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4.51% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 185: A Game Between Cousins Ch. 01

Chapitre 185: A Game Between Cousins Ch. 01

"Come on James. Let's go play something," my cousin said, grabbing me by the hand and dragging me downstairs. I went with her willingly. Our parents were obnoxiously drunk at that point, and hanging out with them was beginning to feel like babysitting.

It was like this every time our families got together. We'd go over to my aunt and uncle's for a barbecue, game night, whatever, and within a couple hours our parents would be falling over themselves, talking too loudly and laughing incessantly. Jen and I would usually disappear together when they got too out of hand, and our parents seemed grateful for it.

Jen lead me to her room and I collapsed dramatically onto the bed.

"What you wanna play?" she asked, grabbing the controllers off her dresser.

"Mortal Kombat?" I suggested.

"Really?" she asked. "You know I always kick your ass."

"Not this time," I said confidently. "I've been practicing."

"Gonna take a lot more than a little practice to beat me," she said, handing me the controller and taking a seat at the foot of the bed.

"You'll see," I said, scooting down to take a seat next to her.

"Suuuuuuure. Whatever you say." She flashed me a smile and bumped me with her shoulder. I couldn't help but grin back. She had a really cute smile. 

Jen picked Sonia (she always picked Sonia), and I chose Takeda. 

"Let's do this," I said in a mock tough-guy voice.

The familiar yell of "Fight!" sounded from the TV and the match began. Jen was right of course. She did always kick my ass. When we were younger we'd play Halo with her big sisters, and even though they were older than me I was by far the best of the group. Jen was always more into fighting games than FPSs though, and with her sisters away at college we played Mortal Kombat pretty much exclusively. 

I loved fighting games, so I didn't complain. The only downside was Jen was so much better at them than I was.

I really had been practicing though. I'd been working shifts at Dairy Queen after school for the last year to pay for my car, and I'd finally managed to scrounge up enough extra dough to get Mortal Kombat XL a couple weeks back. I'd been practicing with Takeda online since then, and had actually gotten pretty damn good.

"Finish her!" the announcer yelled. Down, Forward, Down, Back, Y: Takeda pulled out his whip and used it to cut off Sonya's arms. He then launched the whip into her mouth, pulled it back out, and in the process pulled her spine out of her face.

It was gross... and awesome.

Jen put the controller in her lap and stared at the screen, mouth agape. I just smirked, waiting for her to say something. Several seconds passed. Finally:

"Bullshit," she said, just staring at the TV. Even though we were technically "adults" now, I still didn't like swearing around family; not even Jen. She seemed to feel the same way around everyone else, but never had any problem swearing around me.

"Told ya," I said, leaning back smugly. 

"Again," she demanded, not looking my way. She picked up the controller and started another round.

I beat her two more times.

"Whatever! You're just good with Takeda!" she said, pushing me over playfully. 

"Like you're one to talk. I don't see you picking anyone but Sonia." I teased, sitting up with a laugh.

"I play Leatherface sometimes!" she said indignantly.

"You never play Leatherface."

"I so do! Come on. Let's play again."

"I dunno..." I said, sounding disinterested. "It's kind of easy now."

"Oh shut up," she said, pushing me again.

"I mean, I did just win three times in a row," I gloated. "I didn't even lose a round."

"Fine. Let's make it interesting," she said. "Winner gets sixty seconds."

"You serious?" I asked her, excited at the thought.

"Deadly," she said, shooting me her most serious look. "Sixty seconds."

"Alright, if you think you can handle it," I said, sitting back up and grabbing the controller. She played fiercely, determined to win. She did better. I lost the second round. Made up for it in the third.

"Dude!" she yelled, throwing her controller onto the bed. "I was so close!"

"Not close enough. Now, you know what you have to do," I reminded.

"Fine," she said. "God they're loud. Can you get the door?"

"Sure thing," I said, closing the door to the bedroom. Our parents were being noisy, sure, but I knew that was just an excuse. We always closed the door when we played the game.

Jen laid back and spread her arms out to sides of the bed. I pulled out my phone and set a timer for one minute, then set it within reach of her on the nightstand.

