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8.21% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 337: Alexander - Unleashed

Chapitre 337: Alexander - Unleashed

Alexander had always been a beautiful boy, endowed with the looks of his great grandfather, a 50's gentleman, who had the combination of a strong jaw and soft eyes, they had almost been lost in the generations but then Alexander was born.

As he grew, he shared the same strong jaw and soft, brown eyes that were inquisitive and surprisingly sultry. He stood at almost six feet and was well built, needless to say, he always had his fair share of ladies who were disposed to him, puberty had him lapping up these affections, but not only did his looks flourish as he grew, they also did something to Mia...

Little Mia, his baby sister...

Not a baby anymore, Mia was eighteen and divine. Her long blonde hair fell in soft waves down to her hips, her eyes were a dazzling blue, she was petite yet had an hourglass frame, sweet curves, plump lips..It was a maddening sight and Alexander now twenty-two was finally hundreds of miles away in his own studio, nestled in Manhattan, he had his work to keep him busy and at last he felt himself letting go of what he felt were very wrong and indecent desires to hold for ones own little sister. 

That was until the day his mother had called him from home in Miami to tell him the "wonderful news".

"Sweetie, Mia got into Juilliard! She's going up to New York in a week for a tour and to get things settled, unfortunately your father and I can't get anytime off work, but maybe you can warm her up to the city."

Despite the happiness he felt for his little girl, and the excitement that dared to bubble over and spill at the idea of seeing her again, he snapped at his mother over the phone, his voice barely gripping on it's tight control. 

"Mother, I'm very happy for her but I'm too busy with work now, I don't have time to babysit."

Her heard his mother sigh and then - "You big jerk! I don't need a babysitter."

He would know that voice anywhere, the source of his kinkiest wet dreams, to his worst nightmare's, this sweet little voice which now barked at him from over the phone, hostile and angry. 

"You could have started this phone call, mom, with 'I'm on speaker and everyone is listening to this fucking conversation.' and Mia - Congratulations, I mean it, I'm happy for you and very proud."

"Don't curse at your mother, son." His father's stern tone arose at the same time he heard his sister say a soft "Thank you." Her temper, he knew was deteriorating at his appraisal. He liked that he was usually the only one next to his mother that could control this feisty little girl.

"Jesus Christ." Was all Alexander could mutter in response and then a little "Sorry."

"That's okay honey, look she'll be up there in just a couple of days, it would be a huge help if you could manage a little time to-"

His mother's voice had continued to rattle on but now all Alexander could think of was his little sister living in this tiny space with him for however long she'd be here. How again, he'd see her walking through the halls wrapped up in nothing but a little robe, and how sometimes when she was all wet after a bath, the fabric would cling to her bare skin...

"Sweetie? Hello?" The voice snapped him back into reality and he simply muttered a quick "Sure, Sure she can stay here." Before making up some lie to get him quickly off the line, and after hanging up he nimbly walked to his bedroom, not caring it was only nine and crawled into bed, only to stare at the ceiling, a little blonde on his mind and he almost started to touch himself before groaning in misery and forcing himself to sleep.

*One week later* 

Her arrival was something that plagued his mind all week, at work, out drinking, showering, regardless there was a that little knot inside him that only grew until now, finally, it was Saturday and his baby sister would be waiting for him at the airport, to go back home with him and live there for a month, a whole month...Thirty-one days...The thought was elating and thrilling and terrifying.

As he drove to retrieve her, it seemed his body could tell he was getting closer and closer to her. He was wearily aware of the tension growing in his groin, all of him was tension ridden. This was nerve-racking, what the fuck had he agreed to? This was what he was running from and now he was driving to it? It seemed suddenly for the first time all week, the most stupid shit he had ever agreed to in his whole life. He cursed himself, silently, he couldn't simply abandon her in this city all alone. He was, after all, her big brother, he had sworn as a little boy he would always protect her no matter what and he knew the minute he first saw her, milky skin, with those large darling eyes that she would need a lot of protecting. 

To skip the hell inside the airport pick up and drop off, Alexander parked a block away and gave himself the chance walk, it wasn't as time consuming as he pictured and within a spare minute or so he was at the front gates, where they had agreed to meet, he lit a cigarette and eyed the crowd a few feet from him, looking out for that familiar shape he knew too well, when suddenly he heard a little squeal and a mass knocked into his side, hard.

