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13.24% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 543: FUF-2

Chapitre 543: FUF-2

Austin smiled and toppled his sister over onto her back. He knelt on his heels for a moment, his cock bobbing lightly in the open air, and appreciated her body.

"You're fucking incredible, Lexi," he said. He slammed his dick into his sister and the siblings screamed in ecstasy once again. Another orgasm hit Lexi as her brother slid home. It rippled up her body from top to bottom. Toes to the tips of her hair. Fuck, fucking my brother feels so fucking GOOD!

Lexi didn't even feel like she needed it, but she reached down and started rubbing her clit anyway. Usually with sex, this was the only way she'd ever get off. And even then, she usually needed a good licking to get her going beforehand. Now she'd already cum at least twice and she could see the third -- massive, incalculable -- coming around the bend. With such a speed she was sure it would blast her right off the cliff and into lake below.

Somewhere distant she heard the rhythmic slaps of her brother's body bouncing against her own. Felt a few sharp rocks pressing into her back. The dull ache of her ankle. It was all so far away from the pleasure of big sister fucking little brother that it might have all been in another solar system for all Lexi could tell.

Austin's cock kept pounding into her like he was trying to piledrive his big sister into the ground with his cock. His balls bounced against her anus. Lexi stretched her legs around her brother's waist, jammed on her clitoris -- all together it made some kind of magic. Then suddenly the lithe brunette felt the spell take full effect.

Lexi's whole body went stiff. Her eyes rolled back in her head and the world went bright white. She heard a scream and realized it was her own voice. An animal-like howl. Her arms and legs locked in rapturous rigor. She felt something warm on her breast and realized it was her brother sucking at her tit. Then all of reality crashed down on Lexi and she fucking CAME.

"Oh ffffffffFFFFFFFUCK I'm CUUUMMMMMIIING!" Lexi shouted. Announced her pleasure to the world. Her brother had brought something out of her she didn't even know she had. Feral and electric. "My brother is making me CUM!"

Lexi was still riding her ecstasy, more like drowning in it, when she felt her brother's cock slow in her pussy and realized he was about to peak along with her. And some part of Lexi's brain -- maybe the only part that wasn't completely burned away in the inferno of orgasm -- told her that when her brother's hot seed blasted her womb her own explosion would go from earth-shaking to universe-destroying.

"Oh Lexi," Austin groaned, "Big sis, I'm going to..." Still roasting in that conflagration of indescribable pleasure, Lexi felt her brother's warmth slip away from her. Felt her pussy fall suddenly, horribly empty. Lexi almost sobbed with the sadness of it.

Something warm and wet hit her face. She forced her eyes open and saw her brother's incredible cock right above her. Another salty blast spattered over her lips. Lexi laughed. Sighed.

"You didn't cum in me?" Lexi said, somewhere between disappointment and relief. She fell back onto the hard ground, brown hair splayed everywhere. Body sticky with sweat and little brother semen.

"You told me not to," Austin said. He leaned down and hugged his big sister close. His embrace, so strong, yet warm and loving. "And I always do what my big sister says."

Lexi snorted in derision. But then she thought about how badly she'd wanted her little brother's seed and could only imagine how hard it must have been for Austin to pull out in that moment. To deny that biological urge so overpowering. In fact, thinking back on everything that had just happened, Lexi was amazed to realize that her little brother had been almost reverential as he rutted into his sister.

"Thank you, little brother," Lexi said, kindly, and kissed him lightly on the lips. But next time put it all in me, no matter what I say. Lexi almost said it aloud but stopped herself. Next time? Am I out of my fucking mind?

A cold breeze blew over them and the siblings both started to tremble against each other. Austin squeezed his older sister even tighter. The hard reality of what they'd done began to sink in. The sick melange of satisfaction and remorse. Absolute pleasure and complete and utter horror.

"Austin I'm so sorry, I..."

"Don't be sorry," Austin said. He grabbed Lexi by the cheeks and forced her to look at him. Her face and his fingers still sticky with his spend "Please be anything but that."

"Yeah?" Lexi asked, unable to keep the fear out of her voice.

"Yeah," Austin said. He leaned in and kissed his sister. They were both stone cold sober. The kiss was all the intoxication they needed. And Lexi, lost in a haze of guilt and post-sex pleasure, suddenly felt a hauntingly familiar twinge in her womb.


"We need to get back," Austin said and stroked his sister's cheek, lovingly. "Mom and Dad are probably worried about us."

The sky, once clear and bright, had gone portentously grey. The warm day now ran cold. Foreboding. But Austin could only bask in the warmth of his big sister and what they'd done. He knew he was supposed to feel bad. Guilty. All he could feel was a strange sense of satisfaction, like he'd conquered something impossible. Accomplished something incredible.

Reluctantly, little brother extricated himself from his sexy big sister. As he stood, Austin stared down at Lexi lying recumbent on the grass -- wonderfully, fantastically naked and covered in his spend. Her long legs, flat stomach, and firm breasts. And best of all, her incredible pussy -- covered in dark hair, nether lips still purple and engorged. Wanting.

God, how could he have ever avoided someone so amazing?

"You threw me down here," Lexi said, "The least you could do is help me back up."

Austin was pretty certain that it was his sister who had tackled him to the ground in the first place, but his memories were all tangled up and twisted and he could no longer say with confidence exactly what had happened and how. Besides, what was the point of arguing with his big sister when getting along was so much more fun?

Austin reached down to help Lexi stand. But as soon as the lithe brunette put weight on her ankle she howled and fell right back with a thump. She glared up at Austin, daring him to mock her pain.

Instead, the blond boy bent down and tenderly lifted his butt-naked big sister up into his arms. Cradled her to his chest like she was a baby. OK, a nearly six-foot-tall baby, but still. Austin had often appreciated the results of his big sister's workout routine -- the fact that it also made her relatively easy to carry was a bonus.

Lexi leaned her head into her brother's chest and wrapped her arms around his neck. Clasped him close. Austin's bitchy big sister had been nothing but sweet since things had happened. Almost like this was what she needed all along.

It sounded like that old stupid high school boy logic: 'She just needs a good dick.' Yeah right. Of course, Austin also felt more satisfied with life than he had in a long time. Maybe 'he just needs a good pussy' should be added to the teenage lexicon. Again, Austin wrestled with how he was feeling and how he felt he ought to feel. Incest was supposed to land you in therapy, not act as a substitute for it.

Austin slowly started hiking down the hill, Lexi in his arms. He didn't have a free hand for their bags, but at that point getting back to the camp seemed like the biggest priority. He could always come back for their stuff once everything was settled.

"You smell like piss, bro," Lexi said, smiling warmly.

"You smell like sex, sis," Austin said.

"I kind of like it," Lexi said.

"Me too," Austin said. He bent his head down and kissed his sister lightly on the lips. Whatever the pills had done, Austin felt clear-headed now. Like breaking through a fever. Yet the intimacy that the drugs had forced him into didn't seem to flag in the least. Was this still the chemicals coursing through him, or were these feelings real?

"Those pills..." Lexi said, like she'd been thinking the same thing.

"I know," Austin said. It didn't make any sense. The unstoppable peeing followed by the frantic fucking. It didn't seem possible that one little pill could cause so much trouble. Yet he couldn't find another explanation for the sudden invasion of the penis/pussy-snatchers. It was the only thing that connected both his and Lexi's behavior. But the rest of the family had taken the supplements, too.

"Oh fuck," he said, stopping suddenly. Like the realization had reached down and pinned him. "Mom, Dad, and Molly. Like you said before -- they must have been pissing like crazy too. Which means that... Oh fuck."

"I mean, I can't imagine it happening." Lexi said, "But I can't imagine how it didn't happen, either."

"Yes." Austin stood there like his feet were frozen to the ground. If the pills had had the same effect on the rest of the family... Obviously, his Mom and Dad would have been able to 'take care' of each other. But right in front of Molly? What would they have done about their youngest daughter?

Austin was well-aware of how the supplement affected someone. It went beyond requirement to something more. Things like proper behavior, appropriate boundaries -- they all went away like they'd never existed. As evidenced by his own behavior. Fuck.

"It's OK," Lexi said and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. "I keep telling you I'm not mad. We were out of control. Think of it like someone slipping you a roofie and then doing stuff with you. It doesn't change who you are."

"So great, I raped you," Austin said.

"I think we kind of raped each other," Lexi said. They started walking again. His sister's bare bottom bouncing in his arms. "And, yes, I kind of like the thought of that, too."

