie, what did you say?"

Her head was buried in against my shoulder, and in her timid voice she nervously whispered, "Daddy? Is this, is it all right, that I'm doing this?"

It broke my heart, she sounded so worried.

I answered, "Oh yes, baby, it feels beautiful."

Carrie asked, "Are you sure?"

And, as tenderly as I could, I said, "Yes Baby, I'm sure."

She whimpered, "Really?"

I encouraged her, "Oh God, I love it, Please, don't stop."

With that, Carrie changed her tempo. Things got harder and faster. She began to aggressively hump against my erection in strong steady motions. 

I heard her whispering, "Thank you Daddy, thank you..."

Without realizing what I was doing, I pushed the thin blankets off of us, and let them slide off to the side of the bed. Suddenly, everything felt so much less confining.

this seemed to change everything, with the soft glow little bedside light I could see Carrie, and I could look down and watch her body moving and humping against me. 

And she started breathing louder.

Then I pressed both my hands against her bottom, and instead of just lightly caressing, I actually squeezed.

Then Carrie whispered, "I love you Daddy."

As soon as she said it I felt beautiful warmth running through my body. In a shaky voice I said, "Oh Carrie, I love you too." 

Then I squeezed her ass tightly as I whispered this in her ear. "Oh Carrie Baby, I love you so much."

Then I slid my fingertips further down in between her adorable butt cheeks, and I briefly felt the wet puffy outline of her wet pussy lips.

She instantly reacted to my touch and nervously gasped, "Oh God, Daddy!"

She was suddenly holding me even tighter, I could feel her whole body trembling and the way she was clinging to me was so intensely emotional. I eased my middle finger down against her vagina, and slid it delicately along the moist slit.

I whispered, "Oh Carrie, my baby."

I continued to softly rub in an up and down motion along the lips of her pussy.

She was gasping softly with each pressing motion of her hips, she was quietly murmured, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy...

Hearing her soft voice warmed my heart in a way that made me so grateful. I wanted to feel closer to her, to make her know how much I truly loved her.

In a soft encouraging voice, I said, "Carrie, I think, it will feel better for you, if we take your shorts off."

She abruptly stopped her humping motions and except for the gentle caressing of my middle finger, we were both perfectly still. 

My beautiful daughter was lying there on top of me, with both my hands deep inside her little white boxers. She was frozen in that straddling pose, with her arms hugging me and her face by my shoulder. I don't think she really knew what she should do next. 

In a meek voice she asked, "Are you sure?" 

"Yes, I think it will feel nice."

And then she quietly replied, "Okay."

I could tell she was overwhelmed by the intensity of what was happening. She moved nervously, but she kept hugging me with her arms as she moved her but and rose up a little, and I used both my hands to pull her boxers down as low as I could. Then she helped by straitening her legs on top of me.

Carrie let me push them all the way down her legs with my feet. I had to sort or wriggle a little to get them further down towards her ankles, but neither of us stopped hugging each other the whole time we were getting them off.

Finally, I could feel her baggy boxers slide off the tips of her toes. At this point, all she was wearing was her white t-shirt.

I whispered, "Good girl, there you go."

She immediately set herself back in that exact same pose, on top of me with her knees on each side of my ribs, and her groin pressed against my erection. 

With her boxers off I could instantly feel the warm slippery lips of her wet vagina against me. I was immediately aware that she must have shaved there was no sensation of any pubic hair. Everything felt silky smooth and slippery.

I think she recognized the magnitude of what we had just done, and I could feel her nervously trembling.

I whispered, "There Baby, that's better."

I didn't want to pressure her in any way, and I leaned towards her and tenderly kissed her forehead.

Then she quietly spoke, "Daddy, it felt so good, when you said all those nice things about me, when, when you thought I was asleep."

I said, "It was all true."

"Hearing you say, such beautiful things, it made me feel really happy."

"I loved saying it, it felt so honest."

Then she cautiously moved her hips again, she was slow and deliberate, and it felt like she was caressing my erection, soft and gentle, with the smooth warmth of her shaved vagina.

I sort of whispered, "Oh my God Baby!"

The sensations were so beautiful and tender I thought that I might faint. She moved against me in such a loving way, it felt so good. I could feel her slowly sliding her plump wet lips along my long hard shaft.

