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12.46% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 511: Devine Defloration Ch. 01

Chapitre 511: Devine Defloration Ch. 01

It was the best of the times, it was the worst of the times ....." wrote the English novelist Charles Dickens as the first sentence of his famous Tale Of Two Cities. He was referring to pre-revolutionary France. Much of the same could be said of India under the British rule.

The Indian Empire as it was called in those days was divided into several 'States' or 'Kingdoms' big and small, each headed by a King or a Nawab. The Kings and the Nawabs were virtually no more than landlords, the British Crown had rendered them lions without teeth or claws. They had no say in matters related to finance, defense and foreign policy. They could not have armed forces, only ceremonial "army" was permitted by the Crown. They had to contribute to the British treasury a fixed amount of money every year. Activities of each of them were closely watched by a British 'Resident' who reported directly to the Viceroy in New Delhi.

For want of doing anything substantial and free income flowing in, most of such Kings and Nawabs were prone to slide into a decadent life of gambling prostitution, small time rivalry and pomp. There were some good rulers amongst the lot who cared for their subjects and looked after their well being by spending some portion of state revenue for healthcare, education, roads and transportation and like for the common man.

The greatest affliction of the common man, however was illiteracy and ignorance. This led to poverty and a hoard of other unwanted elements like superstitions, religious dogmatism bigotry and intolerance, rigid cast system, child marriages, untouchability. Nepotism and sycophancy were rife. There was no shortage of crooks charlatans and con men. The condition of the common man was miserable but he was happy because of firm belief in God Almighty.

This is the story of the Prince of one of the smaller States in India. The State of Anangpur, population 50,000 was located between Gujarat on west and north side and the State of Idar on east and south side.

The king was a kind soul named Kalyaan Sinh. He had two queens and two off springs. The elder son the hero of our story, Prince Rativir Sinh was born of the elder queen. The younger queen had a daughter, Princess Ratna Devi three years junior to her brother. Prince Rativir Sinh being the only son was the Crown Prince slated to fill in the gap when his father dies.

Kalyaan Sinh was a simple man, happy with his family. However there was one fly in the ointment, a big one too. He had to perform a duty which taxed his physical resources. With the advancing age he was finding himself more and more 'inadequate' for the task.

Now in those days the boys and girls were married at a tender age of below ten. But it used to be a social marriage only. The girl remained with her parents till she came to age. Then having attained maturity she would be ceremoniously sent to her husbands home to start a new life.

Barring few instances it would be the husband who would perform the opening ceremony of his wife's chut. Not so with a clan of Hinduism which firmly believed that the King was a direct descendent of Lord Krishna, the rest of the population, both male and female being considered Gopies. The females of the clan therefore considered it their privilege to be deflowered by the King, the representative of Lord Krishna. 

Consequently a bride coming to her husband's home would be taken first to the King for the night of defloration. Next day she would return home devoid of her hymen but loaded with gifts from the King.

The King did not like the practice and had long discussions with the leaders of the clan to stop it. The leaders had unanimously decided to continue the tradition. Baring this the King was a kind and happy man. He had adequate income from State revenue and had excellent administrative officers to run the State.

Being a considerate person the King handled each girl tenderly and carefully. He used to take her into confidence, spend time to excite her before penetration and continue fucking till she had at least one orgasm. In his younger days he could perform "adequately" but the age takes its toll and he found it more and more difficult to attain and maintain erection in spite of medications, potions and ointments prepared especially for him by the Raaj Vaidya (the Royal Physician).

Ultimately he decided to quit. He would hand over the 'pious' duty to his son the Crown Prince Rativir who was at the time 21 years of age. He called in meeting with him and his mother the older Queen. Thinking that the Prince was unaware of the tradition the King hesitatingly explained the situation and ordered him to take over the Devine Duty.

He could have saved his breath, for, the Prince knew very well of the tradition. It was decided that the Prince will make his debut as early as possible.

Everybody was happy but none happier than Reshama .

Reshama was an eunuch. He was 'assigned' to the Prince since birth. Her job was to look after and protect the physical well being of the Prince. When the time came she introduced the Prince to the wonderful world of sex. Being the chief eunuch she wielded lot of clout with the Royal Family. She was strong brave and transparently honest; the Royal Family had full trust in her.

There was a small problem. As a duty the Prince would have to deflower any bride that happened to come to her husband's home on the day of debut. He did not want like that. He wanted to embark on this duty with a girl of his choice. He did not know what to do. 

As usual he fell back on Reshama for help. Reshama clapped her palms a couple of times and said, "Hay Re mere Raja. Promise me something and I shall show you some naked girls to select from."

His mind hesitated but his cock decided the issue. He said, "What kind of promise?"

"You will allow me to remain present when you dip your dong in her Honeywell, What do you say?"

"Agreed, but you will not show yourselves unless called for. You will hide and see."

"Oh my Lord, I will do as you say. May Mother Goddess pack power in your pecker."

A religious festival of some sort was coming within a week when people would go to the temple of Vishnu for puja. The temple was on the bank of the river and everybody young or old took a dip before entering the temple. A wide stretch of river bank was reserved for the use only by the ladies.

For three days Reshama taught the Prince behaving like a hijra. She made him dress like a woman, walk like woman and clap the palms in a way peculiar to hijra. She made him practice few hours everyday. He was given a name too: Rangilee.

