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35% Growth through Chaos / Chapter 7: Chapter 7: The Straw Hats Arrive

Chapitre 7: Chapter 7: The Straw Hats Arrive

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or Naruto.

Chapter 7:

The Straw Hats Arrive.

Shades of pink, blue, orange and yellow streaked across the heavens. A bright glow cast over the seas of the East Blue, driving the crew of the Going Merry awake, and their bounty-hunting occupants. While at the Baratie, 3 twelve-year-old's waited outdoors for their sensei to arrive at the crack of dawn.

One patiently leaning against the ship, arms crossed and eyes closed. The second was pouring over a book, titled The Perfect Empire: North Blue under the Vinsmokes. Focused on learning as much about this new, broader world as she could. While the third was pacing the deck, impatient, slighted, and jealous.

"Sasuke!" the third figure shouted down to the water. His arms waving about. "You don't have ta show-off like that all the time, ya know! I get it that you learned it, but do ya have ta keep reminding me all the time!"

Sasuke smirked at the reaction. Glancing up to the deck where Naruto stood, while he remained standing on the water.

"Well, call it motivation, Naruto. This is what happens when you use your time wisely, instead of playing around with useless jutsu. Still, isn't this why you demanded such an early training session yesterday?"

Naruto was fuming, the heat lit by embarrassment. Sasuke's smug, joking voice hit a nerve, but one that the blonde couldn't deny. After the success of Zeff's Black-Leg Style seminar and seeing his teammates training on the water, the orange ninja had begged Kakashi to teach them the next evening. After he agreed, many of the cooks complained over missing their sexy-jutsu show if Naruto was preoccupied with training, again. So, a compromise was reached. The Ninja's would train in the mornings at the crack of dawn, and leave the evenings cleared for a show and some extra training.

Yet, the Genin were on time and Kakashi had yet to show-up.

'Hmmmm,' Sakura pouted in disappointment.

'I thought sensei was finally going to be serious about training. But he's still characteristically- late to show up. If only we knew wh…..'

"Wait a minute!" to girl proclaimed.

"Sakura-chan?" Naruto responded.

"Ahhhh! Naruto, you're perfect!" the pinkette squealed.

"Huh! You, you think so!? I'm the perfect boy!" the knuckled head grinned, eagerly.

"Ugh! No! No, that's not what I meant!" the girl backpedaled, sporting an embarrassed blush.

"But you just said—"

"Don't get any ideas!"

The pair began to banter as Naruto tried to advance, and Sakura shouted denials.

"Uggghhhhhh!" the pinkette shouted. "Listen. I know how to make sure Kakashi isn't late anymore. Since we're here on a small ship like the Baratie, there really isn't any place for him to hide that we can't snuff him out from. If you can send some shadow-clones to find out where he is, they can bagger him to finally come to us on time. There's no way he can be late for several hours anymore!"


Kakashi hummed in his sleep. His body hunched over a desk in the small cabin. The lazy man's eyes fighting away the light pouring through a window, complacent to catch some extra sleep.

The man's dreams captured by a scene in Icha-Icha Tactics. Two characters gazed on from across an empty square. Moving into a run, their bodies surged forward to be wrapped in the other's embrace. One character's generous bust jiggled with every stride, Until-


-A pair of blue sandals slowly filled the space. Connected to an orange figure honing-in on Kakashi's face, feet-first.


"So, Naruto. Tell me. What kind of thought has motivated you to interrupt such a blissful sleep by forcing me to trounce you this early?"

Kakashi calmly trolled, keeping one of the boy's arms locked behind him in the Jonin's grip, with a leg lightly pinned under Kakashi's knee and the Uzumaki's face turned aside.

"Wow! You are really good, sensei! How did you beat me while still asleep?!-Ggghhhhhh! Never mind!" The boy shuffled, straining to get a better look at his sensei.

"It's dawn, and you're supposed to be training us! Come on, we're waiting, and there's nowhere for you to hide or be late here on this ship!"


Three minutes later, the teacher and student walked through the doors.

'Hhhhhh. I can't believe I actually pinned him down while half asleep. Even more that they thought to attack me like that. Even Guy never went that extreme, thank Kami'

Kakashi reflected.

"Yesss!" Sakura was jumping with glee. "I knew it! I knew Naruto would get sensei's lazy-ass down here on time!"