"So, Mom and Dad...?" Austin was still struggling with the thought of it. The straight line of A to B to C had never seemed more twisted.

"I mean probably," Lexi said, "Almost certainly."

"And Molly..."

"Yes," Lexi said, distantly, "Molly. I mean, we both felt that pull -- the necessity of it. I doubt a little thing like our baby sister's innocence would be much of a barrier to... Well whatever they ended up doing to get back in control."

"If they ever got control back in the first place," Austin said.

Lexi stiffened in her little brother's arms. Practically throttled him till he stopped walking and looked right into her eyes. "Hey Austin?"

"Yes, Sis?"

"I really appreciate you carrying me and all and I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but your thumb is like, right up against my, um... Well, my pussy. And..."

"Oh fuck!" Austin said and quickly moved his hand back. He hadn't even noticed himself sliding his fingers forward. But sure enough, his digit had dug itself right to the entrance of his big sister's furry sex.

"Well, actually, I was kind of hoping you might rub more?" Lexi asked. Austin really studied his sister now. She seemed to be straining against him. Then that now-familiar pain filled his own gut and he almost doubled over despite the woman in his arms. He didn't need to piss, he knew that for sure.

If they'd ever gotten back in control in the first place. Austin's previous thought hung in his mind. God, what had they done to themselves? To each other?

In order to get control, they'd need to actually fight for it. He had to train his body. Himself. Or they might be slaves to this forever. But he had to give in at least a little bit before he burst.

Austin slid his hand back up Lexi's inner thigh and this time, jammed it right into Lexi's dripping snatch. He felt his cock go as hard as it had ever been, bouncing against the bottom of Lexi's own backside. If he rubbed her good, Austin thought, maybe she would reach down and do the same for him?

"Yeah," Lexi said, dreamily, "Totally. I mean, the fucking is fucking great but it's..."

"Not a good idea," Austin said.

"Right," Lexi said, "But you can -- fuckthat'snice -- help me out and I can do the same for you."

"What are siblings for?" Austin asked. Probably not for this, he thought to himself. But it didn't stop him. He sawed his fingers back and forth in his big sister's wanting cunt. Found her clit with his thumb and started to rub it hard. It was a weird balancing act, but he got it. The only problem was his cock, which was now desperately seeking a way to do more than bounce against Lexi's hot little ass.

"Oh FUCK!" Lexi said, "I know your dick's amazing, but your fingers feel pretty fantastic, too. You keep doing that, I'll definitely rub you off. Maybe put you in my mouth. Do you want that? Let me suck on that wonderful, huge cock of yours? Your cum tasted so good before Austin -- I know I've been bad but if I suck you will you give your big sister a little treat?"

"Fuck yes," Austin said. He started rubbing Lexi's quivering quim even faster.

"Austin?" Lexi asked. There was a tremble her voice.

"What's wrong?" Austin asked, legitimately concerned. "What can I do?"

"Oh, your fingers. They feel so good," Lexi said, "But it's... It's not enough." Austin looked his sister in the eyes. Green and shining so bright they looked able to light the whole forest. His cock was aching like they hadn't just fucked a few minutes before. He realized it wasn't enough for him, either.

Austin started to shift slightly, to lay his big sister down gently on the ground. But that was far too slow for big sis. Lexi spun around his torso and wrapped her legs around his waist, hugging on like a koala on a tree. Then the lithe brunette reached down, grabbed her brother's cock, and stuffed it into her dripping cunt.

Austin groaned and nearly fell backward. He was back inside his sister and it felt so good. He couldn't imagine how he'd ever been crazy enough to stop. Lexi clearly felt it too. She latched onto his neck with her teeth, humping up and down like a crazed beast.

Austin tried to push back but there was nothing to give him leverage. He needed something for balance -- to fuck his sister into. He stumbled over to a nearby tree and slammed Lexi back into the trunk. Could feel her bounce off the bark. He didn't care. Just started plowing into his sibling. Both of them focused only on the junction they'd created between themselves.

there was a loud crack. Then a BOOM. Lexi started laughing like a maniac. Peals. The forest filled with a discordantly loud hush as the skies opened up and started soaking everything.

Austin began laughing too. Lexi buried her head in her brother's shoulder. Her wet hair plastered to his chest. Her breasts. Neither sibling stopped thrusting for even a moment. The rain coming down like the lake itself was being dumped onto them.

Austin felt his legs slip back in the mud.

"Whoah!" Lexi cried. They both fell to the ground. Disengaged. Austin rolled onto his back and moaned. Pain or frustration he couldn't say. The rain seemed to fall even harder. His big sister crawled over to him. She didn't even ask if he was OK. Just reached for his still-erect dick and lowered herself onto him. Lexi leaned down and kissed her younger brother. Her wet hair, almost black from the rain, slapped lightly at his face.

Austin kissed her back. He exulted as Lexi began riding his dick. Little brother reached up and grabbed at big sister's breasts. Lexi kept saying her boobs were too small, but Austin thought they were lovely. A little less than a handful, pointed pink nipples scratching at his palms. He leaned up to try and suckle one, but his big sister pushed him back down.

"Can't fuck you properly if you do that," Lexi said, "Next time. I promise you can sit and suck for as long as you like next time."

And Austin knew that it was true. There was going to be a next time and a time after that and a time after that. He saw it all in his mind's eye. All the different places and positions that he and Lexi were going to fuck in. Big sister was going to be permanently penised by her little brother.

Lexi seemed to see it all, too, because as soon as she said 'next time' her body stiffened, and her eyes crossed. She fell forward, her pussy cinching around Austin's cock, squeezing out his own orgasm. Something screamed inside Austin to cum -- to fill his sister up with his fertility. But no, he'd promised. And somehow that last shred of consciousness kept him grounded.

Austin threw Lexi off his cock. She landed in the mud nearby with a splash. He jumped up, stood over Lexi -- she was still shaking with orgasm -- and started pumping his aching member.

"No!" Lexi screamed. Thunder boomed. She knocked her brother's hand off his dick. Lexi stared up at him with something that looked beyond hunger. She started to stand, then fell back. Like an argument with herself. Finally she raised up on her knees and wrapped her mouth around her big brother's cock.

"Oh Lexi!" Austin cried.

"Mmhmmm," Lexi said. She reached back with her free hand and cradled her brother's balls. Coaxed him to fill her mouth with his spend. If he had been even anywhere close to conscious, Austin would have realized this was the best blowjob he'd ever had in his life. Lexi's pussy was great, but she was amazing with her mouth. But Austin's brain was so high on sex and chemicals he couldn't do anything except ride tsunami of need -- hold on tight and hope.

"Your mouth..." Austin was rambling now. The pleasure all too much. "So good."

"Whose mouth?" Lexi asked, so sexy with her tongue around his cock.

"Lexi's," Austin said, "My big sister's. My big sister's mouth is so goooooood!"

Lexi swallowed him deeper, practically taking his whole cock down her throat. And just like that, finally, it was all too much. Illicit ecstasy overtook him. Austin held onto his sister's shoulders and roared as he shot blast after blast down his sister's throat. The horny brunette hummed happily as she gulped it all down.

Finally sated, the two siblings fell back into the mud with a brown splash. Lexi crawled over to her little brother and pushed him back. Hung over him smiling. A thin line of his cum ran out of the corner of her lips. She licked it up, then leaned down and kissed him hard.

"Fuck I don't know how I lived without that," Lexi said. She patted his jaw. "Now let's get up or we're never going to get back."

Austin was still gasping from his orgasm. Reaching for recovery. He thought about how far they still had to travel. How frequently the 'episodes' seemed to show up. Suddenly even a few feet felt like an epic journey. "I don't... We've already done it twice and there's a long way to go."

"I know," Lexi said, "We'll have to do our best."

"Cumming down the mountain," Austin said.

"She'll be riding her hot brother when she cums," Lexi sang, a goofy smile on her face. The rain slowed down to a drizzle. The sun started to warm Austin's mud-splattered chest.


Christine lay on her back and stared up at the bright, warm sun. Hoping that, somehow, it would all turn out to be a dream. A nightmare. Anything was better than the reality.

The blonde mother had just fucked her husband, taken his load -- Begged for it. Screamed for it -- right in front of their baby daughter. And that wasn't even the worst thing she'd done that day. It might not have even fit in the top five. At least, Christine reflected, she had been with her husband at the time: someone she was supposed to have sex with.

