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13.21% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 542: Fucked Up Family

Chapitre 542: Fucked Up Family

As James Campbell looked over his shoulder to back the car out of the driveway, he glanced at his three children, sitting primly in the backseat. It made him sad. As serene as the siblings seemed in the moment, James knew the trio would be at each other's throats before they even got to the highway.

His oldest daughter, Alexis -- long dark hair hanging down to her chest and deep green eyes -- was looking out the window like she was planning her escape route. Her younger brother, Austin, was on the other side. He had blond hair like his Mom, close-cropped, and blue eyes like his Dad. He stared out the other window, almost a mirror of his oldest sister. If the two of them knew they were matching each other, they'd probably move simply to spite each other, James thought.

Only his youngest -- Molly, just turned 18 -- smiled slightly at her Dad as he looked back. Molly's eyes were blue like his, but so pale they were practically gray. Like Austin, she had her mother's golden hair, but it fell in ringlets all the way down to the middle of her back.

James sighed and tried to concentrate on driving. They'd just bought the new SUV. It made way more sense for caravanning three older children, but maneuvering the thing was a bit of a production. He felt more like a school bus driver than a Dad.

James felt a hand on his leg and looked over. His wife, Christine, smiled at him warmly. Unlike most 39-year-old moms, she had actually slimmed down compared to when they'd first met. Christine proudly proclaimed she had less than 15% body fat and, boy, you could tell just by looking at her. Even her hair -- blonde like Austin and Molly, but straight and jaw-length short -- looked almost sharp. James smiled back at his wife. She might look tough, but he knew she was still the kind, caring woman he'd met in high school.

James had been a football jock and Christine was a science geek, but, somehow, they'd found each other. The couple was always careful, of course, but inexplicably Christine got pregnant anyway. The doctors said something about James having 'unusually potent sperm.'

Christine was devastated. She was still in high school and her whole life was in front of her. But giving up the baby didn't occur to either of them. Instead they quickly got married. Christine stayed in school and James went off to get a job.

They named the first baby Alexis. Austin and Molly soon followed. The third pregnancy was the final straw and Christine had her tubes tied. It was safer for everyone that way.

Despite the setback of having children young, both parents were extraordinarily successful. Christine was one of the leading ophthalmologists in the state and James was a high-level executive for a major pharmaceutical firm. The kids hadn't suffered for their parents' careers, either. Alexis, Austin, and Molly were all attractive, intelligent, successful children with bright futures ahead of them.

Yet for some reason James still felt oddly unfulfilled. He'd just turned 40 and, for the first time he could remember, his age was weighing on him. Maybe it was that the kids -- now 21, 19, and 18 respectively -- were moving out of the house. Although, the way they'd been acting lately, he was starting to wish they'd just go already. We need to get a dog, he thought.

"You seem distracted, hon," Christine said, her hand still resting on her husband's leg. Her fingers lightly teasing at his hair, "Everything OK? You want me to drive?"

They'd only gone a few feet down the road. The campsite was still hours in front of them. James already felt tired. But he smiled and shook his head. Something about giving up the wheel felt like surrendering. So he made himself sit up a little straighter, took a big gulp of his coffee, and focused on the road.

The car was actually quiet for a while and James began to relax. Maybe they would have that nice family trip after all. But as soon as he pulled onto the highway, just as he'd feared, the kids started arguing.

"Stop touching me, perv!" Alexis said, slapping at her brother.

"How can I be touching you if I'm all the way over here?" Austin said, slapping back.

"I don't know, maybe you're using your extra-long perv fingers or something," Alexis said. She reached across the seat and gave her brother a good, hard pinch on the arm.

"Or maybe you're just extra fucking crazy," Austin said and tried to pinch his eldest sister back.

"Ow! That was me, you jerk!" Molly said, slapping her brother.

"Stop hurting your baby sister!" Alexis said, and hit him, too.

"Moooom Daaaad, the girls are picking on me," Austin said.

"God..." Christine said, turning around to glare at her children, "This is the last trip we're going to have together for a long time. Can't you all, like, get along for a little while?"

"How much further do we have to go, James?" Alexis asked.

James ground his teeth and gripped the wheel tightly. This was his eldest daughter's newest thing: calling her parents by their first names. Her way, in her words, of being 'adult.'

"Mommy and Daddy are baby words," Alexis had said.

Christine told him it was only a phase and he should ignore it. But it made James nuts and Alexis seemed to know it, which only made her do it more. What was so wrong with calling him Dad, seriously?

"It's another two hours, Alexis," James said.

"Ugh, James I told you I want you to call me Lexi," Alexis said.

"Maybe if that was your name he'd call you that, Sis," Austin said.

"At least I'm not named for some stupid stoner town in fucking Texas, Bro," Alexis said. And then the arguing in the backseat started all over again.

James rubbed his eyes like he was trying to grind them out of his head. He'd planned this lake trip for months. One last family trip together before they all abandoned him to old-man-hood. The trunk of the new car (And the seats. And the roof) was filled with new tents, camping equipment, fishing rods... At one point, James had joked that he felt like he was buying a brand-new life. Now he wondered if that was true.

And, worse, if he had failed.


Christine thought the fighting would get better once everyone settled in for the ride, but, if anything, the kids only bickered more. Worse, her husband seemed to be physically pained by every angry word. Christine swore she could hear his teeth crunching over the roar of the engine. She reached over and patted his leg again.

"You're so tense, hon," she said, "And you've got such low energy. Don't worry, I think I have just the thing."

The whole car groaned, James included. The family was well indoctrinated on the nature of Christine's health program. It had started after her residency. After all those crazy hours (not to mention the three kids), she'd become addicted to caffeine and junk food and it showed. She'd found herself flabby in all sorts of places, started getting acne like she was 15 again, just hated herself. The person she saw in the mirror.

So, Christine started exercising a little. Then a lot. She changed her whole diet. It was constant work, but she was in better shape now than she'd been in her entire life. But Christine wasn't content to keep her new lifestyle to herself. She felt so much better and she wanted her whole family to feel the same way.

She loved that her husband still had an athlete's body, and with her help, he'd kept himself trim. The couple both worked out together and their competitive natures kept things fresh. Sure, James had some crinkles around his eyes and his hair was going silver at the sides, but otherwise he could easily have been mistaken for ten years younger.

Their children were all also in excellent shape, though Molly had put on a little baby fat through puberty and was still sloughing some of it off. Still, Christine thought, why feel good when you could feel even better?

So, the whole family had done crossfit together and went paleo for a while. Did all kinds of cleanses and took special supplements. Christine thought of herself as a kind of family chemist, experimenting with different combinations till she found the perfect one.

"You all complain about the pills now," Christine said, "But when you have twice the energy and none of the mopes, you'll be thanking me."

"Or we'll all be crapping our brains out," Alexis said, "Remember the cranberry cleanse?"

"Oh God," Austin said, "I still get nauseous whenever I see a bottle of Ocean Spray."

Well, Christine thought, at least the kids were agreeing on something. Even if it meant they were all united against her.


It was only three hours of driving, but by the time they pulled up to the campsite, Austin was already done with the vacation. His big sister, Alexis, was up his ass the whole drive and the rest of the family seemed happy to fill in behind her. Even his Mom, usually his champion, had seemed perfectly happy to sit back and let his sisters have their way with him.

As soon as his father stopped the car, Austin leapt out like he thought the engine was about to explode. He stood off to the side and stretched. Soaked in the momentary freedom. Even through his anger, Austin found himself glorifying in the view. Not the lake -- the lush valley, the rush of the distant waterfall, the clean smell of grass and pine. No, there was another, far more enchanting, scene that Austin was entranced with. One he couldn't stop enjoying, no matter how wrong he knew it was.

Alexis got out of the car first. Lexi, he corrected himself, though he didn't know why she'd decided to take start calling herself that. Like it made her a different person or something. Austin thought it was so fake, which was why he insisted on calling her Alexis, no matter how many times she corrected him. Austin hated his sister, truly, in a way that only siblings could despise each other.

That's what made his current obsession so much harder (and boy were those words appropriate). Because as he glared at Alexis with hatred, Austin also ogled her with lust. It wasn't a conscious decision to feel this way (quite the opposite, in fact), but even now, watching his older sister get out of the car, Austin wondered how he ever could not appreciate his sister.

Alexis was tall, almost Austin's height, and thin like their mother. Raven black hair and bright green eyes. She had almost no chest, but she still had a great body -- her long legs, in particular. Austin imagined them wrapped around his waist many times while he was...

Well, there was no point in dwelling on it.

Molly got out of the car next. Austin's baby sister was almost the opposite of Alexis. About a foot shorter than him with broad shoulders and flowing blonde curls, Molly was curvy as hell. She didn't appeal as much to Austin, he liked his girls skinny, but he could still appreciate his little sister's massive tits and plump, prominent ass. Molly didn't feature as often in Austin's fantasies -- and when she did she was more of a side-feature (if you get the meaning) -- but he still enjoyed watching her.