On the day of the festival two hijras set forth from the Royal Palace. Walking their peculiar gait they clapped their palms and cut lewd remarks at passer bys. They were accepted as such and they reached the river front without hitch.

On reaching the reserved area of the bank they sat down under a tree as if resting after a long walk. Nobody took notice of them, and if anybody did they were ignored: they were a pair of harmless hijras.

Several ladies were bathing in different stages of undress. After ogling young girls for half an hour the Prince pointed out one to Reshama. Reshama went into the waters to 'wash her face' and came out with the name of the girl.

Then after the things were easy. Her parents and in laws were summoned to the Palace where they were received by the Royal Couple. They were informed about Prince's selection of their daughter for his debut and the mother of the girl swooned out of joy. They were told to arrange the homecoming of the bride on a certain day, They agreed and went home happy, each one with a gift from the Queen.

On the appointed day the bride was sent from her parents' to in laws' house. She was received with fanfare and religious rituals. In the afternoon her mother in law brought her to the Palace. She was received ceremonially by the Queen herself. Immediately she was whisked away by a bunch of maids and eunuchs to prepare her for the night. She would be given scented bath when all openings of her body would be thoroughly cleaned especially her chut, mouth and rectum. Her vulva and if necessary legs too would be shaved, her nails pared , hair combed. After anointing her bhos and limbs with fragrant body pastes she would be dressed in a choli, ghaghari and odhani; no bra, no panty. She would then be given her choice of evening meal and ultimately escorted to the Rang Bhavan. She would wait there for the Prince.

Thus Harkha (her name was Harkha) an eighteen and half year married virgin was brought to the Prince for Devine Defloration.

Let us hear from the Prince himself how he performed his duty,



I am Prince Rativir Sinh of Anangpur, twenty one years old son of Maharaja Kalyaan Sinh.

You by now know how Harkha was brought to me for defloration.

My father the Maharaja has two wives each having one child. My mother is the senior Queen. My step mother has a daughter Ratna Devi three years junior to me. She is of Harkha's age. I love her, she adores me.

The Prince's childhood is nothing to envy about, it is more likely to be pitied upon. I was raised under strict control and supervision of my mother the queen. There was a long line of tutors who came in to give me lessons at home. I could play only with the selected boys and that too under the watchful eyes of my guards. I had to learn so many things an ordinary boy has never dreamed about like etiquette, manners, protocols, history, combat with and without weapons and like.

Reshama was a hijara who was entrusted with my health in general and well being of my genitals in particular. I have known her since my birth. She did not allow anybody to touch me 'there' even during bath; she would herself wash me. Besides, as I grew up she kept on instructing me about sex appropriate to my age. She saw that I did not come in contact with girls in her absence, the only exception being Princess Ratna.

It was Reshana who under the instructions from my mother orchestrated loss of my virginity making me a man out of the boy I was. That happened exactly a week after my eighteenth birthday. The girl was a 'clean healthy' experienced maid of 18, who dealt gently with me and my cock. She allowed me to fuck her thrice during the night.

Reshama then after recruited six choicest girls for my harem. She looked after them in all aspects dismissing those who were unhealthy, unhygienic or unwilling for any reason. None of them, except the last entrant Juhi, had been a virgin.

So with an experience of taking cherry of one girl I was slated to deflower another virgin.

At about nine Reshama came to fetch me to the Rang Bhavan. Harkha would be waiting there.

I do not know which of my illustrious ancestors created the Rang Bhavan but who ever did, did it with a flare. It was more of a hall than a room. There was a huge bed in the center fit to accommodate four adults. There were tables and chairs and sofas and recliners. A double door led to an enormous bathroom fitted with most modern equipment. Another door led to a vast balcony overlooking the gardens, The walls were decorated with paintings of beautiful couples engaged in various stages of sexual activity bordering to pornography.

But the most interesting feature was the mirrors. There were mirrors everywhere, including ceiling. No matter where you were you would find your reflex ion in one mirror or other. The purpose was obvious.

There was soft light from carefully hidden lamps and the air was fragrant from burning incense.

I stepped in and Reshama came in with me. In firm voice I told her, "Now, be careful. Do not show yourself unless I call for you."

Reshama bowed and said, "As my Lord wishes." She closed the door and disappeared. I turned around to face Harkha.

What I saw broke my heart. On the bed was sitting a young girl bedecked in traditional choli ghaghari and odhani with hands and feet decorated with menhdi designs. She was trembling like a leaf. Her big black eyes were wide open staring at me with undisguised fear. As I approached her she lied down flat on her back and spread her legs.

It looked funny but it was a gesture of abject surrender, resigning to fate, tragic in extreme. I felt a pang of remorse in my heart. Was this the girl I was supposed to convert into a woman? How was I to even kiss her, let apart fuck her? Of course I could force myself on her, just penetrate, break the hymen and come out. But that would be no less than a rape, she would never forget the experience. Worse, she may develop vaginismus a tragic malady where the vagina does not tolerate entry of anything without severe pain. Even a finger cannot go in. What could I do?

I decided up on a rough plan. I would take her in my confidence by talking only. If she opens up I would start with foreplay and arouse her to a level when she would tolerate penetration. I would go in, break the hymen and come out. End of the story.

