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52% Truth of the Sky / Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Pineapple Bonding Time

Chapitre 26: Chapter 26: Pineapple Bonding Time

Chapter 26

Pineapple Bonding Time

'Suddenly the door was thrown open and in walked Xanxus. With his guns. Wearing a teacup outfit.

"…What the fuck are you wearing?" Squalo voiced everyone's thoughts.

"The future Varia uniform," the man said, a kid you not, PROUDLY.

"It's…nice boss," Levi managed to cough out. Cue Xanxus's built in lie detector telling him to shoot the guy. Or was that his 'MUST KILL LEVI' instinct? Meh. Whatever.

"…Do you have it in pink?" Lussuria asked.

"We have it in every color of the fucking rainbow."' - Taken from the hilarious 'Destroying Varia from the inside' by the amazing Discoabc which I, unfortunately, don't own.

Disclaimer: I don't own 'Destroying Varia from the inside', Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, Where the Light Shines (by Miyano Mamoru), Legos, Google Chrome, those science books/hacking/physics books in the omake or anything else but the story.

Today's Reviewer Quote

What happens when you that the x's out of Xanxus? ... Well, he is an ass.

Varia is Latin for Vicocaro, a commune in Italy.

-from shirokuromokona

After that little 'visit' with the Varia, I've kept contact with Squalo. A week after he returned to Italy with the 'Half-Rings' that had been stolen from Tsunayoshi, Xanxus ran out of 'celebratory' wine, became sober and realized that the 'Half-Rings' weren't really the Half-Rings, and were actually fakes.

Squ-chan told me this, over Skype, so I could see his pissed off expression, and his silvery hair just dripping with wine (if Xanxus ran out of wine, where did he get the 'to throw at Squalo' wine? Maybe he has a second cupboard.). I laughed at him.

"We're going to Japan now, to go kill that fucking brat, and take the real Rings. That fucking boss is even coming, because apparently, I fuck everything up!" he seemed really angry.

I was still laughing. "Bahahaha! You look like Little Red Riding Hood just threw up on you!"

"VOIIIII! Go kill yourself!" he spat. His face turned serious. "Your idea about having a second master illusionist, to train under Mammon was passed. I need you to track down the new recruit."

I nodded, having already prepared for this. "Yeah, I think he's a little on the young side, but hey, so am I. And he's magnificent. Any due dates?"

He scrunched up his face. "Nah. Whenever."

I shrugged. "Alright."

He signed off (his user name was VOIII!_Fucking_Bastards), leaving me sitting on my bed (at the Giglio Nero Headquarters), twiddling a pencil around.

Now. How should I find him?

Can't Rokudo-san find people, in their dreams?

Yeah, but isn't he mind-manipulating Lanchia-san right now?

Yuni-chan, that happens after the Varia arrive, and after Sawada Iemitsu-san persuades Rokudo-san to be the Mist Guardian. And he was not mind-manipulating Lanchia-san. He was just...suggesting it. Lanchia-san came of his own accord, I believe.

Whatever, whatever. You think I could con Mukuro into doing it?

You have helped him before.

Won't he still be pissed at me for getting him stuck in a fishtank?

I am not sure. You must try.

...fine. But if he takes over my body, I'm blaming you.

I closed my laptop, setting it off to the side, flipping over onto my back. I closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep.

For how long have I been sleeping,

In the gap of this endless darkness?

Wandering aimlessly in my closing off heart,

I can hear a nostalgic voice calling from far away.

Riding on the arid wind,

From somewhere far in the distance reverberates a prayer,

In order to see tomorrow,

How much farther do I have to walk?

On this endless road before I can reach the place where the light shines?

Envisioning a lasting dream.

Entrusting my thoughts in the letters carved in red,

Weaving our destinies together,

How much farther do I have to walk to reach it?

Planting my feet firmly on the marvelous earth,

On this endless road toward the place where the light shines someday.

-Where the Light Shines by Mamoru Miyano

Someone was shining something akin to a flashlight on my face. And when I was about to wake up. Oh, hell is about to go down.

I tried to open an eye, but the brightness made my eyelids snap closed again. "Narghhhh..."

Someone snorted. "The princess is awake, I see?"

My response was instinctive, immediately leaping out of my mouth. "Fuck you."

...blame Squ-chan. And Xanxus, from the background of our Skype calls.

