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2.26% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 93: A Birthday Present for Mother Ch. 02

Chapitre 93: A Birthday Present for Mother Ch. 02

I was almost to the door of the guest bathroom when I realized I had left my robe and clean underwear on the floor in mothers' room. I re-traced my steps and as I got to her half closed door heard her quietly moan "Oh Ronnie, oh yes baby, oh baby right there. Now, my darling, I'm Cumming, Oh My God, I'm Cumming for you, on you, ohhhhhh."

I didn't stop to think but rather walked right in. Mother lay on the bed with her legs spread wide, her robe open, and one hand was squeezing a tit while the other one was lightly stroking her pussy. I bent down, picked up my clothes, and when I stood back up mother was staring at me with shock visibly written all over her face.

"Sorry, mom, but I left my clean clothes here by accident." I said in a merry voice. Her face became so red I could have hung her by her feet on a pole and stopped traffic. I left quickly, before she could say anything, and smiled as I went back towards the guest bathroom.

Round 2, like round 1, had clearly been in my favor. As I showered I carefully considered how to lose round 3 in what had become a campaign of seduction.

Mother was obviously a sexually submissive woman while I was, equally obviously, a dominant man. One thing I had learned since I had begun to play this game was that a sub had to be allowed to win occasionally.

In many ways the Dom has a tougher time in a relationship then the Sub. It was my responsibility to create the safety which allowed my sub to give in to her desires without fear. Anything else was rape. A contract, a safe word, and careful planning were the foundation upon which this kind of relationship prospered.

Nancy, my first submissive and in many ways my mentor, had taught me that attention to safety re-assured a submissive person that it was okay to let loose and that a contract and a safe-word wasn't enough. The sub has to know, deep inside, that they could walk away at any time even (and especially) if their Dom doesn't want them to.

A submissive person needs to know they can walk away at any time in order to experience the true joy, and freedom, they seek to embrace. To have a healthy relationship both Dom and sub have to realize when the "bedroom door" is open.

The fact that my would-be submissive was also my mother added an extra level of complexity. In my experience there are two kinds of submissive personalities: The 24/7 type that need constant guidance and (my preferred type) the "I love to be sexually controlled but I'm still a free woman."

As I finished shaving I realized I didn't know enough about her to make an informed decision so I decided to "play it by ear". I pulled on my boxers and socks, wrapped my robe around me, and headed towards my room.

Once I had finished dressing I walked out into the living room, expecting to have a long wait while mother completed her routine, and was pleasantly surprised to see her there waiting for me.

She stood up as I entered and I involuntarily whistled. "Damn, Mom, you're hot!" I exclaimed and was pleased when she blushed.

"Not bad for 43, eh?" she replied somewhat nervously and I shook my head.

"Not bad for 23, Mom." I replied knowing I spoke the truth. She wore an electric blue tube dress that showed all her assets: perky tits, slim waist, womanly hips, a butt many men would die for, and 4 inch white stiletto heels that screamed "FUCK ME!!!!!"

She smiled at my compliment then said in a serious voice "Ron, I have one demand I insist you honor or this "date" is off." I feared the worst but she merely said "I want you to call me Helen, not mom, and you are Ron, not son, for the rest of this night."

I wanted to do cart-wheels (my heart did anyway) but I kept myself in control and merely replied "Of course, Helen." I looked at her as a man would look at a woman and then tapped a couple of fingers against my lips. "Something is missing."

She laughed and replied "My underwear springs to mind." as she pirouetted and I could only admire her sleek look.

"Helen, would you please give me a moment to fetch your birthday presents from my room?" I asked her in an ultra-formal manner.

She smiled sweetly and asked "You've bought me presents?" When I nodded yes she added "You really shouldn't have, darling, and of course I'll wait."

Upon reaching my room I unplugged the toy and its' controller and put them in my jacket pocket, grabbed the "traditional" present, and sauntered back into the living room.

I offered the wrapped present first. "This is from the son who loves, respects, and honors the single most important woman in his life." She giggled, tore the gift paper off, opened the jewelry box and gasped. A long strand of pearls lay nestled within and her look at me was priceless.

She read the authentication certificate and shook her head. "These are Ceylonese pearls, Ronnie, and very expensive. I can't accept them, son, as much as I want to." 

I put my hands behind my back and replied "Didn't you always tell me it was impolite to refuse a gift?" She sighed then lifted the pearls out of the box.

"They're very lovely, Ron, thank you." she said as she stepped forward, touched my cheek, and gave me a light thank you kiss. "I need a mirror to arrange these properly." she murmured to herself before turning to walk towards her bedroom.