Finally, Austin saw his Mom coming around from the front of the car. She was about Molly's height, but she had Alexis' body, all the way. Better than Alexis', being honest. His mother was a machine. Muscular and taut with these deep green eyes that seemed to burn right through you. Austin appreciated Molly and he wanted Alexis, but his Mom? Austin thought she was the most sexy, incredible woman he'd ever seen.

Christine looked over at her son and seemed to catch him staring. Austin quickly glanced around for a distraction. Reflexively, he pulled out his phone and flicked it on. Nothing. Not even the echo of a signal reached into the park. He was walking around with a big black brick in his pocket for the duration of the trip. Damn.

Austin's father came over and looked down at the phone.

"No signal?" James asked, he sounded as excited as Austin was distraught, "Good. We've got better things to do than stare at screens all week."

Together, the two men unpacked the car and set up the tents. There were three of them: one for the parents, one for the two girls, and a single for Austin, himself.

As they worked, Austin did his best to focus only on the natural spectacle surrounding them. They had a secluded spot about a ten minutes' walk to the water. Bathrooms and showers were also about ten minutes away in the other direction. The campsite was surrounded by trees. There was a small picnic table, a charcoal grill, and -- most importantly -- no people. It really was beautiful. Frustratingly secluded and silent, but beautiful.

While the men set up the campsite, the women worked on putting lunch together. Austin's stomach growled. His father gave him a knowing smile. Austin only hoped he looked as good as his Dad at 40. The man was fit, tan, and the little bit of silver in his dark hair only made him look distinguished rather than old. Austin knew that most of the guys at school lusted after his sisters. He also knew a good many that drooled over his Mom. But he'd yet to meet a girl who didn't absolutely swoon when they saw his Dad. Austin couldn't help but be jealous of that.

Austin looked over at his Mom. She was leaning slightly over the table, causing her perfect ass to poke out like she was getting ready to be taken from behind. Her little tits hung down in her light blue t-shirt. The muscles in her arm, strained. His Dad got to be with that woman whenever he wanted. Oh, Austin definitely couldn't help but be jealous of that...

Austin felt a hand on his shoulder. His father. Austin's heart seized like his Dad was squeezing it rather than his arm.

"Enjoying the view?" his father said. Shit fuck shit!

"Yes, it's ummm, very nice?" Austin asked.

"I love this place. The lake. The trails. It's so peaceful. Tough to find a place with no people these days, you know? For us to be together as a family with no one else around, I don't think you understand what a rare treasure that is."

Austin's chest loosened. He stood a little straighter.

"Yes, Dad," he said, "I always liked coming here when we were kids."

"I know you've been having trouble lately. That whole mess with the party..."

"I told you, Dad, that was Finn. Not me."

"And the car..."

Austin looked down at the ground. He didn't have an answer to that one.

"It's perfectly natural after high school to wonder where your life is going. Especially if you aren't getting a degree."

"College isn't for me. I know you don't get it, but at least try to respect my decision, OK? Do you really want me wasting a hundred grand on something we both know I won't succeed at? Besides, Chef Paul says I've got real talent."

"No, I know," James said, "I appreciate you being honest with us. With yourself. Which is kind of what I'm trying to get at. Your mother and I are both very proud of the man you've become," Austin's father took both his son's shoulders in his hands now, looked him straight in the eye, "Despite everything else that's been going on, we know that you're becoming a respectable, responsible young man. You're going to make some girl very happy someday."

"Is this the grandkids speech, Dad?" Austin asked, "Just because you and Mom were already working on your second at my age..."

His father laughed. "No. It's the 'I'm honored to have you as a son' speech. Grandkids? Eh, they can wait a few years yet."

Austin's father clapped him on the shoulder, and then the older man walked over to the picnic table. Austin smiled. Suddenly the valley seemed far brighter than when they'd arrived.


James sat down at the picnic table feeling good about himself. They'd made it to the lake in record time. The camp was all set up. Nothing to do now but relax and enjoy his family.

James had meant every word he'd said to his son. He really was proud of the boy, of the man he was growing into being. He didn't want to admit it to himself, but he was a little jealous, as well. James remembered being young, but he didn't recall ever being as studly as Austin with his broad, muscular chest and playful, boyish smile.

Every now and then, James thought he caught his wife appreciating their son, as well, but he quickly arrested his thinking. Maybe his suspicions came from the fact that James, himself, often found himself eyeing their female offspring. As his daughters joined him at the table, James had to concede that both had grown into young beauties. Alexis (he knew he was supposed to call her Lexi but he couldn't) was almost as tall as him with long black hair and an athletic build like her mother's, but with some of the younger curves still intact.

His youngest, though, Molly -- his baby girl -- she was something else. Her blonde hair, running in ringed rivulets that practically kissed the middle of her back. She was shorter and rounder than either her mother and her sister, and it gave her assets that overwhelmed the others by far. Christine talked like Molly was fat, which was ridiculous. The girl's stomach was almost as flat as her mother's. She was just curvy and... Damn. All James saw was a healthy young girl with a knockout body that any boy would beg to be with.

Christine put a tray of food down on the table, then sat down on the bench next to her husband. Austin reached for a sandwich, but Christine pushed his hand away.

"Prayers, really?" Austin asked. James chuckled. The family was religious, yes, but not devout. He believed strongly in God and His church. But you heard about some real crazies out there (This one story he'd been told about a woman from a nearby parish who'd essentially impregnated her daughters to stop her son from masturbating was particularly disturbing. It gave James the shivers just thinking about it). He was proud that the Campbells weren't a part of stuff like that.

"No, honey, first I want you to take the supplement," Christine said, "I think we all should."

The kids all groaned in unison. Even James felt a little whine slipping out of his mouth.

"Come on guys," Christine continued, "You're all clearly worn down and the day hasn't even started yet. Don't you want to be energized?"

"Energized, yes. Constipated? No," Austin said.

"Or worse, the other way around," Alexis said, "I know the bathrooms are usually clean here, but I don't want to spend all week in one."

Molly didn't say anything, but she looked off to the lake like she was thinking about making a run for it.

"It's not that kind of cleanse," Christine said, "Dean gave it to me down at the health shop. You'll just pee a little more, that's all."

Christine was always trying new things from her favorite health nut, Dean. James was almost positive they weren't fucking, but (like with their son) part of him had to wonder. Of course, James was being overprotective of his wife. Something about getting older was making him act oddly, he knew it. But that didn't mean he knew how to stop.

Christine cleared her throat loudly, then glared at her husband. Oh yes. United front and all that.

"If your mother thinks it's a good idea, we should try the supplements," James said.

"OK, Daddy," Molly said, "If you say so." She smiled at him obsequiously and he couldn't help but grin back. At least someone was still Daddy's girl.

"OK, Christine," Alexis said, "I'll take one."

"Heck I'll take two," Austin said. Christine smiled, but gave her son one pill like everyone else.

hristine made sure everyone had a supplement, then watched as they all swallowed. Everyone stared at each other, silent, like they were expecting someone to grow horns. Nothing happened.

"You're such a Mama's boy, Austin," Alexis said. She deepened her voice, "Gee, Mom, I'll take two."

"And you're such a bitch," Austin snapped back, "What, are you ragging it this weekend?"

"Austin, shut up! Christine, don't let him talk to me that way."

"I hit a little close to home there, Sis? The way you act, I figure you're always riding the crimson wave. Is that it? You're PMSing 24-7 now?"

"Austin don't talk that way to your sister," Christine said. Austin looked at his mother like she'd slapped him. Surprised, sad, hurt.

"Maybe I would be in a better mood if I didn't have to put up with my pervy little brother," Alexis said.

"Kids, please stop," James said.

"Ow! Don't you fucking hit me!" Alexis said.

"Mom, Alexis said a bad word," Austin said, "Ow! And she hit me, too."

"My name is Lexi!" Alexis screamed. The siblings started shoving each other, harder and harder. Austin flopped backward and suddenly picnic table creaked and tipped over, spilling lunch onto the grass. Brother and sister didn't even pause, they just kept brawling right there on the ground.

"God... FUCK!" James yelled. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been this mad. He leapt up and ripped the siblings apart from each other, like grabbing unruly kittens by the scruff of their necks. "What are you two doing?"

"He started it," Alexis said.

"I did not," Austin said.

"Both of you," James felt his rage rising and he took a deep breath. Held his anger right at the boiling point. "Look at what you've done."

The two siblings glanced sheepishly over at the table, now toppled onto its side. Sandwiches scattered across the grass. A couple of mallards waddled over and started pecking away happily.

"We'll clean it up, Dad," Austin said, grumbling.

"No," James said, "Not good enough. You don't get to undo it every time you make a mess. I don't know what's wrong with both of you but you're going to figure it out. Right now. This minute."

James took another deep breath. Christine, Molly, Austin, and Alexis were all staring at him. He felt on display in a way that wasn't at all comfortable.