The fact that Molly had watched her parents fuck was inappropriate, sure, but it hardly qualified as a problem next to the hundred other awful things they'd just done. A dark cloud slid across the sky and blocked out the bright light. Was the day suddenly getting grayer? Or was that Christine's morbid imagination?

Christine felt another glob of her husband's spend drip out of her pussy and down her thigh. God DAMN that man had cum a lot. He'd always been prodigious. He'd given her three kids before turning twenty-one, after all. But Christine couldn't remember leaking like this before. Come to think of it, James' cock had felt bigger than she remembered, too. Longer and definitely thicker. Good Lord. It wasn't the first time Christine was glad she'd had her tubes tied. She'd have been having triplets after that barrage, no doubt.

The mother and wife rolled onto her side. Her little breasts barely hung down. She, her husband, and their youngest daughter were all still completely naked. Lying splayed across the campsite like spent shotgun shells. Christine looked over at James. His penis lay flaccid on his leg. Another monster slain, Christine thought with a smile. Her husband's body was still muscular in his advancing age and the silver on his chest only made him seem more refined. Christine could see why her daughter had...

But no. That wasn't fair. Saying it that way made it sound like Molly had made a decision. Christine knew as well as anyone, they'd all been out of control. She'd wanted James' cock so bad, she'd have fucked him on the dining room table at her parents' house during Thanksgiving dinner. It hardly would have mattered.

The fact that she'd been able to keep her head for at least a moment and make the sacrifice for Molly, even temporarily, Christine was oddly proud of herself. In a very strange, totally irrational way. But still.

Christine eyed her daughter warily. Molly's flabby boobs and chunky thighs. The girl would be so pretty if she'd put in the effort. Well, maybe the events of the day might inspire Molly to finally get going. After all, if a good talking to from Daddy didn't work, maybe a good fucking from her father would.

Christine laughed at that thought. Her husband and daughter both cocked their eyes at her. The same exact expression. Genetics are wacky, Christine thought.

"It's OK," Christine said for what felt like the hundredth time, "The pills. We couldn't control it. Like a bad side effect. No one has to know. It'll be our secret. The three of us."

"Jeez, hon, do you think Austin and Alexis...?" James leaned his head on his hand. His handsome face creased with concern.

Christine hadn't even considered that. But the two older siblings had taken the same pills and so sure enough they'd almost certainly had to have... Fuck.

"OK, the five of us," Christine corrected herself. For a moment she had a picture in her mind of her oldest son fucking her oldest daughter and, to her horror, all she felt was tremendous jealousy. She quickly stuffed it back down.

"Mom?" Molly asked.

"What is it, baby?" Christine asked.

"Well, ummm how does your... I mean, how does it feel, like, right now?" Molly asked. Christine tried not to laugh at her daughter's innocence. This was the same girl who'd been impaled on her father's cock not so long ago. She should be able to say the words, at least.

"Does your pussy..." Christine stopped herself. At least be clinical! "Your vagina. Does it hurt? That's perfectly natural after your first time. Oh honey, I'm so sorry. This should never have happened this way. I thought I was helping you at the time, but maybe we should have found another way. Kept you safe. That was your first time and, I mean, I know that had to be horrible for you. Has to be. But it's OK and maybe it wasn't the worst thing. I mean, better than some teenager who barely even knows where to..." Oh my God am I actually rationalizing this?

"No, Mom, it's fine," Molly said, "I'm fine. It's just, my puss... I mean my vagina? It doesn't hurt, exactly but do you know what I mean?"

As Molly spoke, Christine found herself drawn to her husband's dick. It had been laying there like a tiny, shriveled worm only a second ago. But now it was as monolithic as ever. A deep dark purple and pointing outward. Throbbing. Harder and bigger than Christine had ever seen.

It was like an indicator. A flashing warning light. Not just about how her husband was feeling but her baby daughter, too. And then it came over Christine. That burning aching drive inside herself that didn't request a cock -- it screamed for one. Like having an unfilled pussy was the most painful thing in the world.

"Oh F... fu..."

Christine looked back at her husband. His face was as purple as his cock and he was sweating bullets. She felt so proud of him, working so hard to hold back. Well, Christine knew a damn good way to reward him. She crawled over to her husband, but was bowled over as James leapt past her and threw himself right on top of their youngest daughter.

Molly fell back, legs splayed. Father and daughter both groaned as they became one. Christine didn't feel proud of her husband at all anymore.

"Need to... need to take care of our baby first," James said. Christine could only twist her mouth in despair. She noticed her husband reach up and grab their little girl's big tits immediately, almost before he was done slamming his cock home. Taking care of their little girl. Riiiiiight.

"Oh Daddy," Molly sighed as her father filled her.

Christine ground her teeth but what could she say? "Just not inside," she said, "Like before."

"Uh huh," father and daughter said it in almost the same voice. The two of them began rutting in the grass. Grunting and groaning. Molly's thick thighs wrapped around her father, pulling his penis into her pussy as deep as she could.James buried his head in his daughter's breasts. Sucked at the engorged nipples like a baby. Held them like they were more precious than gold.

The two of them fucked like there was nothing else in the world. Made no sounds except the little, uncontrollable elicitations that only came with bodily pleasure. The occasional acknowledgement of who they were fucking, like that was an intrinsic aspect of their enjoyment.

"Oh Daddy," Molly said, "So good. I love my Daddy's cock so muuuuuch."

"And Daddy loves his daughter's pussy," James said, "Can you show me? Squeeze it for me. Bare down, little girl, like you're..."

"Uhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnn," the coupling couple moaned as Molly squeezed her Daddy's dick with her cunt.

"Oh, that's my girl. That's my baby. Oh, you're doing so good for your Daddy."

Christine did her best not to roll her eyes. Besides, she had a bigger problem. The painful burning in her center was only getting worse. From a blazing fire to a full-on conflagration.

Christine reached down to her aching sex and started rubbing. Pinched her erect little nipples. Like before, it barely did any good.

"James...?" Christine asked. Her husband paused mid-fuck to look up. "I'm sorry sweetie I..."

Christine smiled as her husband began backing out of their daughter.

"Daddy no!" Molly cried and clamped her legs around his waist. "You have to help me first. You promised!"

Christine resisted the urge slap her daughter across the face. How dare she even suggest that...?

"It's not fair to your mother, honey," James said. But Christine noticed his butt still bouncing back and forth. "After all, she's my wife."

"I know Daddy. God. I need it so bad."

"I know baby girl. Daddy needs it too," James said. He hefted his daughter's tits for emphasis as he said it. "Maybe you could at least help Mommy out?"

"That's not going to work," Christine said, the frustration of everything pushing the anger out of her. Like her emotions were so massive, she could only hold them in one at a time. "She's terrible."

Molly's face fell and Christine suddenly felt guilty. Alexis and Austin had been so easy to raise. They were real self-starters. But Molly, Christine was constantly having to build the youngest girl's confidence. If the A-kids were steel, Molly was glass. She could break from an overloud shout.

"OK honey," Christine said, "Let's try. But remember, Daddy has to finish in me, OK?"

"OK Mom," Molly said. Pouty. Christine crawled over to where her husband and daughter were fucking. Molly leaned her head back, making her mouth available for her mother. Christine slowly lowered her dripping sex over her baby girl's face. Molly made a muffled noise. Christine felt the tentative touch of a tongue on her clit. Then it stopped.

"James! Fuck! Could you stop fucking our daughter for one second and help me out here?" Christine said, all the excess frustration leaking out of her.

"Sorry honey," James said, "Of course."

He slowed and pulled back a little. Lifted. Christine could see her husband's penis where it met with her daughter's pussy. Seeing them connected felt odd. Wrong in her heart, yet also weirdly right in her cunt. Good lord, she practically gushed onto her daughter's face when she saw her husband's cock halfway planted in their baby girl.

"OK honey, here's what you're going to do," James said, propping himself up on his hands. His face was beet red. Holding back had to be so hard. Well it serves him right, making me wait like that, Christine thought. About time he had to deal with a little delayed gratification.

"Can you find Mommy's clit?" James asked, "Think about your own. Well, it should be in the same place."

"Uh huh," Molly said from between her mother's thighs, "Got it."

James gave his wife a questioning look. Christine nodded vigorously. Her daughter had found the right spot, all right. The blonde mother settled back, enjoying the tentative touch of her daughter's tongue. But almost as soon as Molly started a rhythm, she faltered.

"How's she doing, honey?" James asked. Christine knew to be conscious of her daughter's confidence.