Then she sat up enough to look at me, with those big pleading eyes of hers, as if she was unsure of what she was doing.

As she moved she timidly whispered, "Daddy, this rubbing, I love it, it feels, it feels SO good."

I tried to encourage her, "I love it too. It feels beautiful. You are doing so good." 

Oh God, my daughter looked so cute. Seeing her face so close made me so aware at how vulnerable she was. She was still so young and so painfully shy.

Some of her hair had fallen out of her pony tail. She had a bunch of messy strands framing her adorable face. Somehow during the lighting storm her panicky squirming must have messed up her cute little ponytail.

Her head gently bobbed with each slow humping motion.

I felt such a powerful feeling of love. I leaned in and gently put my lips against hers. Oh my God, it felt so delicious! I have kissed her lots of times, but never like this and I was worried that I might be scaring her. I shifted back just enough to look at her, and she was still staring at me. 

I leaned in and kissed her again. I was moving so slow, and I was being unbelievably gentle. The feeling was perfectly thrilling. 

At this beautiful moment, kissing Carrie's soft lips, everything felt so beautiful. It felt like the whole world had stopped and what was happening was momentous and absolutely pure. I cautiously let the tip of my tongue inch out and I warily touched the edge of her lower lip. I could feel her warm breath against my wet tongue. I carefully began to trace the outline of her delicate lips with the tip of my tongue. I was slow and deliberate, and I could feel all the beautiful details of her adorable lips. 

Then I felt Carrie opened her mouth just a little. Then, I felt her tongue, I was suddenly touching it with mine. I literally shivered when this happened, and Carrie felt it. 

I traced a little circle around the tip of her tongue with mine; it was so sweet that I thought I might cry. We stayed like this for a long time; our wet tongues were tenderly licking and caressing the other with such a feeling of love. And all the while she was slowly gliding her slippery wet pussy against my erection.

Then she eased her face away from mine, and she put her hands on the bed, and she sat upright on top of me; her body pressing down heavily against my erection.

We were no longer hugging, I was looking up at her. She was covered by her baggy white t-shirt, and she looked down at me with her big beautiful eyes. Her over-sized t-shirt was so big on her that it kind of draped over me. I was totally aware that she didn't have any panties on, but the way the white fabric hung down, there was nothing for me to see. I reached up and held her narrow hips with my hands. I could feel she was trembling. She looked so nervous.

I said, "Please Baby, it's okay, you are doing SO good..."

She nervously said, "Oh Daddy I'm a little bit scared, but, this feels, so good."

I wanted to soothe her and I said, "I'm a little bit scared too, but I love you so much, and what we are doing feels so beautiful."

Then I carefully slid both my hands under the baggy fabric of her t-shirt and held onto her and I could feel her ribs.

My daughter was shivering with emotion. I started to move my hands up, under her shirt, towards her chest. Touching her skin felt heavenly. Carrie was frozen in anticipation, her big eyes watching me intently.

Then I gently asked, "Carrie, can you lift your arms up?"

She looked at me with this confused expression, and I tugged at her white t-shirt and said, "I want to take this off."

Then my sweet baby obediently lifted both arms above her head in a funny pose, and I was in awe at how cute this made her look. I began to slowly pull her shirt up and she meekly stretched both arms a little bit higher, and I suddenly saw her pale tummy and belly button. 

I carefully lifted the shirt higher, and she anxiously whispered, "Yes, Daddy, yes..."

Then I reached up and pulled the great big shirt up and over her head, and then it was off.

Oh my God, my beautiful daughter was now completely naked, just like me. Her whole body was shaking with emotion as she looked down at me.

I stared up at her big blue eyes, and there was something so needy in the way she was looking down at me.

Then I let my eyes drift down to her chest.

Oh God, my daughter looked like an angel, her skin was so pale. Her breasts were small and delicate, and they seemed to stand out away from her body, as if they were defying gravity. 

Her nipples were a softest shade of pink, almost the same color as her pale skin, they were big and puffy. They seemed harder than when I saw them under her wet yellow bikini top this afternoon. 

I was amazed at her beauty, and she stayed still and let me look at her. Then I watched her head tilt forward and she looked down, in between her own legs.

She sounded confused as she gasped, "Oh God, Daddy?"