"There's a trail about ten minutes from here," James said, "The waterfall on the far end of the lake? That's a river running down the mountainside. The trail follows the course of the river, all the way up to the top. You two pack your gear and go walk the trail. Don't come back until you've made peace. Permanently. Got it?"

"But what if...?"

"Figure. It. Out," James said.

The siblings both nodded. At least the kids still listened to him sometimes. Alexis and Austin quickly picked their daypacks off the ground and scampered off toward the lake.

James watched them go and sighed. He didn't know if what he'd done was wrong or right or whatever. But at least he finally had some peace and quiet.


Molly huddled over by the tents while her father yelled at her brother and sister. As she watched him, she felt odd. It wasn't fear. Her father was so tall and strong. Molly thought he could be imposing, certainly. She could have been mad at her brother and sister for spoiling their lunch and making Daddy angry. But she wasn't feeling that either.

Instead, Molly felt her heart soar. She was sweating a bit, too. And, weirdest of all, she felt a kind of odd tingling. Down there. Almost like a warm honey was dripping out of her sex. Which was odd. Molly had been with boys a few times -- just kissing and stuff, nothing serious -- and she'd never felt anything like that. Maybe Austin was right, she thought, but about the wrong sister: maybe it was her that should be ragging it. But that didn't make any sense, either. She'd finished with her period about a week before.

Molly was starting school in the fall. She didn't want to go. Alexis went to State and Austin was working at Chez Allez two towns over. But Molly had to go halfway across the continent for college. It was the best medical program in the country, as Molly's mother was constantly reminding her, and worth the extra effort.

It was that same refrain. You need to put in the extra effort. You don't work out hard enough. You don't study long enough. You can't keep settling for second-best. Her mother should have had a t-shirt made or something, for all the times she said it. It wasn't fair -- Molly didn't see her brother and sister stuck with those expectations. But because she couldn't live up to them, Molly was being sent away.

Once her older siblings walked off to hike the trail and find true happiness or whatever, James slowly set about cleaning up after them. Molly tried to help, but her father wouldn't let her. So, she stood to the side and watched his muscles bulge as he turned the picnic table back over.

James wasn't an old guy -- certainly not old-old -- but Molly knew he was getting up in years and she was proud of how in-shape he was. He could outrun most of the other girl's Dads, she was sure. He was stronger than them too.

Molly looked at her father's tan skin. The little wrinkles at his eyes. The beginnings of grey on his arms and the tuft of chest hair that snuck out the collar of his polo. Yeah, her Dad was a looker for sure. Molly reminded herself she wasn't supposed to think that way, but she couldn't help it.

Of course, Dad ended up with someone like Mom, Molly thought. Christine was beautiful and sexy. 'A real MILF' as one boy at school had once said.

Molly looked down at her own body in disgust. She'd never be able to get a guy like her Dad. Her thick thighs and dumpy ass. Her big stupid chest sticking out. Why couldn't she have regular sized tits like Alexis or, even better, little ones like Mom's? She knew some boys liked big boobs, but to her it was a reminder of how she couldn't live up to the standard her mother had set. Molly worked so hard. And still she felt like a useless blob compared to her overachiever family.

"Honey, do you want to eat?" James called over to his daughter, "Your Mom put together a new bunch of sandwiches."

Molly looked at her body again and hesitated. "No thanks, Daddy. I'm not really all that hungry. And I don't want to get any fatter than I already am."

"Oh Honey," James jaunted over to his daughter. Squeezed her tight. "I think your body is perfect."

Molly felt a fresh batch of tingles 'down there.' Christ, it was practically dripping into her panties! What the hell was wrong with her?

Her father gave her another tight squeeze and Molly felt it right in her bladder. Oh, that made so much more sense.

She had to pee. Suddenly. Really really badly.


Lexi walked in front of her stupid, disgusting brother, muttering to herself. At first, she'd let him lead the way to the lake. But then she decided that she wasn't taking orders from some meat-head, so she insisted instead that she had to be in front. Once they started walking again, though, Lexi realized that the little perv was probably ogling her ass with every step. God, there was no winning with this, was there?

They went past the lake, waterfall rushing down over the rocks and into the water. It really was beautiful here. Lexi hadn't appreciated it when she was younger. The path that James had set them on was off to the left of the water. It ran right up the hillside -- so tall and steep that Lexi couldn't see the end of it. Well, at least it was clear what they were in for.

There was no grass on the path, only dirt covered in dead leaves with the occasional tree root sticking out just to make things interesting. Lexi had been working out like mad the last year and she was really proud of the results. My body's almost as tight as Christine's, she thought. OK, she hated being so tall and her tits were too small, but she couldn't do anything about those things. She was apex Lexi, and she was proud of it.

But between the steepness of the path and the weight of the pack on her shoulders, Lexi found herself struggling. God, why did James have to punish her like this? It wasn't her fault that her brother was such a dildo.

She heard him groaning behind her. Austin was in great shape, he was a star athlete in high school, and even he was having trouble with the hike. Well it served him right for being such a pig.

Lexi didn't know why she hated her brother so much. He just bugged her. His voice was annoying and the actual words he said with it were even worse. He thought he had such a great body with his toned chest and broad shoulders. Like a hotter, younger version of James only with Christine's golden hair. Like that made him special or something.

Lexi's foot slipped slightly on a rock, but she quickly straightened herself again. She felt her ankle twinge in pain, but she forced herself to keep going. Fuck this fucking hike with her stupid fucking annoying brother!

"You started it," Austin said between gasps.

"I did not," Lexi replied. The height of rhetoric, she knew. She was a smart girl -- she was at State, yes, but that was a choice. She could have been at any school in the country. Leaving home -- at the time she'd had a bunch of close friends from high school and a super serious boyfriend and it made sense to stay.

Then the friends all moved on (or turned out to be colossal skanks) and the boyfriend split, and Lexi suddenly found herself wondering what it was all supposed to be about. If she was at the wrong school, the wrong place in her life, what did that mean?

It was like playing a board game and suddenly realizing you were going to lose because of some dumb decision you'd made several hours before. Only, unlike Monopoly, Lexi couldn't just turn over the board and call it done. Couldn't take it as a learning experience for the next playthrough. This was her life and if she'd played it wrong or followed the wrong rules or whatever she was stuck with it forever.

And that was terrifying.

It didn't justify acting like she was twelve, though. What was it about her brother? He seemed skilled at bringing out the worst in her.

"Maybe if you weren't being such a witch all the time," Austin said.

"If I was a witch, you'd already be a toad," Lexi said. She stopped and turned, purposefully eyeing her brother up and down, "Actually, I was wrong. Clearly I am a witch."

She spun and flounced forward again. Thrilled at the reaction she'd gotten from her brother. He had actually, literally, turned bright red. That was awesome. Lexi didn't know why getting these reactions from her brother made her so happy. But they did.

"God, Alexis, why do you have to be this way?" Austin said. It wasn't a jab, he seemed legitimately hurt. Still, Lexi couldn't let it slip past.

"Lexi," she growled, "I keep telling you my name is Lexi. Why doesn't anyone listen?"

"Because it's not your name," Austin said, he jogged up so he could walk side-by-side with his sister. "I don't know why you insist on everyone calling you that, anyway."

"Why not?" Lexi asked. Her ankle was throbbing. She told it to stop.

"I don't know," Austin said, "Lexi sounds like -- I mean it's kind of a bitch name. I don't mean you're a bitch, just that the name is... I guess that's kind of my point?"

Lexi almost stopped in her tracks. She wanted to yell at her brother for being so rude. Insensitive. Yet what he said had sounded so authentic and from the heart. Like he actually, possibly cared what she thought. Cared about her.

Honestly, Lexi didn't know why she wanted to be called that. Alexis just seemed like someone else. Alexis had the high school friends, the high school boyfriend, and the unassailable future. Lexi was an adult with adult problems and adult fears. She was different. Mature and strong. Unable to be hurt by stupid things like feelings.

OK, maybe Lexi could see what her brother was getting at.

Lexi stopped walking. They'd come to a small clearing, overlooking where the waterfall cascaded into the lake below. Wow. They'd gotten way higher than she'd realized. The view was simply amazing.

The tall brunette rested back against a tree and pulled out her water bottle. She took a deep swig. Felt the sweat dripping over her everywhere. Her ankle still hurt. She couldn't even put weight on it now without feeling a sharp, biting pain. She tried to roll her foot around. Snap it back to normal.

Austin pulled up next to her, panting. He found another tree behind her, leaned against it, and drank his own water.

"Look, sis, I'm sorry about before," Austin said.

"A sorry sack of shit, you mean," Lexi said. The response came out before she could even think about it. Austin's eyes went wide. He stood up abruptly, stomped off to a further tree, and faced the opposite way.

Lexi sighed. She was supposed to be fixing this relationship, not making it worse! At this rate, she might as well plan on living on the trail. Lexi grunted unhappily and reached down to her bag. She felt a new pain right below her stomach.