"And vulgar too." the person scoffed. "You don't really have much going for you, now do you?"

I rolled over onto my stomach, facing the grass. What kind of person would drag me outside, just to wake me up?! I managed to open my eyes, because I wasn't in direct light. Ah, sunlight. It wasn't a flashlight. "Who are you?"

"How rude. And to think, I came all the way here (which is actually a lot closer than Japan.) just because you asked. Not very politely, but you asked." the person sneered.

I turned to face them. Pineapple hair... disturbing colored eyes... no humanity whatsoever...

"Mukuro!" I jumped up, happily. "Great to see you, how is prison treating you?"

"Fabulous." he shot back. "Tomorrow is my turn to use the bathroom. Just kidding, I shit through a tube."

"...I didn't need details, sweetie." I wrinkled my nose. "And a tube? Really?"

He shrugged. "Those bastards won't take any chances."

I had to give him that. "Good point. Now, I need you to find me an apple."

He raised an eyebrow, and gestured to the tree behind us. ...when had that gotten there?! An apple grew.

"...here." he pulled it off (I was too short.) and handed me it.

I rolled my eyes, but took a bite anyways. "No. A different apple."

Mukuro blinked. "What, you don't like granny smith?"

"...actually, I don't, I'm more of a McIntosh kind of girl, thanks." I admitted. "I need you to find me a boy."

Mukuro stared, awkwardly, before laughing brightly. "Kuahaha!" (Yakado Tukashi, the Yamamoto-Mukuro hybrid makes a second appearance [see Chapter 21].) "I can't do the impossible, kid!"

I threw the apple at him. "No! He's part of my plan."

His eyebrows furrowed together. "The one to take over the world?"

I laughed, maniacally. "Bwahaha! That shall happen, one day! I am, after all, prodigious. But no, the other one."

His mouth formed an 'O'. "The one to save the world?"

I nodded. "Yeah, that one."

I just realized you have lots, and lots, and lots of different plans.

One for each day of my life.

"And why, exactly, should I help you?" he asked, amused.

"Mukuro, dear, you should wait until I finish asking you for favors, before you try and talk your way out of it." I suggested.

He sighed, but didn't say anything.

"Thank you." I smiled, slightly, before become serious (or at least, serious as I can be.). "He is currently living in France, somewhere, with his grandmother. I don't know anything about her, just that she's batshit crazy, has milk in her fridge (that sounded so perverted and wrong.) and sucks at making bentos. But then again, they live in France, not Japan, their bentos ought to suck, otherwise I'd probably accuse them of being illegal immigrants."

"Anyway, he's got the potential to be, after some training, one of the best illusionists in the world." I went on, getting into it. "Able to trick even the Vindice. He would, officially, be a Varia, but be taking training from you. Loyal to both. But probably mostly to you, because I highly doubt that the illusionist at the Varia would really care much."

"So, he would be my person on the outside." Mukuro clarified.

I nodded. "Pretty much."

"But I have Chrome." he pointed out.

I winced. I didn't want to be...mean, almost, to Chrome. "I love Chrome, she's like my sister. And you know, as much as I do, that she isn't suited for violence. He, on the other hand, is. Chrome would be your...ear in the inner circle of the Vongola Guardians. He would be your ear in the Varia, your fist, so to say."

Mukuro considered it. "Why would I require Chrome then, if I had him for a vessel instead?"

I blinked. "You would allow her to die?"

His face darkened. "No."

I gave him a pointed look. "If you had him, as your apprentice, to bust you out of jail, and Chrome, to be your vessel, while you're in jail, that'd work out. And you won't kill Chrome. You wouldn't dare. I would personally see to it that the Vindice would kill you first."

He frowned. "Aren't I necessary to this 'future' of yours?"

I didn't even have to think about it. "Of course. But I could have the illusionist allies that I have fix Chrome's organs, teach her how to make her own, and have her replace you. She would have three days, correct? That is more than enough. Or, of course, I could have a donor for her."

Mukuro considered his options. "Two partners on the outside?"

"If you think about it, Mukuro, you'll just be one person stronger. And you can teach him, mold him to be the perfect person to bust you out, to defeat the Vindice. His potential is great." I emphasized.

He sighed. "And what, again, do you need me to do?"

"Find him."

"That's it?" he confirmed.