Mia's arms wrapped about her brother in a hug, her blonde hair nuzzling under his chin. She looked up at him, her eyes bright and a big smile, churned her cheeks into a lovely pink, her pretty white teeth on display, all of her beauty to take in, caused him to inhale a little too deep, a rush claiming him. 

Mia eyed her big brother with some dismay, she took in his dark under eyes, it looked like he didn't get a wink of sleep in days. She let her thumb run under his right eye as she said, in a voice a little like her father's. 

"You look awful."

Despite everything going on in his mind, Alexander burst out in a laugh, while grabbing his sister's wrist and softly putting it at her side.

"Fantastic to see you too, sis." 

She rolled her eyes and thoughts of taking her over his knee and giving her a spanking passed unwarranted in his inner mind. He cleared his throat, suddenly hyper aware of their closeness and took a step back from her. 

For the first time since he left home, he got a clear look at her from head to toe. She was wearing a little, coral pink dress, classy looking and her hair was wild and free, her long, gold curls encompassing her but not hiding those damn curves.

"You know what I mean, you look like you haven't slept in a week, Zander, everything alright?"

He hadn't been called that in months, no one except Mia called him that. It made him smile despite her intuitive glance and question. 

I'm fine, Mia." Was all he said as he took her luggage and began walking back toward his car. Mia beside him, she was always a filler for conversation, she loved a good story and had a knack for giving them as well. 

Alexander was thankful for this on the car ride back to the apartment, he couldn't think of a thing to say to her, the space was small and her dress had rode up her thighs when she sat down, revealing more porcelain smooth skin.

Mmm, Good enough to eat, he thought wickedly and decided to ignore his dark side, with all its dark ideas and focus on her story.

She was enthusiastic, she spoke of her audition, motioning with her hands like she usually always did, telling him about her one night trip up here with a girlfriend of hers, Karen, about their night drinking after her performance, visiting one venue she couldn't remember the name to and then she turned her torso towards the drivers seat, her eyes on her brother's profile.

"If it becomes too big of a burden, Mom lent me enough money for a hotel for a week or so." The girl had trouble keeping the hurt from her voice. She didn't like the idea of her brother not wanting her, it was downright the worst thing she could think. Earning his devotion as a child had been her earliest satisfaction. 

Alexander pulled into a garage and parked, thinking about this a little. It was a nice plan B, but the sound in Mia's voice made him turn and stare at her. Her eyes were on him already, questioning, wide and filled with care. 

"You're never a burden, Mia." His voice came out in a whisper, oddly and he found himself reaching for her, his fingertips, lightly pushing her hair back over her right shoulder, revealing more of that milky skin. 

He looked at her as if he meant to kiss her, but only got out of the car and went to get her bags, neither of them saying a word until they entered the studio.

Mia broke the silence with a little gasp. "How beautiful, I love this, it's so cozy."

Immediately, she took of her little heels, and started doting around the house, her small, perfectly manicured toes patted on the wooden floor. 

"I always thought you'd have a little place like this, it feels just like you." She smiled warmly at him and the first night with her there went smoothly enough compared to what Alexander had conjured in his fears. 

But as the days went on, the more and more distance Alexander had to put between himself and Mia. Just like it had been back home, Alexander now had to keep a conscious effort of not staring too much, saying something inappropriate, the absent minded touching, caressing, so it was easier to simply avoid her like he always had to. 

He meant to always be unavailable, restricted, confined to himself and his work. Eventually, Mia would give up with him like she did back in Miami too, she would stop asking him to do things with her and let him slip into his solitude.

It tore at her a little, she always thought she would be the one to break him of his shell and get to be the first to see what he hid beneath his stoic charms and disposition. If anyone could, Alexander was sure it would be her, for he knew no one more free, open and spirited than she. He couldn't even say if he wanted it to be anyone else. Part of him knew now, that he didn't and never would.

And cruel as fate is, of all the cities in all the world, she came here. 

Not only to visit but she would be going to school here, he thought with some despair... and she would always be hauntingly close. 