Lexi realized she had to pee. Really badly. Like, right that second. It was as if she'd downed a Big Gulp, seen a four-hour movie, chugged six beers, then gone straight to sleep for twelve hours and was now waking up to this. It was beyond having to go or even needing to go. It was an almost indescribable requirement and demanding as fuck.

Lexi tried to put her foot down. To start walking, running, back down the hill to the bathrooms. Her ankle screamed. Lexi gasped in agony. She wasn't going anywhere.

Lexi looked around frantically. They were in the middle of nowhere. She couldn't pee there in the forest right in front of her brother! Except, her body was quite insistent that she had to do exactly that, right there and then, no matter how much her mind might protest.

God, it really felt like it was going to gush out of her any second. Her bladder was overfull, like a urine-filled balloon about to pop. Even her kidneys ached. What the everloving fuck?

Then, on some strange instinct, Lexi looked over at her brother. Austin was still leaning back against the tree. His face was practically purple. Cinched in pain. His hand squeezed his crotch. Physically holding it in.

"Gotta pee?" Lexi asked, trying to sound casual.

"Really, really badly," Austin said, his voice as pinched as his face, "Like all of a sudden."

"Me too," Lexi said. They looked at each other, the truth dawning on them both at the same time.

"Fucking Mom and her fucking pills!"


Molly fought her way out of her father's grip and started racing toward the bathrooms. James watched her, confused, as she went. Suddenly he felt it: a pain in his groin like he had to piss six gallons and he'd been holding it for twelve days.

Instinctively, his hand shot down to hold his dick. He shifted back and forth on his hips. James laughed at himself -- over 40 years old and here he was doing the pee-pee dance.

"Oh fuck!" James heard his wife shout. He looked over to where Christine was sitting at the picnic table. Even from where he was standing by the tents, he could see her blue eyes wide open in shock.

"Got to pee?" he called over.

"Yes, how did you..." Christine stopped. "The pills!"

The skinny blonde mom practically fell backward off the bench. James felt the piss rising up his penis whether he wanted it to or not. He looked over to where Molly had raced off. He didn't think he could make it to the bathrooms in time.

James looked back at Christine. She was on her back on the grass, shucking off her jeans and panties like they were on fire. Well, fuck, if she could do it, so could he. James started towards the bushes and realized even that was already too far.

He turned and quickly ripped his penis out of his fly -- just in time -- and a massive arc of urine shot out into the nearby fire pit. At least I missed the tents, James thought with relief.

James looked over and saw Christine squatting behind the picnic table, urine gushing onto the ground. Neither of them had picked the best place to piss, but there could have been worse consequences, James supposed. Not for the first time (or the last) James said a little prayer thanking God for how secluded this campground was.

It seemed to take forever, but James' stream of urine finally subsided. The rocks of the fire pit were dripping like they'd suffered a torrential and very specifically located rainstorm. James chuckled to himself. He felt way better, almost like a after-sex satisfaction. He had a little post pee shiver, and then tucked himself back in.

James looked over at his wife squatting over by the wood table. Somehow, she was still going. Her face looked a little pained and it reminded James a bit of when his wife orgasmed. But he knew that wasn't the case. Something about watching her piss though -- her bare snatch covered in downy blonde pubes and out in the open air for anyone to see -- it kind of turned him on.

"Oh, fucking hell!" Molly shouted. James quickly turned his attention from his wife to his daughter. Without thinking, he jogged down to the road that lead to the bathrooms. It wasn't paved -- just pale, sandy dirt made hard by cars driving over it again and again. Trees lined the far edge, surrounding the campground in forest.

James found Molly a few yards down, lying on her back. She hadn't gotten far. He saw her face was red and her cheeks were stained with tears.

"Daddy, I wet myself," Molly said. She didn't use her little girl voice, but James heard it anyway. To his shock, as his daughter said it, he felt himself get a little hard. OK, something was definitely not right with him.

He looked down at Molly and saw that, sure enough, the crotch of her pants was dark with urine. Both legs were soaked almost to the knees as well. Jeez, the poor girl hadn't just peed, she'd gone full fire hose.

"What's wrong?" Christine called out. She started to walk over.

"Daddy, please," Molly said, "It's already bad enough. Don't let Mom see, OK? God, I'm so embarrassed."

James really felt for his youngest daughter in that moment. It wasn't like he'd been far off from doing the same thing.

"It's OK, Chrissie," he called back, "I've got it. Molly's fine."

Molly looked up at her Dad and smiled warmly. Her protector.

"We should get you out of these," he said. He reached down to help his baby girl pull down her pants.

"I have clean ones back in my tent," Molly said.

"You think you can walk over there?" James asked.

"These are pretty gross, I think I want to... oh SHIT!" Molly suddenly jumped. James was still touching her thighs and he felt another wave of warm wetness soak the denim.

"Again?" James asked, but suddenly he didn't have to question it. The urge to piss overcame him, almost worse than before. This time he didn't even bother with the fly. James ripped his pants right down to his shoes, underwear and all, and let fly.

This second stream was somehow even stronger. It fired like a rifle over the trail and into the nearby bushes. James looked back at his wife over by the campsite. She was squatting again, too.

The back of his mind registered that he was standing in the middle of what was supposed to be a road, his pants around his ankles and his dick hanging out, right in front of his youngest daughter. That Molly might be seeing her Daddy's dick -- it was a worry, but one James couldn't spend time on. The biological demands were too great.

"What is wrong with us?" James asked, daring to look down at his daughter. She was still pissing, writhing on the ground. He felt bad for her, honestly.

"It's Mom's pills," Molly said, groaning, "It has to be."

jemes could only smile wryly. Once again, Christine's health kick had gotten the whole family right in the groin. Finally, James' piss dripped to a stop. He couldn't imagine there was any more liquid inside of him. But he'd thought the same thing the last time.

James looked down and saw Molly still lying back. If her jeans had been soaked before they were absolutely dripping now. They probably had more pee in them than denim.

"You got a little on me," Molly said. James was appalled, but his youngest daughter smiled at him and giggled. "I think we're past the point of caring, Daddy." Without another word, Molly reached down and unbuttoned her jeans. She started to push them over her wide hips. James stared, entranced.

"Hard to do..." Molly said, grunting, "All that pee makes the cloth really stiff and tight."

"Sorry, hon," James said, "Let me help. He reached down. Pee soaked his hands as soon as he grabbed the seams. He felt someone sidle up next to him and looked over. Christine was standing there, completely bottomless. She must have tossed her pants and underwear off at some point between peeing by the tables and racing over to help her husband and daughter.

Suddenly James felt very self-conscious. There he was with his cock out, next to his bare-assed wife, both of them standing over their daughter and trying to pull her pants off. Christine must have had the same notion because she started to laugh hysterically.

Molly whimpered, and James watched his wife's face quickly shift from mirth to misery.

"I'm sorry," Christine said, "There's nothing to be embarrassed about here. Let's hurry up and get these soaking clothes off so we can go change.

Together, the three of them managed to get Molly's jeans over her ample ass and around her knees. James froze. He was staring right at his youngest daughter's bare pussy. A matting of blonde curls on her pubis, almost exactly like her mother's. Only Molly's body was way more generous. James had heard the term baby-making hips. His little girl had whole family-makers.

James started to pull Molly's pants down lower, but Christine wasn't helping. He turned and found her staring at him. At his dick. Dammit, somehow in all the excitement, he'd gotten hard. Christine opened her mouth -- to chastise him? To tell him that it was just a natural thing and nothing to worry about? James never found out. Because suddenly his daughter shouted.

"Oh fuck NO!"

James felt a warm splash hit his bare leg. He looked down and saw that Molly was pissing, again, straight up out of her blonde pussy and onto his leg.

"Oh God Daddy, I'm so sorry," Molly said. Her face going even brighter red. "I didn't even feel it coming and now it's..."

"Oh shit," Christine said. James looked over and saw that his wife was peeing, too. The urine winding its way down her thigh and even splashing a bit onto their daughter's feet. James' own cock tremored, and he knew he was about to do the same.

He did his best to move, but it was already coming. A massive burst of urine spattered right on his daughter's chest. He turned quickly, but over corrected and the stream hit his wife's bare pussy instead. Finally, James straightened and turned, pissing safely into the forest.

It was already too late. All three of them were now covered in each other's urine and still erupting like fountains. The heady stink of urea mixed with the fresh scent of pine from the nearby trees.

For a moment, James spared a thought for his two other offspring. Were Alexis and Austin suffering the same thing way out on the trail? God, James really hoped that wasn't the case, though he couldn't imagine how they might have been spared that fate. He hoped they'd at least gotten a bit more warning and found a proper place to pee. If they'd soaked their pants out there, well, it was going to be a long, bottom-less walk down the hill. Maybe it served them right for the way they'd been acting lately

"Where is it all coming from?" Molly asked. Her piss still arcing up and splashing her legs, her father.