But then I might be also aroused and need to relieve my pressure. I clapped my hands twice and Reshama appeared from thin air. Bowing low she said, "My Lord?"

I whispered in her ear, "Tell Juhi to remain available; I may need her help later on."

Reshama disappeared again like magic and I turned to Harkha. Standing by her side I put forward my hands intently gazing in her eyes. After a moments hesitation she put her hands in mine, her delicate, cold and clammy, trembling hands. I pulled her up in to sitting position and gently asked, "Are you scared of me?"

In a voice barely audible, she said, "No, Sir."

"You are scared of what is going to happen?"

She got busy adjusting her clothes but replied, "Yes, Sir."

I decided not to take any serious steps until her fears were allayed. I said, "Let us sit comfortably in sofa and talk."

I offered my hand. She put her small delicate hand in mine and I led her to the sofa. I asked about some sweets and drinks; she declined. I said, " I have something for you."

I could see the curiosity momentarily replacing fear in her eyes. I brought out couple of boxes for her and asked her to open them.

The first contained a heavy gold necklace intricate in design and studded with precious stones. Her jaw dropped in wonder and she kept on looking alternatively at me and the necklace. A bright but shy smile lit her face. 

I said, "Do you like it?"

She was about to burst out yes like a small girl when the fear once again gripped her heart. Her face fell and she said, "It is beautiful, whose is it?"

I smiled and said, "It is a gift to you from me. Now open the other box."

The other box had a pair of bangles matching in design with the necklace.

Again she forgot her fears and looked at me asking the silent question. I nodded and said, "From my mother, the Queen."

She could not wait to put the bangles on. When that was done I said, "Let me put the necklace on you."

We went to a mirror on the wall, I stood behind her. I hooked the ornament at the nape of her neck. Her neck was delicate with tendrils of fine hair. My fingers touched her skin and she broke out goose bumps. My resolve of curtailing the fucking time started crumbling.

I said, " They look nice on you."

We came back to sofa. She sat away from me and removed the ornaments putting them back into the boxes. Her trembling was minimal. Her apprehension was much less now. I said, "You can go home now if you do not want...you know what. I will not feel bad bout it. The gifts are for you to keep. What do you want to do?"

Anxiously she hastened to say, "No, no no, Sir. I do not want to go home."

"Alright, then" I said, "Tell me about you...."

That is how I dragged her into conversation. I asked her about her likes, dislikes, hobbies ; I asked about her family, her in laws, her husband. I carefully avoided the subject of sex.

In the beginning her responses were in monosyllables but as the innocent talks continued her anxiety lessened and she gradually opened up. Within half an hour she was unwound enough to laugh freely at some silly situation.

Time was now ripe to introduce sex in our talks. Hence I asked, "Why did you lie down on your back when I came in the room?"

"My mom told me to do so. And a couple of my married friends too. "

"What did they say?"

She blushed heavily and lowered her gaze before saying, "To lie down and allow you to do whatever you want."

"Did they say what I may want?"

Still with her gaze averted she nodded yes.

" Tell me what they said."

In a voice barely audible she murmured, "They said that you will fu ...fu....I cannot speak."

"You cannot speak but you know what it is? You know what we are supposed to do?"

Again she blushed and averted her eyes. She put her finger between her teeth and smiled bashfully. My lund twitched in my pajamas.

When she did not answer I said, "Will you please, go and get me half a glass of milk?"

She got up from the sofa and walked down to the table near the far wall where snacks and drinks were kept. While her back was turned to me I left the sofa and went to sit on the edge of the bed. I removed my night shirt and loosened the pajamas by untying the knot of the string. I did not bring out my lund which was by then fully erect.

She came back with milk and stood little away from me. She blushed heavily seeing me half naked. All the girls I had fucked till then had told me that I had impressive sexy chest, muscular deep and with springy hair all over it and over my shoulders too. She lowered her gaze and offered me the glass. Her hand was unsteady, shaking gently due to excitement mixed with anxiety. There was shy smile on her lips.

With one hand I grabbed her wrist as if to steady it and with the other took away the glass. I put down the glass on the side table but did not release her wrist. I expected her to pull back but to my delight she did not. I waited for some time and gave her ample opportunity to withdraw. When she did not I looked into her eyes. She immediately lowered her gaze and chewed her lip. Gently I pulled her down in my lap. She came in slowly but willingly

I sat her on my left thigh. She draped an arm around my neck and closed her eyes burying her face in my chest. My left arm went around her waist to the lower back, the other went to her flat stomach. She covered my hand with hers but did not try to remove it. Our faces were so near that I could smell her fragrant breath from her half open mouth. I moved my head an inch and my lips touched hers.

I gave her a mere peck on her soft and sweet lips but she shivered and cuddled closely on my chest. My arm around her waist pulled her close to me. She was smooth and delicate but her breasts felt firm against my chest. My lund, already erect was trapped between my lower tummy and her hip. It started its periodic twitching.

I spoke practically in her hair, "You are not scared now, are you?"

She shook her head. I continued, "You trust me and will cooperate with me. Will you not?"

She nodded yes.

"In that case, kiss me."