"For now. I'll contact you when you need to start teaching him. Expect it to be...err, right after your Mist Battle. I'm sorry for asking so much of you." I apologized. "I'll tell you anything, now, then."

"Who is stronger?" ...well. I didn't expect him to ask that. "Hibari Kyoya or I?"

I closed my eyes, sighing. "In a few years, or hell, this year, Hibari Kyoya-sama will be known as the Vongola Decimo's Strongest Guardian. He will be well-known for his strength, viciousness and similarity to Vongola Primo's Cloud Guardian, Alaude-sama. But I, personally, don't think you should worry about it. He is related to Fon-sama, my Storm Arcobaleno."

Mukuro's expression became intense. "Your Storm Arcobaleno?"

I bit my lip. I did promise that I'd tell him anything, in exchange. "Not yet, but soon. My grandmother, Luce, was the Sky Arcobaleno, until a few years ago, when she got sick, and passed the Sky Pacifier along to my mother, Aria. Luce's death is one of the closest guarded secrets of my family, so if you tell anyone, anyone, Rokudo Mukuro, I will take away your shitting tube."

He paled. "...got it."

"Thanks, again."

I went on the Internet, after that, hacking into the Vongola systems (again.), and searching something up.

Search system for...666 Hell Ring.

1 result.


That went rather well, I think.

I jumped. Mao-chan still scares the shit out of me.

I was just screwing around on my computer, playing Lego for the Google Chrome. I just loved Google Chrome. It was the best. Not to mention it had Chrome's name in it...

Please stop distracting yourself.


Do you think he will do it?

Of course. If he tries not to, I'll kill 'im.

You really must resolve your anger problems, Yuni-chan. You are to be the Sky Arcobaleno. Accepting. Tolerating. Willing to take all in. And you currently...have the aspects of a Storm Arcobaleno, or a Cloud Arcobaleno. Furious. Brash. Quick to jump into an argument. Or, of course, your independence, aloofness, never bound.

You callin' me Hibari Kyoya-sama?! I feel disturbingly honored and insulted, at the same time.

Yuni-chan, I'm being serious. If you don't step up to the duties of the Sky, when its time to be consumed by the spirit of the Arcobaleno, you will consume it, and destroy everything.


Yuni. I'm going to explain to you what happened to the Real Yuni, at the end of the Future Battle. Flames are like life energy, a physical representation of your resolve. In the Future Battle, she was completely surrounded by Sky Flames. If you use that many flames at once, sending them out, minutes later, you will die, because your life energy will be gone.

She did die.

She didn't, really. Her life energy went into the other deceased Arcobaleno, Fon-san, Colonello-san, Viper-san, Skull-san and Verde-san. The Sky, no offense to the others, is the strongest flame, because it is pure. And since the Real Yuni was the Sky Arcobaleno, her flames were the purest of all.

So she lived...in them? Why does that sound suspiciously Lion King?

...I...don't know. But that's what happened. So if you aren't the Sky Arcobaleno when you need to be, they will all stay dead, the world will end, and it will all be your fault.

Can you...let me think for a while?

Of course.

Alright. So if the world ends, its all my fault. Everything in this world and all the parallel worlds is relying on me.

...yep, we're fucked.






The flamelike rays of sunset shine upon your back and my hands grow cold when I cannot reach you. I scoop up and scatter the fragments of sand at my feet and I can't even recover the smile that used to connect us. Sorrow is eating away at my heart, but my right hand can't even feel the pain. I can't forget your warmth that I lost that day and into these hands, it shows you have surely left an impression on me.

Omake - How Yuni Learned to Hack

"Princess?" Gamma poked his head into the girl's room.

She blinked, looking up from 'Physics of Everyday Phenomena: Seventh Edition', dog-earing the page. "Yeah?"

"Your mom asked me to watch you, while the technician is working in my office." he said, rubbing the back of his neck, awkwardly. How the hell can this kid read that kind of shit?!

"Alright. I'm bringing my 'Maturing Weapon Systems for Improved Availability at Lower Costs' by John Dumond, Rick Eden, D. W. McIver and H. L. Shulman though. I got it on at Amazon for a real bargain." she said, pulling out a fat textbook.

He tried to look interested, but failed. "Umm, really? How much?"

She shrugged. "It was used, for 71 American dollars."

He spluttered. "For a book?!"

Yuni grinned. "Yep."

I think she's crazy.