"I can't even imagine," Christine said. No one tried to cover themselves up. Whatever hopes they had of dignity had been pissed away. "Dean down at the health shop said it was some kind of cleanser. I had no idea."

"Hon, I think you should demand a refund," James said. The three of them laughed. Gradually, they all stopped peeing.

"Let's get back to the tents," Christine said, "These clothes are all ruined. We need to get out of them before we make it worse."

"I really am so sorry," Molly said.

"It's OK sweetie," Christine said, "You did your best. What's done is done."

"Sadly, I don't think we're even close to done," James said.

Before the next shared hose-down could begin, the family members raced to rip off their soaked clothes. Molly's pants and underwear were already around her knees, so she had no trouble getting rid of them. Her shirt was covered in her Dad's pee, too, so she took that off -- bra and all. She got off the ground, now completely naked in front of her parents.

James stared at his daughter's chest. He knew she was better endowed than her mother, but holy fuck he'd never realized. His daughter had a goddamn RACK. In fact, Molly's whole body was incredible. Those huge tits and light pink nipples, wide hips, and tidy little pussy. Blonde hair hanging down almost like a mermaid. People said Molly had a bad body? Were they insane?

This was the most fuckable woman James had ever seen, Internet included. His cock shot up, hard as steel. James looked over and saw Christine staring at him. Shaking her head. "It's OK," she whispered, "It's OK."

James gaped as his wife reached down and took off her own shirt, revealing her tan, six-pack stomach and a little black sports bra. She took that off as well and her little titties jiggled. James couldn't help but notice that his wife's nipples were erect, like little coral-colored spires poking outward.

"Only fair," Christine said and shrugged. James took off his shirt as well. The three of them spent a moment, eyeing each other's naked bodies. Openly appraising. Then they seemed to realize what they were doing and it broke the spell. They started to walk back to camp.

After all that, they still had to stop one more time to piss on the way. James stood amazed as his urine flew outward into the forest. His wife and his daughter squatting on either side of him. Both their pussies leaking out long, yellow streams. He imagined that from a distance they looked like three people forming a performance art-style penis with him as the shaft and the two women on either side of him as testicles. Everything seems dirty when you're horny, James reflected. Then realized that he really, truly, shouldn't be feeling that way. Problem was, he couldn't make himself stop.

"You know, the stupid thing is we should probably try to drink more," Christine said as she continued to pee, "Or we're going to get dehydrated."

"Isn't that like putting out a fire with a grenade, Mom?" Molly asked.

"Your Mom's right," James said, but in his head he agreed with his baby girl.

Eventually, mother, father, and daughter limped back to the camp. The picnic table was surrounded by a pond of Christine's piss, so James walked around it to the tents, planning to find new clothes. His youngest daughter followed him. Christine, carrying the soaking clothes, was over by the car. She lifted up the trunk, clearly planning to use it as a makeshift clothesline. This was all completely normal, except for the fact that all three of them were completely naked.

It felt strange to stand outside in the breeze looking at his wife's tits and pussy, James thought. Comparing them to his daughter's. They had almost the same vaginas, both with blonde pubes and tidy nether lips. But the rest of them were so different. Christine taut and lithe. Even her tits seemed a bit triangular. But Molly was so curvaceous. James felt his cock stir. He was going to piss again. He could feel it. There was another pain. He aimed for the fire pit, once again.

Nothing happened.

James looked down at his cock and realized he'd never seen it harder. It looked a bit bigger than he remembered, as well. Like another, longer, thicker penis had been placed where his original had sat. Not that James had anything to be embarrassed about before, but this was something else entirely.

The urge to piss overwhelmed him once again. He tried pushing it out, but nothing came. His skin felt itchy all over. His heart raced.

Suddenly James realized that he didn't need to pee at all.


Up on the forest trail, Lexi watched in horror as Austin yelped and spun off the tree where he'd been leaning. In one frantic burst he unbuttoned his pants and ripped them down to his knees.

"What are you...?" Lexi shouted, "Oh my God put that thing away!"

"I can't help it, sis," Austin said, quickly spinning away from her. "I need to piss so... Ahhhhhh." He groaned as a long arc of yellow liquid streamed out of him. Lexi watched her brother's bare, muscular bottom clench as the urine shot out, but she couldn't see anything else, fortunately. Thank heaven for small acts of decency. No sister should see her brother's...

Lexi felt a pain in her gut and knew it was now or never. Following her brother's lead, she quickly thrust down her pants and underwear. She squatted and gasped as a massive cascade of piss shot out of her. Some of it caught on her pants and panties and Lexi tried to shift so she was only peeing on the ground. It mostly worked. The hardest part was doing it all while balancing on the one leg. Fuck, her ankle was fucking killing her. There was only way this day could get any worse.

"Don't turn around," Lexi said, angrily.

"It got you, too, huh?" Austin said over the splashing sounds of his urine.

It felt to Lexi like her piss was going on forever. She couldn't remember ever having to go this bad or for this long. I'm a fucking faucet. Then the stream finally subsided. Lexi started to stand, careful to baby her bad ankle.

"I think... I think it's stopping now," Austin said. Lexi heard him pulling his pants back up. She kept her own eyes safely in front of her. "Goddamn that was weird," Austin said, "Feels kinda good now, though. Right? Satisfying almost."

Lexi didn't even bother answering him. Although she did feel oddly refreshed. Even a bit tingly. Like her body really was cleansed. Lexi reached down for her underwear. Her panties were wet, but she couldn't go without them. Not with her brother right there. She didn't want to walk in urine undies, either though. Suddenly, without warning, another stream shot out of Lexi's pussy and answered the question for her. It burst out before she could stop it and now it was all over everything. Pants, underwear -- all of it soaked in her own piss.

Lexi's legs shook, trembled. On the one leg, she couldn't maintain the squat and trying to hold the position only made the urine stream down her own thighs. Fucking hell!

"Oh fuck!" Austin said. He'd clearly started again, as well.

"Fucking Christine and her fucking pills," Lexi said, "You were going to take two of them remember?"

"Oh my God," Austin said, "I can't even imagine. I'd be worse than that waterfall down there."

"Do you think it's happening to them, too?" Lexi asked.

"Oh God... Probably. I mean, they took the same stuff, right?"

"I bet you wish you were down there with them right now," Lexi said, wedging herself up between her one good leg and the tree. Her stream of pee finally splashing mostly on the ground.

"Cause we'd be near the bathroom? Hell yeah," Austin said.

"So you could be near Christine," Lexi said, teasing, "Her pants around her ankles. Maybe she'd clean your little pee-pee for you, too."

"What?" Austin said, "That's crazy."

"Oh come on, it's so obvious," Lexi said, "How you talk to her? I mean, even the way you stare when you think no one's looking. You totally have the hots for Mom."

"I do not," Austin said, "Besides, you're no better with Dad."

"Clearly you have me confused with our other sister," Lexi said. It came out sad and she didn't know why.

"So, Molly wants Dad and I want Mom. And who do you want, sister perfect?"

"No one," Lexi said. But as she spoke, she knew it was a lie.

Lexi's piss finally subsided once again. She leaned back against the tree. The tall brunette subconsciously brushed at her exposed pussy with her hand. She stepped completely out of her underwear and shorts. They were ruined. Her legs were sticky and everything smelled like piss. At least she'd managed to miss her backpack. Still plenty of water to drink, Lexi thought to herself with a laugh.

Lexi glanced back at her younger brother. Austin was still standing facing the other way. His calves, biceps and buttocks all tensed as he squirted out the last of his stream. Lexi sighed. There was no other way.

"Fuck, Austin I have a problem," Lexi said. Admitting it felt like surrender, but there wasn't anything she could do about it.

"You wet yourself?" he asked.

"That's not funny," Lexi said, getting angry. God, why did he have to be such a...

"I did the same thing," Austin said, "My boxers, my pants, they're ruined."

"Dammit," Lexi said, "What do we do now?"

"Walk back to camp, I guess," Austin said, "I know Dad said not to come back till we're fixed, but I think if we both show up like this he'll let it slide. Especially if the same thing happened to them."

"That's a whole other problem," Lexi said, "On the walk up? I twisted my ankle really bad."

"When you slipped on that rock?" Austin asked. Lexi couldn't help but be a little warmed by the fact that he'd even noticed. It almost felt like he was being protective of her.

"Yes, my ankle hurts like hell," Lexi said, "I don't think I can stand on it, let alone hike down the hill. Besides, what are we supposed to do? Both of us are naked from the waist down. You want us to just look straight ahead the whole time?"

"We could get dressed," Austin said, "I could carry you."

"I'm not putting these shorts back on," Lexi said, "They're disgusting. But I'm not letting you see my bare... parts either."

"Too late," Austin said. Lexi turned. Her brother was standing there, looking over her as she squatted. He was naked from the waist down. His penis pointed outwards. Of course, the perv had a massive erection from staring at his sister's...