"Hmmm. I have to admit. You really are pretty smart, Sakura." Sasuke complemented. Leading the girl to freeze in amazement. Before flopping to the ground, pasted-out with glee.

"S..S…Sas..Sasuke…complement…pretty smart…ahhhhhh." Her prostrated form muttered.

While Naruto tried to revive the girl, Kakashi watched the scene carefully.

'Well. Naruto did something good for the whole team. Sakura hasn't hit Naruto at all since our talk back in Hanma Village. And Sasuke actually complemented Sakura for something. Maybe they are starting to grow,'

"Alright," Kakashi called out, once Sakura had awakened. "Let's get started."

For the following 3 hours, Kakashi lead them through different exercises, then separated the trio for individual skills. Sasuke was taken aside by Kakashi personally, to begin more focused training with his awakened Dojutsu. A trio of Sharingans were unveiled, two for practice and the third to keep a sharp watch on the other students during their training.

As promised, Naruto began learning how to walk on water, and became soaked after jumping from the deck a few dozen times. Eventually, Kakashi gave the knuckle-headed boy a few hints, and Naruto began to dangle his feet over the edge of the docks to feel a solid grip before walking further out. Sakura was instructed to work on her physical capabilities, and was quickly covered in sweat and exhausted. The girl groaned under the effort and quickly came to appreciate her sensei's training the least.

Nothing missed Kakashi's watchful eye, while Sasuke received the majority of his attention. Conveyed through dozens of bruises from building his reaction-timing with the Sharingan's perception.

Eventually, Zeff emerged from the restaurant calling his shinobi employees to work.


"Our destination is…The Sea Restaurant….Baratie!" A shade-wearing bounty-hunter proclaimed, from the decks of a Caravel, beneath a Straw-Hat jolly Roger billowing in the wind.

"Wow! It's a Big Fish!" A young man voiced. The figure appeared to be fresh out of boyhood; grown, but immature and excitable.

Beside him, a scrawny boy with a cameo-bandana, brown overalls, and a slingshot was drooling at the sight of the restaurant. Joined by a tall, well-built, mature figure with green hair. And a busty young lady present, wearing a pink T-shirt, light brown shoes and a yellow mini-skirt, with a smile of happiness and iconic orange hair.

Dangnang-nang-nang-nang-nang! Hwwk-HWwwk-Hwwwk!

A roaring ship's bell call everyone's attention to the starboard[2] side of their ship.

"Huh!? A Marine Ship? All the way out here!" A sixth sailor shouted from the centre of the deck.

"Hey, Luffy, they're not gonna start firing on us, are they?"


Glancing around, the long-nosed crewmate saw his captain staring straight ahead, ignoring the Marine ship completely.

"Huh? How did that ship-"


"Luffy!" the girl shouted, grabbing the boy.

"Can't you act like a Captain at all, the Marines are right beside us!"

"But Nami, look! There's A Boy Standing On The Water!" Captain Monkey D. Luffy explained, pointing towards the restaurant.

"Huh! Don't be silly. There's no…way…tha…." The navigator's words died in her throat.


That caught the swordsman's attention. "You sure it's not Ussop pulling and-other…"

Now every person on board gawked at the spectacle. Sure enough, a boy with bright blonde hair was strolling around on the water, arms flailing about trying to stay balanced.

"Don't be distracted, darling. It's only a cheap pirate's trick. Men! Sink them. They're an eye-sore."

"Yes, Sir!"



"Hhhhh. Sensei, why does Naruto get to train longer and not me!" Sasuke complained. Glaring mildly at the pervert.

"Sasuke!" the Chef's grizzled tone roared. "That would be because Naruto did more work in here last night, and he needs the practice. If you want 'a join him, and keep going hard in the kitchen, bra-KAKASHI!"

Zeff's left stump bore through the wall, missing Kakashi's hand by inches. "I told you to leave that book away while you're working!" While Zeff glowered at his distracted bouncer, Hatake remained buried deep in his new and precious Icha-Icha Tactics; 'Wow! Uoooo, hhhhh…hh..hehehehehe! Lord Jiraya really will out-do himself in three years.'

"Ggghhhaa! Hold still you pervy-brat!" Zeff exclaimed, peppering kicks towards him, which the Jonin smoothly wove through, completely untouched.