"She's getting better," Christine said. Molly kept tasting and testing. It was less cunnilingus and more Vaginas 101. Almost clinical.

"Sorry, Mom," Molly said. God, her daughter really was useless at this. Christine had spent all that time raising her girls to be ready to deal with boys, who knew she'd be wishing she'd raised her daughter to be more of a lesbian?

Finally, as Molly's tongue once again slipped off that key spot, Christine snapped.

"FUCK!" she shouted and not in a good way, "I'm sorry baby but this isn't working."

"I'm trying my best, Mom," Molly said. James frowned at his wife, like this was somehow Christine's fault.

"I don't know why you can't do this, James," Christine said. Her husband seemed to think for a minute and then nodded excitedly. Holy fuck he was really doing it! He pulled his angry-looking cock out of their daughter's pussy and lay on his back in the grass. Yes! Christine was finally going to get the dick she deserved. Of course, she felt bad for Molly, but honestly, hadn't the girl gotten enough already?

Christine jumped up, ready to leap on her husband's dick like it was a grenade. But before she was even standing, James reached out and pulled their daughter to him.

"It's really simple, baby girl. Sit yourself down on Daddy's cock and do what feels good. I'll take care of your mother, don't you worry."

Christine stood in frozen shock while Molly once again impaled herself on her Daddy's giant dick. The blonde girl cooed as she lowered herself down, smiling happily. The puss that ate the rooster. As it were.

"Ok, Honey, it's all you," James said, looking upward. Grinning like he'd done a good deed.

Christine felt her fists clench. She forced them to relax. Slowly, she sauntered over to her husband and squatted over his face. Oh, where was the piss now that she needed it? She laughed to herself, cruelly for a moment. Picturing what that would be like.

Christine turned so she sat facing her daughter. The blonde teenager watched, entranced -- her father's cock buried in her cunt -- while her mother settled on her father's face. Christine's nether lips made contact with her husband's mouth.

He lapped upwards and for a moment Christine let herself luxuriate in her husband's licking. He did know all the right spots, after all. Christine began to settle down. This wasn't so bad. James was a master with his mouth and Christine knew she would cum plenty. Plus, when the time came, it would be James' cock in her pussy. His cum in her womb. So what did it matter if she got a little warm up time before the main event?

"Just do what feels good, baby," James told his daughter through his wife's thin thighs. The curvy blonde looked troubled as she tried to lift herself up and down on her Dad's cock. Christine felt James' tongue dance from her clit and curl in her hungry hole. Oh yes, this was going to be so...



Christine looked up at the sky. At some point during their escapades the day had gone dark. Then everything went from bone dry to soaked. This wasn't some light shower -- it was a downpour. For a moment, Christine thought that they'd all get up and sprint to a tent, but she should have known the effect of the pills by then. They weren't going anywhere. None of it mattered. Only the driving force that filled them with unending need.

James kept going on Christine. Switching from her canal to her clit and back again. Water ran down her chest, over her breasts and down her legs. Her shins already buried in mud. Christine looked across her husband's torso to her daughter.

Molly hugged her arms around herself in the cold. Her blonde hair hung limp and almost dark. Eyes wide. Lips trembling. James began bucking under his daughter, doing his best to help her along. Molly smiled at her Mother, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Fuck it," Christine said. She reached across to Molly and held her shoulders. Looked her right in the eye. "Mommy's going to help you, OK?"

Molly nodded. Christine slipped her hands past her daughter's breasts and grabbed at her sides. She wasn't fat, Christine knew, but she couldn't help but wonder at how much better Molly would feel with five less pounds. She grabbed hold of her daughter's extra flesh, hugged her close, and lifted her slightly. Then dropped her back down.

"See?" Christine said, "Like that."

Molly smiled. Christine leaned forward even more, wrapping her daughter in a bear hug (a bare hug, as well). She felt her baby's big breasts mash against her own tight tits. Holding her close, Christine started rocking Molly back and forth on her father's cock.

"That's a girl," Christine said, "You can do it. Mommy'll get you there, I promise."

re we doing OK for you Daddy?" Molly asked.

"Oh Angel, you could never do wrong," James said. Christine quirked an eyebrow.

"You think you've got it on your own now?" Christine asked her daughter.

Molly smiled. "Yeah Mom. I think I can try it."

"Good. Like your father said. Do what feels good."

"OK," Molly said. She started rocking herself slightly. Molly watched as her daughter's pussy hugged at her Daddy's dick. Clung to the shaft like it couldn't bear letting it go even an inch. Molly began gasping as she rode. Gaining a rhythm. A pace. Her big tits jiggled no matter how she moved but now they almost juggled. Like they were preparing to fly off. The young blonde's wet hair stuck dark to her chest and shoulders. Rain ran in rivers over her tits. Her lips were getting purplish in the cold.

"Cum baby," Christine said to her daughter, "I know you can do it. Cum for Mommy and Daddy. Show us what a good girl you are."

"T...trying," Molly said. Moving faster.

"You, on the other hand," Christine said and playfully slapped at James' flank, "You better let me know before you go, buster."

"Understood, honey," James said, "I know we made an agreement and I can..." But his words were swallowed up by his wife's pussy as she ground down on him. Christine settled in. Her husband was clearly too distracted by his daughter's pussy to make a full meal of eating her, but he did more than well enough.

Christine felt her husband's tongue flatten hard against her clit and a little lightning of her own shot up her spine.

"Oh God. Oh Daddy! Oh it feels so good but... Oh FUCK! I'm... I'm not..."

Christine thought about leaning forward again and rubbing her daughter's clit. But you know the old saying, give a girl an orgasm and she'll climax. Teach her to reach her own and she'll cum for a fucking lifetime. Or something like that.

"Molly you should feel something, like, at the front of your pussy."

Molly reached down and found her own clit. She started rubbing it absently. Lord, if she was as bad on herself as she was on other women, that poor girl was doomed.

"Yes, that," Christine said, "But also on the inside. Try to shift so that your father's head rubs against..."

"Oh!" Molly suddenly froze. Her one hand stuck in her folds. Eyes big as saucers. "Oh ffffFUCK!"

"That's the spot," Christine said.

Molly angled herself forward and began humping hard. Almost grinding. She was working her Daddy's dick so hard, Christine could see sweat pouring down her daughter's body and mixing with the rainwater.

"Oh g... Oh g..." Molly gasped, the words caught in her throat. "Oh GOD DAAAAAAADDDYYYY!" Molly arched her back, pointing her massive breasts to the sky. Christine swore she saw a little gush of liquid cover her husband's cock and for a second she thought he'd cum in his daughter, but no -- it was Molly's own juices. Soaking herself and her father.

"Oh FUCK. Oh Fuck. Ohfuck. ohfuckohfuckohfuck," Molly chanted then fell forward into her Mother's arms. Christine held her baby girl tightly as she trembled through orgasm after orgasm. Almost sobbing.

"Oh Daddy... Oh my Daddy makes me feel so good."

Christine was going to point out that really it was Molly herself who'd done most of the work, but she decided this probably wasn't the time.

"Mommy?" Molly looked up at Christine. God she was soaked. The storm seemed to be slowing, but it hardly mattered. They needed to end this and get inside. "Mommy I..."

"What is... What is it baby?" Christine asked. James was still licking at her pussy like a champ. Even better now because his daughter wasn't distracting him with her dripping puss. Another little spark of pleasure ran through her. Christine thought it would help hold things off, but it only made her want her husband's dick more. Need it. She spoke through gritted teeth, riding out the pleasure of her husband's tongue and the demands of her aching pussy.

"I... I want it," Molly said.

"I know baby, but it's Mommy's turn now, OK? You have to let Mommy have some, too."

"I want it so bad," Molly said.

"You just had it sweetie," Christine said. The frustration seeping through.

"Not Daddy's cock. His... hiscum." She said it so quietly, Christine could barely hear her over the rush of the rain. "I want my Daddy to cum in me. Please Mommy I need it so bad."

"What? No," Christine said firmly, "No honey you're not on the pill. And besides I know we're working through this together but that's still my husband. I wouldn't feel right if he did that. In anyone. Not just you. You understand, don't you?"

"But Mommy I'm the one that did it. Worked so hard. I'm the one that got him so close. It's not fair!" Molly shouted. She started to cry. Oh good LORD. Christine couldn't take it any longer. She shoved Molly to the side, got off her husband's mouth, and started moving for his cock.

"But whyyyy?" Molly asked, splashing into the mud.

"Because I said so," Christine said. She started to crawl back to her husband.