I went down to the end of the bed and took a moment to admire her. She looked super cute in a grey shirt and pink pajama pants, and had about an inch of pale white skin showing near her belly button. That'd be my target. I crawled up the bed and sat over her legs.

"Tell me when," I said.

"Alright," she said, nervousness evident in her voice. She hit the timer. "When!" 

I lifted her shirt a couple of inches, exposing her belly and drawing from her a nervous squeal. I put my fingers on the soft skin of her ribs, let them move gently over her skin for a second, then began tickling her.

She screamed and wiggled beneath me, grasping the bed sheets tightly. I didn't let up. 

I moved from her ribs to her belly, then back to her ribs. I let my fingers explore a bit, tickling her sides and brushing against the bottom of her bra. Her legs kicked beneath me, but I had her pinned down with my ass.

"Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" she managed to scream out between bouts of laughter. She bucked back and forth beneath my touch but held tight to the bedding, never once trying to stop me.

The rules were clear. For sixty seconds I could do whatever I wanted to her. She wasn't allowed to stop me, or even to try to stop me, no matter what. We'd played this game at least once at every get-together for the last four months or so, and not once had either of us broken those rules.

I always went straight for tickling. I knew she expected it, but I couldn't help it. I loved feeling her fight against me and to force shrieks of laughter from her. Maybe it was a fetish of mine? I don't know, but tickling Jen always did something for me.

I looked over at the timer. Fifteen seconds left. I ran the palm of my hand over her smooth, flat belly, then migrated to her legs. I looked her in the eyes as I pulled them apart. She returned my gaze with exaggerated anger, but I could see a smile about to break through.

I placed my fingertips on her inner thighs, then started tickling again. She shrieked out and wiggled side to side, but didn't try to kick me off or anything. I allowed my hands to move up higher and higher, tickling closer and closer to her private area.

The alarm shrieked, stopping my fingers about a half-inch from one of the few places I'd never tickled her. She silenced the alarm.

"Jesus," she panted, her hand on her chest. She sat there for a moment watery-eyed, trying to catch her breath.

"How was that?" I asked, grinning wickedly.

"How do you think?" she asked rhetorically, pulling her shirt down.

"Ready for another go?"

"You know it," she said, grabbing her controller.

So we started another match, only this time I was distracted (and by distracted, I mean aroused). The game always did that to me. Not Mortal Kombat... the other game.

We'd only started playing a couple months before, and it had been her idea: "Alright, we can play Diablo, but only if I get to do whatever I want to you for sixty seconds. And you can't stop me for the full minute, no matter what," she'd said at the time. I wanted to play Diablo 3, so I agreed. I don't know where she got the idea, but it was super fun. We'd been finding excuses to play ever since.

My cousin was really cute. Hot too, of course, but cute was more fitting. I'd always known she was attractive, but when we were younger it wasn't really something I paid much attention to. I'd started noticing more as we'd gotten older, but damn if the game hadn't changed the way I thought of her completely. I loved touching her. I loved being touched by her. I even loved get-togethers with our alcoholic families, since they meant I got to spend more time with her. Whenever we were together it was only a matter of time before one of us suggested the game.

"Well, you know what that means!" she said after the match, rising to her knees and bouncing excitedly on the bed. All I'd been thinking about during the match was our other game, and the memory of Jen squirming beneath me. She'd kicked my ass in no time.

"Yea, yea..." I said, laying back. "Sixty seconds."

I started the timer and Jen got to work. I wasn't nearly as ticklish as she was, which meant she usually had to get more creative with her torture. She started by taking off my socks and tickling my feet. When she didn't get the reaction she'd hoped for, she grabbed her glass of ice water off the dresser.

I sighed. Not this again. She flashed me an evil grin, then grabbed the bottom of my shirt and and lifted it up to my neck. She then proceeded to pour ice cold water on my nipples (she was always doing shit to my nipples), starting with the left, then moving to the right. It was a lot more effective than tickling. I grasped onto the sheets, gritted my teeth and waited for it to be over. As the time ran down she started pouring the water on my belly button. It was still cold, but at least my stomach was a lot less sensitive. 