"Oh, Chef!"

"What is it, Sakura?" Zeff called out, politely.

"Please, the ruckus really should stop. The booking for a Marine Lieutenant should be here any-"



"Huh!" Naruto exclaimed, before he sank beneath the water. Quickly swimming back to the docks, the Genin saw the ships a short distance away.

'What! Are they fighting that close to the restaurant! And what was the loud explosion!'

"Naruto! What is-"

"I'm okay, sensei. But something's going on over there!"

Kakashi, Sasuke and Sakura had burst from the doors, startled and worried. The former pair with their Sharingan out.

Back on the ship, the occupants were shouting at each other.

"You are all dedicated Marines! How can you miss such an easy target!? Reload, and aim properly!" A man with iron knuckle-guards berated his crew.

"You really want to pick a fight with us?" a green-haired kensin threatened, two swords now in his grasp. While the sole girl stepped back, eager to slip away, and the overalls-boy had his slingshot cocked back.

"Y-y-y-you'll never hit the Merry. I-I-I-I-I , tt-the-the B-B-B-Brave C-C-C-Captain U-Ussop w-w-won't l-le-let yy-y-ou d-damage th-th-tis ship!"

The teenaged boy exclaimed, while his legs trembled beneath him.

"Alright. If you wanna fight, I have no problem with that," the captain declared.

"Fire, and sink the ship this time!"

A fresh cannon ball erupted from the Navy-ship. Off-target once again, it was streaking towards Luffy. Who stretched his arm outward, capturing the iron-ball in his rubbery chest.

The impact caused the man to stretch backwards, bending out like an elastic snare. On full display for the Konoha ninja.






The figure's left hand slipped, changing the trajectory off-course. Launching both man and cannon-ball at the restaurant!

"Look out!"

"Hey Watch-!"

Kakashi moved.


Pure ear-splitting sounds shook the boat as the cannon-ball grazed a mast on the Baratie, before a soft rumble came from the distance. The restaurant wasn't hit, but a chunk of wood was missing from the mast.

"Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke! Get some wooden planks and tools! Patch-up the mast before it falls over!"

At Kakashi's orders, the Genin raced into the restaurant to gather the tools and supplies.

Meanwhile, the Jonin lowered his headband to cover the Sharingan.

'Good thing this was out, and he was so far away from the boat. I wouldn't have caught this man before he hit the restaurant, otherwise.'

"Huh…Wh—hw-Hey you. Who are you? And how did I get here?" the Straw-hat boy asked.

"Yo," the Jonin replied non-chalantly. "I'm Hatake Kakashi. You were about to hit this boat, but I caught you before that could happen."

"Phew…Wow. Thanks for the save, old guy," Luffy spoke to the ninja. "If you hadn't been there, this ship would have taken a hit from me."

Kakashi blinked. "Old Guy? Is how you talk to everyone you just met?"

"Hmm No, only the one's with grey hair like yours. It's even greyer than my Grandpa's, and he's a really old guy. You've gotta be pretty good though to move that fast. Nobody on my crew is—MY CREW!"

Eye-bulging, the straw-hat boy sprang to his feet, twisting around before facing the Marine ship.

"HEY! Stupid Marines! You hit this ship with a cannon ball! That's really bad!" the boy exclaimed, now swinging one arm around for a circle, smiling with pure glee. "HOOOOOOOO! Now you're really gonna get it from Me!"

Kakashi blinked, as the boy sent his right arm torqued back, cocking it forward, frowning with determination.

"Ha! What are you going to do? Punch me from that far away?" a slow-witted, pinstripe-man gloated.

While Kakashi noticed the people on the other ship step away cautiously.

'Their faces look anxious. And this man did stretch out his body just moments ago. What will happen?'

"Gum-Gum: Pistol!" Sure enough, Luffy's arm stretched back, then shot forward. The Marine lieutenant was nailed dead-on-target; too busy laughing to see the attack. With a sharp blow, he was sent flying out towards the horizon.

"How did that pirates bbbllllllaaassssttttt mmmeeeeee ooooofffffffff."[3]

"Huh? Hmmm? I could swear I heard twinkle as that man dissapeared." Kakashi muttered.

"Well, back to the point. Excuse me? What's your name?"