She made the sound "Tch" and shrugged her shoulders, both meaning no. Her promise of cooperation did not last for a minute. Anyway, I did not insist. Instead, I lifted her face up and kissed her mouth.

This time it was a kiss that mattered. I pressed upon her closed lips and took both of them between mine. I sucked on her lips and ran my tongue over them. I could feel her breathing getting strained and fast. Her grip on me also tightened. Just for fun I lifted my mouth and broke the kiss. Expectedly she responded promptly by pulling down my head to resume the kiss.

I slanted my mouth and using the tip of my tongue, not unlike the tip of the cock, pried open her lips and entered her mouth. She squirmed a little but soon realized how sweet the kiss was and stopped struggling. She passively enjoyed my tongue foraging her mouth. I was in no hurry; leisurely I ran my tongue over her teeth, gums and inner surface of the cheeks. There was a short battle with her tongue at the end of which my tongue was immobilized between her tongue below and her palate above.

While our mouths were busy kissing my free hand was roaming over her stomach caressing through the thin odhani. I tried to push my fingers under the odhani but could not do so. I therefore intensified the kiss by gently biting her lower lip and deftly pulled out the pallu of her odhani from the waist band of her ghaghari, sliding it down at the same time from her shoulder. That exposed her chest, partly covered by the choli.

She had draped her arms around my neck twisting her upper body towards me. Her eyes were closed and breathing labored. Apparently she was so deeply engrossed in the kiss that she was not aware of her surroundings. Every few minutes she would break the kiss, utter a prolonged sigh, lick her swollen lips and hurriedly sought out my mouth to resume the kiss. The more she kissed the more she was aroused, the more she was relaxed. All the tension disappeared from her body and she became soft and limp.

Either she was unaware of what my hands were doing or she liked what they were doing she now allowed them to roam anywhere on her body. My hand on her tummy, after caressing the flat plains of her stomach slid around her waist on to her lower back where it came across a small area of bare skin between choli above and ghaghari below. From there it was a short distance to the twin globes of her hips and her pussy. However her rounded buttocks were covered yet with clinging odhani and ghaghari. The ghaghari was tied at the waist tightly with a string effectively preventing entry of my fingers underneath. Hence I had to content myself with caressing through the clothes.

While the kiss continued my hand returned to her tummy. Once again I ran my fingers over the smooth flat expanse of her tummy and stealthily inched up towards her chest. Reaching the lower border of her choli I tried to insinuate my fingers under it but failed because the choli was too tight.

Frustrated on all the fronts I boldly moved up and cupped her breast. She gasped in my mouth and covered my hand with hers. There was no protest beyond that. She allowed me to hold and feel her breast.

Even though I was holding a cloth covered breast it felt as if I was holding a naked one because her choli was so form fitting and made of thin silk. She was eighteen plus in age but her breast was a small rounded growing tit of a teenager schoolgirl. I could feel it getting firm under my caress. The tiny nipple hardened and jutted out like a pencil eraser. It was so small though that I could not pick it up with my fingers; I tweaked it with a finger tip. I could feel waves of fine tremors coursing down her body and goose bumps erupting all over Harkha's otherwise smooth skin. My lund jerked every few seconds and spewed large quantities of love juice. She broke the kiss and came up for air.

Weighing her breast in my palm I asked, "Do you like what I do to you?"

She nodded yes.

I squeezed the breast once again and said, "Is this your natural breast or padded bra?"


"Let me see," I said and started unbuttoning her choli. She again held my wrist.

When I was done with her choli and her breasts were exposed I said, "Okay, I hold your breast and you hold something of mine in turn. How about that? Give me your hand and scoot down a little."

My pajamas were open. I could easily direct her hand to my cock for her to hold it. At first she hesitated but I persisted and she relented.

She wrapped her fingers around the shaft and felt the whole length of the lund, from the tip to the root. She encircled the shaft with her forefinger and the thumb to gauge its thickness. Even with the lund in her hand she started trembling. The lund fell off her hand. Her arms lost the grip on me. All the tell tale signs of fear reappeared. We were again on square A.

I relaxed my hold on her, put my lund back into my pajamas and asked, "You are scared, are you not?"

She could at least reply, "No, my Lord, I am not. I am worried. You are so long and thick, I will be torn apart."

I reassured that nothing of the kind would occur, that chut is elastic and capable of delivering a baby which is much bigger than the biggest lund. I told her that I would be very careful and will enter her chut slowly.

She was highly anxious. She said, "My hole is so small. I cannot imagine how such a thick like yours could enter such a small hole without injuring."

"What would you do if your husband's cock is as thick as mine or thicker than mine?"

"I cannot even think about it. I don't know if he would be as gentle as you have been."

Then an idea flashed in my mind. May be if she watches my lund fucking a young vagina, she may be convinced that she could do the same.

I said, " I can show you by fucking another girl like you that the chut can accommodate a thick lund. Would you like to see?"

" Who is she?"

"She is one of my concubines, you will like her."

I clapped my hands twice and Reshama presented herself and bowed deep, "My Lord?"

"Will you please, escort Juhi here?"

Saying. "With great pleasure, my Lord." Reshama went away and returned with Juhi a nineteen years old girl almost like Harkha. She was all shy smiles and eagerness. She bowed low and said, "My Lord."