The alarm went off. Jen jumped with shock and accidentally spilled the water all over my lap.

"I'm sorry!" she said, jumping up from the bed. I turned the alarm off.

"Great. It looks like I pissed myself," I said, admiring the damage.

"Let me get you a towel," she laughed, heading for the door.

"Hold up," I said, stopping her. "I don't think that's quite gonna cut it. You got anything I can wear?" 

"Hmmm, let me check." She hopped out of the room and came back a minute later with a towel and a pair of pajama pants. "Got these from the laundry room. They're my dads."

I eyed the pants skeptically.

"They're clean." She said, rolling her eyes.

"They'll do," I agreed, grabbing the pants. I used the towel to dry off my chest, then handed it to Jen. "You might want to get the bed." The sheets had a big wet spot where I'd been sitting.

"Ugh... you really managed to make a mess," she laughed, drying off the bed.

"Yep," I said, laughing as well. "All me." 

I went into the bathroom to change out of my wet jeans and boxers. The pajamas she'd brought were a nice, kind of silky black pair with a flap in front held closed with a button, presumably to make pissing more convenient (because as everyone knows, the most important feature in pajamas is pissing convenience). I didn't have any spare boxers, and I definitely didn't want to wear a pair of my uncle's, so I just went without them.

"Looking sharp," she said, her attention on the TV. She'd started a solo match while I was away.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" I asked her, indignant.

"Um... preparing to kick your ass again?"

"I don't think so. You soaked me after the timer. You owe me sixty seconds."

"Those aren't the rules," she said. 

I responded by just staring at her. She paused the game and turned to face me.

"Those aren't the rules! We've never even had that happen before."

I stared back, unmoving.

"Ugh... fine! Fine!" she laid back on the bed with a huff. "Gross. I still feel the wet spot."

"I guess maybe you shouldn't have spilled all over the bed then?" I set the timer and sat it next to her. "Ready?"

"Yea," she said, tapping my phone. "Let's get it over with."

Time for payback.

"Sit up," I commanded, and she obeyed. I sat behind her, her back against my chest. I put my hand under her shirt and began tickling her sides again. She immediately began freaking out, as she always did. I became aroused, as usual, which was only made worse with her ass pressed against my boner. The lack of boxers between me and the silky pajamas didn't help either. I hadn't been expecting how great this position would be for me, or had even meant to press my penis against her at all, but I didn't push away.

Jen leaned back into me as I tickled her, her face draped back onto my shoulder. She looked so beautiful, with her pale skin and full, pink lips; her eyes shut tight as she squirmed in my arms. My dick was pressed hard against her, but if she noticed she made no sign.

I checked the timer. Thirty seconds left..

I pushed her forward, reached my hand under her shirt and unsnapped her bra. She looked back at me in surprise.

"Take it off," I told her. Her expression was suspicious, but she did what I said to, freeing her arms from the bra then pulling it off under her shirt. As she did so I moved out from behind her, then pushed her back down on the bed. I grabbed my own glass of water and stood over her.

"Oh geez," she said, knowing what was coming. She'd poured water on my nipples, so it was only fair I return the favor. Eighteen seconds left.

As much as I wanted to lift up her shirt as she'd done to me, I wasn't quite that bold. Not yet anyway. We'd never crossed the line into anything overtly sexual, and stripping her was just a step farther than I was comfortable going right then. Instead I sat over her (a knee on either side of her, my ass over her lap) and began pouring cold water on her left breast.

She gasped the second it hit her. When the left side was good and soaked, I moved to the right. Her shirt had hugged her generously when dry, but wet it left little to the imagination.

"Okay, okay!" she yelled. I stopped pouring, set down the cup and went back to tickling her belly. This time I got a great see-through view of her breasts as she shaked with spasms of laughter.

The timer went off and Jen slapped my phone, shutting it up. I stopped tickling but stayed sitting over her. She opened her eyes and breathed in heavily, relieved the torture was over. Then she looked down at me. I smiled, proud of what I'd put her through, but her attention was clearly someplace... lower.