I followed her and watched as she sat at her vanity table and proceeded to wrap the strands around her slim neck. As she fussed with a few minor adjustments I walked up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder. She tilted her head back and gave me a sweet smile before placing her hand on top of mine and giving it a squeeze. "They're lovely, Ron, thank you."

I took a deep breath and felt light-headed as I held out her second gift. "The pearls were from a son to his mother but this second gift is from Ron to Helen." I told her in a low and husky voice.

She looked at the silvery egg I held in my other hand and then looked up at me in puzzlement. I felt my face heat from embarrassment as I told her "It goes inside of you."

I watched as puzzlement turned to understanding and her eyes widened in shock, her face turned red, and she gasped. "Oh my." She said after a moment. "That's hardly an appropriate gift from a son." She was about to say more but I interrupted her.

"It's not from your son, it's from a man named Ron to a woman named Helen, and it would please me greatly if you would accept it as such." I knelt down beside her and she shifted in her seat so she could look at me squarely. I felt a wicked amusement as I added "I'm quite certain you'll also get great pleasure from it."

She caught my meaning quickly and blushed again then took a deep breath and whispered "OK...Ron." We both stood up and she said "Wait here, darling, I'll be right back." She started to walk towards the master bath then stopped, looked at me, and asked "Is it waterproof?"

I nodded my head and replied "It's designed to be cleaned with soap and water."

She smiled. "That's good." she said and closed the bathroom door behind her. I heard the sound of water running as I patiently waited for her to return and a few minutes after it had stopped she came out. 

I was holding the control unit in my hand and I asked her "All set?"

She nodded yes and then noticed the controller. "What's that?" she asked me.

I smiled and replied "The on switch." as I pressed the button. She jumped as if a live wire had struck her and her eyes damn near popped out of her head as the egg started vibrating inside her vagina. 

"Holy shit, Ron." she gasped before closing her eyes. A small smile played on her lips as she became used to the remarkable sensation created by the vibrating egg and made a little moaning sound. When she opened her eyes they glittered and sparkled and she smiled as she said "I think I'm going to get a great deal of pleasure from your gift, Ron, so if you'll just hand over that little magic box we'll be on our way."

I laughed in delight then shook my head and replied "I'll give it to you at the end of our date Helen." She started to object but I ignored her and walked away. She protested as I helped her into her matching jacket. She protested as we walked to the elevator, on the trip down, and as we walked to her car. I opened the car door for her and as she got into the passenger seat I moved the vibration setting to the second notch and pressed the on button.

I leisurely made my way to the drivers' side, got in, fastened my seat belt, started the engine and then glanced over at her. 

She was breathing heavily, her eyes closed, her hands clenched into fists, and she seemed to be shaking a bit. I took pity on her and turned the egg off and then watched as she seemed to slump. She took several deep breaths then looked at me with languid and dreamy eyes. She panted "That seemed more intense somehow."

I laughed as I put the car into drive and replied "That, my dear, was only the second setting. Fasten your seatbelt please."

She gasped and repeated "The second setting?" She fastened her seatbelt, looked at me, and asked "How many settings does it have?" When I just smiled and didn't reply she groaned "God, I feel like I've left a loaded pistol with a baby."

We got to Seattle and while the restaurant valet service parked the Lexus sports car she took my arm as we entered the 5 star establishment. Mother is 5 foot tall and proportionate in all ways. I'm about 6 feet tall, weigh 188 pounds, and a vigorous workout routine coupled with ruthless dietary control keeps my body fat ratio low.

We attracted admiring glances from both men and women as we followed the waiter to the secluded table I had reserved and once we were seated, and had selected from the wine list, we made conversational chit chat until the waiter returned with our wine.

We were both hungry and I ordered calzone, a kind of folded over pizza stuffed and baked while Helen chose a 5 cheese pasta. Dinner was a somewhat quiet affair, not because we didn't have anything to say, but rather the quiet of two people comfortable with each other. As we finished our dessert course I put the control unit on the table (well away from her reach), smiled at Helen, and said "I think it's time for level 3, don't you?"

She got a concerned look on her face, looked around to make sure no-one could overhear us, and whispered "No, Ron, please. The second setting almost had me soaking my dress."

I looked down at the heavy cloth napkin she had used during dinner and said "You could use your napkin if you want but" and I looked at her "in 60 seconds I'm going to turn it on." 

