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47.05% High-expectations and haughty thoughts / Chapter 16: Hard to actually find a time to procrastinate

Chapitre 16: Hard to actually find a time to procrastinate

"How have the women I love the most in this world been?" Aki cautiously asked while peeking inside the baby's room, finding Alma sleeping against her mother's bosom.

He hadn't really interacted with his new family since they'd took the city, and as a very homely guy, that worried him.

Anna kissed her daughter goodnight and went to talk to Aki in the corridor.

"We've been fine. The castle is kind of easy to get lost in, but the servants have been really attentive to me." She imediatly told him.

He took her hand and signaled for her to follow. The baby would hardly need the standing nurses, nevermind them.

"I know it's hard to adapt to new environments and lifestyles, so do tell me about anything I can do to make the place more homely. I can't promise I will imediatly change the place, but I want you to feel comfortable and will try my best." He explained while looking into her eyes and squeezing her hand a bit.

"There's nothing right now, so don't worry. I will tell if something catches my attention." She said and kissed his cheek. She was learning how to deal with this new husband of her.

His generally worried look relaxed a bit and he gave her a mischievous grin. "Since it's like that, than how about you help me a bit with training."


" Uhhh..." She lightly moaned. His big hands were much more dexterous than they let off.

"I can't be playing with a sensitive spot all the time dear, allow me to enjoy myself a bit too." Aki lovingly said.

"Truly, you are a perverted." She softly said while stifling another moan. "You are just, kiii." She let out a surprisingly girlish scream as Aki licked between her toes.

"That's because I love every part of you. Every gorgeous strand of hair to every cute little toe." As he started, he pulled her by the calf, making it easier to envelope the woman in his arms and whispering his confession to her sensitive ears.

The maid seeing such scene imediatly had crimson fill her face, though she couldn't see if they were fully clothed either. She had a job to do though.

"Milord, someone claiming to be a mensager has been captured." She said from the door. Aki wasn't using a shirt nor shoes, but when he sat up with Anna in his arms, she was actually fully clothed even if her pants were rolled up till just below her thighs.

"How do they look like? Any info?" Aki asked with a serious voice but still rested his shin on Anna's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I don't really know milord, the guard captain is in the dungeon guarding said person and I was asked to inform you, so..." She said with some nervousness, like she didn't know where to look.

"I see." He said with a nod. "I will leave you here and come back later, though I think I will at max have energy to cuddle, sorry." He softly told his lover before quickly kissing her and getting up while putting her on bed. Not bothering to dress up Aki quickly went towards the exit. "Excuse me" He said, though the maid had already made way. With a quick spell, Aki was gone from sight and the maid's clothes were completely shredded, making several weapons and some vials hit the ground.


Before the woman in front of him could open her mouth, Aki punched the messenger in the face.

While the recoil settled in, he used the chance to hold their shin and pry her mouth open.

A bit of push and pulling teeth, tongue and skin later, Aki nodded as he confirmed some things.

"Hey, Eric, what's the kingdom's policy on vampires?" He nonchalantly asked while starring the pale woman in the eyes.

"Why, they... Oh. We do not deal with vampires sir. Neither officially nor under the tables, this one either came from a court interested in the take over or made a deal with a specific noble." The former count explained after understanding what Aki was actually asking.

"Good, I knew I had a reason not to eat you." He said and the man shuddered a bit. "Now, you want to keep trying your charm thing on me or will you talk Missy?" He asked with a grin.

The vampire turned to the only other person in the room and pleaded. "If you release me I can defeat him. The undead will be unsummoned." She told him with a melodius and magic filled voice, but Eric just sighed and shook his head.

"No they won't, he didn't make that kind of contract. Neither can you actually defeat him. Just talk. I have just eaten dinner for goodness sake, I don't want to vomit it over." He said with very serious and still tired eyes.

Her options slipping away, the vampire used the full power of her hypnotic abilities. She failed miserably when Aki moved her head to gaze into his eyes though, making both the woman's eyes pop in their orbit, her teeth cracking from the pressure she caused from the great pain.

Aki just giggled at the scene.

"Seems like someone hasn't trained their mental stats enough yet. Shame, I was looking for a bit of training. Now, welcome to the fun side." He said while putting a hand on the side of her face.


"You mean you can't contact, remotely kill her nor summon her soul?" Asked the relatively pudgy noble to the remaining vampire in front of him and getting a nod.

Breathing deeply, the man stood up to open a cabinet and took a bottle and a glass of wine out, pouring himself a full glass of it before gobling the thing and throwing the glass at the vampire's head.