Luffy glanced up at the man. "Hmmm? Oh. Well my name is Monkey D. Luffy. I'm gonna become King of the Pirates." The boy grinned at him. Sending a jolt down Kakashi's spine.

'…same smile, similar dream, and a very carefree attitude. Don't tell me there's another Naruto in this world.' The Jonin pleaded.

"Kakashi-Sensei! Are you alright out here?" Sakura voice cut into his thoughts, as she and the boys stepped through the door.

"Huh! Hey! You!" Luffy exclaimed, pointing directly at Naruto, close enough to touch the boy's nose.

"Huh! Wh-wh-what about me? Why are you pointing at me?! What do you want!?" the boy shouted, perturbed.

"You're the guy was walking on the water, right?" Luffy cried, his eyes glaring seriously, face curled in a frown.

"Ye-ye-ye-yeah, Yeah I was! What about it?"

Luffy lowered his hand. Starring at the boy…he came to a critical decision, in less than ½ a second.

Sucking in a monstrously deep breath, he roared: "Please! I beeteach you! Join. My. Crew!"


"So…." Kakashi began to summarize. "You really want to head to the Grand Line. To fulfill a promise your made, to become the King of the Pirates. Someone you've chosen to follow for the last 10 years. And you selected Zoro, Nami, and Ussop to be a part of your crew to accomplish that."

"Uh huh! That's right old-man Kakashi." Luffy nodded, with a bright smile.

While Kakashi merely nodded, unperturbed by the comment. "I see. That's certainly quite the ambition, Monkey D. Luffy. Um. Do you mind sharing with us what the 'D.' stands for?"

"Hmmmm. Woo Ihhh Dwee—"

"Swallow first, then answer!" Nami shouted, with a comical smack on the captain's head.

Sakura's eyes twinkled with admiration. Kakashi groaned at the sight, while Naruto made a face, and Sasuke frowned. All of the Ninja were seated in the dining room, while various Naruto clones scurried about for the customer, giving the ninja's some time to discuss Luffy's demand for them to join him.

One he had repeated to each of the four since arriving at the Baratie, as no one had given a definitive yes.

"Shishishishishishishishi! Sorry, Nami. Kakashi, I've got no idea what the 'D' stands for. It's just part of my name." the man replied, taking another mouthful of food.

"That doesn't matter, though. Soon I'll be on the Grand Line, with all eight of us together to find new adventures!"

"Eight of you? I thought you only count four people on your crew, since those bounty-hunters aren't members." Sasuke observed.

"Eight. Zoro, Nami, Ussop, you, Naruto, Kakashi—"

"Um. Mr. Luffy. We never said that we would join you. Maybe we can use some time to think it over. You don't even know anything about us, nor we about you."

"Hmmm? Why? You guys can walk on water, and I want you to join me. What else is there to talk about? Haaummhhhh—" the Straw-hat took another bite of food.

The crew had some treasure to pay for a meal, while Nami's was utterly free, naturally. With Sanji waiting on every request from her, hand-and-foot. The girl smoothly ate an expensive desert. While Zoro was kicked-back, enjoying a mug of booze. Sakura and Sasuke both carried mixed feelings about this group. One was skeptical about them, but eyed their swordsman curiously. Sakura was off-put by Luffy's demeanour, and was already unimpressed with Ussop's tall-tales. Yet she was deeply impressed by Nami's beauty and demeanour. While an Inner-persona had different opinions.

"Chaa! Learn to eat slower, Pig D. Luffy! And why can't our chest be as huge as Nami's! It's not fair" Then, the silhouette assumed a ponderous gesture; "But, getting the chance to find a way home sooner is pretty good!"

"Really! Naruto, that's brilliant!" the sniper exclaimed, cutting into her thoughts.

"I sure wish I'd thought of that prank back in my home town. But still," the liar leaped upwards, to stand on the table.

"I once made friends with a giant amphibious Sea-monster who loved chocolates! It scared everyone out of my village. While my men and I stole all the sweets from them, and later shared it with the Sea-monster."

"Really!" Naruto cried in amazement.

"You betcha, really. It was so—"

"-much of a lie it wasn't even funny." Naruto cut-off. Leaving Ussop to fall flat on his face.

The blonde's face was a total deadpan. "That story was so obviously a lie it isn't funny at all, Ussop. All of my stories are the truth, and I'm proud of it! I never have to make-up a story about my pranks at all."