Lexi jumped up to yell at him, but suddenly gripped her stomach in pain. Another stream of urine shot out. She felt something warm splash her. Lexi looked up and saw that Austin was standing there, pissing outward. It hit her leg. Her chest. Her sex. Everywhere as her younger brother spun around frantically trying to stop pissing on his sister.

"Fuck, Sis I'm so sorry!" Austin said. He tried to run away

"Oh no you don't," Lexi said. She jumped forward, forgetting about her ankle in the adrenaline of the moment, and grabbed her younger brother's shoulders, forcing him to stay in place. "I'm not going to stand here and let you stare at my... my parts and piss on me!"

"You're saying I have to show you my... parts and let you piss on me, too?" Austin asked. He cocked an eyebrow.

Lexi almost laughed. OK, it was a silly statement, but in her head it all made sense. She didn't know why she did it, but in the moment it felt even. Balanced. You pissed on me, so I'll piss on you. You saw my pussy, so I'll look at your cock. My brother's long, thick cock, Lexi thought. Clearly, she wasn't thinking clearly at all. But it didn't stop her.

Lexi squeezed Austin's shoulders tighter and stared straight down at his dick as he covered her in his piss. And she did the same to him. The tall brunette tried to stand close, so her stream leaked onto her brother's shaft, but mostly she got his feet. Lexi tried to angle herself better, but her biology didn't really work that way.

The siblings stood right in front of each other, looking at each other's most private parts while they gushed. This didn't feel like revenge anymore. This was something else entirely.

Lexi stared at her brother with a new appreciation. His ropy arms and chest covered in a little bit of blond hair. Taut stomach clenched, so defined that Lexi couldn't help but imagine tracing her hands along his muscles. Down to the junction of his legs. A thin patch of blond pubic hair. And then IT. His thing. His cock. He really does have a nice dick, Lexi thought again, longer and thicker than my ex's. She wondered at it -- how it might feel in her hands, her mouth -- then stopped herself.

Austin stepped away. They'd both, finally, stopped peeing.

"Well this is ruined," Lexi said, looking down at her t-shirt -- it was spattered with her brother's piss.

"Wait," Austin said, holding out his hand. "We're both half-naked in the woods already, are you sure you want to..."

Lexi glared at her brother. "What exactly do you expect me to do, genius?"

"I'm sorry," Austin said, "Of course. I'm sorry, Lexi. I didn't want you to do something you'd regret later."

"Too late now," Lexi said. Don't think she missed the fact that Austin called her Lexi, either. Somehow it made what she was about to do next feel... Well, not right exactly. OK, at least.

Lexi lifted off her shirt and bra. Stood naked in front of her brother. He stared back at her. His cock somehow seemed to go straighter. Darker. His eyes didn't move from her breasts. Her pussy. Shyly, she started to cover herself with her arms.

"Alexis... I mean, Lexi?" Austin said in a strange little boy voice, "I think something's wrong."

"Gee, thanks bro. You're the best."

"No. Fuck. You're fucking awesome. It's..." Austin looked down at his crotch.

"You have to pee again?" Lexi asked.

"I don't think so," Austin said, "I mean it feels like I do but when I try to go it just... It hurts now. Like, a lot."

"What hurts?" Lexi asked. But she felt it too. A strange pressure right at her sex. Like she had to piss really badly, somehow even worse than before. She tried to push but no liquid came out. Great, like pissing forever wasn't enough, now she had a UTI because of it.

The pain intensified. It was like a burning. An ache. And suddenly Lexi knew exactly what she needed to do.


Molly stood naked in front of the tent. Her father was standing right next to her. Her Mom was over by the car, hanging up their piss-soaked clothes. Molly knew she should be embarrassed, standing naked in front of her parents. But something about the way her Daddy looked at her when she exposed herself. It made her want to be nude for him all the time.

Daddy was naked, too. Molly looked over at her father. His graying chest hair and muscular body. Something about the pissing had made his penis... Well it stuck out in front of him like a divining rod. It was dark, full, and even seemed to pulse in time with his heartbeat. Holy fuck it was the biggest one Molly had ever seen. Internet included.

Molly's father stood there, staring out to nothing. He had a strange, pained expression on his face. Like he was reliving a bad memory. Molly didn't understand it. Then she felt it -- that same familiar pain that meant she had to go again. At this point she hardly cared. She was already sticky with piss -- and not only her own. The curvy blonde stepped a little away from the tent, spread her legs, and pushed it out.

Only nothing came.

The pain, the urge, got even worse.

"Daddy?" Molly asked.

Her father looked at his baby girl out of the sides of his eyes. He didn't move a muscle. Just grunted.

Molly grabbed her stomach and bent over in pain. God, this was so bad. There was like a... a heat radiating out of her sex. A throbbing ache. But every time she squeezed those PC muscles, nothing came out. Oh God this was somehow even worse than before. Molly had wished to stop pissing, desperately, but now all she could hope for was a little bit of urine. So maybe this horrific pain would finally subside.

olly looked up at her father again. He was breathing heavily. A vein throbbed on the side of his forehead. He seemed to be doing everything not to look in his daughter's direction. Molly saw her father's penis. It looked even larger now. And suddenly Molly knew exactly what she needed to do.

"Daddy..." Molly said it lower now. Like a whisper or a confession. She stalked over to her father. Stood in front of him. Both of them panting like they'd run a race.

"Hurts so bad..." her father muttered.

"Me too," Molly said, "I'm sorry Daddy, but I need..."

She couldn't even finish getting the words out before her hand shot down and gripped her father's massive cock. Molly flinched. She waited for her father to shout. To scream. To rip himself away. Instead he did the one thing she didn't expect. He groaned.

"Oh baby."

"I know," Molly said. And she did know. The innocent 18-year-old had never even touched a penis before. But she knew exactly what she needed to do with it now.

Molly reached up and pulled her father's face to hers. She pressed her lips to his in a most undaughterly way. Snaked her little tongue into his mouth. Both of them gasped, like getting a first burst of oxygen after holding back for so long.

Molly's father's hands slid up her flanks and grasped her oversized tits. They both sighed, again, in unison. Her Dad's hands felt so rough and strong on Molly's breasts. Kneading and squeezing with equal passion and hunger. Molly had never had someone touch her there. She'd been vaguely aware of how her tits might sometimes act like a live wire down to her pussy. Like when she rubbed herself. But this. Something about the way her father held her breasts made Molly's pussy fucking throb. Like it wasn't already pulsing like crazy.

Molly let herself fall backwards, pulling her Dad down with her by the dick. She spread her legs wide. Pulled her father forward. A thousand things shouted in Molly's mind. About how wrong this was. She wasn't supposed to be fucking, not in the middle of a campground. Not with her Daddy. Oh, Molly loved him so much and yet she couldn't imagine ever doing something so brazen. So wanton. And yet some part of her required it. No option. Only need.

"Daddy," she gasped between kisses.

"I'm sorry baby," James said, "I can't..."

"Please Daddy put it in me. I promise to be good."

Molly grabbed her Dad's cock, tightly, lined it up with her aching snatch and...

"Nooooo!" Molly's mother screamed. She raced over and tackled the two of them, shoving Molly away from her father. At first, Molly thought Christine was doing a very motherly thing: trying to keep her daughter (and husband) from making a terrible, awful mistake.

But then Molly watched, stunned, as her mother grabbed her father's cock, possessively. She saw the hungry look in her Mom's eyes and realized that, no, Christine just wanted that Daddy dick for herself.

"God. Oh Chrissie," James said, "I don't know what came over me and..."

"Shut up dammit," Christine said, "That's supposed to be my cock."

"I'm sorry, honey." James was on his back now, his penis pointing upwards at the sky. His wife, Molly's Mom, knelt over him, holding his pulsing penis tight in her fist. Her tiny breasts trembling. Her nipples looked almost sharp.

Christine looked her daughter down, like dominating a puppy. Then she climbed on top of her husband as casually as if they were in their marriage bed. She pushed him onto his back and in one thrust jammed his cock into her pussy. They both groaned as they made contact.

Molly sat back, blown. Her pussy aching even worse than before. It needed something. Anything. Molly cast about for something even mildly cock-shaped but came up with nothing. She lay on the grass and watched her parents fuck in front of her. Ground her hips together like it might at least hold off the urges.

Molly jammed her hand between her legs and started strumming her clit furiously. The blonde teen had masturbated before -- many times, if she was honest with herself. As much as one could be said to be 'good' at rubbing one out, Molly was good at it. She'd figured out the exact angle to hold her fingers in her sloppy channel, the perfect rhythm to work her clit. She could squeeze out a good cum in about five minutes if she wanted and could run multiples if she had the time to really settle in. She'd even squirted once after a particularly intense session.

In other words, if anyone on Earth was capable of giving herself an orgasm in a time of absolute need, it was Molly. Yet now her frantic clit-flicking seemed barely to help. Her pleasure was a whisper, begging to be heard over the cacophony of a heavy metal band amped up to 11. She rubbed harder. Faster. It only seemed to increase the pain.