James slowly stood up. He was covered in mud and grass. His pendulous penis pointed outward. Christine began to wonder how Molly had ever fit that massive monster in her tiny, virgin cunt. Christine wasn't sure even her far more experienced sex would be able to nail the hammer that hung before her.

Christine was still on her knees in front of her husband. She started to reach up. To pull him back down so she could take him. She didn't care if that cock split her in two, in fact she wanted it to. Her husband reached down and squeezed her shoulders. Holding her there.

"Oh, honey, you know exactly what I want," James said. Christine felt herself being forced forwards. Oh fuck no! It wasn't fucking fair it really wasn't.... James' cock pressed against Christine's lips. She wanted to protest but at that point her body was willing to settle for something, anything. And her mouth was suddenly too full of cock to talk.

The rain finally stopped. The warm sun returned like it had never left. It felt odd on Christine's ice cold back. The mud on her legs. The water still dripping off of her.

Christine wrapped her lips around her husband. Maybe a few deep pulls and he would let her slide it into her dripping snatch. She tasted her husband's dick, his masculinity, but also a subtle something else: her daughter. Molly's cream covered James' cock like a glaze and Christine was getting a taste of it with every suck. It was humiliating, like cleaning her husband's cock for him after he'd gotten his pleasure from another woman. Their baby daughter.

Still Christine worked hungrily. She felt the desire for it. The want for her husband's spend. In her mouth was still better than nowhere at all. If she could strum her pussy at the same time, maybe that would be enough. That would have to be enough.

Christine felt someone lifting at her backside. Pulling her up. Molly. Well, at least the girl was trying to return the favor after that ridiculous request for her father's fertility. Christine resigned herself to more indifferent pussy licking -- it would be better than nothing.

Christine kept her mouth tightly sealed around her husband's dick and let herself be lifted up so she was on all fours. Allowed her ass and pussy be exposed to the open air. Her daughter. The world. She felt something slowly pressing against her pussy.

That didn't feel like a mouth.

It was hard and insistent and almost like a dick. Did Molly have a dildo hidden away somewhere? Because the only actual cock at the campsite was still in Christine's mouth at the moment.

Christine gasped as her snatch went from completely empty to totally filled. Thicker and deeper than anything she'd ever felt in her life. So rough it was almost like losing her virginity all over again. And suddenly, Christine knew exactly where the other cock had come from.

And her heart soared.


Austin walked past the lake holding his sister in his arms. They'd managed to get down the mountain, somehow, without making another stop. The rain had dropped down to nothing. It was still careful going. The trail was slick and a few times the two siblings had almost slipped into sledding their way down to the bottom.

Lexi was almost lifeless. Her wrists held tight around her brother's neck, but otherwise she hung limp. Eyes lolled back. A few times, Austin actually stopped to watch her chest rise and fall (also to check out her tits, they were awesome after all) to make sure she was still alive. He'd heard the term 'fucked the life out of her' before but had never seen it in practice. He wondered if this was a final side effect of the supplement: the body shutting down after so much effort.

But then, why wasn't Austin, himself, feeling sleepy? Quite the opposite, he was energized. Like he could carry two Lexis, if needed. Holding his sister's naked body -- the scent of her shampoo and her sex wafting over him -- that definitely helped give him strength.

Finally, he got to the bottom of the trail and started walking around the lakeshore. He heard sounds in the distance but couldn't make them out. Austin thought about putting Lexi down and racing ahead, but decided that leaving her there, by the side of the water, wasn't a good idea. Even if she did wake up (and he truly wasn't sure she would), she wouldn't be able to walk anywhere. What kind of brother would he be, leaving his sister alone in the mud?

As he got closer, Austin could see the family tents, still standing around the picnic table. The sun reflected off the side of the SUV like it had never stopped shining. Everything seemed fine. Although, what was he expecting, exactly? To see Godzilla munching on a tent while King Kong and Mothra went off-roading in the car?

Now, Austin saw what looked like three people lying on the ground near the fire pit. He couldn't tell them apart, but they seemed to all be writhing against each other. Their voices clear.

"Please Mommy, I want Daddy's cuuuummm. I need it inside my pussy, Mommy. So bad!" It was Molly. She was shouting it, tears streaming down her face. She had her arms around her knees and she was rocking back and forth. Her position kept most of her body covered, but Austin could still examine his baby sister's naked body for the first time. Her ample hips and breasts. It wasn't Austin's thing really, but he could still appreciate Molly's body.

Then Austin turned and saw Christine, his mother, lying nearby. Also completely naked. Her tits even smaller than Lexi's little ones and fucking perfect in every way. Christine's tight ass and well-shaped abs. Austin swore he could even see the blonde tuft of her pussy peeking up. God DAMN.

As Austin watched -- frozen in shock and desire -- Christine got off the ground and crawled over to her husband. James turned and smiled haughtily, presenting his penis to his wife. Like it was nothing, like they weren't all naked in the middle of a park with their children watching nearby, Christine leaned forward and dutifully sucked at her husband's dick. But Austin could see something was off. The way his mother seemed to shift her rump back and forth slightly. The way her feet curled. It was subtle, but to the attentive son it screamed. His mother needed something more. Something only her son could now provide.

Without another thought, Austin lay his big sister on the ground and sprinted over to where the rest of his family was rollicking in the mud. Molly was still on the ground, wrapped around herself. Her hand buried between her legs. James leaned his head back, eyes closed, reveling in how his wife was licking him.

Austin started to speak, but froze on what to say. Hey Mom, I'm here to fuck you? The idea, he knew, was right. In the marrow of his bones. But the verbalization sounded so stupid no matter how he put it together.

Instead, Austin simply slipped behind his mother. Austin stared down at his Mom's bubble butt. He ran his hands along her lean thighs. Holy fuck. Lexi was sexy but what he held in his hands? This was a woman. Sculpted and precise like a work of art, but real, warm flesh.

Austin slowly adjusted his mother, so she was up on all fours -- presenting her sex to her son. She let him move her like a doll. The only thing she seemed to fight was letting her husband's cock slip even a centimeter out of her mouth.

Austin gaped at his mother's pussy so well-presented. Nether lips a deep purple, clit extended like a tasting tongue. Austin felt his own need driving him forward. The dutiful son took his cock in his hand. Harder than he'd ever imagined possible. His balls throbbed in pain like he hadn't drained them in years. His heart thrummed against his ribcage. Austin leaned forward, spread his mother's lips with his free hand. Aimed his aching cock.

And, without a word, mother and son became one once more.

Christine gasped as her son's cock entered her. Arched her back and groaned. His mother's pussy felt so tight, for a moment Austin wondered if he'd hit the wrong hole. But no, Christine's brown star winked back at him, unmolested. Austin drew back, then buried himself a little deeper. He strained as hard as he could, yet he felt like he was still only about halfway in.

"Come on, baby," Christine said, words obscured by her husband's cock, "Give Mommy ALL of it."

To this point, neither of them had said anything. Like the silence made it safe. Now, though, Christine had spoken, and the floodgates seemed to open.

"Oh, my baby boy is filling me up so GOOD!" Christine cried.

James' eyes shot open and he stared right back at his son, the boy's cock half-buried in his mother's pussy. James' face went red. His fists tightened on his wife's short hair.

"It's OK James," Christine said, "I need it so bad. I'm sure Austin does, too. You got to with Molly. Let me have mine. I won't stop sucking. I'll take care of you, too, I swear. Pleeeeease."

Austin had never heard his mother sound so desperate. Pleading. It made him want to leap forward. Fight his father. James' face softened. He sort of half-smiled.

"Give it to her good, son," James said with a wink. It was clear he was trying to be convivial, but it still felt awkward as hell. "Just remember what we agreed, dear."

"Of course," Christine said. She bent her head down and went back to sucking. Austin slid back and finally -- finally! -- buried his cock to the hilt in his mom's tight pussy.

"Oh. Mom," Austin said, "So good."

"I know, baby," Christine said, "Mommy needed you so much and here you are. Such a good boy."

"I'm trying, Mom."

"Oh, you're doing way better than that. Oof. Just go slow. Not used to having something so big in there."

James glared at his son again, but then his eyes rolled back as his wife began hoovering his dick like she was pumping him for oil. Father and son slowly built a rhythm, spit roasting the skinny blonde between them.

Christine reached back with one hand and started diddling her clit. Her long fingers tickled against Austin's balls.

"That's it, baby," Christine said, "You're giving it to Mommy so goooood."