The emotion in her voice made me sit up onto my elbows. I was looking at my naked daughter as she sat directly on my hard dick, with her legs spread wide and her knees on each side of my ribs. I had a direct view between her legs.

The way I was laying there, my hard dick was pointing right at my belly button with the underside facing upwards. It was laying flat against my stomach, and she was straddling it, it was almost as if she was sitting on a narrow bicycle seat. It was poking out maybe five inches in front of her pussy.

She stared down at my erection and whispered, "Daddy?"

I was looking at the plump lips they were lined up perfectly against the long surface of my hard erection. Her pink wet lips were on each side of my dick, firmly cradling the shaft.

The head of my erection looked big and dark as it poked out in front of her.

It felt so forbidden to know my own daughter was naked and looking directly at the underside of my hard cock, and at the same time I was looking at her wet pussy lips. Right then I realized the magnitude of what was happening.

I spoke in a shaky whisper, "Oh God, Baby, you are so beautiful."

She must have heard the emotion in my voice.

I was staring at her, and she knew I was looking. Oh God, there was something so bashful about her, my beautiful naked daughter just seemed so innocent. She was looking down at me, in such a delicate pose, straddling my erection. Her shaved vagina looked so smooth and so inviting.

We stayed still like this for a long time, me staring up at her body, and her staring down at my erection.

With her head arched down and her eyes focused my glossy wet cock and she nervously whispered, "Daddy, I feel really funny, both of us, being naked like this."

I wasn't sure what to say. I replied, "Oh God Carrie, I love you so much, and seeing you like this feels absolutely beautiful."

Carrie just stared at my cock, wide-eyed and silent.

I didn't want her to feel bad, so I whispered, "Please Carrie, don't be afraid, I love you, I love you with all my heart."

Then she arched her hips forward and I watched as her wet vagina began to glide along the length of my erection. She moved forward until she was covering the big purple head. 

It felt so good and I gasped a breathy, "Yes Carrie, Oh God, Yes..."

Then she gracefully slid back again until her pussy was positioned closer to my balls. When she did this, my dick sort of straightened upright so it was flush against the pale flat area of her shaved pubic hair.

Then she eased herself forward again, and she pushed my erection back down against my stomach, and again, she slid her slippery wet lips up toward the head of my dick.

I watched in amazement as she slowly began to rub back and forth against my hard erection, just what she had been moving before, but now she was looking down at what she was doing.

She whispered, "Oh my God Daddy, this feels, wonderful."

Little by little, my daughter started to gain some assertiveness, and the humping motion became firm and sensual. I was looking up at her, and she seemed lost in some sort of divine trance.

I sat up a little to see her better, and it was obvious she wanted me to look at her.

She continued to rub against my erection, pressing against me, her legs spread wide, with her lovely shaved vagina in full view for me to see. It was pink, beautiful and incredibly wet. My erection seemed huge against her body.

The small bedside lamp gave of a soft orange glow and it somehow made everything even more beautiful. She began panting in quick shaky breaths; she was looking down at me with such a desperate expression of longing.

She whispered, "Oh Daddy, I love you."

My Baby looked so innocent and beautiful. Even though she was nervous, it was obvious that she absolutely loved what she was doing. I had been staring at her adorable wet vagina, and then I was looking up at the rest of her body, her breasts would delicately jiggle as she moved against me. Her nipples looked so delicious and puffy. 

I could tell she wanted, she needed, me to look at her. The way she was sitting, her knees were on each side of me and her legs were wide, her hips pumping back and forth against my erection. I felt like she was urging me to look up at her pale naked body. 

Everything felt so beautiful. Carrie was breathing deep and steady. She looked so innocent that it made my heart ache.

She softly whispered, "Daddy?"

"Yes Baby."

She cautiously asked, "Daddy is this okay, that I'm doing this?"

I looked up and said, "Oh God, Yes. It's beautiful, I love it." 

A little smile emerged as she replied, "I love it too."

With that, she pushed harder and humped faster. I could sense that she was giving herself over to her passions.

I put my hands on her hips and said, "Oh Carrie, Yes, Yes!"

Her pose was perfectly bewitching. She was naked and smiling. It was like a drug that went right to my soul. I was flat on my back, with my adorable daughter eagerly rubbing her slippery wet pussy against my erection. 