Meanwhile, Molly's mother slammed herself onto her husband with abandon on the grass nearby. James reached up and squeezed his wife's tits. He moaned in what almost sounded like frustration.

"Mommy. Daddy, I..."

Christine slowed. She looked over and saw her daughter staring back at both of them. Tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry," the blonde teenager said, "I know I can't. But it hurts. I need it so bad."

Christine looked at her daughter, and her face softened. To Molly's shock, her mother slowly nodded and began slipping off her husband's cock. Her pussy making squelching sounds as it reluctantly let go.

James kept trying to fuck upward, frantic as his wife withdrew. His cock glistened with her juices.

"Chrissie," he moaned.

"I know, baby, I know," Christine said, cooing, "I need it too. But fuck. We need to be there for our daughter. We have to help her first."

It was nonsense. Utter ridiculousness. None of this made sense, Molly knew in a small conscious part of her brain. But the rest of her mind, her body, all it cared about was getting something -- someone -- inside her. And if her Mom was willing to make the sacrifice, Molly was not in any position to let it pass.

Christine turned to her daughter and smiled warmly. "It's OK, sweetie. I know you need it. Go ahead." She reached over to Molly's shoulders and pulled her forward, so she was down on all fours. Presenting the young blonde's virginal cunt to her father.

Molly couldn't see the look of hunger on her Daddy's face as she pointed her pussy his way. Didn't know how her Dad suddenly ached for his little girl's body, running his eyes over every curve with primal desire. Molly only swung her round bottom back and forth, rolling the emptiness between her legs, praying that her father would fill her need.

Molly's Mom grabbed her Daddy's cock. She placed the head right at his daughter's opening. Molly's whole body braced in anticipation of finally getting what she needed. But her mother suddenly paused. Oh fuck. Was she rethinking it? Oh, Molly needed a cock so bad and her father's was so big and perfect it had to be him. Molly decided she would fight her mother for it this time. Finally stand up for herself. It was the only way.

"Oh God, I don't think I can," James moaned.

"You've got to, honey," Christine said, "We've got to. I know this is insane and yet I know that this is the best way. The only way. You just have to promise."

"Anything," James said.

"You're going to be with your daughter," Christine said it so casually, like they were talking about dancing rather than fucking. "To help her. I know. But when it's time. It's still my cock and I want you to... Need you to put it in me. You know what I'm saying?"

"Yes, baby, of course," James said.

"You can make her cum. You should. I think it's the only way she'll... But not in her. OK? Our little Molly's not on the pill and we don't have any protection. Even if we did. I still feel like it should be something shared between us. Us only. Promise me."

Nobody asked her what she wanted, Molly thought, but if she could get that cock in her, she'd have agreed to any condition. It was all she could do not to scream at her parents to stop jabbering and get on with it.

"OK?" Christine asked.

"OK," James said. And Molly's mother shoved her father's penis right into his daughter's virgin pussy.

Molly screamed. James moaned. The intruder into her body. She'd never felt anything like this. Raging fire. Rigid steel. A strange and wonderful invader that her pussy walls clamped down on for dear life and all Molly could think was how she'd lived a whole 18 years without realizing there was this aching NEED inside of her that only a man -- only her father -- could fill.

And the thought entered Molly's mind, like a salve to a wound, my Daddy's fucking me. His cock is in my pussy. The thing that MADE me. That put me in my Mommy's belly. That's inside ME. And, ohfuck, it felt so good. So right. Like there was no better place for a father's cock than in his baby daughter's cunt.

James reached forward and grabbed his daughter's giant tits. Like holding them was the most important thing in the world. Molly hated her big breasts, but feeling the way her father pulled at them -- almost like milking her -- she suddenly glorified in them. My Daddy loves my big stupid boobs, Molly thought to herself, and for the first time her D's made her feel as proud as when she brought home A's.

James drew back and Molly felt a strange sadness until her father plowed himself back into her. Whatever lingering pain from that first penetration simply drifted away. Leaving only desire. The driving need of back and forth as her father jammed his cock into her pussy and OH GOD!

"Daddy... Oh DADDY. It feels..."

"I know baby," James said, barely able to form the words, "It's your first time and Daddy wants to be careful with you but..."

"Oh NO, Daddy," Molly said, almost laughing, "Your cock. My cunt. It feels so good. Like nothing I've ever... Oh FUCK I'm sorry for cursing, Daddy but your penis, your big hard Daddy cock, it's making me... fffffffFUCK."

"Oh God," James said, "Me too, baby."

"Yeah?" Molly asked, almost little-girl like, "Your little girl's pussy is doing OK for you?"

"Oh honey it's amaaaaaazing," James said.

Molly heard her mother make a little snort. She looked up and saw Christine was now sitting in front of her. She was eyeing her daughter strangely. There was a whole bucket of emotions there. Hurt, love, jealousy, remorse. Desire.

"Honey?" Christine asked. She was kneeling, almost supplicant. Her tiny, pointed tits almost right at Molly's mouth.

"What is it, Mom?" Molly asked. She couldn't keep the slight irritation out of her voice. I mean, couldn't Christine see she was a little busy at the moment?

"How's he doing for you?" Christine asked.

"Oh... so good..." Molly said. The pleasure overwhelmed her for a moment and she bowed her head down. Her eyes clenched shut. She groaned and rode it out. She knew from her own 'personal-time' that this was only a little cum. A speed bump on the road to a far larger peak. Molly dragged herself back into focus. Her Mother was still staring at her.

"I'm glad. I'm so happy we could help you, honey," Christine said, "But, ummm.... Mommy's feeling it really bad, too and it would really help me out if..."

Molly looked down and saw her mother's hands were both buried in her own blonde bush. One up in her pussy, the other slamming side to side on her clit.

"Oh Molly... My baby girl... Your pussy is so perfect," James said from behind her.

FUCK. Molly has having trouble keeping focus between her Mom and Dad. Her Daddy, she loved him so much. He always made her feel special. But now it made her feel even better to know she was giving him this pleasure. Almost as good as the ecstasy he was driving into her.

"Oh. So. Good," Molly said, the words falling out of her, "My Daddy. Is. Fucking me. Oh Daddy don't ever stop fucking MEeeheeheeheeeeeeee!"

Molly felt another wave of pleasure engulf her from bottom to tp. A bigger one. Her whole body started to give way and she did her best to hold herself upright. Every thrust from her Daddy's dick an explosion pushing her higher and higher. A piston in the engine of her pussy. A rocket driving her straight off the Earth -- and Molly could only imagine what breaking through the atmosphere would be like.

"Molly," Christine said, sharply. Molly looked back at her mother. The anger must have shown on her face because her Mom seemed to suddenly soften. "Pleeaaaaase," the tiny blonde said. Molly had never heard her mother so supplicant. She nodded.

Christine practically clapped her hands with glee and lay on her back. Wrapped her thin legs around her daughter's neck.

"You know what to do," Christine said. Molly lowered her head dutifully. But, in fact, the blonde teen had no idea what to do. She'd never licked a pussy before. Worse, even if she was an expert, it was almost impossible to do with her Dad's cock pumping into her. She could barely speak, think, let alone focus on pleasing her mother.

She tested her tongue outward. The taste was not unpleasant. Molly knew her own sex and this was similar but different. Like looking at a map of an unfamiliar place, she knew what was supposed to be roads and rivers, but she couldn't make sense of where it all led.

Christine grabbed Molly's head and shoved it down harder. Tried to force the girl to lick her clit in at least something close to the right way. Molly thought of the old saying about bringing a horse to water and almost laughed despite herself. You could bring a daughter to pussy, apparently, but you couldn't make her lick. Not in a way that was all that satisfying, apparently.

Molly felt her mother's hands tighten on the back of her skull. The scent of her mother's pussy almost too strong. Molly was already struggling to breathe. So much for kindness.

"Mommy, you're hurting me," Molly gasped, though she doubted anyone could hear her through her mother's thin thighs.

"Daddy's getting close, baby."

Molly felt her father's pumping begin to slow. Oh no! It wasn't fair. Molly had cum a couple little times but only in the simplest definition of the word. The big one. Molly could see it in the distance and it was more great and glorious than anything she'd ever known. Something in Molly's mind told her that she had to get there. NEEDED to.

She managed to free her head from her Mom's snatch. "Daddy..."

"Your pussy," James said, "It's so good, baby girl."

"I know, it's just... I haven't..."

"Christine get over here and help your daughter," James said. Molly thrilled a little at her Daddy's commanding voice. Felt her heart soar. Dutifully, Christine slid around on her back so that her pussy stayed under Molly's mouth, but now her own lips and tongue were positioned to help the young blonde.

"Let Mommy show you first, honey," Christine said, as if it had been her idea.