It appeared he hadn't run away far enough and though the approach of avoidance had been working for almost two weeks now, it all came down to a sudden screeching halt.

Not that it was all that much of a surprise, only so long this teetering on the edge of disaster could suffice. 

Funny, how it all seemed to implode with just a single phone call.

Alexander had been at his desk working, deep in thought when a sudden vibration snapped him back to the here and now.

It was Mia.

"Mia?" He inquired and he could hear loud music and voices in the back-round, she had left hours ago with some people she had met.

"Zander? Hey...W-would ya come and -" She have a tiny hiccup and then continued "Pick me up, please Alexander?"

"Are you drunk, Mia?" The rage was ridiculous. He really shouldn't be so angry, it wasn't as if he didn't drink at her age, but the idea of her any more vulnerable than usual, in some place without him, where men were surely ogling her, pursuing her, looking at her...

"No, I was drinking. I'm not dr -hiccup- drunk..." She gave a little giggle. 

"Not funny, Mia. Where are you?"

"I'll text you the address." She hung up before he could answer. 

Alexander placed the phone on his desk with a little more force than necessary. The recklessness of his sister was bewildering and infuriating. The phone vibrated again to life, Mia's whereabouts, he took off, not skipping a beat...


The address lead to a venue that was impossible to park in, he had to find a place a block or so away and when he called Mia to see exactly where she was, she didn't answer.

Luckily, he found her right outside sitting on a bench. She looked exquisite in her black dress, a little belt at her waist which extenuated the curves and grooves of her hips and breasts

She looked up, as if sensing his stare and smiled, she got up, a bit wobbily and walked over to him, still somehow graceful in each step.

"Thank you." She said sincerely and Alexander held her shoulders for a second, noticing her light sway.

"How much did you drink?"

Mia shooed at his question with a soft flick of her wrist. "Can't we just go?" She started walking off in the wrong direction, away, away from him. Rage sneaked its way back in him full force and in such abruptness that he unconsciously reached for her wrist, yanking her to him, pulling her tauntingly close.

"Wrong way, little one." 

She pulled herself free from his hold and they began walking in silence towards his car, both in a settling madness. 

"The people you came with just left you? I thought you had a ride." He said, the anger subsiding a bit, as he hopped in the drivers seat after closing his sisters door, most to her disapproval, she was enraged with him and hers was not subsiding, Alexander did not understand.

"I'm sorry you were forced into spending a car ride's worth of time with me, I'll try not to impose again." Her voice was soft, but dripping with sarcasm.

"You know that's bullshit, Mia, I let you go out because -"

The girl cut him off with a quick laugh. "Is it really bullshit, Alexander? I barely ever see you, ever, it's finally a time before we end up in totally different lives and you can't seem to get far enough away from me and you don't 'let me' do anything, you're not the boss of me."

"Don't be so childish and maybe I won't feel the need to tell you anything. I thought the girl you were going out with was to give you a ride back."

"It wasn't a girl. It was a boy."

Mia saw her brothers jaw clench, his knuckles more prominent as his fist clenched at the steering wheel. 

"What the fuck, Mia..." He looked over at her but she held her gaze out the window, refusing to look back at him. He returned his attention back to the road. 

So some boy was getting her drunk...Fucking perfect, he thought. 

"Why did you lie to me?"

"Hm, maybe because every guy I've ever brought over has some fear you're going to kill them. You're rude to any date I've ever had."

A few dim memories flickered of the many of boys who tried to get his sister, he didn't recall being particularly pleasant with any of them but he wasn't surprised. The thought of Mia with any other man was something that always bothered him since he could remember, as a kid he found himself competing with his father, yearning to be the main man of her life. No doubt, a jealousy that bit and gnawed at his very bones and nerves. 

"Well you have a habit of bad choices, this kid you went with got you drunk and left you?"

"I guess you could say that."

"Would you quit with the fucking ambiguous shit -"

"Why? You never do."

"What do you mean?" He inquired, taking a moment to look at her. 

This time she did look at him, straight in his eyes, it hurt him a little but not as much as the sadness in them did. She took a breath and let her head rest against the cushion of the seat, her breasts looked so full and popped a little ways out of her dress. Her eyes looked heavy...beautiful.