I reached up and caressed her adorable little breasts. They were firm and smooth in a way that melted my heart. I gently squeezed and I could see her react to my touch, she sort of shivered. I rubbed her big hard nipples with my thumbs.

She looked down at me and stammered, "Daddy, I like that, it feels good..." 

I couldn't help myself; I sat upward and gently kissed her adorable breasts.

Carrie responded with a sharp little whimpering noise. She cried out, "Daddy, yes, YES!" There was a shaky intensity in her response.

I pressed my mouth firmly against one of her pale breasts and I wrapped my lips over her puffy nipple. It felt soft and delicious against my tongue.

It was a little bit awkward to sit up at the same time my baby was desperately humping against my cock, but I could tell that what we were doing was making her feel all crazy. She was simply abandoning herself. I hugged her and started to suck her big puffy nipple even harder, and right then I could feel her whole body responds to the pressure from my lips and tongue. Oh my God, I love my daughter, I love her so much, and I was licking and sucking with such emotional passion. 

She sighed, "Oh Daddy, That feels so good..."

I felt her starting to tremble, and then I let myself lie down again, onto my back so she could rub herself with more intensity. I could see her big wide eyes, she was staring at me with such heartwarming intensity, and her beautiful face was radiant. Her nipples were wet and shiny form my sucking. I felt her tremble, and I realized she was going to cum soon. 

I urged her, "Baby, Please, Keep going, You are doing so good..."

She responded by speeding up, and I couldn't believe how excited she was getting. Her pale little breast were jiggling to match her frantic humping rhythm.

Then I moved my hand so my thumb was pressing against her hard clitoris and I began rubbing. The feeling was delicious, slippery and wet. She must have just recently shaved her pubic hair, probably just today, because the sensation against my hand felt smooth and clean.

Carrie leaned forward and reached above me and held onto the headboard of the bed. I tried to rub her hard little clit even faster. Her whole body seemed to respond. The way she was leaning forward, her little breasts hung down above me, and as she got more excited, they would jiggle as her whole body reacted to what was happening. Watching my daughter above me was glorious. 

She panted, "Daddy, is it, is it okay, that, I get so wet, like this..."

I eagerly replied, "Oh God Carrie, YES, your mother would get wet, just like this, I love it!" 

Carrie began whimpering, and it just made me crazy with desire. She started whining in a frantic rhythm, and it almost sounded just like she was crying. She sounded so desperate, and it made me think of how her mother would sound in the seconds before her orgasm. 

At this point her little breasts were bouncing with an insane energy. I reached behind her and grabbed her ass with on hand, and continued rubbing her clitoris with the other, and I just knew what was going to happen. My baby was going to cum, just like her mother would.

She started panting, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy..."

Her hands were holding onto the head board of the bed as she loomed above me, and without thinking, I put both hands on her ass and pushed her down hard against my erection, forcing her hips back and forth in a forceful motion. I was amazed at how much my daughter seemed to love it.

As I slid her little body along my erection, I could see that her ponytail had come undone. Now her hair was sloppy and hanging down. She looked incredibly cute.

Carrie franticly squealed, "Daddy, I'm, I'm gunna, Oh fuck, I'm gunna - cum."

Hearing that, I kept one hand on her ass and repositioned my thumb over her plump clitoris, and I rubbed the protruding shape the same way I did with her mother. Oh my God, her clitoris felt firm and slippery. This was what her mother loved more than anything.

Then she cried out, "Oh, I'm, cumming, Daddy!"

I felt my daughter's body start vibrating. I rubbed even harder.

Then it happened, her hips started shivering. She was breathing hard, she made a desperate little crying noise, and she rose up tall onto her knees, and I watched a strong stream of hot liquid squirting from her sopping wet vagina.

At first I thought my daughter was peeing on me, and I pulled my thumb away and watched as she squirted a beautiful stream all over me. I was amazed, she was squirting, exactly like her mother would, a delicious stream of wetness gushed all over my hips, erection and chest. All the while, Carrie was fervently shivering above me on her knees. 

I was focused on her squirting pussy, the stream was splashing all over me. I watched the sputtering flow as she convulsed in a feverish orgasm.

She whimpered, "Oh fuck, Daddy!"

The warm liquid ran off my torso, and dribbled down onto the bed. I was looking up at her, and she was looking down at me. 