Molly felt something warm and wet engulf her clitoris and suddenly the building pleasure shot from amazing to un-fucking-real. Her mother battered Molly's magic bean back and forth and she felt everything overwhelm her. Molly had been on the road. Almost to the end point. Now suddenly Molly blew past it to somewhere she hadn't even been able to conceive.

Molly felt her whole body bear down. Especially her pussy on her Daddy's cock. Suddenly the only thing she could do was clench her eyes shut and scream.

"Oh FFFUUUUUUUUCK! Fucking.... Daddy... YES!"

James and Christine both paused, amazed, and watched their daughter's orgasm. The thing so intimate that not even a family was supposed to share it. The way she arched, straight stiff, and trembled. How her face went red, then purple. Her massive chest shaking like an earthquake. Her scream of 'Daddy' so loud it seemed to echo across the park.

James suddenly groaned. Molly felt something even bigger begin to build inside her. And all she could think was that she wanted it so bad. "Oh... OHFUCK!" Molly cried, "Mommy I think that Daddy's about to..."

"Oh God!" James cried, "I'm sorry baby but..."

Molly whined low like a cat and strained against her father.


Christine pounced upward, knocking her daughter to the side and throwing James onto his back. Molly bounced on the grass, still cumming, little aftershocks ripping through her shaking. Shivering. She looked over and watched as her mother pinned her father, then jammed his cock right inside her snatch. The married couple found their rhythm immediately. Old habits. The two of them moved in a perfect unison. It was beautiful, Molly realized, their love. The way they seemed to respond to each other, anticipating every need. No wasted movement or stutter.

Yet Molly also couldn't help but feel jealous watching her Daddy with another woman. That was Molly's cum that her mother was taking. That was Molly's seed. And the only thing that ached worse from watching it than her heart was her young, fertile womb.

Molly nearly cried in despair as her father stiffened. As her mother began to shake. James' balls jerked upwards. He roared so loud, it almost frightened his youngest daughter.

Christine cried out. "Oh James. Honey. Fill me up! Ohhhhh give me it to ME!" The wife's words collapsed with a squeak and a gasp. She let her head loll and her blonde, straight hair tickled the tops of the grass. James fell forward. His cock popped out red and sticky. Still dribbling slightly.

The three Campbells -- mother, father, and daughter -- fell onto their backs in the middle of the campsite. Stared up at the sky almost in shock. Gasping like they'd completed a marathon. Molly felt a cold reality wash over her. Post-orgasm rationality telling her that she'd just fucked her Dad. Watched while he did the same to her Mom. The three of them sharing something that could never be taken back.

"Oh God," Christine moaned with the same sinking sound of conscience. She slowly sat up. Molly noticed a glob of her father's sperm drip out of her Mom's pussy and onto the dirt.

"Those pills," James said, "Holy fuck, I mean..."

"Daddy?" Molly asked. Legitimately worried now.

"It's OK," Christine said, "That wasn't us."

James crawled over to his naked daughter and held her tight. Loving. But Molly also noticed he seemed to brush her massive tit as he wrapped himself around her. Almost like a little grope. And Molly found she more than didn't mind it.

Christine dragged herself to the two of them and wrapped her arms around her family. The three of them all together now. Naked and sticky with cum and piss. Molly's father's flaccid penis lay wetly on her thigh. Her mother's pussy oozed against her arm. A cool breeze tickled ominously at Molly's arm hair.

"You took my virginity, Daddy," Molly said, surprised at how vulnerable she sounded. "You almost knocked me up."

"It's OK," Christine said, "It's OK it's OK it's OK." Like a mantra meant to convince herself.

"I know baby," James said, "I'm sorry. There's no excuse. I mean, in the moment it made so much sense and yet now I can't even..."

"It's OK Daddy," Molly said.

"It's OK it's OK it's OK," Christine murmured.

"I think it's over," James said, "I think we got through it."

"Yeah, me too," Molly said, distant. Doing her best to ignore the slight burning sensation still roiling in her pussy.


Lexi and her brother stood in the middle of the path, staring at each other wordless. The siblings were completely naked. Soaked in each other's pee. Lexi's little breasts -- her perky pink nipples -- brushed against her brother's chest hair. Austin's cock (it looked even bigger than when Lexi had been staring before) rubbed against her thick, dark pubes. The distant roar of the waterfall echoed the earlier rush of piss they'd both produced.

Lexi was aware of all of it, but only in the back of her mind. Something was far more pressing in that moment.

alex... Lexi?" Austin asked in his little boy voice again. He was staring down at where his cock seemed to be straining for her pussy. His face was screwed up in concentration.

Screwed. Lexi almost laughed. Austin was clearly fighting something. An urge. But Lexi, for the first time that day, she was done fighting. She shot out and grabbed her little brother's massive tool. They both gasped as Lexi's long, slim fingers made contact with her brother's thick, hard dick.

"Oh God... Sis, I'm sorry. I just need to..."

"Shhh," Lexi said, putting her free hand on her brother's lips "I need it, too." Before he could say anything more, before rational thought overwhelmed irrational need, Lexi threw her body into her brother and tackled him to the ground. They both grunted as they made impact. The earth was hard and cold. Austin's body was warm and inviting.

Lexi curled herself into him, like a cat in a sunbeam. She reached down for his dick again. Held it straight up. Without another word, without even a wasted motion, Lexi leaned back and the two siblings became one.

"oh FUCK!" they chorused as brother cock met sister cunt. It was the longest, thickest thing Lexi had ever had inside of her. Had she considered it for a moment, she'd never have believed his dick would fit inside her. But one thrust was all it took and suddenly her needy pussy was full of her brother's beautiful cock.

It was already the best thing she'd ever felt in her life -- they hadn't even started moving yet.

"Lexi," Austin groaned under her. He slid his hands up her thighs and cupped her buttocks. For a moment, Lexi feared he was about to lift her off. What they were doing -- the need of it didn't overwhelm the wrongness. Siblings were as genetically similar as any two people could be. They weren't supposed to see each other's private parts, let alone mash them together in a desperate dance of forbidden pleasure. Austin would only be right to lift his sister off his dick in the hopes of some last bit of decorum.

But like the pissing before, Lexi underestimated how much their bodies' demands overwhelmed any mental obstacle. What you need to do will always supersede what you want. And clearly, brother and sister needed each other the way a person needs to breathe. Austin lifted his big sister by the bottom, yes, but then he squeezed her little butt cheeks and slammed her back down on his shaft.

Both siblings had been with other people. They fucked like they'd only ever known each other. Veterans of every thrust and parry that two people could share.

"Oh Lexi," Austin said, "Your pussy feels so GOOD." Lexi felt her heart swell with the words. Like it was the best thing she'd ever heard. She started bouncing up and down. Her little titties flopping along with her. Lexi gave into her little brother's dick with an abandon she'd never shared with her boyfriends. And why not? After all, her blond brother was deeper, stretching her more -- fucking her better -- than any boyfriend she'd had before.

Lexi let herself fall forward. She hung her long brown hair down and kissed her brother hard on the mouth. Austin pushed back, whole body, like trying to make her swallow him whole with mouth and cunt.

God this felt glorious. The wrong of it only multiplying the right.

And suddenly Lexi realized why she was angry at her brother all the time: she wanted him to fuck her. That's why she was so annoyed with Austin -- he wasn't sticking his beautiful brotherly cock where it belonged. All those times she was trying to get him amped up, when this was the reaction she really wanted: to see his face turn red as he flooded her pussy with his pulsing, fertile...

Oh fuck. Lexi suddenly realized what she'd been thinking about. Her brother's cock -- that wonderful, massive tool that was building her ever closer to a skyscraper of an orgasm -- was inside her bare. Skin to skin. Lexi was on the pill, but she still shouldn't let her brother...

"Pull out," Lexi said. Pleading. "Promise."

"Oh. OK, Sis," Austin said, slowly extricating himself out from under her. Lexi could hear the disappointment in her brother's voice. Like she'd taken his favorite toy.

"Not yet, dummy," Lexi said and swatted his ass. "When it's time."

"Dummy, huh?" Austin asked. He sat up slightly, still filling his sister's pussy completely, but now holding her in place, keeping her from being able to ride him. She popped her butt up and down as hard as she could, but nothing happened.

"Pleeease," Lexi said again, shocked at how easy it was to prostrate herself to her baby brother. How badly she wanted his approval. "I promise your stupid big sister will be the best fuck you've ever had."

Austin paused, he looked up at his older sibling like her eyes were the light of truth. "You already are," he said, and Lexi thrilled because she knew it was true. She kissed him again, somehow even more passionately than before. Incredibly, as Lexi kissed her brother, she felt her body rise with pleasure. He hadn't even started fucking her again, yet the orgasm came unbidden. Her pussy trembling around her brother's cock.

"Did you?" Austin stroked his sister's hair.

"Yeah," Lexi said, "Little one."

"We can do better than that," Austin said.

"You'd better," Lexi said, "I only expect big things from my little brother."

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