"Ahem," she coughed.

"What?" I asked. She stared wide-eyed and pointed at my crotch. 

I looked down. My penis had slipped through the front flap of the pajamas, was rock hard and was pointing straight at her.

"Oh shit," I said, jumping up and scrambling to put my dick away.

"Haha, I don't think I've ever heard you swear before," she said.

"Yea, well you've never seen my prick before either. These stupid pajamas you brought me must have a bad button or something..." I said, embarrassed.

"Oh whatever," she said, heading to her closet. "My dad wears them all the time. He still manages to keep his dick in his pants somehow."

Jen grabbed a new shirt and pulled her wet one over her head. My heart skipped a beat at getting to watch her change, but with her back to me I really couldn't see anything.

"Alright, you got your payback," she said, turning to reveal a new t-shirt. She hadn't replaced the bra. "Mortal Kombat?" She asked, smiling mischievously.

"Mortal Kombat," I said, trying to get things back to normal.

They weren't all that normal though, and we mostly played in silence. I don't know if she was thinking about my dick falling out of my pants, but I certainly was. So once again I was distracted, and once again I lost.

"I thought you'd gotten good at this. What happened?" she laughed.

"Rematch," I said.

"Na uh. You lost. Sixty seconds."

"Again?" I asked, genuinely surprised. I thought she might want to stay away from that for a bit, after my awkward reveal earlier.

"Um, yea James. You know the rules," she said, grabbing the controller from me. "Sixty seconds."

"Alright, alright..." I said, laying back on the bed. Jen was right about the wet spot. I'd managed to keep the water from spilling everywhere when I soaked her shirt, but the bed was still pretty damp where she'd made the mess. I placed the towel under me and laid back down.

"Now remember, you have to let me do what I want. No matter what," she said.

"I know," I said, confused why she was reminding me. "I always do."

"Be right back," she said, running out of the room. I just laid there and stared at the ceiling while I waited, struggling to get over my embarrassment. She returned a minute later with a bottle of mustard.

"Oh come on!" I said, sitting up on my elbows. "Why?" She ignored me and instead focused on setting the timer.

"Ready?" she asked.

"Fine," I sighed, laying back down.

She started by lifting my shirt again and rubbing her nails up and down my chest and stomach. I inhaled sharply. I'm sure it was supposed to tickle, but it felt amazing.

Then she grabbed the mustard.

She squirted some of it on my chest, my nipples, then a bunch in my belly button. I groaned. I hated mustard. 

Then she did something unexpected. She pulled my pants down to my thighs, revealing my semi-erect penis. She put it in her hand and gave it a light, if unintentional squeeze. A sound like "hrngngh" escaped my lips, my dick immediately getting hard. No one had ever touched it before, and it felt amazing.

"What... are you... doing?" I managed to get out. She wasn't stroking it or anything, but it still felt great in her small, cold hand.

Jen ignored me again and picked up the mustard. She then proceeded to cover the head of my cock in the stuff, never letting go of the shaft. I sat up on my elbows to get a better look, watching Jen try her hardest to hold in a laugh. 

"Hey! Arms out!" she said, shooting me a mock stern look. "Them's the rules." I fell flat and grabbed the sheets.

She picked up the edge of the towel, then cleaned the mustard off my cock (which, again, felt great). Once that was done, she brought her face all the way down to my prick and inspected it closely. 

"It kind of smells like a hot dog now," she said, crinkling her nose. She opened her mouth wide and brought it to the head of my dick, pretending like she was going to suck it. Then she gave a nervous laugh, and instead of putting it in her mouth she moved to the shaft, exposed her teeth, and bit it. 


Well, I mean, kinda hard.... It didn't break the skin or anything, but I sure as hell felt it.

"Ow!" I said, jumping back up, more surprised than in pain.

The timer went off.

"Haha, sorry," Jen said, her face flushed with embarrassment. "Had to pay you back for my shirt."

"Pay me back? I only did that because you soaked my pants!" I said, using the towel to wipe the mustard from my chest.