She stammered passionately, "Daddy, I love you, Oh fuck, Oh fuck..."

Oh my God, the smell was absolutely magical. I watched as the intense power of my Baby's orgasm began to wane, and the stream of liquid changed to a dribble.

Before I knew what was happening, I was up onto my knees. I took my daughter and rolled her over so she was lying flat on her back; she submissively let me move her. 

I was insane with excitement.

Then I franticly climbed off the bed and stood on the floor, I held my daughter's hips and eagerly dragged her toward me, I positioned her so her butt was right at the edge of the mattress and I stood in between her legs. 

This is exactly what I would do with her mother. This was almost a reflex, I did it without thinking. This was how her mother loved it most, when I fucked her while standing right up next to the bed. I pressed my rock hard erection firmly against the pink lips of her wet little pussy. I started pushing and Carrie obviously felt it because her whole body shuddered.

my daughter impatiently grabbed her own knees and pulled them up to her shoulders, she was holding her legs wide for me. Her big blue eyes were on fire with emotion.

She begged, "Please Daddy, Pleeeeeease..."

My naked daughter was lying on her back looking up at me. She looked so delicate, and my erection just seemed huge in comparison to her small petite little body.

I asked, "Carrie, are you sure this is this okay?"

She nodded her head with desperate approval, and I watched her pull her legs even wider, urging me to keep going.

I pressed the smooth head of my penis against my daughter's wet vagina, I watched as it slowly slipped into the sopping open folds of her pink pussy lips.

Feeling this, she begged me, "Please Daddy, Fuck me..."

Hearing her say that, my heart began pounding, she was looking up at me, begging me with those big adorable eyes. 

I pushed a little more and watched as my hard dick slid its way deeper. My daughter just seemed to melt. I could see the big head sliding in, and I pushed harder with my hips. My erection was steadily gliding deep inside her. 

She looked up at me and pleaded, "Fuck me, Daddy, Fuck me, Fuck me..."

I was electrified at what was happening. My beautiful daughter was begging me to fuck her. I was amazed at how loving and emotional it felt.

I watched her shudder from the sensations of my erection inside her tight little pussy. It felt so much better than I ever could have imagined, it was so much tighter than her mother's, and at the same time it felt incredibly smooth and slippery. It was perverted and beautiful.

I cautiously asked, "This doesn't hurt, Baby, Does it?"

"Oh no, Daddy, I love it, I love it."

I started pumping, slow and steady. My daughter's soaking little pussy felt like it was gripping me, but at the same time it seemed to effortlessly swallow my hard erection each time I pushed.

She started whining, "Daddy, Oh God, Oh God."

Little by little, the tempo increased and I began pumping into my daughter with strong steady strokes. The slippery sensation was bewildering, and I was amazed that I could glide in so smoothly and so deep because her body just seemed so perfect. I watched her delicate little breasts bounce with each time I pushed. I was standing right up against the edge of the bed, and I reached under to hold my daughter's soft plump ass with my hands.

She let go of her knees and she started getting up onto her elbows. At first I thought she was going to lean forward to hug me, but I could see she was trying to look down between her own legs. 

I was unsure what she was doing and I asked, "Carrie, what is it?"

She whispered with a kind of nervous eagerness, "Is it okay, if I watch?"

Hearing her say that made me totally stop with my dick pushed deep inside of her. We were both totally still for a moment, and she never moved her focus, she was staring down between her legs with wide eyes, and her mouth open in an expression of astonishment. I had never seen he look so totally trusting and captivated.

I was so aware where she was looking and I wanted to make my motions as sensual as I could. I wanted my baby to see something tender and loving. After a moment, very slowly, I began to slide myself away from her, and we both watched as my long erection eased way out until the sopping wet head was showing, but I kept it just barely tucked in the sopping lips of her vagina.

My shaft of my wet cock was glistening in the soft light of the bedside lamp.

We stayed still for just a few seconds, and then, as slowly as I could, I eased my long erection back in. Even though it felt incredibly tight, my daughter was so wet that it was gliding effortlessly.

Carrie was entirely focused and gasped, "Oh my God, Daddy, This is SO beautiful."

Her giant eyes were fixed between her legs. I continued to move as smoothly and slowly as I could, I was insane with excitement knowing my adorable daughter was watching me fuck her.