"You remember how close we were when we were little right?" 

It was true, as kids they were inseparable. They often slept in each others rooms, they would play games together, some real, some they made up, Alexander's personal favorite "Doctor" where sister and brother would examine each others bodies in wonder, touching a little here and there, they would sometimes sneak off at night and explore the alleyways, lakes and parks of their little town. It wasn't until Alexander began puberty that he nearly shut her off completely, though he had loved her more than one brother should for a long time. 

"Yes." Was all he said, his voice tender now, however, from the nostalgia of simplicity. When the overbearing love was natural and not tainted by a relentless lust. 

"What ever happened to that...One day, you just didn't like me anymore."

Alexander blinked in shock. "That's what you think?"

"You sound surprised I'd think that, you'd ignore me, avoid me, I was just ten. I still looked up to you like you were the best thing in the entire universe." She said this like it was silly.

"You don't look up to me anymore?" He wondered aloud as he pulled into that same garage, he'd done it a thousand times but never like this. 

"Of course I do – but..."

As he parked he now had the advantage of taking off his seat-belt and looking at her directly, she was someone he could read like the pages of a book, it just took some time, a little effort and a bit of imagination and he was inside her mind right along with her and that was a reassuring thought that he could still do this, her mind was a lovely place.

The girl before him looked distant and hard to reach, she had grown since he last saw her, maybe not so much physically but the mental growth shows in the appearances, especially the eyes.

Little did Alexander know that she had too been loosing nights of sleep before her arrival here.

"Hey," Alexander said very softly, he began to reach his hand towards her cheek, to softly caress it but he dropped the hand mid air, feeling conflicted. Brothers surely touched their sisters sometimes and it didn't cross as romantic, sexualized...

Maybe he wouldn't be able to keep it out of the touch, maybe that desire could be felt and so he decided to keep his hand put, even though her sad, sweet eyes were a heartache.

Strangely, Alexander felt a sudden burst of blunt truth flood from unconscious, to conscious, to mouth in the matter of moments. "It never had anything to do with you, I didn't think it would mean so much that I wasn't...Around so much, it's always been me, Mia, I'm the one I'm trying to get away from."

"What? Why?" Mia really couldn't see what he had to not like of himself. He was handsome, brilliant...nice, sweet, funny, caring...She could go on and on.

Mia reached over to her brother, her hand gently curving its way to the back of his neck, it left goosebumps and a funny feel in his spine, her face so deliciously close. He thought that, if he reached out just a bit, he could rub his tongue on her plump little lips, maybe they would open for him and he could explore her warm insides, not just her own tongue and mouth, but that sensitive bundle between her legs. He rarely entertained such thoughts but these were too strong, not like the others.

He deduced that being away from her so long only doubled the temptations. 

"Well whatever it is, its stupid because your the best person I know." Then, her body was pressed to his, she had her legs under her knees, arms wrapped about his shoulders, her chest shoved up against his. Mia unfolded herself from the hug slowly, relishing in the way her body flew to sparks, their faces stayed a bare inch from one another, until, at one point in her departure from their embrace, they finally met eyes, lust mirrored by lust.

"I wish we could be like this all the time." Mia whispered to him, and then, Alexander let his hand curl itself around her neck now, ushering her face towards his own, in movements he had fantasied of, he softly guided her pink, full lips to barely meet his own, just the most delicate brush of sensation and he heard the girl gasp in surprise but she did not repel back in horror, instead, he felt her fall into him, he now held her face, not letting the distance of their mouths falter, his tongue poked out, sliding from one end to the other..."Mia." A echo of a groan came from deep within him, sending a shiver down the girl, who a little too bewildered to react, managed to get her tongue to meet with his. 

Suddenly, she was on her back, Alexander on top of her, he seemed even larger in the limited space of the car, he was her every sense, it caused a dripping wetness between her thighs, this made her moan , back arched and she bit down on her lip hard, the noise seemed to give Alexander some clarity and he was off of her within a second, forcing her body like a rag doll back into a proper position"Well, you wanted to know so badly there it was, I think things no brother should about his baby sister."

"I' am not a baby." She retorted, a little embarrassed and she got out and shut the door a little too hard.