I explained," Juhi, my dear, this here is Harkha. You know she is in for getting rid of her virginity. But there is a bit of a problem. She is afraid of my lund lest it may tear up her vagina. What I want to do is to fuck you in her presence so that she can see that small chut can take in a lund like mine without any difficulty. What do you say?"

Juhi said, "My Lord, your idea is excellent and I am obliged that you have chosen me for the purpose. If you permit me I would like to say something."

"Go ahead, " I said and started undressing her by unwrapping her odhani at her waist.

"My Lord, Harkha's fear is not miss placed. God has given you a cock of frightening dimensions. I was also scared when you fucked me for the first time. And Harkha, do not worry, his lund is frightening in looks only. It is equally tasty both, in the mouth and in the chut. You will see."

I told Harkha, " Sit aside but near by. You can join us at any stage, if you like."

Juhi was physically not much different. She was 5'1" weighing 120 lbs. She was sexy and attractive in her own way. Reshama had brought her into my 'services' before about six months. Since then she had been my favorite; so much so that we had been fucking like a married couple.

Juhi was my favorite not without a reason the foremost being her bhos, her vulva, twat, cunt, boor, bhug, significant area, perfumed garden, whatever you call it. I have till today not seen a bhos better looking than Juhi's. From the high padded mons thick and rounded bigger labia ran down enclosing a long slit of five inches. The actual crack, seen only on spreading the labia, was not more than three inches long. Her clitoris, full one inch long occupied the front end of the slit with its bald cherry like head peeping into the crack. All this was hidden by bigger labia softly touching each other in mid line.

Secondly she knew how to use her bhos and chut and pleasure a lund in and out of her chut. She was a virgin novice when she came to me. She had no knowledge of sex beyond basics. However she was a sharp girl ever ready and eager to learn. Over a period of six months she trained her internal muscles, learned to give blow job, hand job and massage. Her chut had widened a bit after regular dilation by my lund but she could at her will allow me to fuck her for more than half an hour or could milk the lund to an orgasm within two minutes.

I had an instant liking for her which gradually turned into love. The more she learnt the more she endeared to me. Besides fucking she was a good companion and an excellent confident. Unfortunately I could not marry her due to our social levels being different. She was however very happy wherever she was as long as I was with her.

How and why she came to be my concubine is a story in itself. We will ask her to tell us.

On that night with Harkha Juhi came in to help me without a trace of jealousy. She was ever happy to fuck with me; at the same time she did not monopolize me. I could fuck anybody and she would not mind.

I was sitting at the edge of the bed with my feet on the floor and thighs spread. Juhi walked between my thighs, put her hands on my shoulders and lowered her head for a kiss. Even as our lips met I pulled open the knot of her ghaghari and it fell down around her feet. While the kiss continued I removed her choli and freed her breasts.

Juhi's breasts were on a larger side. They were resiliently firm spheres with a trace of maturity sag turning the nipples pointing up and forwards. The nipples and areolas were of light coffee color, very sensitive and very excitable. I had never seen them in non erect state.

As I put forth my hand to lift a breast she felt for my lund inside my loosened pajamas. The cock had wilted into a small innocent looking structure. Juhi caressed it and tried to stroke it. The cock did not respond because stroking was not possible on soft shaft. But then Juhi knew the ropes.

She sat down on her knees on the floor between my thighs. She looked up into my eyes. It was a silent question and I nodded my head. She picked up the cock, peeled the foreskin from the soft head and took it in her mouth. Harkha standing by saw this and gasped in surprise.

As it was a limp cock she could take the whole of it in, her lips touching my mons. Stroking was not possible for the same reason and hence all she could do was to lick it with the tongue and suck on it like a tit. She started doing both simultaneously.

When her tongue slid over the head I felt ticklish sensation on the cock head. Sucking action intensified the sensations rapidly and the cock jerked a little. Juhi persisted in her efforts and was rewarded with a lund gradually getting erect. As the lund became thicker and longer it filled up her mouth to capacity and then after the shaft started coming out. Juhi then could hold the shaft in her fist and stroke it. Ultimately only the swollen bulbous head occupied her mouth, the rarest of the lund came out.

Now Juhi started bobbing her head taking in and out couple of inches of the shaft, sort of fucking the mouth. As she carried on more and more of the lund could go in and come out. She pushed the lund deep down her throat till she gagged. Then her mouth would open letting out a quantity of saliva mixed with love juice. Without taking the lund out she would close her lips on it and resume sucking. At times she would slide the entire length out of her mouth slurping her lips on the smooth slope of the head.

Within short period of time Juhi could bring the cock to a degree of stiffness fit to poke a hole in Berlin Wall. My excitement had escalated rapidly, I was fast approaching orgasm but did not want to climax yet. I had to pull out my cock.

Full eight inches of my thick lund sprang out pointing forwards and upwards. The whole of it was drenched in her saliva mixed with my love juice. Couple of strands of mucus were still hanging between the lund and her lips.

Harkha meanwhile was watching with wonder and fascination. Her face was deeply flushed and she was wetting and chewing her lips. She of her own had unbuttoned her choli. One of her hands was inside the choli toying with her nipple while the other was shamelessly massaging the vulva. When I pulled the lund out Harkha sat down and leaned in.