"Oh whatever," she said with a laugh. "I spilled on accident and you know it." 

So that's how it was. She was just going to play it off like biting my dick was just a normal part of the game, and not some weird taboo thing she'd just done. I guess my penis falling out was just an invitation for her to mess with it.

"We'll see who wins next match," I said, pulling my shirt down.

I took a seat next to her and picked up the controller.

"Actually, maybe you should clean up first..." she said, scrunching her face.

"What do you mean?" I asked, inspecting myself. I'd gotten all the mustard off.

"You smell like mustard. Mustard smells like shit," she said with a mock professor-like tone. "Therefor, as demonstrated through the transitive property of equality, you, James, smell like shit."

"And whose fault is that?" I asked, hitting her with the towel.

"Gross!" she laughed. "You're going to get mustard everywhere."

God she was cute when she laughed. This was turning into a great night, and I really didn't want her thinking I smelled bad.

"Alright, alright..." I laughed. "I'll be right back."

"I'm going to hit the bathroom upstairs while you're cleaning up," she said. 

"Make sure our parents aren't dead or anything," I said. "It's a little too quiet up there."

I managed to clean the mustard smell from my dick and chest using a hand towel and some soap. Why did it have to be mustard? Thank god it didn't burn or anything. Anyways... While cleaning up I thought over what I was going to do to get her back. She was pretty comfortable just pulling my dick out and handling it. Visions of all the things I could do to her in return started swirling through my head.

Eventually I settled on a plan. First, I'd beat her at Mortal Kombat. That was the most crucial part of the plan. Failing at that would fuck everything up. Gotta bring my A-game.

Next, I'd pull her shirt up all the way. I'd bite her nipples, being just a bit more gentle than she'd been to my dick. Then I'd make her think I was going to bite her vagina, but instead would just kiss it. All sexual things, sure, but so was biting my dick. At least I could play it off like I was just messing with her the same way she'd messed with me.

Just thinking about it got me excited, but kind of anxious as well. My heart was racing. I'd never done more than kissed a girl before tonight, and now I was planning on feeling my cousin up. It might freak her out, and she might shut the game down afterwards, but it's not like she could really be mad. She'd just bit my penis.

"Alright," I said, psyching myself up in the mirror. "You can do this."

I walked back out of the bathroom, just as Jen was walking down the stairs.

"Well?" I asked.

"Wait, were you just talking to yourself in there?" she asked.

"Yep. So how were they?"

"They're alive. They're just out back. Pretty sure they're getting high," she said.

"Of course they are," I said, rolling my eyes. I was really just happy to have them away and distracted. We returned to her room and fired up Mortal Kombat.

"Alright, random characters this time," Jen said.

"What? Why?" I asked. I was still pretty shitty with everyone but Takeda.

Jen shrugged. "I keep winning. It's getting boring."

"Um, by my count I'm still up by two tonight," I said.

"Yea, but I'm on a roll. You nervous? Can't win without Takeda?"

"Says the girl who always picks Sonia!"

"And Leatherface," she reminded me. I stared back skeptically. She ignored the look.

"How about this," she suggested. "We do random, but the winner gets three minutes."

Three minutes? I quickly did the math. That was three times as many minutes. 

That'd mean two extra minutes to pull off my plan. I really couldn't turn that down. What I'd planned on doing this time was a lot more sexual than usual. I didn't think she'd stop me during the game, but it was possible she might not want to play any more rounds afterwards if she thought I crossed a line. This might be my only chance.

That said, she was undeniably the better fighter. The odds of winning with random characters weren't in my favor. Really though, what's the worst that could happen?

Then I remembered the bite...

Oh well. Worth the risk.

"Deal," I said. 

We picked random characters. Jen got Sub-Zero. I got Takeda.

"What the hell?!" she yelled, throwing her hands in the air. "There's like thirty characters!"

"You were right," I deadpanned. "Random was a great idea." 

"Whatever. I'll still beat your ass," she said with renewed determination.

The match was over quickly. She did not, in fact, beat my ass. 

"Alright," I said. "Three minutes."