Everyone from Konoha groaned at Naruto's proclamation, while Ussop sprang to his feet. "Oh really!? And who can prove that, Naruto buzz-kill!"

The blonde grinned. "Hey, Kakashi-sensei. Did I really paint an entire house-block back in our home village, and a giant picture of my own face beside the Hokage Monument to show where I want them to put it!? And all before any other ninjas could stop me?"

The eyes of all those present turned towards the Jonin. Who casually sighed but grinned at the memory. "Yes. All of that is absolutely true. I'm actually surprised even in a village full of ninja, nobody could stop any of your pranks until after they happened."

Ussop curled into a ball, mopping in the corner. While Luffy burst out laughing, asking to hear more about Naruto's pranks.

"Stop right there, you Damn Pirates!"

"Do you mind!" Patty bellowed. "Your reservation already past for that lunch-date, you damn Marine!"

"Be quiet!" A pompous, indulgent cry answered the cook's demands. A steaming man, still dressed in a pinstripe suit, stood in the doorway. With a squad of Marines behind him, the Pink-haired officer shook his iron-knuckles at the cooks.

Calling in a high, shrilling voice, "How dare you speak to a Marine Headquarters Lieutenant such disrespectfully! I, Lieutenant Iron-fist Fullbody demand all your available manpower to apprehend these criminals!" Gesturing at the table occupied with the Straw Hats.

"These men assaulted me, a Marine Lieutenant, directly and are known criminals on the seas! Did nobody here see when his dirty trick defeated me!?"

"I did!"

"Finally, a reasonable and law-abiding man!" Fullbody exclaimed. "Give your statement know about how these men need to be arrested for their trick!"

"Trick? Are….do you have memory problem, at all?" the figure softly trolled. "You shot at them out of Blue, missing their ship completely. Then on the second shot, your cannonball hit this restaurant. The captain got mad about that and punched you directly without any guile or subtlety. Though….maybe the hit caused some memory loss for you after being sent flying off to the horizon." Kakashi summarized.

"Yes, that is exact—" the Lieutenant agreed with pride. Then grew cherry-red and gaped at the masked-cyclops. "-WHAT!""

"Oh, I'm glad you remember." Kakashi complemented, patting the confessor's shoulder. "You know, it really is deeply reassuring to see a Navy professional taking responsibility. From your loyal crew rescuing you from the sea after such a blunder. And yourself going to the efforts to return and compensate the collateral victims of such losses you inflicted. Does everyone here agree?"

Over half the diners voiced their agreement, while the others snickered at Kakashi trolling the Marine. Yet Fullbody was caught between own embarrassment, and basking in the praise for his accountability to the restaurant.

"L-L-Lieutenant Fullbody, sir!" A new voice rang from the doors. "We-We've got terrible news! The Krieg pirate we've kept imprisoned has escaped! He's killed three men, sir!"

"Huh! What!?" Fullbody and his surrounding men gasped. "How? He was on the verge of starvation when we found him three days ago and we haven't fed him since!"

"I'm sorry, I don't know sir! Maybe he saw less men around and tried to escape!"

Fullbody stood tall, posing with authority. "Men, followed me, and secure that murderer!" Raising his iron-fist to rally them. The group dashed forward.

"Excuse me?" A voice came from the door. The Marines screeched to a halt, almost colliding with two people on the ground. "He's not a problem," Kakashi announced. The Jonin flipped another page of the book in his right hand. Kneeling down over a man dressed with a green shirt, grey pants and aa matching jacket with cross-bones and a Red Serpentine dragon over his back. The captive's arms were pinned down, with Kakashi's right hand locked over their wrists.

"Though, he did nearly shoot your man from outside before I knocked him over. Sakura, will you come get the pistol under my left foot?"

The Marines gaped at the sight, trying to figure out when Kakashi had moved; while the Straw Hat Pirates were amazed, Luffy's eyes twinkling with awe. "SOOOO COOOOOOLL!"

'How did he move that fast!?' Nami could barely comprehend.

While Zoro's eyes narrowed, dangerously. 'I've never seen such awareness and speed like that. This Kakashi is a dangerous one, no question.'

