Panic ensues inside the Green Hills Center. Men, women and kids run towards the back of the stands to hide. One kid in a Sonic costume sits down with a sad face, wondering:
Kid with Sonic costume: "What's the point of going fast, if you can't escape your own problems?"
Sonic trembles. All the Echidnas eye him, readying their rope bows, as Robotnik smirks.
Robotnik: "Has the hedgehog finally lost his cool? Come on, crouch into a little ball and beg me not to kill you. I might reconsider."
Sonic looked around, seeing himself in the worst possible position. He gritted his teeth, shouting:
Sonic: "I...I need... need to run.", Arrows fired towards him as Sonic began to run esporadically around the center, looking for any available exit. "They are after me, if I can just get out of here and have them chase me, I could save these people."
We see Tails looking from the sidelines, watching the Echidnas in fear. He aims his look at Robotnik noticing something sparkling in his ship.
Tails: "A...a chaos emerald? Oh no...", Tails takes his tracker out from his pouch, seeing a point running in circles as another stays still where Eggman's ship is. "They only have one. Then there's still time."
Sonic begins shining in blue electricity as he avoids all the arrows from the Echidnas and the shots from Robotnik's ship, while trying not to get in any person's way. He trips on one of the rope arrows in the ground, stumbling across the ground until he hits the wall. He sees the people hiding behind the stands, as kids shout.
Kids: "Beat them, Sonic!", Sonic gets back up.
Sonic: "I'm not sure if I can.", He shakes in electricity. "But I have to try."
Time seems to stop as the arrows stop in the air. Sonic is going so fast, physics don't seem to affect him. He sees the arrows midair and begins jumping on them, one by one. He runs across the ropes, and in the last jump reaches close to an Echidna. He rolls up into a ball, and begins shining even more, as he proppells himself forward with a boom, like a homing dash. He hits the Echdina, making him fall back, and allowing Sonic to leave the center.
Sonic: "I did it, I got ou... Augh."
Tails was quickly chasing after him, flying to his position. He grabs Sonic from the back and picks up a ring from his pouch. He mumbles something to it, and throws it in front of them, as they both fall through it. They stumble through the snowy ground. They are now in a snow mountain zone, with mystical ice. Sonic grunts as he gets back up, while Tails grabs his tracker smiling:
Tails: "There's one here."
Sonic: "What was that?", He is mad, Tails is frightened.
Tails: "I saved you. That doctor and the echidna clan would just continue to chase you. There was no place to ru..."
Sonic: "What about Tom? Pretzel lady?", He puts his hands in his head, he sees the portal still open. "I'm going back.", Tails puts his hand in front of him.
Tails: "You can't. They will kill you."
Sonic pushes Tails hand aside, approaching the portal, however as he is about to pass through it he bumps against someone. He falls back on the ground, looking up to see a red echidna, with the ring portal vanishing behind him
Cut back to the Green Hills Center, Robotnik starts hitting his ship.
Robotnik: "How could you let him get away? You had one job, you stupid ant eaters!"
Tom gets out from behind the stands. As Green Hills leading cop, it's his duty to protect those people.
Tom: "Sonic isn't here anymore, Robotnik. Leave this place!", Robotnik grins.
Robotnik: "Ah there he is. That abomination's best friend. I was hoping to see you come make your valiant stand. But what can you do here to stop me?"
Tom: "Whatever it takes!", Robotnik sighs.
Robotnik: "Can you be any more formulaic? You're not a white knight, and Sonic isn't your trapped princess. Stop fantasizing! That creature is a mutated mistake even by its own species criteria.", Robotnik flies closer to Tom, as the people behind shriek in fear. "If you're to make that kind of stand, at least do it to someone you have any chance against.", Another hole opened on his ship, as a boxing glove came out, punching Tom in the face. He trips to the side from the blow, but doesn't fall. Robotnik grins. "That's payback."
Robotnik's ship goes back out the hole it entered. He picks up the mic on his ship telling the Echidnas.
Robotnik: "Let's fall back to our ring, and find that hedgehog."
One of the Echdinas on the ground looks up telling him:
Echidna: "Our leader entered the ring after them."
Robotnik: "Is that so?", He began to grin. "I guess you're not all useless."
Cut to Tom. His wife gets up, and tries to help the people up alongside Crazy Carl, she asks her husband.
Wife: "Do you think he'll be alright?"
Tom: "C'mon it's Sonic. He might act like a kid, but he's stronger than any of us...", Tom seems worried as he looks outside. "...right?"
Cut back to Ice Cap zone when Knuckles enters the ring. Sonic gets up, vibrating in his own electric energy.
Sonic: "Why are you after me? Why do you want my power so badly?"
Knuckles: "It's needed to let our people grow."
Sonic: "Your people seem just fine. You didn't have to kill her. LongClaw didn't deserve that for taking care of me."
Knuckles: "We need your power at any cost."
Sonic: "If you want my power, you can have it!"
Sonic jumps and bends himself into a ball. He begins spinning midair, before aiming himself at Knuckles with a sonic boom. Knuckles tries to punch him in response. They both clash, neither side letting themselves lose. Knuckles shouts:
Knuckles: "You're too weak!"
With full force, he pushes Sonic back with his fist, throwing him away from the top of the snowy mountain. He begins falling down from it, stumbling through the snow. Knuckles leaps towards him and tries to punch him down, however before he can, Tails quickly grabs Sonic out of the way. Knuckles looks at them both flying away, surprised to see Tails.
Knuckles: "So they're both like that? That makes this easier."
Knuckles runs forward and with a megaton push leaps into the air at a high speed. Tails is still grabbing Sonic as he shakes his head.
Sonic: "I'm definitely going to feel that next morning.", He looks around himself, seeing that he's midair. "We need to go back Tails. Just use one of your rings."
Tails: "Fine. I suppose I could... augh!"
Knuckles had been gliding towards them, reaching Tails with his fist. He drops Sonic as well as his tracker. Sonic is now freefalling. He looks down at all the snow below
Sonic: "If only I had a snowboard.", He sees the tracker by his side. "I guess beggars can't be choosers."
He grabs the tracker putting it underneath his feet and sliding with it. We see Knuckles gliding towards him at high speeds. Sonic puts his tongue out and stretches his eye. He mocks:
Sonic: "You're never going to catch me like that, you knuckle-head."
Knuckles grunts, however he truly is out of reach. He falls down on the snow, rolling around in it. Tails catches up to Sonic midflight, and tells him:
Tails: "My precious tracker. You're destroying it."
Sonic: "Desperate needs take desperate measures. It's not like I can run in snow this thick. Plus, it's probably not broken."
Tails: "I hope not. We still need to go after the Chaos Emerald here."
Sonic: "The what?"
A loud thumping noise is heard behind them. They look back to see an enormous rolling snow ball after them with Knuckles at its core. Trouble wasn't over yet.