"Useless! You are all completely useless! I want results, that's what the contract entailed and I'm not paying one more copper until I see that filthy dog's head delivered to me!"


"That's the duke responsible for the land?" Aki asked, turning to the vampire and the count.

"His personality is like that, but he is a genius in trade and management. Besides not acting like a kid while in public." Eric explained and Eins noded.

The vampire was now cured from her sadomasoquism, stockolm sindron, most of the disgust from the several instances of rape and some of the guilt from killing tens of thousands. Still a work in progress, but this was the best Aki could do at the moment with magic only.

By the way, doing such actually got him 50 levels in both his classes, 100 points in intelligence, some skill levels and a 'new' evolved skill.

Is that broken? Didn't this happen recently?

Not really. These kinds of things happen when someone experiences great growth in an area, and Aki is a crazy fuck of a mage with not so realistic comparisons. 'The Black Oni', 'Ashen healer', 'Great mechanic Han', 'Scourge', 'Anus destroying princess', none of those are healthy people to inspire your magical career to even though only two of them actually study their magic in depth. Generally because depression, shock from pain, and the very possible chance of diving directly into moral deviancy.

Aki wasn't exactly the most sane though, as the unique skill he was born with would indicate. Such things even added XP to his skill since they were assimilated into it actually.

"I'll just be killing the fat fuck now then. Excuse me." He said and shoved his hand on Einz heart, making both the vampire they were using as a terminal and the duke suddenly drop with shock in their faces. The person who actually had her heart crushed would have received a similar fate, but Aki obviusly healed her.

His voodoo was not enough to actually kill the vampire on the 'screen', since the damage could still be healed naturally even if through an extremely painfull and long period, but the duke was still human and very much didn't have a second heart up his ass or something.

Such stunt would have leveled magical exlency if it hadn't just leveled up minutes ago. The targets were more than a couple hundred kilometers away and Aki was doing this alone after all.

With the woman who'd just had her heart staked by a werewolf breathing deeply and covering her exposed cleavage while holding her courset so it wouldn't fall, she looked at the man who didn't even change his expression as he killed two people and pierced someone's heart with his bare hands.

"Sorry for not warning you, but that actually made the spell easier because of similarities and such. I never really felt the violated part when my body is pierced, cut away and minced, so i'm sorry if it isn't something simple to just shrugh off." He softly told her while looking into her eyes. "Maybe you should try to think of something as pay back, i won't mind as long as it only hurts me." He offered.

"I... should problably change clothes." She said, trying to think of a way to get away, but Aki waved a hand and a blouse appeared over her kimky goth getup and a big hand appeared over her shoulder.

"I ment what i said earlier. You can stay, or you can go. Either way i won't use you like they did. This..." He pointed at his own chest. Now clothed. "Is because i needed that man out of the picture. No matter what. I wouldn't get another chance at incapacitating the duke without killing him. That's why i don't mind paying you back. Ask away a life of luxury and i will fund it. I'll even cure your vampirism, help you find the love of your life, a stable job, whatever it is." He promised.

She might have peed herself a bit at the beggining though.

Nodding, she looked at his hand, which he promptly lifted and pointed towards a maid standing by the door. She practically run to the woman.

Healing defenses away leaves someone very raw and sensitive.


As he slowly moved through seemly random stances, fear spread through his audience.

A quick stab with a dagger transforming into a parry with a short sword, a venomous viper bitting into a man's thigh, a lazy but unavoidable strike from a panda, an arrow launched at unbelievable speeds, a wolf poucing from behind at an unsuspecting target while it's pack distracted it, a giant hammer that could break everything under it's weight.

All those figures seemed to somehow appear in front of the people standing for his demonstration. None of the strikes actually hit anything, nor was the wind pressure enough to crack rocks or such, but every being close to the arena found themselves suddenly frightened for no obvius reason. Everyone watching was mesmerized even if only for a moment, but they held it together since all were at least rank 3.

"Summoner... Weren't you supposed to be a mage? This much more seems to me like a master of old trying to refine all his expertise into a new school of movements. Something not even my generals have done yet." Samal said after witnessing Aki's first 'kata'. It was broken as fuck, but anyone with some martial or combat prowess could see it had great potential if only because of the ideas behind it.

Everyone agreed that what the floating lich said was extremely normal though.