"Ugh... fine." She moved into position and set the timer on her phone. I crossed the room and turned out the lights, my hands trembling a bit with nervousness and excitement. The TV kept the room moderately bright.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Whatever I want," I laughed. "It's my three minutes."

"Can I start it?" she asked, a bit of nervousness back in her voice now. She was always that way when it was her turn to be tortured, but it seemed like she might know something was different about this round. I crawled up her body and sat over her lap.

"Ready when you are," I said. She hit the timer.

I immediately reached my hands under the bottom of her shirt. She seemed to expect something like this was coming and flashed me an apprehensive grin. I lifted her shirt over her head, and she lifted her arms to help me.

An "oh wow" slipped unintentionally from my lips, eliciting a nervous laugh from Jen. I thought I'd gotten a pretty good view of her breasts through her wet shirt, but I had no idea they were this nice.

My plan to bite her nipples went right out the window once I saw them. I squeezed both her breasts for a moment, then took the left one into my mouth. I flicked her nipple with my tongue, then sucked on it. Jen let out a gasp. I kept this up about half a minute, her breaths becoming deep and heavy.

I let my right hand leave her breast and slip under her pajama bottoms. I ran my hand through her soft pubic hair and let my fingers explore her pussy. I'd never felt one before, but I'd seen enough porn to know that when they were this wet, it meant a girl was excited. I rubbed up and down her slit, wetting my fingers with her juices. I then put my index finger inside her, sliding it in and out slowly, enjoying the warmth of it. I didn't really know what I was doing, but it seemed to be working for her.

"Oh god," she said, looking away from me. It wasn't quite a breathy, sexy "oh god", but more of a nervous, I can't believe this is happening"oh god". I wasn't sure how to take that. Her body was definitely reacting positively, but it was hard to tell if she was entirely on board or just letting this happen because of the game.

Time for the last part of my plan. I slid down her body and took off her pants. When I did so, I noticed my dick was out of the flap again. Seeing it that close to her naked body was too much, and my plan immediately changed.

I slid off my borrowed pajamas and and put her legs up to her chest.

"James, what are you..." Jen asked.

"What, are you backing out?" I teased, rubbing my dick in her wetness.

"No, of course not," she sighed, "but I haven't..."

I cut off her words by pushing into her, eliciting a quiet yelp. The feeling of warmth and pressure was exhilarating, like nothing I'd ever felt before. It initially kind of hurt due to how tight it was, but the pain quickly subsided and the pressure became more bearable. I began pumping into her, slowly, the sensation nearly overwhelming me.

"James, ow, we can't..." Jen said, her hands grabbing at my back.

"You know the rules," I told her, grabbing her arms and putting them back on the sheets.

"Come on. This isn't... uhn...." she trailed off, a moan finishing her sentence.

I looked at the timer.

"You want to give up?" I asked tauntingly. "There's only forty seconds left."

"Forty seconds?" she asked.

"Well, like thirty-six now," I said.

She looked me in the eyes with renewed determination. No matter how much I'd tickled or tortured her before, she'd never asked me to stop. Her pride wouldn't allow it then, and it seemed it wouldn't allow it now.

"I never give up," she said, as fiercely as she could muster.

In that moment I knew I loved her. My lips met hers and she kissed me back, chastely at first, but then opened her mouth for me. I wrapped my left hand behind her head and held her as I quickened my pace, each thrust eliciting little whimpers from her. 

The alarm went off. I ignored it and kept up thrusting. I was too far along to stop. I heard Jen smack her hand against the nightstand over and over until she finally hit her mark, silencing the timer. 

"That's... three minutes..." she said, putting her hands on my shoulders and starting to push.

"Alright, I'm just... just..." And then I came. I'd masturbated before of course (lots), but that was nothing compared to what I felt cumming inside my cousin. She gasped when my load shot out and wrapped her arms around me. I kept thrusting, feeling a spurt with each thrust. When finally it stopped I just lay there, enjoying the warmth of being wrapped inside her. After about a minute, Jen broke the silence.