She tried to stare me down but I wasn't giving an inch and it was she who finally looked away. "I can't believe you're going to humiliate me this way." she muttered as she picked up the napkin and, furtively glancing around, packed it between her legs. 

I reached out and took her chin in my hand, forcing her to meet my gaze, and softly said "I watched you masturbate today and heard you call my name out when you climaxed." Her face blushed red at this reminder and I tried to put as much love in my voice as I possibly could as I continued "You didn't know until afterwards. This time I want you to know I'm watching and to also know that I am the man making you climax." I leaned over and gently kissed her full lips, sat back, picked up the control unit and pressed the on button.

Her left hand flashed out to grip my arm in a vise-like grip, her right hand covered her mouth, her eyes clenched shut, and as I watched her whole body started to quiver and shake. Despite the hand covering her mouth I could hear her moaning as her body shook even harder and she opened her eyes, looking at me with frantic pleading, before she closed them again and seemed to convulse as her orgasm took her. I watched in awe as my mother experienced what seemed to be a climax of massive proportions and realized my dick was rock hard while my boxers were damp from leakage.

I turned the egg off and watched silently as she recovered her senses. She was panting as if she had just run a marathon and I noticed the top of her dress had slipped down a little allowing her upswept (and very erect) nipples to become slightly exposed. I waited silently as she regained her composure and watched when, after a few moments, she reached down to remove the napkin from between her legs.

She dropped the obviously wet napkin onto the table, sighed, and whispered "Excuse me, Ron, but I need to powder my nose." Before she could muster the strength to move I had risen and was standing behind her ready to pull her chair back. Once she was standing I quickly reached around and pulled the top of her dress slightly up and back into its proper position. I'm not sure she even noticed and she had her head down as she slowly walked away.

There comes a time in a Dom/Sub courtship when the Sub has to accept or deny the relationship and I knew my mother Helen had reached that point. I also knew it was an even chance that she would choose not to continue forward, and that I would find it very hard to let her go if she refused me, but that I would have to find the strength to accept her decision.

Absent-mindedly I folded the wet napkin up and then wrapped mine around it before standing up and looking at her chair seat to be sure it was dry before placing them on a plate. The scent of her arousal seemed to linger after the waiter cleared the table and I sat there, wrapped in my thoughts, until Helen approached.

Her face was composed, even serene, and I stood to hold her seat for her. The waiter returned and enquired if we would like an after dinner drink and Helen requested a glass of sherry while I asked for a small brandy and the check. Mother merely sipped her sherry and looked at me in silence.

"I think we should go, Ron. We need to talk and I would prefer someplace more private." she said quietly.

I simply nodded and stood up, pulled her chair out, and followed her out silently. Once we were in the car she turned to me and said "You made me feel like a total slut back there."

I started the car and asked "Would you like for me to take you home?"

We were almost out of the parking lot before she replied. "No, I don't." She looked at me and said "Find a parking spot Ron. I think I would like to take a walk."

The cruise ship terminal was nearby so I drove there, parked, and we walked along the boardwalk for a couple of minutes before she stopped and faced me. "You treated me like a sex toy. You made me feel like a slut. You watched as I experienced the most intimate emotion a woman can know." She didn't seem angry and I felt a sense of anticipation start to grow.

She stepped closer, almost touching my body, and asked "Did you sniff the napkin?" I shook my head no and she giggled then spun around and took a couple of steps away. I followed and when she stopped wrapped my arms around her. "If you had you would have smelt my cream. God, Ron, you made me cum so hard I squirted." She placed her hands on my arms and leaned back against me. "I haven't done that in ages." We gazed out at the lights of a passing ferry for a bit then she sighed and said "I haven't felt this way since your father died."

She suddenly spun around and pressed her abdomen against my erection. "I can feel your arousal. I know you want me." I nodded and she whispered "God help me I want you too!" 

She pulled my face down and kissed me passionately, forcing my lips open with a demanding tongue and then sucking on mine when I responded, rubbing herself against me with wanton abandon. We stood there forever, or so it seemed, making out as if we were teenagers on a first date.

Finally she broke away from me, her body separating from mine, and her blue eyes seemed to glow with an inner fire as she asked "How many settings are there?"

"Five." I replied in a voice made husky from desire.

She pressed herself to me again and whispered in my ear "Crank it all the way up, turn it on, and hold me. I want to cum with your arms around me, with your lips kissing mine, and with your hard dick pressing against me."