"Of course I major in magic, but I decided to minor in weapon mastery. Like, I still want to be able to bombard one place and massacre my enemies at a distance, but that is kind of fairly demanding on my mind even if my WIS is absurd for human standards." Explained Aki while gesturing around, with most spellcasters agreeing. "Besides, did you guys not see the awesome presence this has?! I WAS THE HAMER!" He exclaimed, getting nods out of all the fighters and the children.

"Well, this is all good and fine." Eric tried to say, but Aki couldn't help himself and cough out a 'dandy'. They didn't get the musical reference, but still. "We should really all go back to work." Said the tired man, now exausted for completely diferent reasons.

Mostly everyone agreed with him and went out, but Samal couldn't help but approach Aki, who undertood he had a serious air around him. Besides the emotional link formed by the summoning that went one way with him as the receptor.

"Summoner, I know it's considered rude, but it is really astounding from my point of view, so i feel i should ask anyway. How high IS your WIS?" The lich expected some kind of reaction but...

"Dunno, haven't multiplied it yet." Aki shrugged and aswered, calling for his status window. "Exactly 7705.6." He said with a nod, already planing how to train his status more. "Call me when you get all your status back" He told the lich and went walking away to have breakfast with his family. He'd finally convinced Arcenis to try and eat with them.


Name: Aki Augustus

Race: Human/Uno che ulula Lv 60

Class: Unseen smile Lv 60

HP: 2170/2170 x4 (regen 208/h) x4 (x1.4)

MP: 2890/2890 x4 (regen 688/h) x8 (x1.4)

STR: 217

VIT: 208

DEX: 163

AGI: 132

INT: 289

WIS: 688

SP: 1160



Meditation Lv 9

Student Lv 8

Stealth Lv 8

Hunting Lv 8

Survailance Lv 5

Tracking Lv 7

Massage Lv 6

Rope handling Lv 5

Persuasion Lv 10

Torture Lv 1

Paperwork Lv 6

Organization Lv 7


Caligraphy Lv 5

Singing Lv 10

Handcrafts Lv 5

Acting Lv 10

Poetry Lv 3

Alchemy Lv 3

Cooking Lv 3


Magical excellency Lv 6

Mind magic Lv 10

Elemental magic Lv 6

Metal magic Lv 3

Blood magic Lv 8

Space magic Lv 5

Arcane magic Lv 8

Nature magic Lv 5

Death magic Lv 5

Life magic Lv 5

Time magic Lv 5

Summoning magic Lv 6


Claw technique Lv 7

Deadly bite Lv 9

Unarmed combat technique Lv 9

Bow technique Lv 6

Dagger technique Lv 5

Enrage Lv 1

Swords technique Lv 3


Heat resistance Lv 5

Sun resistance Lv 5

Pain immunity Lv 1

Abnormal status effect resistance Lv 8

Blood magic resistance Lv 9

Arcane resistance Lv 8

Void resistance Lv 3


Sexual technique Lv 6

Oral technique Lv 4

Hand technique Lv 6

Unique skills:

Soul revolution Lv 2

Alpha Lv 9

Biomass processing Lv 5

Enhanced attribute values Lv 4

Arcane healing Lv 1

Elixir creation Lv 4

Mass manipulation Lv 4

Nihilistic mind Lv 2

[Unseen smile: One who moves chaos and magic. Having tapped the mind's potential, you are entitled for more comprehension.

Requirements: Kill ten or more beings two hundred levels above your own. Enslave a being at least one order above your own. Void resistance level 1 or higher. High knowledge of existence itself and several schools of magic.

+50 WIS +15 INT +10 DEX

You gain 150% more XP with magic and 450% more with mind magic. You get 200% advantage in any kind of mental check. Your memory is photographic. Naturally produces a domain of mind. WIS is 100% more effective. Your authorization rises by one.]

{Uno che ulula: One who understands order and body. You control and command as is your right.

Requirements: Unique leadership skill at level 6 or higher. Kill ten or more beings two hundred levels above your own. Have a wolf tipe bloodline. Have high body compatibility with order energies.

+35 STR +25 VIT +10 DEX +5 AGI.

You are plagued with indomitable blood lust. Your body becomes fully condensed. 200% easier to obtain beast and monster skills (may turn the impossible possible). Your senses are sharpened. You are immune to poisons and diseases. Allows entry to ***** @$&#*. Others are naturally compelled to obey you. Body reinforcement is 100% more effective. Your original race bonus are added. It becomes twice as hard to appraise you.}

Akichi Akichi

Had a test. Couldn't write much. The calculus and chemistry were trying to break my mind still.

Just noticed I was multiplying Aki’s WIS by 12.5% again for some reason, fixed that now.

Load failed, please RETRY

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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