"Did you, uh... in there?" she asked, looking worried. I picked my face up from the pillow and looked her in the eyes. For the first time I noticed there were tear streaks down her face. I allowed myself to slip out of her, and immediately missed how great it felt.

"I think so," I said. "Was that bad?"

"It's probably fine," she said, sounding unconvinced. "I mean, I'm on birth control."

"Oh shit. I wasn't thinking." Thank god for birth control. "Are you okay?" I asked. She wiped tears from her face.

"Yea, it just hurt. A lot," she said bravely, holding back sobs. "I think you broke my cherry."

Fuck. I was only thinking about what I wanted. I hadn't even thought about what this would mean for Jen.

"Oh wow... I'm so sorry Jen. I didn't even think of that." I said, rolling off her. I very much doubted she wanted her hymen broke by her cousin. "I think I just got carried away."

"It's fine," she said, forcing a smile. "Was bound to lose it sooner or later." She wiped her cheeks again, a few new tears rolling down her face. She laughed as she did so, as if to suggest the tears were ridiculous.

What had I done? I'd fucked things up so bad. Jen wasn't just some girl or even just my cousin. She was one of my best friends and the one girl my age I'd known forever, and I'd just fucked her and taken her virginity as part of a stupid game.

"Can you get me something for..." she asked, circling her hand over her pussy. 

"Oh, of course!" I said, jumping up and turning on the light. I looked around the room until I found the towel we'd used earlier and held it out for her.

"Maybe something not covered in mustard?" she asked, laughing nervously. "I really don't want to put that on my vagina."

"Oh, but you were fine putting it on my penis," I said sheepishly, the guilt audible in my tone.

"Could you grab a towel from my hamper? Not one of the white ones please."

I searched through her dirty clothes until I found one, then handed it to her. I watched as she held the towel between her legs and sat up. When she did so I saw the drops of blood on the sheet, and suddenly realized why she hadn't wanted a white towel.

I'd made Jen bleed. She was hurt, and she was bleeding, and I did that. No wonder she was crying.

I sat down next to her. I wanted to put my arm around her, to comfort her, but I wasn't sure she'd even want me touching her after what had happened.

"I am so sorry Jen. I lost control for a bit, and I hurt you, and..." I tried to think of what to say. I felt like shit. "I'm just so sorry."

Jen leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. I turned my face to her, and she kissed me on the mouth. It was closed-mouth and sweet, but it definitely wasn't a normal kiss between cousins.

"You don't have anything to apologize for," she said, looking me in the eyes.

"Really? But you didn't even..." I said.

"Really," she said, placing a hand on my face. "It hurts a lot, but I'm glad it happened."

"Me too," I said, and kissed her again. "Did it, you know... feel good at least?"

"James! Let's go!" My dad yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Fuck," I whispered, jumping up from the bed. "I'm coming!"

"You better hurry," she said, instinctively wrapping herself in her blanket.

I pulled on my jeans and boxers. They were still wet, but I didn't feel like explaining why I was wearing my uncle's pajamas. I didn't feel like explaining anything.

"Will you call me?" she asked, laying back down. "Tonight, I mean. When you get home?"

"Yea, what's up?" I asked, putting on my shoes.

"I just want to say goodnight" she said, and I suddenly realized how incredibly vulnerable she still looked.

"Of course," I said, picking up her hand and kissing it. She smiled girlishly at that. I could see she was about to cry again, but was doing an admirable job of hiding it. I was sure she'd just start bawling when I left the room. I felt like an asshole, but I couldn't really regret it. Thankfully she really didn't seem upset with me, and I guessed she was still just really emotional from what we'd done. I kissed her goodbye, and our tongues met briefly.

"James, come on! What's the holdup?" my dad yelled, his footsteps echoing through the basement as he started down the stairs. 

I broke the kiss and ran out of the room. 

"Hey Dad!" I said, doing my best impression of a guy who hadn't just fucked his cousin.

I drove my parents home then ran up to my room. I called Jen immediately. We spoke for an hour that night before falling asleep together over the phone.

We managed to see each other a lot more often after that, but we never played the game again. We didn't have to. We'd found a better way to spend our time together.

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État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

Table des matières

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