Juhi was not the one to mince the words. While stroking the lund furiously with her fist she asked Harkha, " Want to taste it? It will make your bhos a lake of love juices."

With the eyes downcast due to shyness and mouth watering in anticipation Harkha put out her hand and held the lund. Juhi showed her the technique of stroking. Eagerly Harkha bent the lund towards her mouth and kissed the wet tip. She came out with thick strand of love juice sticking to her lips.

She looked up to me for approval. I smiled and with my hand on her head drew it towards the lund. She had to open her mouth wide to let the head in.

For a novice she did a good job of sucking the lund. She did not know much of the tongue work but this deficiency was made good by the delicate velvety feel of her nubile mouth and lips. I was careful not to push the lund far enough to make her gag.

Juhi had moved out from between my legs. She sat behind Harkha. She removed her choli and untied the ghaghari. Shamelessly she grabbed one breast and started fondling it. Her other hand went to her vulva.

Harkha however could not enjoy the lund in the mouth for any length of time because all three of us were highly excited. Time was ripe for fucking Juhi.

Juhi was more than ready with her bhos drenched in her love juice. As I drew her near me she asked in a voice weak with excitement, "My Lord, will you please take me from behind?"

That was her favorite position of fucking. So when I said yes she eagerly bent down on all the four with her ample bottom high in the air. I was equally eager to enter her chut; my lund was almost bursting. I positioned myself at the rear end between her thighs. I caressed the smooth globes of her heavy bottom and parted them.

The first thing that came into view was her butt hole. It was brown in color and tightly closed looking like the mouth of a purse tied with a draw string. The whole area was devoid of hair. Little more parting and the mouth of the chut was revealed with ends of the bigger labia flanking on two sides. The whole area was wet with the love juice spilled out from her vulva.

A little adjustment here and there and the chut was brought at the level of the lund. However her buttocks being heavy the chut was seated deep between them. It was difficult to keep the butt crack open for any length of time using one hand. I called Harkha to help. She came up to stand by me and looked at me with bashful eyes. I asked her to hold apart Juhi's ass cheeks.

With a hand on each butt Harkha pulled them apart. She was surprised to learn that the ass hole and cunt hole can be approached from behind. I held the heavy lund in my hand and nudged the mouth of the chut with the blunt head. Harkha looked on with mixed feeling of trepidation and fascination expecting Juhi to scream out of pain any moment.

I started entering Juhi's chut. Both the chut and the lund were wet and slippery and hence going was smooth. Harkha could see the labia parting readily to accommodate the thick lund. When about half the lund was in Harkha released the butts she was holding. The butts came to gather and gripped the lund but there was no obstruction and I could push in three quarters before the thick cushions of her butts prevented further penetration.

Harkha must be holding her breath because she let out a deep sigh and visibly relaxed.

I waited for few seconds and looked at Harkha. She was feeling shy again but could not prevent her fingers going to her clitoris. I said, "Did you see? I am going to fuck her now. Juhi, are you ready my dear? Do you feel any pain?"

"My Lord, I am ready and no, there is no pain, only pleasure."

Once she was settled I started fucking Juhi's chut with slow deep thrusts; at times bringing out only a couple of inches of the lund, at times almost its full length. The whole lund was dripping wet and felt thicker than ever. Harkha, standing by looked on.

At that time I noticed fine tremors in Harkha's hands. Her face was flushed and she was wetting her lips.

I asked, "Are you alright dear Harkha?"

" Yes, yes my Lord....I am alright....." she hurried to say and averted her face. I knew the symptoms.

"You are getting excited aren't you? seeing the cock entering the pussy? I bet you have never seen anything like this before. Have you?"

She lowered her eyes and did not answer, I drew her near me with an arm around he waist and kissed her mouth. I said, " It is okay, you should not feel shy of your responses because they are normal. Don't worry. Let's see."

My hand around her waist went down to her vulva. As expected it was over flowing with its own love juice. I gently pushed two fingers in her vagina. Immediately she gripped them. She was ripe for fucking.

I told Juhi, "My dear, I think our Harkha is now ready to step into womanhood. The moment for doing my duty has arrived. I will presently deflower her and then fuck you. You will have to wait till then."

Juhi replied, "Do your duty, my Lord and be kind to give her couple of orgasms."

I said, "My dear, I cannot indulge in personal pleasures and continue fucking her after defloration."

Juhi, "Pardon my impertinence, my Lord but think how you would feel if

some beautiful girl allows you to fuck her but leaves you half way."

That settled the issue. I told you Juhi has always been a good adviser. Not that I did not want to fuck Harkha because I did. Only moral issue was coming in my way. That was taken care of by logical mind of my dear Juhi.

I came off her and turned to Harkha my erection pointing up and forward wet with love juices. Harkha was not to be daunted this time by its angry look. She sort of took the bull by the horns. She boldly caught it in her fist as my arms went around her shoulder and waist. She whispered in my ear, "Make haste please, I cannot bear the delay"

She was right, she had waited enough. Yet I asked while walking to the bed, "What do you want?"

She surprised me by her wanton reply, "I want this (a squeeze on the lund). Right now,"

"What do you call it?"

"Lund, cock...."

"Where do you want it?"

"In my chut. No more talking. Get to work."