"Uh. Ye-yes Kakashi-sensei," Sakura hurried over, carefully taking a double-barrel pistol from the deck. Though she touched the barrel, and found it hot to the touch.

"Hmmmm. Marine! Are you telling me you haven't fed this man at all for 3 days!?" Zeff exclaimed.

"WHAAAT! No food for 3 whole days! That is just a bad thing to do!" Luffy exclaimed, his fist crashing on the table.

"Civilians! It is because he does not deserve any food," Iron-Fist Fullbody declared. "This is the Man-Demon Gin! An officer of the Krieg Pirate Armada, and murderous pirate. Not someone who deserves any common comforts like a meal!" The man's nose was stuck high, filled with self-importance. Leaving him blind to the Head-Chef prowling towards him.

Each of the cooks and Ussop shivered at sight. Most of them knew what was coming next.

"H-h-h-hhey. S-s-s-Sasuke wh-whatisthetallhatguy go-gonna do?"

"Hm," the Uchiha smirked. "Just watch. Those Marines are about to either cry, or be sent flying off again."

"Huh!? Where did Naruto and the blonde cook go?" Nami questioned. Sure enough, both of the blondes had disappeared.

Soon, each of the Marines had been kicked out of the restaurant. Though not until after Fullbody had fulfilled Kakashi's demanding suggestion and paid Zeff for the damage to his mast.

Once that was finished, Sanji and Naruto came out from the kitchen, with a large platter of seafood paella. Zeff was conveniently blocking Patty, after kicking Iron-Fist Fullbody into next week. While Kakashi moved Gin over to a corner of the deck before returning indoors.

Sanji and Naruto stood beside Gin, placing the food before the Pirate. At the appetizing aroma, a deep, long rumble came from the man's stomach. Sanji leaded against the railing, taking a fresh cigarette, while Naruto kneeled down, pity filling his eyes.

"I don't want your charity. Take…take the…take it away." The murderous pirate spat, unable to even say the word "food."

"Come on, you're hungry and need it. Even your stomach's growling to take it." Naruto pleaded. Recalling some old memories of craving hot, fresh food when he was a small child. But not having the money to have some as a lonely orphan.

"Keep…your damn...pity." Gin growled with anger.

"Naruto, take a step back."

"But Sanji, he's just being stupid! He's gotta eat, and we ma—" The sous-chef lightly tapped Naruto' head with his foot. "I said take a step back. Come and stand beside me, kid."

Frowning, the stubborn boy just folded his arms and sat down near the dangerous man, refusing to move. Pouting with resistance, even as Sanji glared at him. Until a fresh rumble from Gin broke their staring contest.

"The sea is crazy, isn't it?" Sanji remarked, gazing in recollecting. "It can mean absolute death if you run out of food. I know what it's like to starve because of the sea. So, I can't stand seeing anyone go through that. Eat, and survive today so you can defend your honor tomorrow."

With that, Gin resolve crumbled, and he unceremoniously began to shovel food into his mouth. While Naruto gazed at him and Sanji, blinking tears away from his eyes. The jinchuuriki was recalling the Hokage sharing fish, or another meal with him when he was a small boy. Or Teuchi and Ayame giving him free Ramen when he was short on money. The only people to always treat him like a person in his own home, especially when he felt so down and alone.

'When I saw Sanji move off to the kitchen, I'm glad I followed him. And that Sanji let me help him cook-up some food for this guy, no matter what he did. He's just so cool.' Naruto thought, gazing at Sanji with worship in his eyes.

Soon after, Gin finished the meal, and rose to his feet. The Man Demon fixed Naruto with dead, tear-filled eyes filled with anger. The Blonde froze, 'He….he almost looks like…like Zabuza.'

"Excuse me," a familiar voice cut through the tension. Glancing to the sky, Sanji, Gin and Naruto found Luffy and Kakashi leaning on the railing. "Given that we saved you from starvation. It would be more than dishonourable to attack one of right now. Not to mention…drawing more trouble for yourself than the Marines could ever give you." Came the Jonin's frigid warning.

"Hm. Wasn't plannin' on it," Gin responded. "I wan'ed t' warn th' brat t' let someon' keep their digni'y next time, instead uh takin' a fron'-row seat t' their shame."

Then he turned to Sanji. "Your food was so good," the pirate tearfully thanked him. "but I can' help but think that you're gonna get fired because uh me."