Arriving in Gamma's office, Yuni watched the technician for a minute, the man flipping page to page.

"Whatcha readin'?" she asked, trying to be all innocent, but the fact that she was reading a file on 'maturing weapon systems' kind of killed that idea.

The technician blinked, turning to her. He held up his book. "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution - 25th Edition."

She pulled out a wad of cash, making the man's eyes bulge. "I'll pay you 500 American dollars if you give me the book, all other books you have on hacking, and show me a thing or two."

Gamma gave her a weird look. "Why is all your money in American dollars?"

Yuni shrugged. "Well, I went to the airport, and exchanged it, so I have the equal amount of money, right? But then, when I went to switch it back, it was less euros than originally, so I'm saving it until I get equal or superior value."

"You're so...weird."

OMG. 200 reviews?! I actually didn't expect that! Thank you all, so much for reviewing! You all are awesome, and I worship you, and just...thank you!

Kudos to my 200th reviewer, who was, in fact, Anonymous. So, to my (technical) 200th reviewer, aureajane, thanks so much!

Review Replies to Protect Juudaime! (I'm running out of original-ness here.)

SallyStar - Or is it...?

KatoKimeka-chan - Omerta ~Chinmoku no Okite~ Vol.07 JJ x Azusa [HEADPHONE PLEASE] is the name of the video, go youtube it. I HAD TO RESEARCH IT, THANKS TO YOU (re-scarred) How can I un-hear that? Cuz I'm double scarred, now!

Vanessa Celestine Blanchette - When Fran comes, he will wear the apple, at least, until Bel gets a hold of him, mwahahahaha!

shirokuromokona - I had to re-search it for KatoKimeka-chan. I'm so...emotionally traumatized. Thanks for that idea. I used it (if you don't mind.), in this chapter. Thanks for all that random Varia trivia! (I just love Varia)

echo andalice - I'm still iffy about doing it in time order or by plot.

LoStInIlLuSiOn - I just love Fran. He's the best. Thanks.

CrimsonSkyTamer - Yuni is actually a lot more manipulative than one would first think.

Eruruu4 - Yeah, a few people like doing it like time order, instead of by how the anime/manga is written.

1sunfun - Thanks...? Ahaha

Lanaught - 0.0 I know why someone would want him to come, cuz he's so awesome.

Philmel - Thats alright, ahaha!

Rebi-chan - She burst into tears, because she was so confused. Mao-chan wasn't helping her for once, wasn't calming her down, and she was facing a second her. Would you be freaked out if you met your clone? It's not a good omake, but I'll add another omake to the next chapter, to make up for it.

Everren - Yes, her love interest will be Fran. A while ago, I had a little poll going, for who her love interest would be, and it was a cross between Tsunayoshi and Fran, and I chose Fran, because his personality is magnificent and will butt heads with her own perfectly. I think I might add in the pairing after the Varia arc, but it'll become prominent during the Future.

Guest - Thanks!

aureajane - Thanks so much for the review! I will do my best for you all!

Rikuo Nova - One thing I can promise you is that Mao-chan is NOT Byakuran. Just...no. Sarcasm received.

Since this omake was a total fail, I'm going to add another omake to the next chapter, to make up for it.

Everren brought up a good point. In my first chapter A/N, I said 'No pairings till Future Arc'. I think that I'm going to add in the YuniFran after he arrives at Varia, but it'll become really important in the Future. Hope that clears things up.

Alright, remember how I asked you guys who you want to be Yuni's best friend in Tsuna's Guardians? Most of you said Gokudera, or Hibari, or hell, one person said Chrome (Paigecat).

Sorry to disappoint you all, but I am going with Rokudo Mukuro. He's best for plot purposes, he's the teacher of Fran, he knows of her ability to see the future, he can communicate with her pretty damn easily, and I love him too.

So sorry.


After I finish this story, should I move onto a Naruto (Itachi/OC), Harry Potter (Remus/OC or Percy Weasley/OC) or Fullmetal Alchemist story (Alphonse/OC/Ling)?

I'm really torn between these, because I love Itachi, I have all the Harry Potter books, and FMA:B is pretty short.

Leave me the answer in your reviews.

Leave a review?

Thanks for all the support, 200 reviews? I can't ask for more (well, I could ask for 300...?)

Expect an update soon. (Possible SNOW DAY tomorrow :D)


(Again, thank you sooo much.)

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