Harkha probably was the only one to order me around. I swatted her butt before throwing her on the bed.

I threw myself on her and glued mouth to mouth. She was still holding my lund. Hurriedly I sat up between her thighs spreading them to expose her bhos.

Harkha's body was petit and she appeared under age teenager but not her bhos. All the doubts about her age were expelled by the looks of her bhos. It was a cunt of a mature woman fit to receive a lund. The high mons had thick growth of black springy hair kept short by trimming. The hair growth extended down along the outer sides of the thick major lips. The slit between the lips was four inches long bordered by violet hued delicate smaller lips. At the back end of the vulva the smaller lips joined behind the mouth of her chut. At the front end was sitting her clitoris which at the time was engorged erect about an inch long. The smaller lips ended on two sides of the clitoris. The whole vulva was swollen and wet and was exuding intoxicating sweet aroma.

I ran my fingers lightly over whole of her vulva. Instinctively her hips flexed and thighs spread farther apart. She offered no resistance when I put my hands on her knees and widened her thighs to the fullest. Her pelvis rocked back and forth as if inviting the lund for fucking. I had a strong desire to lick and taste that sweet dish, but my own arousal prevented me from doing so. I had to content myself with kissing her clitoris.

Even that was also too much for her. She writhed like a fish out of water. My lund trapped between our bellies got rough massage and became more stiff if that was possible.

I lifted my pelvis sufficiently so that my lund could be moved. Taking it in my hand I told her to open up her bhos. Putting two hands on two bigger lips she drew them apart opening her nubile vulva for my attack.

I ran the head of my cock through the length of her crack and brought it to the mouth of her chut. A gentle pressure engaged the head in the mouth of her vagina. I left the lund and told her to let go the lips. Immediately the lips closed on the head of my cock. She started trembling.

Bending down I kissed her mouth and said, "You are a brave girl. You have done excellent so far. Now is the crucial moment. I will be very gentle but some pain is unavoidable. Do not be afraid, Ready?"

She nodded yes and held on me by my arms. I gave a quick short but forceful thrust and broke her seal of her virginity. She let out a sharp scream, "AAAiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,,,,,,,,,,,"

Tears welled out in her eyes and perspiration broke out on her body. The trembling however stopped. With half of my lund in her chut I waited for her to recover from pain. Meanwhile I showered kisses on her face, mouth, neck and breasts. I lovingly said, "There, there. The act is done. Few minutes more and the pain will disappear. Just wait."

We remained motionless for some time and her pain started getting less; eventually it disappeared. Her chut contracted softly and I knew that she was ready to resume fucking. I was about to push in the rest of my lund when in all innocence she asked, "Can I see below?"

"Why not?" I said and lifted my upper body away from her. She looked at my cock half buried in her chut and half out. She immediately cried out, "Oh my God, it is not fully in. Are you going to push the rest of it in?"

"Only if you say so."

"It will hurt again?"

"No, it will not, you may feel local soreness for few hours, but no pain."

" I am scared. It is so....so big."

"It is big but it will not hurt. You look on and I will push the lund in. Tell me if you feel slightest pain."

I pulled out for an inch and then pushed in slowly and steadily. It was a tight fit, her chut being young and fresh but there was copious amount of love juice which made it some what easy. Gingerly I pushed on and stopped only when I was buried to the hilt and could not go any further. There was no pain. To drive the point home I once again pulled out till only the head remained in her chut and reentered to the fullest. No pain.

She was watching with fascination. She marveled at her chut accepting painlessly the thick and long cock of mine. She looked at me and presented me with a million dollar smile, a smile which can be seen only on the lips of a girl who has just entered womanhood and her chut is yet full of her lover's cock, all pleasure and no pain.

Having attained the goal, the girl in her came to surface. The shyness held in abeyance so far by lust hit her with double force. She blushed heavily, closed her eyes and covered her face with her hands. Then followed her frantic attempts to cover her breasts, her vulva and her smiling mouth, all at once.

I did not want to add to her embarrassment and hence wordlessly lowered myself on her body and buried my face in her neck. She clung to me with her arms around my neck.

The woman in her shamelessly contracted the chut to squeeze the lund. That was a green light for me. I started thrusting into her delicious chut.

With my lund fully ensconced in the chut my mons was pressed upon hers trapping the clitoris in between. I rubbed mons to mons by rotating my pelvis, The clitoris got massaged triggering a series of fluttering in her chut.

My lund started twitching and I felt as if about to discharge my load.

Quickly I pulled out entirely to air the lund. I re-entered when it stopped jerking. The velvety walls of her chut caressed the lund and her internal muscles massaged it. railroading me fast towards orgasm.

It was my intention to make her cum before me. So I raised myself on my arms before starting slow excursions of my lund in and out of her pussy. Bending my head I picked up one of her nipples and sucked on it. At the same time I put a finger by the side of the clitoris. I carefully avoided the supersensitive little head. With each down stroke of the lund my finger titillated the clitoris.

The sucking of the nipples, stroking of the vaginal walls by the cock and stimulation on and off of the clitoris was too much to bear for Harkha. I must have given her not more than ten strokes when she tripped over.

Apparently orgasm was not new to her. At first she started writhing under me her movements becoming more and more frantic. She jerked her pelvis in every conceivable way. Whimpering sounds came out of her throat and then suddenly she was there.