Alexander followed after her with a laugh. 

"Believe me, I know that. Though it would be much easier if you were."

Mia couldn't talk back anymore, honestly, her knees were a little weak and her lips felt like electricity, he hadn't fully kissed her, only brushed their lips and touched tongues and now, she could feel each nerve ending and they all wanted more. 

As the boy fished out his keys to unlock the door he spoke, rushed and confounded. "I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry, it will never happen again."

Once inside the studio, Mia threw herself at him and he took hold of her tightly, his hands racking up her sides. 

This time, he kissed her, hard and hurried, biting her, licking her...All down her neck towards her breasts. 

"You like this?" He moaned between kisses and his little sister could barely let out a breathless "Yes."

"Very, very naughty Mia." He said, guiding her to the kitchen, his hand in hers, he sat down on the nearest wooden chair, motioning for her to drape herself across his knee and she cocked her head to one side before obeying. 

When she did, her bum sticking high up in the air, her face hidden in the warmth of his body, she relished in the slow motion of his fingers as they began working up the back of her thighs, in between, and up the slightest bit, dauntingly close to her wetness and then, out of nowhere his hand left her needy skin, it was a sheer moment of misery until the hand came swinging down, slapping her bubble butt, hard, dead center.

Mia let out a little squeal of shock. Then came another slap and another, over and over and then, he was rubbing her thighs again, slowly, delectably slow...

"You know why you're getting punished, yes?" He asked her through his thick haze of desire, oh how many times had he fantasied of this little girl over his knee? His baby sister's dress riding up her back, her sweet ass on perfect display for him. Consequences and right and wrong were not in his thoughts, he let himself be consumed by the task at hand.

"Yes, mmm, I do." Mia said, hoping to stop the stinging blows, they were causing a strange build up of pleasure, it was nothing she'd ever felt before.

"Tell me." His heavy whisper in her ear made her squeeze her legs together.

"I was a bad girl, I lied to my big brother."

The dirtiness of it all was all a part of the game, the fact it was so fucking wrong made it feel so damn good.

"Please." She found herself begging, not knowing exactly what she expected.

"What Mia, what do you want your brother to do?" He urged her with a softer slap, encouraging the foul mouthed little girl he knew was in there.

She moaned in pleasure, lost and unsure what to say. Sex? Was she really prepared for this, of course a small part of her had imagined in Miami, that he would ravage her fully before sending her back on the plane home. It had caused her belly to clench and she had to rub out the need for hours, coming over and over and still feeling no release. 

"Make your little sister cum for you." 

He groaned at her words, so sexy and foul and gave her one last slap on her bum before slowly removing her sheer, lace panties. They were white and when he dragged them down, all the way to her knees, he could see her wetness sprayed across its fabric. Alexander let out another feral moan...

He began his slow and torturous assault, rubbing, caressing, every where but where she wanted it most, keenly denying her wet little center, the delight of touch. He kept this up, shoving her panties further down and then abruptly...allowing his hand to rub all the way up, until finally, his fingers met the slick, wet warmth of her little cunt. 

"Zander.." Mia groaned in a whisper, her eyes nearly rolled in the back of her head. 

Then it was gone, Mia looked over and pouted at him and was rewarded with a hearty chuckle. 

"Patience, my little one." He rubbed further up now, into her dress, to remove her strapless bra with a quick ease and force it off her, throwing it blindly and reaching back under to play with her perky, fully breast, her nipples were hard for him already and he pinched them both, hard.

"Augh!" she groaned, rubbing herself against him.

Then his hands were back down between her legs, rubbing now.. Slowly, softly, starting at her sweet bundle all the way to her tiny hole, rubbing around it, the wetness soaked his hand as he palmed her pussy, rubbing harder and harder, the feeling was like nothing else. 

"You are so wet for me, Mia." Her brother said with some pride, and all pleasure and lust. "Have you thought of this before?"

Before she could answer, his thumb slipped suddenly inside her, the palm of it, rubbing the upper wall of her vagina, the sheer wetness made it all easy, despite how tight her cunt was. 

"Mmm" They both moaned in relief. 

He continued to use his other fingers to circle her clit, his entire thumb shoved deep inside her, he started finger fucking her at a furious pace, a yummy sound filling his ears each time he went in and out.