"Don't worry about it," Sanji replied.


Turning back, everyone saw Naruto had thrown the used dishes overboard. "There. No one can prove you ate that food anyways now. And I don't have to wash the extra dishes too!" he grinned.

"Hmmm. Smart, kid," Sanji complemented him. "Don't sweat over it. I'm a cook, and feeding others is my job. No matter who they are or what they are. I'll feed them regardless of whatever they have done, or will do next.

"That's it!" Came a loud declaration from the Straw Hat teen. "I'm looking for a cook for my pirate ship, and I want these ninjas to join too. You!" He pointed strait towards Sanji. "I've decided you are gonna join my crew as our cook!"

Sanji blinked in surprise. "I'm sorry, but I can't leave here. I owe the old man too much to do that."

"And I want you and the Ninjas are going to join me, so that's that."

"I said, I'm not going to join you." Sanji replied, while Kakashi lead Gin to a boat with some encouragement for him to leave the restaurant.

"Are you refusing me?" Luffy asked.

Sanji nodded, "That's right."

"Then I refuse your refusal!" Luffy declared, crossing his arms.


"Naruto, Sanji, Kakashi!"

"What, you damned geezer!"

Zeff hmphed at the remark. "I need you to get back inside and get to work, brats!"

"Actually, may I barrow the older ninja for a little while?" a soft voice came behind the chef. Nami had moved out of the dining room, with Sasuke, Zoro, Sakura and Ussop alongside her. The girl gave Zeff a pleading look that would even put puppy-eyes to shame.

"Zoro and I want to talk with Kakashi about him and the others joining our crew. And you wouldn't mind if Sakura and Sasuke are absent for a little while, would you?" Naturally, Zeff was helpless to refuse a lady's request.

"Hey, whaddabout me, Nami! You really shouldn't discuss things without the real captain." Ussop scolded, from a patronizing posture. Until somethign from behind shook his whole body, sending in to the plant a face in the floor.

"You're not the captain, Ussop. Go check on the Mary!" Zoro ordered him, stilling hold a fist from the light punch that knocked the liar to the floor, instead of in the wall.

Nami didn't respond to either as she addressed the ninjas. "It looks like our captain is pretty distracted right now," glancing at the younger teen stalking Sanji, demanding that he join their crew. Followed by Naruto.

"If you are going to join us though. There are a few things that should be discussed, don't you agree?"

After some deliberation, each of the invitees nodded. Leaving Luffy and Naruto indoors, Johnny and Yosaku at the table, and Ussop scurrying off to the Mary.

"So," Nami addressed them. "First things first. Please, jump down, and show all of us how you can walk on the water like Naruto can."

"Ummm. Is that really the most important thing?" Kakashi inquired.

"Yeah, why are you all so obsessed with how we can do that?" Sakura joined n.

"Because," Zoro replied. "Out captain is a Devil-fruit user. You already saw that he's a rubber man. Everyone who eats a Devil-fruit gives-up the ability to swim once they take a bite. Anytime he falls overboard, Luffy needs some else to fish him out again. That's why we want you guys on our crew just as much as the Captain does."

The swordsman rubbed the back of his head, standing tall and ready. "Gotta say, that idiot has some good ideas pretty rarely. But when they do come, he hasn't' been proven wrong, yet."

Sasuke and Sakura pondered his reply, while Kakashi's eye narrowed. Sharp, for any useful information. "Alright, then." Hopping over the railing, Kakashi landed with a splash and casually strode out on the ocean. Quickly followed by Sakura and Sasuke.

Needless to say, Nami was amazed. Even Zoro could not repress a face of awe and bewilderment at the sight.

"Yo. I imagine this does answer your question. Is there anything else about—"

"No!" Zoro's strong tone replied. "You're joying us, no arguments from me."

Nami eagerly nodded. "And from your speed by catching Luffy earlier, stopping that Krieg Pirate, and Naruto training earlier, you guys can probably fight in one way or another. Asking you guys to join us was really smart on Luffy's part…."

Immediately, the girl's jaw went slack. Flabbergasted at her own complement. 'Luffy…..smart…Did I really just say that?'

Zoro had the exact matching sentiments. "Never thought I'd actually agree with that, much less hear it aloud, Nami. Maybe there's hope for that idiot, yet."