Christine suddenly stiffened and stretched, her body bending like she was doing a downward dog. Austin watched as his father's greying chest ran red, his jaw hung open. James roared and Austin flinched, the primal subservience of son to father. Then James stilled and went silent. He fell back, looking up at his wife with something a lot like awe.

"Did I do OK for you, honey?" Christine asked. Austin couldn't tell from behind, but he was certain his mother had just swallowed his father's load.

"Oh yes," James said. He mumbled a bit as he fell back on the mud. Eyes dim. The sleep seemed to be overcoming him, too, Austin thought. He felt strangely relieved.

"Our son, he's fucking me so good," Christine said.

"I'm glad," James said, sounding not at all glad.

With nothing else to focus on, mother and son became lost in their own world. An existence of only cock and pussy sliding against each other in rhythmic urgency. It was forever. It was seconds.

Austin squeezed his mother's muscular ass cheeks. He ran his eyes up and down her back. God, but she was perfect. The shape of her from angular shoulders to round ass. He was fucking his mother. Filling the very channel from where he'd once emerged.

Austin hadn't wanted to admit it to Lexi before. When she'd called him out for lusting after their Mom. Maybe because he hadn't admitted it to himself yet, either. Now nothing could be clearer to him. Fucking his big sister had been fantastic. But this? This was indescribable. It was every fantasy -- every wish and desire he'd ever had -- in one tight little package, moaning while he plowed her with his cock.

Christine's pussy gripped him, like it was made to wrap around her son's meat. Tight as all fuck and dripping wet. The way every inch of her body moved with him, it made their fucking into an athletic event -- like watching a gold medal figure skater or a prima ballerina. The way Christine's thighs and ass and cunt all worked together to please herself. Her son. That thin sheen of sweat dripping off her. The scent of her pussy so... familiar. Almost like home.

"Oh. Mom," Austin wanted to say it all to her, every emotion as it rushed through him, but didn't know how. Instead he kept mumbling. A long stream of syllables that seemed to move in the rhythm of his cock pumping his mother's cunt. "So good. Mom. Oh God. Want this. You. So bad. So right. Oh. Oh. Oh God. Need to. Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck."

And Christine seemed to parrot back to him. Like Mom and son had invented their own language that only they could understand.

"Oh yes. So good," Christine said, "My son. OH! My little boy. Not so little. Ha ha! His cock. My cunt. Oh fill it, baby. Fill me up. Please. Mommy... It's OK. Need it. So bad. Oh you're doing so good for Mooommmmy!"

Christine's body seemed to roll through orgasm after orgasm as her son fucked her. Austin didn't rub his Mother's clit or grip her thighs. He didn't alter his thrusts or change his depth. He didn't have to -- as if his cock was coated in make-Mommy-cum-chemicals.

Austin could feel his mother's every orgasm, instinctive. Christine's pussy clenched as tight as it could, then somehow, got tighter with each peak. Her back arched. Her body flushed. Like the next cum was beginning before the previous could ever end. Austin didn't need his mother to tell him what was happening, though she screamed it out, just in case. "Mooommmmy's cumming! Oh you're making your Mommy CUM!" Again and again and again.

Austin felt a new urge grip him. Not in his gut like before but in his balls. At the base of his cock. Unlike anything he'd felt with his big sister before.

"Oh... Oh FUCK! M... Mom? I need to..."

"Oh yes. Oh, baby please. It's OK. Give it to me. Give it to Mommy. Put it all in MMMMEEEEeeeeeeee."


James lay back on the ground, blown in all senses of the word. Christine was still gulping down the last of his spend. His muscles felt weak. His mind fuzzy. Above him, his wife was on all fours, her son plowing her from behind. The two of them had just started fucking, yet they already responded to each other like an experienced couple. Christine's face contorted in pleasure. Green eyes glowing bright. She didn't even have the decency to look ashamed whenever she caught her husband's eyes.

Then again, James thought, he certainly hadn't had any second thoughts while he was working over their youngest daughter. Quite the opposite in fact. With her wide hips and massive tits, buried in her tight virgin hole, James had only been able to focus on the fact that his baby girl seemed made for fucking. He didn't feel guilty about it -- he never wanted to stop.

But there it was again, that post-orgasm reality weighing down on him, and James felt like two people sewn together as one. The family man who looked at what he'd done, mortified. And the horny bastard that couldn't be more pleased that he'd fucked voluptuous Molly and filled taut Christine. That his son was now getting sloppy seconds from his wife was... OK, it was troubling. But James struggled to prune that jealousy to a shape that matched his own urges. What's good for the goose is good for the gosling. Or something like that.

sttill, it was hard for James to watch. Instead he turned and saw his youngest leaning back against the taut canvas of the tent. Her eyes shut. Molly's blonde curls rolled over her tan shoulders. Her legs were pulled up tight to her chest, and her cute little pussy, exposed in this position, had settled into a deep pinkish. She was barely moving. Chest rising and falling in sleep. She'd seemed so agitated before. Of course, they both had been.

James had wanted it, too. To fill his progeny with... well, more progeny, he supposed. In the moment it was almost like there was a voice shouting his head -- a fist grabbing him by the balls -- demanding that he inseminate his daughter. But he'd thought of Christine, of what she'd asked, and he knew his marriage was worth more than that. Some rational shred of his mind pushed back, and he felt far better for his restraint.

Molly had been almost inconsolable in the moment. Now, though, she seemed peaceful. Like maybe -- God willing -- the chemicals had finally been fucked out of her body. If Molly had made it through, maybe all of them could.

For himself, James wasn't as sure. He felt alright but that hadn't been particularly telling before. Christine and Austin were obviously still in the throes of it. Mother and son grunting -- groins slapping in time -- like some weird familial acapella act. What about Alexis? James had been so out of it, he hadn't even given a thought to his eldest child.

James glanced around and saw a pink, bare body on the far side of the picnic table. Pert little butt poking upward. Had Austin just dropped his big sister in the mud to go fuck his mother? James started to stand, but his legs wobbled and so he went back down. He crawled around the table to where Alexis lay.

The tall, skinny brunette seemed as dead to the world as her baby sister. Alexis was face down in the grass, body splattered with mud. Crusted with... Well, at least Austin hadn't cum inside her, James thought. His daughter was on the pill, he knew, but better safe than sorry. And how weird was his life now that he was thinking the words, I'm glad my son covered his older sister in cum?

James reached down and stroked his daughter's cheek lovingly. Her verdant eyes fluttered open and she smiled at him.

"Daddy?" Alexis asked. Not James. Daddy.

"I'm here, baby girl," James said.

"Austin and I..."

"I know. We all did. It's OK," James said.

"Oh, it was way better than OK," Alexis said, then giggled. "Are you and Mom...?"

"Come see," James said. He struggled to his feet and helped his daughter stand. But when Alexis put weight on her left foot, she crumpled. James left forward and lowered Alexis onto the picnic bench. He couldn't help but enjoy feeling her naked body in his hands. Her ass was particularly nice. She felt muscular like her mother, but still invitingly soft in places.

If Alexis was anxious about being naked in front of her father, about him being naked in front of her, she didn't show it. She sat back on the bench like this was nothing. Her little breasts -- bigger than her mothers' yet still nothing next to her little sister's -- sat firm and proud on her chest.

"What happened to your ankle?" James asked, concern overwhelming desire. At least for the moment.

"I twisted it on the walk up," Alexis said, "Oh Daddy, I'm so sorry."

"You have nothing to apologize for," James said. He rubbed his daughter's shoulders affectionately. He could see behind her that Austin and his mother were still bouncing against each other in the muck. The tall brunette didn't seem to notice. She was staring off in the middle distance, like trying to spy something out over the lake. "It was the pills," James continued, "It wasn't us."

"Like if someone slipped something in my drink, then did stuff to me," Alexis said. She said it in a way that sounded rehearsed. Like she'd recited the same words earlier.

"Exactly," James said, "It wouldn't be your fault, would it?"

"We raped each other," Alexis said, then chortled. Her eyes still unfocused.

"Oh FUCK! You're fucking Mommy so good!" Christine shouted.

"Jeez, Austin's really giving it to Mom, isn't he?" Alexis said, "And you're OK with all this?"

"No, but Molly and I, we..."

"Oh," Alexis said. She sounded strangely disappointed. "That makes sense. Sorta"

"Oh G... Oh God, Mom your pussy is so amazing!" Austin cried.