I fished the control out of my pocket, turned the intensity control to max, wrapped my arms around her and, as we kissed again, turned the egg on. Let me mention at this time that the booklet of instructions call this setting "earthquake strong" and it sure as hell rocked her world.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, her legs around my waist, and tried to suck my tongue out of my throat. We ended up leaning against the sidewalk railing, her back against the rail, and she began to hump her womanhood up and down, rubbing herself against my body.

She went wild and I was just along for the ride. I felt her shaking as an orgasm swept over her, heard her moaning into my mouth, and struggled to hold her still while she twisted and bucked like a rodeo horse. She threw her head back and screamed into the night as her second orgasm of the night swept over her.

I felt wetness on my trousers and since I knew it wasn't me it must have been her. I was amazed as she stiffened yet again and she was so lost in orgasmic bliss she couldn't even scream as yet another climax took her. I turned the egg off and she collapsed against me, totally spent, heaving as her lungs struggled to take in air.

"Oh my god." she moaned as she started to recover. "Oh baby, that was so intense, and god knows I needed it." She pulled my head down for another kiss, not passionately but thankfully, the kiss a satisfied woman gives her lover, and released her legs from the death grip she had around my waist.

She giggled, then laughed out loud, and said "Shit, Ron, I don't think I can even walk right now. I'm afraid you'll have to carry me to the car."

I swept her up into my arms and saw a Marriott across the street. "To hell with the car, Helen, I'm taking you to a hotel." I growled as I started to walk.

"Oh, yes, Ron." she murmured. "Your birthday present is wonderful but I want to feel you on top of me, in me, our naked bodies pressed together." She sighed again and added "I can't get pregnant so you don't have to worry about protection."

"Would you want to give me a baby, Helen?" I asked as I crossed the street. She went silent for a bit then, as we reached the other side of the street, wriggled out of my embrace. 

"Oh Ron, I'll never have another child ever and I hate that but if I could, and if I could be sure the child would be healthy, then yes, oh god Ron, yes I would have your baby."

She started crying and it wasn't the gentle tears of a maiden but the full blown tears of a mature woman who was denied a special event. I moved to comfort her and she reacted as if I were a diseased rapist, spurning my attempts to comfort her, crying in bitter despair.

I moved around her, careful to avoid touching her, until I stood in front of her. "Helen." I said. When she wouldn't lift her head I resorted to my final tactic. "Mother, what do I do for a living?"

She muttered "You're a genetic researcher." and kept crying.

"I know what medical science can do today and it is relatively easy to implant a fertilized egg into a barren woman." I told her. "The hard part is finding a suitable egg donor. I'm not real clear on the legal aspects, and I have no idea how we can find a suitable donor, but what I can tell you is that it is technically possible for you to give birth to a grandchild which would be our child assuming you have a uterus. It wouldn't share your genetic code so there shouldn't be any incestuous issues. Our child would enter this world just like any other."

Her head shot up and she asked "You're certain of this, Ron?"

When I nodded yes she shook her head and whispered "I want that." She shivered and said more loudly "I want that a lot."

"It'll be expensive." I said cautiously. "The actual procedure is straight forward but finding a woman willing to donate her eggs, and it will require more than one, plus the lab use to insure fertilization, is going to require money. We're probably talking tens of thousands of dollars, Helen, and there's no guarantee."

"But it is possible?" she asked and when I nodded yes she grinned broadly and launched herself into my arms. "I want you to take me to bed and pump your seed into me so I can pretend we're making a healthy baby." she said.

She extracted herself and literally dragged me into the hotel. I'm sure the poor girl behind the desk thought we were insane as my mother dragged me up to the check in desk and demanded the best room they had. Upon being told the only room available was the honeymoon suite Mom crowed in laughter and replied it was exactly what she wanted.

"My man just told me he would give me a baby!" she gushed. "I'm going to fuck him until he can't fuck anymore and then I'm going to fuck him again." She filled out the registration form, gave the girl her credit card, and pulled my head down for a serious make-out kiss.

My hands were on her ass helping her rub against my erection when the receptionist coughed discretely. "Your card has been accepted and the honeymoon suite is yours for as long as you want."

She grinned and added "The Hotel management frowns upon sex in the lobby but speaking for myself I think it's great when an attractive couple can't keep their hands off each other. Have a wonderful night."

"Oh, honey, we will." mother replied. "C'mon lover, I want to soak the sheets." She started to drag me towards the elevator while at the same time the receptionist was trying to give us our room card and, somehow, I managed to snag the card from her hand as mom literally pulled me towards the elevator. I shrugged my shoulders at her, she smiled, and mom said "Fuck I can't wait to have your dick in my pussy."

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