Her body stiffened like a board and became immobile for few seconds and then started convulsing. Jerky movements almost threw me off. Equally suddenly the movements stopped and she relaxed completely. Her face, breasts and torso flushed deep red. She perspired profusely. Lower down her chut simply milked my lund while the clitoris went into frenzy of throbbing. Large amount of love juice flowed out from the bhos wetting the lund, scrotum, both lower tummies and upper thighs.

I had stopped thrusting during and after her orgasm. Once the after shocks subsided and she recovered I wiped her perspiration, kissed her several times and said, " Are you alright?"

She spent some seconds in orienting herself, looking around with her big innocent eyes. When she looked at me she realized her surroundings. Immediately she hid her face and then tried to cover her bhos. With my lund still rooted in her chut she could not do much. I held her wrists and asked, "Do you want me to get off?"

"No, please. What happened to me?"

"You had an orgasm."

"So strong? Did I faint?"

"Possibly for few seconds."

My patience was wearing off and I was finding it more and more difficult to keep the lund erect inside the vagina without moving. The lund twitched a couple of times and I had to move absolutely. As I was pulling out she looked down at it. When it was fully out she exclaimed, "Wow, so long and so thick? I can't believe it went inside my body."

I entered her again and started fucking her at slow speed. I could not last long. Within less than ten strokes I climaxed strongly. Hooking my elbows behind her knees I lifted them up to her ears. That changed the angle of her chut allowing easy access and deepest penetration besides stimulation of the clitoris.

Suddenly my speed accelerated. The strokes became rough, forceful and irregular, each shaking her body like a rag doll. My brain was then sitting in the head of my cock. It felt like the muscles of her chut were milking the cock and the cock was oozing out juice of ecstasy from whole of its length

My hips were mercilessly pounding her bhos when the first jet of semen was let loose from my lund. It was accompanied by a huge wave of blissful ecstasy engulfing my whole world. By the time the first wave receded the second jet came out, then the third and the fourth and the fifth ...I don't know how many, in rapid succession. It was so sweet that I dared not move. I had gathered Harkha in a bear hug with the lund deeply buried in her silky chut.

I was lying on Harkha's body during my orgasm. When the last after shock subsided I lifted myself on my knees and elbows keeping my pelvis firmly presses against hers and lund totally engulfed in her chut.

Even after discharging a large load of semen my pecker had maintained its erect state. I gave tentative shallow strokes and rubbed mons to mons. Harkha immediately realized that the lund had not wilted and was still inside her chut. She said, "My Lord are you not finished yet? What do I feel below?"

"Why don't you feel with your fingers and have a look also?"

I lifted myself to make way for her. With her fingers she traced her bhos. When she reached her chut she could feel the thick hard root of the lund had widened the chut so much that the shape of the crack was changed from I to O. Then she lifted her head for look see. All she could see was one mons pressed with the other.

I said, "Look on, I am going to pull out the lund."

That was what I did and did it ever so slowly. The thick cylinder of my cock slid out smoothly pulling out small labia with it. The thicker head popped out like a bottle cork.

Harkha had shed her shyness in favor of pleasure. As the lund slipped out of the chut she grabbed it, squeezed it and dragged it again to the chut. She left it alone only when the head was engaged in the mouth of the chut.

Equally deliberately I pushed the lund in. The sailing was smooth because of plenty of love juice, yet the entry was such a tight fit that you could see the small labia being pushed in, in spite of her holding the vulva wide open with her hands.

When the whole lund was taken in she let go her vulva, looked into my eyes and smiled. She looked so cute and innocent! I showered thousand kisses on her.

I resumed fucking Harkha at slow speed . Her chut and clitoris had become so sensitive that any movement of the lund, in or out produced an ecstatic thrill which caused her eyes squeezed shut, her mouth and vulva salivate and her pelvis undulate. Her second orgasm was not far.

She climaxed within ten strokes. I did not have to increase the speed or the depth or the force of my thrusts. I was pistoning at a steady cadence and suddenly she tripped over/

Once again I stopped thrusting, kept the lund deep down into her chut and held her delicate body in embrace while she was being ravaged by tempest of an orgasm.

This time she took some time to recover. When she did she was completely drained of energy. Instead of lying on her body I collected her in my arms flipped over and brought her over me, lund still imprisoned in the chut. I kissed her and caressed her. Like a baby she drifted into sleep.

I quietly withdrew the lund. Juhi helped me to put her to bed.

The bed was big enough but we decided to use sofa. We cuddled, kissed, caressed, kneaded, stroked, poked, swatted licked and bit. Ultimately when my lund entered Juhi's delectable chut it was like home coming. Both of us went into a sort of trance in unison. There was a constant flow of pleasure emanating from the lund and clitoris and nipples.

We were not in a hurry, it was a quiet love making. I gave leisurely strokes, she responded by sleepy jerking of the pelvis; at times the lund also felt sleepy and started getting soft but the loving massage by the muscles of her chut awakened it. Every few minutes Juhi shuddered out of ecstasy and I held her pressed on my chest her spherical breasts flattening into pancakes.

Eventually Juhi shuddered for the last time before succumbing to slumber.

I allowed my lund to release its load. and drifted into sweet sleep.

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