"Hey Dad?" Alexis suddenly gripped James' arm tight. "I know what we did was wrong. But, like, you'd be totally right to be jealous of what Mom's doing right now cause she's your wife and all. But me and Austin. I mean. And now I'm kind of feeling... Like is that wrong? Does that make me broken or whatever?"

"No, honey," James said. He took Alexis's head in his arms and held her to his chest. "No, it's fine. It's totally natural. You're fine." He kissed the top of his daughter's head. He kissed her forehead. She tilted her head up. He looked into her eyes, so very much like her mother's, and kissed his oldest daughter on the lips.

"Oh... Oh FUCK! M... Mom? I think I'm going to..."

"Oh yes. Oh, baby please. It's OK. Give it to me. Give it to Mommy. Put it all in MMMMEEEEeeeeeeee."

James shot up from the bench, eyes wide. His wife and son were still in the same position. Christine bent forward on all fours, head hanging down. Her little tits bouncing back and forth while her son pumped her pussy -- his hands digging into her ass cheeks -- face red with exertion.

"Christine, no!" James shouted. It was so loud, he swore it echoed through the valley.

"It's OK, James," Christine said, "I'm safe. Remember?"

"We promised," James said, shocked at how whiny he sounded, "you promised."

"It's OK," Christine said. Apparently, this was her new catchphrase. "It's OK, baby. Cum in me. Fill Mommy up. Put your seed in my womb. Like Daddy did to make you."

"Oh God Mom. I can't... I mean, I don't have a condom. I'm in you bare, Mom and I... I'm going to fill you with my cum. Fuck. I need it so bad," Austin said.

"I know, baby. Mommy does too. Be a good boy and give your Mommy what she needs."

James stood, there, frozen while Mother and son continued cooing at each other. The slaps of their naked bodies like little stabs in his chest. He knew Christine was safe. They'd had the surgery to be sure. But still. They'd made a promise to each other. Maybe it was a weird promise, but James had taken some odd solace in it. And now Christine was breaking it right in front of him. The whole family.

James felt a thin, feminine hand run through his chest hair. He looked down and saw Alexis standing next to him. Still naked. She smiled at him, coyly. She pulled his jaw to her and kissed him, hard, on the lips. Whimpered sexily as her father slipped his tongue in her mouth.

Alexis' hand closed around her father's cock. James felt his world focus down to a pinprick. Just him and his eldest daughter.

"Ohhhhh... Alexis," James said, "Lexi. Sorry. I know I should call you Lexi."

"You can call me Alexis, Daddy. Only you."

Alexis pulled her Daddy down by the dick, so he was sitting next to her on the bench. She began stroking up and down his cock. Licking her lips as she did it.

"Oooh, my Daddy's cock is so big," Alexis said, "I'm a lucky little girl."

James groaned and let his head fall back. Alexis' stroking slowed, but she didn't let go. James felt his first-born climbing over him. Her little pink nipple brushed his lips. James dutifully took his daughter's breast into his mouth. Alexis' tit had neither the epic size of her little sister nor the perfect form of her mother, but it was still a breast and lovely. Alexis sighed as her father licked around her erect nipple.

James felt his daughter steer his cock upwards. Felt the crown tickled by her dark, curly pubes and nestle, ever so slightly, in warm wetness. Alexis wasn't moving with the urgency of Molly or Christine. James didn't feel the aching burn in his core that demanded he do everything possible to quench it.

Yet here they were -- father and daughter -- about to connect in the most intimate, forbidden way. Was this still the effect of the pills? Or were they actively choosing to do this? James didn't know where the line was anymore.

Alexis hung above her Daddy's cock, like daring him to stop her. When James didn't say a word, his oldest daughter smirked and dropped down on her Daddy's thick, aching dick. Father and daughter moaned together as they wrapped each other in illicit pleasure.

"Oh Alexis," James said and kissed her hard on the mouth.

"Oh Daddy," Alexis said, as if agreeing, "It's in me. My Daddy's cock. The dick that made me. It's in my pussy. Feels so good."

"I know, baby girl."

The two of them stayed in each other's embrace. Rocking slightly against each other. Luxuriating in every little sensation. Then, it seemed that Alexis' patience ran out because she suddenly popped off her Dad's thighs like she'd been burned and started bouncing up and down on his cock with abandon.

"Oh fuck, yes!" the two of them cried in unison.

James was so entranced with his daughter -- watching her dark hair fly everywhere, her little titties trying so hard to bounce, that tight tight pussy gripping his dick -- he completely forgot about the world around him. Until suddenly, a thin male voice pierced through his pleasure.


"M...Mom? Mom oh god I'm..." James heard his son say. It seemed like his voice hit a higher pitch with every exclamation.

"Yes baby. That's a boy. You can do it. Don't worry, Mommy's here. She'll take care of it all -- just give it to me."

Alexis slowed on her father. The two of them turned to watch as James' wife and son fucked frantically in the mud. It was bright sunny out now and warm, but the ground still squelched with every movement. Suddenly Mother and son froze in place.

"Oh... Mommy," Austin said, "I can't control it. Can't stop.... FUCK! Here it cums!"

"Ooooooooohhhhh YES!" Christine screamed, "Oh fucking... Oh fuck YES I'm cumming so good. My baby is filling me up! fffffffFUCK!"

"Oh Mom! I'm cumming in you. Oh fuck. I'm cumming in my Mom's pussy. So good. Oh fucking... fucking... fuck."

James looked over as mother and son toppled over. Austin's cock still somehow buried in his mother's snatch. Both of them convulsing in some strange, shared seizure. Then they both went still.

At the same time, Alexis leapt into action. Bouncing up and down on her father like he was the world's greatest pogo stick. Alexis started gasping. She reached up and squeezed her breasts, pinched her nipples. She reached down and ran her hands through her father's chest hair. Laughing lightly as she did. Somewhere between confusion at what she was doing and wanton acceptance.

James groaned. This was the third pussy he'd been in that day -- the third family member he'd fucked -- and each was subtly different. Christine so urgent. Molly so affectionate. Alexis was somewhere in between. She had the stamina and experience of her mother. The softness and affection of her younger sister.

The other benefit of all that experience that day: James felt like he could have let his daughter ride his dick forever. He was going to last for a long while. James leaned back against the table and enjoyed every sensation.

Alexis seemed to sense his languorous disposition. "Am I doing good for you Daddy?"

"Oh yes."

"I know I've been bad lately," Alexis said. "Calling you James. Talking back. I know I don't deserve your reward."

"Oh baby, I understand. You've been..." James stopped himself. Maybe it was the pills again. Or all the frustrations of the day. What he couldn't do with Molly. What his wife had done with their son. Or maybe it was, truly, James' anger at his daughter finally bubbling over.

"You have been very bad," James said, severely. He reached his hand back and swatted his daughter's backside. Hard. Alexis gasped in pain. Then smiled. Her humping motion slowed. James felt as if his cock was now soaking in the hot tub of his daughter's cunt.

"Maybe you don't deserve this dick," he said.

"I do," Alexis whined, "I promise I'll be good. I'm sorry for being such a bitch, Daddy."

James reached around and slapped his daughter's bottom again. The taut muscle jiggled in a very satisfying way, but James couldn't get much purchase in this position. He thought about moving, but for all his 'anger' he couldn't bear disconnecting from his daughter. Instead, he reached up again and slapped Alexis' tit.

"Oh!" she cried, reflexively reaching up to protect her boob. Almost as quickly, she let her arm drop.

"That's for calling me James," James said, "Now what's my name?"

"Daddy," Alexis said. Her eyes really did start to well with tears. James leaned forward and took Alexis' tit into his mouth. Right as he felt her body relax, he bit her nipple.


"That's for talking back to me," James said, "You going to do what I say from now on?"

"Yes, Daddy," Alexis said.

James leaned forward and bit his daughter's other nipple. "And that's for cursing before. You're not a bitch. You're my daughter. My first born."

"Your best fuck?" Alexis asked, sort of quirking her lips. Oooh, that little bitch had him there.

"I love each of you different, honey," James said, "Being with you. It's special in its own way." Alexis nodded like that was a good answer, but both father and daughter knew the truth of it.

"Fuck me Daddy," Alexis said, "Make me feel special."

She began slowly climbing up her father's cock, then sliding down. Her pace moved faster and faster.

"I'm a good daughter," Alexis said.

"Yes you are," James said.

"And I'm going to get my good girl reward, right Daddy?"

"Whatever you want, baby."