"Oh...Oh fuck." Mia started to squirm, a feeling centering at her groin, familiar, but way stronger than she ever knew was real. It started to take everything from her, every nerve was screaming for this release...It was beginning to be too much and she attempted to get up but his hold was firm, she could barely move her own head and she tried to speak but only more moans and sounds of pleasure came from her.

The pace went on and on, somehow the burning feeling subsided and she was left at her high, in some kind of orgasm limbo, it was the most infuriating and delicious feeling she'd ever known. 

Alexander slowed his pace to almost doing nothing, simply making soft circles with his fingertips.

The girl squirmed more fiercely now. She was afraid he would leave her high and dry and decided to beg for it. This was what Alexander was looking for, Mia's soft, little voice begging him to please get her off. It was the sexiest thing he'd ever heard, he was rock hard now, the feeling of her hot, tight cunt and her breathless need had formed a sweet layer of precum on his head and he imagined stuffing it down her throat, until her begging was lost in sounds of her chocking on his size.

"Please, oh god please, don't stop, don't. Alexander please keep going. Keep - "

Again, the furious beat picked up and the onslaught began again. His thumb ravaging, in and out, in and out until the walls of her got tighter and tighter, sucking at him, looking for a release only he could deliver.

The overwhelming pleasure hit her again, giving her tunnel vision, her entire body went rigid all over, her toes curling, biting at her lip and gripping onto her big brother for dear life, matching his furious pace with her hips. 

It caused a lovely bouncing effect to her ass, now a pretty shade of red from the punishing. Alexander was appreciating this when suddenly his little sisters panting turned into a scream, it was a quick and desperate noise, causing her to squirm wildly...

"Take it, Mia, Cum for me now, cum for your big brother, yes just like that you dirty little girl."

His words undid her and stars shot across her eyes, her pussy clenched madly at his finger and she came for him, hard. The room was silent beside her moans and pants, some coming from her brother, as he watched her come down.

After a moment, Alexander lifted her up and guided her to his room, she looked at him sleepily and smiled a little sheepish. 

"Lay down." He ordered and she obeyed in an instant. The feel of mattress welcoming after her strange position before, she'd never cum over a chair before...Or by her brothers skilled fingers...

He sat on her side, softly rubbing her arm up and down, and then, across her breasts, holding them, squeezing, rubbing her nipples... "You never answered my question, Mia."

"What question?" Her eyes were open now, once closed absorbing the feel of his hands on her.

"Have you thought of me touching you like I did...Like I' am." He gave her left nipple a very hard pinch and she called out in surprise and titillation. 

"Yes." She groaned, looking away from him, her eyes shut. 

Alexander reached out for her chin, forcing her face back to his. "Look at me and tell me what you've thought about...How it made you feel."

As she opened her eyes, she saw his light brown ones had been darkened to a near opaque, the desire clear, he was getting off on this and it made her brave and soaked her with renewed wetness.

"Remember how we use to sneak in each others room?" He nodded once as she continued her dirty little tale. "You use to touch me sometimes..On my arms and neck and play with my hair and..." She blushed, halting her fantasy.

"Go on" Her brother urged, a gluttony of gratification possessing him. "Don't be shy with me."

"I touched myself and pretended it was you, it felt dirty and wrong and so, so, good."

Her words were an orgasm alone, sending a quake, - a thrill, all through him, to his center. 

"Show me." He breathed, and her eyes widened a bit. 

"Play with myself, now? In front of you?" She didn't understand why her voice came out in such shock, he just had his thumb shoved deep inside her, he made her cum like she never had...

"Yes, in front of me." Though he didn't roll his eyes, his tone sounded as so and he grabbed her right hand with his own, placing it on her upper belly, just below her breasts and began a slow taunt, straight down...

Her knees involuntarily went up, causing her dress to fall down, revealing her sweet, pink little pussy. You could see the wetness, her lips were already swollen and her nub was peeking out from her folds.

"You are so beautiful, little Mia, such a pretty pussy too...don't be shy." And suddenly, both of their hands were rubbing at that swollen bliss, once he knew she had set the pace, Alexander let his hand slip out from hers and enjoyed the show.