Each time I pulled my erection out of her, it was shimmering with her wetness, and each time I pushed, it just seemed impossible that her body could take it all back inside of her.

I could tell she was mesmerized by what she was seeing. I tried to make my motions as long and as affectionate as I could, the way I was standing right up close to the bed, I felt like I could let my erection slide in straight and steady. Oh my God, I absolutely loved knowing that Carrie was looking at my soaking wet cock as I fucked her.

It felt like I was hypnotizing her with my steady motions. We were both quiet, the only noise was the soft wet squishy sound from between her legs. 

I asked, "Do you like watching what we are doing?"

She answered with a breathy sigh, "Yes, I love it."

I slowly began to increase in the intensity of each push inward.

She kept her eyes focused in between her legs, and then she spoke in a kind of dreamlike whisper, "Oh God, Daddy, you're fucking me, you're really fucking me..." 

Hearing her say those words just made me crazy with passion.

She started breathing deep and loud, and she reached up and put her hands on my shoulders to steady herself, and so she could more directly look down at my wet erection as I continued to fuck her. Her breathing turned to an excited crying.

Carrie so clearly loved what I was doing to her. There was something so insanely arousing knowing that this is my own daughter and she was eagerly letting me push my hard cock into her tight little pussy. It was really happening and she was crying out with pleasure.

My baby kept her head arched down, focusing on the wet image between her legs. She watched as her sopping vagina swallowed my erection over and over and over. My hands cradled her smooth ass, holding her in position so she could watch as I steadily gained speed with each rhythmic thrust. Now she was breathing with shaky little gasps.

I asked, "Carrie, does this feel good?"

She replied in a haunted stammer. "Oh God, Yes, I can't believe, how amazing it feels."

The force of my hips against her was getting more and more powerful, and at one point it felt like I pumped so hard that she collapsed backwards onto the bed.

She stared up at me with her arms out to each side. I let go of her ass and reached up and held her legs out wide as I fucked her with long loving motions. Her breathy little gasps had changed to something different, now the noise she was making was so much more desperate and emotional.

I was watching my beautiful daughter and the way she was lying in below me. Her arms were stretched out wide on the bed, in a pose of total submission. She looked so willing lying on flat her back.

She panted emotionally "Daddy, you're fucking me, you're fucking me - you're fucking me..." 

Oh God, she sounded so grateful.

I told her, "Yes baby, your Daddy is fucking you"

I was so entranced by what I was seeing. The image of her soft tummy, her perky little breasts, the smooth pale color of her skin and her delicate puffy nipples. Oh my God, she looked so beautiful. She was staring up at me with wide-eyed expression of yearning.

In a slow serious tone I said, "Carrie, I love fucking you"

Oh my God, Carrie was looking up at me with so much trust and there was something so delicious about her shaved pussy; it looked so innocent and pure. She lay there, arms out wide, shuddering with each thrust, and she was absolutely glowing with ecstasy.

She pleaded, "Harder Daddy, please, fuck me, harder, please..."

I was so turned-on hearing her beg like that. It was perverted and beautiful, and I started pumping into my adorable daughter even more forcefully. 

She responded by gasping, "Oh, Yes, Daddy, I love you, I love you!"

My Baby looked so cute I thought my heart would break. I watched her cute breasts franticly bounce from the impact my pumping hips. I was losing myself, everything felt so magical and beautiful. 

With each thrust of my hips, she started desperately repeating the words, "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy..." 

I was spellbound by how desperate she sounded. I was astounded by how wet my daughter was getting, so much more than her mother ever would. Everything felt so smooth and dripping. Carrie began to whimper even louder and faster. Her words changed to short passionate gasps. 

I looked down and asked, "Baby, can you cum again?"

She gasped, "Yes, yes, I'm so close..."

I wanted to do anything to satisfy her, to make my adorable daughter have another orgasm. I wanted to make her to squirt again, to ejaculate like her mother would do; I wanted her to soak me.

I saw wet tears running down her beautiful face. Her whole body was quivering; I tried to support her by holding her legs steady so I could direct each thrust as straight and smoothly as I could.

She cried out, "Fuck me, Daddy, Fuck me, Fuck me!"