Alexis reached down and found her clit. She began strumming it hard. Like the world's greatest guitar solo. And as she jammed on her pussy, her father drove the beat into her wanting quim. The picnic table creaked. A cool wind whipped over them. The sun was sinking under the western sky. James looked back and found his wife and son were spooning in the mud. His youngest daughter was still asleep against the tent. This was it.

This was the end.

James felt it building in him. Alexis was shaking now. Murmuring to herself.

"D... Daddy. Oh Daddy. Oh, that Daddy cock feels so good." She gasped and threw her head forward, almost cracking her father in the face. They both started to laugh, but then Alexis' body tightened, and their giggles switched to groans.

Impossibly, James felt another orgasm building. From what reserves he could not imagine. He lifted Alexis by the shoulders.

"We're so bad, Daddy," Alexis said, "You fucked your baby daughter. You let Austin cum in Mommy. Now you're... You're fucking me. Making me cum. I came on my Daddy's cock."

"I know, baby, I'm sorry. Daddy's... Daddy's getting close too."

"It's so naughty Daddy," Alexis said, "You can't cum in me. Can't put those Daddy sperms in your daughter's womb. The dick that made me. It can't knock me up. It's so wrong."

The words that should have made James slow, they only drove him faster. But as he felt his peak grow closer, suddenly it all hit James at the same time. Like reality was racing against desire.

His daughters. His wife. Fuck. They'd all done things they would never be able to shake. It would haunt them. So maybe it didn't matter what they did now. Because it was all in the pile and who cared about one more? But then, James realized that he cared. That maybe the only way to live with losing control was to fight to get it back.

If only for a moment.

James grabbed his daughter's hips and made her stop. Sighed.

"You're right, baby girl," James said, "I'm sorry."

James gently lifted his daughter off his dick. As he did it Alexis made a strange face. Almost sad? James started to think about sticking it back in his daughter, but she jumped back. He waited for her to shout at him. To cry. But instead Alexis dropped to her knees took his cock into her mouth. One swift slurp.

Alexis' mouth was impossibly tight on James' dick. She sucked so tight, so wet, with such abandon. Her eyes alight and oh-so-happy. She'd wanted him to say she was the best fuck and he couldn't. But holy fuck, he could honestly admit that his Alexis was unquestionably the queen of the cocksuckers. He couldn't imagine anything better than this.

"You taste so good, Daddy," Alexis said, reaching back to cup her father's balls.

"That's both of us, baby," James said. "Yours and mine. Together."

"Mmmmmm. Like it should be," Alexis said. She grabbed his dick with her free hand and started pumping. As if he needed any more stimulation. James' body jerked. He trembled. Before he could even warn his daughter, James exploded into her mouth. One long stream of cum.

"Ahhhhhhhhh." It escaped his lips like steam. Long and satisfying. Another jet. Another. Alexis gulped. Gulped again. She coughed and a little sperm leaked down her chin. But she kept her Daddy's cock tight in her mouth the whole time. As her father filled it with his seed.

"That's a good girl," James said, and Alexis smiled proudly. James cock finally melted on the warmth of Alexis' tongue. She let him slip out gently, then licked his cum off her face like cleaning up extra ice cream. She smiled at him, then didn't seem to know what to do with herself. Father and daughter. Naked and covered in each other's spend. Finally, Alexis did a curtsey, like a little girl on stage for the school play.

James laughed. Alexis turned bright red, but she laughed, too. They held each other, tight, naked bodies pressed together, as the sun finally gave way to darkness.


Christine woke up with the odd mixture of mud and cum in her mouth. Neither was particularly explicable. She felt a warm arm around her belly and squeezed it tight against herself. She realized she was naked. And cold. And the arm felt a little too muscular, a little too hairless, to be her husband's.

And it all came rushing back.

Christine was lying in the dirt. She felt her son's cum leak warm down her bare leg. She lifted Austin's arm and tried to stand. Her muscles ached as bad as when she'd run the marathon the year before. Christine gritted her teeth. No. Weakness was for other people. She forced herself to stand up and stretch. The lithe blonde felt oddly rested for napping on the hard ground, covered in mud, naked under the open sky.

It was dark, but the night was overfilled with stars. Like standing under a planetarium. Christine hadn't realized the effects of ambient light until there was none. The difference in the sky she saw in their backyard and the universe unfolding over them here at the lake was like going from watching a slide show to 4K HD TV. The whole galaxy looked down at her, so small and insignificant.

Christine took a deep breath and hugged her arms close to her in the cold. She resolved to recover her family. She found her husband lying on the ground behind the picnic table, spooning his oldest daughter. His hand cupped on her little tit. Well, it was a bigger breast than Christine's but in the grand scheme of things it was still small. Then again, compared to Molly, most women were lacking in the chest department. Christine chided herself. That kind of thinking was only going to encourage this behavior, not help her gain control of it.

She looked down at her life partner -- sleeping peacefully, his lips against the back of Lexi's neck -- and felt equal parts affection and revulsion. The things he'd done and didn't do. Admirable and awful. But Christine had been no better, had she?

She resisted the urge, then, to kick her husband awake. Instead she simply reached down and shook his shoulder. James groaned and blinked. He looked over at his naked daughter, his flaccid penis nestled in her apple-shaped butt.

Holy fuck!" James said. His shock made Christine feel a little better.

"Ohhhh, Daddy," Lexi said, "Not so loud."

James disentangled himself and stood up. He looked at his wife. Neither of them seemed to know what to say.



"We wanted one last chance to make memories together," James said. Christine started laughing. It wasn't that funny, really. But in the moment, with everything that had happened, the release was more than she could handle. The both of them started cackling like loons. Gasping for breath and wiping tears. James grabbed his wife by the shoulders and squeezed her tight.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"No. It's my fault," Christine said, "I'm the one that made us take those awful pills."

"You didn't know. How could you know?"

They kissed and held each other. Then they slowly went about rousing their kids. Lexi was already mostly up. Austin smiled at his mother knowingly as she shook him awake. Another glob of his sperm escaped her pussy as he did so.

"Daddy, you're naked," Molly said after her father woke her. The family slowly came to grips with what had happened. Molly was mortified. Lexi acted embarrassed, as well. Austin seemed strangely proud, however, strutting through the campsite like a rooster. The look on James' face told Christine that Austin's attitude was not going to last for long, though.

The Campbells went into their tents and got dressed. They were still spattered in mud and... other things, but everyone was too tired to think of marching down to the showers to wash off. Instead, they all covered themselves in layers. The evening was cool, yes. And being out in the rain had left their core temperatures a little short of normal.

But it was more than that. They had been naked in every meaning of the word. Exposed. The more clothing, the safer they all felt. Like long pants and thick sweaters could act as armor.

After he got dressed, James took some logs out of the trunk of the van and threw them onto the firepit. He got the kindling going and soon they had a roaring fire. Everyone was ravenous, no wonder why, and James got the nearby charcoal grill going. He'd brought steaks, originally for a final night's feast, but used them that evening, instead.

The family all sat on logs around the firepits and ate. James had brought beers and he let the kids each have one. Christine gave him a look, but he shrugged. If your kids are old enough to fuck, they're old enough to drink.

The Campbells all ate in silence, staring into the fire.

"It smells like piss, Dad," Lexi said, suddenly. It seemed like the first anyone had spoken in ages.

"Yeah, ummmm. Before? I may have urinated in the firepit," James said, "It was out of control and I didn't want to pee on the tents so..."

The whole family started laughing. The strange communal moment that, as before, was less about humor and more about cleansing. Pasting over the bad with good. They all started talking and joking. Like old times. The edge of the day never completely gone but dulled.

Then Molly looked up and said, in a small voice, "Do you think we're better? I haven't felt the urges since I woke up. Do you think it's gone?"

The family all looked at each other. Wary. The drug, the loss of control, had been terrifying. And yet also wonderful in the worst way. Assuming the effects of the medicine eventually wore off, the family knew they had to pretend it all had never happened.

It would be hard, of course. This was deep trauma and that didn't just wash away. But the memories would slowly scar over and eventually even fade. Normal was still within reach. Every family had its little secrets, and this could be one of theirs. Moving on was the only rational response.

But could they?

The thought of stopping, no matter how "right" they each knew it was, left a hollow feeling in their guts. An ache of loss and regret. But what did it mean if they started doing these things because they wanted to? What were the consequences for themselves, for their family? For their friends and neighbors? For their entire lives?

The Campbells found themselves trapped between two choices -- both too horrible for words. And thus, they said nothing at all.

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