"Good to know." Kakashi's voice yanked their attention back to himself, Sakura and Sasuke. "Since that concern is resolve. There…are some rather crucial things you…really should be aware of."


"Huh, where'd h—"

-"Here." A whisper.

"Ahhh!" Clink.

Nami jumped back, while Zoro's hand flew to his blade

Within an instant, Kakashi had Shunshined behind them. Driving the pair of Straw Hats off-balance, just as he wanted to. "We're are not like anyone you have met before. The Grand Line means one thing to us. One thing alone and cannot be negotiated." Turning to Zoro, the Pirate-Hunter froze. The gaze in Kakashi's eye pierced him, leaving the man frozen in place.

'Whh…what is this feeling,' Zoro furiously thought. 'It's not fear that's gripping me…something else. That look…Desperation?'

"Home. Four weeks ago, Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura and I were all ripped away from our home island. A place that has had been closed-off from the rest of the world for centuries; to the point that I cannot find it on any maps here in the East Blue. I think it's somewhere close to the Wano Kingdom, but that's all I have. The Grand Line is our way home, and once we find it, we want to stay. There."

"If we do join you, then it will be temporarily. Plus, we are ninja's, and have our own sense of honour. We will not attack anyone to oppress them, nor do we wish to run into any incidents that would reveal our capabilities to people like the Marines, the Warlords, or other Pirates Crews and bring them down on our home."

The Jonin's eyes cast over Nami and Zoro. Zoro face remained confrontationally, meeting Kakahsi gaze with barely a flinch. While Nami seemed shaken, her eyes looking far away. Kakashi recognized that look, one that was more in the past, than the present.

"Pass these terms on to your captain. If he accepts them, then maybe we can become crewmates." Kakashi grinned, slipping into a cool and jovial demeanour.

As they nodded, he went back inside. To spot Ussop, Luffy and Naruto huddled together. Muttering in hushed tones, clearly plotting something. The sight made Kakashi gulp, fearful of what the consequences would be.

While Sakura and Sasuke remained outside with Nami and Zoro. Sakura apologizing the Nami over Kakashi's demeanor and inviting her for some girl-talk about different places she had been. While Sasuke gave Zoro a hard look. One the swordsman returned; causing the boy to flinch under the man's gaze.

"Something you want, kid?"

"Training. I saw you training earlier on your ship. I need to grow stronger, and learn how to fight better. I want to train with you tomorrow." the Uchiha bluntly requested.

Zoro eyed the boy carefully. He didn't reveal anything, but the purpose in Sasuke's eyes peaked his interest. 'Those eyes are similar to mine, and how Kuina's were. This kid has a goal, and he's driven to fulfill it, no matter what cost is demanded from him.'

"Hmm," the swordsman hummed, curiously. "I've never had a student before or found anyone who could keep up with the kind of training that I do. Still, if you're going to join us, then we can't have anyone weak just tagging-alone for the ride."

"Alright. You can join me tomorrow. Let's see what you can do kid. Plus, if we end of fighting together, then knowing what the other is capable of would be a good place to start."

Sasuke grinned at Zoro's reply. "Good. Out of curiosity, what rank do you have in your crew?"

"Ranks?" Zoro cocked an eyebrow. "We've only been together a couple of weeks back. Plus, a crew of four people is a little small to be concerned about ranks other than the captain. Otherwise, Ussop is a sniper, I'm a swordsman, and Nami is our navigator. We actually came here to find a cook. Plus, we might end-up with four ninjas on this crew."

Sasuke was surprised, but nodded. He'd assumed from Zoro's serious personality, the swordsman was the 2nd-in command. Though he didn't press the issue.


[1]-Scene borrowed from my singular favourite scene from Bleach. "Goood Mooorrrnnniiinnnggggggg Ichigoooooo!" (check youtube, absolutely hilarious).

[2]-For anyone who doesn't know, the best way to tell "port" and "starboard" from "left" and "right," are the letters. "Port" and "left" are both shorter words, with 4 letters apiece. They are one and the same, while the longer words correlate to each other.

[3]-Yes, a shameless use of the beloved Pokemon Gag "We're Blasting Off Again." I'm honestly surprised this has not made a Cameo in One Piece Anime, yet.It does happen sometimes, but never with the phrase to join it, that's what makes it so iconic.

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