I watched my baby as she arched her back and her mouth was suddenly wide and open, as if she was trying to scream, but all that came out was a shaky whining. Then her whole body started to tremble.

I was holding her knees wide, and my eyes were entirely focused on her sopping little pussy. Suddenly, my erection was out of her and she was literally convulsing with ecstasy. There was a hot wet splashing, all over my belly. She was squirting again, she was gushing, exactly like her mother had done.

I was insane with eagerness, and I dropped to my knees so she could squirt onto my face, and it splashed all over, and up at me. 

She cried out "Daddy! Daddy!" as she exploded all over me.

I was clinging to her hips as I moved my open mouth against her pumping vagina. Both of us were lost in a passionate spiral.

And it just went on and on and on. It was incredible how long it lasted, the stream was strong and hot, and the smell, the sweetness was luscious. It was incredibly warm, slippery and smooth.

This pose, this beautiful pose with my daughter's legs spread wide, and my mouth pressed against her squirting vagina, the gushing seemed to last forever. I was clinging to her hips with my face pressed between her legs, my tongue against her sopping pussy lips as the squirting slowly subsided, Oh God, the fulfillment was unbelievable.

She was trembling, trying to regain her breath after such a staggering orgasm. Carrie let out a breathy, "Oh God, Daddy, I love you so much..."

I immediately stood back up and without any hesitation I pushed my erection back into her dripping wet pussy and I started fucking her again, slow and smooth.

She looked up at me, at my soaked and naked body. I looked down at her beautiful face, and I could see she was absolutely joyous. I was euphoric with the perverted knowledge that I was fucking my adorable daughter. 

She looked up at me and spoke with a passionate gasping, "Daddy, I want you to cum."

I replied, "Oh fuck, Yes, Carrie, yes..."

She was panting in the same rhythm as our bodies, and she said, "I want you to cum, on me, all over me, Daddy, please..."

Hearing that, I was reminded of what her mother would say, and it made my heart soar. I slowly pressed myself deep into to her, and I climbed up onto the bed, I stayed inside her, all the while easing my daughter across the sheets. Now I was back up on the bed with her. 

She gasped, "Daddy, please, please..."

I could feel it building in me. I was breathing deeper and stronger. My baby had cum twice, now I could let go. I was on my knees on the bed fucking her, the steady pumping motion made her little breasts jiggle, it was the most beautiful thing imaginable. Her nipples seemed insanely hard and pointy. She could tell I was looking directly at her little breasts. 

She eagerly asked me, "Daddy, I want you to cum on me, cum on my tits."

Oh my God, my daughter was repeating exactly what her mother would say when we would fuck. Had she heard us all those years ago? Hearing her say those words was such a frenzied turn-on. She reached up and she started pulling me towards her, she was acting so needy. 

My baby started begging in that squeaky voice, "Please Daddy, cum on me, cum on my tits, please Daddy, Pleeeeease!"

I asked her, "Where, Baby, show me where."

She reached up and held her breasts in her hands, she pressed them closer together. I watched as she started impatiently rubbing and squeezing her big puffy nipples.

"Here Daddy, right here..."

"Are you sure Baby? You want me to cum on your nipples?"

"Oh God, yes, YES!" 

With that I pulled myself out and I crawled on top of her, with my knees on each side of her chest, just exactly like I had done with her mother.

My sopping wet erection was positioned directly over her flat smooth chest and she eagerly reached up and held onto it with her little hands. She pressed it against her smooth little breasts. I could see she was urgent to please me, to make me achieve something glorious.

She looked at me with emotion filled eyes and pleaded, "Daddy, I want you to squirt your cum on me, on my nipples, please..." 

I pushed my hips upward, pressing the head of my hard penis against her smooth little breasts. She was holding my throbbing erection; she was guiding the head across her puffy pink nipples. Instantly, I began writhing in ecstasy.

My hard cock was dripping wet from her and it was slippery in her grip. Carrie was stroking me with an impatient yearning. I shuddered with excitement, and she felt it.

She timidly asked, "Daddy does this feel good?"

I eagerly replied, "Oh fuck, Baby, Yes, it's beautiful." 

She was looking at my wet erection in her little hand as she pressed big head directly against one of her nipples; she rubbed it back and forth against the puffy pink bump. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was open in an expression of absolute astonishment.

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