She circled her clit with her two fingers, and took up staring at her brother, it was so hot to see his eyes eating her up, the way he eye fucked her caused her to pant and lift her hips a little.

"Faster, Mia, Harder...Rub your dripping wet clit." His voice was deeper and darker, coming from a place he had not let anyone see, this was the Alexander that came to fantasies of his little sister all through high school, the one he tamed and kept in check for years, now loose and feral, an animalistic desire etched on his gorgeous, strong face.

"Yes just like that." Alexander growled, unbuttoning his own pants without taking his eyes off her and letting his massive hard on spring free into the air, the girl moaned when she saw it, licking her lips. 

"You like my cock, little sister?" He asked, taking in her appreciation of its stature. He began stroking it, eyes still focused on her hand, now furiously rubbing at herself.

"Yes" She whimpered, they were watching each other get off and it was the sexiest thing she could imagine...her big brother almost violently rubbing himself, up and down his shaft, precum wetting his hand...All for her. 

"I want you to cum in my mouth, Zander." 

Not wasting a beat, Alexander adjusted himself so he was on his knees, his little sister quickly propped herself up on her hands, looking up into her big brothers eyes as his cock neared her mouth and waited for entrance. 

Mia was rewarded a hiss of surprise when she suddenly took him in fully, all of him being sucked down her hot throat. 

His hands grabbed at her hair and made fists in them, it was a delicious feeling that shot up his member and he moaned ...


She had taken up to rubbing at her clit again, faster and harder then before, as she sucked and bobbed up and down on her big brothers dick, reveling in the way he groaned for her, the orgasm reaching closer and closer until he had her face pressed against the wall, both hands on either side of her face and was fucking her mouth hard, his hips shoving himself deeper and deeper down her throat until she made a little gagging noise, this only furthered his want and he rammed into her, unloading the packets of his pleasure giving a loud grunt of "Jesus fucking Christ." as she swallowed every last bit.

"Yummy." She giggled and he softly pulled out of her, rubbing his head against her lips. Alexander always thought she had the sweetest laugh.

"Very, very good Mia." He praised and she smiled up at him. Before he could speak Mia gestured down between her legs and asked shyly -

"Are you going to fuck me there too?"

Her brother laughed kindly at her and kissed her nose, her lips. "No."

"Not yet, I should say." Alexander corrected himself, knowing better in his thoughts. 

The girl only moaned in some disapproval, her pussy was begging for a fullness only his cock could bring her, yet she knew it was best for them both psychologically and emotionally if they did not get to the fucking quite so quickly. 

"Insatiable little girl..." Alexander smiled while removing his shirt and Mia's dress, which was already hitched up almost to her bosom.

He looked at her naked, glorious form for a few minutes, simply touching...Her breasts, her stomach, he tickled her sides a little and watched her squirm around in laughter before ducking his head and planting soft kisses about her inner thigh, again avoiding her precious spot.

The torture was a delectation, until his tongue ran up the crevice between her smoldering, sweet cunt and her perfect, milky thighs..."Oh god..." She began to beg again. "Please."

He bit down hard on that inner thigh and she bellowed out in pain and pleasure, gripping at the sheets.

"Zander!" The girl cried out, pressing her legs together, only to have them ripped apart by a pair of strong hands, then his whole mouth was on her cunt, he was eating her out with a ferociousness, his tongue making intricate swirls on her bundle like she was a canvas and he was the brush, crafting out of her desire, an orgasm that was building up higher than she could handle. She began to rub her breasts as her brother reached one hand to pinch her nipple, before sliding it back down under her, gripping her ass hard, shoving her into his mouth, burying his head in her wetness. 

"Oh fuck, oh fuck yes. Just like that oh don't stop, just...oh. Just..Like...That." And she came with a squeal, squirts of pleasure seeping into his mouth.

He kept licking her softly as she came down from her high, delicately nibbling, stroking, kissing her legs, up her stomach, making sure she didn't come down alone. 

"Mmm, big brother.." She sighed lazily, her eyes closing...

"Go to sleep, my sweet little girl." And a few minutes after his soft voice urged her to rest, they both fell into the most comfortable slumber since they were both kids, naked and tangled in each other.

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État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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